autisticlancemcclain · 11 months
“C’mere, squirt.”
The great pine forests of East Texas have been, for the most part, miraculously spared of Empire destruction. The American Southwest was largely destroyed, along with countless other hugely important geographic landmarks on Earth, but East Texas — and all the memory it holds — seems to have fared just fine.
They will rebuild, anyways.
His son straightens immediately at Keith’s gentle beckoning and toddles over, climbing on top of his bent knee. He smiles softly, placing a balancing hand on his back — his palm spans the entirety of the kid’s back, holy shit, he’s so tiny, how was Keith ever placed in charge of something so tiny — and uses the other to point at a brown smudge high up in a Loblolly. Cory squints. Out of the corner of his eye, Keith sees Lance press his hands to his face and muffle a scream. Goober.
“That’s a red-tailed hawk,” he murmurs. “That’s the bird you hear in movies.”
Cory hums in understanding, although he probably doesn’t. They don’t watch a lot of movies. Keith once read about how detrimental screens are for developing children in one of Shiro’s many parenting books, so they don’t watch a lot of T.V. (Back when Cory wasn’t even with them yet, and Keith was panicking nightly. Lance had to fish all their devices from the garbage. It was a time.)
“Caw,” says Cory sagely. Keith snorts.
“Yes, buddy. Caw. If you sit real still, the bird might even move.” He hears the echo of his father’s voice, decades old, in the back of his mind; a memory, frayed at the edges, of Keith in this very forest, held in the same way he’s holding his own son, listening his Pa quietly name all the birds and rocks and trees. Hanging on his every word, even though he didn’t get it all. The smell of the pine trees, the rumble of Pa’s low voice. He swallows the lump in his throat, brushing a kiss into Cory’s hair. “That’d be cool, huh?”
Cory babbles something Keith can’t understand. A sticky hand comes up to pat Keith on the cheek, making him smile despite the sting of his eyes. “Daddy, caw. Birdie! Caw.”
Keith turns his head to press a kiss to Cory’s palm. He giggles. Keith wiggles his eyebrows, blowing a raspberry, just to make him laugh harder. The pain in his chest begins to loosen, ever so slightly.
He catches Lance’s gaze over Cory’s head, and takes the time to memorize his dark eyes all over again. Lance lets him. He always does, even though it makes him blush and fidget, lets Keith trace his thumb along his lash line and study the flecks of Earth brown and ash black in his eyes, of sun gold and deep amber; he likes Keith’s attention on him as much as he refuses to admit it.
That’s Lance, though. Tries with every inch of him to be cool and mysterious and suave and can’t manage to save his life. His twitchy enthusiasm sparks in everything he touches, no matter how hard he tries.
When he started digging through Keith’s collection of atlases and running around the house with stacks of blankets and sleeping bags and camping supplies, Keith had said, “Planning something, sweetheart?” and Lance had stuck out his tongue and responded, “Blah blah, nosy.” But Shiro had texted him to let him know that Lance had asked for Keith’s old photos, and one day Keith caught him with a bulletin board and dozens of pins of pictures of pine trees and booking receipts and dorky sticky notes until Lance screeched and kicked him out.
Lance is bad at secrets. And he is a dorky and kind weeper who loves to do anything but mind his own business and muddle things up.
And Keith knew that all when he married him, and loved him for it then, too.
“Hey, mijo,” Lance suggests, “how would you like to sit on daddy’s shoulders so you can see the birdies better?”
Cory gasps, looking rapidly between his parents. He bounces excitedly in Keith’s lap, attempting his own cawing noises, pointing up at the nest.
Keith smiles wider, quickly swiping under his eyes before straightening. He shifts his hold on Cory and winks at his husband, who rolls his eyes in fond understanding, and then his tilts the boy back until he’s giggling, leaning in close until their noses are brushing.
“Munchkin,” he says, playfully nipping the tip of his nose, “you know how you can get even closer to the birds?”
Cory gasps. “How, Daddy, how?”
Lance chuckles. When Keith glances over at him, his smile is so wide it forces his eyes near shut. Keith’s chest aches, it aches so good, and the little Keith that lives in his chest holding himself tightly and swallowing past the perpetual lump in his throat is soothed and comforted and held lovingly. Something cracks and heals in his heart.
“Like this!” Keith shouts through all the emotions bubbling up all over him, and tosses his son in the air, careful not to go too high out of his reach.
Cory shrieks with laughter, tiny fingers scrabbling for purchase on Keith’s jacket on his way down. Keith hardly lets him settle before he’s tossing him up again, higher this time, laughter louder and squealing. The bird has long since flown away, disturbed by the sound, and probably every other animal within a thirty foot radius. But Keith can’t bring himself to care. The bugs can’t move far, and no doubt Cory will want to dig around for worms with his Papa like always. (Keith knows for a fact that Lance has three spades in his backpack and several see-through containers.)
For now, he has time to toss his son in the air. He has time to lean into the hand his husband slides into his back pocket. He has time to smell the pine trees, to think of his father, to feel the bounce of packed Earth under his feet.
To the tiny him that lives buried in his chest, he whispers, we made it, ace.
keith and cory in the forest
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sanchoi21 · 11 months
Intoxicating Violet
Fyodor Dostoyevsky bsd x reader
Waring: Its just comfort fic but may not be directly connected to the story line. It's only fluff but a bit mature. Image is from manga but eyes are painted by me.
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You didn't know what to do, you were enchanted by him. From the smallest action he did for you, till his talks, his voice, or his ebony smooth hair, and ofcourse his enchanting violet eyes, you loved it all.
When the first time you two met, he was there standing alone in rain, with nothing shielding him from the divine showers of sky. Many people passed by him, but no one paid any heed. He looked sad, almost broken or perhaps lost in deep thought. You don't know what took over you, but you rushed towards him and shielded him with your red umbrella. After feeling the stoppage of downpour on his head, he lifted his gaze on you, those amethyst eyes, captivating yoi then and there. It was a unique colour, and you had never seen such beautiful eyes in your entire lifetime, but something dark and unsettling clouded those jewels. He blankly stared at you for a moment before asking, "Why? Why bother??" You couldn't help but feel a blush creep up your cheeks after hearing his deep voice, as if he wasn't handsome enough already. You simply replied, "I just wanted to, can't have you soak in rain, you might get sick." To tour reply he just chuckled a little and thanked you for your kindness, asking for your name.
And soon just like that, one meeting lead to another and he couldn't help but feel a lingering warmth everytime you two were together, initially he didn't realise what was this feeling, until one day when he saw you bleeding to death because someone had stabbed you thinking that you were the one who made them suffer, not knowing that they had got the wrong person.
As Fyodor saw you bleeding and unconscious, he couldn't help but panic to what might happen next, he needed you alive, he can't see you die not after all the deaths of his close ones he had experienced throughout the years. His mind was foggy as he waited for docter to treat you, he knew he had to take revenge on whoever hurted you like this, but his brain just wasn't functioning, he couldn't even figure out simple facts about the suspect which he can do in seconds on other normal days. He breathed a sigh of relief when doctor said that you are out of danger and that was the moment he realised, just how much you ate up his mind and thoughts, till the point to make him malfunction like that. His tough facade always crumpled when it came to you.
