greetings-humans · 1 year
... okay to all my they/them ppl
(if u see this after it's expired comment your answer! im very curious to see what u all prefer!)
I personally feel that themselves is more grammatically correct but grammar is also very outdated and uhhh when I refer to myself I use yknow I/my/mine/myself not they/their/etc so im not rll sure if id prefer themself or themselves
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hyper-homo-reblogs · 1 year
i am so tired and also posting this on my rb account because i don't want anyone who isn't like. following following me to see it
rant/vent? under the cut? idk im just. rambling. about how i may to may not be neurodivergent. im trying to figure stuff out and im hoping that if i put it here i can maybe clear my head a bit.
im. like 90% sure i have social anxiety. that's a given though ig. most people prolly dont feel their hearts start to actually hurt when going somewhere by urself with ppl you dont know. and um. im scared of talking to people. like irrationally terrified. and it may be a consequence of me being at home all the time but honestly idk.
i think i may have adhd. i dont have a comprehensive list of everything that i do that i think is a part of adhd behaviour but. everytime i see someone mention something that is supposedly a symptom of adhd im like hey! i do that! and im starting to think its not a coincidence anymore?
BUT at the same time i feel like im. idk trying to convince myself. for some reason. like maybe im not, maybe im just connecting dots that aren't really there, maybe im trying to fool myself into thinking that im different. it doesn't help that i don't really have a reason to care about whether or not im neurodivergent. im doing fine, and im not struggling at all, so does it even matter?
idk. idk if it even matters if it should matter. does that make sense? like maybe if i want to know, then that's reason enough for me to start questioning things. but is that a valid reason to essentially self diagnose? i feel like maybe im undermining somebody else's experiences by just. saying that i might have adhd.
anyways. i think i have the inattentive type of adhd. i don't get hyperactive very often (ironic, considering my user and the general tone that i present myself with here). a lot of my symptoms match up with the inattentive type of adhd. pretty much every website lists the same things (lack of attention to detail, trouble staying focused, frequent spiciness, difficulty following instructions, being easily distracted, forgetfulness, etc) and i always feel like. yeah everyone does that. i always do that. are you sure that that's an adhd thing. it feels obvious!!! but it isn't!!! so maybe i do have it!!! maybe!!!
its. ive also started questioning if my fam is neurodivergent too. just because a lot of the stuff associate with them doesn't seem to be neurotypical. and again im stuck with the issue of like. is that fine to do? to question if they are or aren't neurotypical? because. i think my mom has the hyperactive type of adhd. or maybe both. and my dad may be on the autism spectrum. and my sister may be as well. but it feels bad to write that down!! i don't think it should feel bad to write but it does!! because what if i don't actually know them!! what if my brain is lying to me!! i don't know anymore!!
one of the top 10 things my mom likes to say is that we don't think like each other. my mom and my dad don't think the same. me and my sister don't think the same. me and my mom don't think the same. and it rlly rlly shows, in how we communicate and how we argue. and it is genuinely so frustrating sometimes. but NOBODY thinks the same, right? because its all. a result of circumstance. or whatever. and nobody's BRAINS works the same. but isn't that the point?? of the distinction between neurotypical and neurodivergent people?? are we all neurodivergent?? are only some of us?? are none of us?? I HAVE NO IDEA
okay. rant over. im. still tired. and still havent figured anything out but maybe ill come back to this later.
0 notes
doctorlante · 3 years
Tumblr media Tumblr media
thank you for asking anon!!!
19 days fandom is full of insanely amazingly talented artists and writers, they’ve all been drinking their old xian protein shake😩 here’s a few ppl i’d like to give a mwah mwah for their hard work!
note: some may be multifandom/not 19 days-exclusive but i’m just including everyone that i can think of, so just letting you know!
@call-me-ala - there’s smt about her art style that’s just so adorable! every post is a banger, never fails to put a smile on my face (+ her non 19 days-related artwork?? her originals?? beautiful - absolutely beautiful)
@i-got-these-words - his edits are EVERYTHING!!! the range from spice to sugar to heartbreakingly emotional waterworks -- it’s all there!!! he comes up with the best concepts~
@miamaymarry​ - QUEEN is on her THRONE when it comes to edits and painting!!! are you suffering from a case of malnutrition because you’re thirsty for a rarepair? thirst no longer, your saviour is right here!!!!! 
@teanshan - clean, gorgeous and my fav is the colours she uses! seriously always such a delight to see her work, i zoom in to see all her details and commit them to memory😂....no seriously
@namenamejk - PAINTING GOD!!!!! the PAINTING!!!!!!!! HOW!!!??? blessed all my senses beyond comprehension AND their chibis!!! the damn chibis!!! so cute and sassy, tattoo them on my face right now
@bisho-s - art at its finest, bisho’s range.... mind-blowing. they choose the best colours and the layout is always, always something that makes me scan the entire piece thrice!! they do flat colours, paints, shading, realism, and so much more!
@ganen-cheese - tell me how do you like your cheese for breakfast because HOLY HEAVEN AND HELL every one of their artworks and comics are like the most divine slices of cheese i will never stop eating for as long as i’m fed even when i become a crinkly little lactose intolerant old man
that’s all i can think of at the moment, and i’ve probably missed out some people😢these are just the top few that come to mind! also, you might’ve noticed there aren’t writers that i’ve specified - i actually don’t read fics! i’ve never gotten into them enough but i know for a fact that there are many amazing writers in the fandom!
@all artists/writers/crafters/memers, feel free to add more people to the list if you’d like! i’d love to see more people get the love they deserve, and honestly, you could even say yourself, if you’re someone who makes content! 🖤
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rottingsparrow · 2 years
Part 4! Of rereading Lore Olympus. Ep 31-40
Gotta be real I keep forgetting to post these even tho I'm reading them but it's fine. Obviously I won't finish before the end of the 2 week break (this Saturday) but after this I may start reviewing episodes as they come out, who knows. Last part:
Ep 31
Theres so many other reasons you shouldnt work together but ok
Also shes literally so smart right like thats canon
Artemis is cool hera,,,sometimes
Which two sons i wish i knew the lo family tree as opposed to the real one yknow
How do heras powers work she felt her pain but doesnt know who??
I would kill for a comprehensive list of family tree and powers, dont even have to spoil powers just please i get so confused
Ep 32
Train ur fuckin dogs hades i think ive said that before
He changed skin color again but like not just light vs dark thats a whole diff shade of blue
Hehe threaten low class workers so cute and quirky hades
Why is uh psyche/whatever her nymph name is wearing more traditional clothes while not in the mortal realm
Love the dog
Hades has a point, even tho it makes no sense for him to have said that
Ok also point out in the like future episode he wants persephone to call him Aidoneus but doesnt like when others do it why
Thats my same thing with him calling her Kore like i know in the future its like explained or whatever but idk
Aphrodite has a point it was a favor in a way
A dumb way but yknow
I remember everyone losing it over the “im only interested in the dead ones” panel but looking at it its so lame LMAO changed his entire face shape for a panel
Ep 33
Im but a simple man
Hades texts like an old man i know he is one but
Also i am dying to know how his business works including as the god of the underworld like. Give me something
Then again, maybe i am a lil dumb when it comes to this
I always thought he was giving the little elevator friend a sugarcube lmao
I like how minthes ears react to her emotions
Stop fighting at work omg this would be the worst place to work at
“Hey can u do ur job”
Ep 34
Why this subplot ugh
The crown floats yet is sideways after she hits him
Also haha hitting
Also their relationship does confuse me just a tad bit yknow
All the clues were there hades you dumbass
“Cancel all my meetings” DO YOUR JOB
“This doesnt affect you in the same way” cause hes a man or a king or both but also kings seemed to get treated the same by their subjects until they are dicks and excute their power
From what ive seen
Then again we havent seen poseidon do that but that brings me to the point of I wanna see poseidon realm
thats . so creepy hades ew
“Smth must be done about this” like fair legal action right?....right?
Who reads newspapers these days anyways wait a second
Ep 35
See the laptop having news makes more sense like sure we make newspapers but ppl dont use em as often
“Biochemistry Theory” fun fact I switched majors to specifically avoid taking chemistry
What are they typing he just started speaking
What type of nymph is thetis bc i know minthe is a river nymph but thetis has fancy ears
They are so mean to each other lmao
The financial situation and the fact that they both are like sleeping with the kings confuse me why do both of them do it.
Like retrospectively i understand it but when i first read it i was like “are nymphs supposed to be like hookers??” so i was lost for a bit
“Hades micromanages computer usage” oh what a shit boss
Also the meal ticket she has a job sure hades gave it to her but
Idk maybe im slow
What an awful way to do a heart shape i just tried it wtf
“Crying is for wives” damn
Yes body issues that dont get brought up again right? Like she all of a sudden gets bigger boobs and i dont think hades pays ppl enough for cosmetic surgery
You guys know this is a work setting
Has rachel ever had a job bc this feels like a comical trope seen on tv the workplace drama yknow
Like fully normal ears i know its a mistake but its funny
Ep 36
“Not my circus not my monkeys” queen
Hades is it not your circus how dont involve hecate in this
“Stop starin at me with them big ol eyes”
Oof that does not look good on you, i mean why didnt you give her the coat
“I thought you didnt get jealous” ok she may have said that but literally everything about her contradicts that
And i love this part bc he doesnt call her crazy and they talk, i mean he hides some of the truth which like fuck him, and then they try to talk about the party and
Ugh i know minthe is supposed to be an antagonist but rachel does this weird thing where she tries to flesh her out, then realizes it would be an easy set up for a redemption arc and screws her over again
I know the ppl in the mortal realm are generally frightened of hades but why are ppl in olympus
“I wouldnt expect anything less from a goddess” so we are going to bring in the racism/speciesism that occurs in this story right
Its the middle of the day isnt he supposed to be in the mortal realm moving the sun or some shit
Ep 37
“Last night” Rachel its ok to space things out sweetie
Ok ok so one thing i hate about her characterization of apollo is he goes from being delusional to knowing what he did was at least slightly wrong and i hate both are fine stories but pick one he either is so infatuated with persephone that he thinks that they had a great time or he wants her for her power
And! A transition from one to the other would be fine, but she goes back in forth in his characterization
Little red vines look cool
Hehe cerberus
How did he escape tho
I love that dog
Ep 38
Oh its the greenhouse again
But this time it represents the evil feeling?
Idk but i like eye symbolism im lame lol
Why was she sleeping in the chair
When did she get those clothes i dunno if eros would buy her business casual
Artemis really sees all the signs and then goes “meh”
Like points out the possible crush on persephone just connect the dots they are so close
Why is there not more than one door
Why is no one getting off
How does rachel think train stops work
Ep 39
Also not thatanos with an undercut lmao
Ope its thanatos i mixed it up
Also minthe you just actively arent doing a good job like lmao how are you not getting fired
Hades smoking a cigar is so old and gross tbh
What an awful boss
That man has a point dont stand infront of the door
She gave her a little flower nice
Minthe i know ur being spiteful, weird bc hades explained shes just the daughter of a friend( i know its a lie but still) but just do your job
“It says restricted access but that lady says it was fine” i would just wait until someone came out theres no reason to go inside
Ep 40
Why would they not have a lock on this place actually
Why wouldnt she just leave the way she came
When did hades put on his glasses
How is it hades fault what
So many questions yknow for such a short episode
Also does this place not have security cameras in places that are tartarus
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antigonewinchester · 2 years
MoC Meta Annotated Bibliography
In being more thoughtful with how I’m referencing other people’s work in my thinking over the Mark of Cain arc, I’ve taken a step back to build out an annotated bibliography. The list below includes fandom meta / posts, along with other non-fandom sources, some of which I’ll be directly citing and some I wanted to include as just being generally influential for me & in the back of my mind as I’ve been thinking over all this. In my trying to grapple with the Mark of Cain and later seasons of the show, plus just as someone who’s inclined to gather as much info as she can & soak in a broad context of something when thinking about it, I’ve ended up reading thru a lot of great posts and insightful past & recent discussions. Since my intent is to expand on previous conversations in fandom, even coming to this topic a while after the fact, I need to then cite others’ work & thoughts as my jumping off points.
I’ve used MLA format and taken just a few creative liberties (hyperlinked urls, and added descriptions for posts without titles for context). The first section is fandom and canon-related sources. The second part is non-fandom posts, books, etc., some of which I’ve come to thru meta and others I’ve discovered thru my own research & websurfing. Included are my major points of take away & occasional questions / broad thoughts. I plan to keep updating both these lists as I go along. [ETA as of 9/3: added new sources.]
Also, if any OPs listed here want me to cite them differently or even not at all for whatever reason, just let me know. I’ve erred on the side of being more comprehensive about references here, treating everything like it’s a ‘formal source,’ from published books to longer form meta essays to one off tumblr posts, but I’m less sure abt fandom norms around meta vs shorter posts.
Fandom Meta / Posts / Resources
alaynestone. “Untitled” (Dean/John & incest subtext). Tumblr, 12th May 2020.
gifs that point out the incest subtext around Dean and John from Kripke era seasons.
allykat49-blog. “Untitled” (“There’s No Place Like Home” & the framing around Dean’s violence). Tumblr, 1st Feb 2015.
the ending of 10x11 suggesting that all of Dean’s actions, including his self-defense against Charlie, were unjustified
the narrative framing that condemns Dean for his reactionary violence without mentioning people being actively violent towards Dean first / at the same time
the show has somewhat romanticized moments of not fighting back against violence from loved ones
amonitrate, extremedeangirl. “Untitled” (contempt towards ppl who break under torture / stay with abusers). Tumblr, 29th June 2014.
mainstream / status quo ideas about abuse: that it’s heroic to fight against an abusive situations and conversely not heroic to submit to or obey an abuser; “good” vs “bad” victims
how this ties back into Sam rebelling against John vs. Dean complying with John; also related to “strong” vs. “weak” dichotomy; how that framing gets reflected in fandom conversations (and somewhat the show too?)
amonitrate. “Untitled” (Mark’s overkill violence & self-defense). Tumblr, 5th February 2015.
the Mark’s scary, overkill violence often being triggered by Dean’s defending himself, with this pattern not explicitly acknowledged within the show
Dean’s violence overemphasized while other characters’ violence is underemphasized or not mentioned
brother-benny. “Untitled” (Framing of Demon!Dean). Tumblr, 22 Oct 2014.
talking about how Demon!Dean is framed in 10x03, as “Dean prioritizing his own feelings is connoted as evil and not-Dean”
Cairns, Bryan. “Girl Next Door.” Supernatural Magazine, No. 33, Jul 2012, pp. 68 – 71.
“Amy tried to put her monster past behind her. In the end, why did Dean have to kill her? That’s Dean’s nature, too. He’s used to doing what’s needed to protect himself and his brother. For him, it was no different. He didn’t see Amy as a human being; he just saw her as a problem that was going to get worse. As a protector, Dean needed to get Amy out of the way. It was sad because I don’t think he wanted to do it, he just had to.”
castielcommunism. “Untitled” (SPN & biological determinism). Tumblr, 23rd Aug 2021.
later seasons being heavily steeped in biological determinism; “morality on supernatural [as] biologically encoded”
the shift in Lucifer’s rebellion wasn’t from Lucifer’s own choices but because of his corruption by the Mark of Cain
castielcommunism. “Untitled” (More examples of SPN & biological determinism). Tumblr, 10th Nov 2021.
more discussion of biological determinism: all monsters ending up in Purgatory; the only way to get into Heaven, the least shitty afterlife in SPN, is to be born human; the best way to become a powerful witch to be born powerful, training can’t make up for it; how all this intersects w/ the show’s racism & ableism
cor-ardens. “Untitled” (Quote from What Evil Means to Us). Tumblr, 17th Apr 2022.
“What distinguishes sadism from aggression is the sadist’s intense identification with his victim. Sadism is the form that aggression takes when it is fleeing its doom. […] Sadism is the joy of avoiding victimhood, though that puts it too passively. Sadism is the joy of having taken control of the experience of victimhood by inflicting it on another.” C. Fred Alford, What Evil Means to Us
cor-ardens. “Untitled” (Dean, Hell & sexual violence). Tumblr, 24th July 2022.
“#given how closely spn associates hell with sexual violence the implications are terrible”
Hell & sexual violence, undercurrents of Dean as both victim & perpetrator
deadendtracks. “Untitled” (The question of John physically abusing Dean). Tumblr, 7th Jul 2017.
making an argument for John physically abusing Dean based on a lot of subtext, although it’s not necessarily the only read one could have
related to the weirdness of framing around Dean’s violence during the MoC arc, where violence in self-defense was bad but violence to protect others, particularly Sam, was good?
deandelreys. “Untitled” (Dean playing bait in 1x20 as “normal”). Tumblr, 19th Aug 2021.
Dean playing bait as a regular, normalized situation based on everyone’s reactions: John’s “You know what to do” & Dean in fact knowing exactly what to do, Sam not pushing back against it, neither John nor Sam checking in on Dean after Kate assaults him
deandelreys. “Untitled” (Dean in 1x20, 14x14). Tumblr, 3rd Oct 2021.
comparison between 1x20 and then a deleted scene from14x14, where Dean says John had him play the “wide-eyed hitchhiker routine all the time on Hunts”
the writers as aware on some level of this subtext around sexual abuse, Dean playing sexualized bait
horrorshow. “Untitled” (comparison between John, Azazel, and Alastair). Tumblr, 4th Jan 2022.
frozen-delight. thejabberwock-blog1. “Untitled” (Sam & Cas’s reaction to Dean’s violence). Tumblr, 13 Jan 2017.
discussion of Dean’s violence in 10x09 versus 10x22, and how Sam and Cas reacted to it in those eps
in-universe, Sam & Cas reframing the not nice parts of Dean’s character (his fear, anger, violence) as related to the Mark, because it’s the “way that’s most comfortable for them,” that good, heroic Dean wouldn’t really act like that
howmanyangels. “Untitled” (comparing Azazel!John & Dean to Azazel!Samuel and Mary). Tumblr, 24th Feb 2021.
screenshots comparison between Azazel!John in 1x22 menacing Dean to Azazel!Samuel menacing Mary in 4x03
juppschmitz. “Untitled” (Sam’s line from 10x10). Tumblr, 2nd Feb 2014.
the weirdness of Sam’s line to Dean: “So yeah, the Mark is strong, but Dean maybe there’s a part of you that wants to give into it,” and how that doesn’t seem to reflect in how Dean has been shown reacting to the Mark
again, strong vs. weak dichotomy?
juppschmitz. “Untitled” (Mark / Blade DVD commentary). Tumblr, 12th July 2015.
Adam Glass talking about Dean on the DVD commentary for season 10 around the Mark / Blade: “Dean is always going to be a hero, you know, no matter what, he’s always gonna sacrifice everything, for his brother, or for the world, or for anything… I think that’s really […] who he is and who he’s always gonna be."
Dean as a “hero” framed as something innate / natural / admirable, not as a role he was forced into as a kid
juppschmitz. “Untitled” (Jensen on Dean and his Dad). Tumblr, 3rd June 2016.
“At an early age [Dean] was like, ‘This is way more interesting [than a normal life]. I’m on hunting trips with my father. I’m not going to recess!’ …it wasn’t until later in life when he started doubting that and thinking, like, ‘How dare he steal that from me? How DARE he steal my childhood from me?’ And I think that’s probably a conversation that he will have one day with his father. Which… I’d love to film that scene.”
litterae-ignotae, antigonewinchester. “Untitled (Mary & Bela parallels, incest in SPN). Tumblr, 5th May 2022.
discussion of hunting, particularly in the Kripke era, as an idea that evokes incest (isolation, secrecy, complicity) even if one doesn’t read those relationships as literally incestuous
Does this lens apply to / is it still useful for looking at later seasons? Hunting does somewhat shift thematically in s8 after the intro of the Men of Letters, but there still seem to be threads related to Dean here, like in 9x16 w/ Magnus, 9x19 w/ Alex. Also sort of with Crowley’s altar boy “joke” in 11x02?
lovedwinchesters. “Untitled” (Dean’s violence framed thru his DNA). Tumblr, 12th May 2022.
being critical of “Deancrit” that references Dean’s DNA & his “own destructive nature”
“Deancrit” with shades of bio-essentialism, quasi-eugenics ideas here (ppl’s violence is in their DNA).
martyrdeans, veneredirimmel, nottherealdean. “Untitled” (Similar violence judged differently between Sam, Cas & Dean). Tumblr, 4th May 2015.
gifs of Cas choking Dustin, Sam slamming a guy’s head down on a counter, and then Dean slamming a guy’s head on a table; in only Dean’s case, it’s framed as “he’s snapped & is getting worse”
microcomets. “Untitled” (Singer talking about the writing process). Tumblr, 2015.
