#TLDR im actually not much of an AU guy but i still like seeing what people come up with and have fun with
shikisei · 5 months
what if..
but priest and devil
(idk which is which you pick)
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i got lost . so you get 2 demons and no priest instead sorry
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critterbitter · 9 months
What do you know- I'm trying out the askbox *eyes*
anyway I just wanted to say that high-key I think I'd follow any content you make at this point bc your art brings me so much joy. That doesn't tend to happen super often since i am,,,, very much so a hyperfixation-focused person HAHA
regardless I'm not exactly quiet about it but I adore your art and I look forward to each new time you post :D
I WISH i had the capability of pumping out art like you do bc man while I love to draw and have so many ideas all the time picking up the pencil is Hard Dude.
Also! In a recent post you mentioned the whole Twin Dragons AU and HC that people love to have- I'd be super curious as to your opinion on it!
-( ╹▽╹ )
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I’ll have to slow down at some point on that Submas Grind, but the hyperfixation throes are REAL. Thank you for inhabiting the tunnels with me! People that tag and cheer artists on are the real mvps of the art economy.
As for twin dragon aus!
I’ve always seen Emmet as more zekrom esque, and Ingo more reshiram esque. Is it cause the typing matches their starters? Maybe, hehe.
Ultimately though, the guys are too multifaceted for me to easily split them into truth and ideals.
I also see the legendaries as Eldritch Abominations Beyond Understanding, so having the dragons in my iteration become the twins would, uh, have consequences. The funny goofy story would dip into horror territory instead. (Reshiram demands only truths, and anything not Absolute will burn. And zekrom’s ideals are beyond human understanding, and trying to understand the mad tangle of thunder would drive somebody insane.)
(I’m a huge tma fan. Can you see it? Man.)
((Also N’s a scary mofo for summoning reshiram. I’m digging directly into the whole “twin heroes have a civil war and it destroyed unova” backstory that pokemon set up, and the more I think about it the stronger my dread mounts at the idea of Zekrom OR Reshiram casually flying overhead.
But this is also just how I see the legendaries of the pokemon world! Lugia sinks islands. Groudon covers towns. Arceus loves the mortal world, and mourns because its immortality only brings grief. Giritina hates, because it’s the ghostly remains of every one of Arceus’s mistakes given drive, banished into the distortion realm. Normal stuff!)
You sly dog, you got me monologing! But here’s the tldr: Not sure i’ll ever make my own serious Dragon AU that follows my internal world building for pokemon. I’m too attached to my favorite trope: “the smallest people can still initiate the biggest of changes”, and I’m too attached to my other favorite trope: “legendaries are actually gods and you Should Be Frightened.”
So that’s why, in this essay, if the trio gets turned into pokemon, I’d make them route 1 run of the mill rats. Because rats can do whatever they want.
(Plus, patrats and pachirisu aren’t banned from the subway battles last I checked.)
If i had to make a goofy crack dragon au though, I think this would be the result:
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The whole story would just be the trio and historians trying to figure out what the hell the twins got turned into, and concerns of other people becoming pokemon as well. So far, people are convinced they’re a paradox version of an archen. (I mean…)
(Alternate take of THAT, where elesa gets turned into a victini.)
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lovinggreeniehours · 1 month
📝🌦️☕️👀 with five? give us the deets (also want to hear your canon because canon doesnt exist <- doesnt watch just in support of pal @snowpuffclovers)
i would kill in your honor 🫶 you are amazing
im kicking the wall though because when i say "my canon" i mean i am just going to rewrite this entire tv show and. that is so hard 😭 you have No idea how many plot holes ive had to endure and tolerate throughout the series only for them to fuck everything up this majorly on the LAST SEASON okay inhale exhale i will not rant any further im happy today hfsgkhdhjdhj
📝: how would your story in canon go? how would you influence the events of the original story?
oh my goodness gracious this is Hard 😭 the story is so hard to self insert in because of how densely packed it is. there's not much wiggle room for ari to have his own thing going on. so i did have to make that his arc (him not knowing himself when he's not doing plot things) although i am changing it, i still think it's a fitting arc for him
as for what he'd change in canon, not to brag but five's life would be sooo easy if i was there. actually 🙄 he'd worry less because he doesn't always have to rely on himself, and since there's two of them to handle things, their missions go a lot smoother. there would be an extra pair of hands to try (keyword try) and keep the family from getting distracted in their sideplots, ari literally blocks bullets for him on the regular. guys
tldr for one, they're not going to die 💀 they can save the world Without dying. oh actually i wonder. since ari's powers let's him go through time and space in his dreams, would he be able to see the ending without realizing? 🤔
🌦️: would you be accompanied by mostly fluff or angst fanfics? both? explain why.
i actually haven't read a lot of shippy fics in this fandom (or fics of the show in general) so i don't know how they usually handle that. the majority of the fics are about family dynamics, so i think there's a lot of "ari bonding with five's siblings and five wanting to scream cry throw up /pos about it" hwdgkgsgjfsfh
i think (especially in the early seasons before i dig harder into ari's character) there'd be character study fics on the two of them and the codependency they developed in the apocalypse. and these could go both ways but that middleground hurt/comfort is my favorite flavor 🥳
angst fics DEFINITELY include the "five leaving ari in the apocalypse" aus. i used to have this Horrible idea of them having a fight before five leaves, and five doesn't say goodbye because he's convinced ari hates him now. but ari feels even worse because he thinks he's the reason five left AND IT'S SO HORRIBLEE,,,, THIS IS SO HORRIBLE TO DO TO THEM,,, BUT IT'S SO INTERESTING,,,,,
☕️: what are the most common plots of shipping fics between you and your f/o?
the ones i mentioned above for sure. some domestic retirement fics hdsgjgddgh the old men need to rest 😭
maybe (if the fandom will dare tread here) them trying to figure out physical intimacy. fun fact, 35 years into marriage and they didn't fully know how to kiss HDSHJDSFH toothbrushes and clean water were hard to find in the apocalypse okay they were so not doing mouth contact that's gross 😭 it is a bit risky to make fic of this because they're physically 13 and 14 during s1-3, so i don't think it would be a thing until s4
👀: how does your ship with your f/o influence both of your characterisations and the world? would there be any interesting metas written about your dynamic?
the entire show is about arifive if you squint hard enough /j
no listen okay there's so much interesting stuff about them. like their main theme of "your story saved my life" where ari found happiness in his mundane life through the umbrella academy hyperfixations. and then in the apocalypse, even if they used to butt heads a lot, ari cared about five so so much. he cared about five his entire life, and he refused to let him die. and five doesn't understand the reasoning of it, but it does move him. and it makes him keep going everyday for 45 years. of course, his main goal keeping him moving was his family back home, but ari was the person holding him together. ari reminded him everyday of what he was fighting for, and like. in a way, their sheer determination and devotion saved each other. i always thought that was really neat
there's also that strange inevitability they have going on. i like using that word for them a lot because all the external circumstances dictated that there's no way in hell these two would ever cross paths??? they were born across the world from each other, with the time separation of their births being 15 years??????? AND YET. five, being as stubborn as he is, will always try to time travel and get stuck in the apocalypse. and ari will always be there, practically destined to be the last survivor on earth. there is no way they should have met, but there is no way it won't happen
even their imagery and metaphors alone are to die for, like ari's powers representing the matter that makes up the universe, while five's powers represent the time and space that moves it. five having this theme of running and ari having a theme of being stuck, but five is always there to pull him along for the ride. five often being compared to icarus for his hubris, and ari being the sun (to reference the fact that five bringing ari with him at all is a risk to the timeline. but he takes the risk anyway because he needs Everyone in his family to be safe). even the way that their powers are colored red and blue?? the two colors that represent each of the two most major timelines in the series as a whole??????
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divine-draws · 2 years
Can I know more about this shindeku AU?
yesss thank you for asking!! I don't have like a huge amount thought out but this is what I've got so far. CW: mentions of suicidal ideology etc., mentions of bullying. all the content under the cut cause it gets long but tldr; izuku never goes to UA, never gets OFA, AFO was already defeated, shinsou (adopted by aizawa and yamada) follows the same path as in canon, later becomes an emt and in high school starts being a vigilante, izuku is a pain in aizawa's ass, meets shinsou starts dating and shinsou realizes that his bf is a vigilante and the meet the parents is very awkward bc aizawa recognizes the little shit he has to chase down often
basically, midoriya izuku is nothing if not stubborn and determined. even through relentless bullying, suicide baiting, and even being turned down by his idol he still never Really gave up his dreams to be a hero. i think he went through a REALLY rough period after all might told him no (he also never saw the sludge monster get bakugou so no power offer... not to mention for simplicity's sake afo is defeated before this). also vague mention of maybe he had a VERY BAD DAY or just a fucking horrible one but no injury minus that run in with the sludge monster. not necessary but eh you see it how you want to there. either way he never applies to UA. he goes to a normal high school and has normal aspirations and inko while relieved her son is choosing a less dangerous route feels fucking horrible because izuku just isnt himself. second or third year, though, he takes a 180. he's happier, he's working out a lot, he's investing in his health with food, and he has aspirations to work as an emt later. inko is relieved. unkown to her, izuku is out there fighting the good fight as a vigilante. he spent a little too much time online, got inspired by underground heroes like eraserhead and known vigilantes and said FUCK THIS and decided he's gunna be a vigilante. he is sort of not doing anything illegal but the whole crime fighting even without a quirk isnt like... that legal. he doesnt give a shit. even if eraserhead is highly concerned and also too tired to deal with this. there's a begrudging relationship and izuku becomes such a little shit. izuku helps him out and saves his ass at least once and aizawa doesnt arrest him so all is well. izuku also uses his job as an emt to his advantage for his vigilante work
now for shinsou, he follows basically the same path as in canon. he's also adopted by aizawa and yamada and is more than happy to have a little sister in eri. once he goes pro, hitoshi is obviously an underground hero like eraserhead. he has heard of the vigilante dekiru (i mean who hasnt really but aizawa complains about him enough) but has yet to actually SEE the guy. before he meets the vigilante, though, he has a pretty rough fight with some villains. when the emts arrive on the seen who is there but izuku. his hero worship has died down a LOT and he can be professional as he cares for hitoshi but hitoshi can def tell this guy is practically vibrating once he makes sure he's all good. he's cute and sweet and blushes a deep crimson when hitoshi points out his excitement and admits that he's surprised he has any fans to begin with. i mean the point was to stay unknown anyway. izuku shyly admits that he's been following him and his class since they first showed up on their first year sports festival. if hitoshi keeps vague tabs on the very caring and cute emt that's his business alone. funny enough izuku just so happens to run into him a few more times on the job. im not sure when they start dating. maybe it's around here? they meet off the job and continue to hit it off and then they go out finally. maybe it's later but either works
finally, hitoshi meets dekiru. him and izuku have been dating for a while. it's nice and he hasn't been happier and his friends are pestering the shit out of him to meet the mysterious boyfriend and his dads are also nudging him to invite him over to dinner one day (eri is instant as well). but hitoshi gets his shit ROCKED during a fight. the villains knew his quirk and anticipated it and while he's normally on his A game, he still gets fucked up. and then in comes dekiru saving the day as hitoshi lays there bleeding and concussed. the voice muffled by the mask is soothing and familiar and the sturdy hands are caring and gentle as they move from his face down his body as the vigilante checks him over for all of his injuries and he's having a hard time paying attention to what dekiru says but all he can think about is izuku and says as much as the vigilante looks at him with worry and calls for an ambulance. izuku is there later at the hospital and so are his dads and his sister and izuku and aizawa are sharing some odd looks and this was NOT how he wanted the meet the parents to go but oh fucking well... it takes some healing and a lot of dot connecting to make the conclusion of who izuku is on his off time and that explains the bruising and scars and random injuries that his boyfriend waves off constantly... he's not surprised per say and he isnt going to scold izuku or break up with him just a little upset he never told him.
