#esp with how outdated it can be
greetings-humans · 1 year
... okay to all my they/them ppl
(if u see this after it's expired comment your answer! im very curious to see what u all prefer!)
I personally feel that themselves is more grammatically correct but grammar is also very outdated and uhhh when I refer to myself I use yknow I/my/mine/myself not they/their/etc so im not rll sure if id prefer themself or themselves
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junietuesday · 2 years
i wish there was like more options at my school for theology classes so like. the ironic “way too cool for all this ‘religion’ bullshit” crowd can bitch all they like and get their theology credit while me and the other people who can actually take a class seriously and not shit on other people’s beliefs and may actually enjoy studying religion academically or otherwise can have a good time
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zerothejackal · 1 year
this may contain written spoilers for the murder of sonic the hedgehog
This is outdated and getting a rewrite
okay, this is gonna be one of those crazy theories full of headcanons i make on discord, except this time I'M POSTING IT!
Hypothesis: Barry is a chaos user
Now, I know what you're thinking
"there's no proof of that what are you on"
AND I'D SAY "its just my little headcanon with no evidence :3c" however maybe there's some evidence, what if the THINK minigames are...
somewhat more real than just "think of what sonic would do"
what if Barry's chaos power is a very weakened (due of not knowing of it) form of ESP, so hear me out, here's my proof
During every interrogation this happens
0) have Barry collect clues before the interrogation
1) Tails says he and Barry have formed hypothesis or Tails makes an accusation/unfounded argument
(to which Barry progressively wonders why Tails and people keep mentioning them before an interrogation)
2) we have to select the correct type of evidence, from Barry's inventory, to form an argument
3) play the THINK minigame so that Barry can order their thoughts
4) Tails explains the argument flawlessly and barry sometimes lags behind
"but that isn't proof of anything"
Hear me out: Barry's power is not only some sort of ESP, but some sort of inspiration or enlightenment kind of telepathy!
The game doesn't show Barry telling Tails anything, yet Tails forms almost always a very strong argument from a piece of trash Barry found laying around
Sure, he comments on them beforehand giving the player insight on how to use the clues during the interrogation
And Tails is a really smart kid, [and while we know IQ tests are dumb, he might have an IQ equal to eggman's, if not higher] however; Tails is... still a kid, he's prone to making mistakes
proof of this is in the very game in Espio's accusation! where all his arguments are weak and we have to help him out several times
[and several other times in different canon where being an 8 year old has overcame his high intelligence] [see: Forces]
and let's also remember Tails' intelligence comes in the form of excelling at engineering, robotics, coding, and mechanics; but there's different types of Intelligence, and just because one is super intelligent means they'll be great at everything
Eggman excels at the same things as Tails, however he took more time to make functional replicas of the phantom ruby, whereas Tails was able to make a functional replica of a chaos emerald in way less time.
The point is, Tails somehow always has something to say about things during the interrogations, and somehow always involves Barry even though they're not often adding anything
what if Barry is constantly giving Tails the information, and Tails being surrounded by chaos users always doesn't think much of it
plus this game has a lot of dialogue detail, wouldn't it be more correct to have them at least be shown to discuss something before presenting the argument?
but nope, Tails always jumps right into action the moment Barry shows a piece of evidence and does the THINK minigame
sure, it could be the discussion is done DURING the THINK minigame, but the dialogue doesn't inherently imply that, Tails often just tells us to think how the evidence links to the unfounded arguments from the interrogation
but if you aren't yet convinced: there's also...
Barry was always able to find clues, while Tails ... didn't really, even though they were working as a team, Barry always found the clues; even if for them they didn't seem as clues sometimes
sure, Barry is the avatar for us, and the game being a point-&-click needs to present us with minimal things to be able to interact with
but what if in Barry's mind it was somewhat the same, what if the same things we were presented with as interactable objects...
were also somewhat highlighted in Barry's mind
I'm not gonna use the trashbin thing as proof since theres a reason Barry did it through the game, they even tell Tails about it
but they do find every piece of evidence that could support any argument Tails bould be beginning to cook...
"but maybe Tails just made an argument with the things Barry collected and just wanted to include Barry on the interrogations"
there's truth to that; however, my argument can coexist with that one, Barry could've "inspired" tails with some sort of ESP during their THINK Sequences, and Tails could've formed a stronger argument through that!
in fact it sorta makes sense
Barry organizes the thoughts Tails presents them with AND shares the information with Tails to form the argument
all during a mind link while we are playing the THINK minigames!