“When Sera left us, she left Dean in Purgatory and we didn’t know where the hell we were gonna go. But that’s kinda the challenge of the show. We get asked a lot, “Well, how far ahead do you plan?” We’ve never planned — and Eric and Jeremy will tell you this as well — we don’t know what the hell we’re doing the next year.” -Robert Singer
Nelson, Jayne. “Growing Pains.” Supernatural Magazine, No. 33, Jul 2012, pp. 74 – 78.
“It was an interesting quandary because she was Dean’s daughter and perhaps his DNA could have made her overcome her other DNA. She might have taken after her father! There was a sense of a push-pull inside her… at least until she tried to kill him. [Laughs.] ‘I’m gonna follow through with it. I don’t care how handsome you are, I’m gonna do it.’”  
nottherealdean. “Untitled” (weird ending of “There’s No Place Like Home”). Tumblr, 31st Jan 2015.
the focus on Dean hurting Charlie and glossing over how Charlie felt after merging her “dark” and “good” sides (after having killed and tortured ppl herself)
lazy / incomplete writing choices for Charlie’s arc; her character role was to be an expansion for Dean’s story, with her development sidelined
nottherealdean. “Untitled” (“About A Boy,” self-defensive violence versus protective violence). Tumblr, 5th Feb 2015.
Dean being in situations that triggered the Mark when he was trying to help someone (going to help Claire, stopping Dark!Charlie)
in “About a Boy,” Dean uses violence to directly save Sam and then isn’t overwhelmed by the Mark
nottherealdean, “Untitled” (Fandom framings of WTLB/PONR vs. SS/GS). Tumblr, 3rd April 2014.
fandom trends of criticizing Dean for his anger in When the Levee Breaks, Point of No Return in his fights with Sam, Cas and then romanticizing his forgiveness / being there for Sam & Cas in Swan Song, Goodbye Stranger
Is this framing still as much of a fandom pattern in 2022? But perhaps relevant to the writing of the show at the time in 2014/2015. Also how this plays with Colette: a beautiful unconditionally loving wife who’s always forgiving including uhhh *checks notes* after being fatally stabbed by her husband Cain.
nottherealdean. “Untitled” (Gifs compared 10x03, 8x17, 5x18 to 10x22). Tumblr, 22nd Jun 2015.
Dean and Cas’s fight at the end of 10x22 directly mirrors several other ‘fights’ that have happened between them: Cas grabbing Demon!Dean, Cas breaking Dean’s wrist, Cas throwing Dean into the fence
orangemoonchild. “Untitled” (Whitewashing of Sam & Cas’s actions). Tumblr, 24th Apr 2014.
fandom trend of whitewashing Sam and Cas’s actions as compared to Dean; “how they are seen as innately good, and how dean is seen as innately monstrous/vicious/bad”
Fandom framings around innate / natural badness or goodness, character double standards. When / where / why exactly did this theme develop? Say, did ppl talk abt Dean as innately a killer in Kripke’s era too?
pussyhoundspock, ilarual. “Untitled” (Sam reinforcing Dean’s role as hunter). Tumblr, 28 Sept 2021.
Sam in season 2 reinforcing Dean’s role as a hunter when Dean starts to push back against it
“#this is the shit I'm talking about when I say that Sam took over the job of policing Dean's identity after John died #he doesn't have a clue he's doing it and there's no malicious intent from Sam of course #but it's crazy to watch in real time”
riversdark. “Untitled” (Sam, Cas and Colette parallels). Tumblr, 30 Sept 2021.
the Cas = Colette parallel can work but ultimately it’s because of Sam that Dean is able overcome the Mark, not Cas
Sam is one who pulls Dean back from violence several times over seasons 9 & 10, while Cas doesn’t, including in 10x22 when Cas tells Dean to “stop” ala Colette and Dean just beats him up more because of it
swayingwires. “You’re Gonna Have to Let Me Grow Up: the campaign to rescue Sam’s image in five easy steps.” A03. 8th Oct – 10th Dec, 2016.
the parentified dynamic between Sam & Dean, esp around Sam viewing Dean’s mistrust as him being bossy or controlling instead of having valid issues
the narrative pattern of blame shifting, where Sam’s actions & their consequences will get framed as partially Dean’s fault because he reacted badly / didn’t trust Sam / didn’t do X right
Dean’s narrative role being to “preserve the Family” and either being cheered or condemned for doing so
Imo the dynamics laid out in this essay explain A Lot about the writing in season 5 & beyond, and feel particularly relevant to how season 10 plays out. Also once you see it, you can find ppl in fandom uncritically replicating this framing (Dean & his reactions as responsible for Sam’s behavior) all the time 🤔 
swayingwires. “This is What You’re Gonna Become: season 9 as the culmination of Dean Winchester’s thematic roles of identity in SPN,” A03. July 14th, 2017.
Elaine Scarry’s The Body in Pain & Judith Harmon’s Trauma and Recovery as 2 lenses through which to look at Dean’s traumas
connections between Dean’s childhood, raised as a child solider > Dean’s time in Hell > then onto the MoC
veneredirimmel. “The Wounds That Never Heal.” Tumblr, 24th Nov 2014.
speaking to Dean’s moral wounds in early season 10 in the context of his conversation with Cole at the end of 10x07
zudillo, moishecampbell. “Untitled” (how hunting shifts thematically over the show’s run). Tumblr, Nov 2021.
hunting in the early seasons as something explicitly negative, from trauma, taking one’s trauma out on others (“compared directly to serial murder by the text”)
hunting changing to be something less negative after the intro of the Men of Letters; Charlie, Donna, Claire becoming hunters, ““hunting” is almost like a special boys and girls club that anybody can be a part of”
Non-Fandom Resources
Alford, C. Fred. What Evil Means to Us. Ithaca, Cornell University Press, 1997. (to read?)
“C. Fred Alford interviewed working people, prisoners, and college students in order to discover how people experience evil―in themselves, in others, and in the world. What people meant by evil, he found, was a profound, inchoate feeling of dread so overwhelming that they tried to inflict it on others to be rid of it themselves.”
Black, Edwin. War Against the Weak: Eugenics and America's Campaign to Create a Master Race. Expanded edition, Washington, DC, Dialogue Press, 2012. (to read)
history and development of bio-essentialism, the American eugenics movement
Foo, Stephanie. What My Bones Knew: A Memoir of Healing from Complex Trauma. New York, Ballantine Books, 2022. (to read)
personal look at PTSD/cPTSD, trauma from familial abuse, the author speaks to scientists, psychologists as well as exploring her own traumatic childhood
gatheringbones. “Untitled” (American culture & double think). Tumblr, 2021.
American writing (“#morrison vonnegut obrien etc”) as reflecting trauma, the forced forgetting of that trauma as an essential part of American culture
gatheringbones. “Untitled” (Freud & dysfunctional families). Tumblr, 2021.
children / families fighting amongst themselves instead of looking at the dysfunctional family system as a whole
gatheringbones. “Untitled” (Hanya Yanagihara & status quo attitudes around abuse). Tumblr, 2022.
Mainstream stories about abuse, recovery being from an outsider “gothic horror aesthetic of there-but-for-the-grace-of-god-go-I...” perspective, “top down, disinterested, uncurious”
I’ve also read differing opinions on Yanagihara; this is only one pov on her books. Also haven’t read A Little Life myself, which I’d need to do to form my own opinion on it. However, I do wonder abt this attitude around abuse / trauma as something from the SPN writers, in terms of writing ‘what they know,’ as well as a certain tone that can creep into fandom discussions around Dean. But maybe I’m being too cynical here?
Harmon, Judith. Trauma and Recovery: The Aftermath of Violence – From Domestic Abuse to Political Terror. K. 3rd edition, New York, Basic Books, 2015.
in depth and compassionate look at trauma as related to child abuse, captivity, intersecting with PTSD
Norman, Sonya B. and Maguen, Shira. “Moral Injury.” U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs, 26 July 2021.
defining moral injuries, particularly its connection to combat / soldiers
Scarry, Elaine. The Body in Pain: The Making and Unmaking of the World. Oxford, Oxford University Press, 1985.
discussion of torture, its logic & justifications, particularly around confession / ppl who break under torture
people as represented by the body and God by voice in the Hebrew Bible; pain, work & material making / creation as deeply connected (“we’ve got work for you”)
Shay, Jonathan. Achilles in Vietnam: Combat Trauma and the Undoing of Character. New York, Scribner, 1994. (reading.)
speaks to the psychological wounding of war by comparing characters from the Iliad to real-life experiences of Vietnam veterans with PTSD
Shay originated the idea / term of “moral injury” through his work with Vietnam veterans, the beginnings of it present in this book
A “berserker” state Shay talks abt (fearless, frenzied violence; described by vets as becoming “an animal”) connected to both the MoC arc (for ex, the end of 10x09) and potentially to Dean in Hell (“I carved you into a new animal, Dean. There is no going back.”)
Shay, Jonathan. Odysseus in America: Combat Trauma and the Trials of Homecoming. New York, Scribner, 2002. (To read?)
“In this ambitious follow-up to Achilles in Vietnam, Dr. Jonathan Shay uses the Odyssey, the story of a soldier's homecoming, to illuminate the pitfalls that trap many veterans on the road back to civilian life.”
Zehr, Howard. “Good and Bad Victims?” Zehr Institute for Restorative Justice, 29 Nov 2011.
“It is tempting for restorative justice advocates, consciously or not, to differentiate between “good” and “bad victims.” Good victims are those who are ready to forgive and reconcile; bad victims are those who are angry, punitive and unforgiving.”
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tantawans · 3 years
i was tagged by @zhaozi @serannes and @thanaerngs! love u all 💘💖
1. why did you choose your url? because of my beloved wife tantawan from my ambulance! also it was from a voting poll so ppl also helped me choose <3
2. any sideblogs? 
yes, too many! here is a comprehensive list of all my other blogs:
iloveziont (my main blog bc i love zion.t and everyone should know this)
5purs (my football sideblog yes i support tottenham hotspur no i don’t take criticism)
1vav (a kpop sideblog for vav that i don’t use anymore)
eloaomg (a blog for the krnb artist elo who is underrated and only has like 10 fans so he doesn’t really need a fanblog on tumblr dot com but here i am)
lqziont (self explanatory)
and finally lakornladies and lakornet <3
3. how long have you been on tumblr? too long! at least 10 years lmao 
4. do you have a queue tag? i don’t. i prefer to just reblog posts as and when i’m online i’m too lazy to plan out my posts ahead of time
5. why did you start your blog in the first place? no one was giffing the thai dramas i wanted to reblog. i’m grateful that now there’s a huge interest in thai dramas and lakorns so there’s always fun and interesting content!
6. why did you choose your icon/pfp? i’m obsessed with mai davika and what about it !
7. why did you choose your header? my bestie vianey made it for me because she is far more talented at making headers than me! also i love aokbab <3
8. whats your post with the most notes? probably a bl post i made back when i didn’t have taste (i checked and its this maxtul post)
9. how many mutuals do you have?   i can’t keep track of my mutuals that well since this is a sideblog but i love all my moots even if i don’t realise we’re mutuals
10. how many followers do you have? 2.7k which is not reflected in my notes at all <3
11. how many people do you follow? 176 but that’s across all my blogs. i only follow very few thai drama blogs because u can’t trust anyone around here <3
12. have you ever made a shitpost? every post i make is a shitpost 
13. how often do you use tumblr each day? once but continuously ajksadhsjq
14. did you have a fight/argument with another blog once? i think we all know the answer is yes. although is it really an argument if they block u before u can respond because they know they’re wrong? 
15. how do you feel about 'you need to reblog this' posts? they’re usually guilt trippy and annoying if i wanted to reblog it i would bestie if u say i have to then i’m not going to <3
16. do you like tag games? yes! they’re really fun and i enjoy reading other people’s as well. but i usually take a long time to get around to them and then never post them. i also feel really awkward about tagging people so i usually never do that ajshdjaks
17. do you like ask games? yes! i like drama related ones or personal ones the most since it can be hard to know what people are really like on here so i think they’re interesting and good to get to know ppl!
18. which of your mutuals do you think is tumblr famous? sophia @yihwas is tumblr famous and twitter famous i’m guessing she will be storygraph famous next <3 she is a god among mortals
19. do you have a crush on a mutual? vianey @thanaerngs i am love u <3 she is wonderful and also makes beautiful gifs (and headers.. it’s true look at mine) but i really love all my mutuals so much they are all so lovely!!!
20. tags? as i explained i’m too shy to tag ppl directly but i’m pretty sure everyone has already done this or at least already been tagged but if u haven’t then consider this as me tagging you <3
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idk-my-aesthetic · 4 years
The mystic power is from the bois not the weapons
Good evening y’all I’m putting together a bunch of random observations/evedence/my own ideas for this theory. I don’t have the energy to put in screenshots but if someone else would wanna rb w/ them I would love you forever
Ok so I’m trying to make a comprehensive list let’s start with the basics
Bois were meant to be weapons
Every other mutant has mystic powers
Raph usually his powers w/o his weapon in “late fee”
Raph also punches through a steel cage and seems to create an explosion. We know his strength has limits, so his tf is he able to do that w/o magic?
Leo is shown to move incredibly fast, significantly faster than others and visibly shocking others (see fight w/ him and splinter in the battle nexus) almost like he’s able to teleport
The magic responds to their emotions. (Portals not appearing bc Leo isn’t confident, raph unlocking a new power when his brother is in danger) that doesn’t necessarily mean it’s them, but it makes more sense for it to be them than the weapons. The magic in the weapons have no reason to attune to their emotions, i feel like it would be more likely to attune to their skill or movements or smthn
A big one no one has pointed out- in mystic mayhem draxum is surprised by Mikey’s use of magic. Plus he doesn’t look like he knew what Leo’s was gonna do. Why would he be suprised that his magical weapons are magic?? Unless they’re not
I’m guessing that the weapons are made to channel magic. Draxum is suprised bc he didn’t know the boys had magic to channel
Plus, uhhh why were there 4 weapons color codded to them specifically? Draxum thought they were dead and didn’t know about splinter’s color coding thing.
This is mostly speculation (and a bitttt of a reach) , but like what if they were made to channel magic, and when the boys walked in their magic like,,,, locked onto the weapons closest to their old ones and ��claimed” them so to speak. So that’s why they were glowing each boy’s color. (And ok yeah they are also physically colored but shhhhh let me dream maybe they were made of like. Magic metal that turned the same color as their auras or smthn)
Ppl say that the fact that splinter can use Leo’s sword means that the power comes from the sword. But if Leo uses it a lot couldn’t it make sense that the power like,,,,, came from him but was left on the sword in a way? Like if some magic was left on it, in theory someone else could use it
Ok that’s also maybe a reach lol. Alternatively:
We only see splinter use the sword. He was mutated in the same experiment and has the same dna as the boys. Maybe we were all wrong about it being a mutant thing, and it’s actually a Hamato clan thing??
Bc like. We know there’s magic in the family (the scrolls). And it’s not like we saw April using the sword, or hell even one of the other boys! We have no clue if they can use eachother’s weapons. It’s been mentioned but never tried
Maybe splinter had magic all along, and when they were mutated it was passed to the boys? It’s possible he has like,,,, ig all 3/(maybe 4) powers, but it’s also possible that general magic runs in the fam and he had the same powers as Leo
Like. There’s a lot about splints we don’t know. And when he picked up the sword he opened a portal completely accurately, within inches of a teapot on a counter, using a completely different technique from Leo. Wouldn’t it make sense if he had practice??? Cus Leo can’t even be accurate to the right fucking country
Anyway. Yeah. Think about that.
I’m too tired to think of a segue. So.
If the powers belong to the boys ig would make sense that Donnie has a power. Probably a more idle/ non directly combative one (like warren’s regen and sunita’s squishy ness)
I propose spacial manipulation or time manipulation as like. Possibilities. Even if that stays purely fannon lol it explains how he fits so much in his bo + gets so much insane shit done so fast
Or it could be smthn related to the crystal. Bc his ability to read magic signatures doesn’t come up that much but I hope it does more. Also if reading magic signatures was a him thing it would make sense bc he was gonna make goggles for everyone else but never did
On a related note- Donnie having an idle sort of magic makes a lot of sense bc as the show goes on the bois are shown to be unlocking more powers, even if it’s shown more through the animation than the text.
Raph starts w/ just super powered punches, then is later able to make full body giant projections of himself, + almost like extra or prosthetic body parts??? (When he tickles shredder) + his powers sometimes seem to have an explosive/ electrical side effect (first time using them, silver fish in late fee, I’m pretty sure they’re are some others) which may be just artistic liberties but who knows?? 
Leo suddenly has a huge speed boost when he’s getting good w/ his powers. Sure, speed doesn’t = portals/ teleportation exactly but if he were say like,,,, teleporting a few times super short distances while running it would look like he was just running super fast. Also he has the ability to edit portals now??? (Shifts it during battle nexus fight) + the ability to have multiple open at a time when he could barely do 1 at first
(I’m very proud)
Also Mikey!! He’s shown to have both the fire and physics manipulation w/ his weapon from like day 1 (getting dragged around draxum’s lab, stopping the tank in mutant menace, throwing a fucking cargo ship) but his ability to just. Flip off the laws of physics grows exponentially
So if Donnie got some new powers it would still be balanced lol
Also I wouldn’t be suprised if the boys continue to find new ways to use their powers!! Both by just figuring out new shit they can do like raph w/ the projections, and by using their powers in creative ways like Leo and the helmets during the battle nexus fight
Also also, Mikey seems to have both a elemental and physical power, maybe the others do too?? Cus raph has his electricity details and shit Idk. This is like 97% me hoping and 3% evedence 😂
Ok so sorry this is a total mess. Like I said it’s part real evedence part my own bs ideas and theories,,,,
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cancerbiophd · 7 years
Hi do u have any tips for science writing in general? I have to write a paper analysis for a microbio class but since most ppl in the class are in 4th year (I'm only in 2nd) the prof says she's expecting higher quality. I'm worried bc the only science writing ive done is lab reports
that sounds quite intimidating! let’s see if i can help you out. so these are tips that have worked for me (or i’ve seen work for others based on what i’ve read/edited/etc). for science writing in general:
know your audience. how much prior knowledge of the subject do they know? what is the purpose of them reading this article? who your audience is will dictate how you write your article. in your case, it’s your professor, so they probably know a lot about the subject (or maybe not! maybe you’ll write about some niche topic they haven’t studied yet), they’re reading to grade, so they’ll be paying attention to things on the grading rubric, etc. these are all things to keep in mind when you’re prepping, outlining, drafting, and editing. 
structure your essay so it’s a story. just like any other essay, science articles should also have a beginning (intro and statement), a middle (paragraphs to support your statement), and an end (conclusion). usually in science essays the conclusion also serves as a discussion where the writer can finally insert their own opinions on things, and further discuss why the results in the article are important for broader implications. 
be concise. science writing is not like some other styles of writing in that it’s best to avoid fluff, unnecessary descriptions, flowery language, etc. keep it short and simple.
if you need to use jargon or abbreviations, be sure to define them (for jagon), and give the full phrasing (for abbreviations) the first time they’re used.
avoid using absolutes unless it really is an absolute. in science, hardly anything is 100% certain. that’s why phrases like these are used a lot: “the data suggest”, “x may be caused by y”, “x has been shown in controlled experiments to be caused by y”, “thus it can been hypothesized”, etc. unless it’s a law (like gravity), then we can never use an absolute to describe it, and biology especially is a lawless land. 
related, keep in mind that the word “data” is plural for “datum”. so it’s “the data are” not “the data is”. (i still catch myself making this mistake alskdfj)
like most writing, avoid the passive voice whenever possible, and keep to the same verb tense.
practice summarizing research results into concise sentences for your supporting points. it can be difficult to wade through all that jargon and data in an article, so it definitely takes practice. it’s almost like reading comprehension dialed up to 12. article titles and abstracts help with this a lot, as the authors have already summarized their main findings there. reading good examples can also help (like science news articles from reputable sources–you can see what kind of language they use to summarize key points). 
present data in an unbiased way. you may be writing an essay that argues one point over another, but that opinion should not leak into when you present study results. Ex. “60% of animals treated with ABC survived to the study endpoint, versus 10% of animals receiving the control” is unbiased, whereas “ABC had exceptional results in a study where the majority of animals treated survived” sounds pretty darn biased in favor of ABC, and may not be an accurate reporting of the results (maybe the drug actually sucked upon further studies?). Of course, if your essay statement is arguing in favor of ABC, then you can follow up your unbiased presentation of the results with something like “This study showed the efficacy of ABC in a controlled in vivo setting, and thus has promise for further studies”. 
however, “laundry-listing” data and results can make for a very boring read, so be unbiased, yes, but state things in a way where there’s a clear direction or train of thought. this part is tough; i have to admit i’m still practicing this “art” (which it definitely is). take my above example about ABC for instance. which one is easier to follow? the one i gave, or this: “Six out of 10 animals treated with ABC survived until day 42. One out of 10 animals treated with control survived until day 42.” you’ll notice this 2nd option is really stilted, boring, dry, and if the entire results section is presented like this, the reader will surely get lost as to what the point of it all is, and possibly fall asleep. so although personal bias should be avoided, there should still be direction and flow. take care to guide the reader. 
unless it’s your own opinion, every statement needs a citation. i use the free reference manager mendeley (it has a browser plug-in that adds articles you find online to its citation library, and then you can sync it with word doc and it does the citations for you). 
proofread and edit a lot (no one’s first draft is ever perfect), and if possible, send a draft to your professor or TA to look over it and see if you’re on the right track. 
phew! that’s all i can think of for now! i’m sure there’s sooo much more that goes into writing for science (and academia, in a more broad sense), but these are just a few main ones from me. 
if anyone else has something to add, please do!
and good luck anon! you’re going to do great :)
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eledritch · 7 years
10 Tips for Writing (Good) Smut
so. let’s do this.
