#Sweet Nixon
malarkgirlypop · 1 year
MEDIC! - 3rd Part (Donald Malarkey x Fem!OC)
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HELLO! HELLO! HELLO! Since it is my birthday I will treat you all to two parts to the next story. I know I'm very nice! Just a warning the story turns a bit when they head into Bastogne, like it does in the show. So it's less cutesy and more depressing ): It can't be helped Bastogne is brutal! I will try and get some cute fluffy moments in with all the depressing stuff. I will put some trigger warnings on the story when it's starts getting a bit hectic, cause don't we love putting the OC through some trials and tribulations hehe.
Disclaimer: No disrespect to the real men of WW2, this is based off the actors protrayal from HBO.
The sound of talking wakes me from my slumber, I raise my sleepy head, I’m in a field. I’m in a field? I bolt upright gathering my bearings. So it wasn’t a dream. I sigh moving to get up. Bull walks towards me, “Darlin’ good morning!” a boyish grin appears on his face. God these men are so young, I forget how young they were when they sent them away. A smile reaches my lips. 
“Did I sleep in?” I ask looking around, everyone else seems to be awake. 
“No, but we are moving out soon, stick with me today since it’s your first time on the front, I’ll tell you what you need to do.” Bull’s tone shifts to being more serious. 
“I understand.” my stomach twists, I don't know if I am ready for this but there is no way to avoid it.      
We sit on the tanks as they roll down the road. I sit beside Bull, my stomach turns, I refused breakfast this morning when I was offered, just sticking to water.
“So where are you from?” I hear from behind me. I turn to find who spoke, a man with kind eyes smiles up at me. 
“I’m from Massachusetts, born and raised. How about you?” I reply, shifting to sit so I am facing the man. 
“I’m from Oregon, also born and raised.” He smiles, “I’m sorry I am terrible at names.” he says grinning. 
“Emily Lane,” I extend my hand, “and you?” 
“Donald Malarkey, call me Malark.” he takes my hand in his, his grip firm he shakes my hand. 
“Nice to meet you Malark.” I smile at him. 
“You nervous?” he asks. 
“Yes, I haven’t been on the front before. Bull said he would help me for my first time.” he nods in understanding. 
“We were all nervous on our first jump, don’t let these men tell you any different.” I smile at him, grateful for someone to speak to, to help distract me from the upcoming events. 
After a couple of hours of driving I had made friends with Malarkey and his friends Skip and Penkala. They share stories from their childhood and the most recent assaults they went through.  
The tanks stall to a halt, a soldier walks in front of the tanks looking through binoculars.
“Lieutenant!” Yells Bull from in front of me. The man turns to look at Bull. 
“Sniper!” someone else yells from the tanks.
A bang sounds from afar, the man in the road drops to his knees, collapsing to the ground. Before my brain can process what is happening, everyone is moving. I look around spotting another tank rushing down the road intercepting the path we are taking. My legs work before I know what I am doing, I surge towards the man lying on the ground. A firm hand grabs my arms yanking me back midstep. 
“NO LANE.” Bull yells pushing me behind the tanks, “GET WITH WINTERS!” 
“But…” I say. 
“NOW! MOVE!” Bull points back towards where Winters and Nixon watch from the trucks, with the backup soldiers. I move ducking for cover from fire. I slide down into the ditch on the side of the road moving in the opposite direction from the rest of the men. A couple of yards down the street Winters and Nixon watch, I clamber out of the ditch. 
“Emily over here.” He calls waving me over. I rise to my feet, following his command. 
“Wait here, you can treat the men that Gene sends back.” He says not taking his eyes off the fighting in front of us. I flinch and jump at every firing gun and tank. My heart leaps into my throat everytime a sound rings out. My breathing is ragged like I have run a marathon, I can feel the adrenaline surging through my veins. I watch the fight in front of me, the men charging forward into the town. The fight becomes distant, still hearing the yelling and firing but not being able to see exactly what is going on.
“MEDIC, MEDIC.” I hear being called from the ditch by the road, I look around for the medic that was with me earlier, but he has disappeared. My heart pounds in my ears, I start running to the ditch, sliding down into it. 
“Lane, where are you going?” Winters call for me. 