LASTLY, and the weak part of the argument that I'm presenting; but still a part I wanted to include,
why was the final fight a THINK minigame? because Barry was helping!
do you think, after being inspired by Sonic the hedgehog he would stand in the background and do nothing?
it's implied the other friends of Sonic were also attacking the train during that whole thing
what if Barry was doing something
what if, specifically, Barry was giving information to Sonic of the train's next moves and where to go in the rail tracks
so that Sonic could spindash right into the train's carcass for amy to deliver the final hit with her piko piko hammer
is there any actual proof to this one?
unlike the other two arguments? not really
but it kiiinda makes sense?
Conclusion: Barry is a chaos user, specifically has a weakened/dormant ESP ability!
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halodbethyname · 9 months
Planets in the 3rd House
🗣️👥📌THIRD HOUSE: The mind, intellect. Communication, short distance travel, also siblings, close relatives. Planets in this house have an effect on the natives’ communicative abilities and tendencies, and intellect, or how one processes information. They may also influence one’s political activity, mode of short distance transportation, even daily errands.
☉THE SUN: prospers in the third, giving a sociable nature and likability. Brave in social situations, may even give political influence , political career. Makes friends easily, the siblings are important component to the personality, and has a high intellect, may even be an analyst, or publisher.
☾THE MOON: strong emotional bond with close family, esp. siblings. sign, other placements and aspects can give more insighf. This placement can also give creativity, natives may be writers, directors, influential with media, advertisement.
☿MERCURY: high intellect and communication ability, loves thinking and sharing ideas within a group. Very chatty placement, and fast learners. Common placement for teachers, public speakers. They are well informed and sometimes a gossip.
♀VENUS: beautiful/notable speaking/singing voices. Charming and personable individuals who may have many talents or creative pursuits. May enjoy diversity in partners or even poly relationships. Often a strong emotion relationship to close family and siblings. Often attracts social partners as well.
♂MARS: courage is notable of this placement, defensiveness over family and siblings, sociability can be source of career advancement/ income. Take care on short errands and while driving especially, esp. when transiting mars negsticely aspects your mars, may be prone to accidents on the road, or arguments with the siblings. Solid in morality and opinion, and can sometimes be considered over-defensive of their opinions. Excellent debater, speaker.
♃JUPITER: intutitiveness, high intellectual and communicative capablities. This native excels in social circles and may find many lucky opportunities through socializing, also an excellent placement for teachers, they can grow personally from imparting their knowledge onto others, ability to analyze and foresee gives intuition
♄SATURN: limitation, restriction in communication and the sharing of ideas, may have a stern, serious disposition and be slow to speak. May even struggle socially due to outdated modes of communication. Saturn struggles in the third and the native must learn to build healthy self-confidence and studying habits.
♅URANUS: adventurous, unconventional thinkers who bring wow or shock factor to socializing. They are exciting to talk to and often have a unique, unconsidered perspective, which can get them into interesting social situations and create a rebellious streak in conversations. Their ability to always see a new perspective can give this native a devil’s advocate quality. Good placement for comedians.
♆NEPTUNE: high intelligence, vivid imagination and intuition. These natives are very creative, with many interests that can cause scatter-brained-ness, inability to fully focus on one oursuit, and maybe overlook important details necessary for success. Ideas may come to these natives in dreams, and because of their easily-imposed-upon intellectual nature, should be careful to avoid manipulation and deception, both in themselves and from others.
♇PLUTO: deep, ambitious thinkers. Can have great power of words and influence in social situations. Should also take care to avoid intellectual power plays, schemes. Good placement for leadership, social change advocates. They love to learn, and may soend much of their time in deep introspective thought, also a good placement for researchers.
