ablogcalledrevenge · 6 months
Breakfast Surprise
@steddiemicrofic prompt: birthday // WC: 529 // Rated G
For the amazing @steddieas-shegoes! Happy Birthday! This is only my second fic in the fandom but the prompt inspired me and I was bored at work, so here you go! I hope you like it!
He wakes up to the sound of Britney Spears, which all things considered, is not how he wants to wake up on his birthday. But then again, there was a time when Eddie didn’t think he’d reach his 21st birthday, let alone his 33rd. So he can deal with the Princess of Pop.
But that does raise the question; who is playing music this morning? The obvious answer is Steve, because duh, who else? But since it is Eddie’s birthday and since Steve did say he had a surprise, Eddie is inclined to act like a detective and give in to the silliness. He gets up out of bed, his hip twinging a little like it does on colder mornings, and makes his way towards the kitchen. The sound of Britney gets a little louder, as does the sound of talking and laughing. The visual he gets when he finally reaches the doorway of the kitchen makes him wish for a camera.
Steve is pouring pancake batter onto the griddle, glasses on and yellow pajama pants low on his hips. Livy is standing on a stepstool, dropping chocolate chips onto each pancake, her small hands dropping each one with intense concentration. She’s got her Cookie Monster nightgown on, the little ruffles swaying as she dances to the song playing. The morning sun is coming in through the window, bringing out the blonde in their hair, and the rays of light draw Eddie’s eyes towards an empty coffee mug on the table, with Robin’s usual lipstick stain. While he’d love her to be here too, Eddie knows she had to go in early for work.
Steve and Livy still haven’t noticed him, content to sing slightly off key and flip pancakes. He’s about to say something, maybe ask where-
“You’re supposed to be in bed.” A little voice pipes up behind him, causing Eddie to jump.
“Holy shi-sh-shhh! You scared me.” He flounders, looking down at Ellie who looks far too exasperated for her tender age of 4. It’s frankly adorable and the way Eddie’s heart expands at the sight of her scrunched up face honestly makes him worry a little. His heart’s been through a lot, could it handle the stress? Ellie reaches for his hand and pulls him fully into the kitchen.
“Daddy spoiled his surprise. He got out of bed.” She announces to the room. Livy jumps down from her stool and runs towards Eddie, extending her arms up. He gladly grabs her and spins them around, peppering her face with kisses.
“I couldn’t help it! I smelled breakfast cooking and knew I had to investigate!” He laughs as Steve sets the table with breakfast. Ellie pulls out a chair, standing on the seat to raise herself higher. Steve picks her up to make it even. The girls are very concerned with things being even right now, so both men would rather go along with it than cause a fight.
“Happy Birthday Eddie.” Steve says quietly, leaning over to give him a soft kiss. The girls in turn each kiss Eddie’s cheeks and Eddie can’t think of a better breakfast, a better morning, a better birthday.
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kitnita · 10 days
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happy last-stretch-of-baseball-season-before-hockey-season-starts to all who celebrate. can i interest you in an improved take on baseball au robotter?
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ninvic-art · 2 months
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A couple of doodles for @moonyinpisces's stroke play (go read it NOW!!!!)
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eqt-95 · 7 months
untitled supercorp excerpt
It was a clever plan. It was so clever Lena was about to pat herself on the back.
Until the cursed wheelie chair whirred across the grated floor and brought the last thing she wanted to see on this or any other depraved planet back into view.
“What are you doing?” Kara asked.
“Going out,” she replied stiffly, adjusting her bag and checking that her scarf was tucked securely into her neckline. She’d only finally extracted the last grains from her last sand-ezvous, and she was not keen to revisit that experience.
“Uh, no you aren’t,” Kara said flatly. It put Lena’s teeth on edge.
“Funny,” Lena began, rounding on the blonde now towering over her by four annoying inches, “I don’t take orders from Supergirl.” “They weren’t orders,” Kara huffed, her arms crossed and stepping between Lena and freedom. Well, sort-of-freedom.
“Then get out of my way.”
