wolfsbanesparks · 9 months
Pspspsps wolf
You know how Terry never got to meet Alfred in Batman Beyond? What if we could change that 💃✨️ how? Time travel shenanigans~
What if a villain wanted to play around with time travel and mess with the batman, choosing to do so by capturing Robin (Damian) in the present, and switching him with the future Robin, Matt (Terry's little brother or my personal OC, if you ever want to hear about her 👀). This causes a whole lot of drama and stress for both batfams of the past and future, but are determined to return things to normal asap.
Terry can't stand Damian when he was younger and full of angry smol energy, and Damian, while trying to find a way back home, is struggling to understand how Terry, a complete outsider to the batfam, became worthy of being batman above anyone else. This also becomes a brief hot topic of debate in the past with the other batfam and future Robin, who is making their existence there everyone else's problem.
Eventually, Terry gets along with young Damian, and Bruce works efficiently with future Robin (whoever they are), that they find their ways back to each other and beat up the bad guy. They all officially meet, and due to a time travel cool down, chill in the past inside Wayne Manor. Where they can all share Intel and some peace after the hectic event they went through. Terry answers vague questions about the future, and gets to meet Alfred for the first time, and he is happy that his Bruce had him in his life for so long. Near the end, I imagine he asks Alfred for a scone recipe that was lost, and makes it for his Bruce in the future. The end.
Aaah, I was typing and lost the main reason I was writing this ask in the first place, but here is my midnight rambling ✨️
I ADORE time travel shenanigans! And Terry is such a perfect person to travel through time to see these different, younger versions of the people he knows (and meet some people like Alfred that he had only ever heard about through stories).
I imagine Terry is a little weirded out by some of their younger counterpoints, and I definitely agree that Damian is probably the strangest for him to see, especially since Damian would be close to Matt's age.
I bet he is surprised by just how much Alfred does for the family and the influence he has on them (mainly Bruce). Terry and Alfred get along great, both stubborn with a take no shit attitude, though Terry cannot understand his need to stick to his butler role. Alfred for his part probably listens well. Terry might feel more comfortable talking about certain things (while talking around spoilers for the future) since it's a bit weird with the others. (it could be so sweet!)
And Terry making scones for future Bruce 😭😭😭
It would be such a good bonding experience for them. And it could be fun for Terry to realize that Bruce knows certain things due to the time travel mix ups. It would be so sweet!
Thanks for the ask! I love this!
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4, 7, and 14 for the fic ask game 😊
hello!! Thank you! I got really carried away with this because I'm obsessed with reading and writing.
4. 👀 A fic that you love a normal amount.
I do have an entire bookmark tag for fics I love a normal amount. But I will do some specific endorsements :3. Also I'm doing more than one because I can.
well let's start with your lovely incredible Vendetta one-night stand fic!!! just wanna bewitch you in the moonlight (just wanna bewitch you all night). Also I love how you choose titles.
(every boy crazy 'bout a) Sharp Dressed Man, by dappercatllc. RE. This fic opened my eyes to this ship (in conjunction with fon's stuff). Half pining, half smut. A sequence of actions that I think I've permanently tattooed into my brain from how much I've read this. I could really do a whole list of dappercat fics, but I'll refrain for now.
Chemical, by silvercap. RE. I thought this had solid plot, gripping tension, good descriptions. SUPER creepy. Excellent hurt/comfort. I'm so normal about this one, trust me.
fine, FINE. I'll talk about the cod fic that ate my brain for a week. I don't think I've ever been less normal about something than I was about this one. I read that beast in one day, and then proceeded to think about it every waking moment for at least an entire week. And then I read it two more times. I'm actually rereading it again.
7. 💯 A fic that makes you think #writergoals.
Nothing Gold Can Stay, by perkynurples. The Hobbit AU. I am impressed when authors do plots really well. It was so fun to see how the catalysts made the characters change over time. There's a later chapter that broke my brain because of the buildup to it.
Sansûkh, by determamfidd. The Hobbit. This has 1 million hits for a reason. AAAH. It switches between a lot of POVs, and manages to make all of them interesting. I love when authors pour so much into their OCs (and time was obviously spent!). There is LORE.
in the desert, by Iravaid. Cod again. This one has crazy cool descriptions and imagery. It was a very interesting unreliable narrator experience, plus it digs into the Ghost comics.
14. 🤩 A fic that made you SLAM that "subscribe" button.
Into the Wilderness, by HeartBranches. The Quarry.
call of the sea, call of the moon, by dappercatllc. RE.
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dragonologist-phd · 2 months
A and E for the fanfic writer ask meme
thank you!!
A: Of the fanfic you’ve written, which is your favorite and why?
aaah it's like asking me to choose a favorite child!!
honestly, my answer changes all the time- right now, i'd probably say Love & War, because a lot of thought and has gone into it and i love it's turning out and the characters make me lose my mind. they're messy and stubborn and they care so much, and it's been a lot of fun to write those dynamics.
but also, once i get back into my groove for Of Diamonds And Dust, i might say that one, because i've been working on it for years it's become my comfort fic, and the evolving relationships between these very different characters is very compelling to me and i feel like i've learned a lot while writing.
or! i might say any of my fics about Desta or Nona or Piper, because i love my OC's a lot and the way i develop them is by writing them!
sorry, it's a very rambly, non-committal answer, but there you go!
