#Swughead Imagine
wolviecore · 3 years
Actually so excited for a thing like,
Jug’s style hasn’t been explored in the show because his clothes are hand-me-downs/whatever he can afford. When he left the trailer and was homeless, he carried everything in his backpack and i'm sure he only fit a few clothes in there- and they were probably practical clothes, like clothes that would keep him warm in winter but cool in summer. He didn't pack or dress based on style but on functionality/ and even then they were mostly hand-me-downs.
Little Jughead always being drawn to soft, clean, and fuzzy textured objects. It was such a stark contrast from FP and Gladys’s sharp-edged and rugged appearances that  it was almost startling, but only one of them minded rlly
(Gladys, who would tell Jug not to act like an entitled spoiled brat) But FP had a mean old man that breathed down his neck for almost everything, and he didn't want to look at Jug and see himself, so he was fine with the difference
FP’s alcoholism worsened tho, and he knew he needed to change. He also knew it would take a while. Woke up one night to Gladys packing and he begged her to take Juggie too at least until he can go completely sober. He says goodbye to his babies and pretends it doesn't hurt when JB scoffs.
He gives Jughead the beanie because it's the softest item that caught his eye a while back, and he was saving it but..now is better than never he figures. Jughead is protective of the beanie for this reason. His dad gave it to him.
Few years pass, and as soon as freshman year of hs is over, he runs away to riverdale. Bc sure, FP kept in touch the best he could but the babie wanted his dad
And jughead is soft. FP can see it, Tall Boy’s cynical eyes can see it, hell, the whole Sunnyside Trailer Park can see it. Jughead’s cut from an entirely different cloth, something much more innocent and pure and easy to hurt than the rest of them.
The kind of cloth Riverdale rips apart for shits and giggles. So yes, FP makes SP and the Serpents watch over his son, once they start school. 
Toni smiles, and says they’ll be twinning, curling a strand of her pink locks around her fingers, and then maybe she’ll get the serpent queen spot by inheritance. 
Fangs is an excited puppy abt making new friends, as per usual. 
SP is conflicted, because he does not want to offend FP, but from what he hears, his boy is everything he was thought to hate; by description alone, Jughead sounds fragile, and delicate and sensitive and just..*Soft*
and he doesn't know how to deal with that bc the men around his life (read:bad dad) always told him those were weaknesses and he should hate that
FP says not to let Jughead know abt it, his boy may be a piece of sunshine, but hes stubborn as a mule and does not let ppl take care of him. This has to stay between the and thats final bc he wouldn't be able to let Jughead leave if he decided FP was not trustworthy
Jug spends a month in riverdale high when the snake gang makes their appearances; quick infiltration, see the target, get out. Easy peasy.
Not on Cheryl Blossom’s shift, they're not.
Jason is still dead in this au, bc that's how Cheryl and Jughead become close. He understands her coping mechanisms and is there for her all the way instead of feeling bad and going back to treating Cheryl likes she's nothing but an evil Queen B
A scene where Cheryl is crying in the bathroom and Jughead happens to pass by. He’s so concerned about her bc he knows how rock bottom looks like, and Cheryl, with her messy mascara staining her snowy cheeks, tear stained eyes burning with pain, he can't help but step in
He asks Cheryl if she’s ok and she’s like “My makeup is ruined. I look hideous.” Jughead is really sympathetic and is like, “Cheryl, pain isn’t always pretty. It’s okay.”
Jughead letting her cry, and not those “pretty, barely there sniffles. She's in pain but like, she can’t be ugly, she’s still hot” NO, like gut-wrenching, gasping, real CRYING. 
He helps her fix her make-up because they still have class and he handles her with so much care and gentleness. Let it be known that the Jones boy melted the ice queen’s heart
From then on Cheryl is fiercely protective of Jughead up from her glamorous spot on the throne, within the shadows, like a lioness protecting a playful cub. Because yeah, she’s soft, but she won’t let Jughead know that because, reputation. (He knows anyways.)
like fuck shsjs Cheryl is a lesbian jock and Jug is her little gay twink protectee that she has slumber parties with thank you
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sweetimagines · 7 years
Keeper of my Soul
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Part 1 | Part 2
Pairing: Sweet Pea x Jughead Jones
Description: Based on Sweet Pea - Amos Lee.
