saltyfinalboss · 1 year
the pea fandom is dying, reblog if you’re a true peabrain
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staycgrls · 2 years
um my new best friend
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franman-melon · 11 months
two kinds of guys in this world . the "Mr. peabody"s and the "Sherman"s. and brother you must understand that i dont know shit about gadgets and gizmos.
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abbaswift · 1 year
if this is too personal you dont have to answer this but ive seen you talk about autism on your blog before. I really am convinced that i have autism, like now ive looked into it i feel like its the missing jigsaw piece that explains so much. I really identify with stories from females in their early 20s as well about having undiagnosed autism throughout their school years. im in the uk but im scared that i wont be believed, i have no idea how to go about it and i dont even know how to bring it up to my parents. Do you have any advice?
hi anon, i’m feeling weirdly honoured that you’ve come to me to talk about this, i probably don’t have much advice but i can definitely relate to a lot of things you’ve mentioned
okay firstly i made a post about this recently which might have been the post that prompted this ask but i’ll link it just in case
the day autism was mentioned to me (i remember it vividly, i was eleven) everything just clicked (not to sound too cliche). i knew nothing about it but by the end of the day i’d done so much googling and SO much seemed to fit. it’s wild how you can spend years not knowing why you are the way you are and then you can find out and everything makes more sense. i actually feel a lot more confident and less “weird” now that i don’t have to make up justifications for my own behaviours to myself
i was lucky (in a fashion?) that i was diagnosed at fourteen but i know that there are so many people from our generation and older who slipped through the cracks when it came to childhood diagnosis simply because they were assigned female at birth. for decades autism was seen more as a “boy thing” and it’s only, i’d say, in the last decade or two that autistic girls are being more acknowledged. even now the boy:girl ratio for autism diagnosis is something like 4:1 and there are scientific disputes about whether it’s because autism in males is really more common, if “girl autism” is different or if girls are simply conditioned to hide their traits or show them in a different way. because of this, it’s very possible that there are many undiagnosed young women in your exact situation. it might be helpful to look for online communities (i was going to say forums but are they really a thing now?) of people you can relate to, who are going through the same thing
to be honest, i never had to convince anyone i was autistic because it wasn’t me who thought i was autistic in the first place, it was my deputy head teacher in middle school who first mentioned it in a school meeting to my mum, nan and other teachers. i didn’t even tell my friends until i was officially diagnosed. this means i don’t have much experience in what you need advice with. of course, i have no idea what your relationship with your parents is like or if they’re open-minded or knowledgeable about neurodiversity, so you’ll ultimately need to be the judge of how to approach it. maybe it’ll work best to sit them down and make sure they’re paying attention, but that’s a lot of pressure. honestly when i wanna start a tricky conversation, i do it when the people aren’t looking at me, maybe when we’re in the car or watching tv. just try to casually bring the topic up, maybe reference a recent news story about autism, i don’t know. just ease into the conversation(s) and once you feel ready, you might just blurt out what you want to say. if you feel like people will need persuading, write out a list of your autistic traits for reference. like i said in my linked post, some people don’t know about neurodiversity, but they will often still notice if you don’t act how neurotypical people do. if you’re reading out these autistic traits, traits that you also have, they may be more inclined to connect autism with you, and they’ll know you’ve done research.
i know you’ve mentioned that you worry you won’t be believed, but it might be worth confiding in some trusted friends or other relatives before you tell your parents, even if you just frame it in a hypothetical way. that way you can get a consensus on whether you “seem autistic” or not (and maybe get some confidence) before you have the (probably?) more important talk with your parents. although i suppose, if the people you’ve asked disagree with you, it might discourage you in further exploring the possibility of you being autistic. that being said, you know your brain and how much you potentially mask more than anyone else, so if you ask for the opinions of others, don’t be disheartened if it’s not the consensus you expected.