“They are calling for a medic, I need to go Sir!” I yell back, not waiting for his response. I move. 
I keep low to the ground, crouching as I run in the ditch. Men run past me in the ditch and on the street, “fall back.” I hear in the distance, it seems this operation isn’t going to plan. 
I find Malarkey and another man I don’t recognise covering fire, I step over Malarkey as I approach First Lieutenant Compton who is lying on the floor. I bend down scanning his body for injuries, my eyes landing on blood. Four bloody spots soak into Buck pants, entry and exit wounds. I bend down putting compression on the injuries, “Hey Doc,” the Lieutenant mumbles. 
“Lieutenant, it's Lane. It’s gone right through Buck.” I say packing the wounds with gauze to slow the bleeding. “Side to side, both cheeks” I yell over the booming, flinching and ducking at the sounds. An explosion goes off nearby showering us in dirt and debris as the ground rumbles beneath us. 
“Malarkey, get ‘em out of here, go” yells Buck, wincing in pain. 
“What?!” Malarkey exclaims. 
“Just…leave me here for the Germans, ok?” he begs. 
“What?! Are you nuts?” Malarkey answers confused. 
“We can carry you.” I yell over all the noise. 
“You kidding me! I weigh more than both of you two combined.” Buck grunts.
“I’m stronger than I look.” I say glancing over to Malarkey, who nods his head back at me silently agreeing to help pull Buck back to safety.
“Come on!” Malarkey jumps up from his crouched position. The other man who was covering fire also aids us to get Buck back to safety. Malarkey disappears over to the barn that is nearby, I continue to tend to Buck’s wounds as Malarkey reappears with a broken piece of panelling of the barn wall to help rest Buck on. We put him on the panel on his front, lifting the wood, together we drag him back to safety. 
Other soldiers gather into the trucks. We manage to haul Buck on the floor of the truck still on the wood slab. I climb the side as Lip helps me in, “Come on, up you go.” 
“One bullet, four holes.” I hear Guarnere tell Lip. 
“Yeah! It’s almost a miracle.” Says Lip, slapping Buck’s foot. 
I sit next to Malarkey in the truck, keeping an eye on Buck. Gene climbs in next to me. “You good?” He asks. I nod, not trusting my voice not to break if I answer. The trucks begin to go back down the road the way we came from earlier. We retreat. Operation Market Garden did not go to plan. 
We make it back to the camp we were in previously by dusk. After helping Gene with all of the injured I was told to go rest. I walk around looking for a familiar figure, but the tall broad man is nowhere to be found. 
“Excuse me?” I ask a soldier sitting on the ground, I recognise him as Hoobs. He looks up at me while chewing.
“Can I help you?” Hoobs replies firmly. 
“Have you seen Bull?” I implore. 
“They can’t find him, he didn’t come back with the rest of us.” he says curtly. 
“What?” my heart sinks. 
“If there ain’t no body, then there ain’t nobody fucking dead” Guarnere chimes in. “Understand me?” Not only addressing me but the other men with solemn faces sitting on the ground.
Hoobs stands, “I’m going to look for him.” he states. 
Guarnere rises as well, “not by yourself you’re not. I’ll go with you, let me go get some ammo.” Guarnere starts to walk away, when the group around Hoobs stands with him, I hear a couple of me too’s from the men. 
“Alright, go get him.” Guarnere replies. I stand, “I can come too.” I say to Hoobs.
“That’s nice of you Doll, but you need to be here. But we will bring him back.” Hoobs nods, patting my shoulder as he moves to gather his gear. I watch the men gather their things and start heading back to where Operation Market Garden took place.  