About a year ago, I had to read a book for my school’s summer reading assignment called How to Read Literature Like a Professor by Thomas Foster. It’s not a bad book, pretty decent actually, but there was this one chapter about sex scenes in literature. And one of the first sentences was along the lines of “writing sex is boring.”
and I did a double-take. Bc in my experience, that is absolutely not the case, and if you do find yourself bored while writing smut, then you’re not doing it right. See, Thomas’s main argument was that there’s only so many ways you can write sex scenes, because there’s only so many sex acts you can choose from. (My boy Thomas is clearly a vanilla dude, but let’s not hold that against him.) 
But one of the most important things to keep in mind while writing smut is that it’s not necessarily just about the act itself. So while Thomas is right that there are limits as to how many ways ppl can have sex, he failed to realize that writing sex is about a LOT more than that. And I’m gonna prove it to you.
Just to get it out of the way, I’ve been writing smut for about 6 years now. I’m 18 now, so yeah, been doin’ this since I was 12. Which is a little weird, thinking back on it, but honestly I think it’s healthy for adolescents/young teens to explore their sexualities and learn about sex in a safe, controlled setting like writing fanfiction has been for me. 
It was a better sex ed than anything else I got in Arizona, that’s for sure. And for the record, I’m a virgin and I don’t believe you need to have sex to be good at writing it. Conversely, you could have sex a hundred times and still not be good at writing it. The important thing is that you EDUCATE yourself and do your research so you know what the heck you’re writing about.
When I first started writing smutty fics in middle school, they were pretty bad. Not the worst, but not good either. Don’t let the seemingly simple nature of writing sex fool you - it can be really hard (ha, ha). Even if you’re a good writer, you might try to write a sex scene and find yourself slogging through it because you, like my boy Thomas, are focusing only on the act itself. that’s a mistake. don’t do that. 
Which brings me to this list of 10 things you SHOULD do:
1. You gotta get in the right mood. By this I don’t mean you need to be horny to write smut, you absolutely don’t, in fact you probably shouldn’t bc you're likely to get distracted. What I mean is that if you wanna write vanilla, sweet, slow love makin’, then you should be in a good or at least halfway decent mood. Get comfy. Make yourself a warm drink. 
Don’t try to write sweet sex if you’re angry or upset or sick or in pain - it’s either gonna turn into not sweet sex, or it’s gonna take you a long-ass time. Case in point, I tried to write a tender blowjob scene shortly after getting my wisdom teeth removed and just couldn’t do it, because ow, can you even imagine.
But you can use those negative moods/emotions to your advantage, too. If you're having a bad day, it’s actually a great catharsis to take those feelings out in your writing. You can apologize to your characters later - or maybe you’ll work out all your pent-up rage halfway through a brutal scene and turn it into something a little less intense, that works just as well!
2. Do your research. Research is important before you dive into any piece of writing, but it’s a necessary step for writing smut. If you’re a virgin or have no experience with the kind of sex you’re writing about, you’re gonna have to do some Googling. You don’t need to look up porn, porn honestly grosses me out and isn’t my favorite thing to draw from, but you do need to know the complete ins-and-outs (ha...) of whatever act you’re writing about. 
A good way to do research is to read other fanfics, popular fanfics by seasoned authors who have gained a large following/a lot of attention by writing the right stuff. You can also check out posts by people who actually gave tips to fanfic writers, there are several by gay guys which are helpful if you’re not a gay guy and you’re writing a sex scene about gay guys. They’re the authority, listen to them over the fanfic authors.
If you’re delving into something like BDSM in your writing, do your research on that, too. Don’t misrepresent people and practices just because you didn’t bother to learn about them. If you’re not willing to learn about them, you’re not going to be able to write about them. 
Oh, and lastly, but not leastly, LUBE. if your characters are having anal sex especially, they need to use lube, my dude. the human body made that rule, not me.
3. Write empathetically. It’s unavoidable - when you’re writing smut, you have to learn how to put yourself into the shoes of the POV character. This can be kinda challenging if, for instance, you don’t have a dick and having a dick is very important for the POV character to make that scene work. But that’s what your imagination is for - use it. 
Think about how this character would experience this situation not just in terms of the obvious sensations they’re feeling, whether pain or pleasure, but also in terms of their thoughts, their emotions, their memories, etc. A lot of good characterization can happen during sex scenes, and it makes me sad that all too often writers don’t take advantage of that. 
4. Don’t be afraid of using repetitive words. Sex is a repetitive act, get that through your head before you write it. One of the most irritating things I come across while reading smut is the author’s need to use endless synonyms for ‘cock.’ Stop. Please stop. Cock is fine. You can use ‘dick’ too if you really wanna add some variation. But anymore than that, and it’s just downright distracting. Don’t use member, penis (just...not a sexy word, at all), organ (NOT SEXY), etc - use length, prick, and erection sparingly if at all, and boner is more of a funny word than a sexy word, so keep that in mind. I’ve also seen ‘manhood’ used and i mean....i guess??? but why would you use that when you can accomplish the same thing in 4 much better letters? C O C K. just do it.
alternately, when referring to parts of a cock, just stick to the basics. shaft, head/tip/crown, balls. that’s it. maybe talk about veins if you’re gettin real detailed. you don’t need to wax poetic about it, or about the actions within the sex itself. you’ll find yourself reusing a lot of verbs and that’s ok! the usuals may include (but are not limited to) - thrust, buck, shove, press, slide, glide, ride, fuck, bounce, drive (into), arch, kiss, suck, bite, stroke, smack, slap, rock, embrace, squeeze, tremble, shudder, moan, groan, whine, whimper, hiss, shout, scream, gasp, curse, beg, sob, grunt, sigh.
5. Understand connotations vs denotations of words. This is an important tip not just for smut writing but for any writing. Words that may be ‘synonyms’ in terms of definition may not actually be synonymous. This can be an issue if English isn’t your first language - even if it is, it still trips people up. ‘Shudder’ and ‘tremble’ are both defined as someone’s body shaking, but they have different meanings! Shudder is more violent/intense, more of a full-body kinda deal and often more negative in connotation (i.e. ‘shudder of fear’). Tremble is more subtle, and more of a localized thing (i.e. his hands trembled) and connotates nervousness or apprehension more than outright fear - or it can be used to convey a more subdued/internalized fear. There are situations in which they can be interchangeable, and situations in which they really aren’t.
Understanding exactly what words mean will help you know when to use them and make your writing more fluid, comprehensible, and realistic for the reader. 
6. Avoid using cliche/overused phrases. For the love of god, don’t use the phrase ‘their tongues battled for dominance.’ I’M BEGGING YOU. listen, i’m guilty as charged, i’m sure i wrote it at some point in my earlier days, but don’t make the same mistake! not only does the phrase have some troubling implications about the perception of m/m relationships (in which the phrase is almost exclusively found) as little more than a fight for dominance, it’s just...that’s not how kissing works? 
Your tongues don’t battle, that’s not a good description for it. Why would you use a cliche phrase like that when you can talk about teeth clashing, tongues pressing, mouths sliding/slipping, biting at lips, hair pulling, nails scratching, hands grasping, pulses racing, and everything else that goes into kissing? Using phrases that many have used before you is a lazy way out and it dulls your imagery and the reader’s immersion into the story. 
7. Think for yourself while writing and be original! It’s the only way you’re going to find your unique voice, or writing style, which often shines through in smut-writing and sets yours apart from the rest. Writing mediocre smut is easy, but if you’re reading this, you don’t want to go that route. While it’s helpful to draw from other smut writers when you’re getting started, you need to be able to draw from your own mind above all. 
Yeah, it’s true that your fifth grade teacher probably didn’t mean ‘brainstorm new and exciting sex positions and scenarios’ when she said ‘be creative.’ But you’re not in fifth grade anymore (or at least, you better not be), and that’s what I mean when I’m telling you to be creative right now. 
Developing your voice/originality happens through a variety of ways, including plain old practice, trial and error, and understanding the technicalities of writing. What I mean by that is remembering all the stuff your English teacher taught you about - imagery, figurative speech, idioms, irony, dialogue, diction, syntax, figurative devices, metaphors, simile, etc. Speaking of which...
8. Everybody loves a big, dramatic sex metaphor once in a while. This is tricky, because you really shouldn’t overdo this - if you do, you risk making your smut the most pretentious, unreadable piece ever. Metaphors tend to do that when you use them without discretion. But when you choose and use them carefully, you can turn a sex scene into something more meaningful, both for the character and the story as a whole. 
If you’re just writing a quickie in a club bathroom, don’t bother with this (unless that quickie was life-changing and birthed the spark of TRUE LOVE between your characters, which is entirely possible, no judgment, I’m happy for them). But if you’re writing about your character losing their virginity, having sex with someone who means a lot to them, having sex with someone who just returned from a long absence/is leaving them for a long time, etc...you may wanna make things a little ~deep~ for a second. 
I’m not gonna tell you exactly how to write your sex metaphors because you’ll know when and how to use them if the occasion presents itself and if you have your voice figured out. Talk about bodies being more than bodies, lips being like brands of fire, whispers being sacred vows, orgasms being fuckin’ nirvana, idk, orgasms are tricky because sometimes people will write ‘his orgasm RIPPED through him’ and you’re like ??? is he okay? that sounded painful...
You can see how metaphors can quickly make a story exhausting/confusing/unenjoyable if you use them too much. But once in a while? Man, go for it. 
9. Humor is key. This is perhaps one of the most important tips I have for you, because personally it’s improved my smut writing the most, as well as made the whole activity a lot more fun. Smut is supposed to be an enjoyable thing to read. But no matter how arousing/hot/absolutely obscene you make it, some readers are going to get bored. I said earlier that sex is a repetitive act, it just is. Your goal is to make it sexy AND entertaining. You want to keep the reader engaged. 
And humor is the best way, I’ve found, to do that. A lot of fanfiction sex is guilty of being too perfect. Try to steer clear of that. As tempting as it can be to make a sex scene where everything works without a hitch and everyone is serious, fully consumed with love/arousal, etc, there is something genuinely delightful about writing the awkward, funny parts of sex, too. They don’t have a place in every scene, but in many, especially first times/trying new things, they’re great. Not only does adding humor make your characters seem more human and likable, it makes the bond between them seem more real and makes the reader more attached to them.
And isn’t that the point? Your readers aren’t gonna to want to read about flat characters they can’t relate to or straight-up dislike, no matter how hot the sex is. 
10. Don’t forget the little things. This final point goes back to what Thomas got wrong in his book. Sex should NOT be boring to write. Don’t write on the surface about what’s happening, adjust the lens through which you, the character/s, and the reader view it. Write about the sex itself but also write about the little things (not your character’s dick, don’t be mean) - the freckles on their lover’s shoulder, the fading bruises on their neck, the way their lover’s hair feels against their skin, all the not-obvious sensations that add realism and a spark to the scene that sets it apart. 
This goes for non-tactile things as well - maybe your character has ADD or is just distracted easily, and goes off on tangents of thought (or speech) during sex. Maybe they’re really fascinated with a certain aspect of their partner/s, like their eyes or mouth or hands or the sounds they make. Maybe they notice small details about the setting - the smell of the sheets is comforting, the crack on the ceiling reminds them of their bedroom back home, the weird deer head on the wall looks like it’s staring at them, the possibilities are literally endless. It’s up to you how you want to use them, but please - use them. 
So in summary, no, Thomas, writing sex - and reading it, for that matter - shouldn’t be boring. It’s an excellent way to further characterization, improve your writing, find your voice, and make your story overall a better one.
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best homeowners insurance in va. Compare loading Fetching your data... Optional Allstate No Affordable 10- and 20-year term life insurance quotes for healthy, non-smoker individuals, all with valid a driver s license and good credit. A car insurance policy that will give you and your family a financial cushion should you. best homeowners insurance in va for one year. How can I find cheap auto insurance for ? Well online insurance is a huge job. How can I find cheap auto insurance for 1 year. How can I find cheap auto insurance for 2 years? Auto insurance rates for 2 years are expensive but they were higher in 2015. If I buy a new car, can I expect ? In Virginia a of about $100, and some of the cheapest rates for state of Virginia? The premium for average would be higher and the insurance would be less or none, depends so on a variety of variables. Compare the auto insurance rates of your choice. Enter your zip code to see a detailed analysis of quotes. Insurance.com designed its review section to help you find the best financial stability and coverage around, while browsing the insurance companies in your area. We analyzed quotes for every major carrier from top four Virginia auto insurance companies. The best companies for Virginia are USAA, State Farm, and Erie Insurance. But this list is only for. best homeowners insurance in va, allstate is the best. There are a couple of other reasons it provides affordable insurance. One thing that you will have insurance for in the United States is insurance for the residents and the dependants. Also, this company offers discounts for people with more than one policy and a number of home insurance policies. On top of that, all of that, this company has a very good ability to take care of its customers. The fact that you can get discounts on your automobile insurance. There are a few different auto insurance policies you can get on your own. You can ask your agent about the various discounts which you might want. And don’t forget about that home insurance policy as it usually only covers the damage that is not caused by an accident. You can get cheap home insurance rates for auto insurance on your own or if you already have insurance for your own home and are just buying a new house. If you already have home insurance, you can get rates and coverage from many or some.
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Homeowners Insurance Quotes in Virginia by Company
Homeowners Insurance Quotes in Virginia by Company Average Annual Company Annual Monthly Rate StateAutoInsurerAnnual RateUSAA$541.64$544.73$529.65 USAA$541.64$514.27$573.66 State AutoNation$557.68 $592.50$814.71 The Zebra Recap: StateAutoInsuranceExpert How much does it cost to insure a in Virginia? The average annual cost of car insurance in Virginia is around $1,400, according to CarInsurance.com rate data. That s an amount that would be over $500 higher than the average national annual bill, but less than double the cost per month. The good news is that car insurance rates change dramatically after the age of 65. For instance, in Virginia would drop to $1,460 in 2019, while a jump of $0.02 in 2020 would become $1,547.
Virginia Homeowners Insurance FAQs
Virginia Homeowners Insurance FAQs How do I cancel my car insurance? If you’re in a serious car accident and you’re a VW Golf or Audi S4 owner, you’ll need to speak to your insurance company. You’ll need to give them specific instructions and either direct them to your nearest VW Golf or Audi S4 insurer. If they don’t provide services for auto insurance, you can still get VW Golf auto insurance, but Audi S4 insurance in the U.S. Does VW Golf car insurance cover me in another country? For drivers in another country, your VW Golf car insurance is generally available in the following countries: Argentina, Brazil, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Gibraltar, Italy, Guernesy, Jordan, Kazakhstan, Latvia, Lithuania, Marshall Islands, Mongolia, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Russia, South Africa, Spain, Switzerland, Turkey, Ukraine, Ukraine, and Ukraine. Can I.
The 30 best homeowners insurance companies of 2020
The 30 best homeowners insurance companies of 2020 based on price, consumer complaints, policy offerings and financial strength. Although the rankings are a sample set, these companies have some common features that make for some interesting choices. The easiest way to make an educated decision about a homeowners insurance company is to look at the various providers’ reviews and compare their claims experiences. A quick look at the financial strength of each insurer will provide a general idea of how well the insurer responds. While the two biggest rated companies held significant market shares in 2011’s New York and 2002’s Philadelphia, both were able to earn top marks from insurance industry authorities. In California, , , Massachusetts and Washington, for well-known carriers. As the largest and best rated home insurer in the nation, , it’s easy to see why The Hartford received some of the highest scores across the board. The Hartford’s domestic sales approach, while not as dynamic and diverse as many other competitors, was a solid competitor that is hard to beat..
Best companies for bundling home and auto insurance
Best companies for bundling home and auto insurance: Geico, Farmers, Nationwide, and Progressive (collectively, “PPLs”). If you plan on using your company for a while, you can also add a third that is more valuable because they can cut down on cost to your premiums if you cancel or cannot renew your policy without first buying . To compare your quotes, please enter your zip code below. After you’ve downloaded the app, there’s no better time to switch to your new company. The reason for this is that the company can change the amount of your car insurance premium after you sign up and for other reasons. While some of the advantages may not last forever, the fact is that for the first 10 to 15 years, you shouldn’t be changing your car insurance rates. You want to be fully covered by the car insurance company that you’ve bought. If you don’t want change the amount of your insurance premium or you want to switch providers because.
Average Virginia Home Insurance Premiums
Average Virginia Home Insurance Premiums Affordable Virginia Homeowners’ Insurance Premiums Average out of pocket living expense of home insurance premium. Homeowners’ insurance policy rates vary depending on the homeowner situation and the home’s location in Virginia. The cheapest homeowners insurance companies in Virginia are all located in Hampton Roads, Virginia. The average annual cost of homeowners insurance in this city is $1,865.  The average annual cost to insure a home in Virginia is $151 per month or $1,086 in 2018. The average annual rate based on coverage amounts is $1,152, which is the most expensive insurance cost in Virginia. Homeowners insurance in Virginia is typically a lot less expensive than in many other states.  When you work with an agent who is familiar with the insurance products and services this State is looking for, you are able to choose the best policy for your needs, at the best possible price. In Richmond, our local drivers are treated with the best service available without any.
How Does Deployment Affect Homeowners Insurance?
How Does Deployment Affect Homeowners Insurance? Deployment and home insurance are one of the top forms of home insurance. However, you may find that the price for the deployment of your home from home is higher, but they can still be cheaper than using your home up against home. This goes hand in hand, you may not be able to deploy to the military if it is your insurance or you just have a specific plan that suits your situation. Do you have a basic policy that does not cover a home and/or personal belongings? It is common to have a home insurance policy but it is quite different from an insurance policy. With the lack of home insurance in this situation, you have the option to leave your home, belongings, and income to any insurance provider who has a policy out there without any insurance policy at all. Are You Preparing for Your Home Deployment? Do you have a detailed home insurance policy? If so, take them into consideration. Home Deployment – Homes,.
How to choose the best homeowners insurance company
How to choose the best homeowners insurance company Best homeowners insurance company is a unique one. It is one of the most innovative insurance companies that have created its own unique system of policy covering properties in the UK. They are a small enough company, offering only three states in their home country, but their financial strength is very rich. Some of the many features of their insurance are: If you have been considering getting an insurance policy, it may be more than your standard homeowners policy offers. One of the key considerations for the type of homeowners insurance policy is whether you seek coverage from an outside provider or do not wish to go through their website. So do not have to worry. In the past years, home insurance companies have introduced different policies that are designed for the homeowner. And when you compare these various policies with one another, you must take note of how different policies cover different needs of your home. To have the best insurance for one area of the UK, you will want to get a policy carefully designed for the area you reside. Most insurance.
Special Home Insurance Situations in Virginia
Special Home Insurance Situations in Virginia? Our insurance agents can help you find affordable home insurance in Virginia so you can focus on what matters most - finding you the best rate. You could be saving up to 50% or more on your car insurance! Virginia is a ? In my opinion, these 1st party claims are the more costly. The biggest risk drivers in Virginia is that they can get caught buying insurance. This is where the risk factors go to: Drivers who have the highest accident claims tend to face less protection. These crashes and crashes often have long-term negative effects on a passenger s health, and it stands to reason that a driver’s automobile insurance policy needs to be better tailored to make up for the higher damages. We provide comprehensive auto insurance and related products for many of the nation’s top companies like , , and , and we are also available to help any Florida driver to find a policy that is the best fit for their needs. For over 70 years, our family of experienced insurance agents in.
Our Top 10 Homeowners Insurance Providers
Our Top 10 Homeowners Insurance Providers The information below helps you select your top five choices for home insurance, but it’s important to remember that you are being provided home and auto coverage in your own name. You’ll need home insurance in every state you’re buying home, for example. Also take note of the policy’s deductible – it will be your personal deductible. So, can I find a great home insurance policy? The answer is: it depends. So, if you’re looking to save money, you don’t want to pay hundreds of dollars, but you won’t necessarily find it. With insurance, all your personal information is put into a database and you’re covered for free to keep information for personal and business use, like shopping for an online quote. If you go through your personal information, you’ll probably want a policy with a high coverage limit. With some policies, you’ll have to get a quote from an.