It’s been a minute, here’s the planets through the third house ❤️
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monathedefiant · 4 months
i just watched the acolyte and i like it. . .
so far!
as a jedi loving star wars fan, i've learned to get nervous when feloni and co bust out the lightsabers. either we get a special jedi who's not like other jedi. or all of them are painted as stodgy relics of the past.
so far, the acolyte skirts the line between the two while carrying potential to do a secret third thing: actually show jedi culture in a positive light while also highlighting the complexities of its practitioners.
in one scene, padawan jecki scolds jedi master sol for carrying a holo with old images of osha, his former padawan. jecki brings up the classic 'no attachments' rule. but sol responds by explaining that simply holding on to fond memories isn't inherently bad and can even be helpful at times.
this message is for jecki, but it works well with an audience that has often been allowed - even encouraged at times - to see the 'no attachment' rule as banning all sentimentality rather than specifically being about the release of obsessive or possessive feelings.
it's a pro-jedi stance put in simple terms.
in another scene, sol tries to convince osha to release her grief. he uses mae seeking revenge as proof of why she shouldn't let those feelings fester. sol doesn't tell osha not to grieve at all. rather, he reminds her of how dangerous it can be when a force-user (jedi or not) allows themselves to be consumed by pain.
another pro-jedi stance that i really appreciate.
but then we have jedi master vernestra rwoh and jedi knight yord fandar. both function as stereotypical jedi in ways that come off as antagonistic to someone like sol who challenges jedi ideals even just in the first two episodes.
yord represents the average jedi and vernestra represents the council. both are painted as too stuck in their ways to recognize when the usually rules shouldn't be applied. we see this at the end of episode 2 when vernestra orders sol to return to coruscant for a committee to decide their next move rather than just following the next lead while it's still hot. in this moment, he's painted as following his heart (good) and she's painted as following protocol (bad).
sol represents a willingness to deviate from jedi norms in response the situation unfolding before him. since we're supposed to side with sol, vernestra comes off as the Stuffy Jedi type who's "too obsessed with rules" for us to take seriously.
we once again have a story that ties loyalty to the jedi way of life and to the jedi council as being constrictive, outdated, and disconnected from reality. which is a high-key anti-jedi stance that's been propped up frequently in newer star wars projects.
but i guess we'll just have to wait and see *shrug*
so, i'm hoping the acolyte follows in the footsteps of the obi-wan kenobi series by framing distance from jedi beliefs as dangerous and closeness to them as healing.
but i'm aware that the show might go the ahsoka route of framing distance from jedi beliefs (esp around attachment) as necessary when loved ones are in danger and conformity to them as something only the heartless can achieve.
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autism-purgatory · 3 months
very weird rant about Dark Souls and rejecting tradition below + Frampt and Kaathe.
I think the trilogy (esp DS3) does a nice reversal of the “fire=good and dark=bad” concept because we as people have always seen fire as providing comfort, hope, and well, warmth. That and discovering fire is a fundamental component of human evolution. Meanwhile, we view the dark as cold, frightening, endless, and dreadful. This reversal is especially noticeable in DS3, where the first flame is viewed as a greedy, almost selfish thing that clings to life after countless lords of cinder cast unitary into its fire. It does everything in its power to stay alive, it has to stay alive, because it fears the dark, it fears lacking power. DS3 especially seems to enforce themes of rejecting tradition, since the first flame seems to enforce this “fire comforting, dark scary” concept that’s been ingrained in human nature for thousands of years. Tradition could cling to life, despite everything collapsing in on itself, rejecting all that is other or different. The dark and all that is associated with it is demonized and ostracized, feared. Yet the people who maintain these superstitions hide their fear under a guise of bigotry. For example, Gwyn hides his fear of losing power and divinity to the dark under a veil of othering and cursing humanity and the dark, to the detriment of pretty much everyone. I think Frampt is an interesting manifestation of this subconscious need to maintain the old no matter how outdated or harmful it is, while Kaathe is a manifestation of how the future will come and shake up the status quo whether you like it or not (like how he tricked Oolacile into releasing Manus, perhaps as a wake up call to Lordran that it’s time to change the world, because it’s been sticking to an ideology that fucks over everyone but the gods)
And there are humans throughout the game that have given into this hateful ideology, look at the Way of White and the kingdom of Carim.
surprisingly, a nice subversion of hateful traditions is Solaire! He just kinda accepts he’s undead and has nothing against the player, and his ideology is tied to gwyn and the nameless king, but not in a way that makes him a hateful bigot like some other NPC’s. He chooses to be kind and hopeful, that’s his takeaway from the ideology of the Warriors of Sunlight. However, it does unfortunately turn on him, since his search for his sun can drive him to death. But, Solaire is sadly one of few exceptions. Throughout the trilogy, we see how clinging to hateful ideologies and traditions formed by bloodshed and exclusion fucks so, so many people over. To name one of many examples, Lost Izalith and the Witch’s children. The witch of Izalith, much like Gwyn, is scared of the dark, and (by Gwyn’s orders) makes the flame of Chaos, only for her and her own people to be hunted, killed, and othered by Gwyn after becoming demons.
