bee-snail · 5 months
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Commission for @davestriderisasimp !!! Thank you so much!!!
The coolest type of friend in existence commissions you to draw your own character omg. I can't believe this. THANK YOU SM CORVEN !!!!
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haliyam · 4 years
interim (i)
zeke x reader/oc (warning: slow burn with some plot)
summary: You return to Liberio not long after the Warriors arrive home from their failed mission in Paradis and discover that things have changed. (Or they will, and maybe a little more with Zeke than you expect.) [Season 4 and manga spoilers ahead]
AO3 link | Ch 2
Hi everyone! This is part of the series I mentioned on my oneshot Asset, but it's a prequel. I'd love to continue the season 4 stuff, but I want to see how the manga ends first so I can plot out Reader's part in it all. (Also edit post-139, I've completely fallen in love with Zeke who deserves so much better and while I always intended to take my time with the Asset prequels, I'm in no rush to get to the Asset sequel. I do want to update as regularly as possible though, rl willing!)
The Reader/OC will be a cis-female Eldian character with a set background, as you'll find at the end of this chapter. Reader’s default name is Lucy, just because I personally don’t like writing ‘Y/N,’ but please feel free to set the substitution for Lucy to you or your character’s First Name using the InteractiveFics browser extension! So on the browser extension that would be: Lucy = Your or your character's First Name. Because reader will have a set background, you'll have a set surname as well.
I will say that Zeke may seem a little OOC/angsty in the beginning of this story, if only because Reader and Zeke were good friends before he became the shitstain we know and love today and Reader is fairly familiar with his true moods even when he is being annoying as hell. (And Zeke is annoying. I swear I do like this guy hahah...)
I hope you enjoy!
Chapter 1
It’s strange how easily you fall into step with the soldier ahead of you. 
You don’t march, and your eyes wander stern walls and imposing doors that have long left your dreams, but your footfalls follow only one beat that echoes throughout the hallway as he leads you through it. There’s an almost comforting order to the sound that belies the way your heart tries to hammer its way through your ears or right out of your chest. 
It feels like forever and far too soon when you arrive at a familiar waiting room. Motioning to the chairs around a small round table, the soldier knocks twice on the door opposite where you entered. When no one responds, he simply stands there, and you have no recourse but to take that seat. 
Voices filter in, muffled, from the other room, and you slip your hands under the desk to squeeze your fingers together. Maybe this was a terrible idea after all. You can still leave, pursue your medical degree back home…
“No,” you whisper to yourself, even if you do abruptly stand from your chair. You just need a moment to freshen up. Facing the soldier, you begin, “I would like to—”
Alarm replaces the question in his gaze when two heavy knocks cut through your words. He stares at you a little longer, a new question, and you reply with a deep exhale. 
“Never mind.”
He nods. “They’re ready for you.”
You enter the conference room, which is far too large for the four people sitting at one end of the long table there: an older man with more lapel pins and crow’s feet than you remember, and three others closer to your age—the esteemed Warrior Unit and their commander, Theo Magath.
Six long years later, they all look different enough that under other circumstances, you might hesitate to recognize them. But you know this place all too well, the lighting and their seating arrangement so familiar that you can mistake them for no other than Zeke Yeager, Pieck Finger, and Porco Galliard. 
It soon appears from their expressionless gazes that they can’t say the same for you. Not that you can blame them—they had no reason to expect your arrival, and it’s Commander Magath who huffs at their frigid reception. “Is that how you Eldians treat old friends?”
The three glance at one another. You venture a small smile, and the recognition and surprise that sink into Zeke’s features make Magath snort as Pieck leaps from her chair, shattering the chill in the room as surely as she crashes into you with an embrace.
The joy in her voice sweeps aside your initial fears and brings your excitement bubbling out of your throat in your own laughter. “Pieck!”
She’s talking before you even part and still holding onto the back of your blouse when you do. “You look so… old,” she grins. “That is—me-old.” 
Her languid excitement makes it difficult for you to keep your composure. “I am you-old,” you say, trying not to giggle, but your toothy smile already reaches from ear to ear. 
Before you can say more, Commander Magath clears his throat. “If you two are finished…”
Both of you freeze instinctively at his tone. Stealing another squeeze, Pieck steps aside as Magath rises from his chair. “Good of you to drop by, Blanchard.”
You quickly cross the distance to shake his proffered hand. “Thank you, Sir. And congratulations on your promotion.”
He shrugs, taking a seat and gesturing that you and Pieck do the same. “Still not a far cry from playing nursemaid sometimes.”
Pieck shakes her head. “Don’t say that, Sir.”
“You’re right. I’m at least a pay grade or two above nursemaid,” Magath chuckles just a little, and to his right, Zeke continues to stare at you. 
“Is that really you?” he asks, mouth set in a line under his new beard. 
“In the flesh.” His expression remains neutral through your nervous chuckle. Shifting in your seat, you nod away toward Porco. “It’s so nice to see everyone again. Galliard.”
Though he gave you an appreciative once-over as you entered, Porco is now as uninterested as they come. “I didn’t think you’d still know our names. Thanks for taking the time to drop by, I guess.”
“Oh, come on, Pock,” Pieck teases, ignoring the air of hostility that starts to surround you. As though Porco is only an unruly child, she says in feigned apology, “A few days with the Jaw and he’s already this cocky.”
“Ah.” You can’t bring yourself to mirror her mirth. “I heard about that. I’m sorry about Marcel. And Bertholdt—and Annie…”
Pieck glances away, and because you can’t meet Zeke’s eyes at the moment, you address the commander instead. “What about Reiner? I heard he’d returned.”
“Braun is still undergoing a debriefing.”
A debriefing, you think, when they’ve been back a fortnight already? But it dawns on you easily enough that what Reiner is undergoing is an ideology test. Reindoctrination.
“I see… but…”
“It was on my recommendation,” Zeke cuts in, daring you, a civilian, to protest. His arms are crossed now. “Otherwise he’s in danger of passing on the Armor a full six years too early.”
“I only meant to say that Reiner is the most loyal Eldian I know,” you answer levelly, eyes boring into his. Your nails dig into the cloth of your skirt on your lap as you pretend not to hear Porco’s scoff. Taking the Armor from Reiner? The operation was a massive failure, but that consequence is far too severe... however expected. “After you, of course.”
Zeke tilts his head, obscuring his gaze from your view when the light above reflects off his glasses.
“It’s a good thing, in any case,” Magath explains. “Behind enemy lines for over five years, he—” 
Whatever his opinion, the commander abruptly stops himself from sharing it and clears his throat instead. You know better than to protest when an unsettling pause rests over the room—exactly what you feared would occur.
To your surprise, it’s Porco who comes to your rescue, even if his disdain is palpable. “Why are you here, anyway?” 
“Well,” you begin gratefully, “I’m—”
“I asked her to come,” says Magath, completely ignoring the tension. “But my meeting prior ran overlong, and I have another coming up. Can you come in tomorrow morning? Ten sharp?”
You sit up straight when he addresses you. “Of course, Sir.”
Magath smiles—still a novelty to you—and pushes himself up out of his chair. The rest of you do the same, following him to the door as he speaks. “Go ahead and catch up in the meantime. And Blanchard—it’s good to see you again. I’ll see you tomorrow.”
“Yes, Sir.”
“The rest of you—dismissed.”
He leaves the room with the Marleyan guard at the door. The other three let out a breath of relief once it closes. 
“Blanchard,” Porco enunciates, stretching his arms. “Are we really still doing that? Who are we supposed to be fooling here?”
Pieck sighs, but it’s Zeke who stays him with a light backhand to the stomach. “Settle down, Galliard.”
Porco pushes his hand away. “Seriously? Of all people, you—”
“Your first transformation was pretty brutal, Galliard,” Zeke casually announces. He winces for good measure, like he’s actually worried. “Why don’t you get some rest?”
The hostility on Porco’s face quickly shifts to embarrassment, and you feel for him. “You’ve transformed already?” 
“I wanted to go check on the Warriors anyway,” he says instead, eyeing you with a curled lip. “Nice seeing you again, Blanchard.”
“You too,” you call out, but he’s already stalked out of the room.
You feel Pieck’s hand loop around your arm. “Don’t take it personally,” she says gently. “Learning about Marcel was difficult for him.”
“I can only imagine.” She gives you a small smile at your words, and you understand. Casting a more pleasant gaze around the room, you ask, “How are you two? I thought it might be nice if we could get some lunch together.” You check your watch. “...Very late lunch.”
“I would love to,” Pieck says cheerfully, leading your way out of the room— “Tomorrow. I still have so much paperwork to do.”
Zeke snickers. “The joys of working with a team.”
“Life is unfair,” Pieck declares, but smiles when her hand slips down to yours. “I’ll pick you up after your meeting with Magath tomorrow. It’s a date, right?”
You squeeze her fingers in return. “Definitely.”
Her leisurely footsteps fade down the hallway, and you soon find yourself alone with Zeke. You dust at your blouse idly, but you must eventually look at him. “I suppose it’s just you and me today, then.”
He only eyes you, scratching the side of his bearded jaw. It’s even worse than him outright declining.
“Unless,” you quickly add, detesting the dead air, “are you… training the new Warrior class?”
Zeke snorts. “No. I’ve been busy with other work, but you can check in on their progress if you’re interested. Seems like the Commander wouldn’t mind, seeing as he invited you here.”
You ignore the jab: And you accepted. “What’s kept you busy?”
“Good question.” His smile is a facetious one. “But you know that’s top secret.”
You scoff, but you were braver in front of the others. Now his indifference is too much to bear. 
It’s only after you turn away that Zeke asks, “Why don’t you drop by the house? My grandparents should be happy to see you again.”
“I… actually came from there. They asked me to stay. I hope you don’t mind,” you follow, and regret the words as soon as you say it. It’s like you’re trying to piss him off. “I’ll pay for my share of everything, of course.”
He doesn’t react with anger, but you were stupid to expect him to. “Oh?” he asks instead, managing the most sarcastic one-word question in existence. His voice has gotten so much deeper in the last six years, and somehow that makes it worse. “I would have expected the distinguished Miss Blanchard to prefer better accommodations by now.”
You resist the urge to wince. “Don’t say that. The Yeager household was like home to me for several years. More than home, sometimes.”
There’s a pause where only your footsteps, still in time with one another, are all you hear as you make your way down the empty hall. The thought of Zeke’s gaze right now shames you, but it’s ahead he’s looking when he lets out a whistle. “You’re making this difficult for me,” he laughs. “How can I kick you out after such high praise?”
Your last footfall echoes as you stop, reaching for his arm. “Zeke—”
He yanks it away without even looking at you. “We should head back before the Commander decides he wants something from me after all. Come on.”
Your face burns with humiliation even though there’s no one else around to watch him walk away, his long strides too fast for you to catch up.
The Yeagers are pleased to have you over for dinner and beyond, and though you already dropped by before making your appearance at HQ, Mrs. Yeager does not run out of subjects to discuss with you, updating you on several of your neighbors’ lives. Who has married, who has passed away, and whose children have joined the Warrior program themselves, only to fail. Zeke doesn’t talk except to comment on something his grandparents say, or very rarely something you say so as not to arouse their suspicion. They have none. They are too busy doting on you after your long, long absence.
After dinner, when your stomachs are full and your chest is light with laughter, you stand up to collect the dishes and bring them to the sink. “Absolutely not,” Mrs. Yeager says, realizing your intention once she hears the light clatter of tableware. “You’re our guest, Lucy!”
“Please,” you call from the sink. “I miss doing this with all of you around.”
Dr. Yeager sighs in agreement with his wife. “Not on your first night. Zeke.”
Zeke is already on his feet, leaving only everyone’s glasses as he makes his way to the sink with the placemats. Dr. Yeager has brought out their good wine to celebrate your return. “I can do this myself,” he tells you, trying to wave you aside. 
You don’t budge. “But I can help. We’ll get it all done more quickly.”
He levels a look at you—one you haven’t seen since you were very young, from before you were friends. “Sit with my grandmother, Lucy,” he murmurs so that only you hear. “Don’t make her crane her neck just to talk to you.”
Shame and something completely unfamiliar fill you at his reprimand, and you surrender with a nod. You make your way back to the table and squint at Mrs. Yeager. “Only tonight, though.”
Mrs. Yeager laughs, reaching for your hands across the table. You give them to her easily. “You’ve grown into such a beautiful young woman,” she says. “Your parents must be very proud of you.” You nod with some unease, and Dr. Yeager, even as he enjoys his wine, clears his throat. Mrs. Yeager realizes her mistake. “Ah—I...I’m sorry, dear. I know they passed away several years ago. But I’m sure they would be proud of you now.” 
“That’s all right,” you reassure her. “I hope it’s not too bold to say, but… you and Dr. Yeager were mother and father to me for a time as well, when they couldn’t be. I will always be grateful for that.”
“Oh, Lucy,” Mrs. Yeager smiles, her eyes quickly shining, “That isn’t bold at all. We felt the same way. We only wish you had written more!”
A scoff makes its way from the kitchen. “Grandma,” Zeke reminds her lightly, even as he scrubs the plates with renewed vigor, “you know Lucy has been busy.”
“I know that, dear, I wasn’t trying to—”
“No, it is my fault,” you agree. “I promise I’ll be better about that the next time I go.”
“Next time?” asks Dr. Yeager, suddenly sitting up straight. “Where are you going?”
You blink, turning your attention to him, and attempt to wave the confusion away with your hands. “No, no, Dr. Yeager, I’ll be staying here for a while. I only meant that for the next time I leave Lib—”
“Next time?” Dr. Yeager repeats, his hand knocking over his wine glass as he eyes your left sleeve with intent. It trembles as he grasps at his scalp. “If you’re leaving, why aren’t you wearing your armband?”
The faucet shuts off, leaving only the sound of alcohol dripping from the dinner table to the floor, and Mrs. Yeager turns to him nervously. “Dear—”
“Don’t leave without your armband again, Faye,” he pleads, looking straight at you. He rises from his seat, voice more and more frantic as he swipes at a nearby cabinet with nothing to show for it. “Where is it? Where did you put it?”
Zeke is already wiping his hands on the hem of his shirt, and Mrs. Yeager goes to take her husband’s arm. “Darling, no, this is Lucy, remember?”
But Dr. Yeager is already heaving. It’s not long before tears are streaming down his face and he cries, “Why would you do this to me again? Why did he let you remove your armband, Faye?!”
“Dr. Yeager—I’m Lucy. Lucy,” you insist, hurrying over and tucking your hair behind your ears to show him your face, smiling as you’ve done many times in an attempt to calm him. You hold his arms, trying to jog him back to reality, but by now he is screaming and weeping, digging his fingers into your arms and repeatedly calling out his daughter’s name. 
“...Come on, grandpa.” Zeke pries Dr. Yeager’s hands from your sleeve with his grandmother’s help. Stunned by his sudden lapse, you can only watch—able to follow only when they are already struggling with him by the stairs. 
“Stay there,” he hisses with rancor that freezes you in place. Mrs. Yeager apologizes, but of course you shake your head and return to the dining room. Your hands shake as you clean the spilled alcohol from the dinner table and the floor, going over what you could have said to set off Dr. Yeager. 
This is hardly the first time you’ve seen him like this, but it used to take only very specific words to remind him of that event, and so much easier to bring him back from those memories. The memory of his weeping face seizes at your heart, tempting you to launch yourself upstairs and ask after him, but Zeke is right. You’ll only make things worse.
You’re getting started on the dishes again when you hear heavy footsteps plod down the stairs. 
Zeke. You cuff the faucet off, mouth already open when he smiles, reaching over to graze your exposed ear with his thumb and his index finger. “Did growing up damage your ears? I said I’d take care of the dishes.”
The unexpected contact sends a strange rush through you, but it’s the insult you focus on ignoring. Even if you do untuck your hair. “I’m sorry about Dr. Yeager.”
“It’s not your fault,” he shrugs. “It happens more often nowadays.”
“I didn’t know it had gotten so bad.”
“How could you? You’ve been away.”
You gnaw on your cheek at that. “I’m sorry, Zeke.”
For a moment, you finally see it—the recognition of the words you’ve been trying to say since you met earlier that afternoon, and the reason why. An eddy of hurt and confusion reflects in his eyes, pulling at the air around you. You want to rise above it, or else drown, or just beg for his forgiveness, but he knows you, or knew you as much as you knew him, and he cuts you off before you can speak. 
“You really have grown up.” His droll chuckle makes your heart sink into your stomach. “You never used to apologize for anything.”
You make a face. “That’s not true.”
“Maybe. You were pretty damn insolent when you wanted to be.”
“I guess I could be,” you murmur. Your eyes lift to his, on a tightrope’s edge. “Remember when Marras overheard me complaining about firearm maintenance?”
Zeke snorts. “Magath had you cleaning Warrior arsenal for a week.”
You can’t help but laugh. “That was awful. Only Marcel snuck out to help me at night, and that was to impress Pieck. Thank you for that, by the way.”
“You’re welcome.”
You squint at him. Zeke grins, warmly now, and hope almost finds you—but your words catch up with you first, and both of you remember when you really are. 
“Marcel,” you can’t help but say with regret.
“Yeah.” Coursing a hand through his hair, Zeke brushes past you to the sink. “Anyway, I’ll take care of this. You go to bed. You have a meeting with Magath tomorrow—that’s why you came back, right?”
“No, not just—”
The sudden burst of running water from the faucet and the wall of his back means the conversation is over. Again. Clenching your fist, you bite your tongue and slowly breathe out your growing frustration. 
“Good night, then, Zeke.”
You’ve already gone up the stairs when Zeke swallows the lump in his throat, staring at the spoon splashing water upon his palm. He’s been washing it for the last two minutes. 
“Night, Lucy.”
Zeke has already left for HQ by the time you come downstairs the next morning. Dr. Yeager is still in bed, exhausted as he gets whenever he remembers his children, but Mrs. Yeager has prepared breakfast. Try as you might, you cannot resist sitting with her and sharing a meal together. You make it to the Liberio military headquarters just in time to hear the new Warrior instructor barking out to the children jogging around the courtyard.
You wander a little closer, unable to help your curiosity—but a nearby guard spots you and quickly corrals you away, back to the offices. “They’re expecting you,” he says, looking you over as he hands you back your permit. “Don’t know what top brass wants with a civilian, much less an Eldian, but...”
“Top brass?” 
The soldier almost sneers at you. As if you don’t know, Eldian, it says, and you’re starting to think you actually don’t.
He’s led you not to the same conference room as yesterday afternoon, but to an office that you distinctly remember as off-limits. When the soldiers standing guard let you inside, you understand why.
