arcanefox207 · 3 days
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The Wolf You Feed (Part 3)
Pairing: Joel Miller x f!reader
Rating: Explicit, 18+ MDNI
Word Count: 6.2k
Part 3 / ? (Ongoing Series) (AO3) (Previous Chapters)
Summary: Set in a fictional New England town, you fall for your handsome, intense and outdoorsy neighbor while renting out your parent's vacant summer home during a brutal winter.
Warnings: No Outbreak, AU but with TLoU characters, Large age gap (Reader is 29. Joel is 50ish). Pet names but no use of Y/N. Reader is smaller than Joel and has hair he can grab. POV Switching. Series contains Angst and lots of Smut (to avoid chapter specific spoilers you can expect things such as but not limited to Unprotected PiV, Cream Pies, Oral, Masturbation, Dom!Joel, Subby reader, Pining, Infidelity, Edging) 
A/N: Chapter 3 starts off VERY Angst heavy! The majority after that is full on smut with some plot development. I'd love to hear feedback on what you think of this chapter. It took me longer to write because I really wanted to nail the angst part so I challenged myself to really make that part hit some feels.
A O 3 | M A S T E R L I S T | N O T I F I C A T I O N S
Comments / Reblogs are so incredibly appreciated 🧡
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[Joel POV]
Joel sits waiting with a scowl as Tess passes him and joins him across the booth. After a day or two they finally made plans to get together briefly at lunch to talk. 
His scowl softens when he looks at her. His untouched cup of coffee sits between them like a mediator. She leaves her jacket on with no intention of being there long. 
He comes out and says it. Calmly and softly. 
“I can’t do this anymore.” His gaze faces downward and avoids her face.
“Do what?” Tess askes, acting puzzled by their conversation.
Joel gestures his finger pointing between the two of them. His face is solemn as his eyes reluctantly lock with hers. 
“You gotta be kidding me.” Tess scoffs. She searches his eyes for more information but his stare is cold and serious. 
“Whats got you so noble all of a sudden?” She teases, still not really believing him. He can see her working it out in her head.
Joel wants to tell her all about you, but he knows he can’t. 
“Do what you want. I’m not your wife.” 
Joel wants to believe that, but he knows her too well. He hasn’t had success with anyone else in a long time because he hasn’t really tried. Nothing serious, anyways. She knows he is loyal to her at the end of the day. Always has been and always will be. The permission to do whatever with whomever is just an illusion. It never had been challenged before and was just empty words. 
Tess has always had a way to keep Joel on her leash. They were too comfortable with how things were. Their history was long and tumultuous but it was familiar. She had been there for him at his darkest times and he felt an obligation to her. One he had been content with fulfilling. The allure of familiarity was strong, but it was waning and Tess was too preoccupied to stop it.   
“Tess, this thing we have isn’t working.” He pauses. “It hasn’t been working.” His words have more bite than he intended as they leave his mouth. 
“This thing?” Her eyes narrow as she accentuates the word. “Joel, tell me what is really going on.”
The guilt was starting to get to him. It wasn’t fair to Tess and it wasn’t fair to you. It shouldn’t even be an issue, really. Joel’s conflict just further confirmed how entwined he was with Tess and the last thing he wanted to do was hurt her. 
It was no secret that Tess and Joel were a thing. They were both well respected and liked in town but also had a reputation for being intense if you crossed them. Everyone knew that Joel would break their jaw if they put their hands on Tess for any reason or gave her any trouble. He was her protector and her lover. Whichever one she needed. It was common knowledge that they were in a situationship. There was no romance, but they had an unspoken claim on each other. 
“Whatever this is you are going through is fucking weird.” She waves her hand in front of her, mimicking his ambiguity. Her voice is a little more shaky than before, but still holding back any real emotion. 
He looks down at his coffee. He can feel her gaze boring into him, searching for the source of this conversation. The shame is permeating from him like a stink he can’t wash off and she can smell it.
“So you’ve been fucking around with someone else?” She asks bluntly. Piecing it all together. 
“I didn’t exactly go looking for it.” He says, coldly. Annoyed by her accusation that was by all counts correct. 
“Jesus, Joel.” Her tone is filled with disgust more than anything.
“Don’t, Tess.” His words bite. “You’re never around. Don’t act like we are anything more than that.” 
“Only when you want to get your dick wet.”
“You’re one to talk.”
“Fuck you.”
Joel sits, silent. Biting his tongue and trying to keep his cool. He doesn’t want to admit it, but she is right. The one constant in his life the past few years has been Tess. They never were successful in making the leap to something legitimate. They were both too headstrong and too stubborn. 
Oil and water. 
Despite that, they had amazing sexual chemistry, when they made time for each other. Joel had stupidly suggested it might be practical if they moved in together, but she shot that down. Joel wanted some semblance of a relationship and her resistance to that started driving a wedge between them. Things only got more toxic and strained between them after that. Their interactions had been slowly reduced to just the occasional fuck after drinking at the bar and a whole lot of arguing. 
Then you came along. The catalyst that made him question why he was just staying complacent with Tess and how sustainable that really was going to be. You did it all without realizing it.
 “I don’t have time to play games, Joel.” 
“Tess…” He stares at her. “I ain’t playing.” The words come out firmly through gritted teeth and his balled up fist slams on the table making the contents on the surface rattle.  
As much as Tess could be intimidating, it was nothing compared to a worked up Joel Miller. She scoots out from the booth and stands up in a huff, clearly over this conversation. 
“When you’re done having your fun, don’t come looking for me.” 
Her prickly demeanor tears away at his resolve. He doesn’t want to lose Tess, but he doesn’t know how to quit her either. She knows it, too. Dangling her threat in front of him to keep him on the hook. Daring him to eat his words.
Joel feels stricken with panic. His temper cools and is replaced with regret. All he had done was piss her off and work himself up. He was finally saying the words out loud that they both had been avoiding for too long, but he was too afraid to commit and make things final. 
He reaches his arm out like a reflex and grabs her arm as she passes. Their eyes lock in a standoff. Tess has a fire in her eyes but behind that he can see the hurt lurking. He relaxes his grip now that he has her attention and looks away, ashamed. His hand drags down her arm slowly. Tender and apologetic. 
“Will I see you Friday night?” 
Coward. He hates himself as soon as those words leave his mouth. Why couldn’t he just let her walk away?  
“Yeah. Sure.” She conceals the slightest smirk from his sight as she pulls her arm free and keeps walking toward the door. 
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Later that night after Joel returns home he has nothing left to distract him. He had worked as late as he could. He had a liquid dinner of whiskey. 
After he showered he got into some sweatpants and a simple cotton tshirt and scrolled mindlessly through the channels. He settled on a mediocre action movie that was halfway over and just let it fill the background noise. 
His mind is on overdrive rehashing the conversation with Tess over and over. Regretting not just letting her go. It was easier to imagine doing that when it wasn’t the heat of the moment. He was so close but he knew she wouldn’t make it easy for him. He knew better than to let himself get wound up too and put her on the defensive. He never wanted to hurt Tess even if he was fed up with her.   
He had no intention of continuing his charades with her and didn’t want to lead her on, but he couldn’t let it end like that. They had too much history. She had been too important to Joel since they met in Boston. He didn’t want to lose what they had, but it was becoming more and more clear that it had been gone for a long time. He still had to try. 
He hated feeling so ambivalent. 
“Damn it, Tess.” He says out loud to himself as he leans forward over his knees with his hands clasped between them. He slams his whiskey glass down on the table in front of him.     
His body is too tense and agitated. He stands up and paces past the front window. His eyes catch the light of your home and he feels a different kind of heat take over. His frustration was looking for any way to escape. He could already feel himself getting hard thinking about fucking you again. A combination of desire for you and aggravation that his situationship with Tess was going to stifle this new flame.  
He braces against the wall and palms himself over his pants with deep, labored strokes. He reaches his hand inside and continues. His cock is begging for your touch. 
Your touch. 
It all seemed so clear to him at this moment. You were exactly what he needed. What he wanted. In the short time he had come to know you one thing was certain. Being around you made him feel good. 
He withdraws his hand with a pained restraint and instead picks up his phone.       
Joel needs to see you. He sends you a text. 
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[Reader POV]
Joel: Come over?
No preamble. No context. You read the message and then read it again. 
You: Sure
There is nothing you’d like more. You want to tell him that, but you keep it short and sweet.
It was already getting late but you didn’t want to question it too much. It’s not like you were doing anything important anyways. You had already made a deal with yourself to let things cool off a little so that you didn’t come off desperate with how badly he made you want him. 
This unexpected late night invitation was very much welcomed. Whatever reason Joel had to invite you over, you were ready to find out.   
You throw on a pair of jeans, grab your jacket and head over on foot. The cool air is soothing. It helps calm you down as you can feel your heart racing the closer you get. His home was becoming more and more familiar to you. It was hard not to pass it everyday and want to be back inside and wonder what he was up to. Joel was becoming more and more familiar. You had never felt so enamored with a guy before. Much less someone like Joel and especially not someone old enough to be your dad. You knew so little about him, too. Something you plan to remedy when you are not being dickmatized. 
He answers the door as you approach it and you step in, scuffing your boots to kick off the snow. You notice how dimly lit the place is with only the light from his TV and the wood stove burning low. A single light in the kitchen above the sink where you first got to experience his touch. 
You turn to face him as he closes the door. He looks on edge.
He takes a step towards you and grabs your chin, directing you to look up at him. His eyes are dark and his energy is agitated. Hungry. Lustful. Something is off but you can’t quite place it. You infer that his silence means he didn’t invite you over to chat so you don’t pry. Shoot first and ask questions later was becoming the status quo. 
He brushes his thumb across your lip and parts your mouth open slightly. It makes you melt inside as you confirm this invitation was for all the reasons you had hoped. You give him a sultry smirk and tease the tip of his thumb with your tongue.
No words are spoken as he closes the gap and shoves his tongue in your mouth. He presses into you and turns you to swap positions so he can pin you against the door. You can feel the heat of his cock against you as he devours you with his mouth and grinds into you. You can smell the lingering whiskey on his breath while you make out.
His hands pull your jacket off your shoulders and it falls to the ground. You kick your boots off and let them join the mess of clothing starting to gather at your feet. He pulls your shirt over your head and struggles to undo your bra while his body rocks into you; crowding you in. He is careful not to lose contact with you for long. His mouth roams to your neck and collarbone as you reach your hands down to unbutton your jeans. The cruel barrier between you does little to conceal his hardening cock, poking into you as you struggle to unzip and free yourself from your jeans. 
Your bare back against the door is cold and sends goosebumps through your skin. His hand brushes over your hardening nipple and it sends him in a frenzy that stops you in your tracks as he becomes preoccupied with your hardening buds. 
He hooks his hands under your thighs to hoist you up higher for easier access. You straddle him to help hold yourself up. He maneuvers you so effortlessly. His biceps bulge tightly through the arms of his tshirt as he uses his strength to pin you firmly between him and the door while he ravages your tits. 
Your hands grip into his shoulders and he leans in to take your nipple in his mouth. His tongue swirls and teases as you become harder and more sensitive. 
He is rough and needy. A moan escapes your lips as he sucks hard and flicks you with his tongue before switching over to the other side and does it all over again. He is getting increasingly forceful. 
It’s almost too rough and borders hurting but his unhinged desire to take what he wants in the moment makes you feel euphoric. You want to be at his mercy.
A bite catches you off guard and you and you gasp as he nips at you again with more restraint. He pulls back to control himself, panting and realizing he might be getting too intense. 
He lowers you gently back to your feet and holds your hips firmly. He leans into your ear and his words come out deep and commanding. 
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He leads you hastily through the living room to a room you had not been in before. It smells masculine and clean with a woodsy veil lingering from the wood stove. He has dark blue bedding and decor against beautiful rustic, knotty pine walls. It feels comfortable and distinctly Joel. A rush of excitement surges through you. Being in his bedroom. Standing at the foot of his bed.  
He comes up behind you and wraps his arms around you and mouths your jawline and collar. It doesn’t take long before he is getting carried away again leaving playful bites on your tender skin. You relish it and welcome being branded by him. You’ve never been with someone so rough and dominant and you find yourself craving this side of Joel. Your body aches for his touch.       
One of his hands is forcefully grabbing your breast and the other he slides down your belly and dips inside your panties. You are embarrassingly aroused already and he feels how wet you are as he grazes over your underwear. He curls two of his fingers under the damp fabric and lets out a low growl as he presses them over your swollen clit and gets them wet at your entrance. His fingers are so thick. He gently works his two fingers in and out of you over and over again while his thumb teases your clit. While he is stretching you out he bites at the crook of your neck and earlobe. His cock poking into you and begging for friction as he grinds it into you.
You can feel him everywhere on your body. All your senses are flooded by his presence. His scent. His heat. His touch.  
He slides his hand up and hooks his fingers on your waistband and tugs them down. You help shimmy out of them and bend over to let them drop to the floor. With one more layer removed you press back into him as you rise back up and feel his hard cock against your ass. You seize the opportunity to tease him back by rubbing up against him. You can feel his cock swelling against you and you let out a needy moan to further tempt him while you slowly rise back up. You want him inside you so badly and you can feel how badly he wants it too.
“Easy,” he says sternly as his hands find a grip on your hips while you push back into him again. You hear a raspy moan catch in his throat. 
“Don’t.” He threatens while he grips you harder and keeps you still. That dangerous side shows itself and it makes you equally turned on as you are intimidated. You listen. 
He removes his other hand from your breast and slides it up around the front of your neck and gently around your throat. He tilts your head back and cups your jawline as he presses a needy kiss into you and turns you around to face him.   
Joel pushes you down gently onto your back. His bed is messy and unkempt and smells like him. He stands at the foot of the bed and pulls his shirt off. His shoulder frame is so wide and his tapered waist teases you with his happy trail spilling out from his pants that are straining to hold him in. He leaves them and seems to ignore his own arousal for a moment to turn his entire focus on you. He drinks in your naked body laid bare before him and bites his lip back with a crooked smile. He has already made a mess of you and he can see how needy you are for him. Keeping his cock hidden seems cruel but you aren’t even sure if you could handle much more of his body at this moment. 
He crawls onto the bed on all fours and situates himself in between your legs. The mattress sinks slightly under his weight as he settles between your legs with his arms holding him up on each side of you. His scruff scrapes the soft skin of your inner thigh as he lowers his head down and it sends a shiver through you. He presses his mouth to the crease at the top of your leg and places a gentle kiss as he moves in closer to your center. 
His movements are slow and deliberate and he is teasing you with anticipation. His eyes lock onto yours. They are blown out and mad with desire. Dangerously hungry.  
“Need to taste you.” He groans and snakes his hands under and around your legs and drags you closer to him, never breaking eye contact. His hands splay over your lower belly and he dives in. Your head tilts back as you stare up at the ceiling and breathe sharply. Your body is floating in pure ecstasy.  
His focus is now entirely on eating you out. He flattens his tongue and licks you up to your clit again and again. You are getting wetter and wetter. He goes at a painfully slow pace and savors your taste. The sensation is intoxicating. He works his tongue with such precision. 
Moans escape your lips and your body writhes under his expert tongue. Your back arches up as he dips further into you. His nose teases your clit while he stretches his tongue inside you. His damp beard scrapes against you as he moves his head, tantalizing your skin.  
Your hands scramble to grab his tousled hair between your legs and you latch onto him and look down to steal a glance while he works. He is so handsome and skilled it doesn’t feel real. You can’t shake the feeling that you are waiting for the other shoe to drop, but at this moment you don’t even care. 
His broadness let him take up so much space and spread you so wide open for him. His shoulders crest as he maneuvers himself deeper and you can see his beading sweat. He is so focused on making you feel good. Making you feel desired while he is genuinely enjoying every moment of it. 
You lay your head back again and your vision starts to fade out as the sensation becomes overpowering. His tongue is relentless, exploring your folds and discovering all the right spots that drive you wild. Your hands tangle in his silver streaked hair and you are certain it has to be hurting him with how hard you are pulling. He does not seem to be fazed in the slightest and only responds with more vigor the harder you pull.   
“Joel. I’m gonna..” 
He interrupts you by sharply pushing you down against the mattress so you can’t squirm anymore. 
“Not yet.” He commands, his eyes staying focused on your cunt while he speaks. “I’m not done with you.” 
He doubles down on his movements to further push your limits. His whole face is buried in you. Pleasuring your most tender parts with a passionate hunger. Savoring your sweetness. 
You writhe under him. His words invigorate you as you grasp onto anything that might help you hold on. His hair. The bed sheets. The comforter balled up around you. He doesn’t seem to mind that your legs are nearly strangling him. You doubt he can even feel it. He is so much bigger and stronger than you.  
He sends you over the edge when he takes your swollen clit between his lips and sucks hard while he swirls it with his tongue. 
You moan as your orgasm washes over you and he goes into a frenzy lapping at you, moaning as he takes all of you in. You have never come so hard before and he is drinking every bit of you. Reaping the benefits of his handiwork.   
You are both panting to catch your breath and enjoy a calm moment as you come down from your high. You look down at him still placed between your legs. He groans as he stiffly adjusts his arms to prop himself up. One of the few moments that reminds you he is damn near 50 years old, and you are surprised to find it so endearing.  
“Holy Fuck, Joel.” you say almost giddy and rest your arm across your forehead and breathe deep. No one has ever pleasured you like Joel Miller and you are pretty sure he knows it. 
His face is shiny and wet from your release and his beard is covered in your slick. He looks feral and depraved as he drags the back of his hand across his face to wipe off your mess but it only smears it more. He licks his bottom lip, and seems pleased to wear your mess like a badge of honor. He was being such a nasty man, but you liked him nasty.
He backs up off the bed and reluctantly stands up. His cock is begging to be touched and let free. He catches the needy way you look at.