“I wouldn’t expect someone so good at holding grudges to be so forgetful,” Kara replied far too smugly.
“I'm fully functioning in that department, thanks.”
“Oh, so then you didn’t forget the Goobs lurking around every corner.”
“Hardly. Now please-”
“We should wait until the next cycle. Until I can go out-”
“That’s eight days away, and in case you bothered to notice, we’ve got just enough amorphous gray goop to last two.”
“Then I’ll go" Kara said, all cheeto-puffed out chest and heroic vibrato. "Solo.”
Lena scowled. “You are incompetent and powerless.”
“Not if you radio the instructions to me.”
“How do you expect me to instruct you to do something I haven’t even seen?”
“I’ll… I can describe it to you.”
“You may have won a Pulitzer, but don’t be so misguided to think it had anything to do with your vivid imagery, Supergirl.”
Kara flinched, her chest deflated, and Lena felt emboldened.
“I’ll take my chances,” Lena said, pushing past Kara. “I’m not risking another setback.”
“What?” Lena snarled, fingers gripping her sunglasses with a threatening creak.
“Let me.”
“Why?” Lena asked, swinging to face Kara.
“B-because,” Kara stammered.
“Because? That’s why?” Lena scoffed haughtily. “Because, because, because,” she continued, a mocking tone, “Ambiguity is no different than deceit, Supergirl. What is it this time, hm? Can’t trust a Luthor? Can’t risk me sabotaging your heroic return? Can’t-
A chair flying, glass shattering, and a symphony of clanging metal-on-metal interrupted her.
“What the fuck Ka-”
“Because I can’t fix you!” Kara shouted.
Lena blinked, her corporate demeanor stunned by the shards of glass glittering the floor and the seething anger coming from the powerless Kryptonian in front of her. The wheelie chair spun uselessly as a final stack of scrolls tumbled to the ground and spilled across the floor.
“Excuse me?”
“I can’t… You’re not,” Kara began, looking perplexed, disoriented - scared? It did nothing but feed the inferno of loathing Lena felt. “You’re not a gadget or some gizmo or… you’re not me. You can’t be fixed with a sun or a-a lamp. If you get hurt - you could get hurt.”
"You'd get your wish then," Lena replied icily before pushing open the door and stepping into swirling winds of dust and red haze.
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stone-stars · 2 months
sleepsong - callie has nightmares / calder dreams of the helm / sol doesn't let himself sleep (they help each other)
i wrote a fic about duck team helping each other with sleep! don't worry about the wordcount <3
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kinaesthetiqueer · 2 months
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"no, wait, we were just trying to find a viable back up pulse point–! we were only practicing–! i mean, we were experimenting–! we were just testing something new–! we just didn't want to try it on the bed–!"
nora... there is no hetero explanation for this.
and once she comes down from that bloodhigh? weiss is gonna have a fucking fit.
[no, this scenario is not series canon for 10,001 reasons. yes, there are still a variety of later-series easter egg spoilers because i am incapable of shitposting inaccurately. yes, the femoral artery is located on one's inner thigh. no, this really isn't a euphemism; it just looks super suspicious to third parties. it actually is just the usual arterial blood drinking.]
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odo-apologist · 25 days
Me enjoying a rewatch of a Red Dwarf episode, having a good time: 🙂
My traitorous brain: Hey, this scene takes place away from Red Dwarf and Starbug, Lister probably doesn't remember it after M-Corp
Me: 😧
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strangersatellites · 1 year
dustin making the comment one day, eyebrows furrowed and voice suspicious, “i thought that scar on your neck healed up already?”
steve’s hand flying up to his neck because it did. it did.
he flinches at the tender feeling and briefly wishes that eddie would spill something on his last clean pair of jeans. maybe that he sleeps through an alarm.
quick on his feet he rattles off something about “new laundry detergent. gave me a rash i guess.”
thinks that sounds better than the truth.
better than “that’s where my boyfriend squeezes his hand around my throat when we have sex.”
dustin doesn’t need to know that.