E: What character do you identify with most? Is there a certain fic of yours that captures these qualities particularly well?
i don't know if i have one i identify the most with? most of my OC's have little pieces of me, but none of them are a complete projection, and once they take off in their own direction it's a hard comparison to make!
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borathae · 10 months
First of all, I love everything about your Sanguis Alpha story! It’s sweet, has its moments of toxicity, has times where I wanted to sucker punch characters, and of course those super good sexy times that I reread all the time. 💜I was recently rereading and I have a question. Why exactly was Yoongi prolonging releasing Taehyung for so long? I know Taehyung accused Yoongi of wanting to keep reader and Taehyung apart so that he could “worm his way” into her heart but for some reason, that seemed very out of place for how you write Yoongi. Anyway, love everything you’re doing and I hope to see more! Maybe another man bun Yoongi because his long hair had me fighting for my life. I always imagine him with his long hair in your stories though😭😭
Aaah I'm so happy that you love it so much!! Thank you so much for sharing heheh 🥺💜💜
Why exactly was Yoongi prolonging releasing Taehyung for so long? I know Taehyung accused Yoongi of wanting to keep reader and Taehyung apart so that he could “worm his way” into her heart but for some reason, that seemed very out of place for how you write Yoongi.
Oooh good question. I do believe that there was some truth behind Tae's statement. At this point in the story, Yoongi still believed himself to be unlovable and easily replaceable. You know in the sense of "you're just an unimportant, ugly, disgusting piece of shit either way, nobody will ever truly choose YOU first". So he feared that the moment Tae would be released, OC would just completely forget about him again because of "how unloveable and replaceable" he was. So I do believe that Yoongi tried to keep Tae away from her out of fear.
I can 100% tell you that he didn't do so as part of an evil scheme to "force her to fall for him", hell this man still doesn't know how he managed to make her like him let alone FALL IN LOVE with him. Like how did he do that??? So while there was no malice behind his action, there was definitely lots of fear and the (maybe selfish) want to experience her love for as long as possible "because once Tae's out he will definitely lose that experience again".
So while Tae was right in a sense, it wasn't because of some evil scheming but because Yoongi was scared to lose the happiness and warmth she made him feel for the first time since forever. 🥺
Maybe another man bun Yoongi because his long hair had me fighting for my life. I always imagine him with his long hair in your stories though😭😭
SAME SAME SAME nfansdfn he officially has long hair in Magnus Venatio and I also picture him with long hair in all the oneshots of them fandfnads he's just too powerful with long hair
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nammikisulora · 1 year
Writing Tag Game
I was tagged by @cobalt-knave, thank you! :)
Answer the questions and tag a few people you think would enjoy it!
What original characters (could be background ocs or main characters of an original work, etc) are you so tempted to write more with?
Aaah, my abandoned darlings Jennevi, Darrian & Tylan, main characters/primary supporting characters of my original fantasy work I still hope to return to sometime. When brain stops saying no original only fanfic 😅
What is one work you’ve written that you wish had more readership/comments? (And link it!)
Good question! Maybe this is a weird choice, because it got a lot of engagement when I was posting it, but I'll go with A Tale Not To Be Told, my first big foray into Mechs fanfic. It's been a few years since I wrote it, which means it's pretty much forgotten in this small fandom, as well as buried by all my newer fics.
What’s one work you’ve written that you wish was podfic’d?
No idea, actually! I probably wouldn't listen to a podfic of my own stuff, but it would be super cool if someone did it - any of the fics!
What’s one work you’ve written that you wish had fanart?
Hmmm… Another very difficuly question xD I can't pick, lol. Either A Tale Not To Be Told, Lifestock, or some whumpy body horror for Inside Threat, I think. But any time I've seen art inspired my fic is amazing <3
What’s something that you don’t tend to write but love to read?
I write what I want to read, lol. Right now I'm trawling through the entire AO3 tag for Wolf 359 without any intention to write anything for it myself, does that count? 😅 Another answer is a more general "well written in-character smut", but that's… well, I write it, but I prefer to read other people's because I'm not very good at it, I guess x)
Pull a line your proud of from your current wip.
He must have eyes again, because he’s crying. Boiling tears drip down his face, sizzling, gleaming. His throat feels full of broken glass, but he screams right through the pain. And his arm… the metal feels white hot and freezing at once, and the thin strands stretching from it all through him have turned razor sharp.
Guess the fic! ;)
Who is a character you love writing (original or fannish)?
No one's missed my somewhat excessive attachment to Jonny d'Ville, have they? 😂
Do you want/take writing requests?
Not specific requests, no. But I do love to brainstorm and bounce ideas! So please hit me with your thoughts, I love to chat about my blorbos :D
What’s one of the nicest comments you’ve received on a work?
Whelp, can't choose here either! But I do love love love love LOVE long comments pulling quotes from the fic that resonated particularly with the reader, or ones that really tell me that Yes, YES! You! YOU GET IT! <3
What’s an idea that you are beating back with a shovel but keeps coming back stronger?
Every ficcy thought I come up with xD It's a losing battle though...
Obviously feel free to ignore this, but if you feel inclined:
@mmaurysiek, @thebloggerknownasgeeknip, @flowers-all-around-me, @hairasuntouchedaspartoftheamazon, @kenanda
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cassynite · 1 year
Fanfic writer asks - 17, 24, 57!