the next big thing is introducing him to his friends which... well he hopes wont be more awkward or a mess than izuku meeting his dads. (spoilers: it's a shitshow and also hilarious in equal parts)
anyway if anyone wants to write a fic about this PLEASE do (and it would be great if you credited me with the idea) i would LOVE to read it and draw more art for it and even collab on ideas etc if you were interested. im shit at follow-through when it comes to writing and love reading ppls stuff
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volfoss · 3 years
ships to rate: bruabba and gyjo? maybe even yasugap if you're up for it
ok ur about to see such a long post its nto even gonna be funny, tldr i love them all
also gonna put a fic i really like for them if ive read one/ a fic idea i wanna write plus maybe ranting, this is not coherent but my spelling isnt too bad
post under cut bc its very long
my loves my lifes
they r so soft for each other
the fucking rain scene when bruno extends his umbrella
and how bruno is like trying to hold back his emotions post abba dying
in case its not super obvious by the sheer volume of bruabba content i reblog this is one of my otps
ALSO the fucking boat scene where abba pretty much is like yeah ur home bruno
hc that they r meeting up in the afterlife w nara and having a good time (also read a phenomenal fic about it that ill link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/33118039 it is emotionally fucking me up days later <3)
dads dads dads but bruno is the caring dad that just gets you and takes care of you in the most gentle way and will sacrifice himself over and over again to see u happy and abba is the sitting in the armchair and u sneak in like 2 minutes past ur curfew ur busted but i was also worried about you
these two men own my whole heart (also my ao3 history i exclusively am reading bruabba and dadbacchio)
i have so so many thoughts toward them like yeah i just love them so much
i will never ever not write them as in love
t4t and bi4bi
every single canon thing about them makes me so soft but i think what makes me softest is just how its so clear that they rely on each other in situations
fanon interpretation rant rq:
but how some ppl really interpret them so ooc that its just like bruno mommy and abba cares about literally none of their kids (explanation on the mommy thing is bc most of things that do that are weird bc they really r treating bruno like a single parent who is raising the gang on his own and thats all when abba is literally there and caring about ppl (ie the purple haze incident w giorno, like he wasnt the most nice in his wording but why else would he be like hi move away from the danger if he didnt care??)
ppl also just tend to not really do the separation between how abba acts around others and how he acts towards bruno and has him being kinda aggressive towards him for literally no reason when they r literally so soft w each other
and also they r both so fucking pretty and i am in love with them both
if i think about them too long i will combust and i am blaming u solely for that one
ship dynamic of savior x savior bc they both really did save each other and i love them sm
fic ideas for them r they both live and leave passione and take their kids w them <3 (gang would crumble but thats not my problem)
ok also another hc that i have for them is that bruno will buy larger sweaters and wear them and give them to abba if hes having a rough time, they have a shared closet imo
10/10 ship
these guys r also my beloved but in a depressed x very happy but hiding depression way
the the fuckingn way that gyro ltierally risks everything in the ringo roadagain fight to save jognny
and the way that johnny is literally fucking broken post gyro persiheing and adopts his speech pattern a bit and ugh
I am obsessed w gyjo but i think the funniest crack ship is poly but w diego and they all fucking suffer (fic that sold me on that: https://archiveofourown.org/works/22887796/chapters/54705517)
i cannot find the one fic that i really loved for them but needless to say i am soft w them living and just being together
update i found it: its a modern au and really really sweet! https://archiveofourown.org/works/31821940/chapters/78780595
one day ill actually write the fic idea i had for them which was basically they live and they dont sell the land they got from the sugar mountain arc and johnny wanted to start somewhere fresh anyways and gyro adopts marco and they make a lil log cabin and have a nice rest of their lives
i am a massive sucker for their ship
ALSO how johnny is always laughing at gyros jokes
smth i wish we got more of in canon were those moments where they just chilled and talked and had those kinda interactions
fandom complaining time!! the fucking way that some ppl just really take the gyro funny and johnny submissive trope is like my biggest pet peeve. did they not read sbr?? did they not see the multiple times that johnny has murdery eyes? i think personally its ppl infantilizing him a lot and it makes me really frustrated
ok also a fic that really really fills me desire for a they all live and everyone is happy is this one: https://archiveofourown.org/works/22812394
i love them sm but unfortunately cannot have coherent thoughts about them :(
10/10 ship
gonna start this out w saying i did mildly speedread through jojolion so i dont have as many big screamy thoughts
BUT!!! them!!!!!
their canon interactions r the cutest thing and even if they werent, id ship it solely to spite joshu
josuke is a million trillion times better for yasuho (not just bc of how joshu is a fucking freak and is absolutely the worst i would run him over with a dump truck)
i really like how they both r so happy around each other but i think my favorite scene w them is when yasuho has to explain to josuke that hes crying and hes just like :') yeah
but they have so so many cute moments and the ending makes them the only couple to make it out of this list
i love how yasuho is just like willing to drop anything to help him and how they help each other out a lot during the whole time (if im remembering right?)
their dynamic is just 2 sweethearts
also love the moment that hes like look away yasuho :) then proceeds to beat a man up
they r canon (as is everyone else sorry <3)
i dont read a lot of part 8 fic since i need to reread it to properly understand the plot post like chapter 65? so i dont have any recs or complaints
BUT i do have a few hcs!!
i think yasuho would get josuke matching phone straps or phone cases
and when they move in together, i think they would raise sugar gliders (or potentially kidnap squirrels from the local park)
i love all of yasuho and josukes interactions but oh man every time that josukes past gets brought up i do start bawling
they both mean the world to me and how their romance is just built on such a clear foundation of trust and care it makes me so soft
they both give off such dog ppl energy tho and i love that for them
ALSO ok the way that yasuho helps josuke w his memory and is always there for him
i will never ever ever get over them
but i think one of my favorite scenes is the one right at the beginning where she gives josuke his name and how that plays into the rest of the story with him discovering his identity but still clinging to the one that she gave him since it was him, he wasnt just kira or josefumi he was josuke
if i think about them anymore i will start sobbing, the last chapter wrapped every last thing up so well and im so so glad that it did
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sugarvamgar · 3 years
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you ever make some  Bastards? anfisa and valentine!  also the context of the little labels on valentine’s sheet is to like, number the parts of the story for me and my friend who’s working on this so we know when the hell in the story we’re talking abtsgddfg anyways more info abt them under the cut .. i love these bastards...
these two are in the same world as some of my other ocs - you can find them in my neontok tag under rum’s post for more information about the world nd stuff! if you do not want to look at it tldr its just me putting my more uh. “darker” concepts?? like these two! let’s continue into more info tho: so like, context! in this world, there’s this group of seven assassins who’s existence is.. very speculated. like, they’re a common myth. maybe not among all of society all around the world, but most people have heard folk stories of their existence at some point in their life. this group of assassins has existed for literal hundreds of years, and nobody knows how or why, so they just.. assume it’s a story. a myth. but it’s Not. the “seven” is actually countless people who have been trained throughout their family’s bloodlines as a tradition with every other generation’s first child - or in the case of assassins One and Two, the first two siblings. they’re all basically trained to do the exact same stuff as the original seven did, too. other than One and Two, the children don’t necessarily know each other, especially because usually they’re in completely different countries. anyways so, anfisa here used to be part of this. he was assassin Three, born and raised in russia, pretty much the only assassin of the seven to not be trained to be sneaky and quiet bc most of what he does is loud on purpose. he does know how to blend in among people normally and how to scramble away from people without getting hurt, but man. he is NOT graceful like the other six. he ends up defecting from the assassins (which is just him going. huh. fuck this <3) and leaving to not-america and goes. i will live a normal life now.          he ends up going. oh wait actually i hate how society is and how much of this city is controlled via bribes and crimes - what if i just. actively tried to cement myself in that world. what if i did crimes? i already did them before. he ends up gaining a mild following of people for this and they help him to do this.. the dude who runs the Local Crime Syndicate™ (at least, the largest one), jack, gets. very pissed off about this once anfisa’s group grows large enough scale. he employs this highly revered journalist bc in jack’s mind this goes. “oh, this guy is SO very good at picking people apart and getting into their business, and my stupid police force isn’t doing their fucking job right (lol), i’ll hire this dude. if he dies its barely any loss on my part. the journalist is valentine <3 idk his first name but he’s valentine and he is SO full of anxiety and has so much in common with anfisa about Hating Authority nd shit. this is a mistake on jack’s part who is blind as hell and cannot read valentine’s old articles + thinks he can bribe him with money to do whatever. valentine goes. <:( okay i will try i hate this but also money and also you are pointing guns at me and threatening to kill me if i Dont take the money and do this. valentine ends up joining anfisa and goes from anxious timid british (lol) bastard to mildly terrifying and willing to organize and command a group of people with anfisa who are actively trying to like, overthrow a straight up  crime syndicate organization thing that Also has quite a large hold on a lot of businesses and government related stuff in the city. and SUCCEEDS for the most part. he is very good at this and it scares the group so much esp with the fact that it grows from like 6 or 7 people to like, over 50 or more in like.. a year. shoutout to anfisa he intentionally picks on valentine bc he thinks this guy is cute. when valentine is lowkey stalking getting research on anfisa/the group, anfisa notices and goes. :) im going to make your life so very difficult but in an only slightly annoying way. you got knocked out one day so i stole your tie and then the next time you saw me on the news you saw me wearing it around my arm like a trophy. valentine is so very annoyed and takes all of anfisa’s mild friendly torment as This Little Man Hates Me So Fucking Much. Why Does He Want Me DEAD also shoutout x2 to anfisa for being great at working with machines and learning how to put foot pedals on his motorcycle so he can switch the seat around to like, a pedal control board and ride it like a skateboard. this is dangerous and very, very impractical. he does not care. he’s having fun ps. if you think valentine is similar to a certain someone you’re right. its on purpose. i “steal” canon characters all the time (see: idk, not often actually) with friends bc its very fun to see how you can reinterpret a character without it being basically an au of the original character. TLDr if you can make a connection with the other character; good! just know he’s still his own thing and its on purpose and i love him. ps. x2/bonus i named anfisa after cat no banana <3 also anfisa (анфиса) means flowering/blossoming. i have made anfisa allergic to bananas and have given him plant themed clothingLKJGFDLKJG
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ps. x3 im planning on drawing the rest of this team and talking about them but i want to post them all at once. i honestly wanted to do that here but i havent posted in 9 days so i. went ahead and just posted these two and gave their info since its more than, yknow, nothing? ps. x4 (help i have so many notes) literally i never put any of my stories on earth but then dont make any effort to make the contries non-earth countries bc like. *gestures vaguely* man idk how to do that and dont have the energy to make new cultures nd stuff on my free time??? im not doing this for a professional story??? so like. yeah. anyways so anfisa is Not from russia. he’s russian. valentine is british. britain doesn’t exist. make of that what you will. anyways. that is all. thank you. i kiss you for reading this. if you have questions please ask me them i have so much information all the time and it shows me theres interest in this
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jhan-jy · 4 years
Dream SMP War; Thoughts
Well its finally time for me to write this, after collecting all the events in my head and finishing my classes. Let me just start of with congratulations to the creators for making an exciting and memorable story of a simple smp, especially Wilbur who might as well be the director of the roleplay.  I loved the direction and the way the smp was made to be a glorified roleplay center. The stories were in different categories of amazing, we got angst, comedy, filler episodes and more. Everyone had fun, even the viewers had fun with the journey in the smp. I love Wilbur and I hope he comes back after his well deserved break. Also for viewers to watch his streams even if its not smp related >:0 
TLDR: I LOVED ALL OF IT and I wouldn’t ask for more from the creators, but I’m just suggesting a better route for the story? Kinda like a divergence au?
