turtle-bun · 9 months
Parallel Lines AU (TMNT X Usagi Yojimbo)
ok ok ok I woke up this morning before work in a cold sweat cuz this shit suddenly popped into my head. Okay so basics; No. 1 All Usagi's are related and from the same universe. No. 2 Time moves weird between dimensions which is how we get this AU of which I'm calling Parallel Lines. Aka inter dimensional travel + the fixed point in time continuity of Usagi's world never lets the Bunny and Turtle boi be together for long. Aka generational gay longing AU.
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So firstly I'm sort of splitting up the personality of Comic Usagi with 87 Usagi and 03 Usagi, though mainly its 03. So as seen on the chart 87 Usagi would be 03 Usagi's grandpa. He and 87 Leo became real close during his time in New York, like really really close, but unfortunately had to part ways in the end. Everybody noticed how different 87 Usagi was after his inter dimensional trip, a lingering sadness always present under a bold faced mask. As a child 03 Usagi always wondered about the ever present sadness in his grandpa's eyes. Then years later 03 Usagi joins the Battle Nexus and meets 03 Leo. At first its easy to stay in touch through dimensional portals and letters sent through them. Then the weird time shit starts happening, i.e. they notice that time moves a LOT slower in 03 Leo's dimension. Months between letters and visits turn into years for Usagi and the pain of essentially growing up separately leads them to drift apart. Leo still sends letters sometimes though he as no idea WHEN in time Usagi will receive it. Usagi cherishes each letter with all his heart. He now understood the deep sadness that lingered within his grandfather's heart was actually longing. Along all this Jotaro is born and grows and trains with Usagi's old master. And though their relationship is "complicated" they care deeply for each other as only father and son can and the loneliness 03 Usagi feels hurts a little less. He's is traveling with Usagi when Jei attacks the village and they need to transport Kintaro to the sacred temple. Then the Turtles attack, brainwashed, Usagi and Jotaro are able to snap them out of it and Usagi's heart soars as it did in his youth if only for just a moment. This Leo (2012) is different from his Leo (03) but he is also very similar as well and it hurts. It hurts to see an echoe of the man you onced loved, both young and heavy with the weight of responsibility of being leader, just as he had been. And it was bittersweet to see that same connection that had once been between them now find itself present in Jotaro and 12 Leo. He knew what the ending of this would be when the journey was over and as much as he wanted to save his son from the pain of it all he could not bare to get between them if it wasn't yet time to part. Jotaro has never met a person quite like 12 Leo, just as headstrong and passionate as well as a bit of a dork. Leo told Jotaro all about his adventures, both on earth and beyond the stars, and in turn Jotaro told Leo about his own life and adventures as a samurai in training. They could talk for hours without getting bored or just sit in silence watching the stars just enjoy the presence of each other. When they parted Jotaro felt a piece of himself leave along with Leo as well, worlds away and never to meet again. It reminded him of his father, of days where he was quiet and looked along the horizon looking for something. Something that now Jotaro will now be looking for, for the rest of his life as well. All is quiet for many years after, until Yuichi is introduced. I haven't seen Samurai Rabbit yet but its on my list of shit to do. But especially it would be Gay Longing Pt 4 with the same end result UNTIL....
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We get to our MM Turtles where finally FINALLY Leo and Usagi are in the same universe. But idk if I should wait until the new show comes out incase they do another Usagi crossover or say fuck it and make up my own OC and time line after I watch Samurai Rabbit? Pls feel free to suggest, add, or comment on this mess of gobbledygook as I wrote this all down half asleep and during my work lunch break 😅
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str0l0gy · 1 year
it’s just sumn abt this song
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lazyjellyfish300 · 2 months
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Miguel O'Hara x AFAB Reader
TW: Minors DNI, what plot??? smut(handjob, praise, cum eating, Miguel is kind of a sub in this one), mention of oral sex f receiving at end) words: a little over 700
A/N: someone take my phone 😫 just wanna make him feel loved while I- [REDACTED] anyway....I can't think of a title for this either 💀 NSFW under the cut
Jerking off Miguel while you shower him in praise. You'll be sitting in his lap so you're above him like the goddess you are, running your fingers through his hair with one hand while you cup his pretty face with the other, letting him knead and massage your thumb with his warm tongue while he's moaning and groaning when he feels your aching pussy grind against his cock. 
"So pretty, baby...." You coo above him, letting your tits bounce in his face. 
"Mmm...." His eyes widen when he feels one of your hands grip his hard cock through his boxers. 
"Ah-Ah....baby..." He pleads, releasing your thumb and letting his head fall back, those beautiful rubies staring up at you. 
"Aww, my baby likes this?" You purr sweetly, giving him a little squeeze and a rub with your hand. 
"Mmmhhhnnn....cariño, porfa..." He babbles, eyebrows knitting together. 
"Shh, Shh...." you tease, slipping your thumb back into his mouth as you caress his cock with the other, adding a little roll of your hips. 
Miguel's eyelids flutter and he lets out a huge groan. 
"Mmmmm.... that's it. My boy...my pretty baby..." You tilt your head, eyelids half-lidded. "So handsome...." 
Miguel's lips twitch into a smile as he sucks your thumb again, cheeks turning a blooming red. 
"Mmm...you're so good baby. How'd I get so lucky with you, hmm? My beautiful, beautiful boy...." 
"Oh cariño please...." He pants, doing his best not to cum. "Please..." 
"Please what, baby?" You breathe out, pouting your lips. "Hmm...what do you want from me, sweetheart?" 
"I wanna cum...please let me cum..." 
You smile and lean in, giving him a deep kiss, grinning slyly when you feel him moan at your tongue in his mouth. "Go on, baby...cum for me..." 
"Ohhh cariño...ahh....shit..." He grabs you and presses little kisses onto the swells of your breasts then he lays his cheek against them, resting and holding you while he enjoys you rubbing his cock which you've now fully freed from his boxers. 
Your foreheads meet, he's whimpering, quietly panting, holding onto every sweet word about him that tumbles from your lips, getting drunk off the sound of your voice. 
"You're so sooo sexy when you're underneath me like this.." You emphasize each word by making each stroke of his cock drag a little slower with your soft palm. 
"Mmmm!" He groans. "You...are... unbelievable...." 
"I'm making my baby feel good?" You ask sweetly.