Aaah thank you for the ask ❤
17. Do you have a writing routine?
I uh. Used to lol. My writing partner and I used to write daily before we both headed to work, but then my shift changed so we really haven't been able to do that anymore.
As a general rule I end up writing at night now, after my shift. My main writing tool I use is the online "game" 4thewords, which basically requires me to write 444 words a day to keep up my streak, so bare minimum I try to hit that every day before midnight!
24. How do you choose whose POV to write in?
This is going to be a bad answer but. Vibes, mainly. Like I start with a general idea of the story and then I figure out whose emotions/thought processes are going to be the most interesting to showcase or what I'm trying to actually present--it's pretty easy when most of my stuff is focused on either Sparrow's past (where her POV is obv the easiest and most useful) or the couple (where the best answer is who has the emotional revelation about the other in this instance).
But basically other than that it's just feeling it out lol. Nine times out of ten if I'm just choosing for the sake of choosing I'm picking an OC over a canon character because I struggle with writing canon POV as well.
57. How conscious are you about including symbolism or foreshadowing in your fics?
I want to say i don't think about it at all really but the one Actual Fic I have posted kind of directly contradicts this
I guess in terms of symbolism when I'm writing I usually describe something through the lens of the emotional state that the person is in? So doing that turns what is being described into a symbol of the emotional state, if that makes sense. Foreshadowing is for people who can stick to outlines, which I perpetually cannot
All the Faces in Her Wake is the Major Exception, basically built on symbolism/foreshadowing though--it's not super obvious right now since there's only one chapter but i'm planning on it being structured so that each scene has an element that either references a previous scene or will be a call back to a later scene. so i definitely CAN do foreshadowing and symbolism when i want to on purpose!
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rubystims · 2 years
Hello my good friend!! Dunno if you do OCs, but I was just wondering if you could make a stimboard for my fursona/oc Boo Fredson (if you need pics, I'm happy to provide) in orange, yellow, and white with themes of kidcore, cartoons, food (esp junk food like pizza, burgers, shrimp cocktail, and deep fried foods), fursuits that have Boo's likeness, and Uchuu Kei/alien stuff? Thank you again if you choose to do it! Have a great day!! -RainbowDelic🌈
hi hi!! :D i would love to do this one, but i would like a picture of the oc so that there's an icon in the middle (to get their likeness more accurate also) edit: nvm i found an image sorry for tha trouble aaah :’D
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musaics · 3 years
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“ oh yes , the past can hurt. but the way i see it , you can either run from it , or … learn from it. ” Says @suck-my-tomato​‘s Sasuke to Matsuko, selected from LION KING STARTERS.
“And you will choose to learn from it?”  Matsuko asks the Uchiha with a single raised brow.
So: This was the infamous Sasuke Uchiha.  The young man whom had crashed the Kage Summit and had been causing a ruckus for the Shinobi world for. . She wasn’t sure how long. The monster, the villain, the evil one.  Yes, before her she saw a man that had made many mistakes and behaved in ways that were dishonorable.  But a monster? A villain? An evil one? How could such things be said about someone trying to correct their wrong-doings? That was not the behavior of someone that was evil.  
To learn from mistakes, to be courageous enough to do so rather than to run— That was honorable.   That was Samurai.
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A hum of amusement sounds in Matsuko’s throat as the faintest of grins crosses her lips.  “Ne, Uchiha-san. . “ She begins, warm eyes locking onto his.  “Just then, you sounded Samurai and not Shinobi.”
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jojolovenotes · 2 years
Hello, Berry! ❤❤❤
Thank you so much for all the Bruno Bucciarati hcs you made for me. I appreciate it so much 🥺🥺🥺❤❤❤
I don't know much about Funny Valentine, but I think he will like you very much! Your kindness and caring attitude is what truly draws him to you. You always value his opinions, that's why he thinks you've become an integral part of his most important decisions, not just in politics but, in the personal aspect, as well. Over time, he has let you in on his dreams and aspirations. He chooses to open up to you about the deepest parts of himself, as he sees in your eyes and your smile how you truly cherish him, and it means the world to him. He could never imagine someone else standing next to him but you. It's you, all of you, he thinks about. You also feel like home to him. You matter so much to him, and he will make the world perfect for the two of you, no matter what it takes 🥺🥺🥺❤❤❤🤲🤲🤲
( I hope I did him justice with what I just wrote 😅😅😅🙈🙈🙈 )
Hello hello! 
Oh you’re very welcome!! :D You’re always more than welcome to stop by my inbox tbh!! :D 
Oh... Oh my gosh thank you so much T^T This is literally so sweet though... Aaah... Thank you so much. This was so sweet of you to write. I really really really appreciate this so much T^T Thank you <3 So often sometimes I do wonder if FV would actually like me since I focus more on my OC that I ship with him, but, I’ve gotten more comfortable with the idea of FV actually loving me too... This really means a lot to me thank you ; v ; 
i just feel so soft <3
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piraticusdorm · 3 years
🌿 for Sherlock & Rosi please and thank you! :)
Send me 🌿 for our OCs to find themselves under the mistletoe!
— "The mistletoe tradition. It's widely known though almost no one knows it's origins. In a sense it's like a dare. You dare the other person to kiss you based in arbitrary rules. Like a game, really. Speaking of games-"
— "Dude I'm not doing it."
— "You didn't even let me finish!"
