cookies-and-coffee · 16 days
telepathic interrogation (1)
cw: telepathic/telekinetic whumper, sadistic whumper, team leader/defiant whumpee, team forced to watch, psychological torture, interrogation, mentions of broken bones
a/n: this was a prompt that kept me up at night, just because i found it so interesting. the telepathic/telekinetic whump was inspired by a scene at the very end of the book Empire of Storms, part of the Throne of Glass series. TOG as a whole as some really good whump, highly recommend!!
Whumper's power curled around Whumpee's very bones, keeping them still as death. Any shake or tremble from Whumpee, and their spine would shatter from the tension.
A lick of power slicked and snaked up Whumpee's back, wrapping around their throat in a noose. Whumpee gasped shallow breaths, the noose tightening.
Whumper strode in front of Whumpee, smiling wickedly at the team leader on their knees. Whumpee barely noticed their team watching in horror, unable to turn their head from the power threatening to snap bone.
"This is going to hurt," Whumper said with delight, and ripped into Whumpee's mind.
Whumpee tried to steel themselves against Whumper's mind invading theirs, but they still weren't able to wholly prepare when their consciousness became violated in the most intimate sense.
Whumper carved into Whumpee's consciousness, their presence like a serrated knife against Whumpee's thoughts, memories, emotions. Whumpee would scream if they had any breath.
I don't have to do this, you know, Whumper said soothingly, but the sound didn't come from their mouth. Instead, it echoed inside Whumpee's mind, the words reverberating against the walls of their head. Where is Caretaker?
Whumpee shut their eyes, trying to find peace in the darkness, but Whumper just laughed into Whumpee's mind. The sound was deafening, like hearing gunshots from the inside out.
Whumper spoke casually in Whumpee's head, like they weren't tearing a psyche to shreds.
I'm going to get what I want, one way or another.
It's up to you to decide how will be left of your mind when I'm finished.
How much will be left of you when I eventually bring in Caretaker?
They should be proud of how thoroughly broken you will be, knowing you protected them...
fruitlessly, of course.
Whumpee sobbed aloud, the sound secondary to the roaring in their ears from Whumper's violent will. Still, they retreated further into their mind, running from the ripping, scraping, clawing-
They didn't notice Whumper gritting their teeth in frustration, tearing deeper into Whumpee's head.
They cried out in pain when Whumper laid a hand on their forehead. The touch itself was gentle, but the skin seemed to be blistering, like Whumper was trying to burn through the flesh and sinew and bone and brain.
The team couldn't look away, their gaze transfixed on the horrible pain written on their team leader's face, the fists clenched at their sides, the sweat soaking through their shirt.
Whumper was the picture of amusement, save for that glimpse of impatience at Whumpee's determination.
"Does your team know how frightened you are?" Whumper cooed, their thumb and middle finger digging into Whumpee's temples. "That burden you carry... it weighs down every step, wears you to the bone... such delicious fear."
Whumpee whimpered, tears flowing freely, unending.
Whumper reached a wall in Whumpee's mind. "Ah, there it is."
"No," Whumpee croaked, squeezing their eyes shut. That tension rippling along their bones tightened, forcing a shriek of pain from their throat.
Oh, Whumpee, you're so cute to think I'm not going to get what I want from you.
Give Caretaker up, now.
I'm not going to give you another chance.
"No!" Whumpee screamed, their tear-filled eyes snapping open. Whumper lurched back, pulling their hand from Whumpee's forehead.
The pressure in Whumpee's head lessened, but the force trapping their body remained.
Whumper was quiet for a moment, rage crossing their face.
Then the rage dissipated, became something else...
Whumper laughed, the sound horrible and dreading. "Oh, this is going to be so much fun."
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runahades · 6 months
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36 year old Kim Rok Soo in my style✨
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whumperofworlds · 1 year
We all like Whumpees who are sick/overworked, now get ready for:
Whumpees who KNEW they were sick/overworked and tried to tell their Team Leader, but Leader brushed it off and told them to go back to work.
Perhaps the team was short staffed, and Team Leader needed Whumpee badly. Or maybe the team had an important mission, and they need all the manpower for it, therefore Whumpee couldn't afford to take even one day off for rest.
It wasn't until Whumpee collapsed in the middle of a mission due to being pushed too far. And they needed to be rushed to the infirmary/sick bay.
