#TMNT fanfiction
tmntxthings · 2 days
一∑Moth to a Flame・゜・。
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author’s notes: this is my entry for @dancingdonatello ‘s competition :D this has been sm fun and I can’t wait to read everyone else’s stories!!!
prompt: "You like them...more? Is that it? Am I the second choice?" "That's not true..." "Then choose me. Choose us."
warnings: angst, situation-ship, aged-up characters, college au, alcohol consumption, jealousy, yandere tendencies? cliffhanger
Donnie didn’t know how much more he could take. His mind was simultaneously all over the place and singularly focused on one thing. You.
Mutants and yokai kind alike have been out for years. So in the ‘town’ he and his brothers grew up in, they finally came to be free from the shadows. As free as heroes can be at least. They still needed to be a bit secretive on where they lived, in case of revenge-seeking villains.
But with mutants out on the surface, New York had grown accustom to them. Well, as accustom as they can be…
Donnie has met many people. He’s been able to attend college. Mostly online. But he finds the time to attend some evening classes in person. He met you. A floundering classmate in need of assistance.
Usually Donnie can find an excuse to get out of helping every poor soul that crosses his path. That’s what the professors are for. The librarians. Hell the student mentors! But with you… he just couldn’t resist.
The study sessions were long. But in the end you were able to pass, “All thanks to you Dee!!” You had cheered shoving your research paper into his face for him to appraise your passing grade. Barely passing, but it showed your improvement nonetheless.
He had been about to tease you of this. Three months of his help and you hardly grazed by?! But the thought was cut short as you pulled the papers away from his face and up you jumped.
Arms going around his neck and squealing your joy. He was frozen for a millisecond before his arms twitched into motion. His hands going around your back, holding you. That was the first time you had initiated such skin-ship.
Sure there had been the occasional touching of hands, passing laptops, books and the like back and forth. There had even been moments of playful touch, nudging his arm with your elbow for his odd choice in coffee. A tap above his glasses when he got too focused on his own work to answer your sporadic questions.
The hug didn’t last very long in terms of time. Seconds merely. But it made a lastly impression on Donnie. With the class over, you had no other reason to see him again. The prospect had Donnie fumbling to invite you out, to do anything to prolong such an ending to this blooming relationship.
“What classes are you taking next semester?” He had asked. You promised to text him the list, already having to dash off for one last exam.
He worried that would be the end.
Thankfully it wasn’t. You texted him later that evening, telling him all about the rest of your day as well as the list per his request. Unfortunately the two of you didn’t share any other classes. And it seemed unlikely for the future as well, the two of you were on diverging paths. Donnie despaired.
But you found reasons to message him. By the time the next semester rolled around the two of you were study partners, no matter the subject. Donnie would help if he could, and usually he was able. But there was a shift in the relationship. Outings to the library and other study areas changed to coffee shops. Then to your place. It only felt natural to invite you over to his.
Preparations were put in place. As were warnings “Yes, I do live in a sewer with my brothers and dad.” And “No it doesn’t reek of waste or garbage.” And “Yes there is one rat actually, my dear Papa.”
You took it all in stride. The introductions to his family went as well as they ever did. Friends. The two of you were officially friends. Donnie couldn’t be happier. With such a title he took more initiative with online contact. His messages would ramble on, sprinkled with pictures and videos.
Semesters continued to pass by and the bond between the two of you only grew. In turn, with more trips to his home, you became friends with his brothers. With April. It was just natural.
And then there was graduation. A celebration was in order. Four years, you had been in his life for four years and he couldn’t imagine it without you. The plan was to dress to the nines, and go out on the ‘town’! Drinking and dancing.
Of course, his brothers were invited as well as a few of your other friends. Donnie was no stranger to clubbing. The bar scene had become somewhat of a regular occurrence once his friendship with you was solidified.
You liked to go out. You liked music. He obliged on a few occasions to be your dancing partner and thus every time after it was his official label. Donnie was adverse to the huge crowds. It didn’t offer much room for dancing, but he’d endure it for you. With you in his arms it all seemed bearable. The music that was so loud it thumped in his plastron. The heat in the room percolating from the sheer number of bodies. Even the taste of alcohol, on the very, very rare occasion you got him to drink.