"So good..." He pants a little harder. "Keep talking like that....please, baby. N-need more..." 
"Aw...." You gently tug his hair back, making him look up at you while you continue rapidly stroking his cock with your other. "My handsome boy needs to be praised?" 
He nods desperately, damn near in tears from all the pleasure you're delivering from just your hand, the sight of his gorgeous girl above him spoiling his cock so beautifully. "Please, mi amor....?" 
"Oh baby..." You coo. "You're so good..." 
You start panting a little as you move your hand faster, his precum starting to seep from the tip. 
"You're absolutely perfect...." You kiss his neck, moaning directly into his ear.
"Such a beautiful face, mmmm....a beautiful mind. Mmmmm....my sweet baby works so hard *kiss* and he's, so, so smart..." 
You're driving him wild as you tilt your head, tracing his face softly with your finger as he sighs. 
"....mmmm those gorgeous red eyes....those full, perfect lips..." 
You kiss him. "Taste so sweet..." 
"Fuck I'm gonna....oh cariño..." He groans into your mouth. "I love you..." 
"Mmmm...I love you baby....you don't know how much I do....mmm..." You close your eyes as you lock in, trying to put off the ache in your hand so you can make your sweet boyfriend cum.
He shakes violently and your eyelids flutter as you watch his thick cum spurt all over your hand and fist, using it as lube to give him a couple more strokes as a little extra.
He breathes heavily, his mouth falling open and cock twitching again when he sees you slowlyyy bring your hand to your face, licking up his cum and dragging down your bottom lip, rolling your hips with a pretty smile on your face. 
"God I love you..." He groans.
He spent like two hours eating you out and pulling orgasms out of you after that -
@hislastbimbogff 🖤🫶🏽
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rafescurtainbangz · 3 months
omg omg I'm thinking about how zach would be a clingy boyfriend, and not the irritating kind, the absolutely sweet, adorable kind 🥹🥹 okay so walk w me kel I'll expand more on this (I just had some icecream and I'm hyped as fuck the sugar gets to me like a child 💀)
definitely won't be able to let you go in the morning. as you get out of bed he'll instantly wrap his arms around your waist and pull you back in, and his eyes will be closed but he'll just start kissing the back of your neck softly, murmuring something about 'five more minutes' over and over again
wants you to be in the kitchen all the damn time when he's cooking, cause he needs you to sit on the countertop as he cooks, or keep your arms around his waist and press your face in his bare (hahahaha I'm dead actually) back
you're just getting ready for a girls' night out but he's had a not so good day so he'll just trod over to you and hug you tightly and ask you if you can miss girls night, and he hates to ask you to do that but all he needs is your comfort, and you can't say to that puppy dog look you just can't 😭😭😭 plus he sounds so sad all you want is to comfort him and make him feel better
^^ more on this; you'll then change to some comfy hoodie of his and then make a massive snack tray for both of you to eat and you let him talk and vent about it all
you and him after a match!!! this can go two ways: first one is when his team wins and you can't help but just kiss his pretty face all over and tell him how good and hot he looked while playing, and you both just retreat to one of your dorms and he just falls asleep cause he's so tired and he lets you play with his hair
if he lost!!!! you'll quickly wrap your arms around his neck and he'll wrap his around your waist and he'll hug you so tightly, and if the match is super important like some regionals or something he'll just need so much love and support from your side to make him feel better
^^ more on this; I defo think he's the type to blame himself when the team loses, now I don't know shit about soccer but he'll probably say stuff like if I wouldn't have missed that kick, or if I would have made that goal then we wouldn't have lost, and you'll just softly sigh and tell him it's not his fault!!! and you'll kiss him gently and tell him all is okay cause it's okay to lose but he'll be okay 🥺🥺
i don't see him as a party kinda guy tbh, you'll be at a frat party but he'll just get so bored so quick and just embrace you in a hug and gently murmur in your ear to get away from the party cause he's already damn tired and all he wants are your cuddles and kisses 😫😫😫😫
thank you for helping me through my random burst of energy bestie 😆🤭 if you ever feel like writing any of these please please feel free to!! 💗💗😁😁😁
Ahhhhhhhhhh @keziahcore I am obsessed with our perfect boy. Just look at him 🥹
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- I just know he has the softest, sweetest morning voice, with just the perfect amount of rasp. He sleeps without a shirt on, and he loves it when you sleep in your little sports bra or nothing at all because he loves feeling your warm soft skin against his. Skin-to-skin contact is so important to him.
- He loves having you in the kitchen too because you are his DJ, flipping between your favorite songs while he unwinds and cooks for the two of you. He loves hearing about your day, which he often asks you all about. The only time that Zach ever makes a mistake in the kitchen is when he gets a little too into your stories, eating up the drama. He also likes that you’re willing to taste test everything for him, he doesn’t even have to ask, he just leans close with the spoon and waits for your praise to follow. And the hugs from behind… he can get enough feral he loves the way your cheek rests on the sway of his spine like that spot was reserved just for you.
- Zach never has been days, truly they are few and far between. He is always looking out for you, anticipating your needs, and making sure that you feel comfortable and loved it wasn’t even a question if you were going to call of the girls night or not.
- The second you call it off he’s behind you with a pair of his sweats and a sweatshirt for you to wear, which you happily accept just knowing he’ll let you keep it. And, he smells so good, his comfy clothes sprayed with his Tod Ford cologne (something woodsy and warm - fougere oud).
And, it’s not that Zach is a jealous guy, he has nothing to worry about when it comes to you and other guys, but he gets jealous of the time that’s taken from the two of you as a couple. Your little Girl’s Night dress would make the perfect date night attire and all he can think about the night lost. He makes sure to let you know how pretty you look as he unzips the back, telling you that you should hang it up so the two of you can go out to that little French Restaurant by campus tomorrow night.
The two of you will pick some romcom, snacking on Charcuterie arranged by Zach. He’ll take his turn feeding you his hot gossip, finally letting you know what happened in the day that really got to him.
- After a win, Zach likes to unwind with you. Sometimes the two of you make it out to the bar but usually, the two of you spend the night at his place or yours, wrapped up in each other as you watch the local news, waiting for them to talk about the local sports and the university’s all-star Zach MacLaren. He’ll be pink-cheeked as you tease him about what a hottie he is, doing his best to fight back his wide smile. “Cheers” usually comes on afterward, but Zach doesn’t usually last longer than the first ten minutes, falling asleep with his head in your lap after some head scratches and kisses, he’s out like a light. When the credits roll your eyes are usually shut as well, Zach, takes his turn caring for you, laying you in bed where he snuggles in close. Whispering ‘I love yous’ before turning out the bedside light.