i was gonna try to type something about actually getting diagnosed but you might not be ready for that unless you’re prepared to get diagnosed without anyone in your life knowing. i don’t have much to offer in terms of experience (because i simply don’t remember much of getting diagnosed) or advice but i’d be willing to support you through it. for now, all i can say about getting an autistic diagnosis on the nhs is… good luck charlie
okay sorry for the massive ramble, it’s the ortizzum. i hoped this gave you or someone else reading this even a smidge of help, assuming you didn’t fall asleep midway through. as i said, i’m not great with advice but i can definitely relate as a young woman who wasn’t properly supported because of a lack of diagnosis. feel free to send me another ask or dm me about anything autism related… or just anything full stop. okay i’m wishing you luck, keep me updated! MWAH! x
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the-empress-7 · 2 months
It boggles my mind that H&M can’t understand the simple concept that they are ineligible for taxpayer funded security when H has 3 uncles/aunt in the EXACT same position he’s in - the Spare(s) to the Heir. This isnt new to him. They only get/got it when doing official engagements or in the presence of the heir(s).
He never complained about it until M came along and dug it in his peahead that "iTs NoT fAiR" they dont get treated like P&PoW.
Charlotte and Louis will be in the same position when they’re older, too. It’s not uncommon knowledge?
They wouldnt need so much damn security if they didnt put themselves out there and spew the crap they do. Yeesh!
It feels like arguing with a toddler about the color of an orange, he makes me feel like I am the one on drugs. No dude, oranges do not come in purple no matter how much you want them to.
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dotzines · 9 months
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Magic Book - Contributors list
Be sure to check their links in the thread and follow them all~ ♥
🧙‍♂️ Cover Art
Zmijowka - @/zmijowka (IG)
🧙‍♂️ Artists & Writers
_spacekitten__ - @/_spacekitten__ (IG) Abby - @/wht.ablum (IG) AlyKuro - @/Aly_Kuro (Twitter) amorpheus-blob - @amorpheus-blob Anjell-O - @/kaleidoscopoliscomic (Twitter) ardett - @ardett Aruudlay - linktr.ee/aruudlay Beartie - beartiexiansheng.wixsite.com Bee - @/hivemindmoshpit (IG) belinhainha - @/semideias_yet (Twitter) Blehcado - @blehcado Bridget - @/awfulartsassin (Twitter) Bubbles - @/Bubblesdoodles (Twitter) calatarii - @calatarii CentaurWorks - centaurworks.crd.co CJ - crackerjackalope64.itch.io Clow - pearlrose.uwu.ai Confused Alpaca - @confusedalpacart crowstrel - @crowstrel crystowl - @crystowl Deceit - @/DeceitDeception (Twitter) Diane Ramic - @dianeramic Doc Crowley - @/homlonk (IG) DOL Ay - @/dolay999 (ArtStation) Doppio Hearn - @doppiohearn Durotos - @durotoswrites Echoing_melody - @/echoing_melody (IG) Emmy - @/art_emsi (Twitter) Erin O'Connor - @/erins_easel (IG) Eros - @/emperor_taiga (Twitter) Etteee - @/Etteee (AO3) Feiyu - @/_feiyu (Twitter) Flaire - @/FlairesArt (Twitter) flea - @/nlg734 (AO3) Gala_xicbun - @/cynnamynbun (IG) ghostqueennotmean - @/sovreignspecter (Twitter) Gina - @/Kamado_Gi (Twitter) girlpire - mariishome.carrd.co gleamiarts - @gleamiarts GoblinsAndTea - goblinsandtea.carrd.co Hazel Hawthorne - @hazel-drawthorne Hiinatsu - @/Hiinatsu_ (Twitter) Hisairen - @/hisairen (IG) HopeStoryteller - @/HopeStoryteller (AO3) Iced_Lemon - @/Iced_Lemon_Draw (Twitter) ierlix - @/_ierlix_ (IG) ItssaMeMari - @/ItssaMeMari (Twitter) J.D. Harlock - @/JD_Harlock (Twitter) Jasper Y. Grace - @jasperygrace JBreadcrumbss - @/bread.crumbss (IG) Jing - @/sipsteaandbleach (IG) justrainysunshines - @/justrainysunshines (IG) Kacie Clarke - @/kc_animation (IG) Karla Jones - @/robokarla (IG) KeaneArts - @keanearts Keldan - @/KeldanCon (Twitter) KittyMagicite - kittymagicite.carrd.co kyaurum - kyaurum.carrd.co Linkyu - @linkyu Lora B - @lorablackmane LumieArtz - @/lumieartz (IG) Lunarials - @/lunarials_ (IG) Mace Klein - @/peahead (IG) magiician_hero - @/magiician_hero (Twitter) Mangetsu - @mangetsuame Mango Gummi - @/mango.gummi (IG) Max HP Art - @maxhpart MaxieMatsu - @/maxiematsu (IG) MelloWammy - @/mellowammy (IG) Memento Moray - @/memento_moray (Twitter) Mnemonic Mew - @mnemonicmew Mori no Majou - @majouartings Nate - @/nnateywriting (Twitter9 Nerd_enough - @/nerd_enough (IG) Noll Griffin - @nollthere nowlbowl - @/nowlbowl (IG) oliversaurus.ink - @/oliversaurus.ink (IG) Pana - @fruityrats Partysol - @/reymazingart (IG) Pauline Reinacher - paulinereinacher.wixsite.com/portfolio Pepperly - pepperly.art Phenylart - @/phenylart (IG) pnwmango - @/pnw.mango (IG) PoppyMori - @/poppymori (IG) PropertyOfHog - @/PropertyOfHog (Twitter) Rainier Wall - @/reymazingart (IG) RaptorKizzie - @kizzness ReactorCoreArt - @reactorcoreart saan-vi - @saan-vi-art Sbeve Arts - @/sbev._e (IG) Sidewalkleaf - @/sidewalkleaf (Twitter) Skunkoon - @/_skunkoon_ (IG) Sophia - @carelessapples soulzerofever - @/soulzerofever (Twitter) Sunfloral Chaos - @/SunfloralChaos (Twitter) The Rabbit Follower - @/RabbitFo11ower (Twitter) TheArtArmature - theartarmature.carrd.co Tina Huynh - @charitet TOR WAR - @/torwar_ (IG) trash VForce - @/vforce_8 (IG) XilaXena - @/xilaxena (IG) ZeraScout - @/zerascout (IG) *Image by archjoe on Freepik
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littlelasagne · 9 months
WIP Wednesday
I had a free week before Christmas and I wanted to write something festive for Levi's bday BUT I got super sick and couldn't finish in time 🥲 I am sick of getting sick 😭 IDK when I'll have time to finish this now. 😭😭 When someonestolemyshoes came to visit me, we found a plant shop right next to a tea shop. Levihan right?! I even bought a plant and named it Hange 😊 So this AU was inspired by those shops - Levi and tea, Hange and plants, but with my own spin on it. I spent way too long mapping out the street and not enough time writing lol. It's also enemies to lovers because I've never written it and thought it would be fun. Scuse typos!
Petra fiddled with the lock to her shop. Granny’s Fudge Pantry. Its pale pink and white exterior was kooky enough to convince the tourists to pay for extortionately priced fudge. At least it was good fudge.
“I’m rolling out the Christmas menu this week,” she said, gritting her teeth as she struggled with the lock. “I’ll bring you round some candy cane bites if I ever get this door open.”
The lock clicked and Petra bustled inside her shop. Hange stayed outside to relish the peace before she had to go inside and deal with the three hundred mini fir trees and potentially hundreds of christmas shoppers.
He came up the street in his long black coat, a white scarf round his neck and a briefcase in his hands. Huh, since when did Levi carry a briefcase?
Hange knew better than to try and talk to him, but pissing him off first thing on a Monday would make the start of his week slimy and ultimately, bring a lot of joy to hers.
“Good morning, Levi!” Hange called in her jolliest voice. He didn’t bother sparing her a glance. He stood metres away from her and just like Petra, he struggled to open the lock to his Tea Emporium. “Get up to much this weekend?” No answer. “Feeling festive yet?” No answer. “The boiler still on the brink in there?” No answer. “So what’s in the briefcase, you smuggling illicit tea or something?” No answer. “Talk to me, peahead.”