“Not yet, baby.” He slides his hand under his waistband and you can see him stroke his length and groan slightly as he slides his pants down. He jerks on it a few more times and you can see it leaking at the tip. It's fat and ready to burst. You can feel your body pulsing, begging to have him inside you. 
“I want more of that pussy first.”
He slips out of his pants completely and then returns to his place on the bed, between your legs. He forces them open with his head. It’s playful but also devious. You didn’t realize how tightly you were holding your legs together until he charged in. 
“Joel!” You whine. 
He ignores you and places a rogue kiss on your abdomen and then resumes fucking you with his tongue. He uses his thumbs to spread your folds open so he can get in deep. You whimper as the pressure on you and inside you builds. You are wet again in no time and he relishes every molecule that coats his tongue.  
He leans into you and pushes your legs back into your chest and laps at you with this new leverage. You can hear him moaning in delight.
“Joel…” You say his name again, louder, trying to get his attention. You are overstimulated and he doesn’t stop. Not that you actually want him to stop, but you do want him to know you are coming undone.
The second wave of pleasure starts to build. You are swollen and begging for his touch. Begging for him to fill you. As good as his tongue feels, you need to feel more of him. Making you beg for his cock turns him on too. He relishes your needy pleas and edges you even more. 
He gets you good and wet and reluctantly pulls away from you and sits up. One hand presses your leg open while the other hand zeroes in on your opening. He dips a finger in and immediately adds another as he fucks you with his thick fingers, twisting them inside you. He wastes no time. Much rougher than earlier. He does it just long enough to get them dripping and feel you clench around him. You let out a whimper as he scissors his fingers and then cruelly pulls out of you, leaving you empty.  
He wasn’t being so nice anymore. His movements were more urgent and practical. He had neglected his swollen cock for long enough.  
His wet hand glides over his shaft while he stares at you.  
“You’re being so good.” he praises. His veiny cock glistening in your slick.
“Gonna fuck you now, Sweetheart.”
He kneels on the bed and leans forward to pull you up. Your legs dangle loosely as he pulls you to your knees and spreads your legs to straddle him in his lap. His weighty cock is between your bodies. He notches it at your entrance and grabs it firmly at the base and pumps it before he guides the head into you. 
Even though you are soaked and he just fingered you it is still a stretch your body isn’t quite ready for. His slicked up, swollen head splits you open and you feel a searing burn as your walls strain to fit him.  
He lets out a grunt as he pushes it in further and locks his hands on your hips. You gasp as he pulls you all the way down to his base and holds you there for a moment. You wrap your arms around his neck and press your head to his chest while your mouth gapes open and you moan. You were not expecting him to fill you with his full length so quickly. He was a lot to take.  
He leans back away from you just far enough to catch your eyes and check in on you. You feel his cock twitch inside you while he is admiring how fucked out you look. 
Your bodies come together again and he grabs you hard. He thrusts up into you and pulls you down on his cock hard as he fucks you. His arms tangle around you as his pace quickens. Your nails claw into his back as you try to desperately grab onto something.
He snarls and nips at your collar as he fucks you relentlessly. He starts to come undone. His undulating thrusts turn chaotic. You can feel his cock swelling inside you, ready to unload. 
You want him to fill you to the brim with his come but you don’t have the capacity to form coherent words. You try anyway holding yourself even tighter against him and moaning. Pleading with your touch. You hadn’t found the appropriate moment to tell him oh, by the way I have an IUD and doing it while being fucked senseless was incredibly difficult.
Your muscles are going weaker by the second but he picks up on your attempts. Joel was incredibly tuned into you. As if he needed another reason to be so attractive.  
“Where, baby?” He slows his pace but just slightly. He urges you to reply by placing one of his hands on the side of your face and holding you up to look at him. You can tell from his tone that he is on the brink. 
“In… inside.” You manage to get it out. You catch the way the corner of his mouth pulls up slightly while his eyes narrow over his nose. It was exactly what he was hoping to hear. He thumbs over your jawline and then brings his hand back down to your hips. 
Joel grunts loud as he thrusts into you while he pulls you down on him. Rough and violent in his movements. His cock kisses your deepest parts and you scream out his name and claw into him. His moan sends you over the edge and your muscles convulse as your release escapes you.
He can feel your walls choking his cock while you come. It sets his own climax in motion and he loses control, bucking into you frantically while he snarls. You can feel his hot ropes of come fill you as his cock pulses. He thrusts up into you with a labored exhale as he empties himself inside you. 
Having him fill you with his spend feels so cathartic. For both of you, you imagine, judging by his calmer demeanor. You share a peaceful moment together entangled and panting. Hot and sticky sweat beading between your bodies. The smell of sex and burning wood.  
He presses his forehead into yours and leads you down gently back onto the mattress. His come leaks out of you as he pulls out with a groan. He was already taking up any available space before he poured into you. You mourn its loss as it drips out of your cunt.  
He presses a kiss to your forehead and drops to his side, next to you. His arm drapes over your midsection and he turns you on your side. He pulls you close so your back is flush against the front of his body. His wet and softening cock nestles at the curve of your ass. 
You can feel his heartbeat with heavy thuds starting to slow. He traces his hand along your side and gently rubs your skin. It makes you shiver. Your sides are sore from being held so tightly but his touch now is soft and gentle. Soothing. 
Joel was intense in bed, but it never made you feel like you were in any sort of danger. He was certainly capable of harming you but you trusted him. He pushed your limits in all the right ways. On the outside he was rough and dominant, but you were starting to see that deep inside he knew how to be gentle too. He had another side of him that he was content to share with you in these moments. 
He made you feel safe. Like he would protect you from anything.
“Joel?” You call for his attention, almost sheepish.
“Mmm?” He mumbles, raspy. From the sounds of it he was nearly passed out.
You roll onto your other side so you are facing him now. His hand snakes over your ass and he rubs you.
“You fuck good for an old man.” 
He bites inside his cheek to hold back a smile and shakes his head. 
“Watch it.” He threatens, but in a joking tone. He pulls your head into his chest and scoffs. You liked teasing him about his age.
You smile to yourself and bury your face in his chest as he holds you tighter. 
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You wake up to the sound of heavy boots clunking on the wood floor. You slowly blink your eyes open and then jolt up when you realize you are not at home. You look to your right and the spot on the bed is empty with blankets haphazardly tossed aside. You are in an unfamiliar bed, naked and your body is sore. 
Your brain slowly wakes up as you remember Joel inviting you over late last night. You didn’t mean to fall asleep in his bed. He had fucked you silly and it is not at all surprising that you slept like a baby. He wore out your body and the last thing you remember was being held by him and listening to his rhythmic breath as you dozed off together.  
Your eyes searched the room for your clothes but half of them were still out by the front door. 
You see his olive green and orange plaid flannel draped over his dresser. You snatch it and put it on. It floats on you but feels so soft and comforting. The arms are so much longer and it hangs over you frumpy. It smells worn but you like being in his stink. You button just a few to hold it on you. It barely covers your ass but it does a good enough job. 
You push the bedroom door open and wince as you see the sun is just peaking through the treeline. A stark contrast to the room you woke up in. The reflection on the ice covered lake is bright and blinding. After your eyes adjust you can really take in what a beautiful morning it is. 
“Morning.” Joel greets you. He is standing over in the kitchen holding a coffee carafe and pouring it into his thermos. “Didn’t mean to wake you.” 
He looked so handsome. Fresh with his hair wet and slicked back. He cleaned up well and looked like an entirely different man from the night before. More put together anyways. More peaceful too. It reminded you of the first morning you met him. 
He was dressed for work and had on a few layers from head to toe. It made you feel foolish to still be so exposed. He did not seem to mind one bit.
He looks you up and down and he bites his lip while he tilts his head slightly and stares. 
“Mmm. Like you in my shirt.” He almost growls it at you.
You smile shyly and stand across from him at the island.
“I like it too. I might have to keep it.” You tease.  
You notice a coffee mug already prepared next to him.  His big hand claws it on the top and he slides it over towards you.
“Figured you’d want this.” 
“I sure do.” You pick up the mug with both hands and breathe in the sweet aroma. He had apparently paid attention enough to know that you like your coffee with cream and sugar. Another bonus point for attentiveness.     
“I got an early job today and I have to go. Stay as long as you need.” His offer was generous.
He twists the lid onto his thermos and grabs a bag with some tools and blueprints. He slings it over his shoulder and walks around the other side to stand next to you. 
He reaches his free hand out and gently pushes your messy hair behind your ear. He slowly drags his hand to your jaw and tenderly caresses you with his thumb. 
“See you later, sweetheart.” You melt inside. 
And then he was gone. 
You collect your things and quickly dress yourself properly. Your daily work alarm goes off on your phone while you are lacing up your boots. Just enough time to go home and shower and get ready for work. 
As you are about to head out a devious thought compels you to snatch the flannel. He won’t even miss it. He has plenty. 
As you close the door behind you you take a deep breath. The sun is warm on your face and the air is crisp and refreshing. Your senses are invigorated and your energy is bright and vibrant. The realization hits you as you start across the street. 
You are falling hard for Joel Miller. 
To be continued...
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Thank you to my dear friends who beta'd for me @magpiepills and @legendary-pink-dot 🧡 ILY
Love to the rest of my sluts who support my creative shenanigans and give me life @exquisiteserotonin @pink-whiskey-woman @for-a-longlongtime
@youandmeand5bucks @sparklefarts38 @redhotkitchen
Inspo Tags for some of my favorite Joel fic writers that have inspired me in so many ways with their amazing, talented writings (Please give them all your love! Im sure you are already familiar with them) @toxicanonymity @swiftispunk @hier--soir @atticrissfinch @bageldaddy
Tag List - If you want to be added please leave a comment! You can also follow my Update blog at @ArcaneFoxFics but I realize the traditional tag list is still a preference so this is an option too 🧡
@untamedheart81 @elizabeth4th @thischarmingmandalorian @mellymbee @yxtkiwiyxt
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pu-butt · 5 months
Thinking about Him* again.
*shaolin fantastic the lady-killing romantic
#my dearest darling you-know-who you are: this is your one sign to stop reading these tags so you can avoid spoilers#with that out of the way: some thoughts in no particular order#1. this post is a lie because i am actually always thinking about shaolin fantastic#2. a l i e n b r o t h e r s#no but like weve been robbed so bad#of dizzee and shao connecting here#elaborate on the fucking alien brotherhood man#and like also... it's really what theyre all about huh and in such different ways#shao is doing anything and everything to reach that fucking opera#and he depends on zeke for it all the more because zeke is his ticket out#and then also he loves zeke so clearly#and it is such a mess of different stakes and vulnerability and then like...#him having made choices for his survival that zeke wont support and it hurts in a million different ways#and it's like... idk man#shao gets SO close to his opera and he is still an alien#and dizzee goes about his opera so differently#and maybe i think#just m a y b e he couldve helped shao in some way#they couldve helped each other#but we were robbed#this was all extremely incoherent i know#maybe one day i will write an actually coherent and fully thought out analysis of shaolin fantastic#and esp his extremely layered relationship with zeke#but today is not that day#today (like any other day) is just me having Thoughts and Feelings#i will say once again: i will never forgive baz luhrmann for ditchting the get down before giving shao a happy ending#the get down#netflix the get down#can we get a the get down renaissance around here please?#i miss them so much always
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nexttothelamp · 1 year
Man that episode of rwby changed me.
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amourcheol · 1 year
the great war | (teaser)
❝Because the greatest war Seungcheol had ever waged was against your heart.❞
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historical! au | enemies to lovers! au | smut, fluff | approx. 30k words
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s u m m a r y : there was only one thing you hated more than your restricted life, and that was choi seungcheol—the greatest venetian general who has ever lived. when a marriage is arranged between the two of you, you were sure it would end in bloodshed. however, as you and seungcheol are forced to attend balls and share a few hard truths, you realise you have more in common with the mysterious general than you thought.
c o n t e n t : military commander! seungcheol, noblewoman! artist! mc, artist! minghao, artist! soonyoung who are both annoying (affectionate), cheol and mc absolutely hate each other because i need to see proper e2l, cheol is the hottest man who ever lived, he also has a scar on his lip (yes this needs a separate warning), this is set in renaissance venice so there will be artist references, the doge = basically ruler of venice, themes of sexism, constant arguing between mc and cheol, there is fluff, also angst ofc mature warnings -> tons of sexual tension, making out fuelled by hatred, fingering, oral sex (f. receiving), unprotected sex (only because medieval contraception is vile), cheol says some very vile things during the deed, very slight corruption kink
p l a y l i s t : dangerous woman by ariana grande || war of the hearts by sade || love is stronger than pride by sade || i don’t understand but i luv u by seventeen
t a g l i s t : @hyuckworld​ @just-hear-to-read-01 @cherrycheolcoups @jeonwonwooscutie @i-dont-give-a-fok @mystikha @xcynthiaaa @ckline35 @enthralled-bandit @urfavtallgirl222 @swimmingkpopblog @areumyang @geniejunn @itsveronicaxxx @yoongischeeksluv @sojohns @capsiclesworld @hanniehoneyy @belladaises @listxn @cheolsbitch @atinycarat26 @moniece @foxdaisy @seventeensfave @yoozuku @hanicore @ishireads @kkooongie @huiiline @coralderae @deekayownsme @louvyves @writingsbybirdie @myjaeyunn @twogyuu @goldenhoney-cas @jonginstance @lurniere @vanishingboots @jub-jub @jjjzzzz @bee-beyond @ikeostormy @rubywonu @ncteez-replies @appt2235 @claireleem @ningwebs @gyuturn @sikebishes @antiv3nus @tyongff-ff @lxgus @forcoups @woozarts @smoooore @iwuzhere @asteriaskingdom @p-dwiddle @youre-on-your-ownkid @fragmentof-indifference @lilsafsafbooyah @9songbird19 @hibernatinghamster @norassimpingzone @parkchaeyoungsbish @foxinnie8 @idubutily @imatfrontrow @ellr07 @havetaeminforbreakfast @tacolombe @nomnom2001 @highkey-fangirling @nap-of-a-starr @pineartease @hwashiningstar @hybeboy @haoraecane @yestenano
(send an ask to be tagged <33)
a u t h o r ’ s  n o t e :  hello everyone i died on this account but i am back and better than ever especially since cheol has the nerve to be the finest man alive. just a warning, this fic is going to be so horrendously self-indulgent </3
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He was also wearing his wedding attire, but his cravat had been loosened, revealing a sliver of his neck. His curls were wild, as if he had been raking his hands through them. Even as a groom his sword was strapped at his side, the weapon absent at the actual ritual. You could have laughed at him if you were not so nervous—even on an apparent intimate night, he had only thoughts of murdering you.
His expression, on the other hand, revealed no humour.
You heard him sigh sharply, locking the door. That instantly had your nerves heightening. “Unlock the door,” you commanded, getting up from the bed. “I need to run away if you try to do something.”
“I shall have no drunk cousin or lecherous relative spying on us,” he refuted, stepping closer into the room.
“Spying?” your senses perked up. “Seungcheol, we are not doing anything worth spying on, do you understand?”
“What the hell do you mean?” he demanded, propping his gloved hands on his hips. He made to step closer to you but you raised your hand to stop him.
“I know a man has expectations,” you started, backing away from him, “Everyone expects us to seal the marriage, and I know that is the tradition, but I do not care…” you paused, and even the thought of such an action frightened you.
“If you try to touch me, Seungcheol, I will not hesitate to take your sword and stab myself with it.”
He parted his mouth to sneer, but he caught the look in your gaze. He had never seen such a promise ready to be fulfilled should your worst fears occur.
The man could not help but step back.
“Did you really think I would do that, _____?”
You smiled, albeit without any humour. “Well, first you declare that you would rather die by the hands of a Turk before marrying me, and here you stand as my husband.” You shook your head. “I cannot trust you.”
The accusation on his honour stung. “I stand by what I said. I did not want—do not want to marry you.”
“Then why did you say yes?!” you screamed.
He stood silent for a time, gritting his teeth.
It was the truth. Choi Seungcheol was the last man on earth who wished for your hand.
He, too, wanted to escape as the ceremony progressed. Even as you came into the church, dolled up in the height of fashion, he wished nothing more than to run out of God’s holy building, jump upon a gondola and row away from the city.
Despite his prowess, his popularity, his apparent undeniable power, he was unable to escape this marriage. There were exterior forces, beyond his control.
He said it to you truthfully.  
“I was given no choice. I had to say yes.”
You did not believe him. “King of the Venetian military, the Republic’s favourite man and you could not control your choice of wife?” You almost wanted to laugh at him.
He could tell. “You would not understand,” he muttered, turning away from you. “All you have ever done is be a spoiled Doge’s daughter.”
That really ticked you off. “You have no idea what I have done for myself. You will never know of the burdens I carry for being a woman alone.” You crossed your arms, daring him to face you like a man. “All you have done is go to some foreign land and kill a few poor souls.”
Now that really ticked him off. “You speak of burdens as if I have none.” His voice dropping an octave had you blinking back. “You are not the only person who has struggled.”
You watched him as he finally deigned you a glance. There was something incredibly bleak in his usual stormy eyes. Not that you had never not seen him in a sour countenance, but this was possibly the first time you had seen him so hopeless.
“You are not the only person who has felt alone.”
A great part inside of you wished to cackle the ceiling down.
He should feel alone! You raged inside your mind, looking down at the ends of your wedding gown. He should feel something akin to loneliness so he could understand a fraction of your despair. The man was constantly surrounded by his men, his followers, hundreds of thousands of admirers from all over Europe.
You, on the other hand, had only yourself and your paint.
Even with that bitterness, no laughter spluttered from your lips.
You could only match his cruel stare, and hope he took you seriously.
A few more minutes passed before he sighed, taking off his loosened cravat from his neck, putting his sheathed sword on the set of drawers behind him. “We should sleep,” he said, stepping before the opposite side of the bed.
