ethunreal · 2 years
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it’s giving fraternity vibes
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heich0e · 2 months
Honestly I'd like to try some vape. I never tried it before. Need to stop living healthy. Gotta die soon. And bad food? No issues. I always skip school lunch anyway. So transfer me🗣🗣🗣🗣
the message preview on this was so strange to see bc all it said was "Honestly I'd like to try some vape" and i was like damn we're really opening up to each other about our darkest desires today
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rafeandonlyrafe · 5 months
Stealing Rafe’s juul as a prank and he literally goes insane and you’re like 😟
- 🦇
okay this got nsfw so... warning for that
no bc you spot it on the nightstand, sitting forgotten, most likely placed there when rafe was getting changed, meant to go into the pocket of his new pants.
you smile and pluck the vape off the surface, taking a hit of the sweet vapor before shoving it into your own pocket.
you head downstairs, pressing a kiss to rafes head as he sits on the couch, a football game on tv.
“are we winning?” you question, rounding the couch and plopping down next to him. you don't know who is playing, you don't really care, but you know rafe must be rooting for someone based on the way his hands are clenched into fist, his eyes only briefly flashing to look at you.
“we're not.” he says. “this coach is fucking shit.”
you don't dare giggle, even though you want to. you nod your head in agreement, always just parroting rafes opinion when it comes to sports.
you turn your eyes to the game, trying to care when you realize that it's almost half time. maybe the cheerleaders will put on an entertaining performance. it's always your favorite part of the game.
“fucking shit!” rafe shouts when the other team makes a touchdown right before the timer runs out. he stands up off the couch when the halftime commentators come on screen, his hands patting down his pockets.
you smirk to yourself and sink further into the couch, knowing he's looking for his juul. he stomps up the stairs, and you can hear the commotion in the bedroom as he looks for his vape.
rafe comes back downstairs after a minute. “baby, have you seen my juul?” he questions. you give a shake of your head.
rafe begins to pat the cushions of the couch, before throwing them off, making your eyes widen.
“get up.” rafe grunts. you stand quickly and move out of the way as he throws the cushion you were sitting on off the couch, a crazed look in his eye.
“where's my fucking juul?!” rafe shouts, not at you specifically, but it still causes you to freeze up as he moves out of the living room, and you can hear him in the kitchen, shifting through cabinets. you put the couch back together quickly, hearing rafes angry mumbling to himself, jumping when a glass breaks.
“r-rafe.” you call out.
“what?” rafe shouts, reentering the room, his brow furrowed in anger.
you pull the vape out of your pocket, a pout on your face. “im-im sorry i thought it would be funny to hide it.”
rafe sighs, grabbing the juul out of your hand and taking a hit. 
“im really sorry, rafey.” you continue. “it was just supposed to be a prank.”
“it's okay.” rafe says as his eyes flicker back to the television, the game restarting. he plops down onto the couch. “you can make it up to me by warming my cock while i watch the game.”
you swallow, moving to take your shorts off, but rafe gives you a glare. “not with your cunt. do you think you deserve that? you can use your mouth.”
you don't dare let out a whine or voice your complaints, simply kneeling between his legs while rafe unzips his shorts and pulls his cock out, already half hard.
he takes another hit of his juul before blowing the smoke over your face, laughing when your eyes flutter closed.
he takes your head in his heads, pushing your mouth onto his cock. you gag slightly but ultimately adjust as he pushes you all the way down, his cock swelling in your mouth as you try to breathe through your nose.
“now stay fucking still.” rafe warns, his eyes moving back to the game as his team regains possession.
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madebyrolo · 4 months
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See you then ᡣ𐭩
Rafe Cameron x reader
y/n and Rafes first date.
Pouge princess (pt.1)
hints of dark Rafe, mainly soft Rafe
✧ ೃ༄*ੈ✩
It was 4:30pm, y/n and jjs 7 hour shift was done and soon her parents arrived and took over for the night shift.
“Hey how was your guys shift ?” Y/n dad asked while putting on his apron.
“It was fine, pretty hectic towards noon, the tips were amazballs ! I got $48, y/n though…” jj started side eyeing her.
“I got $50 alone from Rafe Cameron.” Y/n said blushing.
“Wards son?” Y/n dad questioned
“That was so sweet of him did you thank him!?” Her mom chimed in
“Yea I did, it was kinda out it the blue”
“Yea that was pretty nice of him..” y/n dad said suspicious
“Ugh handsome and a gentleman. Y/n you thinking what I’m thinking?” She joked with her while she blushed
“Uh no thank you. Hes just one of our finest customers.” Her dad said
“Yea I agree with your dad” jj scoffed
“I don’t need my daughter going off dating a that kind of kook.” He scowled
“Tell me about it” Jj said under his breath
“Hey don’t be mean Rafe isn’t that bad-”
“Y/n he hates pouges. Him and topper always is getting into trouble with John b and I and his fight with pope-”
“Jj that’s enough let’s go. Bye guys I’m headed to John bs see you later” y/n said interrupting jj trying not to create non existent drama between her dad and Rafe
As they walk to her car jj keeps complaining about the boys.
“I don’t see why you can’t just accept the fact he’s a bad guy y/n. All of them are the scum of the kook.” Jj complained
“Just because you and Rafe have problems doesn’t mean we do jay” she said opening the driver side door. She gets in and sits, taking a deep breath from her shift and jjs bickering.
As jj enters the car he opens the glove department grabbing his juul and cart, taking a deep hit. He isn’t an allowed to do it in or around the truck because they don’t want that bad image.
“You’ve seen the after maths of our fights y/n. the amount off times you had to clean me up in john b bathroom can make you a certified emt!?”
“Okay he’s bad jj whatever you say” she said somewhat agreeing. It’s true, she had cleaned up the boy more than 5 times. So much that you had 2 first aide kits. One in your car and under John bs sink.
“But it’s weird though that he tipped $50 was it out of pity?” he said taking another hit
“Yeah a little but I’m not complaining” y/n said starting her car. Jj grabs the aux playing his playlist, the song “Cinderella” by Mac Miller plays. She begins pulling out the parking lot headed towards John bs house.
“I mean from what I noticed, him and topper are there like practically everyday. Like I know I’m only there like 2 times a week or the weekends but everytime I work they’re always there”
“Jj they’re just loyal customers-”
“Yea but don’t get me wrong your foods good, like I would always eat there compared to what I have at home but wouldn’t they get tired of it? They have money they can get like expensive stuff like sushi or whatever” there silence in the car. Y/n sat thinking that he had a point. she’s practically there everyday in the summer and they’re always there.
“Yea you’re onto something” she agreed
“What if they’re spying on us? What if they know about the royal merchant?” Jj squinted looking suspicious
“Jj when have we ever talked about the money or anything related to that at work”
“Yeah you’re right…”
“But that still doesn’t explain why they’re always there” jj soon gasped
“What if your mom was right? What if they have the hots for you? Your things are always out” he said motioning to her breasts .
He said quickly turning towards the girl.
“Jj come on -”
“Nah it couldn’t be that. They hate us and beside they wouldn’t touch, let alone date a pouge” he said with a laugh. For a minute y/n felt offended that he said that.
“Jj what do you mean? Like I wouldn’t even have a chance with him ?” Y/n scoffed rolling her eyes.
“In a way. Like it’s totally not about you but he wouldn’t even step foot in the cut. We’re too poor for him.” He said calmly
“Well I hope you know i can get any guy I want” she said cockily
“Y/n it’s not about you. Your personality, looks or anything. He probably just wants to date someone with a trust fund or a matching black card.” Jj say defending himself
“Let’s just drop it alright”
“They would be lucky you bag you y/n” he said taking a hit and hitting her shoulder.
After a couple minutes they reached John bs chateau. She parked in his makeshift driveway and they went inside to the back porch finding them all there.
“What up” Jj say before crashing down on the only empty chair.
“Hey guys how was your shift?” Kiara asked
“Busy but money is money so” y/n said sitting in the arm chair of the couch beside John b
“Rafe and topper were there again.” Jj complained
“Again? Don’t you get tired of complaining ever jay?” Y/n throwing her head back.
“Guys y/n thinks Rafe isn’t a bad guy”
“Who would ever think that” Sarah said walking in. Y/n gets off the arm chair letting her sit in John bs lap.
“Me” y/n said with a flat smile
“If Sarah his own sister for crying out loud, would agree why wouldn’t you?” Jj argued
“I don’t know, like I get the sibling hatred and your guys drama but I’ve never met him. I wouldn’t want to stick him to what other people say. What if people did that about us ?”
“They do y/n” Pope said.
“Yeah so you know how it feels. I want to at least have an interaction with him before I put a label on. Let’s just stop alright I’ve had this argument already.” and with that they just put on a movie ignoring the tension between the two.
Halfway through the movie she got a notification on her phone. She pulls it out to check and sees it’s from a random number. She ignores it knowing it’s probably spam but then there’s another ding. She takes it out and opens up the messages.
“I’ve been waiting for you to text me pouge princess.”
“How’d you get my number?”
“I have my ways.”
Weird. The only contact she had were the pouges, parents and Sarah. He must’ve looked through her phone.
“Kinda weird but I like it”
she texted back with a small giggle.
“Who you texting y/n” pope asked
“Oh it’s just my dad. He sent a stupid meme” she said rolling her eyes playfully. She looked back the screen reading his reply
“You love crazy or what?”
“Yes it’s hot”
she replied knowing she would regret it later.
“Well you’re in for a ride. Wanna hang out tn? I’ll pick you up.”
“Yes I’ll love too.”
“Your place 7:00 See you then princess”
With the clock reading 6:22 she got up from the floor and got her bag.
“Uh my dad needs me at the truck so I gotta go. Text me what we’re doing tomorrow. Bye guys” she said pacing to the front door while they yelled their goodbyes.
She gets in her car and heads home. By the time she got there it was 6:45. She quickly headed inside and went straight to her room. She looked though her closet because all she had was on was of John bs shirt she put on after jj spilled cheese on hers. She was nervous on what to wear, this was her first date in a while. Sure she had her little situation ships but she felt nervous. She decided on a black denim mini skirt and blue tube top with her black adidas superstars. She quickly fixed her hair fluffing it and put her favorite scent on. Soon she got a text from Rafe
“I’m outside”
She quickly grabbed her bag and put on her lipgloss and went out the door. She saw his truck in her drive way then she walked to the passenger door. Before she could open it Rafe leaned over the center console and opened it for her from inside.
“Ah thank you Rafe. Such a gentlemen.” Y/n joked
“Chivalry isn’t dead princess” Rafe replied
“So what are we gonna do?” She asked
“Um I don’t sure I didn’t really have a plan. I was just hoping to hang out” he said with a small smile
“What about froyo ?” Y/n offered
“Yea sure I’m down. Here’s the aux, your tonight’s dj” he handed her the aux and started backing out her driveway. She plugged it in and Tyler the creator started playing.
“Is this a boy is a gun?” Rafe asked
“Yea, are you a Tyler fan?”
