mrsfitzgerald · 4 months
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Prague, rehearsal ✨ video: naraism ♥︎
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sage-basil · 1 year
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“nem they barely look like their canon selves” self-care
please don’t tag as ship
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intoxicated-chan · 7 months
𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟒 ║ ❝𝐖𝐞 𝐅𝐫𝐞𝐧𝐜𝐡 𝐊𝐢𝐬𝐬𝐞𝐝 𝐎𝐧 𝐚 𝐒𝐮𝐛𝐰𝐚𝐲 𝐓𝐫𝐚𝐢𝐧❞
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(A/n) ➳ Started watching Hazbin Hotel again, gotta say, it’s a good show. I was hoping to get to the next chapter sooner. I thank you guys for being patient, I seriously had a massive writer’s block.
Word Count ➳ 1.7k
Content Warnings ➳ Swearing, light sexual content, mentions of anger issues, mentions of abuse, mention of unrequited love, mentions of marriages, alcohol use, mentions of criminal investigation…
JUDAS Masterlist
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You let out a playful scoff, acting offended. “Well excuse you Daryl, The Golden Bite is an amazing diner!” You spoke to him over the phone.
That’s when your coworker, Annie came walking with a plate in hand that had a half eaten burger. “Still tastes like cardboard.” She sang as she headed back to the kitchen.
“Still not gettin’ it?”
You rolled your eyes. “Gonna come and say it to my face?” You flinched at the loud voices coming from the kitchen, Annie was once again arguing with the cooks.
You don’t blame her, the cooks the manager hired are shit and so is the quality of the food. It’s a shock that this place hadn’t been shut down yet.
You heard Daryl laugh and the infamous sound of his motorcycle. “I still wanna live another day and get another taste, still thinkin’ of ya.”
Your face immediately became hot, you thought you would break your phone with how tight you were clutching it.
“Daryl!” You harshly whispered.
“I’m an honest man and I’m honest when I say, I wanna bend you over my bike again.”
“I’m at work!”
“That ain’t gonna stop me.”
Annie poked her head around the corner. “Oh yeah, Meredith said that the sheriff wants you. Ain’t taking anybody else.” She disappeared before you could retort.
“That’s my cue.”
“I’ll talk to you later, Judas.” You set your phone in your pocket and looked over your shoulder for a quick glance, right by the window.
Shane sat at the table, looking over the menu as if he hadn’t been here for the hundredth time. You snapped your head back at the coffee machine the second his eyes drifted away from the menu.
You were still reeling from the conversation you had with him before, the two of you hadn’t talked, texted, or called each other. He didn’t stop by whenever he was in the neighborhood, did he feel guilty?
You walked to his table with a pen and notepad in hand. “Hey, Shane, what can I get you?”
“Just the special and a large coffee, nothin’ in it.”
“I’ll get that-”
“Can you give me a minute?” Shane interrupted you.
You looked up from your notepad and lifted an eyebrow. “Somethin’ wrong?”
“Jus’ sit, I won’t be long.”
You sighed. “If I get busted, it’s gonna be on your head, Walsh. I need this job.”
Shane chuckled. “You could always become a stay at home wife.”
You scoffed, clicking your pen. “Yeah? Who the hell’s gonna deal with my bullshit?”
“Me as your husband.”
Your heart sank into your stomach. “What?” You needed to bite this in the bud, like Amy said. “Look Shane, I don’t think-”
“You say that but what ‘bout later? Down the line? What happens when the jackass becomes borin’? Or worse? Hurts you?”
You could only shake your head in disbelief, Daryl was many things. He’s wild, secretive, and could be distant at times but he would never hurt you.
“Seriously? Do you really think that low of Daryl?! You don’t even know him.”
“Do you even know him?”
“Do you know where the guy lives or any idea what he does for a livin’?” Shane then grabbed your wrist to pull you closer, his hot breath hitting your face. “I know you, (Y/n). I know that you like to chase after people who ain’t good for you and you know it! He’s one of them. And I know you’re better and safer with me.”
“I don’t-!”
“Pardon me!” Annie made you both jump back, Shane releasing his tightening grip. “Are you lovebirds done arguing?”
“Because we would like you to keep the volume down or take it outside.” Annie cut you off before you could even explain. “Or you can get back to work and not lose this job.”
“I’m sorry.” You mumbled, scurrying off to the kitchen.
Annie’s eyes turned to Shane who she glared at. “You ain’t good for her. Not even close.” She turned on her heel and followed you.
She found you in the break room, rubbing your arms and taking deep breaths. She could see it in your eyes, the slight anger.
“Need me to ask Miguel to toss that guy out?” Annie placed a hand on your shoulder.
“No, no.” You waved her off, your hands now fidgeting with your fingers. “I don’t know what that was.”
“That was a glimpse of an asshole.” Annie explained. “And a jealous one from what I heard, no ‘mout of therapy can fix that man.”
“You could never know-”
“I know ‘em (Y/n).”
“He’s probably cooled off by now.” You took one final deep breath. “I’m jus’ gonna hear what else he gotta say then I’m done, I’m out of here.”
“Workin’ or him?”
“Most likely both.”
Meredith peered into the break room. “Think she’s gonna reject him?”
Annie shook her head, her hands on her hips as she took a couple steps out the break room, seeing you sit back down with Shane. “The girl loves thrill and danger. Safety is never in her handbook.”
“Worried for ‘er?”
“I’m scared shitless.”
“Look, (Y/n) I know I ain’t your type of guy. But it could all change.” Shane explained.
“I ain’t got time for this, I ain’t got time for whatever you’re dreamin’ of. It’s all it is, a dream.”
“You don’t understand.”
“I do.” You retracted your hand when he went for it, speaking as sternly as you could without drawing the attention of customers. “And if you understand, you would stop askin’ ‘bout this guy.”
“I’ll understand when I get the chance to show you that a life with me is a safer choice than whatever you have with that guy.”
You groaned, was he really going to do this to himself? “You would rather be in a loveless marriage?”
“It ain’t gonna be loveless. What I’m askin’ you to do is to go out with me.”
“HE SAID WHAT?!” Andrea snatched the pillow that hid your frustrated expression, she threw it behind her and asked the same question again, even louder if possible.
“You heard me.” You mumbled.
You didn’t know how to feel other than uncomfortable. The lump in your throat didn’t want to leave, making you feel bothered.
“What did you say?!”
“Didn’t say anythin’, told me to think ‘bout it.”
“Dammit (Y/n)!”
“I know!” You stopped her before she could scold you. “I know I should’ve said no!”
“But you gotta admit, he’s gotta be loaded with cash.”
“...He kinda is.”
You nodded, you grabbed another pillow to squeeze at, trying to sooth yourself. “There would be times where Shane would pay for my expenses, like rent and water.”
“Oh he’s serious ‘bout you.”
“That’s the sad part. Even if things didn’t work out with Daryl, I don’t want Shane to be a second option jus’ ‘cause I couldn’t have Daryl or it becomes borin’. I wanna be sure that if I choose Shane, it’s gotta be true.”
You jumped at the sound of the wine bottle being popped open, you stared at Andrea as she poured you a rather large glass of wine.
“Then go see Shane.”
“Y’know I can’t-”
“See Shane and see how you feel. If nothin’ changes or worse comes to worst, you feel repulsed, then tell ‘im. You can continue to see Daryl with Shane hanging over your head.”
Andrea pushed the glass into your hands. “And what if it doesn’t? What if I end up fallin’ for him?”
“Then you could lose a man you love or a man who’s only sticking ‘round when he needs you to blow or fuck.”
“Daryl doesn’t seem like the type.”
“Then that’s worse, choosing between two guys is a fuckin’ nightmare.”
‘Im on my way’
You read the text again from Shane, silently hoping all of this was just a dream and you never heard Shane asking you out.
You shut your phone and stared into the mirror, you sighed, taking your tenth pair of earrings off. You were annoyed with yourself, how hard was it to say no? Especially to Shane?
The knocking on your door made you annoyed even more, you weren’t in the mood for a guest but it dropped when you saw Carl with Rick… Carl with Rick.
You opened your door. “Hey Rick.” Then you turn to the boy. “Carl!”
Carl quickly wrapped his arms around you, nearly knocking you down. You could never stay mad at the boy.
Rick stepped in and closed your door. “I’m callin’ in a favor.”
“Shoot.” You said, managing to get his arms off to get him a little snack.
“Lori’s mom canceled on us and I know your workin’ tomorrow. I was hopin’ if you could look after Carl after your shift. Jus’ for a couple hours.”
“It’s no problem, you know I don’t mind takin’ care of your rascal.”
“Hey!” His shout made you stick out your tongue at him playfully.
“So… What’s gotcha all dolled up? Goin’ out with that guy?”
“What guy-? How did you know I was talkin’ to someone?” Rick fumbled over his words. “Grimes.”