Top brass is right. More than Commander Magath, there are a number of higher-ups waiting for you inside - some faces you’ve glimpsed since you were a child, and others you have seen as recently as months ago. One in particular stands out—an intelligence officer who reports directly to your brother. Three are generals at some of the highest levels in the army.
“Blanchard,” Magath calls out. You nearly stiffen at his voice again, but relax in time, to the chuckles of the men in the room. The commander ignores them, staring straight at you. You detect the slightest hint of an apology in his hardened gaze, or maybe that’s wishful thinking to keep your growing displeasure in check. “Glad you could make it.”
“Sir, I—”
A nearby general cuts you off. List. “You can dispense with that, Magath,” he says. “We’re all in the know here.”
“Yes, Sir.”
General List turns toward you. 
“Thank you for coming, Miss Tybur,” he says. There is no smile in his harsh features, but he is not unkind. Careful, maybe. “Please, sit. We have a proposition for you.”
So... yes! I admit, part of the reason I wanted to write something in the AoT/SnK series is because I loved and hated the addition of the Tyburs. So I wanted to write a little more about the family but also since I'm thirsty, write a Zeke fic and eventually a Levi one (whether AU or not). Obviously we'll eventually go into why the Tyburs would send one of their own into the Warrior program, among other things, but bear with me for now.
Also disclaimer: This is a Zeke/Reader story set in the AOT world, so it’s a romance with a guy who gleefully murdered a shit ton of innocent people and helped Marley level countries. Please don’t look to this story for a completely morally upright character/reader/OC who makes all the right choices. (Though expect that Reader will take them into consideration.)
Last thing! This is a slowburn with some plot, so while you can definitely expect romance (and smut) down the line, and while this fic does go heavily into Lucy's/Reader's relationship with Zeke, it also features interactions with other characters. I just wanted to give fair warning if you expect it to focus only on Zeke.
Thank you for reading! 
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imnotwolverine · 4 years
Couch People
Henry Cavill x OC (you) drabble 
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Word count: 2.907
Warnings: Alcohol consumption and pure and utter fluff. 
Author’s note: I had a DREAM (last night). And I decided to write about it in Henry’s POV, since that’s a cute lil’ twist on the usual meet-cute situation. 
My couch is my new favourite object. It wasn’t up to last night. Yesterday it probably was like..my kitchen aid, or my glute drive. But today? It’s definitely my couch. Not only because I’m still slightly hungover and the thing is darn comfortable. No. It’s something else.
Sighing, I sink further down into the soft pillows, that darn tartan red throw still lingering in the corner, smelling of you. Fuck. I’m having it bad, huh?
Should I lose the tie? Was it too formal? Hesitantly tugging at the silk I watch the last of the audience leave the London Studios, the infamous red couch now moved to the side so a cleaning crew can ready the stage for the next show. I’m glad it’s over and fans leave me be for a hot second, my mind quite elsewhere as of this moment.
Before me stand the people I recognise to be your friends. Men, all of them. Their voices low but merry as they bounce off the walls of the almost completely emptied out space.
‘Hi Henry.’ Your voice tinkles above the low hum of voices and quite instantly I feel my nerves back in my throat. Shit..Now what? What the hell was I even planning on…Damnit …
‘Hi.’ Is all I can manage back, the six men around you now also turning to offer me a warm welcome. And from the looks on their faces, they know full well why I am here. You, however, seems to be a bit clueless, your fingers reaching into one of your friends’ backpacks to fetch some lip balm.
‘Good show, hmm?’ You mumble, brushing the balm over your supple lips. Kissable lips.
‘Sure was.’ I agree. Come on Henry. You’ll have to do better than that! You don’t seem to care though, your attention drifting back to one of your friends, who raises an expecting eyebrow at you.
‘Oh, eh..Henry, you want to join us? We want to go out for some drinks..and some food maybe?’
‘FOOODD.’ One of the guys grabs his beer belly and makes a gesture like he’s been starved for weeks - which is obviously not true. I chuckle. They seem like good guys. And so very normal, which only makes me like you more.
‘I’d love to.’
‘Oh! And I still have to pee.’ One of the more lanky built men intervenes, to which the whole group blurts; ‘Pee-break!’
One pee-break and a short cab drive later,  I have brought you to one of my favourite pubs. Not only because it’s close to my home. Also, because I know the owner and with a blink of my blue eyes I can get us to use the room upstairs, which is usually reserved for exclusive events. Well. Tonight is an exclusive event, okay? The pub is old, mahogany and smelling of good times, the upstairs level reached through a very, VERY steep and very narrow step of stairs. With hands and feet we climb up, finding a low ceiling room, in equally dark and wooden hues. A lone rough table is set up, inviting us to take a seat before an old paned window that lets you look out over the drunken banter below.
In moments there is fish and chips by the bucket load and a few pitchers of beer, which your friends drink from greedily. And, of course, a glass of wine for you. You don’t like the bitter taste of beer. I make a mental note of that.
There’s nothing stuck up about you. You smile so easily, joke so merrily - and did I spot some nerdy references that escaped your lips? With every glass of wine there are more and it makes my whole body thrum with excitement.  Though perhaps that’s also just the beer talking.
Much too soon your friends have to leave to take their late flight back home. The fact that they had flown out here just to celebrate your success after years of hard work, just shows how good a bunch they are. And you are to them. With any other women with male friends, I’d easily pick on ulterior motives. But not with these guys. You go way back. You’re good. Golden. One of the guys. Though, dear god in heaven, am I happy you’re a woman.
Long bear hugs are exchanged between you and your friends as I stand there on the sidewalk, trying to evade the looks and attention of the drunken merry. The night is cold and winter is soon to come, the lot of us huddling in our winter coats as cars pass by, driving through deep puddles. With a last wave we send your friends off into a cab, back to their homes.
And then it’s just us.
‘So..’ You suck your lips in, eyes darting out to send a warning glance at some drunk brits that take a snapshot of us - it happens so often I barely even care about it still. I try to look as gentlemanly as ever, but the pints dance happily in my eyes. I know it from the way your gaze softens when you look back at me. ‘It was a good night.’ You say.
And I half disagree; ‘It IS a good night.’ As soon as I say it, I’m not sure if the drink is making me overly courageous, my arm hesitating to reach out and offer you something to hold onto. You chuckle.
‘You’re right. Especially since it’s not raining. GOOD HEAVENS.’ And with that you slip your hand around the crook of my arm without question. Like it’s the most natural thing to do, your cold fingers feeling like icicles through the wool of my coat. If only I could warm you up properly.
‘And you’re taking a long holiday? Any plans?’ I try to keep easy conversation flowing, referring to something you had mentioned during Graham’s show. I knew you were taking some time off after this movie was all wrapped up. I had been there, working on the same set, so I know how crazy it had been.
‘Yea...it’s been a crazy two years. Which is a long time not to have any holidays.’ You widen your eyes in exasperation as your feet elegantly move around a large puddle.
‘Tell me all about it.’ I sigh. Unfortunately for me, I’m soon to start on yet another production. Which means no holidays for me.
‘But ehm..I actually made zero plans. My whole life was planned out near minute to minute for the past years. I just need to ..get back to basics, you know? Sleep a full 8 hours. Walk. Cook. Take long baths. Maybe..go hiking in the highlands. Or..go to the Bahamas..I’ve never been to the Bahamas! Or…’
‘A right here.’ I interrupt you, sending us into the direction of a small alleyway.
‘Oohh..must I trust you now or is this where I find out you’re a serial killer, Mr. Cavill?’ You tease.
‘Mm..I’m too busy a man to spend my time planning out how to murder people.’
‘Very well Hannibal.’
‘Hahaha..good series.’ - There’s those nerdy references bubbling up again.
’Tis.’ You agree, sighing deeply as the darkness swallows us, leaving the crowded street behind until there’s nothing else but us and the tap of our feet on the cold wet cobble stone. You lean slightly closer to me and I’m glad you do.
‘So..’ You look up at me. ‘Are we mere wanderers or are we heading to mount doom to get rid of some pesky ring?’
I snort laugh. Yep. I definitely snorted. And you laugh merrily in turn. God, you’re cute.
‘I don’t know Sam, I don’t know.’
You grumble softly in playful dissatisfaction. ‘What if I want to be Frodo?’
‘If you so wish to be, fellow over-sized hobbit. Though I think, since you sound like such a well planned, yet easy going lady, you’re a Sam. BESIDES, you say you love to cook and work in the garden..that definitely makes you a Sam.’
‘True, true.’ You hum, the light at the other side of the alley coming closer, your feet suddenly starting to drag. Almost as if you don’t want to get back into the light, where drunk hustle and bustle is about. I stop and you look up at me, head tilting slightly upwards.
‘Say, Frodo. What does a woman do in this town when she doesn’t want to call it a night, yet?’
I pretend to think about it, though my mind knows full well where we could be going now. ‘Depends on what you want to do, Sam.’
‘As much as I’d like an adventure..so cold are my feet. Something indoors, perhaps?’
Exactly what I was planning.
‘I know just the place. Though…it’s..very private, okay?’
‘Are we going to find prancing ponies and kitten heeled Striders there?’ - With that you print this vision in my head of Aragorn in high heels, lurking on a pipe, and it makes me chuckle aloud. You are slightly cheeky too.
‘Mmm..more like large hounds and vast amounts of books, all crammed into a cute little..’
‘It’s your place isn’t it?’
I chuckle. ‘Yea..I live 5 minutes from here.’
‘Okay. But just in case you are considering a career change; please don’t eat me.’
I smile, nudging us to move ahead, our eyes squinting at the bright street light as we return to the land of the living drunk and the hum of stationary engines. As most pubs are closing for the night, everyone tries to grab a cab.
‘Well, looks like I wouldn’t have come home at this hour anyways haha.’ You mumble, our feet jumping over another puddle as we move to yet another alleyway.
We don’t have to take this route. But I like the lack of people. And having you squeezed up against my arm. So maybe it’s not a five minute walk entirely. You thankfully don’t seem to care.
‘You live in London?’
’Not really. Though for work I’m here half of the week. I stay at this cute hostel with THE MOST COMFORTABLE BEDS I have ever slept in. Like. Ugh. It’s fantastic.’
‘And your real home?’
‘Not such a good bed.’
We shouldn’t be talking about beds at this hour, but I suddenly can’t think of anything else to talk about.
‘Well, the best bed I’ve ever slept in is right at home.’
‘Mmm..are you suggesting anything there, Hannibal?’ Where you were clueless about my flirtations whilst we were sitting on Graham’s couch, the message seems to come across quite perfectly now, your eyes glittering with promise.
I act shocked, but we both know better. ‘Never!’ I say, to which we belt out in loud laughter, the sound echoing off the tall buildings at either side of us.
‘Gods, you are cheeky after a few pints hahah.’ You laugh.
‘And you are walking home with a complete stranger.’
‘Naa..I checked your Wikipedia page. So. Not complete stranger. I think it’s actually YOU who’s walking home with a stranger.’
‘Quite so.’
You’re right. We’ve worked together for 3 months on the same set, but I’ve only seen you from afar. In fact, you were kind of my boss. Which would’ve made any advances from my side even weirder. Tonight felt like the first real opportunity, now the project was finished. And here we were. In front of my house.
After a few awkward fumbles I manage to unlock the door, the two of us being welcomed by a sleepy Kal, his wet nose diving head-first into my face.
‘Down boy.’ I grumble, but thankfully you’re not afraid of my large hound, your fingers already racing through his thick fur before I have managed to close the door behind us.
‘Hi baby!! You are SO CUTE! JUST LOOK AT YOU!! And so tired too! You been sleeping, big boy?’
Kal loves you already. And I..?
‘A wine would be good.’ You look up at me as I just stand there staring at you. Shaking myself from my thoughts and awkward nerves, I put our coats away and try to find some decent bottle of red wine. I forgot to ask what kind you like, so I’ll just have to pick whatever. ‘Make yourself comfortable!’ I say aloud, but as I return with a bottle and two glasses I already see you’ve done just that, legs pulled up and that stupid tartan throw wrapped around your legs, Kal getting yet another head scratch from you.
Oh, he loves you a lot.
‘I hope cabernet is alright?’
You laugh and wave it away; ‘Henry. I had 5 glasses of wine. By this point you’d ALMOST get me drinking beer. Almost haha.’
In what seems like a blink of the eye this bottle is finished as well and the world is near spinning when I get up to make us a snack. Which of course is the worst idea ever at like 2..3..4 am? I can’t see quite straight enough anymore and the giddiness in my bones is showing in the most idiotic grins I’ve probably ever had on my cheeks. My face is going to hurt tomorrow. From laughing, that is.
As I haphazardly decide I should first ask what you want to eat, I suddenly find the long despised throw of my ex earning a much welcomed new, far sweeter memory. In the deep soft pillows of the couch, there you lie. Knocked out asleep, fingers still trailing through Kal’s fur, his head not daring to move as I look the pupper in the eye.
I can’t send you home like this. And so, with a dangerous wobble in my inebriated knees, I tuck you in, the smooth wool warm as it moves beneath my fingertips.
For just a moment I wonder if I should put you in my bed, so I’ll sleep on the couch. But you’re laying so comfortably, that I’m afraid I’ll wake you..and then you’ll probably leave. I don’t want you to leave. Yes. I should have you stay. I..eh…
Blinking I look around the room, deciding how I should keep you to at least stay for breakfast. I don’t want this to be the last time I see you, you know? And so I grab for some paper and a pen, my handwriting not what it should be.
“Good morning, Sunshine. In case the drinks were too many; the dog’s name is Kal. Don’t worry about him. And I’m upstairs. Feel free to grab anything you like. Also. In exchange for a couch..how about we have breakfast, together? Henry.”
Waking up was like thinking everything was a dream. A very drunken dream. My head was screaming for water and sleep, but I couldn’t stop myself from racing downstairs first, only to find you were still asleep. Just where I left you. It was only after I started cracking up my cooking skills (cheesy eggs with toast), that you woke up. Large yawns were heard from the couch-area, before you groggily walked into the kitchen, hair in disarray and just perfect in my humble opinion.
‘Mmmoo- *yawn* -orning.’ You bring out, hands rubbing over your eyes.
You are so cute. 
And then you step in closer, eyeing my cooking, your scent and body so close, I wish we were at the point that I could grab you into a hug, delve my nose into your hair.
‘Sleep well?’ I ask with a crooked smile, your face nodding but your body saying: I need more sleep, for the love of the gods.
After breakfast you quirk up, that cute smirk back on your lips as you lick them in satisfaction.
‘That’s some fine cooking there Frodo.’
‘Thanks Sam.’
‘And a couch that makes a close second to the hostel’s bed.’
‘HAhaha..oh..yes. I was not sure what to do. Wake you up? Put you in my bed? I mean..a lot of..options.’ I trail off as your smile grows. 
‘..I’m so sorry for putting you in that position, Henry. And also, apologies for falling asleep as you were just about to make a snack. Its typical me; midnight snack-time? I fall asleep.’
‘Well, it’s your holidays. You can sleep all you want’
‘So it is.’ You fold your fingers around your hot cup of tea - no sugar, no milk. I make a mental note of that too.  
With curious eyes you watch me sit across you, the kitchen table suddenly feeling too large, too wide. I want to be closer to you. Snuggle up to you. You look so snuggable.
‘Any plans for today?’ You inquire lightly.
And that’s when it clicks. I could keep you around a little longer, maybe? De-hangover together, maybe?
‘Want to stay for a bit?’ I ask, hope sparking in the swallow of my nervous throat.
I think that’s what I like the most about you. It’s easy. Natural. No hassle. No hunt. Though I would have hunted you, if that is what it would have taken.
Now I’m sitting here on the couch and you’ve just gone back to your hostel. I mean, I get it. We’ve been together for nearly 24 hours. When we’re not even..like..more than strangers. For a moment I wondered if I should kiss you, after we walked Kal, our hands interlinked - which also felt so very normal.
The more glad I was when you did it for me.
You kissed me.
Those sweet chapped lips on mine. 
I sink further into the couch and sigh. I like you a lot my sweet Sam.
(Link to my Masterlist)
General Tagsquad: @harrysthiccthighss @tumblnewby @magdelen69 @thereisa8ella @mary-ann84 @darkbooksarwin @summersong69 @madbaddic7ed @luclittlepond @maroonmolly
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lilolilyr · 4 years
Fics I Wanted To Write This Year But Didn't, Part 2: Star Trek AU
For @spookyvoidangelskeleton for this ask
Now I suppose these would have been several fics, but in a series or a collection as they're all about the same main storyline: The collapsing of a (or several) universe(s).
If you've known me for a while, you know that I am very into Multiverse Theory, both real life and fictional, and Star Trek with the Mirror Universe is of course one of the first fandoms that comes to mind for me to write my batshit ideas in xD
Basically, in my personal little (fictional, bc I know and understand 0 about real life physics or whatever would be relevant for this) multiverse theory, there are an infinite number of universes, evenly spread around the multiverse, and a new universe comes into existence when a timeline/universe (same thing) can go into 2 seperate ways naturally, or when there is timetravel involved to manually change a timeline: The original timeline won't be affected, you can't change what's already there, but a new changed timeline will be created.
Now, in some cases that works out well, with the timetraveller ending up in the new timeline and never knowing that their original universe is still out there- in other ways of time travelling, not so much. If the person trying to make a change manages to do just that but never notices, because they or a version of them is stuck in the orginal timeline, what do they do?
Try again, with the same result, many many times.
And that's where it gets problematic, because the multiverse gets unbalanced, and whether you see it as a sentient entity connected to the Qs in Star Trek or just as something that Works That Way automatically: the multiverse doesn't want to be out of balance, so the new universes start to collapse in on each other, creating a Splitter-verse and leaving its inhabitants to a fate arguably worse than death (in this fictional world): they completely stop to exist. This doesn't just affect the new universes but the surroundings ones, which would have split earlier and are already more different from each other, too, to make sure the one that was the cause for it all falls, too.
Now (of course, because I can't help myself) this would be part of @thelucyverse , with there being Central people trained in spotting such time anomalies before it is too late, but with there also being time-bombs (yeah hahah) created in inter-universal wars to create smaller, controlled splitter-verses (I say small and controlled here but like. We're still talking about entire universes), and with Central having back-up plans to get people out of the 'verses, in order as follows: anyone visibly IDing as Central (the organisation is still largely volunteer-based, shit's got to have some perks), then everyone whose energy indicates recent travel in-between universes, as these are also most likely to a) be Central and b) be okay in a new 'verse, after that, if there is still time and anyone willing to go back into the falling universe, children as they are also more likely to adapt in a new world. If there is enough warning, they also get out whoever people Central members want to have saved, but usually it just turns into whoever stands close enough to grab and get the hell out of there.