Warnings: Lovers' quarrel.
Word Count: 2652
A/N: I know song fics are supposed to be named after the song, but I can’t name a Sweet Pea fic Sweet Pea... 
Shout out to my lovely wife @kaylaarann she’s my muse, my queen and my dialogue goddess. I’m changing my clumped writing style and it was HARD, so thank you, Kayla, for all the help <3 She also writes the most amazing AU Bughead fic so be sure to head over to Fanfiction.net and check her out!
Anon asked for more Sweethead, here it is :) next part will probably be smut :O
Tag: @southsidejuggie​ @serpent-squad (Let me know if you want to be tagged)
The school transfer is undeniably a great - if not, the best - thing to happen to the young Serpents, and other students of Southside High. However, for Sweet Pea personally, it comes with a little anxiety. 
Walking the halls of Southside High hand-in-hand with his boyfriend is easy when half the school is either afraid of him or on his side. However, Riverdale High is new territory, with few allies and multitudes of enemies.
If that wasn’t enough to stress him out, Jughead’s ex-GIRLFRIED also goes there. That triggers all of SP’s insecurities, but he bottles it up and focuses on the good that will come of it. 
Sweets wakes up to Jughead shuffling in the bed next to him. He snuggles closer, inhaling the musky scent of the previous night’s sin. He has never felt as at peace as he does when he’s laying down with his boyfriend. ‘Boyfriend’ The word still gives him butterflies.
SP knows better than to wake Juggie up. Instead, he simply places a soft kiss on the boy’s cheek before getting up - in only his dog tags and rings - to take a shower.
The warm water relaxes his muscles and clears his mind of the Serpent business he has to take care of in order to focus on school work.
Three loud knocks on the door cause him to end his shower quicker than he would have wished. He knows exactly who’s at the door.
Sweet Pea wraps a towel around his waist and answers the door, wincing at the strong sun light that streams into his dark trailer.
Toni was used to just walking into the trailer - since SP never remembers to lock the damn thing - but after walking in on Jug and him ‘showing their affection’ she started knocking.
“’Morning, Sunshine.” she teases, entering just as Juggie is heading over to the bathroom.
From the living room, SP hears the sound of water running, making him wish he had waited to take his shower. 
“Good thing you’re already obligated to wear a turtle neck.” Toni breaks his naughty chain of thought, pointing at a spot on her own neck, eying his and gesturing to it with a nod. 
SP grabs one of the many mirrors from the pink-haired girl’s makeup bag and checks his neck, a massive bruise sits right under his Serpents’ tattoo. A proud smirk pulls at his lips and a mischievous glint takes over his features. Toni chuckles, imagining the amount of fun they've been having. 
“What can I say? We’re in lo…” He was going to say it but choked nervously on his words. Toni picks up on it but doesn't pressure him on the subject.
It’s not because he doesn't feel it, more that he’s scared Jug is not on the same page. In fact, this is the exact moment he realizes that he even feels it. 
Pea excuses himself to put on some clothes and Topaz helps herself to some cereal while she brews fresh coffee. 
Sweets hates the way the uniform looks on him. He’d much rather be in his flannel and jacket. Still, he doesn't blame Jug. Even if he IS the main reason the Serpents are being forced to conform to uniforms. He would much rather blame Reggie and kick his ass for it. 
Pea slides his rings off and sets them on the bedside table. He keeps the chain with the dog tags safely tucked under his beige turtle neck. 
Juggie steps out of the shower, hair dripping onto his chest, the water droplets running all the way down his abdomen to the edge of his towel. It makes Sweets want to ditch school and repeat the previous night over and over. However, he settles for a kiss before heading out of the bedroom once more. 