“Morning, Levi!” Despite the cold, Petra had come back outside. She’d taken off her coat and had a festive apron around her waist.
“Morning, Petra.” He always replied to her. Hange rolled her eyes. Petra beamed.
“I’ve got some nice Christmas fudge out this week, I’ll bring you some!”
“I’d like that,” Levi said. With a thump, he’d opened his lock and quickly hurried inside his dusty shop.
Petra smiled at Hange, her eyes darting to the ground and her cheeks flushing. She hurried back into the warmth. Sure it was pathetic, but Hange couldn’t blame Petra for having a crush on Levi. She had once harboured a crush – a brief one at that – on Levi too.
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lucydoesart · 1 year
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My boyfriend sent me a pic of his cat being super fluffy and spread like a loaf. I had to draw her and accentuate her tiny peahead
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theseventhveil1945 · 5 days
i rock peas on my head but don't call me a peahead......
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ceve-art · 2 years
Just finished reading “A Knight of the seven kingdoms” and, o Boy, did I enjoy it!! Dunk and Egg’s tales incited me to re-read the saga from “Game of thrones” to “A Dance with Dragons” all over again, although, I *might* get my hands on the “A world of Ice and Fire” first— or at least that’s what I intent to do, if I happen to find the book available for shipping to my country. Oh man, oh boy; for now, what I can say is: I love you Ser Duncan the Tall and I love you, Egg, Egg the Unlikely. You two will live rent free in my head for the rest of the year.
let’s see if I can manage to draw the two peaheads, as I do not do well drawing males. 🤨
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michaelpaulukonis · 1 year
This uses a work from cc 2000, as do other recent pieces, like the MOONs, etc. I discarded most of my works on paper a few years back, but I did take some blurry arrival photos.
#contemporaryart #digitalart #capitalistneoexpressionism #techspressionism #repetition #neopop #digitalgrunge #digitalcollage #popart
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bokiedokie · 1 year
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28dayslater · 2 years
lamps is the epitome of peahead. why is it so spherical
He’s become the ball he once wished to kick
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dartdenseboy · 4 years
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Using up my fabric hoard. Trying a couple different mask shapes (left fits dave, the tiny one fits me lol) #peahead https://www.instagram.com/p/B-_OvoWJ7RR/?igshid=exw5hl330a52
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sweetimagines · 7 years
Keeper of my Soul
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Part 1 | Part 2
Pairing: Sweet Pea x Jughead Jones
Description: Based on Sweet Pea - Amos Lee.
Warnings: Lovers' quarrel.
Word Count: 2652
A/N: I know song fics are supposed to be named after the song, but I can’t name a Sweet Pea fic Sweet Pea... 
Shout out to my lovely wife @kaylaarann she’s my muse, my queen and my dialogue goddess. I’m changing my clumped writing style and it was HARD, so thank you, Kayla, for all the help <3 She also writes the most amazing AU Bughead fic so be sure to head over to Fanfiction.net and check her out!
Anon asked for more Sweethead, here it is :) next part will probably be smut :O
Tag: @southsidejuggie​ @serpent-squad (Let me know if you want to be tagged)
The school transfer is undeniably a great - if not, the best - thing to happen to the young Serpents, and other students of Southside High. However, for Sweet Pea personally, it comes with a little anxiety. 
Walking the halls of Southside High hand-in-hand with his boyfriend is easy when half the school is either afraid of him or on his side. However, Riverdale High is new territory, with few allies and multitudes of enemies.
If that wasn’t enough to stress him out, Jughead’s ex-GIRLFRIED also goes there. That triggers all of SP’s insecurities, but he bottles it up and focuses on the good that will come of it. 
Sweets wakes up to Jughead shuffling in the bed next to him. He snuggles closer, inhaling the musky scent of the previous night’s sin. He has never felt as at peace as he does when he’s laying down with his boyfriend. ‘Boyfriend’ The word still gives him butterflies.
SP knows better than to wake Juggie up. Instead, he simply places a soft kiss on the boy’s cheek before getting up - in only his dog tags and rings - to take a shower.