Watching his every move, you then shifted your gaze to the bed. “Yes…we should…”
His famous brow quirked inquisitively. “What are you thinking now?” he asked, clearly exasperated. He then continued dryly, “If you are still hesitant about the whole consummation, then I can assure you that I, too, would slice my head off if you suggested it.”
“Well, I am not suggesting it,” you muttered. “I am more puzzled about why you are getting into bed.”
His tiredness did not stop his stare turning sharp with sarcasm. “Because that is what a person does if they wish to sleep.”
“I am aware of that, thank you.” You put a hand to your chest. “But I wish to sleep as well, and I will be damned before I let you sleep in the same bed as me.”
Now his gaze turned mocking. “My God, you have some nerve saying such a thing.” He set the cravat down on the bedside table. “If you have a problem with me sleeping here, you can sleep somewhere else.”
“Excuse me!” you exclaimed, reaching out to clutch the bedsheets. “This is my bedroom. I have slept here my entire life!” You huffed, sitting on the plush mattress. “Besides, are you soldiers not accustomed to sleeping anywhere? I am sure my bedroom floor is a lavish upgrade from whatever hellsite you rested abroad.”
“Oh, you—” he brought his knee upon the bed, hands further placed as he leaned closer to you. “I care very little whether you have been sleeping here all your life. Your father brought me here, so I have a right to this space.”
You matched his vigour instantly, leaning just as close, sparking a fire in your expression. “And I care none if Papa brought you here—hell, if the Pope carried you to this very room.” His growing rage had no effect on your own. “Sleep. On. The. Floor.”
Mere inches away from each other, the general stared you down. Had the receiver of such a cruel eye been his soldiers, they would have run for the lakes, abandoned the army altogether. Seungcheol’s cold, calculating glares have had enemies shiver in their masses.
It irked him so ardently that his infamous tactics ceased to work on you.
He looked over your features: the manic, determined glint in your pupils, the flared nose, the pursed lips. No one, a woman, no less, had stood up to him like this.
Of course, he should not have been surprised. You had always been a sharp pain in his backside.
God, I cannot let her win, his voice rang, over and over in his head. She cannot have this over me.
But then he saw a glint in your usual mischievous gaze, and he knew you were about to commit a crime.
He was not wrong.
Because you did have an idea, and you smirked, fingers rising to the thin bow on the top of your dress.
Slowly, you began to untie the lace.
Seungcheol watched with no small amount of horror as your rigid wedding gown began to loosen at the top, its flared arms drooping around your shoulders.
You made to untie the second lace when he raised his hands, twisting his lips into a scowl. “What the hell are you doing?!” he demanded, getting off the bed.
“What does it look like?” You untied the string, dress falling further down till you needed your hands to hold it steady.
A single drop, and everything would be revealed.
The greatest general in the peninsula nearly squirmed at the thought.
Your fingers toyed with the last lace.
His eyes darted to your movements. Then, to your face, and you noticed the change of expression—it was as if he was thinking of a military strategy, a last-minute decision on the battlefield.
Once again, you pulled at the string.
But before the knot was fully untied you heard a savage growl escape his mouth.
“Oh, for God’s sake!”
Before you even let the dress fall, he swerved around, grabbing hold of his sword from the drawers. “Fine! Have your room!” The muscles on his back flexed as he raked a hand in his hair. “You are truly ridiculous!”
You could only laugh at the scene of him thundering to the door, vigorously unlocking it and storming out.
The laughter did not stop as you changed into your nightgown, shaking your head.
You did not care if Choi Seungcheol had become your husband.
You were not going to let anything of your life change.
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hiraya-rawr · 2 years
lover from another nation ~ hcs .
characters !! all the genshin men i could think of rn...
note !! it's been a while since i've written hcs for a lot! aaaah just some thoughts i had today (i had a few culture shocks here and there when i met up with new friends hahahah)
~ m o n d s t a d t ~
grabbing zhongli by the hand to dance and sing in the middle of the square because mondstadters live for the festivities! he quickly learns to freestyle dance along with you, moving with the crowd and cheers and wine. (remember that Tangled scene? yes)
kaveh wasn't sure how to react the day you ordered hard liquor on your first date. sure, your freedom and love for a good drink is one of the things which made him fall for you but wow– are you really gonna down that many glasses on a date? what do you mean you're still sober?
ayato finds himself in love with the way you sing. it doesn't follow the rules of inazuman opera at all; it's much more freeing (much like how his house help sings as he does chores) and you'd tell him stories and the history of your homeland in the form of songs. no mondstadter could ever forget the songs they grew up listening to!
heizou being almost appalled by your rather... robust and reckless nature. you don't have any backup plans whenever a situation goes south, you simply hold his hand, smile, and say "we go where the wind blows!"
~ l i y u e ~
diluc having chopsticks as part of your dining utensils because sometimes, you're more comfortable eating with it (let's not forget often having rice on the table! he must learn the joys of garlic rice with his steak <3)
dainsleif stays by your side as you offer incense and fruits to your ancestors. he whispers quiet prayers, bows when you do, and helps you clean their altars. he finds solace in the familial piety of liyuens– it makes him wish he could honor his ancestors with the same kind of peace as you do.
kazuha getting tongue tied over the language being so similar to inazuman but also so different– why are some of the characters the same? why are the meanings different? there's a bit of miscommunication in the start, but you both find your own ways to understand each other when words fail.
we all know gorou has always wanted to climb the mountains of liyue and you made it possible! meeting him by the docks and touring him around your home nation, you made sure to pick hiking routes with the most scenic spots, even managing to tour him around the jade palace and the floating lone island.
~ i n a z u m a ~
kaeya has no idea how you sit on the floor while being comfortable. you've made him sit with you once while reading a book, after that, his bones ached for days! shaking every time he stood back up!
albedo met you in the irodori festival- he painted you for practice and spark between you started. the long distance was difficult at first, but his long letters always had a little drawing of you and you'd send back the scent of cherry blossoms. klee would also send you letters, asking you to come visit soon!
childe loves a new fighting style; like most sword users in inazuma, you followed the raiden shogun's teachings– swift, efficient, and at one with the sword. he loves how you fight and it's often how you end your dates!
cyno was almost confident that you were playing a prank the day you said you'll make him your specialty and you showed him a platter of raw seafood. it's "sashimi and ngiri" you say, and he waited for you to explain the pun of your joke. it wasn't a joke.
~ s u m e r u ~
thoma is quite used to mondstadters and inazumans, two very different cultures, then he meets you and your sumeru upbringing! you show him how to cook foods that can be eaten with hands, and your menu is often so colorful he can't help but admire it!
itto doesn't really understand the study culture of sumeru, but he totally supports whatever it is you're talking about and tries to add in comments (his comments don't exactly make sense though...)
scaramouche, in his "path of redemption and healing", unwillingly gets involved with you as you show him around the beautiful parts of sumeru! you argue that he needs a different, better outfit with a color scheme that matches his vision. he insists that the hat stays. you tell him he looks like an aranara.
~ s n e z h n a y a ~
al haitham was almost concerned the day you got a heatstroke after being in the desert for no more than a few minutes. snezhnaya has prepared you for harsh weather, but never the heat. soon enough your lover is carrying around heatstroke-first aid packs just for you.
bundling up tighnari's fluffy ears before setting foot in snezhnaya because you just know the cold would practically freeze them off. his tail also gets wrapped and bundled warm in the large coats you wear, protection from the harsh snow. he says he looks like a big lummox.
note !! alright, choose your favorite dynamic! i personally think mondstadters with liyue/inazuma would be interesting maybe because i want to force feed them the joys of rice...
// if i misinterpreted a culture then umm... just know it wasn't intentional and let's consider it a real thing in teyvats culture 🫣😎
commissions || general m.list
taglist !! @absolut-wildflower @boundedbyfate @sadlonelybagel @eissaaaa @ladycoleigh @nejibot @milkypompon @bloodreaper08 @irethepotato @x-zho @roriver @mich-cola @mxsomn @ackrylik @nicebonescomrade @starforecasts @stygianoir @yuminako @eccedentesiast-sapphic @nebulaera @nuttytani @klutzkat @stygianoir14 @shizunxie @bluriie @aestellia @abyislan08
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hunnymisworld · 19 days
How Haikyuu Characters would respond to you:
When you ask them for help in making the homework.
SFW | Fluff | Crack | Short AU
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C O N T E X T: You are a 1st year transfer student in Karasuno and you've already adjusted to your new environment as well as the new people you met whom you made friends with. You were having a hard time with a homework and decided to ask for help in your fellow classmates/seniors.
A P P R O A C H A B L E yet he is kinda intimidating because everybody knows he's the volleyball captain.
He'll show a small smile when you tap his shoulder to call his attention. "Hey y/n, how can i help you?"
Would offer to teach you the homework with every d e t a i l so you would understand. (He doesn't mind if you ask multiple times about the same thing)
A PATIENT MAN (and understanding too)
"Don't hesitate to ask for help anytime okay?"
He sees you as a younger sibling and finds it cute when you ask him for help.
BIG BROTHER ENERGY (best senpai fr)
Kinda serious when he teaches you the lesson, he's eager for you to learn.
Would ask you follow-up questions to make sure you really understood.
The type to even stay-up-late with you when you ask for a tutor in the upcoming exam ( FOR FREE?!?!? - yes. )
Gives you his phone number cause he does not use social media that much. In case you needed any help with academics or whatsoever.
You can easily find them near the vending machine playing rock-paper-scissors to know who's going to pay for who's snack/drink. (tough battle - Who do you think pays most of the time? You can leave a comment.)
"Stop messing around noya! A junior is here to ask something"
"Ow! Did you really have to hit me- **gets hit again** Oh- Hi Y/n how can your seniors help you?"
Would gladly help you and buy you snacks too!
They lead you where they usually hang out during free time and scan what your homework is about.
"Here, can i see?" Nishinoya offered to look at the homework first and you handed him your noteook.
Ryu was beside him, he was also trying to see what your homework is about.
Scan....scan... Read.... Read...
"What is this? Did we even learn this way back? Do you remember any of this ryu?"
"GIve me that! Stupid-ass. That's what you get for cutting classes. Good for you that you were able to be a senior" (Yes, ryu just snatched your notebook from noya)
"HEY! That was- fine! It's true. Why would i argue with an even dumber person like you"
You were literally just standing there while they bicker like 🧍‍♀️ T.T (poor y/n getting flustered - wondering how to react)
"Can you stop Noya, let me handle this. SHHHH i can't focus"
Noya really said 😧😑🙂 (bro was GAGGED)
After a while.... yes they indeed remembered the lesson and eventually stopped bickering.
They summerized the lesson for you and explained the concept of the lesson. You were then able to answer all the questions which they checked.
"There all done!" Noya happily said while Ryu was having his moment being the best senpai ever.
"Easy peasy" "Lemon squeezy"
You were relieved and thanked them after. You also offered to get them ice cream next time you bump into each other to thank them for helping you (Literally ATE UP your free time from all that bickering T.T nevertheless, you were grateful)
2 MISTAKES! NOT BAD!! (You got 4 thumbs up from them both and they congratulated you)
He would be the one to approach you since he noticed you were having a hard time since the morning recess. Brows furrowed while you were scanning your note book.
"Hey Y/n! How are you? I noticed you were having a hard time since the morning. Do you need help?"
You were on the verge of crying for being frustrated at not understanding the lesson. He noticed it and patted your back as he smiled at you warmly.
A COMFORT PERSON FR (he's such a sunshine)
Makes you calm down first so that you'd be able to clear your mind for you to understand the lesson completely.
"How are you feeling? Do you feel calm now? Don't worry, anything can be learned. Don't pressure yourself too much, you just have to give yourself enough time to learn it okay? Let yourself be a beginner too."
You smile warmly at his words. He seems to always know what to say to make a person calm down.
He explained the concept to you as simple as he can and gave you an outline of the lesson so that you have a guide.
He bought you your comfort food to help calm your nerves and walked you back to your classroom cause he was worried.
"Just approach me if you need tutoring okay? Your mental health matters, don't be too hard on yourself. Don't doubt yourself and your capabilities, you are an amazing person who is also capable of making mistakes. You're human too."
You hugged him as you felt how sincere he was and he patted your back.
YOU ACED IT YEY!! (our soft-hearted y/n awww)
IS YOUR BESTFRIEND!! (sees you as her little sibling)
Left her notebooks on your desk with a cute note saying:
" Don't be upset, you'll get it i promise you. Here are my notes from 1st year and it's concept is described there in the simplest form. I know you'll be able to understand it when you read it. If you have any questions just text me, i'm arranging the boys' volleyball team practice match with Nekoma right now so i was not able to hand it to you personally. Take care xoxo!
PS: let me know if you want to watch the match, i'll get you a ticket"
You understood her notes pretty easily as she said on her note
You texted her and said thank you for the notes and offered to buy her snacks when she's not busy anymore.
She replied with:
" You're welcome 🩷. Sure!!"
She's the best sister fr.
Will turn his back on you as you approach him T.T
"No. I know what you're going to ask for"
Damn :((
As you walk out of the classrom to ask others who can help you with the homework, he secretly puts his notebook in your bag for you to have a guide for the homework.
Yes, he left a note and stick in inside his notebook saying:
"Everything is here. You better not text or annoy me. Study on your own. I need my notebook back by tomorrow"
You were surprised and touched that he knows how to show he cares.
Before you even have the chance to ask them, THEY WILL ASK FOR YOUR HELP FIRST T.T
They don't understand the lesson either
"Hey y/n, do you understand the lesson? Can you help us?"
You looked at them shocked and said "I'm surprised and flattered that you think that I understood the topic but I ALSO DON'T KNOW T.T"
You and HInata cried while Kageyama left you both to ask for help (don't worry he intends to teach you the concept of the lesson to after he learned it from someone who can help)
You ended up having a mini group study with them and Kageyama was able to explain the concept sucessfully.
"Woah Kageyama, i have this much respect for you now. Didn't know you had this side in you" the orange haired guy said.
"Shut up, i'll never set for you again if you manage to fail this homework"
Note: You can comment for other character request.
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gunnerfc · 3 months
Leah Williamson NSFW Alphabet [switch!leah ver.] (18+, minors DNI!)
A: Aftercare
If she’s been more in control, Leah will help you get cleaned and will whisper how good you were
If she’s been on the receiving end of things, she just wants you to tell her how good she was and cuddle with her after
B: Body Part (their favorite body part of themselves and their partner)
Leah’s favorite body part is her thighs, she loves how you can get yourself off while fingering her so you both are receiving pleasure
Leah’s favorite body part of yours is your hands, she loves feeling them on her body regardless if she’s giving or receiving
C: Cum (anything to do with cum)
Making out with you after one of you made the other cum drives her crazy
D: Dirty Secret 
Leah actually loves it when she’s more submissive because sometimes she just wants you to take care of her and she doesn’t have to be the great leader she is all the time
E: Experience (Are they experienced? Do they know what they are doing?) 
Most of Leah’s experience has been her being in control so she had to learn to give it up sometimes but after the first time you took control, she loved it
F: Favorite Position 
Leah is a big fan of any position that allows you both to receive pleasure so positions like 69 are a go-to but she also loves having you ride her thigh while you finger her
G: Goofy (Are they more serious in the moment, or are they humorous?)
Leah is so serious during sex but she can be giggly afterwards
I: Intimacy (How intimate are they during the moment?)
Regardless of who’s in control, sex is so intimate between the two of you
J: Jack off (Masturbation HC) 
Sometimes Leah is just feeling really needy and has to get herself off but she’ll always beg you to help her because it doesn’t feel as good compared to when you fuck her
Sometimes she’ll call you while you two are apart and have you talk her through getting herself off
K: Kink (One or more of their kinks) 
Leah loves being praised, hearing you tell her how good she makes you feel or how good she’s taking you will always have her moaning loudly
L: Location (Favorite place to have sex)
Leah does not care about location, if you’re both needy then you’ll find the closet private place to make each other cum
M: Motivation (What turns them on?) 
Hearing you be demanding with her, it’s a stark difference from how you act normally so seeing you be more in control always has her wet
N: No (Something they wouldn't do)
Leah doesn’t want to share you with anyone, she only wants you to see her in a more submissive role and wants to be the only one who gets to touch you
O: Oral (Preference on giving or receiving)
She loves both equally but she has a slight preference for receiving
P: Pace (Fast & Rough? Slow & Sensual?) 
It’s a mix of rough but sensual regardless of who’s topping who
Q: Quickie (Thoughts on quickies) 
They happen very often with you two, you can’t keep your hands off each other
R: Risk (Are they open to experimenting) 
Sort of, for the most part, she knows what she does and doesn’t like and she doesn’t see that changing unless you ask her to try something once
S: Stamina (How many rounds) 
You two can go for many rounds
T: Toys 
She uses a strap to fuck you more than you use it on her but there are times when you’ll use the strap and Leah has some of her best orgasms when you do
U: Unfair (Do they like the tease)
Leah teases you often outside the bedroom and you always get her back in the bedroom because you love hearing her beg
V: Volume (How loud are they? What sounds do they make) 
Leah can be pretty loud when you’re fucking her
W: Wild Card (Random HC)
You two have had a lot of quickies in the showers after games. Leah loves the sight of you on your knees between her legs eating her out as the warm water hits both of you and she has to keep a hand over her mouth so your teammates don’t hear you
Y: Yearning (How high is their sex drive?)
Her sex drive is high, she can’t get enough of you and your body
Z: ZZZ (… how quickly they fall asleep afterward)
Leah usually falls asleep pretty quickly after sex because it always tires her out
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loquaciousquark · 6 months
Cazador's Ritual Runes, Translated
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Mephistopheles can't spell for beans.
(Detailed analysis & conjecture regarding this text, the Rite of Profane Ascension, & Astarion's translated scars under the cut.)
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The second ring was the easiest, as the characters are very similar to Latin letters and clearly read out "WE OFFER THE FORCE OF LIFE." Characters were now known for C, E, F, H, I, L, O, R, T, and W. It wasn't clear yet if there were cases.