It always tasted horrible. No matter the different shots or mixed cocktails. God forbid a beer. You had pushed all sorts of these beverages on him, eyes crinkling up at him with amusement as his beak wrinkled from disgust.
Those nights with alcohol involved always ended strangely. Your touch would light him up from the inside. He’d want to hold you closer, lean in as far as you’d let him. Pull at your waist, dig his fingers into your hips during the last dance before the two of you had to part for the night. Those nights ended with kisses.
And by the next day you would never talk about them. So he didn’t either. Even as his murky memory of all other events seemed to part with clarity for how you had panted heat into his mouth. He’d flush dark green at just the thought and have to swallow the spit that pooled in his mouth.
This had happened a handful of times. The kissing. And with no communication whatsoever afterwards it put Donnie on edge. He wondered why it happened at all if you didn’t want to acknowledge the deed once it was done. He wondered about what it said on account of his own self worth for him to continue to let it happen.
To look forward to nights out. To nights you pushed a shot glass his way. To want your lips on his by the end of it all.
So with this big celebration, Donnie was expecting the same routine if only highlighted by the fact that both of you were now graduates. He’d be your dance partner. The two of you would spin for an hour or two, or however long you wanted. And he’d order himself a drink this time. One that he found slightly bearable than the rest.
Only, that wasn’t what was happening. Drink in hand? Sure. Your hand in his other? No. He was grumbling over at the bar shooting hateful daggers where you resided on the dance floor. You were dancing with Leo.
Donnie grimaced as he took a long hard sip. It was like acid in his mouth. Donnie didn’t know how much more he could take. His mind was simultaneously all over the place and singularly focused on one thing. You.
You laughing as Leo twirled you around. How wrong it felt to watch your arms go up and around his brother’s neck. Donnie was a better dancer. He knew in his soul that he could beat Leo in any category. Waltz, disco, salsa, you name it, Donnie could dance it. But his prowess didn’t seem to matter. Which only further incensed him. Why were you doing this? How could you possibly allow Nardo to take his place? His rightful role. Donnie was supposed to be your dance partner. And the only time you were allowed to dance with another was whenever he deigned to skip such an outing.
He was here. Dressed in an aubergine suit. Jacket button undone. And his black dress shirt was unbuttoned as well. Three buttons plucked, showing off too much skin in his opinion for such a crowd. But he had been feeling flirty. Flirty for someone who wasn’t even glancing his way.
Donnie fumed once more. Cursing in his mind as he lifted his drink and threw his head back. Maybe the taste would kill him. His eyes squeezed shut as the liquid poured down his throat and he tried not to gag. Bad decision.
When his eyes reopened it couldn’t have been at a worse moment. Leo was dipping you, his face leaning dangerously close to yours, his hand snug on your waist. Leo said something in your ear.
Maybe it was the lighting. Maybe it was the heat. But when Donnie saw your darkened cheeks, he couldn’t hold himself back any longer. He stormed to the dance floor. Yanking Leo’s hand away from your body once you were upright.
“What’s up hermano?” Leo’s smile was grating. Donnie had to force himself not to snarl. He took your hand and pulled you after him. Leaving Leo. Leaving this place. He had to get out of here now.
“Donnie?!” You called out over the music. But you didn’t pull away. You let him lead you out of the club. Out on the sidewalk, then off to the alleyway.
“Is everything okay?” You asked once he finally stopped. When he turned to look down at you, your eyebrows were creased with worry. Lips pulled into a line. Donnie was cracking. He couldn’t do this any longer. Did you like Leo? Did you want a ‘face man’? Was he not enough anymore? Was he being replaced? The thoughts were suffocating him and he pulled you to his plastron, backing you into the building wall simultaneously.
“I’m here, but Dee you’ve gotta say something, I’m getting worried..” You mumbled into his clothes. Your arms going around Donnie’s shell, petting over his jacket. Offering him comfort. It wasn’t enough. He huffed his frustration.
“Should I go get your brother?”
It was the wrong thing to say. And this time he did snarl.
Your hands froze. Falling back down to your sides. You’d never heard him so angry before. He couldn’t find it within himself to care at the moment. His displeasure written all over his face as you looked up at him.
“What’s going on?”