- If he lost he wants to leave but you don’t go home… not right away at least. The two of you go on a long drive, listening to music until Zach is ready to talk again. He knows you don’t know near as much about soccer that he does, but that doesn't matter, he has his dad to talk “strategy” with him. But, he needs you to talk about everything else, the pressure he’s feeling, riffs with his teammates. He blames everything on himself. Everything. But, Zach MacLaren is pretty sure that you have the best advice, because you’re always looking out for him and you care for him like no one else. And the feeling is mutual.
- Zach is not much of a party guy, I mean the only reason he would have gone to the party in the first place is to find a girl and he already has his… you. What else does he need? The two of you will usually leave the frat party or the soccer party after the first thirty minutes, heading to the local college dive diner instead, draining coffee and sharing pie and ice cream between kisses.
Hehehehehhehe i might need to write more on these I love my baby boy
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totallysora · 4 months
Newsies (Live)
Ok so I rewatched newsies live at like,,Christmas and have been caught in a major newsies spiral so here are my thoughts 😻‼️
Jeremy Jordan 🥰 I get that he was kinda old to play Jack but Idc he’s iconic I’m so glad they called him back to play him
Same with Kara she’s an icon and literally the only Katherine I will accept for the proshot
Completely random but I’m glad it was a proshot and not an attempt to make it into a musical movie 😭 (especially since 92sies is literally already a movie lmao)
I also rewatched the og movie and watching it reminded me how much they BUTCHERED SPOT’S SCREEN TIME 😕 and therefore Tommy’s screen time 😔
Also Tommy Bracco he is literally the only spot I will accept (and like,,the only spot on bway that Ik so 😭)
The bg newsies 🥰 Literally all of them they were all icons the cast was literally perfect it’s unreal
Andrew Keenan Bolger, also so glad they got him back as crutchie cuz he is an I c o n (as much as I love Andy I deffo prefer Andrew as crutchie lmao)
The fact that there were enough members in the cast that there was literally only 1 case of a newsie doubling up on characters
Literally the entirety of seize the day
The fact that Jeremy runs away from all of the dancing 😭
Also how Jeremy almost kills himself at the end with the heel click/bell kick 💀
The fact Michael (Tommy boy) has a rlly bad American accent but that’s ok cuz I can’t do one either 🥰
How Tommy’s (spot) eyeliner/eye lashes are sm more noticeable than everyone else, especially his bottom lashes lmao
How tf did Morris not hurt his hand when he hit the printing press?? Like gurl what 😭
The Delancey brothers - they were like,,deffo less comical than in the og movie but still rlly silly 😭
The fact morris literally just stands on top of the newspaper bit for like the entire show
Them bonking heads (I am a Delancey apologist sorry guys 😔)
Ben Tyler Cook 🥰 I absolutely adore Ryan Breslin and actually would’ve loved to see him return as Race but god Ben is so silly I love him sm 😭
“The woild is yer erster” - Literally no one beats his version of this sorry 😭
Pulitzer - He was so good and literally for what bro 😭
”It’s a compromise we can all live with” - Jack Kelly 1899
BEN FANKHAUSER‼️ Also literally the only appropriate Davey fr
The way at the start of Brooklyn’s here Jeremy hits the printing press in time with the music
The set 😻 Ik it’s kinda simple but literally shut up it’s iconic
The height difference between Tommy and Ben at the end of Brooklyn’s here and like,,everywhere lmao
Honestly the height difference between Tommy and everyone
Joshua Burrage - He’s so silly I love him sm
Will never get over how they can sing like that whilst dancing
So sad Ryan Steele wasn’t there 😔 The dude who played specs was good tho (+Michael covered for the turns so 🤷‍♀️)
Hannah was so unserious she’s so funny 😭
Once and for all - this song will literally always give me chills
Ben Cook kicking himself in the face during seize the day 💀
The hug between Tommy and Michael (Spot+Tommy Boy) at the end when Jeremy tells them they won ☹️
The fact Oscar and Morris went for Les first?? Like gurl I get it he’s probably easiest to carry but what were yall trying to achieve with that 😭
The fact that the Delanceys like,,actually got their asses beat like that shit kinda looked like it hurt 💀
SANTA FEEEE‼️ Iconic 😻
The way Crutchie screams for Jack ☹️ although that one “what ya say” meme where it starts playing after Oscar hits him has kinda ruined that scene for me cuz I keep laughing abt it 😕
That one two people cartwheel during the scene change
”I’m glad to have you back :)” “Shuddup” - Jack and Davey (THEY’RE GAY YOUR HONOUR)
There is literally no heterosexual explanation for that scene
Once again literally no heterosexual explanation for that scene
Ok but literally just how much fun all of the newsies look like they’re having?? Especially in king of new york like they honestly look like they’re having the time of their lives 😭
“That’s disgusting” - David Jacobs, 1899 (when he’s a victorian newsboy who cares about hygiene 🥰🤭)
Ik Pulitzer saif it too but Idc ok the dude who played Pulitzer was kinda hot anyways (I don’t make the rules sorry 🤷‍♀️ [I am sorry for this tho my taste in men is uh 😨])
That one thing Jeremy does after he shakes Roosevelt’s hand for the first time 😭
”Your majesty” - Crutchie, 1899 (Referring to the governor 😭)
Maybe I should just make one of these with my favourite lines cuz I have so many
Honestly literally the whole fucking musical it was iconic and I am forever grateful that it exists 😻
Honestly there’s probably so so so much more but that’s all I can like,,fully remember rn but I’ll definitely rewatch it and update this lmao
Overall I absolutely adore the musical, and I’m glad the proshot exists cuz it is I c o n i c (also I am totally gonna make a list of my favourite lines from it lmao)
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imrllytootiredforthis · 11 months
you know i listened to some nsfw audio like a month ago?... ig🤷🏻‍♀️and it was a puppy boy speaker trying the tail plug and the leash on for the first time😭he was eating the listener out in the end😭pls not only was it adorably cute like😭but also the voice of that guy sounded like jake's or i'm being too delusional at this point idk now🙂🙂
anyway this idea has been living in my mind since that day and oh god...it's def not making my life easier like...at all💀💀the man is just a dumb doggy personified idc,,,, the things i wanna do to him 🤯(i literally have no idea why i'm sending this but.. thought you'd find it interesting ^^)
...do you perhaps still have this audio??🙂🙂
he's pretty puppy. he's filthy mutt. he's dumb doggy. he's bitch in heat. all of which he'd probably 100% moan at being called😫
i'm just imagining finding out that he into it for the first time though, whether it's some kind of porn on his computer that he sucks at hiding or a pair of fluffy puppy ears hidden in his closet-the exact shade of his hair
you don't tell him you know right away though, instead you take this perfect chance-still slightly upset that he didn't tell you himself-to tease him😫😏
one morning waking up early in bed next to him, his body curled into yours, legs wrapped around your hips. clinging onto you like his life depends of it.