The warm water relaxes his muscles and clears his mind of the Serpent business he has to take care of in order to focus on school work.
Three loud knocks on the door cause him to end his shower quicker than he would have wished. He knows exactly who’s at the door.
Sweet Pea wraps a towel around his waist and answers the door, wincing at the strong sun light that streams into his dark trailer.
Toni was used to just walking into the trailer - since SP never remembers to lock the damn thing - but after walking in on Jug and him ‘showing their affection’ she started knocking.
“’Morning, Sunshine.” she teases, entering just as Juggie is heading over to the bathroom.
From the living room, SP hears the sound of water running, making him wish he had waited to take his shower. 
“Good thing you’re already obligated to wear a turtle neck.” Toni breaks his naughty chain of thought, pointing at a spot on her own neck, eying his and gesturing to it with a nod. 
SP grabs one of the many mirrors from the pink-haired girl’s makeup bag and checks his neck, a massive bruise sits right under his Serpents’ tattoo. A proud smirk pulls at his lips and a mischievous glint takes over his features. Toni chuckles, imagining the amount of fun they've been having. 
“What can I say? We’re in lo…” He was going to say it but choked nervously on his words. Toni picks up on it but doesn't pressure him on the subject.
It’s not because he doesn't feel it, more that he’s scared Jug is not on the same page. In fact, this is the exact moment he realizes that he even feels it. 
Pea excuses himself to put on some clothes and Topaz helps herself to some cereal while she brews fresh coffee. 
Sweets hates the way the uniform looks on him. He’d much rather be in his flannel and jacket. Still, he doesn't blame Jug. Even if he IS the main reason the Serpents are being forced to conform to uniforms. He would much rather blame Reggie and kick his ass for it. 
Pea slides his rings off and sets them on the bedside table. He keeps the chain with the dog tags safely tucked under his beige turtle neck. 
Juggie steps out of the shower, hair dripping onto his chest, the water droplets running all the way down his abdomen to the edge of his towel. It makes Sweets want to ditch school and repeat the previous night over and over. However, he settles for a kiss before heading out of the bedroom once more. 
Toni is waiting with hot cups of coffee and concealer in hand - since Principal Weatherbee insists on all tattoos being covered. She works her magic on his thumb, as she had done every morning of that week so far. He couldn't wait for the dust to blow over and for people to forget about the damn dress code.
SP sips the much-needed caffeine, waiting for Jug to get ready for school. He would also wear a uniform, since he convinced Weatherbee to have a Serpents club. Pea was still impressed by how he managed to do that. 
When Jughead finally steps out, beanie-clad and with his own set of hickeys. SP thinks there must be something wrong with his own uniform, because Jug looks gorgeous in his. Pea certainly likes it better in a pile on the floor, though. 
“I have to go get my Chem’ notebook, then I’ll go wake up Fangs. Meet you back here in 10?” Jug says, kissing his boyfriend goodbye. Toni bites her lip to keep from sighing at how adorable they look when they act like that. 
“See you in ten.” Pea agrees. He doesn't even make an effort not to stare at his boyfriend’s butt when he walks out.
Topaz playfully slaps his arm. “I raised you better.” She jokes, finishing her coffee and sitting down on the couch to wait for the boys. 
Fifteen minutes later, Jug shows up with a grumpy Fangs, whose mood lightens up after a grilled sandwich. Jug had four and SP finds his boyfriend’s appetite extremely cute, specifically since it boosts his ego on the mornings after the extreme ‘workouts’ they’ve been having. 
A few other Serpents join them on the walk to Riverdale High. Riding their bikes there would just create another uncomfortable situation and there’s already enough mayhem around the Southside Serpents as it is. 
Sweet’s hands intertwine with Jughead’s, earning a grin from the boy. He tries to squeeze in as much contact as he can, while he’s still able to do so.
The uniforms blow over. SP suspects it’s because the Principal finally came to his senses that the graffiti was not done by the Serpents. He is more than glad to get back to his usual color scheme: black and whatever other color Toni got for him on her latest trip to the thrift shop. Although relieved to never have to see those damn khaki’s anymore, they are still not allowed to wear their jackets, but that’s the least of his worries.