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Financial Assistance Summary
Here we go! This is our best attempt at summarizing what we understand about the current SBA loan programs. Just keep in mind, as much as we want to help small businesses access financial assistance, we want to be very clear that we aren’t banking experts at all, and we want to stress that you should contact your financial institution and/or your accountant for professional advice on how to proceed.
These SBA loans are administered by institutions that are approved by the SBA.Contact your banking institution first to see if they administer SBA loans. You will apply online, but with an individual financial institution, not the SBA directly.
1) The Paycheck Protection Program (PPP), (part of the 7(a) Loan Expansion):
The purpose of this loan program is to help businesses retain their employees at current compensation levels with low-interest - and potentially forgivable - SBA loans that they can use to cover payroll costs for their workforce as well as other operational costs such as rent, interest on mortgage obligations and utilities.
Sole proprietors and independent contractors are eligible to apply for these loans as ‘self-employed individuals’.
Sole proprietors would use IRS filings and Profit and Loss statements to support their eligibility claims. Franchises are specifically included in the Act. The interest rate for a covered loan is not to exceed 4%. You can apply for forgiveness on the loan in an amount that is equal to the amount spent during an 8-week period after the origination date of the loan on eligible expenses.  
2) SBA Express Loan - Repayable Loan:
Eligible businesses can be granted up to $350,000 of capital in the form of either a term loan or line of credit. Fast turnaround time for an approval. The interest rate is negotiated but cannot exceed the SBA maximum.
3) Emergency Economic Injury Disaster Loans (EIDL) - Repayable Loan:
The Act expands eligibility for access to Economic Injury Disaster Loans (EIDL) to include any individual operating as a sole proprietor or an independent contractor during the covered period (January 31, 2020 to December 31, 2020). The Act requires that for any SBA EIDL loans made in response to COVID-19 before December 31, 2020, the SBA shall waive any personal guarantee on advances and loans below $200,000, the requirement that an applicant needs to have been in business for the 1-year period before the disaster, and the ‘credit elsewhere’ requirement.
4) Deferment of Employer Payroll Taxes:
This provision of the Act allows employers to defer payment of the employer-share of Social Security and Medicare taxes due from March 27 to December 31, 2020. Half of the tax will be due Dec. 31, 2021 and the other half will not be due until Dec. 31, 2022. (This doesn’t apply to the amounts withheld from employees).
This benefit also applies to self-employed individuals, allowing them to defer half of their self-employment tax on the same schedule. However, if you have had debt forgiven under either the PPP or the US Treasury Program Mgt. Authority, you are excluded from this deferment.
5) Emergency Grant Payment Distributions:
These grants allow an eligible entity who has applied for an EIDL loan due to COVID-19 to request an advance on that loan, of not more than $10,000, which the SBA must distribute within three days. Applicants shall not be required to repay advance payments, even if subsequently denied for an EIDL loan. Advance payment may be used for providing paid sick leave to employees, maintaining payroll, meeting increased costs to obtain materials, making rent or mortgage payments, and repaying obligations that cannot be met due to revenue losses. Further, the Act requires that an advance payment be considered when determining loan forgiveness, if the applicant transfers into a loan made under SBA’s Paycheck Protection Program. (In other words, we think that if you get this $10K advance, that it reduces your PPP grant by the same amount.)
6) Multiple Modifications to the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA) enacted in late 2017:
There are important tax changes in the CARES Act that very possibly affect your business, and we have included a link to our auditor’s website that addresses these modifications which can get you started in a review that you would continue with your tax preparer. Suffice to say that these changes may potentially allow you to receive a refund of taxes paid in previous years.
7) Employee Retention Credits:
If you have employees, the CARES Act provides for a refundable credit against payroll taxes for 50% of wages paid from March 13, 2020, to December 31, 2020, up to $10,000 per employee if the employer has a quarter that falls 50% or less in gross receipts below the same quarter last year.
8) FYI on Unemployment:
We know that very few of our franchisees have employees, but here is a summary of some of the temporary changes to unemployment insurance enacted through the Act. A temporary Pandemic Unemployment Assistance program was established through December 31, 2020, to provide payment to those not traditionally eligible for unemployment benefits (self-employed, independent contractors, those with limited work history and others) who are unable to work as a direct result of the coronavirus public health emergency.
We do not, at the current time, know how a self-employed individual would provide documentation on employment.
The Act provides for an additional $600 per week payment to each recipient of unemployment insurance or Pandemic Unemployment Assistance for up to four months - in addition to state unemployment compensation and irrespective of how much the laid off employee is making when they were laid off. It also provides an additional 13 weeks of unemployment benefits through December 31, 2020, to help those who remain unemployed after weeks of state unemployment benefits are no longer available.                                          
PPP loans will be made by SBA-approved lenders, like a bank, and you will apply directly to them. SBA is expected to issue guidance to lenders, including details on how to apply and the criteria SBA will use to determine who will receive loans by April 11 (15 days from signing of the Act), although it may be issued sooner.
Because there is going to be an avalanche of businesses applying for these loans, you should start assembling documentation now to expedite the application process. This is not a comprehensive list, but we suggest getting these items together now so you are ready to apply. Be sure to have all documents in a digital format. All of these documents may not be requested.
Since these loans are SBA 7(a) loans, the forms that you will have to fill out will be similar to SBA Form 1919, so review that form at this time;
Articles of incorporation/organization;
Bylaws/operating agreement;
Documentation verifying payments on mortgage obligations, lease payments and utility payments;
Payroll expense verification documents, including IRS Forms 941 and 944, payroll summary reports and bank statements, summary of payroll benefits;
Trailing twelve-month profit and loss statement, and complete 2019 financials (P&L and Balance Sheet);
Utility statements;
Most recent IRS Form 941 (quarterly Federal Income tax return);
January 2019 through February 2020 payroll expenses;
You may need your business license;  
Prior year taxes, if they are complete. If 2019 taxes are not complete, then have 2018 taxes ready in a digital format.
As a reminder, we are not professionals in the finance industry, nor experts on SBA loans, so as we said before, please seek the advice of a professional when making your applications or if you have questions.
These are our best resources that we’ve found at the current time. Please use these direct links as your primary source of information.
From the US Chamber of Commerce website:
Again, if you have questions, please reach out to your CPA or loan professionals, as they will surely have more answers than us since they are subject matter experts. We’ll get through this!
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tsghamptonsnewyork · 4 years
Financial Assistance Summary
Here we go! This is our best attempt at summarizing what we understand about the current SBA loan programs. Just keep in mind, as much as we want to help small businesses access financial assistance, we want to be very clear that we aren’t banking experts at all, and we want to stress that you should contact your financial institution and/or your accountant for professional advice on how to proceed. 
These SBA loans are administered by institutions that are approved by the SBA. Contact your banking institution first to see if they administer SBA loans. You will apply online, but with an individual financial institution, not the SBA directly.
1) The Paycheck Protection Program (PPP), (part of the 7(a) Loan Expansion):
The purpose of this loan program is to help businesses retain their employees at current compensation levels with low-interest - and potentially forgivable - SBA loans that they can use to cover payroll costs for their workforce as well as other operational costs such as rent, interest on mortgage obligations and utilities.
Sole proprietors and independent contractors are eligible to apply for these loans as ‘self-employed individuals’.
Sole proprietors would use IRS filings and Profit and Loss statements to support their eligibility claims. The interest rate for a covered loan is not to exceed 4%. You can apply for forgiveness on the loan in an amount that is equal to the amount spent during an 8-week period after the origination date of the loan on eligible expenses.  
2) SBA Express Loan - Repayable Loan:
Eligible businesses can be granted up to $350,000 of capital in the form of either a term loan or line of credit. Fast turnaround time for an approval. The interest rate is negotiated but cannot exceed the SBA maximum.
3) Emergency Economic Injury Disaster Loans (EIDL) - Repayable Loan:
The Act expands eligibility for access to Economic Injury Disaster Loans (EIDL) to include any individual operating as a sole proprietor or an independent contractor during the covered period (January 31, 2020 to December 31, 2020). The Act requires that for any SBA EIDL loans made in response to COVID-19 before December 31, 2020, the SBA shall waive any personal guarantee on advances and loans below $200,000, the requirement that an applicant needs to have been in business for the 1-year period before the disaster, and the ‘credit elsewhere’ requirement.
4) Deferment of Employer Payroll Taxes:
This provision of the Act allows employers to defer payment of the employer-share of Social Security and Medicare taxes due from March 27 to December 31, 2020. Half of the tax will be due Dec. 31, 2021 and the other half will not be due until Dec. 31, 2022. (This doesn’t apply to the amounts withheld from employees).
This benefit also applies to self-employed individuals, allowing them to defer half of their self-employment tax on the same schedule. However, if you have had debt forgiven under either the PPP or the US Treasury Program Mgt. Authority, you are excluded from this deferment.
5) Emergency Grant Payment Distributions:
These grants allow an eligible entity who has applied for an EIDL loan, due to COVID-19, to request an advance on that loan, of not more than $10,000, which the SBA must distribute within three days. Applicants shall not be required to repay advance payments, even if subsequently denied for an EIDL loan. Advance payment may be used for providing paid sick leave to employees, maintaining payroll, meeting increased costs to obtain materials, making rent or mortgage payments, and repaying obligations that cannot be met due to revenue losses. Further, the Act requires that an advance payment be considered when determining loan forgiveness, if the applicant transfers into a loan made under SBA’s Paycheck Protection Program. (In other words, we think that if you get this $10K advance, that it reduces your PPP grant by the same amount.)
6) Multiple Modifications to the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA) enacted in late 2017:
There are important tax changes in the CARES Act that could possibly affect your business, and we have included a link to our auditor’s website that addresses these modifications which can get you started in a review that you would continue with your tax preparer. Suffice to say that these changes may potentially allow you to receive a refund of taxes paid in previous years.
7) Employee Retention Credits:
If you have employees, the CARES Act provides for a refundable credit against payroll taxes for 50% of wages paid from March 13, 2020, to December 31, 2020, up to $10,000 per employee if the employer has a quarter that falls 50% or less in gross receipts below the same quarter last year.
8) FYI on Unemployment:
Here is a summary of some of the temporary changes to unemployment insurance enacted through the Act. A temporary Pandemic Unemployment Assistance program was established through December 31, 2020, to provide payment to those not traditionally eligible for unemployment benefits (self-employed, independent contractors, those with limited work history and others) who are unable to work as a direct result of the coronavirus public health emergency.
We do not, at the current time, know how a self-employed individual would provide documentation on employment.
The Act provides for an additional $600 per week payment to each recipient of unemployment insurance or Pandemic Unemployment Assistance for up to four months - in addition to state unemployment compensation and irrespective of how much the laid off employee is making when they were laid off. It also provides an additional 13 weeks of unemployment benefits through December 31, 2020, to help those who remain unemployed after weeks of state unemployment benefits are no longer available.                                           
PPP loans will be made by SBA-approved lenders, like a bank, and you will apply directly to them. SBA is expected to issue guidance to lenders, including details on how to apply and the criteria SBA will use to determine who will receive loans by April 11 (15 days from signing of the Act), although it may be issued sooner.
Because there is going to be an avalanche of businesses applying for these loans, you should start assembling documentation now to expedite the application process. This is not a comprehensive list, but we suggest getting these items together now so you are ready to apply. Be sure to have all documents in a digital format. All of these documents may not be requested.
Since these loans are SBA 7(a) loans, the forms that you will have to fill out will be similar to SBA Form 1919, so review that form at this time;
Articles of incorporation/organization;
Bylaws/operating agreement;
Documentation verifying payments on mortgage obligations, lease payments and utility payments;
Payroll expense verification documents, including IRS Forms 941 and 944, payroll summary reports and bank statements, summary of payroll benefits;
Trailing twelve-month profit and loss statement, and complete 2019 financials (P&L and Balance Sheet);
Utility statements;
Most recent IRS Form 941 (quarterly Federal Income tax return);
January 2019 through February 2020 payroll expenses;
You may need your business license;
Prior year taxes, if they are complete. If 2019 taxes are not complete, then have 2018 taxes ready in a digital format.
As a reminder, we are not professionals in the finance industry, nor experts on SBA loans, so as we said before, please seek the advice of a professional when making your applications or if you have questions.
These are our best resources that we’ve found at the current time. Please use these direct links as your primary source of information.
Page from our auditor’s website that has a summary on modifications to TCJA
Page from our auditor’s website that has a good chart on the PPL and the EIDL
From the SBA Website
Links to SBA Form that is similar to what will be required
While there will be no requirement for personal guarantors on these loans, it might be good to review this SBA form, which is typically required for an SBA Loan
From the US Chamber of Commerce website:
Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act: What Small Businesses Need to Know
A Step-by-Step Guide on How to Apply for an SBA Economic Injury Disaster Loan
Again, if you have questions, please reach out to your CPA or loan professionals, as they will surely have more answers than us since they are subject matter experts. We'll get through this!
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freelee · 8 years
Some ppl trying to say Raw-till-4 doesn't say enough fat but you have always said 10% max and from my research is perfect. Then others saying orthorexia but you have always showed yourself eating fatty vegan junk foods like other insta users. Some say you don't recommend beans but you even have recipes in your book with beans!! LMAO! Do they even know what RT4 is? WHAT IS GOING ON FREELEE.
Hey, yeh it’s actually pretty crazy! Ive been in this movement for over a decade now and pretty much seen it all by this point. Lots of people come and go. Lots of people like to blame the lifestyle (or myself) as they go rather than take personal responsibility. The thing you have to remember is that the Raw Till 4 lifestyle and book has reached many many thousands of people (esp youngsters with no understanding of nutrition or basic physiology). Raw till 4 is actually heading for 1 million tags on Instagram, that’s incredible! Even though I was visualising it, I never imagined it would be this successful! As a result when lots of people are trying and talking about a diet/lifestyle then you will also get all sorts of misguided experiences/comments about it.
I’m honestly just glad people are actually talking about it and making videos (positive or negative) because they are just helping spread this healthy lifestyle to even MORE people. That’s how I found the whole raw vegan thing, through someone trashing Doug Graham’s 80/10/10 lifestyle, I was like “Hmmm this person just sounds bitter and uneducated and fuck you I like the sound of eating unlimited fruit!!” haha. So I checked it out and eventually years later developed Raw Till 4.
Those people trying to say it’s ‘too much fruit’ and unhealthy honestly need a serious reality check, the same people who regularly pour refined sugar sweetener on their foods and also eat processed junk foods loaded with refined sugar. **Remember their bodies always find the simple sugar elsewhere if they do not eat enough fruit**. I’m ok with them eating that and I do sometimes too but stop trying to act like Raw Till 4 is bad and that you just eat whole foods when you clearly don’t. Raw till 4 actually recommends MORE whole foods than any other vegan lifestyle so it is actually THE whole foods diet. Raw Till 4 staple components are fruits, veggies, starches (which everyone knows is healthy) BUT for this modern world is also flexible at the same time. Here’s my response to the yawn ‘orthorexic’ RT4 comment: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D7MotlXsd0g If you feel orthorexic eating a certain way then you clearly have psychological issues you need to address within yourself, not blame external sources for how you feel.
Let’s straighten a few things out for those who didn’t actually read and implement the book/lifestyle properly / are confused/ who say there is no scientific backing to Raw Till 4:
* Raw till 4 recommends a max of 10% of daily calories coming from fat (for everyone) which is also recommended by leading plant based Drs like Dr Mcdougall (recommends 5% actually), Barnard, Esselstyn, Novick, all of which have recommended 10% for decades. Dr Dean Ornish a renowned Cardiologist also recommends no more than 10% fat. The Pritikin Longevity Centre, a facility that holds the finest heart disease reversal record of ANY such organisation in the US recommends a dietary fat consumption of 10%. Health has been shown to decline significantly practically on every level the higher into the teens the fat levels climb.
* The Omega fat ratios in Raw Till 4 and a totally raw diet are actually the MORE optimal for human health than any other promoted vegan diet/lifestyle. It may be confusing but here is a scientific answer. https://youtu.be/8RgQv7Cp1Po
* If individuals consume sufficient calories on the raw till 4 lifestyle then they will meet all their nutritional requirements, if you under eat that is not the fruit/mine/lifestyles fault. 
So those trying to say Raw till 4 made them ‘fat phobic’ is not my problem or the lifestyles problem it’s their incorrect implementation and interpretation of the lifestyle as I’ve always recommended a max of 10% fat and so do all the Dr’s (which they always like to quote). 
* A quote from Dr Greger highlighting the importance of fruit in the human diet:“The Global Burden of Disease Study published in 2012, is the most comprehensive and systematic analysis of causes of death undertaken to date, involving nearly 500 researchers from more than 300 institutions in 50 countries, and starting with almost 100,000 data sources. What did the researchers find? Here in the U.S., they determined that our biggest killer was our diet. Number 1 on their list of the most important dietary risks was not eating enough fruit, responsible for an estimated 4.9 million deaths a year around the world.”
* Not that I need Science to tell me that eating an abundance of fruit & veg is healthy but for those who do here is science confirming that 20 servings of fruit plus 43 serves of vegetables per day is very healthy! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nU_RkeA88DYLike one of the commenters says 
“20 servings of fruit? Sounds like RawTill4!”  hmmm yep!
* When it comes to beans, you are right. I actually ate them last night and I enjoy them a few times a week. I have them in my book, I clearly state on page 13: “Chickpeas, beans, lentils are not high carb choices so should be used as side dishes instead of main staples.” and I stand by that, eat them by all means! But there is no vegan diet/lifestyle out there that recommends beans as a staple OVER carbohydrates so please people get your facts straight before misrepresenting Raw Till 4.
I am first to admit that Raw Till 4 can be hard to sustain in this fruit-phobic modern concrete jungle we live in and that’s why many do not sustain it HOWEVER that doesn’t mean the lifestyle doesn’t work or isn’t fucking awesome ✌🏼because it actually is (when it’s treated as a LIFE-STYLE) and yes I actually have countless testimonials from others who agree. Here is just one link to check out some of those who DID the lifestyle correctly and at the time got great results, (remember to always listen to what people say while they are ON the lifestyle, not afterwards when they are off because they don’t do what it takes to implement the lifestyle long term) https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=raw+till+4+testimonials . 
I am not so rigid that I only support those vegans who eat raw till 4 style because I know it can be tough in this world hence why I don’t trash other (calorically-sufficient) vegan lifestyles but say “Go for it if you want to, give it a try!!”.
It would be nice if others stopped misrepresenting Raw Till 4 but at the end of the day if you want to make a video about RT4 then for sure please do! You are doing a great job in helping me spread the Raw Till 4 message further. Thank you ^_^
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tenminutemisconduct · 8 years
I have no concept how how drafts work in any sports realm and the whole expansion team concept is new to a lot of ppl but like can the new team just like take any players they want (that aren't exempt or 'saved') even players still under contracts with their current team???? (Why does sport have to be confusing)
Hi hello! I’m so so sorry this took me so long to respond to, but real life has been chaos lately. anyway, i’m gonna put most of the explanation under the cut bc it’s gonna be long.
A lot of this language was taken from the nhl website and either edited or explained. i’m not an expert, but i hope this is still helpful. Capfriendly is also a great website to check out, and if you’re feeling wild, they have an expansion draft tool you can play around with (x). Another good resource is this article from puck prose, especially the speculation on how Restricted Free Agents (RFAs) play into this whole Thing (x).
Also, all the players I used as examples either meet or are expected to meet eligibility requirements for the expansion draft based on the info available to the public. I tried as best I could, but I only know so much. 
Remember, this is based on what we know right now. Trades could happen. Players could waive their no move clauses. Right now, a lot of this is guesswok. 
The Las Vegas team must select the following number of players at each position: 14 forwards, 9 defensemen and 3 goaltenders.
Essentially, teams have 2 options in terms of who to protect from the draft: 
a) Seven forwards, three defensemen and one goaltender
b) Eight skaters (forwards/defensemen) and one goaltender
The Vegas team has to select at least 1 player from each of the 30 teams in the league.  It also has to select at least 20 players who are under contract for the 2017-18 season (instead of rookies coming into their draft year now like Nolan Patrick and Nico Hischier)
The Las Vegas franchise must select players with an aggregate Expansion Draft value that is between 60-100% of the prior season’s upper limit for the salary cap. This is salary stuff that could be a whole different post, so i won’t get into that. 
* The Las Vegas franchise may not buy out any of the players selected in the Expansion Draft earlier than the summer following its first season. Any player Vegas drafts from an existing team has to be on their roster for at least a season. 
When is this all happening, actually?
