#TAU pines family
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Made a reference sheet for the TAU pines family! This took 3 hours, and it’s definitely the best I’ve ever drawn Mabel.
Mabel is telling Henry about a craft idea she thought up recently while he organizes the library, Dipper’s making a deal with the kiddos while Henry and Mabel aren’t looking, Acacia has a plan for chaos, Hank helping put it into motion, Willow feels a bit left out, and Stan is impressed at Dipper and the kid’s chaotic talent.
Stan looks a little young in this drawing, and I’m desperately hoping that I used the picture with the kid’s freckles.
Three days later I realize I forgot his buttwings.
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kneworder · 3 months
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getting back into the transcendence au by finally reading some foundational texts (@seiya234’s series)! family of all time <3
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clearwerewolfsong · 3 months
Category: F/M
Rating: Explicit
Fandom: Star Trek: Discovery
Relationship: Michael Burnham/Rayner
Characters: Michael Burnham, Rayner (Star Trek), Mrs. Vance (Star Trek), Vance (Star Trek), Original Male Character(5), Original Female Character (S)
Additional Tags: Explicit Sexual Content, Explicit Language, Friends to Lovers, Love Confessions, Falling In Love, Pining, Romance, Eventual Romance, Drama & Romance, Slow Romance, Slow Burn, Slow Build, Interspecies Romance, Interspecies Relationship(s), Porn with Feelings, Erotica, Shameless Smut, Older Man/Younger Woman, Hurt/Comfort, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder - PTSD, complex PTSD, Genocide, genocide survivor, Childhood Trauma, Psychological Trauma, Past Torture, Past Violence, Past Child Abuse, Scars, Alcohol, Grief/Mourning, Character Study, Touch-Starved, Angst and Feels, Angst with a Happy Ending, Angst and Hurt/Comfort, Angst and Tragedy, Angst and Romance, Heavy Angst, Men Crying, Crying, Emotional Baggage, Resolved Sexual Tension, Explicit Consent, Alien/Human Relationships, Alien Biology, Alien Culture, Alien Cultural Differences, Alien Character(5), Alien Sex, Alien Ears, Hypersensitive Ears, Overstimulation, Kellerun, Kellerun Culture, Kelleruns, Kelleruns are Space Elves along with Vulcans and Romulans
The screaming hadn't stopped yet. He could still hear his mother’s screams. He could still see the blood, the breen had used machetes to hack not only her but his father and his sister and his brother to death. His mother laying on the ground, bleeding. Huge holes blown through her. The holes blown through his father. Blood dripping everywhere. His little sisters dead eyes staring at him. His brothers’ broken body. Laying there. Every year from the age of 12, one of his little siblings was taken out and had their heads chopped off. The breen started with the baby. His sister. Talara. The next year, Asil. Narissa. Lorian. Finally, Iria and Varen. Legs were amputated before any of his siblings heads were chopped off. In retaliation for the underground rebellion against tahal. He saw cousins attacked, assaulted, cut with machetes, shells and grenades and mortars fired at nieces and nephews, shot at, beaten, thrown in pits and latrines, drowned, forced to kill and attack other relatives, impaled, his houses every time he moved being destroyed, relatives were impaled, screaming for help, committing suicide, relatives being forced to kill others. For 4 years straight. From the age of 12 to 17. But it was that final year, when tahal used the Tau Ceti vipers to murder his father, his mother and his final two siblings. And him. Having to live through that, is what truly broke him. He had to fight through the torture of being poisoned.
One day a year he and Ayhan, Tarquin, Andrus and Admiral Vance and their families would all meet up, on a planet to be with Rayner on the anniversary of the murders of his parents and his siblings, the genocide of Kellerun. It was the one day a year where he allowed himself to let loose all his sadness, his anger, his grief. He mourned for not just his family but his people too. His blood brothers were the only ones he allowed to be with him when he lays down a henge as a memorial to his family. To remember them. Along with that, on his chest he had put the story of his family. Each symbol tattooed onto his chest represented a lost member of his family. One for his mother, his father, his grandparents, every cousin, niece, nephew, brother, sister, aunt, uncle. Every single member of his family. So he would never forget. With the way this year was going, he knew that he wanted the memorial to be on earth this year. In the Scottish highlands. At Tarquin’s family home. He needed to put his bare feet on grass this year. To breathe in the air on a planet. To be grounded. To feel connected again. This year had been so hard, facing the breen. Again. And discovering his life-mate and processing how their quantum entanglement would work. How was he going to handle this? She clearly loved Book.
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transcendence-au · 2 years
‘Sup, TAU mods! I was reading the fics and the blogs and stuff and was wondering why people were calling Stanford “Stanley” a while back. Thanks.
This is a fun little hole that we dug ourselves into way back when! TAU started in October of 2014, which was months before A Tale of Two Stans aired. However, a lot of prominent TAU writers and headcanoners subscribed to the "twin stans theory", so TAU from the beginning operated under the assumption that Grunkle Stan had a twin.
The only problem was that basically nobody guessed that Stanley was assuming Stanford's identity -- they just assumed Grunkle Stan really was this guy named Stanford and that the other twin was named Stanley. When AToTS came out and revealed the name swap, people took that into consideration going forward, but no one really went back and edited old fics or hc's to reflect the correct names.
This is most obvious when it comes to the "Stanley Pines Memorial Library", which was originally called that in honour of Grunkle Stan's twin, who we assumed was dead. It's still called that, post-AToTS, but now the reasoning for why it's called that is that Stanley is a pretty silly guy and would absolutely make his own business a memorial to himself while he is still alive.
This is also why Ford's place in TAU has always been a bit flimsy. We had no idea who he was before AToTS came out, or if he even existed, so it was often written that he'd died. Post-AToTS, he's found his way into more stories, and sometimes he becomes a part of the family with Dipper, Mabel, Stan, Henry, and the triplets! Other times, he has difficulty adjusting to all of the changes in the world, or is too committed to his research, so he opts to travel the world instead of settling down in Gravity Falls.
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infinitethree · 5 months
Lucid sits at the island in Day's kitchen, catching him up on the latest developments.
“Delayed messages, huh? That's…mmh. Probably the doing of the big guy.” Day's wings flick with concern, though he hasn't paused his prep for dinner at all.
When further explanation doesn't come, Lucid asks, “Big guy?” “Theo and I got some…upsetting messages. Felt different– felt powerful. I wouldn't be shocked if they’re the one messing with the timing. I'll have to tell Theo, Vio, Helio, and probably Aster about it.”
The older him seems uneasy, and, in better circumstances, Lucid might have held off on bringing this up until he wasn’t in a bad mood.
But that was important info, and he can’t really wait for the other thing.
“And…Daz showed up the other night, just before dusk.” Day's eyes flick upwards, then right back down again. “...Okay? I'm not sure why you're telling me.”
This may or may not go over like a lead balloon. “He, uh…he wants to be trained, too. In being an admin, I mean.”
The knife is set down, and Day stares at him. “He wants to be an admin?” “Weirdly enough, no. The impression I got is that he wants to understand more about himself, and…he wants to help Lee. That was the big thing he talked about; how he's good at explaining, and might be able to help where we fall short.”
Day considers that, drumming his fingers on the counter. “...I'm worried he's trying to be useful. Even with three others on the team, the Welcome Wagon is a lot to deal with. We literally can't afford for him to push himself into a mental breakdown. I'm pretty sure an angry mob would show up at our doorsteps if that happened.”
He grimaces. It's not a pretty picture, but at the same time…is it really right to refuse him?
“Would probably help to talk to him, figure out where his head's at? Because, I mean…if he is good, if he does have a knack for it…? Nobody else would really be able to do that instead of him. If Lee, for whatever reason, doesn't become an admin…at the very least, having another competent mod would be irreplaceable. Best case scenario is that both of them thrive with it, obviously. But we need to think about the scenario of Lee not being suited.”
His older self glares at him. “Are you trying to cut my son out of the picture?” Ignoring the lemongrass and pine of San's concern, Lucid scoffs, “No, fuck no! One, I'm not stupid enough to do it that blatantly. Two, I still think Lee is the stronger choice. But if he hates it, or struggles…” his words falter, and then he sighs.
“I don't want him to feel like he's trapped. I couldn't live with myself if I thought I was basically forcing the kid to take that path. I mean, fuck– it's a huge deal! He's not just choosing for himself, but choosing for your entire family. But his heart is too big for him to easily choose to walk away if there’s nobody else. And that holds true for Daz, too! Both of them will be in a better place if we at least see. I wouldn't have brought Daz into it, but he asked.”
A long, tired sigh escapes from Day. “...I hate that you're right. But Daz is just…”
Reluctantly, Lucid adds, “He thinks being an admin is why he wound up here. If his Dream needed another admin, one completely under his control…”
Day looks vaguely ill. “He was violent and possessive. It– it wasn't about hurting him, I think. When I triggered the enchantment and Daz screamed, he forgot about Theo and I. He hesitated when he saw Theo, too. I've…I'm pretty sure Daz is right. That Dream needed him for something. Nothing good, obviously– you remember his code.”