I was struggling with the first ring, though after decoding the second, I could get a likely "_M_LIF_ + _IM + _LOW + EM_OWR". Guessing the character for P, Y, and A based on context gave me "AMPLIFY + _IM + _LOW + EMPOWR", but I had doubts over the first characters for words two and three. I suspected they would be HIM and FLOW, but the H and F characters didn't match the H from the second ring's "THE" or the F from "AMPLIFY". Also, "empower" was misspelled, which made me pause.
Abandoning those for a moment, the third ring mapped well onto "WE _ATHER HERE TO I__O_E THE _OWER OF _LO_". Ruling out known letters which were not present, I could guess "WE GATHER HERE TO I__O_E THE POWER OF _LO_", but again the P from "POWER" was not the same as the P from "AMPLIFY" in the inner ring. However, it was very, very similar, and nothing else fit, so I committed, now suspecting there were capital versions of some letters included in the text.
At this point I went digging for resources. I found a copy of an Infernal alphabet on the Forgotten Realms wiki, and while it looks like the typeface Larian used is a bespoke creation for the game rather than a 1:1 copy of this alphabet, the letters for lowercase G, N, K, B, and D were nearly identical. Y (from AMPLIFY) also matched perfectly, confirming that earlier guess. This gave a clear "WE GATHER HERE TO INVOKE THE POWER OF BLOD."
Looking at the wiki for capital letters, the only ones I could find which might reasonably fit the _IM missing character (assuming the Larian alphabet was based off this wiki typography) were A, B, H, O, T, V, and Y. Of those choices, only AIM, HIM, TIM, and VIM were words, and as cheesy as Cazador is, I couldn't imagine him saying AMPLIFY TIM FLOW EMPOWR. Given the alternatives, HIM was the only choice which made sense.
I went through the same process for _LOW, but this character seems unmatchable to me. By far it looks the most like the E from the Infernal alphabet, with maybe a capital Y being a distant second. However, ELOW and YLOW are certainly not words, and absent all other comparatives, the character in question does resemble a fancy F. Barring other languages, FLOW with a capital or unique F fits best.
I did double-check the texts available in Cazador's mansion just to make sure this hadn't been translated elsewhere (after I'd done all the work, of course), and the only written text of relevance is from the Black Mass scroll you find near Vellioth's skull. It reads:
The Rite of Profane Ascension Oh, piteous dead! Oh, ravenous dead! Immortality is your gift, but darkness is your prison and hunger its gaoler. The Rite of Profane Ascension will release you. Walk in the sun. Suffer not from hunger. Grow your power beyond anything you imagined. A pact has been made with the Lord of Hellfire. Deliver unto him seven thousand souls, each bearing an Infernal mark, and you shall be free of your chains. You shall know true power. Deliver the souls. Speak the words. Ecce dominus, Has animas offero in sacrificio, Nunc volo potestatem quam pollicitus es mihi.
The Latin translates (as best I can tell with my incredibly weak Latin) to:
Behold [the] Lord, I offer these souls in sacrifice, I want the power thou hast promised me.
Which is interesting, but not clearly mapped to the Infernal above. Then I started wondering what relationship Astarion's scars have with all this, but thankfully, someone else has done the work here!
Astarion's scars have been transcribed and translated in a wonderfully detailed Reddit post by northpaw_s in 2020, but the salient points are that they appear to be in a mishmash of mangled Latin and Romance languages ("Infernal") and read:
Hoyc inferiu non iurare per igneu Naec virba loquor Eoai mundo muoat
Which appears to roughly translate to:
This soul swears no oath by fire Nor words does he speak In the realm of death
This makes sense if it's a fragment of a contract. I suspect the other spawn's scars are all identical to Astarion's for game mechanics/development reasons, but it'd be wild if they did have minor differences to complete the rest of the phrases! I know the scars don't show on their backs they way they do on Astarion's outside of the moment of the ritual, but it really does make me wonder if there's a complete text of the poem in some writer's documentation somewhere.
Anyway, what did you do with your Thursday night?
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ssailormoonn · 4 months
─── ❛ Sit ❜
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Bachira X Fem!Reader
WC; 1.1k | !MDNI! | TW/CW; Cock warming, Bulging, Skirt kink, sub!Topᶠᵉᵐ , dom!Bottomᵐᵃˡᵉ, Praise, Pet names, Slight? Subdrop, Slight dub!con
M A S T E R L I S T ─── B L L K M A S T E R L I S T
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The was a bright light shining in my face as my eyes open and I shot up from the bed now sitting up from the sun and from a familiar voice calling me.
I scan the boyish room and my eyes lay on Bachira sitting in a gaming chair and playing some game on the computer in front of him and was talking to someone through the headset, probably some of the boys playing with him.
"Oh, pretty, you're up," Bachira says spinning around to face me in his chair.
"Yeah," I say softly.
"C'mere, Pretty," He demands.
I pout in annoyance and walk over to him with my arms crossed wanting to know what's up with him. Bachira's looking good as usual, even in comfy home clothes he's still hot. White T-shirt that's almost see through and a pair of baggy grey sweats.
But, he's acting so weird. It's like it's not even him talking right now. I stand in front of him blocking his view to the game he was thoroughly engrossed in and right after he pats his lap gesturing me to take a seat on him.
"Sit here I wanna cuddle," He says says in a teasing tone, his emotions are complicating things, but how could I stay confused at him.
I straddle his lap and wrap one of my arms around his neck and the other folded against his chest lightly gripping the clothing on his shoulder as I bury my head further into his neck. He wraps his arms around my lower back but still playing the game. Though I kept on shuffling around trying to find a more comfortable position to sit in.
"Lemme guess, talking to your dear sweet Y/n," I voice says through his headphones I recognised the voice as Isagi, so loud I could hear.
"Quit moving, Pretty," Bachira whispers into my ear.
As I listen to him and stop moving around I now rest my entire weight on his lap and only then could I feel his length prodding against my clothed sex. The unexpected action made me let out a whimper into neck.
"Oh hell nah, the fuck was that," Another voice says.
"Y/n's not feeling well, aren't you?" Bachira replied in the same teasing tone.
"Yeah," I say loud enough just for the microphone to catch.
The boys on the other line start to argue over each other making it the perfect time for Kawaki to talk to me without their ears hearing, "I can feel how wet you are just from that one move, Pretty," He whispers teasingly into the shell of my ear.
"So why don't you slip my dick into that pretty pussy of yours," He continues to whisper, "And sit still like the good girl you are for me."
"That's embarrassing," I shyly say into his shoulder.
"Mmm, come on baby, do it for me," He says almost begging with an edge of desperation in his voice.
"M'kay," I say into his shoulder.
I slide further away from the band of his sweatpants and pull it down his legs, he assists me by lifting his hips just a little. He wasn't wearing boxers so his hardened length sprung out hitting his abdomen..
In curiously I rub my thumb over his swollen tip swiping and moving the dripping precum from his dick and bringing my hand down to trace his prominent veins slightly sticking out of the flesh making him jut his hips forward and letting out a sharp hiss at the contact.
"Fuuuck, don't do that, Pretty, come baby," Bachira says gripping my hips in the reaction of my actions, "Be a good girl for me. Sit and please me."
I hesitantly stand up and slip my underwear down my legs with the band hooked under my finger. I stand out of the holes and was going to put the underwear in the handbag that I had. Before I was even a step away his voice spoke again.
"Uh-uh, Give me," Bachira says holding his hand out and I hesitantly hand him my garment and place in in the palm of his hand and right after he put it in the pocket of his sweats that were now half down his legs.
I shakily make my step towards him and straddle him once again. I see how he mutes his microphone and his hands grasp my hips and digs his nails slightly into my hips.
Grabbing the base of his dick and lubricate the tip with my arousal dragging the tip across my folds making it drag across my clit in the process making me let out breathy moans.
The bolts of electricity coursed through my and my heartbeat went down to my throbbing clit as I slightly lost my balance while letting  and fell into him with my still clothed body pressing up against his. I manage to get my composure back and lift away from his chest and slowly sinking down onto his cock.
Taking my hand away from his base and continue to grip his shoulders. The breathy moans and whimpers continue to leave my throat as tears bunch up in my eyes from how big he is and I take a quick look down to see I'm only half way.
"Doing so well for me Pretty," Bachira moans, "Look at you stomach already getting bigger cause of me and you're not even fully in, so pretty baby."
Instead of taking my time to sink down on his dick I quickly put all my weight and sit with his full cock deep inside me and I could feel the tip just kissing my cervix making me let out a moan and he lets out a deep groan in return.
He groans out, "See Angel I knew you could do it, made for my dick."
I arch my back pressing my chest against his due to the over whelming pleasure of the angle his cock pressing into. His balls pressed right against the base of my ass, his pelvis pressing against my clit making me let out ragged moans and sighs as my back continued to arch into him.
I see his hand shakily reach out to grab his controller and unmutes his mic with his other hand, "Sorry mates, I'm back," Bachira says confidently but slightly breathy, as he continues to cock warm me.
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Do not copy, steal, modify, etc. Relogs and like are appreciated.
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french-unknown · 8 months
𝖍𝖆𝖑𝖑𝖔𝖜𝖊𝖊𝖓 𝖙𝖍𝖊𝖒𝖊
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𝖈𝖍𝖆𝖗𝖆𝖈𝖙𝖊𝖗𝖘: shanks, vivi, ace, law, sabo 𝖈/𝖜: fluff, domestic 𝖜/𝖈: 1.9k +
| m a s t e r l i s t | - | p t . 1 | - | p t . 3 | | e v e n t . s u m m a r y |
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horror stories around campfire
All the crew was gathered on logs around the campfire. Lost in the depths of a new island, you had found a cave to serve as your home and protect you from bad weather among the immensity of the jungle that surrounded you.
The alcohol was thus happily welcomed while waiting for the log to recharge. Fortunately, after a week of waiting, you could finally leave tomorrow during the day.
Tonight was a celebration.
Unfortunately, the lack of rum which had run out due to the boredom of the stay as well as the fatigue linked to the heavy and humid atmosphere of the climate, had pushed you to keep the party reasonable. So you were sitting around the fire, laughing and talking to each other, while you more or less finished your meal. The alcohol was flowing but it was still in appropriate quantities compared to some other evenings.
However, Yasopp stood up and began to speak. With a piece of meat still in one hand and a glass in the other, he told the crew how he had once been chased by a village of cannibalistic men when he was a child.
You stood staring at him, caught up in the frightening story even though you knew it was made up, without flinching.
But you suddenly jumped when, during a tense moment, you felt something suddenly jump on your back. You reacted violently because of the surprise and, at the same time, you spilled some of your beer on your knees and your hand. Shanks' hot laugh rang in your ear a while before that of your other comrades.
You then felt the captain wrap his arms around your waist as he rested his chin on your shoulder. A bit humiliated at being made fun of for spilling your alcohol on yourself, you unceremoniously removed him from you. However, far from being offended, he immediately returned to the charge by taking your hand while miming an exaggerated apology.
Now that the crew's attention was once again diverted to the shooter, you let yourself soften at Shanks' comical behavior.
You even almost smiled at his excessive bowing.
But, as he moved in for the most ridiculous hand kiss, you felt the wetness of his tongue licking a length across the top of your hand. You quickly took it away, disgusted. For his part, he laughed at your pout.
“You would be delicious to eat, too.” he stated, returning to his own glass while throwing you a wink over the top.
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halloween party
Tonight was the night dedicated to celebration in Alabasta so all the cities across the country had set up open-air markets as well as light decorations all over the streets.
And Alubarna was not to be outdone.
So, when you learned that Vivi couldn't leave the castle that evening because none of her guards were available to take her to the capital, it didn't take much for you to sneak over her room. After some coaxing, she ended up putting on a colorful veil to hide her well-known hair and face from the population before letting herself be guided out of her palace.
You then very quickly reached the scene of the celebrations.
Everywhere in the streets, the shops were decorated with pumpkin-shaped lanterns while the trees and walls were illuminated with several hundred small orange lights that twinkled like stars in the night. Their hue was less vibrant than that of the Alabasta sun but they seemed no less captivating to the princess. In the air, the smells of pumpkins and spices were everywhere along with those of hot alcohol.
The stands sold all kinds of items.
There were drinks, hot meals and biscuits. But there were also spiritual stands with tarot cards or pendulums. Some others instead sold toys such as ghost balloons and fake spiders.
Around you, families were weaving while children were happily rowdying among the passersby.
Around a stand, you felt Vivi take your hand to pull you into a nearby street. She then pinned you against the wall, out of sight, before diving towards your lips to kiss you. As quickly as she had leaned in, she drew back until her face was visible. There, you saw her with a beautiful smile on her lips and her eyes shining with happiness while her face stood half lit by the lights of the festivities.
"Thanks." she whispered before leaning toward your lips again.
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couple costumes
"Please! Please! Please!" Ace begged while kneeling in front of you, head bowed, with his hands raised above his head in prayer. "Let me choose our costumes. I've been thinking about it for months!"
Because of the time he was begging you on the ground, you began to hesitate. In itself, you hadn't planned any particular costumes for the crew's Halloween party tonight but you couldn't help but fear the worst. Especially coming from him who had the habit of walking around shirtless everywhere in just his shorts. You were a little afraid of the amount of fabric he would offer you for tonight.
However, you end up accepting: it was just a party, you weren't going to die for a revealing outfit!
Ace immediately jumped for joy before kissing you right on the lips and running off to his room. You just had time to hear him say to wait for him before he closed the door behind him. You then waited quietly behind the door, afraid to see what costume he was going to show up in. You prayed he wouldn't take anything too sexy or pirates like Boa Hancock.
Finally, the door opened ajar.
"You are ready?" he asked without you being able to see him yet.
Once you had nodded, he opened the door wide and came out like a beautiful devil.
The first thing that caught your eye was the huge purple afro wig he wore on his head. Then came his dark red leotard, which left nothing to the imagination considering how little it covered and how tight it was. And then came his fishnet stockings. At this point, you weren't even surprised that he was wearing stiletto boots, a pearl necklace, and heavy makeup with huge false eyelashes. His fake tattoo on his chest didn't even make you blink anymore, either.
Proud of himself, he spread his arms from his body before turning around to show you the costume completely.
"How do you find me?" he asked you, proud as a peacock. “I am one of the abominable commanders of the Revolutionary Army!”
"You're... original?"
The answer seemed to suit him since he gave you a bright smile before retracing his steps to bring you back your outfit.
When you arrived later at the party, he wore his outfit like a child at the school fair while you stood by his side, still stunned. You were dressed in a long two-tone orange and white fur coat as well as the rest of the paraphernalia. You wore a wig of the same colors with a bow tie and a glass of wine already filled.
You hadn't expected that when he asked you to choose your costumes.
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black cat
As you walked down a dimly lit street with Law, you heard something moving next to you.
Then a meow.
Immediately, a completely black cat came out of the darkness before walking directly towards both of you. He went first to the surgeon and rubbed against his legs while letting out little meows. However, when he saw that the man wasn't even looking down at him, he changed his target and came towards you.
He then started his trick again, this time rubbing against your legs.
“Don’t do that,” Law growled when you reached down to pet him. “it’s not hygienic.”
Yet, that didn't stop you from plunging your hand into his fur. It was soft and warm and the cat immediately began to rub against your palm, begging for more petting. He didn't seem aggressive at all so you bent down completely to take him into your arms.
"No!" the surgeon continued while raising his eyes to the sky when you were at eye level with the feline. “It’s dirty, you don’t even know where it went!”
But you continued to pet the animal, now snuggled comfortably against your chest, while looking at your lover who was desperately trying to avoid looking at the creature.
But said creature suddenly turned its eyes towards him and started meowing again while starting to wriggle in your arms.
When you put him down, he went back to the surgeon and started rubbing against his legs again. He rubbed himself against one, then passed between his feet to rub against the other. He made figure eights between Law's ankles then rubbed his head against the bottom of his calf. All while continuing to make his adorably cute little noises.
Finally, Law sighed under your amused gaze and looked away from the stars. He leaned his eyes toward his feet and met those of the feline.
You knew at that moment that the cat had won.
Sure enough, he crouched down to get closer to the animal but, instead of remaining still so he could run his hand through its fur, the feline instead jumped onto his lap. Unbalanced, Law hugged him so that he didn't fall and he took the opportunity to move up towards his neck to place his paws on his shoulders and his head under his chin.
Law stood up to steady himself with the cat still snuggled against him.
When he saw your mocking look, he opened his mouth to defend himself but was immediately cut off by a purr coming from the little creature. He immediately closed his mouth and, avoiding your gaze, he dipped his hand back into the fur to start stroking it again.
"Shut up." he growled.
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automn with pumpkin juice
The afternoon was quite cool but you were enjoying the moment thanks to Sabo's company.
After days of rain, you decided to finally go out a little to walk around. There were no bars or anything around, so the walk seemed like a good solution to stretch your legs.
You found yourself walking on the forest paths in your high boots to protect yourself from the puddles, while the red and orange leaves under your feet crunched when you stepped on them. Other leaves of this fiery hue still clung to the branches of the trees around you and gave them the look of flames when they were shaken by the wind. A smell of rain drowned the forest.
When the ride came to an end, you headed home.
You went to take your shower first then Sabo went. He went straight out from the bathroom to the kitchen and heated up two cups of pumpkin juice. As the liquid heated, he lit the fireplace and gathered the soft blankets on the couch in front of your watching eyes.
Finally, he returned to the kitchen to serve the two drinks and returned before placing the cups on the small tables. He sat quietly on the couch by the fireplace and lifted his arm so you could come and snuggle against him.
So you jumped on him to press yourself against his side.
He closed his arms around you and covered you both with the soft blankets. He then collected the two pumpkin juices and handed you your hot cup, which you held pleasantly in your hands, before starting to drink his.
You spent the rest of the afternoon like this: warm in your living room, curled up together, while drinking your juices.