Okay, am I done with the praise? Yes.
TW: Mentions of Abuse, Suicide, Bombing, Killing and Dying in general.
(PS. This is for the characters not the ccs, I know they chill)
Now heres some of the things I didn’t like about the finale. Don’t get me wrong, Schlatt’s death had a poetic ring to it, but it didn’t have any support to hold as emotionally impactful to the audience. For the most part, I love Schlatt’s acting! He really gave emotion when he had his last ramble before dying, thinking Fundy was still with him before realizing he also switched sides and he just, beats him up in rage.
I mean, Schlatt actually had a very convincing sob story of an elected tyrant who has no one left, drinking away his problems until he died of a miserable death. It made you feel bad for him, but only just for that one minute.
We know Schlatt’s character had always been a drinker, that was one of his traits.
We also see him being manipulative and straight up abusive, but you know what?
Even with all characteristics Schlatt had shown to the audience, I still don’t get his depressing state of defeat. Its opposite to someone who was able to make Tubbo decorate his funeral or how Schlatt was able to make Quackity stay before the divorce. 
Like come on- He just DRINKS?!!?? No plan at all? 
Gear was given to him, people were trying to protect him, literally he was being an idiot according to Dream. 
He could’ve had a better purpose on his final days before dying. Everyone seemed to have forgotten about Pogtopia being rigged with tnt. Schlatt could’ve hidden in Pogtopia while the battle begins outside, with troops looking for him.
He could’ve pushed the button to blow up Pogtopia.
HECK EVEN BETTER IDEA; Schlatt could have just stayed there until they come looking for him in Pogtopia, did his ramble about being left alone and all the shit to stall them. 
Notice how they didn’t immediately kill him? He could’ve taken advantage of that, as they get cooped up in Pogtopia, where a push of a button could detonate the tnt. SUICIDE BOMBING everyone near. No one kills him, he was miserable until the end but this time, he actually fucking did something.
We know Wilbur would’ve pushed the button to blow up Manburg anyway, he could still do it. Give a speech about forgetting the horrors of the past, finally gaining freedom or some shit. Everything would still go according to what happened in the stream, except Schlatt had purpose and closure. 
I’m sorry, I went on a ramble of what ifs and what could’ve happened for Schlatt because as good as a villain he is, his final moments were just anti-climatic in general, even with the poetic death.
Another thing I would like to include is that Schlatt didn’t die of a heart attack maybe? His drinking could’ve poisoned him or something, him being totally careless and drinking a potion of poison would be much better than a heart attack. 
Another thing:
No one questions the abuse Fundy gets from everybody, and thats another issue.People have little to no respect for Fundy. This guy grew up in L’manburg, the place his father built to protect him. Now its gone, blown to smithereens by his own father, who not only said he despised Fundy but also left without saying goodbye. His “fiance”, Dream, sided with the enemy and has almost no care for Fundy. Dream was the one to provide tnt to blow up Manburg. Keep in mind, Manburg wad supposed to blow up during the festival, where Fundy was still acting as a spy. Which means he would have died, his “fiance” would be the indirect cause of his death. And dont even get me started with the last Schaltt scene where he repeated smashes his bottle to Fundy, damaging him even with netherite armor. This man needs to feel happiness and warmth for once, or else he’s gonna become another antagonist in the story. (Which would actually be great tbh ^^)  Theres also Eret’s situation. He gained power and kingship through betraying L’manburg. That was his reward for betraying L’manburg guys.. now its been stripped away, leaving him with nothing at all. Pogtopians dont trust him a lot, they still see him as the first traitor. The Cain to the Abel in this story.  The betrayal he committed is now pointless and dull, he gained nothing in siding back with Pogtopia. His “friends” dont welcome him like they used to, and he knows why. Right now, he’s on a path to redemption. Eret just got recently given the redemption arc pass and is now trying to do good. I hope he succeeds in his endeavors. Other characters should be given their chance to shine. I feel like with Wilbur gone, people are gonna depend on Tommy and Tubbo for a new plot. And as much as I love them, more people should be given the spotlight. Remember the little Dreamon hunters thing? Ya that but with other people doing other plots! I feel like people need to be recognized outside the stereotype the viewers place on them. An idea would be having Niki Nihachu train with other people, Techno perhaps? Or maybe just chill times of building and redstone. Dont forget the draining the ocean thing, Im sure they’re gonna come back to that. I dont really have any other nitpick of how the story went. The only thing that bothered me was Schlatt’s death and how fast it went. Anyways- This is just my opinion! I still loved the war and the storyline! This is just me nitpicking on stuff- 
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axemetaphor · 3 years
im definitely not ripping off my friend by making a list of au ideas i have no siree //gonna slap this under a readmore cause i. well i say a lot. all of the time. i tried so hard to format this Good but tumblr fucked me up i am so sorry
so first-off i know i already have one WIP AU (Auckland) on ao3 so i wont talk about That one cause like. spoilers. i actualyl have it like 80% created so its likely gonna truly get finished for once and i dont wanna ruin shit
the other one ive posted about is something me and ben (catgirlrepublic) have worked on together its not at all close to done or anything but it's. a fun little crossover. Between jdate and my fuckinuhm. Original characters story “Untitled Villains Project”. the sketches of the comic version ive started is actually my pinned post 👉👈 its like the first chunk of the story, i think half of part 1? yea.
Tldr john fucking Somehow is able t oget into contact with a certain curious scientist from another reality who’d just love to study the Soy Sauce, most certainly not for her own nefarious purposes
John and Dave meet up with the scientist, her name is Boss, and her lab assistant, Toxic, and after a bit of a preliminary Vibe Check where john determines her trustworthy (which Dave doesnt agree with,) the two agree to be taken to the world UVP is set in. from there they stay in Boss’s lab (big old fucking abandoned military lab). John and Toxic are fast friends due to mutual love-of-chaos. John n Dave get to fuckin, camp out on an air mattress.
The day after they arrive, the two get split up, not exactly intentionally; big plot points of UVP are liek. Fueled by Boss sending Toxic to go fetch her “research materials,” which are usually important artifacts
Fuckin side note i guess i have to explain my dumb bullshit: Boss’s, uh, field of expertise so to speak is actually fckin, basically the scientific study of magic and superpowers n shit like that. This shit’s all real in that world. Toxic’s got fuckin superpowers, so do 4 other main characters, whatever. It’s got a bit to do with spirituality, iss Boss’s hypothesis. So she has Toxic fetch important artifacts that might have “energies” to them. The thing is actually way more fuckin complictated than that, this is just Boss’s initial hypothesis.
Motherfucking anyways. So Boss gives Toxic a job to do, and John get excited about how Cool that sounds, and ends up going with Toxic, leaving Boss and Dave alone. Neither is thrilled about this. But Dave and Boss get to have a bit of conversation (while Toxic and John are off bonding and having a good time) and come to a… mutual grudging understanding of some kind. They still dont like each other though lmao
Theres gonna be deeper shit going on but we havent sorted it out yet/tbh havent like Written For It in a while but i still like thinking about it a lot lol
Also pretty sure our endgame is john and dave steal toxic and bring them back with em lmao boss is kind of not nice and toxic would most certainly be better off in Undisclosed. Actually theyd fucking love it. Theyd become a local cryptid im sure. Undisclosed’s mothman is a teleporting spike baby.
I have. Another crossover AU that i might. Post something about for halloween? Maybe? If i have it finished?
Crosses over into, you guessed it, another one of my original-character projects. God, am i vain or something?
I promise this is just because i think blue and dave should get to team up to beat up some monsters
Quick briefing on my fuckinuh. Original character story, this one doesnt have a name (yet? Idk lol my work never actually goes anywhere sso who gives a shit). It centers around two grim reapers, Red (26, bi woman) and Blue (22, aroace agender asshole). In this reality or whatever, grim reapers function kind of like low-level office workers. They get told who’s going to die + when by some middle-management types, and upper management only involve themselves when punishment needs to be doled out. These Higher-Ups can be seen as analogous to Korrok; they’re decidedly not human, never were, and fucking terrifyingly powerful. Additionally, grim reapers are sort of .. designed to be “background noise” people. In reality theyre supernatural beings and, uh, look Real Fuckin Weird (the whole deal has a neon aesthetic im terrible at drawing uwu) but most humans just perceive them like extras in a movie. A body’s there but the camera’s not focused on it.
To the narrative: the shit starts when Red n Blue get relocated to Undisclosed. Relocation is something that just happens every now and then to reapers; they usually work in teams, but they get split up into different cities to avoid any strong bonds forming (a counter-union strategy from the Higher-Ups).
Red, Blue, John and Dave end up running into each other for the first time in a McDonalds where John n Dave are getting some 4am “hey, we just survived another horrific monster fight” celebration burgers. John and Dave are the only two people who can see how… strange Red and Blue are. Nobody else notices.
John unintentionally pisses Blue off, leading to Blue whacking him upside the head with a dildo bat. They all four get kicked out of McDonald’s. Dave and Red both are less than thrilled
Blue and John end up resolving their differences, somehow. Red and Dave briefly bond over their dumbass best friends being, well, dumbasses. They all part ways amicably.
somehow-or-other (idk yet) they end up running into each other a few more times, and eventually john invites them over to his place, and the four (plus Amy now!) get to know each other a little better
while there, Blue gets a text about some guy who's gonna die and John offers to drive them to where that's gonna go down. they take him up on the offer and get to have a bit of one-on-one conversation
after that ordeal though Blue has had Enough of people and bails, leaving John to head home alone
theres a sort of mirror-development going on with the five of em. Red, John, and Amy would all like everyone to get along, though theyre a bit tentative about it (John moreso than the other two, actually, jsut cause. well Red n Blue could still be Sauce Monsters). Dave and Blue on the other hand do Not like people enough for this shit, and Dave's not unconvinced theyre Sauce Monsters. he will not trust them until proven he should
the story's kinda nebulous but i got an idea for some Shit going down that involves both Sauce Monsters and also the Higher-Ups to have some fuckin absolute chaos go down.