I sit by myself picking at the grass, every scenario is running through my head of what could’ve happened to Bull. Rumbling sounds I stand looking at where the noise came from. The town that we were in previously is on fire as bombs are dropped from planes overhead. My heart crumples, a wave of realisation finally hits me. I am here in 1944, and possibly the only way I can get back to my own time is currently being burned to the ground and the one person I trusted and had started to care for is missing in action and could potentially be dead. I sink to my knees, a choked sob leaves my mouth as tears stream down my face. What I saw today is just the beginning, I was on autopilot the whole time, I didn’t even get to process what was happening. I bring my knees to my chest burying my face in them, rocking from side to side to soothe myself. I sob quietly trying not to bring attention to my situation. Caught up in my emotions I don’t hear the quiet footsteps of the person who sits beside me. They sit close enough for our hips to press together, I don’t bother looking up, too embarrassed of the state I am in. The person sitting beside me doesn’t utter a word, but their hand lands on the middle of my back rubbing small comforting circles. The action makes me cry harder, blubbering into my knees. The hand runs up my back to my shoulder pulling me into their chest. Letting my knees fall down, I use their neck to bury my face in to muffle the sobs. The hand moves, continuing the gentle motions. After a while my cries subside into sniffles, the weight of the day bearing down and exhaustion setting into my bones, I close my eyes and drift away. 
I awake, my head pounding from the hours of sobbing I did last night. My eyes feel like they are swollen shut and it hurts to blink. I squint unsure of my surroundings, I am not laying out in the open field. A green roof is over my head. Confused, I look around to gather my bearings.  I am sleeping in the same tent I treated Winters wound in, however the table that sat in the room is now gone, leaving enough room for three people to sleep. I sit up glancing around, I am alone in the tent. I throw the blanket off my body and go to leave, just at that moment Captain Nixon saunters in through the tent flaps. 
“You’re awake.” He says with a toothy grin. I glance down at his hands, he holds two cups of steaming liquid. “Coffee?” He extends a cup in my direction. I smile sheepishly, taking it from him, sipping the liquid. Not the best coffee ever, but for right now it is.  
“Thank you Captain.” I smile gratefully at him. 
“Aw, please call me Nix.” he says, sipping from his own cup. 
“How did I get into the tent?” I ask looking around. 
“Well you were in a bit of a state last night, so I brought you in.” He chuckles. 
My brain clicks, Nixon was the one last night who sat with me, who rubbed gentle circles on my back to soothe me. I blush embarrassed he caught on to my breakdown. No wonder he is the intelligence officer, I don’t think anyone else would’ve noticed.
“Well thank you, but also sorry you had to see that.” I say rubbing the back of my neck, cringing internally. 
“It was a hard day for everyone, but I know it was the first time you had been on the front. It creeps up on you, you know. I understand that at a point it becomes too much, and you just have to let it all out, it’s healthy.” He says in an empathetic manner, his eyes kind and caring. 
I go to answer when I hear the lively chatter outside get louder. We both turn our heads to the exit of the tent. I follow Nixon out and watch a car pull up into the field. “Bull!” Johnny yells. There in the front seat looking a bit worse for wear is Bull. My heart leaps, I hastily hand my coffee to Nixon rushing over to the truck. A crowd of men get there before me, I stand on my tiptoes to see over all of their heads. I can barely make out Bull as people gather around the man giving handshakes and hugs. I watch him speak to Hoobs and the men who set out last night to go get him. They chat smiling and grinning at each other, Bull concludes the conversation walking away talking to Johnny and Guarnere. Bull smokes a cigar, laughing at Johnny and Guarnere arguing as they walk towards me. I stand in one spot watching them walk past, a stupid grin plastered on my face, as Bull walks past he double takes. A smile spreads across his face as he notices me. 
“Darlin’” he breaks from the group, rushing towards me. I smile and hold my arms wide. Bull reaches me, swooping his arms under mine, he picks me up into a bear hug. I wrap my arms around his neck tightly. After a moment he lowers me to the ground stepping back to talk to me. 
I open my mouth to talk when I am cut off. “She has been crying her eyes out all night ‘cause of you Bull.” Nixon jokingly scolds the Sergeant as he wraps an arm around my shoulder. I scoff, elbowing him in the ribs. He groans pretending to be injured. 
“Oh stop being a baby.” I roll my eyes laughing. Nixon grins happy with my reaction. 
“Oh, did I scare you Emily.” Bull pouts in a mocking baby voice, stepping forward to pin me under his arm putting me in a headlock. 
“Hey!” I yell, fighting off Bull who is giving me a gentle noogie. Bull lets me free from his hold letting me stand. 
“But seriously are you ok?” I sober, concerned for the man’s wellbeing.  
“A few cuts and bruises but I’ll manage.” Bulls give me a smaller smile. I know something must've happened but don’t push him for an explanation.   