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𝖘𝖊𝖊 𝖞𝖔𝖚 𝖙𝖔𝖒𝖔𝖗𝖗𝖔𝖜!
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𝖏𝖔𝖎𝖓 𝖙𝖍𝖊 𝖙𝖆𝖌𝖑𝖎𝖘𝖙 𝖎𝖋 𝖞𝖔𝖚 𝖉𝖔𝖓'𝖙 𝖜𝖆𝖓𝖙 𝖙𝖔 𝖒𝖎𝖘𝖘 𝖆𝖓𝖞 𝖚𝖕𝖉𝖆𝖙𝖊
𝖙𝖆𝖌𝖑𝖎𝖘𝖙: @iheartamora @bontensh0e @opchara @idsmash717 @lys-ada @xomingyu @parkyrr @dozcan123 @livwritesfics @anotherproblemsos @phsycochan
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rinbowaman · 1 year
S E 7 E N : P R O L O G U E - P A R T 1 N E
Yay it's finally here! kind of a long chapter, so it's in parts!
Warnings: MDNI18+ Sexual assault, sexual harassment, religion, angels and demons, mentions of hell, angels are bad guys, demons are good guys, sinful pleasures, dry humping, fingering, making a deal with the devil.
“Hey y/n, go ahead and take these, we have to dispose them.”
“The government has aligned with Senator Forras’s decree and that all scriptures, novels, and materials that contain any mentions of supernatural forces, any other type of religion, or mentions of demons are to be banned and disposed. The officials are making the rounds to do a thorough inspection of every establishment, so we need to get rid of them.”
You frowned as you received a handful of books, some were enjoyable for you to read, and yet you had to bid them farewell as you tossed them into a large bin that was arranged to be picked up later in the week. It was filled with piles and piles of books, some of which were classics.
‘What a shame…’
There were many people, like yourself, that questioned the belief and mission of Voia Domnului, the overly powerful cult that started out as small group led by overly, self-righteous religious ‘freaks’ that proclaimed the world has sinned. The cult was, and continues to be led by Michael Forras, who now is the self proclaimed Senator.
At first, the world deemed the cult just like any other, a bunch of lunatics that blabbed out religious nonsense of how everything was a sin, that everyone has sinned. They were harmless, for the most part, the only concern was getting them to stop blocking roads and clear passage of major establishments since they had often protested in mass groups, rather angrily, nearly every single day.
Forras, used to be viewed as a man who lacked any common and good sense. You recalled the moment he appeared in the media, speaking of how he personally ‘knew the Lord’ and that a day of reckoning was breaching. Every day when you were on your way to work, you would overhear the things that the community used to say about him…
‘What a joke, can you believe this guy?’
‘My wife says that she went to high school with that guy, he was just as nutty back then as he is now.’
‘I can’t believe people are buying into his bullshit.’
Now, things are different…much different.
He no longer was just the cult’s leader, but he controlled the city, the country…he was even on his way in leading the continent as people swarmed around him with their devotion and loyalty, although you wonder if it was just merely out of fear from him…or the angels.
Ever since the day where those…monsters had appeared, God only knows if anyone ever heard you reflect what your true outlook was, you’d disappear like the rest of the ‘non-believers’, as society has now called them.
People who had rational sense, a lot of them still had believed and enveloped religion and the belief of God, yet the moment they reflected their voices out and claimed that the events occurring between the angels and ‘the selected’ to be questionable, each one disappeared and was never seen again. Anyone who also spoke out against the Voia Domnului or the Senator, were also considered heretics. If anyone mentioned how the non-sensible actions of the ‘Angels’ and Senator Forras’ will, was a tactic of control and a coordination of inheriting power and wealth, would surely die by the hands of Forras’ cult members, or so you suspect, since many of them would disappear overnight.
When it came to your true outlook, you believed in a higher power, you believed in God and you never took it upon yourself to follow the Bible strictly, but you carried out your life being a naturally respectable and caring person. Whenever someone needed help, you were there for them. Should someone need money to help buy groceries, you aided them. You made countless donations, helped promote education and success for the youths of the city, and even volunteered at local orphanages. You weren’t by any means, a bad person, or a sinner. You were just human, but a good one.
December 2nd of last year, things had changed. The world had changed.
You’ll never forget as you were on your way to the Pacific Archives, a historical public library that you used to enjoy working at, not anymore.
Often, you were always reading the books as you worked, enjoying the amount of creativity found in the hidden gems of each shelf, each genre.
You were an active college student, back when advanced education wasn’t considered a ‘sin’, so it only made perfect sense to work at the library where you could continue your studies and find time to do homework while getting paid.
The building had two floors, the upper being the library itself, and the first floor was the massive café and shopping center.
Just like any other day, you went downstairs to grab your favorite drink. The barista, Lily, was one of your best friends, she started to work at the café once she heard there was an opening during one of her visits while you were at work.
You both had laughed and enjoyed a conversation as you sipped on your white hot-chocolate mocha flavored drink, when suddenly another barista’s voice pierced the lounge.
“Everyone! Look at the TV!”
Everyone’s eyes shifted their gaze towards the massive wide screen smart television that was mounted on the wall, turning up the volume, the staff and customers all watched in horror as the media played countless footage that was filmed of what happened, not too far from where you worked.
“This is Stacy Holcomb from Channel Nine news, here reporting of the… abnormal event that is taking place….you can see behind me as the camera crew are trying their best to take footage of what seems to be….a humanoid figure approaching a single man on the street. The mysterious entity has been seen targeting this man, and has been conducting serious bodily harm against him, paramedics and aid have been thrown out of sight each time they go near to save the man….it looks like-“ “OOOH MY GOOOOOOD!!!!”
The shrilled screams in the background took over the audio as the elongated, almost alienlike features of the entity brutally took the man’s head off...slowly. It’s hand mutated into that a of a blade, resembling a machete as it sawed it’s way through the man’s flesh. It wasn’t a clean cut, to say that it had decapitated the man was an understatement…it tore his head off…ripping it from his body after sawing it halfway through.
The cameras shifted the lens to the ground afterwards, indicating that the crew was running away upon filming what had just transpired.
“What….the fuck???” The barista exclaimed out in horror.
Everyone, including yourself, were left speechless. Some of the customers were crying, while others were in shock. You felt your heart drop, there was a sense of fear and curiosity that you found its way lodged deep within your chest.
‘What….was that?’
It wasn’t until later that day, when Forras came out publicly and announced that the mysterious entity, was God’s own angel. Being someone who self-claimed as the mediator of God’s guardians, he elaborated the structure of the ‘execution’ as justice served for the sinful actions that the deceased had committed while alive.
“I have seen God…I speak to him and his guardians. The Angels have come to cleanse the world, because we have taken many offenses against God’s holy rule and spat in his face as we continue to tarnish his good will. Those of us who have lived amongst the sinners, the filthy beings that keep offending his holy will, have tried to warn you all. Now is the time, I ask you to all believe in the will of Voia Domnului! Believe in our decree! We have preached time and time again that God’s will is en-route, and it has now finally come! We ask for you all to join us! Become a part of God’s will and help aid our mission in getting all sinners to repent and accept their fate, so that we may once again live in a world where only truth and God’s holy name is preached!”
Everyone was in disbelief, no one knew what to believe or what to do. However, as the days went on, more people were targeted, or as Senator Forras had claimed, they were ‘selected’. It didn’t take long for people to switch sides and start to find comfort by joining Voia Domnului, in hopes that they would save themselves from either the cult members or the angels.
“The angels know of your sins! It is futile to hide! Let it be known that once the angels have selected you based off your series of offense towards God, you too will be publicly executed, so we at Voia Domnului ask you, to repent now, as you too will be selected to die in his holy name.”
Maybe there was some truth in what he said, or maybe it was just fear and desperation, either way, at the time, you weren’t entirely sure what to believe. You remained as calm as possible, given that the world had lost it’s good sense. You tried your best to not lose yourself out of fear, but it was hard. It didn’t take long, but you found yourself as the lone wolf, where unlike the rest of the world, where everyone was hysterical, everyone feared that they were next to be selected, you continued to live your life with as much of a positive mindset that anyone could have while living through this excruciating period in world history.
You tried…and you were doing so well, but things had gotten worse.
Almost as if it happened over night, everything changed in an instant. The world felt cold, and empty, there were many times you felt like you were the last person standing as you would take a look around and notice that the route to work looked different. People looked different. The sky…the ground…everything…everything looked different.
No one went out anymore, the streets laid empty as the cult encouraged for society to lay dormant in their homes, as going out, especially at night, was considered a sin. So much, that the cult gained favor and authority, powered by the government to assign long standing members of the cult as high profiled officials. They assigned random members to roam the streets at night, as an established curfew was enforced, no one was allotted to be out passed 10pm. Not only that, but other activities and sources were all banned and punishable by death had anyone breached said bans.
Social media was banned because it was a sin, TV was a sin, music that wasn’t approved by Voia Domnului was a sin, certain foods that were known to be an indulgence of the devil, such as chocolate and apples were a sin. Personal opinions were a sin. Books, talk radio, internet, and all other forms of entertainment was a sin. Everything…everything was a sin.
While you thought it was over the top, you hadn’t formulated your own opinion on what had happened on December 2nd, you remained impartial for the most part, as you watched people, friends, and family all succumbing to Senator Forras’ will and join Voia Domnului in order to be ‘saved’. Even Lily.
“You should join us, it’s, a really good group. It makes sense once you complete their course requirements.”
“Course…requirements?” you raised a brow at Lily’s statement.
“Yeah, when you join, you have to take a pledge and then they put you through a 3-month course where you cleanse your body and learn the will of God.”
You shook your head subtly as you listened to her talk about the cult…or as she liked to put it, the ‘group’ since cult would have been considered a derogatory term for Senator Forras righteous figures.
“No…I don’t know…I just…I don’t know what to think yet. I just want to-“
“Shhh!!!!” Lily harshly shushed you.
“Y/n…you can’t talk like that. Say what you will about other matters but do not talk like that…otherwise you’ll be considered a non-believer.”
Recalling the events that surmised where the public speakers that defied the cult’s leading and Senator Forras’ actions, you heeded Lily’s warning. You didn’t want to disappear like they did, God only knows what happened to them as Lily, being a part of Voia Domnului, didn’t even know. It was against the rules to speak of such matter to the cult leaders.
“Just…think about it, okay? I don’t want you to get selected.” She gingerly tells you as she rubbed your hand. “We need each other…we’re all we’ve got in the world now. You’re my best friend and I just want us to stay that way.”
You nodded as you hugged her. For a moment, you sincerely did consider it, not because you believed in the decree of Voia Domnului, but more so because of Lily’s words.
But then your world shattered that following week….when Lily was selected.
“y/n! Please-please listen to me real quick-“
“Lily….what’s wrong?” you looked at her with great concern as she appeared before your doorstep, hysterically crying, face swollen from tears, and her voice stuttering.
“Please…just listen…umm……” she tucks in her lip as the tears built back up in her eyes once more.
“…I…I’ve been selected…”
Your eyes widened…your heart skipped a beat and your breath held in upon hearing her words.
“Yes….I..I’ve been selected…y/n…” her voice trailed off.
“No…Lily! No! Y-you can’t be-“
“No I was…..I came home today and…there was the message written in blood on my wall.”
The message…was always delivered in the same manner to those that got selected prior to. A message written in the walls of their home, their work, or even on buildings in the street; the words were always drafted in blood, no one knows whose or where the blood came from, but it would always be fresh as the message would have drips that trailed down, catching the public’s eye. It would always have the selectee’s name, followed by ‘7 days.’ Only seven days…until each one of them died.
“Y/n…I’m scared….i can’t tell the group…I cant-“
“Lily…there’s gotta be a mistake. Do you know anyone else that has the same name? What if-“
“No……y/n…..it is me….they’re going to come for me….”
Your heart sank as you placed your hands on her shoulders, tears streaming down your face.
She really truly was the only person you had left in this world, you grew distant from your family ever since they joined the cult, they had refused to associate with you unless you joined them. But your heart never felt it true to be a part of an organization that promotes death in such a manner, regardless of the deceased being sinners or offenders against God…how could someone like sweet, wonderful Lily be selected?…How could she ever be…?
“No….please…..don’t leave me…not like this….this can’t happen….”
“Y/n…please….please hold me I’m so scared.”
You tightly embraced her. She had stayed at your place for most of her remaining days, and you watched as her persona had changed. She had remained quiet and aloof; she wouldn’t eat, she wouldn’t sleep, and she wouldn’t talk, until the sixth day, 24 hours before her proposed execution…
“Y/n…I’m leaving…I’m going to inform Senator Forras…”
“Lily…there has to be a way out of this…I’ve known you my whole life, you’ve never hurt anyone! You’ve gone to church every weekend; I’ve never been to church and I’m still here. In a lot of ways when it comes to praising God, you’re a better person than I am. Please….”
She merely shook her head. Dark circles under her eyes, her lips pale and crusty from lack of moisture as she refrained from even drinking water. It was as if she wanted to die before the angels did the deed.
You stayed silent…she was already moving towards the door. Reaching for the knob, she turns to you before opening it.
“Y/n…you’re my best friend…and I’m sorry. I’m sorry I have to leave you alone…I’ve accepted what’s going to happen…there is no choice. Just please…take care of yourself, and look after my family….but also…” she pauses for a moment, as she hiccups the sobbing tears and stuttered cries of her voice as her head dips down.
“Y/n….i never did anything…..you’re right….i may not have been perfect but I am not a sinner. I even joined this stupid cult….but it doesn’t matter….it was all wasted. Please…if for some chance…if the world goes back to normal someday…please let everyone know that I am not…I’m not a-“
You nodded, knowing full well what she was talking about. “I know you’re not Lily…you’re not….”
Both of you broke down.
You wanted to hug her once more, but you found it hard to even move. With a sad smile, she whispers “take care…” before leaving.
The media had a habit of promoting Senator Forras’ decree by filming and disbursing the footage of each execution, as a method to set the example of what surmises if you’ve sinned. You’ve never went out of your way to watch the profiles of each selectee on the day of their execution, but there were times when in passing or out and about, you would glance at the large billboard that aired the awful events. A glimpse of a man’s body being torn apart, or a woman being burned alive, there were countless methods that the creatures took in carrying out the deed.
The day Lily died, ou never watched what happened to her, you couldn’t bring yourself to do it, so you stayed at home that day, refraining from exposing yourself to the public at risk of overhearing about her death. You had shut the world out, and narrowed yourself into a corner, all so you didn’t have to hear….you didn’t want to know how they did it…not with her.
Not long after Lily’s death, was when the Senator banned education. Schools for younger children was regulated by the cult members, colleges and universities alike were all shut down, and while they hadn’t forced it…yet you sense that the risk of losing your job was near since you were the only one that hadn’t taken the pledge and joined Voia Domnului.
“Y/n! The Senator! The Senator is coming! He wants to see the library!”
Your eyes widened with concern.
‘Why does he want to come here?...I hope it’s not because he knows that i was friends with Lily…does he? He already thinks she’s a sinner, is he going to assume I’m one too? Are they going to ask me why I didn’t join Voia Domnului?’
You caught yourself overthinking, though that wasn’t hard to do since everyone in the city, the country, and the entire continent, walked on eggshells. Yourself including. For if it wasn’t the angels that you had to worry about, it was Senator Forras and his posse that performed their own manner of executions towards non-believers.
“Everyone! He’s coming up! All of you stand in a line-“ the head staff looks at you. “Y/n…you stand at the very end, out of the doorway. If he asks you, just tell him that you’re going to join Voia Domnului, but don’t say anything else.”
You nodded. You knew the staff had your best interest at heart, though they often times reprimanded you and would always try and convince you to join, yet you refrained. Especially since, not long after Lily’s death, selectees were reaching in the younger ages. Children…babies in fact, some of which hadn’t lived for more than 8 hours, were getting selected.
‘How can a child be a sinner?’
It seemed like no one cared; everyone paid no mind to that fact. It was as if everyone was just looking out for themselves. Since you had worked here for quite some time, the staff looked at you as family, like a daughter almost. You appreciated the gestures and them trying to look out for you, but deep down, you followed your heart. Somehow you knew…there was something more to what was happening, even though it was a gut feeling, and you could very well be wrong, you just somehow had this hunch that something wasn’t right.
“Alright, he’s coming. Everyone just stand and he’s going to do a walkthrough, apparently, he wanted to see how the inspection is being done and he chose our library.”
Everyone nods and stands, shaking. You weren’t sure if everyone was excited for their ‘group’ leader or if they were just fearful that he may find something in the archives that violates his will, which of course he believed to be God’s own.
You and the staff spent five days clearing out the library, it looked so vast and empty now. The shelves would only contain a scarce number of books.
‘Can you even call this a library anymore?’
The double doors were opened by a security team as Senator Forras walks in. He was a taller man, older, possibly in his fifty’s and had a very sharp and pointed nose. He had short dark hair and looked to be of average built.
He was dressed in extreme luxury, with a high branded suit and tie, along with fine leather shoes, a large overcoat draping his shoulders, and assorted diamond rings decorating each finger, the man looked to be living a grand lifestyle.
Your voice issued a hint of skepticism as you minded your thoughts in your head. Wasn’t this man supposed to be the temperance and modest type? Why is he dressed so lavishly?
“Ah! Staff…members of the community, thank you for welcoming me here today. It is truly a blessing to see you all here doing God’s work.”
The staff members issued out their gratitude and continued the conversation as they offered the Senator his tour.
All went well, and by ‘well’ you only meant that the Senator had looked pleased and kept nodding with approval as the tour continued. You and the rest of the staff members continued with your tasks, as the main head of the library took over the tour.
“Thank you, you are doing a good thing.” The Senator issues as he takes the head staff’s hand in both of his and issues a warm and seemingly friendly hand-shake. “Continue to do his bidding.”