Oops! All Trans
Everybody is transgender. Everyone
Ive actually workshopped this one both with ben (catgirlrepublic) and ghost (ghost-wannabe) lmao its a fun lil concept ive had from the get-go cause i mean. What’s an internet tran gonna do other than hit all their favourite media with the Everyone’s Trans beam
Dave transitioned post-high school and faked his death for it. People go missing in Undisclosed all the damned time, after all. He moved to the next city over, transitioned fully, then came back as a completely new man. Yes i know this doesnt exactly fit with the “everyone knows David from high school” thing alright, hush.
Anytime anyone brings up John’s old best friend (pre-transition Dave) John throws an entire fit like an overdramatic grieving widow. Full-on sobbing “why would you bring her up?! I miss her so much—” to the point that people just stop bringing up because Jesus Christ That Sure Is Uncomfortable KJHGFDS.
This is a scheme he and Dave came up with prior to Dave leaving, though Dave hadnt exactly anticipated John putting on this much of a performance about it— but it’s stopped Dave from ever having tto hear his deadname again, so hey.
Amy transitioned sometime in middle school/early high school. Her family was super supportive and loved her a ton and most people just know her as Amy. she was super shy her whole life really so. Yeah. people just dont think to bring it up lmao also i Feel Like big jim would absolutely wallop anyone who gave her trouble of any kind
John’s nonbinary (genderfluid specifically) and not exactly Interested in transitioning ? like hes fine with how he is. mostly.
he came out to Dave in high school but hes not out to anyone else exactly. Maybe his bandmates. Probably any other trans person in Undisclosed knows, too, cause theyre safe to tell lmao. Johns mostly a “he/him out of convenience” kinda nb who’s cool with any pronouns but does prefer they/them most. Dave and Amy use they/them when the trio are alone
Also this is a totally self-indulgent caveat that i think would be great, Dave’s actually agender but because he's transmasc and transitioned when he thought there were really only two options, and being Boy at least felt less weird than being Girl, he just kind of assumed he was a dude. It’s only through a lot of (like fucking years and years hes probably in his 30s/40s when he puts 2 and 2 together on this one) talks about gender with John that he realizes he actually feels like No Gender. Masc aesthetic with none gender.
I Just Think It’d Be Neat Is All Okay
Also Amy came out to Dave about being trans early on in them seeing each other and his response was to get very nervous before blurting out “me too” and then just being too embarrassed to talk about it for the rest of the day. Hes got a lot of hangups on talking about it actually it takes years for him to get comfortable in that
by contrast when Amy comes out to John about it his response is to yell “EYYY ME TOO” and give her a big ol hug lmao
I think itd be neatt if Amy ran a like. Transfem help/advice blog on tumblr. Kind of helped-with by John who can give her transfem nb insight for certain asks. I also just think that would be neat.
Cowboy AU - i put this one last cause its got drawings to it actually. Theyll be at the bottom
Basically just. Hey you ever watched a western. I think they look neat
This is another one me n ben have come up with lol
The soy sauce and all that shit still exist, im not sure where korrok fits in yet but ill figure it out
Theres no real like solid narrative yet ? but heres the barebones of everybody’s arcs.
Johns an absolute troublemaker, Of Course. Hes wanted in several towns for absolutely stupid shit. Hes a loner who shows up, causes chaos, gets drunk, does some drugs, runs away if people get too mad at him
He definitely had the same kind of deal with the soy sauce as in canon— he was at some kind of party, somebody offered it, he took it cause why the fuck wouldnt he, now he can see monsters and shit
Hes kind of a mooch also. Like. dont let him stay in your barn man he’ll never fucking leave and drink all your booze.
He runs into Dave when they happen to just, cross paths in the same town. the bullshit John stirs up ends up involving Dave in a way that makes it seem like it's his fault too, and they both get run out of town
after that he just tags along after Dave. hes decided this guy's Cool he wants to stick around. Dave is pissed at first, but not enough to shoot him or anything, and eventually, John grows on him
Dave also is a loner but unlike John hes simply so fucking awkward and bad with people. He doesnt feel like he belongs anywhere so he just travels
He’s the stereotypical Lone Ranger tbh. He wanders from town to town, solving their problems, though hed deny its out of any moral obligation (it kinda is, a little bit, tbh. He does like feeling useful). He shows up, fixes things, leaves. He's kind of a legend but most people think he's hiding something dark. other people jsut know him as that guy who farted real loud in the middle of the saloon and promptly skipped town out of sheer embarrassment. you know how it goes with Dave
He ends up involved with the Soy Sauce when a snake (not Actually a snake,) bites him. The snake’s more like the wig-monsters, really. Anyway, it injects him with the soy sauce, he fucking trips balls in the middle of the desert, he can see monsters now
He runs into John and shit goes tits-up, as said, but they become traveling buddies after that. he'd never say so, but he's glad for the company, actually. it's nice. hes not used to companionship but he feels a strange kind of easiness hanging out with John....
not sure how the Monster Dave concept will like fit in to this reality but like. trust me i want it in here. I'll Figure It Out.
Amy’s been living in a town John and Dave end up passing through and she is very curious about these two new Handsome Strangers who claim to fight monsters and just kinda. Persistently tags along til they let her join for real
Her family’s all dead, unfortunately, just like in canon, and she’s been living alone for a few years before meeting John n Dave. she had nothing left in that town to stay for, she'd been fantasizing about escaping on wild adventures for a long time and this felt a little like a dream come true. (Dave still gives her a spiel about how Difficult it is, but really, her fantasies were pretty grounded-in-reality already. i jsut think thats how she is, yknow?)
Shes the first person to react to the whole “we see monsters” shit with a kind of “oh, okay. neat” kind of response lmao
John and Dave fix whatever the fuck is up with her town (maybe that’s where the Korrok shit can fit, who knows) and Amy ends up being integral to that. After, she insists they take her with them because “they need her now” and Dave just cant really say no. John too is very much "the more the merrier!" and hes actually glad to have another person along he loves people lmao
At the start she has long hair but after she joins them she chops it short with a knife for convenience
also she still is an amputee. justt. idk. it was a wagon/stagecoach accident rather than a car accident lmao. just to clarify since i hadnt mentioned it, i wouldnt rob her of her ghost hand or yknow. all of the significance to her character that Missing A Hand has. although also now im going to have to research what was used as painkillers way-back-when, but im betting shes still got, like, her pain pills, they probably had those, maybe i wouldnt have to try too hard there. old timey medicine could be WACK though,
Yeah hes in tthis shit mostly cause i liked designing his cowboy self lmao
Hes a kid (like 16, 17, technically i think in those days that was more Young Man than Kid but whatever. Hes Young i mean.) who got possessed by the Worms out in the desert and, by his family’s perception, just went missing!
Hes also a wanderer, but he ended up at the same town john and dave met in, at that same time, and starts following them after, already aware of who/what they are.
He keeps his face covered 24/7. actually he covers a Majority of his self for reasons. kinda want him to be a slightly more horrifying Worm Entity rather than human idk,
I kinda dont have much for this boy yet sorry Shitload
images !
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with some editing notes for me cause im doing a very specific aesthetic with this lmao. i might change some lil details/colours though ...... idk
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im also kinda 🤔 about shitload's colour palette. i want things assoicated w the sauce to be black'n'red predominantly but i think his palette might mirror dave's too closely. also im working on a korrok design i jsut am too busy to draw it now
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Kokichi is dying (V3 chatfic, no particular ship)
TW: Infers abuse, talks about ableism, neglect, panic attack pretty much, depression, self loathing. never being good enough
i am so sorry but vr au's need to be sad, love yall :)
(Background info: This is set in a vr au, they are not with their fake memory parents (Ie; kaito's kind grandparents) but rather why they really have)
(Also i have no fucking clue what ship i was going for???? pretty sure they are all on the table, and kokichi talks like an idiot in this and i love it. Gonta's writing is based off of his Japanese talking style, so no more caveman talking).
(Space monkey: Kaito, Detective pikachu: shuichi, Elton john: kaede, Antman: gonta, Mr. Gonstealyoman: korekiyo, Atua's bitch: angie, emoboi: ryoma, be-boop: kiibo, bread roll: Maki, cum dumpster: miu, mommy: kirumi, Gremlin: Kokichi)
TLDR: Chaos ensues, slight angst
Gremlin: omfg im fucking sicK im gonna fucking die i bet this was kaitos bitch ass fault for coughing on me with his tuberculosis headass gROSSSSS I HATE EVERYTHINGGG
Space Monkey: i-
Space monkey: I didn't get you sick dumbass,,,, my tb is fugckin cured bi-
Bread roll: he's dramatic and gross dont believe him
Gremlin: yall mean for what?
Gremlin: i have a life taking disease and yall laughing i- 
Gremlin: see you at my funeral bitch
Detective pikachu: What are you sick with then
Gremlin: anythong bitch, im the universe
Antman: He sounds delusional, thats not good
Detective pikachu: He's always delusional, he's Kokichi
Mr. gonstealyoman: I guess this name is better than my old one
Mr. gonstealyoman: thank you kokichi :) I am glad we have come to an understanding
Gremlin: kay sexy
Antman: who was that for???
Gremlin: NO ONE,,, 
Gremlin: Okay,,, maybe sexy tall men in general lowkey
Gremlin: okay,,,, maybe anyone over 6 feet 
Detective pikachu: i feel excluded
Detective pikachu: good, i don't like you kokichi, your an ass
Gremlin: u sound jelly shumaiiiiii
be-boop: perhaps he is telling the truth, you know,
be-boop: according to my data, in chapter four Shuichi stated that you will never have friends, and no one will ever like you
Antman: do you need me to come over? I can make you tea?
mommy: Do you know how to do that, Gonta? I can teach you?
Antman: Gonta does know, thank you very much. 
Antman: Gonta is not a child, Tojo-chan, please don't regard me as one
Antman: Gonta can cook, can clean, can be gentle, and has his own mind
Space monkey: but we're just making sure man, cuz, you know,,,, chapter 4
Antman: I am capable of things just like you!!!!!
Antman: Gonta doesn't know why you guys treat me like a child :(
Gremlin: yeah, hot stuff over there is basically a prodigy homies
Antman: Gonta is dumb though, don't say that.
Antman: Gonta is no prodigy, in fact, he is below average in everything
Gremlin: Whats ur test scores bitch
Antman: Gonta got a 98 on my english test,, but i wanted a 100, which would make Gonta actually smart :( 
Antman: Gonta is not good enough to be friends with you all
Antman: I can do basic stuff like tojo said...
Antman: maybe i do need help?
Antman: im not sure anymore:((((
Detective pikachu: You sound really delusional Kokichi, maybe you should get sleep
Detective pikachu: Sure you are. Now get some rest. 
Bread roll: Cause your stupid and aggressive
Gremlin: your personality, basically?