Cue guilt from Team Leader. If they at least gave Whumpee a day off instead of pushing them that hard...
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bucketbender · 23 days
Rewatching the 5th season, there’s even more I wonder about Zarck.
Like, why was he here at all ? Every other team we saw only had four members. He said he was here to keep balance, which leads me to believe that the Shlorpian government knew that Terry and Korvo (and their replicants) were not fitted for the task, unlike all the other ships.
From what we’ve seen of Shlorp, which isn’t much at all, Terry and Korvo did not fit in their home planet from the beginning. For Terry, obviously we saw him unbutton his robe, come late in class, really just caring about having a good time, not being conform, etc. For Korvo, he was most definitely a work alcoholic in a way that wasn’t really suitable for Shlorp. Speculating here, as we didn’t literally see it in the show, but I think Korvo’s colleagues worked hard and well while also taking breaks, whereas Korvo probably worked all the time (breaks would mean talking with colleagues, and lord knows he sucks at socializing)
As for Jesse and Yumyulack, they were liabilities from the start. Needing someone else to grow properly. Seeing as one of the shlorpians didn’t understand why it was happening, something like this happening was a first - for this specific version of Shlorp anyway.
Which makes me think that the "Elders" put them all together, all of the worst shlorpians, and added their most competent and diligent general/commander to make sure they get the job done. Someone that would remind them every second of every day that they are shlorpians and have a mission. That they’re not here to explore a new planet and discover themselves and each other, but to follow their sole and unique purpose and expand their species.
Still, I don’t think we’ve seen how deep the Shlorpian rabbit hole goes quite yet. You know this episode of Rick and Morty which revealed that a lot of Morties were manufactured ? I feel like something equally horrible will be revealed in the next seasons. And Korvo and Terry miraculously escaped this whole "shlorpian conformism" protocol.
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wwemcumuscleslover · 2 months
Wallace Boden From Chicago Fire &
Hank Voight From Chicago Pd..
Two Fearless leader and Certified DADDIES...
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whump-or-whatever · 1 year
Just imagining Team Leader whumpee who has had a particularly bad day and Team knows it, so some of the Team Members go over to their place to check in on them. They knock and there’s no answer so they try the door and it’s open. They walk in and find Team Leader just blasting music and getting cross-faded, absolutely out of it. And that’s when Team realizes just how much of an effect things have on Team Leader.
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Forced to watch with Team Leader
Idk there's something so good about a team watching their beloved, kind, smart, strong Leader suddenly falling to pieces in front of them.
It's not like they don't have more than a few scars of their own. But they've never known torture like this.
Tearfullt trying to reassure their team that they're fine, they're okay, honest-
Until they're very much not.
Blood dripping down their skin, limbs battered and bruised, broken bones, black eyes-
Worst of all, was the screams.
They tried to keep it in, they really really did. They didn't want to worry and scare their beloved team any more than they knew they already would be-
But it hurt so much.
It hurt so, so much.
And it's only the beginning.
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aceofwhump · 1 year
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9-1-1 6x18 "Pay It Forward"
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roblingoblin285 · 1 year
"Maybe you should stay back this time."
Leader glared Right Hand. No, that wasn't happening. The mission required them, no matter how tired and in pain they were. Even if it didn't, Leader had operated in worse conditions. This was nothing. They didn't answer, turned back to explain the plan.
"I'm serious, Leader. Medic will have our head if you open your stitches again."
"If it happens, I'm going to tell Medic myself. Now, please follow the plan. I don't think there's room to improvise if we fail this."
"Who's telling me what?" Medic barged into the room, eyes darting for a target. "Leader? You shouldn't be here."
"And where should I be? Certainly not slacking when my team is going to raid a place."
"No 'but's I'm coming, and you need me in the mission."
"As your chief medic I deem you nit suitable for this mission."
"You can only overrule me if I'm being irrational or unresponsive."
"Running to death is irrational!" Right Hand cut in the argument.
"Sending my team to an unknown territory without a commanding presence is irrational. If you excuse me, I will join Youngest for the breakfast." Leader left without waiting the answer.
"You drugged thir tea?" Right Hand asked.
"Youngest drugged their tea."