You snuck out as the Senator bid his farewell with the staff members, wanting to hide in the bathroom for a moment and avoid interacting with him. The last thing you wanted was to put yourself in the spotlight and be questioned on whether or not if you were a part of Voia Domnului, which you suspected he would have been able to tell seeing as you didn’t’ bear the ring that each member was gifted upon graduating the three-month course requirement.
A moment or two had passed as you stood right by the bathroom door, ear pressed up against it to see if you could hear the Senator leaving.
‘It’s probably safe for me to go back now…’
Swinging the door open, you looked to your left and saw the wide double doors propped open. Only the staff members were seen inside, back to their tasks.
‘Oh good.’
You issued a mental smile as you started to walk towards the entrance to the library, when suddenly…
“Young lady…” his voice was filled with intrigue.
P A R T 2 W O
Taglist: @deobitifull; @solstramaii
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tmpestuous · 7 months
Moth to a Flame - 4
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summary: Bucky Barnes was the love of your life, and you were his. There was no denying it. But after two years of dating, you found yourselves on different paths and decided it was best to go your separate ways. The only problem was how drawn you’d always be to him even after moving on.
pairing: College!Bucky x Reader
chapter warnings: alcohol, drinking, implied (stated) sex, bReAkUpS?, angst, fluff, i think that’s it
word count: ~5k!
a/n: an update finally… i sincerely apologize for the inactivity but life has been more than stressful lately. i have the course of this story planned so hopefully i can push out a few updates for you all over the course of december and hopefully finish it! thank you for your patience. 
“You should be with him,
I’ll let you go from time”
“You should give him another chance, you know,” Bucky said softly as he gazed out at the water before him. 
He had brought you out to the lake to calm your nerves after he found you crying on your bedroom floor, always knowing how to best comfort you. You two were seated on a bench, watching the moonlight illuminate the water through its reflection. 
“I’m surprised you’re saying that,” you joked as you looked over at him, your eyes tired from their overuse. “You said you wanted to fight him not even an hour ago.”
Bucky chuckled. “Listen,” he leaned forward on his knees. “It’s his first fuck up, and I know he cares about you. I know you care about him too. I reacted the wrong way when I saw you earlier today, I let my emotions get the best of me. But I still meant every word.”
You sighed. “I do care about him, it’s just…” you paused. “I expected more, you know? I’ve gone to all of his big moments since we’ve been together. I’ve been to his stupid frat parties when I didn’t want to go just because he wanted me to be there. I’ve done my part; I don’t know what I did wrong for him to not do his.”
“Hey,” Bucky turned his attention to you. “You have done nothing wrong. He was irresponsible and that is not on you.”
“So why exactly are you telling me I should give him another chance?” you asked, avoiding the topic of your self-blame. 
Bucky shook his head. “I dunno, I just don’t like seeing you sad. He’s a good guy, he made a mistake. I made lots of mistakes with you—”
“None that really hurt my feelings, though,” you cut him off. 
“I know,” he agreed hesitantly. “But they were mistakes nonetheless, and you never held a grudge too long with me.” You giggled, making Bucky furrow his eyebrows. “What’s so funny, Y/l/n?”
“I don’t think anyone can hold a grudge against you for too long, Barnes,” you said as you raked your fingers through his hair to push it away from his face. “You’re you.”
“So I’ve heard,” Bucky responded, his conversation with Atlas after the seminar creeping into his thoughts. “Still, what I said still stands. Just talk to him.”
You nodded. “Okay.”
T W O  W E E K S  L A T E R
Studying for an exam was indeed the bane of your existence, but studying for an exam you thought you weren’t prepared for was by far a lot worse.
Forcing yourself not to get swallowed up in your schoolwork was starting to get really difficult, and your exam for your 6:30pm class had you up at 7am this morning to study. 
The library was somehow even quieter in the early morning, the silence forcing you to play some music lowly through your headphones because it had started to make you uncomfortable. 
Around 11am, you had been studying for 3 hours with appropriate breaks during the time span. As you were about to take another one, you saw a familiar face that’d only make you feel better.
“I’d say you look like shit when you’re stressed, but I would very much be lying,” Bucky joked quietly as he sat across from you.
You and Bucky were… different.
It’s odd to say that your relationship with each other has changed drastically in the span of two weeks, but you both felt that it was a lot less hurtful to be around each other. You invited the warm feeling. 
After that night on the bench in front of the lake, you were a lot more open with each other. Cracking jokes about your previous relationship that would have left you crumbling in tears months prior. 
It felt nice to have your best friend back.
“This test is slowly going to kill me, but I desperately need to eat,” you said as you closed your textbook and finished up the notes you were writing on your iPad.
“We can grab lunch, if you want?” Bucky offered, “I don’t have much going on today before my only class at 2:00.”
Narrowing your eyes at him, you mentally questioned why he’d already be eager to leave the library if he had only just got here. “Did Nat put you up to this?”
Natasha had been on your heels revolving anything and everything in the last two weeks, not letting up on the Atlas situation either in the slightest.
“It’s not that serious, Nat, I promise,” you said. 
“It’s hate sex, Y/n. Not even me and Steve would do such a thing.”
You shook your head with a chuckle. “It’s not like it was planned, it just… happened.”
“With no conversation, not even a hint of him telling you why he didn’t show up to your presentation, and no sight of an authentic apology that doesn’t end with him in your pants. I mean, when did you all of a sudden decide to want him all up in your guts anyway?”
“Natasha Romanoff!” Natasha shut her mouth as soon as she went to retort. “He apologized. As a matter of fact, he won’t stop apologizing. I’d rather him put his energy into something else anyway.”
“Do you really think he’s sorry?”
“He’s just gonna have to show me over time. Bucky said it is his first fuck up,” you mentioned, not getting your conversation with Bucky out of your head.
“I cannot believe Bucky told you to give him another chance,” Natasha slid her jacket on. “That man is still in love with you.”
“Isn’t he seeing someone?”
“Aren’t you?” she rebutted.
“What’s that supposed to mean?”
She winked before leaving your dorm without another word. 
Chuckling slightly, Bucky pulled on the straps of his bookbag.
“She told me to find you,” he admitted. “Make sure you aren't drowning in this test. What’s it on anyway?”
“Different theories pertaining to the mind. I’m pretty well versed on who said what and their reasoning, but some of them are a bit confusing and the professor helped a bit, but he’s a philosopher through and through.”
You closed the case to your tablet before shoving everything in your bag.
“So we’re getting lunch?” Bucky raised his eyebrows as you exhaustingly zipped your bag up.
“We’re getting lunch.”
The dining hall was a bit across campus from the library, so you were glad you had Bucky as company. Your newfound dynamic brought you a sense of comfort with him you hadn’t had with him in a while—steps in the right direction to avoid the tension that’s been looming all semester. 
Walking into the cafeteria, you and Bucky ordered and paid for your food before going into one of the booths, sitting across from each other. Bucky stared at you with a stifled laugh as you dug into your food, resulting in you glaring at him.
“Don’t laugh at me,” you said, mouth half-full.
“Don’t talk with food in your mouth or you’ll choke,” he teased and you rolled your eyes playfully. “How’re you and Atlas?”
“Just going straight to the important questions, are we?” You retorted after swallowing.
“I’m just checking in.”
Shaking your head, you shrugged. “We’re… okay, I guess. He still hasn’t really confessed anything about flaking, but I also haven’t really asked.”
Bucky nodded. “Are you going to?”
You shrugged again. You weren’t sure if you wanted to open the possibility of another argument with Atlas, especially since you hadn’t had one since him ditching you. He seemed remorseful, trying to make up for it with time, but the thought of not knowing always bothered you in the back of your mind.
“Enough about me,” you said abruptly. “How are you and Sharon?”
It was Bucky’s turn to shrug. If he was being honest, he didn’t know how he felt about Sharon. She was a nice girl, but he wasn’t entirely positive that she’s 100% into him and vice versa.
“We have good moments; I just don’t know where it’s going.”
As you were about to reply, Natasha and Steve crashed the booth without warning.
“If it isn’t my two favorite people after Steve,” Natasha said as she scooted in next to you, giving you a side hug. “I’m glad we found you here.”
“What trick do you have up your sleeve, Nat?” you asked, knowing your roommate and best friend a little too well.
“I’m sure you know this already,” she leaned into you before turning her attention back to everyone at the table. “Party tonight at the frat house on Fulton. 9:00 PM sharp. We need a break now that midterms are finishing.”
“Sounds fun,” Bucky agreed. “I’m in. Y/n?”
“I’m not sure I have a choice with the redhead next to me,” you said, making Natasha giggle. “I will be late though, I have my last midterm for this class today and I’m taking every single second I can get to perfect it.”
“We shall meet you there then,” Natasha said before you all continued finishing your lunch.
1 0 : 0 0  P M
To Bucky’s surprise, this party had gotten live faster than he expected. A 9PM party usually meant everyone started pregaming at 9, showing up at around 11-12. But the amount of bodies within this house had him wishing he’d shown up later. It wasn’t like he had much of an option, with Natasha rushing everyone out at 9 to head over. He said it’d be best to wait for you to get back so you can all go together, but Nat had assured him you told her it was fine to meet her there. 
On the bright side, Sam agreed to be the designated driver which meant he could actually drink for a change. He wasn’t a huge drinker, fancying his occasional whiskey, but he felt he hadn’t had a chance to let loose all semester. Bucky definitely wasn’t trying to get wasted, but he wanted the warmth of a few drinks that made him incapable of being trusted to drive.
Bucky couldn’t help but keep an eye out for your arrival, knowing how stressed you were about your test and even offering to study with you before and after his only class of the day. You had gotten a few texts from Atlas throughout, Bucky noting your frustration and overstimulation from everything and making you take a few breaks here and there, which you were grateful for.
Bucky knew Atlas was never going to be fully fond of him and his friendship with you, but he couldn’t really blame him. He knew he’d probably react the same way if he were in such a situation, but he also knew that he’d never purposely ruin your relationship. Atlas cared about you and you cared about him, which was enough to preserve in Bucky’s eyes.
You always caught a few longing glances from Bucky, but he was oblivious to it. You knew what was cycling through his head, as he did yours, but your current dynamic was going so well and neither of you wanted to go back to square one.
Bucky was on his fifth drink of the night when you walked in, begging him to make you the strongest drink possible without a greeting to precede it.
“How’d it go?” he asked you in your ear so you could hear him over the music, prepping his same drink for you, but with a bit more to take the edge off. 
“It was fine, I’m just glad it’s over,” you sighed as you took the cup out of his hand within seconds of him handing it to you, downing the entire drink before demanding another.
“Slow down,” he warned before making you a second one.
“I need to get drunk tonight, Bucky, so you can help me by making sure no one fucks me up or I will go elsewhere,” you warned back playfully, and he could see you meant no harm when he handed you a second, third, and fourth. Soon enough, you had already passed him in drinks and he saw as you looked giggly already.
Atlas had walked up to the both of you, making Bucky look on his phone to avoid the awkwardness. 
“I didn’t know you were here already,” Atlas pulled you into his arms, placing a chaste kiss on your lips. “Are you… drunk?”
You giggled in response. “I need another one,” you hiccuped before going back to Bucky, who was entertained with swiping aimlessly on his phone. “Barnes.” Bucky looked at you with furrowed eyebrows as you took his phone out of his hand, shoving it in your bag. “Get off your phone, we’re here to have fun.”
“Your boyfriend’s here, Y/n, go have fun with him.”
Shaking your head, you grabbed him by the shoulders. “We’re all here to have fun, c’mon!” You pulled him forward, Bucky and Atlas both trying to make sure you didn’t trip over your own feet. You ended up pulling Atlas into the mix as well, who was already more than uncomfortable. 
Dancing in between the both of them, Natasha was giggling in the corner, earning her a hard glare from Bucky. He knew he wasn’t gonna live this one down, but he slipped away from your view once all of your attention was on Atlas instead of partially on him. 
“That’s gonna be a messy conversation, huh?” Natasha asked as Bucky finished making his way over to her and Steve. 
“What are you talking about, Romanoff?”
“Atlas hasn’t had a drink all night and he looked like he’d rather crawl in a hole than dance with his girlfriend and her ex-boyfriend,” she watched as Atlas carried you upstairs, taking another sip of her drink. “Wonder how that’s gonna play out.” 
Atlas was dying to get out of the crowd, taking you upstairs to his room which you happily accepted, throwing yourself on his bed after he put you down to lock the door. Another giggling fit came out of you, and Atlas sat next to where your lying body was on the bed.
“What’s so funny, Y/n?”
He didn’t sound too thrilled, having the notion that drunk actions were sober thoughts in the back of his mind. When you got here, you made your way to Bucky. Not him. That on top of the most awkward situation he’d been in with Bucky since he started dating you, he was starting to lose his patience a bit, but he knew he couldn’t bring it up while you were drunk. 
“You’re funny,” you said with more giggles to follow. “You’re maaaad.” You sat up, a bit too quickly which Atlas noticed, holding you stable by the shoulders so you wouldn’t get dizzy and throw up. You stared at him and bopped his nose with your index finger, giggling again. “Don’t be mad, Atlas.”
“I’m not mad, Y/n,” he responded in a shy yet stern tone. “You should probably go to bed.”
“Mm, no,” you said with a quick head shake, wrapping your arms around his neck as he wrapped his around your torso. “I’m not tired.”
“You’re drunk,” he said, laying back as you fell on top of him. “Let’s go to bed, okay? We’ll talk in the morning.”
“I don’t want to sleep,” you pushed up off of him, straddling his lap. “And I don’t want to talk. There’s nothing to talk about.”
Atlas scoffed. “There’s a lot to talk about, Y/n.”
“Like what?”
“We’re not doing this right now, you’re drunk,” he said as he removed you off of his lap gently, placing you back on the bed. “Let’s just go to sleep.”
You shook your head, suddenly starting to feel your buzz get killed. “No, what is it that you want to talk about so bad?”
“I’m not doing this right now, okay?” he said, pulling one of his shirts for you to change into. 
Rolling your eyes, you reluctantly got changed, getting into bed as he slid in behind you, knowing the following morning was going to be irritating. 
And that it was.
Waking up slightly late, you were surprised you weren’t sporting a raging migraine from the previous night’s endeavors. Atlas was no longer in bed and the bass from the speakers downstairs blasting music long gone. You checked your phone, seeing a few texts from your friends who you left without a goodbye.
Bucky <3
Hey, everything all good? 
We’re heading out in a bit. Not sure if you drove here or not if you want a ride back
I would assume your phone’s dead but all the messages are delivering
Nvm all good. Atlas just told us you went to bed. See you tomorrow loser
Future Russian Spy (Nat)
Where is your drunk ass at
Hoping you’re not getting laid again
Sleep is for the weak but I’m glad you’re resting. Let me know if you need a ride back tomorrow when u see this
You had driven to Atlas’s place, but given the fatigue you had, you texted Nat back asking for a ride. After doing so, you got out of bed, deciding it was best to take a hot shower and at least make yourself look human for the day. Atlas came back into the room after you were dressed and brushing your teeth with the spare toothbrush you’d left here the last time you slept over. 
“I made breakfast,” he said, standing in the bathroom doorway.
“Not hungry,” you said, rinsing your mouth with water. “But thanks.”
You were pretty intoxicated last night, but definitely not blackout drunk to forget the impending comments from your boyfriend about whatever was bothering him. Not to mention, the last thing you were looking for was an argument at 11 in the morning after you just woke up.
“Can you please not be difficult right now?”
Stopping in your tracks as you were about to grab your jacket, you turned to face him. “And what exactly is that supposed to mean?”
Atlas sighed. “I’m not arguing with you, Y/n.”
“I never said you were,” you rebutted. “You wanted to talk, so let’s talk.”
“Do you seriously not see that nothing is getting better between us? You were throwing yourself at Bucky right in front of me last night, and he has a girlfriend. You don’t even seem regretful.”
Scoffing, you rubbed your hands down your face. “I’m not repeating myself for the thousandth time to you, Atlas. You know how I feel about Bucky, and he and Sharon aren’t even dating.”
“You still love him.”
“I will always love him, that’s what you don’t get!” You yelled in frustration before exhaling deeply. “Bucky and I didn’t end on bad terms. We didn’t end because he cheated on me or I ruined his life. I will always have love for him, regardless of whether you think it’s platonic or romantic. I can’t just change that.”
“Well, you need to,” he replied flatly.
You chuckled. “You’re giving me an ultimatum?”
“Me or him, Y/n. I can’t play second-fiddle to Bucky Barnes anymore. It’s me in your life or him.”
“You can’t sit here and give me ultimatums like I’m constantly the one that’s doing you wrong.”
Atlas crossed his arms across his shoulders. “I knew this was going to come up eventually. You’re still mad at me.”
“I have never been mad, Atlas. I just wanted an answer. And that was so fucking difficult for you to give me.”
“Maybe you should ask your little ex-boyfriend what happened that day.”
“It’s always about Bucky with you,” you dejected. “I’m starting to think you’re the one that’s in love with him.”
“I’m serious, Y/n.”
Throwing your hands around in frustration, “What could Bucky possibly know abou–”
“He’s the one that told me to leave!” he interrupted you. When you simply stared at him without words, he continued. “I showed up. Bucky told me to leave. I fucked up the night before, I get that, but I was there. I made it after you walked in and Bucky told me to up and leave because I couldn’t support you in the state I was in. So if you need someone to be upset about, maybe start with him.”
Staring at him in disbelief, you scoffed again, shoving your jacket on your shoulders, checking your phone to see Natasha text you that she’s outside. “I’ll talk to you later, Atlas.”
“When you come back here, I want an answer.”
“Yeah, whatever,” you said, starting your day off with an immeasurable amount of frustration, which Natasha could feel radiating off of you as you got in the car angrily.
“I’m going to ignore the fact that you slammed my door and ask what happened.”
Sighing to yourself to calm down, you leaned back in the car seat. “I don’t want to talk about it.”