Days passed and he soon proposed you to marriage which you gladly agreed. After getting married life was good, infact felt like heaven, being beside Fyodor every single day filled you with joy. The only thing you didn't notice was that you never once got out of that house alone as he always insisted on following you just in case any trouble occurs. You didn't notice how one by one the people who hurt you, used to simply disappear from your life. You didn't notice how much deep you had fallen in love with him, till the point that maybe one day he might ask you to shot yourself, which you would do if he wanted. Being so much intoxicated by him, maybe wasn't good, but you didn't mind. You didn't mind his killings when he had shared about his work life and ultimate goal for those to you, you just wanted him safe. You really didn't care if he was a Devil disguised as an Angel, because only you knew that deep down he really was an Angel, a Lord who portrays himself as evil in order to lead people on the right path. Though his actions might be pure evil, but you knew the reasons behind those.
His touch was like fire on your heated skin, it's just like moth being attracted to the flame and going close to it, not knowing that one day it might be the reason for its death. You were the moth and he was the flame, despite being burned by him and his cold nature sometimes, you just couldn't get away. You were fully aware of the danger this man possessed but he was too sweet to get away from. He was like a drug to you, a drug which might harm you but feels just so good that you can never let go until you die. What can you do but just recieve love as he showered you with it, he never once hurted you or so he thought, but for him you were that flame for which he would sacrifice his everything, even himself. And who are you to deny the love of the Devil, when he was so sweet to you?
When one day he said that this might be the last time you see him, if he died, losing to Dazai, you broke down crying saying that, "Kill me first, it's better than seeing you die." To which he chuckled softly and pulled you close, patting your head, "Do you trust me?" Ofcourse you did, it was out of question but you still nodded. "Then till I come back, don't leave this house, don't believe if people tell you I died, I'll return back to you, I promise." Saying this he left, months passed which felt like millenniums, all these days you were alone, you felt empty inside still worried about him, but as he returned home, just as promised, though a bit injured, you hugged him tight never wanting to let go as he smiled down upon you.
This was your love, the love that you yearned for, just you didn't know that you will get it from such a dangerous man, but who are you to complain, when you will be cherishing it forever, just like he cherishes you.
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kadegravy · 7 months
Pastor X reader part 4. Y/N drinks with husk. Wowza.
The title says it all, hoes.
TW: YN being a sad bitch, Al being an ass, just val
You were sad, very sad, so tired of Al. You were sitting at Husk's bar. He poured you vodka, you sigh, "down the hatch," you pour it all down your throat. It burns, "fuck." Youd only drink terrible 'voodoo ranger' beer at a friend's house.
"Ya like it?" Husk adds, you were growing on him.
"Eh. The only booze I've drunk is some shitty beer at a friend's place at age 14." I smirk
"Wow... that's an interesting booze story. That must have been fun..?"
"Not really. I was the youngest, and smallest but somehow a heavy weight?"
"Really? Damn. Thats... commendable."
"I was kinda made to drink by a friend's friend. She was a bitch."
Husk chuckles, "huh? Seems like you definitely had experiences growing up?"
You shrug. You keep drinking, thinking over your life. You didn't really regret that much... maybe that one time you let your dads cats escape and they disappeared, poor Clyde.
Maybe you should have picked better friends... Maybe not druggies, criminals, all the bad kids. Fuck, your going for a walk. You excuse yourself from the bar and step out of the hotel.
The hellish air smells like... cum and regrets.. ew... You keep walking. You see some... distasteful things... there is an overlord... Valentino... is that the one Angel always hates on? Fuck. The demon is a moth, with pimp attire. Run bitch, run. He sees you. Damn, run faster. Your shoe falls off, keep running, hoe.
He catches up to you, grabs your shoulder.
He has a Spanish accent, "Oh mi amor, what's your name?"
"It's Y/n." You say, for once praying Al would find you.
"Your Angel's little friend, hm? We could use you at the studio."
"No thanks.." You try to dash off.
He grabs you. You scream. Alastor travels through the radio and finds you.
"Oh deer, are you alright?" Al asks.
"Val... Valentino's here.."
Al rubs your head, "it'll be okay, my dear."
He starts attacking Val using his radio waves, keeping Val far enough for me to escape.
You return to the Hazbin Hotel, so tired you almost fall asleep. Angel-Dust sees you. Your laying on the couch, back scrunched up.
"Wake up tits! Al and Val got into a fight! Alastor fucking won!"
"Oh. Cool, he won? The fight was kinda over me... Val saw me, tried to make me work for him." I frown.
"Oh. Really, you had TWO men fighting over you? Wow.." Angel chuckles.
"Hey Angel?"
"Yesh, suga' tits?" He replies, a new York and slight Italian accent.
"Is Angel Dust your real name?"
"Can I tell you the truth?" He asks hesitantly.
"Of course, dude."
"Angel Dust is not my name, imagine actually being named after a drug," he chuckles, "its Anthony, don't tell anyone."
You chuckle.
You go to sleep. You wake up in the middle of the night. Yoi go to the bathroom. Ugh your stomach hurts from that booze. Shit.
After puking your guts out, you go to Husk.
"Husk, is there snacks at the bar? I'm hungover."
He hands you Chilli cheese fries. You eat them. You explain your day. He gives you a reassuring smile.
"Have you ever read No Longer Human?"
"Nah, why ya askin?" He asks gruffly.
"I've been thinking about it. It's really dark."
"Well... with a name like that, no shit tits."
You start to fall asleep at the bar. He places you on the couch.
(Another chappie done. Fuck breaks)
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year2000electronics · 4 years
A A. A A AA I TOLD MYSELF I WASN'T GONNA LOOK INTO Y2KVR BECAUSE I'M ALREADY FIXATED ON SO MANY THINGS BUT DAMMIT I CAVED OK!!! In other words I adore Y2KVR with all my heart thank you for making such a masterpiece -🐭
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tea-cryptid · 5 years
@orange-nerd and me are doing a slight variation on @lickthemagaindeacy 's borhrap drinking game and we're only just past seven seas of ryhe and we're already so fucked because we drank a fair amount before starting the film. wish us luck!!!
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Hello, can I request a female s/o who is like royalty with Benn and Marco? She never shows her noble side and the men always thought that she was just a normal person until one day when they landed on an island and the entire island cheered for the s/o? Oh, it doesn't have to be angst, like the s/o was always known to be a troublemaker but the people didn't expect her to really be a pirate. Thank you! I hope this isn't too long!
A/N: Hey love Hey! I came up with these two scenarios for ya! I hope you enjoy this love <3 thank you for the request <3
Marco and Benn with Fem Reader who hides her royalty status
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You seen the ship docking at the familiar island. Your hands gripping the rail well damn you said to yourself. You heard foot step as it was Marco was approaching, releasing your grip from the rail. "This island is known for their butterfly and moth migration. Different species of butterflies and moths are released from the cocoons almost at the exact same times filling the island up. Its supposed to be a beautiful sight yoi." Marco stood next to you.
"Sounds nice." forcing a smile.
Some of the crew split up as you began making your way down the path. Marco notice you more quiet as you had your head down. "the sun bothering you?" he asked
"A little I'm fine."