“Um yes. His Igor album was good I have it on vinyl. I don’t have a player but I keep it for the ‘aesthetic’ ” he joked
“Yeah I love his music though his old stuff is a little more scary in a way”
“I guess but his goblin album is iconic. ‘She’ I have on repeat and ‘Goblin’ has to be my favorite on that album and ‘tron cat’. thought my favorite song has to be New magic wand.” Rafe said
“Oh well yea I agree with ‘She’ it’s good but I don’t know the albums a little dark for me, I like ‘flower boy’ it’s more, happier you know ? and ‘cherry bomb’ ”
She couldn’t lie he was weird he liked that album. “True Tyler fans” wouldn’t mind it but it had to many vulgar topics for her. Soon the songs “feel no ways” by Drake, thankful for the somewhat mood change.
“See Drake is so good like he’s been around for so long and still can’t seem to miss” y/n commented
“Yea Drakes nice, I’ve been listening to him since middle school this has to be my favorite album.”
Couple minutes past with small talk and singing along in the car. They soon arrived to the froyo place. They walk in rafe grabbing him a medium cup and y/n the same.
They fill it up to the limit of their dreams and putting whatever toppings would fit. Rafe went for a more fruity taste with strawberry shortcake frozen yogurt with chocolate toppings, y/n with a the birthday cake and adding fruit and candy. He pulled out his infamous black card and paid for the both of them, they sat outside on the patio watching the sunset.
“So Rafe, what do you like to do?” Y/n asked trying to spark a convo
“Well I like going to the country club and hitting the golf course with topper and Kelce. I’m helping my dad with the Cameron development and learning real estate with him and Rose, it’s somewhat interesting and fun when he doesn’t get too mad” he said with a laugh “what about you?”
“Well when I’m not working I’m hanging out with jj and the others. I also love volunteering at the animal shelter. I love learning to work on my car with my dad and I love going off roading even though my poor Edward can’t handle it” she said with a frown
“Wait did you make your car? And named it Edward ?” he laughed
“Yes it’s me and him against the world. I named him after the vampire from twilight.” she said proudly.
“Honestly twilight would’ve been a better name.”
“Oh shush!” She said playfully hitting him.
They finished their dessert and head to the car. They’re just talking while Rafe drives around anywhere and everywhere. The soon make it on the beach. Rafe parks not too far and they walk hand in hand.
“How did you know where I lived? I never gave you my address” she finally asked
“Rose sold you your house. I work with her and my dad remember?” He told her squeezing her hand for reassurance.
“Oh yeah that adds up I guess” she hummed even though it didn’t. They bought the house before Rafe was born and he was older than the girl.
They continued to walk along the coast just talking and getting to know eachother. Everything the pouges said about him didn’t add up. He was sweet, charming and funny. He wasn’t the money hungry asshole, he was the 19 helping with family business guy who loved hip hop and chocolate. His favorite animal is a shark and favorite color is blue. He doesn’t take anyone’s shit and he’s potent in a way.
“Hey Rafe, you know I’ve heard many stories about you.”
“Oh really ? Like what” he asked concered
“You know, you’re the frat playboy. The bad boy that doesn’t play by the rules, who gets in and trouble and party’s like crazy” y/n explained
“jj always told me you were the bad guy. You wouldn’t even breathe the same air as a pouge. But you’re not the monster they play you out to be” she said looking at him. He turns the same way and they’re looking eachother in the eyes. It’s silence, it’s like they’re reading each other, look deep down into their souls something connecting in them.
“Y/n I know you want to think I’m perfect but I’m not. I really do get in fights, you seen them with jj. I don’t really mean harm or anything bad. I don’t let people disrespect me or my family like that. Jj knows how to push my buttons and he does it freely thinking he can get away with it”
“Yea I can’t argue with that.” She said with a grin
“I don’t understand how you can be friends with them. Mainly jj, he’s deep into this mindset aching like the words against him and that goes well with some pouges. But you, you’re different. You know hard work, your whole family does. You don’t take shit from anyone you see strong indepents-”
“Rafe please dont bring kook vs pouge talk into this.”
“Your right I’m sorry” he said caressing her cheek.
“I just think you deserve more. You deserve all the happiness in the world. You deserve peace. I want to make you feel that way. I want you to live the fullest you can. I wanna help you touch the stars” he said looking into her eyes, his free hand pulling her closer, hand against her lower back.
“I wanna give you everything.” Rafe whispered out to her before pulling her into a kiss.
The kiss was soft yet rough. The way their lips fit perfectly together. They way they melted in each others arms. The taste of chocolate lingering in Rafe mouths mixed with a candy taste of y/n. The kiss was intoxicating, they wouldn’t back out and the only reason they did was for y/n to catch her breath although the hungry look in Rafe eyes made it seem he wouldn’t have.
The only source of living being admitted was the moon, the way it shined against Rafes skin and his perfectly chiseled facial features made him look beautiful like a diamond. His ice blue like blue sky she always look at hoping for a chance of change. The way the 2 pieces of his hair perfectly failing in front of his face after what they just did.
“Let’s head back” y/n said with their foreheads together, their breathing getting back to normal.
They walk to the car, y/n leaning on Rafes shoulder as he had his arm wrapped around her. He opened the car door for her letting he get in and buckling her up. She connects her phone and plays frank ocean as he gets the car started. One hand on the wheel the other tangled up with her hand. The ride was peaceful and euphoric vibes filled the car. They shared small little childhood stories and embarrassing memories to each other. The 20 minute commute from the beach to y/n house felt like 5. Once Rafe Parked in her driveway they shared another deep kiss.
“Goodnight Rafe, I’ll text you tomorrow morning, drive safe”
“Good my princess” he said pulling her into one last kiss not wanting to part.
She gets out and shuts the car door, walking to her home. Rafe doesn’t drive off until she’s shuts the door behind her. It’s around 9:45pm her parents are still working the night shift. She grabs a clean pairs of clothes and heads to the bathroom. Soon shes in bed thinking about her date with Rafe. The pouges were wrong about him, he was literally the boy she dreamed, almost picture perfect. They 100% never saw the side of Rafe she did but she also didn’t see what they saw.
As Rafe drives home, he thinks about y/n. y/n is the girl of his dreams, the girl he wants, craves, needs. Once he get home he sends her a quick text.
“I made it home. I had a really great time today, thank you for letting me take you out y/n. I really hope we can do this again. Good night my princess.”
Y/n got the ding and immediately responded back
“Glad you made it home safe! Thank you for asking me out if not I wouldn’t have met the real Rafe. I’m glad I got to share this night with you. Good night and sweet dreams <3”
Y/n feel into a deep sleep after the most magical night of her life. She wished for more nights like these with Rafe without knowing what he had in stored for her.
Like the imfmouse Tyler the creator lyric said:
“My plan was to stick my toe in to check the temperature but next thing you know, I’m drowning.”
𓇼 ⋆。˚ 𓆝⋆。˚ 𓇼
Tags: @soberbabes
Happy Valentine’s Day 💌🎀
I know we all wished we had our man today bu I hope my pt.2 helps 🤭
*no edited/proof read
Lmk what you guys think !!
Feel free to dm to talk about a pt.3 or continuing my story plot 🌟
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writingjjfics · 5 months
Pogues to the rescue!
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Pairing: JJ Maybank x kook!reader, Platonic!Pogues x kook!reader
Summary: JJ and the Pogues come to rescue Y/n from her Kook family party.
Warnings: Kooks
Requested?: Yes! See request here!
Word count: 1.4k
A/N: Guess who's back? back again? It's moi! I apologize for how extremely long this took, life got in the way 🙂 also I did change the request a bit, and got some inspiration from the midsummers episode, hope that's okay! Oh and Sarah is not part of the Pogues for the sake of the story (not my gif)
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The last few hours of your life have been a bore. You were stuck at this table with egocentric old kook people who could only talk about their 'perfect' lives and their well-succeeded grandchildren. You tried your best to show interest, but your mind kept drifting off. You nodded politely at them, and every so often, you mustered up a fake smile to make them think that you were listening to their boring stories.
When you noticed that their attention was no longer on you, which was hardly surprising considering how egocentric they all are, you quietly got up from the table and left. After quickly scanning the backyard in search of your mother, you, fortunately, spotted her in a conversation with her best friends. Taking advantage of the opportunity, you made your way inside the house to use the bathroom.
As you sat down on the toilet, you felt relieved. Not only because you could finally pee, but also after hours of miserably pretending to be anything close to a Kook, you could let your guard down here, even if it was just for a few minutes.
Taking your phone from your clutch, you check for any notifications that you might have missed in the last few hours. While scrolling through Instagram, you noticed your boyfriend had posted a video on his story. In the video, JJ was smoking his Juul, surrounded by the rest of the Pogues who were dancing and singing to some song in the background.
JJ's happy smile, as he hung out with the Pogues, made you feel a sense of joy for him. The Pogues are his true family and he deserves to be this happy and comfortable all the time. Sometimes you were jealous of their relationship. Even though your family has money and shows their love and care for you in their own, unique way, you've always felt like you don't quite fit in with them. It's as if you're the odd one out. At least the Pogues always have each other and their bond is unbreakable.
You snapped a quick selfie and sent it to JJ, showing him how extremely bored you were. After putting your phone back in your clutch bag, you let out a deep sigh, realizing you had to get back to the party before your mom would put up 'missing child' posters. However, as you reached for the door handle, you heard your ringtone go off. A picture you had taken of JJ at the beach during sunset a few weeks ago, filled your phone screen. A warm feeling spread through your chest as you answered the phone, grateful that he had taken the time to call you back.
"Party that bad, huh?", JJ chuckled as he spoke.
"If I have to listen to these fake people for a minute longer, I'll pull a van Gogh myself"
You could hear JJ snickering. "That's one way to answer that question"
"Can't you just hack into a system and send some emergency alert or something?", you whined.
"Honey, I'm definitely not as smart as Pope, but what I can do is try to sneak you away?"
"Tempting as that sounds, my mom would kill me"
"C'mon baby, we both know your mom loves her reputation too much to kill her daughter", JJ joked.
You rolled your eyes. "Very funny JJ, besides I don't want to be a burden to the rest of the Pogues."
You heard JJ scoff. Since knowing JJ, you've met the Pogues a few times, yet each meeting seemed to grow more awkward than the previous one. JJ always reassures you that the rest of the Pogues just have a hard time getting comfortable around the idea that he is dating a kook, or well just kooks in general, and that it's never because of your personality. "Before you know it, they will love you as much as I do", was what he told you occasionally. But you just can't help taking it personal.
"Y/n, stop being so stubborn, and let us help you. I want you here as much as you want to leave that party. Be ready in ten. I won't take no for an answer."
You were about to protest, but before you could, the distant chatter of the other Pogues in the background went silent, indicating that JJ had already ended the call.
After giving yourself a final look in the mirror and letting out another heavy breath, you opened the door and made your way back to the party outside.
Everyone was still engrossed in conversation, and it appeared that no one noticed you had been gone. It gives you a glimmer of hope that you might be able to slip away from the party without your parents noticing. However, at the same time, you can't help but recall a few years ago when you did the same thing, only to receive a month-long grounding from them.