And Donnie remembered himself thinking that so many times with you. As you had took his breath away. And then again when you pretended like you couldn’t recall ever doing so.
He leaned down. Capturing your lips. Kissing you like you did to him. Only where you had made him breathless, this seemed to have the opposite effect. You puffed up. Bristling in his arms as you tried shoving him away.
It hurt.
He was much stronger than you. He could overpower you easily. But your push was like a blow to the plastron. He staggered back, all anger leaving him. A husk as he squeezed his fists shut, head hanging down as you berated him.
“What the hell was that?! Are you drunk?? Donnie what is going on? If you don’t fucking say something right now, I swear to god,”
“I don’t know!” He shouted back and it was enough to quiet you.
From there it was as if his mouth couldn’t be stopped. “I don’t know! I thought this was what we did. I didn’t hallucinate those three times you kissed me. Don’t deny it any longer!” He was heaving, face coming up to stare accusingly at you.
Your lips pressed together in a thin line.
“You kissed me! Drunkenly, but it was still there. And I can’t forget. I can’t pretend they never happened. I don’t know how you can.” His hands were in motion as he ranted. Throwing them out with the building of emotion.
“So I thought tonight would be no different. We’d get drunk. We’d dance. And we’d kiss! I want all of that. Even though I’d do it without the alcohol.” His voice cracked towards the end. But he continued to push on.
“But you danced with him. So I went and got drunk enough for the both of us.” He felt pathetic admitting this out loud. He staggered forward, unable to remain so far apart. Despite you having pushed him away. He was just a moth to your flame. He’d let himself be burnt.
“You like him more?” He asked in a voice so low it practically went unheard. His hand came up, a finger tracing down the side of your cheek.
“Is that it? Am I the second choice?” His lids lowered in time as he ran out of skin to skim. His hand fell away from your face but he had crowded you close to the wall once more. Nowhere to run. Nowhere to hide.
“That’s not true.” You exasperated. But that hardly cleared up anything for him. If that was the case then what were you doing dancing with his brother and not him? Why couldn’t he kiss you? Why were the both of you still pretending to be friends?
“Then pick me. Choose me.” Donnie pleaded. He didn’t care how needy it sounded. He’d do whatever it took. Get down on his knees if he had to. Because you had become a part of his life four years ago. Four years of a presence he didn’t know he needed. Up until it was far too late. And now there was no turning back. He’d be damned if he let you get away.
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The final battle begins! Leo confronts the king fungus and promises to avenge his brothers at any cost.
This is from the latest chapter of my fanfic, In Nightmares! Read the latest chapter with this link :)
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albaqae · 1 year
So I’ve noticed that in this fandom it’s common to include Deaf/ASL-using-characters into stories, which is honestly AMAZING and makes me SO HAPPY TO SEE, but many of us aren’t deaf we rely on resources, therefore:
My ASL teacher gave us this website cause it’s updates constantly (ASL evolves lots) and it’s a lot more accurate and reliable than just google :))
To work it- type the word, and a word bank will pull up, click on the term u want and a video/description of the sign and word will appear!!!
It’s rlly simple and has most words and if it doesn’t it’s bc it’s finger spelled probs!!!!
If u want more in-depth good grammar, search up “five parameters ASL”, “glossing in ASL” and watch a few videos to see “how sentence structure differs in ASL”
As always, remember it’s ok to make mistakes/notice a mistake, just be mindful and kind :D most of us aren’t out for malice and if someone is it’ll probs be very obv 😭
Happy Creating!!
Edit: A THANK U SO MUCH FOR THE REBLOGS :)) if anyone ever needs any help drop a comment or look at other reblogs!! There’s lot of other resources/tips there!!!
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indieyuugure · 2 months
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Episode 1 of Ninjas in New York! Welcome back guys! We’re off to a great start with more cursed toasters 🤣
Next: Episode 2
See All…
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heck-theo · 4 months
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So I know this doesn't exactly happen like this, but this is where my brain went. Donnie go weeeee. Look at him go, he loves it in there :>. Really awesome chapter!
The Neon Void fic by @sugarpasteltmnt (hope it's ok to tag you for fanart? I'm not sure if that's a faux pas)
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sugarpasteltmnt · 4 months
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Watch and be amazed... As I make the Krang Key...