you lay there like this for awhile, watching him as he sleeps for a bit longer, small snores coming from it that make it all the more adorable.
you can hardly help but lightly drag a finger over his face, his cheekbones and lips and eyebrows, marvelling how a human being could be so fucking pretty. he's pretty always but especially like this. with dried drool in the corner of his mouth, features soft and a smile playing on the edge of his lips. his face is practically buried in your chest (he claims it's his favourite pillow)
he'd wake up slowly, muttering nonsense and rubbing his head against you. he'd probably reach down to grab your hand and pull it up to put it in his hair, encouraging you to scratch his scalp still half asleep and groggy.
he's so cute you could die.
but then you realize that it's the perfect opportunity.
wrapping an arm around his waist and pulling him in closer to you, slotting your mouth into the crevice of his neck, whispering to him.
"good morning~" the smile on his face is still tired, the window across the room annunciating the shine in his eyes when he looks at you. "you look so pretty puppy,"
he'd freeze at that, eyes wide, muscles tense. unsure of what he should do with himself. absolutely malfunctioning on the inside, trying not to squirm against you.
"u-I...thank-thank you?" his voice borders on breathless, his fingers getting tighter against your skin, nails digging in.
"no need to thank me, you're always a pretty puppy," you flip his body over and he lets you, enjoying the subtle manhandling as you perch him on top of you, his legs straddling your thighs, "a pretty puppy just for me, right?"
his boxers feel unbearably tight and his face is as red as a fire hydrant. all he wants...all he wants, well he wants a lot of things but this, this is by far at the top of his list.
he unconsciously begins to grind down against you, his head falling back as he lets out a long moan. "yes, yes, m' your puppy-just your puppy,"
you pull his head back to you by his hair, looking at the glassy sheen in his eyes, the way his nails dig into the palm of his hands, the way that whimpers escape from under his breath giving away just how needy he is.
fingers glide over the smooth expanse of his neck, a touch he welcomes. "good boy. and you know what good boys get?"
he looks almost timid as he replies, "...a reward?"
the smile that blooms across his face makes him feel so good, like he's pleased you some way, like he wants only to please you all the time. "good! now close your eyes for me puppy, want it to be a surprise for you."
he listens as he's told as you reach down into your nightstand, rifling through it's contents before pulling his reward out.
he opens his eyes to a simply black collar, a gold tag on it shaped like a bone with something engraved onto it.
'my good puppy'
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izanaslvr-444 · 6 months
this last episode of tokyo revengers season three was ass. I read the manga and they should’ve added bonten because they always did add takemichi going back to the future to see how things are blah blah wtv but they didn’t here. Why’s that? i feel like they were being lazy and rushed the entire season. this was my man’s izana’s season and they fuck it up. i’m so disappointed in this season. they could’ve added another episode or something. i don’t get why they just cut bonten out entirely. I was super excited for this episode to come out because not only we would see Bonten but hear sanzu voice more😫, see the haitani brothers, also see mikey’s impulses, see a new character (Takeomi which nobody likes but whatever 💀), Pah’s wedding and all the other fun stuff AND FUCKING TIMESKIP KAZUTORA RAHHHHHHFIRGFIEHEJENI. that would’ve been a good way to end the season. SIGHHH
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iiiiiiis-things · 1 year
idk why but i feel like 1610!miles doesn't really eat soul food. first off his dad is a literal cop and a man (nothing against black fathers bt it hits different when coming from a momma) so he probably doesn't cook as much, and rio is Puerto Rican so yea she probably makes some BOMB ass food...bt there something about black women SOUL FOOD 😫‼️
(also i js kno that this boy LOVES his mom cooking and fucks it up everytime so when he get his hands on soul food it's a wrap) 😂
so when you invite miles and his family over, on sunday, for dinner for the first time rio and jeff looks at their son with so much disgust as he fucking DEVORS his plate of food. (blackfem!reader)
you check your phone to see your boyfriend miles has texted you.
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you sigh as you start to head downstairs to make sure the table was set. "y/n where they at?" you hear your mom ask from the kitchen as you step foot into the dining room " they like five minutes away" she pops out door frame holding the pot filled with roast "can you go get the cups and set them up?" she once again asks another question but before you can speak up your dad come down the stairs "i got it" he walks over in the kitchen as you finally hear the doorbell.
opening the door to see miles holding two pairs of flowers with a slighty nervous smile, ms.morales on his left her hand clutching her purse (not like that 💀), and mr.morales on his right- hands behind his back. "Hey!" you exclaim and bring miles into a tight hug but not to tight to squish the flowers, after you let go he walks in and you move over to give his parents the same treatment
"miles- heh maybe you should slow down a bit son" mr.morales lets out an awkward laugh as he watches his son stuff his mouth with the food you mom cooked, putting food in your mouth, you slowly turn your head to the right to see what exactly was going on...