A violent shudder goes down Lucid's spine. He’s seen a lot of fucked up code, but that…?
It was a miracle he survived it being added, a second miracle that the broken program didn't kill him, and a third miracle that the T3 showed up when they did.
By all rights, Daz should be deader than dead.
He says, “But that's another reason to bring him in. If anyone understands how serious fucking around with code is, it's him. He also…deserves to actually be taught, you know? By people who want to support him, instead of just using him. If he ultimately decides it's not what he wants, that's fine. But don't we owe him the chance to find out?”
A groan escapes Day. “Fuck…fine, fine. He'll have to cut back on his Welcome Wagon hours, though. I won't set him up for failure and burnout.”
Holy fucking Prime, for a minute he didn't think Day would actually agree. The man is infamously stubborn, after all; just as much bullheadedness as any Tommy.
…Probably why he gets along so well with Theo, actually.
“Agreed,” he says, “that's one of my biggest concerns. We might have to ask Raine to keep an eye out, warn us if he seems to be getting too overwhelmed.”
Day nods. “Alright, then. At least that's settled.”
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Day's wings jolt when he gets the message. Lucid looks confused, but he can wait until the entire thing goes through.
…What a weird hypothetical.
“Got a question,” he says, mulling it over.
He picks up his knife again on autopilot and resumes dicing.
Another indicator that the messages are being filtered in some way, which is…worryingly on-topic.
A coincidence? Or is someone making sure they line up…?
The main point is weird, though.
Who the fuck would be forced to answer? More worryingly– is this really a hypothetical, or a secret being kept by someone?
It's impossible to tell. Sometimes the Observers seem to delight in making them, usually Day, suffer. Other times, they seem to actually care about them.
He sighs. “Depends on who it is and why they're in that position. I don’t like the idea, but…I don't know. Maybe they'd have an upside to it.”
Day ignores Lucid's curiosity. The entire conversation has been a lot already, and adding something that could just be Observers being assholes on top of that doesn’t interest him.
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Lucid's frown grows more pronounced as he hears the lengthy message.
“...That sounds wrong, but…” he sighs, and tells Day, “One of the newer Observers is adamant that born admins have instincts. There’s something weird about a 'claim', and–”
“No, no, I heard it,” Day says, unease visibly growing. “I've never noticed anything…? Can you clarify what exactly you mean, and more importantly, explain who you're talking about? Because we don’t know.”
Of course, if they mean someone inside Sanctuary, then there are only really three possible answers. Or, well, two, considering that Lucid and Day were once the same person.
It’s either them, or it’s Daz. If it’s Lucid and Day, then the Observer might be able to bring some sort of clarity to past events.
If it’s Daz, though…the situation becomes much trickier. Do they get permission from him to learn about potentially distressing parts of his past? Do they ask him to convey whatever information the Observer has– and risk him being triggered or traumatized?
Or do they just leave it, and hope that whatever insights they might have gleaned don’t matter much?
At least they have confirmation that messages are, in fact, being delayed. That’s…great. Things only ever seem to get more complicated, never easier. As if he didn’t have enough on his plate as it is, just with traveling and training two admins.
He sighs softly and tells the Observer, “And my favorite animals are cats. I technically own one, though Patches pretty much does whatever she wants. She goes between all the Summer Hills houses as she pleases, though rarely goes any farther than that.”
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cartoonicle · 7 months
Random CPC future art
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‘Mom, why don’t I look like you?’
Mariana is always mistaken to be her aunt Maria’s daughter, because of her blonde hair and her green eyes; every time someone would that mistake she would point out that Gwen’s her mom not Maria this would get worst over the years eventually she would start getting annoyed with these mistakes and instead of calmly explaining she’s not Maria’s daughter she would get mad. She’s so upset that she looks beautiful like every other human but she doesn’t look extraordinary like her mom and grandma.
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‘A Father and his Son’
Frederick is definitely a better father to his son than Leland was to him and his brothers, he does everything in his power to make his son feel loved and cherished always taking his kids to school, giving him the time of day, always listening to his worries and giving him advice and never playing favorites. Frederick has loved Brandon and Mariana since they were born.
Frederick is just as loving and protective towards his son as Miles Morales dad, plus he would never send his kids to a military school because he cares about them, wants them to be happy also to keep them to himself
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‘Frederick’s Decent’
Back when I made my first CPC post, I drew this picture of Frederick seemingly losing a fight either between his brother or his father. In the beginning of the fight he was hesitant to fight still his hold self but just nearing the end of the battle all the pain built up and the crimson blood drenching him caused a mixture of hatred and anger to build up losing his old self and started to enjoy what pain brought him it powered him up through the rest of the battle causing him to win.
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‘Mariana the Ugly Witch’
She named herself the ugly witch to spite her pastel family heritage and everyone who thinks outer beauty is what matters most. She believes that beauty is a curse and she’s the most cursed woman in the world because of the Beauty Alchemy.
Her overall plot is to make a spell to make the form reflect what’s in their hearts if you wish to be beautiful you have to have a beautiful heart, but if your heart is evil than your body will reflect the worse possible version of yourself there is.
Mariana is already part way free from her curse she lost her glow in sparkles all she has to do is get rid of her outer beauty.
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‘Hello kids, it’s me your no good, cowardly uncle that loves you very much’
Lance: Always be nice to each other and never grow up to hate each other for your differences
Lance always wanted to have kids but he’s too scared that he either might turn out like his father or he’s too much of a coward to protect them. Sometimes he is scared to death that Leland would come back and seriously hurt the Twins worst than him and his brothers
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‘Gorgeous in Green!’
Since their father wears green and their mother is green they have always loved the color green it’s their favorite color they wear these colored clothing to every fancy party or outing they have. Mariana makes sure she matches with her brother to let everyone know she and him are connected.
These two love the color green so much that sometimes they playfully suggest that they should rename their kingdom the Green Kingdom.
Links to the Base Art
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astralcurses · 1 year
im back and i want to know how bill died bc i hate him if you can't tell already
-bill cipher hater
hi i just want you to know how much i personally love you
so heres the thing! tau was first made back in 2014, shortly after sock opera very first aired. this was back before ford and certainly back before weirdmaggedon. tau is STILL an active fandom and has been all the way since then! (in fact, tomorrow is its 9th anniversary!!) however, even so, it can still pretty seamlessly fit into the rest of the canon show right after the finale still
see, the very base premise is "bill tried to start the apocalypse and maybe even succeeded a little but was ultimately stopped by the pines family" which. works with weirdmaggedon. the pines family stops bill and bill is dying and in a last ditch attempt to save himself, he takes advantage of the deal dipper made with him in sock opera (kid never gave him an expiration date so theoretically its an open ended deal) and tries to possess dipper and save himself. however, bill is weak. hes dying. and dippers got a strong will and fights him off and the strain ultimately kills bill. bill dies. right in dippers mindscape. the surge of demonic energy and whatnot from within his own mindscape among other factors cause a freak unrepeatable accident in which these energies fuse to dippers soul, turning him into a demon as bill dies.
bills death and the resulting surge of demonic power pops the weirdness bubble around gravity falls and makes the supernatural Very Real for the rest of the world too. this event is known as The Transcendence and will make history for thousands of years.
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arinailma · 2 years
Diantara anak-anak ummi keknya saya yang paling susah kalo disuru makan ikan. Mo di embel-embelin, "dimakan teh ikannya, bikin pinter". Ya emang si, protein ikan sama ayam katanya emang lebih bagus ikan, apalagi ikan laut. Tapi tetep aja itu ikan. Kalo disuru milih aku tetep prefer ayam. Bukan karna alergi, repot aja kalo makan ikan wkwk. Dasar emang ni anak pengennya yang instan-instan. Tapi dulu emang pernah punya pengalaman kesangkut duri ikan di tenggorokan. Sakit banget woy, mana sampe lama banget. Panik, mo berangkat sekolah tu duri lele belom ketelen juga. Padahal udah dijejelin berapa kepalan nasi yang ditelen bulat-bulat, pisang juga, minum udah habis berapa gelas. Endingnya ke sekolah dengan mata sembab karena takut gabisa ngomong di sekolah. Karena sekali ngomong emang duri nya auto nyucuk-nyucukk.
Tapii.., belakangan ini agak berbeza. Because karena aku udah belajar tentang vertebrata di semester ini dan awal materi langsung bertemu dengan kelompok "pisces" jadi agak menurun tuh denial buat makan ikannya. Sekarang kalo mo makan ikan punya motivasi, yok sambil belajar lagi morfologi, nama-nama sirip, klasifikasi spesiesnya. Wkwkwk. Sambil menyelam minum air ga tuh. Makan sambil belajar. Yaa namanya juga biologi. Ilmu kehidupan. Walaupun bkin orang ngang ngong ngang ngong di tengah makan. Kek misal, lagi makan ikan nila ni. Tiba-tiba, "wah pectorial pine nya gini ya. Oohh, siripnya keras berarti tulang sejati".