I’m going to stop rambling now, feel free to add on :)
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buckys-goodgirl · 3 months
Intro to my blog!! 🫶🏽
I decided to make an intro because i never did when i started so ya!!
this blog is mostly about the sturniolo triplets (esp chris) and i joined because i like reading smut ima be honest 💗😼 but i like other things 2! im in a couple fandoms:
• sam & colby
• marvel
• house md
•dylan is in trouble
• any other hulu show you can think of
• music like frank ocean, lana del ray, jhene aiko, tyler the creator, ect!
i don’t really know how to make this look good but i yell alot so expect caps lock ALWAYSS
btw if you like any of those things im looking for mutuals!! and someone to teach me how to put colors on text 💔
Edit: this is outdated, i barely watch sturniolo stuff anymore 😭 im hugely more interested in chuckle sandwich now
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Not really an ask, more like an observation. Or maybe a request, and if not for you then maybe your followers.
I see a lot of quotes from Till (and the others too but this mostly about him) and I'm always happy to read them esp if I haven't already. There's always something old that's new to me.
BUT, that's the thing, they're old. If I'm trying to 'read into him' and the info is 30 yo, then... cool and all, he did that, he was like that...
My point is, there's so much he said, and even behaved during interviews and such, that I don't think resonate with him or with the more recent times. I feel we're (still) assessing some things based on wrong, or outdated, info. I don't think he's like that anymore. I mean, yeah, maybe he's the same guy, personality and such, but not really, not 100%. This is valid for all of them in fact. 30 years will add to a person. Some things will stay the same, others not really.
Is there a chance our active community here can share more recent stuff, interview-wise type? Or maybe there's not much to pick on? I genuinely don't know.
Idk. Just putting this out there.
yes i know what you mean, we keep quoting interviews from Mutter era and think that is still how the band is, but that's over 20 years ago.
Thing is...there aren't as many interviews recently...the last interview with Paul is several years ago afaik. Richard did a bunch when Emigrate had a new album, and from that we got some new stuff (the 'ass of steel' story for instance 😊), like this and this I probably shared all i could find of those at the time..
Till had some interviews when doing Lindemann, but i remember that one of those that i read, the interviewer stated that Till's team requested questions be about Lindemann, not Rammstein. Schneider did a few interviews though, even some tv appearances in 2020.
And ofcourse Flake has been doing his podcast and from that we occassionally get a little insight in Rammstein bandlife 🌺
So Olli and Paul are the two elusive ones ❤️
It would be great to have some new stuff, but if the rumors about them documentary are true, i wouldn't be surprised if they keep some stuff for that.
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doomzday-zone · 5 months
hiiii you should.give me refs of ur ocs <3333 i prommy i will not draw them in silly and/or trauma inducing situations haha i. woukd never do smth liek that <333333333
i should probably answer this when i have more refs done jkbkjbkjb
BUT. ERMMMM. i literally dont have normal refs 4 most of my ocs :sob:...... i think the only recent ref-ish stuff that i have is 4 phantom n circe. but i CAN do some more quick ones! (if u have particular ocs youd like lmk!! if not then ill just do a random batch :3c)
adding the ones i have thooooo:
Circe the Jackal
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her fits still a WIP these r just some basic shapes..... go wild lol<3
The Phantom
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im v particular abt how phantom is portrayed esp in stuff thats not drawn/written by me if u cant tell jkbjbjk so ill always b up 2 answering questions n stuff abt him dont be afraid 2 ask !!
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phantoms fit also gets changed a lot n is a WIP stage lol but this pic is the only good one i have of her outfit even if its a little outdated lol :P
ummmmmm!!!! yea :3 im sooo happy ppl r interested in my oh seas<33333 v excited 2 see what u do w em :flushed:
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How Anaretic Pluto Impacts YOU
What: Pluto Rx in the 29th degree of Capricorn
When: Sept. 1 - Nov. 19, 2024
Who’s Impacted: EVERYONE, but esp. cardinal sign (Capricorn, Cancer, Libra, Aries) placements at 29°
Takeaway: The planet that tears things down and build them back up is re-pulverizing the part of YOUR chart ruled by Capricorn for the last time in our lifetime, so nbd, right?
