person4924 · 1 year
i completely thought for all this time that danny pudi wrote community and played abed and thought that it was so cool how he did it all because in the intro it said dan harmon so obviously dan and danny are the same person and their last names don’t matter there the same person
im so smart (/sarc)
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andragoras-in-vanity · 2 months
anyway its 5am and im crying because stolas finally stood up for himself and im too broke to cosplay this
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sonjabysonjamorgan · 1 year
i still don’t get gale vs peeta bc how do you read gale literally blowing up katniss’ little sister and not roll ur fucking eyes
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magicmagica · 1 year
Some serial killer level bullshit omfg
#cis white man is back fucking at it at work again#he's now completely 180d his behavior#immediately changing his behavior and voice when I walk by#putting on this meek and mild front like???#i fuking. DESPISE. when peolle think they can get their way by just. acting a different way#just be fucking you I don't want a version of you coddled to me that you toss aside when you feel comfortable to break down my boundaries#he tried to hug me again. WITHOUT ASKING this time becasue every other time I said now#which he fucking ignored and hugged me anyways#THIS time I grabbed my arm and elbowed the shit out of him and didn't even look as I walked away and said do NOT touch me#one of my other coworkers saw too so bonus witness#now anytime Inwalk around his face turns into a scowl and if I talk to any other guy at work he gets all pissy and slams shit around like#what the fuck kind of toddler behavior is thism#he tried to get me to road trip with him to a city 5 hours away to look at. a car and drive back like#10 hours alone in HIS car with him 5 HOURS away from home#bitch NO what the fuuuuck#I'm getting ready to lose my shit on him and walk out of work 100%#my boss already made it clear they won't do anything about it and I have to ake care of it#~just talk to him~#yeah talk to him and become a fucking headline#he's a gun nut with 4 unregistered a truck and a tendency to switch to violence and yelling real fucking quick#this is why no one reports because it's better than going missing
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spatialapprentice · 2 years
been thinking alot about my gender lately
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transgenderer · 2 months
I feel like gamers as a populace don't have the verbiage to talk about disco Elysium. Like, peolle just say it has great writing. Which is true but is damming with faint praise. Like...portal has great writing. No hate on portal, I love portal. But DE is doing a different thing, it has good novel quality writing, and most players won't even see half of it! It's insane! No wonder the creators got pushed out of the company, it makes no sense from a profit perspective
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okultrawarrior · 14 days
Guys bsd pintrest is a disease idk what's worse bsd tiktok or bsd pin because dazai demoniztion and needing to have different takes are so rampant on there.. tw talk of SH and such
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gonna assume most peolle who hc him to have shed in the past aren't doing because it's hot or sexy. hell there's a fuck ton of fanfics where he relapses and it's written in a context saying how it wasn't a good idea or he messed up. imo I feel like back in his pm days he used to but not sm in the agency. also if he hates pain(I don't even understand how people use that in a dazai doesnt sh agreement.... tell me you don't understand how sh works...)it could have been some sort of self punishment thing. Also "erm asagiri confirmed he doesn't!!" Where? Actually where? And then people are like "asagiri confirmed its from his suicidal nature!!" ....yall are acting like that's a counter when it's really not...
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starfata · 2 months
Not a bot account!!! Sorry for the random following!! It took me way too long to refind your account please do not block me!!
I recently started up with miraculous ladybug and started to revisit my favorite stories and reading through the different comments you have made regarding things. I did see you had mentioned that you still revisit the ideas and i was hoping you might be able to answer some questions for me? I’m sorry if you have answered these questions already. This is probably really snazzy way to ask you questions about a story you haven’t updates in 4 years and I’m sorry if this comes out of nowhere.
If Felix has accidentally stoped (dead) souls from entering/leaving the grounds does that mean others (like his dad or Aunt Malaura) could have been looking for Marinette and making it so she would return to the manor? (On the topic of haunting has Malaura haunted anywhere/one while waiting for the curse to be lifted?)
If Bridgette was buried on the mansion grounds would her resting place be blocked off for visitors? Would she have a headstone, a mausoleum, a statue, a crypt?
What exactly would happen if anyone (ranging from Lila to Marinette) happened across Bridgette’s resting place?
Would any of the others in the class be able to meet with their past selves? Or would any of them try to make things up to Marinette after what they did to Bridgette? (Like if one was a statue pointing towards the exit, the statue moving or pointing a different direction to help Marinette escape the others, or if one was a suit of armor the suit moving scooby doo style to stop people in their path)
If others in Mendeleev’s class were less involved in Bridgette’s death will they be more likely to encounter spirits or less?