Amidst the party, Sherlock and Ros stood under the small bouquet of leaves. Sherlock's haughty and huffy tone was at odds with his quickly reddening face, meanwhile Ros looked anywhere but in his direction, finding the emptiness of the walls immensely entertaining.
— "So what you're saying is you're giving up? Losing without even putting up a fight. Hmph. I expected better from my rival."
— "Wwww lame. I never agreed to be your rival lol."
— "hrgk!"
A critical hit to Sherlock's ego. One would think such a prideful kid would storm out or cuss out a storm, but he had more class than that. And he wouldn't miss the chance to see Ros like this, hair styled elegantly out of her face, sweatpants changed into a poofy dress. It had pockets too, it was the first thing she mentioned. Tough it was too bad that unlike her sisters, Ros had no "tell". Her tail and ears didn't reveal her mood unless caught off guard, and her face always had an anxious look that he first scorned, and now worried over. So focused was he on trying to decipher her mood, that Sherlock let his own poker face slip.
— "... Would it really be so horrible to k... To do the mistletoe tradition with me?"
A pitiful face... Because of her... That was the sight that she found when she finally looked his way. Ros already couldn't handle his regular personality but when he was honest it was worse. Her face felt even hotter as she started to fidget with her gloves.
— "I-It's not that! Well, it would be kinda weird lol. I mean. Who just.. asks for that?"
She was avoiding his gaze again. Her hand extended slightly, almost touching his sleeve, fingers opening and closing but never quite grasping. Lifting his cup to his lips, Sherlock took a sip of his champagne like an old woeful man.
— "If I were to ask directly you'd run away like always" — Sherlock did not miss the offense on Ros' face, followed by reluctant acceptance —"Since it wasn't a yes, it's a no. I'll drop the topic. Ah right, did you notice the brand of chocolate on the tabler? I actually know the owner..."
Far from calming, Ros felt herself more agitated at his nonchalant change of topic. Her stomach sunk a little. Like when she choose a bad end flag in an otome but didn't save before. But it's not like she wanted a good end... Right? Then why was she so disappointed he didn't press further? No, it couldn't be.. then again...
Thoughts circling on and on with no end. So in one move she drowned her champagne glass, took an unsuspecting Sherlock by his silk tie and brought him to her height for a quick kiss on the cheek. It was misaligned in the rush, closer to corner of his mouth than she intended, sending his heart shooting up.
—"T...There! There I did it! B-but only because I was a little tipsy! Aaah ha hahahaHAHA my head feels so light~ I had too much~ So t-that's why..."
— "... pff... pffthaha..." —
Try as he might he couldn't stifle his laugh despite her glare. The worse was how he looked better laughing too, appearing more his age, tears forming above rosy cheeks, smudging his high brand blue eyeliner. Sharp teeth fully showing in a far from threating way. Ros had to fight any appreciative thought from fully forming in her head, focusing on anger at his laughter despite it sounding more elated than mocking.
— "This isnt champagne! It's some offbrand soda! Not like alcohol would hit your system that quick! Pffft-"
The noise of very embarrassed digs and uncontrollable laughter went on that afternoon.
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babycharmander · 3 years
I KNOW IT'S TWO DAYS LATE NOW BUT I'M DOING ONE MORE I DON'T CARE!! I wanted to recommend some fics! But I'm gonna specifically be recommending some that I haven't seen anyone recommend yet, so here we go!
Fic title: Las Memorias by abelrunner (@wee-chlo) What it's about: A fic showing some snippets of Héctor's afterlife as he's slowly forgotten, and also a bit post-movie. What I like the most about it: This was a much older fic in the fandom and one that introduced a headcanon I quite liked--that the dead can feel when someone who remembers them is forgotten. It's also got a very nice, brief look at Héctor's afterlife and the friends he made in Shantytown. The OCs in it are good too! Favorite scene: It's SO HARD to say for this fic because there's so many good ones. But there's one specific moment in the fic where each of Héctor's family members says something (I won't spoil it because it's a great moment) and it about destroyed me. Why other people should read it: If you want a really good oneshot about Héctor's afterlife and also some really good moments with his family, you should definitely read this. Other thoughts: This one influenced some of my own headcanons, haha. It's good!
Fic title: Elegy by @dogbearinggifts What it's about: An AU where Imelda is cursed and sent to the Land of the Dead, where she encounters a recently-dead Ernesto as well as Héctor, and... things play out from there. What I like the most about it: Living!Imelda interacting with dead!Héctor was really cool. It's also just an overall very cool way of showing how the story could have gone. Favorite scene: The scene where Imelda and Héctor realize what really happened. Why other people should read it: If you want to read a really fascinating AU and see some really well-written interaction between Imelda and Héctor.
Fic Title: For Whom the Bell Tolls by @im-fairly-whitty What it's about: Ernesto decides to settle some unfinished business in the Land of the Living post-movie. What I like the most about it: This is one of the first fics I recall that dealt with Ernesto's character development post-movie, and it does a pretty good job of it. Favorite scene: Héctor and Ernesto's conversation. I don't want to spoil it--it needs to be read. Why other people should read it: If you want to read something Ernesto-centric, this is a really good one!