     On Sept. 1, 2024, the big, bad planet of power, Pluto, began retrograding through the anaretic degree (a.k.a. the 29th degree) of Capricorn. If you’re thinking, “Oh great, what fresh hell is this?” I hear you. But before you spiral into existential dread like I did during all of August (thanks, Mercury Retrograde), let’s break down what this transit is really about—and how YOU can best work with it. First, a refresher on the anaretic degree in astrology. 
The Anaretic Degree in Astrology
     I wrote about this degree at great length in my Anaretic Neptune article, buuuut… In astrology, the 29th degree of any sign is like the final boss battle in a video game. It’s the degree of ultimate karma, where all the lessons of that sign come to a head. The term anaretic is derived from the Greek word anareta, meaning “destroyer” or “bringer of necessity.” As a practitioner of both modern and traditional astrology, I consider the anaretic degree as one that is a harbinger of challenging circumstances, which can indicate a sense of urgency or crisis that demands resolution, that also makes way for pivotal moments of growth.
     Sounds confusing, but it really isn’t. When a planet occupies the anaretic degree in a birth chart or during a transit, it can amplify the sense of urgency associated with that planet’s energy. It’s neither good nor bad, but it can feel rather ~karmic~. That is, you feel like you keep repeating the same lessons again and again until finally…YOU LEARN. You master. You stop the cycle.
     At least, that’s my takeaway of the anaretic degree. It is a degree that holds a unique significance, often regarded as a critical point of transition and culmination. This degree—the 29th degree—has always been a degree of interest to me, as I have my Venus in the degree; I’ve always attributed a lot of my relationship / self-love / family troubles, lessons, and struggles to this degree. But I’ve also realized over the years just how critical this degree is in the good parts of my personality: my drive, urgency, and tenacity to DO SOMETHING. 
Key Themes of Pluto in 29° Capricorn
     When a planet like Pluto—a.k.a. the cosmic wrecking ball of transformation, death, rebirth, and all things underworld—hits this degree, you better believe it’s pulling out all the stops. Since Pluto is retrograde, you’re getting a second (or third, or fourth) chance to deal with the baggage you’ve been lugging around since Pluto first entered Capricorn in 2008. Speaking of which… Think back to 2008: What were you doing? Where were you in your life? What was going on? In the world, we had the GFC—or, global financial crisis—the most devastating financial crisis since the Great Depression.  
     Slowly but surely, this transit has been dismantling outdated structures, both in our personal lives and out in the world. We’ve seen it in the collapse of big institutions (again, I cite 2008), the rise of new power players, and the endless debates over capitalism, authority, and control. When Pluto first entered Capricorn, the financial world got real intense, real fast. The focus? Power dynamics in money—who had it, who wanted it, and who lost it. It was all about examining the deep foundations of our financial systems and questioning the status quo. As Pluto prepares to take its last curtsy in Capricorn in our lifetime, nestling into 29°, these other Pluto in Capricorn themes are coming to a head:
     The patriarchal structures that have ruled for centuries are up (and have been up) for review. We are still questioning where authority comes from and whether it’s still relevant—or if it’s just another relic of a bygone era. The old guard is clinging to power, but cracks are starting to appear in their seemingly impenetrable walls. On a personal level, this brief transit might push you to reassess your career and business goals. Are you building something lasting, or are you just playing by the rules because that’s what you’ve been taught? Pluto’s retrograde energy can veer towards ruthless—use it to get real with yourself about your ambitions and whether they’re aligned with your true inner power.
Related Reading Work with Anaretic Pluto in Capricorn with my 2024 Birth Chart Reading. Learn how to work with the remaining transits of 2024—along with Pluto in the 29th degree—to foster transformative personal growth.
The Opportunities & Struggles of Anaretic Pluto 
     Despite the heavy vibes, retrograde Pluto at the anaretic degree offers some pretty powerful opportunities. For one, this transit might manifest as an invitation to take back your power. Whether it’s in your career, finances, or personal life, reassess where you’ve been giving away your control. Use this period to set stronger boundaries, get disciplined about your goals, and start building the structures that will support your long-term success.
     Pluto’s retrograde can also help you confront and transform your scarcity mindset. If you’ve been operating from a place of lack—whether that’s in terms of money, love, or self-worth—this is your chance to dig deep and root out those limiting beliefs. Scarcity is just fear in a fancy outfit. Strip it down to its core, and you’ll find the strength to create abundance from within.
