praetorqueenreyna · 11 months
I disagree with your take on men not being able to experience SA (even if Ianthe is a stupid character and its alarming that SJM only seems to villianize her female characters committing SA) but there's something to say about a group of people coming after you for saying men don't experience SA in the most unserious way possible when that group of people also unseriously support and romanticise the SA scene with Fey/sand.
its ACOTAR, a fandom rife with horrible SA takes and depictions but they can somehow set that aside to stan the whole entire series and all of its demeaning themes and characterizations. Its also not lost on me that this went from "you're not putting wlw ships in a survey" to a whole research session on your opponent to discredit the fact that they did do the survey twice and it was for petty reasons.
Once again I wish you hadn't worded your take on men and SA like that, but hey it's your space and we do curate our online experiences. If that person knew beforehand that you posted things like that, why do the survey? If they had to search your blog after the survey argument to put a weight on your general character to take away from the original argument? Still backhanded, still not very "curating your online experience". We're all 30+ years old on a website that is very unserious and has supporters of incest of all things. I'd like to think half the things we are into or say here are unseriously said/or not said at all out in our regular everyday lives.
SO I will fully admit that that post was poorly worded. It was a casual post that was never supposed to get any traction, just something to throw my opinion into the ether. Not a serious analysis of how SJM expresses power dynamics and sexual assault. Part of why it's so confusing is that I literally got bored halfway through the tags and just stopped writing things.
Of course men can experience sexual assault from women, regardless of anybody's sexuality or attractiveness. My point was that women in power do not systemically abuse men in the way that men do women. I'm tired of lukewarm liberal feminists (such as SJM) trying to make some point about how the true victims of patriarchy are men. And that online warriors like the people throwing a fit about this do literally nothing to help sexual assault victims of ANY gender, and think that attacking some random person over a random post counts as social action.
But I totally agree with you! SJM seems perfectly happy to show over and over again these villainous powerful women who are somehow skeevy enough to offput the horniest men in world, but are conventionally attractive and don't really do much other than aggressively throw themselves at men. Which ALSO was a point of confusion: that post was not about Ianthe and Lucien. Obviously Lucien doesn't want to have sex with Ianthe bc he's gay. It was about how Rhysand, Cassian, and Azriel are all written as these shallow horndogs who bang everything with tits, but are somehow genre savvy enough to know that Ianthe is a Bad Female Character and are disgusted by her. It's not cohesive, it's just a way for SJM to villainize a caricature of a person and make her male characters (who btw are WAY more sexually violent than Ianthe has ever been) seem like good characters.
But again, this kind of bad faith interpretation and virtue signalling has nothing to do with real victims of anything. Because if it did, they would have had an actual conversation with me, rather than putting words in my mouth over what I did and didn't say. Quite frankly, they're mad that I'm a Tamlin fan, and so they're trying to tear me down however they can. Like you said, first it was "well she's lesbophobic bc there are no wlw ships on the survey." Then when I made my point about how the people who complain about that do NOTHING to actually contribute wlw content to fandom, it shifts to me doing something else. If I kept up the conversation and tried to defend myself, I would be accused of some other crime.
ANYWAY this is exactly the kind of conversation I do enjoy having, so I do appreciate this ask! It is so important to cultivate your fandom experience and try not to take this stuff so seriously, especially for a series as poorly conceived as ACOTAR. Not all of my posts have been winners, but the actual content of those posts doesn't matter. Because I like Tamlin, I'm always going to be a criminal of SOME kind to these people.
I fully admit I should have just deleted the original ask because it was not sent to open a real dialogue. It's a lesson I have to keep learning over and over again, but maybe someday it'll stick!
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rjshope · 20 days
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Seokjin birthday live | 191204 (aka the one with him looking so effortlessly gorgeous)
for @jinstronaut✨
+ bonus: his dongsaengs love language
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canisalbus · 7 months
I've been following you for years, and I love your art. Seeing you repost your older art pieces reminded me how much I loved the angry, bitter, miserable Machete art and how it resonated with me... but a part of me is also so happy to see the current art of him being happy. Cute art of him as a unicorn, or chilling in a bathtub with Vasco. Like, we're all growing and healing :')
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paxcallow · 3 months
do you think we could pretty please have some razlili they give me life🙏🙏🙏
DON'T MIND IF I DO!!! i am sorry anon that this is sososo late, i fell crappy ill for several days and also was drawing a whole several page comic in response to this ask for some reason. i'll post that too but here
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tornado1992 · 4 months
Unbreakable Bond fics in which whether it be because of a storm, cuddling, or dying, Sonic drops a little kiss on Tails’ forehead.
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sainzset · 19 days
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booasaur · 1 year
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NCIS: Hawai’i - 2x15
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ghost-proofbaby · 4 months
i saw your post about this and couldn’t stop thinking about it,,,, so here’s a speed paint of it
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esmes · 5 months
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nuppu-nuppu · 6 months
This feels weird to say but I feel like I'm possessed by a happy person 0_0 like because of the ect treatment, I actually feel so much better but it feels so unreal because I haven't felt okay in so long (like years) but now I suddenly am a person again?????
This is a message for all of you who feel like there's no hope, I swear it will get better someday
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mrsfitzgerald · 1 year
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madrid. video: @bansheeinspace 🤧🥹🥰
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tightjeansjavi · 5 months
Okay, now it’s time for me to get sappy..(when am I not?)
I recently hit 3.5k followers and I’m truly just in awe that so many of you have chosen to follow me, and read my stories, and get to know me through my writing 🥺 honestly, when I wrote my first fic last year I never expected anyone to read it, let alone ask me to write more. The amount of support and encouragement I have received has not gone unnoticed, and I appreciate every single one of you that are here 🤍
Everytime I hit one of these milestones the feeling becomes even more surreal. When I’m writing and sharing my stories, I’m being me. I’m sharing private bits about myself through my writing, and being vulnerable which is truly such a raw, and very human feeling. Out in the quote on quote ‘real world’ I’m just Gianna. But on here, I’m Gi. I’m tightjeansjavi.
From the very bottom of my heart I love you all so so much ♡
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k-martins · 5 months
// Spoiler cap 249
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ageremoji · 1 year
Hey, hi doing alright?
Worried ab u <3/p
Hello, Hello, thanks for the concern. Im going to be honest, I haven't been feeling my best self lately. And motivation has been at an all time low. I do apologize to everyone for the neglected of requests. I've just needed a lot more time to get myself together then I thought I needed. And it's been way too long. Emoji's are being worked on, and so is my mental health! I should be posting again soon. And again, big, big apologies for such a long wait! I really appreciate everyone's patience, and I couldn't be more grateful.
Reminder that I am also working on an agere discord server, I'm nowhere near done yet, but it's being worked on! 😅
Hope all of you are doing well, taking care of yourself, and hanging in there. Thank you guys so much for all of the love and support twords me! Know that I'm very grateful to have all of you guys in my life, Whether I know it is being the screens or not. I love all of ya'! <3
Happy late New Years and happy holidays!
And here's a little somethin' somethin' while you guys wait for requested to be done! <3
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waywardstation · 1 year
literally obsessed with how you draw ingo looking so soft. I just want to hug him and give his cute face a kissy
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Thank you so much OP!!! I try very much to make him look like just Some Guy you want to hang out with and be around. It’s taken a long time to really shape his general stylization the way I want to, and I’m still working on it I feel like, but it’s helped a lot to pay attention to what my audience had responded well with!!!
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blauespikmin · 11 months
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tender kisses
full version under the cut ( Content warning: mild nudity )
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