“Shane, he was worried ‘bout you.”
“Jeez, y’know I can take care of myself.”
“Said that last time, remember what happened?”
You rolled your eyes. “It was once.”
“Three times, three guys who broke your heart.”
“It was nothin’. They were nothin’. They jus’ broke up with me, nothin’ crazy.”
“You say that now but what if it’s different?” Rick pulled you away from Carl and whispered. “What if he has a criminal record or is involved in some deep shit?”
“I can find that out.”
“And so can I but quicker, jus’ give me a name.”
“I ain’t gonna give you shit, Grimes.” You walked back to Carl. Your smile came back as you watched Carl become happy when you let him get some more.
Rick wanted to get it out of you, but if he couldn’t get it out of you, surely Carl could.
You could never say no to him.
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© Intoxicated-Chan 2024, I do not allow my work to be copied, translated, modified, adapted, or put on any other platform without my permission.
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Taglist ➳ @deansapplepie , @ladylincoln , @gamingfeline , @lady06reaper , @alanamarie , @daryldixmedown , @celtic-crossbow , @mrdixon , @itwasntaphasema , @duffmckagansbandana , @raspberryslxt , @itsrainingbisexualfrogs , @ingstadstarlight , @gamingfeline , @lor-geeked , @thegeorgiahuntsman , @snailss , @the-lonely-abyss , @number1bashbabe , @xmaeyonaise , @suniloli , @of-storms-and-sadness , @annhells , @sexyxdylanxobrien ,
⊰ Chapter 3 ⊰ » » YOU’RE HERE « « ⊰ Chapter 5 ⊰
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stinkysam · 18 days
Serge “Frenchie” - Birthday !
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Warning : blowjob mention
Genre : fluff
Synopsis : “how would it be celebrating your birthday with frenchie!!” - anon
Reader : male (you/yours)
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A month before your birthday and he's already thinking about it. It's not that he's planning big things, but he wants to make sure you're doing only things you like.
He tells the boys that you two can't work that day but Butcher doesn't care that it's a special day, he wants you two at the building so you better come.
You're a bit bummed about it but don't care much because things are calm since Hughie works with Neuman.
On the d-day, he wakes you up with kisses, arms squeezing you against him.
“Bon anniversaire mon cœur.” He'll whisper in your ear, kissing your cheek.
His hands are caressing you as he keeps planting his lips on you. And you know where this is going.
After a bit he moves under the sheets, going lower, planting kisses on his way before pulling your boxers to your knees.
He'll suck you off, taking his time, wanting you to feel every flick of his tongue on your dick. Teasing and edging you a bit. He doesn't want you to do anything except to take what he gives you.
Once you're done, he goes to the kitchen to grab some food while you recover. He comes back with a tray of various things you generally eat in the morning.
You cautiously eat on top of the tray, not wanting to drop any crumbs on the bed. He sits next to you and kisses your cheek before eating as well, a rolled cigarette by his ear, ready to smoke it once he's no longer hungry.
As you drive to the building, you notice he has a small cardboard box on his lap. You don't question it, already knowing it must be a cake. You can't help but smile though you wonder if he made it or bought it.
You finally arrive and he forces everyone to wish you a happy birthday and to compliment you while you laugh a bit and tell them they don’t have to.
Kimiko and Hughie still complimented you while M.M thanked you for always using the correct post-its. Annie tried to find a compliment but she felt so much pressure that at the moment she couldn't find anything so she thanked you for being a good friend.
Butcher seemed in a good mood as he raised his flask and said “Cheers” before taking a swig from it.
You were right, it was indeed a cake in the cardboard box, and despite how nice it looked, it still screamed ‘home-made’.
He took a few colored candles from his pocket and planted them on the cake before lighting them up. He told Hughie to take his phone out to capture you blowing the candles because his is so old the photos and videos are bad quality. You blew the candles and everyone -except Butcher- applauded and cheered.
The cake was delicious.
You wrapped your arm around Frenchie's shoulders, pulling him close and kissed him, thanking him.
“Anything for you, mon amour.” He replied, kissing you back.
And as you had thought, today was a calm day, nothing but papers to fill for Hughie's bureau.
Later, on your way home Frenchie made you stop at a small convenience store. You followed him while he grabbed fruits and vegetables amongst other things. You figured he wanted to cook something for tonight.
And you were right, as soon as you arrived home he went to the kitchen and took everything out of the bags.
You wrapped your arms around his hips, your chin resting on his shoulder.
“Need help ?” You asked and he nodded before telling you what to do.
You washed your hands and began to cook, following his instructions while he worked on the dessert.
You ate in front of the TV, watching your new favorite show with him. When it was time to eat the dessert, he pulled a little white bag from his pocket, giving it to you.
Inside, two matching bracelets. One his favorite color and the other yours.
You smiled as you wrapped the one with his favorite color around your wrist, and he did the same.
“I know today was not the greatest-” He started but you cut him off.
“This was the best. I don't care that we still had to go to the building. I really enjoyed myself, it was perfect. Thank you.” You wrapped your arms around him, kissing his cheek and he smiled, feeling reassured.
You kept cuddling on the couch till you felt too tired to continue watching TV. As you started to fall asleep in his arms, Frenchie suggested carrying you to bed. You laughed quietly, letting him try.
Although he had managed to raise you in the air, he knew he wouldn't be able to carry you to the bedroom without struggling. So you suggested a piggyback ride.
And so he carried you on his back, quickly walking you to your shared bed before letting you down on your side of the bed. You lazily changed yourself before sliding under the sheets, sighing happily.
He wished you a happy birthday one last time before kissing you goodnight, gluing himself to you.
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emillyverse · 6 months
This is not an update to the Comic, but it still has something to do with it !!!
(call it a little gift for the Wish Rewrite and KoW fandom)
Hello my little stars! How are you?
I mentioned in the last post in the series that I would be traveling for a week or two and that's why I wouldn't be working. Well I'm still traveling Lmao.
It's been a lot of fun, I'm visiting my Prince Charming and family, both of whom I haven't been to in a long time. Still, I couldn't stop thinking about KoW and Wish's Concept Arts. Disney sealed the fate of its fan artists by discarding so much good material, now they are embedded in our minds and we will not be able to rest until we see them realized. This is crazy but it's beautiful to see how much these discarded concepts generated creative potential in the fandom.
Because of all this I couldn't help but make some small sketches! And well, I came to show them here. They are not sketches of Comic panels, but they have something to do with it and I will show the photos and explain how.
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This first one, very faded, are Magnificent and Amable's clothes (designed by @uva124, for the characters in @annymation's rewrite of Wish "The Kingdom of Wishes"). The drawings that Aled did are very complex, I don't judge her for that, in fact I thank her, she gave beautiful clothes to the centuries-old Disney villains and they are perfect. I really wish I could draw them with all the details, but I will do everything by hand, alone and seeking a minimally professional quality (I want to be a comic artist/book illustrator one day. This comic is my first step Lmao, and I want to do something that conveys the best I can give at the moment), so I need to make some things easier for myself. The costumes are one of those things.
" Better something simple and well done than complex and poorly done." — This is my motto for this Comic and for my life.
The next sketches are related to aesthetics. I've been watching a lot of "Analyzing the Art" videos of some Disney films and I was inspired to adopt some "Disney Style" features in my arts for this comic (not everything obviously, because I don't want to be sued by Disney lmao).
What you'll see next is me trying to mix this influence with my own style in some KoW character sketches.
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(this last art specifically references a meme in which @rascalentertainments tagged me, Thanks for that, by the way! <3 )
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(credits to the artist, I don't know who it is because I was just tagged in this meme and I was busy So I didn't look for more information, but I'll leave the post link and you can check the official credits)
Speaking of aesthetics. Anny received Chiara's aesthetic from someone — the north star, "daughter of Aster", created by his magic at the very end of Anny's fanfic. This Aesthetic inspired me to create an aesthetic for Asha and Aster too and these were the results:
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What's your favorite?
Lmao, It took a lot of work to make Aster's. There are almost no things for "starboys" on Pinterest.
I'm leaving this up to you to share as you wish, consider it a gift to the fandom!
Lastly, I want to say that the artistic analysis videos They also inspired me to put together a moodboard for KoW and I'll be leaving it here. Not even Anny and Aled know about this and I can't wait to see their reactions! I wish I could print this painting and leave it on the wall, but unfortunately I don't have a printer T-T.
This moodboard is helping me with the artistic direction of colors, style and is a visual motivation to stay active at work.
I hope you like it too!
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That's it for today, it's already midnight in Brazil and I should be sleeping instead of posting crazy things on the internet. I'm going to tag my friends and go to sleep, Lmao.
Kisses full of light and stars!
~ Emy
@wings-of-sapphire @flicklikesstuff @frogcoven88 @chillwildwave @gracebethartacc @gracebethartacc @kstarsarts @oh-shtars Come and get your therapies after the anguish caused by certain publications by Anny!