Ď̹̟̫͗͠I͈̙̮͐͌ͤ͛S̹̅̒̍ͨA̵̺̾PP͔E̡̻̮̩͖̤͐A͍ͬ͜Ŕ̬̩̳͉̂̔ͥ͆ Â̸̛͔̱̗̔H̡̱̀̄̔Ą̗̃̔̄̄̈͝H̶͍̄ͥ̽ͪ̕͠AḨ̢̽͛͛̏ͬẢ̘̝͝HĀ̰͈̼͙̇ͫ–!!!
HUGE thank you to Anixolt on twitter for this INCREDIBLE commission for the newest chapter of The Neon Void!!! I can't believe it's finally here. We're nearing the end. I hope you all enjoy Leo's "show" hehe
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citruswriter · 3 months
TMNT Masterlist
Btw I write exclusively for the Bayverse & ROTTMNT turts. And a reminder that I use the citrus scale. Be sure to check my bio if you don't know what that is!
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Characters I Write For
Master Splinter 🧡
Leonardo 💛/🩷
Raphael 💛/🩷
Donatello 💛/🩷
Mikey 💛/🩷
TMNT Boyfriend Scenarios
Animalistic Reader 🧡/💚if you squint
Second Meeting/Becoming Close 🧡
Realizing They're In Love 🧡/💚if you squint
Then Finding Out You Have A Partner 🧡
Breaking Up With Your Partner 🧡
Tender Moments/Realizing You're In Love 🧡
Being Rescued From Danger 🧡
Confessing 🧡
Animal Love 🧡
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All Turtles/No Specific Pairing
Say It Again 🧡
Bayverse Turtles x Younger Sibling Reader 🧡
Yandere Bayverse Turtles x Receptive Darling 💛/🩷
Bayverse Turtles x Adopted Younger Sibling Reader 🧡
Bayverse Turtles x Eepy Reader 🧡
Bayverse Turtles Reacting to Shredder Having a Mutant Turtle as a Pet 🧡
Making Headcanons about the Rise Turtles as Somebody Who's Never Seen The Show 💛
Whatever This Is 🧡
ROTTMNT Boys x ND Reader during 4th of July 🧡
Bayverse Turtles x Kitsune Little Sister 🧡
Bayverse Turtles x Fainting Disorder Reader 🧡
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High Standards 🧡
ROTTEN Leo x Southern Reader Blurb 💚
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Imagine Blurb 💛
Relinquish 🧡/🩷
Glasses 🧡
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ROTTMNT Mikey x Reader Imagine 💛
ROTTMNT Yandere Mikey x Reader Blurb 💛/🩷
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Polyamorus Writings
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Tcest Masterlist Here!
^ Tcest has its own masterlist for the comfortability of those who do not wish to see that kind of stuff. I don't want you guys to go reading a fic of mine just to find it has tcest so I made it easy and made a whole other masterlist for it.
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the-peak-tmnt · 2 months
I’ve been writing my Mutant Mayhem fanfic for a year now, and that whole time, I’ve been setting the stage for Raph to learn meditation. I’m so fucking psyched about this I might explode. I FEEL SO VINDICATED!!
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He is SUCH a feral creature
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I definitely do not have an ever-growing collection of his pics and recorded times that he’s growled like a wild beast in the series to prove to myself that feral is in his blood.
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zeawesomeness · 1 year
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I’ve been reading The Eldest Brother fanfic by @debb987 and I absolutely adore Raph being able to hold all the 2012 children on his shell!!!
The background is stolen from the show (although I think that’s kinda obvious just by looking haha). I got the idea for this drawing when I saw a screenshot of Rise!Raph holding all his brother! So I traced that screenshot and just added the 2012 turtles on top.
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Leonardo's First Love—Splinter's Talk
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When Leo realized his heart was being divided, he felt afraid. 
His attention had always been captured by his family and his mission—he knew what it was like to love them. But never had he thought his love was going to be snatched up, split, and taken almost wholly by someone of the race that thought they were monsters. 
When Leo noticed the pull towards something else, something new, he pushed himself away. 