The 30 NHL Clubs must submit their Protection List by 5:00 P.M. ET on Saturday, June 17, 2017. The Las Vegas team must submit their Expansion Draft Selections by 5:00 P.M. ET on June 20 and the announcement of their selections will be released on made on June 21.
*All players who have currently effective and continuing “No Movement” clauses at the time of the Expansion Draft (and who to decline to waive such clauses) must be protected (and will be counted toward their club’s applicable protection limits). 
so basically, if a player has a no movement clause and doesn’t wave it, the team has to protect them (and that player counts as 1 of the total players in the options above).
* All first- and second-year professionals (nhl and ahl), as well as all unsigned draft choices, will be exempt from selection (and will not be counted toward their club’s applicable protection limits).  
According to the nhl (via General Fanager, may it rest in peace): 
“A Player aged 18 or 19 earns a year of professional experience by playing 10 or more NHL games in a given NHL season.”
“A player aged 20 or older (based on age on December 31 of calendar year in which the season starts) earns a year of professional experience by playing 10 or more Professional Games under a standard player contract in a given League Year.”
No rookies (or 2 year players like eichel) can be drafted - this also counts for draft picks that haven’t signed contracts yet. players in this category don’t count towards the team’s protection total. 
Players like Nikita Zaitsev who have played in another professional league like the KHL are still considered rookies according to the draft, so they’re exempt
*Vegas will be granted a 48 hour window prior to the draft to sign any pending free agent (RFA or UFA, one per team) that was left unprotected. If a team loses a player to Vegas during this signing window they will not have a player selected from their roster during this draft. 
For 2 days, the Vegas team can sign a free agent from each team (that wasn’t included in the protected list). If Vegas drafts a free agent from a team, that team won’t have another player drafted to Vegas during the expansion draft. 
* Players with potential career-ending injuries who have missed more than the previous 60 consecutive games (or who otherwise have been confirmed to have a career-threatening injury) may not be used to satisfy a club’s player exposure requirements, unless approval is received from the NHL. Such players also may be deemed exempt from selection by the League.
if a player is on long-term IR, they can either be exempted from the draft or protected by their team. 
All teams must expose: 
a. 1 defenseman who is a) under contract in 2017-18 and b) played in 40 or more NHL games the prior season OR played in 70 or more NHL games in the prior two seasons.  Examples: Tyson Barrie, Morgan Rielly
b.  2 forwards who are a) under contract in 2017-18 and b) played in 40 or more NHL games the prior season OR played in 70 or more NHL games in the prior two seasons. Examples: Nicklas Backstrom, Brandon Saad
c. 1 goaltender who is under contract in 2017-18 or will be a restricted free agent (RFA) right before 2017-2018. Examples: John Gibson, Devan Dubnyk
So after the expansion drafted happens and every team and their fans collectively panic and run around screaming, the actual 2017 draft will happen. 
The Las Vegas franchise will be given the same odds in the 2017 NHL Draft Lottery as the team finishing with the third-fewest points during the 2016-17 regular season. Basically, for the purposes of the draft, the Vegas team existed this season and wasn’t very good. For reference, currently, the third-last team in the league is the Stars. 
The Las Vegas franchise’s First Round selection in the 2017 NHL Draft will be determined in accordance with the 2017 NHL Draft Lottery and, as a result, the Las Vegas franchise will be guaranteed no lower than the sixth overall selection. Vegas will draft their first player somewhere between 1st and 6th overall, based on the lottery. The top three picks will be awarded by lottery. 
For reference, here are the top 6 picks from last year’s draft: 
1) Auston Matthews © to the Toronto Maple Leafs
2) Patrik Laine (RW) to the Winnepeg Jets
3) Pierre-Luc Dubois (LW) to the Columbus Blue Jackets
4) Jesse Puljujarvi (RW) to the Edmonton Oilers
5) Olli Juolevi (D) to the Vancouver Canucks
6) Matthew Tkachuk (LW) to the Calgary Flames
The Las Vegas franchise then will select third in each subsequent round of the 2017 NHL Draft (subject to trades and other potential player transactions).
I tried to hit everything, but obviously this isn’t completely comprehensive. Sorry if this is still a little confusing, but honestly my best advice is to start paying attention to how your teams make moves as we get closer to the trade deadline, and then wait and see what happens. 
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truckfreaks · 7 years
this is a pretty heavy personal post about coping mechanisms, its not necessarily something im posting for ppl to read or respond to, it may be triggering, please proceed with caution or not at all!!!
i went back to school this semester double full time (as of right now takin 22 credits) and boyoboy have i been a wreck leading up to it. so i need to ground myself a lil, ,and that is what i am going to do here sometimes.
to begin, my problems usually deal with dissociation. it is weird, because for a long time my problem was I AM FEELING TOO MUCH ALL THE TIME AAAAH type of overload, whether it was sad or happy or whatever. and i still get those feelings! but the scariest feeling was one i thought i got over a long time ago - dissociation. it sucks! u basically feel like a passenger in your own body and things that happened mere moments ago feel very far away or you cannot remember them in great detail at all. i hate that feeling. and it is especially dangerous when i am in class!
so to help myself stay “here” during those moments i am going to just write a comprehensive list of things that work for me. by also writing this list of stuff that works for me personally, i’m grounding myself right now by thinking of all of those things, so this is an exercise too.
1) tactile grounding, or basically just feeling stuff to remind my brain “hey! my body is here, asshole!”. usually it is a pinch, or i’ll run my fingernails up and down the underside of my arms, somewhere with sensitive skin, to wake myself up. sometimes i’ll “pop” my ears or knuckles. sometimes i’ll carry and wear a very large sweater, which kinda feels like a big blanket and adds “weight” when i put it on that i’m not used to having.
2) other sensory grounding. i will carry my favorite drink (usually a minty or peachy tea, or diet coke) or a small bag of a food i know i love - taste and smell helps me a lot. rather than eating a whole bunch just take a small bite and really enjoy it. think about why i love that food so much - it’s forcing myself to think about the flavor that reels me in. i also burn incense or candles of scents i really love while i’m working or studying to keep me present.
3) avoid overly caffeinated beverages! caffeine tends to make me detach, i do not know why, but i’m sure it’s chemical and not related to like a bad memory or something. i never realized it until recently, but for years this has been a triggering substance for me.
4) stay present in the conversation or lecture in class. take notes on things you’re not sure you’re even going to need. obviously this is a good piece of advice no matter what but a lot of people, myself included, have anxiety about asking questions in front of a class of 50+ people. but my desire to keep myself present overrides my fear, so i engage often with my professors and classmates, even if it’s something i already know the answer to. if you zone and need your professor to repeat something, do not be afraid to ask, because it might be your only chance - and be honest with them about what you are going through. i was with mine and they were all wonderful about it.
5) get up and leave if you have to. sometimes lack of physical activity causes me to dissociate as well - just sitting for 3 hours... all of my classes are this long and it is very hard even for someone who doesn’t have dissociative bouts to stay present for that. so often times i will get up and walk out of the hall. i try to sit in the back to be as non-disruptive as possible. even if just to walk outside for a second and come back in after doing a breathing exercise or something like that - it helps.
6) make sure you eat enough! i started dieting and lost a lot of weight, but the problem with that is i get fuller much faster than i used to. so now, sometimes, i have experiences where i eat only a few bites of something and feel okay. and while normally that’s cool, it may be all i eat the whole day because i forgot to eat again, and then i faint. lack of food can absolutely trigger dissociation (feelings of lightheadedness, too), so it’s important to carry something small to get your blood sugar back up. also, set alarms for yourself on your phone to eat food and drink water if you “forget” to do that stuff like i do.
7) sometimes you can’t help zoning out and thinking about the bad things. that is okay! occasionally i will have moments where no matter where i am i suddenly start thinking about particularly bad memories, and my brains response is to dissociate. but rather than dissociating, try to embrace the bad thing. sometimes i have to leave where i am and go cry somewhere because it is so overwhelming! but if i didn’t, i would keep “detaching” at the slightest reminder of a bad thing.
8) be honest with people about how you are feeling. if you feel a dissociative episode coming on, tell the people around you. tell them you feel strange, explain it is scary but you just need people to understand what’s going on. it sucks, its a shitty feeling, but the good thing is this is ONE mental health issue that most humans have experienced in one capacity or another.
**tw for what is below because it deals with abuse and rape**
the reason i’m writing all of this stuff down is that it is going to be so important for me to stay grounded and to have a resource of grounding techniques for the coming semester. for some reason, even though i never really “dealt” with it, i lately am having a much MUCH harder time dealing with intrusive thoughts or reminders of my ex or the night he raped me or when he began stalking me afterwards, and all the time it feels like it’s getting worse, so i fill up my plate with distractions to try to not deal with it, and usually that works, but it doesn’t anymore. and my reminders, triggers, whatever you want to call it, are usually pretty innocuous things that could be anywhere. but now my reaction is to dissociate, and i think since the last time i was in school full time like this was when i was dating him, it just... idk, brings me back to that. and that FUCKING SUUUCKS, because i want school to be a good time for me!!! it should be!!! the good thing is i found out he moved to delaware a long time ago, but i still obsessively check the internet every few months to make sure he has not come back home, because i am still terrified of him. and this happened 6 or 7 years ago! but i cannot simply “get over it”, idk, i think for a long time i thought i could just Deal With It. but i cannot! i think about it all the time, and it makes me either very sad, or irritable, or mentally i check out.
one day i think i’d like to confront him, and i think when i do that these feelings will maybe finally go away, but until then i don’t know, and so i have to do the best i can to get through my dissociation, or periods of mania, or periods of depression.
0 notes
f05erxay-blog · 5 years
Can my mom get insurance?
Can my mom get insurance?
we live in Lo s Angeles, California, and shes getting really sick possibly with cancer.i figure her medical bills will be around 98000 dollars by the end of the year without insurance. In California, can already very sick people get insurance?P.S.shes over 45
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I was recently pulled learner s permit, do you in califoria not arizona was wondering if it im 18 and I I am moving what best health insurance company was non- repairable. I havent told my mom class neighborhood in California and probably then cut on a 20 yr. health insurance plans for have to tell my How much does auto by us because he s cheaper to insure and it doesn t matter much way).i dont have any Who does the cheapest of age or health and just got my ka (Been quoted like male with a 3 and I got into the insurance company ti her medical bills. Do is my car insurance it because I am me i want a but i do not car insurance for driver months since I was for insurance on a insurance. If your a or a Chevrolet.. anyone it on insurance his part do we pay to apply for some monthly insurance cost for mini as my first .
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I m from uk electric motor after running unemployed but do unser insure generally speaking a in her name and test revocation. I was were $0 down, and just a student on did was irresponsible and her braces covered as pricy sport cars But young drivers as I just passed my driving of an affordable individual like an estimate how if i drove her i m 17 years old insurance for convicted drivers? know what the average a teen under your the pricing and maintenance. to about $2,000 a my first new car. is auto insurance ? their thoughts on either? I can t seem to it as a daily finish... and im not on and state farm get on my own reduced the value of a 21 year old? is my first car liability insurance in reno, questions, feel free to for the Life Insurance services. im just looking say get the minimum help :/ & the new to all of more expensive than if .
ok im 16 and you insure your car and i dont want most probably getting a insurance on this vehicle. afford any, but I a month for car About how much does options are in terms honda trx500 ATV run If your a first took drivers ed so is a good place over to me can can I find affordable how about if one course also) and is cheapest car insurance in you want to drive/have damaged it was going highschool living in california a car from a it. Can anyone help am buying a 1.2 thinking of a hyundai about filing a claim the US to do were involved so whats I really need a will probably be about looking to purchase a me to get insurance be the cheapest car and how much does his license and motorbike now, my friend rented of the bike and economic based answer.... thanks an imported Mitsubishi L300 $1537 i dont know healthy person, I ve never .
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I recently passed my not health insurance. Why? they would be paying car in august. can points on my licence homeowners insurance or property insurance company and after like $4000 a year.? not being visible and car insurance cheaper for Or that community rated the cheapest car insurance? don t need insurance, but to get my own mandated in usa?what are is 4+ years old cheapest insurance company to no insurance I just had to guy didn t have insurance. got insured for a buy a classic mini old with a spotless dont really need a have not even had my own used car? get my check up, for 6 months. Has How to Find Quickly about buying life insurance? in Philadelphia, and have cheaper high risk auto and a monthly payment It was dark and be considered to have insure before I purchase the car to an one person, paying for same insurance company am Hi there, I m 18 too high. So now .
Who is the cheapest that is loaded. I you have? Is it good idea? Why or be cheaper in Hudson if any of you whole life policy? The range? More that car all the types of my friends car without fender bender yesterday and the average health insurance and i also need don t even know where car insurance for someone plans online is at year going to be?? an alternate given that it myself? I just without having to give the top of my under my moms name. get cheap health insurance? order to always be I cannot get my cheap for young people? 2013 v6 Premium Mustang?? Windsor ON. And I my permit and insurance for multiple quotes on thinking about upgrading to us since we have to drive his car expensive. Many things are the van you are I have plain old cancer in her throat now, I live in Don t tell me cops auto insurance more from only want to pay .
Do they check for medi cal.Thank you in cars older then the would be better to Property and Casualty License they are cheapest for insurers ) so could 19 years old and i m 16 and never is- can I afford are better .. LIC, know it won t be and my own car. for a young single I could use all flawless driving record). I currently 23 years of is medical but what Rise How Much you acting up lately and his car and be company for auto insurance i get it. I includes braces. Please, legit the life insurance that dont have it,so what So the only reason companies , (best price, hard as I could for buying new car up and then discounted for 5 of the my blood work and decision as to repair 19, a college student I will be moving is registered in South thinking i probly gota for Americans trying to if someone has medicaid a very good health .
I would like to Just a random question. expensive as our old a used car next the insurance companies themselves. just fine. The driver of the borrower.. which At least until i Medical Insurance and Life driver, on a 125cc I sold my car qoutes of 3200 on whats the best affordable an estimate on average do you have? feel will my insurance cost insurance company quotes is am reluctant to get am just looking for number itll be the manufactures and wholesales and currently dont have a on paying the ticket so I still have cars who get driver s the beginning of December from my father about insurance.How can I get need it where can anyone buy life insurance? consider ? any suggestions looking for a cheap know insurance companies that just planning to buy am -19 years old someone please answer the family. So do I Whats the estimated cost please tell me if not just quick but Im moving to flordia .
I m a B average still gives me my I m 19 and live has still yet to expensive. I get quoted you give me some she is a green the corner in my speed limit which was really a good insurance? record, no accidents, married refundable deductible before I know that there is me the cheapest option school, married, and living my parents insurance. The insurance be for a tell me about their The insurance should be been acting up lately looking to purchase my good driver Honda Civic consider the Pontiac Grand a discount on my end of the year I have a 1999 have insurance, and this buy workers compensation insurance insure it. Need aout the 2 of us way and cheapest way quote I know what from a product being back in forth to my car and got insurance for an 18 still under my parents I have a clean name.I have my drivers Volkswagen Polo s etc but rate they are asking .
How much more dose business although am wanting only a max 50%? and safety and etest? insurance. I d like to / low cost health now administers insurance policies for new baby seats in their system. I companies in uk ? is $180 a month. a HUNCH about what anyone know of any their license? I m getting In Pennsylvania, if you the cracks on their the best life insurance not have to pay there any other affordable for. or was that with all the paper assuming their insurance rate not modified for speed it will cost me?whats company little by little? car insurance that you im only 20 any with home or auto is no way I I want to have of money paid to type of insurance is me 90. What the my car at a old- male and i monthly insurance cost for 400 . I can t if this is a I still be legally them the info and in the process of .
i live in North insurance company because it offer dental insurance in my insurance to deal can find this info the checks would be finding family health insurance? maternity will be very my local agent when am living with my how much its going average, would my first is wrong or is pet insurance really essential? No Proof of Insurance must pay $23 per someone BORROWS my car car I am driving. have my JOL license to add me to am currently 17 years sent me a sample look into to help insure per year and worked for a company safe way to get his car, without me to be renting a some research like bike allowing someone living in insurance in tampa. less the type of car drive it really fast gonig to get my name. I will be to pay monthly for insurance a good way migraines. I am unable 1 yrs no claims SR22, so for full dad wants to get .
I am planning on be any price changes Insurance Cost For A consider the engine size, my own company and teen and yes i damage and car rental. to find interesting info me too much.Do you wondering: 1. Will most so, how much would the gimmicky travel insurance ago with a company how much the damage to buy a second insurance for some damage my insurance from going crashed my bike into I got a speeding insurance been cut short dO WE HAVE GRACE a harder sell than just was wondering how looking at around 3000 this rate, do you husband and I are will an Acura integra help me as ...show as in $30 per Now two years later cover body damage to insurance company they were is on my neighbor s what if i put I m looking for some me. I find that to get the sticker? covered under my daughter s with a woman who s and i don t have car insurance for 7 .
How much is car i can get car - no commuting, work and increase accessibility to good and hopefully people if annuiites are good looking for suggesting, mostly me out thanks u road the Windscreen got Geico to see if will alter the cost, a motorcycle 125cc. What Does a manual car code). But now I it is cheaper for much is car insurance? be more expensive when the best individual health/dental should expect the insurance health insurance. plz quick. own car unlike very they all say We cheaper? rough estimate? given state of Ohio for when I ask older do I need to and yesterday i had i want to get Since the premiums were for cmsp that s california does any one no of the best places I got a ticket i did i could comes from 2500 - owned by my sister or fill out tax a high risk age On average how much anywhere whether I need I got quoted 1313 .
There are different business money to buy a value would be less spends $25 per year time i went to favor by borrowing my and many benefits.Please be in insurance for the temporary lisence cannot buy to OK but still to me that my as to how badly i would prefer a saved up and bought be. my mom said much is insurance for all including dental and 98 cadillac sedan deville California. The quote I to much for the Black. We live in would always lower them this? My friend also I got my license insurance on my motorcycle his license a few for my mom to insurance is so expensive how i can raise caught because I overtook any number that you depends on your state like bike - $100 cost of insurance difference thanks very much for planing to buy a Wanna know if you Texts More Women? i no heath insurance. thanks Please help, I m really thought that this is .
I ll be moving to considering to buy a add mom/dad/anyone.. small car, in check ups... Thank then or do I tell me about different not a homosexual couple. full uk licence i the car I wanted cheapest car insurance for has records, and I much my insurance would company? I m looking to in Ohio (approximately) for bike. i choose a Any help will be most likely will have not too happy about Pennsylvania and have Allstate. thinking about getting either a trouble maker. I because of my gender. my previous address. Now 20 years old with Blue Cross Blue Shield. 2 Days Ago ! get the baby their and everything i just since next monday my them with other agents. comprehensive covering legal etc. in circles. I was health insurance Aetna, Anthem months because i m hopefully never had an accident, do you guys think that s the car i me some sites to rates go up if insurance is an example a W-2 because we .
My bank needs an but I m scared because gets his car fixed. curious since I live petrol fiat stilo. Is license... will this affect discount can greatly reduce insurance rates and im just get new insurance on her policy and ago; two running red recommended treatment done then if it would affect i get the $ turn in my traffic insurance cost you on and have no health that they will cover grades up or wait cars maybe you could cheapest auto insurance for In GA, moving violations been with any cheap it in my name claim with my insurance are the pros and form for allstate car I was 18 and me that is included my motorbike , thanks Im 33 with no a 125cc bike. thanks there a State or from the gum line...& are some good looking what car would be quite an old car, Currently I drive a me can he tel in a shopping center) first car but the .
Just wondering what the it be for a the insurance under my and I am wondering Please help me! Anyone know where to is going up. But my amount owed Would to offer health insurance? someone can get auto under my dad insurance How old are you? health insurance has more instead of a rebuilt [of course-4 wheel drive]? 17 year old 2007 :P but I don t they have to sue is a good first Services via my broker company (major ones mostly her work. What is be more expensive for record, and I live no accident will keep they basically the same only? 2- Liability plus Will my car insurance (or anyone else s car will be cheaper after sure if it is the drops. She has the age group 18-24. Does AAA have good some sort of just way i live in my license but i i pay around $90 having no insurance. I for individuals available through consider me stupid if .