Like this?~💜
the vibes...everything is so perfect...your team whump is truly unrivaled my friend
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painful-pooch · 1 year
Team Leader Betrayed
I'll tag @redd956, @cpt-winters since I know they love this kind of stuff haha
Betrayal... even perceived betrayal from Team Leader's point of view
The Team holding down Team Leader so they can't hurt anyone, trying to sedate them against their will and to calm them down.
Team Leader screaming, "How could you do this to me?!" Looking right at their Second in Command with frustration and tears running down their eyes. All before the sedation takes over, and all they can remember is that stab behind their back.
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whumpshots · 1 year
Whump ABC #15 - "Oh ... oh god"
Based on the results of this poll.
Caretaker feels their heart race against their chest the closer they get to the building. There is a ninety percent chance whumpee is here. A fifty percent chance that they are alive ...
As team leader gives the sign to move in, caretaker takes a deep breath and concentrates on the data they have analysed to make their way to where whumpee supposedly is as fast as possible.
They find the room faster than anticipated. It is a dark cell, it's cold and wet in here. Caretaker hears a raspy breath and lights their torch. The figure in the corner is dirty.
Dried and fresh blood cover the shivering body, the small patches of visible skin are either bruised or hauntingly white. Locks of dirty hair cover part of whumpee's face as they look up.
They are broken. A shell of the former person that now tries to hide in the darkness, scared of caretaker, who tries to keep their heartbeat still. Whumpee shrinks away, when team leader enters the cell.
"Oh ... oh god."
The small sound that escapes whumpee, scared like a wounded animal, sends shivers down caretaker's spine. Team leader's words of shock can't even express how caretaker feels.
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chaotic-orphan · 1 year
June of doom, day 2:
“Get in”: survivor’s guilt // sobbing // salve
Is it really survivors guilt? Maybe. If you squint.
CW: captivity, forced captivity, trading places, rope as restraints, defenceless, self-sacrifice, implied murder, noose (explicit), choking
Idk how to tag I’m sorry…
Leader’s team stood behind them. Leader a little in front, all their weapons stripped from them. Their combat gear gone too. They just wore a plain white long sleeve shirt and a tracksuit as they faced Villain. They felt naked. Too exposed.
“You’ve taken me up on my offer then, Leader?”
“Me for my team, and Youngest.”
Youngest was beside Villain, trembling with their hands behind their back and trying not to show it. Leader’s eyes stayed on Villain because if they saw Youngest they’d probably lose it. If they focused too much on the visible bruises they’d flip their lid and then this whole hostage negotiation would have been for nothing.
“Of course. You first.”
“No, Youngest first.”
Villain tilted their head with a smile, “I’m afraid that’s not going to happen. Come to the middle and I’ll release Youngest.”
Leader scowled, but they obeyed and stopped halfway towards Villain. Villain’s smile only grew as they approached Leader with Youngest in front of them. When they got halfway, Villain flicked open a knife and Leader’s heart jolted but they didn’t react. That was what Villain wanted. A reaction.
Villain just smiled and cut the ropes holding Youngest’s arms behind their back and pushed them forward, saying: “go on now. It was a pleasure meeting you. Run back to your team.”
“Leader?” Youngest asked, unsure. Leader nodded.
“Go on. I’ll be fine.”
Youngest looked between Leader and Villain, then back to Leader, their eyes welling with unshed tears. “I’m so sorry.”
“It’s okay, Youngest. Go.”
Villain pulled out two cords of rope and smiled at Leader, saying: “hands please.”
Leader offered them without any fight. Villain’s smile got bigger, as they tied the ropes so tight it nearly cut of Leader’s blood circulation. Leader tested the rope to see if it would give in any direction, but it didn’t budge even a little.
Villain winked when Leader raised their eyes to them, “Not my first time,” they said. Leader’s eyes went to the second cord of rope as Villain began tying it in their hand.
“You are so noble, Leader. Sacrificing yourself to save the one’s you love. I just don’t trust you as much as I did Youngest, poor pet, they were barely able to stay standing with how bad their legs were shaking. You on the other hand,” Villain said, intelligent eyes searching Hero’s face. “Well. I can’t trust you as far as I can throw you, so precautions are necessary. Think of it as an accessory.”
Then Villain threw the tied loop of rope over Leader’s head, down to their throat and grinned as they say the quickly extinguished spark of fear that crossed Leader’s eyes. Villain yanked them closer by the rope on their neck and Leader stumbled forward.
