#Svenska Youtuber
svenskjavel · 8 months
För er som inte fattade grejen mellan Carina och Björn
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walterdecourceys · 1 month
what’s the best version of chess to watch for ur first time watching?
GOOD QUESTION there's not really an easy answer unfortunately 😭 so i will suggest a couple options instead!
unless you'd really prefer to watch it first: listen to the concept album. it's the first published iteration of chess and while there's still some gaps in the narrative it is widely agreed upon to be Good. it's synth-y. it's extremely 80s. murray head is in it. listen to the concept album
in terms of actually watching it. if you plan on watching other versions after/just want to get a really broad sense of the characters and story: IN MY PERSONAL OPINION chess in concert at the royal albert hall (2008) is still a decent version to start with. it's a semi-staged concert based on the london version of chess and for the most part i think it gives you a good sense of the general shape of the plot and characters (except for walter it introduces walter pretty badly. but i really like clarke peters's performance so it's forgiven slightly). a lot of people got really into chess through this one but more than a few people have also been super bored by it. so just keep that in mind 🫡 josh groban adam pascal and idina menzel are in it if that means anything to you
if you want to watch a fully staged production and don't mind some slightly fuzzy video quality: LONG BEACH. this is one of the best productions just about everyone loves long beach. i think the only downside to watching it first is that it is based on the broadway version, which is (IN MY PERSONAL OPINION) the better version of chess, but london (from what i've observed) tends to sometimes be the default when it comes to analysis/fanon/metatextual discussion. so just something to be aware of! but honestly as i'm typing this i'm becoming more firm in my stance that long beach is a very good first chess. no contest and let's work together are in it. it has one of the most gut-wrenching pity the child performances ever. watch long beach <3
ummm. those would be my like. general recommendations but if you're looking for something specific i can probably suggest something else as well... honestly all chesses are a little bit confusing and a little bit bad so it's not like there's one you Must watch first or absolutely Should Not watch first. actually probably don't watch sydney first it doesn't establish the characters very well
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pureanonofficial · 9 months
Pity the Child in Chess på svenska is so iconic. Freddie cries real tears on stage while the Most Bitching Guitar Solo In The History Of Chess plays over his anguish. I adore it.
(Plus, the guitarist is Lars-Ove "Lasse" Wallender, who was a guitarist for ABBA, and he also contributed iconic guitar parts to the concept album of Chess!)
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joanofarc · 2 months
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chottobenkyou · 4 months
Oh my god. They got a Swedish audiobook of SOTL on youtube.
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swedish-songs · 1 year
One of Swedens most famous authors is children's book author Astrid Lindgren (1907-2002). Her perhaps most famous character of all is Pippi Långstrump, Pippi Longstocking in English. The books about Pippi is one of the most translated books in the world, available in around 100 languages.
The books were released during the 40's, and in 1969 a TV-series adaption came out. In the 70's, two movies were released, with the same actors and director. The theme song Här kommer Pippi Långstrump (Here comes Pippi Longstocking) was composed by the incredibly well renowned jazz musician Jan Johansson and recorded sung by the actress playing Pippi, Inger Nilsson. Johansson died tragically in a car accident in 1968, before the series were released. Most subsequent Astrid Lindgren songs were written by Georg Riedel.
The song is sung from Pippi's perspective, describing herself and urging her friends to have a great time with her. The lyrics are also peppered with the nonsensical "tjolahopp tjolahej tjolahoppsansa". A couple of years ago, an "official music video" was published on Youtube, consisting of clips from the series and movies:
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alwaysbeyondhope · 2 years
Chess fans!!
Since I’m seeing this absolute goddess in less than 4 hours (omg how is this real life I’m gonna dieeee) I thought I’d share what I believe is THE BEST staging of Nobody’s Side, featuring the INCREDIBLE Helen Sjöholm.
This staging has everything. It’s my favorite. Also she’s just so hot and I’m just so gay.
I will (hopefully) be getting my Chess lyric book signed by her after the concert tonight. And maybe a picture? And maybe (hopefully) not die from the emotions.
So here! Have some night club Nobody’s Side fun!
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mehilaiselokuva · 1 year
Translating a very good song today
Simo Salminen - Rotestilaulu
(They played this in the radio today and I fell in love. Here's a link to the song too. Listen to it.)
(If you know Swedish, it's even more funny, trust me. This song is in both of the national languages. Och samma på svenska.)
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“Rotest song” As a matter of fact That even in this country, there is There’s a lot that sucks You don’t even need to ask your friends about it When you can just look around yourself just for a bit All kinds of jerks too, they think they are something But they aren’t, they’re just huge loudmouths We’ve had Club Wars in this country before too But oh, how we could use a club right now too I myself really don’t care yeah We have horrible wages in this country So much so that we are always hungry But luckily we aren’t thirsty at all yet We’ve seen a thing or two around here Maybe we could even go abroad sometime So no need to get aggressive right now
Club war: a peasant uprising in 1596-1597 in Finland between the Finnish peasants and the Swedish nobility
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ensomheterjohan · 6 months
Avbockat blev som sagt först om att recensera Svenska Superserier #19, men strax därefter gjordes det också av Seriepodden. Seriepodden gör skäl för halva sitt namn. Mer specifikt den första halvan. Detta genom att handla om serier.