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astrangetorpedo · 5 months
Catching Up with Lucy Dacus and Fenne Lily
by Lucy Dacus | 11/13/20
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Lucy Dacus is a Richmond, Virginia-based singer-songwriter and one-third of the folk supergroup boygenius; Fenne Lily is Bristol, UK-based singer-songwriter whose album BREACH was released in September by Dead Oceans. For this phone call, the two friends set out to dive deep on their recent dreams, and ended up taking in much, much more.
— Annie Fell, Talkhouse Senior Editor
Fenne: Before this call, I was just looking you up. Is that weird?
Lucy: You were listening to my music?
Fenne: Yeah!
Lucy: That’s so funny, I was listening to your music. “I, Nietzsche.”
Fenne: [Laughs.] You actually were one of the many reasons why I broke up with the guy that that song is about.
Lucy: Oh, my god, I didn’t like him at all.
Fenne: Do you remember? It was literally the first time I met you, pretty much, or maybe the second time. I was with him and he tried to pull me out of the conversation because he wanted to go home or something — probably to read Nietzsche. And you were like, “Don’t touch my girl like that.” And I was like, Lucy Dacus just called me her girl, and I need to leave this boy. [Laughs.]
Lucy: I felt quickly defensive of you. We had hardly met, but he was just acting so brutish. It was like, Damn, who is this guy? It was so brutish that I thought maybe you didn’t even know him, but then you were like, “No, I’m actually with him.”
Fenne: Yeah, he’s been inside me. [Laughs.] I mean, you’re someone who makes good decisions, so you’re probably not going to answer this with a yes, but have you ever been with someone that you’re like, “I can’t believe that I gave them my body, and my heart.”
Lucy: Yeah, I am easily disgusted by the idea of some of the people that I used to really have tenderness for. But then I realize, that was not a bad quality, to be able to find good things about a bad person. Even that’s tough, to call someone just a straight up bad person, but someone that I really don’t like now, I try not to be like, I’m such an idiot. That was just a part of growing, realizing that just because they have a couple good qualities doesn’t mean that they have to be my life partner.
Fenne: Yeah, I mean, I like to think of the really bad relationships I’ve been in as, like, an exercise in compassion, to an extent where now retrospectively I can see that they were manipulating me. But at the time, I was so ready to be like, You’re just an injured soul and you need a safe place, and I can be that place. But that should only be for a time. And I think I’ve definitely seen people in those relationships for a long time and it starts wearing away at them, and the way that you see yourself like personally. So as much it’s a practice in being able to see past someone’s bad qualities, I know that there’s a cutoff point for that. But yeah, thanks for protecting me. [Laughs.]
Lucy: Yeah, I think that was actually after I went through my long, drawn out, like, worst relationship. And I think that since then, I’ve been overly defensive probably. Or I just love my friends so much that I feel like nobody deserves them, and I’m just like, and I’m just like, “Go away!” to most people that my friends date. That’s not totally true, but it’s like a recurring feeling. But yeah, I hardly knew you so I was probably overstepping a bound by trying to defend you.
Fenne: It made my heart soar, and I honestly felt safe. But you have that lyric that goes, “You don’t deserve what you don’t respect,” and I always kind of thought that you were singing about yourself, but maybe you’re singing generally about people that you love also.
Lucy: Yeah, I definitely thought it about other people first, because it’s easier to defend other people than yourself. And then I realize, I should take my own advice, but I’m still not so good at that. But I think I’m better at it.
Fenne: Do you ever find yourself writing yourself as a character so that you can make clearer judgments on your own shit? Like, do you ever make yourself the third person so you can be like, “Lucy should do this.”
Lucy: A lot of people I know great as a character, but I have no such self-control. I definitely wish that I could write it as an exercise, but writing often just feels sort of like throwing up. You know what I mean? All of a sudden it’s just there, and you don’t necessarily want it to be there, an inconvenience. And I don’t really know what I’m saying until the song is written. Like, I would really love to be able to say, like, Oh, I’d like to process this event in my life, or this thought, — I will make art about it. But that has never been a skill. I feel like all my songs start as subconscious vomit.
Fenne: I agree. I thought you were going to go the opposite direction, because as a person, you seem like someone who thinks before they speak and considers the weight and the repercussions of what they’re saying. So it’s interesting that your process doesn’t reflect what I see in your character, in that sense.
Lucy: I think it’s easier to talk to other people than to myself. I think that I carry a weight of, like, you know, say-what-you-mean when I’m talking to other people, but I don’t have a practice of talking like that to myself. So it’s just kind of forced upon me sometimes, that I end up talking to myself through writing a song. Is that how you write? Do you actually sit down and say, “I’m going to write about this,” and then you write a song about what you intend to write about?
Fenne: No, I have very little foresight or planning or structure to any part of my life, and it is definitely affecting the way I work. I literally get to the point where I haven’t written in so long that I’m furious at myself for not doing anything. And I sit down, and it is like word vomit. I’m like, Something’s coming out, I’m just going to let it happen, because if I don’t, it might never happen again. And often, I’m writing and I don’t know why I’m writing from the perspective I’m writing from.
At the moment I am in a relationship that I am really comfortable in, and he makes me feel brilliant most of the time, I still feel these inexplicable periods of sadness that almost make me feel guilty, because he obviously sees me going through this and maybe thinks it’s a reflection on him. And often those are the feelings that come out when I’m writing. I think it’s a hangover from being a kid and being unable to talk about how I feel to my family, despite the fact that they’re really emotionally intelligent people and completely up fo talking about feelings, I was almost rebelling against that. So I started writing at that time because I literally couldn’t get out my feelings in any other way. I feel like I still do that, where I’m subconsciously storing up fuel to then speak to myself about songs, rather than having to vocalize it in words. So it’s never a case of being like, I’m gonna write a song about global warming — although now that I’ve said that, maybe I should do that. [Laughs.]
Lucy: I feel like it’s really rare to write about topical things and have it actually be good. I have some family members who are just like, “You should really write a song about everything that’s going on in these uncertain times!” And I’m just like, no. I just feel like my perspective isn’t necessary — just, like, as a white person, I simply don’t need to be taking up space. I’m grateful I have a platform that I can put other voices onto, with the literal easiest thing ever of resharing things.
But yeah, I think it could be useful for you to do a song about global warming, I hope you end up writing one. That’d be awesome. But don’t be tacky — it’s weird to be like, Oh, this is topical. It just it ends up feeling really tacky, I think, as a listener.
Fenne: I think to an extent, everything that I’ve written during this pandemic situation… I haven’t written a lot, I’ve feeling really unconnected to myself, and the world, and feeling really weird. But in a sense, everything that you’re writing is about the fucked up stuff that’s going on, even if it’s not directly preaching. I feel like the way you and I write is naturally diaristic, and doesn’t feel completely separate from the stuff that’s going on. You’re quite a permeable person emotionally, I think, and I definitely am. It’s inescapable that outside stuff is inevitably going to become part of the material, even if you if you don’t say, “Trump” and “Brexit” and the whole thing.
But you’re right. I mean, I’m dreading next year when all these quarantine albums come out, where all the songs are going to be called like, “Masked and Alone,” and “My Wifi’s Too Slow.” Have you been writing a lot during this period, or have you been feeling a bit dead?
Lucy: I actually have been writing a lot because, I think I end up writing to escape the present and to not think about the future. I feel like most of my creative life comes from the past. Thinking about the future is scary and living in the present is scary, and the past is certain, it can’t be changed. It’s static. I journal, so I’ve been rereading my journals and kind of remembering some emotional things that I haven’t really put to rest yet, and so that’s just kind of ending up being what I’m writing about right now. And then I might write about what’s happening in the year 2020 in, like, 2025. Do you ever have a dialogue about where you’re writing about something like many years after?
Fenne: Yeah, 100 percent. This record that I just released, when I first started writing for it, it [was] really important for me to reflect the growth that I feel I’ve experienced since the first album came out. That was kind of my first thing — I was like, I need to almost prove that I changed, if not just to myself, to people that are listening to the music.
And then as I started writing, there was a lot of stuff coming up. I was having these conversations with my mum about why I always feel angry rather than sad as my go-to feeling, and how I always feel panicky very fast. And she was telling me that when I was born, I didn’t have that big intake of breath that normal births provide — I was a cesarean, I just got cut out — and she was like, “For the first year of the life, you were crying if you weren’t held and you were always in pain and your spine was all weird and you just were not comfortable in your skin.” That was so interesting to hear that, because I genuinely feel like I haven’t really changed that much from how I came into the world. I definitely think there’s something to be said for your entrance into the world influencing how you exist in that world. So as much as I’m like, I really want to write about being 21, I feel like I also want to talk about being two again. It wasn’t a conscious thing, but it happened.
