#TOK Jules
fluffytheocelot · 3 months
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Yeah Ik it’s not even January anymore SHUT UP-
It’s been a hot minute since I’ve drawn preexisting characters as cats and it was SO FUN getting to stretch my character design muscles again!!
Carmen Week day 7: Classic
The 94 series and Treasures of knowledge are the 2 I’m most familiar with, so those are the ones I picked!
And hoo boy do I have thoughts on both of them lol
Also for the most part across the Carmenverse, Carmen doesn’t seem to want to physically harm anyone, at least not too badly. There’s probably exceptions but that’s my main observation
94 series:
I’ve watched all four seasons (they’re on Tubi in order for free if u haven’t seen em, I think they’re also on YouTube) and in conclusion: Carmen loves her kids detectives lol
*watching Zack and Ivy try to chase after them*
VILE member: Your children are very… Spirited
Carmen: They’re rescues
Seriously Carmen lost her mind when Lee Jordan put em in danger lol. She was *this* close to breaking her own no murder rule lmao
Also I’m pretty sure she’s set it up so that Zack and Ivy will inherit VILE?? Like that was a whole episode lol
Good to see Mama Sandiego carried thru the 2019 series lol.
Treasures of Knowledge:
So I bought the game, and I’ve only played thru a couple of missions, but oh my god why do Carmen and Julia feel like exes. Literally from what I remember a lot of dialogue from Julia is just talking about “oh Carmen liked this. She really believed in this. Carmen used to-“
And Carmen is NO BETTER!! Like, she leaves notes and video messages directly for Jules lol. And they are ridiculously flirty lol.
And it’s been a hot minute since I played it, but I’m pretty sure the opening cutscene of the game has the two of them bantering/flirting??
Anyways these 2 were dating while Carmen was in ACME, she wants to prove something (idk), leaves, asks Jules to go with her but doesn’t. MMM THE ANGST POTENTIALLL. Maybe Carmen starts acting more hostile, trying to get Jules to hate her, hoping that’ll make leaving easier on both of them. It doesn’t.
They still love the other, but each thinks the other hates them.
Lol everything and nothing has changed with these 2 istg
Idk drop an ask if u wanna know more lol, headcannons or cat designs. I have Thoughts on both ‘94 and TOK lol
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caitlynskitten · 4 months
Her name was Jules
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littlemsterious · 2 years
a few years ago i got to go to this lecture about video games? i think? i forgot what the main point was. but there was a little side tangent part that i thought was super interesting, where the lecturer explained the difference between science fiction and fantasy.
in his terms, science fiction is about exploration, development, and the effect those things have on humanity, as well as being set somewhere in the future from when it was written. there’s less of an idea of right and wrong, and more of an idea about what it means to be human.
on the other hand, fantasy has strong themes of good vs evil, and usually has some sort of unexplained, mystical power. there is a much smaller focus, less about humanity as a whole and more about the journey of a small number, and their connections and relationships to each other.
in this sense, i think Star Trek would be the quintessential sci fi. (i haven’t actually watched that much star trek so someone tell me if that’s wrong.) but that’s also why 20,000 leagues under the sea is still considered science fiction despite it taking place in the past and much of the technology already existing.
fantasy has it’s obvious inclusions, like Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings and Avatar tLA, but this definition would also include things like star wars, most super hero franchises, and even something like stranger things.
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julia-the-fish · 2 years
What the fuck is even theory of knowledge and why the fuck do I need to learn about it
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squid-in-a-party-hat · 4 months
Sonic's dad in the Archie Comics - Jules Hedgehog !
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bravertzismymedicine · 7 months
I’ve seen a video on TiK Tok with Bravertz and them filming probably for the dfb account. They wore those clothes at least. Where is my content? Please I need that.
Jule 🤝🏼 Kai 🩷
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Also, ich gestehe, dass ich erst dank nem Edit von Noah und Colin auf Tik Tok wieder auf SE aufmerksam wurde. Hab die Serie bestimmt 10 Jahre nicht mehr geguckt.
Und ja, ihre Story interessiert mich auch, und ob die Drehbuch-Autor*innen es schaffen, ihnen doch noch ein Happy End zu geben.
Aber ich finde auch viele andere Charaktere super toll und interessant. Die „kleinen“ Einsteiner*innen eher weniger, aber das liegt vielleicht auch einfach an meinem Alter, lol.
Aber Joel mag ich z.B, auch wenn er echt nervig sein kann. Ich mein, er ist am Ende immer recht Einsichtig gewesen und war auch für Noah und Colin da. Und auch mit Nesrin und Annika hat er sich ja dann verstanden. Auch wenn deren Intentionen zu Beginn nicht wirklich gut waren, ihm gegenüber.
