silly-lion-art · 2 months
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lion guard jumpscare
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amithedevil · 2 years
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OP shared his kitties in the comments:
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darkestwings · 1 year
lowkey have the urge to start writing reddit-style posts from the POV of like well-known literary characters...
"AITA for proposing to a woman even though we are of different social status?"
or like
"TIFU by almost marrying my boss who is actually already married to a crazy woman he keeps locked in the attic"
is this a thing? are we doing this yet?
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patch3sthenightup · 8 months
imagine ur otp
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tmorganart · 6 months
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May or may not be based on real events happening in my life...
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stardewvalleyreddit · 5 months
I (36m) live in a small town. Everyone knows each other, and we don't often have new people moving in.
Well, recently, we had a new person move into town (they'll be called "The Farmer" from here on). They inherited a farm from their grandfather, who we all loved dearly. So far, they've been nothing but kind; they help everyone in town as best they can. They've even brought me some things I was looking for! We are very lucky that they joined our community.
This is where the problem starts.
I've had a thing for someone else in town (25f, let's call her "Emma") for quite some time. I'll be honest, I'm not the most confident person. I tend to look down on myself and have trouble initiating conversations. I've written notes to Emma that I've never had the guts to send. You know, typical nervous introvert nice guy stuff.
Well, I asked The Farmer if they wouldn't mind bringing Emma a piece of amethyst (one of her favorites) and let her know it was from me. They did that, but I think it may have backfired. When they told her it was from me, she seemed to not react how I thought she would. They gave it to her while she was at work (she is a bartender/waitress), I was sitting less than 20 feet away. She thought the gift was PURCHASED from my shop (I am the local blacksmith), and she kissed The Farmer! The Farmer just let it happen. It was absolutely embarrassing.
Since then, I haven't had the courage to say anything else to Emma, or The Farmer. I'm regretting asking the Farmer to give her the gift rather than delivering it myself. It seems like The Farmer has a crush on her now, which I had never gotten any signals about before.
Things in town have also felt off. Like nobody noticing my special shoes at a yearly local festival, when normally someone would compliment them.
Not sure where to go from here.
Tldr tifu by not shooting my shot with my crush when I had the chance to, in turn accidently setting her up with someone else in town.
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r-today-i-fucked-up · 9 months
TIFU by being horny
I (21ftm) started testosterone a couple of months ago and so far the most noticeable effect by far has been increased libido. I've been clawing at the walls, suddenly feeling much more understanding if how obnoxious my car was when she went into heat right before we desexed her.
So, I did what any sane man would do, and bought my first vibrator. Just a little bullet vibe from the sex shop down the road. I was in heaven. Usually, I have to stop jacking it when my arm stops cramping. No more! I think I spent three hours with it before the battery finally died.
Then I stood up. Started to walk. Realised that my clot was radiating pain with every step. Took a good look at it, and it's fuckin purple. I had that vibe pressed into it for so long and so hard that I bruised my fucking clit.
It not only hurts to walk, but I'm genuinely afraid to jack off until it looks normal, so I'm back to clawing at the walks ToT
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alterniatifu · 1 year
i just realized that the troll ive been pitch-flirting with over trollian is actually a human... and they just hate me in a platonic way... they don't even swordfight...
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What in the god damned
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rtifu · 8 months
TIFU - im making mac n cheese but already started the pasta when i realized we dont have milk so i figured i could use half n half in my mac n cheese but we dont have that either BUT we have an almondmilk creamer and i thought sure why not, lets see how this tastes in a cup first and let me tell you, its a good thing i tried it first because it is NOT almondmilk creamer it is homemade bailey's. my stepmom reused the almondmilk container to store her bailey's in. i almost just made mac n cheese with whiskey and hersheys syrup
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shipwreckedart · 1 year
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We finally found her...
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cynnaminstyx · 8 months
I have made a critical error
I was showing my dad my new Spotify playlists on one of our rare genuine interactions and to display how fucking wack it is I played “The Yoinky Sploinky”
My dad is now obsessed with webcore
What have I done
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hyacinthninfa · 4 months
Today I found out I've been rinsing my mouth, and cleaning my new tongue ring with MSG instead of salt BC my brother switched their cans and though, he did tell me, I ignored him because I know better and I would obviously taste the difference if it came to it.
I didn't.
For two weeks. My piercing has not healed and my mouth feels gross
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asexual-spongebob · 21 days
Okay so um. I wrote my fic as a “Today I fucked up” / TIFU post. If haven’t read my fic and don’t want spoilers then I don’t recommend looking at this post lol.
anyway here it is. It’s a in Gaz’s pov.
and also here’s what everyone’s nicknamed here.
Dib = Dookie
Tak = TicTac
Zim = Scumbag
And Keef = Ginger
TIFU by telling my brother to get swept away by a current.
So I (MtF, she/her, 11) just got into an argument with my brother… (FtM, he/they, 12.) tonight.
So me and my girlfriend (MtF, she/mew, 12) were just chilling behind the dumpster at the local convince store. Everything was fine, until she left. And then my older brother, who I’ll call Dookie showed up.
He was FUMING at me for hanging out with my girlfriend, who I’ll refer to as TicTac. As, she’s an alien and tried to destroy earth at one point. (But no longer as the desire to do so.)