Whether taking people out of a universe against their will is a good thing or nah is ...debatable and still being debated amongst those who do it and those who think that taking someone away from the possibility of dying death in their own universe is vile (as amongst most religions, it is thought that you can only reach the same afterlife as those who died in the same umiverse- but again most also think that there probably won't even Be an afterlife in a splitter-verse).
Sometimes, people are also pushed out of the universe by the explosion itself, but they then tend to die upon impact as they seldomly end up exactly at the coordinates where they left, which leaves them either suffocating in hard matter or in space.
If you want to use these ideas for your own fanfic feel free, just give me credit and link this post as inspired by/ link to my ao3 or @ my tumblr!
Anyhow! To Star Trek... and I suppose this is now SPOILERS not rly for any Star Trek canon but for these fanfics, if I do end up writing them!
I tend to forget which characters are canon and which are complete OCs because I spend Way more hours on tumblr and ao3 + thinking about my own headcanons than I spend consuming the original media, but I am fairly certain a canon Joana McCoy, daughter of Leonard 'Bones' McCoy exists? If no and I stole the idea from sb else's fanfic I am sincerely sorry. Gotta look that up.
In one universe close to what would be the centre of the splitterverse, Joana- as a young child nicknamed 'Jojo', but now as a young teen trying to get rid of the childish nickname- has a younger part-vulcan girl as a friend, and this girl, nicknamed Aka, has, through having sticky fingers and connections to Central, a device that allows you to jump between universes. She's used it before and gotten into a lot of trouble for it, but to her it had always been great fun- until reality is starting to collapse around them while she is visiting Joana, and Joana is the only person she can reach in time and take with her to the next universe.
Distraught, the children are left in a new world, debating what to do, waiting for Central to contact them, hoping that they saved their families- but of course, Central has quite some different problems right now and won't contact them any time soon, and even if they did it wouldn't be with news of their parents: the adult families of non-Central members who only happened to have jumped between universes before themselves are really not the top priority, and the universe is collapsing too quickly to even get down the prio list to 'children',
Aka wants to leave the universe again and look for Central elsewhere, hoping that her moving around will attract their attention. Joana has enough from universe jumps for a lifetime. Thus, they part ways.
While Aka at some point does run into a group of Central troubeshooters who more or less adopt her as one of their own and teach her how to work their equipment and use magic and weapons and starships (not what a child her age should be learning. But then, none of the adults there ever signed up to be a parent, so who's to blame them), Joana goes looking for her family in this world.
Now I could write entire novels about Akas adventures and how it may or may not be healthy to not have a home at all and decide to not rely on anybody instead of either finding new versions of her original parents or letting someone new into her life properly (spoileralert: it isn't healthy at all), and how meeting a girl from one of the original splitter-verses (the not bombed ones) telling her not to make the same mistakes she made finally makes her think about her choices and and and, but this post is already going to be Long so I won't. That would all be a seperate fanfic anyways.
Joana finds a girl her age who looks just like her and acts almost exactly like her, too- the only difference seems to be that there's no Aka around, which made this version of her less used to adventure but also less wary of it.
The version of Joana from this universe- she decides to call herself Joan when they are alone, while the Joana we already know goes with 'Jojo'- her once loathed childhood nickname now a connection to her past- is thrilled to meet her and begs her to stay, I mean what is cooler than suddenly having a twin, and won't it be fun there is so much they can do! As their parents are seperated, they manage to spend their time mostly at one of their homes, either together when the parent is too busy to notice that there are two kids around, or one at each place, guessing correctly that if the parents were to talk about it, they wouldn't even think of the possibility of there being two children and instead just get mad at each other.
This goes on for a few months during the summer, with Jojo feeling vaguely guilty both to her original dead parents and these new ones who think that she is their real daughter, and the girls are just deciding about what to do when school starts again when-
Reality breaks apart around them.
Jojo clings to Joan in fear, and- as Jojo is now on the list of people who have travelled between universes in the past, she is saved by Central, and Joan with her. They are placed into a universe further away this time, a safe distance to the only slowly contained Splitters.
Meanwhile, in the same universe, two people were currently out on a space-walk: Michael Burnham and Philippa Georgiou.
They are thrown out of the universe in the explosion, and as they are wearing their suits, they survive as they end up somewhere in space again, but- they don't end up in the same universe. Michael ends up about 20-30 years earlier in a universe further away, and she doesn't even end up in what would've been federation space in her old 'verse. Philippa is only thrown one universe to the left and picked up by Central. As Central likes to name their acquaintances in some way that makes it easier to identify just which version of a person you are talking to without having to add the long universe number (even harder when the universe was destroyed and there isn't a known number), they ask Philippa to pick a new name. She is way too rattled and desperate to go looking for Michael as quickly as possible to care about what name she is supposed to have, so she goes with the first option given to those who don't have their own nickname ideas: lastname for firstname, making her Georgiana, short Gia.
Through Central, she finds out that the universal explosion left her and Michael connected- but it won't be much help in the search, basically just a way to say 'alright this verse is closer to it than that one', it's still trial and error... (I could also involve some body switching here, idk I already wrote a long fanfic with that trope in the Andromaquynh fandom, but I happen to Like that trope so yeah maybe I'll recycle some parts of In Your Stead if I ever do manage to write this Milippa story. Which, btw, if not already obvious, would again be a seperate fic from the Joana universal-sister story. On the other hand, Aka runs into Georgiana a lot, even calling her 'auntie Gia').
Meanwhile, Michael doesn't have to jump through universes but make her way through just the one universe to get to federarion space. Except what she find's isn't the federation at all... you guessed it, the 'verse she ended up in is more similar to a mirrorverse than to Prime. However, the Georgiou of this world isn't the emperor yet, she's young and Michael is able to influence her enough over the years so that she turns her back to the Empire.
Yes, it takes years for Michael and Gia to find their way back to each other, maybe decades... they also wouldn't have spent exactly the same amount of time apart as they aren't in the same 'verse. In fact, Cleo of Central carefully tells Gia that Michael might have died by now, but of course Georgiana doesn't want to hear this.
Michael and that universe's Georgiou also get quite close, though Michael doesn't want to cheat on her Philippa... of course, after years of this, she might think that she will never see Philippa again... (We are approaching ot3 territory here lol, and I don't even want to think about the potential of ot7 with the two canon mirror and prime versions adsfghjkl because if I finish this story here, I would 100% write a lil fix it where Central! Gia Mikay and Phil go fish Mirror! Michael and Georgiou out of a splitter-verse into the next prime verse in which Michael already knows that Georgiou... and ad they're already at it they also get half dead! Prime Philippa away from the Klingons... heheh sounds like the kind of poly chaos I would enjoy writing, but sadly I have to make it through all the Plot first)
Anyway! Back to Jojo and Joan: they decide that while they maybe should have told Joan's family about Jojo's existence soon if they had stayed in that 'verse, the initial idea of staying with one's universals wasn't so bad, so they go looking for this universe's Joana McCoy. The girl- (nicknamed Anna, which makes Joan decide to change hers from Joan to June because she doesn't want to be half Jojo and half Anna), is happy enough to meet them, but often feels left out from the other two as they act as if they've known each other forever even though of course it's only been a few months... In turn, Jojo and June aren't sure whether Anna really wants them around, whether she might think they're trying to steal her life and family from her...
Lots of potential for conflict! Yay! XD would of course come to a happy ending, with at least Bones accepting his three daughters, dunno yet whether they'd tell the mom... also Aka ends up in the same universe at some point, together with a version of her vulcan birthmother who she had never known the original version of but now gets along with alright... oh and if I do write aforementioned Milippa ot7 bullshitery, this would also be the Prime!verse for that, so all stories in the series or collection interconnect again!
this got... long... and I could obviously go on but I need to go back to writing my Bachelor thesis :(
@whoever read through all of this, do let me know whether you like these ideas and which you would like to read proper fanfic for! Might influence future writing decisions.
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jay-cult · 4 years
Static and Stars: Episode 1 - Jay Day
Jay and Nya haven’t been on a date in like... ever. So when they finally do go out on their own, some unexpected memories catch up with them.
AUTHOR’S NOTES:   Hey guys! At long last, S&S continues. I hope it hypes you up just like it does me! I was planning this for OC Day when I realized that it actually didn’t have any of my OCs in it (yet) so I’m happy to throw it out now.   This episode is quite guiltily Jaya-centered but PLEASE understand that it will be the only one. I laid out my plan for this fan season and I liked it, so I’m following through with having it kick off like this. This is a Jay fan season. Not a Jaya fan season. Thank you!
  A patronizing BEEP! BEEP! BEEP! rang out beside Jay.
  He groaned and sat up, hair messily flying all over his face. He slammed his hand onto where the sound was coming from, but found he slapped the smooth surface of his phone. He let out another grunt while the alarm was still judging him.
  He shot out a small current through his fingertips and the beeping stopped. Right… he forgot. They weren’t in the Bounty anymore.
  Jay climbed out of his sleeping bag and looked to his right, where Kai, who had just awoken, was trying to quickly rearrange his bed hair. Further past him, Cole was still sound asleep.
  Kai noticed that he was still as a rock and, mid-hair-fixation, kicked him hard.
  “Ow! Dad! Fine, I’ll get ready for dance practice-“ Cole jerked awake and then looked at Kai scorningly.
  “This sucks,” Kai groaned. He plunged his arms into his “hygiene” kit and pulled out a hairbrush, some cologne, and a bit of blush fell out.
  Jay stood up (while making sure his plushie stayed safely tucked in his sleeping bag) and smiled. “Aw come on guys, it’s not that bad!” He said, stretching.
  “Whatever you say,” Cole sighed, tying his hair up in a bun.
  In full pajamas, Jay exited the tent. Outside it was full sunlight, with shadows of leaves dappling the ground. He gazed at Ninjago City in the distance; it looked so much quieter from the outskirts.
  Zane was already outside making a meal for breakfast. He slept outside. Jay didn’t see the appeal, but he said that it was better for him to be out with the stars and one with the (mild) wilderness.
  “Good morning, Jay.” He smiled with ease. “You should really wash those gloves.”
  He took a look at his hands. “Funny coming from you, ya barely change your clothes,” he playfully argued, knowing already it was a useless excuse. Zane sat there in full gi wear and looked up.
  “I do not have the rather disgusting human body which pollutes cloth,” he responded simply.
  “Any updates on how the monastery is going?” Jay asked, changing the subject.
  “Indeed!” He flipped a pancake with a spatula. There was a whole contraption set up so that Zane could do his thing, even outside. “I have been notified that it is going smoothly.”
  Jay nodded. He sat on a cushioned log. “I’m still so glad it’s over.”
  “The First Realm was certainly a tiring event.”
  “Yeah, and Garmadon… that fight was insane, huh?” Jay scratched his head. He was grateful that even with this makeshift living situation, they could rest.
  “You don’t even know the half of it.”
  The two ninja looked up. Nya was strutting toward them, tying up her hair casually. Unlike Jay, she had already gotten dressed.
  “Nya!” Jay brightened up, even more energized from the sight of his girlfriend. The morning sun made her look quite phenomenal. She sat down by him, very close, physically. Zane’s (literal) inner timer dinged, and he stood up. “Breakfast is ready!”
  At that moment both Kai and Cole rushed out of the tent, still very unready. Kai’s hair was half-done, his arm through just one sleeve of his jacket, and he was still pulling up his pants. Cole had yet to do much. He was just running out with his pajama pants on, and… that was it.
  “What were you guys doing?” Jay asked.
  “Shut up,” Kai said immediately, his eyes suddenly very focused on the pancakes that were now out and ready.
  They all sat in their eating area on the cushioned logs in their circle beside Zane’s cooking tools and contraptions. It was a very average day, at least, for one where they had to camp together without a strong shelter and where they had nobody to fight anymore. But there were obviously some things missing.
  Nya turned to Jay. “Well,” she shrugged, “Lloyd and Wu are off on their things.”
  “As they have been for a while, making their own camp in Misako’s space,” Kai interjected, eyes narrowed. “Meanwhile we have to make it out here, in the wild, the cold-”
  She ignored him. “And we have nothing going on, finally. So.. well… we haven’t really done much recently. And you were off in the realm for…. A while.”
  Jay swallowed a chunk of bacon. “Right! How long exactly has it been since we’ve done something, just you and me, that didn’t involve snake venom or the fate of the world?”
  She looked at her paper plate of food, thinking. “Like. Never?”
  “Yeah.” He chewed more, a bit unbelieving. They’d only ever done fun things with at least one person from the team or when a villain was on their tail. Or if it was work or training.
 ��“We have never really had a normal date, like, at all, have we?” She looked straight at him, making her point.
  “Okay, today is perfect!” Jay finished the last of his meal happily.
  “Alright, you guys, calm down,” Kai stood up, smirking. “I know that must mean you’re all very new to this, so if you’d like to ask the master-”
  And then Cole just straight up picked Kai up. He just yoinked him from off the ground and slung him over his shoulder. He turned toward the pair, genuinely smiling. “Hahah, he’s one to talk. Come on buddy.” As he carried him back to the tent, Kai let out yells of protest, but it was nothing against Cole’s strong hold.
  Zane smiled. “You enjoyed your meal, I hope?”
  “Breakfast was great, Zane,” Nya commented, laughing.
  “I guess this means we’ll finally have a day all to ourselves,” Jay winked, standing up. “I’ll devote this day to being Nya Day.”
  She winked back. “And I, Jay Day.”
  “Let me just go put on my clothes first.”
  The wind of the mountains blew fresh through the couple’s hair. Jay had dug through his bag to try and salvage what he could of the nicest clothes in there and had just barely scraped out a clean look. He’d stepped back outside, surprised to find Nya in a brand new, somewhat formal outfit.
    “Oh,” she had said, reddening a bit. “Maybe I should go get that other stuff back on.”
    “No! No,” he’d interjected immediately. “You look really nice.”
    Now they were climbing down the rocky side of a steep mountain that led down to Ninjago City from their camp. Or, well, they weren’t exactly- their hybrid elemental dragon guided them down slowly, walking so as to not be easily detected.
    “Where are we going?” Jay asked from his spot behind Nya, who had the reins.
    She glanced at her boyfriend quickly with a sly smile. “You’ll see.”
    Jay grinned and kept his silence for a little while. But inside his thoughts were racing quite a bit. He felt tense and nervous- and not because of the date. It was all so familiar. Too familiar. Sitting behind Nya, holding onto her... the feeling of the dragon’s spine beneath him and the thrum, thrum of what was the dragon walking but what his brain turned into the panicked beat of wings. His thoughts wandered through that old experience and he wanted it to stop. But he decided not to say anything.
    At the edge of the city they, to Jay’s relief, put away the use of their dragon and grabbed a ride from a surprisingly mellow fan who was happy to provide service to the “folks who’d saved the city’s ass more than once.” Nya whispered the destination into his ear and he chuckled. “Well y’all enjoy your time, n’.”
    “Shut your eyes, boltbrain,” Nya pleaded, trying to hold back a laugh.
    “I wanna see, though,” Jay whined with a smile, trying to swat her hands away. She was reaching from her spot in the passenger seat of the car.
    He (eventually) complied and they stepped out onto what felt like some concrete. Jay heard the car drive away.
    “Okay,” Nya giggled, sounding slightly embarrassed. “You can look.”
    Light flew into his eyes as he shot them open. He blinked a few times and observed the building in front of him. It was a fairly average-looking concrete building on the outside, but the windows were plastered with 80s-themed patterns, stickers, and paint. He gazed up at the sign that marked the building, which read in bright neon letters, “Ninjago Roller Rink.”
    He turned to his girlfriend with a shy smirk. “Nya, what is this?”
    “Okay, okay, so. It looks a bit run down. But I remember that you were into roller skating as a kid. So I just thought-“
    He pulled her into a tight hug, his excitement growing. “This is awesome! Let’s go!”
    He tried to rush to the door, but Nya got there first and held it open for him. “Ladies first,” she said.
    “Ha-ha,” he joked, unable to hide his grin. They stepped confidently into the building.
    The floor, cheap carpet with an 80s pattern, stretched out beneath them. There were party tables all around them, broken up by counters on the side of the right wall selling the snacks and roller blades. And on their left down a ramp, in all its glory, was the large wooden rink with a disco ball hanging above it. Popular 80s music played but it was barely heard among the conversations of the many people in the building.
    The couple got stares as they entered, but they were too excited to care too much. They rented their skates and set off towards the rink.
    They stepped out onto the floor and the rink suddenly cleared. Bunches of people crowded around the edges to watch two ninja in fancy clothes do normal people stuff.
    While Jay eased on Nya stepped on immediately, and almost fell to the floor but grabbed hold of the edge just in time. She looked surprised.
    “You’ve never done this before, huh?” Jay questioned, sympathetic.
    She shook her head, blushing. “I didn’t know it was that difficult.”
    “Well it’s not, once you learn. Here, let me show you.” He held out his hand.
    She grunted but took hold of it.
    A scene flashed in Jay’s brain. He was forced to remember. The rooftops of the tall, wide building of the city stretched before him, and he felt a feeling of dread, the intrusive thought that this was where it started. He dropped her hand suddenly.
    “Jay? Are you okay?” Nya asked, worried.
    He took her hand again quickly. “Yeah,” he lied. “Just a little nervous, I guess.”
    He took her along the walls of the rink, guiding her with his words. But all the while, he was wondering what had happened. It’s not like it was the first time they’d held hands, of course. So why get so heavily reminded of that now? He was fooling himself. He knew the answer. None of the other ninja were around. Just like… he shook his head. No, stop Jay, you’re literally on a date, he told himself.
    They were eventually off of the walls together, rolling slowly and steadily around the rink. Since it was empty, there was no need to go in the required circles, so they freely went where was best.
    “Alright,” he said gently. “I’m gonna let go now.”
    She looked at him, panicked. “Wait! Don’t!”
    Jay gave her a serious look. “I’m going to, okay? Are you ready?”
    She paused for a second and then nodded.
    “You sure?”
    She nodded again.
    With a gasp from the crowds, they let go together and Nya rolled ahead. She picked up her pace as they cheered, feeling confident, and then promptly lost her balance and fell down in a tangle of girl, skates and kimono.
    She punched the ground. “This is never going to work!”
    Jay frowned. “Don’t say that, you’re doing real good! Look,” he brightened up a bit, “next time I’ll wait until you really want to do it yourself.”