Toni is waiting with hot cups of coffee and concealer in hand - since Principal Weatherbee insists on all tattoos being covered. She works her magic on his thumb, as she had done every morning of that week so far. He couldn't wait for the dust to blow over and for people to forget about the damn dress code.
SP sips the much-needed caffeine, waiting for Jug to get ready for school. He would also wear a uniform, since he convinced Weatherbee to have a Serpents club. Pea was still impressed by how he managed to do that. 
When Jughead finally steps out, beanie-clad and with his own set of hickeys. SP thinks there must be something wrong with his own uniform, because Jug looks gorgeous in his. Pea certainly likes it better in a pile on the floor, though. 
“I have to go get my Chem’ notebook, then I’ll go wake up Fangs. Meet you back here in 10?” Jug says, kissing his boyfriend goodbye. Toni bites her lip to keep from sighing at how adorable they look when they act like that. 
“See you in ten.” Pea agrees. He doesn't even make an effort not to stare at his boyfriend’s butt when he walks out.
Topaz playfully slaps his arm. “I raised you better.” She jokes, finishing her coffee and sitting down on the couch to wait for the boys. 
Fifteen minutes later, Jug shows up with a grumpy Fangs, whose mood lightens up after a grilled sandwich. Jug had four and SP finds his boyfriend’s appetite extremely cute, specifically since it boosts his ego on the mornings after the extreme ‘workouts’ they’ve been having. 
A few other Serpents join them on the walk to Riverdale High. Riding their bikes there would just create another uncomfortable situation and there’s already enough mayhem around the Southside Serpents as it is. 
Sweet’s hands intertwine with Jughead’s, earning a grin from the boy. He tries to squeeze in as much contact as he can, while he’s still able to do so.
The uniforms blow over. SP suspects it’s because the Principal finally came to his senses that the graffiti was not done by the Serpents. He is more than glad to get back to his usual color scheme: black and whatever other color Toni got for him on her latest trip to the thrift shop. Although relieved to never have to see those damn khaki’s anymore, they are still not allowed to wear their jackets, but that’s the least of his worries.
Jug is back writing for the school paper. To his - jealous - boyfriend’s gratitude, unlike before, he doesn't spend as much time at the Blue and Gold’s office. Instead, doing all his articles at home - sometimes on Sweets lap, while he does his homework. 
That gets SP thinking he should also find an extracurricular activity. Now that he’s actually studying at a good school, he sees a decent shot at college. 
However, even as he improves his grades, he knows his track record from Southside High is stained with low grades. The next logical thing that can help him get a scholarship is sports. Luckily, Sweets is rather skilled at basketball and tryouts are just around the corner. 
The coach doesn't seem to care if anyone’s from the South or North, what matters to him is if you play a good game, and Sweets does. 
That’s not his favorite part about making the team, though. Constantly outshining Reggie is. That always puts a smirk on SP’s face.
Not to mention the way his boyfriend stares at his crotch in those gym shorts, making Sweets have a hard time hiding his boners - but a great time when they’re back at the trailer. 
They both agreed on keeping a low profile regarding their relationship, which leads to countless make-out sessions under the bleachers or inside closets. Jug knows all the good places from when he’d roam around school at night. 
However, if Pea is completely honest with himself, the thrill of secrecy is losing the appeal quickly. All he wants is to walk up to his boyfriend’s locker, press him against it with heated kisses and have his arm around Juggie’s shoulders as they walk to their next class. 
There is another factor, actually the biggest one, that doesn’t exactly help him be at peace with keeping their relationship under wraps, which is Betty hinting she wants to get back with Jug.
Sweet Pea takes a quick shower after basketball practice, ensuring he smells good before meeting Jug at the Blue and Gold office - like he’s done every time they stay late - so they can walk back to Sunnyside together. 
Since there’s not many students still in school after the last period, they can let go of their self-control and just freely enjoy each other’s company. 