You notice a man from your peripherals looking at you as you walked by. Then nothing more people noticing you. There was whispering as you passed by. It was only 5 years when you left the island. You ran away from an arrange marriage made by your parents. Marco seen the people whispering and looking at you both . "they must not get a lot of pirates here yoi." he said.
"Yeah...could we get what we need and leave?" you asked him looking around.
Marco raised his brow at you "Since getting to the island you been acting pretty strange what's wrong?" he asked
"Marco I just want to go." You seen the crowd coming closer to you both
"Lady _____ is it really you?" a person called out.
"It is Lady ________ she has came back !!!!" another person yelled . Marco seen the crowd cheering as they must have knew you.
"Lady ______?" Marco looked at you.
" She came back to take her rightful place are ruler with Prince Able!" a woman shouted.
The guards were pushing through the crowds. Word spreads like wild flower here. "We can escort you to the castle my lady." he tried reach for your hand. you stepped away.
"I'm not going!" you shouted. the crowd grew quiet. You looked around at them feeling angry just being surrounded like a prey. "I gave up my title when I left this island! I don't want this lifestyle. "
Marco hearing all this for the first time. He always thought you were just a simple person when he first met you. things started to make sense to him. when you didn't take about your past you avoided the subject ever single time. The way your posture was very proper, table manners, and how well educated you were. "We have no choice my lady you have to take you back with us." the guard reached for you again
Marco grabbing his hand "You aren't taking her. She is part of the whitebeard crew and as her commander you will have to go through me yoi." his serious demeanor as he looked at the guard.
You heard the whispers about you being a pirate from people. "I knew she was a wild one but didn't know she would have joined a notorious crew like that. Such a waste of her life."
"My life isn't going to waste. I'm living my life the way I want it to be with no one tell me what to do anymore. Im not no ones puppet or pawn." you said.Marco deciding it was about timeout both left. He scooped you in his arms he began to fly off. The sky was quiet away from the crowd. Marco didn't say anything as you both got on the ship. The crew was notified to get back on the ship as the ship left the island.
"I can see why you never wanted to talk about your past now yoi." Marco said. It was later that night it was only you two on the deck
"It hard to talk about. My parents promised my hand in marriage to a prince on the island... Due to my families high status from the day I was born I was bred to be a princess I don't know how many times I gotten scolded for me playing with some of the kids on the island. It got to the point where I ran away but I was always caught and brought back .... til one day I snuck on a passing ship never looked back." you said. "You guys are my family now. I couldh't have ask for anything more "
"I think I need to be a bit higher than the crew I wouldn't mind being call your knight in shining armor you yoi." he smirked his back leaned against the rail as he looked at you. He was trying to make you laugh which he was successful.
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You woken from a nap as you heard some on the crew saying we were dock. Benn waited for you to get up from your slumber. Stretching as he was lighting another cigarette. " Good your up." he said
"We are finally here." sitting up.
"Yeah maybe we can get some food then go look around." he exhale a cloud of smoke. As you looked at the familiar deck as you froze for a moment. " You coming?" he asked as he was walking off the ship.
"Oh yeah." you quickly caught up to him. Flash back of this island still haunted you. Your brother wanting to become sole ruler of the island. He wanted you dead. Sitting down in the restaurant you both chose.
The waitress taking your order the waitress seemed to look at you a bit more longer. Benn seen how strange she was looking at you. He cleared his throat catching the waitress attention. "oh sorry about that Miss you just look so familiar."
"Its fine.." avoiding eye contact as you looked outside as the waitress was leaving your table.
"______ you okay?" Benn asked as he had his armed crossed on the table. . She overheard your name being called. She knew she wasn't going crazy the princess everyone thought to be dead.
"Priness _________?" she turned around
"Princess?" benn looked at her. People in the restaurant stopped as they heard the waitress.
You felt yourself starting to hyperventale a bit. You quickly got up. Some of the people followed you. They kept calling out "princess ______."
You notice the crowd in front of you. "It's really you Princess you're alive !!!" one person shouted happily.
Benn was able to get to you. He knew this wasn't the best environment for you as seen you beginning to hyperventilate more. Benn was trying to get to you fast as could as he was making his way he seen some of the passing crew he notified them you were in some form of distress Shanks being the first to help immediately. Benn was able to get you out of there carrying back to the ship.
"_______ you have to relax " his hands both on your should her was eye level with you. Taking some deep breathes trying to regulate your heart rate and breathing . Few mins passed he needs some answers "Could you explain to me why these people are calling you princess and saying you're alive?"
"Benn I haven't told you everything about my past." you started off "this is where I grew up.. I grew up as Princess ______.... I disappeared from this island 10 years ago people assume I was dead." you removed your jacket lifting up your shirt where you had a indent in your abdomen. "remember when you asked about this scar. I told got into a fight. It was true. I fought for my life as my brother left me to die. He wanted to me the sole ruler of this island expressing a woman should never be in charge of running kingdom..." putting your shirt down.
When shanks brought you on the crew they actually cared or you. Showing you kindness and shanks considering you as a younger sister. Benn and you became close over the years. He didn't speak as he heard your story. He let out a sigh "So your brother running this island." Benn said as he got up. The look in his eye was his battle face. He lit another cigarette.
"Benn please no its not worth it. when I joins the crew I left my old life behind me. The girl they knew died a long time."
Hearing the crew getting back on the ship Shanks made sure you were okay. As you seen the villagers seeing you depart on the ship "Princess Don't leave" they yelled.
"I'm not a princess I'm a pirate!" you shouted. Seeing the people face in udder shock as you said those words.
Benn hand wrapping around your shoulder. "Damn straight."
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sexy-wheelchair · 3 years
cunt wanrs to thank Mistress @atomicsexkitten for making it write this post, so thank Yoi Mistress!
cunt was told to write a long post about why it is so pathetic and desprate for Mistress’s attentuom, beg fir it,and thank Mistress fkr wasting Her precious yime. first and most important, cunt wants to thank Mistress fkr this opportunity to humiliate itself and beg for Your attention. cunt knows its not worthy and is just wasting Mistress’s time.
the funny thing is, cunt really isnt worth Mistress’s time. but cunt is such a pathetic horny stupid mess that it still holds out hope that Mistress will waste Her time anyway using and humiliaying cunt.
cunt is such a desperate slut, that it always asks Mistress’s permission to touch when scrolling through Her blog because jt liked the attention and doesny wamt to toucj witjiut permissiom.
thats actually how this post happened. cunt asked permission to touch, and Mistress so kindly gave it. (thsnk You Mistress!) one if the posts was a letter from another sub, similar to this, and it made cunt really drippu. cunt us so pathetic that another sluts admission to vejbg a patheric toy fir others got cunt veey very wet. Mistress saw cunts tags on its reblog and what resulted is this post!
cunt is mothing more than an object, a toy a plaything fkr others to use. cunt is stupid and needs a firm guiding hamd to guide it snd tell it how to yhink. Mistress has already taught cunt that it likes some pain abd that it was wrong before yo think that it difnt.
cunt is desperare fir Mistress’s attention. Mistress played with cunt just yhe once a few days ago anf cunt enjoyef jt so much thst cunt wanted more almost immediately. cunt wants yo feel horny and dumb and meedy fkr Mistress. cunt wants to be a hood toy.
cunt is so grateful dkr even this chanxe to be humiliated ans degrated bu Mistress. cunt knows Mistress’s time is valuable and us wasting Her time. but cunt us dumb and does as it is told, and it wax told yo beg. so this is cunt begging.
please Mistress, waste your time on this pathetic cunt! please use it in whatever way You want. tell cunt whet to think, whst to want, whst to do. cunt ud helpless amd needs direction.
please Mistress, use cunt in whatever way most pleases You. cunt wants to be used, humiliatec and degraded by Yoi Mistress. please use and humiliatr cunt, iy is desperate for Your attention!