     That said, power struggles might come to a head during this final leg of Pluto in Capricorn. Whether it’s at work, in your relationships, or on a larger societal scale (*AHEM* politics), expect power dynamics to be front and center. Pluto at 29° Capricorn might push you to confront those who hold power over you—or to face the ways in which you’ve been misusing your own power. Pluto’s energy is all about transformation, but that doesn’t mean we’re always ready for it. The anaretic degree can stir up a lot of fear around change, especially when it comes to letting go of old structures and ways of being. Remember, though—fear is just a sign that you’re on the brink of something big.
Get YOUR Horoscope for this final leg of Retrograde Pluto in Capricorn on The Cosmic Almanac:
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gayleviticus · 8 months
if I gave my totally honest opinion about affirming vs traditionalist theology on gay relationships - I would say the traditionalists have a reasonably convincing take on the Bible verses. Some of that convincingness is because it's always easier to pluck texts out of historical context and make them speak directly to today w no acknowledgement of how deeply ideas of sex are shaped by society - but it's plausible.
But I genuinely don't think there's any merit to the systems traditionalists construct to justify it. Stuff like natural law or gender complementarity or heterosexual marriage w kids as an image of the Trinity/Christ and the church, or the purpose of sex as procreation - it doesn't check out w reality, and it reads as an ad hoc attempt to justify what really is a taboo shaped by lots of outdated beliefs on sex and gender. And esp since the early Christians were quite anti 'family values' in many ways, it seems like an attempt to nullify its subversiveness and make Heterosexuality the core of faith.
So while I can accept maybe the clobber verses are anti gay relationships, the only reasoning I can really buy for it being wrong is that it just is. it's an arbitrary law like not eating pork was foe the Jews. Maybe at best it's an identity marker for faithfulness to God and a willingness to sacrifice one's own desires and demonstrate a superhuman level of asceticism - but it's an arbitrary one.
But even then that raises questions. Jews have firm and specific practices as boundary markers to maintain their people's identity. But Christianity isn't interested in that, it wants to integrate all people - so what purpose do arbitrary laws play?
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just-antithings · 4 months
Uh I need some major advice please help:
one of my irl friends who I see nearly every day (mainly at school) and who I am really close to has proshippers on their toy house dni. I uh. I myself don’t have any more problematic ships with one exception that isn’t even that bad just very slightly questionable so if he heard I’m just more of one in a “I think harassment over it so stupid” way (especially since I don’t heavily care for labels and tend to stay out of discourse cause conflict avoidance) he probably wouldn’t care but agh just seeing it really bothers me, especially since I’ve had issues with friends in the past and have a tendency to think everyone secretly hates me. I don’t think I follow him on TH anyway (if I do doesn’t matter since I haven’t used my account since creation lol shit is so outdated) and idk how much he really cares (again esp since I don’t have any really bad ships I’m just anti hareasement and there are some people who considered themselves “anti harassment antis” who care more about “educating” pro shippers or whatever) but it still makes me scared.
it’s not like I’m really open on my opinions on this. My one exception ship I have never posted about, I’ve never revlogged proship supportive stuff on tumblr even though my moots wouldn’t care and my irl friends don’t follow me. The most I have (excluding back when I was an anti) was recently I posted to Instagram, as a kind of “not saying anything outright” amend to anti stuff I have shared that was basically “I don’t care about shipcourse anymore I do fucked up things in video games but I wouldn’t in real life I’ll extend benefit of the doubt to other people” but I don’t think he even saw it.
anyway please send advice. I don’t think this will come up and even if it does I really hope our friendship is strong enough for this not to break it (especially since I don’t have any really bad ships myself and just agree with the “someone can like dark things in fiction without being bad people and don’t harass ppl” aspect) but I still want advice especially since this is likely going to trigger my anxiety over friendship problems
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xmoonlitxdreamx · 1 year
Hiya!! I’ve stopped by once or twice to ogle and awe at your artwork—but recently you have installed mercy and junkrat *into my brain*—SPECIFICALLY, your Angela and Jamison. But I am also obsessed with with Junkhog 😭😭SO I WAS WONDERING—do you have any headcanons serious/silly/otherwise for those three? (Be it interactions between themselves or just things about them!