"miles" you call his name and he doesn't answer
"miles" his dad attempts
"miles!" his mom slightly raises her voice and eyebrows furrow together, only then he picks his head up and look around at everyone at the table who was currently staring "i swear i eat at home!" he quickly lets out after swallowing.
js a thought idrk-
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queenofallimagines · 11 months
Meguru Bachira with a black s/o
LISTEN!! I picked up the 2 volume of the manga on accident when I went to target and I’m in love w him the man of my dreams!! Not taking blue lock right now bc besides Isagi and kunigami i don’t remember any other characters name or anything about them😅 feel free to talk to me about him tho I have SO many thoughts👀
** can you tell this is just me rambling 💀
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- this pic gives me butterflies holy shit
- WHEW this man has huge unhinged sunshine energy
- Like giggling and kicking my feet how he’s the happy go lucky character trope (I.e hinata) but they make sure you remember he’s not “soft”
- Like the way y’all be uwuing hinata that is a grown man😐 he was throwing fists the WHOLE SERIES but he don’t know about sex? Bffr
- Anyway he’s definitely a switch but kinda leaning more top? he definitely just wants to fuck he don’t care who’s on top
- He’s so cuddly it’s adorable
- Getting neon yellow nails to match his hair>>>
- Definitely would like to match fits w you when y’all step out
- Most fashionable couple FR
- Always has to be touching you in some way
- Holding your hand, arm around you, hand in your pockets
- Wants to make sure you’re there and won’t slip away from him
- Imagining him going to meet your family and he’s SWEATING like he knows he’s not everyone’s cup of tea and really doesn’t want to start anything
- “You are good at soccer so you have like + 100 points right now”(watching Latino people watch the football on the Olympics is so scary 😫)
- Imagine your family watching his games😭 embarrassing bc now I’m imagining a room full of dads and uncles glued to the tv and cheering him on like he can hear it💀💀
- “You so skinny you need to eat more!”
- He’s charming your aunties to steal plates from your house
- You get in the car and he has like 3 Tupperwares full of left overs
- Great with kids because they think he’s cool
- he’s breaking they ankles in soccer tho he’s not gunna play nice w kids
- If “play where it’s safe cuz it’s NOT over here” was a person
- Like he can go 0-100 in a millisecond so if someone tries him
- Very “who’s gon beat my ass about it??” Type beat
- People think y’all are so cute bc he’s so smiley and sweet to you
- DEFINITELY says filthy shit in your ear too
- Like he’s cuddly w everyone he likes so you’d be no different but he’s slipping his hands up your shirt
- Number one hype man when you get your hair done
- So extra
- “My baby so cute🥹🥹”
- Box braids are his favorite bc he can put charms and stuff in your hair
- also medium long locs bc imagining him walking up to you and pushing them out your face to see your eyes🥺
- Freak
- Probably sends you links to sex toys and is like
- “👀👀??”
-“I’m a visual learner btw”
- The MOST unserious character in this whole series so far
- His song is rodeo but just the flo Milli verse i WILL NOT ELABORATE!!
- Once he get to doing that thing where he lower his voice just call in sick bc you probably not walking
- Not that he doesn’t care about your pleasure it’s more he’s fucking until HE taps out so your brains can be soup but he’s not done so,,,,hold on?
- If you like me and a few inches shorter than him will be smug about it
- His personality is big enough to count as a size kink but being a little taller makes him get a big head
- Talks you through it the whole time
- Switching back and fourth between degrading and praise so fast it makes your head spin
- “Hm? Don’t tell me my little slut is tapping out? You were begging me so nicely earlier”
- only one who can say babygirl and it not be cringe 🤭
- “be a good boy and spread your legs for me, hm?”
- Really sloppy kisser during sex too
- Will tell you to stick your tongue out for him
- On the rougher side of kinky stuff
- Fucks you like it’s the last time he ever will every time
- Don’t care about getting caught bc either way he’s not stopping
- Probably how you’d end up sleeping w him and Isagi I fear
- Isagi is so sweet and megaru is MEAN
- Isagi trying to go slow and be gentle and Megaru over here pulling your hair calling you a pretty whore
- this man In grey sweatpants would end me
- he’s tall by Japanese standards but juuuuust 3cm above average in American height
- he already walks out the shower naked w NO care in the world
- probably walks around the house like that too Ngl
- “I am returning to the natural state of my birth” I will glue your clothes to your body sir :/
- feel like he’s more girth than length like don’t get me wrong he def has a third leg but he’s gunna have to work you open
- “ Oh don’t worry, I’ll make sure it fits”
- Act right dick™️ so don’t push him too far in public
- Definitely a bad influence!! You’re trying to be normal in public and he gives you a look
- Next thing you know he’s on his knees for you in a bathroom or an empty hallway🙄
- In the locker room so many times the rest of his friends already know, and when you two disappear they not stepping foot in there
- Buys you lingerie because he’s your biggest hype man
- When you feel confident you’re the most sexy
- “Mmm you look so good in that cute outfit, you won’t be too mad if I tear it off right?”
- Spreads your legs wide and will make you look in the mirror and watch as he fingers you open
- The type of man who fucks you so good you would get his name tatted on your ass
- Your family actually is probably like “don’t you go corrupting that sweet boy”
- And behind closed doors he’s got his hand holding your hair in a tight fist as he makes himself comfy in your throat
- “Let me hold your hair up for you💕”
- L$D- asap Rocky is also his song
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hardt4rein · 1 year
Hantengu Clones Music Taste Headcanons
Just what I personally feel they would listen too + how they would sing along/react to you catching them singing
🔞 Some suggestive stuff mentioned on Karaku’s part (minors dni). Also vulgar language throughout and in the songs
Please enjoy.