Fic Title: Ojos Que No Ven by @endless-existential-crisis What it's about: Post-movie, Miguel dies in a tragic accident, and is taken care of by his dead family. What I like the most about it: In spite of its tragic premise, it's an incredibly sweet fic. There's a lot of really wonderful moments between Miguel and his family, though also a lot of sad ones too. Very well written overall. Favorite scene: Héctor and Miguel singing together! Why other people should read it: If you want some angst and h/c and Miguel interacting with the dead Riveras post-movie, this is a great fic. Other thoughts: It is currently unfinished, but what's there is still very much worth reading! Fic title: Recuérdame (Remember Me) by Xandynz What it's about: A universe alteration in which Miguel does NOT get cursed, but instead discovers Héctor is his real great-great-grandfather, and begins to unravel the mystery. What I like the most about it: THE STYLE IS SO COOL OH MY GOSH!!! If you've read Ernesto de la Cruz VS The Court of Public Opinion (which by the way is also an absolutely fantastic must-read fic), it's kinda like that, but with even MORE variety in the types of formats it uses. The story unfolds through a variety of formats--Reddit posts, news articles, text messages, and so on. It's SO COOL. (I think this type of fic is called an "epistolary"?) Favorite scene: I don't know that I could choose just one--every chapter is a surprise with how the story unfolds. Why other people should read it: It's a really cool UA (where, while Miguel avoids going to the LotD, things DON'T end tragically for Héctor) and seriously the style is so cool it really needs to be read. Other thoughts: This one is unfinished! I have no idea if it will continue, but it's still worth reading!
Fic title: Who Tells Your Story by @papergardener What it's about: Post-movie (pre-epilogue), while Héctor and Imelda are still in the middle of reconciling, the media is hounding Héctor and writing up a lot of sketchy articles about his past in the Land of the Dead. Imelda has a lot of questions, and Héctor is not the best at answering them. What I like the most about it: This is SUCH a detailed look at Héctor's afterlife--all the original characters have so much depth, and the historic details are really, really cool. A lot of research really went into this fic and it shows. It also covers some really heavy topics in a very respectful way. Also the way it's presented--we often see the tabloid articles and hear Héctor's shoddy explanations before we see the flashbacks, leaving both the reader AND Imelda wondering about things before they’re really revealed, so there's a lot of "OHHH" moments, as well as "OH... OH NO!!!!" moments throughout the fic. Favorite scene: Oh gosh it's really hard to say. I like the flashback with Héctor and Maris (the second part of it specifically), but I also like the moment where Héctor evades the press and mulls over how he's going to talk to Imelda about things (and winds up talking to a goat alebrije at one point, haha). Why other people should read it: If you're okay with reading some really heavy angst and dark subject matter, and/or you want a really really detailed look at Héctor's past, and/or Héctor and Imelda trying to navigate their relationship around all the post-movie chaos, you should probably check out this one! Other thoughts: HEED THE TAGS AND WARNINGS!! Also, fic is not finished yet, but you should still absolutely read it!
Fic title: Bitter Sweet Symphony by @tomato-bitch What it's about: Pre-movie, Héctor attempts to confront Ernesto and things go... poorly. Long story short, Héctor winds up as Ernesto's personal assistant, and it's... not the most enjoyable job, to be sure. What I like the most about this fic: This is such a different premise, and it's very well written. It's honestly kindof a nightmarish situation (being stuck in a massively stressful job that you have zero training for), but you really, really want to see Héctor succeed (and get some sleep, please get some sleep man). There's also a lot of really really good OCs in this one! And also Héctor essentially gets assigned a pigeon alebrije assistant and she's great. Favorite scene: Aaah this one's hard to say but I really like the scene where Héctor gets to go to the staff party. Other thoughts: Fic is still in-progress, but still absolutely worth reading!
Aaand that's all I've got for now! There's others I could recommend but I am Tired. @__@; But I wanted to highlight some fics I really like that I didn't see get recommended on Saturday, so... here we are!
OKAY I'M DONE NOW! Thanks again to everyone who participated in the event on Saturday!
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hanatsuki89 · 3 years
🏀💗💧 for Ginevra?
🏀 Does your OC have any skills that people wouldn’t expect them to have? Do they have a hobby or pass time that others would consider strange or weird? How did they learn this particular skill or pick up this hobby?
I don't know why people would think this since she is a Cousland after all, but maybe something about the aura she projects makes it so everyone is surprised when they find out she is a good dancer? She doesn't like it very much though.
💧 What is something from your OC’s past they’re the most ashamed of and why? What is something they’re really proud of? And lastly what is something in their past that could make them shake with dread?
Ashamed of, mmh. Probably a tie between all the sons of nobles she brought to bed without her parents knowing (yup, Dairren too) and punching the lights out of Thomas Howe back when they were teenagers and he mocked Ser Gilmore in front of her.
Afterwards, I think she also felt ashamed for choosing to go against Alistair's wishes and making him King in order to keep him away from the Archdemon.
Sorry if I am boring, but given how much I have out her through the wringer, I think Gin is just overall happy to be alive xD
And well... she is a Cousland. I think no matter the horrors she have faced during the Blight, nothing will ever top the absolutely devastating feeling of having to leave her parents, Gilmore and the whole of Castle Cousland behind with the knowledge that that would be the last time she would see them alive.
💗 Ramble a bit about this character!
Aaah, some good old rambling. If I have to be honest, I don't remember what exactly was the initial idea behind Ginevra. I just knew I wanted to play another character and I wanted it to be the opposite of my usual rogue with similarities to myself.