Bread roll: shut up at least i have a boyfriend
Gremlin: Technically, you just stole my frienemy 
Gremlin: Yall do be avoiding each other doe
Space Monkey: WE ARE NOT
Gremlin: Yeah yeah
Gremlin: yesterday i saw you to enter the same cafe by accident, duck your heads, then sit across the cafe from each other, all while  avoiding eye contact
Gremlin: Soooo,,, things not going well in paradise?
Detective pikachu: you're nosy
Gremlin: says the literal detective 
Space monkey: everythings fine your just a dickkkk
Gremlin: "oooo! Im momo-chan, i say bad word and go brrrrr"
Space monkey: im going to fucking stab him 
Gremlin: You cant, ive already enslaved you with my chaotic, yet cute hijinks, havent i~
Gremlin: im free by the way at 8 ;)
Bread roll: STOP trying to steal my boyfriend kokichi, ive told you this before
Bread roll: NO
Bread roll: BODY
Antman: Gonta interrupts to say, Gonta loves you kokichi, and we should get flowers together, than maybe we can prank some people :D 
Bread roll: Ive never wanted to stab you more, gonta
Gremlin: I'd enjoy that very much, fine fellow ;)
Gremlin: but idk,,,, can you like take care of me first, cuz IM SICK BECAUSE OF KAITO TUBERCULOSIS ASS
Space monkey: I DONT
Detective pikachu: He smokes?
Atua's bitch: he does, i walked in on him in the bathroom lmao
Atua's bitch: he was scared shitless and threw it out the window, needless to say atua does nt approve
Space monkey: Uh,,, i was taught vaccines were bad, so no i don't have the vaccine
Space monkey: your dramatic, it cant be that bad
Gremlin: say that when you catch it again
Gremlin: i swear you coughed on me like,,,, 5 weeks ago tho
Antman: OOOO! Fun fact: Tuberculosis can lay dormant from 3 months to a few years! 
Space monkey: u guys are just trying to scare me
Bread roll: Just checked the chat after using the br and,,m YOUDONT HAVE YOU VACCINES???
Detective pikachu: Im sorry, but kaito, please,,,,, for the love of god get vaccines
Space monkey: alright alright, ill do it cuz you guys are all on my case and i don't like being the villain :(
Gremlin: Im so happy i have gonta with me rn, he is making me tea while yall rot in your distant ass relationship (THIS IS FOR YOU KAITO)
Space monkey: Im going to destroy your bloodline in about three seconds if you dont stfu right fucking now
Gremlin: Hhehe i have an inaprwopwiate joke uwu
cum dumpster: wHAt Is iT YOU WHORE
Gremlin: i was gonna say wouldn't he need to like,,,, have sex with my family to weed out my bloodline or something??
cum dumpster: i-
cum dumpster: Why am i acting surprised, ive watched porn with more extravagant plots than this
cum dumpster: ie; are you guys FUCKING? RIGHT INFRONT OF MY SALAD??? is one i will cherish with my soul
emoboi: hehe why did she point out the salad
Space monkey: I hate u kokichi, i truly do
Gremlin: I bet if you got the chance u would kiss me space boy :P
Bread roll has left the chat
Space monkey: o god is she ddoing one of those bf loyalty tests or smthing???
Space monkey: now im nervous lmao
Gremlin: why you so nervous stupid~~~~
Gremlin: It not like ur cheating on her homie
Space monkey: It's just a placebo effect
Gremlin: My brain feels fried Momo-chan,, i don't understand big boy words right now
Space monkey: Basically, if you take a pill that doesn't do anything but you don't know that and believe it does, you will scientifically start to feel better
Gremlin: first and only time saying this, but thank you 
Gremlin: Kaito,,, imma need you to do me a favor and look up on your ceiling
Space monkey: i hate you, idk what it is, but i hte you
Gremlin: good <3
Space monkey: Im GENUINLEY panicing HOW TF am i gona get this off my wal???? They are going to bbat me senselpess help me shUichi
Detective pikachu: o god, i can sense the sheer pain and scaredness in  that tet, 
Detective pikachu: are you for real gong to get hurt or are you pulling a kokichi?
Gremlin: okay,,, maybe this wasn't the best prank.,,, i guess i'll help clean up cuz im not that much of a sociopath
Gremlin: tbh my parents can go shove it too lowkey terrible 0/10 
be-boop: Of course, i will come, i will survey the outside of the house
Antman: Gonta is coming too! We will get this done in under 40 minutes!
Space monkey: OKAY
Gremlin: Lowkey, if i cough on you ignore it bitch your the one who made me like this
Gremlin: I will give you TB again just cuz your making me suffer
Space monkey: Suffer what??? putting dicks on my FUCKING WALL???
Gremlin: Guilt, idiot, im feeling guilty. 
cum dumpster: oof thats new
emoboi: yeah i wasn't expecting it
Mr.gonstealyoman: Me neither. It is rather peculiar seeing it being texted by him because he is always feels not guilty of his bad actions.
be-boop: I do believe he means it, though...
emoboi: impossible.
cum dumpster: i agree, literally impossible.
Antman: Quick question, shuichi can i stay with you again? It'll be dark when i get home and gonta can't do that so,,, please help
Detective pikachu: my parents are like blank slates, who eat slowly, watch tv slowly, and never look at me. Im sure they wouldn't mind :P
Gremlin: ooo! I like the name! IM INNNN! 
Detective pikachu: On it!
be-boop: Ready for look out!
Space monkey: I love you guys :)
AN: Im lowkey sorry i ended this chaotic mess with angst,,,, but like fr i love it i love angst,, i hate reading it but love writing it
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voughtcorsair · 3 years
can i hear a bit about fritz? they seem interesting !
He is soooooo interesting to Me but hes a shallow little bitch <3 he also has problems and issues. i told my friend a lot of my thoughts for his post apocalyptic au and most of them can be paralleled to his 20thcentury version :
First of all btw another note added by me right now. this is based off d.anger d.ays because IDK me and my friends have a continuous universe and i participate in. Sigh. roleplay shenanigans <- fritz was actually made to be the fucking um..you know those like silly german "mein penis" posts? he was made a lil like that to be that as a slight against the weird people that keep playing characters with bad irish accents. Except i can't be mean so hes just here now. ANYWAYS tldr city is a monochromatic authoritarian capitalist hellscape and he plays killjoys (colorful desert rebels) in propaganda films.
his aunt (friederike johanna) is pretty much just a socialite that's all she does nobody knows how she makes her money. she's special heart she's kind of morbid and victorian-type like if she wasn't in the city her house would be full of taxidermy and stuff . she's really nice she's just Weird
fritzs parents went to the city a while after his aunt did and he was placed under his aunts care while they were adjusted however that process goes but they never got him back (maybe they were deemed unfit to raise him idk?) so johanna raised him basicslly. he was homeschooled for awhile and so he spoke german pretty much exclusively until he and johanna were like oh shit english should probably be spoken..Shit....bye. ( so he has an accent that is Not great by city standards but whatever they get him to play antagonists ) also i haven't decided what region they will be from but. will figure that out later
fritz is a lil permanently fucked up from auntie johanna being so incredibly morbid and not having any friends his age (but he's very good at being friends w old people) so cue HORRIBLE rebellious teenage years
he settled down a bit recently ish bc he has proper friends and stuff now but also acting makes him feel like. necessary and well liked and stuff but he does tend to mess w his own medication sometimes to try and feel better (:/) but he is like insanely insecure and shallow still and he TRIES to be nice but mostly he wants ppl to like him but also HATES getting his picture taken if he doesn't have like a fancy outfit and stuff so he panics a lot. basically he should not be famous but he is 💔
(To elaborate on this people in The city r assigned medications to idk. not my worldbuilding !!!!! but fritz uhm self medicates w that and has a bad habit of overdoing it because he's neurotic and well you know )
i also don't know what he does in his free time. like between movies.. i think he's really bad at every hobby ever but he likes origami and he kind of wants to be a fashion designer too but he kind of is not super good at that. So he has a bunch of like collages and sketchbooks laying around his apartment that he throws out every so often because he gets mad. and also he watches a ton of movies and uhmmm some not approved by battery city ones <3
he gets crushes VERY easily and goes to parties in the lobby ( like semi rebel section of the city) bc he knows he probs won't see those people ever again so he doesn't feel bad about not sticking around 👍 he's terrified of commitment and (emotional?) intimacy he's also extremely repressed
i think he's also the sort to fixate on "if i wasn't ___ ppl would like me more" so he's like im so funny and perfect and molding myself to fit in with the people i know most of whom r cishet ^_^
Yeah.....hes a fucked up lil guy.........he needs therapy and a hot bf
i think in 20thc edition fritz is like . less miserably repressed or at least is able to be healthier about that all sooner. OH also i haven't shared this fact but before the war (sorry bud) he wanted to become a translator or equivalent job and then everything went to shit so he was like oh Okay. Sure. :| he has not had the best time of it in any universe
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fizzysquish · 4 years
I'd really like to hear about your opinion on the ahit fandom if youre ok with sharing? love your writing by the way!!
Oh wow I actually didn't expect anyone to wanna know yifhfkhck
And thank you!
Alright this is.. Gonna be long and most likely have some spelling errors every now and then but bear with me.
Tw- talk of pedophilia, swear words
Tldr at the very bottom
The ahit fandom..
But also doesnt? Its kind of hard to explain. In general, if you just glance at the fandom it will either come across as pure or as a shit show. This fandom has some serious problems.
This fandom has a lot of drama happy people in it. Im not going to name names or anything, cause there's no point, but it does. A single scroll through the tags will tell you that much. And this isnt me saying 'people can't have opinions' or what have you. What im saying is that there are people in this fandom who live just to stir up drama and make others angry.
Or, in a lot of cases, instead of just saying a persons opinion, they'll swear up a storm and say they hate certain people or call certain types of fans 'the problem with the fandom' and like.. That just makes you sound like an asshole honestly. And it hurts people, too.
(And nobody can tell me it doesn't. Ive had to reassure too many venting and upset friends because of it. It hurts people.)
Also, because you know I have to mention this and it fits perfectly after this first paragraph- subcon. Snatcher.
I legitimately do not understand why some people hate snatcher so much. And I also cannot understand why some people will specifically target snatcher fans at times.
Snatcher is a big comfort character for a lot of people. Wether its for personal reasons (ex- mine is because of my own past dealing with abuse and trauma), or if its just because they make someone happy.
Snatcher is a comfort character, and the whole story surrounding subcon is so so interesting and fun to explore? And so what if people enjoy it? I can understand that it can get frustrating seeing so much of it, especially if you like something else, but that is no reason to target snatcher fans (or.. Any fans in general) and/or make people feel bad for having fun.
Fuck, thats how you make people leave the fandom entirely. I understand it can get frustrating, but just.. Try to be nicer? Try not to make people feel bad for having fun? Please?
And before anyone tells me "it's not about that!", i want to point out that I often see posts like "don't let the snatcher fans see this-" and other things along that.
If you want me to believe its not about that, prove it. Cause as far as i can tell, it certainly is.