Unlike the previous times, he hears chattering coming from the room. As SP approaches quietly, he recognizes the soft voice of Betty Cooper. It’s not exactly surprising that she’s there, since she’s the editor, but what’s coming out of her mouth glues Pea to the spot, just outside the door. 
“I miss you, Juggie.” It’s almost a whisper, that makes Sweets inch closer, but instantly regret it as he gets a peek at the blonde slithering her palms behind his boyfriend’s neck and inching closer to him. 
His heart feels like it’s going to beat out of his chest and he doesn't think he can bear to watch what’s about to happen. 
Pea walks away silently, the sound of his heart shattering echoes in his ears. He’s wishing he had his Harley parked outside because more than anything he wants to get far away, as fast as possible.
Without even realizing, he starts running, with no specific destination in mind. But, obviously, in a moment like this, his mind unconsciously leads him to the Whyte Wyrm. 
Jughead apprehensively walks into the Serpents’ bar and, after a quick look around, he breathes a sigh of relief when he spots Sweets playing on the Mortal Kombat arcade game. Now that he knows his boyfriend is safe, rage finds its way under his skin, angry that his boyfriend had made him worry and had stood him up. 
“What the hell, Sweet Pea?” He drops his bag on the table, walking closer to the arcade game that SP just keeps on playing. “We were supposed to walk back together.”
Pea chuckles humorlessly, making Juggie even more confused. “Seemed like you found someone else to walk with.” Sweet pea spits with venom in his voice. 
“Why are you getting mad? I was the one standing outside school for thirty minutes!” Jug retorts, taking off his beanie in frustration and throwing it on the table beside with his bag.
“Maybe if you weren't so busy making out with Betty, I would've stuck around.” Sweet Pea fires back, an eerily calm fury seeping from his tone – one they may have been lost on anyone else, but Jughead picked up on it. Jughead is taken aback by his boyfriend’s words. He didn't think SP had seen that, though it seems he did. Clearly, he just saw a part of it. 
“I…” He’s cut off before being able to explain.
“I knew you were just having some fun with me…” Sweet pea scoffs. “Just until Betty would have you back.” Pea tries his best to not look affected, but his grip on the joystick tightens. “Did you want me to see it? Was that just a sick, sadistic way of breaking up with me?” Sweets says, looking at Jug for the first time since he walked into the Wyrm. Jughead can see immense pain in his gaze, a pain that pulls at something intangible in Jughead’s chest.
“Damn it, Sweet Pea. No!” Juggie inhales deeply before slowly huffing out the breath in attempt to calm his anger down. He wants to explain the situation from a caring place and with a clear head, not out of indignation.
“I pushed her away, told her I’m with someone.” Jughead speaks as softly as he possibly can, unable to hide the slight edge to his voice. 
“Fuck…” Pea mutters under his breath and slams his fist onto the control panel, causing it to shake with his frustration. 
“Why are you overreacting? I just told you, nothing happened.”, Jug questions, annoyed. 
“Because, I’m… I’m in love with you!” Sweets shouts. His eyes widen slightly as he realizes what he’s just admitted. He can’t take the words back… and he doesn't really want to - he means them - that’s just not the way he wanted them to come out.
Now he’s frustrated both at Jughead and himself. Jughead’s expression was clear of any emotion, taken aback by Sweet Pea’s words. Sweet Pea has no idea what to do, feeling overwhelmed. He just needs to get out of there. 
He pushes past Jughead and storms out of the bar, ashamed. Juggie is frozen in place, trying to process what has just happened.
That night feels colder than usual for SP. He had grown accustomed to Jug’s warmth right next to him and now his bed felt wrongfully empty.
He lies awake, replaying everything in his mind, torturing himself over every word spoken. 
Jughead’s night is also restless, though not for the same reasons. 
He didn't really have time to react to Sweets confession earlier, barely had time to take in what his boyfriend said. 
Jug slips on a shirt Pea left at his dad’s trailer and lays awake on the couch. The aroma of him still strong, it fills his nostrils with a desperate longing.  