✘ ⚡️🍁🫧🪶✘
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Music Taste
Definitely angry breakup songs
Like for instance “Take what you want” and “Enemies” both by Post Malone 
Also songs about people betraying or using others
Literally just any song with a meaning that he could relate to 
He likes to listen to other people experiencing the same kind of emotions but in a more calm way compared to how he expresses them
If he listened to angry music that matched his unjust energy he would go blind in rage
So sticking to these “calm” sounds with opposite lyrics is the best for him
How He Would Sing Along
If he honestly even tried to remember the words that is
Would start off simply humming it at first
He would only start “singing” along if he’s alone
And by “singing” it’s more of a monotone speaking 
It almost sounds as though he’s annoyed by the fact the song has him wasting his breath to it
Reaction To Being Caught
If it was during the time he was just humming to it he won’t make a big deal out of it
He’ll just turn up the music to purposely ignore you
But if you caught him during his attempt at “singing”
Be prepared for him to yell at you for sneaking around
💀 like Sekido, it’s your fault for not noticing them come into the room
He’s turning the music off entirely
Do not mention it to him. You’re getting an earful of him saying he wasn’t singing
Like ok Mister Gaslight 💀
Honorable Song Mentions
The album “Elsewhere” by Set it Off
“Slow Bloom” “Fomo” “Watching All Your Friends Get Rich” by The Home Team
“In My Room” Insane Clown Posse
“Punching Bag” Set It Off (a little less calm than the other ones mentioned)
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Imo bro is a whole ass whore
Like he listened to music he would refer to himself with
Like for instance “Naked” by Doja Cat
But literally any song by the Weekend
Like bro is a sex fiend/tease and his music taste would whole reflect that entirely
1000% RnB enjoyer 😫
Even though he has his tastes he really doesn’t mind so he’ll even listen to his brothers music or other genres entirely 
How He Would Sing Along
Just mindlessly vibing along most times
But when he’s actively paying attention he is singing like he’s the one performing it
Even going as far to put emphasis into certain lyrics as well or playfully smirking/rolling his eyes to some lyrics
Keep in mind he can’t sing for shit 💀
Reaction To Being Caught
Would be a little caught off guard at first but gets over it quickly 
He is now singing the song directly to you 🫵
As previously mentioned most of these songs have sexual undertones 
You’re more than likely about to get eaten out to whatever song is playing 🤭
Honorable Song Mentions
“Kiss You More” and “Wine Pon You”Doja Cat 
“Don’t Go” Justin Bieber, Don Toliver
“Cry Baby” Megan thee Stallion, Da Baby
“Awkward” Sza
“One Right Now” Weekend, Post Malone
“Scoop” Lil Nas X
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Just like with Sekido I believe he would listen to music with meanings that match his emotion but not entirely 
Of course he wants music that matches his energy but not enough to make him start full on bawling his eyes out 
“Ghost in Machine” by Sza would be a great example 
This songs explains boredom, loneliness and wanting something more
All things I truly believe he relates to
The discography from the band Arctic Monkeys also gives him the greatest of ear worms
How He Would Sing Along
He has the best singing voice out of his brothers
Tries to keep his tone low enough so that no one can hear him
I’d imagine he would always have one earbud out of his ear just to make sure no one walks in on him
Reaction To Being Caught
He would make a little noise out of being startled
Immediately embarrassed 
Tell him you enjoyed his singing and he will immediately brighten up
But then again would still be self conscious you heard him in the first place 😅
He shares his earbuds and enjoys the music with you 🤗
Honorable Song Mentions
“Soap” Melanie Martines
“Fireside” “505” “Do I Wanna Know” by Arctic Monkeys (Just to name a few)
“Shinunoga E-Wa” Kujii Kaze 
“Okay” “Friends” “Empty” Chase Atlantic
“Lonely Boy” “Ghosting” “Farewell Neverland” and “0x1= Lovesong” all by Txt
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He 1000% wants music that matches his energy 
Bro loves hyper pop and no one can tell me otherwise for instance “Spy” Whokilleddxix
It’s almost like he wants his ears to bleed like he does to others
I’m not kidding if he’s listening to music it has to be on full blast 
How He Would Sing Along
He’s screaming his lungs out
Doesn’t even matter if he knows the words or not bros just screaming along
His voice will make your ears bleed (literally 🗿)
Reaction To Being Caught
Just going to ask you if you like the song being played
If not then he’s putting on something you both can enjoy
Loves jamming along with you
Please match his energy he will love you forever
Honorable Song Mentions
“So Bitter” Stxlkin
“Narcissistic Personality Disorder” Odetari
“Where’s My Juul” Full Tac
“Go (Xtayalive 2)” Kanii
“BrooklynBloodPop” SyKo
“Sex Obsession” Cade Clair
“Love Taste” Moe Shop
✘ ⚡️🍁🫧🪶✘
A/N: Anyways lemme know what songs you think they would like or you associate with them. Sorry if this was ass, k bye
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I read your recent blog, and I'm basically a new player as well? I mean, my account was created a year ago, BUT I started to use it recently more often☆ The thing is, the one who visits my world the most is my little brother, and sometimes even uses my account, and he always tells me what and who to level up and the ones who I shouldn’t.
My account is his account, for some reason.
I like Diluc and Aether, but he says I shouldn't level them up 💀 and shouldn’t pull for Cyno because I already have Xiao and Itto as dps, and I need more supports (for Xiao, specifically).
Just imagining Diluc listening to my brother saying, "You already have Xiao and Itto, you would not use Diluc" 😫 like, ok. He HAS a point, but I want Cyno, even if I can't combine him with Xiao-- or Itto... what's your team? Is your friend the one that forces suggest which character you should pull for?
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❀ warnings: possessive behavior, mentions of murder, blood sacrifices, and enemy sacrifices in general.
❀ notes: I have never pulled for a character before, not even Noelle because I wanted to save as many primogems as possible. Until I see a banner that I like I will use up all those primogems until I get my desired character. Also, my friend is the type to just skip dialogue and only grind for the characters she simps for so it physically pains her to see me not wish for anyone.
❀ pronouns: none specified
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Whoever that second voice was, he didn't like them. Or him as he would assume after hearing you call the second voice your brother. If he has mistaken your brother's pronouns he would like to apologize, but it won't change the fact he doesn't like him after he told you that you don't need him anymore. When your brother joins your world, if he isn't being used as a vessel he would be watching you both from the sidelines.
Let's hope your brother doesn't main Kaeya because Diluc will grow to hate your brother more. But he tries to remind himself that your brother is part of your family and that you cherish him, if he hurts your brother you would be hurt as well. And you will grow to hate him too.
But it's not like he can hurt your brother either. Not when the screen between the two of you is still standing. So for now, all he can do is hope that you don't listen to your brother and continue to use him as one of your vessels.
If you do stop using him as one of your vessels he would be so heartbroken. On the outside, it may look like he isn't affected, but his feelings are anything but calm. It was like he was 18 again and he had to cover up for his father's death. Usually, Kaeya would banter with Diluc, but he can feel the cold atmosphere around Angel's Share and ultimately decided not to enter.
He was taught from a young age that everything happens for a reason, but was he really going to be discarded just like this?? All because of a comment your blood relative said? No, he's not going to give up. He should prove himself to you that he is more than a capable vessel. He may not know who this "Xiao" or "Itto" is, but he is sure of himself that with enough training he will be able to surpass them. If not, then at least he might be strong enough for you to consider using him as one of your vessels.