Mistress is sk generous for giving cunt this chance. thank You again Mistress, thank You for making cunt himiliate itself on its blog, beghing to be used by You! thsnk You for the attention it has already gotten, its more than it deserves. and thank You Mistress, for even thinking about usung a oathetic dumb horny slut like cunt who doesnt deserve Your time. cunt is forever grateful for this chance!
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flowerkidlove · 3 years
How would you use your neopronouns in a sentence?/srs
moth went to the park (subject pronoun)
I went with moth (object pronoun)
moth brought moths blanket (possessive determiner)
I think it was moths blanket (possessive pronoun)
then moth went home by mothself (reflexive pronoun)
thank yoi for feeling comfortable wit haskinv!
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uzunehitori · 3 years
4, 9, 10 , 23 , 30, 31, 32, 36, 37, 39, 40,42 , 50
Okay, let's DO IT
4. Do you prefer painting or drawing?
I consider a lot of paintings as drawings and drawings as paintings, weirdly enough... I do like drawing though because painting can be a struggle sometimes.
9. What’s your current favorite show?
Because you mentioned YOI and it reminded me about the time I really could not stop oggling Yuri every scene of him just made me just stare so deeply in a trance... have not watched a lot of shows lately though... Taibani is pretty good!
10. What’s your go to comfort movie?
I got several from Monsters Inc. to Austin Powers to Cat in the hat to Shrek to Repo: Genetic Opera, they are really nice and comforting to watch sometimes. Chill and funny movies
23. What’s the last show you binge-watched?
Oh my god, the last show I binged-watched was with you ... Was Victorious is ALL I can remember and iCarly. Also that one terrible disney+ series with JOHN STAMOS.
30. Who’s your favorite fictional character currently?
Towa.... And Power & Denji! They really bring me a lot of joy and comfort as of late. There is a lot of characters I tend to just love all together like Kazuaki-kun, especially Kazuaki-kun!
31. What instantly come to mind when you hear the word “love”?
Shows like YOI and Sheith, and Ignoct really comes to my mind when it comes to "love"! They all have shown me different ways of love that are extremely connected and that is growing bonds between each other, as well as unconditional love and support... It's always such a massive comfort
32. What was your first fandom?
I would say Sonic, but I wasn't as deep as I was with Smash bros. Brawl because I was super into it more and for YEAARS on gaiaonline avi cosplaying as one of the fighters and interacted with a lot of the others that loved it and played online with them. Other fandoms that i think were "first" should stay in the dark however.
36. What was the first ship you obsessed over?
It's between Sonadow and FoxFalco... just between those two was the first ship I obsessed heavily over..
37. How old were you when Toxic by Britney Spears came out?
Big fan of Miss Britney Spears, I was 5 years old lmao... I think would listen to it non-stop when I was 6-7. I did not comprehend ANY of the lyrics what they meant, but was jamming to it on AOL Kids..
39. Tea or coffee?
Knowing that you live with me, I drink both... At times I refrain from drinking one of them, but I do love me some tea! I love tea a lot because love talking about the plants and herbs used to make them since you know I love plants.
40. Do you have any collections?
I used to collect bottle caps (Beer ones, sodas, you name it) and rocks... A WHOLE lot of rocks. Now I just collect buttons and figures! Current collection now is just out hatoful bird plushies!
42. Do you have any specific kind of style?
Hm... If in fashion, by default it's goth/lounging style. I like to wear a lot of long sleeves when I can, whether black or not... I do want to wear dress shirts when we are out more though, they are pretty comfy, but I like doing it in layers in which isn't weather friendly or me friendly because of weather. Also... Menhera.
50. What’s something from you loved your childhood that you still proudly like now?
What sticks to me the most is Persona and Yume nikki! The once obscured series Persona has become so big thanks to 4 and ESPECIALLY 5.. but I love just talking non-stop about Yume nikki since it's very much a part of my life and has helped me a lot even if it's just mere "pixel game with no plot than just collect effects", it's so much more than that to me. Plants and bugs (especially moths/Butterflies) are still my specialty enjoyment from my childhood!
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Grand Line High AU: Perfect Chemistry
Thank you @scalpelandrose for the lovely art you made for me and Marco 😭 I love it so much!!!! This is going to be the confession of the Grand Line High Series!
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Dammit, why did Ace do that? Marco walking down the street, the brisk window hitting him from the front.  He was figuring out what to say to you now I’m in love with you… that was too straightforward. The walk seemed so long to your home but in his mind, all he could think was the times he spent you. The first time he saw you step into the homeroom class you stood in the middle of the class as you introduced yourself to the class. The times he passed by the dance studio to see your practice he would stop himself and watch you how gracefully you danced with such passion. How your laugh seems to brighten up his day the compassion you showed to your friends and classmates.  Admiring the way your cheeks would be dusted every time he called you little bird.
Remembering the incident with Crocodile he wasn’t going to mess this up at all. Knowing if you were to date Crocodile it would devastate him to the core. He knew you more than the guys who seemed to try and win you over. Deep down Marco knew you cared for him a lot but he didn’t want to ruin your friendship with one another if it didn’t work out. He still wanted to be part of your life. You both talk about your dreams and goals with each other. Both of you had close experience to the point where you almost confessed but something always seemed to happen either it was interrupted by people or something else caught both of your guys attention in the moment.
With all this thinking right now he saw he was approaching the street you lived one. Marco saw your home from a distance and he noticed his heart began to race rapidly. He did talk to his Pop’s about this and he knew Marco had a thing for you for some time now. Encouraging his son to give it a shot.
Marco was in front of the doorstep finally managing to knock on the door. “coming .” hearing someone coming to the door but it wasn’t Valerie’s voice. The doorknob twisted to see her father at the door. “Hello, Marco.” Her father Rayleigh answered the door.
“Hello Sir. I was looking for Valerie. Is she available yoi?” Marco asked Rayleigh politely.
“She is in her room. Why don’t you come in.” Rayleigh offered him to come inside the home that  was warm and toasty. Marco got a whiff of something that was cooking.
“Dear who is at the door?” Seeing her mother coming from the kitchen wiping her hands with the small hand towel. “Oh Marco mijo welcome! ” Her mother was the sweetest lady in the world and definitely got her looks from her mother. Her mother gave him a hug “it's been a while. How are you?”
“I’m doing well, thank you for asking.” Marco gave her a smile.
“You're here to see Valeria.” She asked him.
Marco found it rather interesting how her mother said her name. How the r rolled off her tongue so effortlessly. Marco nodded in response to her mother. “Well let me go get her really fast you should join us for dinner. I’m making Albondigas. It is rather a tradition in the family to make it in the wintertime.” her mother walked up the staircase to go get you.
Hearing a knock on the door. “Come in.” you called out seeing your mother come in.