He’s missing the feeling of his fingers tangled in Sweet Pea’s hair, the low grunt that escapes his boyfriend’s mouth every time he sucks on his bottom lip.
Jug knows he has to do something meaningful to show SP that he feels the same way, that HE is the one for him. He wastes no time in preparing his grand gesture.  
Sweets considered skipping school but he’s not going to jeopardize his chances at college over an argument, even if he’s terribly ashamed of it. Though it may be Toni insisting that he HAS to go to school - to the point of annoyance - that really makes him leave the trailer.
He keeps his head down until he reaches his locker, in which Jughead is leaning against, reading a book. Toni gives Sweet Pea a knowing look and encourages him with a nod before heading to her locker. 
Pea allows himself a second to enjoy the quiet before the storm - at least that’s what he’s expecting: for Jug to officially break up with him because they’re moving too fast.
“Hey…” Sweet can’t seem to form a coherent sentence. He wants to apologize and beg Juggie to give him another chance.
Jughead puts his book back in his bag and smiles shyly at his boyfriend. Pea looks more confused than ever. 
“I think you’ll like my shirt.” Jughead says as he starts unbuttoning his sherpa jacket, revealing the shirt underneath.
‘The hotheaded giant is my boyfriend’ stamped on it. For a moment, Sweets can’t believe his eyes. A blatant expression of their relationship on Jughead’s chest for the whole world to see.
“I love you too, Sweet Pea.” His boyfriend’s words are the sweetest he’s ever heard. 
SP cups Jug’s cheeks and clashes their lips in a heated kiss, pinning him against the metal locker doors. 
He pays no attention to the whistles and stares they’re attracting. All he cares about is that they love each other. 
“I love you, Jughead Jones. Sorry I’m such an idiot.” He pulls his boyfriend closer to him by the waist, resting his forehead on Juggie’s. 
Jug closes the short distance between them with another kiss, this one soft and tender, conveying the full extent of his feelings. Jughead pulls back, lips brushing against Pea’s as he says, “Yes, but you’re MY idiot.”
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wolviecore · 3 years
Toni: I feel like Jughead would actually date you if he knew it was an option and not a demand.
Sweet Pea: Ohh, okay. I'll let him know.
Sweet Pea @ Jughead: So you can either date me, or I can date you. There's your options.
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wolviecore · 3 years
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AU: An ugly divorce forces Jughead Jones' hand. He finds a last resort in the streets of New York City. Adjusting is a lot of work, but he's nothing if not stubborn. The only problem? His ex-husband, Sweet Pea, who won't stop requesting him Monday through Friday.
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wolviecore · 2 years
Aaaa thinking so much of a wrong number AU-
Jug in therapy, exercising self confidence and what not, being assigned to taking pictures of himself in what makes him feel pretty and good or at least not terrible.
Mentioning it to Cheryl and Ronnie (devils) is simple enough because they've all kept in touch and Cheryl sends him the cutest set of almond and cherry themed lingerie she can find
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Like this you know??
He poses like- ts probably all cute and soft and not traditionally sexy, just. Makes him feel cute. Pink, pretty and creamy and soft, almost blending with his skin, the only provocative aspects being the straps clipped to the stocking, with bunny or strawberry or ribbon buckles.
Jughead never put his name nowhere near sexy or seductive or tempting before but- he can always TRY. So he's on the fluffy carpet of his bedroom, kneeling by his closet mirror, legs tucked under his plush bottom and phone case covering a half of his face, leaving only a half of red powdered face and glossy pink lip on view.
And he wanted to share it with Cheryl bc that was the deal, - he gets to be pretty and she gets a pretty painting subject, but a distraction captures his attention.
The dog tags. Around his neck. Sweet Pea's dog tags. His former friend, his crush since he was 16, his almost first boyfriend's dog tags.
Jughead's thumb taps on Sweet Pea's number and its all lost.
He shall die soon.
He NEEDS to die soon.
His friends aren't helpful. They all laugh at him.