After nervously looking ahead for a while, and making up different scenarios in your head, you suddenly feel a tap on your shoulder. Irritated, thinking it's one of your parents wanting to remind you to be more social, you turn around.
"You look like you could use another drink. Can I maybe offer you this one?"
In front of you stood JJ, dressed up as a waiter, holding a champagne glass. He gave you that annoying but charming smirk of his.
You took the champagne from him and chugged the entire drink, making JJ chuckle.
"Thanks, you always know exactly what I need babe"
You and JJ both laughed and you turned around looking for your parents. Your mother was still talking to her friends, while your father discussed work matters as usual.
"C'mon, let's go before my parents see us leaving". You were still nervous about the consequences, but decided that, that would be a problem for later. There's nothing you want more than to be with JJ right now.
JJ took your hand and quickly led you to the front of the house. Before reaching the gate, he suddenly stopped and gave you a kiss.
"Hi baby", he spoke softly.
You smiled. "Hi, Jay".
JJ gestured with his head towards the gate. "The others are right outside waiting for us." He squeezed your hand to reassure you that it was going to be okay. You nodded and followed him.
As you turned the corner, you saw the rest of the Pogues waiting next to the Twinkie. They were talking, but stopped abruptly when they saw the two of you approaching. Pope waved shyly towards you, while John B approached you enthusiastically. "That was quick"
"Yeah, I thought those kooks would give you more trouble", Kie said, rolling her eyes and emphasizing the words 'those kooks'. You saw Pope nudge Kiara. “Sorry, no offense to you of course”, she quickly realized her mistake. You smiled weakly and shrugged your shoulder. 'Well, luckily I don't see myself as a Kook'.
There was an awkward silence until JJ cleared his throat and walked over to the Twinkie to open the door. "Let's go back to the Chateau shall we?"
You got into the back of the Twinkie first, expecting JJ to follow you, but instead, it was Kie and Pope as John B and JJ got into the front seats having their own conversation. Kie sat beside you and turned toward you.
"Hey, I want to apologize if we ever made you feel unwelcome. We just had to get used to a new person in the group, but we see how happy you make JJ and that is the most important thing for us."
"Yeah, and you're real nice and fun to hang out with Y/n", Pope added.
You smiled, "Thanks, that means a lot to me."
"And I'm actually happy there is finally a girl in this group, I love these boys but I also really need some girl time", Kiara said making everyone laugh.
You locked eyes with JJ who was already smiling and gave you a wink. A few seconds later you heard your phone go off and saw that you received a text from JJ that said "I told you they were going to love you." You rolled your eyes at him, but chuckled nonetheless. You finally felt like you belonged there.
The rest of the night was spent hanging out at the Chateau, laughing, dancing, and getting to know the Pogues better.
As for your parents, you later found out that they had tried to call you many times that night, so you ended up being grounded again, but you really couldn't care less because JJ and the Pogues were helping you through it. They would always be there for you.
aaaah the end!! so so happy I finally finished a fic again. I was busy with my graduation project and had massive writers block, but I'm back! So if you have any requests or you just want to talk to me? LMK ❤️ Okay, love you byee x
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honesttoglob · 6 months
Ok so few thoughts on the Season 2 Bigtop Burger Supercut:
- Apparently the "freakazoids" that Cesare and the underworld have been keeping tabs on are Cryptids. I had suspected the freakazoids in question might be demons as Hell is taking some responsibility for them but they're cryptids??? Man, that just makes me sad, leave bigfoot alone :(((((
- One of the cryptids pictured is Flatwoods Monster, who, according to legend, is also an alien. The other two appear to be Mothman and though I'm a bit fuzzy on this one some sort of bigfoot or yeti creature. He's wearing a lil stetson hat. Did Cesare use the stetson hat trick before?
- The second still shown in the credits appears to be Munkustrap descending onto Earth on some sort of spacecraft as the Bigtop and Zomburger crews watch. They appear to be in the same positions/outfits as when Cesare whack-a-moled Steve into hell. Which is????? Idk what to make of that. Could Flatwoods Monster have some kind of alien technology that they used to contact Clown World? Are we finally gonna have Clown vs Undead War??????? I wonder how Munkustrap will react to seeing other clowns in the pink-yellow-blue spotted outfit which Tim, Penny and Billie are wearing, which seems to be a pattern which all banished clowns are exiled in. Looking forward to see how he looks now that he's aged! Also, I like that this scene implies the Zomburger and Bigtop gangs stick together! Which I want them too! SO BADLY!!!
- As @fr0stmask mentioned in a reply on this post, the spacecraft Munkustrap is seen on is actually a tire, as in the musical Cats, cats who are deemed worthy are sent up to the Heaviside Layer on a TIRE!!! Thanks for the info!
- What if the Cats performance is literal, and one clown actually gets sent "up to the heaviside layer", and that's what happened to Munkustrap and how he got the tire spacecraft. Steve got booted out via banishment and Munkustrap was chosen to ascend, but in the end they both ended up in the same place.
- Frances, Conrad and Allen look visibly upset when they realize Cesare isn't actually proposing a truce and is still up to his antagonistic bullshit.
- The image of Cesare in his weird little Cabinet of Dr. Caligari coffin makes my stomach do little back filps. We've seen Tim, Penny, Billie, Frances, Conrad, Allen, and Steve all in their own homes (For Steve it's his truck where he sleeps) but Never Cesare! Seeing him in there makes me nervous honestly because in the image, his box/cabinet has two doors on its front, with no handles inside, which suggests it closes from the outside and he's "stored" in there and deanimated (seeing as his eyes are closed and this is the only time we've seen him at rest) when not in use. This would add metaphorical meaning to Cesare's comments about being a puppet vendor, as now that's all he is- a puppet. He looks like a little doll being stored in his box. This seems to suggest something I've long suspected, that the "1000 year sentence" Cesare is being held on by the underworld may be bullshit, and he won't actually be allowed to go on retirement. Instead, this idea of his sentence one day ending is merely meant to motivate and control him, like a carrot being held in front of a horse. Could that candle shown at the end be his lifeforce? When its lit maybe he's animate, while when its snuffed out, he's a lifeless husk kept in a box.
- You think Cesare's and Steve's footie pajamas have a similar narrative role? Like to make them easily identifiable as rejects (in Steve's case) or property (in Cesare's case)? You think they're just meant to be dehumanizing or a source of shame?
- Tim was the first one to find Steve, which makes me feel fucked up that Steve still doesn't know his name and seems to mis-name him the most :(((((( Tom and Toby???????? I mean I get that my man likely has memory issues, he's very old and he hit his head very hard on the ground and he refuses to go easy on that fckng juul
- Baby Tim is so cute and handsome I'm dying
- The alley Steve emerges into in the after credits scene seems to rememble the alley with the hole in the ground that Conrad recounts Cesare getting money from. Is this because the underworld was able to track Steve's ascent through the ground to Earth's surface? Is this the same hole Cesare enters and exits the underworld from?
- Also, Steve spits out some rocks when he reaches the surface. U think that's how he started thinking of rocks as food? They just kimda got in ther and he thought "mmmnm yummy!"
- Based on the timelime and my own calcumalations, Steve landed in Sweden, creating the crater which is now known as the Siljan ring, and emerged a whole continent over in North America (at least I'm assuming the show takes place in North America. The driving wheel is on the left side, right? And everyone has American accents? (Except Tim) Is that enough?)
I have a theory that Penny reminds Steve of his own mother. Both women have the same voice actress (Lindsay Small-Butera, my beloved ;-;), and in season one, while Steve is high, once he hears Penny's voice, he shapeshifts into his child form (which I think might have been the last time he saw his mom before she dropped him off at Christian-Acting Camp) and asks her for soup. He's even in the same Little Lord Fontleroy outift. Also, at the Food Truck Expo, when Steve sees Cesare approaching him, he hides behind Penny's back. Also, they have a similar appearance in hair color and clown makeup.
- Speaking of Steve's family, in the scene where Steve is about to be shot into space, there are three clowns who stick out from the crowd. One, with a haircut resembling Steve's mother's on the right (I believe this is her), Munkustrap in the center (at least I believe this is him, their hair and faces are similar) and a male figure on the left. I believe this figure on the left is Steve's father, and Munkustrap is either Steve's brother or past love interest (I think him being his brother is more realistic because him being Steve's love interest and sending him into space is I think too dark even for this show).
- I think the clown actors in Cats may only refer to eachother by their character names. Munkustrap is given no other name, and Steve being stripped of his name as "Old Deut" is seen as a big deal.
- I noticed whenever male clowns get old, their hair develops into sort of a tonsure style with a little dollop of hair sitting right in the middle of their bald spot. Peanut has this, along with Steve's father, and Steve is also developing this as well, based on the wicked widow's peak he has whenever his hat is off.
- bro I wanna see Cesare and Munkustrap interact so bad. What if they get jealous of eachother like, "No! I'm the only emo twink that gets to make Steve's life a living hell, who the fck are you???"
- I want them. To fight lol
- Cat fight!!!!!
- I may be stretching with this one but Munkustrap and Cesare just look kinda visually similar to me? At least with the black onesie and the dark unkempt hair. You think there's a reason for that? Or is it more metaphorical, as in these are just two people who have an impact on Steve's life in that they do their best to not let him fit in with the general society?
- In the still of Munkustrap descending from the sky, Conrad is build like a brick shit house frfr
Just needed to get these thoughts out of my head so they don't weigh down on my humors and make me bad at art and work and remembering to eat food and sleep and bathe and breathe for the next however many months it is before another episode O-O
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romeulusroy · 1 year
Random Headcanons About Baby Roy:
Warning/s: addiction, addiction mention, drugs, alcohol mention
A/N: I think about Baby Roy all the time, lol. I just love them. I thought some fun headcanons would be nice :) Based on these headcanons and this fic series!
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Baby loves screamo. Anything and everything screamo. Also any alternative artist! The more raunchy, the better. Any car or room they're in, they're listening to it or humming it or playing it in their headphones. Everyone's come to expect it and ignore it as best they can. Especially Karl and Frank, they hate it. Gerri just shrugs. it's not hurting you or anyone else, leave it be
It absolutely drives Connor insane, especially when you and Roman gang up on him and recite verses. Roman doesn't love your music, but it's so worth it to watch your other siblings cringe and get all uncomfortable
"That d*ick tastes like yankee candl-" I love Ashnikko lol
"Y/n, please."
"You wanna hear a so-"
Baby unironically plays Where's My Juul?? by Lil Mariko in front of Connor who has no idea what a juul actually is lol
Baby has a wicked sweet tooth. Kendall's been sneaking them candy since they were little, but it seems like you always have something sweet. A lollipop, gumballs, gummy bears, etc.
"You'll get a cavity."
"This is my one vice, let me be."