    Reluctantly, she nodded, and took his outstretched hand again. As he pulled her up the music turned to a certain kind of song. An incredibly sappy, incredibly overly fitting song.
    “Oh.” As Jay scratched the back of his head, getting all red, the crowds murmured in wondrous anticipation. He looked around and saw the guy behind the counter put his phone down with a wink. “I guess this isn’t really what you expected,” he told her nervously.
    “It’s cool,” she shrugged, smiling. “Besides, I wanna show you off.”
    He chuckled. “I wanna show me off, too.”
    And then it became perfect.
    Nya picked up the skating incredibly quickly and was able to do very well by herself after just a few seconds. They rejoined at certain points and laughed. When he caught gazes from the crowd, Jay did some age-old skating tricks from way back, rousing several cheers. He always looked back at Nya wherever she was, who was always sporting a proud smile. It was foolish. It was childish. It was fantastic.
    But their finish wasn’t as strong at all.
    They met up towards the end of the song and started to feel something deep in the memories of their bones. Deep in their roller dance, they didn’t think and posed in a way they’d done before- in a fight. Like an instinct of feel-good thrill, they posed, and Jay suddenly gripped his head and fell to the floor.
    It was dark and they were on top of a shining tower. Maybe they might’ve been able to hear the sounds of the black ocean, just maybe, if not for the cries and shouts of leader-blinded, bloodthirsty pirates. They were back to back, their swords drawn, fighting off the swarms of their enemies that no longer even existed within their realm. Jay thought of the lighthouse and this time he couldn’t stop.
    “Jay!” Nya gasped, and the crowd let out shouts of concern. He was brought back to reality with their noise- somehow not hers. He was breathing heavily, still on the dirty wooden floor.
    “I can’t…” he was almost okay when the music switched to something that bored into his brain. He’d never heard it before but it was saying things that couldn’t be unheard.
    “We’re alone together, in a familiar place.”
    He couldn’t stand it.
    “Waves beat upon the rocks and moonbeams shine upon your face.”
    It was pop and terrible but it still existed, and as Jay continued to fall in and out of reality he felt himself being hoisted from the floor by someone strong. “Let’s get you some water… ‘SM, this music… c’mon, Jay…”
    Nya was leading him out of the rink and back onto the carpet, and in her hold he found himself back in the roller rink’s building- but not completely. She sat him down at one of the tables and left him staring at the ground for a moment. When she returned she put an opened bottle of chilled water right in front of him, and wearily, he took a few sips.
    A teenage girl from the crowds, who were now mostly filtering back onto the roller rink, shuffled up to them shyly. “Is the blue ninja okay?” She asked.
    “Yes,” Nya snapped, which quickly sent the girl scuttling away.
    “Better?” She asked, her voice edged with worry. Jay nodded. She sighed, smiling in relief. “That’s good.”
    “Oh, but I ruined it…” he groaned, staring at the top of the table.
    “Ruined what?” She asked, confused.
    “Our date…”
    Nya gave his hair a ruffle. “No ya didn’t. Let’s go talk about this over some lunch.”
    Twenty minutes later they were ordering their favorite dishes from Chen’s Noodle House. They sat along the edge of the kitchen and a familiar face decided to pop into their conversation.
    “I think I know what happened,” Nya answered after said familiar face asked.
    “Oh, what then?” Pushed Skylor, leaning in.
    “I just can’t get it out of my brain. Now that we decided to do something on our own, I guess,” Jay frowned, feeling absolutely terrible.
    “It’s difficult to explain,” Nya said quickly, before Skylor delved too deep into speculation.
    The redhead left for a brief moment to grab their food, and returned looking excited for a tale.
    Jay picked around at his noodles. “You’re not gonna believe me, but it’s a different timeline. That only Nya and I remember, I think. It involves a lot of evil pirates, and everyone being trapped in a sword, and Ninjago being in the sky. You were part of my ninja replacements,” Skylor gave him a weird look as he was mid sentence, “and Nya even…”
    He paused and dropped his chopsticks back in the tub. Nya stopped eating suddenly, and looked down, feeling sick.
    “Nya what?”
    “Nothing important,” Nya said, trying to force another bite of food into her mouth.
    “Well, hm,” said Skylor, looking a little put off, “sounds like you guys need to somehow sort this out.”
    “Yeah,” Jay stared at his food. “I know. You’re right. We have to stop pretending like it never happened. We have to think about it. Sort out all the lost… stuff from it.” He reached into a pocket to pull out his wallet, but Nya was there first, holding her card out to Skylor with a smile.
    She shook her head. “Today’s on me, ya crazy lovebirds. I just hope things are okay for you from now on.”
“Thanks,” said Jay with an exasperated sigh. “You’re a life-saver, Skylor.”
    “Well, where do we start, then?” Nya asked when Skylor left them, looking at Jay with some nervousness.
    He narrowed his eyes and gave one of his eyes a rub. “The lighthouse.”
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nopanamaman · 6 years
Post those early character designs please, I'm so curious!
Alrighty boys, this is going to be a big and embarassing one! 
I had to dig through a bunch of sketchbooks and school notes to find these, but here we are - I present to you, from the distant year of 2015, THE EARLIEST KATYA I COULD FIND:
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AND SHE LOOKS FUCKING WEIRD. Which, I guess, is not surprising. And honestly, compared to the other two, she hasn’t changed that much at all!
Really though there have been so many shitty sketches of these guys over the years that I can’t possibly post all of their versions. However, I have compiled this really ugly thing to give you the general idea of what they used to look like (in no particular chronological order):
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1. The second earliest KT all the way from January 2016 (just like all the other ones here!). Again, I’m genuinely surprised at how little she had changed since then! Though, at that point she didn’t have any particular monster powers, so I guess that was kind of a drastic one hahah
2. A very early version of Sasha! She changed the most out of the three, and I’m really happy to have almost completely redesigned her for the pv! This old striped shirt one was based on a RIDICULOUSLY edgy story I was writing when I was around 13, but I’m kinda glad my girl retained some of her angsty disposition (*cue Pain by Three Days Grace*)
3. Just a smol Olya hello
4. Yura’s appearance hasn’t changed that much over the years, but his personality definitely has! He started out as a perfectionist preppy kid, but eventually turned into more of a sarcastic asshole-type character. And honestly? He’s still kind of is! While the guy definitely became a lot more (outwardly) chill, he’s still pretty damn sassy, which, AGAIN, is a detail I sadly failed to really convey in the pv! I hope to better show that side of him in the next one oof
5. brb suing detroit for stealing my 2016 sergei design fucking shameful man smh
Seriously though I looked at it for the first time in years and all I see now is that DBH dude. Also if you didn’t think Sergei could get any more square shaped than he is now, check out the jaw on this one. And there’s that full-on jackass version of Yura right next to him!
6. Now this is a design that stuck with Sanya for most of her grand OC life - the overalls! I have no idea why it survived for that long because it didn’t fit her colour scheme or personality at all I hate those things and I’m glad I got rid of them 
7. Just a silly early drawing of the three driving a comically small car - it’s disproportional and wonky, but I still kinda like it! I have good memories associated with it, too, so maybe that’s the reason 
8. The latest of all these sketches (but also from 2016), the two kids wearing some baseball gear. While these obviously didn’t and couldn’t stick around as their usual outfits, I ended up basing Sanya’s redesign on this particular look (and the I Hate It! girl, obviously)!
And that’s about it! Really I haven’t even shown off some of the other characters yet (the two kids who were supposed to be the protagonists for the longest time, for example!), but there is so much stuff that I think it’d be near impossible to do in a post like this! In the end, after looking through all of these old notebooks, I feel like I relieved a part of my life! And, of course, it’s always nice to see yourself improve even a little, and I’m glad I learned to make character designs that are a lot more coherent🙏
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jimlingss · 5 years
I can't believe you ended chp 16 of Jp like that...i want to fight 😭
if you fight me, i’m guaranteed to be hospitalized ((look at these noodle arms)) and then who will post the next chapter on Monday? uh huuuh, that’s what I thought. Think twice before you wanna square up. (ง •̀_•́)ง
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I am now answering spoiler-y messages below, so beware....
Massive spoilers to come, please do not read if you have not yet read Jungle Park Chapter 16. Or go ahead and read if you’re chaotic like that.
Anonymous said: ok but what if oc and Hoseok were actually engaged....
I’m an idiot, anon - I accidentally deleted your ask before I copied it correctly lol oops, but ding ding ding! correct! you’re a winner!! i believe you sent me this message like 2 chapters ago and honestly you freaked me out by how accurate you were. dammit, I might’ve been too predictable, but you catch on quick. sorry i couldn’t answer sooner hahaha i couldn’t risk other people jumping on the same theory. you’re a genius tho, i’ll give you props for it.
Anonymous said: DATED!FOR 4 YEARS! ENGAGED! Omg wow shit really hit the fan like there is no coming back omg Wowoowoeoeoeooew I’m SHOOK like I never expected that like NEVER!!!
Anonymous said:I KNEW IT!!! i had a feeling it was either a really long relationship or they were engaged at one point. TURNS OUT IT WAS BOTH omg gahdhsjxbjsjs I'm so excited to see this all just unravel omgomgomgomg
kawaii-ing said: FhbsjshJuxYhUgrnziVJgdjsbdud JUNGLE PARK CHAPTER 16 JUST WRECKED ME YO 😱😱😱😱😱 HE KNOWS AND SHE DOESNT KNOW HE KNOWS IM SO CURIOUS FOR WHATS GONNA HAPPEN NOW Btw lovvvveeee your writing, thanks for all your hard work boo xxx💜💜
Anonymous said: omgg 4 years? ENGAGED?? I’m ??? jut WHAT happened
:O :O
Anonymous said: BROOOOOOO! THEY WERE ENGAGED :o *insert Pikachu meme*
pikachu meme?? hahaha is that a sarcastic surprise? so you weren’t actually? lolololol :O
Anonymous said: Ahh I loved jungle park 16!! I'm so excited for the angst to come 👀 is hoseok's car accident related to oc at all?
hmm guess you’ll have to wait and see ((but also just putting it out there that if it was related that would be pretty makjang and lol im not about that life with this series))
Anonymous said: (1)oh holy hell Kina,,,my head’s hurting bcs of JP:16. ENGAGED what?? huh. now its one of my fav chapters, like 4-6 (ah those innocent cute baby steps in hoseok’s&oc’s relationship,,,not THIS). but freaking FINALLY someone spilled the beans. i love this kind of scenes, THE truth revelation. chang’s unaware of storm hes causing with his words, hoseok’s world’s simply crushing, oc doesnt know yet whats happening&dae is helplessly watching from sidelines trying to stop the catastrophe&failing
Anonymous said:(2)thats sad. i kinda can imagine what hoseoks feeling now, plagued w question that almost no one’s willing to answer, that drive him crazy.what happened? why did oc hide the truth? what did i do, how bad did we hurt each other? why can’t i remember any of it fuck. its a perfect opportunity for insecurities&ugly thoughts&inner demons to poison his mind. and oc...her house of cards collapsed revealing things she was trying hard to escape. will she feign ignorance again or will she finally face it
Anonymous said:(3)i just hope that in the end after this storm theyll reach their own peace, whatever the outcome will be. past stays in past, but only if every issue is resolved. otherwise it might return later&be worse than before. it was a great chapter. thank you — chem
THE BEANS HAVE BEEN SPILLED!!! honestly the universe is in chaos right now lol Hoseok’s like the fuck....and oc doesn’t even know lol but yeah it’s definitely a sad situation for almost all parties. there’s still more to be revealed tho, like the actual details of what the fuck went on haha anyways, i’m glad you’re enjoying it!
Anonymous said: AAHHHHH ITS FINALLY HERE!! Thank you 💞💞. Wow it was truly a lot and honestly, I feel kinda scared for Hoseok... it’s crazy that he really doesn’t remember anything and learning all this new information is like being in another word. If this story wasn’t one about love and fluff, it could’ve totally turned into a horror story lol. Thank you again and I’m very excited to see where the story goes!!
a horror? can’t say im very good at the genre but that’s definitely an interesting concept....the more i think about it....like for someone to go through something suppper traumatic and not remember at all and someone appears in their life but it turns out that someone was actually the serial killer? dammmmn that would be really interesting. i digress, thank you for enjoying it. definitely Hoseok is lost, scared, confused.
Anonymous said: SHIT’S 🗣 HITTING 🗣 THE 🗣 FAN 🗣 omg *insert “she’s meditating” “she’s dead” meme* and the fact that this is just the beginning??? how?? what?? i’m honestly so skek for the next chapter like i dont think hoseok’s gonna go apeshit on yn but you never know now do you ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ superb chapter for reals!!!! like, all of your writing is great but this chapter?? *chef’s kiss* didnt even know i was an angst fan until this chapter lol sending all my love to you!!! - chanting anon
hahhahahahhahaha there’s a lot more to unravel. now the puzzle has been exposed, we gotta start looking at the details. thank you for the message *throws chef’s kiss back* also welcome to the angst realm lol
Anonymous said: finals starts at the 20th and school ends in the 24th and we're still at chap 1 on our research. Due to stress, i thought, hey, might as well read the latest chapter bUT WHO KNEW IT WOULD BRING ME MORE STRESS. FOUR YEARS?! ENGAGED?! i feel like hoseok right now. You make such awesome stories and worlds. It affects me in so many good ways i cant even. i dont always give you my thoughts per chapter but i want you to know that i scream at every single one of them. have a nice day! - anon h.a.n.d.
oh my goodness!!! good luck on your exams!! hahah im sorry the chapter isn’t very much comfort food and kind of more wild but still happy you enjoyed it! 
Anonymous said: PT. 15 & 16?! WHAT. I COME BACK TO TWO CHAPTERS. HOLY COW. but really, like now that I know what I know, I’m so sad. I wonder what their relationship was like. That’s a lot of time to invest in someone and for it to fall apart like that... I couldn’t imagine what OC had to go through. I’m sad BUT THE DEVELOPMENT IS MAKING ME SO FREAKIN EXCITED. THANK YOU FOR GIVING US SOME ANSWERS ABOUT THE PAST. I CANT WAIT TO SEE HOW MUCH ELSE HE FINDS OUT.
I KNOW RIGHT?? LIKE FOUR YEARS IS A FUCKING LONG TIME. then again that was like 8 years ago. but yeah, it’s sad for both oc and Hoseok, y’know? I’M GLAD YOU’RE EXCITED!!!
Anonymous said: Great Jungle Park chapter! I'm pissed because SOMEONE SPOILED IT and i saw they were engaged before i could even click on the 'read more',,, but great chapter! I wish i could've read it without knowing, it kinda made me sad and it was not as great as it could have been.. @people spoiling, fuck off >:(( @you you're the best writer ily u nice keep going!! Can't wait to have Hoseok's full mind process over how crazy it is he doesn't remember 4 YEARS and an ENGAGEMENT (and only 2 dates huhu)
haha chill, anon. did you actually know that spoilers can make someone enjoy a story more? it’s actually a really interesting thing to google and find out more about. the chapter’s still the same whether you had an inkling of what was going on or not. you still enjoyed it too, right?  :D 
Anonymous said: CRAP OK, well, we knew it was something more than two days, but HONESTLY lol I love how you wrote y/n trying to keep it together. I could feel her fear as she lost control of the situation when Hoseok showed up. Do you think in her mind she even slightly expected him to show up? I'm assuming she's very internal w/ her thoughts/feelings seeing as she doesn't talk to anyone about what happened between her & Hobi all those years ago nor has she dealt w/ it, mostly just avoided it, would you say?
oh yeah oc was on the verge of a mental breakdown when he showed up rofl, damn near scared her. he was basically like a jumpscare LOL. but yeah for sure she didn’t expect him to come. i mean she basically told him and he was like ‘ok whatever’ and didn’t express interest and it’s not like he got an invite so she didn’t know he would actually go out of his way to show up. and yeah i agree, oc’s very internal with her feelings, or at least what happened all those years ago. it’s sensitive issues anyway that she’s left behind. or at least tried to.
Changsub isn’t the dumbass that we wanted. But the dumbass we needed.
((don’t you love how oc tried so hard to keep it a secret for like 16 chapters aka like near a year and some idiot comes trapezing in and in his first scene he just spills all the beans??? hahahha))
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acrobaticcatfeline · 6 years
Rebuilding a Broken Mind, an Orphan Sanders fic
Word Count: 6484
TW: swearing, only a little bit, death mention, murder mention, doctors? patton is a veterinarian, idk if doctors is a trigger but you know better safe than sorry, i wrote thomas as bi and married to a chick but hes dead so like? also patton is pan and likes a chick. patton gets overwhelmed and cries a lot.
Notes: This is my orphan au and i cherish it they’re all such goods.
Pairings: uh none really, thomas and valerie, patton is crushing on my OC.
Summary: “Oh! Um, hi! My name is Patton Sanders, nice to meet you! Um, I’m 20, a veterinarian, and well, I’m an orphan.” Patton lost his parents when he was 15 and had to raise himself and his three younger brothers on his own. hes 20 now, and hes got a job and hes starting to get his life together. Of course with reminders of his parents constantly surrounding him, it makes it hard to really move on.
Oh! Um, hi! My name is Patton Sanders, nice to meet you! Um, I’m 20, a veterinarian, and well, I’m an orphan. I have three little brothers named Virgil, Logan, and Roman! They are so super awesome! Virgil is the sporty guy at his high school, he’s 17 and the captain of like, all of the schools’ sport teams! Logan is my little genius! He’s only 14, but he’s a whole two years ahead and in high school with Virge! Roman is my theatre kiddo, he’s in every arts program at his school and knows how to play just about every instrument at only 9!!! Now, as for me, I’m nothing special, I just try really really hard, so my brothers are safe. I triple timed high school and college so that by the time I turned 18 I had my degree in veterinary medicine. Logan claims I pulled an Aaron Burr by doing this, which I don’t fully understand, but I assume it’s a cool thing. I only did what I had to though, we were already orphaned by the time I started high school, which meant we had no money for college. My high school said that it would pay all my college expenses if I followed the guidelines set, and so I super dashed through school. I managed to ace just about all my classes with some help from my friends and siblings. But that isn’t what this is about. I’m not the focus in this story, I’m just the narrator and eyes. This is a story about 4 kids forced to grow up far too fast. This is a story of the children of the most amazing people. Because when it comes down to it, we’re broken minds, struggling to put ourselves back together.
               Now, to start, we have to explain what happened first. Our parents, Thomas and Val Sanders were out at a college play that a friend of theirs was a part of. Unfortunately, they never made it out alive. One of the people attending the play started a shoot-out with about 5 others helping him. Nearly the whole auditorium was killed. Including them.