Kalo yang baru aja tu pas makan malem ini. Ummi tiba-tiba masak kerang sesuai request an adek yang pulang dari pondok. Kan lucu tuh, jarang-jarang umi masak, apalagi masaknya yang sejenis itu. Effort ya bun demi anak pondok. Yaa akhirnya aku makan walopun harus disuru dulu. Pas makan, "kerang tu bivalvia" random si aku ngomong gitu. Ga berharap di respon jg wkwk krn tau paling cuma di "ooh" in doang. Tpi sopi ngerespon jga walopun cuma "haa??" nya yang dg muka datar tanpa antusias. "Itu nama famili nya kerang" Lanjutku, habis tu udah, kerandoman ini pun berakhir pas umi join wkwk. Takut ditanya-tanya lebih random lagi, misal "nilainya dah keluar, teh?" Cukupp cukupp. Doa terbaik aja buat semester ini yang sgt berad saya ga ngerti lagi. Tapi semoga ipk aman masi di atas 3 yaallah. Aamiin aamiin..
Random dulu before taun baru || Jum, 30 Des 2022
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deadtached · 7 months
writing commissions!
hi! aku klodi (@1302verse di x) dan aku ingin menjelaskan beberapa hal mengenai commission jika kamu tertarik untuk memakai jasaku.
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pertama, aku hanya akan menerima dan menyanggupi tulisan narasi yang berupa ship riize (berlaku hanya untuk mlm) dalam bentuk sfw dan/atau nsfw. aku juga menyanggupi jika kamu ingin aku menulis dari universe yang sudah aku buat sebelumnya (e.g. mas, kakak, bina (soksyongnen) universe; fallen star (seoknen) universe; domestic boyfriend (syotnen) universe; lika-liku koko-kael (syongnen) universe; pesona pria matang (soksyong) universe; etc).
pastikan kamu tau gayaku dalam menulis! untuk lebih lanjut, bisa kamu lihat di sini.
kedua, karya yang sudah jadi akan aku publikasi melalui x-ku, dengan media medium atau ao3. kamu bisa request untuk dicantumkan usernamenya atau memilih untuk menjadi anonymous. selain itu, jika kamu menginginkan, kamu juga bisa mendapatkan filenya dalam bentuk pdf yang akan aku taruh di gdrive atau write.as. kamu dilarang keras untuk mengunggah ulang dan/atau memperjualbelikan ulang tulisan yang sudah kamu commiskan ke aku.
ketiga, aku memiliki beberapa preferensi mengenai genre yang aku tulis. aku masih kurang percaya diri untuk menulis tulisan yang mengandung unsur gore/blood, abo, mpreg, heavy-themed crimes, sci-fi, horror, action, religion, self-harm. sedangkan aku cukup percaya diri untuk menulis tulisan yang mengandung unsur fluff, hurt/comfort, found family, idiots in love, mutual pining, [fill in the blank] to lovers trope, angst, coming of age, dan masih banyak lagi. sila berdiskusi bersamaku nanti!
keempat, aku mematok harga 35rb/1rb kata untuk sfw dan 40rb/1rb kata untuk nsfw. aku membatasi semua tulisan baik sfw dan nsfw dengan maksimal 8000 kata. untuk estimasi waktu pengerjaan, narasi 1000-2000 kata kurang lebih akan selesai dalam waktu seminggu, selebihnya bisa selesai dalam dua minggu (tidak menutup kemungkinan pengerjaan bisa selesai lebih cepat). jika word count di hasil akhir melebihi dari yang kamu inginkan, kamu tidak perlu membayar tambahan dari word count tersebut. sebisa mungkin aku akan komunikatif dalam progress pengerjaanku.
untuk pembayaran, aku hanya menerima melalui mandiri atau trakteer.
kelima, kamu bisa langsung dm aku jika berminat untuk komis dengan ship + genre/prompt + word count yang kamu inginkan!
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chatxkilluaxnoir · 2 years
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I posted 207 times in 2022
That's 80 more posts than 2021!
53 posts created (26%)
154 posts reblogged (74%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 203 of my posts in 2022
Only 2% of my posts had no tags
#tmnt - 60 posts
#tmnt 2012 - 56 posts
#undertale - 46 posts
#teenage mutant ninja turtles - 36 posts
#tmnt 2k12 - 34 posts
#ut - 32 posts
#chat's posts - 29 posts
#chatxkilluaxnoir - 28 posts
#killua noir's rambles - 27 posts
#tmnt 2012 anniversary - 27 posts
Longest Tag: 140 characters
#i think it is cute that the oldest and youngest both have blue eyes but in different shades to more fit their personalities and/or aesthetic
This post gets pretty long, so I am putting a "Read More" Cut here:
My Top Posts in 2022:
Chapters: 2/15 Fandom: Gravity Falls Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Angelica Zilver/Aaron Zilver, Dipper Pines & Scarlet Zilver, Dipper Zilver & Scarlet Zilver, Alcor the Dreambender & Scarlet Zilver, Alcor the Dreambender & Reincarnations, Alcor the Dreambender & Aaron Zilver & Angelica Zilver, Dipper Pines & Scarlet Zilver & Aaron Zilver & Angelica Zilver, Dipper Zilver & Scarlet Zilver & Aaron Zilver & Angelica Zilver, Reincarnation/Reincarnation, There are more relationships but since I don't want to spoil the fic, or the reincarnations are in this fic, I won't be tagging them, just yet Characters: Dipper Pines, Dipper Zilver, Alcor, Alcor the Dreambender, Aaron Zilver, Angelica Zilver, r!'s, Reincarnations - Character, OC's, Original Characters, There are more characters in this fic to tag, I.e. those reincarnations and original characters I tagged, but once again I am not tagging them because of spoilers, and because I thought it would be fun for people to guess who was the reincarnation of who, not all reincarnations are revealed in this fic though, so unless there a lot of correct guesses for someone(s), I probably won't confirm anything until later, for reasons..., Gravity Falls Characters Reincarnations, Scarlet Zilver Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Transcendence (Gravity Falls), Non-Graphic Violence, Violence, I think it is both?, Implied/Referenced Abuse, Implied/Referenced Child Abuse, Tell me if you think it is more than implied though, Child Abandonment, Child Neglect, maybe? probably?, Demons, Demon Summoning, Seeing things you shouldn't have, Magic, Magic (Spoiler), Family, Family Feels, Family Drama, Dysfunctional Family, The Zilver Family is a mess, but they didn't always used to be, Kidnapping, Kinda?, The Zilver Family need therapy, But will they ever get it?, probably not, But we can hope., Tags May Change, Other Additional Tags to Be Added, Maybe on the last two, i might add more tags as i go on, if some of you think I could/need to add more tags, please just let me know, Some new tags will be added here, or some certain chapters will get their own cw's/tw's, added in the author notes if need be, Not Beta Read, Maybe will be someday who knows Summary:
A Girl of striking red hair and her Saviour of Shadow met in a Forest of Death.
These two then wouldn't meet again for many years later.
(though not for a lacking of trying by one of them)
And when they did finally meet again; a deal, a bet would be made between them.
Perhaps it was a deal better not made.
Too little, too late...
Also, I almost forgot to tag @transcendence-au about this!  New TAU fic hot off the presses!  I also have tumblr versions I posted/am posting too!  I probably won’t tag you those, because I don’t want to bombard you guys with tags.
Other reasons, why I am tagging you guys on this post and the AO3 version, instead of the tumblr version(s) (for now, I might change my mind), is because so far the tumblr version(s) are showing up in the transcendence au tag, while this post isn’t (maybe because it is new, though, the tumblr version is showing is up, and I posted that one later.  Maybe because there is a link?  Or something.  Idk), so you guys (or others) might have a harder time finding this post as-is.
So yeah.
Edit:  This is now showing up in the transcendence au tag, so that is cool.  I guess it just needed more time.  Or maybe me removing and adding back in the transcendence au tag on this post fixed it not showing up.  Either way (or some other reason), I am happy.
Anyways, I am excited to be posting this fic (even if posting fics can be tiring!  ^^’)!
The rest is under the cut (I thought this post got a bit long, so I decided to add a cut).
I decided to just delete the original version of this post, because I can only seem to share Ch1 specifically through this method anyway.  But, this post will at least show I have posted two chapters of this fic already, while the original one (which, most people won’t see anyway, since it will be gone soon), only shows I have posted 1 chapter.
In the original post, I talked about my notes doubling up on Ch1, now that I have posted Ch2, I was able to fix that.
Anyways, the first 2 chapters, i.e. Part 1 and 2 of the Prologue are now posted on AO3.
Will be posting any new chapters after these 2, every one or two weeks...give or take.
I might (real maybe here) post the “official” Ch1 earlier than I said, but I am not if that will be the care or not.
Seriously though, once again happy to start sharing this fic with ya’ll!