If the Mansion exists in America could there be ties to the Underground Railroad? Aside from hidden rooms maybe tunnels leading to to the town? If the house existed before the 1860s it would have coincided with the civil war and Felix’s family strike me as the kind to assist with freeing slaves.
Were Bridgette’s parents also struck with the same curse? How would they react to seeing Marinette? What would their fates have been? What would they be doing after their deaths?
Thank you for posting such an enthralling story!!! Sorry again for being so random.
Don't be sorry, I'm sorry I mistook you for a bot! Please let me know your account name and I'll unblock you.
I love that My Haunted Mansion AU still has people reading it, hopefully I'll get back to writing it soon. But I always say that.
As for your questions...
Ira Culpa and Madam Malaura are aware of events, but i like to think it was the curse/resonance of souls drawing the class to The Mansion- but I haven't written anything about that, so it could all change. As for Madame Malaura- she was a bit miffed to get through her first few years of being dead only to find she couldn't haunt The Culpa Mansion. She's Haunted a lot of other places- the Krypte are the kind of rich, far flung family who have Haunted Residences all over the place- some of which even have Living Peolle in them!
You answered your own question about Bridgette's grave, but it's in a walled garden on the grounds- locked. Marinette only got in due to Felix taking her. She's got a statue, and it's very safe from Lila.
Honestly, Class redemption sounds like too much work. Their past selves currently serve whatever purpose The Master wishes, but to help Marinette they could be capable of action.
Mendeleev's class is less likely to have a spirit encounter as they're not staying in the Mansion itself, and they haven't hurt Marinette and incurred the Wrath of The Master of the Culpa Mansion. But the village might be Haunted too.
I hadn't thought of the underground railroad, I'm not American and was mostly focused on setting up the Romance and Spooky aesthetic, but the tunnels are a good idea and it's a cause that Emilie would have supported, as would her parents. And Madame Malaura.
Much like the Underground Railroad- I did not think of Bridgette's parents. Worse than that, I outright forgot about them. First instinct to fix this says they died of completely natural causes, second says industrial accident, third is to pretend they were picking something up in town and just never came back. Fourth is to continue ignoring their absence. So no, for whatever reason, they dodged the curse.
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Don't be emberassed V. You not having magic was a matter if survival. It takes peolle who've been exposed to even a fraction of the hostile enviroment you faced growing up years of therapy and a good suport system to unlearn those things.
Magic, kindnes, loyalty, they are all different up here but you didnt survive this long down there by embracing those aspects of yourself even though you had them in you.
(Virgil frowns, mumbling near-silently under his breath,)
Virgil: Magic? Maybe. But I don't think I've ever had the other two...
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faesystem · 2 years
(Reupload from a few days ago from a sideblog that was not showing up in the tags)
I am "endo neutral" because endogenics have nothing to do with me. Non-CDD systems and singlets are pretty much the same in terms of how much I relate to them and their experiences. I do find any shared community with non-CDD systems and I do not consider our experiences conflatable. Therefore, I do not think I somehow have an authority to speak either way on whether or not they exist or whatever and I also quite frankly do not care.
I have seen the argument of "oh but if someone was aspec neutral you'd feel upset about it because how can they be neutral on who you are"
I think people who think this care a little bit too much in an entirely unhealthy way and should genuinely take a step back and talk to a professional about their black and white thinking. This is not a joke or snarky commentary, this is a genuine statement of concern.
Most people will not care what you are, but they'll care about you as a person. For example, in 2016 when gay marriage was being voted on (I'm Australian) most people did not care. But they still voted yes.
They don't give a shit about if someone is or is not gay. They do give a shit if someone's lacking rights.
Most people will not give a shit about my or anyone else's orientation. (Most adults, anyway, kids too into everyone else's business.)
A lot of people do not give a single shit about the aspec community, and that's really good. It's really good when they don't give a shit, because forcing those people to pick a side by guilting them over it is just going to make them pick the bigoted side.
Those people who don't give a shit will still care if people are being assholes. If someone were to give an aspec person shit, people who don't give a fuck will still give a fuck circumstanctually.
Someone can be neutral to you and your very specific things while not being a dogshit person who's supporting peolle being assholes to you.
Often times people who are neutral have a complex stance.
Someone could personally think that aspec people don't belong in the LGBTQ+ community but not make it my problem, and I do not care. I am alloaro for context. There's a difference between them thinking that but not really caring that much and them being an asshole every time someone aspec calls themself LGBTQ+ or aspecs are included in the community.
