#Swing Central
swingcentral-blog · 11 years
Another month means another genre-spanning mix of new music chosen by public radio's top DJs. Download new songs by Neko Case, Jason Marsalis, Valerie June, Porter Ray and many more.
This morning NPR showcased Swing Central clinician Jason Marsalis on its weekly feature "Heavy Rotation." Listen to his tune "Ballet Class" and imagine him helping your with your vibe solo......
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smfeducation · 11 years
Twelve high school jazz bands across the country from New Jersey to California and whole lot of places in between are practicing right now for their trip to the Savannah Music Festival's annual Swing Central Jazz competition in March. 
Students will get exclusive instruction with some of today's jazz masters including Marcus Roberts, Jason Marsalis, Wycliffe Gordon, Herlin Riley, Terell Stafford and Jim Ketch, who you can watch interacting with past students in this video. How awesome is that?
We can wait to see the outcome of all their hard work, and who will win this year's competition! 
For more information on Swing Central Jazz and all of our educational programming, visit the Savannah Music Festival's Education page. 
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saxymama · 12 years
Our combo is Agoura High School combo 1, and our two songs are "OG Blues" and "Dig." Just click on these two songs and push the vote button :) (you can vote for more than one song). 
btw I'm the alto saxophone player if you don't know me :)
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swingcentral-blog · 11 years
All applicants receive a FREE chart of an original arrangement of "Straight, No Chaser" by SCJ clinician Ron Westray. HOORAY!
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