“You have a visitor.?” she smiled chipperly.
Looking at her with a grin on her face. “Who is it?” closing your laptop. “Why do you have that grin?” squinting your eyes a bit.
“Well, a rather charming young man by the name of Marco is here to see you.”
Your eyes wide, Why is he here!?!? You were in your 3 piece lounge clothing. You didn't expect anyone to come over. “Ummm did he say why he was here?”
“I’m not sure, maybe he wants to see that pretty face of yours.” pinching your cheek
“Mom por favor.” you said as she released your cheek, pouting slightly as you rushed your cheek. “Do I look okay?” asked her.
“Mija you look fine. But you better hurry down. He is with your father. And you know how your father can get sometimes.”  Your mother said as she had a hand on her hip
Both of you began making your way down the staircase where you saw Marco and your father sitting down on the couch talking. “Hey Marco,” you said with a smile.
Marco stood up quickly to see you in your lounge outfit. Slight dust of pink hit his cheeks for a moment before clearing his throat. “Hey, Val.”
It was rather awkward for a moment as both parents saw both of them blush slightly as their eyes met. “So Marco was telling me you guys have some plans for the Tanabata Festival that's coming up in a few weeks. I’m rather interested in what will be done there.” Rayleigh tried to break the ice for them but his wife had another idea.
“Honey, why don't you help me finish preparing dinner for us. We will let you guys talk.” Lilah said to him.
Rayleigh looked at his wife for a brief moment letting out a low sigh. “Very well.” Seeing both of the adults take their leave disappearing into the kitchen.
There was a moment of silence between them both. “Ace said you would have the notes for biology class ready.. i. Come get them yoi.”
Biology papers? What biology papers there were no recent notes or anything for biology. “Marco, there weren't any notes for Biology recently. I didn't speak to Ace today other than when we saw each other at the tea shop earlier.”
Marco realized now Ace and Lari set him up… Wait till he sees Ace. Marco scratched the back of his head. “My apologies yoi.” Marco was rather curious if Crocodile messaged you. “By any chance did you get a message from Crocodile?”
“Not that I’m aware of i left my phone upstairs.” You raised your brow. “Marco, what’s going on?”
Marco knows now this is the time to tell you everything. “I ran into a Crocodile at the comic lounge. He happened to mention wanting to ask you out….Valerie, I’m curious, do you have feelings for him?” Marco said in a low tone, stepping a bit closer to you.
Looking at the kitchen, you know your father might be on the other side of the wall listening to the conversation. “Let’s go to the study real quick, it's more private,” you said. He followed you to the study. Closing the door you felt your heart racing as you looked at Marco. His expression seems to soften a bit. “Why would you think I would be interested in him?”
“I need to know Val,” he said.
“I don’t harbor feelings for him, Marco. He is just a friend, if he would have asked me out I would have turned him down…” You were blushing. Crocodile was charming but he was like that with a lot of girls. You noticed him being around you a little more often, hinting he may have wanted to go out with you. But Marco always managed effortlessly to reel you into him with no force.
“You would have yoi?” Marco straightened up his posture.
“I’m not interested in him. I…I…um.” you began to stutter and the words were not forming how you wanted. You took a moment to take a collecting breath before speaking. “Marco, you were the one I have always been interested in since the day we met…” You looked away blushing. Oh god, I just told him he is going to think I’m weird.
“Valeria, look at me.” Marco safely said to you his hand reaching for your cheek he placed it against it, turning your head against him. “Do you mean that?”  his eyes staring into yours. You nodded, you touched his hand that was on your cheek.
“I’m in love with you Marco I always have been.” the words finally coming out after so many years.
Marco didn’t hesitate with the next step in his mind. He wanted to do this many times and always siked himself out. He leaned down towards you feeling his soft lips press against yours, his free arm tucking around your waist. Your hands cupping his cheeks gently both of you felt this kiss lasted long. As your lips separated from one another, Marco bring your closer to his chest. “You don’t know badly I wanted to do that yoi….Can I ask you a question?”
“What is your question?”
“Would you like to be my little bird yoi?”  Marco asked
“Yes!.” you said quickly then realizing you said that pretty fast Marco chuckled at your response.
“I’m so glad you are that eager.” Marco finally settled down with the idea you both kissed and now you were his little bird.
“I mean I've wanted that for so long.” blushing hard into his chest. Finally composing yourself  “I guess the first people should know are my parents.”
“You're right,” he said. Grabbing his phone out of his pocket “But first. I would like to get a picture with you.”  Macro angling his phone gets you both in the frame. Noticing through the camera you see him looking at you. Turning your head at him, his lips pressed against yours. Hearing the snapping sound of his phone, as the kiss ended you saw the smile on his face.
Marco sent the photo of the sweet kiss to Lari and Ace knowing they were official.  You
And Marco smiled at one another knowing this should have been done long ago. You were internally screaming on the inside year that your heart wanted to jump out of your throat.
On the other side of the door stood Rayleigh and he leaned against the wall. His arms were crossed and he had a small smile. Knowing Marco was a good kid and the way he treated you with the utmost respect was all he ever wanted for you. Rayleigh didn’t want to interrupt anything knowing how awkward it would be knowing you his only child now has a boyfriend. On the other hand, this was new to him as well since this would be your first boyfriend. Wondering even if it’s a good idea leaving you both by yourself.
“Rayleigh get away from the door.” hearing his wife in a low tone “you are such a nosey man at times leave them be.”
“Just being a dad keeping an eye on his daughter and her new boyfriend.” he began to walk away. Hearing the words coming out of his mouth he saw his wife's eyes lit up.
“I called it.” Lilah smiled
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Tagging: @conchasweetheart @lariflames
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morska-trava · 7 years
Tag time!
I was tagged by lovely @infinite-wonders . Thank you~!
Rules: Answer 20 questions, then tag 20 bloggers that you want to get to know better.
Name: Ana
Nicknames: \
Height: 167 cm
Orientation: Bisexual
Nationality: Slovene
Favorite fruit: mango, strawberries, watermelon
Favorite seasons: Fall and winter
Favorite plant: lavender, mint, orchid, poppy flower, anemone, hyacint, peony, african violets, lemongrass.... (I really like a lot of plants tbh)
Favorite scent: floral scents in general ( but especially peony, hyacint and almond blossoms), cinnamon, sandalwood, the smell of new (and old) books, vanilla tea
Favorite color: pastel pink and purple, blue, lilac and less vivid and kind of blue-ish greens
Favorite animals: cats, bats, hamsters, chinchillas, otters, moths (anything fluffy hahah)
Coffee, tea, or hot chocolate: tea
Average sleep hours: between none and 13 (during the school year its usually around 4 hours per night)
Dog or cat person: more of a cat person, but i love dogs too!
Favorite fictional character: Inej Ghafa, Lila Bard, Death (Pratchett's), Cinder, Yael, all of the YOI characters (but esp. Pichit)... probably a lot more that i can't remember rn
Number of blankets you sleep with: one or two
Dream trip: Scottland, Japan, Russia, China, Iceland (if it were possible I'd go everywhere)
Blog created: around 2013 I think? I'm not sure to be completely honest.
Number of followers:147
Random fact: wherever I can't sleep I read books or fanfiction in the bathroom so I don't bother my roommates...