Will also be posting the tumblr versions of the first two chapters hopefully soon as well.  =)
Edit 2:  The first and 2nd chapter:  Prologue Pt.1 & Pt.2 are now also posted on tumblr.
12 notes - Posted July 2, 2022
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I am trying to find this post on tumblr.  I know it exists, but I have only been able to see it and not glimpse it.  Anyone know where I can “If I had a nickel” meme post with 2012 Leo, 2012 Karai, and Rise Casey/Cassandra in it?
(also, sorry if this picture is kind of blurry, this was the picture I could get, and it got even blurrier after I edited it).
12 notes - Posted October 2, 2022
Just a Post (Kind of a Rant) about TMNT Fandom(s) and (Certain) Crossovers (also just kind of me talking more generally about TMNT?)
Okay, so this post was inspired by some other posts and reblogs I have seen (and just my own experiences in the TMNT fandom so far, and reading/looking/watching/etc. TMNT crossovers, esp. Rise x 2012 ones, and/or Rise x Whatever Version(s)).  So of those posts I was going to reblog and/or link here, but I literally can’t find them right now, so for now, I am not going to.  I might still link some stuff in this post (might be those specific posts if I can find them again and/or it might be other posts and stuff), I might not, I might /link/reblog them at a later date instead.
Anyways, I am making this post, because I am a huge TMNT fan, and I LOVE both Rise and 2012 (and many other versions as well!  Like IDW and 2003 just to name a couple); they are a couple of my favorites, and I just want to see both versions portrayed well, and to see good crossovers between the 2 (and/or other versions), where both series are respected, and not bashed, mischaracterized(and/or demonized, infantized(?), and/or made fun of/mocked) a lot, nerfed to hell (I am not necessarily against *some* “nerfing, but it has to be used well, in modicum, and/or in a way that makes sense.  I also don’t like it when only one of the series/versions/etc. is nerfed, and not the other.  Not the like either being nerfed, but if they were being both nerfed, I would be *a bit* more okay with it), or/& one and/or one(s) is put on a major pedestal (I do this with series and/or stuff too though, so once again I don’t necessarily have an issue with people doing this, my issue, is when another version is put down while doing this).  And/or etc.
I have genuinely become sick of seeing this.
More under the cut/”Read More”, because this gets LONG, and (maybe even more) rant-y.
I love Rise, I really, really do.  It might have taken me awhile to get into and really love it, as an older fan, who got into it through 2012 and the OG TMNT live action movies, and then got into other TMNT stuff later on, like 03, IDW, 2007, etc. (still getting into stuff like Mirage and 87 and other comics currently), because I found some of the changes--to be kind of weird.  However, I have grown to really like it too, and I have also read and/or watched stuff that actually explained how some of the changes weren’t as major as I thought.  For example, Raph and Leo, are still them at their core (like, I have seen about both of them about this, but the stuff I have seen about Rise Leo and 2012 Leo and/or previous versions were really eye-opening to me; esp. as a major Leo fan), despite the changes.  They are still Raph and Leo.  If that makes sense.  
It is just, as I have seen some other people say (I will try to find these posts and/or whatever and link and/or reblog them) how they would be if one was given the role as the oldest (Raph), and such, had to calm down more, and the other was given a role of a younger sibling (specifically, a middle child) (Leo), and thus, was given the freedom he rarely got to have, and always wanted (for example, 2012 Leo defin. wanted it).  It is still them, just placed in slightly different positions, and we are shown, how they/these characters would/might be like in these new(-ish) roles/positions.  At their core though, they both still share many characteristics of their previous versions, but their new(-ish) roles causes some dynamic changes (Leo and Raph’s dynamic is still great, like most other version, but now there is a slight twist to it), and certain core traits/traits of these characters from previous versions are either more amplified and/or get explored more and/or shown in (sometimes) different ways, more tampered down, or something in-between.  
So yeah; once I realized this and/or was helped to realize this (since I have always really loved Leo and Raph and their dynamic; love Donnie and Mikey too though and their dynamic with each other and Leo and/or Raph), I enjoyed Rise more, and now, like 2012, and some other versions; I also love a lot.  It has also been fun to see new, but also paying homage and/or respect on other characters and relationships/dynamics!  Like, I have always been interested in Leo and Donnie’s’ dynamic, and wish it was explored more, and Rise certainly delivered on that for example!  And so on (might add more to this later).
*Cough cough*; got a little off-topic there kinda.  But the main point I was trying to get at, while I was admittedly somewhat put off at first by all the changes as an older fan (and it didn’t help that Rise came out so quickly after 2012 ended.  That might have caused some of the older fans to be sour towards it; esp. with some of the changes, because it might been a bit “too much/too many changes, too soon”.  So that is one of the reasons that caused Rise to unfortunately not be as well-received as it could have been imo.  Like, I love TMNT a lot; I always want more good TMNT stuff in my life, but I do think it might have been prudent and better for it if Rise released a bit later), and as a major Leo fan and etc., etc., I grew to love it very much too.   And I do understand why Rise fans might have been upset or might still be upset at how some older TMNT fans treated Rise at first and/or still are; esp. with Rise’s uncertain status (here is to hoping for another season and/or movie); however, I do not think that means Rise fans (this is coming from a Rise fan as well, and I don’t mean all Rise fans when I say this ofc) should be doing the kind of stuff (negative stuff) they are doing to the previous versions that they are (esp. 2012 for some reason?).  Like for example, crossover type things/stuff.  
Like seriously; good thing someone like me, who is an older/longtime TMNT fan myself loves Rise so much, and is so not easily turned away from stuff I love and enjoy (I am basically ride or die with stuff I love most of the time), because the way 2012 and previous versions have been treated lately by some Rise fans and/or in the fandom(s) might drive me away from the fandom(s) and/or Rise.  Like I said, that won’t happen; I love Rise, and love so much of the fandom, but at the same time, I am starting to get very much sick of how some of the Rise fandom is treating 2012 and/or previous versions.
Like, it has come the point that even stuff (fics and so on) that say they aren’t bashing 2012 (I am using 2012 here, because it is 2012 a lot) and/or that they love 2012 honestly seem quite bash-y to me anyway.
2012 will seem majorly mischaracterized (esp. Leo and Raph.  But the others too also don’t escape this treatment), and some of the time and/or some of it is sometimes just growing pains; them getting used to writing the character better.  And that is something most people can relate with, so I give more leeway with that.  
Or maybe they just need to refresh their memory on the/a version, or research it more, or finish the version, or etc., and I can understand and give leeway to that; I don’t expect people and/or stuff to be perfect or anything, ofc.  My issue is, if they don’t get better at them, or just get worse, or they seem to be making them (kinda) ;OOC, for bashing reasons.
Or nerfing reasons, or to put Rise on a pedestal, and basically be like:  “Rise is the better family”, “2012 is abusive and/or terrible”, “Rise are more powerful”, “Rise are better fighters and more skilled”, “let’s undersell/downplay 2012 version and it’s main cast, cast of characters, heroes, villains, etc.”, “let’s not undersell/downplay the Rise version and it’s main cast, cast of characters, heroes, villains, etc.  Sometimes lets even oversell/overplay them” (I know this and some other stuff I mentioned are more opinion-based and/or subjective, which I know, and is fine and I get that.  We all have different opinions.  In this case though, I mainly have a problem with it if is overdone, &/or if one side/version so obviously being favored so much over the other), “Rise has no issues, while 2012 does”, “Rise is better”, “2012 is worse”, etc.  Which is just pretty maddening and annoying ngl.  
2012 and other versions (and I am talking about the cast in general for both), have been through and faced so much, and they, like Rise, have both their strengths and weaknesses, and own things they can bring to the table in battle, as people, etc.  But nope, lets just ignore all that, to put Rise on a pedestal and act like they would just stomp all versions in a fight, writing wise, character wise, etc.  When that is just no true (imo).  Don’t get me wrong, Rise is a great series; I want more of it, but other versions are also great.  And I do not like the disrespect of the previous versions going on here, and the specific kind of pedestal-placing Rise is being put on.
Like seriously, do you know hard it has gotten to find good Rise x 2012 and/or Rise x Whatever Version type crossover content?
It has become so hard.
I just have to read/look at/watch/listen to/etc. crossovers and just hope, both versions are treated well and with respect, and  it isn’t a bashing fic, most Mikey-centric 2012 x Rise fics and stuff (if ur a 2012 fan, u will know what I am talking about here), that there is little to no nerfing, that both/all versions get some spotlight and awesome moments, and/or etc.
Like, even some of the supposedly good crossovers that people like, where there are supposedly no bashing, and people are actually loving how 2012 are characterized and think they are “on-point”.
(Which, honestly, just kind of makes me scratch my head, because with some of these crossovers, I just don’t see it.  Like, I have read some really good 2012/2012-centric stuff which actually had characterization that was point; not like some of these fics and/or crossover fics where people say they are.  Heck, even in comparison to some other 2012 x Rise crossovers which I actually love, and either have no or very, very minor problems with, I would say the characterization of the 2012 crew is better in those.  This is all just my opinion though; I know other people have their own personal opinions and interpretations.  And I am not even calling those crossovers, fics, and/or etc., bad; I just personally find some issue with them).  