He found himself tonight an observer to soft skin, a vulnerable but inviting form that seemed to master existing as is without striving for status-quo. And it was entrancing, desirable; sparked sensations in him he had put under wraps years ago as a teen. Useless instinct. Basic drive. He had more to expect from the world, and expected more, he did…but every night, went back to the same old scenario. Her. 
"Get out of my head," he groaned as he laid up in the quiet lair when he was supposed to be resting, lost in thought. Smooth curves. A small stature against his. Hands, running down—he paused. Somewhere in the middle of a fantasy, he'd heard the words "I love you". That brought him back to the fact that it wasn't just desire. For that there were things he felt embarrassed to indulge in sometimes; but it didn't help anymore. Because those people in the screens, the words on a page of an R-rated book, were not her. Couldn't be, even if he tried. He wanted to know for just a moment what it was like to be human. To have that possibility of love there for the taking. And to never go for it, with all the permission those men had just for being human, he was disgusted. Feeling bitter over that fact sent his mind into overdrive—because he would feel even worse if some man did go for it with her. Like a walking contradiction, he was fighting with himself every step of the way. From she should stay away, to she should be with me. 
He got up to practice some forms. Maybe do maintenance on his flexibility. Sharpen his katanas. Anything to stop thinking and start doing. Somewhere during his steady training, he heard Master Splinter enter. 
"What is the matter, my son?" asked Splinter. He always knew even when his more stoic child Leonardo was troubled. 
"What's the matter? Nothing's the matter. I'm fine," Leo replied, balancing on one leg. "[Y/N] should head home, it's almost time for patrol." 
Splinter sat cross-legged down on a cushion with a slight smile. "So quick to mention [Y/N], even when you're preoccupied," he commented, "I told her she was welcome to stay whenever she liked. To repay for her generosity." That generosity being, stocking their fridge with things they couldn't get a hold of, to help out the heroes of New York. Something along the lines of making sure they were eating right for all they did. 
Leo paused, "What? I'm not quick, I was just saying…Splinter, it's weird having someone around now." 
"Does not have to be 'weird'," Splinter said. Leo felt his black eyes on him even when turned around. He was flustered, still going through the smooth motions of his kata. "Tell me what is really going on, Leonardo. I know you have something on your mind." 
Giving up his rotations, Leo slumped a little as he stepped off of the pedestal, setting his katanas down as he faced his father. "I don't know what's up with me, Master. I just don't get it." 
Splinter gave a knowing hum. Still, a small smile tugging at the corner of his mouth. "It seems like you've been quite bothered over [Y/N], my son."
He knew he couldn't hide anything from Splinter. There was no point in deflecting longer; he was only embarrassing himself. Finally, he admitted, "I can't…you know the way it is, Master, it'll never work. She's cool with us, but she's a human. And I'm a mutant." He sat down before his father on a plain mat. 
"Yes, a very beautiful human, too," the old rat mused, gently stroking the longer hairs of his chin. Leo flinched and opened his mouth to switch the focus of the conversation, but Splinter beat him to it. "Surely a woman like that would not ever spend money on, cook for, and give quite undivided attention to such a mutant when he's training. You are correct, my son, it's over." 
Leo's face flushed cold, blood rushing to his cheeks as he listened to his father. "Master Splinter! I'm being serious!" he fussed as he leaned forward onto his palms. "I don't know what to do, I—" 
"—want to stop feeling this way, yes, I know," Splinter finished for him. "Oh, young love." 
It was quiet for more than a moment. Leo's face softened, his blue eyes studying his father's as he gave Leo a look of acknowledgement. He gathered the courage stuck in his gut fluttering about his stomach, mind bouncing between [Y/N] and what his dad was saying. "I made myself stop thinking about love and stuff a long time ago. Mikey's always going on about it. I know Raph wants to be accepted more than anything, and Donnie, he's got his secrets. I'm supposed to be the example. I was supposed to show them we can live and not care. That our lives are worthwhile even without humans being involved. But now…" 
Splinter raised a brow at him. 
"I'm in love," Leo said. "And—and want it so badly." 
Splinter reached forward to place a hand on his shoulder. As soon as [Y/N] had entered their lives, he knew this day was going to come for one of his sons. It was inevitable, he thought. "Welcome to manhood, my son, this was fated to happen at some point. I've only been waiting since she arrived." 
