#THANK U!!!!!!!!!!
moraygrotto · 11 months
Idia, and octo trio burp headcanons please ^^ if it's not to much that is
if it's alright i'm just gonna do idiа!
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rating + headcanons:
okay um. solid 3/10-like 10/10 depending on ur preferences and mine vary on this BUT: idiа has the sickliest burps in the world. he burps a LOT in his alone time, but like 75% of them come out sounding all queasy and shallow and gross.
he loves soda!!! he likes the input-output feeling of drinking something carbonated which makes him burp. whenever he manages a really strong burp, he gets inordinately giggly and proud of himself.
he has burped on mic during his gaming sessions a handful of times; though he doesn't voice chat with liliа, he's comfortable enough to have mentioned it before, and liliа congratulated him in a very fraternal way ^w^
he spends so much alone time just letting gas slip out of his mouth that he sometimes struggles in public to notice when a burp is coming on, so he often stifles them really poorly, letting them drag on and gross everybody out. LUCKILY he doesn't get nervous gas, so this happens less when he's freaked out in public and more when he's feeling shut-down and misanthropic: he's usually met with an "idiа, man, you done yet?" kinda reaction.
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Happy Birthhday Anjie!!!
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majormeilani · 1 year
Bouquet Moon and Clover for Wormie?
the worm child.......
💐 BOUQUET - create a bouqet for them! what do those flowers mean? are any of the flowers their particular favourite?
her bouquet would probably have thuja, bluebells, daisies, white lilacs, sunflowers and peonies. possibly even some of the flowers found around subcon, though those don’t have written meanings. but they probably represent resilience as they were able to survive despite the freeze over.
some of the meanings i found for her flowers are:
thuja - everlasting friendship; bluebell - loyalty and gratitude; daisy - happiness and joy; white lilacs - youthful innocence; peonies - good fortune and honor; sunflowers - loyalty, adoration
she very much likes daisies and peonies and used to pick them sometimes to give to her friends.
🌙 MOON - what is your oc's greatest wish? how far are they willing to go for it?
as it stands, wormie doesn’t really have that many strong desires. although, once she realizes that she is in fact deceased, she wishes that she could be back to life with all of her friends and for everything to be okay. for a time she considers altering time to fulfill that wish…
🍀 CLOVER - do they believe in luck? are they lucky?
wormie definitely believes in luck and she will even look through the grass for hours to find a four leaf clover. she also finds glowsticks to kind of be a good luck charm for her to have on her. as far as if she is lucky, i would say she often is.
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earlylongestnight · 1 year
im so obsessed with ur art . its everuthinh to me
I luave u
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graysongraysoff · 2 years
I know I'm VERY late but for the writing ask: 🥺💖✨💔🤩🎉
fanfic writer emoji asks
🎵 it’s not too late, it’s never too late 🎵
🥺 is there a certain type of moment or common interaction between your characters that never fails to put you in your feels?
i mean, i am a devoted disciple of the cathartic cry. when a character has been holding it in and holding it in and holding it in and then they finally burst into sobs? it’s the kind of scene i have written so many times that i am genuinely running out of words to use in them but like. bathe me in that shit.
i feel like though something i don’t talk about as much bc i’m always so busy marketing myself as an angst-monger but which is nonetheless also something i fully adore is like. characters being sleepy??? sneepy little babies??? like, for some reason the example that’s coming to mind is this fic i wrote about jaskier falling asleep on geralt, like. when character a can’t keep their eyes open anymore and character b is all Tender about it???? i’m Soft?????
i think the reason i love writing nightmare scenes so much, actually, is because i can dump all this shit into them at once: we can have character a have a cathartic cry, we can have the Intricate Ritual™ of character b holding character a through said cathartic cry, and when it’s all over we can have character a, exhausted with emotion, go back to sleep, with character b sticking with them to keep the nightmares at bay??? the Intricate Ritual™ of platonic bed-sharing/cuddling????? that’s the fucking shit right there, that’s what i’m slappin on.
💖 what made you start writing?
✨ give you and your writing a compliment. go on now. you know you deserve it.
i always compliment my dialogue/narrative voice for these things (which, for the record, my dialogue and narrative voice skills are fire) so let’s see if i can think of something else i do good…
i feel like i’m getting better at, like, parallels and bookends and “mirror moments??” i’m getting better at tying the end of a piece to its beginning, getting better at alluding to the connections i’m trying to draw between characters without, i hope, being too, like, obvious or trite about it. :)
💔 is there a fic of yours that broke your heart?
i could be alone here, but i feel like it’s kind of hard/atypical for me to break my own heart with my own writing?? i usually write fic in response to something else breaking my heart, you know? it’s kind of my way of getting it out of my system. and then i spend so much time making sure the angst hits just right that it doesn’t really hit me the same way it hopefully hits readers, if that makes sense.
i mean, unless i’m just thinking way too hard about it and this is supposed to be more like a “when i got the idea for x fic it hurt me right in the heart” kind of sentiment. in which case the idea for this bungo stray dogs fic literally kept me awake in a fugue state deep into the night bc the idea of it sent me into such anguish i couldn’t sleep until i had committed it to writing.
🤩 who is your favorite character to write?
honestly it’s probably always going to be dick grayson, my proto-Boy. i feel like i know him as well as i know myself, which makes sense since he’s been one of my favorite characters pretty much since i can remember, and writing him always feels really easy and natural. he’s very unique in that i can pretty much always snap right back to him no matter what i’m hyperfixating on at the moment. i’m neck-deep in jujutsu kaisen-land right now, but i could still whip you up a dg ficlet in 15 minutes, no sweat.
🎉 what leads you to consider a fic a success?
i feel like there are two different kinds of fic success for me. one is the very superficial ao3 success, which is when something i post gets what i consider to be “a lot” of kudos and it gives me the “i am going to win at fanfiction, something that is normal to want and possible to achieve” serotonin. i wish i were, but I Am Not Immune To Kudos.
the more personal kind of success is when i can read back over a fic, no matter if it’s a week or a month or a year out from posting it, and not find anything i don’t like or want to change about it. one of my favorite and, in my mind, most successful fics has three (3) kudos on ao3, lol, but i love it and think i did a good job on it and wouldn’t change a word of it.
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chiisana-lion · 4 months
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annakarenina · 9 months
this comment on a tiktok where theyre crying because their dog isnt gonna live forever slaps
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muppetsnoopy · 7 months
they need to invent magic.spell that flosses and brushes my teeth for me and also tuckes me into bed soso cozy
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ashrayus · 1 month
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more of them lets goo!!!!
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please check out my The nefarious anglerfish tribute video i am such a big fan
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fenneqy · 8 months
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super late doodles but fionna and cake was very good
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kimdokjas · 2 months
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though the movie might be cancelled, yuri on ice will live forever in our hearts. thank you yoi fandom, it's been real ♡
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hattersarts · 10 months
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im already at the south downs cottage guys, catch up
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pcktknife · 1 year
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arunneronthird · 3 months
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disgustinggf · 9 months
this blog is brought to u by someone unmedicated
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