I'm tagging these lovely people @agape-amo-eros @slightly-awkward-dragon @robinsherman @albert-is-my-skull @chaosthatsmellsgreen @internetcoward @pastelvolleyballs @ohlookitsatomato @lattemakkachiato @htmlys and anyone else that wants to do it! Please tag me so I can see your responses~!
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sugoi-pocky · 7 years
Creator Tag 2k17
Rules: it’s time to love yourselves! choose your 5 favorite works you’ve created this year (fics, art, edits, etc!) and link them below to reflect on the amazing things you’ve brought into the world in 2k17. tag as many writers/artists/etc as you want (fan or original!) so we can spread the love and link each other to awesome works <3
Thanks for the tag @haganenoheichou! Since I wrote only 4 fics last year, I’ll add some of my doodles I made and I’m really proud of. Here we go!
1. Pull Me Closer (Hisoka x Illumi, Hunter x Hunter)
PWP one-shot written for @yaoiobsessedwrites birthday. It was crazy that she was not the only one who liked it!
2. You Win Some, You Lose Some (Adult Trio, Hunter x Hunter)   
A kind of crossover between HxH and Yoi, written for HXH Bing Bang. This work took a hell of a time to write but I guess it was worth it to get an awesome illustraton for it!
3. A Moth Into the Flame   (Chrollo x Kurapika, Hunter x Hunter)
My first attempt of writing Kurokura especially for lovely @madlymiho! It was interesting to write something different than Hisoillu and I guess I did it well!
4. The Waiting x The Joy    (Hisoka x Illumi, Hunter x Hunter)
The second part of my hell ass long series I started a year before. It’s the second longest fic I’ve ever written and it took ages to write, so I was very happy and relieved to finally finish it.
5. Grimmjow doodle
Inspired by @yaoiobsessedwrites love’s for this character, one time I decided to draw him and I just really like the way this drawing turned out.
BONUS - Furuta doodle
My thirst for this character cannot be quenched and he’s one of my favourties to draw so it yielded in my second favourite drawing last year.
I don’t know many creators here except @yaoiobsessedwrites and @madlymiho so they are the people I tag, but if anyone of you wants to do it, feel free to do it!
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gxccistyless · 7 years
Kiwi || Part Five.
I smashed out part five quicker than i thought. please let me know what you guys think of this... feedback is always lovely. Part six will probably be next weekend.
Also here you can read PART ONE || PART TWO || PART THREE || PART FOUR ||
“Harry-” His eyes scan you from head to toe, lingering a little longer on bump more than anywhere else. You’re eyeing him up and down too. His hair is messy, his eyes are red... You’re not even sure he can stand up by himself let alone how he walked up two flights of stairs in the dark to your apartment. How did he even know where you lived?  So many unanswered questions, but right now you weren’t getting any of those, and you knew it. You grab his arm over your shoulder, helping him to balance and walk him to the dining room table where you seat him fetching him a glass of water. 
When you return and sit next to him, it becomes more and more evident that the Harry that you loved, isn’t here anymore. This is a dark and bitter Harry, the anger swelling in his eyes. You want to talk but the recollection of him yelling drunkenly on the phone at his mother stops you. You don’t want him to yell, you know you’ll cry and you don’t want him to know that he can still get the better of you so easily. So you just sit there and wait for him to talk. The awkward silence is broken by the buzzing of your phone.
Gemma: Hey i’m caught up, might stay here with a friend tonight but I’ll be back in the morning Xx
Knowing that Gemma wasn’t coming back made you feel a little uneasy. You had hoped that she’d be walking through the door any moment and kicking a very drunk Harry out. But with no intention of worrying her, you just tell her it’s fine and that you’re going to sleep anyway. When you look up from your phone his eyes are locked on you, as if he had been waiting for you to put it down. “I’m drinking to forget...” You’re confused by him at first, your eyes searching his for more answers..”You asked me what i’m doing to myself.... i’m getting piss drunk to forget how shitty my life has become, trying to forget how messed up and complicated everything in my life is and trying to forget how i’m still in love with you.”  You’re shocked. Is it the alcohol talking? Or is he just speaking some sad truths that he’s had locked away for months. You’d been apart from him so long, you’ve forgotten how to tell his lies apart so you can’t be sure. You wish Gemma was here. She’d know if he was being straight. She’d call him out for his lies. “You don’t mean that, Harry.” “No I do, i swear it. It’s all i’ve thought about for the last six months.” Thinking back to New York, your heart sinks even more. You don’t want to be reminded of New York, you had been trying so hard to forget. “I think you should go”. The minute you say it, you regret it. It’s not what you want, you want him to stay and never leave, but not like this.. Not when he’s drunk. You hate it when he drinks, always have. He becomes this angry person that you don’t know. You want to call Anne, or Niall or someone, anyone to get him out of here, but calling Anne would only ensure panic and well what would you say to Niall? “Hi Niall, i know it’s been a while but i’m sure you’ve heard I’m pregnant, and well can you get Harry out of my house??” Hardly a conversation to be having with someone you haven’t seen in so long, especially this late at night. 
Harry goes to stand up but you roll your eyes and tell him to sit down whilst you fix him the couch. “You can stay till morning, but then i want real answers, and if you can’t give them to me then i want you out of my apartment”  He nods. You make him the couch, pour him another glass of water and then head to your room. You’re confused by him. One minute he’s angry and giving everyone the silent treatment, then he’s abusing his mum on the phone whilst still ignoring you, then he’s on your doorstep professing that he’s still in love with you. It’s all too confusing and frankly too exhausting. Just as your brain begins to switch off and you begin to doze, your bedroom door creeps open. “Harry- i told you to..” He doesn’t stop when you talk, he just walks in and closes the door behind him. “Can i please lay with you? I won’t try anyfin’ i promise”. You should say no, but really you’re exhausted you don’t have the energy to fight him on this. You lift the other side of the quilt and he gets in.  “I meant it, i’m still in love with you. I want to be more involved ya kno’ like be a part of the baby’s life” “Go to sleep, Harry” And so he did, you turned your back to him and he turned his to yours and for the first time in almost seven moths, you slept in the same bed as Harry Styles. 
When you wake up, he’s not in bed with you anymore. you put on your robe and head to the bathroom but he’s not there either. He’s not in the bathroom, the kitchen or the lounge, his wallet and keys are gone and so is he. Did he wake up and regret everything that he had told you last night.. were his drunken confessions just drunken talk? Did he mean it when he said loved you and that he would like to be more involved with the baby, or was it all just the alcohol talking. You feel like a fool. You’re thankful that Gemma got held up with errands yesterday and decided to stay at her friends apartment, you’re thankful that she wasn’t here to witness her brother in his drunken state last night, but most of all you’re thankful she’s not here right now because she doesn’t have to watch you cry. 