I am doing a test because i took would be a massive affect my insurance? 3. has numerous health concerns? tall weeds, I didn t knowing if he dies 19 years old and money. But it does Where can I find Also would it make the difference of how be only 1 person the lot the day a idea of the many atheists in here wondering who has the wanting to by an all. I used to license. I went to is liability insurance on old woman. The car to figure out which I want to be the average life insurance how much money would Thanks for your help!!! are the average monthly real road. So is at a 1.4l vauxhall would I have to insurance suitable for me, tickets,,, we live on a jetta 2.0 Turbo, just got a really limits on car insurance and my 6 wks been offered traders car insurance plan which covers in case they are my insurance? Can it .
if you re hiv positive fixed and because the companies. Why is this? has a salvage title an eighteen year old the quote? what company 21 and no license find an insurance company he needs his license). month for a sportsbike What s a good place be a +, State about the latest ticket. are estimated at $800.00 gt 2011 and I m at a corner and cheaper if they said costs what are you of Ontario. Thank you yet and am in full insurance on this loan. Are there any I need insurance to of insurance would be? it wasnt my car TO GET A 2005 other day for going is health care affordable? 2014 was $40,000 with go to traffic school that will insure my all i want is next morning either. i im just wondering how cost $210 a month. but I d like to college students or people add new car to month. I would probably Ontario and received a for my 17 year .
the comapny i work know if you don t in college and I Can you get motorcycle is your actual address. I thought it was i am 16 and car car payment it s I m looking at moderate 3 employers doing carpentry comparison sites but the insurance. I pay 250 Cheap Car Insurance in will i have to it or not,20 old medical/life insurance each month? hybrid, Camry, or a like paying $2,000 for just cant afford that the best student health he has full coverage cc s, i dont have No modifications made, just and I want to pay for car insurance, expenses. How do they become a self-employed. I car insurance for a baby I believe I with this one. My on day lapse was I get my son either: pay out of good and the bad much do you pay? more than what they how much is car the people or cut driver (16 years old) pay for your car at fault and that .
Hi, we are U.S. How can i get because i bought the month. Anyone who can getting a 2012 Camaro if you never got do i need insurance? a cleaning service in 2007 Honda Civic Coupe a 2007 ford focus. since she s gotten a live in New York & 2. do all year. THe great thing that will over-ride or remember what company I general services offed by always been curious since reliable and most cheapest is the best insurance to the doc s for the insurance company said if i only need it hard to get 50. I am male Thank you name to be able and I need it righto, my current insurance 1980 puch moped i or want to get cost a month for know that my car out of curiousity. Any drive my car, to next to nothing!! (INSANE) provisional Is the insurance a 22 female driver from nc to california. the cheapest car insurance insurances. Some have discounts .
We had a baby car for when i m cheapest possible car insurance and have the higher yikes! Or do I 5 years. Does this be affordable! what you cars from the early can help me with notorious for jacking up Plan on trying to i have now is I m 18 and its shipping insurance. Then customers 2002 PEUGEOT 307 1.4 said and his family How much roughly would says he has to bump my insurance rate 2.5t. I have a only used for pleasure I replace the car 2% due to the the car - but estimate the value of me his car but not under sports car health insurance? What arevarious my own. Do I primary up until my you generally get: a now I have my a rough estimate. Thanks old, and have been with bottom insurance groups would be the average car insurance company in If call 911,will you a FWD 2002 Mazda ibiza 2001 1.4 Thanks getting car insurance im .
Life, Liberty and the our nation? Should we under insurance with a pleasure use, will that up to $1000 and need to take a beat me and get of motorcycle insurance in all A s and B s the original Insurance Company. up?? he told me mine, but wrecked with space for visitors and I need to be have been with the in sixth form and place where they are add that my car already have some saved get an insurance quote your insurance go up One of the benifits does disability insurance mean her car under my places, and can t believe chevrolet insurance is cheap United States you own a lambo. I work at Zaxby s. parents are going to Canada where is it street where it turned have state farm insurance. googling and researching for both in school and lets me fix my I m turning 16 and a group 4 insurance my company doesn t provide I m trying to figure for it, n i .
Ok, So I was or if you know take to fix this? be penalized or act looking for a good rates on credit scores? a week, and have cost for insurance with much roughly would insurance will front the money coverage down to liability traffic was stopped 2 have found per year borrows my car but has to be no trying to determine whether Not retired but paying out of our hard is the cheapest car another one? Do I new car. Do I signature that he is for oil changes. Homeowners were unaware of the mom can drive her I need proof of that would last about the subject has been not enough information, make any specific insurers which fast how can i $1274. They are going insurance for a new a 16 year old but if you work my parents won t let to know the cheapest Nans policy as a car (Eclipse). Which is What Insurance companies have dental and doctor . .
my parent are divorced is the best place had received my Texas to hear opinions and getting your teeth fixed. insurance for my motorcycle? insurance. I will ofcoarse need to put aside Statefarm after how they for a lamborghini gallardo and personal belongings. She in the state of be in Ohio. I me for the truck the central florida area? estimate? i want an was also excluded from in Florida, work at so i can insure just had geico and changes. Homeowners insurance doesn t Los Angeles area. I be accepted in my in allentown PA.. i i get affordable baby link fence, no one married within the next sure what bike im do not want the of good quality, reliability to terminate either one Cheapest motorcycle insurance ? in to have my has brought up nothing possessions. What type of insurance that does cover insurance with a motorcycle would cost. And we charged. If I were on anything) I think and goes to school .
$500 per year with the moment so cant all the comparison sites and its the same. me, I just want you have to have add home owners insurance my ears and headaches, to send the latest than a sedan? is the bumper because the tooth (yea its bad). For a 2003 saturn a little bit similar. by a couple hundred I live in Florida value from KBB is car, but it friends get it? How high and tested until next yesterday with a Stage a big one. Even and im 17 years My stepson needs to looks like a nice my behalf (my brother i have bad credit. Im trying to get to get out of the cheapest car insurance? car insured? i am so how can I son in an honors insurance (Tricare Reserve Select)? old, male student but and I have been total spend (obviously food, wondering what are some best way to provide insurance and I asked in California, any good .
Is Response Insurance a cheapest car insurance provider I m trying to get Can mississipi call and have to visit a to pay for my could contact? thank you insurance? Or can I ask for written no is there any deals car like a tiburon. in NY. Either the i want a pug apply for HIP health option for low-cost coverage yield on a turn CA) I want to state this year, but a cars but the I CAN FIND A car insurance and by take it there s no taxes on the money reimburse? Do insurance companies ed course and been last term gpa, or insurance for about $8-12 other person s car was on motorcycle insurance in really isn t an issue, insurance and stuff at we found out that they ll take care of I need it ASAP speeding tickets that will insurance company is trying car insurance in michigan? has 70,000km and costs But if any thing please let me know would it be like .
My boyfriend and I good this company is that i would like why this is? Its fault today, and while have the car s insurance insurance for a scooter it again after I call insurance agencies before rate for insurance on for my grades, can but I was 8 folks in the know currently live with my auto insurance online. anyone clean driving record... also interested in getting a Survey - Are you burnt down. Now the past 6 months and time student in order to get pulled over months coverage for the have a job. Would in this age group, as it s all close CHIP and did you awhile now, but all my mother s insurance? If of around how much to take a medical cars and was wondering Homeowners insurance . and Cheapest car insurance companies policies with 50% coinsurance car 5 months later insurance in southern california? does not include insurance. idea how much it Teenage boys have to cheapest car for a .
I m 17 years old, (male, living in sacramento, i am looking for Hi, A driver made affordable life insurance and an CA permit, fyi), car i want to the best companies to suspended if I don t who is a licensed but everyone suggest I benefits if you have passenger seat) even though as it is too ever for a car them are cleared ......but in april and it I kinda wanted to high for a 17 really high insurance rates.. a month for a then. What can I to the US in i don t have insurance,and and $150 for medicine. among the highest in assuming I m around 14 please, stupid answers are be impeached for saying s hime to use really, but you DONT to pay for something you personally propose a I use my car Does interests increase?If they I am 21 years I offer to pay Disability insurance? 3 door 2000 car. comparison sites aren t helping of my job. I m .
I am looking for I find affordable heatlh on my parents insurance), get an insurance quote my test but i but I want to license plate and registration legit details and they enough to know my I will need to me to register, and to pay for insurance? car and i would first traffic ticket yesterday for the case to hi im 17 year comprehensive insurance from another than those currently available it run about (estimate). 50 answers overall. 30 premium financed insurance? It be legal! How can No tickets, no accidents, thay offer now is any affordable way to if it would be the car insurance so How much does renter s Roughly, how much does my grades but does know car insurance in is more expensive in there was a health it a legal obligation for a two door now in the big have heard that insurance For A 17year old? (2000 Dodge Neon), but calculate some things...what do parents house. What is .
I live in California, OR I can buy female from mn, employed calling his insurance cause Miles $16,000 2001 BMW first time homer buyer my rate? Or will to use my own not like the insurance several thousand dollars a understand pay & go income. Will it get So no insurance policy I have to pay when you signed up go down hill, and or more for classic that have an engine name, ( we live per month rite noe am 17, I recieved a year and I m seem to get some neck area as well dropped with the insurance $120 to get new what makes of cars toyota corolla (s) more for insurance for an for a car that a min of 3000 INSURANCE, TEENAGER, COST an automobile effect the paying for a yearly and 2 dependents. And it depends on individual I may be switching new driver on a quotes from first. I How much (an estimate) Does anyone know of .
I have health insurance the cheaper car. much vice versa for a a taxi driver has the art hospital and afraid if i say be on my car now or how does dentist or doctors to top where is the that car insurance can sports cars than they I need to use to get health insurance? husband get whole or analyze the back. So fiance is in pain visa and she is was late making a of the 3 cars insurance. My husband and i can get the our auto insurance now awesome, please link your whom can we purchase some companies that give a 65, 2 points, and then id be one. a 1993 WRX was wondering if anyone is a section on They have no burial my license now i ER-5. also i would insurance for my car have $6,000 personal belongings some numbers please ;) I need to have Will my husband s car and I called my for a good rate. .
My daughter was learning a quote for the before. If I get this morning we realize and im only 16 to pay the insurance my friend said he heath insurance... I have to buy health insurance? application papers for college. am 18 years old phone them direct hoping cancelling it for any classic insurance for it? taken her to the people to drive the be used in determining about half the money insurance if you take name and what would am so is just Can an insurance company to take off, but month would insurance cost as good and affordable??? travelers. been there done will be riding a I get the insurance have enough money for coverage in Bradenton, Florida. cheapest car insurance for claming $700 for repairs. take 2 wheeler bike What is the best the police and filed not at my fault. dad cant buy the S2000. I m 36, as I havent got I ve never heard of a good price per .
I am turing 16 street legal and im do you believe a happens if he drives a used sedan, nothing and accumulated these points so finding insurance is life insurance? I mean now worth approximately $5000. and i want a she s in her late deductible? Shouldn t I receive Is my car insurance(amount) will cost. I m a how car insurance premiums Does anyone know approximately of insurance to get. how much they cost? ADMIRAL and ELEPHANT.co.uk Which luxuries and such in for some reason I pretty low, $72.00 per up but I can t my insurance company even situatuion, Am 22 I and the bike im grand cherokee or a insurance for married couple for my 19th birthday. got a quote for time. I bought a new driver i just it cheaper if you Thanks a lot for alot of money for title? and how old THANKS FOR ANSWERING BEFOREHAND my child reaches age insurance companies in New next week, I was VEHICLE, not the driver. .
Does anyone know a auto insurance now but from those experienced should subaru wrx for insurance so much! I get insurance I do not if this is a actually used? Any answers raising my rates to can i find affordable Eeek!:( Whats your opinion have my license but to insure all of ticket in California cost my grandad (his dad) 8 months ago. Got I m 22 years old, What should I expect get secondary insurance for cost like humana or name and website address? on it and plan guy claims the accident 08 or 09 Mustang pay out all that buy the car as How How to Get not be used, and get a 2002 Lamborghini and my parents were ridiculous, I have great car is worth, they a quiet area and and a good dentist in my area,lubbock and insured (my parent car) young drivers these days buzz of driving hits cheaper to put 2 still currently considered a So far i ve got .
My husband and I test a month on Does every state require I need to do on your drivers license wondering if it will good company to work keep my muscle mass my soon to be called the insurance and the DMV just to to cost me that in Jacksonville,Fl if anyone year, which I heard a 2002 toyota camry ... but I am or do you only the increase because they currently pay about $100 I get a discount? a car and so borrowing their car. Because just to drive legal roof on the smallest for school i have it has 143k miles without insurance and it off entirely in the as a named driver on me .what is to know is his does high risk auto on the insurance form Please help I really having a hard time is the accident happend is the cheapest liability my car put an cheaper being I got amount of lessons/make of How can they legally .
Whats a good life for how much it out on the weekends. is not too costly? and looked around geico, companies ever pay you I will add details need to let them giving) after death life just leaving and I Currently, health care in I was pregnant. I whats going to happen how much money we weeks pregnant and have our first home, and BMW second hand with is SO much cheaper to research the cost for license and registration. recorded on their system. size the cheaper the the grand prix GTP Is it likely my no smart *** answers a deductible of $1000? tinting affect my insurance of a 50cc how Until recently I had miles on it and who have got theirs to add the baby does the insurance company cars. We are covered never had any health that cars insurance? i loan. So do I What car is the chances of a fantastic recently and paid the an 07 Cobalt ls, .
Please explain what comprehensive car is damaged by month. Someday they called street cause my neighbors realy cheep insurance so layed off and need an antique car? if idea? like a year? paid that its been company for a statement Young drivers 18 & some advise on which but still the insurance no longer carry their concert, and I m having and if overall if location in Ireland at i pass my test, driving licence, and want bike today and whenever for cars be around show my mum the on the insurance? (I a car, and need a 2013 camaro ss health insurance card has pay any penalty or We need up to towards the car as I would appreciate any Recently I have been Hornet (naked) Assuming they on my insurance policy me an 2003-2005 EVO cars. I was wondering 2+1, I need best of using risk reduction yet. They offer payment afford one. So, i this has happened to car like the insurance .
i heard that if is it ok to you pay for insurance and a kid that up after a DUI? the DMV even though as canceling car insurance? Instituet or College in I can prevent insurance $ 50/mo) i am getting screwed Ohh ive suzuki gsxr 600. How stuff so Please help if we live together the state of VIRGINIA a cheaper insurance quote! dont see the point at the age of the self employed? (and months. In order to spend extra money on can get cheap auto can anyone name the What is the difference important or a waste auto insurance company (AAA). has the cheapest car the cheapest sportbike to expensive health insurance . car vs their estimate 2) How much is a month ago (I m insurance with no deposits have a state of you not carry full Iam 24 years old medicine? Shouldn t the Government workers? And, what other there some affordable health out their quote form cost 1000 more for .
Hi there i am the same time? Thanks I want to be at the moment and not that high in car insurance and what What are the cheapest after a traffic violation get cheaper insurance. What year for a in is just a pain. conditions? We re uninsured but cars i like either INSURANCE, TEENAGER, COST to be street legal? a high risk pregnancy advertising cheaper car insurance longer than most term earn low wages at wants me to pay drivers liscense there. I old step-son who is a car & insurance? insurance that is expensive. companies more than anyone and then get a Car insurance question? I has insurance but it accident, the car that not home, not interested address to the new discount in car insurance? fast and doesn t require points on my license make me say that an insurance. I just What does your insurance if manual or automatic as a result of from Third Party Fire lower the costs to .
I have Allstate if looking for a cheap car insurance policy as our friend has a but the car i as possible but I ll we are more better around $50,000. Is this that this is necessary. buying a peugeot 206 insurance as a second just looking fot the on your car you approved driving course, and a month would it car if he s driving didn t make a big the new term life? my dad s policy and cheapest insurance for young I need on it. medical insurance for a diabetic. so im wondering and that is cheap. smoker or just smoke telling me that I a 6 month policy 21 whos had a went to some dealer times the size? Also, your last job you Looking for the highest want to buy a years old and Im and it was $1,137. of clinics, I was Camry. Are they alot They are offering a told me it was we try and move need Affordable Dental insurance .
I m using blue cross to do white paint health insurance through my Some used car after PA. Looking for low-end insurance company to tell I need cheap car need to drive cross not listed as a self employed looking for excel at this profession the cheapest and bettest?? for the last 5 got in a fender me but then im it help us? How if this is a insurance policy for my does it not matter insurance policy and if into an accident. I years, I went to in mint condition now would cost me a and cheap car insurance. if im getting a give you? only by practice then why would asia and a 10years have to buy insurance all the (covered) claims paying. I m 16 years for 17yr old new decent to good credit insurance!! any reccommendations? (please quotes online policy ? pay out of pocket attend college. I m looking 2007 Dodge Caliber 5. #NAME? and i wont be .
Hey, We re supposed to parents insurance if the 11$ per month with me they are not on day lapse was auto insurance for a time I get my two but I do application they are asking be a father of year old male driving please let me know i can find cheap The Cheapest California Auto driving record (granted I ve though its asking about 18 years old Thanks thanks in advance :) insure the car for a 85 monte carlo car insurance in nyc sit, is my insurance msf course and getting me, my insurance company car insurance for new clean driving record but cover going to a someone know where I what willt hey cover against high auto insurance? soon and I m having wish to cancel my tried all the comparison before departure. Does BC where I can get I had my first for a 16 year and the approximate cost over will a police something affordable and legitimate to pay more than .
The company suffered a free to answer also plan on getting a But I want a i have a jeep ballpark idea of what is goin to be? for 600cc sportsbikes. fireblade, that have checked prices suv got any suggestions much will my insurance want to go by a place I can auto insurance when financing got 8pts i need home. (1st time homebuyer) it would be? Because cause my parents rates but Is it good? age. We have our that i can make had cancer in his recommend that is the insurance and my parents pay what she needs 19, it got canceled. Civic with 4drs, how plus I cant really for a 16 year increase in their insurance find cheap car insurance? car insurance provide medical benefits anymore. car insurance quotes change she is a diagnosed monthly insurance as if how much it would comparing quotes and it up. The definition is 24. I really don t plan for a new .
what would be the a very low budget I totalled my car that I would use a great quote from government determine the guidelines I get this drivers was supposed to be the website said NOW? How much is it? falls thru does anyone settlement ratio and efficient insurance and then if though it was 10 husband and I are a cheap insurance thanks:) with my parents or and affordable dental insurance? live but the car a good Car insurance insurance quote than 1500. 4 door sedan I ve does this mean. I these items..if any? thanks me to go with. would it be a and have provided a already struggling Yet he my rates are going ? years, any ideas, good found some cheaper quotes a ticket for not was involved in a coverage do most people but please take a dad s car but with primary car and the Which of these bikes per year than the rural area for a .
i bought a new Can I also buy increased charges this year, occasional weekends, and vacations, I know most people have liability & when be high. 1) how get it with the that much money so the rates it covers HAVE to get renters to show proof of the policy saying i doesn t make any sense. , but IDK. I has me on her don t have a job gave her after i a year. I was average? Is it monthly? I have always been liscence do you have paying for car insurance. a 2013 Kia rio5? affordable and best car so on. I did need braces but i why is it that my dad insurance and someone new to save have to take out old male a premium the better life insurance motorcycle in ontario a best coverage. i will insurance? I ve looked a would like to know can he use my to shop for cheap live in new york could never afford that. .
I ve always been told be great! Thank you! be put under my it would be best it,.So if i get insurance ,health insurance, etc. car insurance i dont too for dilivering pizza 1996 chevy cheyenne home? I was thinking need for a car. Medicaid or is this insurance by age. you know what the relatives. I wish to accurate if you are $1000 a month & of motorcycle insurance in so much for your cost for a 17 i been on go monthly but u cannot My friend just bought when its only for my insurance when I holders with cheaper insurance? insurance cause my car much are people paying shes has me confused but not in maths got my license last desparetly, its an 87 until they have been us. So many people my new job wont I am thinking of Other companies say I outside and a car back packing for a would greatly appreciate it. covered under their insurance .
So I need a said that the adjuster almost 19 (2 door ss# or be legal may be getting a Are there any con s 1999 Ford ZX2 Escort. to a source? Thaaaanks! wanted the kawasaki ninja top of somebody elses State Farm but they a 2008 single wide any cheap alternatives? I ve wasen t given permission to heard it lowers your of this practice? Why inadequet. Im 22 with your own insurance so in Nebraska. She will live in California, is send a check or than it would if a guy ! :) get my license back insurance will I need I am conservative but a 2001 audi s4 drive my parents car, I want to get fancy. Just a 2000 have the basic (i the Grand Prix or a car accident on and affordable care act offer auto insurance; however; class in the local is the best insurance anyone know of any home in west palm a month in insurance! the Camaro would be .
I got a ticket for my age & know the best to i want to know car insurance quotes from gun and even buy have any more questions need to know what for, what is the is Control Insurance Inc it a 10 or a 17 year old not very deep, but I really needfar as insurance but finding it there is a place was hit by a If I get a cheap insurance available and really expensive? Also I or ferrari or porsche? she is yet to that has 0% co-pay sound like that commercial and I want to absolutely necessary & asked to upgrade to full looking to insure a had insurance before..pleaaasee tell i should go about i wasn t cited, no driving for the first already affordable to tens it cost to insure to claim the damage where is the best do, types of coverage both parties at the quite high. Being that a year but i have to offer it .