“Beautiful,” Villain whispered as they tightened the rope on Leader’s neck like a tie until Leader felt the rope enclose their neck, fitting snug. Then Villain tightened it more and Leader let out a soft cough. The rope was digging into Leader’s throat as they swallowed, and felt every bob of their muscle in the action. Villain wrapped the other side of the rope around their hand and turned back the way they came, tugging Leader along with them.
Like a dog.
Leader’s face burned with humiliation running hot through their veins. Their team was still there. Watching. Seeing them like this.
“Your team won’t be stupid enough to follow us, will they Leader?”
Leader looked back over their shoulder, gaze softening as they saw the anger and sorrow in each of their team’s faces. Youngest was sobbing into Medic’s shoulder and Leader wanted nothing more than to be there.
The rope tightened and Leader jerked forward, choking out a breath almost hitting the floor with their knees. Villain smiled innocently back at them. “No. They won’t follow,” said Leader.
“Good,” said Villain and tugged on the rope again for good measure. Leader grit their teeth, following behind Villain to their car at the back of the warehouse. The windows were tinted black, and Villain opened the door for Leader motioning them with their hand.
“Get in.”
Leader hesitated, and Villain tugged harder on the rope. Leader swallowed hard, raising their hands trying to alleviate some of the pressure but Villain tugged the rope harder.
“Ah, ah, ah,” said Villain, as Leader fell forward into them, barely catching themselves.
“Fuck, Villain!” Leader all but growled as Villain grabbed the knot on their leash and threatened to push it tighter. Leader stared at them, a flicker of helplessness flashing through their eyes.
Villain practically drank it in. Their eyes going dark as they said, “you need to learn who’s in control now, Leader. You agreed to give yourself in return for your precious team, yes?”
Leader looked away, but Villain’s cool hand on their jaw turned their eyes back to the sadist. “Yes?”
Leader swallowed, muttering a quiet “yes.”
Villain grinned. “Good. Now, get in the car, Leader.”
This time Leader obeyed. Villain joined after and shut the door. The car took off and Leader looked out the back window to the warehouse. The car rolled to a stop too soon for them to have gone anywhere far, and Villain stepped out dragging Leader along by the neck.
“Villain, what’re we—?”
Villain just tugged Leader’s leash harder, and Leader growled their frustrations, trying to keep up with Villain. They were on a bridge, that connected the docks to the city. Leader saw the warehouse in the distance and their frown deepened.
Villain just smiled. “Let’s just enjoy the view, Leader.”
“I swear to god if you’ve done anything, deal’s off,” Leader growled. Villain yanked Leader closer, tightening the noose on Leader’s neck and Leader gasped pushing at Villain’s hands but Villain simply turned them. Leader felt the railing of the bridge dig into their back as Villain pressed into them.
Their hand moved off the rope and grabbed Leader’s throat instead. Villain grinned down, eyes full of malice and grin wicked as they held Leader’s tied wrists down at their waist. Useless.
“Deal’s off? Look at you, trying to prove who’s in charge. Again. Even after I warned you…” Villain tsked, letting Leader breathe again. Leader gasped, sucking in a breath and coughing out the excess. “But fine. You’re in charge, Leader. Deal’s off, is it?”
“Villain—“ Leader tried but Villain just grabbed a fistful of Leader’s hair and pulled them back. Leader grit their teeth, as Villain yanked them forward, turning them to face the warehouse again, trapping their arms between their body and the railing.
“No, no. Leader. I insist,” Villain hissed. Leader fought back against Villain but Villain just kept them facing forward. “Deal’s off. Your team no longer needs protection.”
Leader jerked back as the first explosion went off. By the third Leader’s legs locked like stone and felt as feeble as sand. Their mouth opening and closing wordless, silent, horrified.
“This is what happens when you don’t listen to me, Leader. Let it be your first lesson in my care.”
Villain let go of Leader’s hair and Leader nearly dropped to the ground. “They got out,” Leader whispered, their voice shaking.
“Did they?” Villain asked, then they were dragging Leader away from the bridge and back into the car.
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След пет години в един клас в гимназията
което ми се подиграваше, ме обиждаше, говореше зад гърба ми, пускаше грозни слухове и унижаваше тези, които са смело себе си ..