But you’re right about the past, it isn’t going to change, and thinking about the future is really scary, especially when — I don’t know how the rules are changing in the states, but especially here, it’s like we’re being run by children. It’s like “You can do what you want! Oh, no, those people died. Well, that’s a shit. Maybe we should stay inside again. Oh, no, that hasn’t worked.” No one knows what’s going on and to even try and get your head around what it’s going to be like in a week or year is impossible. And that makes you feel powerless, and then that makes
Lucy: Have you been having any of weird dreams during lockdown?
Fenne: The first couple of weeks I didn’t have any dreams. I think I was still in a state of shock, where I was like, This doesn’t feel normal. I almost [felt] like when you smoke too much weed, and your waking mind is going crazy, and then when you go to sleep, your body’s like, I literally can’t do it any more crazy anymore.
That was my brain for a while, but then come week three or four, I started having terrifying — like, not even apocalyptic dreams, just dreams when nothing was right. I had those, like. “running on the spot trying to get away from something but I couldn’t,” just really visceral, realistic horror dreams. I don’t know when they stopped, but it was dark for a bit. What about you?
Lucy: I think similarly in the beginning, I wasn’t having a lot of dreams. I did have this one dream about me and a lot of friends touring this big, kind of mansion-like house that was furnished. And they were like, “Oh, look, there’s a room over here, I found a new room!” And we were all just running around, like, laughing and loving this huge house. So I woke up and I was like, You know what, I’m just going to get on Zillow and see if there’s a big place that I could just fit my fantasy into. And there was this place that was listed, like, three days prior, and it looked so similar to the house of my dream. So I called my friends that were in the dream and I was like, “Hey, do you want to move in together? I just had this dream and I found this house and we were all in it together.” And that actually happened in July, like I live in the house with the people that were in the dream
Fenne: Oh, my god, that’s amazing.
Lucy: Did you feel you were psychic ever?
Fenne: Stupid stuff, like I predicted my brother’s birth. I was sitting with my mom on the stairs of old house, and I was, like, one and a half or two. I was like, “It’s going to be a brother, I think,” or something like that. And she was like, “What are you talking about?” And I put my hand on her tummy and said, “It’s going to be a brother, but it’s a sister I had in mind.” And she was like, “That was weird,” and then she went to get a pregnancy test and she was a month pregnant.
Lucy: Oh, wow. I thought you were saying like, “My mom was pregnant, so I predicted that she would have a baby.”
Fenne: No, like straight up, she had no idea.
Lucy: That’s much more impressive.
Fenne: She didn’t tell me for a long time — maybe until I was 15 I didn’t know, because she was like, “I don’t want to give her false power, I don’t want her to think that everything she has a feeling about is going to happen.”
But I think I go through certain areas where I get a bad feeling and try and squash it if I don’t know anything about it, and then it’s proven to me that I was right. I moved into this really spooky house… when I first moved to Bristol I was in shared houses, and then I was like, I really want a place to live with a couple of friends. We were looking somewhere and we, in the process, got kicked out of our existing houses, so we had to rush finding a place. We settled on this house that was enormous and really cheap, and we didn’t know why it was so cheap but we didn’t really think about it.
When we first went to view it, I was like, This feels wrong. Something about the energy of this house is not nice. It doesn’t feel like we’re welcome here. And I told my friend, and he was like, “Well, we don’t really have the chance to be picky right now, and we don’t have any money.” So we moved in, and then a couple of weeks after we moved in I was sitting outside — we signed on for a year, so we couldn’t get out even if we wanted to. I was sitting outside the house and the next door neighbor talking to me, and we were chatting and she was like, “Do you know the story behind the house you just moved into?” I was like, “No, but please tell me because I don’t like it.” And basically, about 10 years ago, maybe less, this family next door, who still lives next door, the dad in the family shot some guy because they were in warring gangs — I live in a really rough bit of Bristol. He shot this guy and tried to hide the body in the basement of the house that we live in now, and then he tried to escape to the States, and his wife bought him the ticket — they both went down for a long time, and the kids were in care. Now the woman’s out of jail and she’s living next door with the kids. So I was like, “There’s been a dead body in my house.” And I feel like I knew that something was wrong and I ignored it, and then ever since that point, I had to live there for another 11 months. And I had all my practice equipment in the basement, I’d made it into a room where we could record, and then it just didn’t feel good from that point on. I didn’t want to go downstairs.
Lucy: If you felt good, I’d be really concerned. [Laughs.] I do feel like people like haunted houses sometimes, like some people really get into that. I don’t understand it. I feel like you can only be into it if you haven’t truly been affected by the haunting of the house.
Fenne: It’s the kind of thing that you want to go into for a trip, but t you don’t want to really live there. I don’t know about you, and I will ask you, but I didn’t really think I was that much of a believer in ghosts for a pretty long time, and then I was listening to this podcast where people tell real stories from their lives — it’s not scripted at all, at least that’s what they say. There’s so many stories of people moving into a house, getting a weird feeling, and then their kid start talking to ghosts. Some of the stories are so visceral and so complicated and so obviously made me see that there is another world that I haven’t personally come into contact with, but why would we not? Have you had ghost experiences?
Lucy: Oh, yeah, more recently. I feel like I’ve heard from friends that the more you open yourself up to it, the more that it comes to you. I feel like I was just kind of closed off for a really long time. Even that podcast, I’d have been like, “Oh, good stories,” like whether that’s true or not, it doesn’t really matter. But having had your own experiences and having friends tell you stories — it’s really hard to refute someone you care about saying like, “This happened,” or something happening in your life. I’ve seen and heard things that I can’t explain, and I don’t know if it’s ghosts, but certainly something has happened that is completely unreasonable and inexplicable.
I do feel like they have sort of an architectural tone — you know, like haunting, need a place for it, and I do feel like there are some places that I’ve had, like, weird experiences that feel kind of supernatural. I think that once I realized, like, Oh, this is real, life is just kind of… The possibility has been there, so more of it has just come into my life. Not really as much right now — like the house we moved into should absolutely be haunted, but I don’t think that it is. There is sort of a weird energy — and anybody should laugh at me for talking about it this way, probably — but like, the energy is benevolent. If this is a haunted house, it’s a chill ghost.
Fenne: I think there’s no reason to not think that the energy of the previous people in a place affect it. Even if you don’t think a ghost is like an actual vision of a person, an exact replica of that exact person, I definitely think some places have bad vibes, some places have good vibes. But you can’t change the feeling in a place. When I moved into my current place, it was trash — the people that lived here before that burned the carpets up and left all their furniture here, and there were scrapes on the walls and stuff, and, like, everything was painted black. It was so weird. And again, I was poor and didn’t have much choice. So I moved in by myself and made it really nice with my best friend, and actually hung a picture of your face on the wall — that’s one of the first things I did, and I think that really helped.
But then I was broken into when I was on tour, and they stole all my merch money, which was a huge blow, and my laptop which had all my demos on it. So I went back to the house and the whole feeling had completely changed. And I worked very hard to not let this be a negative place for me, and I feel like that’s just been completely invaded and disrupted. And I obviously was scared as well, so I just got three of my best friends to live with me for a month, just to reset the feeling. And it worked.
I mean, you know as well as anyone that music isn’t particularly lucrative when you’re in the beginning stages of it, and a grand in cash will see you through two months. And that was not possible because… I don’t know, I hope that it was someone that needed it a lot, because I don’t like thinking it was just some guy that was like, “You know what, I’m pissed and I want stuff.” But I think as a person, I generally kind of revert to running away from stuff that is bad. So I think if I hadn’t really thought about it and wanted to stay in this place, I would have just moved.
Lucy: I don’t know if I told you, but I was robbed in May of this year, during quarantine. So, yeah, I’m really sorry that happened to you. I have a whole new, you know, knowing what it feels like. I was actually in the house, and I woke up at 5AM and heard — but I have such a creative mind, to put it lightly, where often I’ll hear things and be like, Oh, that’s the absolute worst thing that could possibly be. And I think like that all the time, so I know not to let it take hold over my thoughts.
So I woke up at 5 and was like, Oh, it sounds like people are in the kitchen opening the window, and well, they’re probably gone if they are, and probably they aren’t even there in the first place. I’m gonna go back to sleep. But then I went downstairs and someone had taken my wallet and a laptop and all of the booze in the house, and some other trinkets. Luckily nothing so bad — we had guitars around, and the guitars weren’t taken. One time I was robbed and someone stole my journals of three years, like all my journals of my whole college experience before I dropped out, and that’s the worst. That still hurts so much, not having those years documented.
But yeah, I did move. That dream I had about a new house, it was the old house that got broken into, and then we moved to this house. I feel a lot safer, but I definitely felt like, on top of feeling isolated and not leaving the house — like literally not even going onto the porch for a long time — I just dissociated for like a month and a half, basically June and the beginning of July.
