hana-akari · 2 years
@suck-my-tomato continued from x
Prized possession…
The phrase repeated in her head before a growl left her throat, “I am not an object to be owned, and you can’t keep me here forever!”
She should have known better than to lower her guard. He was so handsome and charming at first. Came to all her matches. Walked with her. She never would have guessed he was gaining an unhealthy obsession with her.  After a while it did start getting noticeable. He would get between anyone trying to get close to her. Friend or otherwise. If they persisted in interacting with her, suddenly, they would disappear. That’s when Sakura realized Sasuke wasn’t a human. The man she allowed into her life was one of the blood suckers that had been picking off the poor. Now one of these beasts was obsessed with her. No matter where she went. Where she ran to. He was always there. 
One by one, people started to disappear from her life, or start to avoid and fear her. She was losing control of everything she worked for. In a desperate attempt to gain back control, she tried to flee the city, or to run right into Sasuke. And before she could so much as defend herself. His teeth were in her neck. Everything went dark after that.
When she awoke, she found herself laying in a lavish bed, in such a richly decorated room. It almost looked like it was made for her. When she sat up, she became even more aware of her surroundings. She was dressed in such an expensive dress. Her face flushed, realizing Sasuke had to have seen her naked to dress her. It was both embarrassing and frustrating. She felt like a doll. She got out of bed, and before she could even try the door, Sasuke entered the room. Looking so pleased with himself.
Even if she shouted with aggression, he would only respond calmly. Which only upset her more. And the fact he turned away to leave! “What are you hoping to accomplish with this? Me falling for you? Me wanting to become like you? Or are you just going to use me as an easy blood bag?”
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thatsneakymedic · 2 years
"Why did you have to bring it up?”
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He couldn't help but smile at Sasuke's question as he doesn't glance at Sasuke, still looking at the night sky, "I brought it up because it has me thinking. About you. You have been improving your skills and your fighting abilities, but your people skills and addressing your own feelings still need work. Though I suppose your pretty much saving your own personal growth and self-discovery for last when you kill Itachi, right?"
They both agreed to not speak of it, about the New Year kiss that happened between them. But Kabuto had his reasons for wanting to know what are Sasuke's post revenge goals, even though deep down. Kabuto knows full well that eventually Orochimaru is going to obtain his body one day. 
How strange, that he would be even thinking of Sasuke when he really should not be getting too attached to them in any way. 
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okayigetitifuckedup · 4 months
Every day I trust critics less and less. Lisa Frankenstein is visually stunning and if I see one more boomer asshole in Oakly wrap-around sunglasses dismiss it I'm going to turn into a Creature of my own.
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baconcolacan · 2 months
So….that eddsworld update huh
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jrueships · 6 months
sometimes i'll think abt a Fandom and wish it were bigger, and sometimes i'll read something from a fandom.. and wish it were smaller
#ppl seeing a confident black man : FINALLY! A PERFECT ANTAGONIST FOR OUR STORY!#THE CORRUPTOR!! THE ASSHOLE! MR KNOWS ALL!#i want to be bigger into football. i rlly do#but . omg. sometimes seeing just So Much . side eye shit is . like imagine my exhaustion#and this isnt me trying to be the behavior police like let ppl write but sometimes seeing such. Fun. patterns can be like#idk man it's sad like damn thats rlly how the world is and obvs i KNOW how it can be but it's real wack#real wack being reminded even in ur supposed happy place ur supposed lighthearted little break from the world#it's still not . idk. it's just not#oh the poor pale blond qb just a little anxious baby oh and his evil zany teammates trying to corrupt him oh theyre so terrible for my angel#:/#.. that is. a Grown. Man .#it's like replaying my 2nd grade teacher ******** me bcs i was a troublesome kid and it made her feel young and alive and bad again#like wtf am i corrupting you with maam? skibbity toliet ? leave me alone !!#listen. if it were smthing like 'x rlly likes tomatoes' when he actually likes idk carrots? i would not give a fuck. infact i prefer carrots#but bad patterns have smthing more to say bcs patterns in general have a story#it's more than 'he would not fucking say that' it's 'WHY tf are YOU making HIM say THAT of ALL people & THINGS???'#like i love having asshole characters in my stories too. and they can be poc ! NO ONE is a saint!#but having one just to fuel the only one u actually care abt? having their problems solely be for plot?? & making that one#a SPECIFIC kind of person ?? is kinda giving me 'u dont view x as a human which could mean you dont view x race as humans'#WHICH IS !! IT SUCKS ! THAT SUCKS!#i know i need to just suck it up and ignore it but thats like the life quote of being poc isnt it#ugh#it sucks
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paperbaldi · 8 months
not gonna lie I sometimes feel strange posting baldi art in 2023. Like I know is not my fault that I didn't know about fandoms and stuff but seeing some old posts of fans having fun when baldis basics was so popular and posting arts and stuff and seeing people interacting with each other with their baldi blogs and...i don't know. I feel like I missed so much fun. I feel like a fake fan because I didn't join the fandom sooner and when I see people mention some events that happened in the fandom I just. can't say anything because I wasn't there (or either I don't remember that much?)