When you still don't use him as a vessel he starts to get desperate, what more do you need from him? Does he need to make a sacrifice? What kind? It doesn't matter if it's his blood or the blood of abyss mages that you want, he will give it to you. He might even show it in front of you once you log back in.
Notice him.
Use him again like you did before..
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starsomens · 9 months
we talk a lot about reader teasing noah all day or something to get him worked up and dicked down but what about noah teasing reader? he clearly knows he's hot and the effect he has on people so he's wearing one of those slutty tank tops and shorts. just keeps finding excuses to show off his body til you're begging for it
Now that’s what I’m talking bout
Not only does he straight around, knowing he’s the shit and knowing that he can get you all hot and bothered just by standing there and looking you up and down he will brush past you when there is clearly enough space for two people
Like let’s say you’re at the counter and you’re reaching for something instead of asking you to pass him the object he will just lean over you make sure he presents himself into you and grab some thing and walks away like he didn’t do shit 😫
Or if you call him for something and he comes to the doorway, he will do the doorway, lean and lean as close to you as possible to watch you get flustered
And I know, for a fact that he does this one thing where he will trap you between his arms and against the surface come very close to your face, and start whispering just for him to ask you to move out of the way
“Baby?”  and it’s in the low, gruff voice that he does.
“ you know you’re my favorite thing to look at….” He chuckles as his face inches closer to your ear and he’ll go “ but you’re blocking my view” 
And then he will have the audacity later on when you are fed up to look surprised! You’ll tell him to get his ass in the room and to take his pants off and he’s like 0-0 WHOA BABE !
He knows. He definitely knows.
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spoopy-arcade · 10 months
This'll be a weird question but I've been thinking about this since I watched a video discussing hot takes within FNAF and wanna discuss it with other people.
How do you feel about people who still cling to the idea of Roxy being a narcissistic bully because of the stuff she'd say while hunting Gregory, despite being hacked into/possessed?
Cause honestly, I think it's funny how apparently Roxy gets flack for saying some mean stuff while under the influence of a hack. At the same time, people will go to the ends of the earth to defend William Afton or Monty (if he really did kill Glamrock Bonnie I mean).
It's SO fucking stupid and I hate it 💀
And I fully agree with the last part, people out here (youtube and twitter people) treat Roxy as a full on evil bitch while defending and wanting to fuck a literal child murder and abuser. And we don't know if Monty killed Bonnie or not, but if he did, no one's gonna say anything lmao. (Even people who think he actually did kill him, they still love him and are fully riding him, but nooo RoXy StIlL bAd Bc ShE mEaN 😡😡🤬🤬)
I guarantee you that if Monty (or a "male" animatronic) was in Roxy's place, no one would say jack shit and some people will only think he's so hOT 😫😫 for it
I really don't see Roxy as a narcissist, the game clearly showed us that Roxy deals with a lot of self esteem issues, and I think she just talks to herself so she can feel better. And the whole "bullying" thing when talking to Gregory, I really believe it was just her being hacked by Vanessa/Glitchtrap to get to Gregory.
AND RUIN LITERALLY SHOWED US THAT??? Roxy clearly had a close relationship with Cassie, and there's a reason why she's Cassie's favourite. Roxy apologized for scaring her when she recognized her voice, and when she heard her again, she welcomed her back and talked to her so sweetly and was just so gentle with her?? NOT TO MENTION HER BEING THE ONLY ONE TO BE AT HER BDAY!!! AND PROTECTING HER FROM THE MIMIC DESPITE CASSIE DEACTIVATING HER AND POSSIBLY DYING FOR HER
After all of that, you're still going to tell me that she was always a narcissistic bully who cares about no one but herself??? BLOCK ME THEN /SRS
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lightwise · 2 months
TBB S3 E10 Reaction
Life has been a bit busier the last few weeks so I am finally catching up on my episode reactions (I’m determined to do all of them this season!) And I apologize y’all, this episode made me very snarky apparently.
I’ll be honest. When this episode first came out I was nowhere near as surprised by it or horrified by it as reviewers seemed to be. Nothing about Palpatine hunting down force sensitive children as experiments and using Cad Bane to do it is a surprise, and the Vault feels so much like Andor. But even on a rewatch this episode holds up so well and honestly just starts to give a cold chill under the skin as the quiet horror of it sinks in.
- Cute kid. And the Batch nowhere to be seen. This is going to be a different episode isn’t it
- Oh no. He’s force sensitive 😫😫😫 hmmm how could that possibly go wrong
- This is giving Andor vibes 👀
- It’s always interesting seeing “regular people” in Star Wars and little markets and how they’re just trying to go about their daily lives.
- Don’t go around snitching people! Nothing good ever comes of it!!!
- Yeah this guy is worse than Timm from Andor. Wtf dude. You’re turning in a baby!!
- Also is it just me or typical Star Wars “houses” end up being pretty dark and depressing?
- Wait okay okay. So this is the CX chamber. Why can’t we see any of them yet 😩😩 what is this red fog? What are these weird conditioning pods? What kind of armor is on this datapad?? *trying to crawl inside my screen* I NEED ANSWERS JENNIFER!!
- “Do you trust me?” Ooooh why do I think that’s going to come back around
- But also, babygirl, I don’t think you actually know what you’re signing up for
- “I could be more useful” “you wish to be the new chief scientist Dr. Karr?” “I believe I’ve earned it.” Alright. This. This is interesting. This fully encapsulates the dynamic that these two have shared. Emerie knows that Hemlock only values things that are useful, and probably only sees her own value in the light of what she can contribute, due to how she was raised and the circumstances she has been trapped in. Hemlock’s tone of voice implies that he has never considered her as being the new chief scientist, and yet he acquiesces quite quickly, almost as though he’s just too busy to think about it and if it means things are brought back up to production standard then he’s fine with it. His utter disregard for Emerie as an actual human and someone with merit is disgusting though.
- But I get it, the man’s busy, he’s got a lot of evil shit he’s trying to do all at the same time 🙄
- So we have “the assets”, which is the area that Hemlock took Palpatine in the first episodes, where the orange containment pods are and the zillo beast is being kept. We still don’t know what those assets are. The Vault is something different.