Leo felt exposed. He felt unsure, and that uncertainty was driving him insane. He was always steadfast in his approach. Knowing he was a fish out of water in this situation disarmed him. 
"Master Splinter, what do I do? Tell me." 
Splinter's idle smile left as the tone turned  more serious suddenly, adding to Leo's growing discomfort. "You must understand that having [Y/N] means that your burden will grow. Not only will it be your brothers you will have to protect, but her, as well. It is your job to defend her from anything that could put her in harm's way. She is not built to fight like you. She is vulnerable, and being affiliated to us will only add to the dangers already present in this world. That is what you must come to terms with. But you must not ignore your heart, either." 
Having another body to look after. He contemplated that before answering. When he thought about defending her, it did not feel like an added chore. He wanted to. What was he so strong for if not to also protect the woman he loved? And what he had said before…could she have felt the same way? 
"You've prepared me more than enough to be able to handle another person, Master." 
He wanted nothing more than to hold her. That was something he could not deny. He enjoyed being an observer to a way of life so different from his; femininity, not always being the one taking care of others. He loved his family, but at times, leading was tiring. He wanted to forget about it for just a little bit, maybe lay down, be with someone he didn't have to "manage".
Splinter would have been lying to have said he wasn't surprised at all. But he knew his sons, inside and out—Leonardo had iron will. 
"It is your choice, Leonardo," Splinter said amiably. 
His choice? He wanted to laugh. There almost wasn't a choice. He felt like every road led back to her. It was either face his fears, or stay awake every night plagued with the possibilities of what could be. And he didn't handle fear well. It twisted his stomach and ate him up inside when he felt uncertain, afraid. God, one word is all I need from her. Just one "yes". One touch. One kiss.  He wanted to feel her hands explore his plastron, run along the edge of his shell. Love what made him, him. 
Overcoming the hesitance he felt, he let out a deep breath, committing to a final answer. " I don't know how, but...I want to try. I can't let this go. There has to be a reason all of this happened. If everything that's happened to us up until now has been destiny...I can believe it for this, too. Thank you, master."
Just felt like writing our leader in blue having a talk with his father 😌 Going to make this a little mini series for all the boys!
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The climax for In Nightmares (not the last chapter, but certainly The Chapter) is gonna be out in a few hours hopefully, I hope y’all like reading because it’s far too long lol.
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fluffytriceratops · 1 year
𝐁𝐞𝐥𝐭 𝐊𝐢𝐬𝐬𝐞𝐬 - 𝐋𝐞𝐨𝐧𝐚𝐫𝐝𝐨 [𝐛𝐚𝐲𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐞]
notes: leo reacting to y/n pulling him in for a kiss by his belt. ;) i'm doing this for all of them and it's in headcannon style because i'm in a rut and lazy. bayverse spefically for now, but let me know if you want this for other iterations as well. ^v^
click here to read donnie's ver.
click here to read mikey's ver.
click here to read raph's ver.
warnings: mature language, nsfw mentions/sexual themes.
tags: @thelaundrybitch @turtle-babe83 @leosgirl82 @rheawritesforfun @s-s-ironnie @post-apocalyptic-daydream @mysticboombox @drowninghell @lec743 @raphielover @tmntspidergirl @raphslovemuffin80 @squirrelfurs @bibiz82
(if you want to be tagged in my future tmnt related work, feel free to lemme know and i'll happily tag you~!)
i'm sending all the love and virtual hugs to you! love you guys!! ^w^
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- eyes would widen a fraction, and if you weren't paying attention you probably wouldn't notice.
- at the feeling of your hands on his belt, he would raise an eye ridge.
- his jaw would clench, and again, if you weren't watching him closely you wouldn't notice.
- hands would slide to your waist. grip would tighten a little at the feeling of your breath fanning his face.
- his cheeks would warm at the close proximity, his gaze would study you.
- so intense it made your skin prick in delight.
- he'd pull you closer at the feeling of your lips against his own.
- and once you'd both pull away he'd send you the most breathtaking smile. the type that literally takes your breath away and make your heart clench.
- leo would lean closer to you, so close you could feel his breath against your ear. "that was a very bold move, y/n.." he would murmur, his voice low, husky, and laced in a teasing tone.
- his voice alone would bring you pleasure, giving you goosebumps and causing a shiver to snake up your spine.