I crafted her appearance by basically throwing together all of the traits I would want for myself and that attract me in another woman: tall, buff, brown hair, light eyes, strong nose/profile. She was also supposed to only be romancing Alistair, but OCs have a life of their own and she reaaally wanted to end up with Nate and have all of that angsty schmoop that I mentioned in passing (and that I am writing several fics about).
Thank you for asking about my baby Gin <3
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ben-the-hyena · 5 years
What are your favourite Dark Crystal AUs? (Aside from the ones you’ve come up with)
Aaah I was hoping someone would ask !
So instead of my own AUs, AUs from others I loved so much I completely adopted them :
@the-shy-lonely-weirdo‘s AU in which the Skeksis and Mystics all are exes, all have feelings for each other but the Skeksis are too proud and angry and the Mystics pretend they’re over with this but they are not, only SkekGra and UrGoh went back together. But still a huge romantic/sexual tension between all the halves (I JUST LOVE THE IDEA OF SKEKSO AND URSU FLIRTING WHILE BEING ENEMIES AND SKEKSO BEING A TSUNDERE OK)
@meladromatic‘s AU in which the Skeksis raise Kira with the hope she will kill Jen and no prophecy will happen... and while at first it was just for convenience, they actually all get paternal/maternal about her and are legetimately hurt when she turns on them (and try have her back in the sequel comics), IN FACT I LOVED THE AU SO MUCH I OFTEN CHAT WITH ITS CREATORS FOR NEW HEADCANONS AND SUGGESTIONS
@nrrdiarts‘s whole cute baby AU(s), UrGoh and SkekGra’s, SkekTek an UrTih’s, SkekMak and UrVa’s, SkekUng and SkekSil’s, SkekSo and SkekTek‘s... MY HEART CAN’T HANDLE THIS
@grosskelly‘s AU featuring SkekOk and Brea being friends at first and then he hesitates between her and essence and in the end he chooses essence but is not proud about this (and the comic about her and Kira)... MY FEELS ;.;
SkekLa’s AU with her sona, as well as her friends’ OCs the Gardener, the Counselor etc has always been fun to look at it with great/sweet/funny drawings. Look at her whole gallery on DeviantArt you will love it
@aspen-arts‘s AU in which the Great Sun Conjunction doesn’t happen yet so now SkekUng becomes Emperor he allows reproduction (in her HC SkekSo had forbidden it to avoid being toppled over), so all the couples finally become official and have kids. SkekUng later has SkekSil back in the castle and has him as his consort and they have kids too (her HC for their relationship is very complex and tragical I love it)
SalazarSlytherin34′s AU that was partially developped under the form of a fangame (I LOVED IT ! PLAY IT ! https://marionpoinsot.fr/tassebleue/2015/09/28/before-the-dark-crystal-2/) in which SkekUng gets a feisty Gelfling slave named Athenae whose wings were ripped off and despite everything he actually (tsundere-like) gets romantic feelings for her while it becomes mutual
@twinklecrystle‘s Skekbirbds AU in which Deet tames and raises feral Skeksis that are small alien birds aggressive to everyone except her is SO CUTE
The collective fan AU in which the Skeksis are not evil but actually truely benevolent and no troubles happen, they just look very ugly for aesthetic purpose
Another collective fan AU in which they are not evil either but just grumpy bastards and the Gelflings annoy them like Spongebob on Squidward, and some actually get attached
Another collective fan AU in which they reform thanks to Deet’s POWER OF MAGIC becuase she’s just so sweet and if given more time you know she would have tried it. They become moody jerks but they try because she is really that sweet
@j0sadorf-studios‘s AU in which SkekMal actually finds and raises a little Rian into the new hunter and is a good stoic dad to him and Rian becomes a wild emo hunter !? YES
@dracocheesecake‘s AU in which the Skeksis and the UrRus end up listening to SkekGra and UrGoh and go live all together again... AND POLYAMOROUS ROMANCES HAPPEN XD Skeksis get sweeter and UrRus become less chaste. And some UrRu and Skeksis hybrid baby looking like feathery dragons are born (”Geez SkekUng you impregnated UrSol !?” “He’s everything I would have preferred in SkekSil !”)
@fangirlingpuggle‘s Skekdad AU in which SkekOk adopts baby Brea and then SkekSo gets jealous and adopts baby Deet, then either SkekUng or SkekVar for Mira (and she gets fucking drained anyway :’(), SkekMal for Rian in that AU too and they love them and raise them, and then angst happens during draining time
That’s all I can think of right now !
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KELLLAAAAAAAAAAANNNNNN!!!!!! tell me about your ocs pls 🥰 I don't know any names lol so choose two of your faves!! 💫🌾🌲🌼
AAAH THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THIS!!! THIS TOOK ME TOO LONG!! Unfortunately I don’t have two solid oc’s right now to write about so I just chose Kenneth, my rdr2 oc!! I hope this was worth the wait. 
