hiimtheproblem87times · 4 months
Genderbend ver. of the Mercanaries and Victim
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Apparently we’re on a High Lady Mommy Feyre kick recently…
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saffitaffi · 8 months
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The Witch because I love her personality, especially when it leads into The Thorn Route lol
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femdomdiaries · 7 months
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Sess if reader had a Mommy Kink
Was intended to be submissive Sess but it turned out to be more F!reader x Switch!Sess.
Warning: breeding kink
You observed as a breeze rolled through the grove, shaking petals from the branches of the tree you were resting under. They fluttered down and scattered, landing amongst the long silver locks of your boyfriend, whose hair you'd been absentmindedly running your hand through. Carefully, you began picking them out, one at a time. He stirred beneath you, having felt the sudden stop of your ministrations. Seeing him waking, you decided to take the opportunity to ask him something that had been on your mind.
He opened his eyes slightly, golden gaze meeting your querying expression. You debated for a moment whether or not you really wanted to bother him with something so trivial, then decided to just go for it. "Can you call me mommy?"
He blinked as he processed your question, head tilting in confusion. "You wish for me to address you… as my mother?"
"Not as your mother," you clarified, "as Mommy."
The confusion did not leave his face. He sat up, the remaining petals falling from his locks as he turned to look at you. Even while sitting, he managed to tower over you. "Why would I do that? You are not my parental figure."
You sighed, realizing that you might end up having to explain kink psychology to an ancient demon lord. You tried for the watered-down version. "It's just a term of endearment. Mostly. It's very popular where I'm from."
"To call your mate—" here, he tested the word on his tongue, "—'Mommy'?"
"Yeah. Or, y'know. Daddy for guys and uh, girls who like that."
"I see. And how would you find benefit in me using such a term?"
Straight to the point. You felt your face grow warm, recognizing that this could go south if he found humor in your confession. Your eyes darted anywhere but his. "Honestly? I think it’d be pretty fucking hot.”
He was silent for a moment. When he finally responded, he didn’t tease, but instead reached out to stroke your cheek. When you met his eyes, he replied, "If you desire to be a mother so badly, then I shall make you one."
And then you were flat on your back.
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tamarydraws · 8 months
Rockstar!Abby 🎸🐺
p.s: she’s the drummer and Ellie is the main guitarist 🧎🏻‍♀️
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p.s 2: all the tattoos are my original designs & the shirt lettering too!
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areyoudreaminof · 1 month
Meet Oriana, Nessian’s very wild and musical daughter.
She has a name! Thanks to @kataravimes-of-the-shire for helping me with it. ❤️
Oriana kicked her feet along as she hummed. The picture looked very good, she thought. She colored in the lines she drew, a picture of her, Mama, Papa and her poofy cat, Pudding. She made sure to put the House in there too, Mama said it was part of the family.
She turned to Pudding, his round face was cocked with confusion. Oriana sighed as she explained the picture again.
“That’s you and me, and Mama and Papa. I didn’t have green for your eyes though.”
“I’m ready!” Ori chirped as she bounced into Cassian’s view. She wore her favorite red dress, purple socks, and her sandals were on the wrong feet. In her hand she held her little white Valkyrie ribbon. Cassian chuckled to himself. His daughter was nothing, if not completely her own person. She couldn’t be persuaded to anything, not even breaking the rules.
“Why don’t we take the socks off, it’s not cold outside or inside the Symphony.” Cassian said smoothly, hoping to get her shoes onto the right feet. It’s a miracle she even put her shoes on, Cassian thought to himself. His daughter hated shoes and he lost count of how many they’d lost over the past year.
“Okay,” Ori said, “can I wear my ribbon?”
“Of course you can, would you like me to put it on?”
“Not too tight,” Ori chided as Cassian tied the ribbon around her wild dark hair. Hair that matched his own, but still had that baby fine texture that made it impossible to stay tidy for long.
“Never, sweetheart.” He placed a kiss on her small button nose, a replica of Nesta’s. “Are you ready to go surprise Mama?”
“Let’s go!” Ori squealed as she flapped her wings, launching herself towards the door.
“That’s me and you and Papa.” Oriana pointed at the figures in the drawing. “I put silver for my eyes and your eyes, cause we have silver eyes. And I used black and red for my wings!” Oriana pointed to the blob shape, “There’s Pudding,” she said, affirming her cat’s presence, “and here’s The House.”
Nesta set the picture down reverently. Grabbing Oriana into a hug, she inhaled the sweet scent of mountain juniper. “I love it so much.” Nesta said softly, kissing Oriana’s face all over. “I’m going to frame it and show everyone in the library.”
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seeyouspacecowboyyy · 9 months
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fiery-emblems · 3 months
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Okay here's a really random one for you: Soren in Xianyun's outfit??
The only explanation I have is that every time I play her I can't help but think that her color scheme reminds me of his archsage robes. Its the light green cape + the black inner robes combo...
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quietwingsinthesky · 3 months
i think river and amy try to do some sort of mother-daughter bonding exercise or trip or something exactly one time, and it goes horribly. it's the most uncomfortable thing they've both ever done, and that's saying a lot. they never try to do it again.
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saffitaffi · 8 months
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The Tower because I want to be her good little bird yes pls
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voidfishbitch · 11 months
Finding catharsis in fiction is all fun and games until you have to explain to your therapist that you were able to process a lot of your feelings about your religious upbringing by listening to a twink with a super thick French accent go absolutely feral against a make believe church
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concubussy · 6 months
Oh my poor sweet boy, you want to call me mommy?
Well then, show me how bad you want it and be a good boy for mommy
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inchidentally · 4 months
Lando? Oscar?
(Looking at Oscar's cap, it's something between Monaco and Barcelona)
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perfect angle to imagine Lando's big grippers grabbing Oscar's tiddy
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ashchoo · 1 year
| How Familiar… | (@thelone-copper) silly goobers
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anyways here’s some silly shit
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danmeichael · 2 months
If SY were to interact with other MXTX characters how many and who do you think he'd be able to wifebeam
the only characters he absolutely would NOT be able to wifebeam are hua cheng, xie lian, and lan wangji. i believe without a doubt he would wifebeam wei wuxian though. he is so vulnerable to beautiful scholarly autistic men.
the majority of side characters are absolutely done for though. wen ning? gone. obliterated. pei ming? fucked. absolutely fucked. sy bottles bisexual awakenings and forcefeeds them to unsuspecting victims. jiang yanli is a married woman but i think she and jin zixuan could blow his back out together. aromantics are immune from the romantic implications of the wifebeam but will still be obsessed with him in some way. only lesbians are safe.
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ritzcreation · 7 months
TW for vomit!
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she frew up 😔😔😔
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