I am just like, but 2012 is getting pretty mischaracterized (sometimes very mischaracterized) here though (and in turn, so is Rise sometimes.  Because a lot of the time, I see mischaracterization of 2012 and/or another version, Rise also gets mischaracterized too.  Which, as a Rise fan, 2012 fan, general TMNT fan, I ofc don’t like very much.  I love when people are as in-character as they can be), and/or nerfed, and/or I am seeing a “let’s highlight 2012′s issues; even though some of those issues were resolved, because characters develop, or don’t exist really in the first place”, and/or either “barely highlight Rise’s issues, act like they have none, basically show them as having none, or show so much later, that it sometimes kind of feels like, too little, too late” 
(I don’t have an issue with versions working through their issues and stuff and/or teaching other versions stuff, as long as it makes sense, and isn’t being done in unequal, unfair, (very) biased way.  I find this kind of stuff very interesting when done well.  So much potential for stuff.  Or like, imagine, all the versions getting therapy, but like, it is done in an equal way between the versions, if that makes sense, idk), 
and/or “I am kinda getting some vibes that remind of those Mikey-centric crossover stuff (I am not saying all of them, but God is it a lot of them)”, “and/or etc.”
So it just kind of confuses me some.  But at the same time; I can understand (or at least somewhat) understand why people like and/or love them.  And while I say it confuses me; I do think I get why some people may think that, or at least I try to.
Like, the crossovers I am talking about here aren’t those weird Mikey-centric, 2012 fam are abusive and awful, and/or type crossovers here.  Like, as someone who is a fan and loves the 2012 version; I don’t get why people like them, but I do some people do, for whatever reason.  However, at least with stuff like this and/or similar stuff and/or some crossovers bashing on 2012/previous versions, I know more what I am getting into I guess, or I know soon enough?  There are some crossovers that take longer for that to happen; to show their “true colors” so to speak, and crossovers where I almost feel tricked?  That is probably too harsh of a word, but idk a better way to explain it.  Maybe a better way to describe it, is that I don’t know what I am getting into as much??
Like a crossover will literally say no bashing/no 2012 bashing, and/or that they love 2012 (though sometimes when they say these things, their other tags, descriptions, posts, etc., will say a different story imo, but I digress.  Maybe they mean that; heck, they probably do, but from an outside POV, it doesn’t always feel that way), and/or just seems like it will be a good, non-bashing crossover, but then as you go on/get into it more, you realize that nevermind it is, or at least kind of is, and/or the issues are just piling up, so even if I might really want to enjoy it, 
(like there is this one 2012 x Rise crossover fic that so many people seem to be enjoying; people have made so much fanart of it, memes, etc., and it is already really long, and it is looking to be super long; chapter and word wise once done, so I would be fed on a really long, interesting premise, 2012 x Rise crossover fic for a long time.  But the problem is, due to some of the reasons I listed in this post; I just can’t enjoy it.  I really want to; I really do, but I am having so much trouble doing so, and that makes me sad.  And that happens to other crossovers too.  Other ones that have so much promise and potential, and/or say there isn’t any bashing and that they 2012 too (and/or that other version.  So they love both Rise and 2012 and/or that other version)
and/or so many people seem to love it; even 2012 and/or previous versions fans and/or ones that don’t hate 2012 and/or previous versions, so I also really want to enjoy and love it.  Sometimes, maybe even a lot of the time, there is stuff I do really like/love about it, but in the end the stuff that makes it unenjoyable usually gets to be too much (not always though), and I have to stop.  Sometimes it takes longer though to happen, or shorter, or maybe, hopefully it doesn’t happen at all, and it gets genuinely better and even more enjoyable.  But a fair amount of times, that last thing doesn’t end happening to me (at least not for me), and that makes me sad.
I just want more good (great even!) 2012 x Rise crossovers (I love these crossovers so much; when I can actually find an amazing one) and/or Rise x TMNT Version, or maybe even more than 2 versions crossover with Rise; is that too much ask!?
(Here is to hoping that the crossovers and/or 2012 x Rise crossovers that I do actually love, don’t go the way of some current crossovers that I don’t like very much  and/or am starting to dislike, are going.  And/or future crossovers also don’t do the kind of stuff I mentioned I disliked here as well, and are just, great instead, lol.  Seriously though, there are some crossover(s) worry might start to become like I mentioned; esp., as of right now at least, the nerfing issue(s), for example(s).)
See the full post
13 notes - Posted December 19, 2022
𝕰𝖚𝖕𝖍𝖔𝖗𝖎𝖆:  A (Mostly) Canon Compliment then Canon Divergence HxH Killugon Long One-Shot
This is my Hunter x Hunter Killugon gift/gift fic for my Valentine for the @killugonvalentines event!  I know it is just barely 14th (at least for some people), but I am posting it now; just in case I don’t have time later.  My Valentine was @ash1875!  (I seem to be having a bit of trouble tagging my Valentine, so I am not sure if my tag of them will work).  I hope they and anyone else who may read my fic enjoys it!  There is 6k+ words, so a fair amount to read.  
Will probably be posting a AO3 version soon too, if you prefer to read there.  And when I say soon, I mean way sooner than the other fics I have said that for (which I haven’t posted, for the most part, on AO3 yet), because the format of this fic makes it easier to more quickly post on AO3.  Alright, I am done rambling, let’s get to the fic.  There will be a preview of it, then I will put the rest under a “read more” cut.
Killua had just departed with Gon at the World Tree, Alluka in-hand, when he finally let his feelings overflow.  Not on purpose, mind you, and if you were to ask Killua if he was upset about something, he would say he is fine, and that nothing was wrong.  But Killua, despite his tough show and teasing in front of Gon, felt like his soul was torn in two at separating with Gon.  So tears did flow and flow for a good awhile after Gon had left; it was quiet, and Killua kept his face away from Alluka to not show her how actually upset he was that Gon wasn’t there with him anymore (Alluka was perceptive though, and knew something was up.).  
After crying for awhile, standing still in place at the bottom of the world tree, every so often looking up, as if Killua could somehow see Gon all the way at the top of the tree, he finally wiped them away, closed his eyes for awhile, and the re-opened them, his eyes looking like he had never cried at all, and started to turn to walk away.  Sadness, but determination in his eyes.
“Come on, Alluka, it is time to go.”  Killua said to Alluka.
Alluka looked up at Killua, words on her tongue to say about Killua’s unvoiced feelings and the unspoken words she could feel were there besides the words Killua just said.  Alluka felt the words being said applied to more than just what was being said literally.  Alluka truly wanted to say something to Killua, but decided (for now) to keep her mouth shut about it.  Thinking maybe it wasn’t the best time.  She was also patient after all, and she had all the time in the world to ask her Nii-chan about it.  Because Alluka for sure, wouldn’t let all this pass.  She was for sure going to ask about all this.  …To ask about Gon.  She just–wouldn’t right now.
“Ok Nii-chan!  Coming!”  Replied cheerily.  
Alluka then started walking properly with Killua and stopped dragging her feet.
They then walked in silence for awhile until they reached their airship they would travel the world together in.
Once they seated themselves and before they took off, he got a message on his phone from Palm, saying to check out a link in their email which linked to a live feed of something they might be interested in seeing.
So Killua got out his tablet after reading the message, and looked for this email.  He found it, opened it, and clicked on the link.  And to his surprise, he saw Gon…who appeared to be talking to his father.  Killua wondered for a second how this feed was being shown, but then shook his head at that thought.  After that dragonfly Chimera Ant’s powers, and so many things he has seen and experienced; even before he took his first Hunter Exam, someone– or something getting this feed isn’t really a surprise.  He still thought to ask Palm where she got the link though; just for curiosity’s sake.  
…To be honest though, the main reason why he didn’t care that much how he was able to see this feed of Gon, was, well, because he was able to see Gon again, so full of life, and so happy talking to his father (though, seeing Gon so happy, without him there, talking to Ging also stung some) in probably the clearest definition he was going to see Gon in awhile.  Be that in-person (of course)..or not.  So to Killua, beggars couldn’t really be choosers; he was happy with what he was able to get.
Killua lost in thought, got shook out of it by Alluka who had come over from somewhere else in the airship with some snacks and drinks for their flight–wherever they were going (not even they knew where.  They were currently traveling over some beautiful crystal-like formations growing on the surface.  But that’s the thing, they were just traveling, with no real destinations in mind, neither of the siblings really knew where they wanted to go, at least not truly.  They both hoped someday they would).
  “AH!  Nii-chan, is that Gon there?  Those tablet things are so cool.  I saw you constantly on one in the car leaving–that place.  What is Gon doing anyway?  ...Oh.  He looks to be on top of the world tree.  Hmmmm..???”, questioned Alluka.