- Well. Shit. It’s Andor and Narkina 5 for kids. Lovely 😳💀
- “There are few adults left with such characteristics” I WONDER IN THE NAME OF ONE EMPEROR PALPATINE WHY
- Okay so this entire exchange is awful. The kids are so cute! Hemlock is so cold. “Specimens. Assets” ughhh Emerie what are you getting yourself into!!
- Is this the first time we’ve heard the word glasses in Star Wars?
- Oh no. So THIS is why Cad Bane was brought back 🥺🥺
- The score in this episode is perfectly eerie
- Lol Todo is not good with kids huh 🤣
- That poor mama when she wakes up and finds her baby is gone
- I hope that dude has his entire life flash before his eyes as he’s trying to pick all of those credits up
- “My name’s Eva” 🥹🥹🥹 Emerie has no idea how to handle this 😂
- I still wanna know what’s happened with these commandos. No way a clone of Jango Fett is able to look a child in the eyes, call them a “specimen” and not have even an ounce of remorse as they stun them point blank.
- “Jax?” And Eva just points. The power in knowing someone’s name vs a dehumanizing number
- It’s also interesting that these kids are species that are red, blue, and green, and when they get Bayrn in, he’s white. RGB colors make up white light when put together.
- The little peeks of Emerie’s backstory we keep getting are so interesting. She was abandoned by Nala Se. She knows that these children don’t belong here, the same way that Omega told both her and Crosshair that they didn’t belong here either. Nala Se says that the Empire will hold these kids to control them. Emerie feels like she has no power to do anything differently. So much to unpack here.
- Why is Tarkin’s holo so large?
- Lol I honestly love getting to see the backbiting politics of how the Empire functions. It’s so bad and so funny
- Also love that Project Necromancer is so secret that even Tarkin doesn’t know what it is. He’s so nosy
- Okay why does he bring up the CX schematic again and why is it so different than the one we saw earlier??
- Whoa Cid was tortured???
- “The other operatives aren’t ready to join you in the field” why????
- We’re visiting a lot of space stations this season
- Man I wish Emerie had fudged this test
- Nooo let the poor baby go home 🥺
- Oh and now we’re putting kids in solitary confinement. Great.
- C’mon Emerie. Keep clicking that moral compass until it points north
- She kept the straw Lula. She’s giving it to Eva 😭. There’s hope for her yet
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daenysthedreamer101 · 2 months
HOTD S1 Rewatch
Ep 7 - Driftmark
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Oh Laena! You will be missed. I absolutely love the funeral ceremony it was beautiful.
I love the way Daemon says 'I need... Nothing' idk why I just do.
Viserys calling Alicent Aemma... Exactly.
Is it just me or did Otto notice that Nyra went after Daemon?
God the lighting is awfull this ep.
I feel so bad for Laenor😭
Love Eve Best, love her acting!
I gotta give Aemond props for having the guts to do what he did. I couldn't lol
Loved that entire sequence with Vhagar flying it was so cool!
No guards in the hallways like not one?
The way Aemond got an entire new personality once he got off Vhagar bye. 💀 Or maybe it was always within him hmm?
Ok why is he bringing up Harwin dying? Like damn Aemond that was a low blow!
Just shows you how shitty of a mother Alicent 'honor and decency will prevail' Hightower is
Not at Aemond choking little Luke and calling them bastards, like.... What the actual fuck
Daemon leaning on the door and enjoying the chaos ughh love hm
I really can't with the whole 'everyone knows, just look at them'
If they kept Rhaenys's hair dark there would be plausible deniability
'He's your son. Your blood" well Alicent talk shit get smacked like sorry babe but maybe if you didn't poison their minds with such hatred none of this would've happened
She's fully gone coocoo like do you hear yourself. Asking for a child to be mutilated....
And the fact she didn't get punished for assaulting the King's eldest child and heir to the throne.. Omg viserys have a fcking spine!
Laenor just being so out of the loop, I can't 😭
I love the way Emma speaks High Valyrian ughh their voice 😫
Rhaenys screaming for Laenor breaks my heart cause like.. You're traumatizing this poor woman and making her think her son died and her daughter died like three days prior like omg my sis cannot catch a break!
Love the Valyrian wedding!
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taegimood · 5 months
YESSSS u get it, u just get it 😫 (re: size kink prof!soob)
neoww on the topic of boobin i have been summoned back to this https://www.tumblr.com/taegimood/736742187688214529/ok-so-this-is-abt-soobin-but-what-else-is-new-i
100% switch idc. theres toooo much sub!soob evidence, esp that degradation comment he made on live lmfao
but then a short/reel i used to see pretty frequently when that monday monday is fun todo ep was released and id see a clip where kai said soob was like an evil game character for tickling him n jjun get posted a lot
and then now that the jjimjilbang ep dropped i keep seeing the clip of gyu reacting to kai, soobin n tyun aegyo baby talk to him,,, except idk if it translates the same but soobin told huening to stick his tongue out (i think to enunciate better bc he was mumbling cutely) but the voice in head saw "stick your tongue out" and she said ok! bet! yes sir 🧎🧎 (am i sick for this yes or no /rh /nsrs)
idk this ask was v ugly im sorry bae 😞 and i didnt rlly know where i was going w that but i also don't wanna delete it 💀 n e ways i will be waiting for prof!soob with waited breath (is that how the sayibg goes) (but i also will not be breathing till then anyways! /j)
“boobin” obsessed w that
no but i also think switch.. also lowkey a certified Brat no matter what he is, cuz we see how he literally is one OUT of the bedroom 😭😭 always the full pout and crossed arms and everything 💀 and we’re so big on the bratty beomgyu agenda that we forget how teasing and sassy and sarcastic soobin is... big teasy dom vibes (*cough*prof!soob*cough*) and mischievous sub vibes all in one sigh
he’d be the type of sub to be teasing and sassy and bratty and then the minute you show him you’re fr he’s instantly like a submissive lil puppy dog 😵‍💫
actually, an interesting take: if soobin’s a dom, i feel like he’d be a really casual one. doesn’t take himself too seriously. like, if you try to take control and flip him over onto his back to ride him, he’ll just smirk up at you lazily type shit. i could elaborate a lot on this actually omg i sense another post coming if i’m not careful..
ANYWAYYY AHEMM thank you for the support and soobin thoughts and i hope you like professor!soobin when he comes 😩 (pun unintended) pls breathe! p.s it’s bated breath but i like your version lmfao
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