Jug is back writing for the school paper. To his - jealous - boyfriend’s gratitude, unlike before, he doesn't spend as much time at the Blue and Gold’s office. Instead, doing all his articles at home - sometimes on Sweets lap, while he does his homework. 
That gets SP thinking he should also find an extracurricular activity. Now that he’s actually studying at a good school, he sees a decent shot at college. 
However, even as he improves his grades, he knows his track record from Southside High is stained with low grades. The next logical thing that can help him get a scholarship is sports. Luckily, Sweets is rather skilled at basketball and tryouts are just around the corner. 
The coach doesn't seem to care if anyone’s from the South or North, what matters to him is if you play a good game, and Sweets does. 
That’s not his favorite part about making the team, though. Constantly outshining Reggie is. That always puts a smirk on SP’s face.
Not to mention the way his boyfriend stares at his crotch in those gym shorts, making Sweets have a hard time hiding his boners - but a great time when they’re back at the trailer. 
They both agreed on keeping a low profile regarding their relationship, which leads to countless make-out sessions under the bleachers or inside closets. Jug knows all the good places from when he’d roam around school at night. 
However, if Pea is completely honest with himself, the thrill of secrecy is losing the appeal quickly. All he wants is to walk up to his boyfriend’s locker, press him against it with heated kisses and have his arm around Juggie’s shoulders as they walk to their next class. 
There is another factor, actually the biggest one, that doesn’t exactly help him be at peace with keeping their relationship under wraps, which is Betty hinting she wants to get back with Jug.
Sweet Pea takes a quick shower after basketball practice, ensuring he smells good before meeting Jug at the Blue and Gold office - like he’s done every time they stay late - so they can walk back to Sunnyside together. 
Since there’s not many students still in school after the last period, they can let go of their self-control and just freely enjoy each other’s company. 
Unlike the previous times, he hears chattering coming from the room. As SP approaches quietly, he recognizes the soft voice of Betty Cooper. It’s not exactly surprising that she’s there, since she’s the editor, but what’s coming out of her mouth glues Pea to the spot, just outside the door. 
“I miss you, Juggie.” It’s almost a whisper, that makes Sweets inch closer, but instantly regret it as he gets a peek at the blonde slithering her palms behind his boyfriend’s neck and inching closer to him. 
His heart feels like it’s going to beat out of his chest and he doesn't think he can bear to watch what’s about to happen. 
Pea walks away silently, the sound of his heart shattering echoes in his ears. He’s wishing he had his Harley parked outside because more than anything he wants to get far away, as fast as possible.
Without even realizing, he starts running, with no specific destination in mind. But, obviously, in a moment like this, his mind unconsciously leads him to the Whyte Wyrm. 
Jughead apprehensively walks into the Serpents’ bar and, after a quick look around, he breathes a sigh of relief when he spots Sweets playing on the Mortal Kombat arcade game. Now that he knows his boyfriend is safe, rage finds its way under his skin, angry that his boyfriend had made him worry and had stood him up. 
“What the hell, Sweet Pea?” He drops his bag on the table, walking closer to the arcade game that SP just keeps on playing. “We were supposed to walk back together.”
Pea chuckles humorlessly, making Juggie even more confused. “Seemed like you found someone else to walk with.” Sweet pea spits with venom in his voice. 
“Why are you getting mad? I was the one standing outside school for thirty minutes!” Jug retorts, taking off his beanie in frustration and throwing it on the table beside with his bag.
“Maybe if you weren't so busy making out with Betty, I would've stuck around.” Sweet Pea fires back, an eerily calm fury seeping from his tone – one they may have been lost on anyone else, but Jughead picked up on it. Jughead is taken aback by his boyfriend’s words. He didn't think SP had seen that, though it seems he did. Clearly, he just saw a part of it. 
“I…” He’s cut off before being able to explain.