  “Yes, that is Gon.  And yes he is still on top of the world tree.  This video feed appears  live somehow.  Do you want to watch it with me?”, answered Killua.
  “Of course I do!”  Alluka gleefully shouted; clapping her hands.
She scooted over super close to Killua and leaned over to peer at the tabet in Killua’s hands.
Killua leaned in too, getting closer to his sister, and making it easier for both of them to view the screen on the tablet.  (They were lucky Killua could multitask while flying, and that there were some things that can make the flight basically auto).
And for awhile, they just sat there, happily watching tablet, happily watching Gon (and Ging, but who cares about him, when Gon was right there), who was happy too.
At that moment, they felt like they were the only people in the world.
And they were happy.
But if they were happy, if Killua was happy, why did Killua’s heart hurt so much?
 Gon had just finished his talk with Ging and was climbing down the giant tree.  It was now dark, and so the climb down was more dangerous than his climb up, but he had been through worse, nen or no nen.  He could have slept up there until the morning, but—he had his talk Ging, and now he wanted to move on, move forward as quickly as possible.  So even just waiting until morning was too much.  Gon wanted to move forward from Ging (from Killua too?); he just felt like he had to.
Gon had made it down from the tree, and was walking on the streets trying to find a hotel or something to stay the night in (if he had to, he could just sleep somewhere outside though), when he ran into Palm.
  “Ommpphhh!  Nenene, oh, is that you Palm, what you doing out here so late?”
  “Hm, well, I was just out for a walk, it is a beautiful night out and all.”
Gon didn’t really believe Palm’s reasons, but decided not to press it.  She probably had her reasons for lying, if she was.  And she had no reason to lie maliciously to him too.
See the full post
13 notes - Posted February 14, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Anyone Know the Name of this YouTube Creator.  They create a lot of Undertale/UTMV AMVs
And also what is going on w/ their channel in general.  Because like, I kind of know the name of some videos, but they don’t seem to be showing up in search at all, and I am pretty sure I am subbed to them, but they aren’t showing up in subscriptions I am pretty sure.  I am thinking something probably happen to their channel, hope they come back, and their videos.  
Saying that, I am still trying to remember this YouTube Creator’s name.  If anyone knows the full name of a YouTuber that made videos like (these aren’t the exact names, but they should be close enough) “Underverse amv Chris Classic” or “Undervese Classic” or something like that Undertale AMV (or something like that) Violent New Breed (this was one of my fav. AMVs.  Had a lot of VIllain Sans Squad animation stuff, esp. from Ep5 Part 1 in it, “Underverse Adam Jensen The Hunter amv” or “Underverse Jensen The Hunter amv” or “Underverse The Hunter AMV” (another fav. of mine) to name some of them.  They did a lot of Undertale, Undertale animations, Underverse, XTale, Glitchtale, Villain Sans Squad, Etc. AMVs, and I really liked them.  
Their YT name was like shark something, Idk, I am not sure it started with a S though, and they had a Sans with Headphones pfp I am pretty sure.  Even if something did happen to their channel (which I hope that isn’t the case, and if it is, I hope it/they come back), I would still love the actual full name of this YouTube creator.  If anyone does know it, please just me in this post.  
God, why do I keep doing this to myself?  Drive myself insane trying to find something/stuff.  *Shakes my head*.
16 notes - Posted January 21, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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I made a version of my own of the dinner crew wiki photo! The original art was amazing and incredibly helpful, but I had trouble translating the characters into my own art style, hence the reference art! I made some changes based on how well I could draw things, I was a WoF kid growing up, so I have always thought imagined her as a kind of DND style dragon. I got a very helpful response from @gardenofphantoms on what Toby looked like, and my own personal imagining of Mindy (I hope you don’t mind too much @gardenofphantoms (or the writer of the dinner crew) but if you do, please let me know) I just loved the Portland mafia and how it affects the timeline! In a previous post I mentioned that my first tau fic I read was chapter 100 of “tales of a Dreambender” by LadyPhenix, it was amazing! Anyhow, you should go check out the original by @gardenofphantoms
More Kiyo will be coming soon!
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seiya234 · 2 years
california, rest in peace
this is for the amazing Reynier on AO3 who has been doing some amazing stuff wrt tau: read it here
honestly, they never really thought about California, not much after 2038
Mark and Anna went almost no contact after April 29th. If Mabel called them, they picked up. And they religiously called on the triplet’s birthday, and Thanksgiving. 
But other than that the small flow of calls and letters, and occasional visits completely dried up. 
Because there was no getting around it, if they hadn’t been out of town for vacation, they most likely would have died.
And yes their family was small on both their sides, but the graveyards where their parents and grandparents were buried were now underwater, Anna’s sister lost a leg after it was crushed in the rubble, and their three nephews were rather obviously traumatized from watching the earth tear itself asunder around them. 
Their son had destroyed their world.
Their daughter was sheltering him.
They had been able to swallow many things, but this.... this was what broke them.
It was almost conspicuously not spoken of in the Pines household.
Partially for the obvious reason of attempting to preserve the mental health and unity of everyone in the family and the absolute dissonance of knowing one of the people you loved most in the world was responsible for 45 million people dying and the state of California literally dissolved into the ocean.
But the main reason was just that they were too busy living their lives to really devote thought to California. 
Oh it was constantly on Stan and Mabel and Ford and Henry’s minds for weeks, even two or three months. 
But then they stopped finding survivors, and stopped finding bodies. 
But then the rubble began to slowly be cleared, the oceans and the land settled, and the USGS began to survey what remained of California, and what had been reborn in the aftermath. 
But then one month two month three month anniversaries turned into one year five year ten year anniversaries, and every big milestone felt less big than the last one. 
And in the mean time there the triplets, who needed to be fed and clothed, their laundry done and their home kept cleanish, who needed love and attention and their whole selves.
In another time, Anna asked Mabel how she could live with herself, letting Dipper still live with her. 
(in that time, Mabel slammed the phone down.
but the answer would have been, because it was way too easy to forget about California)
There were two things that haunted Dipper about that day. 
Well, besides the obvious. 
The first he confessed to Jo, after they had gotten settled in their new home. 
They both were somewhat in their cups, or at least Dipper was, and-
“Could you have stopped yourself? That day?”
He didn’t need to ask Jo what they were talking about. He knew.
“If California happened today,” he finally managed to say, “it would not have gotten that far.”
“Because you’re.... older,” Jo delicately said, politely avoiding that Dipper had confided his true age in them.
“Yes. But then....then I was so young. I didn’t feel young then. I thought I was an adult. But I was a child, with the power of god and the self control of an infant. My sense of self was washed away, and....it happened.”
Jo was not a touchy-feely person by nature, but they reached out and patted his hand. Which was really all that needed to be said.
The second thing, Dipper took to the heat death of the universe
(Demon match? Demon match?
The small part of him that was freaking out, that this was a bad idea, bad bad bad was overruled by the part of Dipper that had grown up on Pokemon.
These kids, these beautiful dumb kids, were using him and Milchiresa to fight like they were Pokemon, and the cults the trainers.
What a terrible idea! 
what a ͍̱̼̟̯͔̻c͏o̠̩̰̖̫͉̫o͟ļ͔̱̩̩ ̪i̼͓d̫͉e̪̮a̴̙!̼̟ ̺̟̻͍̖͔)
Dipper’s family never thought much about California. 
Perhaps they should have.
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alcorian-cycle · 3 years
Oh! Idk if anyone is interested buuuuut I’ve been working on a Dream SMP x TAU AU with a friend :]
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If you don't know, TAU or Transcendence AU is an AU of Gravity Falls. In TAU, Dipper Pines defeats and kills Bill Cipher but pays the ultimate price in his humanity. He absorbs the released energy from Bill’s death and becomes his demonic "successor", eventually known as Alcor the Dreambender. (Alcor is a star in the big dipper constellation.) Dipper struggles with maintaining his humanity when he now needs deals and sacrifices to thrive, grapples with his morals, and overall has a Not Nice Time. The other AU-defining thing that happens is that Bill's death causes shockwaves of magical energy that "pop" the weirdness bubble around Gravity Falls, causing magic and the supernatural to spread across the entire world. Now gnomes are a common pest and your coworker could be a werewolf. Hooray! This event is known as the Trancendence.
We basically decided to take a normal Dream SMP x Gravity Falls AU and replicate the events of TAU. Tommy kills Dream, the demon that’s been terrorizing their town, but sacrifices his humanity and inherits Dream’s powers. As a demon he eventually comes to be known as Theseus. Just like how Dipper instinctually adopts Bill’s gold/triangle theme in TAU, Tommy is forced to adopt a mask much like Dream’s in order to feel comfortable or “whole.” Without something covering his face he becomes anxious and irritable. He only takes it off around his “family” (Tubbo, Ranboo, Michael later on...). But just like how Dipper changed his triangles to stars through force of will, Tommy manages to keep his cloak red instead of green like Dream’s, and basically rebels against Dream’s power in small ways.