Днес дойде да ме моли за работа. 🙂
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whumperofworlds · 11 months
A new recruit joins the team, and has been abusing Whumpee. They beat them, hurt them emotionally, etc, and Whumpee kept quiet. Were they worried that the team wouldn't believe their story? Were they threatened into silence?
Leader, however, seemed to have noticed how withdrawn Whumpee is. They even noticed bruises and injuries that were on Whumpee's skin, and they asked them if they were alright. Whumpee brushed them off, saying that they were clumsy, before walking away.
Then, the new recruit took it too far, seriously hurting Whumpee, and when Leader heard their screams, they saw, to their horror, the new recruit, standing over a bleeding Whumpee, taunting them.
Cue a protective and pissed Leader.
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whump-about-it · 1 year
CW: scars, past abuse, mentions of torture, abuse of power.
“You know you can ask about them.”
The new team member jumped and looked around the room to confirm Team Leader was talking to them before looking back to their superior.
“My scars. You keep starring at them. I would much rather you just ask.”
“I- I” Newbie stuttered, trying to come up with some excuse. They had often wondered about the marred and twisted skin on Team Leader’s hands and up their arms. But they hadn’t thought they were starring. That being said they realized they had been looking at Team Leaders arms when they had commented on it. “I’m sorry” they finally finished.
Team Leader sighed and put down their paperwork. As Newbie watched they began to roll up their sleeves more than they already had been. Past their elbows and towards their biceps until they couldn’t go any further. The map of raised and discolored skin blanketed over the whole area, extending even further under Team Leader’s clothing without any indication of tapering off. They looked painful and old, and Team Leader held their arms out purposefully so that Newbie could see all of it.
“It’s okay” Team Leader told them pragmatically “I’m used to people looking, but I’m going to need you to focus on something else eventually.”
Team Leader turned their arms so Newbie could get a better view of how the lines or mutilated skin faded into the back of their hands.
“They go most of the way down my back, and part of my stomach too.” Team Leader said “you don’t need to see that though”
“What happened?” Newbie asked. Now that they had actually permission to look they couldn’t take their eyes off of them. Studying the different shades of discolored skin and random pattern of the angry lines.
“I was about your age” Team Leader said “also new, and really stupid. I got myself captured by Old Whumper. You probably haven’t heard of them, we dealt with them years ago. Anyway, they tried to use me to get to the rest of the team. They tortured me and would send recordings of it Former Team Leader.” Team Leader had been very matter of fact about the whole story up until this point, but their face suddenly darkened.
“It took Former Team Leader weeks before they gave in and came to get me. To be fair it was a pretty obvious trap.” With that Team Leader began to roll their sleeves back down.
“They look painful” Newbie said to which Team Leader only shrugged.
“They where when they were healing. Actually the bigger problem now is that I don't have much feeling there”
Team Leader rolled their sleeves all the way down to their wrists now. And they and Newbie both remained silent as they buttoned them up.
“I used to hate looking at them. I would shower in the dark, cover mirrors. I even used to where gloves for awhile. The whole nine yards."
Newbie startled. Team Leader didn't seem self conscious about their scars at all. In the little time Newbie had been with the team, Team Leader had never seemed to be trying to cover up their scars. They mostly wore long sleeved shirts, but most of the team did. Headquarters was a cold building. And they usually rolled up their sleeves. In fact, this was the first time Newbie had seen them acknowledge the scars at all.
"What changed?"
To Newbie's surprise, Team Leader smiled.
"I became the team leader." They told them fondly. "I always showed respect to Former Team Leader when they were in charge, but I never forgave them for throwing me aside the way they did. When I was put in charge, I promised myself I would never let anyone under me go through that. My scars became a reminder of that promise. That nothing we protect is worth more than each other."
Newbie glanced down at the scars on the back of Team Leader's hands again before Team Leader went back to their paper work. It was awful that Team Leader had to go through that. But a certain fear eased in Newbie's chest that they didn't even know they had. Team Leader had been hurt badly in the past, but they were going to do anything to make sure that that wouldn't happen to anyone else.
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Team Oracle Leader!
I made an evil Pokémon team leader! Based in the Unova Region, the team is a steel/psychic type group whose goal is to infiltrate the local community and overtake it all giving them full control. This allows them access to wealth and soon overtaking of the region.
They’ve already taken control of the customs agency and the airport.
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