I don’t know, I think a lot of people are going through things like that, and the general state of life is so fragile that when negative events come into life, it just feels kind of harder to recover. But I definitely I feel a lot better now. Do you feel any better in your house?
Fenne: I do, although it was a while ago. But yeah, just imagining that feeling — I wasn’t in. I was abroad, so I had to wait like a week to get back. But I can’t imagine knowing. You knew something was up, but you convinced your brain that it was just doing that thing that it does, and being in and being invaded in that way. That’s fucked.
It just hurt me so deeply that you had your journals stolen — that’s like taking a chunk of someone’s whole brain. And they don’t have any use for that stuff. Like the way that I was trying to frame the break in when it happened was like, OK, that’s cash, that’s a laptop. If they need them, those will provide for them in some way. But I was almost like, Why couldn’t they have left my memory stick with my demos on it? Because that wouldn’t benefit them. They took a packet of photographs, which was, like old family photos.
But there is so much bad, life ruining stuff happening at the moment anyway. And granted, it happens always, and I do think that the BLM protests in Bristol came right at the perfect point where everybody was angry about how we are being governed as a country, generally, through the corona stuff. And then the BLM stuff came at a time where everyone was so ready to be unhappy with the way that the world is run.
It was almost like, I’m aware that racism hasn’t just arrived overnight, and everyone was just like, “Oh, no, racism exists.” But it happened at a time when everyone was really open to the possibility that stuff is bad still, and we really need to make an effort as a community to change that.
I mean, this is completely unrelated to the health stuff, but there are so much bad, bad shit going on, and it’s a conscious decision to, daily, allow it to come in in a way that you can process in a positive way. It’s just so easy to doomscroll and be like, Fuck, this is really bad. You need to kind of police yourself as to when you let that stuff in, because it’s so easy to just constantly be tapped into this modern hellscape.
I recently got locked out of Instagram for no real reason, and initially I was like, Damn, that’s where I get all my stuff from. And then I was like, Actually, this is great for me because I can focus on the closest things to me and how to change the things that I can change. And not just think that the big picture is unattainable and so badly ruined that I don’t feel like I have the power to change anything.
Lucy: So maybe just to close, we can each tell a recent dream that we had.
Fenne: Weirdly, when you said that we should talk about dreams for our theme, I just typed in “dreams” in my notes on my phone, and I screenshotted a bunch of them, but two of them are so, so similar that it freaked me out, firstly, and then I realized that they’re exactly a year apart.
Lucy: Woah, that it so weird.
Fenne: The second one was when I was in Chicago recording, and the first one was a year before that.
So the first one, all I’ve written is, “Dream: Breastfeeding on a beach thinking, This would make a beautiful photo. Shiny sticker, little Game Boy, tiny nipples, holding hands while a wave rolls over.” And then the second bit is, “Nana is hosting a Halloween party. Me getting skateboard advice from a kind, kind man.”
I would like to pay the main attention to the breastfeeding part and the Halloween part, because exactly a year later in Chicago — I think around the time I was seeing a guy over there from Tinder, who was a skateboarder, so that’s kind of cool too. So the Chicago dream is, “Mum pregnant, me also pregnant. Letter writing to get better in school. Buying Halloween costumes with tall people and a beautiful woman on a minimum wage budget. Didn’t go for the white outfit.” And then the last line is,”Pour whiskey in my ear to unblock me, please.” [Laughs.]
Lucy: [Laughs.] Do you type these as soon as you wake up?
Fenne: Yeah, so they’re literally just key bits. I like to think I’m quite a stable person who’s got q handle on how they deal with their feelings, but it seems that there’s a lot of breastfeeding, pregnancy, weird kind of mom-daughter problem stuff that maybe I need to work through. And Halloween seems to be something I hold close to my heart, strangely.
What’s your most recent weird one?
Lucy: I almost never have any sort of, like, motherhood type of dreams. I mean, I’m also adopted and have pretty much no desire to ever be pregnant, so I guess I my subconscious just doesn’t complain. Like, Yes, that is true.
I’ve been having a lot of dreams set in Russia, which is a complicated setting because, as I said, I’m adopted, and my parents told me I was Russian when I was growing up. Actually when I turned 18, I got my file and found out that I’m genetically Uzbek, like from Uzbekistan, so not Russia. I took two years of Russian in high school to get connected to that part of myself, and then it’s like, I’m not even Russian.
So I’ve been having all these dreams set in Russia, and I had one a few days ago where the entire staff of Matador was swimming up an icy river and Rennie [Jaffe], who is both of our managers, and everyone that works at Matador was swimming up an icy river — freezing, and like chunks of ice floating by — because we were on our way to a show. We really wanted to see this girl sing.
Only four of us survived: Me, [Matador founder] Chris Lombardi, and Rian Fossett, and Malcolm Donaldson, who all work at Matador. We get to the shore and the promoters are there and they’re like, “Hey, we have blankets for you, thanks for making the trip, we know it’s such a hassle getting here. We have vodka and we have tea and blankets and heaters in this trailer, and we’re so happy you can make it.” And they have this little trailer set up next to this sports stadium where the show is going to be. They bring in the girl who they’re scouting, I guess to sign, and she’s so nervous. I’m trying to talk to her an be like, OK, it’s gonna be OK, you know, I was happy when Matador reached out to me, I think it’ll be fine, you seem really sweet.” We listened to her record, and the first song was the most beautiful song I’d ever heard. You know in a dream where you wake up and can’t remember what it was, but you know in the dream the supreme beauty was apparent to you? We all cried and were like, “We’re just honored to be here with you, you’re going to be a star,” everyone was so emotional. And then a couple of songs in, we were still liking it, but towards the end of the record, everyone got really bored and tired. So in, like, 20 minutes, it was just this beautiful, elated feeling to everyone sort of unspokenly getting really tired of her voice, the most beautiful voice in the world. And she noticed, and I noticed, and it was clear that everyone kind of just wanted to go. like when a party has gone on too long. She just started crying, and I just wanted to say, “I don’t know how to explain it, the feeling just left.”
And that was the dream, where I just had to console the best musician in the entire world that everyone just labeled not engaging enough.
Fenne: At the beginning of this dream, I thought the main part of it was — because this is way more detailed than I remember anything, like even real life — when you said that only only a few of you made it, I was like, Is this icy river a metaphor for the long road to being able to do shows again? And that a lot of people that we work with will just die after the market being ruined? But that’s so, so sad!
Lucy: I felt grief when I woke up. I have this problem where I wake up from dreams and I feel so deeply for everyone that I met in the dream. I thought about her the rest of the day, where I really felt bad for her even though she was a figment of my imagination. Like I had such sympathy for her position, and I really couldn’t understand and wanted to understand why we didn’t keep loving her music. I don’t know, it felt like something dark and sad going on there.
Fenne: Oof. I want to meet her. I want to climb in your brain and meet her.
Lucy: I could draw her. I wake up from dreams and I could tell you all of the architecture, I could tell you the fabric on the furniture and what makeup people are wearing, and shoes people are wearing. A lot of info.
Fenne: For a split second when I wake up, it’s like that, but yeah. There’s an artist called [Zdzisław] Beksiński — he trained as an architect and then he became a photographer, and then eventually he became this incredible painter, and his paintings inspired, like, black metal artwork. It’s like a lot of huge, imposing buildings draped in flesh, spiderwebs, and they’re beautiful because of how intricate they are, and they kind of glow. But he said that often he’d have the idea that — it’s not a theme, but it’s actually the picture itself, and then he replicated from this picture in his brain. So maybe you should go into Russian hellscape painting. [Laughs.]
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not-the-darknight · 5 months
{A party banger exploded}
Izzy/Fang/Annie/Alex/Squalo: HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!
Jiéshù: Happy birthday, or something.
{Fang was carrying a big chocolate cake with wine red frosting}
Fang: Congrats! A year older and still looking as good as you can!
{Annie clapped}
Annie: Congrats Diluc!
{Izzy was holding a recipe book with non-alcoholic drinks}
Izzy: So what is the birthday boy doing today?
{Squalo was holding an expensive Fontaine wine}
Squalo: Sup, I had this lying around at home. So I just took what I found.
Izzy: The tag says something else.
Squalo: Shut up witch!
Alex: Hehe, it´s only a few small things. But here you go!
{Annie made a necklace and bracelet out of red shells
Fang bought a fine quality leather notebook. On the front it said: "PLAN SOME SLEEP"
Alex gave Diluc a box with coffee chocolate and a few coupons. "Use Alex/Fang/Annie/Izzy/Squalo/Jiéshù for whatever you need"
There were exactly 15 coupons.
Izzy the recipe book and the better version of the potion she handed Diluc on Fangs birthday party.
Izzy: I managed to make it, so that you are only knocked out for ONE day. And it tastes like grapes!
But don´t drink it too often!!! Or else you might get some.....after effects, hehe~
Squalo only prepared the Wine.