Shiv is always holding out her hand for whatever you've got. She doesn't ask, she just expects it. You never mind, it's nice to share with her. Besides, it makes her feel like a little kid, too
Baby loves gory movies. Growing up, when all the kids were together, they'd have movie night. When it was your turn, you always chose the goriest thing you could find. Rome would sit with his hands over his eyes and Connor would hold a pillow, But you, Ken, and Shiv would be totally into it
"Just wait! His head gets ripped off!"
"This can't be appropriate."
Baby is actually very smart. Despite all the partying, their grades were perfect. Logan had no need to worry. Maybe you weren't showing up to class, but you were there for tests and that's all that mattered. You throw your intelligence in your brothers faces
"Can you even spell egotistical?"
You make endless jokes about your sobriety that none of them like except for Roman. The others shoot daggers at you with a look that says "not funny" You think it's funny though, and that's all that matters
"I'll be at the bar, you guys chat. Kidding! I was kidding, jeez."
"Does anyone else need a strong drink right about now?"
"They say the food is like crack, but I know crack and this isn't that."
"I used to take handfuls of pills to this song. Now look at me, I've become a monster."
Connor is horrified. Every time you say anything, he's speechless. Shiv gets very serious and Kendall spirals, but Rome likes it. If you can't joke about it, what good is it?
Baby has lots of tattoos and piercings. It's the only socially acceptable way to self harm that isn't drugs and alcohol. Logan hates them and Connor thinks they're unsightly, but you don't really care. Gerri always wants to see the new ones you got, though she prefers they be covered up in the office
"I like that one, that one's very cute."
"Thanks, Mommy."
She hates when you call her that. For you, your and Gerri's relationship, it's not at all sexual like it is with Roman. She is genuinely your mother figure. She is warm and caring and only wants the best from you. She can always tell when things are getting bad again
"Oh honey, you don't look so good."
"Mommy, I don't feel so good."
She really does love you. Someone has to. She knows your mother and Logan don't. Someone has to be there for you
Both Karl and Frank are afraid of you. Between the music, the addictions, the tattoos, the piercings, everything is intimidating to them. You're not competing like your siblings, that scares them the most. You want nothing to do with the company
"Think they're rabid?"
"Might be."
You love it, the way they always back away when you get too close, like you're demonic or infected
Baby, I think, would write a lot. Not just your feelings, which are so hard to put into words, but good things that happened, reasons to stay sober
You have a notebook or something that they use to write in. You've brought it to every rehab you've ever been to and constantly reread it over and over. No one knows about it, and if they notice, they don't bring it up. It's yours
Reasons To Stay Sober: Connor, Kendall, Shiv, Rome. Connor, Kendall, Shiv, Rome. Connor, Kendall, Shiv, Rome. Connor, Kendall, Shiv. . .
You have a sobriety birthday and every month you bake a cake. It always turns out shitty, lopsided, and burned and runny at the same time, but decorating it makes you feel like a kid again
You're always wearing your siblings clothes. You're always stealing someone's jacket or socks or shirt or sweater. You like it. It makes you feel close to them
They've just come to expect it
"You look better in that shirt than I do, keep it."
"I was going to anyways."
You have those moments of deep regret and embarrassment and self-consciousness that always end up in tears, but your siblings are there to pick up the pieces
Connor especially will just hold you as long as you need and listen to everything you have to get out
You feel so deeply sorry for hurting them and scaring them so much. You just wanted it to stop. You wanted not to he angry anymore
They tell you they understand, but you know they don't. Not really. They can't unless they've felt the way you have
Baby falls asleep on all the siblings. Even Roman will let them get away with it, but no one else. You snuggle into them and have the best sleep of your life
"Quit moving."
"Don't use me as a pillow, then."
You get away with (mostly) everything because you're their baby and they love you so much. They love you so much it's gross
Connor still prides himself on the way he raised you. There were bumps in the road, but you ended up perfect. Absolutely perfect
They all pride themselves on how they raised you. It wasn't always good, they weren't always there, but they're making up for all that now. Logan is gone. Slowly they're breaking the cycle, for you and for them
Things will get better. You've hit rock bottom so many times and always found a way out. This is that. This is your out
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hockeyandhrsepwr · 1 year
Quinn Hughes x photographer!reader
Snap Series Masterlist
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liked by Canucks, User643 & others
Y/NJohnson presenting some of your 23 Canucks - Prince Charming, The fancy frenchman, Papa bear & his cub Huggy Bear, Vape, Kool Kuz, Olly Elly, &  Debby Ryan circa Radio Rebel
Its team Photo Day!
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Barzal97 I remember when he looked at me like that
Y/NJohnson Mat buddy, you’ve got to let him go
Barzal97 But I don’t want to
Y/NJohnson be like Rose or Elsa
TitoBeauvi91 Rose?
Y/NJohnson She let jack go!! he could've fit on the door
_quinnhughes Please dont start
Canucks our favourite smiley boys!
User928 Quinn Smile!! We got a Quinn Smile!
User29 Vape? 
Y/NJohnson Thats Juulsen!
User29 because Juul? You’re so unserious I love it
User115 Girl the nicknames 💀
bboeser I dont understand the Prince Charming
Y/NJohnson Thats because youre uncultured & haven’t watched Shrek
User637 Boeser hasn’t watched Shrek?
Y/NJohnson I know. Ridiculous 
Kuzya_096 Me neither!
Y/NJohnson Movie Night? 
_eliaspetterson Movie night!
_quinnHughes Movie Night 
Podkol_ Movie Night!!
TitoBeauvi91 Movie Night at Quinns!!
_quinnhughes not my house!
Y/NJohnson of course it will be 
Lhughes_06 can I come?
_quinnhughes you’re in Jersey? 🤨
Y/NJohnson I can’t believe Shrek is older than Luke 
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liked by Elblue6, User63 & others
_quinnhughes Road trippin
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📌Y/NJohnson I’m bored so ask me/us questions!!
Y/NJohnson someone help me
_eliaspetterson you chose this life
Y/NJohnson Actually this life chose me
ElBlue6 see you soon!
_quinnhughes See you in a week mum
JackHughes if Y/n hasn’t killed him by then
Y/NJohnson I love him very much, I would never kill him
Lhughes_06 you literally just snapped me saying you were about to push him off a cliff
Y/NJohnson LUKE! I told you that in confidence
JackHughes Where are you now?
Y/NJohnson the middle of Buttfuck Nowhere 
JackHughes Do you seriously not know? 
Y/NJohnson Its flat jack, thats all I know. All I can see is fucking fields 
Y/NJohnson I’m here to look pretty & drink too much coffee 
Lhughes_06 What do you expect her to do, Navigate? Please
User2 Who has control of the aux?
Y/NJohnson Not Quinn. Never Quinn
User72 what kind of music do you like listening to?
Y/NJohnson Quinn likes country 🤮 & I like anything but country
OwenPower_ Don’t diss country!
Y/NJohnson Not you too Owen!!
KentJohnson.13 Favourite Brother?
Y/NJohnson Luke 
User63 how did you two meet?
User827 probably work dude
Y/NJohnson Yep! Through work 
User032 why photography?
Y/NJohnson  Kent wanted to be a model & made me take picture of him to send to an agency. I liked the behind the scenes part so kept messing around with it
KentJohnson.13 stop spreading lies
NBlanks.98 I can see it actually
Jacob_truscott20 Its the hair 
Sholtz_24 he doesn’t have the height for it though
brendanBrisson or the face
Y/NJohnson Hey! Leave him alone!!! Only I can make fun of him
kentJohnson.13 dont be nice now, you started this with your lies
Y/NJohnson I still have those photos Kent. Test me. I dare you
User737 Please share with the class
User23 Yeah, I need to see these now
BradyTkauck When the wedding? & where’s my invite?
Y/NJohnson Really? That how you’re going to play it? Because I have your RSVP 
User938 👀
Bboeser Favourite Canuck?
Y/NJohnson Thats like asking me to choose a favourite child (Demmer)
Bboeser excuse me?! 
Y/NJohnson stop coming to my house & eating all my chocolate & maybe I’ll reevaluate 
Kuzya_096 What about me? 
Y/NJohnson You’re my second favourite!
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liked by kentjohnson.13, Bboeser & others
Y/NJohnson Little bro wanted a feature 🙄 here you go Kenten
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Kentjohnson.13 wow thanks
Y/NJohnson beggars can’t be choosers Kenny boy
OwenPower_ What did I do to be included here?! 
Kentjohnson.13 at least you dont look terrible
Y/NJohnson You’re my honorary bro Owen, thats why
JackHughes he gets one but I dont 😩
Y/NJohnson I’m not related to you
_quinnHughes yet
Y/NJohnson right. Can I opt out of the Jack part of the marriage 
_quinnhughes Unfortunately not. I tried to return him before but Mum wouldn’t let me
lhughes_06  you tried to leave him in a Costco parking lot
_quinnhughes well Costco sells everything! I assumed that meant annoying little brothers too
JackHughes I was 5!
KentJohnson.13 y/n left me at the mall once so I understand your pain Jack
Y/NJohnson I was 20 minutes late to pick you up when you were 15. Let it go
kentJohnson.13 Never
Canucks is that a Blue Jackets jersey we see on your page? Admin is wounded y/n
Y/NJohnson Listen, it was post the pic or continue to have him annoy me over text. I chose my sanity
NBlanks.98 I mean it is the better looking jersey
Y/NJohnson Take that Back NICHOLAS!! I refuse to have Canucks slander on my page
Williamlockwood yeah, get lost Blanks!
User83 They’re one of the worst teams in the league 
Y/NJohnson you must have us confused with the Ducks!
TrevorZegras hey!
bboeser we can request a feature on your insta? Why am I only now finding this out
Y/NJohnson Brocko my boy, youre in more photos on here than anyone!
bboeser But I want a solo post!!!
Y/NJohnson No
_eliaspetterson I want one too!!
Y/NJohnson of course Petey!! Give me a few days?
bboeser 😦
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liked by JackHughes, Lhughes_06 & others
Y/NJohnson Two best friends! 
Some of my favourite Nucks vs Devils pics from the last few years. Happy Now Jacky?
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JackHughes very thanks
Y/NJohnson good. now get out of my DMs
_quinnHughes We’ll have to get one with luke next!!
lhughes_06 yes!!
JoshNorris can I get one?? 
Y/NJohnson send me $400 for the consultation & then we’ll talk
JoshNorris $400?? Hell no
Y/NJohnson please, I’ve seen your contract. You can afford it if you really wanted
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ishipallthings · 11 months
Cap-IM Rec Week 2023 (Sat) - Podfic
Hidden Gems, July 22 for @cap-ironman Rec Week!
I'm reccing podfics today - they deserve all the love!
Remember to show some love for your hard-working creators!
[Podfic] Stark's Moving Castle by lomku @oluka read by Juulus @juuls
Steve has the great misfortune of being the eldest son of the family, destined to fail miserably should he ever leave home to seek his fate. But when he unwittingly attracts the ire of the Witch of the Waste, Steve finds himself under a horrid spell that transforms him into a small and fragile man. His only chance at breaking the curse lies in the ever-moving castle in the hills: the Wizard Stark's castle. To untangle the enchantment, Steve must handle the heartless Stark, strike a bargain with a fire demon, and meet the Witch of the Waste head-on. Along the way, he discovers that there's far more to Stark--and himself--than first meets the eye.