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The first half of There! Right There! from the Legally Blonde Musical, but it's people (or even the daggers) speculating about Iceman at an event or something and then Mavericks comes in and kisses and him and it turns out he's both gay and European.
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chapinii · 9 months
Many on Quesadilla island believe that Fitmc was very much closeted to himself and the world up until he arrived on the QSMP, but perhaps that closet wasn't quite as locked as some may presume.
With the environment of 2b2t being so rife with hatred and homophobia, a deep and meaningful relationship was always out of the question. But within its depths lay the rub, of Fit, going through the all too familiar queer experience of being very aware of his sexuality against this toxic landscape, and knowing the possibility of others out there being just like him. Others whom he could never risk reaching out to in public, but longed to all the same.
He'd heard and seen his fair share of casual to severe homophobia, as well as witnessing with some amusement how the homoerotic tension some players swear against can tear factions apart. He knows all too well the irony that comes with a land so dominated by toxic masculinity and bigotry. This is a place where a man will stare you in the eyes, caress your cheek so gently, then spit in your face in disgust before insta-killing you. Of course, the price for outing somebody in such a place is a pretty penny for sure. Being a blank slate in the land of anarchy is your strongest asset. The last thing you want to do is throw fuel onto the fire and give people even more of a reason to put your head on a spike.
And so, he kept his feelings repressed- for the most part. He'd hide a blush as he melted internally over a handshake with a particularly muscular allied base leader. He'd allow himself the luxury of a poster, of an old Hollywood western starring a (very) dashing cowboy, that he'd stick crudely on the bedroom wall of wherever he'd end up staying for a while. But perhaps, just a couple times, he'd had a few small but significant experiences: the touch of a hand on his for just a fraction too long, warm eyes from a face he can't quite remember looking him up and down, all but rendering him breathless. Split second opportunities that would make those feelings bubble up to the surface, too strong to ever truly ignore. Being a lone mercenary in a world of anarchy is all well and good, but God does it get lonely.
He and Pac like to take things slow. It's a mutual decision. Neither of them have ever truly felt the need to sit down and discuss why. Fit wouldn't like him to know what he thinks about whenever the subject drifts towards the two of them going any further with their relationship. Every time Pac makes any kind of suggestive advance, heck, even if he looks at the man for too long, his mind can't help but think back to one quiet night on 2b2t, so many years ago. Flashes of encountering a stranger, deep underground, of a clumsy, desperate kiss. Stubble on stubble, the raw smell of dirt and sweat and cigarette smoke. He remembers the thrill, the terrifying electricity of it all, until a clatter was heard in the cave behind them and the moment was gone forever. It meant everything and nothing at the same time, that chance encounter. It was the closest he'd ever came to a real connection with somebody. He didn't know what became of the other man who so urgently whispered 'run', into his ear. He could have killed Fit right there, made a point of it, and yet he didn't. The mere memory of it petrified him, but by God, did he feel alive.
All the same, he didn't dare risk anything like that again. That was until he came to the QSMP, a place where he didn't have to hide himself from others, but still he airs on the side of caution. He's afraid of getting things wrong, of throwing himself into something he can't run away from. This isn't just some random encounter with a player in 2b2t. Pac is different. Fit knows he's got a past of his own, he sees how it torments him sometimes. What if daring to make a move, even kissing him opens up old wounds for the both of them?
Fit's no longer hiding in the dark. Making things 'official' with Pac is not a once in a lifetime chance, but the longer Fit hangs around him he feels like it is. He wants to keep Pac safe just as he kept himself safe for all those years. When he finally lets himself get closer to his roommate, one wrong move and another hypothetical cave noise could sound, followed by the form of something even more terrible that could rip the two apart forever and send Fit straight back to square one.
Slow and steady wins the race. Slow and steady keeps them both safe.
But God, what he'd give to feel that thrill again.
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ilyasorokinn · 1 year
the bass player’s girl series
these pieces aren't published in any particular order, meaning they can be read in any order. they also aren't published in chronololgal order. feel free to ask questions if you're confused.
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y/n y/l/n and her life with her bass player boyfriend ross macdonald.