Jiéshù gave Diluc a few Glaze lilys and a coupon from Wangsheng Funeral Parlor.
50% of all coffins.}
Huh? Where did you all come from?
[Diluc had a small amused smile on his face.]
Thank you. Truly. I was not expecting it. Well, I didn't have anything planned for today except help around in the Winery, I suppose.
[He accepts the bottle from Squalo]
Thank you, fish boy for choosing this and making an effort.
[He then took the jewelry from Annie, patting her head]
These are lovely, Annie. I will wear them when I have the outfits for it. Thank you.
[Accepting the leather book from Fang, Diluc chuckles softly]
Thank you. I will try. No promises though.
[He then looks at what Alex gave him]
Ah, these coupons will be handy and so will these chocolates. Thank you, Alex.
Izzy, you did it! Thank you....but...
[Diluc raised an eyebrow at the witch]
What type of effects?
[He took the flowers from the Jiéshù and placed them in a small vase]
These are lovely. And as for the funeral parlor coupon... my partner literally works there, so I think with the coupon and his discount I can get a 100% off eh?
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clairehadenough · 3 months
Captregina is not the only blog here doing the same shit as the Benedict fans! Everyone that thinks the marriage is PR deserves the same treatment they give to the people who post pics of the couple together.
Not sure if you know who sideways blog is but she is obsessed with Chris in a very ill way she even sent packages to his house in los angeles and had the time to make flyers to spread that Alba is racist in los angeles as well. The other one are that Annie girl, the Josip one that pretends to be Joshua, the Nancy girl and the Georgia girl (basically all the pr blogs even that Maja girl, the nothingtoseehere blog and everyone who in this month and year still say it’s PR and fake) all of them used to be in a gc with me pre Alba and they kicked me off when I didn’t want to post evil and vile things about Alba. They all say Alba is racist (no proof was sent when I asked for it they kicked me out and bullied me) but they be saying all kind of mean and racist things towards her and her family and friends, the body shaming was what made me feel so uncomfortable reading the messages and all of them preach of being so perfect but are so rude and nasty.
Sometimes I wish you would talk about them as well to open their followers eyes because they do love to lie and make up things about Alba and Chris just like Captregina and her dumb crew.
Thank you and sorry for the long rant 😭
First of all I’m really sorry you were treated badly but good for you for using your brain and getting yourself out of that. It needs courage and intelligence, both being qualities that the crazies are clearly not familiar with.
As for talking about other blogs, to be honest I wish I had the time to see what all of them specifically talk about but fortunately I don’t.
Captstupid gets the most of it because clearly she is leading 99% of the other blogs and they all end up saying what she says and doing what she asks them to do. Can’t you see how they have to keep their asks open to for her to get what she wants? 1) because she’s too scared to face anyone in her asks confronting her and 2) because she needs open asks to send her own anons.
Not only she sends anon mentioning how “CAP WAS RIGHT” everytime she’s wrong, she also needs the space to send all her alter egos messages (hello CAA anon), also to reply to anons who are not even addressed to her. Plus don’t forget the anons she sends to hype up her cringe fanfics…
For all of this she uses Rogers, Blea, Jav, Mid, Circle….they are her little lap dogs as everyone seems to like to call them.
So for me, holding her accountable and exposing her craziness is the same as going after all of them.
Feel free to talk about the others yourself though since you clearly know them better from the time you still thought it was PR!
Well done again for being smart and courageous!
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moonspirit · 5 months
Hi Moon🌙
For ask game for fanfic writers :3
2, 7, 17,29, 30, 64 and 98 (yes, this one on purpose for make you praise yourself and be kinder to yourself 🫶)
Hello Anna T_T This took way too long, I'm so sorry.
2. talk about a notable time a narrative or character has looked you dead in the eyes and said “fuck your plan, here’s what we’re actually doing.”
I answered this one over here :3
7. tell us about the plot of the first fanfic you ever wrote
The first ever fanfic? Oh god, that's more than a decade and a half ago... but okay xD Basically Kei and Hikari (the main couple from S.A) take a trip on a cable car during a winter getaway, and as you can expect, the car stops right in the fucking middle. What happens next? A lot of sexual tension, that's what. I was like... 13 or 14 when I wrote this xD It was titled 'Love in the Ice' btw, lol.
17. what is your favorite line you’ve ever written?
Oof, this is hard #_# There's got to be many, though my head is blank now... but... okay. I guess this one from Ch.16 of VBEOW:
He bid her goodbye, once again, and that time had been the most painful of all, because now he knew, there could've been something between them, something called love, and it couldn't be, only because she was supposed to be just Annie, and he wanted that for her more than love.
29. give us a spoiler for one of your stories.
XD Wah, really? A spoiler? Uhhhhhh okay, so there will be a chapter in VBEOW titled "Once a Fighter, Always a Fighter" and personally, I'm very excited for it (though it's a long way away for now). Very vague, I know, but it's a spoiler xD
30. most inspirational quote you’ve ever read or heard that’s still important to you.
Hm... from a fic? Or just in general? Okay, I guess I'll go with Carl Sagan's dedication to his wife in his book 'Cosmos'. It goes like this: "In the vastness of space and the immensity of time, it is my joy to share a planet and an epoch with Annie."
I think about it often, because in our very brief time of conscious life on this (rare) planet, it is certainly such a wonderful thing that we live alongside other wonderful people who touch our hearts and change us forever.
64. what is your favourite title for a fic you’ve read?
Ooohh. I think it's got to be "Breathturn" by ladywongs, who wrote it for the touken fandom. I can't find her/their fics up anywhere anymore, but since I have a downloaded copy of it, I often go and re-read it. It was an angsty-smutty piece, which captured the quality of the title very well, imo.
98. what don’t you like about your writing style?
:< Oh no. Everything, sometimes. Other times, I don't like how it seems very much like violet prose... or maybe that's just me because I'm too critical of my skills and hate everything I do haha xD Anyway. Someday, I'll be proud. That's good enough.
Thank you anna T^T You're always too damned sweet :<
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dandelionlovesyou · 2 years
If THG's characters are living in modern world (now), what do you feel would be their profession?
Also, what would they study in university?
PS : For Peeta (baker or painter) and Mrs Everdeen (nurse or doctor), could you list another profession beside those please?
You can include as many characters as you can or want.
Thank you so much 😀
Hi @curiousnonny =)
Such a fun ask!
There are so many possibilities, but I've decided to make a list ala "Dirty Jobs" style. Lol. I figured to break off from the usual. I love the series Dirty Jobs hosted by Mike Rowe. Not all the jobs on the list are "dirty"!
Sorry for the weirdness! Feel free to gloss over this post. Not everything makes sense! =D I just had fun!
TW: Mention of death.
Katniss - Scrap Metal Recycler. 
Katniss also does metal sculptures on the side as a hobby. She's excellent with welding machines, angle grinders, chisels, etc. She knows how to operate all the heavy equipment in the shop, and makes wearing a coverall very, very sexy.
Peeta - Bridge Painter. 
Never afraid of heights and dangling in the air while suspended in a harness, Peeta loves having a perspective from above. He does it for the breathtaking sunsets that he can only see from higher elevations. 
On the side, that's how Katniss first saw him. She was collecting metal scraps below for recycling, and he was hanging by Panem Capital bridge, eating a sandwich while still hanging. Without her knowing, Peeta spotted her too!
Haymitch - Outback Treasure Hunter. 
That's how he created his fortune. He found an ancient relic by the edge of a cliff. He trudged on for days, following historical clues and his instincts.
Effie - Celebrity Pet Groomer. 
Effie will groom your pets to the most elevated and loveliest quality. She has a TV show on Capitol One and boasts 15 million followers. Effie practically built an empire with her brand, Trinkett and Mahogany.
Finnick - Shrimper and Oyster Farmer. 
The most handsome and easygoing shrimper and oyster farmer you will ever lay eyes on! Watch our golden boy weave nets and hammocks by the beach in his free time. Want to know his secret to living a carefree life? Come visit his farm and bring him some sugar cubes!
Annie - Mushroom Farmer. 
She's a genius at this. Grows all sorts of mushrooms for restaurants -- she even has medicinal ones!
Johanna - Pathologist. Particularly an after-death one. 
Jo has no qualms about cutting into ribcages and skulls and dissecting organs as long as it solves the mystery of why someone died. She's en route now to the laboratory with Seneca Crane's blood samples that need testing.
Gale - Bell Maker. 
Our boy is super good at blacksmithing and forging. He also does restorations of historical bells. Gale's a history buff, and it's all he talks about. That was how he got Madge Undersee, the Mayor's daughter, as his girlfriend. She's an antique preserver and collector. Her most prized possession is a Mockingjay pin from the Uprising.
Primrose - Sled Dog Breeder. 
She does it with Rory, who takes care of the training. They're all scientific about it, but really they just want to cuddle Alaskan Huskies!
Seneca Crane - Baby Chicken Sexer. 