[Podfic] "Cold Space, Warm Welcome" by Annie D (scaramouche) @no-gorms read by Renton6echo @renton6echo
Tony’s spent a couple of years flying around the galaxy in his best friend Rhodey’s spaceship the Iron Advance, doing what could perhaps be counted as ‘hero’ work. Among their allies is Steve Rogers, captain of his own crew, with whom Tony has a… potentially friendly relationship. When Steve’s ship is irreparably damaged, Rhodey takes him and his whole crew onto the Iron Advance to recover. Tony’s not at all nervous about this, because so what if this is the first time Steve will see him without the Iron Man armor?
When they finally come to destroy the earth (they'll have to go through you first) [podfic] by AlchemyAlice read by grrreed_pods (quaetzalcoatl)
In which Tony Stark went to boarding school with Bruce Wayne, and the road to becoming a superhero is not smooth.
[Podfic] Touchy Feely by musicalluna @musicalluna read by seleneaurora
After an encounter with Justin Hammer, Tony starts to feel—and act—strangely.
[Podfic] Take Me Out (And Let Me Hold You Tight) by musicalluna @musicalluna read by RsCreighton
Steve daydreams about holding Tony's hand, and Halloween might just be the best chance he's got for making dreams reality.
[Podfic] Breakwater by Captain_Panda read by only_more_love @onlymorelove
When the helicopter hits the water, Captain America and the Winter Soldier both go under. Only the Winter Soldier escapes. By the time Tony Stark and company find Steve Rogers, he's been dead for nearly an hour. Brought back from beyond the brink, Steve is a changed man. Things will never be the same.
[Podfic] The Sound Silence Makes by ladyshadowdrake read by seleneaurora
“We need exactly what we don’t have,” Tony observed, annoyed and tired. He started to giggle and couldn’t stop himself. “Power.” He cast a glance back at the door, sealed shut behind him, and he didn’t foresee the cavalry charging through anytime soon with a generator and a bomb kit. Tony took a deep breath and asked, “How much reserve power does the suit have, J?”
[podfic] Appraise Valuable Assets -> Launce Opportune Navigation (AVALON) by gottalovev @gottalovev read by Albuss
The plan was that no one but Tony would know about the AVALON protocol until it was needed. Steve finds out and he's pissed.
[Podfic] For You I Will (A Thousand Times Remix) by ishipallthings read by SoldiersShield
During Hope and Scott’s wedding reception, Tony asks Steve for a dance. Steve turns him down, but not for the reason Tony thinks.
[Podfic] Bridge Over Troubled Water by vorkosigan @the-vorkosigan read by only_more_love @onlymorelove
After Thanos is defeated, Tony throws a party, like one does. Steve is there, and Tony thinks it's an awesome idea to seduce him, for old times' sake. Things get... complicated.
[Podfic] JentheSweetie's "And Time Can Do So Much" by JenTheSweetie read by Renton6echo @renton6echo
A few years after Steve moved permanently back in time, he started having conversations with Tony again.
Love Is A Masquerade [Podfic] by Mizzy read by paraka (616)
When the Avengers are invited to attend Tony Stark's Annual Masquerade Ball, Steve's hoping Iron Man will be there--after all, he can wear a mask and keep his identity secret. So when Steve recognizes Iron Man's distinctive thighs, Steve is SO sure he's found Iron Man's pilot... He's right, but not in a way Steve would ever have guessed...
Hide Your Love Away, by Sineala, (podfic) by Sineala @sineala read by cookiemom6067 @cookiemom6067 (616)
Tony has suspected for a long time that the soulmark on his chest matches Steve's -- but he's never told Steve about it. And then it's too late to tell Steve anything at all ever again. In the wake of Steve's death, the Skrull invasion, and Norman Osborn's rise to power, the identity of his soulmate is just one of the many things Tony cuts out of his memory forever. When Tony returns to consciousness, he's forced to deal with the aftermath of a war he no longer remembers fighting, not to mention a Steve Rogers who can barely stand to be in the same room with him. Surely the last thing Tony could ever need in his life is more amnesia. But that's what he gets. And Tony's new missing memory just might be the key to finding out the truth of his soulmark... as well as his chance to make things right once and for all.
[PODFIC] How to Date a Robot by Sineala @sineala read by crawfishing (616)
How do you date a robot? Even the twenty-first century doesn't have the answers to every question. Steve will have to figure this one out for himself -- after he politely rebuffs Mr. Stark's interest, of course. Sure, Mr. Stark is handsome, but Steve would rather be with his bodyguard. So when Iron Man agrees to go on a date with Steve, Steve couldn't be happier. He loves Iron Man with all of his heart, and their relationship rapidly grows serious. But why does Mr. Stark hate Iron Man so much? And why in the world is Mr. Stark trying to tear Steve and Iron Man apart?
[Podfic] Flight of Icarus by by Missy_dee811 @laexploradoraaa read by Cathalinareads @cathalinaheart (616)
“Tony,” said Kamala, hurried. “I loaded up some music to give you a little boost,” she said. “Oh no,” he said, shaking his head. “Don’t worry,” she added. “It’s not mine.” He smiled. I knew I liked you.
[PODFIC] Magnetic North by msermesth by msermesth @msermesth by Pywren @pywren (616)
Tony joins Steve on his post-Secret Empire road-trip-slash-pity-party. Turns out the road home is paved with a lot of arguments and sex.
If you want to check out more Steve/Tony podfics, here is an older podfic rec list of mine. You can also check out @sabrecmc​‘s list and head over to the podficcers’ profiles for more podfic!
Hope you guys enjoy the recs, and stay tuned for more! Here is my tag for previous years’ rec lists.
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Night Terrors | Austin Butler X Reader 
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Warning: angst, bad dreams, vague allusions to body insecurity, fluff.
Word Count: 1.6K
A/N: This was requested a few days ago and I liked the idea! So, I created this little one shot. Hope you guys enjoy.
Summary: He said the worst things imaginable to you. It felt so real--your life was falling apart. Everything was a lie. And then you woke up.
“What do you mean, ‘I don’t love you anymore’?” You asked tearfully. You sat with Austin on the front stoop of your shared New York City brownstone. He appeared quite intoxicated, leaning against the stair railing, his expression unbothered. 
“I don’t love you,” he repeated, looking you in the eye. He watched your heart shatter and didn’t move an inch to console you. He only blinked, clearing his throat. 
“You don’t love me? All of this was a lie?” You choked through the tears. “We live together!” 
“I used you, Y/n.” He reached into his pocket and retrieved his juul, taking several drags from it, looping white clouds into the night sky. Anger overtook your body. How could he be so nonchalant? You snatched the device from his lips and tossed it as far as you could into the street.
“What the fuck is wrong with you?” Your voice rose. 
“You know what? How could anyone love you?” It was as if he had ripped your heart from your body and tossed it on the sidewalk, stubbing it out like a discarded cigarette. “You don’t take care of yourself. You complain about the way you look all the time, yet you do nothing about it. I’m sick of it! You can be miserable, but I fucking refuse.” He cut you into pieces. He knew it. He didn’t care. He wanted you to hurt so badly that you’d go away forever. 
“How dare you speak to me like that? I’ve never done anything but love you.” You reached out to touch him. Though he was breaking your heart, you still loved him. It was natural for you to want him–to want to be with him. Instead, he recoiled and moved further away from you. 
“No. Just stop. I’m done, Y/n. I’ve been done for quite a while.” He looked at you briefly before pulling his knees to his chest, resting his elbows on them. 
“What does that even mean? Why didn’t you tell me any of this?” You asked, wiping the tears from your cheeks with your palm. You sniffled, yet your face was still a dripping mess. 
“Can I be honest with you?” He asked, turning to you. He rubbed at his mouth and chin like he was mulling over a thought. You nodded, your throat contracting and releasing in a choked sob, causing you to whimper. “I cheated–and it’s not the first time. I’ve cheated many, many times. And honestly, I regret nothing.” He shrugged coldly, raking his fingers through his blond coif. “It was how I got by.” 
“So you treated me like a live-in fuck-toy? To fuck whenever you wanted? To wash and fold your clothes, make you dinner, make love to you? Just so you could betray me with any tight pussy you could find?” You shot the words out at him, your voice rising with anger. 
“Guess so.” 
“You know what? Fuck you! Get your shit and get the fuck out of my house.” 
“The house is just as much mine as it is yours.” 
“I’ll call the police to escort your ass out.” 
“What will they do, Y/n? They’ll ‘diffuse’ it and leave. So I’m not going anywhere. Figure it out and get a hold of yourself. You’re acting crazy.” You looked away from you. In that moment, you couldn’t control the rage that exploded from your body. You reeled back and slapped him as hard as you possibly could, feeling the sting of contact against your palm. 
“I hope whatever sorry son of a bitch that meets you next finds out how fucking pitiful you really are. You had it good, Austin. You had me–someone who would die for you. I would have done anything for you!” You shouted, pointing your finger in his face. 
“You’re pathetic, Y/n.” He laughed. Chuckled, even. 
Deep within your throat, you felt the pain. The muscles contracted tightly as if they would tear at any moment from shear tension. The roar of your scream ripped away from deep within your chest. You squeezed your fists as tightly as you could, feeling your fingernails digging into the flesh of your palms. You shrieked as loudly as you could at him, releasing all of the hurt, the pain, the fury and betrayal, and the grief that shattered you completely. 
“Hey, hey. HEY,” Austin said, his hands wrapped around you, waking you up from the nightmare. “Shhh, calm down. I think you had a nightmare.” 
“Wh-what?” You asked, pulling out of your stupor. You jolted awake, pushing him away in your half-sleep state, desperate to get away from him. “Get away from me!” You barked. 
“Huh?” Austin asked. You retreated into your body, making yourself as small as you could under the covers. You were conscious, but not enough to differentiate what was real and what wasn’t. “Okay, okay,” he said, moving to the edge of the bed. He sat with his legs crossed, rubbing sleep from his eyes. Tears began to pour down your cheeks as you remembered the hurtful things that he had said to you in your dream. 
“You didn’t love me,” you sobbed. You pulled your hands to your eyes, swiping away the brutal tears as they fell. “You said I was pathetic and that no one loved me.” Austin took the cue to move closer to you, pulling you against him. That was when the real tears came. Your body shook from misery, your body racked with sobs. You vaguely felt him rubbing your back, squeezing you as close to him as he could, letting you cry–even if it didn’t exactly make sense why you were crying. He kissed the tops of your shoulders as he waited patiently. It took you a while to calm down in order to stifle the tears, but when they did slow, you leaned back and sat opposite him with your legs crossed. 
“May I hold your hands?” He asked gently, asking permission. You nodded. He took your hands in his, running his thumbs lovingly over your knuckles. “Do you feel comfortable telling me what happened?” You nodded again, sniffling loudly. You lifted your hand to wipe the tears from your face and push the stray hairs behind your ears before returning your hand to his. 