He got mad at me for hanging out with her bc of that. But here’s the thing, his boyfriend (???, he/it/xe, 12.), who I’ll call Scumbag is also an alien and has tried to destroy the earth several times.
So, I called Dookie out on their bullshit. And then we just started insulting each other. And it got really out of hand.
So, eventually dookie just finally told me that they were done and were headed to the beach. So I told them that they were a son of a bitch and that I hoped they’d get swept away by a current.
And they did.
I felt terrible about it so I went to go apologize to them and I tried to save him from being swept away but I couldn’t pull him out of the current.
I then headed home and ran into Dookie and Scumbag’s friend, who I’ll call Ginger (he/they, 12), told me that Dookie told him to tell me that I’m a fucking bitch. (Or, in his words, a fricking betch.)
And I was like “Yeah.. Ik. Im a horrible sister.” And gave him context. They said “Betch what the frick?” Before we both headed home.
Yeah… now I’m sobbing in my bed… Scumbag is now very depressed and I’m scared of how my parents will react….
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pizacat72 · 1 month
Do you have any ideas on the Kiara Tiifu and Zuri ship?
Not particularly but it sounds like a cute ship!
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So, let’s talk about anti-depressants for a bit.
Tw: suicide, depression, and SSRI withdrawal symptoms.
Antidepressants are wonderful miracles of modern medicine. In that we don’t really know how they work.
In 2016, my life sucked. I could go into how bad it sucked, but ironically I feel like that way lies a depressive episode so let’s not. One day, I received some unusually bad news. Life ending bad, it felt at the time. And, in the wake of that news, I tried to commit suicide. I thankfully was not well equipped, or I would have actually done some damage. I was lucky. I had a support system who sprang into action to let me know that I was loved, and would be missed.
So I started taking antidepressants. I went to a doctor and said “I tried to off myself, I think I need antidepressants.” They readily agreed, and I was prescribed escitalopram. Years have passed, I’ve had my ups and downs but for the most part the antidepressants did a lot to help me stay sane during those bad years. Hurray!
But then, a few months ago, I moved from my hometown to one 5 hours away. My doctors said they could prescribe me 3 months supply while I found a new doctor. Easy, right? Wrong. I have made 3 appointments with doctors in this town and each one has called me back saying “we’re not accepting new Medicaid patients”
I’m sorry, the fuck? I just need someone to sign the little pieces of paper that allow me to take the pills that make my brain work. And sadly, I am one of those people who needs medications. I take them to focus, I take them to sleep, I take them to maintain my mental health. But while I was trying to find a doctor, my antidepressants ran out.
“Oh shit.”
Day 1 through day 3 wasn’t so bad. Felt a bit off, emotions were swinging more than usual, maybe got a bit irritable sometimes but nothing I haven’t gotten used to dealing with over the years. This was hardly the first time my ADHD ass forgot to re-up on meds over a long weekend. It sucks, but it’s manageable. Day 4 changed that. Day 4 I couldn’t sleep. I woke up really to kill someone. I SCREAMED obscenities at my pet cats when they meowed to be fed ( I feel really bad about freaking them out now). Any little thing went straight to 11. My mind was foggy.
Day 5 was worse. The body aches started. My muscles felt… thin, like I could bite right through my arm without stopping. My extremities were at turns numb and tingling. I started experiencing “brain zaps”, which is a phantom sensation that feels like an electric shock goes from your brain all the way down your body. Deeply unpleasant all around.
Day 6 I started feeling a bit better mentally. I found that marijuana could at least keep the irritability down. I made another appointment, then sobbed when I got a call back saying no new Medicaid patients.
Finally I called my mom. The nuclear option. I, a 32 year old man, called my mom hoping she could make things better. And for the most part, it worked, lol. She showed up a few days later and marched me down to an urgent care who was able to prescribe me a months supply. I was so out of it I told them the wrong dosage (I take 10’s but said 20’s) and so wound up with a 2 month supply. Which hopefully will be enough to find a real doctor who takes Medicaid and can write me my magic pieces of paper.
So, what takeaways can be divined from this mess? Don’t run out of medication? Don’t assume you’ll be able to find a doctor easily?
How about “know what medications you’re taking”.
I didn’t ask about lexapro/escitalopram when I started. I didn’t know it was an SSRI, I didn’t know what would happen if I stopped suddenly. No one told me, either. Not one doctor in the 8 years I’ve been taking it warned me about *gestures at my last week of existence* THIS.
And I was okay with that. Because it did what I needed it to do. It works. But as soon as I can find a doc, I’m going to ask them to wean me off it. I can’t live with that kind of pain hanging over my head. The physical symptoms have mostly abated but my legs are still sore and my fingertips are numb. Some studies have shown such symptoms lasting for weeks or even years.
I’m not saying everyone or even anyone should stop taking their SSRIs, and certainly NEVER EVER stop taking them cold turkey like I did. That’s what caused The Issues. But if you are unaware of what SSRI withdrawal feels like and you’re taking them, I would absolutely suggest talking to your doctor about what can be done to minimize the risk of something like this happening to you.
Because this last week has been hell, and no one should have to go through that just because they moved.
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