Fiddling with your fingers, Natasha was talking your head off but you could not hear her one bit. You know Bucky was mad about Atlas not showing up, but it wouldn’t make sense for him to sabotage you like that. Was he telling you to give Atlas another shot because he felt guilty? Did he not want to be the reason things fell out? 
No, that wasn’t Bucky. He would never do such a thing. 
Sighing to yourself, Natasha snapped you out of your thoughts in the middle of the diner you were seated at having breakfast food at 1pm. 
“Are you even listening? What’s got you so distant since I picked you up?”
“Are we seeing Bucky at any point today?” you avoided her question.
“I told you he’s meeting us here with Steve. What’s going on?”
Knowing how Natasha feels about Atlas, you decided to wait until Bucky made it before jumping to any conclusions, assuring her that it was no big deal. It’d be better to hear it straight from Bucky than being mad at anyone over anything yet, and you knew Bucky would tell you the truth.
At least that’s what you’d hoped.
Almost as if on cue, Bucky and Steve walked into the diner, looking around before Bucky spotted you with a smile, tapping Steve to draw his attention in the same direction. You half-smiled back, but Bucky knew something was off. As the boys made their way over, Bucky sat next to you in the booth, looking over at you with concern.
“What’s wrong?” he asked, making you shake your head.
“We didn’t order for you guys not knowing what you guys wanted,” you said as you slid both of them the menu, leaving Bucky confused while Steve was excited. 
“Bucky and I have been thinking about bacon since we left the dorm,” Steve chatted looking at both you and his best friend, which you returned, but Bucky couldn’t take his eyes off of you. “Buck?”
“What’s wrong, Y/n?” Bucky asked you again, Steve diverting his attention towards you. 
“That’s what I’ve been trying to figure out for the past two hours,” Natasha interjected, and everyone at the table was now staring at you.
You sighed, looking down at your hands in your lap, biting down on your bottom lip. “I don’t know.”
“Did that asshole do something again?” Natasha asked, clearly starting to get riled up. “I swear to G—”
“Nat,” Bucky cut her off sternly, giving her a glare. He knew you were nervous about something and anyone getting angry would just make it worse. 
He always knew how to read you.
“Did something happen after we left? This morning?” he asked softly while Steve ordered for himself and Bucky.
“He told me it was you, Buck,” you responded hesitantly, causing Bucky to shake his head in confusion. “The presentation. Him not showing up. He said you told him to leave when he got there. Before you walked in?”
Shaking his head again, Bucky was now annoyed. “Bullshit.”
“He showed up during Banner’s slot, Y/n. Yeah, I told him to leave, and if that was wrong on my part, I’m sorry, but I would never force him to leave if he actually showed up on time.”
“That and he smelled like a bad liquor store,” Steve added.
“He was only going to make things worse. I’m sorry for telling him he should leave but—”
“No?” Bucky questioned your interruption, not quite catching on.
“You’re not apologizing. You did what you thought was best, and he lied to me about it again anyway.”
Feeling defeated, you urged everyone to move on. Bucky felt bad that you had to find out in such a way, and the urge he got to beat Atlas’s ass was even stronger than it was the day everything happened. 
After you all ate, you went back to the dorm and relaxed for a bit before asking Natasha to give you a ride to get your car at Atlas’s house. The gang all asked to meet up at Bucky, Steve, and Sam’s dorm for drinks and games, so you told Natasha you’d meet her there.
“You sure you’re gonna be okay?” she asked for the second time that night.
“Yeah, I’m just gonna get my car and go,” you unbuckle your seatbelt and open the door. “I’ll see you at the boys’ place, okay?”
Nat nodded before watching you walk towards your car and driving off. Unlocking the vehicle, you saw Atlas rushing out of the front door from your peripherals.
“You weren’t even gonna come inside?” he said as he walked up next to you.
“Don’t think picking up my car requires me to go inside, does it?” you retorted with an attitude, not really wanting to talk.
“You know why I’m asking.”
“Well, I wouldn’t think it’d matter considering Bucky has no involvement in the reason why I’m breaking up with you, Atlas.”
Stunned, Atlas stared at you incredulously. 
“Cat got your tongue? Or are you coming up with some other lie you think I won’t find out about?”
“Save it. We’re done. If you think I’m choosing Bucky over you, then maybe I am,” you cut him off, tears filling up your eyes. “Now that I think of it, I’d choose him over you every single time, Atlas. He’s never lied to me, never treated me like I was less than him, and he sure as hell would never make me pick between him and someone else that he knows I care about. I’m over it, I can’t do this anymore. We’re done.”
Getting inside of your car, Atlas decided not to say a word as he watched you pull out of his driveway and drive off. He definitely had other ideas in mind.
Meanwhile, you were trying to gain your composure as you made it back to campus and to the boys’ dorm. You managed to get yourself to stop crying but given the amount of it you just did, you knew it was evident on your face.
Even though it might be the worst option at this given moment, you wanted nothing but to jump into Bucky’s arms. You wanted his hugs back, you wanted to feel his warmth again.
You wanted him back. You knew it was dumb to even think of, but you couldn’t help it. All of your emotions were crashing down on you and you finally knew why everything was weighing so heavy on your shoulders for the past few months.
You never wanted to move on. It was foolish to even think of doing, let alone actually doing it. Bucky was always going to be it for you. It’s him. It’s always going to be him. 
But much to your demise after opening the door to the boys’ dorm, you walked in to see everyone in the living room.
Including Sharon.
Everyone looked up at you, seeing your face and immediately asking what happened.
Again, including Sharon.
“Um– sorry, I didn’t want to be a buzzkill or anything, I just—”
“You’re not,” Sharon spoke up again, and you couldn’t help but notice her hand on Bucky’s thigh while she spoke. “We weren’t talking about much, just some updates on everyone. Right?”
Everyone agreed.
“Yes, like Barnes here making it official with Sharon,” Thor added eagerly.
You looked back at Bucky, who suddenly looked like he wanted to throw up.
“Are you okay?” he asked, not wanting to talk about the bombshell news that just got dropped on you.
“Yeah, I-I’m fine,” you shook your head. “Don’t worry, I just got into a heated argument with my mom is all. Um, I actually forgot something in my room that I should grab so I’ll be back.”
Natasha knew your excuse for leaving was full of shit the second you walked back out the door, telling everyone she was going to check on you. She walked downstairs to see you sobbing to yourself in your car, thankful you didn’t drive off yet.
Opening the passenger door and getting inside, Natasha pulled you into her embrace.
“I know it wasn’t some argument with your mom that got you like this, so what happened with Atlas?” Natasha asked right away, knowing you weren’t calming down anytime soon unless she knew how to help.
“I broke up with him.”
Well, she wasn’t expecting to hear that. 
“Oh,” she said, rubbing your back up and down. “I’m sorry—”
“For Bucky.”
Or that. She definitely wasn’t expecting to hear that.
“I’m such an idiot, Nat,” you sobbed into her shoulders. “I just broke up with him and now Bucky’s with Sharon and I can’t tell him that I broke up with Atlas because he’s gonna ask why and I—”
“Hey, hey,” she lifted your face in her hands to look at her while you cried. “We’re gonna figure it out, alright? You’re gonna be fine.”
You nodded, even if you weren’t fully convinced. But little did you know, everything was about to bite you in the ass.
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jaybirdswriting · 9 months
Siblings With A Height Difference Prompts:
A: The shortest sibling wouldn't be bothered by their height if their sibling wasn't a foot taller.
B: They have one short parent and one tall parent. Because of their height difference, no one ever believes they're related to each other or the parent that is much taller/shorter than them.
C: The short sibling looks like they're wearing a dress if they have to borrow their taller siblings shirt. The taller sibling looks like they're wearing a crop top if they borrow their short siblings clothes.
D: The shorter sibling is more than happy to hide behind their taller sibling when they're in any sort of trouble.
E: The taller sibling purposefully walks fast when they want to annoy their shorter sibling.
F: The shorter sibling claimed that their taller sibling was their parent a few times to get out of trouble.
More Undercut
G: The tallest sibling regularly uses their big form to intimidate people trying to bother their sibling.
H: The shortest sibling is the most protective one. They'll fight people for their siblings sake without hesitation.
I: The tall sibling has a genuinely affectionate nickname for their short sibling that revolves around their height. Like "little bird" or "peanut."
J: The tall sibling annoys their short sibling by calling them things like "ankle biter" or "chipmunk."
K: The shorter sibling is often in charge of talking first because they're a lot less intimidating then their sibling.
L: The short sibling gets a good laugh every time the taller sibling hits their head on something.
M: The short sibling always jokingly tells everyone their tall sibling is related to a giraffe. They forget that it would mean they were also related to a giraffe.
N: The short sibling helps their tall siblings on missions all the time because they can easily get into places their much taller sibling can't.
O: The tallest sibling completely engulfs the shortest sibling when they hug. The shortest sibling always finds so much comfort in their protective hold.
P: The taller/shorter one gets REALLY offended if anyone makes fun of their siblings height. They're the only one who can make fun of them.
Q: The tall sibling uses their short sibling's head as an arm rest. The short sibling does NOT appreciate this in the slightest.
R: The shortest one carries the taller one on their back. (Or the reverse!)
S: Neither sibling understands their height so the shortest one is getting into bar fights and the tallest one is sitting in their love interests lap like a five pound chihuahua.
T: When they get in a fight, the shortest sibling will go straight for the shins.
U: The shortest sibling tries to block their taller sibling from going somewhere, only for them to just pick them up and move them out of the way.
V: The shorter sibling is the better fighter. They could kick their taller siblings ass any day.
W: The older sibling helped the younger sibling keep track of their height with a height marker while growing up. This could go a few ways depending on who's shorter and who's taller.
X: The taller sibling made their shorter one pretend to be younger then they actually were on Halloween so they would get more candy.
Y: The shortest sibling purposefully hides thing in low spaces to annoy their sibling.
Z: The tallest sibling purposefully puts things on top shelves to annoy their sibling.
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live-laugh-lenney · 7 months
arthur having y/n as a guest on his channel and he's crushing on her the whole time!!
i figured this one worked out being a head-cannon more than a fic but i really love that this could be the potential origin story of arthur and yn, leading on to what happened in 'housewarming makeout'...
let me know what you think though!
thank you for reading my stuff so far - it means a whole lot to me and i'm thankful for all the messages i've been receiving about my writing and such. love to you all! x
C H A N N E L G U E S T H E A D C A N N O N | a r t h u r t v |
-> commentary youtube was something yn loved doing.
-> her channel was different to what arthur would do on his channel. she would go about commenting on whatever seemed to be trending in the world that week; whatever was being spoken about on twitter or whatever seemed to be in the news or a celebrity who seemed to be a topic of conversations.
-> yn and arthur collaborating on either one's channel was something a lot of people wanted. something people manifested. twitter was full of tweets begging them to collaborate on a video.
-> it's arthur's goal to have her on his channel - he loves watching her videos and he's forever indulged in the way she speaks so soft and shares the occasional joke and laughs at herself and never shies away from how she may have different opinions... yet she always does it in such a respectful way. he thinks she'd be a great guest to have, a great first guest to have on his channel, and he was thrilled when she agreed to it.
-> and he'd be called a fool if he denied his feelings for her; how he found her really quite beautiful, how he felt intimidated when she arrived on the youtube scene because he felt she had such a way with words and with people that he'd be thrown to the side, how he loved her sense of fashion and how she always presented herself to perfectly... and when they first met, he found she had such an inviting personality that he just wanted to know more and more and more about her on a level where they could tell each other everything and anything.
-> and she felt the same.
-> she really quite liked him as a person, found his rather handsome, and she felt butterflies in her belly when he dm'd her and asked her whether she was interested in filming with him on the biggest series of his youtube channel.
-> so when she posts a selfie on her instagram story of her sat at the desk in arthur's bedroom, twitter goes into meltdown.
-> 'is it me or is yn in arthurtv's bedroom? either we're getting a vid or they've got some explaining to do...'
-> 'arthurtv and yn hanging out? do i smell a video coming?'
-> 'arthur has a girl in his room!!!'
-> and they find it funny to have a look at their mentions on twitter to see how excited people are - they weren't stupid when it came to the fans and what people were saying about the two of them.
-> he has her on his channel to discuss big ed from 90 day fiance; he's always trending, someone that people talk about and it fits in with what his channel is all about so it was a perfect opportunity to get her in a video to collaborate on.
-> there's no awkwardness between the two of them.
-> they've hung out before, they've been seen out and both together, they wouldn't class themselves as best friends but they're friendly with one another and they're both used to being on camera so there was nothing that kept them from not being themselves.
-> when the video does come out, both of them promote it and post about it on their socials and they reply back to those who responded about how happy they were to see the two of them together, telling them their favourite parts and how they want it to become a regular thing on arthur's channel, or how they want arthur to do a video on yn's channel about the current trends of the world.
-> people pick out bits of the video and edits are made - edits of yn and arthur together.
-> 'the way arthur kept looking at yn!!! it has me dying'
-> 'he's such a sweetheart. he never interrupted her. never spoke over her. never spoke down. he's adorable.'
-> 'a man written by women, for women, i'm telling you. he's every girls dream. the way he looks at yn is adorable.'
-> 'no one can tell me there aren't feelings there. yn and arthur are my endgame <333'
-> it's the start of something between them... something good... something special... something secret...
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bisexualhomelander · 9 months
P R O M P T # 9 : ( n o n - s e x u a l ) a g e p l a y
B U T C H L A N D E R / S U B L A N D E R / D A D D Y B U T C H E R
Billy lazily rolled his hips into Homelander, earning a whine. It was one of those lazy Saturdays that had the quality of molten sugar, slow and sweet around the edges. He hadn't had that much sex regularly since… Since. The thought sunk down into the caramelly depths of Billy's consciousness.
Things had been going well since they'd gone from trying to kill each other full-time to trying to kill each other semi-regularly. At least Ryan was happy that the adults that raised him could talk to each other without devolving into screaming. If the kid had any clue about what happened the half of the time they weren't fighting, he made no mention of it, ever. It meant they had to keep this a secret, and that was what Billy preferred.
Homelander proved to be useful to their work in ways Billy hadn't foreseen. His heart had nearly stopped the time he had walked in on the supe sifting through the files on Vought and all the cunts that needed an arse-kicking that Billy kept in a location not secure enough for x-ray vision. But Homelander had simply nodded along while reading and had then pointed a gloved finger at the picture of a supe named Headhunter. "Oh, I can get you some dirt on her."
"You can?"
Homelander didn't do things selflessly, so of course, Billy had had to pay a price.
Most of the prices could be paid for in sex.
This particular Saturday morning fuck session was not a payment for anything. They'd had a long night looking at files and sharing information - Homelander giddy at being needed and getting to throw supes he thought of as subpar colleagues under the bus and Billy tired but ready. Billy made no secret about the fact that the Boys would kill every last one of them. Homelander shrugged it off, offered to take over that part if they needed their schedules cleared for other things. Other things, they both never said out loud, were, of course, the taking down of Vought and Homelander.
The supe feigned sleepiness surprisingly well. He met each slow thrust of Billy's hips with a tired roll of his own, and he was quiet, eyes only at half-mast. His lips were parted, and Billy wished he could bite them raw, could bite them cherry-red. But pressing his mouth against them felt like making out with a marble statue, soft to the touch but with no give. The open mouth began to work, began to try out sounds, punched-out little things until it settled on the word Billy had come to develop an almost Pavlovian reaction to:
Now that had started a while back, Billy was reminded as he shuddered nearly into climax at the mere mention of it. And oh, Homelander had been embarrassed, humiliated that he'd said it in the throes of passion, stuttering and fumbling for a justification that Billy had misheard, that he'd wanted to say anything that wasn't- Billy had fucked the humiliation out of him, satisfied that the room lit up red when he said that "Daddy’s gonna take such sweet fucking care of ya, baby boy."
There were times when Homelander meant it, and there were times when he meant it. Lust and need, sex and parenthood. Touch was touch, and he reacted the same to a pat on the head than he did a blowjob. Somewhere in his childhood, some wires had gotten crossed, and they were both futilely attempting to uncross those. It didn't always go well, but it had gotten a bit better. Not today, though, clearly, because Homelander whispered "Daddy" again, and his eyes shifted, and he was gone just as Billy tried to lean forward to kiss the word out of his mouth.
Billy's head was shoved to the side with a bit more force than was healthy. It was hardly painful, but he was entirely aware of the strength behind the gesture, meaning Homelander had wanted him to feel this.
When he got a little too deep or, rather… deeply too little, sex was the last thing on his mind. Billy, regretfully, sighed once and bid his boner goodbye for the day. "Sorry I pushed ya, baby boy."
Homelander just shook his head and curled up on the bed. He never said much while he was in this state, too estranged from his own voice and too ashamed to attempt a more childlike one. Billy leaned against the headboard and opened his arms. The offer was gladly taken, and the supe flung himself into his embrace with vigor.
They'd made rules after it had happened the first time, so there was a framework for Billy to fall back on, and if push came to shove, there were ways to get Homelander out of this headspace by force. But today was a lazy fucking Saturday, so why not indulge?
Homelander was beginning to nuzzle into his neck, trying to get comfortable. Billy was getting ready to maybe have a look at the news on his phone, maybe just lounge around and doze. But the restless nuzzling showed no sign of letting up. "Hey, what're you doin' hm?" He carded his fingers through Homelander’s hair, trying to soothe him, but the supe was clearly on a mission.
Homelander kept nuzzling his face into Billy's chest, and when Billy realized why he was doing it, his cheeks started burning with shame he thought he'd long given up. "Oi. Mate. There's nothing for you. Don’t even try."
"Hungry," Homelander replied in a petulant tone.
"I know, I know." Billy parted Homelander's lips with the tip of his thumb, the digit being suckled on immediately. "We didn't have time to eat properly yesterday, hm? But if you want me to fix you something, you'll have to let me get up."