🌾 Describe your OC through the eyes of someone absolutely head-over-heels in love with them
(arthur morgan reading his journal voice) There’s people in the world that are worth loving, that are good people, and it feels special to love them and be loved by them. Kenneth is one of those people. He confuses me, simply because he’s so kind and it looks like it comes easy to him. He’s smiling all the time and it’s one of those big smiles I can only describe as sunny, it makes you warm in your chest and it’s contagious. I could look at him all day, with those big brown eyes that look at you like you’re worth something. He’s got this freckle, a spot? I’m not sure what to call it but it’s just on his jaw right by his ear and I find myself staring at it far too much. He’s confident, sure of himself and you can see it in the way he stands, carries himself, and the fact that he doesn’t take shit from anyone. I think it’s one of the reasons I was, that I felt drawn to him. He knows he is and is just so sure. He’s pretty confident about a lot of things, including that people are good and can be good. Well most people. He’s got a big heart despite all the hurt he’s been through, he’s strong. He’s really strong and I admire him in a lot of ways. He’s a good man and sometimes he has me convinced that I could be good too, that I am good. I don’t know if I believe him, but he makes me want to try. 
💫What is your favourite fact about this character and why?
He’s generally a really sunshiney, happy, smiley kind of guy. He’s often given hell for it, either for being naive or whatever that he’s so happy all the time. He’s happy because if he doesn’t try to be happy, he’ll fall apart because of all the things in his life that are hurting him. He works really hard to feel okay and to not let everything get to him, so he’s always sunny and trying to make other people feel better. I love this because I want to be like that and I just like sunshine characters, I like creating characters that are kind and that kindness comes from strength. 
🌲 How deeply does your OC feel? Are they typically empathetic or do they have a hard time connecting with others in this way? What are they like when offering support and comfort to someone they care for?
He feels so deeply, all the time. He’s incredibly compassionate and empathetic. He connects easily and readily with others. He’s always wanting to help and be there for other people. When Kenneth wants to offer support, he gets on the other person level, pays attention to what they need and what they’re like, if someone needs silence but doesn’t want to be alone, he’ll sit in the quiet with them. He’ll offer to listen, if they need it. He doesn’t push, not too far at least. He’s affectionate as well, both through his words and actions. If the person will let him and would like him to, he’ll hold their hand, rest his head on their shoulder or hold them. Or at least he’ll sit close enough their legs touch. 
🌼 Who are this characters friends and found family? How did they meet, how long have they been friends for, could they ever be something more than just friends? What do they look for in a friend or a romantic partner? (this one got LONG it’s going under a read more!) 
His found family is the gang and his friends are in the gang. He doesn’t have many outside of it purely because of his constant movement, his leaving places and people behind and continuing to run away. His first and fastest friend is Arthur, partially because that’s who saved him and brought him in, that’s who he trusts right away. He’s friends with nearly everyone in the gang but the others he’s closest with are Javier, Charles, Abigail, Karen, John, Lenny, Kieran, and Sadie. He meets all of them through joining the gang obviously but it takes him time to get close with each person, kieran and sadie the longest because they join the gang later than him. He and Javier connect right away, bonding over their skill set and ability to work well together as well as the sense of loss of leaving a family behind, not being able to see them again. He’s quick friends with Charles as well, he makes a quick effort to be friends with him because Charles makes him feel safe. Kenneth spent a lot of time with a traveling trapper/hunter and learned a lot of things. He and Charles go on hunting trips and spend a lot of quiet time together. He made friends with Abigail not long after joining, partly because he was trying to help her and Jack right away. He’s got big brother instincts and he wanted to take care of Jack and do what he could to help. Plus he just loves Abi’s attitude and personality. Because of that it takes him a while to be friends with John. He doesn’t have issues with John right away but John has issues with him and there’s a long list of why but it’s not until Horseshoe that John starts to finally stop fighting with Kenneth. Karen is a good friend very quickly as well, again with him wanting to help the ladies with their chores, despite Grimshaw shooing him off constantly. They joke together a lot and share slightly unhealthy drinking behaviors. He’s incredibly eager to go on a job with her and her with him, excited to get up to trouble and rob some people. They’re both close to the same age and he sees all the ladies as sisters and he’s just good friends with them. Lenny seems to be one of the most put together people in the gang and Kenneth enjoys talking to him and they do watch shifts together often. He wants to be friends with Kieran the minute he’s brought back to camp. He doesn’t approve of the way the gang treats him, O’Driscoll or not. He doesn’t see Kieran as a threat and he doesn’t think there’s a reason to be cruel to him. He’s often caught giving him food and water and talking to him at night, trying to comfort him. He’s friends with him as soon as Kieran is free and will protect him from anyone threatening him. It takes him the longest to become friends with Sadie, partly because she’s hurting and he doesn’t want to overstep. She becomes affectionate towards him, like a little brother and once she gets a chance to finally get out of camp and fight, they’re a dangerous team. 
Kenneth’s a bit of a flirt and he falls for nearly anyone who’s nice to him, so he’s interested in almost any of the men he’s friends with. He considers something with Javier but he knows it’ll make things awkward because despite how close they are and how into him he is, he has self destructive habits and if he sleeps with someone, it sours the relationship and he can’t talk to them later. Arthur is another story though, he’s very in love with him and wants to be more than friends. Very badly. 
In friends he looks for someone who is passionate about their interest, who cares about others. He couldn’t handle someone who doesn’t have a compassionate or empathetic bone in their body. He’s an emotional person and sure the other person doesn’t need to be incredibly open and emotional, but they need to have the capacity to care and to feel. He looks for people who are able to look beyond their own experience. He’s friends with people who are capable of learning and wanting to be better. He wants someone he can laugh with, someone who can have fun as well. Even if it’s in their own way. He loves Arthur’s attempts at humor and his sarcasm. He’s also very interested in honesty. He isn’t interested in lying or people who lie so he wants someone who’s upfront and will talk to him as well. He doesn’t have a lot of experience with romantic partners, most of them have just been one night things but he looks for all the same things in them.