People cannot care about shit that has nothing to do with them.
Also, I'm not anti endo because endos aren't the problem with the endo with the endogenic community. It's the bigotry that's very very very prevelant within the endo community. If you think that it's a moral failing to not be an asshole to someone who's just living their life for how they personally percieve themselves, then you're a dick.
Do you know how many fuckers I know/knew who gave themselves sides like Sanders Sides? There's an entire fucker on tiktok who I'm convinced has DID with how he talks about his, and thousands of followers who definitely do not all have but emulate this exact thing. It's not harming anyone, they're not harming anyone, and it's also not not a thing they're doing just cause I think they can't compartmentalize themselves into different little identities with different names and personalities that they talk to.
It sure as fuck isn't CDD, but it's how they navigate the world. That's the plurality shit that endos are talking about. It's not CDD and it is my place to talk about it if they claim it is or act as though they can talk about our disorders when they don't have it, but it's not fucking nothing. It's not alters in the CDD sense but it literally does not harm me if that's how someone lives their life. The harm is the way a lot of non-CDD systems behave, but its not them considering themselves plural that's the problem. Not only are you just being an asshole, but you're detracting from the real issues and also invalidating your points because no one really wants to listen to you when such an asshole.
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Jet thunk. CA. N wY no I wax
Mmmbmurkys aha what quenches
Cuz if it was what you were sayong
Why atrnt you finidh8n
I don't like you.
Tough, seems you didn't either.
A d example
It's bojacks grandma, now
Will try
Help you
While you
Upset thought of
Oh la la,
It's A l95 t of unmaned canoes
C9uplr pop up on
Parking lotd
This pne7doesthT move that spider lady does in this picture eminem saw then showed
Anyways it godzilla mayeydx set up okitsfoe ZNano wuasr
Hey zhetr thanks rhguks7
Mtn0jvL44pc harald
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Ok I think so what'd computers help ...
Um ok new plan.
Do you have debit.
Oh, k so see and i also have the bazooka
This is for a ski lift in Capri Italy
Totally works and I was like this is like for mild imclubwxn elevators osld low stereo.
Can you stereo without magnets. Sorry doesn't sound that personally florist.
It's ok. He turned totally evil and Giles ex voyedbk or contact color ....
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Find me one other person whose ever even heard the second boom done it's Barney and wad embedded video bang banGbang what's thus I hear about misled bj bib oh some whipable clan unpositbe cathef use solid edge of la do to white.
It'sah nap
It's magic eraser, just brush cochlear moment
Brian's moms a drug dealer
No, peter
Oh shit his mom's Olympia dukakis just wihute twflon mayhe 15 ?j Exhuman k.innetwen
LIVER0POPLsinkijg away how cold that must have. You know peolle
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Of one of kind
Star Dest, big gravity teats
Now there's this video of me tweaking o.n line
My priestly hip finickdnTgats 2y
.no I think 0eter takes more baths than homer maoins armpit face u kno0 llj
He isn't that's. One second dangerous saves
Pokemon puke and Fernandez gallweather stern
Pp. Wha6slot cancer
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I've met murcurRial7itif.T
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Wjats mostly great about survival
Sounds loles of peanuts hallelujah
Great jo thnall yourthan o no all yours
It's probably .otoraka. he can chik
Then check out my chicketsj rx 8vn
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Not that but very comic8 imalganatua
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That's all that it takes yes,
Left a mistake up. Not mybadm
That's sontmodm said I pukes hit$"do measuring
But he lied.
Probably some kid
Probably ate too much Sushii
Not unless there's really another eydo faic hydrolfilic brain enthusiasts
Not some chick antempoeak cere Ellen kitten pistol falls hustle in postem all safe frk on gufg high or buesr guess of wat it could.
Unless you knew and blocked it out What could it be. Nothing less than under the skin What will you ask next time. M.Carfia speed dial set dolphin experts selected.
Well media will resume in one or two weeks
As soon asK'PQW Ain't a cell. Hi ethnomusocologis5t. It's not GAGa but whatever thstSTEAMb7mpYnkLapse you've struck Khmeer Rouge take it from.wueens conspiracy station wins straight our to stair tops ourselves at the great grean cenialityplaqqwue FAscinatly shaped just pull it o
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I imagine they have ones Zadki only watdg
Havd damage
To both liobws sitting i side ovdfnigh4 aboveall else.