Och förresten så har Daniel Lenneér på sitt håll blåggat om tidningen också.
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escdivasph · 7 months
Let's remember when Carola (Sweden - 1983, 1991 & 2006) won in 1991 ESC with her song, "Fångad av en stormvind"...
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svenskjavel · 2 months
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Vet du så vet du ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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amourdeslangues · 10 months
Day 1 - What is the "birthday song" of your TL? (Part 1/2 - svenska)
30 day language blog challenge by @moltre-s
Det finns fler olika födelsedagssånger som används i Sverige, men sången som sjungs huvudsakligen när någon fyller år heter "Ja, må han leva". Här är sångens text:
Ja, må han leva! Ja, må han leva! Ja, må han leva uti hundrade år! Javisst ska han leva! Javisst ska han leva! Javisst ska han leva uti hundrade år!
Naturligtvis kan man också byta ut ordet "han" mot rätt pronomen för personen som sången sjungs till - till exempel "Ja, må hon leva" eller "Ja, må du leva" - eller "Ja, må ni leva" om man sjunger låten till fler människor.
Det var intressant för mig att lära mig det här eftersom det finns en födelsedagssång med samma melodi på tyska (mitt modersmål). Oftast använder vi bara en tysk version av "Happy Birthday", men man kan också sjunga "Hoch soll er leben". Därför var melodin i den svenska låten förvånansvärt känd för mig.
Och här är en video för att ni kan höra födelsedagssångens melodi:
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lemonlovemeanslove · 1 year
For anyone who appreciates stop motion and stranger childrens movies, please watch this classic called Skrotnisse och hans vänner! (this upload has eng subs btw) It is perhaps the most swedish childrens movie ever made lol, bc i can't imagine a kids movie like this being made in any other country. It has no children in it, is dialog heavy, dark, uncomfortable and ‘‘ugly‘‘ looking. There is almost no music, is darkly lit and contains some frankly terrifying scenes and concepts in it.
The plot centers around brilliant scientis Bertil Enstöring, a recluse old man who does not feel that he belongs anywhere. So, after the villan (who is also an evil capitalist, very typical for older swedish childrens media) drives him from his little isolated lake house he goes on a journey to finds somewhere where he belongs. Only, he dosent. There is nowhere on earth where he wants to stay. Throughout its runtime, Bertil dosent grow less strange, dosent learn to appreciate and love the company of men or the world around him. He dosent want to go back home or to be with his one and only friend. He just gives up on finding a place on earth completely, and moves to a lonely planet where he can be alone forever. He never sees his friend again. And his friend never finds out if Bertil ever found what he was looking for.
At the end of the movie, Kalle, the son of Bertils friend Skrotnisse, asks his father about Bertil, after seeing him take a rocket up into space, never to return. It captures the gloomy, yet hopeful? spirit of the movie so well.
Kalle - Do you think he found a place? Where he feels at home?
Skrotnisse - Who knows. We will probarbly never see him again.
Kalle - Somehow...everything feels so melancholy...
Skortnisse - Come now. Lets watch TV.
In sweden, there is something called det svenska vemodet (The Swedish melancholy). It's a concept in literary circles, and refers to the overall melancholic feel that Swedish society can have. Some call it a national trait, lol. There is a bit of a difference in opinion as to whether or not this concept is just an old sterotype, but as far as swedish poetry, literature and lyrics go, it's quite prominent. With all that said, I cant help but feel that this movie captures some of that angst. Bertil will spend the rest of his life a hermit, alone. And yet, there is something so powerful about that. He dosent cave to what society deems as healty or normal. He wants to be alone, and so he choses to be alone. His friends never find real closure, and still, they move on in life. They adress the melancholy, then sit in front of the TV and laugh. They continue on as they have before. Its not exacly happy, but its life. I dont expect anyone to watch the movie after reading this post, but I hope that someone out there will know how much I love it. And why I love it. And I wish I could contact the people behind it and thank them. Because over the years Bertil has become very important to me. I just want them to know how much I love this movie.
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Ursäkta, posers, jag lyssnar bara på riktig metal
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pregablin · 1 year
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swedish-songs · 1 year
This Friday, the 30th of May, is Walpurgis Night! (Valborgsmässoafton, or simply Valborg, in Swedish). Walpurgis Night is celebrated in several European countries. It is a celebration of Saint Walpurga, but in Sweden it is, before anything else, a celebration of the arrival of spring. It is traditionally celebrated by gathering around huge bonfires. At the oldest universities in Sweden, a lot of more or less local Valborg traditions take place.
One tradition is that the student choirs gather before the bonfire is lit to sing songs celebrating spring. Längtan till landet, (longing for the countryside), is perhaps the most iconic one. It was written as a poem in 1838 by Herman Sätherberg, and arranged for a male choir in 1839 by Otto Lindblad. The song is often referred to by it's initial lyrics, "Vintern rasat" (Winter has been raging). The lyrics describe the snow melting away, to give way to spring and summer.
Although the song is traditionally sung by a male choir, here is an example of a version with a female student choir from the university of Lund, one of the oldest in Europe. The singers are, as is customary, wearing their student caps from their graduation from gymnasiet.
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