(Also as a note- who cares is someones thirsty??? Like
Just block them and avoid if it bugs you so much?? It's not that hard dude)
Another serious thing to mention is the pedophilia in this fandom. Feel free to skip this part  if it makes you uncomfortable, but its something i need to talk about.
There are pedophiles in this fandom. Ive seen the art and the fics (no matter how many times i scrub my eyes, because its disgusting and horrible and just- eugh-). There are pedophiles here and its easy to come across them because they just.. Aren't afraid to post in main tags. People follow them. People support them. Granted, not everyone, and generally most people know to avoid em, but they're still there. They havent been kicked out or ostracized. And it disgusts me.
I know this whole paragraph could be argued that "that doesn't represent the fandom!" Or whatever but.. This is a younger audiences welcome game guys. Its advertised as 'the cutest 3d platformer!'. Kids can and do play this game.
There is pedophilia in this fandom, and i feel its important to mention.
Also, some people in this fandom just.. Suck. Plain and simple. Some people in this fandom are just genuine assholes. And said asshole just like harassing others and causing problems. There's a literal shit ton of drama and problems with this fandom, and honestly it's.. So dumb??
This is literally just a video game and people are just having fun. If there's a problem, treat it like a grown up and either ask the causes to stop and why, or block and move on. Simple.
Now lets move onto the good parts of this fandom, yeah?
First of all- there are some serious sweethearts and amazing people in this fandom. While there are some that suck, there are more that are actually just here for a good time and to make good content.
Ive met some of the nicest people ivs ever known thanks go this fandom. Ive created friends who I seriously consider family. And most people ive talked with or even just ran across have been pretty cool.
This fandom is also generally very welcoming to new people (minus the assholes), ive noticed. Some people get into it really easily just because eveyones generally friendly and supportive. Which is always great!
Also, the fanworks people in this fandom create. Can i just talk about how fucking talented people are??? Its pretty amazing to see how people create things for this fandom.
People will take the story that gears for breakfast showed and they'll run with it, and create these amazing au’s and stories and 'what ifs' from it. Its just.. So amazing to watch people use what we've been given just weaved it into something.
(And this isnt even going over the mods and the stories those create, which always amaze me.)
So with all that laid out, do i think the fandom good or bad?
...i think its both.
The fandom itself has some serious problems in it. It gets unnecessary drama nearly every other month or so for no reason. There are some truly disgusting people and some absolute assholes, but the majority of people are actually pleasant, fun to be around, and welcoming. As long as you be careful of who you follow and use critical thinking skills, its not so bad.
Im not going to lie to someone and say it's all honkey dory. In this fandom, you will inevitably interact with either a creep, an asshole, or both at some point. There is a likely chance that you will have your feelings hurt in some way in this fandom. Ive see it, ive heard about it, ive experienced it.
All that being said, if you curate your viewing, follow people that seem/are cool, and use the block feature (don't. Debate it, if youre unsure about someone just block em)... Its a very fun fandom filled with both heartfelt creations and memes, and has plenty of potential new friends.
So its both good and bad, yeah.
Fandom has lotsa issues but overall is fun, just make sure curate your experience for yourself and dont let what drama pops up or what assholes say get to you.
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(kinda) New Kids
aka I was unable to control myself and these guys happened. I’m not adding them to my Self-Imposed Challenge but they may get some headshots, I mean Nakhil already has one with his stepbrothers and Audouin may be getting one soonerish. 
Just having this post so I can keep track since there’s like...a lot now. They’re more or less listed chronologically from slightly oldest addition (as in i thought of them almost immediately after typing up my challenge) to the most recent. Content in [ ] are specifically my meta thoughts.
EDIT 6/27/2021: Kiyo (formerly Seine)’s info here is now mostly outdated. Also belated but Gina’s info here is also outdated but hers wasnt really set in stone to begin with
Jason & Camille Pensée-Lino
Grant and Viola’s twins
Jason is the older twin, Camille is younger twin. Camille identifies as genderqueer
Kinda typical outgoing-reserved twin dynamic
[Had always been meaning to give Grant (and Viola) children since Siebold and Valerie have kids. Wanted all three of this trio to have kids that hang out and spend time together]
Both of them are more likely to be into artistic stuff, though they need more development in general.
Shank, Amber, and Umi Mizoguchi
Brawly and Roxanne’s children
Shank is the eldest son, his real name “Hagi” is in honor of Old Man Briney who passed away a year before he was born. Amber is their only daughter and her real name is “Kohaku” which is basically just ‘amber’ in Japanese. Umi is their youngest son and kinda happened on accident but they love him.
[Honestly all three of them just suddenly snuck up on me but I am committed, plus always need some more Hoenn kids]
Shank is into water sports but mainly surfing and sailing. Amber works for Devon Corp either during or after becoming the next Rock-type Gym Leader. Both of them probably have ties to the reformed Team Aqua and Team Magma, respectively. I still need to develop what the former villain teams are up to during fankid era
Umi is just baby but that can change if/when I decide to get more invested in this family
Daphné Carnet
Diantha’s adopted daughter
[I wanted a fankid to carry on the “Carnet” surname and didn’t feel like having Ilima and Mina’s kids change theirs and I had always been toying with giving Diantha a daughter]
She has a bit of a backstory already! A super tldr is she was a runaway from a bad household and had befriended Diantha a year or two before getting formally adopted by her. A bit like Emma’s background really.
Also is another reincarnation kid and there’s more relevant drama with the circumstances of her past life.
[The next four boys also have more detailed and unnecessarily drama-filled backstories]
Nakhil Ali-Campwright
Raihan’s son
[I just went wild one night and decided to throw some more drama at Raihan and also kinda wanted a younger sibling for Eric and George.]
He was the result of a one-night stand that Raihan didn’t know resulted in a baby until Nakhil’s mom was arrested and the young infant was found severely neglected. This all caused quite the scandal for Raihan.
[Also he kinda exists to have Milo and Raihan have something to bond over (aka raising a kid solo along w stress of a scandal) while unintentionally also feeding into Eric’s inferiority and guilt complex]
He does end up growing up in a loving family with his fathers and brothers! May need to develop him more but for now he’s fine as sweet baby
Seine Mandragora
Ryuki’s son
[Also another case of a kid that just snuck up on me. Though I can say it was most likely because I saw Ryuki’s actual eyes in the anime and thought it’d be a cute look on a kid of his]
He was the result of a fling/one-night stand sort of thing between Ryuki and a fan of his. Said fan was either engaged or married at the time. 
Seine ended up growing up not knowing he wasn’t his dad’s son until at some point in his teens he gets caught in an argument with his parents in which oops its revealed. While the argument and drama does get resolved somehow he still gets curious and decides to meet up with his bio dad, Ryuki.
The two end up bonding like how they do in those films where the main dude suddenly becomes a father/father-figure to a troubled kid, but Seine doesn’t stay with him. They do keep in touch though.
[He doesn’t have much role beyond this little side-story and possibly encountering Astra, Hoshi, and Vivi during their Island Challenge. Possibly also ends up accompanying Chase during one of his travels in another region. Also definitely has strong affinity for Dragon-types so could do something there.]
Momo Ryouji
Lance’s much younger half-brother
[Really a result of me wanting to create a Lance kid but having trouble with the fact I don’t ship him with anyone and just didn’t feel like going the other routes I did with some other characters for this]
The result of an affair Lance’s late father had with a much younger woman, though the rest of the clan find out only after Momo’s mother dies as well. Lance’s mother knew beforehand, having met her while visiting her late husband’s grave. As much as she wanted to raise the boy herself she was also too old already. The other clan members wanted to get rid of him but Lance steps in to be his guardian.
[While a lot of him is still pretty vague and undecided I’m committed to him existing. Very tempted to have him be a sort of mish mash of Red, Green, Gold, and Silver’s traits, given that Lance also had experience being a mentor/father/older brother figure to those four. Plus like Hoenn I need more kids for Kanto and Johto] 
Audouin Dulcis
Dulse and Calem’s son
[This ship has always been at the back of my mind because of how events go down in my au wherein they do get to meet and interact while in Alola. Read here for me rambling a bit about them. Anyway talking with @pokemon-legends-and-legacies and @pkmnomegaverse finally made me crack and give them a kid]
Fully taking advantage of the “bizarre alien biology/reproduction” trope for this. Specifically the current scenario is Calem just kisses Dulse’s hand and that is enough to acquire a copy of his DNA.
Dulse ends up having Audouin by himself, but single parenthood is the norm in their homeworld anyway and he’s already had experience raising Zossie (more as a younger sister but still) so he doesn’t really see it necessary to try and reconnect with Calem to tell him about their son.
Audouin takes heavily after Dulse in appearance and personality, albeit more expressive.
[Currently still going through the possible routes aka does Calem meet him or not and all the possible interactions with Calem’s other children, but so far the route appealing to me is where they end up meeting and Audouin and the Narcillard kids get along, in contrast to their not-Calem dads who can’t stand each other lmao. In any case, Dulse still mostly remains a single father but Audouin would drag them to Calem’s world spend time with his half siblings and other parent at least every four years after the initial meeting.] 
undercut is the one kid in fankid limbo
Gina (short for Aubergina)
Korrina’s daughter
Mostly Im thinking I need more Aura capable kids and a Korrina kid would be cute, plus the top candidate for her dad atm is Wally but since I have him as Hoenn Champ if he was her dad he’d be a disappeared dad who didn’t even know he was a dad
Kinda really want to go the single mom route for Korrina
I honestly don’t have much reason to be attached or invested in her at all yet, maybe if a good dynamic with some of the other kids comes up or I make a better drama backstory that I would like, idk
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otagen · 4 years
ok this is totally random but i came across your piper changeling art from november and saw the comment about it being an au and i would be so happy to learn more about that? if you want to share
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first of all THANK YOU! i love drawing trickster and im so glad you like him. 
second of all: I’D LOVE TO TALK ABOUT MY AU. warning: this is such a long and silly explanation. it’s really long-winded and. needs a lot of explanations but luckily i’m happy to go off about it. there really is no name for the AU, but i have been calling that “changeling” hartley... “Fartley”. short for Fake Hartley. altho his actual name is Hartley Star (which i’ll get to). the lyrics are just in reference to a fan song i really like that i thought fit
the rest is going under a read more because it got extremely long: (there will be a TLDR version
so, this au takes place in a dc roleplay server with my friends (we post funny logs here @dcordchat ) and we have different AUs that we just name different earth. one particular earth we have is Earth-223, which is actually an expansion on a canon storyline! the “future flash” storyline (flash 2011 starting at issue #30) that really isn’t well written but a bit part of our server is that we take a lot of ideas and characters that dont get a lot of love (or some who do) and give them a lot more personality and thought. you don’t have to read that arc to know about hartley because the basics are: It’s 20 years in the future, and barry is going through it. he starts time traveling to fix all the mistakes he couldn’t. he’s lost hope. most of the rogues are dead. 
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a loooot of things have gone to shit, and a lot of people were lost. including hartley rathaway. i don’t remember if hartley dying was canon to this arc (because i didn’t finish it because it really is... hard to get through.) but that’s fine because this is where things start to deviate. hartley is mysteriously killed. his husband, david singh, has not been coping and has secretly taken up vigilante-ism on the side, going by the name Orpheus. (music motif... homage of a myth/fairy tale like the pied piper- of the guy who loses his wife.)
barry obviously isn’t coping well at all either. the rogues are almost like his family, if not completely, at least hartley and he were really close friends. so...