“I had a bad dream–and you were so mean to me. You acted like I didn’t matter. You told me that you cheated on me over and over and that you didn’t regret it.” You couldn’t help the tears from flowing again. Austin disconnected his hands from yours, raising them to your cheeks to swipe the tears away as they fell. “You said you didn’t love me.” 
“I never said that, baby.” Austin said softly. “Even if it was a nightmare. That wasn’t me. I would never, ever treat you like that.” He returned his hands to yours. You nodded, but didn’t look at him. He wasn’t convinced that you understood. He took your face in his hands, urging you to look at him. “I adore you. I am in love with you, Y/n. I think you are the most beautiful woman I have ever seen and I tell you that every single day.” 
“I know you do,” you said softly, your lips trembling. “But it felt so real.” 
“That’s why nightmares can be so scary.” Austin began. “But they also come from stress. Is something going on?” He asked carefully. “I’m here for you, honey.” 
“I don’t feel like myself right now. I feel ugly and I feel like I am undeserving of love. I haven’t told you, but I’ve felt like this for a while. I’ve just tried to push it away because I didn’t want to feel this way.”
“Sweetheart,” He said, softly, taking your face in his hands once more, his thumbs stroking your cheeks. “You are deserving of the love that you are given. Why? Because you are a wonderful person inside and out. You don’t see it right now, and that’s okay. I am here to remind you every day of your worth. It’s okay to have bad days. I know it doesn’t just go away, but I want to be here for the good days, the bad days…everyday. I don’t just love you when it’s sunny.” He paused for a moment. “I won’t go into lame daily devotionals, but…”
You chuckled through the tears, causing him to grin. “But I truly love you. I’ll love you for the rest of my life. That won’t ever change. Let me in. Let me know about the hard things. I don’t just want to be your boyfriend. I want to be your partner–your life partner.” You nodded. 
“I trust you,” you said softly, looking him in the eye. “That just hurt a lot,” you continued, referring to the dream. 
“Yeah, well sometimes our dreams betray us by exploiting the things we hold most dear.” He said, leaning in to kiss you on the forehead. 
“Lay back down with me, Austin.” 
“C’mere first,” he said, leaning forward, taking your face by your cheek as he placed his lips on yours, offering a feather-light kiss. You reciprocated, bringing your hands to the back of his neck, your fingers tugging at his blond waves. He pulled you against him, laying down once again. You stared into his eyes for quite some time. The moment wasn’t awkward, and there was no push to end it. You lay next to him, taking his hand in yours, silently stroking the softness of his skin. 
“I love you,” you finally said, breaking the silence.
“I love you too, Y/n. You’ll never truly understand how much. But I’ll show you every single day.” 
You turned your body so that he could spoon you. You felt safe within his embrace, his arm pulled protectively around your body as you cocooned yourself within the covers. You fell asleep listening to the give and take of his breath, mixed with the soft chirps of crickets from outside your bedroom window. 
taglist: @mamaspresley @anestesia-mxm @misspygmypie @austin-butlers-gf @cozacorner @she-is-juniper @shimmeringlights44 @mariposa-mila @austinelvisimagines @sagesolsticewrites @guns-n-queen @anangelwhodidntfall @avengen @suitrry @eurusthewanderer @domaniquessidehoe @kittenlittle24 @softmullet @mirandastuckinthe80s @stargiirl27 @maddieks-blog @kyddosebastian @girlnairb @its-funny-til-its-not @im-just-star-dust @bobbykennedyfan @venus-haze @groovydeputyfestivalkid @hockeyfootballhoe @21bruhs @thebeatlesbitch @dangerdolll @captured-memory @kingelviscreole @adoreyouusugar @slutforblueeyes @theinvisiblecapricorn @ghxst-heart @yagirlalexx @sapph1re @madzandflowerz31 @kaycinema @theloveoftoms @annamarie16 @omgellenlouise @re3kin @feverdawg @cutie-ghost @shynovelist @fxntxsix @rheathesimp @madzandflowerz31 @writeroutoftime @bamitzzsam @meladollsims @mslizziesblog @headfullofpresley@shandis-world @in-my-body-bag @ash-omalley @stitchattacks @foreverdolly @fullmetal-falcon
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scavengerssuccotash · 5 months
Dialogue prompts for gifts the team gave Natasha Romanoff their first Christmas as a team circa 2012.
I provide the prompt you decide the gifts!
“You know I’m going to tell Pepper about this right?”
“Oh I’m counting on it Miss Rushman.”
“I-um thanks? This is unexpectedly sweet!”
“Lady Jane helped me pick it out. On Asgard we have a similar festival called Juul.”
“How did you know I knew Latin?”
“Tony told me. It’s the language of science after all.”
“Is there a reason you’re dragging me away from everyone at the party? I wanted to see what Steve got Tony!”
“He got him a hat. Now close your eyes or you’re going to ruin it!”
“You do remember that I’m Russian right, well was.”
“Well, I might’ve been under the ice for that one but Bruce said it was a draw!”
Feel free to use for your fics, prompts, fan art!
Have fun!
Oh but tag me because I wanna see what y’all come up with!!
((Single-handedly trying to revive the domestic avengers tower fics with this prompt 😭 (such good times!)))
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heich0e · 11 months
yakuza!suna/escort!reader bonus bit #1 - a little moment that doesn't rly fit in anywhere else in the series, just fluff, tw juul!suna rides again (off-brand juul edition) series masterlist
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"What's that?"
Rintarou pauses with the slim little cylinder poised halfway to his lips, the tapered end facing him. He glances over at you as you watch him from his bed, setting his pants (where he'd pulled the strange little device out from one of his pockets) back down on the chair positioned in one corner of his bedroom.
"An eCig," he replies.
He reads the little furrow of your brow as confusion.
"Like a vape," he explains further. You watch as he wraps his lips around the tip, taking a small puff as a light on the device glows blue and bright underneath his fingertips. After taking a drag, he blows a long plume of white vapour out from the side of his mouth.
"I know what an eCigarette is," you remark, a little indignantly. Your huffy tone seems to make Suna smile a bit to himself. "I'm just surprised you have one."
Suna pads across the room towards you, setting the vape down on the table next to his side of the bed. He kneels at the edge of the mattress, leaning over in your direction.
"Well,"--he cranes closer to you, and from this near to him you can see the quiet mirth swimming behind his eyes--"someone told me smoking's bad for me."
You purse your lips, rolling onto your back and looking away.
"Well, they must be pretty smart."
"Yeah," he laughs under his breath, "she's both."
Suddenly he reaches over, slipping an arm beneath your waist and dragging you out from the cover of his bedsheets until he's got you caged under his body--still poised on one knee at the very edge of the bed. He blinks down at you, his gaze soft, and you try to mentally follow where his eyes are looking as they sweep across your features.
You lick your lips, and there's no mistaking just what place his eyes hone-in on next.
He dips down slowly, slotting his mouth against your own--like he hasn't spent the past few hours getting his fill of you. There's a little bit of sweetness lingering in Rintarou's kiss, from the vape you think, though you can't quite make out a distinctive flavour--just a subtle, saccharine taste gracing your tongue as his own presses further into your willing mouth.
It's nice, you can't help but think. You crane up, like you're chasing it-- eager for more.
Suna responds in kind, slipping an arm underneath your waist again and helping you sit up to meet him properly. You wind your own arms up around his neck, and in this newfound hold he sits down with his back against the tufted headboard and pulls you into his lap.
He kisses you, wet and noisy and hungry, until you're breathless. So much so that you have no choice but to pull away after a few heated moments to draw in shaking gasps of air.
"You're good at that," Suna murmurs, nosing at your temple as you rest your forehead against his shoulder. You think about remarking that you've had plenty of practice, but suspect it's not the kind of comment he'd find particularly funny.
Plus, the compliment seems awfully rich coming from him--who just managed to kiss you within an inch of your life.
You tilt your head to the side so you can peer up at him, chest to chest, your head resting on his shoulder.
"What flavour is that eCig?" you ask him idly, your voice quiet since you're still a little short of breath. You watch as he reaches down to play with your fingers where your hand rests beside his own.
He pauses for a moment, the tips of his fingers pressed against yours. He searches your face curiously, as though confused by your simple question.
"It's flavourless."
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Mairuma Incorrect Quotes #2
Dark humor again. Woooh.
⚠️ Also this post might contain triggering topics such as smoking, juuling and more. ⚠️
Mairuma Incorrect Quotes #1
Agares: You know if cats slept for an entire day, people will find them adorable and cute. But if I do it "I have mental health issues" and "I need help"? Seems quite unfair.
Kerori: Agares Picero. You slept for three straight days with no eating, skipping three days of school, not even communicating with us. You gave Gaap a heart attack-
Agares: I suddenly lost my ability to hear shit.
Kerori: You bitc-
Mairuma Incorrect Quotes #2
Purson: Okay what happened with Jazz-kun and Lied-kun because I heard screaming beforehand and then when I came into the room they were cuddling and sleeping with eachother.
Iruma: Oh, Jazz-kun found a JUUL in Lied-kun bag and got mad and then Lied-kun called him a hypocrite because he also smok-
Purson : To make a long story short..?
Iruma: They fought and then one of them cried then comforted eachother while joking about their trauma.
Purson: It was wholesome until you added the last detail. Why?-
Mairuma Incorrect Quotes #3
Agares: This cup of coffee represents my love for myself.
Gaap: Agares-dono...it's empty..
Agares: Exactly.
Kerori: Okay, who thought you dark humor? I- Wait ...*turns her head to Lied*
Lied: *sweating while pretending not to hear*
Mairuma Incorrect Quotes #4
Iruma: Hey, Azz-kun do you think I look fat?
Asmodeus: ..Why?
Iruma: I'm sorry I just..
Asmodeus: No, why would people be so stupidly blind to not see your elusive beauty? Damn demon these days..
Iruma: * raises his eyebrows then quickly smiled*
Kerori: Imagine saying you're not depressed but your favourite song is "Look who's inside again."
Agares: Is this because I didn't follow your devi-account yet? I'm sorry that I don't like to follow akudols that I don't like.
Kerori: I hate you.
Agares: Glad the feelings mutual.
⭐Kerori and Agares is totally not inspired by my friendship with my friend irl. Nope definitely not.⭐
Mairuma Incorrect Quotes #5
Kalego: Okay you brats,what the fuck do you do when you want to call for emotional support?
Misfit Class: Oh we're fine, how are you?
Kalego: No, just no. I'm literally gonna fucking kill your therapist at this point.
Dantelion who just went to annoy Kalego: ...
Mairuma Incorrect Quotes #6
Lied: What the devi? Hey, Agares what are you doing in the middle of the nig-
Agares: Do you know that there is over in lover.
Lied: Uh-
Agares: and end in friend.
Lied: UH-
Agares: and good in goodbye.
Lied: Isn't that kind of dark- anyways please go to sleep it's one o' clock in the morning.