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jeireilostt · 11 months
Mentions of: E*ji Todoroki/Endeavourwhore, abuse, Todoroki stuff.
Nothing upsets me more than when people attempt to blame the Todoroki kids for all of that shit that happened.
Especially Touya.
People go on to say that Touya was a brat for the way he acted. And that his downfall was HIS fault.
Like- Endeavour made Touya believed his entire worth was based on being a hero. And we all saw how Touya reacted to him saying there’s more to life than being a hero.
Which to me is an obvious sign of saying, "You don’t have to do this anymore. I have a replacement." But that’s just me. We don’t know what the characters true thought processes are so we won’t really know.
But for Touya’s whole life, it was his soul purpose to be the number one hero for his father. Only for it to suddenly be cut off and taken away from him.
He was a child. Children are usually reliant on their parents praise and attention, and for someone to suddenly cut that off from them just like that? That's going to mess anyone up. Especially a child And ESPECIALLY Touya.
Not to mention the fact that he never experienced what a loving marriage between parents or loving household? Considering Rei and Endevour’s marriage being arranged And for a good while, Touya probably couldn’t bond properly in the beginning with her due in training?
Like how Shoto couldn’t play with his siblings because he was training (I don’t know exactly if I’m wrong correct me if I am).
And I see people talk about how Natsuo and Fuyumi could’ve helped.
The even YOUNGER victims of neglect? Help their oldest and younger brothers?
What were they supposed to do? Hit their 6’5 father who bursts into flames?
And people even blame Rei. I understand she burned Shoto and caused him a lot of trauma from that.
But why did she do that? Because she went insane. And why did she go insane? Because of Endeavour.
The only person who isn’t a victim of abuse in the entire Todoroki family is Endeavour. He’s the problem.
And always HAS been the problem. Redemption arc or not, he deserves everything that has come to bite him in the ass.
And for what? A status that shouldn’t mean jack considering saving people is your job? And yet he’s the one hurting people. That’s not very heroic, if I’m being honest.
Touya (Dabi) wasn’t saved. So he eventually became a villain, while Shoto was. The roles could have been easily flipped.
Dude was in a coma for 3 years, and that itself probably made the whole thing even worse for him. Bro wanted to apologize to his mom and the others; he wanted Endeavour to look at him again, and he tried to go home. Only to see the same thing happen to Shoto.
Dude had 3 years of his life wasted. That would make a person spiral. Who knows what it does to an already abused, traumatized kid whose quirk quite literally is killing him?
And not to mention his body burning? And a massive forest fire and burned flesh being replaced with ROTTEN skin? I’m surprised the dude even lasted that long before going batshit.
And the worst and most ironic shit ever. Is the fact that Touya had an ice quirk the entire time. It just wasn’t unlocked.
All of the pain and suffering was for nothing. And it’s just downright sad that he was his father's "perfect masterpiece" the entire time.