We had no living next of kin, so a family friend took us in for a short while before dropping us all off at the orphanage. I will never forget that day. I remember them letting us grab our important things from our old house. I remember crying while holding all my siblings close. I remember having to be dragged out of my home. I remember the looks of pure pity from the orphanage staff. I remember them trying to separate me from my brothers. I remember almost punching them. I remember the name of the staff member who was the only one to understand and let us stay together, his name was Terrance. I remember hugging him before we were ushered off. I remember the confusion from Roman when we told him we weren’t going home. I remember Virgil carrying him around telling him that this was home now, with faux excitement and a plastic smile. I remember Roman thinking mom and dad were still coming back, and none of us having the heart to tell him otherwise. I remember Logan not speaking at all for the next month. But most of all, I remember the broken parts that got littered everywhere we went.
I was 15. Roman was only 4. We were broken beyond repair. At least, I thought we were. I thought for sure that we were going to go straight from the orphanage to the homeless shelter. But I did it. I managed to do something, and it changed our lives forever.
The day before I turned 18, I went through with my plan. I have friends named Joan and Talyn who already had a house due to Talyn’s parents having money to spare. They let us stay with them for as long as we needed. We brought all of our things over and we explained the rules of this new situation. My bros were quick to follow instruction. The next day we officially moved out of the horrible child prison we were owned by. I was already well into my job as a vet tech and was able to fully become a veterinarian the next month due to my boss seeing that I was at least twice as competent as the resident vets. And so, it began.
It was bittersweet when we got our own place, as Joan and Talyn had grown to adore my little brothers in the short year we lived there. But I had finally earned enough money to rent a house, plus the orphanage contacted me, telling me about a very large inheritance we apparently had, which was somehow enough to buy said house. We ended up moving in and used the money I earned for beds and a couch.
Over the next year we bought more furniture and accessories as we saw fit. At the present moment, my room is bright blue with animal posters and pop culture references sprawled about randomly. Logan and Roman’s room is split in half. One side is meticulous with dark blue and black walls and a few nerdy posters, mostly of doctor who and Sherlock Holmes. The other however, was messy as all get out, had musical posters everywhere and usually had the mess all the way up to the metaphorical line. Logan never complained unless Roman’s things crossed it. Now Virgil confused me. I was planning on him sharing a room with me, but he refused, claiming that I needed privacy and rest since I was working full time and he wasn’t. All he wanted was a couch, some bedding, music, and some makeup. Because I’m a stubborn mule, whenever he lets me buy him things, I buy him the most bestest makeup and all his favorite albums, as well as some of the best headphones sold. He gets mad at me, but he deserves the world and more.
Okay, now we’re in the present! So, I might as well start the actual story now. Ok well then. Its Friday morning, today the big game at the high school is happening, which means Virgil has to leave early for practice. By early, I mean about the time that I leave for work which is 6 am.
I get up and make food like I normally do, only doubled because Lo and Virge usually sleep for another half an hour. Ro always gets up with me because I’m his ride to school. Virgil has a motorcycle that he drives himself and Logan to school on. I start up some friendly conversation as we eat, Virgil still groggy from sleep.
“are you ready for the game today? Isn’t it against the school rivals? I hope you guys beat them again, but I’m sure you will with such a good captain!!!” I wink at him as he chuckles.
“yeah, we’ve got this, if anything, I’ve got this, and that’s really the point. Yeah, it’s our rivals, the panthers, today. Not that they’ve ever been a challenge. We’ve swept the floor with them for countless years. And thanks for the poorly concealed compliment. Do we have anymore coffee?” he rambles off answers to my questions.
“yeah, but I don’t get paid til tomorrow and there’s only a cup worth left. Proceed at your own risk.” As soon as I say it, Logan zooms to the coffee and brews it for himself, cackling maniacally (giggling cutely).
“HAHAH!!! You will never get a drop of the saccharine nectar!!! Tis mine, forever and always!” he brushes his hair back with his hand and smiles at us. Roman beams and stands up in a fighting stance.
“thou shalt not loot this poor pauper of his deserved libation!!! Come at me thy villainous fiend!” and quickly the two start playing mock sword fighting. Me and Virgil laugh as Logan gets vanquished and the cup of coffee gets given to V. Logan ends up stealing some still, to my amusement.
We end up splitting up as the kiddos go to school and I head to work. I walk in, put on my coat, and then the place blows up. There is a half dead dog on my table and another 2 that are at least stable waiting. I’m apparently the only actual vet that showed up today. Great. Today’s gonna be fun.
 I’m not gonna go into what happened at work, because honestly, not much happened. It was an average day at work, but now is time for the interesting part!!! So, the big game at the high school is happening today right? Well, let me talk about it!
So, I go and pick up Roman from school and head over to the high school while asking Ro about his day. He learned a healthy amount of animal and plant biology, so I talk about some of the things he didn’t understand and made a few biology puns which were received quite well luckily! When we get to the school, I call Logan to figure out where he had stationed himself. We meet up and find a nice spot on the bleachers. Not long after, the teams came out and started playing. Virgil is easy to spot, not to mention the announcers are constantly shouting about him as he keeps running the ball the furthest of either team. The game is pretty average for the most part, up until the very end. Virge takes the win but not a second after, he gets tackled full force to the ground. I stand up and look over the crowd as I see him up again, shoving the other guy away. The guy gets up close to his face and I think Virgil is going to punch him-oh god please don’t punch him. The guy gets dragged away by the referee and Virgil has a bunch of teammates coming to check on him and I feel much less on edge. I shouldn’t though. As soon as I think it’s done the announcers go quiet and the stands go crazy as Virgil uppercuts the guy and then knees him in the stomach.
“what just happened there?! Kyle, why did Sanders just risk his high school career like that?!”
“Fitton insulted sanders’ younger brother.” Oh. Oh no. Oh HELL NO! Logan stands up and looks in the direction of the guy and visibly shudders. Oh, he’s lucky that V got to him first. Oh, I might be going to jail guys! The rest of this story might be told from prison!
“Logan, do you know that guy?” I ask calmly. He looks at me before turning away.
“um, yeah. He uh, he’s an ex of mine…” I tense up. He’s never told me about him having been in a relationship! He tells me everything! Ugh, that’s not important right now…
“is he a freshman? I haven’t seen him on the team before.” Lo nods.
“yeah, we met at the local library. I didn’t tell you cuz I didn’t think you’d want me to date someone and um, never mind… Anyways, we broke up cuz he was trying to pressure me into doing um, bad things.” I twitch. Oh, I might kill him. I shake my head and take Roman’s hand and start walking down towards the team to pick up Virgil. We get down there and I check up on Virgil, checking for medical issues; he very well could have gotten another concussion. I get distracted when Virgil hisses at something behind me.
“oh, calm down parselhead. I wasn’t even coming over here for you” I hear in a low drawl behind me. “how’s it hanging bookie?”
“first off, I’ve told you what that actually means and that that nickname bothers me, please cease this instant, and second, I’m doing fine how are you Loki?” I hear Logan say calmly.  I tense slightly and turn around with an angry look on my face.
“Logan you don’t have to answer if you don’t want to. I know for certain I wouldn’t if I were you.” Logan looks at me but shakes his head.
“I can converse with an ex and still be civil about it Pat. It’s no problem.” he smiles softly at me, but I can’t help the anger that swells in my chest seeing the huge smirk that this guy is wearing.
“yeah Patton we can be civil here, no need for this hostility. Anyways, I’m doing fantastic Logan! Thank you for asking! I even have a new boyfriend, one who doesn’t try to keep me a secret.” His voice is contradictory to his words.
“it was two years ago, and I was twelve and still in an orphanage, I didn’t need my older brother worrying about me anymore than he already did. Plus, I barely understood my emotions, how do you think I would deal with my brothers’?” Logan crosses his arms and looks up at him accusingly.
“I dunno, I sorta thought you were enjoying the relationship, but you just ended it for no reason, citing your brother as too intimidating to cross, and neither of them look that scary to me.” He says and I look over to Logan in confusion. He walks closer to him and starts talking again, harsher than before.
“you and I both know that wasn’t what happened. You got pissed off that I didn’t want to go smoke and bang you arrogant prick. Also, I’d watch what you say about my brothers if I were you.” He just smirks while he backs away.
“okay then, I see I’m no longer wanted here. See you round bookie.” He walks away, and Logan shakes his head and face palms.
“every fricking time… I try to be civil but he always… ugh never mind it doesn’t matter. V are you okay? I don’t know what Loki said, but I can almost guarantee it was a lie. Also, he has a ridiculously hard skull, don’t ask how I know that, are you bleeding? Concussed?” Logan looks up at Virgil with a worried smile.
“yeah, I’m sure it was a lie, didn’t make it any less enraging. And no, I’m not bleeding or concussed. You dated him? How?! He’s such a prick!!!” Logan laughs.
“I don’t know, he was interesting. He told good stories and listened to me when I needed to vent. He’s also an incredibly good pillow. Really, he was just, the person I needed at the time, I guess.” He shrugs. Virgil is still watching him leave with an angry glare fixed on his face. I decide to change the topic.
“hey guys, you want pizza for dinner tonight? Food for champions!” the other three smile and cheer. V changes out and we head home, and I hand make three pizzas from scratch the way that we usually like it. Dad loved pizza and he said my pizza was the best, so I usually make it for celebrations or as a pick-me-up. It seems like its serving as both tonight. While its baking I make a couple of announcements.
“okay, so I’m going shopping tomorrow morning, but when I’m done with that, I thought we’d go visit Joan and Talyn? They have some presents for you all.” All three of them look up from what they were doing with wide eyes and smiles.
“YEEEEESSS!!! JOAN AND TALYN ARE SUPER AWESOMAZINGSAUCE YAAAAAAYYY!!!” Roman screams. I giggle as Roman jumps around and hugs me. Logan laughs along with me as he pulls Roman away.
“calm down Ro, Pat is cooking, you can’t be that close to the hot oven. I’m excited too, yes Ro.” Virgil looks at me questioningly.
“why do they always get us gifts? It seems like every time we see them, they have stacks of presents for us.” I shrug.
“well, I sort of introduced my lifelong friends to my 7, 12, and 15-year-old brothers who were sort of helpless at the time. They like me, but they adore you guys. Some kind of cool grandparent syndrome I guess.” Virgil laughs loudly at this as the pizzas beep. I pull them out to cool and tell some more puns to pass the time. The evening goes on without a hitch, we play a round of word association games as we eat our pizza. I pack up the leftovers in lunch bags for the 4 of us and then clean up the kitchen. As I finish with that, Roman shouts for me to tell him a story.
I tell a story of a brave prince who has to protect his kingdom from a fierce dragon witch. The dragon witch had stolen away the princes soon to be bride. The prince fought through many trials to save his fiancé, however he was beaten to it by another beautiful princess who had won the maidens heart instead. The prince was of course fair, as the princess had fairly bested him, and so he went on a mission to love himself before he went around looking for a fitting bride-or groom, again. Roman sleepily cheers and snuggles into a black cat plush V gave him.
The most difficult to get to sleep is Logan, who just wants to read all night. He changes to a different book just as I walk over to his desk. “Lo, you need to go to bed. You want to be well rested for tomorrow kiddo. You can read your book tomorrow, I promise the ending won’t change, and it won’t leave without you.” He yawns, he has had a long day.
“if I go to sleep will you sing for me? Please?” he looks at me with puppy dog eyes.
“of course, Lo. Bookmark your page and go get ready for bed and I’ll sing for you.” He smiles and rushes off to get ready. He’s back in a few minutes.
“can you sing dads old lullaby? If not its ok but-” I cut him off.
“of course, I can Lo.”
“somewhere there’s someone who wants you to be
How they want you to be, their opinion
They’ll paint you the colors that they wanna see
And to them, its Monet,
But to you, it’s a gray, silhouette
So, pick up a pencil, a stencil, a crayon,
The picture is not finished yet
You can let someone else tell you your story,
You can let someone else tell you what’s true
Or you can set yourself free,
Climb the tallest highest tree,
Or maybe sit back and take in the view,
You can let yourself, let yourself do
By the time I finish the chorus, Logan is sound asleep, snoring softly and cuddling an owl plush. I get up, tuck him in, turn off the lights, then head into the living room. Virgil is laying on the couch with his headphones on full blast. I grab his sleep meds and a cup of water and hand them over to him.
“hey, you shouldn’t listen to your music that loud, it could damage your hearing. You don’t have to listen to me, but I just wanted to let you know. I worry about you guys, you know?” he smiles and takes the meds. He turns down the volume on his headphones and nods.
“sorry Pat, I didn’t realize they were that loud. And, we worry about you too. You do way more for us than you have to. Anyways, thanks for the meds and sleep well okay? Don’t stay up all night again.” I giggle and nod before giving him a quick hug and going to my room.
I do a few pieces of paperwork that I wasn’t able to do before the end of my shift and send a quick text to my vet tech Elenora, checking in on her, as she’s been off on vacation and she’s supposed to be getting back tomorrow, and she has some things she needs to pick up at the office. She’s also absolutely amazing and sweet and beautiful and I love talking to her so so much. But that’s beside the point. After I get all of that done, I check the time, realizing that its now 11:45 and I should have been in bed an hour ago. I quickly fall asleep soon after luckily.
The next day is super-duper hectic so like, hold onto your horses, this is gonna be a wild ride! Okay okay, so I get up at 8 and go shopping, blah blah, tons of coffee because my boys and I have a problem. I unload everything by 10 which is when the kiddos are waking up. Virgil apologizes for not waking up to help but I wave him off as I start to make a small lunch because three meals a day, but Joan and Talyn are probably going to take us out for lunch knowing them, so I don’t want us to lose our appetite, that’d be rude! Anyways I set out the 4 plates and eat mine before going to take a quick shower. By the time I shower and change, all three of them are conversing around the table. I smile fondly because, hey, I helped raise these fantastic kiddos! LOOK AT MY BROTHERS!!! Okay, I’m good now. I walk up to the table and they all smile happily at me before going back to their debate.
“listen, if you have straight caffeine you die, therefore this stuff is totally deadly and like, we’re slowly killing ourselves by drinking it.” Virgil says, being devil’s advocate per usual.
“well yes but that’s like chlorine and sodium!!! They are both deadly elements on their own, but together give us salt! Not to mention that even too much water can kill a human! And! Another point, coffee is a natural occurrence just like water!!! In reasonable quantities, coffee is perfectly safe!!!” Logan rants passionately making me glad that I invested some money into speech and debate for him. Roman grins.
“but if water, coffee, and salt could kill us, does that mean that the world is trying to kill all life on it?!? are we living on a death rock?!? LOGAN IS THE WORLD GONNA KILL US?!?!” his grin slowly gets sadder and more scared as he continues. Logan flinches slightly.
“I mean, technically humans have been killing the earth for years so I wouldn’t put it out of the question that that is the reason that everything on earth is potentially deadly to humans. That would make sense… gosh darn it why do you always send me into steadily collapsing bouts of existentialism?” Logan shakes his head likely jumping into one of his existential crises.
“do I want to know the opening remarks?” I ask and they all shake their heads no. I grab a mug and make myself some creamer with a hint of coffee. Heheh!!! Caramel coffee is very good, but caramel mint coffee is even better! Roman runs off to get changed right as Logan goes to take a quick shower. V asks to change in my room which I am totally ok with because of course!!!
Oh! I should say what we’re wearing shouldn’t I? okay okay, so I wear my favorite pair of khakis, which are quite worn from wear. I wear a pun-ny shirt about dogs, and a tan cardigan with black white and purple plaid shirt underneath. I also have some nice black boots. When Roman comes out, he’s dressed in a red theatre shirt, white jeans, and a white fluffy coat, with his favorite white fluff boots. Logan comes out with his talk nerdy to me tee, black ripped skinny jeans, a black fluffy jacket, black boots, and a snap back. Virgil ends up wearing his nirvana shirt, black ripped skinny jeans, leather jacket, and black converse.
Logan sneaks up behind Roman and puts one of his Disney caps on him. Roman gasps because Lo never shares his hats. He tries to give it back but Lo tells him not to. “I got that one just for you Ro, keep it.” I think RoRo almost cries as he dashes into a cute embrace with Lo. Logan giggles as he sees his baby brother smile. It really is the best feeling ever when you can be the cause of a smile.
Soon after the scene of pure wholesomeness, we head on our way to Joan and Talyn’s house. We are greeted by happy faces and a stack of gifts. This is normal I guess, like V mentioned, they always have piles of gifts for us.
“hiya!!! Glad you could make it! We decided to make a big meal instead of going out, I hope you guys don’t mind?” Talyn grins sheepishly. “and we also invited a couple more people. Sorry we didn’t tell you it was a surprise!”
“a surprise? Who’s here?” I ask, looking around them both to see. There are more gifts than usual. And they’re gift wrapped. Oh gosh what did I forget? Wait… what month is it? oops. I might’ve said that out loud.
“its January Pat.” Joan states simply with a growing grin. Oh god, it’s my birthday soon isn’t it.
“happy early birthday Patton-cake!” Talyn yells happily. Yup. Oh, I’m an idiot. I facepalm.
“I’m glad Joan called me on Monday, otherwise I wouldn’t have gotten your presents from us and brought them over!” V smirks as we walk in. of course they were all plotting against me, I should have known! As I walk in, I see Leo, Jamahl, Dominic, Dahlia, Kenny, Derionna, Rafaela, calypso, and oh god, how did they get Elenora?!? I don’t think I’ve ever even talked about her to them!!! Not to mention that she must be horribly jetlagged!
“oh my god no way!!! I love you guys so much aaaa!!! How do you even know Elie?!?” I say as I go around giving hugs to my friends from back in high school that I’ve missed so much.
“dude, Els is in a bunch of my classes. She never shuts up about work, so it was easy to find out that you guys knew each other. Not to mention her constant fawning over ‘doctor sanders’” Elie punches Joan in the arm.
“listen here bean boozled, are you gonna keep outing me or are we gonna start this party? I estimate the time between now and when I fall unconscious from exhaustion and jetlag is t minus 4 hours.” She states matter of factly. God, I love her, I’m so far gone.
Joan and Talyn attack me with a hat while I’m fantasizing, and they laugh mischievously as they drag me over to the table.  Joan’s saying something in one ear and Talyn’s saying something else in my other and I’m confused as heck, but all my friends surround me as well as my baby brothers and start singing at me. I don’t even comprehend what they’re saying because my brain can’t remember the last time I had a surprise party, and its actively making me remember my 14th when my dad and mom threw me a giant birthday bash and it was all day long and we fell asleep in a pile on the couch and before I can stop it all the voices start freaking out and I touch my face and I finally notice that I’m crying, and gosh I just ruined it of course gosh darn it they all went out of their way to make this and now I’m just sad and crying. I feel a thud and finally pay enough attention to see Roman hugging me tightly and apologizing. I pat his head and smile at him before kneeling down and reassuring him.