Before we can continue the conversation Lip’s voice echoes across the crowd. “Alright, mount up. Hup. Hup. Let’s move out.”  
“Grab your gear, let's go!” another man standing on the tank next to Lip yells. 
The platoon leaders call out for the groups to get moving, everyone moves following orders. 
Chapter 4
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haroldhearsawho · 29 days
Does anyone else ever think about how both Dick and Nix were only sons and both had little sisters that they were protective big brothers over and get emotional or is it just me 😭
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blueberry-ovaries · 10 months
me watching the BoB fandom interact is so sweet. But i am way to scared to interact fully and try to make friends because i have horrible anxiety and i’m scared to talk to people and i also do not make art or fanfics (yet atleast)
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shelyue99 · 3 months
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Ep2 Day of Days
Nix didn't care about lots of things but surely cared about Dick
The way Nix asked Dick what's on his mind without Dick saying anything first...
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junkyardromeo · 7 months
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softguarnere · 2 years
I love your Valentine’s HCs! Can you do one for Nixon, Toye, and Speirs too? 😍
I had every intention to answer this before Valentine's Day, but then I got slammed with a bunch of assignments, so here it is, on Valentine's Day 😅 My work coming in at the last minute, as per the usual haha
Definitely wants to impress you when he asks you to be his Valentine, but is also worried about being too extravagant and scaring you off
(For the record, he's never worried about that with anyone else. But this boy like-likes you, and he is not about to scare you off)
Let's be real - he goes to Dick for advice
His grand gesture ends up being a mixture of simple and elegant
Like, a box of Godiva chocolate and a rose that he offers to you when he asks you to be his Valentine
It's the only time that you've ever seen Nixon nervous and second guessing his words. It's sweet. And how could you say no to that?
He is so confident 👏🏼 We love a man who knows what he's about
He asks you to be his Valentine first, then pulls out all the stops
Arranges dinner, picks you up dressed to the nines, and surprises you with flowers
He definitely thinks that you're so pretty and is super excited to show you off
Compliments you all night because he feels so lucky to be with you
But at the end of the night when he takes you home, he asks permission to kiss you on the cheek, and it's so soft
Obviously you say yes, because you've wanted to be his since the beginning, and the way that makes his heart soar is unmatched
I'm back on my "Speirs' love language is acts of service" soap box, okay
This man is racking his brain trying to figure out what he could possibly do that would show you how much he cares about you'
Every time that he goes to write a message in a card for you, he starts second guessing his words
So instead he spends the whole day being by your side and helping you out whenever possible
(He's very efficient)
When you question what he's doing, he admits that he wanted to do something for you, but couldn't figure out what would be good enough
But you think it's sweet. Of course you'll be his Valentine!
The way that this man melts into your touch when you caress his cheek to tell him that you accept 🤌🏼
His other love language is touch and it makes him soft okay BYE
Happy Valentine's Day, Anon! I hope you like these 💕🕊️
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lewis-winters · 9 months
omg is that a haunting of hill house fic i see!!! do tell do tell i'm dying to know more about it
Yes! Yes you do! Ok, so, I've posted about this AU before-- an excerpt of it can be found over here. And the original post that spawned in 2021 can be found over here. I've been slowly chipping away at this, mostly because I've never written horror this long before. Usually I have one-off ones, like the Cannibalism in Bastogne AU. But I am a firm believer in More Horror Stories In HBO War, because while the horrors of war are fun, I think we need to get a bit more freaky with it, so I will soldier on to get this published!
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"Yes, there is a pool. It's where I first learned to swim," Lewis laughs. Looking up, he points at an overhanging balcony, about a story up, that extends, just about a foot away, from the lip of the pool closest to the house. "My sister and I used to jump into it from way up there, every morning."
"You did?" Don gasps, wide-eyed in awe. "Why?"
"So the water could wake us up," Lewis says, chucking his youngest under the chin when he laughs in disbelief. "It's empty, now, but there used to be water, of course."
On his other side, Joe rolls his eyes. But he's smiling, too. Just as intrigued as he always is, when he learns bits and pieces of family lore past their immediate brood. "Of course."
"There's some stuff at the bottom, Papa," Floyd says, suddenly, sitting up on his hunches to point at the broken blue tiles at the bottom. "It's all red."