Agares: Says your gaming addiction.
Lied: Says your coffee addiction.
Agares: Says-
Claire's note:
Two hc I have showcase in this incorrect quote.
Uno, the Misfit Class sometimes sleepover at the royal one as a way of bonding.
Dos, Purson is a real bitch when he doesn't get any sleep.
My content is turning into dog-shit ain't it? Yeah, yeah it is. Btw I'm thinking of making a misfit class hamilton play in my fanfic. The demons starring the schuyler sisters.
Lied- Angelica
Iruma- Eliza
Agares- Peggy
Them three because them crossdressing is my literal sanity.
What do you think? My hand tells me no but my brain is telling me yes. I still don't know who should be hamilton though, I'm open to suggestions. Anyways I wish you a good day or night! See ya guys, gals and non-binary pals!
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lovelytsunoda · 11 months
better than champagne // colton herta
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summary: she tastes better than champagne, and he can’t wait to unwrap his prize (and he’s going to make sure that she knows it, even at the most inopportune times)
warnings: smut, colton has a little bit of an exhibitionism kink, he also vapes (because look at this man and try to tell me that he doesn’t own a juul), face sitting,
authors note: I have stood mere meters away from colton herta and can confirm that there are no thoughts behind those pretty little eyes. he’s actually such a himbo and the effects of standing so close to him and is slutty little waist should be studied in a lab
“cole, for the last time, you know my mom hates it when you vape.” y/n frowned as her boyfriend blew a cloud of watermelon scented smoke into the air as they waited outside of the bar
the andretti driver sighed, nervously tapping his fingers on the side of his juul. “sorry, babe. nervous force of habit. your dad scares the shit out of me.”
she laughed, gently sliding the vape from coltons hands and tucking it into her purse. “you know he loves you. he just loves me more.” she slipped her arms around his waist, resting her chin in his chest as she looked up at him. “colton, you just got p3 in one of the most chaotic Indy races I have ever witnessed, and you started in thirteenth. i know I don’t say it enough, but I am so proud of you, sweetheart.”
“thank you for being here, babe.” colton said softly, pulling his girlfriend closer, one hand in the small of her back, the other cheekily grabbing a handful of ass as he leaned in to kiss her, one of her sunburned hands coming up to take his hair out of the kiss.
she hummed under his touch as colton nipped at her bottom lip. she giggled, hooking her fingers into his belt loops and trying to pull him closer.
“hey lovebirds!”
“motherfucker.” colton groaned, breaking the kiss and hiding his face in his girlfriends shoulder. “save me.”
laughing, she playfully slapped him in the shoulder, turning to her parents. “hi mom, hey dad. careful when you hug me, I’m more than a little sunburnt.”
“sweetheart, you look like a lobster.” mrs. y/l/n frowned, gingerly pulling her daughter in for a hug “make sure you put some aloe on that.”
“I will, mum.”
“colton, my man!” mr. y/l/n shouted, extending his hand to coltons for a firm handshake. “great show today, son.”
“thank you, mr. y/l/n.” colton chuckled nervously, running his free hand through his hair. “it still doesn’t feel real.”
mrs. y/l/n wrinkled her nose. “does the air smell like vape smoke to anybody else?”
colton coughed to cover up his surprise. “no, ma’am. I don’t smell anything.” his girlfriend raised an eyebrow at him, but the group went inside anyways, leaving the cloud of watermelon smoke outside as they head towards a corner booth.
dinner with his girlfriends parents always out colton on edge. they were wonderful people, the kind of working class blue collar folk. but their life was so different from colton’s, and he was so scared of tripping up or committing a social faux pas. he was never sure if something as simple as offering to pay for dinner would warp his in-laws perspective of him.
he was scared to even order a beer: nobody in her family drank and he had no idea what her parents thought about that.
at the end of the meal, while y/n’s mom went to the bathroom and her father went to pay the bill, she sighed, relaxing into colton’s arms.
“you okay, pretty girl? you didn’t seem to eat as much as you usually do.” colton frowned, his lips against the side of her head. if there was one thing he knew well about his girlfriend, it was her appetite. she loved food, and was usually the first to order the biggest, greasiest burger on the menu.
“just feeling a little under the weather. I think I caught the sun. I’ll probably make some toast or something light later.” she smiled, kissing his cheek.
“you know you could have gone to the hospitality tent, right? you didn’t have to stay in the pit lane. actually, I think my strategist would have preferred that you didn’t.”
“what’s the fun in that? you know me, I want to be where the action is.”
true to form, cars had been the reason the two had met. colton was out in the middle of nowhere after the previous years race in toronto. he was on his way to niagara falls but took three wrong turns courtesy of kyle kirkwood who had been left in charge of reading the map. y/n had been on a girls trip for her best friends hen week, and had come across kyle and colton after the tyre on coltons corvette had blown out.
while the rest of the bridesmaids had ogled kyle and whistled at him from the back of the volkswagen golf, y/n had slipped out of the passenger side and shamelessly flirted with colton before offering up the spare tyre in her trunk. she was his angel in levis and a plastic pink tiara, and kyle never let him forget it.
“I’ve got a spare tyre i can lend you, and if you buy me a drink I’ll change your tyre as well.” she had said, leaning against the corvette. “there’s a garage a few kilometres back, just follow our lead.”
sure enough, colton bought her a fruity little drink from bar, right after he met up with the other guys in the zibs and played a set with his band. the man is a musician and a race car driver with incredible hair, what more could you ask for?
“is there anything I can do?” colton asked, his fingers dancing across her slightly sunburnt thigh, feeling the heat from the burn under his fingers.
“massage some aloe into my skin?”
“babe, you need the whole bottle.” colton laughed, gently kissing along her jaw, his hand creeping further and further up his lovers thigh. “what about an orgasm?” he whispered in her ear, gently slipping his hand between her legs to rub her core through the thin fabric of her romper.
“cole.” she whined, legs falling open for him as she rested her head on his shoulder, biting back a moan as she dragged her fingernails down the skin on his arm. “oh, fuck, cole, what if my parents come back? we’re in public.”
her breathing was heavy, voice strained as she tried not to whine.
“just relax, princess.” his voice was husky, and he could feel how wet she was through the fabric, his cock tightening in his jeans. “nobody is gonna hear you, just let me make you feel better.”
to outsiders, they looked like nothing more than a lovesick couple, cuddling up to each other in the booth. they would have no idea what colton's fingers were doing underneath that table cloth, and what he couldn't wait to do when they got home.
all too soon, y/n's parents came back to the table, bill paid as they prepared to leave. colton retracted his hand as soon as he saw her parents, returning to tracing comforting circles on her thigh as she rested her head on his shoulder.
"we're driving out to kingston to see your sister this week." mrs. y/l/n started. "i think we might leave tonight, we've booked a bed and breakfast. you can colton can have the house to yourselves, a little bit of time to relax and spend with each other without your father and i constantly looking over your shoulders."
"oh mom, you didn't need to do that."
"yes we did. your father and i needed a getaway, and after today, you and colton both deserve some rest."
across the table, y/n's father narrowed his eyes as he pointed a finger at the indycar driver. "but no funny business in my house. i trust you two to be responsible adults tonight."
"yes, sir." colton nodded in agreement, knowing full well that he and y/n would be breaking most house rules that night, including the one about vaping inside.
it was nice coming home to an empty, quiet house. since indycar had descended on toronto and colton had come to stay in his girlfriend's childhood home, he had felt overwhelmed, almost never getting a minute to himself when he wasn't at the track or with his trainer.
he walked up the stairs of the backsplit to y/n's childhood bedroom, still frozen with the typical decor of a nineteen year old, before y/n had moved in with some of her friends from college, and then to tennesse with colton: fairy lights hung from the walls, the bed neatly made and adorned in a lilac gingham comforter, a poster for a popular emo band hanging behind her door. the bookshelves were barren, but only because she'd taken most of her books with her when she moved.
she made a beeline for the shower, making the water as cold as she could as to not upset her burn as she washed the smell of the track off her body, massaging hair conditioner into the burns to take away the sting.
after the shower, she dressed in simple cotton panties and a button down shirt she normally wore to work. her damp hair was soaking through the shoulders of the shirt as she made her way back to her bedroom, where colton was sitting on her bed, vape pen dangling from his fingers as he scowled at the instructions on a bottle of aloe vera lotion.
“cole, what are you doing?” she laughed, perching on the end of the double bed.
“I can’t read the writing on his bottle, I think I need a magnifying glass.”
“sweetie, just put it straight on my burns and massage it in.” she chuckled, undoing the first few buttons on her shirt and pulling the collar down to expose her shoulders.
her skin stung as colton ran his fingers over the angry red marks, small moans and hums leaving her lips as he touched her.
“feel better, love?” he asked gently, wiping his hands off on his jeans as he kissed her shoulder, getting a mouthful of aloe in the process.
“a little. I still want that orgasm you promised me.”
colton laughed, leaning in to kiss her. “I can definitely do that.”
he nipped at her bottom lip, sliding his tongue onto her mouth as she tugged on his hair, a moan escaping the back of his throat. one of coltons hands groped her chest, taking one of her breasts into his hand and massaging it between his strong, nimble fingers.
she moaned under his touch, breaking the kiss to guide his free hand between her legs.
colton chuckled, pushing her panties to the side. “you want me to finish what I started earlier, pretty girl? did it turn you on knowing anybody could see us? because I know it turned me on, thinking about getting you off in a room full of people.”
“fuck off.” she whined, unable to form a coherent sentence at the feeling of her lovers fingers circling the area where she needs him most, fingertips coated in her slick as he teased her opening. “please…cole.”
“lie down and spread your legs, I want to taste that sweet, sweet cunt of yours.” colton hummed, sucking a hickey into her neck. “and take that blouse off, I want to see all of you.”
“I’ve got a better idea.” she hummed, getting to her feet and casting off the blouse, a damp spot visible on her panties, still pushed aside enough that colton could see everything.
she made a grab for his collard shirt, yanking it over his head before she pushed him back against the pillows, unceremoniously shoving aside her collection of build a bears. she slipped out of her panties, mounting Colton’s body and hovering over his lips.
colton broke out into a grin, one hand coming up to playfully smack her ass. “eh, what’s gotten into you today?”
“you deserve a prize, podium sitter.” she grinned, carding her fingers through his hair.
“fuck.” colton exhaled as she lowered herself onto him, fingers gripping the wrought iron headboard as he kissed her sopping core, her juices dripping into his mouth and making his eyes roll back. “babygirl, you taste better than champagne.”
he moaned against her as he licked up and around her lips, his hands thoroughly gripping her thighs as he slipped his tongue inside her.”
“oh fuck, colton!” she screamed, bucking her hips against his face.