Someone's gotta do it, right? We have to separate the flock when they're just chicks. Seneca prides himself on being the best sexer there is. He's very serious and methodical in his reaping and does this while sporting an intricate beard. 
Sadly, he was found dead recently.
Cinna - Special Effects Artist. 
Okay, it's not so far off from what he does with the fake fire on Katniss' dress, but I just couldn't stop myself! He would be so good at making special effects!
Plutarch - Doomsday Seed Banker. 
He has to make sure that humanity survives at all costs! We are fickle creatures after all.
Chaff - Deadly Snake Wrangler. 
He collects venom for scientific research. When he was eighteen, he lost his arm from a neon Gaul snake muttation.
Snow - Cabbage Farmer. 
Snow is currently hiding in a backwater town because he is under investigation for murder. He thinks nobody would look for him on a cabbage farm.
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itzjustsage · 2 years
Attack on Titan Girls in Romantic Relationships
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Featuring: Mikasa, Sasha, Annie, Historia, Ymir, and Hitch.
Content warning: None
Note: These are headcanons from the canon universe and the modern au taking place when these characters were 13-15. I may make a post of these headcanons when the characters are older since their character changes so stay tuned. Feel free to request me anything!
Mikasa Ackerman
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-You would have to ask her out first since she hides her feelings for you very well.
-Mikasa's love language is acts of service and quality time.
-Her favorite flower is Campanula.
-She can be clingy at times and would always want you by her side.
-Dates with Mikasa would be located at the park (Specifically the parks that have a lot of trees), concerts, the movie theaters, and the mall.
-She pulls you into her shoulder and messes up your hair just to play around.
-During battle she is almost always there to save you.
-Mikasa likes to paint your nails black.
-I feel like she would want people to know you are together but she wouldn't be into PDA.
-Loves when you play with her hair or give her hugs especially from behind.
-Gifts you crystals and little charms she makes in her free time.
-She's very vanilla when it comes to love she likes the basic things and isn't into anything crazy. I can see giving you tough love.
-Mikasa gives extremely good advice and is always a great listener.
-If someone physically harms you in front of her without reason may they rest in peace.
-She gets mad if you do something stupid or reckless and will not hesitate to smack the shit out of you.
-When she's mad at you she just glares at you angrily and doesn't talk to you for the rest of the day or until she feels like working things out.
-Very comforting when you're sad.
-Mikasa is the type of girl to have a little box under her bed called "the comfort box" and it will have tiny plushies, tissues, chocolate, and pictures of things that make you or her happy.
-Has a playlist dedicated to you.
-Smells like lavender and Ariana Grande's "thank you next" perfume.
Sasha Braus
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-She's more likely to make the first move but this can vary.
-Shares her food with you.
-Randomly jumps on your back and kisses your cheek.
-Sasha's love language is words of affirmation and physical touch.
-Really good kisser and always somehow knows where you want to be touched.
-Dates with Sasha would be located at restaurants, cafes, the playground, the forest and six flags.
-When your sad she'll offer you food or gently rub your back.
-If you cent to her about a situation where your in the wrong she will tell you.
-She says "I love you" all the time.
-On valentines day she goes all out and buys you teddy bears, chocolate, and just gifts you like in general.
-She likes playing animal crossing and always invites you into her world to hand you stuff.
-Sits in your lap while eating snacks.
-She demands Movie nights and sleepovers almost every weekend.
-On sleepovers she likes to build pillow forts and snuggle close by you.
-Enjoys laying on your chest and listening to your heart beat.
-She likes it when you braid her hair.
-She kicks and moves a lot in her sleep and has the funniest bed head ever.
-Holds your hand and swings it while navigating alongside you.
-Her favorite flower is Antirrhinum.
-Smells like cherry blossoms.
Annie Leonhart
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-You cannot pay this girl all the money in the world to ask you out you definitely got to make the first move.
-Won't admit it but she gets flustered really easily. When she's flustered she puts her hair behind her ear and looks down.
-Annie likes to hold your hand and squeeze your cheeks instead of kissing because she gets to flustered.
-She doesn't like arguing and would probably cry if you tried to with her.
-At first she'd try to run away from you because she wouldn't want to get attached.
-Her favorite flower is Carnation.
-Annie the type of girl to let you wear her favorite hoodie if your cold.
-Her love language is giving gifts and acts of service.
-Would serenade you with her electric guitar. (Only if you've been with her a really long time though because she doesn't like being venerable.)
-She gifts you love notes with little cat drawings and collages of you two together.
-Smells like Hibiscus Palm.
-Dates with Annie would be located at sleepovers, Boba shops, cafes, the beach, skate parks or grass plains.
-Pays for everything and gets mad if you try to get her anything.
-When your sad she holds you close to her chest and pats your head. (Sometimes she might even cry with you.)
-Has two plushies of you and her. Holds it close by her chest while she sleeps.
-Rarely sleeps and spends most of the night staring at you or the ceiling.
-Gently pats your head to greet you.
-Puts you in a safe place while in her titan form so you don't see her get hurt.
-She doesn't display her affection for you in front of others but when your alone she's all cutesy and loving.
-Would be overly exited when you meet her dad.
Historia Reiss
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-Smells like strawberries.
-Dates with her would be located at bakeries, rom com movie nights at her place, the library, and the spa
-Calls you honey and love.
-Scrunches her nose and blows you kisses when she see's you.
-Has like 1000 posts of you and her dating.
-Her love language is PDA and giving gifts.
-Hands you pink tulips and milk brown chocolate often.
-Writes love letters about you which she's likely to send.
-Likes to caress your face.
-Gets mad when you say mean things to others or purposely hurt yourself.
-She's very playful and will jokingly hit you if you say something dumb.
-Really enjoys drinking tea. (She has so many antique sets of cups and kettles too.)
-Likes to brush your hair or run her hands through it.
-Goes all out for your birthday and plans surprise parties almost every year.
-Reads you books when your sad.
-Gives you quick kisses frequently.
-Is the little spoon while you sleep together.
-Invites you to the spa often.
-Would try her best to protect her but she's more of a damsel in distress rather then a hero.
-Likes to see you smile when you read the letters she makes for you.
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-Likes to hold onto your hips.
-Very clingy and protective as hell.
-Likes to show you off and wouldn't mind PDA.
-Lays between your thighs and stares up at you when she's tired.
-Ymir's love language is physical touch.
-Teases you playfully.
-Won't admit that she loves it when you kiss her.
-Ymir would be the one to ask you out.
-Dates with her would be located at barns and nobles, farms, forests, and the gym.
-Smells like flowers and peppermints.
-Her favorite flower is the iris flower.
-Hugs you from behind and pats your head often.
-Has very masculine energy and is more dominate when it comes to romance.
-Likes to share earphones with you while she's listening to music.
-Favorite season is fall and summer.
-She'd like to make tiktok videos getting sturdy with you.
-If someone tries messing with you in front of her she would scare them away.
-When your sad she doesn't really know what to and will panic.
-Gets really exited to see you.
-Lowkey stalks your social media platforms.
-Always puts your needs before hers.
Hitch Dreyse
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-Is a sucker for cuddles.
-Teases you playfully and likes to see you flustered.
-She'd probably unintentionally ask you out or you'd be the one to ask her out.
-Buys you things if it reminds her of you.
-Love language is acts of service and physical touch.
-Always fights for you whether it be physically or verbally.
-Extremely flirty and will purposefully do the things that make you feel butterflies.
-Pokes your shoulder and disappears in front of you to hand you your favorite flower.
-She's clingy and likes being around you.
-Scrunches her nose and shakes her head when she sees you.
-Dates with her would be located at the movie theaters, the peir, lake, and the mall.
-Her favorite flower is red flowers.
-Blows kisses at you.
-Brushes your hair in the morning.
-Even when she's in a rush she never forgets to say goodbye and kiss you.
-Likes to play with your hair.
-Rubs your back and assures you everything will be okay.
-Likes to slow dance in the moon light.
-Smells like cotton candy.
-Is always there for her when you need her and is very reliable.
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throwaway-yandere · 8 months
a quick add on: i really don't want to compare, but seeing genshin anni rewards and honkai star rail 2.0 rewards is certainly,,, a difference.
for one, you get 20 free pulls just from logins for hsr. and not even for the anniversary, it's for their 2.0 update. genshin 2.0 rewards weren't even like,,, a thing. every hsr player knows that the anni rewards are going to be good because there's just so many pulls they just give out for free.
it's not just a reward problem anymore now, either. hsr devs have made so many quality of life changes and new end game content, while genshin took until fontaine to make commissions slightly easier and the abyss rotations only get worse and worse.
sorry this became a lot more rantier than i would have liked, but those are my thoughts summarized 😭😭 sorry again for the long ass ask i genuinely didn't mean to start going off like that,,,,,
😋 anon
Thiiiis!!!!!!! Sorry I didn't notice this ask but yeah these are also what I said on the other one LOL. Fr fr
It feels like we are not respected as much as the other games, and I'm inclined to believe that's because Genshin is far more mainstream and stable.