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Charles and Egg sassing Oliver and exchanging intense looks at the cocktail party.
Bonus gif, because who wouldn't want this in a bigger and better resolution?
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abbinurmel · 2 months
If these current troubling times currently trouble you.... Just remember. Someday, maybe not even many years from now, those guys will be dead. They will be dead and you will not be because you will be alive and you'll be alive to see this clown who's bothering you right now be stripped down progressively into a forgotten meme, with no meaning for the Young, and distantly bittersweet amused laughter, at both the surreality, and the comfort this guy no longer exists, for the old. They will be nothing but a harmless cartoon villain, a symbol of idiot savages. The consequences of their behavior will be a stain in the history books, and people on both the right and the left will know what a scoundrel they are. They will be nothing but a punchline in a prime time show, possibly slotted to run on Adult swim at 3:00 a.m. and nothing more.
Live, survive, fight, resist, chillax, love and protect your loved ones. Because you deserve to see stuff like this.
....Wheelys go vroom vroom it's very funny.
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SO's Bookclub : Murdered My Sweet
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Title: Murdered, My Sweet Author: Joan Lowery Nixon Genre: YA Mystery
Goodreads Summary :
Journeying to San Antonio with her mother to hear the reading of her millionaire cousin's will, Jenny Jakes becomes involved in a scary mystery when her cousin's son is murdered.
So... this is the last book I had in my original collection. I guessing going from Middle School to High School (along with moving - and these books becoming increasingly less popular -- not that they ever were?) stopped me from getting the remaining titles. I did grab some used copies of her last books, because I was curious -- For anyone groaning that there may be more -- don't worry, I have four more titles than this experiment will be done...
I can't believe it's taken me this long to realize it - but Nixon has two types of plots -- the first being her more ubiquitous thriller plots, where the protagonists are often whinier but there's a lot of tension and suspense; and the second being her more traditional mystery plots - where the writing is tighter, and the characters are more likable, but usually are lacking the tension and suspense. This is, really, one of the later.
Standard tropes are there -- Texas setting, zany parent, love interest cohort, and someone convoluted plot. But the whole thing is lacking any kind of solid intrigue. And the mystery itself is just kind of... weird. You can tell she wants to go for an Agatha Christie type twisty plot but I don't know if it works all that well.
So, the story is that Jenny and her mystery writer mom (who is just seems to have not much going on in her head) are helping a detective (and detective jr - the love interest) help solve the mystery of a distant relative - a chocolate company heir. It's got some strange Willy Wonka vibes going here.
I think the thing holding this one back is that it's a decent premise but doesn't really go anywhere? The son of the alive company owner is murder, so okay, interesting premise, but there aren't really that many suspects, and not a whole lot of detective work either -- as everything seems to come to Jenny instead of her looking into it.
The love interest, Carlos, is fine but he's a blatant rip off of the guy in Christian Lattamore (only with a better ending). It's funny that these love feel obligatory most of the time -- as if some editor is telling her she has to have a romance in there, because Nixon is often caring more about the mystery than any kind of character building.
One of the funnier elements of this one, though, is that we're finally squarely in the mid/late-90s. There's a lot of talk about computers, and all the things computers can do. Computer hacking is an element of the novel, though it's clear that Nixon doesn't quite know what she's talking about.
Overall, while being relatively a tight read, the book feels a little labored. I wonder if at this point, Nixon who was 70 at the time - and nearing the end of her life - was kind of going through the motion with these. Or maybe it is a ghost writer - I haven't ruled that theory out. Anyway, it's fine, but dull in the way her mystery novels tend to be. At least there's nothing egregiously offensive here.
Rating: 3 Stars
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trendyshadowqueen · 2 years
Imagine Janet actually being able to shapeshift in the mermaid au..
Also... what would Leaf be doing in that au?
oooooo Janet
I like that idea <3
That's a good question. Leaf is literally too sweet to do anything, and he's scared of water. Soooo
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latibvles · 2 years
Spit balling this single dad! Ron x Daisy au is making me very warm this evening I need to make a list of all their aus … he is adorably chaotic in this bless his heart
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gorillaxyz · 3 months
this literally has nothing to do with him but if you look at these lyrics through my beautiful mind you will get it
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does anyone out there see it. very im so halloween like the halloween masks? can anyone hear me. gotta keep those channels clean? and orher SOBERING things? im drowning by numbers? my halo is bent?? its a fat fucking LIE??? at least i tried? AT LEAST I TRIED?