“Ro Hun, it’s not your fault I’m crying, I just remember mom and dad that’s all. I was caught up in my head but I’m fine. I promise ro. Do you wanna help me blow out the candles?” Roman smiles widely and nods. I pick him up and we blow out the candles together. The others all smile and cheer. Joan stands next to me with a smirk. Oh gosh they’re going to have me do something dangerous and I’m gonna agree because its going to be fun and d a n g e r o u s.
“you realize we are stealing you tomorrow to go barhopping right? Els even offered to dd for us! I mean of course, she’s sorta still underage for a few more months, but yeah, you, me, Talyn, and els are going to have birthday bash part two and its going to sick as Fu-” I cover their mouth before they can finish their swear.
“my baby brothers are here!!! No swearing!!! It’ll hurt their poor innocent ears!!!” I see Virgil and Logan give me a skeptical look before I gesture at Roman and I see their eyes widen in realization, before they nod furiously in agreement. Roman obliviously drags Logan off to play with the bubbles that Joan had gotten to keep the little ones occupied. I uncover their mouth and shoot them a look before giving it up for a smile as I hug them.
“thank you for this Joan, it’s kind of you. You didn’t have to really, haven’t even seen you guys in a few months!”
“that’s exactly why we did it. We don’t need a reason to give the littles gifts, and if we have a reason to give you gifts you won’t turn them down. You never have been one for spontaneous presents, but you know what, I love ya man, and you deserve to get shit on your birthday you oaf. I always felt bad that you wouldn’t let me help you and the kids when we were still in high school. God its been so long now, we’re old pat! You know my mom always tells me that they’d be so proud of you whenever I tell her what you’ve been doing. She actually wanted me to give you something, its wrapped in the pile of gifts.” They winked and nodded over to the living room where far too many gifts in my opinion, were sitting. The rest of my friends were there too, keeping themselves entertained one way or another, and I saw that Logan and Roman were running around outside chasing bubbles.
I go over to the stack and feel immediately intimidated. I hear the door open and Roman and Logan come inside. They sit behind me and I grab the first present that I can reach. The wrapping is purple plaid and Virgil’s name is scrawled on the tag. I open it up and look at my brother with a mocking look as I pull out a pale blue lab coat with dog face emojis.
“oh my gosh you dork I love it!!!” I pull it on quickly, seeing how it fits and beam at him.
“I’m glad. You’ve got another one somewhere from me” ugh of course that’s how there’s so many gifts.
I grab the next one with the same wrapping and rip it open only to see a new surgical kit, which I had been desperately needing to get but had been avoiding. They’re ridiculously expensive and I haven’t had the money to spare. I don’t know how vee could have managed to get that much money, and I don’t understand why he would spend it on me. I feel tears welling up in my eyes for the second time today, and launch myself at Virgil, picking him up and twirling him around. I see Elenora look at the tools out of the corner of my eyes.
“holy crap how did you afford these? This set is worth almost a thousand!” Virgil gives a feeble look as I set him down.
“I’ve been saving up for a few months, no big, you had mentioned you needed a new set a while ago, and I know you wouldn’t let anyone give you one. You can’t give this one back otherwise it’d be wasted so ha I win.” He ends with a smirk, and I punch him in the arm for calling me out on my OCD about work.
I grab my next gift which is a deep red with a matching bow. I peel off the paper and see a Pooh bear onesie and I smile down at it before laying back to smile at Roman who is giggling loudly.
“Lo helped me find it!!! I know you love Pooh, so I thought you’d like it!!!”
“he had tried to get you a size that fit him at first it was really quite adorable. We got him a Tigger one to match but we told him he had to keep it hidden until you got yours.”
I reached out for a hug and instead Roman kissed my nose then pushed me back into a sitting position. I huffed dramatically before grabbing my next gift, from Logan. I rip open the striped paper and see a book called animal madness, about animal mental health, and I feel my smile widen. There’s another book, by Jackson galaxy called total cat mojo and I might have squealed a little bit?
“I had imagined so, you have said that a couple of your patients have had mental issues more than physical and you’ve seen them more often due to their owners not knowing how to treat them, I hope the books hold deeper insight than google.”
I give him a big hug, and then grab the next presents, opening one after another all very sweet but also rather irrelevant gifts including coffee, cooking ware, and fandom stuff. I eventually get to Elenora’s gift though, which I was slightly scared about opening if I’m being honest? It could be anything, what would she get me? I open the rose gold box that holds a few different items. The first I notice is a necklace with a four pawprints on them, each a different color, red, navy, cyan, and purple, and each with me and my brothers’ names. I smile softly at it as I put it on. The next thing in the box is a new stethoscope that matched my light blue theme at work. After that is a build a bear Alolan Vulpix plush with an absolutely adorable cloak and a spare outfit. I squeeze it and it sounds so cute??? I’m so glad I share my obsession with Pokémon with her it makes work that much more enjoyable. The next thing I pull out is a dual sapphire and ruby pop head set and I let out a laugh at it, she knows me so well, I had mentioned I loved their characters and that they reminded me of my mom and dad once offhandedly, and yet she’s gotten me ruby and sapphire things three times now. I pull out a gift card to pizza shop I adore, and the last item in the box is a card that says read later, so I throw a glance her way as I put the card in the pile.
I thank her, and give her a hug, before turning my attention to the last present remaining, the present from Joan’s mom, who was basically my second mom growing up. I pull apart the wrapping hesitantly, and I almost let out a choked sob at what is in the package. It’s a letter from my parents. I cover my mouth as I grab the letter and read it.
“dear Patton, we hope this letter reaches you in good health, and that we are still in contact when you reach 21.” I make some odd strangled noise and my eyes start filling with tears. “no matter how our relationship is, we have a present for you. Patton cake, we know you’re only a year old now, but when you get this, we want you to know that no matter what we love you so so much and we want you to be happy no matter what. So, if you’ll forgive us if we’ve hurt you, we want you to have this glass and drink. Your mom made that glass right after you were born. She believes that the essential gift for a 21-year-old was a wine glass and a nice red wine. This wine is the same one I had on my 21st with my father and I saw it fitting to share it with you. I love you so so much son, and I hope you know that you’re in my heart wherever I am. The same goes for your mother. You know me and how paranoid I am, so this will probably be given to you by my best friend who I don’t doubt will grow close to you. In case anything happens, not that it will.” I don’t think I can breathe anymore oh my god this is from my dad- “but anyways ill stop rambling” no dad please keep talking don’t go please! “happy birthday Patton, you make me and your mom so proud. I love you so much” I wheeze and double over, I can’t breathe my dad, it was almost like he was there again, my dad was there and I-
I open the wrap on the glass, the crystal glass has an imprint that has the words “you’re capable of anything” and me and my parents’ names inscribed in it. Etched in, not just printed, its won’t fade, it will always be there. I look up at the roof to stop my tears, and to hopefully tell my mom and dad I love them if there is an afterlife. I wish I could see them one more time and be able to say goodbye. I can’t, but god it hurts so bad, I miss them so much its not fair they should have been able to come home they should be here they should have been here to see Roman and Logan and Virgil grow up it’s not FAIR GOD DAMN IT!!! I need to calm down, its in the past its over I can’t change it I can just keep going. I take a few deep breaths and wipe my eyes. I set down the glass and look at Joan.
“Joan, I need you to thank your mom for me, I-I owe her so much for this I can’t even properly explain just how much this means to me. If she ever needs anything let me know, I will do anything to help.” Joan nods and smiles at me softly.
I breathe a few more deep breaths before standing up.
“now, that’s enough of that. There’s cake and games!!!”
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abundantchewtoys · 5 years
Homestuck Epilogues: Prologue, reaction post part 1
So me and Blaperile have decided to start reading it now. I kind of hope the format & art style stays true to form, but then again, change could be interesting. In any case, if this epilogue were to include the already posted snaps, that would be a break from format in image size (not including the credits, of course).
I guess if there is immediately an [S] page, it'll be the second one, not the first, to give use aheads up in the command.
Okay, so the first is a title page.
The link to the next page says... homestuck.com/epilogues/proglogue. Andrew, NOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!
(Yeah okay, so it has begun. Again.)
I could see the snaps being the prologue, since they kind of set the stage for what's to come. Jane taking control over The Felt being a major development, for one. Also, the noted absence of Davepetasprite^2 & Arquiusprite on Earth C. Or, perhaps rather, the noted presence of all the other sprites, they didn't stop being spirit guides after the game ended. And in the credits of course, there was John's being aggravated by Caliborn to the point this all would lead presumably to the clay doll scene Caliborn showed us, taking place further into the future than any of us had business viewing at the time.
> Start
AAAAAAHHHHH, Homestuck's a fanfic now!!! Yes, this is the Archive of Our Own format, including tags and... Andrew is no longer sole author of this story!!!
We have achieved MAXIMUM FANDOM (or should I say FANON).
Characters: Uh-huh. Uh-huh. Uh-h... Barack Obama?! :P I guess maybe John switched to a Baracktop in light of out-of-story events, plus of course Dave's idolization of the man. :P And Aranea returns!! And Davepeta too, cool! ... Wait, there's gonna be new OCs?? :P ... In before Joey & Jude & troll friends join the Homestuck madness. Well, if we can rely on this list of course. This IS Andrew Hussie we're talking about, of course.
Hmmm, Blaperile has a good point that Davepeta & Arquius are mentioned but not their component A2 trolls, since the "main" versions of them (post-retcon) are inside the sprites! And that all these characters except maybe for Caliborn (pre-LE, I mean) MIGHT just end up in the Furthest Ring together to do... whatever there needs to be done with the black hole aftermath of the standoff between Vriska & LE. And Calliope seems to be joining them, which is a nice thing to look forward too, main Calliope doing a plot thing. ... No mention of carapaces, but again, that doesn't have to mean anything.
Caliborn's entry seems to me to imply we might see the claydoll fight animated (or at least drawn) properly! :D
Barack is probably an Easter Egg just, nothing more. Which is funny because Easter is coming.
Content warnings: ... All these things (well not all of them, but) just refer to things mentioned in Homestuck proper. :P Quite the list we racked up, eh? Also, Gamzee hath invaded the list: clowns, honk... Hahah. Surprised "horses" didn't make it on here. And puppets. So I know I was saying I don't really believe these tags to truthfully warn about things to come in this epic, but I'm kind of scared by the mention of Trickster Mode. :P ... Oh yeah, hahah, that WAS something that happened at the wedding, didn't it, Calliope bringing the sucker & transforming John & the B2 kids? So that thing survived the end of the session we know.
Another thing making me uncomfortable is all the illicit subjects the warnings are about, but yeah, that's what a lot of fanfics contain.
Summary: ... Ooooh, so John DIDN'T immediately take off to fight Caliborn! That's... I actually had wagered the epilogue to start on April 13th, 2019 thinking about it over the weekend. It would just seem so fitting, but I thought it might have been so that the B2 kids would have aged a relative 2 years during the time the B1 kids were stuck in the house. So that they could go back to filling that big brother/sister relationship that was kind of always there, first & foremost shown in the Strider Bros, later when we didn't know yet that the kids would be the same age when they'd meet up, during Act 6 Act 1.
Blaperile has a good point, this means Terezi has been exploring the Furthest Ring for 7 years (or almost 4 sweeps).
Contents: This looks like it could grow into a list. Since, well, this is the prologue just yet for the epilogue hahah. Then again, maybe we 'return' to this page after the prologue is done, only for the list to have grown with the next... "act".
> Prologue
Well, it's definitely a medium Andrew didn't touch on yet, the "picture this for yourselves" type of fiction. Kind of incentive for people to draw this for themselves.
And then Homestuck became a serialized novel. :D
Okay that entire first sentence. I'm definitely on the same page here as everyone when I say this must be about the Furthest Ring cracking. ... I think Andrew's propensity for dragging out a story comes over quite well in fanfic prose form.
Hmm... So, "eternity" is being filled by the black hole, and continuity is buckling up? Seems like the entirety of Homestuck proper might be at risk of being undone in something more damaging than a mere retcon.
Wow, nice vivid description of the dreambubbles being shattered. "Hypothetical futures", does that suggest that the ghosts of alternate timelines were more like... mirages? That's a harsh thing to swallow, and not something any of them would have been happy hearing stated as fact. Well, except the Aradiabots, maybe. "Double-death" mention!
... So there's a symphony at the center of the black hole. Does that mean Alternate Calliope still lives (or well, "exists"), as the conductor of the havoc? It's super black at the center, apparently. Like, Vantablack?
Wait, "> Wake up"? Did John dream about the Furthest Ring? ... What DO the kids dream, after they won the game? Or rather, where do they dream?
"You've been dreaming in anime again." Ah yes, there's the first real meme of the evening. So, John rejects this dramatic dream and will rather substitute his own fantasies? :P
"> Look outside just to make absolutely sure the world is not ending." --> Why does it feel like we've started this adventure anew? Why are command prompts working out so well in this format?
'The only sound you can hear for miles is the wind skimming the hollows of your neighbors’ pipe homes.' Well, if that isn't a reference to his atmospheric page! And oh yeah, that was his new neighbourhood! Or, after 7 years, not 'new' anymore, I guess.
'It’s a normal day in the salamander village, which you refer to as Salamander Village because the damned salamanders never bothered to give this village a name, you guess.' Perfection. So, it appears the consort species remain the same, no matter how many millenia may pass. I wouldn't like to be a mail person in the Consort Kingdom, if all packages are to be delivered at Salamander Village. Then again, the Breeze might still be on mail duty on Earth C.
'Beside your pillow, your phone is vibrating. Rose is calling. The screen of your phone reads 9:30 a.m. April 13, and also the number forty-six, which is how many text messages your friend left you while you were sleeping. A bit excessive, even for her.' Ahahahah, so even in texts Rose is wordy!! Good to see they kept in contact, then. Not as much in-person contact, seeing the credits, but then again, the kids always used to live apart, didn't they? (I can still call them 'the kids', even if we're no longer a decade apart in age. Get of my lawn!)
"> Answer the phone." Yessssss, coloured text logs!! In the absence of drawings, it would've really sucked a little and be bland if we'd lacked this.
Aww, April 13th is still a solemn day for John. :/ Rose is calling it "April Thirteenth" as if it's a holiday, which it might just be. Blaperile has a good point that John has called Rose directly, and isn't texting. The immediate assumption for what Rose said, was that they don't talk a lot, but maybe they don't CALL each other a lot, just trade messages!
"You wander to the window and watch the salamanders go about their day. All over the neighborhood, the little dad-salamanders are putting on their little rumpled hats and picking up their little suitcases and kissing their little families goodbye for the day. You’ve always been confused about what, exactly, they contribute to the global economy. But it’s pretty cute how much they love playing at being suburban businessmen."
Pfff, the rumple hats are still a thing, guess the kids really did shape this universe in much the same way as the session! (Okay yeah, so, consorts came over from the session too, so the fact that the custom remains to the current day might just be another showcase for the status quo that consorts live under when not interacting with PCs...) Of course, this is going to sting for John, all this dadly business going around.
"The silence over the phone is growing awkward. You’ve stalled long enough. You decide to just come out and say it.
JOHN: i’ve been dreaming in anime again lately."
Aaaaaand meme number two is here. Blaperile mentioned Act 7, and yeah, John DID dream about the Furthest Ring & the blackhole, both centerpice in the Act 7 animated video. :P
"ROSE: i see." Therapist mode, engaged. Next, ask him how he feels about the dream, Rose.
"JOHN: whenever i have these dreams, everything’s breaking apart.
JOHN: millions of people are screaming and dying." Huh, is it that John didn't recognize the ghosts (being the oblivous bloke he is), or is there something more to the danger of the black hole? After all, after all of the Furthest Rings is swallowed, what's left is sessions and the universes they spawned...
"A couple yards over, a salamander blows an astounding spit bubble. Truly one for the books." Meanwhile...
"ROSE: I don’t have the slightest idea what it means that you’ve been dreaming in anime, John.
ROSE: To be honest, I...
You wait for Rose to finish her thought. She doesn’t, which is troubling because you have never known Rose to leave a thought unfinished in over ten years of acquaintance." ... Did she have a Light vision, or is someone pulling her sleeve about this or other with the troll grubs? It just hit me, we might be in for some new venues in the relationships between the humans & trolls, since yeah, they're all adults now.
"JOHN: rose... are you ok?
ROSE: Not exactly.
JOHN: what’s wrong?
ROSE: I think my condition’s been getting worse lately.
JOHN: condition?
ROSE: It’s why my message probably sounded urgent.
JOHN: you left 46 messages.
ROSE: Yes. They were all urgent.
JOHN: oh.
ROSE: I don’t think I can wait much longer before telling you."
So, Blaperile was theorizing Kanaya or Rose might be pregnant based on her trailing off. I dismissed it out of hand, but now... It would be just something for Rose to designate a pregnancy as a "condition". ... And to see contractions as a worsening of that condition. If John just talked about anime over Rose trying to tell him the baby is coming, I might just scream. And it's on HIS birthday, too!
"ROSE: I held out for as long as I could. I figured your birthday was as good a time as any to let you know.
JOHN: let me know what?
ROSE: It’s crept up on me, these last couple of years.
ROSE: Gradually enough to ignore as it was happening, but I can’t anymore." Okay, so this seems to dismiss that. I'm actually somewhere halfway between "Rose is suffering from some sort of aspect-driven migraine/dementia due to the black hole", or secondly "Rose is realizing she loves John (platonically)". I mean, the latter would be standard-issue Lalonde fuckery.
"ROSE: Lately the visions have been overwhelming.
JOHN: visions??
ROSE: John, I have terrible headaches these days. Talking on the phone doesn’t help at all.
ROSE: Would you mind flying to my apartment, so we can continue this in person?
JOHN: oh, yeah. you mean...
JOHN: now?
ROSE: Yes, now is the time.
ROSE: I’ve put it off long enough." ... Oh. So, I guess Rose was ignoring these visions because she was like "fuck you, multiverse, I earned my happy ending", which I get, but... What visions does she have, do they match what John was describing? (I don't think she wants to get him over for a surprise birthday party, in any case.)
Wow, okay, so whatever drove them to go fight Caliborn, it wasn't just John convincing the rest of them. Should've known, he was never that kind of leader.