I will say I don’t like how Dabi hates Shoto for something he had no absolute control over, but it’s understandable.
You would hate the thing that supposedly "screwed you over." And why would it really make a difference if Dabi wanted to kill Shoto? He never necessarily bonded with him to form an attachment (he kind of disliked him from the get-go), And also due to the fact that Dabi has already killed people.
So what’s another person? Especially one you disliked the moment they were born, right? It’s screwed up, yeah, of course, but I can see why he’d be like that.
He lost his "purpose" all because Endeavour deemed the other child "more worthy," so no wonder.
(He’s a dumb waste of space if you ask me)
Which is also the endeavor’s fault. I’m not justifying Dabi’s actions or whatever.
No matter what, he’s still a villain, which is bad or whatever (I still love him and enjoy him slaying everyone💀).
But it’s understandable. And there’s a reason why. But there’s no way in hell that Endeavour is good.
Sure, he’s trying to change, but that doesn’t change what you’ve done already.
He’s the real villain here. And also, I like the evil/villain/anti-hero characters the most so maybe I’m biased or whatever you think.
But I’m sick of people saying that it’s their fault for everything that happened.
It isn’t.
They were put in a place of abuse. So they eventually acted negativity to that abuse.
And I certainly can’t wait for Endeavor trash to die at Dabi’s hands. I’ll be dancing on his ashes beatboxing.
Now I’m gonna go read happy Todoroki siblings fanfiction till I pass out. GOOD DAY TO YOU.
(IDC about your opinion if it isn’t the right one 🥱. Especially if you try to defend flameshit over there)
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ddarker-dreams · 11 months
Hello! Hope you're doing well! How did your job hunting go?
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i'm still on the hunt.................................. sometimes i wish i was a nepo baby. i was almost a nepo niece this past week but i think my uncle was undecided about it.
i appreciate you checking in though 😭 i won't give up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i have so much to offer!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! probably!!!!! it seems like getting a job these days is difficult?? that seems to be the vibe i'm picking up at least with my nonexistent antenna. at least it isn't just me. it'd hurt my feelings if it was just me
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gaytobymeres · 5 months
i think the point of a university-level education is a bit lost on some of my course mates...
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hana-akari · 2 years
@suck-my-tomato sent: “You have made me a better person.”
“I can tell.”
Sakura gently placed a kiss on the back of his hand as she held it within her own. She was resting against him as they sat outside, watching the stars outside his mansion. She wasn’t sure how long it’s been since he kidnapped her. The days kinda blended together but judging by the fact that her hair has grown out, she suspected a few months. She was once again dressed up in another beautiful dress that he picked out for her. He seemed to have figured out her tastes rather quickly.
She never did follow through with her threats of running away. Even when he forgot to lock the bedroom door a few times she still stayed. It was tense at first but after a while, they got used to living with each other. Learning about each other. Sakura felt herself falling more in love with Sasuke as the days went by. They even shared a bed, and she adjusted her sleep schedule to match his. He gave her more freedom after a while. Trusting she wasn’t going to run off, she was allowed to explore the mansion. He didn’t feed on her like she expected him to. He’d disappear for a few hours and then return to her, with food for her. 
It all felt like a dream, and now here she was, curled up against him, just enjoying each other’s company, “You don’t look so tense and lonely anymore.” She commented, looking up at him, “You smile so much more, and treat me like a princess. You’re hardly the man that kidnapped me not too long ago.” Sakura softly chuckled,
“You’re still a thief… I can’t believe my heart was stolen by a vampire of all things. But you aren’t just any vampire, you’re my Sasuke.” She stated with a playful grin.
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bittertomato · 11 months
Does anyone ever think about how the only other person besides Guda who affirms in text that Morgan's Britain was beautiful... is fucking Percival of all people?
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Percival. A manufactured human of Faerie Britain who can't live more than 30 years, leader of the rebel army fighting against her, named after one of the Knights of the Round Table from Proper Human History, the human raised as a backup Child of Prophecy, the human who took up the spear Morgan discarded. Of all fucking people.