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April 9, 2024
Ms Sweet: Those conversations haven’t happened, yet you have a group of unionized employees who have a right to be part of that dialogue when those things change. I don’t, again, understand why the government wouldn’t want to be having those conversations.
Mr. Nixon: See? Right there. She just proved it. Union again. It’s all the union. They can’t help themselves.
Ms Sweet: Hon. member, you’re right. I can’t help myself talking about workers’ rights and their right to have collective bargaining. I am not embarrassed by that fact. I think it’s great that we have bargaining units. I think people should be unionized, and I think they have a right to be protected in their workplace. RCMP officers and sheriffs have very dangerous jobs and have a right to occupational health and safety and WCB. It’s pretty basic stuff, and the fact that the government wants to heckle me about it is just kind of disingenuous to the fact that the work that – people do have a right to be protected when they go to work, and we want to make sure they go home at the end of the day. I’m not embarrassed by that. In fact, I’m quite proud of that fact. I’m okay with that.
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boysnberriespie · 7 months
Sometimes I wanna tag stuff, *nixon voice* my sweet boy, but it’s such a specific joke that I don’t want to be misconstrued 😭
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forensicated · 7 months
Smiffina Episodes: Sweet Revenge
And now we're back to the properly named episodes rather than the Episode #000! (I refuse to acknowledge the poorly thought of titles for the numbered episodes that were added post-end of TB, most likely by UKTV Play as they just complicate the matter when researching things through past episodes.)
Part of this episode is a set up for what happens next episode that is a big Smithy episode.
Ryan Jones is a very-slightly-absolutely-mentally-ill man who likes to blame everyone else for his problems other than himself. He uses a webcam service for "someone to talk to" and he's rather obsessed with one of the girls. He admits stalking his favourite cam girl when she stood him up but denies assaulting the "owner" who was hurt at the same time Ryan was in the area. He is confirmed as being a witness a little while later after admitting he saw 'a man' enter the premises and leave looking unhappy which is corroborated by the evidence.
Sam knows the owner, Jess Parker's husband of old and suspects that he is involved if not the attacker himself. Ryan ID's the husband, Ryan Parker, as the man he saw. He's not happy when Smithy has to put him back in the cells to await CID taking a statement as he classes himself just a witness now and doesn't see why he should have to be locked up whilst everything is checked out. Sam is unimpressed when Jess refuses to confirm Danny as her attacker, even though they'd split up. She claims she tripped and fell and thats what damaged her arm. Later Sam manages to sold a decade long case - proving the man she thought all those years ago guilty of armed robbery, Danny Parker, is the guilty party.
Smithy has a jampacked custody full of people waiting to be processed and they're kicking off about it and having to wait. Smithy shouts to shut them up and follows it up with an explanation of what happens. "This is how it works for all you who haven't been through custody before..." he starts, before muttering under his breath to Mickey. "And are still virgins and don't drink...."
Ryan Jones' wife calls at the station when she finds out her husband was taken away by police officers and is horrified to hear he was arrested. Sam tells her he shouldn't be at the station still and Smithy has to admit to Sam that he still is because Phil is holding things up whilst using dodgy investigative means. Poor Smithy gets it in the neck because of him.
Smithy is further delayed when processing Ryan to release him because of Mickey returning a prisoner and he gets extra wound up. Smithy has to lead him out - with Ryan digging at him and then his wife snaps at him too. In the heat of the moment, Smithy snaps back at Ryan when he threatens to report him for 'causing trouble' (by telling him he had himself to blame when moaning about how long he'd been kept waiting when brought in). "The report will say nothing except the prisoner became difficult after being pulled in for stalking a prostitute." Ryan's wife is shocked and then demands Smithy's name to report him. "Sgt Smith, this officer [behind the front desk] will help you out. If you'll excuse me..." he adds before leaving - sighing to himself.
Sam later apologises for taking her frustrations out on Smithy and invites him for a drink with the CID team but he's happy to leave the station after a hell of a day.
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