"As you hang up the phone, a familiar feeling settles over you. A feeling of...standing? Standing, and being alone. In your bedroom. As a young man. On your birthday. You swear you’ve felt this feeling before. It’s almost like...
A young man stands alone in his bedroom. It just so happens that today, the 13th of April, is this young man’s birthday. Though it was twenty-three years ago when he was given life, and ten years ago when he was given a name, it feels like it is only today that he will begin to understand what all that means.
That young man is YOU, John Egbert.
What will you do?"
Oh HELL yes. That first shoutout was glorious, but the actual word for word callback? Priceless. And the fact that the narration gives John the initiative for what happens now? Glorious. Because it sure as hell ain't gonna be US giving him prompts, this time around. And what in the high hills is there for John to find out about what it all means! I mean, is he going to discover the nature of his existence as a fictional character? Because that might just crush his widdle brains.
Okay, this is as good a place as any to cut off this liveblog. Since I'm not sure how long this prologue might continue after this!
Cooooool though, we've started this journey anew. For however long it's going to last. Which, given the fact the epilogues get their own entry on the Homestuck site... Might be a very, very long time. It's three years since the ending of Homestuck, and I wonder how reading up is going to be. For now, everything kind of fell back into the old pattern between me and Blaperile. We'll see what we'll do next.
I'm equal parts exhilarated and anxious about getting on Mr. Hussie's wild rollercoaster again, so I'm going to try and quarantine the anxious part and cultivate the exhilarated part.
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rowanismybae · 7 years
Unexpected Visitor
Hello again! I wrote something. HAHAH  Okay, seriously. I’ve been working on this fic for a while now and this is the first chapter of it. It’s set in the ToG world and it’s a Fenrys/OC fanfiction.  Two babes asked me to tag them whenever I wrote something again, so I’ll tag them. But if you guys do not wish to be tagged anymore or someone else wants to, let me know. @my-life-is-a-drama-book @writtenbyourstruly And the title was given to me by my girl @deathbytitanium . Always saving my ass.
Fenrys and Gavriel were patrolling the areas near the castle in Orynth and things are smooth as usual. Always making small talk. Although they’d much prefer to patrol in their animal forms, Rowan and Aedion insist they do it in their most human-like forms because that way people would see them and would not hunt them down.
It’s been 5 years after the bloody war and finally, they have some kind of peace. Adarlan and Terrasen are rebuilding. Eyllwe and Terrasen are friendly lands now since everything was explained and Nehemia’s parents were very touched by Aelin and their daughter’s friendship. Aelin was the perfect queen, even with her bloody past. Her people loved her. All Erilea loved her for the sacrifices she made.
Fenrys was so lost in his thoughts that he almost jumped when Gavriel spoke. “Thinking about her again, Fen?”
Fenrys only nodded with a sigh. It was always her. Even though he got past his stupid crush on Aelin, she was always there in his thoughts. He once even had a talk with Rowan because the news of his crush on the Queen was spreading and he didn’t want his friend or his Queen having the wrong ideas. He still remembered it crystal clear.
“Look, Rowan, you and I been through a lot with Maeve,” Fenrys said and Rowan winced at the sound of her cursed name. “and I guess I fell in love with the idea of having a Queen that only had good in her heart; that puts others above herself. And for that I am sorry. I never meant to nourish these feelings for her, but it happened. And I’d never do anything about it. And I’m trying to push past this, ok? Just give me time and please don’t push me away… you’re my family”
“Fenrys, we’d never push you away, so stop talking shit. And as much as I hate listening to you saying you’re in love with my wife, my mate, I understand. Love comes in mysterious moments and for weird reasons.” Rowan sighed and rubbed his hands over his face. When he looked up, he seemed more at ease. “We’re brothers. Nothing changes that. And I am very glad you came to me for this. I appreciate the honesty.” a wry smile played on his lips. “Plus Aelin keeps bragging about it. It’s annoying.”
Fenrys remembered how he and Rowan laughed at that and how Dorian was slightly jealous of Aelin for it. He remembered how the Queen looked at him and treated him exactly how she always had and how grateful he was for it. He remembered when he started seeing other females and how he started to see that he was attracted to Aelin for obvious reasons, but he wasn’t in love with her anymore.
“It’s not like that anymore, you know?” Fenrys said with a shrug and it was true. “It’s just that I can’t stop comparing her to Maeve and how different they are… She always asks if I’m fine with my chores and all, while Maeve just bossed us around.” He was growling at this point and Gavriel just nodded in understanding.
“I understand. Everybody loves Aelin. It’s hard not to once you get to know her.” Gavriel said with a shrug. “I was just teasing you by the way.” He had a sly smile playing on his lips. Fenrys pushed him playfully. “So you got home late last night… or should I say this morning?” He was laughing now, the bastard.
“What? I can’t have fun anymore?” Fenrys asked nonchalantly.
“Who was the lucky girl?” Gavriel asked curiously.
“None of your business,” Fenrys answered with fake anger; the corner of his lips pulling slightly up.
“I think you don’t even know her name.”
Fenrys laughed and Gavriel joined him. “Okay, you got me. I really don’t. But she was gorgeous: black curly hair, dark skin, pretty warm brown eyes and delicious full lips; she was short and curvy. Too bad her voice was annoying. Especially when moaning.” Gavriel was leaning on a tree now trying to catch his breath from laughter. “Damn, I swear that at some point I just wanted to remove her vocal cords so my ears could have some peace! Stop laughing!” But Fenrys himself was laughing now.
“She sounds delightful.” He managed to say but when Fenrys rolled his eyes he started to laugh again. Fenrys punched him on the shoulder and Gavriel wiped away the tears in his eyes. “Ouch! Sorry. I won’t speak of it again… until we reach home. Ouch, Fenrys! You have a painful punch, you know that?” Gavriel was rubbing his arm where Fenrys had hit him.
“Yes. And shut up. It’s not like you haven’t had your share of weird lovers. Remember the male with the goat beard?” Gavriel rolled his eyes and growled.
“Don’t remind me of that. I was wasted. And needy.” Gavriel said with a grim.
Fenrys snorted. “Yeah. Like he was the only weird one on your list.”
“Just shut up Fenrys. I don’t talk about your mistakes and you don’t talk about mine, okay?” He offered his hand and the blond took it.
“Deal. Now, we should get back. It’s almost sundown and I want to train before dinner.” Fenrys started to turn around and Gavriel was grateful for the suggestion. The day was pretty slow anyway. The males started to walk back when something changed in the atmosphere.
Both males stood back to back, swords drawn and observing the area around them. Fenrys had goosebumps all over his skin and Gavriel felt a small chill go down his spine. Magic.
“It was too good to be true,” Fenrys mumbled turning his head around assessing the surroundings. And then he saw the air shifting next to a big rock a hundred feet away in front of him. “Gavriel, look.” he pointed out and Gavriel turned to see.
“What the hell?” Gavriel asked, brows furrowed. “Should we get the others?”
Fenrys shook his head. “It would take more time than we have. Let’s wait and see what’s going on.”
While he spoke, the ground started to be marked in a wide circle. The marks were fuming on the ground and the air got thicker.
“Are those -?” Gavriel started to ask and Fenrys nodded in agreement this time. “Fenrys, we should get the others…”
“Fine. Go get the others, Gavriel. I’ll deal with this. Go!” Gavriel shifted and ran back to the castle with his long cat legs.
Fenrys was scared. Those were Wyrdmarks, for gods’s sake; this couldn’t be good. And then a blinding light started to shine from the circle and a humanoid form started to show and he prepared himself for the fight. As sudden as the light started it vanished and the body fell to the ground.
Fenrys noticed then that it was a woman with a huge bag on her back. He waited for 5 seconds and when he noticed she wasn’t going to stand he approached carefully and her scent hit him. Completely human. He was able to notice some other things about her: her clothing material was different, her bag was filled with weird stuff and her hand had a cut in the palm; probably the source of power for the Wyrdmarks.
Fenrys approached her and saw that she was breathing but was completely unconscious. He heard his friends coming maybe one mile away from where he was and he removed her heavy bag from her shoulders and the stripes in the front of her torso that also kept the bag into place. Her skin was cold, her cheeks were flushed and her lips were pale. He held her up next to his chest right when the others arrived.
“What happened?” Gavriel asked seeing the girl in Fenrys arms. The others shifted into their Fae forms as well.
“She showed up in the middle of the circle and just passed out. I removed her bag that weighs as much as she does. One of you take it and bring back to the castle -”
Lorcan cut him mid-sentence with a snarl. “You’re not seriously saying we should take her to the castle!”
“That’s exactly what I’m saying. She needs a healer; she lost a lot of blood and she is really cold and pale.” Fenrys said, leaving no room for discussion. “We should take her to Yrene and keep her handcuffed to the bed and ask her what the fuck she’s doing here once she is better. Now, take her bag and let’s go back.” His voice was strong and firm, but he was scared for her. She was so fragile, so weak. What the hell was she doing there?
“I’ll take the bag and I’ll go with him. Vaughan, Connall and Lorcan inspect the place and wait to see if someone else comes out.” Gavriel said getting the bag and the others nodded in agreement.
“Hold on there, girl,” Fenrys whispered and started to run. He held her tight to his chest and ran like the wind. Gavriel was just behind and Fenrys did not stop at the gates, not even at the doors. He dodged every single person that appeared in front of him and ran for the east wing, to the open and sunny healers room. Aelin hated that the healers at Rifthold had to stay underneath the castle, so she got them one of the brightest and widest spaces of the castle. Fenrys stopped at the door and kicked it with his right foot, startling the ones inside.
“For gods’s sake, Fenrys, was that even necessary?” Yrene yelled, her hand on her chest. Then she noticed the girl on Fenrys arms and started pacing towards him. “Who is she and what happened?” She pointed an empty bed and Fenrys gently placed her there. Gavriel walked in a few seconds later.
“She showed up from a circle of wirdmarks on the floor of the forest and passed out,” Fenrys said and Gavriel went to his side.
“Holy Silba! Narya, bring bandages and water. Also, bring blankets.” Yrene’s hands started touching the girl trying to figure out what was wrong. Her fingers slightly glowed with her healing magic working.
“I’ll go get the handcuffs,” Gavriel said and left after placing her bag on the floor. Yrene lifted her head with a puzzled expression.
“You’re gonna pin her to the bed with handcuffs? How am I supposed to take care of her?” She asked angrily.
“It’s just a security measure Yrene. We don’t know who she is and where she came from. All we know is that she is human and she came from a Wyrdmark portal. We don’t know if she has magic or if she intends to hurt the Queen.” He explained and she went back to her job. Narya came with the supplies and Fenrys stood by the bed’s side watching the girl. Gavriel came back with the handcuffs and Yrene frowned again looking at them.
“She has no magic. She is just a simple human girl, Fenrys. Are the handcuffs necessary? I need to take care of her injured hand…” She tried again.
“He’ll handcuff her good hand until you finish with the other. Then he’ll secure that hand as well. Until we know what we need to know, she’ll stay in this bed.” Fenrys said; arms crossed on his chest. Gavriel worked the cuff on her good hand and Yrene and her helpers worked on the girl.
Gavriel said something about going to report to Rowan about what happened and left. Fenrys stayed. He kept looking at her and he started to notice her really. She had red curly shoulder-length hair, sunkissed skin, heart-shaped lips and her nose tip was shaped into a small ball; she was about Aelin’s size, had a bit more weight than the Queen and Lys. Why was he noticing the small details of this stranger? He forced himself to focus.
Yrene hydrated her and gave her some tonic for gods know what and when the girl’s hand was wrapped, Fenrys handcuffed her to the bed and placed the blanket on top of her. He sat on the chair next to her bed and stayed there. The others came to check on her and told him that no sign of activity on the spot she came from and said that first thing in the morning they would take Aelin there to see the marks so she could decipher what they meant.
After they left, Aedion, Lysandra, Aelin, and Rowan came to see their new guest. Fenrys explained everything he saw and Yrene told them how she was. Aelin came closer, eyes filled with concern while she studied the girl on the bed. They mentioned her clothes and her bag that was still untouched on the side of the bed. They asked him to call them when she was awake because they’d want to show up for interrogation. Aelin was ruthless about it. She’d not have another invasion of her lands, another danger to the ones she loves and her people. She thanked Fenrys and asked him if he’d like for someone to take his place later, but he refused. She gave him a little smile and left with her husband.
They brought him dinner and Connall offered to stay with the girl, but he refused. He also told Fenrys that Vaughan was at her emerging place for the night with Lorcan, they’d keep watch for the night and in the morning when Aelin and Rowan went to check on the marks, they’d come back.
Fenrys was only half paying attention to his twin and Connall noticed that and with a sigh he left, patting his shoulder. And there Fenrys stayed studying the girl sleep. The night came and went. The sun was shining in the sky and the healers came to check on her and she wasn’t awake, but she was starting to make noises, something like words coming from her lips. When was about the middle of the morning, the human girl opened her eyes and started to cough. Yrene came next to her and Fenrys asked one of the helpers to go call the queen and king and tell them the girl was awake.
Fenrys stood up, arms crossed on his chest and with a sly smile he spoke to her for the first time. “Hello there. You have some explaining to do, girl.”
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mirkstrolls · 8 years
1+2 for all three! Ancestors too, if you feel like it.
1: Origins! How did you come up with the concept for your OC?
The three mains are over here, but I can certainly talk about their ancestors!
My general ancestor-design rule is to keep a lot of similar themes and personality notes, but change one key thing and see what that does to the overall character. I also try to keep roughly the same sort of “genre” for various members of the same line, so fairy tales/folklore for Rennises, early British (and sometimes French) literature for Orpheos, and 19th-century French Romanticism for Tasends.
With Eryali, we had just found out about ancestors, I was like “crap I need a title” and someone said “well, try the tarot -- what about the priestess?” and I went “sOLD.” Her identity-switching thing was sort of built as I went along, to fit with Vide’s lying thing, allow for more character interactions, and give her that sort of legendary status of a girl who may or may not have actually existed. Looking at the themes thing, Eryali is similar to a version of Vide who doesn’t constantly put others first; Rennises are survivors, but where Vide survives by making allies, Eryali survives by running like hell the second she feels threatened. I ramble a lot about differences between them here.
Neirin’s concept bounced around a lot, because I knew he was going to be a musician as well but couldn’t decide which way to go with it. I think he was a vaguely Don Quixote-esque knight-errant figure for a while? Finally,  while hunting for historical bards to name him after, I came across Aneirin, an Early Medieval poet who wrote a long lament for the fallen kingdom of Gododdin. I basically mashed that up with stories from the Roman conquest of Britain, threw some courtly love tropes at it to see what stuck, made my absolute favorite NPC and called it a day.
ON THE OTHER HAND, I had Aioane designed almost before I was done with Taz’s profile, because I knew right away that Aioane’s story was going to be hugely important to Taz’s. Her whole story is one big reference to The Count of Monte Cristo, Alternia-ized and with some of the more horrifying bits taken out (it may be my favorite book, but even as a kid I had moments of “uMMM...”): unjust imprisonment for alleged adherence to a recently-overthrown cause, escape and acquisition of ridiculous amounts of money, vengeance-motivated infiltration of high society, ultimate failure of said vengeance and escape with loved one by boat. It mutated enough not to be plagiarism thanks to working with @plaguetrolls​ to incorporate Azaron Taucer’s story -- there’s now a significant component that resembles The Great Gatsby (throwing elaborate parties and trying to get a girl to notice you! Death in a body of water! Decadence and dissolution!) and the aforementioned boat scene of course ends in fine horrorterror-y fashion. I’m having a lot of fun with this one, hahah.
2: Did the RP community take to them right away or was it hard to get attention?
Vide didn’t start out that popular on DA – I think, when I first joined, most of the attention was on canon characters and the fantrolls belonging to the admins. But then the group saw a huge increase in membership, primarily of fancharacters.  I was very active with Vide back then, both in play and as an unofficial welcome-wagon. So she was quite well-known, went through a brief period where everybody seemed to regard Vide and Co. as something of main characters in the group (I only found this out later, and promptly went wtf about it), and then declined in popularity as the group divided into smaller subsets of people and all-member events declined. She’s relatively popular on Tumblr, but really only among people I know. I think it was obvious from the beginning that she’s the most developed of my trolls, which works both for and against her: some people are intimidated by all the History, some dig that. It’s not really a thing I analyze much, but I did hear the other day that someone I’ve never spoken to likes her. Which is always nice to hear!
Widsth was only on DA very briefly and didn’t get much attention in the group-wide sense (partly because this was after the aforementioned splintering and he had an established clade already). Tumblr-wise, he’s been very popular – I’ve said before that I think he’s the most approachable and immediately-interesting of my trolls. I think it’s partly because the tumblr audience loves charisma and ridiculousness, and Weeds has those on lock – between the flirting and the melodrama and the rubberface expressions, he tends to be the most-reblogged and most-requested-for-RP character on my cast. I’m... cautiously optimistic about being able to write him again? Which is good because he is a lot of fun.
Taz never had a stint on DA, and has gotten unexpected amounts of interest so – woo, go Taz! I think I have the most asks waiting in my inbox for her, and she’s quite low-energy to write; all I’m really waiting on is developing her enough to answer said asks consistently. If I had to guess, I’d suspect the fact that she’s not as Empire-loyal as the rest of my cast has something to do with it, haha.
None of the ancestors get much attention, since they’re all dead by current play-time; even when we had an ancestor room on DAchat, Eryali never got that big. I do think she’s got a little bit of interest now (in the oh my god, what a trainwreck way, thank goodness), but the other two are really only relevant to folks who know their descendants.
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imnotwolverine · 4 years
The marriage pact - Puppy kisses
Henry Cavill x OC Alice - multi-chapter
< Part 10 | Part 11 Puppy kisses | Part 12 >
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Disclaimer: none, just fluff
Author’s note: This is my 100th post! YASSSS!! I love you all so much my darling readers; puppy kisses and much love to you!  
Word count: 1.350
(Link to my Masterlist)
Dear readers,
Do you remember your first kiss? I do. I was fourteen years old, it was late summer, life was simple and expectations were high. I was a dreamer and I had completely indulged myself in anything fantastical. Any rom-com available I had seen, any prince-saves-the-maiden story had been on my reading list and honestly; I thought I was ready.
Was I though? Apparently not really. At least not to get what I expected would be that picture perfect first kiss. Sure, it was a wonderful day, a date at the zoo, he was a year older than me and he would hold my hand the whole time. We’d eat small bites in the sandy dunes, the wind whipping in our hair. And then he’d lean over, just like in the movies. But, unlike in the movies, we weren’t quite prepared for the following; his hair getting stuck in my braces and..well..you may know that I was absolutely horrified, my cheeks tomato red and the whole moment terribly ruined due to my shaken nerves.