However, I'd like to also point out that this is an online gacha game. We are actively playing a game that can disappear anytime soon if they felt like it, and yet some still chose to support by spending money on it because that's how much they loved the game. That's why people feel like there should be a better "thank you" for 3 years of undying devotion than 3 cool steels, yknow what I mean?
I feel a lot more detached from Genshin nowadays so my opinions don't hold as much weight, but for those who still play and feel strongly about this? Complain politely. Be vocal about what can be improved on because with how the Genshin Devs are handling the situation, it's not very "noble".
And for those who are content, then that's totally valid ^^. I hope you continue enjoying the game <3 /gen
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Can you do one for Jeff Winger from Community? Thanks for your quality posting, by the way. Keep it up.
i made this whole post about how havin my only two community posts be about jeff an abed felt like some fuckin evil/good dichotomy thing an was sooo thematically resonant an then i realised that a) that sounded like some real nerd shit an b) i actually also did an annie aesthetic so it's not even based in fuckin reality. fuck this gay earth
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orlaite · 9 months
favourite books you read in 2023? least favourite?
To the surprise of absolutely no one, my dearest, favourite book I read this year was T.E Lawrence's Seven Pillars of Wisdom. It was the kind of book that was not only damn good but also changed me fundamentally as a person and put my personality and interests on a new trajectory with a jetpack strapped on. It's impossible to overstate the impact this book has had on me. The actual, physical edition I read is also part of my dearest 2023 memories: I was on a mission to find it when I went on a solo-trip to Berlin this summer, the first bookshop I went to gave me a postcard and wrote some suggestions for where to find it on the back (I have the postcard taped up by my bed) - I took the U-bahn straight to the first shop and they had it! I loved that shop, it had such a cool vibe and the man at the register was really nice. Bought way too many books there most of which I still haven't read. When I open that edition of Pillars it's like I'm back in Berlin in the summer heat. I've said all of this and not even talked about the inherent qualities of the book, but they're many and I loove it. WE SEVEN PILLARS POSTING IN THIS INVIOLATE HOUSE AS A MEMORY TO YOU.
Lawrence's The Mint was also another favourite, as was Jeremy Wilson's Lawrence biography and John Mack's Prince of Our Disorder.
On the topic of non-fiction, I read a very entertaining book called The Fires of Lust: Sex In The Middle Ages which I recommend. Really interesting and enlightening research and assertions. It humanizes peoples of the past and effectively makes the point that people, across time and space, are pretty much the same while pointing out the differences between medieval sexuality and our popular (mis)conceptions of it.
Back to literary fiction, I also read and very much enjoyed The Color Purple by Alice Walker, The Bell Jar by Sylvia Plath and Song of Solomon by Toni Morrison. James Joyce's The Dead was my favourite short-story, with E.M Forster's The Life to Come and D.H Lawrence's Fanny and Annie coming in at 2nd and 3rd, respectively.
I didn't read any fiction I would call bad or anything, but if I have to say least favourite it's probably Emily St. John Mandel's Station Eleven. Just not my type of book.
Some of the (new) books I hope to read and finish by 2024: War and Peace (cirka 200 pages in rn), Anna Karenina, Orlando, The Odyssey, A Passage to India, The full Oxford text of Seven Pillars of Wisdom, and Jens Bjørneboe's Bestialitetens Historie.
This got kinda long but thank you for the ask darling❤️
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beevean · 1 year
How about a list of your favorite villains across media?
Wouldn't really know how to rank them but I can try :P
Eggman: funnily enough, it was Colors that made me realize "huh, he's actually a pretty good villain" lmao, so thanks Colors! Full of himself, iconic style, charismatic, he will destroy an ancient civilization site to take down his enemy and then build a circus in the same game (some of the games do a bang up job of displaying his personality without words!), proof that you can be both goofy and a serious threat.
Dahlia Hawthorne: absolutely my fave AA villain <3 she's petty and not even the final murderer, yet under her "cute girl who's secretly a bitch" façade lies an actual, scary demon, who doesn't even let death stop her from spreading her utter malice. Not even after Mia beautifully lays down how she's actually a miserable pathetic creature (which she is), does her creepy factor diminish.
Annie Wilkes: yeah an odd choice maybe, but Misery is one of my favorite books and Annie has so much presence and I was legit scared of her while reading. It's almost funny how she's essentially a parody of over-the-top entitled fans, and oh boy things did not get better since the '80s :)
Griffith: what can you say about this complex, tragic piece of shit? You can see him in many ways, you can blame him or forgive him depending on how much you believe in the effects of fate, he's mostly rememebered as "that asshole who raped Casca into insanity" but the arc he went through to get to that low point is only one of the many reasons the Golden Age arc is iconic. I like to see him as a stunted manchild who longed for human contact but his only way to get it was through control :)
Azula: nowadays I think she'd be treated more sympathetically due to her being a 14 yo girl raised by a monstruous dictator, but still, she starts off as a genuinely scary threat compared to the sympathetic Zuko, and her plan to take over the Earth Kingdom is actually clever ("don't flatter yourself, you were never even a player", fucking destroyed), but by the end of Book 3 you feel nothing but pity for the scared little girl with mommy issues she actually is.
Blue Diamond: she's always been my favorite of the Diamonds, and not just because she's beautiful :P she comes off as the "nice" Diamond, especially when juxtaposed to Yellow, and she has a soothing yet intimidating aura around her. But she's actually deeply selfish and callous, literally dragging everyone in her grief - her power immobilizes you with sheer sadness, it's almost scary - and she said she loved Pink a lot but she wasn't above abusing her. I find her fascinating. (I also like Yellow a lot for the opposite reasons: she has more redeeming qualities than one might think).
Beatrice Horseman: does she count? I'll count her. I hated her guts ever since S2E1, where she calls Bojack to outright tell him "you were born broken and there's nothing you can do about it", but then S4 comes around and man, does it recontexualize all the evil she did to Bojack. Not to the point of forgiving her (although Bojack's last moment of compassion gets me), but the entire situation, from her own childhood trauma to how she coped with it, is devastating, an excellent portrayal of the cycle of abuse.
Weil: at the cost of repeating myself, he's just a spiteful monster with zero redeeming qualities (dude manipulates two babies to do his evil bidding and it doesn't even scratch the surface), fully convinced that it's his own humanity who makes him such a monster, and you want him dead so badly
(shout out to Copy X, who is more minor than Weil but I like his concept a lot and I find him pathetic in a good way, super underrated and good thing he wasn't the real X turned evil)
Dracula: started off as a homage to horror movies, became a nearly Berserk-esque figure of a dark lord fated to die at the hands of his old friend's descendants and be brought back by humanity's darkest desires. You almost feel sorry for him and how he's nearly forced to be a monster... if it wasn't for his utter selfishness and petty spite against God that were there long before he became an avatar of Chaos.
Isaac: obviously :P minor villain that he is, he's an absolute delight, both an over the top petty asshole of a simp whose motivation is simply "make Hector suffer", and a tragic victim who did not deserve to see his whole life shatter in the span of a few minutes. Again, you'd feel very badly about him, and then you remember how he dangled Rosaly's head in front of Hector. Also Liam O'Brien <3
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itlivesproject · 1 year
Hi there it lives within' creators!
So, I just wanted to say that I’m very thankful for you guys making the game— but my question is would you guys ever plan to make a interaction story app one day? It may sound dumb but I think it’s really cool considering how much you guys put your all into ILW.
Also, my MC lost a freakin' eye 😭 I was panicking and accidentally hit the 'help Annie' choice and WHAM! the eye is just- gone lol.
Sorry I’m talking so much, but really, thank you for making this wonderful story.
ALSO ONE MORE THING: My path was the shadow one, and I was crying the whole time because the story took a toll on me, HAHDHSHDHS LORD 😭
Love ya guys !
Hey! Glad you enjoyed the story even if it made you emotional and lose an eye and stuff 😅
To answer your question, a few members of our team, Maggie, Alex, and M, have already started their own IF project! You can find more information on their blog, @painted-devils-if.
As for me, the more I think about making a story app, the less interested I am, the reason being I think that passion really drives good stories, and when you have an app, and a business, the business part is honestly a very big deal. You can't have a story app if you can't continuously produce stories, but cranking out stories means that you're just trying to produce content, which can lower the quality. I worry that if we tried to spearhead a visual novel app, the passion and love for the stories would fizzle, the quality would drop. It would be extremely difficult to make successful from a business perspective. So I think that if our different members continue creating, it's much more likely that the games would be standalones that might be hosted on other apps (like Hosted Games for text-based ones) or available for download on sites like itch.io, rather than starting an entire app similar to Choices or Romance Club.
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