- your cheeks would dust in a soft rosey glow, but you'd force a smirk on your delicate lips.
- "exactly why i did it, leonardo." you'd all but purr. grabbing his bandana tails and twirling them around a finger with a coy smile that had his heart stuttering and thoughts to falter for a moment.
- leo loved hearing you say his name like that.
- he'd bite his lip subcontiously and study you with those intense blue eyes of his.
- "and what spurred on this bold move?"
- leaning closer to him, brushing your lips against his once more-
- "i was hoping you'd pull an even bolder one~"
- if you were in a secluded area, and especially if no one was around, he'd take you right then and there.
- if you were more in public, he'd find the most hidden place he could and mark every inch of you as his. ;)
- either way you're covered with love bites.
- leo wants you all to himself, and he'd be deliberate with his markings. putting them in places where they wouldn't be seen by the naked eye normally. that way, you two are the only ones aware of their existence.
- and when you guys were with company again, he'd brush his hand over the spots, despite not being able to see them, he'd know exactly where they were. he would apply a bit of pressure, to make it known to you, and only you, that he was very aware of this,
- leo likes to watch you squirm.
- and he makes you squirm as often as he can.
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indieyuugure · 2 months
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Indie TMNT #1!
Ninjas in New York: Ep. 1, Ep. 2, Ep. 3, Ep. 4, Ep. 5, Ep. 6, Ep. 7
The News Lady: Ep. 1, Ep. 2…
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yorshie · 2 months
I have this really stupid but also funny idea for reader x Bayverse turtles headcanons (separate). Reader is very obviously in love with the turtle, and constantly tries to flirt with them. But every single time, it ends in comedic failure.
Reader leans against the door frame doing a smirk? Reader misplaces their arm and falls face first right infront of the turtle. They got the turtle their favorite flower? Reader gets chased by a swarm of bees and ends up loosing the flowers. They got the turtle a gift? Reader somehow end up loosing it the second they lay their eyes off of it, it’s gone in the void now. Anything that could go wrong, does in fact, go wrong.
Who would laugh off the misfortune? Who would feel sorry for reader? And who’s just baffled by how horrible their luck is?
Hi nonnie! Thank you for sending in this delightful request, hehehe. I went with more headcanon style of how I think each turtle would react in this situation, though to be honest if you ever turn this idea into a full fledged one shot I'd love to read it! I'm sorry it's so short!
bayverse turtles x GN reader, turtles are 24-25 SFW
Donnie thinks you’re the cutest thing to ever exist, and your misfortune is just another facet of you that fascinates him. You try to help him carry his tools around the garage, but slip in the process and everything goes everywhere? First thing he’s going to worry about is you. Are you ok? Are you injured at all? Don’t feel bad the floor slopes right there and he’s positive that slip on bare air was, in fact, not your fault. He’ll help you up, dust you off, and together you’ll pick up his tools and go on your merry way. ….. He does install some safety measures in the lab though to make sure there aren’t any hazards or dangers just left out. Might even put tennis balls on all the sharp edges he can find
Leo is baffled on how you keep ending up in perilous predicaments, and he is not at all amused that they are somehow on his behalf. I hope you are ready for eye rolls and lots of him rubbing his beak and eyes like he’s fighting a migraine, because as much as he loves you he cannot for the life of him figure out how you are attracting danger in such large quantities. While he appreciates the sentiment, he’d rather just have you safe and not somehow on top of the burning building being chased by angry cheerleaders, a man in a hot dog suit, and what looks like half the foot clan…. No, no, don’t try and explain, he’s too flabbergasted, just wait until he’s had a few hours to decompress before you tell him the story
Mikey feels sorry that all your hard work is going to waste. It’s okay, angelcakes, he can still enjoy the cake! He’ll just eat around the parts the swarm of bees got too. It’s fine, really, it’s the thought that counts… maybe you’d be okay with Donnie helping you get those stingers out though? They look kinda painful, and he doesn’t think rubbing them is helping any….. Maybe some cake will make you feel better? He’ll share. (Let’s not forget Mikey is also sometimes unfortunate enough to be caught up in your mishaps, good thing as a mutant turtle he’s a little less breakable than you, he can keep you both safe when you trip on a skateboard and knock him off a building ledge)
Raph definitely laughed the first time something unfortunate happened to you, until he realized you were trying to do something nice for him… and you actually hurt yourself. He felt horrible, got the stink eye from everyone involved, and ever since then he’s been the quickest in scooping you up out of harm’s way, adamantly insisting that you don’t need to go through such lengths to show him you appreciate him. Jokes on him though, the way he blushes when he’s flabbergasted and embarrassed over you handing him a bouquet of flowers that look like they’ve been through a swamp is just too funny not to try and recreate. He grumbles and mumbles but can’t bring himself to not say thank y… wait…. Is this… baby, isn’t this poison ivy??