“I knew you were just having some fun with me…” Sweet pea scoffs. “Just until Betty would have you back.” Pea tries his best to not look affected, but his grip on the joystick tightens. “Did you want me to see it? Was that just a sick, sadistic way of breaking up with me?” Sweets says, looking at Jug for the first time since he walked into the Wyrm. Jughead can see immense pain in his gaze, a pain that pulls at something intangible in Jughead’s chest.
“Damn it, Sweet Pea. No!” Juggie inhales deeply before slowly huffing out the breath in attempt to calm his anger down. He wants to explain the situation from a caring place and with a clear head, not out of indignation.
“I pushed her away, told her I’m with someone.” Jughead speaks as softly as he possibly can, unable to hide the slight edge to his voice. 
“Fuck…” Pea mutters under his breath and slams his fist onto the control panel, causing it to shake with his frustration. 
“Why are you overreacting? I just told you, nothing happened.”, Jug questions, annoyed. 
“Because, I’m… I’m in love with you!” Sweets shouts. His eyes widen slightly as he realizes what he’s just admitted. He can’t take the words back… and he doesn't really want to - he means them - that’s just not the way he wanted them to come out.
Now he’s frustrated both at Jughead and himself. Jughead’s expression was clear of any emotion, taken aback by Sweet Pea’s words. Sweet Pea has no idea what to do, feeling overwhelmed. He just needs to get out of there. 
He pushes past Jughead and storms out of the bar, ashamed. Juggie is frozen in place, trying to process what has just happened.
That night feels colder than usual for SP. He had grown accustomed to Jug’s warmth right next to him and now his bed felt wrongfully empty.
He lies awake, replaying everything in his mind, torturing himself over every word spoken. 
Jughead’s night is also restless, though not for the same reasons. 
He didn't really have time to react to Sweets confession earlier, barely had time to take in what his boyfriend said. 
Jug slips on a shirt Pea left at his dad’s trailer and lays awake on the couch. The aroma of him still strong, it fills his nostrils with a desperate longing.  
He’s missing the feeling of his fingers tangled in Sweet Pea’s hair, the low grunt that escapes his boyfriend’s mouth every time he sucks on his bottom lip.
Jug knows he has to do something meaningful to show SP that he feels the same way, that HE is the one for him. He wastes no time in preparing his grand gesture.  
Sweets considered skipping school but he’s not going to jeopardize his chances at college over an argument, even if he’s terribly ashamed of it. Though it may be Toni insisting that he HAS to go to school - to the point of annoyance - that really makes him leave the trailer.
He keeps his head down until he reaches his locker, in which Jughead is leaning against, reading a book. Toni gives Sweet Pea a knowing look and encourages him with a nod before heading to her locker. 
Pea allows himself a second to enjoy the quiet before the storm - at least that’s what he’s expecting: for Jug to officially break up with him because they’re moving too fast.
“Hey…” Sweet can’t seem to form a coherent sentence. He wants to apologize and beg Juggie to give him another chance.
Jughead puts his book back in his bag and smiles shyly at his boyfriend. Pea looks more confused than ever. 
“I think you’ll like my shirt.” Jughead says as he starts unbuttoning his sherpa jacket, revealing the shirt underneath.
‘The hotheaded giant is my boyfriend’ stamped on it. For a moment, Sweets can’t believe his eyes. A blatant expression of their relationship on Jughead’s chest for the whole world to see.
“I love you too, Sweet Pea.” His boyfriend’s words are the sweetest he’s ever heard. 
SP cups Jug’s cheeks and clashes their lips in a heated kiss, pinning him against the metal locker doors. 
He pays no attention to the whistles and stares they’re attracting. All he cares about is that they love each other. 
“I love you, Jughead Jones. Sorry I’m such an idiot.” He pulls his boyfriend closer to him by the waist, resting his forehead on Juggie’s. 
Jug closes the short distance between them with another kiss, this one soft and tender, conveying the full extent of his feelings. Jughead pulls back, lips brushing against Pea’s as he says, “Yes, but you’re MY idiot.”
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lashasthings · 6 years
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I dont know why the Andy Milonakis theme song is stuck in my head at the moment
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