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coming soon :)
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2nebula · 1 year
ok. so. Murderbot can't eat, right? Well established, it's digestive system is different, nothing would happen except there would be food matter somewhere there shouldn't be. But! But but but, Muderbot can smell. The growth medium thing (and other instances) proves that. Which means Murderbot can probably taste things (in the air, specifically).
I don't think it will, however. And I think it's because Murderbot seems to view all of it's senses as tools for security, and security only. So where am I going with this?
I'd love for Murderbot so slowly start treating parts of itself less like tools and more like what makes it who it is. I feel like as much as Murderbot knows it's a person, it also treats itself so much less like a person. It always insists thing's are different for SecUnits and Bots, and that it and humans are almost incomparable in how they think, act, feel, etc. (Internalized anti–androidism or androidphobia if you will). And for Murderbot to acknowledge it's senses as more than just tools for the job, to experience it's world in a variety of ways just for the sake of it, for the sake of seeing new things and finding joy in them, would be one step closer to Murderbot acknowledging that you don't have to be human to be a person, and that's exactly what it is.
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ribbononline · 1 year
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New fic by @silverjirachi out wahoo wahoo! Go support it!!
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oneluckygoose · 2 months
O'Knutzy Week 2024 Day 2
DAY 2, LETS GO! (Still a scheduled post, I'm getting excited for the future)
As always thanks to @lumosinlove for being amazing, and thanks to @oknutzy-week-2024 for doing all this!
Out comes part 2 of the fic I wrote for the Romance Novels category, this time with all three boys! Enjoy, y'all! (cough cough, I gave Leo a traditional SC/GA accent which is what I grew up around instead of a NOLA accent, cough cough)
Summary: Leo wakes up to find himself on his own, and he decides to spend his morning reading a very specific book that Finn and Logan recognize...
Characters: Leo Knut, Finn O'Hara, Logan Tremblay
Warnings: Implied/referenced sexual content, cursing, they're sad bois for a bit
Word Count: 2,609 (Preview of 352 under cut)
Leo woke up to the sun filtering through Finn’s thin curtains. It must have been later than he was used to waking up, especially with the early days of summer feeling like an endless well of time and… Leo’s arms flailed around, searching for Logan and Finn, finding the bed a vast sea of empty white sheets. Now that Leo’s consciousness returned more, he realized that the bed was cold without two heavy weights next to him. Leo sat up groggily, voice croaking out to call for them, but his words echoed into what felt like void. Panic started to rise in his chest, but he shook himself awake enough to squash it quickly. It had been the first time in almost a month he had woken up alone, and he found himself contemplating if the last year and a half had been a dream. The distinct smell of Logan’s cologne and the sight of Finn’s books piled on the bedside table made Leo groan in relief. It’s not fake, they’re just not here, Leo told himself, pressing his eyes closed tightly. He swung his legs over the edge of the bed, reaching blindly for his phone and ended up hitting the books on the bedside table. Leo winced as books tumbled onto the floor, but decided to grab his phone instead of righting them immediately. Leo glanced down, blinking rapidly so his eyes could focus, and saw a text from Finn pop up from almost an hour beforehand at 9:00 AM saying he and Logan were going to go grab bagels and to call when he woke up. Leo stared at his background image for a moment. It was of Finn and Logan in the locker room after they had won the cup, champagne flying around them. They were standing with Finn’s head on Logan’s chest and Logan pressing a hard kiss onto the top of his head. Leo had never told them he’d taken it, but it had been the best moment in Leo’s entire life. Leo smiled and laughed giddily, before clicking open his phone and calling Logan.
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seaofadventure · 2 years
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“Only good captain’s get gifts,” he tsked lightly, his turn for a teasing tone, “You shouldn’t have messed with me if you wanted something, Roger.”
“Rayleigh—” it would be incorrect to have called it anything other than a whine, but Rayleigh would allow his captain to keep some honor— “I was just playing around!”
Late entry for @rogerpirateswk Day 1: Fun! Week's been rough for me but things are slowly getting better so hoping to play catch up and finish the drafts I do got uvu
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