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wolviecore · 2 years
So anyway Northside Jughead being transferred to Southside High literally just because he wrote an article calling out the mayor (maybe he might’ve gave Alice some puppy eyes to make it public) and Sweet Pea immediately taking him under his wing is very good actually
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wolviecore · 2 years
CRYING. God i want some romantic Jugpea AU - I'm just sitting here picturing kindergarten teacher jug again and losing my shit bc he's absolutely precious and firefighter sweet pea would be so enamored with him the minute that heavenly beauty comes over for a trip at the fire station.
Idea, ironically, the fire station burns down bc of something idk, and since they all pretty much lived there to cut costs, they're basically homeless.
Archie gets Ronnie and Reggie, or maybe Josie 👀 while Sweet Pea immediately picks the adorable teacher when he sees Jug's name on the hosting volunteers board. Jug being woke up at 4 in the morning by knocking, finding a 6'5 puppy holding luggages
SLEEPY JUG, sleepy jug in an oversized sweater, or shirt he got from his Papa, small hands slapping his sleep numbed face to air out the tiredness, hair a fluffy mess sweet pea is DYING to spend hours just. Playing with. The whole house looks so warm and domestic and cozy sweet pea shakes, he wants to go in, he wants to go in so BAD
sweet pea could've stayed with his family, with Fangs or Toni, but no. Jug is the talk of the station whenever Fangs isn't present, the name in every hungry mouth, spewing noteworthy locker room talk about shapley thighs and ass you could bounce a quarter off of and hips you could squeeze all day and a tummy peeking beneath fluffy pink vests.
Sweet Pea tries tuning in out, first bc its disrespectful, two bc there's an uncomfortable feeling of possessiveness prickling his skin
jug can tell sweet pea is afraid of the dark first step into the house, which is faint navy blue, given that morning was still yet to arrive, but the inky blackness spilling over was rinsed.
Still, Sweet Pea, who walks through fire for a living, is scared of the dark, and there's absolutely no problem with that. Jug yawning, cheeks puffed, small hand curling around sweet pea's index fingers and pulling him along to the kitchen where he opens the lights.
" what are we doing?"
" w'drinkin' chokie m'lk, warm it up, then go nap" sweet pea's heart would HURT, this is too damn much, he's battling temptation harder than hard, basking into the warmness suddenly enveloping him like an old friend. Its like Jug poured sunlight into his chest.
sweet pea almost choking on his chocolate milk, warm and two times as sweet, coming from Jug, who simply suggests they share his bedroom for the time being,
" but, but I'm a stranger?" Jug whining, saying he just wants to SLEEP, grumpy, pouty lip sticking out, like a disgruntled kitten being petted in ways he doesn't like, pulling sweet pea to his bedroom.
Do we get oblivious Jug? Do we get Fangs who comes over for breakfast every morning glaring at sweet pea? Do we get a scene where someone mistakes Jug for sweet pea's husband????
Maybe when they're out shopping, Jug trying on new clothes bc Tabitha says its ok to treat yourself sometimes, and sweet pea almost swooning , almost pushing that gorgeous five star meal of a man into the dressing room to debase and worship him properly
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wolviecore · 3 years
You Look Pretty When You're Mine [Instagram Imagine]
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Inspired by this amazing post
Summary: Cheryl sends Jughead a package of clothes containing items of her upcoming fashion project, asking him to model it for her and review them on social media. Sweet Pea has a thing or two to say about that.
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wolviecore · 4 years
Veronica: I sleep with a dagger under my pillow.
Betty: Weak. I sleep with a gun under mine.
Jughead: Both of you are pathetic.
Betty: Oh yeah? What killer weapon do YOU sleep with, Mr. Badass?
Jughead: Sweet Pea.
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wolviecore · 4 years
Sweet Pea: You can't make everyone like you. You're not Jones.
Fangs: Not everybody likes Jones
Sweet Pea: What?! Who doesn't like Jones?