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spacecrows · 5 months
hello fellow 'oh this food isn't supposed to be spicy/tingly/numbing?!?' people!!!
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I would love so much to see an AU where All Might at some point pre-canon or early canon; stops, looks around and goes “Hang on, I thought I supported society and got everybody the breathing room to rebuild and become a stable society, that was the whole point of the Symbol of Peace. How the hell did we end up with still so many villains and crime and poverty again less than 50 years later? Fuck this shit I’m out, you guys learn to take responsibility for yourselves cuz I’ve already plus ultra’d for you, the rest is your job!”
and like publicly retires and starts advocating for social programs and funds a bunch of free facilities like libraries, training gyms, clinics etc, and basically is just putting his weight as the Symbol of Peace behind the mostly-unaddressed parts of public service. Which makes the hero commission go like
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cuz since its All Might, now everybody’s paying attention to the social problems they didn’t want people noticing! And trying to sabotage it to keep themselves in power will probably put them on All Might’s shit list
like he’s settled down and spends most of his personal time working on these massive community gardens he’s started, learning how to be a good plant-dad, and accidentally starting at least one alpaca petting zoo (someone brought it up as a light joke but golden-retriever-energy-having yagi toshinori didn’t pick up on that lmao). The media keeps having meltdowns over All Might in overalls and sun hats
The league of villains plot still happens, but pretty differently since shiggy’s main target started drawing attention to his point before he could - big fights still happen, but more like a kids game of tag with enforced safe spots; the gardens are No-Fighting zones for Everybody, any and all Audacious Hoes With Violence On Their Minds gotta hold it back at those locations, because if u squash anybody’s tomato plants you’ll be point-blank on All Might wielding a spade and channeling the energy of a wrathful Samwise Gamgee
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beatheprincess · 9 months
Family issues go brrr
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faitomato · 8 months
they should invent a fighting video game series that isnt horny
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splatarsenal · 13 days
the Winchesters and their tswag
NOT wincest
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trans headcanons I have for them, buckle in
mentions of transphobia; both internal and not, I'm trans myself and I am not very good at explaining the trans experience so excuse the mess this is
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y'know, sam and dean Winchester the hunters yeah they're actually both transmasc and dean was the first one to acknowledge that he was in fact trans instead of both boys being born at birth well boys they were born in the bodies of girls (I don't entirely know how to explain this I am sorry even from my trans perspective I'm just stupid) nonetheless sam was more clueless but dean knew that sam didn't feel.. Comfortable in his body to say the least, and sorry to any John fans (if you even exist.. /lh) John would probably be transphobic towards the boys, I mean he was already a shit father in the show and it's just what I think if you don't.. Like that? Idk...i dont liek john :3.. Anyways! whenever john would leave for hunts dean had the ability to make sam feel comfortable in his own skin. he was his big brother after all, snice their dad was almost always busy hunting for ol' yellow eyes dean had to worry about sam acknowledging the real world at such a young age. He'd try his best just to let sam have a childhood unlike his. (Idk if this is already canon covers ur mouth) dean didn't start testosterone till around the time he was in high school, he backed down from it because what if dad found out, god what would he even think of him? his little girl becoming a man. that's not what John would've wanted. those thoughts ate deans mind up like a rabid animal on its prey. sam was clueless about things he could take to get more comfortable or even surgeries he could get (PLEASE EXCUSE HOW DUMB I AM AT THIS..,.,. 3:) it would take longer to accept he was trans he'd have to do his own research for a good bit to fight off his internal transphobia to accept his trueness (??? Is that even a word..) When dean and sam reunited (in the pilot you know) sam refused to believe that was dean, unlike dean who was proud of sam and of his far he had came. but sam had to quiz dean. dean wasn't his big sister anymore wasn't the "tomboy" he knew to love he was dean Winchester. his older brother who still was shorter then sam... Ironic isn't it?
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