I seriously cannot applaud you enough, I don't think I've ever seen an artsyle that I adore with all my heart until you T^T thank you for creating!!
Ahhh thank you!! 😭💖💖 I'm really glad you like!! Those three are my favs to draw rn so I'm glad you're enjoying~ And thank you so so much for the kind words about my art style 🥺💖💖
I've drawn the 3 of them together a few times; you can find most things I've drawn of them together in my "mercyhograt" tag. ;0
I have a blurb abt their dynamic in my carrd (and also all my other ovw ships/etc), but I'll include the blurb + some other notes under the cut (cw for some suggestive talk maybe?):
Blurb from my carrd (somewhat outdated, wrote this in like march or sth & i kinda softened their dynamic a bit):
Mercy/Roadrat -> she's mostly just friends/begrudging acquaintances. She finds them exasperating. The three of them slept together like once or twice for some reason. (????) Occasionally is a little patronizing toward them, especially Junkrat. Despite her frustrations w them she worries abt them and their health & wants the best for them. Tends to be more earnest around Roadhog, thinks a little more highly of him than Junkrat. Junkrat is kinda oblivious that she finds him exhausting and is mostly friendly to her, tho he thinks it's annoying when she lectures him. Roadhog trusts her and generally agrees with her, but finds her kind of pretentious and a killjoy.
Other things:
◇ Junkrat mainly hangs out w Mercy when Roadhog's away on a mission + d.va and lúcio aren't around
◇ junkrat & mercy sometimes do random frivilous stuff together like spa days, watching trashy movies, getting dressed up, going to cafes/bakeries (lmao??? Listen idk)
◇ Junkrat has kind of an earnest crush on Mercy; Mercy doesn't have the same feelings; they don't rly talk about it much & their relationship is mostly friendship
◇ I don't think Junkrat rly flirts w Mercy tho, he mainly lets her make any advances if she feels like it (??)
◇ Mercy & Roadhog have like a mutual trust but they don't really hang out much? Mercy thinks Roadhog's like immensely cool™️ but she'd never admit that to him lmao;;
◇ mercy & roadhog work pretty well together on missions; but if Junkrat's there too, roadhog's more inclined to follow Junkrat's lead which can cause leadership tension (since mercy tends to act as leader on missions)
◇ Roadhog thinks Mercy's corny but tolerable & trusts her medical advice
◇ Roadhog's not attracted to Mercy & loves to act like a little hater around her (esp when she and Junkrat are trying to like impress him or wtv), but he actually finds her efforts kinda entertaining lmao
◇ despite all her complaints abt the two of them Mercy earnestly trusts their expertise in fighting and mechanics (<latter is mainly junkrat)
◇ Junkrat & Roadhog do occasionally have a little bit of animosity toward her (or mainly toward overwatch) for being less sympathetic (? Or kinda just patronizing or not fully understanding) to junkers/life in the outback post-omnium explosion, tho this kinda happens in bouts idk (? Not rly sure how to explain what im imagining)
Comics/scenes I wanna draw sometime but may or may not:
◇ Junkrat asking Mercy to teach him how to dance so he can woo Roadhog at some holiday party or sth (??)
◇ Junkrat talking to Mercy abt his apprehension w getting healthy & aging, & how it relates to his relationship w roadhog (also partially abt Mercy's struggle w treating the two them)
◇ Junkrat, Roadhog, and Mercy go on a mission together where they infiltrate a casino (???)
◇ junkrat & mercy eating at a cafe together (??? Lmao idk)
Ok I think that's it.... mainly mercyrat, tbh I don't imagine a lot of mercy & hog.
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davidjrpalos · 5 months
for years and years and years i felt the same way about the word "queer", it was simply impossible to avoid + everyone called me it anyway by implication. "queer culture" "us queers" etc. had to grit my teeth and learn to get over it bc its obviously a case where my feelings are considered outdated. I'm in my early 20s, not even an "elder queer"...