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if you’re new, mondae (aka Nightmare is my oc!) mondae use to be a canon character that i’ve twisted so far into aus of aus that she’s now my oc and is probably indistinguishable from her canon counterpart (they... don’t even look alike at all, unless you have been following me for a long time.)
anyway. mondae is sort of... barry’s roommate in that shitty future world that barry lives in. along with parallax, bart and thaddeus, Lee Allen, Marco Mardon, Josh Jackham, and an array of different animals including raccoons and a polar bear. Mondae is a sort of whimsical dream entity, almost like a diety in fact! but not quite, because she was made fairly recently. what she does is that she eats nightmares and makes dreams... and... can create dreams in the real world. as long as you can imagine it and dream it, mondae can pull that out of the dream realm and make it a reality! she often does this with animals or little gifts or things that are as big as a house.
however, she can also make... people! the first person she made was Lee Allen,, who is the brainchild of the kid that barry never had but always dreamed of having with Leonard Snart before he died(shameless shipping but... we can do whatever we want). this kid never existed before, they are entirely made out of all the wishes and dreams that barry had, and were given fake memories. Lee was made because barry is Mondae’s best friend and she wanted to do something for him! even though she didn’t think it through. despite the problems they had and the troubles adjusting, barry did eventually welcome lee as a father... and grew happier and regained much of the hope he lost before.
now. Mondae takes a look at Orpheus, who is still struggling to cope with the death of his husband. so Mondae figures... “why don’t i do what I did for Barry? I could just MAKE a new hartley.”
i’m sure you see what happens from here. 
mondae takes all the dreams and memories that everyone’s ever had of Hartley Rathaway and makes a new Hartley! the problem is, the real Hartley is dead and she doesn’t have access to all of his memories. but hartley remembers all these things and vague memories... he doesn’t remember the experience, his point of view is like. having the Supercut version of his life in his head. he has all the basics but not the details. the important things but not the things in between. everything that mondae didn’t cover in there, she sort of... winged it!
especially with hartley’s powers. mondae is made out of magic. hartley’s powers, the superhearing and the musical hypnotism... those both have scientific explanations. but mondae doesn’t get the science behind it, so this new hartley has powers that are mondae’s INTERPRETATION of his powers. meaning he can sing and play music that can perform miracles and control people like magic, and he can talk to animals like a Disney princess. this “fake hartley” aka Hartley Star (she sees him as a son!) is a living breathing fairy tale character. just like the real pied piper!
barry allen was horrified. more than him... ORPHEUS was horrified. his dead husband came back from the dead, except it’s not actually his husband. he still hasn’t finished grieving the first time, and the fact that this hartley is like his but it JUST different enough to... be noticeable... it’s too painful to witness.
hartley star is devastated and as you can imagine... has a lot of identity issues. thus: the piece of art i first drew with all his different iterations.
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feeling dejected and hopeless, hartley star decides to live on his own. or at least tries to. he ends up running off to prime earth. when prime flash catches wind of this, he and a bunch of other characters try to bring him in. then... joe gardner comes in and saves him! and now they’re roommates... they bond over being clones!
hartley star is now just trying to deal with being a fake and having all these weird feelings about identity. eventually, they will make a name for themself! and their future vigilante name will be “symphony”... possible designs for that i haven’t posted yet:
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TLDR: 20 years in a horrible future, hartley and many other rogues are dead... a new hartley is made out of HOPES AND DREAMS by a dream diety, but only has half his memories; which makes it hard for his old friends and husband to accept him. he has a lot of self-esteem and identity issues... but he is trying his best!
sorry this got so long but... i’m very happy to share it. 
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cinnaminsvga · 4 years
In the past I've asked for how your characters would react to their counterparts across your smaus. It's time for the new version: Who would win in a fight if you put your characters against their smau counterparts (so all Y/Ns against each other, all Yoongis against each other and so on)??? You can choose to include/exclude whoever you want and take as long as you want in replying or even choose not to lol
HAJDHAJSD THIS TOOK SO LONG TO ANSWER IM SORRY but i do get super excited whenever you send me one of these, so i wanna get this right!! i think i’m only gonna include the last three smaus (tddup, 300mdh, lib) bc i dont think i could even handle imagining what it would be like to have six seokjins... that’s some forbidden knowledge right there 😳
seokjin - jfc where do i even begin... for all my old followers, yall know that i just love writing seokjin as unhinged and chaotic as possible so you can only guess how terrible it would be if three of him were to fight. ok tbh 300mdh!jin would definitely win bc?? hes a fucking spy?? but i could somehow see tddup!jin finding a way to fight back,,, idk he could probs trick zeus!kook to help him by promising him some miku merch or smth,, LMAO and lib!jin is just there,,, smartly avoiding the conflict and streaming it on twitch or smth
yoongi - oh my boy,,, tddup!yoongi is absolutely frying lib!yoongi’s ass for not confessing his feelings HDKWJDKWK as hades, he’s probs gone thru his own fair share of heartbreaks (haha OOP spoiler alert for a prequel series maybe??) and he’d honestly be so so sad for lib!yoongi but also just frustrated?? he’d be frustrated with 300mdh!yoongi too tbh bc that dude has repressed feelings for mr kim seokjin that he still hasnt figured out yet,,, tldr yoongi smites the other two yoongis but then comforts them afterwards inside his cavernous ass ❤️
hoseok - sorry but 300mdh!seok is winning no cap,,, tho OKAY i havent revealed yet why, but he’s actually a pretty harmless guy,,, (ignoring the fact that hes a double spy and HAS killed people in the past... uhhh) but yea he’d just pretend to be a really nice guy and get along well with the other two hoseoks,,, tddup!seok is an idiot and probs wouldnt even notice anything off about him, but lib!seok might have a gut feeling that somethings wrong,,, this is actually a really strange trio and idk how it would turn out exactly,,, definitely some sus things going on,,, lol
namjoon - well, tddup!joon is currently a turtle so you bet your ass that lib!joon is keeping him as a pet LMAOOOO my dude would unknowingly keep tddup!joon until he somehow magically returns to being a human. 300mdh!joon is a bit harder to pin down, since it all depends on whether he’s drunk or not LMAO bc if he was drunk, you’d bet your ass that he’d be a fucking dramatic/emotional mess and would wax poetic about turtle joon and lib!joon would have to comfort him. if he was sober, he’d just be a “regular” guy, or however regular a spy can be. overall, they’d hang out altogether just fine,,, like a couple of nerds,,,
jimin - well, you all know how tddup!jimin is like and that bitch is hornier than all my smau jimins combined. he’s so ferally horny that lib!jimin would probs shit himself, though i’d imagine 300mdh!jimin could maybe handle him a little better.... somewhat. they might even get along after a while, though i have a standing theory that all my smau!jimins hate each other no matter what, like that popular clique of girls you have in high school. they all pretend to be friend with each other, but they would not hesitate to stab a bitch if and when provoked. fun times!
taehyung - in contrast with jimin, i feel like all my taehyungs would have a good time together, no matter what au (okay, maybe except for looh!tae but thats a whole different story lmao). i think tddup!tae would get along super well with 300mdh!tae, mostly bc theyre both incredibly chaotic and have a kinda “go with the flow as long as we’re having fun” vibe. lib!tae is just maybe a little more “calm” than them, but he’s always down to clown. tddup!tae would probs bonk lib!tae on the head tho once he finds out about what he did to lib!oc, but other than that... i think they’d all be good buddies. 
jungkook - oh boy where do i even start... i feel like tddup!kook, despite how absolutely stupid he is, he’s still... somewhat morally sound?? i guess?? like he loves his wife a lot (#1 oc simp lets get it) so he’d probs be so angry and frustrated with what lib!kook did. might even hit him with a lightning bolt if we’re being honest. 300mdh!kook would agree and beat the shit out of lib!kook, and then he’d bond with zeus!kook over weeb shit and they’d become the best bros ever. but then zeus!kook will say some,,, weird kinky shit and break the mood so then 300mdh!kook + tddup!oc will have to tie him up so he never speaks again,,, they’d certainly be a very wild trio,,, maybe even worse than the seokjins and that’s saying something!!
oc - OHHH MY GOD like fr but tddup!oc is gonna baby lib!oc so much you have no idea ;-; she’ll see how badly her heart got broken by her version of jungkook and probs offer to kill lib!kook, but sweet lib!oc would protect him even after all she’s been thru,,, i see tddup!oc as being a great older sister figure for lib!oc and tbh i stan!! and uhh... we all know how 300mdh!oc is... she’s also an older sister figure, but demented and insane. okay, so she’s maybe more like your crazy aunt that smokes too much crack but you know what? you cant hate her so shes just kinda there and sometimes she’ll say something super profound and is genuinely a loving person (deep deep down... like you have dig deep lol) but otherwise yea!! all the love for my ocs,,, they’re my babies and i love them so so much :-((((
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Hey!!! Can I request Makoto Hanamiya x reader?
Wahaha hows everyone im back again after almost a year (this is a Thing now isnt it) 
I didn’t do Lemony Things because you didn’t ask for it, but i couldnt think of what to write so I tossed in a bunch of tropes into my fave bot tatsu’s choosing command and um so this is a teacher au
this is set in hanamiya and co’s second year and everything’s the same except reader is a TEACHER at his school (not that much older, I headcanon them to be arnd 4/5 years older than the guys here?) so if thats not your thing feel free to not read it, take care
tldr; teacher!reader x student!hanamiya, gender neutral reader, sfw, ~2k words
Being the youngest teacher in school, relatively attractive and good at your job assures that most of the student body adores you. Some of them find you irritating, because you take your job seriously and it thwarts their hopes of getting an unfair extension, or handing in a shoddy assignment and getting good grades. Others respect you for it. You’ve had your fair share of teachers who completely disregard students or give them too much of an advantage, and you never want to be like them. You’re there to do your job, and that requires you to be dedicated and sincere. It’s more than just teaching kids, it’s about shaping their lives and you can’t ruin that just by not taking things seriously.
You pay attention to the rules, and you make sure that students do too. It’s a rich school, so the students don’t get into petty things deigned below their status, but sometimes their offences are all the more complicated. You don’t know how to deal with a feud between the heirs of two corporations which manifests itself in the form of a midnight brawl, nor do you know how to deal with people sneaking their boyfriends or girlfriends into the campus when you can’t tell if the rich kid belongs to your school or not. But you try your best, because you’ve become the discipline committee’s advisor, and if the students can handle things, you surely can.
It’s when you notice a certain pattern that you don’t know how to continue your job. The committee is just as disciplined as required from the rest of the students. They are the epitome of perfection, second only to the council that takes care of the business of the entire school. Yet, you’ve noticed something about Hanamiya from the discipline committee, and it’s thrown you for a loop.
He’s a great student; top grades, always polite and courteous, a member of the basketball club, that too as the captain… he’s nothing short of excellent. And he’s been beating kids up during his basketball matches, with the help of his team.