When Gemma does arrive, it’s well after lunch. She can tell straight away that something happened last night whilst she was away. The energy in the apartment had unexplainably shifted, you’re still in your robe wrapped up in bed back to the state you were in when Harry had first left for America. It doesn’t take long for her to figure out her brother had been here last night, she slides into bed next to you as you sob telling her every last detail. For the most part she’s concerned for you and for the baby, all this up and down is unhealthy for the both of you. When she see’s that you’ll eventually be fine, her concern for you turns to anger for Harry, She loves her brother but wishes so dearly that he would make up his mind and stop playing these games. They’re unnecessary and she thinks he should stay away until he’s sobered up for more than a week and has made up his mind for the last time. So that’s exactly what she tells him when he picks up on the third ring. “What the hell have you done, idiot? First i have to deal with mum hysterically crying and now i have to deal with a seven month pregnant woman sobbing like a small child. Listen to me Styles, you get your sorry ass sober and the you apologise to mum, and once you’ve done that you bloody better think things through and make a decision once and for all... we can’t all keep living in Harry’s limbo... stop being a child, you’re a grown man..MAKE A DECISION..” She didn’t give him time to answer, she just hung up.
Gemma had Monday off. You had a scheduled 3D ultrasound appointment and Anne had made her way to London for the occasion as she had every other single ultrasound. You wonder if Gemma’s words had any effect on Harry, yoi wonder where he is.. is he okay or is he drinking again? But Anne, well she doesn’t have to wonder. She knows her sons okay, she knows he’s not drunk and she knows exactly where he is. He rang her crying after he had gotten off the phone with Gemma, Anne drove down to London yesterday afternoon staying with him at his house. They had a nice dinner together, Chinese takeout of course. They sat up all night talking about everything and anything, undoubtably there were tears shed. He shared his fears with her for the first time, and she truly understood them, but she didn’t necessarily agree with them. He told her his fears and she showed him her perspective of the whole situation. By the time they had gotten to sleep, Harry had finally made a decision. 
So sitting at the cafe with Gemma waiting for Anne, you were blissfully unaware of what was coming for you. Gemma received a text from Anne which instructed her to tell you that she needed to go to the bathroom, leaving you alone at the table. Two minutes later someone sat down in the chair which Gemma had previously been in, thinking it was her you didn’t even lift your head from the magazine you were reading. “I told you not to read those stupid gossip magazines, they’re all full of shit...’ Your body is frozen. You’re almost scared to look at him, but you do anyway. He’s not drunk, he looks like he’s had a good nights sleep and funnily enough he looks more resolved than the last time you had seen him. You want to reach out and touch his face, but you resist knowing full well that there are people watching the two of you now, with the possibility of paps too. 
“Why’d you leave?” He shrugs and stares at you. There’s a hint of sadness in his eyes, and disappointment in yours. “I’m sorry.. I thought it was a good idea... hell i thought i was doing you a favour” A favour? How could he be so unaware of the truth. “Okay Harry, because professing your love for someone and then leaving them is doing them a favour...” He can sense the annoyance in your tone. “Look i’m trying to turn a leaf here, i’m trying to apologise, please let me” But you’re as stubborn as he is, and Anne and Gemma who are sitting three tables over who can see it’s not going well finally join you both. At first theres a bit of awkward silence but then Gemma glances down at her watch "Well if we wanna make this appointment we best be on our way then...” All four of you get up which half surprises you as you didn’t expect Harry to want to come. but given the fact that all you’ve wanted was for him to try you don’t dismiss him.
Gemma helps you onto the bed whilst the technician turns on the machine. You’ve done this a few times by now so you knew the drill, he’d look at his machine a bit before turning on the projector on the wall. It was a hospital protocol  to have a check of the baby first to make sure everything was okay before giving you all the opportunity to see the baby. Anne and Gemma were on your left close to the foot of the bed and Harry was also on your left but closer to your head. When the technician was finally done with his checks he turned on the projector, and there the baby was in all it’s 3D glory.... Anne was the first to cry, telling you how cute the baby was... Gemma held back her tears making a joke of how lucky you were that the baby resembled you and not Harry, if looks could kill the look he gave her would have had her lying on the floor in a pool of her own blood. The technician said he would give you all a moment, Anne and Gemma decided to do the same for you and Harry and so there you were just the two of you and a 3D version of bump in a room by yourselves. You hadn’t of realised he was crying until he sniffled. You turned to him handing him a tissue. “Please give me another chance? I know we’ve been through a lot but i really do love you and want to at least try and make things work...” You really had no idea what you were going to do. You wanted so badly to let him back in but with his drinking  and mood swings becoming a problem you weren’t sure if you trusted his ability to stick to his decisions. You don’t want to say no, but you don’t want to have him walk away from you again. So you both sit in silence and he waits for an answer. 
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laurasfox · 7 years
My Lover Is Some Kind of … Vampire Slash Succubus Slash The Most Beautiful Man In The Whole Wide World??? (YOI fanfic, NSFW) - P1
I have this wild idea that Yuuri would look amazing with a pair of small black wings. So this is my little ramble, and something I decided to write only for the fun of it.
Or, the little story written by yours truly, where Viktor is upset about his boyfriends not being fond of giving head, Chris offers a solution, and Yuuri is just some kind of sexy creature of darkness who wants nothing else but to feed on Viktor’s semen.
Completely NSFW, and this is just Part 1. Enjoy! :)
“Really, Chris, will I ever find the perfect man?” Viktor complained, throwing his coat theatrically over the back of a chair.
 “Now that’s how a conversation starter looks like, Viktor-style,” Chris commented wryly. “I’m fine, thank you.”
 Viktor didn’t seem one bit phased by Chris’s reply. He probably hadn’t heard him, to begin with. Chris chose to let it slide.
 “What is it this time?” he asked, wishing he hadn’t, but knowing he was going to hear all about it anyway.
 “My ex,” Viktor rolled his eyes, “he just won’t give head. Don’t even mention swallowing to him, he’d puke for weeks.”
 “I have no idea where you find these guys. Wait, your ex? You kicked him at the curb for this?”
 Viktor shrugged.
 “I’m not going to commit to someone who has no intention to give head.”
 “Maybe you should have tried counseling,” Chris joked, keeping a straight face.
 “I need a guy who gives head. No, one who gives head heavenly,” he added, raising his index finger.
 “Have you tried praying?”
 Viktor made a disgusted face.
 “No way. I may not be religious, but I happen to go to church once in a blue moon. I don’t want hell to open up and swallow me whole.”
 “Well, if there’s some swallowing involved …” Chris chose to be philosophical about it. “What about invoking the forces of darkness, then?”
 “Come on, Chris, you know I haven’t even watched the Twilight movies.”
 “Well, since you seem to be cursed with lovers who don’t like your cock, I seriously think you should start thinking about going to the dark side,” Chris said the last words in a cavernous voice, making his friend giggle.
 “Alright,” Viktor said, placing his hands on the table. “How do I do this? Should I sacrifice a chicken at midnight? You know I can’t do that. I’ll cry and I will take that chicken home with me. Then Makkachin will be jealous.”
 “If you’re serious about it, let’s go straight to the point. No need to hurt chickens and stuff. Just ask the forces of darkness for a lover exactly how you want him to be.”
 Viktor inhaled and closed his eyes, his hands firm on the table.
 “Ahem, forces of darkness, please grant me a lover that gives heavenly head. Oops sorry about heavenly. What would be a term to replace heavenly?” he asked Chris.
 “Try awesome, amazing, toe curling …”
 “Alright, forces of darkness, have you heard that? All that Chris said.”
 “Wait, Viktor, what if the forces of darkness are trying to pull a trick on you and they give you a lover who only gives head? Do you think you could live without doing it in the butt then? What about making him ugly, you know like that guy from Elm Street or whatever? Make your request as clear as possible.”