i say "felt" as though i have stopped grinding my teeth over it lol. i FEEL this way! but it's impossible to avoid being called a queer these days!!! so i had to force myself to understand why people are reclaiming it, and learn to consistently act like I'm on board, because otherwise, per MY honest feelings on the matter, the world is kind of slurring me all the time! so at this point have i reclaimed it too, simply by consensus, by committee, decided for me? idk. had to get over my feelings in the end
ironically i prefer the F slur for jokey self-identification because I'd never see a "fag healthcare" poster at my GPs or "fag politics" on the news, no one would call me that and I'd do my part in not calling anyone else that. self-ID as a faggot lol. can't self-ID as "not a queer, please" anymore really
Tbh I think it’s totally fair for you to still ask to not be called queer if you don’t like it, it can be simple as that and really shouldn’t be questioned, esp since historically it’s been used against lgbt people in a derogatory way. Ik there’s like whole debates on how lgbt people used it first and then it was turned against us but honestly if you don’t want to be called that I think it’s understandable, especially w personal history w the word too. I’m comfortable with using queer for myself esp bc sometimes it’s just shorter to say that than to be like ‘as a gay/trans person’ but i do question sometimes where cis/het people come from when they mention lgbt people as such tho lol. and for fag I really also tried to use it in a humorous way for myself and I have a friend who uses it a lot and it’s funny but, personally it’s really not for me. I heard it a lot growing up and have been called it by immediate family (others people in general as well) and it really bites and I’ve grown to resent it instead of idk maybe even just being neutral towards it, which is ironic bc I don’t care about jokingly calling myself a tranny or smth but that’s not even my humor either tbh. fag/got just bites in an ugly way for me and im over trying to be okay with it just bc its used very liberally among other gay people (which I don’t have a problem w) I’d just rather not be grouped in with the word similarly to how you feel about other ppl using queer in a community/group context.
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superwingscentral · 1 year
i don't really have any critiques when it comes to sw (plus im not really good at giving critique) but i think i have some now. weird rambling below
AGAIN: the first one is kinda outdated
turned the reblogs off bc this post is extremely messy 💀
the critique i've talked about was basically
how jett kind of became a gary stu throughout the newer seasons (bro can heavy lift, dance, talk to animals, even fix things etc etc. other than speeding. ik he grew up and got better since s1 and ik he's the mascot and ik its not that deep but there are literally the others) but i think it's lowkey pointless now especially after the movie trailer
(even though i still think some abilities should've been stayed only for the others BUT ANYWAY)
again. this is from 7 months ago. so it's kinda outdated.
also plus how they keep throwing out completely good characters from the show (bello, the entire s2 cast except astra, narae, majority of the s3 cast, i think astro's gone too, crystal and bucky, sunny and leo, and i don't think i've ever had seen lime or tony in the newer episodes [if they were let me know plz i havent catched sw up in awhile])
this has became a joke in the fandom but seriously funnyflux at least one cameo or guest apparence :(
about s8.
dunno what will they do, excited to see it. it's always good to see new things
although redesigning?
..i'm extremely iffy towards it.
not that i don't like redesigns. i like new designs for shows. (for example the tmnt franchise [esp 2012, rise, and mm 🫶]) they're refreshing to see.
but after seeing the "new kim" (left)(that looks like kim to me, idk) and this slightly-adjusted-but-very-noticeable jett (middle)
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i...don't really know what to feel towards s8. i think i might consider s8 as an "alternative universe" like @worldairportwonders said in this post.
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bad-kendi · 6 months
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OC art dump
Okok so uhh i havent been posting art because ive been busy but I have drawn a lot of things.
the first drawing is because they... They were actually genderbent versions of a BL manga because I was like "what if they were girls like how the author almost did?"(iykyk) AND THIS IS A REDRAW OF A THING IN THE MANGA BECAUSE IT WAS COOL AND I LIKED IT. Yeah
The second one is to accompany a short story about Valeria trying cigarettes for the first time.
The next 4 are ref sheets so heres some details/extra things I didn't mention in the reference sheet:
Roisin is trans (Also. I have no idea whether or not hormone blockers can stop height growth in amab children?? I tried searching it up but the results were confusing so I just made her grow taller)
Her last name comes from Mina from Dracula...
All of her knitwear (the sweater, the vest, and the scarf) are from her grandma :) I wanted to a contrast in their casualwear a bit from eachother actually. Valeria's comes from her relatives so a lot of her clothes can be ill-fitting or really outdated. Also They don't really buy anything new from Valeria and that includes shoes so Rosie's shoes are different while Valeria's mostly stays the same.
Valeria's eyes are inspired by a Yuri Esp*ir character and ACTUALLY:
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Im putting her thru the wringer. Its not stated but she believes she has a close relationship to her mother.
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