It pains you to think of all the people he’s possibly put into the hospital, all the people who might be unable to play for the rest of their life. But despite everything in you screaming to report him to the concerned authorities, you remain quiet.
It’s not like you have any proof either. It happened only because you heard some people from another school talking about his team, and to make sure the gossip wasn’t real, you’d paid extra attention to their next game. The rumours had been true.
You start observing him carefully, your eyes seeking him out more frequently - when you’re teaching him in class, when you’re in the committee’s room, when you walk by the gym and peek in through the windows. It’s weird, you have no explanation for it so you hope every day that no one ever finds out or asks you about it. But you can’t keep your eyes off of him.
And the more you look at him, the more you think of nothing but him. Or maybe it’s the other way round? Either way, you’ve got a guilty secret of your own on your hands. You like watching Hanamiya Makoto even when he’s doing absolutely nothing.
He hasn’t caught on, still smiling his polite smile at you during committee meetings, still answering questions perfectly in class, and still not noticing you loitering outside the gym.
It’s one of those times when you’re outside the gym, absently looking through the window wondering where Hanamiya is, when someone croons, “What brings you here, sensei?”
You inhale sharply, freezing. You don’t want to turn around, you can’t, not when Hanamiya is standing right behind you, and has caught you in the process of trying to locate him inside the gym.
Internally yelling at yourself, you exhale, plastering a smile on your face and turning around, “Oh, Hanamiya-kun, I was just passing by and thought I’d check in.” Best to stick to the truth. You didn’t want to make up an outlandish lie and get caught.
“Would you like to come in?”
Did you hear him correctly? You stare at him blankly, mind trying to process his words and coming up with nothing in return. Is he inviting you in? If so, why? What does he get out of letting you watch him practice? Could it be a scheme to get you in a secluded place and then threaten you?
Or maybe you just have an overactive imagination, and Hanamiya suspects nothing and is just extending the invitation out of common courtesy. You’re a teacher after all, it’s not the first time someone’s tried to butter you up for some extra credits, even if you wouldn’t follow through. A voice at the back of your mind jeers, you’ve already favoured Hanamiya by not telling people about his tactics.
“It’s alright, I have some work to finish up so I’d better get going.” You refuse. You’ve decided that you’re not going to come here again. Today’s the first and the last time you plan to get caught.
“Is it committee work?” Hanamiya asks, and unbidden, you nod. “You don’t have to worry about that. I will do my best to assist you. Please come in, I’d love if you did. If you’re worried you’ll get hit by a ball, don’t be. My team doesn’t needlessly toss it about.”
The way he calls the team his, as if he owns it, doesn’t escape you. With no other option, you nod. It’s better if you see them playing from up close once, isn’t it?
He smiles, walking back up the steps leading to the gym, and holds the door open for you. You slip in, and he shuts it behind you. Now you’re in the lion’s den without any escape.
No, that’s not it, you scold yourself. You’re a teacher, you’re still much more powerful against some high school boys.
You sit down in a corner of the gym, trying to put on an air of almost disinterest, even though you’re incredibly curious.
They resume practicing, his teammates not even commenting on your presence as if it’s the most natural thing for you to be there, and for a moment you entertain the extremely embarrassing thought that maybe they all know you’ve been lurking. Please, no. Anything but that. You don’t know what you’d do if someone asked you about it.
Because without the thing about you being concerned about the things the basketball team is potentially doing, you’re doing the same thing girls in your grade used to do back when you were in school; stalking boys on athletic teams for less than pure reasons. If someone thought that you’re doing that now, it’d be so much worse. You’re a teacher. Despite how attractive your students can occasionally get, they’re not for you to feast your eyes on.
Soon, you go back on your words completely and are watching them openly, awed at the way the ball passes from one person to another and into the hoop. You’ve never been the best at sports, but people who are this talented are always admirable to you.
If only they didn’t use underhanded tactics, a voice says in your head, and your expression turns sour.
Maybe you’re wrong. You’re still trying to hold onto the idea that what happened during the game you watched was a one-time thing, and they’d played the rest of their matches with the utmost sportsmanship. You just feel bad, suspecting them of foul play when you don’t actually have much to go by other than one game and a remark from some unknown student of another school.
Hanamiya is a great guy, a good student and committee member who always helps you out and pays attention in your class. Considering he acts as the coach as well, you sincerely doubt that he’d be unaware of what the rest of the team does. If they were the ones engaging in foul play, you doubt he’d let it happen.
You’re obsessing over this when the air around you gets charged, and you lift your eyes just in time to watch as a ball almost hits your face. It whizzes past you and hits the wall hard, before bouncing off onto the ground and away. You say nothing, heart in your throat as you try to calm down, but you can’t, not when they’re all staring at you wordlessly.
Finally, Hanamiya makes his way over to you, and bends down, picking up the ball. Straightening, he looks down at you, and your eyes meet his, mind at war as you try to look away while also wishing you could stare at him forever. “You okay, sensei?”
You blink. “I- uh, yes, yes I am. It didn’t hit me.”
“Sorry about that, Hara was playing around and accidentally sent it your way.” You peek around him to watch as a purple haired boy holds up a hand, cheekily singing, ‘Sorry, sensei~’
He sounds anything but sorry. “Who even hits the ball that hard while playing around…” you mumble, biting your lip once you realise you’ve spoken out loud.
Hanamiya cracks a smile, and you uncomfortably avoid his eyes. “He’s a bit enthusiastic. Please don’t be upset, we’re very sorry. I understand if you’d like to leave now.”
“No, it’s okay,” the words spill out, “Accidents happen. It’s good that he’s enthusiastic. You need that in sports, right?” You laugh, overly cheerful because otherwise you’d just cry, and for a moment, your student’s eyes widen. Clearly, he wasn’t expecting you to want to stay. Well then, you’ll just prove him wrong. You pull your lips into a bright smile, and continue, “Please, I’m alright, so go back and play.”
Hanamiya nods, and the rest of the practice passes by in a blur. You’re playing attention now, and the way they play is almost hypnotising. Hanamiya and the other boy you teach - Seto, who sleeps through every class but miraculously answers correctly when he’s called up to the board to solve questions - render the others unable to score as they make some sort of elaborate formation that passes over your head. You’re so interested that it comes as a disappointment when they announce the end of practice.
You get up, trying not to lose balance as blood rushes through your legs again after sitting for so long. You’re reminded of all the work waiting for you, and you wince. Hanamiya had said he’d help you, but it was actually work for you, a student couldn’t do anything about it. You’d just spent the past hour and a half watching the basketball club play around like someone with no work pending.
Another late night, that’s all you could do about it now.
But as they all bow down and thank you, you can’t help but smile. It was certainly much more enjoyable than staring at documents, if you were being completely honest. You spent half the time wondering if the kids were as bad as people made them out to be, and the rest of it completely enthralled by them. Suffice it to say, you’d had a good afternoon.
You look at Hanamiya, head tilted to the side as you watch him give our orders to the juniors, and you allow yourself a second to admire his profile. He reminds you of one of your classmates from school, talented, good leadership skills and just overall admirable. And it’s painfully obvious that Hanamiya Makoto is handsome as well.
But that was that and this is this, and you’re not going to dwell upon it.
You don’t say anything to him, just slip out of the gym and walk off quietly. Once you’re far away, you turn back and stare at the gym. It’s getting late, the sky bathed yellow as the sun prepares to set, and below it the gym building looks majestic, standing tall.
You can hear the sounds of the boys cleaning up, and a smile spreads across your face.
Maybe you could come here again.
i quite like how this turned out tbh, id make it longer if i wasnt so impatient to post aND IF I DIDNT ALREADY MAKE YOU WAIT A YEAR
i hope yall liked it
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sanchoyo · 5 years
favorite thing about them: 
where do I start. someone (I cannot remember who I follow so many shigaraki stans I am so sorry kjadshjkf if I find the post I’ll link it here) called his Creepy Faces Junji Ito Faces ™ and. Honestly that’s prob where it Started. I love junji ito’s work and things that are a lil creepy? (I consume a lot of horror. I am not good at handling horror) but also he’s just..his CHARACTER GROWTH. he isn’t like any other villains in bnha, like, stain whom? you think overholes’s musty ass is out here genuinely caring for his team? he’s been thru so much n overcome it and DESPITE afo trying to groom him into a killing machine he still..seems to really care for the league (this current manga arc is destroying me, take a look at mr. “"you guys do what you want and I won’t destroy what you like”“ and hes didn’t even hesitate at ALL to go save giran…also he’s got 5/5 intelligence and has been showing it from day ONE, his HAIR IS SOFT and his eyes are PRETTY and his coat is FASHIONABLE and the SHOES THAT MATCH HIS EYES? I can’t pick (1) thing hes the best bnha boy :”“(
least favorite thing about them: 
I mean, he did try to kill froppy whom is my daughter. but he ALSO tried to kill m*neta and Did That to Overhole so I’ll get what I can take, u gotta give smth to receive I guess :/
favorite line: 
Oh I have a Lot. the one where he calls Stain tf out like ‘Aren’t we doing the same things? Wanton violence for the sake of it?’ and the one from one of the recent chapters about showing the league/the doctor heaven and hell on earth? its so Spicy. he invented and trademarked good villain monologues
brOTP:him+anyone in the league. however I would really also love to see him n Hawks interact (please. please this arc)
OTP:spinaraki is so fuckgn cute and *hipster voice* I was shipping it before this arc started B) if I was better at writing/drawing Spinner I’d 100% make more content for it
nOTP:shigadabi, idk why even. like there’s nothing wrong with it..the art is usually really nice and or cute..I just Can’t Get Into It for whatever reason? its got Good Content tho! also like him/afo or him/overhole are both ones ive seen and BIG YUCK
random headcanon:
afo forced him to play piano for finger control but. u know what he prefers to do instead of those finger exercises, for dexterities sake? viddy games with big controllers. those hand held ddr games. nerd. (but he can 100000% play piano I want to believe) 
unpopular opinion:a lot of people don’t like reverse hero/villain!aus because they strip the 'core driving factors’ of a character and normally I’d agree (villain deku is usually. Bad for this reason, it seems like an edgy oc asdfadf) but Shigaraki’s main motivations as we’ve seen come from a place of immense trauma and are Generally Very Unhealthy. I understand why portraying this, as in canon it’s important to his character, even in hero aus is okay to show, but I don’t think there’s anything at all wrong with wanting him to have a happy childhood au either? Besides, he came from a hero family originally so, like, him being a hero in an au makes infinitely more sense to me than deku becoming a villain, If that makes any sense ?? tldr: hero!shigaraki is more valid than villain!deku
(also I’m a huge sucker for aus where the league still meets but aren’t villains or turns from villains to vigilantes bc im soft ugh :(( )
song i associate with them:One song? bold of you to assume I don’t have an entire playlist thats still a wip, (I’m also working on spinaraki and a general league playlist that are Super Not Done, but feel free to poke around my spotify for more Good Character Playlists)
favorite picture of them:
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heres, an actual pic of me, booboo the fool showing u my, fav, singular picture of him,……..(its all of them, I like every pic of him, im an indecisive FOOL)
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