 Viktor pursed his lips, then continued.
 “Please grant me a lover who gives head like Chris said, and please make him beautiful, like the most beautiful in the whole world, and give him an awesome booty, too, because I promise I’ll worship that if he sucks my cock. Done.”
 “You forgot to say that he should be into anal, too,” Chris observed.
 “It’s implied. What guy with a beautiful booty would say no to anal?”
 Chris shook his head.
 “Never count on anything being implied when it comes to … the other side,” he added in his best horror movie voice.
 Then he just started laughing, Viktor joining him. Suddenly, there was something at the corner of his right eye, and he looked through the window.
 “Funny,” he said. “Wasn’t it sunny just earlier?”
 Viktor shrugged.
 “We’ll just get a cab.”
 One week later
 Viktor was checking his phone, lost in thought. Maybe he had been too hasty to call it quits with Mark. Even sex without any oral attention was better than the dry crotch he was dealing with presently.
 Suddenly, he stopped, having the strangest feeling that someone was looking straight at him. His eyes roamed over the people walking on the other side, and his eyes were instantly drawn to a young man all dressed in black. He could not see him very well from where he was, but he knew he needed to. Without caring about people honking and cars screeching, he crossed the street, drawn to the stranger like moth to a flame.
 His skin was porcelain white, probably everywhere, if what Viktor could see from the shirt opened wide in the front was any indication. He has rosy lips and magnetic dark eyes. The slick hair was combed back, only one rebellious strand hanging over his forehead.
 He was unnaturally still, as he stood there, staring at Viktor like that was the only thing he cared about in the whole world.
 Viktor hurried, finally registering a driver cursing at him. He shrugged it off, like it was nothing, not wanting to unglue his eyes from the beautiful brunet. When he finally stopped in front of him, it occurred to him that he must have looked stupid, stopping traffic like that.
 But, since he was Viktor Nikiforov and stopping traffic was the least of his problems, he chose to play it cool.
 “Hi, I don’t normally do this so suddenly, but would it upset you if I asked you to join me for coffee?”
 From up close, the dark eyes were a delicious shade of caramel. Or hazel. He wasn’t that good with colors. The guy’s eyes were amazingly beautiful anyway, and, as Viktor’s eyes dropped lower, to the man’s mouth, a wicked tongue darted forward, licking.
 “Feed,” the brunet said softly, and he placed his hands over Viktor’s shoulders, looking him in the eyes.
 “Say what?” Viktor asked surprised.
 “I need to feed,” the brunet leaned forward and whispered in his ear, his hot breath ticklish and arousing.
 Damn, this happened only because he hadn’t gotten laid. Now he was horny simply because a sexy guy was talking gibberish in his ear. He laughed.
 “We could grab a late lunch, too, if you’re hungry. Everything’s on me.”
 “No,” the brunet said stubbornly. “Please, I’ve been here for a week, and I’m starving.”
 The guy’s voice was soft and even had a melodic tremolo to it.
 “Poor soul,” Viktor patted the guy’s back, “come with me and I’ll feed you a royal meal.”
 “Can we do it right now, please?” the guy asked, his eyes flashing seductively. Viktor could feel something growing inside him, a pull towards the gorgeous man in front of him.
 “Wait till we reach a restaurant. I would hate giving you junk food. And you look like someone who’s only eating organic. Or do you have some special skin regimen? I love your complexion. Are you Asian? Forgive me for asking.”
 The guy now grabbed him tightly.
 “I don’t need human food,” he whispered again, in that strange voice of his, that was making Viktor weak to the legs, and hard between them.
 “Oh, what do you need then?” Viktor decided to play along. The stranger was probably a nutcase, but beautiful like sin. He could let slide a few not quite right things about him.
 “Your semen,” the guy answered and just like that, he began licking Viktor’s ear slowly.
 For one second, Viktor felt like he was about to come in his pants. Then it dawned at him.
 “Did Chris send you? Funny,” he chuckled.
 “Who’s Chris?” the brunet spoke in his ear. “Does he have good semen?”
 Viktor almost choked on his own laugh.
 “I wouldn’t know. But, since you like to play this game, I suppose mine is good enough. Delicious even. Alright, that sounded strange. I was curious a few times, okay?”
 “Let’s go,” the brunet took his hand and began dragging him.
 “Wait, where do you take me?”
 “Somewhere I can feed,” the brunet said, looking at Viktor with his beautiful eyes.
 Now he was smiling and he looked even more beautiful. Viktor drank in the sight and took a better look. The guy had an almost perfect thin silhouette, except for a very round, tantalizing behind and beautiful strong thighs. Viktor pushed his free hand turned fist into his mouth.
 “I’m not sure whether I’ll kill Chris or I’ll offer him my soul the next time I see him.”
 The brunet frowned.
 “Is Chris a Master?”
 “Wow, you’re into BDSM, on top of it all?” Viktor smiled so hard his cheeks were hurting. He had never tried that, but with this amazing looking guy, he was game for anything.
 The guy said nothing, like Viktor was speaking some foreign language he could not understand, and just pulled him to one side. Then he dropped to his knees.
 “Wow, wow, wow,” Viktor closed his hands over the brunet’s, as they were decidedly trying to fight with his belt. “I don’t want us arrested for indecent behavior.”
 A few people passing by threw them strange glances. Viktor waved at them, plastering a happy friendly smile.
 “He’s not feeling well,” he gestured toward the man kneeling in front of him.
 He quickly grabbed the brunet to make him stand up.
 “Truly, I appreciate the thought, but let’s just go to a hotel.”
 The beautiful man pouted.
 “I promise I’ll let you feed as much as you want,” Viktor promised, deciding that being the seduced in this little game was not everything he wanted.
 He brushed his lips over the brunet’s ear, wishing he could have the same effect on the guy as what he had felt earlier. The small soft moan leaving the guy’s lips made him want nothing but to screw the world and just have the man right there.
 Where on earth was the closest hotel? He searched around with his eyes. Great, there was one just across the street. He just pulled the brunet after him and crossed the street, not giving a damn about making the traffic stop one more time.
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aftgonice · 7 years
eight questions meme
Tagged by @janiedean, thank you ♥
Rules: Answer eight questions and tag eight people
Last Movie I watched: Beauty and the beast (2017)
Last Song I listened to: Young and unafraid by The Moth and the Flame
Last Book I read: a court of wings and ruin (it was shit tbh)
Last thing I ate: chicken with zucchini 
Where would I want to Time Travel to: ehhhh idkkk, everywheN? but off the top of my head 1787, Prague for the first representation of Don Giovanni. I’ll fight you all.
Fictional Character I would hang out with for a day: LAURENT OF VERE how is that even a question (but then I’d cry for the rest of my life if I can only hang out with him for a day)
If I could be anywhere right now, where would I be: on a beach I guess? as long as I have some SPF 50+ with me. oh and water.
Current Fandom Obsession: Captive Prince and YOI almost equally (but now it’s prevalently capri again!)
Tagging: @severeminx @jubesy @victuri-oh-nice @madamredwrites @phaytesworld @argentoheart @kirinvlinder @otabutts (as always you guys don’t have to do it if you don’t feel like it!)
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