Homelander shook his head, even as he let the finger slip from his mouth.
Billy tugged the blanket over the supe's bare body, watching as he huddled into it. A strange feeling welled up in him. There was no reconciling this man with the one who had taken everything from Billy, and the cognitive dissonance caused him a migraine. Maybe they did this because it was easier for both of them, Homelander making himelf harmless and Billy making himself care. It was simple. Simple, like the warmth inside his chest which satisfied a desire so far beyond sex that it defied definition.
"I won't be gone long," he assured the shape under the blanket as he walked into the kitchen, knowing full-well that he was under constant surveillance.
He kept their supplies in the bulldog-shaped box, taking the head off now and pulling out the bottle. He'd quickly realiszed that any milk would potentially do. He could simply warm up cow's milk, and the supe would be happy. But he'd invested in some high-end formula for situations like these. Made it more authentic when there was a baby on the box and everything. The clerk at the store he'd bought it from had congratulated him on the birth. "Yeah thanks, mate," he’d mumbled and walked off. What did you even reply to that…
But that had been the initial embarrassment. Three, four, five sessions in, and Billy had begun to enjoy their arrangement properly. Save for the nipple sucking. He'd not give in on that point in a million years, even if Homelander kept trying to get away with covertly shoving his entire face into Billy's pecs; he had limits.
Billy waited for the milk to warm up, stretching out the crick in the neck. He did feel all of his forty-six-and-a-half years in the morning, but he could still get it up alright. Shouldn't think about that. Sex was out of the question for the day and possibly all of tomorrow, too. Depending on how far they took their little plays.
After screwing the lid onto the bottle, Billy tilted the bottle and allowed a bit of milk to drip on his arm to test the temperature. There was no reason to do it, no-one to perform for, and the supe wouldn't feel the heat of it anyway. But it was a gesture that got him more into his role, and he found he liked it.
He heard the rustle of the blanket from the other room over as Homelander apparently freed himself from the fabric. Of course he'd been witnessing every single movement through the walls. The little spillage on Billy's hand must have smelled like an appetizer to him.
"Okay, lad," he announced as he returned to the bed. "Up you go, c'mere."
Homelander was eager, one of his feet getting tangled in the blanket. Frustrated, he shook himself free.
Billy couldn't help but laugh. The supe was adorable when he was like this. "Nobody's taking it away from you. Don't hurry." He helped Homelander position himself, helped his head into his lap, into the crook of his arm, supported like a baby. Billy felt like indulging him, so he brought Homelander's head up to his chest, holding the bottle at an angle that would almost, almost simulate breastfeeding.
Homelander closed his eyes, clearly getting lost in the fantasy. He latched on easily, content with pushing his cheek into Butcher's chest. The pull of him beginning to suck on the nipple of the bottle was enough to have Billy tighten his hold on it. In moments like these, Homelander sometimes forgot his strength, nearly taking the bottle out of Billy's hand (and nearly taking Billy's arm off at the joint). Billy adjusted his grip. "That's for waiting patiently. Even though you watched me, didn't ya? Did you watch Daddy through the walls?"
Homelander nodded, not for a moment stopping his suckling. He looked up at Billy wide-eyed, even now expecting a punishment. Billy leaned forward to kiss his forehead instead. Disarming him with violence never worked, but disarming him with kindness did. The supe practically went boneless for any scrap of affection, and if you drowned him in it, then he'd always return for more and be on good behavior for the hours away from Billy.
They fell into an easy silence. The city was beginning to wake up properly, and Billy listened to the cars outside, angry drivers honking at angry drivers. Hate was so far from his mind in this moment that he had trouble understanding why they did it in the first place. He was in a bubble where there was no need for road rage or any other form of human hatred. He knew he'd have to pop it eventually, go back to the cunts outside. For now, there was a supe in his lap, eagerly awaiting further care. Weird fucking world.
The pull of the suction got weaker and weaker, and Billy was hauled back out of his brain by a small distressed noise. "What's wrong, baby boy?" he asked when he noticed the look of displeasure on Homelander's face.
Homelander blinked, let the nipple fall out of his mouth with hesitation. "Tummy hurts," he proclaimed.
"Your… wait, your tummy hurts?"
Homelander was clearly growing a bit squirmy in his hold, fussy like a child. "Mhm. Tummy hurts."
Billy made a confused sound and put the bottle away. Homelander never showed signs of physical discomfort at all, and Billy was fairly sure he couldn't get a tummy ache, neither from drinking milk nor from anything. The supe's digestive tract was as invulnerable as the rest of him. Maybe just a game, feigning pain in order to let Billy kiss the pain better. But most of the time, their play was based around instinct, not planning elaborate scenarios. So something was clearly not going the way Homelander liked.
Billy pulled the blanket to the side in order to take a look at the supe's bare belly- and understood. The milk drinking was a risky scenario sometimes. Turned out, it would as often turn the supe on as it would provide him comfort. Homelander's cock was hard, curved against his belly. This was getting him worked up. And they hadn't finished fucking, either. Billy shouldn't blame him for getting horny at a time like this. But it also wasn't what they did. Not like this.
"Ah. This kinda tummy ache. Yeah, that's a bitch- That's…" He cut himself off, having forgotten the no-swear rule. "That's uncomfortable, hm?"
"Don't wan' it," Homelander whined, squirming some more. He pressed his thighs against each other like that would do anything.
"Ssh, none of that," Billy shushed the supe. "It goes away faster if you're still." He was glad his own body didn't betray him. His heartbeat remained steady, his cock soft. He knew any minuscule change in the hormonal chemistry of his blood would get the supe all the more worked up.
Homelander heeded Billy's command, not moving, not even breathing in his lap. Statue-esque save for the ever so slight shivering.
Billy decided on a distraction and began to rub the flat of his hand over Homelander's stomach, high enough up to never get in contact with his dick. "Full of milk, hm? Good boy. Don't ya worry. Tummy aches happen when you drink so fast. But Daddy's gonna make it better." He began to list up all the things they'd do to take Homelander's mind off their current predicament. "Daddy's gonna look at some files later. I got some work to do on the weekend, too. That's how busy Daddy can be. But you'll be there to keep him company, right?"
Homelander gave a small nod, lips twitching into a smile. He curled into Billy's hand a bit, clearly enjoying the warmth, breath hitching from time to time. Billy could feel the muscles under his hand twitch. Supe was ticklish. Now that was something to exploit some other day. He had to keep their sessions fun.
"Are you a big enough boy to get yourself dressed today?"
Homelander perked up and nodded eagerly. Getting dressed was a fixed part of their days during sessions. The suit lay unused in Billy's closet, out of sight (out of Billy's sight), and the supe got to choose civilian clothes for the time being. Billy had inwardly laughed when Homelander had made a suggestion for an outfit. "F for creativity," he'd said when Homelander had pointed out a Vought-brand pajama designed to resemble his suit as closely as possible.
"Oh, fuck off. They make them comfy."
So now this monstrosity lived in Billy's apartment, always washed with scentless detergent, printed-on eagles on the shoulders and all. To add insult to injury, Homelander had chosen red wooly socks for the outfit to replicate the look of his ridiculous boots.
Billy could have complained. He could have vetoed the outfit. They'd both agreed he held the reigns during their time together, but it made Homelander happy. Giddy like a little boy who got to play his hero.
The anticipation of getting to wear the cotton blend suit-jama was enough to deter Homelander's body from any thoughts about sex, so Billy gave his stomach one last pat and helped him up. The supe was gone quicker than the eye could follow, and Billy heard him rummaging around somewhere.
He returned not a full minute after getting up, fully dressed. "Aren't you comfy today?" Billy asked, having pulled his own pants on and zipping them up.
The effect of the pajama was a strange one. The suit was fully sculpted in the shape of a superhero body with the help of foam. The boots had enough heel to make Homelander seem more imposing than he was. Now, he only looked soft. The pajama was one size too big, sleeves covering Homelander's hands. The shirt was half-tucked into the pants, clearly not on purpose. He'd simply been too quick, and now it looked effortlessly adorable like everything this fucking film star did. The outfit made him seem slight, and younger than he was. His hair was unkempt.
"Daddy's gonna make some coffee for himself. You brush your teeth and meet me in the living room, yeah?"
Their play had never depended on Homelander staying one single age. He could be fed like a newborn, be ordered around like a kid, become stubborn like a pre-teen when told to heed the bedtime Billy'd decided. And he was proud when he accomplished a task to Billy's utter satisfaction, like making sure his teeth were minty fresh. He liked so much to be useful.
Well, fate would have it that Billy very much liked feeling needed.
The time from morning to noon was spent with work. Billy had pulled up his laptop and had sat down on the sofa with a cup of coffee. Homelander had joined him, first with his hands in his lap, then leaning his head onto his shoulder.
"Daddy?" he whispered into Billy's ear like he didn't want anyone else to hear.
"Mh?" Billy kept scrolling, taking a sip of his coffee.
"You need something in your mouth?"
The pacifier had the American flag on it.
Billy thought it absolutely monstrous. As a joke, he'd liked to have bought one with the Union Jack, but the supe was anal about those kinds of pranks. He'd also seen one with "mute button" written on it, but that had also seemed a bit mean-spirited for the way their sessions had developed. This wasn't a joke. For Homelander, it was almost painfully real, and for Billy it had started to grow to be. So the flag had been a compromise: fun, but in style.
Homelander suckled on it absentmindedly, tiredly leaning against Billy again. His head was an almost comforting weight, and the sound of the suckling was a steady white noise, rhythmic and comforting. Billy didn't have to turn his head to the side to understand that the supe was watching the screen with half-lidded gaze, just happy to be close to him. Billy found himself missing the sound from time to time, sometimes days after Homelander had gone back to the Tower.
M.M. wanted to initiate a video call halfway through the day, and the suckling stopped immediately. "Daddy's gonna have to take that," Billy warned, and the suckling continued a bit more petulantly this time as he accepted the call, but declined the use of his cam.
"Mornin', M. What do you got for me today?" There were no secrets in those files that Homelander didn't also know, so the supe reading or hearing anything wouldn't mean shit. And it wasn't like he was in a state to take in any information that wasn't cut into lovingly bite-sized syllable pairs of baby talk.
"Oh, I might have just the thing to wake you up. That lead you gave us about this Headhunter? That was a good one! We actually managed to find an address. … What's that sound?"
Lunch was a routine affair. Billy cut up all the important ingredients. Homelander got to peel a few potatoes. He had to, however, promise to be careful and not peel toward his body, so as not to cut himself. The supe nodded gravely, like he had been given instructions to personally protect the country, and continued to hold the vegetable with a reverence reserved for a trophy. Sometimes, he pretended to get a cut anyway, just to receive a bandaid and a kiss, but today, he enjoyed feeling useful and wanted to show Billy his skills, so the potatoes were perfectly peeled with preternatural accuracy, nothing wasted.
"Good lad. Look at those. Good job."
Homelander preened under the praise, rocking back and forth on his heels out of sheer excitement. Billy got hit by a wave of emotion from it and ruffled his hair a bit until lunch was forgotten in favor of a tickle fight on the floor of the kitchen.
Dessert consisted of sliced-up fruit. Billy held the slices in his hand, letting Homelander lean forward and eat them directly from him. Very softly, his tongue lapped at Billy's fingers to lick up some of the juice.
It was more innocent than it had any right to be. It also ensured Homelander would be sufficiently stained, suit-jama and all.
"How d'you manage to get so messy without even using your own hands, huh?" Billy asked, pointing out the traces of juice all over Homelander.
Homelander giggled, knowing he would never get punished for this. Maybe Billy was getting a bit lenient with him, but the lad had been on perfect behavior recently, and not even the Boys had been able to dig up any murders he might have committed, so whatever Billy was doing, it was working its magic.
"You know what it means, though, right? Off my lap, now. To the tub with ya."
Homelander gave a quick salute and stormed off. Billy wasn't sure his feet were touching the ground; he heard no footsteps, no sliding of socks on tiles.
Originally, Billy had been annoyed by the bathtub in the room. He never used it anyway, and having an extra tub alongside a shower just drove the rent price up. But now he was happy with it because it added a dimension to their session that the shower couldn't. The shower was for fucking, for hands sliding on wet tiles and blood circling down the drain.
The tub was for intimacy. Homelander angled his legs to fit in, his knees sticking out of the foam like bony little hills.
Billy watched him try and drown an action figure of the Deep with an action figure of Homelander. He'd bought those ones definitely as a joke at first, but as it was so often with jokes, it had become serious enough for Homelander to genuinely play with the plastic men.
He sat behind the tub on a wooden stool, lathering his hands with shampoo before working it into Homelander's hair. He massaged it in, dragging his hand along the scalp only to hear Homelander make a pleasant sound and lean into him. He was getting wetter than he wanted. Might as well have bathed, too.
All products were hypo-allergenic, not for their dermatological recommendations but because Homelander hated synthetic perfumes more than anything. This way, he could relax.
Billy began to wash the shampoo out, shielding Homelander's eyes with one hand so as not to get any soap into his eyes.
"Thanks, Daddy," Homelander said quietly and let his hand hang over the side of the tub, getting the floor wet.
"Water's getting freezin', lad. Come out."
With plenty of splashing, Homelander made his way out of the tub, naked and warily eyeing the towel with which Billy approached.
The supe's skin was sensitive. Not to bullets, but to terry. He squirmed in Billy's hold as he was toweled off, trying half-heartedly to break free. Billy tried to get this part over with relatively quickly, but never quick enough for Homelander's tastes. This time, the bathroom lit up in a warning glow. People had run - in vain - from this very gaze. Now, it looked almost a little comical and definitely adorable coming out of eyes that were offended about the body they belonged to being toweled off.
"Hey, hey. That bad?"
"Ouch," was all Homelander commented.
"We're almost done, hm? Count to five slowly, and then I'm gone, okay?"
When Homelander reached four, the glow dimmed, and by five, he was hugging Billy close, emanating heat and the faint smell of unperfumed shampoo. Crisis averted.
It was evening when Homelander's gaze finally cleared and he safeworded out of their session. He still had his head in Billy's lap as they lay watching some nonsensical kids' show. The plot was so dumb it was impossible to follow as an adult, but they both continued to look at the screen anyway. They were a little sheepish every time after this was over.
"That was… good."
"Ya don't gotta talk about it."
"No, I know. But I feel… quiet. Like it's quiet in here." He knocked his own hand against his head. "It's never quiet in here."
Monday, they'd go back to their respective sides and spout bullshit.
And by Sunday, they'll have ended up here once more, sharing fruit and watching shows in comfy loungewear and getting the pacifier out of the Terror-shaped case. Butcher didn't want to think about when he'd begun to look forward to someone calling him "Daddy" and meaning it.
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gunnerfc · 4 months
Katrina Gorry NSFW Alphabet (18+, minors DNI!)
A: Aftercare
Aftercare is usually the both of you whispering cute things to each other as you both catch your breath
B: Body Part (their favorite body part of themselves and their partner)
Her favorite body part is her thighs because she loves them being wrapped around you
Her favorite body part of yours is your arms because she loves seeing your arms flex whenever you do anything, especially when you're fucking her
C: Cum (anything to do with cum)
Will lick your fingers clean after you’ve made her cum without you even telling/asking her to
D: Dirty Secret 
Enjoys the thought of someone hearing either you and knowing exactly what’s happening
E: Experience (Are they experienced? Do they know what they are doing?) 
She’s experienced but she’s always learning something new about what she likes with you
F: Favorite Position 
Doesn’t have one, as long as your hands (or mouth) are on her she doesn’t care what position you’re in
G: Goofy (Are they more serious in the moment, or are they humorous?)
She’s more serious in the moment nine times out of ten but can be a bit giggly if you’ve both been out for a drink with the team
I: Intimacy (How intimate are they during the moment?)
Very intimate
J: Jack off (Masturbation HC) 
Does it often and will always send you some dirty text after to tease you
K: Kink (One or more of their kinks) 
Acting a bit bratty and having you put her in her place
L: Location (Favorite place to have sex)
Your shared apartment is always the top choice but the hotel room during away games or national team camps works too
M: Motivation (What turns them on?) 
Just being near you drives her crazy and she has to force herself to not say something inappropriate when she knows she shouldn’t (like at training) but sometimes she fails and ends up saying something dirty to get your attention
N: No (Something they wouldn't do)
She may enjoy the thought of being heard but she doesn’t want to be seen because she doesn’t want anyone else to see you in such intimate positions
O: Oral (Preference on giving or receiving)
Receiving but when she does give, you have some of your best orgasms
P: Pace (Fast & Rough? Slow & Sensual?) 
If she’s receiving, she likes it when it’s fast and rough but if she’s giving she’ll go way slower to tease you and draw out your orgasm
Q: Quickie (Thoughts on quickies) 
Enjoys them, if there’s a chance for one of you to cum right before leaving somewhere, you’re going to take the opportunity
R: Risk (Are they open to experimenting) 
To an extent, she doesn’t want to do anything that results in either of you getting hurt
S: Stamina (How many rounds) 
You two can last for many long rounds regardless of the day you had
T: Toys 
A strap-on you both use, but you use it on her more
U: Unfair (Do they like the tease)
Will 100% tease you about doing better or is that all you got (very bratty of her)
V: Volume (How loud are they? What sounds do they make) 
She’s very loud because she (lowkey) hopes someone hears the two of you, especially if you’re in a hotel or some bar bathroom
W: Wild Card (Random HC)
The two of you had gotten a noise complaint before and it spurred her on to be even louder the next time the two of you had sex but you were slightly embarrassed at being heard and when you made her cum you kissed her to silence her loud moans
Y: Yearning (How high is their sex drive?)
It’s sort of high, she loves it when the two of you can have sex but obviously knows when you need can relax in other ways
Z: ZZZ (… how quickly they fall asleep afterward)
You’re both up for a bit after sex but she’ll usually fall asleep before you
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