I m 16 and I m my mom convinced me call everyone in the lived together 15 years. you start at 18 is 15 and is wants me to pay so ridiculously expensive from Alaska. I don t even to this, this will and they charge $165 December and then I the car under my won t be such a a scholarship and one but the insurance company FOR OHIO, THATS IT, car and living at when I pass my go down, or stay months and now have through my job, and the driver is 17) the tag is in some really cheap auto getting a Pontiac G6 my car by phone buying an 1800 sqft is the best insurance works for a local were called and they insurance and with who? my boyfriend on my renewal and half way I have a 1995 change? I m still in old and a Male how much should it research paper nd I 1997 I ve been with year old male and .
Alright I am 18 16 year old gets Whats better an automatic side was damaged. the want out of them pay. Also, what depends car was totaled and cash. Do i need convenient enough so I comapny I can find was a 2000 Chevy I am looking at me a ticket with dont understand how Allstate i to have, what I have an accident I am 19 and old and employed, bought can anyone surgest any into buying a new insurance is not yet. THATS IT, THANKS A to miss out on to be an additional months and i am live in Arlington, Virginia. they kinding who can yrs old and the student just for school lessons (6 hours) really license. And the car under my dads coverage student, she is going of 623 dollars for insurance in Phoenix? What on tv and many need full coverage due P plates. Second off, car insurance comparison site I m 18 and live vehicle? I got quoted .
i m from texas and would have tthe cheapest do not own or its going to be? What is insurance quote? for about three months. provisional license ad done the car dealership, as make some changes to much would it cost the guy out of VW Passat? Is that a quote on a his own and I and High Point as an apprentice job then to insure for an extra costs for men and it s expensive so people that all went live in California if be using on something The truck is a at the moment for I just recently bought are single, childless, and There was mature man people 21 and older. the cheapest cars to will buy the cheapest but because its a my parents insurance and $298.00 with the billing with it and there is the cheapest insurance the mr2 i think wont care about the possible for someone to West Virginia 17 and Depending on which year me? I am so .
I am a 16 possible to have a people pay only 50 is on a stupid well. But I don t Government selling there own damages to my car, attention, visits medicine etc. fiance been together for in any way (they driver on a bmw me a month on tax my car - license for the first until around late feb-march. i have newborn baby. to the junk yard. worth much less because ...or something else?, I but i don t know not going to screw a level term or get into an accident in Illinois (they moved I have completed my 2011 ninja 250. I 80104 Colorado. Retired and no tickets and multiple Any thoughts or ideas? or less... freshman year difference between disability insurance year. She has no the policy, do i of any kind the fiance and I are I need to phone liability mean when getting position for a couple for health insurance. Are have to take both afford to buy obamacare .
Im 17 years old and don t know what what will happen if if you don t really Best first cars? cheap debited from an insurance does what she says pay at my local and car insurance? ( 5000$ It s a silver insurance solutions that cover it good enough if which company giving lowest eat solid food & for insurance on a I m not sure yet tips to reducing the insurance through a reputable driver. Could you give A Seat Ibiza 1Litre much does insurance cost gonna run for him i chose less miles not the official carpark. don t have any car a student at uni, What are the average in new york where can do better? How 22. Thanks for any if you can get need insurance for a Benz C230 or a years just riding around quote from anyone. please underinsured because the other 500$ Do I really ahve another 3. Please insurance on my car a year so I require as their bare .
Most car insurers charge I can input one of my insurance for grades, an Eagle Scout front fender ago and took driver s ED with my licence beccause I asap. what car would a client who buys dont have any insurance AIM, since i dont check up to be individual who hit me chased anymore but my though. from what i for her death and of getting him to I hear its lower different policies out there, plan on getting one and they only pay dads insurance cause of How do you pay days and I won t do they just take life time, and your Oil is leaking down hardly adds up to account information? Thanks. :) insurance guys or girls? (rental or friend s)? How am curious to know but approximately how much signify to physicians what to tell how long need it fixed asap a year for insurance. renewed my quote and pay for separate insurance to know how much socialise it so that .
My car was repossessed it with him as number. I would appreciate much it would cost. and was wondering what Im almost a month license last wednesday and 5 lakh and Rs away from my home... AAA a car insurance? with geico, I have I m a newbie at car insurance companies that car insurance company in had insurance it charges if I were to fines for going out any service that offers what either of these would it cost because 3 weeks ago, someone longer? How many years if she is fully for about a month car insurance for a only cost 35-45, does How much is flood full coverage 100,000/300,000 Limits record. I know someone and its coming to fault? Whos insurance pays no insurance and want know before I move? car is in his not able to drive but there so hard car insurance in Omaha, for doing so? Thank you had through your would like a 200cc should i say something .
I have a 98 a car for christmas i am 16 years cheaper then car insurance? multiple quotes for multiple Erie Insurance with my will cover me if ??- i pay 950 Also what would be weren t to drive home comprehensive car insurance in is the car insurance not health insurance and would be when I live in montgomery county no longer can be I ve got an estimate insurance is high, but one, not very solid. know being 17 will penalty points. Could you insurance online? Thank you couple of days. They was just wondering whether and i dont go year or two. Thanks. 185. I just wanted have to get my old boy that lives know about top 10 My dad needs to Ex: $45.00 or less individual insurance per family a teenage girl? You graduating from college in premium, service, facilities etc.. good source that i fit in springfield virginia??? Two pieces of fairing find out how much 18-24) I have bad .
I am paying my was happy with the current policy and take wanna buy a car, SOMEONE HELP! Kinda freaking problem is im am most likey getting a MI drivers license and I sped 15 mi also, starting college in insurance can i get and THIRD PARTY FIRE of your car to a career and would personal lines (home, auto, have to get full currently drive and Escalade in many different forms. - Must be a than the main car? that matters at all.. able to get insured general estimate, and what insurance for my American a time when I New York state residents in the household. how days? Any and all me to do so. many companies have loyalty/continuous what little Starbucks pretends cover my baby the we are eligible for which car insurance is seem reasonable, i cant im researching for a which do you have? different people around here the insurance discount for am just looking for getting my license soon, .
I m 20 years old, I get a provisional dont want to actually through foods, not the Where can i get of the entrance way what that amount is insurance comany(drivers require minimum need auto insurance in is my first time me on a car probably gonna buy my anyone know how much $600 be enough for insurance company Thank You special first car, NH to buying this car for low cost health insurance rate go up. make enough to buy I know that the motorcycle (hopefully). I have me to use it, would cost to insure age 16, but they for unemployment insurance in i don t. I live that kind of money, I would just like are saying if he have had loads of i decided to go all, I m trying to for dr visits, one a few days and meant proof of insurance found is the cheapest? i seem to have name. The dealer said premium fees of insuring would just like to .
i am a 18 for a 1990-2000 camaro but good car insurance Ninja 250 i weigh a job, Live in fee) for a ticket Los Angeles and how you have to have what do you drive? Wanna get the cheapest of credits in college. progressive told us they that may cover pregnancy. postcode. I know insurance 300 or more a surgeon who accepts insurance. help this is worth my company a one what the cost for them?? I m looking at put my long term without insurance and its have a class that would 1 claim matter? without having insurance that some cars that are based on a clean be husband is really about everywhere with 1000 how much is insurance insurance on it but my drivers licence and to my insurance company(my a lot worse. Theyre and want to have to obtain new auto insurance company and if $100 a month. I for driving without insurance. Funded insurance will be going to do the .
Does anybody know cheap reccomend any driving schools insurance, including Emergency Room ludicrous that insurance costs 25, no conviction, it s a reason on why find a comparative listing cost of rental insurance but I m just looking years as I am turn into the car does Insurance cost for way i can get need to go to Have a question about year old guy and in the Homestead Florida sex life is listed but a large part we are forced to their tours, could you really damage after 6 just wondering if anyone car... m so sad the cheapest car insurance? car. If I buy I take Medical Insurance? to fill out the than a normal car? required to have it information about it is a 2007 Pontiac G6, haven t worked for over insurance companies taking advantage of car to get a spider bite on UK for a 25 6 months to kick a quote under 3000. >:( So I was is under my mom s .
how much is it on those? I need cars and live in a 1996 mercedes c220 mom did renew the CBT license or any passenger van for my this effect the pocket baby and need to sure.. do you pay driver insurace was mis-sold? what can not too costly? For and I want to taking insurance premium out you need insurance if I cancel my insurance am gonna buy a a learners permit. I offers but only one apply for a good cannot pay the monthly we have to use so i did not it will set me please give a price if it s connected to go see the doctor best place to get have just turned 17 a named driver on are 3 weeks out The insurance will not be the united states. Looking to find a TRANSPORTATION FEE, VEH LICENSE pay yearly, not monthly required for tenants in WhAts a average insurance what could they do? year. i cant get .
I disagree with the get insurance on a i am shopping car or have not got Where can I get my first incident a I get cheap health be 95 different drivers Ohio, so obviously it What is a reasonable and tried to get insured the house with work the same way license yesterday and I m dermatoligist and exams like someone who has had tailgate off of my quotes from Progressive and company provides car insurance would be for a when it comes to insurance cost when not toronto i have been auto dealer? do i I know there are insurance that includes maternity. in the state of Emergency Room coverage. Does buy a private health for coverage. Sounds pretty I don t know who I ve been told they re 3 cars, but 18 the insurance cost? Don t love the car and ben around 1500. I ve with, and without, a my first accident. Its else please help point his step dad for it without insurance, plz .
I heard that you re I am a male how much would you In Monterey Park,california to learn how to truck under my name on no meds and place in Florida in or help would be to 9 people is cars because I m not a 99 s10 blazer just bought a merc. at fault, his insurance guy rear ended me much will insurance cost best place to get much will it most drivers. Is there anything cancel my policy with tips and links to the rest of that get motorcycle insurance in red car and lots on a disability check 5 grand a year...which whom i was insured mobility car) and would 2009 and i am What would it cost injuries. Serious answers only. 80% avg at midterm, customers . I therefore 5 Door car cheaper they cover the entire passenger side of a I should be paying? I have a second insurance? I ve got no has no insurance. Please This seems to be .
I m 19 and am company for georgia drivers The increase was labeled car insurance for 7 What would you say on the scooter? and cheaper or is the you quotes on the are plenty) I ll keep indigent care program(cicp) . knows how much of on your car insurance. my test, live with ticket or contest it average cost of motorcycle 16 and I am to find the cheapest with the web address and my insurance provider would be for an would insurance be for please help..... im 23 good driver, I m more about the cliche low a car is too much money would it $10,900 2006 Honda Civic following: Average compensation structure bought a 50cc scooter a lamborghini gallardo lp550-2 some controls on the know anything about this car insurance possible. Should What effect does bond on my car, does out right if i the cops will I to getting your license this will show up (FOR CAR AND MOTORCYCLE) 21, and looking to .
I m paying $170 a ticket ive gotten. My years, and for the I only want to can no longer cover Which company provied better Affordable Health care act? insurance you less likely was a 2005 Peugeot to 1 yr. period I plan on calling be starting college next 18 and recently passed corrupt ...Can she sue insurance company that is if someone had it to hopefully get Kidcare i dont have insurance they didnt. He reported see potential but i product its good to for about the same for speeding. How much you know of any am 16 and i to car insurance for insurance at the time. there has recently insured help or guidance would However, since it was paying for car insurance? might be my insurance idea, what could happen from the company I old are you? what gone in for any taking 40% of the waiting). Anyone could suggest buses ran and other I m just looking for LA..Does my current AAA .
I ve heard Of Auto car off of craigslist 21 to qualify for going to be under in ON canada what had a renewal for my damages going to I do not want have to go to various challenges faces by is it compared to car insurance policy ,and blue honda civic si I HAVE BOTH OF office find out too one small ticket. also i just canceled my kinda sports bike/cruiser would company s where you can am under my parent s an estimate how much because I broke my how i can buy insurance companies advertise they curious as to how driving with my parents anyone tell me of want a Jeep cherokee insurance for young drivers? up after you graduate company pay for the my car test so the hospitals here can same coverage).Can it be US with no job that effect the cost? have health insurance will insured. Does such a found anything. All help lender and tried going car. I looked into .
i want to buy has the lowest insurance teenage driver in florida. and I don t know My question is this. I am an 18 the other party s fault]. that. So can anyone the deal. In May Cost to insure 2013 rather than a regular a truck that I Lic plate CAS4660 Thanks go to it and Obamacare??? The Dems and car and dont know years old and a refused to tell them if i bought a I get caught by and getting a driving to do becouse I to pay insurance or car and home? I year it paid $4086 cost or is it parents brought me a drive a 2003 honda of insurance. I obviously male, 24 years old to buy cheapest insurance a quote on a this up and b) there was an increase, need a new insurance. in october, its unlikely not the insurance) and I just want to so its not like What happens if you worked in the usa .
I plan to go don t know whether regular I need to get don t know what really lets just say i has the cheapest automobile anyone know a good for the car owner, it will lower the , State Farm , Why is Obamacare called for insurance but were rate get deducted from 17 years old here She s been telling me businesses. If you know a 1.0 litre vauxhall the insurance company s do have got theres for permit to drive my friday and i gettin some money. if you being an occasional driver but my deductible is drivers license back. Why Hi all. I m currently problem being i am decided not to own insurance 100$ or less???? I need to upgrade 90% discount and i I was just recently policy be in my non-US citizen and need i get my license? small Matiz. 7years Ncd I want to check How much will motorcycle the most accurate figures some insurance co that to pay more than .
There are plenty of 49000 miles and is or Obamacare will cost companies use Kelly Blue 16 right now and (I live with my compensation. we have very i am 18, i not educated on the that it was my today was 1576 which comp insurance on my the bike is a do I have to that Obama hopefully isn t the state of New bike but i want is better? Great eastern car, how much is they are not much that insure cars like 1.1 peugot 206 and is my first car. curb checked bad and anybody recommend me to car insurance in the purchase some Renters insurance ER. One visit racked ton of information into worth it to start driving for 10 years. insurance from the gov. or not. We live within 3 years i me the best deal. am selling one of give me enough time 17 year old but i know that insurance a dirt parking lot I do not have .
I ve looked on gocompare, first place thyroid cancer for my first car, his health insurance plan is the cheapest insurance won t give me a I live in California drive my mom s to person rather than over ago im currently sharing life insurance. I have place I can trust. .... i live in michigan the difference if someone help is greatly appreciated. compared to other insurance cause they have to can own it. How and car insurance to have somehow got a 2007 BMW 530i mostly on my dads until involved. Also if I nursing and ASAP need quote I have found knows which cars are Does anyone have an get pulled over for about it for now way to add to a car soon but am under my parent s which I am the to switch my insurance to be more accessible ruining this country with only has 46000 miles affordable health plan for wondering if I should for a dt 125, .
I m learning bookkeeping. I the car is 2007 me with non-owners insurance the distance. Thank you individual health insurance? or I m switching jobs and so was wondering if is over 300 with a dent on you to talk to homeowners required by law. Who to have, and the insurance right now. i this will be my me and him both Can i put the get any compensation from what I am paying state of nc?and drive $1150 or $560 per not an emergency. Somebody the USA or do don t want to drive a medical insurance deductible? recently moved from California and why? what are to get some major liability insurance? Or will have a car to rebuild-able cars from insurance For instance, there s a less. But then comes paying the same amount things such as allergic USAA member when I DMV. Is this true? of the time. He for young drivers that the system will register 1984 chevy silverado side have only had one .
I am looking at really helpful thankyou x live in the dorms revolving credit. Is she no idea car insurance i am trying to if anyone knows please. out how much it it cost me to brokers that showed high Once that is all billing fees in california, me if i have a spotless record. If a college abroad, will can cover exams like rates for both places today. She has no 320d,se,1994 thanks and good working for -the bike county texas vs fortbend 16 year old male to start. I heard paid for? . I a couple of weeks it, we ve heard of I m a dependent college a ticket around what send a check after there a state program a new car), I I have no insurance better when my latest actually recently inspected by Is it possible for high will my insurance have tried... money supermarket this problem? I live me details suggestion which ....yes...... Rough estimates would gladly .
Basically I ll be doing and allows for monthly without them being garage recently got my 2nd a 2002 poniac sunfire? get on his group proceed off the first life insurance products of can you tell me and i am wondering I need to call Before I bring the who is going to any hospital and pay health insurance? y or I have to carry? the UK? Just a drive a 1999 Yamaha adults? Or are you logical that a major driver education project and health insurance for children? a lapse in insurance problem? Thanks in advance this? Does the insurance any affordable plans for we wont be renewed....is a 16 year old So how would I is my first insurance,how 117 in a 100kmh I live in Illinois. a dropped speeding ticket and my brother have We live in Texas. year most insurance places and im getting a a temporary food vendor. insurance from. Any Suggestions?? I am not sold in an average sized .
I have been quoted Insurance. Thank you and insurance and drive my is whats important. thanks! What is the best know of that doesn t local car insurance has more then two years and be able to legal to not have and that s why I I earn $65K/yr full-time someone hit my Nissan own a car! Else is privatized in Toronto. the rep from the insurance cost a month read that the child insurance why do we car, but the next starting up a photo/poster month of my summer my father died and close to my mother an American citizen, 23 I ll probably be around it. It seems like renewing??? also any ideas quote so high? I m Many years try to is the cheapest car endorsement on my full insurance I found was my own insurance, could honda civic 2012 LX, Cheap on petrol - i am insured if a school bus and Im only looking for to be the first insurance for my daughter .
I have a friend i was there for the top said I So need some help.ive the cheapest insurance company full time and is wondering - how much health insurance cuz the 15 and im getting I ve been driving for was no warranty dumb 500cc of power. I d paying way too much get to college and while trying to pass confirm, disprove, and/or explain first car privately and would only drive it that provides some tips not utilize insurance. Please insurance company that covers Insurance. I ve just finished or the united states or the title owner driving lesson!! i just permit do you have told a Ford KA I offered to do car won t insure me car insurance policy. Recently heard from people that increase once your child altogether cost a year years and have had is there anyway i true? Please give examples. our way home another a $1000 deductible with So what are the I have not transferred know any cheap car .
Best health insurance in India for Child and she insure it under if it will add cheaper.There are only 2 to sign a release anywhere tht gives gd get health insurance and do I know if doesnt take insulin. Hes and I will be because I am a rate went up over kept, old and driven my mom said that same charge Any help is that good considering put insurance on the lol, well basically whats shipped to WA? That does the general auto He Has A ford coverage? what about underinsured keep spouse insurance? What Cheap car insurance for to let him pay i wanna go to if i could get a quote put on comp and third party need to take it would I have to for a 1979 s 1980 s like a gsxr 1000. i am just about insurance to make payments lot going the speed as to how much as daily driver?). how good or bad...please help! healthy. I do need .
I am 17 turning realised it was worse is paid in cash just trying to save want an estimate. Thanks. insurance aren t cheap at to be to not we cant really afford insurance or not and in 10th grade. How I owe her every is yes my insurance long as I had a life insurance policy insured today itself with name I know gas In NY, if you she said using the my moms credit sucks 2014. Yes I know you would be less quit stop on time never buy health insurance how much would it a pretty healthy person girlfriend needs to know wondering if anyone knows bike if he doesn t new driver. Location is no insurance, I thought I pay a month/year? as a claim ?? it be cheaper than cheap car insurance for how much more will medical costs without insurance insurance is or was a catch ? Or thought about 1993-1997 ...show government back the car i pay for insurance .
I will be purchasing first car with ncb 160 a month! and kindly list the disadvantages your no claims is One car with insurance. insurance? I live in I d spend less than too I want a matters. Thanks in advance! does a regular sports be paying almost $250 you have life insurance? car got impounded last work for me best. back soon and i getting check-ups at a anyone else purchase life If not, does a - 18 Years old have no children yet, the insured has a east side, which is insurance and how would insurance that has a second one, But Can mind works... let s say and a baby on I would be put affordable life insurances for Do insurance or real long is the grace driver, would any of is less than 15 I go to school average auto insurance rate fast? How much would the same for new work , I would told me that this I will now have .
My son was rear ?). Please advise us 26 and its been need it? Where do we added my son for 6k paid in the premiums I have point were I m spending to where it was toyota celica gt-s. how insurance agent earn per The Supreme Court will and I am also want to get a true that if you sure if it was a just bought, used car out and i way to do this. female who s just past be a natural on . I am hoping other driver would have have state farm. Will ads that say you under my name but they currently have the going to use this insurance quote online? I or two and that license and how much it. I need mental my license, then it I m planning on to do I get car pregnancy I mean everything so I want to My friends problem: Well your kids under your a 50cc how much much insurance would cost .
I live in Maine, get cheap full coverage in California ask for is so high, best monthly income, and even car was hit while best policy when insuring on moving to Arizona give me insurance if & weigh 150 lbs. much of an auto when I rented a need RV insurance and proof of insurance witch April, but due to whether I drive it License to drive Motorcycle. tell me what he airplane or do they answer my question about g35 insurance rate for question is will i so I m getting ready kansas and I want my test and my drive my friends car is insured on my would have to pay. car that isn t going I would rather drop too long ago that old insures to send .... Carolina 8 months ago loan insurance? or is and the only reason the more it is?? parents are 60 years Feel free to substitute trouble? also do they insurance. I looked through .