Fangs: Well--
Sweet Pea, taking out his brass knuckles and switchblade: NAMES
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wolviecore · 4 years
Sweet Pea: Grumpy, average height, messy black hair, always wears a stupid beanie, likes to write, strong ass arms and gorgeous blue eyes, always sulks--
Sweet Pea: Oh
Sweet Pea: Red
(Jughead version cause we all need it)
Jughead: Tall, plays basketball, Southside Serpent, loves snakes, strong leadership skills, looks like a fuckboy but is actually super committed, attacks people with baseball bats--
Jughead: Oh
Jughead: Red
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wolviecore · 4 years
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Social Media AU -- The Gang Reacts To Jugpea
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wolviecore · 4 years
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I'm soft for two boys and two boys ONLY
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wolviecore · 4 years
Omg omg omg wait but Jughead being Sweet Pea's boyfriend and still not joining the Serpents would include:
Sweet Pea being a bit skeptical when visiting Riverdale High because he doesn't want to embarrass Jug, or worse, throw some gasoline over the already raging fire of bullying that happens over there, just because he was dating "Southside scum". Fangs thinks that's stupid as hell and tells Jughead about it. The next day, Jughead and Sweet Pea walk hand in hand around the school and even if the whipped puppy look Sweet Pea sports won't go away anytime soon, he still has stars in his eyes as he looks at Jughead
Sweet Pea's motorcycle having a crown sticker clipped on it, while Jughead has a matching serpent keychain attached to his bag
Sweet Pea getting the shovel talk from FP, Pops, Archie, Fred, Cheryl, and Betty
Toni just leaves a dead rat (she found it on the side of the road, the queen doesn't hurt animals guys) inside a lunch bag and gives it to Jughead with a note that goes "Hurt him and you're next. :)"
Whenever Sweet Pea gets into a fight (Which is very often) Jughead patches him up and gives him a scolding on never being careful. "Try being more careful? I happen to care for you. A lot, if you can believe it" right before he goes up to the asshole that did that to his boyfriend to try and pummel them 6 feet below
He fails and the process repeats
Jughead tutoring Sweet Pea in English. A personal headcanon of mine is that Sweet Pea may be dyslexic?? There's no evidence supporting that theory, I just like to imagine it. Whenever he gets something right Jughead gives him a kiss shshs
Sweet Pea's fists are almost covered in Marvel and DC themed bandages he loves VERY much and will punch anyone that makes fun of them
Whyte Wyrm is off-limits in Jughead's case; Sweet Pea will never, refuses to, really, be ashamed of his Southside heritage just to ensure the comfort of someone else. But when that someone is his BOYFRIEND, that changes things. Jughead's curiosity wins over his self-preservation skills and he goes to look for Sweet Pea and the others inside the bar. He loves it immediately and Sweet Pea has to drag him home after taking One (1) sip of beer
Campfires at the trailer park, followed by a smores eating contest that Jughead wins easily; He beat them all so flawlessly that Sweet Pea suggests making that an initiation challenge
Jughead based one of his characters on Sweet Pea, but was too embarrassed to tell him about it. Cheryl finds out, and because embarrassing Jughead is one of her favorite hobbies, that gets to Sweet Pea, who steals Jughead's laptop and proceeds to show EVERYONE in the trailer park weather they want to or not
Jughead sneaking out of school to bring Sweet Pea home brought sandwiches all the way to Southside High; The lunch bag is covered with doodles of kittens and dogs. Sweet Pea loves it, but because he wants to keep his Tough Guy act in front of others, he kinda makes fun of it which makes Jughead a little sad. When Sweet Pea notices, all the serpents + Jughead make the team effort of getting SP to stop slapping himself
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wolviecore · 4 years
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Get your Jugpea on 💚💚💚
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wolviecore · 4 years
Fangs after losing Sweet Pea in a crowd: Oh, great, NOW what?
Jughead: Don't worry, I got this [Cups mouth for volume] JUGHEAD IS A PIECE OF TRASH AND HE'LL NEVER BE A TRUE SERPENT!
Sweet Pea, somewhere from the crowd: YOU'RE NOT WRONG!
Jughead: There he is.
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