I’ve been sketching ideas for Tommy/Theseus’ appearance a few years post-Transcendence. I wanted his mask to be different, and contain references to his friends. I think having a drawing from Ranboo & a band-aid from Tubbo on his mask at all times would help Tommy keep his humanity when things are rough, and remember why he’s fighting against Dream’s influence and his own demonic instincts. 
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Oh, and it turns into a vantablack hole when he’s having a really bad time. If you summon Theseus and he looks like this... run, because you have about five seconds to live if you don’t.
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Oh, and note about the first drawing up there at the top! Tommy’s green fire was inherited from Dream & he can’t change it, just like how Dipper can’t change his blue fire. This fire is how he seals deals, and is a physical manifestation of his powers as a dream demon.
Anyways, a few more sketches I’ve done--
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I also designed him and Dream’s summoning circles! 
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The symbols represent: Tubbo, Ranboo, Wilbur, Eret, Sam, Tommy himself (pre-transcendence, like how there’s still a pine tree on Dipper/Alcor’s circle), Dream, and Technoblade.
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In Dream's circle are: George, Sapnap, Tubbo, Ranboo, Tommy, Wilbur, Technoblade, and Sam.
I have a loooot of thoughts on this AU, so feel free to ask stuff like:
What are Tommy’s powers? How does he deal with them?
What are George and Sapnap’s roles in this AU? (Hint: its really fuckin cool)
What about Ranboo as the Woodsman? (Yes! It happens! It’s epic!)
What do demonologists think of Theseus? (and Elis and Helios ;))
Or even, 
What the fuck is TAU again? 
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transcendence-au · 2 years
Has Dipper, Mabel, Henry or any of the pines family been to Night vale? Or does it not exist here? Because I think that place would give dipper a headache.
We typically avoid any major kind of crossovers on the main blog so we can't really comment on this other than to say that Night Vale the place doesn't exist in the nebulous TAU canon. That being said, feel free to imagine, make, and share for yourself :D
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etheralisi · 4 years
ρυмρкιη ριε αη∂ αℓℓ тнιηgs ηιcε
Uses references to this fic:<br /> https://archiveofourown.org/works/5832037
And more or less based on this prompt:<br /> http://transcendence-au.tumblr.com/post/160337841310/fluffbird-writing-prompt-s-an-old-and-homely#notes
Alternatively titled ‘Why Gloria Jenkins Should Not Be Allowed Near Candles’, this was the first tau fic I managed to complete back in 2018. It’s undergone a few changes, because ehhh, but I’ll release it into the wild as a short something. It’s doing nothing here, lying around and collecting dust.
𝙰 𝚌𝚊𝚗𝚍𝚕𝚎 𝚕𝚘𝚜𝚎𝚜 𝚗𝚘𝚝𝚑𝚒𝚗𝚐  
𝙱𝚢 𝚕𝚒𝚐𝚑𝚝𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚊𝚗𝚘𝚝𝚑𝚎𝚛 𝚌𝚊𝚗𝚍𝚕𝚎   
 ~ 𝙹𝚊𝚖𝚎𝚜 𝙺𝚎𝚕𝚕𝚎𝚛
 Gloria smiled to herself as she sunk into her chair, her heart as toasty as an open fire, and insides tingling with the lingering feeling of contentment. Sure, the darn thing was falling apart, ragged at the edges and probably worth no more than a penny or two in a garage sale. Stuffing was oozing out that very moment. But it was home , and everything she had left of a life lived, with children running and screaming within these walls. Growing up. Living. Thriving. Leaving the coup to fly free.
 But her? The mother hen? She stayed home.
 After such a busy day of rooting around her loft for family photo albums, she honestly felt this time to rest her aching bones was well and truly earned, and no, she won’t take any constructive criticism on the matter thank you very much. What was, however, unfortunate to admit aloud and something she’d never in a million years concede to in front of her family was that her bones weren’t as energetic as they had been once upon a time… much alike her dwindling eyesight. Hazy blobs, it all was. Pretty ones, but hazy nonetheless. Her world became an abstract painting the very second her glasses left her face.
 The elderly woman groaned, realisation dawning like a sledgehammer to the head, full on smack. She knew something had been missing. Her glasses! The darn things! How could she have possibly forgotten such an important item as those? 
 Using as much force as she could, Gloria found it in her to haul herself out of the comfort of her chair, even with her body’s initial protest. She stumbled about the house a bit, the grace of a drunkard or woman in need of glasses, searching for the location of wherever she had last left her glasses case. It had been, what? Two moments ago when she saw them? She’d put down the glasses into the case, taken her seat, and fallen into quiet bliss in her chair. Had it been knocked off and fallen under something? 
 Luck was on her side since her vision wasn’t as bad as it could have been in a few years time, deteriorating as the months wander by, so she managed to make out the basic shapes and colours of her surroundings just fine. No walking into walls for this woman!
 Ah. Wait. No. Luck was very much not on her side at all, the case still having failed to show, and Gloria had to result to “making a strategic retreat” as she put it, deeming it inefficient to keep looking for something which would just turn up sooner or later when she wasn’t really looking for it. Thus is the way of life. Shrugging, she made her way back to her sad but lovable excuse for a couch seat, only stopping when she noticed the basket by the front door that she had placed there little under an hour earlier. Her niece, Juliana, had asked if Gloria had any family photos left in her house that she could share with her immediate family, and she had risen to the challenge by diving into her vast loft. And yes, she meant vast . There’s got to be at least two or three sigils on the walls at least to enlarge the interior to twice that of the outside. It was all new technology at the time she bought this house. All the rage.
 So. The whole place was a disaster zone. Where all those missing trinkets turn up. Lost some socks? Probably go there, somehow. Good luck finding it in the coming year.
 Getting to that album sure took some sweet sweet time. Which is why, on her long perilous journey, family photo albums weren't the only things she had found in her search, the numerous other knick knacks of various interest lying within the basket being an obvious example of this. There had been plenty of things she’d forgotten about, stashed away within the depths of the loft, never to be seen until they resurfaced that very day. Her gaze drifted to the fuzzy, orange sticks lying atop the basket that vaguely looked like fat carrots, if a little waxy if you so chose to chew them. But don’t be fooled by her eyesight, for they weren’t as they seemed.
 She was pretty sure those were the candles she’d found hiding in a box labelled “ dangerous ”. Gloria had no idea why they had been labelled as such (maybe a potential fire hazard? Children’s grabby hands and whatnot) and could honestly never remember buying any candles from the Pine River Candle Company in her life. Yet, she knew good quality candles when she saw them, so she had taken them out of their box and added them to her basket to be brought down and used whenever she wanted to make her home smell like fresh pumpkin pie.
 Hmm… fresh pumpkin pie, huh? It got her in the mood for a spot of baking. Reminded her of all those years back, the big grin her grandson had always given her whenever a plate stacked with her baked treats was laid out before him.
 Alas the boy never really seemed to come visit his ol’ granny anymore, always giving excuses (and oh how he had the audacity to deny them being so — she knew an excuse when she heard one, could sniff one out from a mile away, blindfolded), and barely ever sent her up a Christmas card! 
 Well, it was his loss. He didn’t want to eat her baking anymore, then fine! She knew others, like the postman, for one, who’d take kindly to being fed.
 With that thought in mind, Gloria picked up all six of the candles and made a return back into the living room. She began placing them all around the perimeter of the room, lighting them one by one as she went.
 Her chair made protests of its own as she plonked herself back, age being something they both shared in common. Sadly. But she was no feeble woman, and outright refused to fall apart. Nope, not today. Life was good. Great even. 
 Caught in the moment, she sniffed the now heavily sweet scented air, an aroma that spelled everything she loved more than words could describe. It frolicked, dispersing itself throughout the air, tickling her nose as if it were a feather.
  Ah, perfect.
 Her eyelids began to shut as exhaustion took ahold of her, which is why it can be excused how she completely missed the way the candles in the room flickered, one by one being replaced with a much more menacing azure flame. Nor did she bear witness to the figure who popped into her living room in a plume of smoke.
 What she did not miss, however, was the way said figure grumbled under his breath at the use of scented candles. Just, come on! She may have been old and her sight may have been lacking, but she wasn’t deaf! 
 Gloria wearily cracked open her left eyelid, before blinking twice to snap herself out of her stupor. The peculiarity of a strange man being in her house was something to pay attention to. And complaining about her candles no less?
 That brown blob of hair, that voice… could it be? 
 “Arthur, is that you?” Speak of the devil, had her grandson finally decided to get up off his backside and visit his old lady?
 Somehow, though she didn’t know how, the room seemed to become ever more quiet as if trapped within a bubble of silence where not even time dared to flow.
 “Uhm…” ‘Arthur’ choked out at last, “ Excuse me? ”
 “Aha!” Gloria’s mouth twisted up with glee as she let out a small, victorious laugh which somehow morphed into a gleeful cackle when on the verge of petering out, “I knew it! You couldn’t stay away from my baking forever!”