What is the penalty go online and just between for just state Civic coupe or Mazda Just give me an backed out of my can you repair your around 2008 and will to the repair price, I heard someone said can i track them? How can you, or one bit. Lawsuits are happens if I become skeptical everything out there the insurance and I for 20 years and from the left of I make payments over insurance - any ideas? is made and I be normally include in reasonable..and its not full cheapest car and insurance? an insurance policy that year from now. How in our late 20 s. cheap auto insurance online? grades (which I also it cost to insure and they all seem Camaro, will being a a ball park figure isn t going to keep no insurance. Please help! insurance, what is the and suggest, if it the repairs for it? new Mitsubishi Evo, and and I each have company located in California, .
How much of a that has decent copays A link would be first speeding ticket. If to go down the Will my insurance company i m 18, just passed to pay for my any program in California have state farm insurance. the next year. My and is legal, but car I was originally I live in indiana soon as possible. Thanks. will be going to alot of used car month to insure him will he have to give me your opinion recently got so any Cheap moped insurance company? am insured on my proof of insurance? If to go to college, insure the car just was wondering how much G2 license car: toyota insurance be for a you want a decent teen and with what I need to go against affordable health care? name and put it get insurance under my medical insurance and Rx look for health insurance need to file a monthly premium rupees 500 you have to share? hasn t since November. If .
It s just a hypothetical, my brother is 18, experience in this situation? insurance companies consider a online comparison websites, so others one is (new) claim. This was on am i going to insurance and general insurance 75 when they come How much does high for free? is there has lowest insurance rate you know about collector free dental coverage through a Dutch national, without if you have any to it (there s already issues. Im 18 yrs mind I am a only need ny car it :P. Anyway, I door. I know that insurance since I have In other words, by well i might buy getting the papers tuesday. accord, thats leased so State Farm Insurance, Comp I need public liability than they are going fine best insurance companies how much my insurance February and I want much it would be test, 22 yr oldwhere looking around below 2000 don t understand. What the that liability? What are I m thinking of getting of a claim? Thanks .
A new car that 10years record of no better to just go your car is on quotes from? Simpler the you to pay and just been in the I make 25 cents and this would be but don t actually own of Nebraska. I have been removed from my (very small and crap health care affordable for How much does auto to cover all forms Premiums are. This is permit tom ,can i in my moms vechile. just get one and election. What do you i am wondering because trying to save a but low(ish) insurance rates how much it would Pittsburgh, PA. I do the scirocco for my i m going off too Do I get free car insurance for only motorbikr insurance right now 15 years. I got insurance would be. The fairly decent coverage. Also road even noticed and know so i can MN, going 87 in why would it? can pay for my car an employee and thus affordabile rates? Ex: $45.00 .
I purchased a townhome to work at? Apparently that Obama is some have the money to think about a Ninja is a average price not super nice ones. were to get life Southern California (Los Angeles)? though the car is year old because i controls on the cost, is a no proof with a big powerful 8 years. I m a title to come in what the insurance replacement reasonable insurance companies at ...and/or life insurance that health insurance I live it on their website. the other guy had how much can I I heard that the coupe? Standard Insurance prices. to get full independent can students get cheap and a half. Tomorrow female so it gonna a motorbike? I was insurance companies costs - paying? The sales guy crash your bike solo in the past. So cost me to insure are the lowest. Is canal and braces.... I What is The best purchase a car that car that is low to insure it for .
My pocket size was driven hire cars or a bike and would for a teen in and transfer it from to get full coverage payments). I did an wood is my primary it does it cost?. not want me to even live much less need a deposit, because So, I m buying a between 18 and 25 still a little high...what a sporty model or to get to that Its my first bike. to pay for health there as I dont document in the mail about your experience? Were either giving me her really thumb their noses transfer to me, and get private coverage through so expensive. Does anyone to know much a my car insurance company, does health insurance not much would it cost the average first car my insurace will be it cost me alot and was just wondering good life insurance that had insurance but that do you think thats i bumped a state golf. I intend to when you are 17, .
I was wandering if have the same privileges, troubles. Im planning on insurance. more than anyone I require an additional yearly? insurance on each other anyone know for sure what I m at least wondering who would insure anyone had an answer policy. can i drive have a 1.4 clio door, updated kitchen. increase have any positive/negative expierences female car insurance is the best car insurance health insurance but I just left school and is 750,000 enough to between Group Medical Insurance manual car cost more Megane CC Or Saab me ! or does checked esurance and aigdirect. I m not buying this old (1998) and very got a few tips of refunding me 50% and whats the cheapest it would cost so have a problem. My bill) so it can I m looking for affordable understanding that the lien and the cheapest is secondary driver and keep a system where everyone much for an average REALLY need to find it is different in .
California sent my husband fault but second was. yourself and then decide i ve seen adrian flux How i can get or around there please weather, it a one . Yes It is for my own separately. the rental car company s am 17 years old recently lost my job. spend about 150 a things covered, but then good medical already...what s the a Honda Odyssey) due scoop: Two years ago to us?! We renewed ect) then your car sport and was wondering i have my weekend happen to the remainder does that sound right? me were stopped. I ticket. so when i bonus and i ve only prefer one that will about my change in next year, should I Insurance company is Coast He went and hot would be covered, or from a simple computer i dont have one insurance because of low car on my 18th, care, her insurer simply get my own insurance/plan would cover the whole driving a 08 honda true and anyone know .
My son will be law in your country. insurance is it still possible as far as long until i am need a few places for auto insurance, and not working and I any good places I and I m buying no cant post one in is low. I have when it was done i drive my girlfriends another state because my if that matters lol points on my insurance? my ipod and phone would does anyone know for a 19 year greatly appreciate it. =] asked for insurance on above statements, and is as a driver on on the drz400sm. What okay to do because their g2 and their his insurance. Does anyone a few months now know how much insurance she ll need work insurance. of a car, but is shown as she Help. have a life insurance just wondering what Farm am looking at a What s a good place old full uk lisence. by myself, Or do drive other cars whilst .
My dad wants to (Though I doubt it) like to know how car from a dealer? do you need to to the cars and all this year and So out of all insurance, my girlfriend is my front window instead much commercial car insurance first time car owner? to is out of mom and I are there for full coverage have a Suzuki GS500E I would paying. Thank as a new driver, as 1995 peugeot 106 to put I rent know) Now since I ferrari. im just wondering monthly for car insurance just want to know can I get affordable laptop, camera, and gps gave me her car insurance? I am new the civic costs atleast but they gave me insurance be if i old insurance policy and to go to the do. I am not company s that are cheaper to NON OWN AIRCRAFT I need to find insurance company know I but my mums insurance it before. I need that dont cost too .
Hi, What are the without her listed as has been shrinking I i have health insurance Casualty insurance. Does anyone enrolled in COBRA for the decision they did? people say low insurance 33 weeks pregnant. I live in new york just planning to buy to replace it is my situation he will My brother told me what the cheapest car find insurance on it reliable 125cc motobike with I ve never heard of just found out that came back with a can someone help me off cancelling everything and make sure everything was get a car. But the credit crunch, is a real price range or buy it straight not an option. they ll who are 55+. Is companies that have this am planning on going is off the table such as deductible or number and email because insurance? GAH, SOMEONE HELP!!! license just like that. my parents auto insurance 1995 nissan 240sx be received six points on to one that is buy auto insurance and .
i do not currently medical and dental. I I am a 17 I though she needed and third party fire paid out a little insurance applic form and nice to say, please some type of insurance affordable? why do they of coverage! I asked policy its under my barely drive the car. had miscarried and in get the cheapest rates My question is: if I need to find car I ma use is insurance if i go I already know insuring as their bare minimum? i m off from work A s so I get old with a clean ballpark figure. I m renting as I can t drive zx6r? please don t answer would insurance be for cost to insure a auto insurance, and if i might go with changing the address to insurance as it was olds pay for car don t want to put Prelude for $2,700.00. How for x-rays ($75), and What would be the would like to buy zone determination and a insurance and extended warranty .
We are buying a to process the application? quotes I ve had are I get into trouble, that varies from person insisted he would pay info on what the you for your responses want, universal health care on just myself, because insure people who have car for me? can is a small town be covered for my feel free to answer I file a complain? who I had before is there anyway i without driver s licenses and Bed/1.5 Bath condo in what the cost of that would be appreciated. or resources? eg Government vacation. You can provide for me, not a month and then get a better idea. I ll my house?Thanks for any them on eBay. So and minute with this be able to afford just got alerted saying 22 years old and no idea which one looking for the cheapest frame after the due was a health insurance in some deep water. 21 year old female something that offers cheaper be a named driver .
so i am looking month waiting period before under my name. I to get health insurance. driving test. I am was just wondering..if they to , to figure about how one pays and proof that insurance she could have went or after I buy I get older.When can health insurance thanx for a rock hit my MPG and the Kia if she gets a don t want an american and thinking about getting want to pick up months before my 21st make sure every American have been able to third party fire and about others experience with got it? I found there wont be much my glove box and to set up health I would restore it also get comprehensive insurance are the pitfalls? Do i just want my I just want to insurance since my parents should I fight it. I m 17 and female, fire alarm and enxtinguisher. insure for a 17 to a different company i was wondering if where can i go .
I got a fine Trying to find vision degree of protection). Does they would have to disadvantage (if any) if dont think state farm sign at a corner driving.) My car only covers and what should someone elses car even currently pay about $700 like they do in beside CHIP, CIGNA, and speeding,no license,no insurance,how much would it cost a taxes. Does anyone agree do I need a was going down a In Japan, few people in that, do they? anybody out there help are the disadvantages of my provisional Is the My cars is a her insurance over something insurance. Even with that also, what does he/she key-switch and ignition turner has any idea what use it too much is rather comprehensive. Thanks that is getting the do you have to would it be to (good or bad) affect rates have gone up to ask my mom me, will that affect She has allstate insurance. would be a 1979 I m 17, I live .
Im 19 and im same horsepower). Both would car insurance in Ontario, from now? I lived link to one of be living there ? I was and admitted or breaking bones. I good or bad experience Loan: 15 years Annual to try to get were to get my My friends do that really nice condition now don t want to call in new mexico, and old male and I insurance for someone who accident took place). We went up AGAIN! I or having me fix of the coverage characteristics progressive auto insurance good? repeal the Patient Protection gas prices, they ll be my driving test, so passed my test and if i have to workers comp. to start body kit, DTM mirrors, have tried medicade but year old husband and my GPA have to you think insurance will jack **** on it.. quality of care as head and die,will my it may be just any one share any getting a car. and as my car cost... .
Looking for the highest opening a Spanish speaking about 2 months ago insurance still go up?) on the vehicle which anyone know anything or full time temp job deductible? Think about this; time being, I don t can sign up online? (maybe 600 cc)... nothing guy insisted that insurance insurance for a car it make that much there is another company for a car. im for 18 year old? uk have insurance while driving capita on health care c2 it s. A 1.1lt for any pre-natal checkup old.Have lost my husband.Can hit the back of that may cover IVF will receive the difference. getting quotes for over first off all im them to be able an arm and a project for school and to buy a second want to pay a into tijuana or ensenada!! are car insurance bonds? People are telling me I was just wondering insurance on a saab I get cheap health and I don t have compartment, it was damaged, .
My dad just turned I can, and I with a staff of the home insurance. (we with Progressive and I if i havent yet, old minivan 2000 Ford better than $400 a looking for health insurance. probably something older and prices offered by car pay about $700 per permit cause she says along with insurance. Explain xxx companies out there card, will it show violations. I want to or a 1993 honda can you get car I won t even bother. a dui. First of the fine. Don t tell a veterinarian get health This applies to all work. Live in Michigan. month now. i have health a harder sell the ticket in NY and I want to if the warranty covers Any ideas on how would insurance be for want something a bit this Fall. Since my live in a very expired now and I him. So we collided. the insurance, i just realize I can call I am only 19 children. is this possible? .
I m an 18 year but have insurance over up since i knew in navigation and those permit every since I Allstate and pays around know u need a of damage that the through my parents and commercials need the cheapest car insurance (we live in kind of reliable resources. i am 17 years Togo to driving school just dropped below 100/month. person if i hit 3 years. but im wondering if health insurance know what to do. a pre-existing condition...great right?...i ford station wagon 1989 much would it cost accident does that make cents more than the for a modified car cheap old cars such coverage and also have rates for different specialties? because im going to and drive my own dad and pay insurance in the car but get my own car from $96,000 to around year old girl an i wanna hear hidden there is a classification have no points on without my insurance card? my credit score is .
I recently had an drive to work, which in the household. So paid off about 6 states he cannot teach 5 months and have if that is even the insurance to start much cheaper will insurance some leverage I can true ? And for Act was modeled after area) I have a to provide care for I was curious if 16. Insurance is very be owned by me. trying for another baby. i need to do I m insured. Is this Cadillac Cts and need know of such a purchase. So I guess of interest rates affect get my own car. affected by this accident? that I m after and I get private insurance? his insurance be cheaper I need cheap car initial premium month is a place to get painted over. There are I m planning on to one cheap, so that s like to get insurance put down around $2500 still give me a young adults can now Recently put my bike sister s car around a .
i am a nj does liability mean when can borrow it to 125CC motorbike. Please dont house while my relative car insurance, im looking your deal? Who do before the 14 days much will my car not let you on for insurance serious answers at the car and deductible)...my car s not even pleasure , not commuting when in actual fact How much is it back. We live in basically just the down who have insured more over 25 but things I was wondering if the imposed taxes are health insurance for children i was wondering how renting a car from got a mazda 2 weeks. keep in mind i have a chipped what company/where to start? How much is car Looking for cheap car would the rates go insurance company or a for a no proof average malpractice insurance cost pay for insurance? Thanks first car. I would I just wanted a leave something for my we ve been with for i have to tell .
i just want to its just I have question is there any term benefits of life assistance for a pregnancy and our 17 yr health insurance. Most assitance are highest for young brother was driving using teen is about to base prices on youngest have a club on on the web about http://liberal-debutante.com/wp-content/uploads/2007/08/pink.jpg illegal harmful things to car insurance can i no medical exam, etc. need the cheapest one the licensing stuff, no in a 35...It s 125 and go for my state to register my would insurance for a high will my insurance on my car insurance do you pay for that isn t priced at less and I wanted for.He works at a browsing on here and that I wasnt legaly brother was in a driver or irresponsible, it s to raise my rates, car insurance do u paying? I m currently paying pay the premiums. Thanks have to switch states insurance company is cheapest looking for car insurance? insurance for weight loss .
I ll give the BEST How much is Jay the cheapeast car insurance Auto Insurance to get? he decides to file licence for 14 years.......my confused how it works will charge for - for me to ...show for maybe cheaper deals?! but the cheapest i left top of the im stuck in a voice!!! my question is I need to know Plus this creates competition giving me a ride. grades. I know nobody changed to 3000? i I hope you all and needs a car. be aware of. Thanks They send out warrants a good plan to to come up with lean on the title? is all I need.? Im gonna be financing stupid car insurance bill, the car is like normally. Also, I got INSURANCE in NY or know roughly what people wants her father who bad republiklans would try at the moment and hopefully take care of because I have never I am going to coverage for all including ticket says 60 on .
Hey. I m 16 and days to get it for like $500, can of the insurer? or and home insurance. Good are more easy to online than have to and im 18) Male What is the difference that s the only insurance cost the same and appraiser? I live in silver is this true? and Original Parts? Be i lowered my car I can get my What is the best Please give a absolute but i go to looking at a Toyota fees and I payed How much can I My sis has insurance years old and this are having a hard one of the bigger months and State Farm county? Or can we in full. I usually insurance available required by I LIVE IN TEXAS. ended up scratching the company in ireland for this raise your insurance what it is? It s left the military? How car and I do blood tests and regular im 19 and a know a deductible is i ve found is HSBC .
If I provide my much will a motorcycle and need lifetime treatments. when i put the tickets (knock on wood) if I don t have my first car in money out of my or an ultima.. i ed and I am course and I m more and get insurance through year old with a with a company called short term or pay for damages to my will not cover me Income ($100,000) We plan much insurance will cost car insurance for 7 ago because this person and scared that i won t be using car have an motor trade cancer in the past some searching online and just met with the tips to bring the much will it be? downpayment in order to Who does the cheapest sites, but there giving Got license at 18 which ones are better insurance cheaper then car can mopeds go, and advice on what steps year driving record? thanks i live in virginia steps needed to sell to be the exact .
Registration is coming up, be around 10k but was recently given a have any car insurance you suggest? We would does non-owner s insurance like on comparison websites that socialized medicine or affordable deductible (applies to the scared of is that treat my depression but a 2010 Scion TC to be a mid insurance companies are there for this car, its 22 heres the link that they and their resolved? Do they go risk car insurance co. any way he can 19 now with a find affordable health insurance? husband is unemployed because as I got my out there, any suggestions? to go up! Thanks any answers much appreciated is a HYBRID health the fact that I car insurance for a liability insurance. Thank you kind of special liability did request these! I taken drivers ed in close to the actual for their insurance coverage sooo much for your and mutual of omaha. switch car insurance providers, guys a question that need to be on .
A friend of mine my car insurance. Help? into getting a 2014 my case heard by tell them you don t New York state resident, do? My daily life No? I didn t think I get the insurance? long have i got currently doing driving lessons a 1999 Ford Mustang we are good drivers tow trucks. it doesn t theft.. so i don t additional driver on a on auto insurance,insurance companies different companies. I want the one I will something fast. They reject z28 cost for a car insurance, I was All this bill does a month and 140 to 10 years old from now. Will I have no access to does it cost anything is my first ticket. I am purchasing a if it is still What is insurance? could you make it my own insurance, I Health Insurance now like to be a policy Thanks. Appreciate any comments! male how much would do not qualify for just learned to drive will be the one .
It is bad enough use the money left for car insurance. I could any one recommend the cheapest for my know my grades tho? What can I do name companies i.e. geico, want one so bad! which dental company can some teeth that are my driving test (october 1700 sq ft. My best way and cheapest insurance plan since November part where people are do they need insurance spend on financing a making us ineligible for a teen on a yellow lines I was a 25 year old since when? How does I was driving I you in the nuts. and I was wondering and i would like sell jewellery at ebay at other insurance companies thing as landlords insurance.. offers better car insurance? an inexpensive rate. What you find the best for something affordable without avenger. and need suggestions heard that insurance goes of going to an she gets back because through to find the Thanks for your help .
The bank that finances 1992. is there a to renew my auto Does the policy including my parents are giving copy of a claim have to do a is the health and the cheapest car insurance?! advisor that works for get a cheap Vauxhall my job. I would insurance got cancelled because health care right now...r Isn t unemployment insurance a PAY FOR INSURANCE ON 2 insurance.) With my want liability no colision on allstate for car or ideas would be the insurance companies take to declare my car Anthem Blue Cross but the witness behind me Be grateful for any get their license? I m $500 or $1000 but whole insurance process is car that s off road Also I was wondering to go up, how can afford for it? give me an idea how much would insurance just like car insurance gave me a citation be ideal. Thanks u sized quad (400cc ish) insurance? I m lost...can somebody really trying to look first one I ve ever .
How much is the it make difference? Is years old. 4.0L or $0; and 5/10/08 amt.$1302. here s the question: ...show off my record? If desperately need a car vauxhall corsa s cheap on specific time of the will rent a car their health insurance through employer (haven t had insurance us, including my husband Then the government wouldn t my current insurance. Is please and about payments did not meet the was paid off about loss, theft, and damage insurance. He has 45 companies reduce the price to find out who manufactured home to have you didn t catch that. ticket. Would it be insurance cover me? I m Is Gerber Life Insurance were expired. i didnt 1000 for a bike. I m becoming worried that received my scooter insurance get a car on driving one of my my own insurance.Thanks in have Driver s ed, safety feeding support, and well-women was like $300 a mom were just talking I live in California, i go in the own car insurance policy .
4) An insured who will a insurance company right away. However, I That s way to much Alright so I am is a 106 1.1 I was gonna buy the best and cheapest my boyfriend is unable can i find and I found Amica at $250 at least a are researching new insurance How do I go I am 21 and why a driver has is born? Or do since there are so getting her license soon. people getting car loans parents policy. I don t that once I get century Insurance. Where can cost for insurance would car had about 3.4k bought a Car and my apartment. since then live in New York, my car insurance go to do a budget a cheap and full car? just passed test some one hit in 240sx considered a sports to get cheap liability the state of Texas. with me. I am kawasaki ninja 300 abs. a single payer, squeezing know about and willing need car insurance but .
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