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juliettelime · 4 years
coconut, blueberry, papaya? (you always have great music playlists aaah more than one song or just a current mood song is ok if the papaya Q is too tough!) 💕
send me a fruit
☀️ coconut: favorite perfume?
daisy (summer edition) by marc jacobs!! & enchanted by taylor swift ~
☀️ blueberry: what do you want to dress up for halloween?
in recent years i’ve been closet cosplaying for halloween so....... i would love to go back to being able to closet cosplay my love wanda maximoff *__* or just pulling off an aesthetic witch thing (2017 was my magnum opus lol) is always a good go-to
☀️ papaya: what song describes your aesthetic?
OK i decided i’m gonna give you a run down of me at four different phases in my life so far thru songs!!! bc ilysm ;u; this turned out long so i’m gonna put it under a cut HAHA
1) this is me - demi lovato & joe jonas
elementary school kia loved disney channel more than anything else (something i’ve relearned about myself after watching ALL of my favorite mid-late 00s disney channel movies on disney+ over the past four weeks) and i think this is me captures why, both in how the song goes and also the context of it in the movie. i loved disney channel but none of my friends did (except for like, one, and even then she didn’t go to school with me so), it was apparently the uncool thing and so any time i made mention of liking hannah montana or high school musical or something i would get made fun of. so i learned not to ever talk about it and instead lie and say i actually didn’t like those things either... which was dumb, and also kind of the plot of camp rock? mitchie lies and then gets found out and learns to not lie and instead be true to herself, which is what this is me is about. so yeah that reminds me of elementary school me. and ALSO--the whole shane and mitchie finding each other during the song BECAUSE of the song and shane’s “i gotta find you” being used as the bridge BLEW MY FUCKING MIND AS A KID. that was absolutely the kind of romantic shit i was into back then too before i ever knew heartbreak sdjhfgsdjkhgsfdkjh this song is just a good time
2) rockbell - honeyworks ft. ia
vocaloid owned my entire ass in middle school through to early high school and i’m choosing rockbell to represent that because wow this song just kinda feels very me overall: the visual pv watercolor aesthetic (i was very into emulating this light fluffy japanese aesthetic especially in sophomore year), the upbeat melody, the surprisingly sad plot twist and the ending that MAKES MY LITTLE HEART CRY. the heartfelt nature of it reminds me of that part of my life because i was very much trying to figure out the overwhelming nature of emotions back then ;_; (also honorable mention: answer by dixie flatline ft. luka is. so important to me)
3) grand romantic - nate ruess
late high school/early college goes to LITERALLY the crux of why i made niccolo and why he is such an important oc to me: the fun./nate ruess era. i get really heated up trying to explain this (apparently i explained it on instagram on a post i... forgot to post here on tumblr. oops.) this era technically started in middle school and was very important in early high school when i discovered the aim & ignite album BUT that’s bc i liked someone then so that was the main associating factor..... and then when that fell apart, the grand romantic album came out and i’ve held onto it dearly ever since. i could pick apart each song and where they fall in my life over the past five years and how they relate to niccolo’s story but that’s TOO LONG to get into, but the grand romantic song just kinda sums up the four years of trying to recover from that specific heartbreak: “I just wanted you so bad.” “I don’t wanna be the Grand Romantic anymore.” and the album art aesthetic is something i came back to a lot in my early college days when i was oil painting and did a whole oil series based off it using niccolo as the subject (which i also never posted here for some reason). honestly it says a lot about me why this is one of my favorite pieces of art to ever exist
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4) lemon - jubyphonic (english cover)
the last song to bring us to today is a cover of kenshi yonezu’s lemon!! juby’s lyrics are fantastic as always and this one hurt me when i listened to it for the first time. it follows up the last few years of me being in heartbreak turmoil but with a scent of fresh air at the end, which i resonate with at the moment because i finally feel like i’m actually moving on. and it sounds like how a shoujo manga feels which i also resonate with because in the past year i’ve been trying to figure out what makes my art mine and i’ve found i’m very influenced by shoujo, not just aesthetically but also in how it handles emotions, not just romantic, but the overall experience of dealing with relationships and the nuances of everyday life.
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stormklinge · 5 years
fren. please grace us with whatever you want about Volk. boyo got me hoOked. especially after seedlingsinner's fic. -justanothershitgamer
(●´□`)♡ Aaah oh my goodness! Thank you so so much! You are so sweet to say this and I am so excited by your interest! ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡  Hmmm it is hard to choose as there is so much about Volk to say! He is one of Jacob’s men and his VIP Chosen! He is Jacob’s wolf and known to the Whitetail Militia as the Beast of the Whitetails! He is a feral hunter who hunts with a cross bow and a compound bow and he is very good at communicating with animals and he has passed Jacob’s trials successfully! 
I have so much more I could say if you ever want to message me to talk about Volk! Or your OCs if you have any and you would like to share with me! I am always interested to know more about my mutuals’s OCs! 
Thank you so much for your wonderful interest! You have made my day! ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡  @justanothershitgamer ♡ 
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