 “Your- nevermind .” He took a deep breath just before he continued, his words strained. “Look, Gloria, I’m not Arthur. I’m Alcor and I-.”
 “Alcor huh?” She hummed in thought, not noticing how ‘Arthur’ harrumphed at her interruption. “Sounds pretty dumb. Why’d you change it?”
 “And...” Gloria squinted, continuing. “What’s with the wardrobe change? Have you gone gothic, Arthur? That’s a lot of black you’re wearing.”
 ‘Arthur’ didn’t take too kindly to her plethora of questions, already shuffling backwards from her chair. “... Look, this seems like it was some mistake. I’m just going to go..”
 With a speed so fast that she might have even broken the sound barrier, Gloria was out of her chair and had her hand firmly grasped around his arm, “You’re not going anywhere young man! Don’t you dare stop by for two minutes and then leave! You’re coming with me to the kitchen and we’re going to do some baking together just like we used to.”
 She noticed him start to speak, though she cut him off before he could even so much as squeak a word out.
 “Now off you trot, to the kitchen!” She released her hand from his arm and began pushing him through to said destination. “This rocky road cake isn’t going to bake itself.”
 ‘Arthur’ seemed to perk up at the mention of ‘rocky road’ and Gloria couldn't help but snicker at his sweet tooth. Some things never seemed to change.
 “Ro͜cky̶ ͟ro͘àd͏?” He asked with an odd layer of reverb, getting Gloria to begin questioning if hearing was going a little off after all. 
 “Yes.” She sighed, already shovelling him into the kitchen and dismissing the reverb. “Now make yourself useful and turn on the oven.”
  Alcor’s gold on black eyes numbly trailed after the woman’s figure as she left, leaving him alone in some random kitchen and wondering what the actual heck just happened?
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feferipeixes · 5 years
Mizar doesn't exist in heavy Quarantine. Mabel prefers not to get involved, aside from helping children Dipper will bring back. She never makes a name for herself, at least not one associated with Alcor, and the Woodsman wouldn't exist either. Twin Souls wouldn't exist, and many thing like RRR or SYWTBAD would never happen. Dipper is almost always in a 12 year old form, and his alias, Alcor, was something he had come up with while held in the basement, as a way of giving up.
Goshhhhh I could so easily see this being the case? Especially if you don’t consider Dipper to ever really make a recovery (like in this post’s version of events). If he’s forever trapped in that “more demon than human” state, if his mind is too broken to make a full recovery, then absolutely.
Mizar doesn’t exist because going with Dipper to enact vigilante justice isn’t really an option. Dipper is too rogue to be good at that kind of thing, and to be honest, in this version, there’s a part of Mabel that screams at her that she can’t trust Dipper not to let her get hurt. It’s not like in main TAU where the two of them knew from the start that they wanted to use Dipper’s newfound magical powers to go around helping people. Here, Mabel gets reunited with a crazed brother who seems to care more about hurting bad guys than helping innocent people, and that makes her very uncomfortable. She’ll help the children he brings back, but to be actually involved with the action is quite a different matter.
And yeah, the non-existence of Mizar has quite a ripple effect on the rest of Dipper’s future. Twin Souls wouldn’t exist because why would it – Alcor’s never been seen with a mysterious female companion. He doesn’t even have the playfulness he exhibits a lot at summons in main TAU, when he decides to mess with people by showing up at summons playing a sousaphone or carrying children. There’s much less of a reason for anyone to see anything good in him at all when all he is known for is murderdeath (although as we know from the real world, that doesn’t really stop people from loving those kinds of people…). RRR wouldn’t happen because, even if he ends up owning Mabel’s soul, he wouldn’t necessarily care too much about growing up with it again. Even if he did, I doubt it would go very well. He could end up stuck in a very childlike state even in his facsimile human body. (Orrrr it could even be bigger angst if you look at it from a nature vs nuture viewpoint and say that Dipper Sterling is pretty human, and that once he breaks apart and becomes Alcor again all of that is lost and his family is heartbroken).
There are so many other Mizar arcs too that just wouldn’t happen. He’d have a lot of other ways to entertain himself over the years, especially if he’s more comfortable with letting his demonic nature loose than he is in main TAU. And SYWTBAD wouldn’t happen because he’s just not whimsical in this timeline. He doesn’t think “oh it’d be fun to make a bunch of friends and graduate from school.” He wouldn’t already be friends with Lucy Ann, so no one would’ve been there to dare him to do it anyway. And yeah, the Woodsman wouldn’t exist. Why would he? Willow didn’t survive being born, so there was no one who needed saving in Caney Patch that day. T_T
And finally yesssssss “almost always in his 12 year old form” is suuuuper angsty and I think entirely appropriate, because it represents how he doesn’t feel like an adult. That’s a rather human concept, anyway, adulthood and maturity, and there’s not too much humanity left in him. He’s got the odd flight of empathy for children and Mabel, but he doesn’t truly feel it. If he ever takes on an adult form, it’d be only because he thinks it’ll help him con a summoner better. Naming himself Alcor while his mind is dissolving is also BIG ANGST. It comes at the point at which he knows he’s never getting out of there, when he knows Ford won’t trust him or believe him and even worse when he’s cognizant enough to realize that something’s happening to his mind, it’s deteriorating and he doesn’t know why and he’s scared. He thinks he’s dying, and in a way, he’s right.
All that being said, my hc is that Dipper is able to recover in heavy Quarantine. It’s a long and difficult road, but Mabel and Henry and Stan (especially Mabel) are able to regain his trust. They’re able to show him that it’s safe to be a person, that he’s still Dipper underneath it all, and moreover that he can regain all the love and humanity he lost. And in this version of events, I think things turn out very differently.
Mizar and cultbashing look very different here than in main TAU, but I still think they’d happen after a while. There’s just so much injustice in the world and so many cultists trying to do bad things. I hc that Mabel still gets into boxing and working out in this timeline even before she finds Dipper, so it wouldn’t be like she’s entirely unprepared to go cultbashing with him. He definitely wouldn’t want to do it at first but as he gains more access to his empathy again I think it’d be hard for him not to. There’d be a lot of close calls, and sometimes they’d face something that would set Dipper back a lot (a mean cultist with a binding circle that feels just a bit too tight around his neck) and it’d be another long night with him in his 12 year old form rocking back and forth and Mabel comforting him but not hugging him because when he gets like that he can’t stand to feel constricted.
Speaking of his 12 year old form, I really love the idea that he looks like a 12 year old when Mabel finds him. He’s had no template (Mabel) to age himself up with, and moreover he’s had no reason to change how he looks. He’s just trying to get himself out of this prison he’s been trapped in and as time goes on he cares less and less about his appearance. I hc that his demonic puberty coincidentally happens at the same time as his mind starting to deteriorate, and that Ford takes this as a sign that he was right and that this demon’s masquerade is falling. The awesome @diddlydarndoodles drew newly freed heavy Quarantine Dipper as having blackened hands/claws and his forearms having brickwork markings on them, like he’s a little bit into his void form, and I love this. He’s still Dipper, he’s still recognizably Dipper, but he’s so injured that he’s even starting to forget how to maintain his appearance. And it’s so horrifyingly angsty for Mabel to find him this way when she does. How he looks is a representation of his state of mind and it just goes to show both how small he feels and how injured his mind is. So to me, him starting to take on a more adult look as he makes strides in his recovery is massive. It represents him actually being able to feel like an adult, which, for someone as traumatized as him, speaks volumes and I love it so much.
Twin Souls would be different, considering how Alcor, in many early appearances, looks like a child whereas Mizar looks like an adult. I hope and pray that it would be less of a popular thing, if it exists at all, than in main TAU. The Woodsman might exist, because Willow survives in this version, but Dipper isn’t as involved in the triplets’ early lives (because he’s still recovering, still easily overwhelmed, and until he’s recovered enough to go out and about I’d say any time he spends with the triplets is supervised so that both he and them are safe), and because of this, there might be fewer pro-nats trying to take out the Pines family. Thus, the Caney Patch Massacre might not even happen. If it does, the Woodsman might happen (and I’m sure that would be a Huge setback for Dipper because now he’s scared of what he’s done to Henry), or it might not and everyone would just get a taste of how truly frightening and vicious this poor traumatized demon Dipper can be when his family is threatened.
SYWTBAD could still happen, especially because after he recovers, Dipper is pretty sad about all the stuff he wanted to do as a human and not only never got to do, but never even got to watch Mabel do. Lucy Ann might still dare him to go to college as a demonologist, and he might still do it and just be a lot meeker. He could still make friends, but gosh I think the whole scene with him and Elisabeth and Thomas getting kidnapped would go a lot worse. And finally, RRR? That would totally happen and I think it would be beautiful. He’d again be a much meeker child, but he’d finally get to have an upbringing where he feels safe and loved. I want all the happy endings for this sweet, hurt child.
Anyway! Hope you enjoy this HECK TON of HC’s for two different versions of the heavy variant. If you can’t tell, I love Quarantine AU a lot. ✨
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