Psych out
Just avslip
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aldrin9 · 2 years
Blog post 2
Humss 12-4
Dacaymat, Aldrin John
"How social media has helped families, social workers, and the government in discerning info during calamities."
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Social media and social networking seem to play an imperative part of peoples lives around the world. There are some who debate whether it is improving or crippling communication skills. Sitting behind a computer communicating with cyber friends can be easy and fun but can weaken a person's verbal communication because there are some positive impacts on communication through social media. I will explore how social media and networking strengthens and weakness communication.
"All communication areas are significant in that operates within a broader system of destination management, and contributes to its overall efficiency. However, each area of communication has its own characteristics will ultimately help establish an efficient communication pattern. There can be no argument that technology has had a major impact on the world and how people communicate."
Accessibility that one has to the internet through smart phones, tablets, computers, and other mobile devices has made accessing information and connecting with people a touch away in some cases. Peolle are communicating almost all day every day through texting, e-mail, and the ever-expanding social media. Because it has had such a modern explosion in popularity and usage, social media has become the new norm when it comes to communicating everything from huge life events like engagements and the birth of children to minute particulars like what one ate for dinner. Social media has had one of the most shbstantial impacts on how people communicate within the past decade.
The internet has a greater impact on people today thab ever before. It has been a continual, and education for users around the world for more than 20years. However, the most innovative of its technologies, social media, did not achieve mainstream popularity until about ten years ago. Facebook, Twitter, and similar services are becoming the most visited destinations on the internet. These website allow users to quickly and easily share pictures, links, ideas, and messages with others users, theoretically facilitating social interaction. These of services, through a combination of accessibility, simplicity, and intuitive design promote positive social behavior by encouraging interaction among friends, relatives, and co-workers, facilitating communication between individuals, and fostering a profound sense of communitu.
"How Social Media Help People During Calamities"
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Social media has been influencing our lives for quite some time now and the trend of using it is ever increasing day by day. It is used by people as a platform to interact among each other, share personal photos, videos, views, and reviews on different topics of daily life, politics, sports, markets and much more through the internet with the use of devices like comouters, tablets, and cellphones etc.
the use of social media is on boom nowadays. Whether it is socializing and networking websites such as Facebook, blogs, and informative websites such as twitter, tumblr, video sharing websites, e.g. YouTube and daily-motion and other kind of platforms, they have made life easier by quick sharing of almost everything that a person wants to know about. There is no doubt about the dependability of humans on these sources of socializing that is ehy every business is using them to maximize their productivity and profits.
This is also gives to share information for those people doesn't have yet jnow on what is happening to the environment which can help the inform like natural disaster. Social media really knows us to guide and to knowledge them to share the updates regarding any changes in typhoon condition.
Are you ready for upcoming disaster?
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its expected that social media are very important to us especially for those people who victims from the typhoon Yolanda which many of them have lost their homes, and also their loving ones. By using social media it can also help to be able to informed from the other countries to help the people who victims from the typhoon. By connecting with, the countries who are members of ASEAN, APEC and Europian Union helped us in terms of financial survival. While the families of Filipinos who are living abroad used social media to communicate their love one's to assure their safety. Properly using of social media has a positive effect to the community. Social media gadgets like cellphones, telephones, radio, television, and etc. Can easily help go communicate your family, relatives, and friends from other places. For the social worker it can help to inform them from the calamities especially to the government hepls them to spread out the information using social media.
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aro-disgrace · 4 years
Sometimes I wonder if I actually do have adhd (even though I’ve been diagnosed with it since I was like 8)
And then I remember that in order to read an article for homework and actually take in the information, I need to take my concerta, take notes, listen to white noise, chew gum, AND play with a fidget spinner all at once, and even then I’m stopping after less than 5 minutes to write this post
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thisishaskins · 3 years
im watching twilight for the first time and its strangely boring but also this is the epitome of 2008 wattpad ya fiction
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transgenderer · 1 year
Do philosophy peolle feel like philosophy is like math in terms of like...progress over time? Like I think basically every mathematician would say that mathematical knowledge is growing, and like, meaningfully so. It's growing into an infinite space, we can't like, "solve it", but progress is being made. Is that the general opinion in philosophy? I could see it going either way. I mean, I guess I wouldn't say that literature is advancing, its just changing, humanity is just making more of it. Maybe you could say the same for math but it seems different to me. And you could see philosophy as more like literature or more like math, in this sense
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m0th-rambles · 3 years
Big feelings in a tiny body
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