Julia ist ja ein Schatz. Die fand ich direkt sympathisch und ihre Leidenschaft fürs Schauspiel ist klasse. (Okay vielleicht hab ich auch einfach nen leichten Crush auf Jules de Groote 👉🏼👈🏼)
Ava ist ne Mega coole Socke und ich freu mich, mehr von ihr zu erleben in der neuen Staffel.
Und die neuen Einsteiner*innen wirken jetzt auch nicht übel, hab mich noch nicht so super doll mit denen beschäftigt aber da ist sicher auch der/die/dey ein*e bei, den/die/dey ich interessant finde :).
Also, Happy End für Nolin auf jeden Fall, aber ebenso gespannt bin ich auf die anderen Storys!
Und ganz besonders hoffe ich, dass bei Schloss Einstein jetzt der Stein ins Rollen kam, was queere Charaktere angeht. Und vielleicht zeigen sie in den kommenden Staffeln ja auch andere „Variationen“ (bitte nicht falsch verstehen, das ist positiv gemeint aber ich weiß nicht, wie ich es sonst beschreiben soll. Neue Charaktere mit anderen Sexualitäten und Geschlechtsidentitäten), von Queerness. Aber das sollte dann besser gut gemacht sein… also es ist noch Luft nach oben, haha.
In Staffel 23 und 24 gab es mit Leni und Cäcilia schon mal ein lesbisches Paar, das recht gut geschrieben war und deswegen auch gut angekommen ist. Dadurch haben wir Noah und Colin auch erst gekriegt, denn viele Leute haben sich nach der Story gewünscht, dass sich auch mal zwei Jungs ineinander verlieben sollen. Leni und Cäcilia walked so Noah und Colin could...stolpern und hinfallen.
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linglinginjapan · 5 months
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Lørdag 23. Desember: Lille Julaften
Guttene kommer til å bli så hyper når de ser gavehaugen under treet når de våkner i morgen! De kommer nok også til å vekke meg tidlig tenker jeg, siden de ikke vet hvem som er hvem sin gave (av de fra Norge). Omtrent halvparten av gavene er fra Norge bruh. Ikke engang jeg vet hva guttene får.
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Har vært opptatt i hele dag; først var det Japan's jule/farvell-Hippo-party, og så var det rett på neste Juleparty hos WakaChan Hippo. Hadde egentlig planlagt å stikke hjem en tur for å spise før jeg dro videre på party nr. 2, men farvellpartyet tok lengre tid enn forventet så ente opp med å kjøpe meg Nabe på Sukiya istedenfor.
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(Hippo er klubben for de som er interessert i multilingualism, finnes utrolig mange som holder slike)
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Vi holdt miniskuespillet "Den store reddiken", som jeg oversettet fra japansk til norsk. Jeg var såklart stemmen.
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Har snakket veldig mye i mikrofonen i dag føler jeg, og han ène litt eldre fyren som jeg egentlig hadde på følelsen ikke likte meg så godt, skrøyt veldig av meg til sidemannen. Fikk vite at han er lærer på en Japansk-språkskole, så ble veldig glad da han sa 日本語めちゃ上手. For å være ærlig, så for jeg veldig mye skryt. Allikevel så er det ikke bra nok for meg, hahahah.
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I morgen er det julaften, men det føles ikke slik ut.
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haveihitanerve · 6 months
can i just say i absolutely adore how supportive roland and curt are of other musicians???
like i know they dont neccesaarily run their own tff social medias and such, but every other video on their tik tok is of someone else singing their songs, putting their own feelings and emotions into it and every caption is 'wow.' 'brilliant.' 'we should hire them as our opening number' 'damn' 'holy crap' 'replace roland with her' (jk on that last one) but its just all so heartwarming and supportive and they show no anger or jealousy at Gary Jules or anyone who has covered their music, they are just honored and really wonderful about it and it just shows their lack of ego and its just- GAAAHHHHH i love them so much
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shadowravenswing · 1 year
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Late Night Thoughts of Someone Who Over thinks
No one really reads my blogs here in Tumblr. Sometime I think Tumblr is all but a forgotten social media platform with cringy takes and a lot of upheaval. The more I go through life, the more I want to share my thoughts with people in a retrospective manner rather than ‘here’s my hot take now debate’. Not that it doesn’t matter when it comes to correcting just not something I am looking at here in my writing this blog post. Many of my thoughts are just that- thoughts coming from someone who doesn’t fully understand the world. Doesn’t understand the cruelties that I have grown into. I have found myself in my early twenties afraid of the actions other people may have on my life and individual freedoms that a younger, naive self would have balked at the thought of someone restricting what I did in life.