He brought me home, ever so galant, and there was that. I didn’t even want to try again when we said goodbye at my doorstep, because.. I was simply too embarrassed. In fact it took me a whole year before I’d even think about giving love, puppy love, another try. With the same boy, actually. And the more I now think about it, the sillier, but also sweeter the memory has become, all little annoyances and fears having faded to the background. And now all that lasts are those adorably sweet puppy kisses.
Did you have a nice first kiss dear readers?
An ever curiouser and curiouser,
IVF, IUI, at-home insemination or just some natural insemination after a “fun little night at the club”. Reproductive lawyers, medical safety, parental rights, sperm donor agreements. The terms were buzzing like a dark misty cloud of concern through my muddled brain, my tea long gone cold on my night stand and my legs getting painful from sitting crouched down on my bed for so long.
Somewhere I wished I could talk to my mom about this, to anyone about this, but I felt ashamed. So terribly ashamed. Why was something that seemed so natural and simple to everyone else, seem so terribly difficult (and expensive) to me. Pushing away my laptop I sighed, long legs finally getting a stretch as I pushed myself off the bed, my arms reaching above my head as if I were a large cat just waking up from a nice slumber.
Did you know a cat can have up to five litters a year? That’s so..many..babies. Ugh! ALI, cut it out! No more baby thoughts.
Sulking visibly, I walked over to my desk, looking out over the late afternoon sun, my mom working in the garden, dad’s feet sticking out from beneath a deep blue umbrella, shielding him from the October sun. Why was everything so damn hard? I sighed and let my eyes drift further, the Cavill house some 100 meters further up.
Would Henry be at home right now?
Henry, Henry, Henry. Was he too good to be true? Weren’t we just once more living this late-summer fantasy like we had quite a few times before. We had been boyfriend and girlfriend for more times than I could count on one hand, nearly two hands. And every time life got in the way. Would that happen again? I felt the melancholy in my heart grow, my eyes slipping back to a sheet of paper that was laying beneath my finger tips.
The pact.
Rainbow coloured and handwritten, both our names neatly placed on the bottom line, some first attempts at personal signatures scribbled beneath it. “In the case of neither one of us were to be married by the age 35 (thirty-five), we vow to marry each other. Signed. Henry William Dalgliesh Cavill. Alice Mary Taylor.”
How silly we..-
I looked up from my thoughts, eyes roving towards my phone.
 Henry bear: Hey! Look out the window! ;)
And so I did, my eyes first looking back at my parents. Was he in our garden? Nope. On the road towards our house? Nope. And then I noticed something move behind the windows of his parents’ house. The attic. Where I knew he still had his room. Waving happily - which was really silly looking for a 38 year old man - he finally managed to attract my attention. I burst out in a fit of chuckles.
Oh Henry.
With mild exaggeration he blew me a few kisses, and like the old days I reached out for them, catching them and placing them carefully by my heart. Nothing much had truly changed, had it?
And now he was calling. Shaking my head in slight disbelief, an amused smile still stuck to my lips, I answered.
‘Hi.’ I grinned.
‘Hey.’ I could hear the smile in his voice, the timber much deeper and grown-up then it had been all those long years ago.
‘Whatcha doin’?’ I asked, my eyes looking back at him through his attic window.
‘Reading your blog actually.’
‘Are you now?’
‘And I can remember that kiss terribly well.’ He chuckled. I could see from the far distance that he was very amused, pearly whites shining in the afternoon sun. ‘Mhm.’ I hummed. Then he continued; ‘And just for your information; I truly didn’t hate it. If anything I loved you more for it.’
‘But.. I practically ran away.’
‘Maybe a little yes.’
‘Sorry about that Hen.’
‘It’s okay Ali. We have more than made for up it through the years.’
‘Hennn..’ I admonished, the humour dripping through my voice. He was right though. We had gotten pretty good at kissing..and everything else too. Oh Henry…
He hummed, pleased, then clicked his tongue. 
‘You were actually the first girl that gave me any kind of real attention. I mean, I was a bit of a late bloomer when it came to girls.’ 
‘I guess we both were a tad awkward in our teenage years..’ I agreed.
‘Or just well ahead of the crowd.’ He chuckled. 
‘Really though, what did it do to you, seeing your classmates hit on girls..and you know..succeed?’ 
‘I got super insecure, honestly. I mean, my first real kiss was outside a school dance and the girl was already running away before the snog was over...’
‘And then I practically ran away too..’ I sniffled. ‘Sorry Hen.’ 
‘Hahah..yea..poor me. But at least I knew you well. The kiss may have been a touch awkward, but I was crazy into you. I wanted more than just some physical affection. I wanted you.’ 
I felt my breath choke and without further ado, he continued; ‘I may have to confess that when I had to do my first on-screen kiss, with like an entire crew around and my nerves flaring up high..I thought of ..eh..gosh this is embarrassing...’ 
‘Our first kiss?’ I teased, trying to not let the butterflies take the overhand. Somehow I was glad we were so far apart. I could feel the cute giddiness of that first love between us all over again. Perhaps it was even love once more. 
Was I in love? 
‘I thought of you..yes. Though not of our first kiss. Or our second or third kiss. I eh..’ He looked straight at me, the long distance between us suddenly not feeling so far anymore. I could practically see the shimmer in those blue eyes. 
‘..Our first time?’ I gulped, remembering every gentle caress and eager cloth tug far too well. We had been 16 and 17. And where our first kiss might have been awkward, our first time? Heck. It still brought me tingles. 
‘Yes.’ He said huskily. 
Oh yes..tingles. I shifted slightly, squeezing my legs together almost involuntarily, breath choking, the phone line on both ends quiet except for deep, focused breaths. In..and..out..in..and..
‘Can I come over?’ He rasped. 
‘Yes please.’ I muttered, feeling those same darn butterflies flutter wildly through my belly. 
Was I in love? 
Good question. 
General tagsquad: @harrysthiccthighss​ @tumblnewby @magdelen69​ @thereisa8ella​ @mary-ann84​ @darkbooksarwin​ @summersong69​
Fluff lovers squad: @star017​ @perhaps2remember​ @pterodactylterrace​ @witchersqueen​ @desperate-and-broken​​ @toomanyfandomsshreya​​ @deliciouslysassyarcade​​ @pamacs-macs​​ @cavilladdict​​ @scorpionchild81​​ @lebguardians​​ @sofiebstar​​ @amberbabem​​ @mis-lil-red @aestheticqueenb​​ @misslalaland-blog-blog​ @ilieherecharmed-fics2readnrec​ @michelehansel​ @henryfanfics101​
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imnotwolverine · 4 years
The marriage pact - Homeboy
Henry Cavill x OC Alice - multi-chapter
< Part 19 | Part 20 Homeboy | Part 21 >
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Disclaimer: Bit of boyish teasing and making out in the kitchen
Author’s note: 🎶CAnnnnn you feeeel the love tonighttttt 🎶- I woke up with the most suitable song for this chapter in my head. Good morning everyone! 
Word count: 2.164
(Link to my Masterlist)
Dear readers,
In previous relationships big topics like; Will this last? Or; Do you want to settle down or just test the water? - were the kind of conversations I barely had until much later in the relationship. People these days have so many options when it comes to dating that speaking of things that even remotely feel like true commitment, are pushed away for at least the first few months. A simple brush over the topic of kids is fun. But what if that topic can’t wait? And if your date is okay with all that, what will people around you think?
Now, I praise myself the luckiest of Alice’s, because my chocolate cake is daddy material by every meaning of the word. And I mean..every meaning of the word - I know you’re reading this chocolate cake. And I’m glad I can confide in all things of the heart, even if was pretty scary to bring up such topics as mentioned earlier.
So, now here we are; now what? Just..go for it? Or..still go the traditional route? Being the odd ball for so long I don’t really feel like we should be bending too much to the expectations of the people around us, and yet I care about their opinions and fears all the same.
It is, dear readers, time for the talk.
Are you ready chocolate cake?
‘Don’t worry.’ Henry sniffled, feeling my hand near squishing his hand from the nerves that were working through my system. We were having dinner with both our parents. Not a completely weird thing really, especially since they were such very good neighbours, but the true reason for inviting them both for dinner at this cute seaside restaurant wasn’t just for neighbourly affairs. And I was one to totally overthink the whole situation and make myself crazy in the head for it.
Was it too soon? 
‘There they are.’ Henry smiled and got up from his chair, waving happily at his mom, whom was followed by Colin, her husband and both my parents. Such good neighbours they even travelled together. Swallowing back the rest of my nerves I also moved my chair back and got up, my hands quickly rubbing off my clammy palms on my dress.
‘Oh sweet babies! You look so good.’ Marianne beamed, instantly moving to rearrange Henry’s stubborn curl that always tended to flop back over his forehead. ‘Momm..’ He softly grumbled, making his father laugh heartily. ‘Mitchel was just talking about this new hair growing shampoo he got..so who knows..next up she’ll be doing it with him too hahahah.’ - ‘Oi Colin! No need to share ‘em secrets just yet. I thought it’d be a fancy little surprise for summer. Me..long flowing hair..a fantastic beard..’ My dad rubbed his hand expectantly over his balding head and we all laughed.
‘Sit down, sit down. Please.’ Henry smiled, gesturing at the chairs around the table and before long we were all seated and a first glass of wine was poured. Beneath the table I could feel Henry’s slightly nervously shifting leg against mine, our hands closely entangled. It was a relief to know he was just as nervous. It all seemed silly, but still. We loved our parents and it mattered what they thought and felt. 
From the look on my mom’s face I knew that she knew - not that it surprised me, she practically always seemed to eavesdrop. Then my dad, whom was still joking about with Colin. And Marianne, her eyes piercing into mine, lips casually sipping on her wine. She raised an eyebrow and I swallowed.
But, before I had even gathered the courage to speak up, Henry had already taken the lead, his warm voice breaking up the banter between our two dads. ‘Mom, dad, Mitchel, Elaine.’ He smiled. ‘Thank you so much for joining us.-‘ ‘Always son!’ Colin beamed, raising his glass. ‘Thanks dad haha. Uhm..’ He looked at me, his eyes lovingly searching mine. ‘We are both so very glad to have you as our parents..and see you get along so well. It makes it easier for us to..’
‘ARE YOU GETTING MARRIED?!’ My mom blurted out, already squeezing her hands in excitement before Henry could even finish his sentence. Okay, scratch my previous assumption: mom had no clue. Henry blinked at my mom, then burst out laughing. I felt my cheeks flush up bright red.
OH MOM..please..for the love of god. Be-HAVE.
I wish I could just melt into my seat, disappear from the others amused smiles. Especially Marianne’s, her charming blue eyes twinkling with mirth.
‘Hahah..well..Elaine, though I absolutely intend to..ask your daughter that some day..’ He widened his eyes. ‘..perhaps first things first.’ He looked back at me and sniffled as I gave my mom a most exasperated look. ‘We are actually planning on moving in together.’
‘Oh..’ My mom gulped, then chuckled, her hand quickly reaching for her glass of wine. ‘..and babies?’ She said softly, almost teasingly, before quickly taking a sip.
‘MOMMM.’ I gasped, making her chuckle like a giddy schoolgirl. ‘Oh please..’ She raised her wine glass for a toast. ‘..do not mind me. It’s the wine.’ She winked at Marianne who laughed in turn, both women clinking glasses together.
‘Incorrigible..’ Henry murmured, sniffling ever so slightly as we watched both our dads and moms having equal fun and loving banter.
After Marianne and my mom put down their glasses again, Marianne scraped her throat, her brow furrowed in thought. ‘I eh..actually heard the Jones’s are moving out.’ She said casually, looking at Colin who nodded due-fully at his wife. ‘Correct.’ He hummed. ‘It’s a nice house, too.’ She smiled at me and Henry.
The hint was clear; the Jones’s house was just another 200 meters further up the road from where both our parents lived. Henry smiled at me and I felt my heart do another swift and fluttery somersault. Would he like that? Living so close to..? I mean..it wasn’t like we couldn’t stand our parents. We loved them, truly. I could have probably easily found a new apartment by now - but I didn’t. He could have been in his Mews home - but he wasn’t.
‘We could take a look.’ I nodded slowly at Henry, to which his smile only grew. ‘Sounds like a plan.’
‘So..yea..we got the house!’ Henry smiled at Piers, the oldest of the Cavill sons munching away on some Christmas chocolates while nodding in shared enthusiasm. ‘Twats gwreaat.’ He mumbled with a full mouth, making Marianne swat his arm. The rest of the family looked up for a moment, some smiling, others mere raising an amused eyebrow.
No matter how old the boys would get, they would always remain boys in the eyes of their mother.  
I snickered and snuggled into Henry’s chest, watching the rest return to their conversation. Piers, Simon, their wives and kids had all joined for Christmas dinner, and though I had often heard Henry talk about such events, it was quite special to be a part of it for the first time. I had known these boys from when they could barely walk and talk, so it was all the more fun to see how, despite having grown up, they still had some quirks from their childhood selves.
Henry being overbearingly caring for everyone. Piers forgetting his manners whenever good food was around. Simon always having to go the bathroom when dinner was just about ready. Some things never change. And others? I looked at Henry, his eyes quickly peeking back at me. Some things do change.
We had survived our summer fling. For the first time ever.
‘So what’s next hmm?’ Simon intermingled into the conversation, him and his wife situated at the couch opposite of ours, the fireplace on our left, his right. ‘Well eh..’ Henry started, but was soon interrupted by Piers. ‘Come on then Henners! House, wife, kids, it’s no secret you want that, huh?’ He teased, poking his younger brother in his ribs. Henry flinched slightly, giving his mom a look that screamed; “Please mom, make them stop”.
But Marianne only sniffled, hiding behind her glass of red wine and watching her kids go about like the good old days. Yes, some things don’t change indeed.
Henry sighed and looked back at me again, the other two clinking their glasses as if celebrating victory - a moment in which they missed the silent glimmer of sadness that suddenly had taken a hold of Henry’s eyes. I felt my stomach flip, not in a good way, and sat up a little. Henry swallowed and quickly made a smile reappear on his lips when his two older brothers sank back down in their seats.
I quickly emptied my wine glass and scraped my throat. ‘I eh..am going to fetch us a new bottle of wine. Anyone anything else?’ I looked around but everyone seemed content enough as it is, even the kids not wishing for more hot coco like I half expected. Only Colin shot up; ‘Oh I can do it too dear, please!’ - ‘Oh no. Please Colin. I’m sure Henry can help me out, right?’ I looked over my shoulder at Henry and he got the hint, also sitting up a bit. ‘Yes, why of course. Ladies first.’ He gestured me to proceed into the hallway.
Moving into the kitchen, Kal hot on our heels (expecting food), Henry sighed, his arms circling around me even before we could make it to the cellar. Without words needed I curled into the warmth of his arms, feeling his head dip down to rest in the crook of neck. I was feeling all kinds of worried at that moment. Was something wrong? Did I miss some signs? Did I..-?
‘I already can’t stand the idea of having to miss you again.’ He whispered, hugging me even tighter into his chest.
And then I realised what this was about. After Christmas he had to fly out to shoot a new movie again. This time all the way over in Canada. And we still had to wait for the full green light on my hiatus as my employer was looking into a number of candidates, whom were right now writing a test assignment to see if this could work. In the worst case I would have to miss Henry for 3,5 months. About as long as we were together right now.
And that idea was terrifying.
Quietly I wrapped my arms tightly around his chest, willing him to feel that I wasn’t going anywhere. That we were doing this. Together.
‘I just feel so bad for being the cause of all ..this..’ He swallowed in the last of his words, sighing harshly. ‘Hen..baby. We can do this okay. See it as some kind of ultimate test for our relationship. If we can survive this, we can survive anything.’ I leaned back a little to look into his eyes. He nodded, moving his head to rest our foreheads together.
‘At least after this shoot my year will be less busy.’
‘Yea.’ I whispered. ‘Thanks for inviting me for Christmas by the way. I hope your brothers aren’t giving you their worst.’ I snickered quietly. Henry sniffled. ‘They’re my brothers. It’s their sole duty to give me their worst. And I love them all the same.’ We both chuckled. Even now I couldn’t quite imagine what it must have been like to grow up with four brothers. I had no brothers or sisters, so whenever I wanted to play as a kid I’d come over to the Cavill’s. A real manly household at that; burping contests, dirty laundry piling way up high, building tree huts with rusty nails.
And poor Marianne trying to keep all of us in check.
’You have lovely brothers - albeit a bit of a teasing bunch every now and then.’ I moved my head back a bit again. ‘Are you okay to go back in there or do you need another..?’
‘Just..’ He captured my lips for a brief, though passionate kiss. ‘..a little moment.’
I hummed in amusement, basking in the warmth of his embrace. ‘That hiatus better be approved …soon.’
‘Yea..It BETTER be.’ He smiled, diving in for a far less family-approved kiss.
‘IEEWWWLLL.’ One of Henry’s nephews had apparently come in to check on us and we both gave him a teasing look.
‘What? Can’t adults kiss?’ Henry chided, making the poor teen roll his eyes in utter disgust.
‘You guys are SOO gross.’ The boy shuddered, quickly moving past us to fetch the cookie jar. Also like the old days. Henry wrapped his arm around me to press one more kiss, albeit far more chaste this time, on my lips. ‘I love you.’ He whispered, just loud enough for the poor teen to shudder even louder.
‘GROSSSSSS.’ He said with utter disgust, quickly fleeing the kitchen before he’d have to see anymore of this sappy adult-stuff.
Henry and I both chuckled.
‘I love you too, silly.’ I winked, then felt Kal push his head in my hand, refusing to be left out after all this making out between his humans. ‘And you three!’  
General tagsquad: @harrysthiccthighss​ @tumblnewby @magdelen69​ @thereisa8ella​ @mary-ann84​ @darkbooksarwin​ @summersong69​ @madbaddic7ed​
Fluff lovers squad: @star017​ @perhaps2remember​ @pterodactylterrace​ @witchersqueen​ @desperate-and-broken​​ @toomanyfandomsshreya​​ @deliciouslysassyarcade​​ @pamacs-macs​​ @cavilladdict​​ @scorpionchild81​​ @lebguardians​​ @sofiebstar​​ @amberbabem​​ @mis-lil-red @aestheticqueenb​​ @misslalaland-blog-blog​ @ilieherecharmed-fics2readnrec​ @michelehansel​ @henryfanfics101​
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