“that’s it, pretty girl, just ride my face, use me to get yourself off.”
her mind was so clouded with lust that she could barely think, her chest heaving as she moaned, practically screaming as coltons nose bumped her clit. the mattress slid against the bed frame, forcing the headboard against the wall.
the view that colton bad was downright sinful. he looked up, moaning at the sight of y/n on top of him, breasts bouncing up and down and her head thrown back as she moaned. it was enough to make his eyes roll back in his skull, and he found himself fumbling with one hand to get his jeans open, fisting his cock for any kind of relief before he blew his load in his jeans.
it was downright sinful, and he was glad that they were alone. even though there was a part of him that was exhibitionist in nature, he knew that there was no way he could look his in-laws in the eyes if they could hear what he was doing with their daughter right now.
“colton, fuck, i think I’m close.” she whined, legs shaking around coltons head as her grip moved from the headboard to his hair.
at the contact, colton growled, abandoning the pursuit of his own pleasure to smack her ass, gripping her thighs as she continued to rut against him, his tongue plunging inside of her and making a mess of his face as she reached her high, trembling above him.
colton locked up what he could from between her legs before gently lowering her body to the bed, softly kissing her lips and trailing his fingertips over her body.
“sweetheart, that was the most incredible thing I think we’ve ever done.” he grinned against her lips, his hard cock still poking out from his jeans.
“need some help there?” she raised an eyebrow, reaching for his shaft. “lay back and let me treat you. you deserve it.”
colton began to protest, quickly shutting up as she moved his boxers and jeans down his legs. he was a goner as soon as she started kissing up his cock, taking the tip between her cute, plump lips.
“ohhh, thats it, pretty girl.” he grunted, trying not to buck his hips as his hand came to grip her hair. “just like that, sucking me off so well, princess.”
his head dropped back against the pillows as he moaned, losing the battle of wills as he bucked his hips into her face, her nose dusting his pubic bone. more jumbled praises spilled from his lips as he reached his peak, quickly pushing his lovers face off his cock.
she didn’t like to swallow, but he preferred seeing his seed spread across her chest anyways.
giving her boyfriend some time to catch his breath, she lay on her stomach next to him, her legs in the air as she played with his sweaty hair. she leaned in to kiss him again, fingernails scratching at his chest.
“I need your cock.” she breathed, sucking on his earlobe. “I need you inside me, cole.”
colton kissed her again, stumbling to his knees on the bed. “who would I be to say no to my good girl?” he breathed, running his fingertips over the sunburn on her thigh. she shivered underneath his touch, propping herself up on her knees to rub her ass against his groin.
“head against the pillow, pretty girl.” he whispered, kissing up her spine as she rested her head against the bamboo fibre pillow, bent legs pressing her against her lover. “you want me to fuck you? you want me to make you feel like the prettiest, sexiest woman alive?”
“fuck yes, colton. fuck me, fuck me, please!”
colton tapped his cock against her thigh, watching the goosebumps rise on her skin before he pushed into her, a growl escaping his throat.
“you’re so wet, babygirl. so warm and inviting. god, i could stay inside of you all day.”
she whined underneath him as he started to move, being cautious of her sunburn as he pressed his chest against her back, thrusting deeper as he leaned over her.
“fuck, yes, right there!” she shouted, reaching for his hand.
pushing her hair over one shoulder, the driver linked hands with his lover as he pounded into her. she moaned underneath him, his lips leaving gentle kisses along her sunburnt shoulders. she had probably sweated the aloe vera lotion off, her fingernails digging into coltons hand as she screamed his name.
“that’s it darling. yeah, you want to come on my cock? fucking come for me, sweetheart.” he panted, thrusts getting sloppier.
it was a filthy scene, the air filled with the smell of sex and sweat, the sound of skin slapping against skin, moans mingling together as colton straightened up, hands gripping her hips as he pulled y/n back on his cock.
“fuck, yes, colton, i think I’m gonna come.”
with a moan that shook her entire body, her limbs fell limp, her body slumping onto the bed as she came, body shaking as colton ran his fingers through her hair. he pulled out, jerking himself the rest of the way off before he came, his seed coating her back before he slumped down on top of her.
“i love you.” he said softly, tangling his fingers with hers as she softly kissed over the hickeys forming on her neck. “i wouldn’t have wanted to share today with anybody else.”
“love you more.” she hummed, making a futile attempt to roll over underneath her boyfriend. “i think I need another shower.” she laughed, kissing the back of his hand.
colton laughed, kissing the side of her head. “how about I go run a bath? that claw foot tub in your basement is still functional, right?”
y/n laughed as her boyfriend got up, searching for his clothes on the bedroom floor. “give me a second to get my energy back and I’ll bring some candles and bubble bath down.”
TAGS; @magnummagnussen @httpiastri @cartierre @lorarri @scuderiasundays @libraryofloveletters @sidcrosbyspuck @thatsdemko @oconso @somanyflippingbooks
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goldenpinof · 3 months
It looks pretty orange to me (both the hoodie and the tote bag)
okay, maybe you got a normal print. but please confirm or deny (again, i'm so sorry 😭)
this is what Juul got (the faded one is new):
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and this is what i got (same faded print, compared to a t-shirt with actual WAD orange):
Tumblr media Tumblr media
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shutupandplayasong · 1 year
Ok ok ok time to talk about the show!!!!
(Warning this going to be beyond hectic I'm quite literally shaking with excitement and also it's 1 am)
Justin's floofy little hyena mohawk gives me LIFE it looks so good
Instead of the ukulele being tossed onto stage by someone below, the funeral director guy tosses it to Beej
After the sad puppet show BJ screams out "I'm burning! I'm burning! I thought this only happened to books that make kids gay!" And I literally gasped. I don't know if that was written into the script or if it was improv but holy shit
During TWBDT Part 2, when BJ tries to spell his name a second time, he pulls his sleeve back to read a little cheatsheet to spell it correctly. My illiterate little himbo ❤
Instead of "Sadness is like kale salad, no one likes it, throw it out" Delia says "Sadness is like a third nipple, it's a part of you but no one wants to see it"
During Charles and Lydia's dead mom argument, Delia is just waggling her triangle around and slow motion dancing. No thoughts, just vibes
When Charles and Delia are making out on the table, Charles is full on sniffing her foot and rubbing his face against it like a cat..... Chuck has a foot fetish confirmed.
Someone already posted about the guacamole story and jesus fucking christ man
When Barb gives her "best primal screams" she gives a very half hearted "blehhh" and then hits a fucking opera note on her second attempt?? I'm love ??
It's also small enough to fit up his sleeve. Big spooky demon with this dinky tiny glittery microphone. I love it.
I swear to god in Charles' room there's this big ass sculpture that looks like a giant butt plug. I did an actual double take. I couldn't focus on anything else during that scene.
Except the fact that Delia had a juul pod im pretty sure?
After Say My Name, when the curtain drops, Adam is all like "We should bring the sheets" "No" "Well we should bring the sheets just in case" "Adam, no, come on!" "Ok I won't bring the sheets :("
After Beej is pushed off the roof a little puff of smoke is blown onto the stage like a cartoon
When Beej crawls out of the table when Lydia calls him there's this god awful squelching sound
After That Beautiful Sound, when BJ is explaining his plan to his clones, one of the women is stood there wiggling her fingers and popping her hips out and she's so cute!!
I never really cared about Otho but the man who played is a whole ass Shane Madej caricature and I kind of love him now
We unfortunately do not get red Beetlejuice, but for a split second the lights give him a similar effect and while it's not the same, I will take it. It's better than nothing I suppose
I love the yellow and blue suit on Justin he's so hampsome 🥺💞😭🥺💘😢💖💗😭
To fill in the awkward silence after the "we both have dead moms" joke, BJ fucking bounces on Juno's severed leg like a pogo stick????? It literally sucked the air out of my body and I had to force myself to breath so I didn't start wheezing and disrupting the whole auditorium
We got confetti'd after the curtain call and I grabbed 3 handfuls :) That's not really a note on the show, I just felt like sharing
Ok on to my feelings about the cast:
Listen, no one can ever top Alex, but I'll be damned if Justin isn't a close second.
Just constantly screaming and doing his little dancy dance, even if it's during normal dialogue that does not call for screaming or dancy dancing.
Not much in the feral behavior department, but he sticks his tongue out so. much. A lot of sarcastic gasping too like sir close your mouth before bugs start crawling inside
He takes his sweet time finishing dialogue. There were several times where there would be a good 30 seconds of dead air, and every time the laughter died down it would start up and fill the silence again. I don't know what spell he cast to make the audience do that but it was a good one.
I'll be honest I wasn't so sure about him when the casting was announced but god damn it he just has so much charisma I want to get on all fours and bark for him
Im not taking that back btw you're gonna have to live with me saying that
My favorite Lydia hands down.
Her Lydia has so much attitude she's almost a bit of a bully. There's so much sarcasm and angst and anger in her delivery. She plays the moody teenage girl character well.
Not really an acting not but Isabella has such big, expressive eyes. Granted, I had pretty close seats, but you can still see her eye rolls and quirked eyebrows from the stage it's amazing.
Overall she's a fantastic Lydia and again, my absolute favorite. No shade to Sophie, but I feel like her Lydia was... a bit whiny and immature. Isabella is truly grieving her mother and you can see how much of a toll all these changes are having on her. I absolutely love the edge and the bite she brings to Lydia.
Britney and Will:
These two.
These two are out of fucking control for real.
Take the goof factor from the original Maitlands and crank that shit up to 11.
Gonna have to agree with Beetlejuice though, Will's Adam is quite sexy...
"Adam... You're boring. But! You're sexy. You should own that." *cue Will doing a full body roll*
I dont know if it's his height or voice or line delivery but he just seems a lot less... idk pathetic? than the original Adam. It's a nice change of pace. I always wished they did more to develop his character.
Britney brings a lot of spunk to Barbara. Like Barbara has always been the slightly more adventurous one in the relationship but Britney really makes her shine.
OG Barbara is a bit more subdued but Britney's body language is so big? I guess is the right word? So many big gestures and so much movement. Im always a big fan of when actors use their whole bodies to deliver their lines instead of just standing pin straight and talking.
I've noticed a lot of people don't really like her Delia and while she isn't my number one favorite either, I still think she does a good job
OG Delia, I feel, is out of touch with the times and trying to be "hip" while still being old school. Kate's Delia is very much aware of "kids these days" and is an obnoxious try hard. I kind of like her take on the character in that sense.
Delia has absolutely no concept of personal space. She stands wayyyy to close to Lydia and whenever Lydia gets fed up, she gets in Delia's face to give her a taste of her own medicine. I LOVE the dynamic between them.
Also Kate's Delia is lowkey kind of bullied by Lydia? Like Lydia is actually pretty mean to her. Again, I love how Kate and Isabella interact with each other. There's a lot more turmoil and strain between these two that I feel was lacking in the original production (at least from what I've seen in the bootlegs I've watched).
Not as imposing or strict as OG Charles, but I like it. I don't prefer it, but I like it.
I feel like Jesse's Charles wears his heart on his sleeve? You can really hear how tired and lost and confused he is when he's struggling to communicate with Lydia.
I never cried while watching bootlegs but damn it, their performance of Home almost made me cry...
Also if anyone would like to drop me off at the theater tomorrow so I can snag those remaining $30 single seat tickets my address is-
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