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A younger me had stories to tell that the old me want to tell freely. In away, reconnect with someone who was swallowed up long ago from long ago.
With the news headlines causing more dread, I often wish I could come back to that time when the world’s thoughts had no affect on my mind. When my worries boiled down to what stories I would come up with on the playground or what book I would read that week. Such sweet innocent times they were.
Now I’m worrying about paying rent, trying to make sure I don’t get pregnant without risk of not being able to chose to keep it, working myself to the ground, and so on that is adult life. Even my ambition to be a writer has been galvanized as this business to make money, turning into how can I make more sales rather than can I make a good story. I’m sure it’s been this way before but I have noticed it recently on tik tok and other places. Amazon becoming a giant in selling books because that’s how indie and self publish authors can do business. Don’t get me started on the publishing companies and the recent Harper-Collins strike. Capitalism exploits people and it sucks that we are stuck in a cycle that we, as consumers, cannot stop.
Those who are in charge of us seemed to be constantly on fire. I am a firm advocate for women’s choice, worker’s rights or anything that has to do with furthering a human right to live and to be seen as a person and not an object. Scrolling through media, mostly tik tok, has me exhausted most times due to people spitting their hot takes or stating inaccuracies that are not true or not backed up with proper evidence. Partial stories are presented as fact or someone reads one line of a headline article and instantly think they have the entire story. I watched this take place on the house floor with bill after bill about huge misinformations being presented. Those elected not caring about the people whom elected them. I’m taking about average people, the you and me people and not the people the fill their pockets with doner money or bail them out. There’s a lot of frustration and outcry that fall onto deaf ears that turn the cheek. Some use religion to justify how right or wrong an action is l, no matter the hypocrisy of their words. While others use the words of what others have said of those powerful enough to stake their claim on other’s lives. Sometimes hiding their true colors out of sight.
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The point I think I’m getting at is when did imagination and hope turn into cruel reality? When did stories of adventure, love and reinvention turn into a competition of how we can get on top of a list that is unfair. When did we live in a society that was ripped out of a dystopian novel? How do we go in life knowing many of the systems in our lives are unfair even thought we grew up with promise that fairness existed. When did we start seeing these divisions among ourselves? Was it when we reached adulthood? Was it when the world around us, the world that was promised, disintegrated in front of our eyes? When did we start to see the flames?
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This may be the ranting of a mad woman but these are the questions that I’ve stayed awake asking myself. When did our innocents of the world disappeared? Was it ever really there?
As a writer, a pagan, a woman, and an over thinker, I ponder these and many more. My head is full these days that the dark corners of this platform maybe a safe heaven for such mindless thoughts.
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manbehindthemask · 1 year
what would jules use tiktok for
he probably gets lost in those videos thats like, the top half is an episode of a show and the bottom half is one of those shitty mobile games
he also loves watching cute animal videos and loves showing them to jason!! jason doesnt get the whole tik tok thing but he likes seeing the cute animals
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wtflife01 · 1 year
I really dislike the TikTok trend of “the monster gone daddy home beautiful beautiful boy” that some people are making for Fernando Alonso and Flavio Briatore, in the comments (mostly man) saying he is wonderful and also was nandos father figure and they wish they have a father like that. Am sorry but that dude literally abandoned his daughter or did everyone forget that? (Heidis daughter) //
Given people on tik tok are making videos about Anthoine and Juan Manuel Correa, or about how Charles looks like Jules, sad edits with his father..., sometimes going as far as tagging Charles, I don't think they care about basic human decency tbf. They seem to forget F1 drivers (and anyone related to it for that matter) aren't fictional characters.
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los-tok · 2 years
welcome to LA, home of ‘los tok.’ we come from different places, but we’re ALL in this together. we’re made up of:
other blogs:
NOTE: there’s no need to follow the muse blogs, they’re simply muse pages ! writing will be done on this-- the main-- blog !​
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bewarebugbear · 1 year
hi!! i saw you talk about treasures of knowledge and i am. obsessed with this game i love it so much. the characters are so much fun. and jules is sooo gay it's incredible. she's always talking about the various things she did with carmen like. girl. we get it. you're not over her. then there's carmen always talking to jules Like That. also i am IN LOVE with the way you drew julia?? hello??? i may come back to you later to talk about tok if that's ok with you. i have Many thoughts
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ghostthathaunts · 2 years
Go follow my TikTok @ghostthathaunts for more edits 😘
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