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tmnt-l0v3rrr · 2 months
Yan! Rottmnt x Reader Headcanons
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Kidnapping, loss of privacy, being watched, forced touch, unhealthy relationships, abuse, beatings, Obsession, shock collars, and overall yandere and unhealthy topics.
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Now, he really hates seeing you upset. But, part of him remembers that if you don't learn now you never will, he is an older brother after all.
His punishments aren't near the worst of the bunch. Raph's punishments are more inconvenient than anything, not being allowed to leave his room whatsoever, doing laps around the lair, are the minor ones, they do progress the worst of the action you do.
If you try to run away you lose all and any privacy you had. Zero time alone at all, it's suffocating.
It's time for you to shower? He's right outside the curtain the whole time, he isn't afraid to look in if he hears something out of the ordinary. Bathroom? He's looking away but you can even lose that. Changing? Unless it's undergarments his eyes aren't leaving you.
You aren't allowed to face the door when you two sleep, you're kept facing the wall cradled by Raph, he'll chain you to the bed if he has to.
In summary, privacy loss is one of his most used punishments. He'd never hit you, on purpose….
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Now, he isn't super sure how to punish someone humanely… He just isn't sure on how else to get you to listen.
For the little things, like talking back or refusing to do a dumb activity with him, he can be cold or manipulative. He could spit something at you like “Really? All I want to do is love and spend time with you and all you ever do is ignore me or be ungrateful! All I want is to love you, let me love you, dear.”
He will also pinch you for small mistakes, like say you say something he doesn't exactly agree with, Leo will simply pinch, normally on the neck, it works, his pinches hurt like a bitch. Or he'll flick you, those also hurt.
He worries, alot, so if you try to run away?
He throws a fit, screaming, crying the whole ordeal. He will get to you, lock the door on his train car. Yell, so loud your ears ring. Screaming about how mad he is, how you should never do that and how dangerous it is.
In his fit of rage, it will likely get physical.
Maybe grabbing you by the collar… throwing you against the wall, screaming at you, he'll kick your legs and bash until they bleed and are bruised.
He didn't mean to, he is just too worried about you, he can't let you leave. No matter how much it hurts.
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By far he Is the worst, he knows what you did is wrong and won't feel bad, you did this to yourself. It was your choice.
Now, almost all of his punishments are with a shock collar he made, one like he made for Leo awhile ago, but it has different settings and is remote controlled. (He can also control it with his tech gauntlet) Based on what you do is how bad the shock will be, it is normally at a 2 for small mistakes. A quick zap is it.
Now, if you try to escape? That's where it gets bad. What were you thinking?
Once he finds you, you're in big trouble. The collar will go off, the highest setting. Over and over. You'll be lugged back to where you started being shocked and yelled at.
Like his blue coded brother, he isn't too sure how to be humane. Whatever he does, it's gonna leave a mark.
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He is somewhere along with Raph, he's more disappointed than anything when you mess up badly. He is rare to punish, he doesn't want to see you in pain or upset. It's just hard for him to see. It hurts.
For small mistakes he'll give you a small scolding and that's it. Nothing to scare you. He doesn't want to scare you anymore then he already has.
If you try to escape, he reminds himself that you're human, you're scared. Your world was torn apart by him. He had to be gentle.
He will take you back to the lair, tied up with his mystic chains, leaving no room to squirm. Along with his older brother, you'll lose privacy and with Mikey, you'll be treated like a helpless child.
You can't do anything alone or without help. It's truly embarrassing. You're not allowed to even brush your own hair. Pretty much everything is taken away from you. It sucks.
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