my unpopular opinion is that I like the og caravan better than postie war caravan
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gh0stsp1d3r · 6 months
Maybanks sister
Part 2, chapter 1- stuck on a boat with my crazy ex boyfriend
Previous chapter , series masterlist
Summary: Rafes gone insane without you, and when he sees you on the boat? He loses his shit. After hanging out with the pogues for a while now, you figure out they’re not as bad as people make them out to be.
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It had been weeks since you’ve last talked to Rafe. He had tried multiple times to contact you, on multiple numbers and phones. But it was no use.
You were sleeping when JJ had spam called you before Ricky woke you up.
“What?” You grumbled out. He threw your phone at you.
“He keeps calling you. Tried to answer but then it went to voicemail.”
“Shit.” You mumbled as you picked up your phone, looking at the texts and calls.
He had even dropped a pin on his location. Him and his friends had grown used to you now, tolerating you. He tried to defend you as much as he could against them all.
You furrowed your eyebrows when you opened up a voicemail.
“Don’t park close to it. Rafes here. You can sneak in from the back.” He was whispering.
You sighed, parking your car and carefully hopping the fence, coming up behind the 4.
“What are you guys doing now?”
“They captured Sarah. Don’t know where they’re taking her, but it can’t be good.”
“What? Why did they…”
“We’ll catch you up in a little but right now…”
“We have to get on that boat.” Kiara said.
“What? Are you guys crazy?” You said, a little too loud. Jj put a hand over your mouth. “Do you even have a plan?” You whisper yelled when he took his hand back.
“Course we do. First, we have to get past the goon squad…”
“Alright. C’mon.”
But Pope wasn’t moving. “Pope what are you doing?” John B asked.
“I have an idea. Just trust me.”
“No, hey, stop running! We gotta go dude.”
“Trust me man. Go. I’ll meet up with you guys. Go.”
Pope left, you threw your arms up in defeat.
“Oh he’s asking to get killed.” You mumbled when he started firing his fun, a loud and large explosion happening as he ran. They were all distracted as he ran back to you all.
“Look. That containers going on the ship. We can get in that way. Are you with me?” He told John B.
“You’re a genius. Let’s go.” All of you ran for it, running into the shipping container.
“We can’t get out once we get it. It’s a trap-“ you spoke, Jj nodding in agreement.
“You guys don’t have to come.”
“Nothing to lose?” Jj looked to Kiara and you.
You groaned while Kiara said nothing to lose and you were now the only person outside the metal container.
“I have a job to lose. But I’m not letting some fucking kids go on a death mission alone.” You complained as Jj helped you in with a smile on his face.
“Sorry bout that, princess.” Rafe said with a smirk on his face as he grabbed you from behind, a hand covering your mouth so you couldn’t scream.
“Told you you’d never get rid of me, didn’t I?” He said in a teasing voice. His grip on your was hard.
“Let go of her!” Jj shouted at Rafe, who looked up at the noise now. He wasn’t leaving this boat without you. You screamed as you trashed against Rafe’s arm and hold, he held you tightly, a knife now held against your neck.
Jj and Kiara had managed to kick him off of you and run for it, knowing that he would win. Taking one last glance at him on the floor, you ran with them.
Then, while the three of you ran, you ran into a man.
“Of course, there’s more of you.” He pulled out a machete.
“Get down on your knees.”
“Yeah, that’s not gonna happen.”
“But me a drink first, dude.” You mumbled as he swung his machete at you, ducking.
“Go, go, go!” You shouted at them, the man tried to swing it at Kiara but Jj was quick to react, hitting him with a door and knocking him onto the floor.
“Where’s John B?” Jj asked.
“John B!”
The man got up, continuing to swing it at JJ, who hit his head when he fell to the floor. You shouted as you ran at him, trying to choke him before he could attack Kiara.
But he elbowed you, and knocked you into the water.
JJ shouted your name, so loud that everyone on the boat could probably hear. Including Rafe, who turned at the sound of your name, and who from afar, could see a body falling into the water.
Without hesitation he jumped in when he saw you face down, unconsciously floating. Kiara followed him, the both of them grabbing you and turning you around so you could breathe.
He cried out your name, carrying your body flush to his own. When you didn’t breathe, he panicked and tears fell down his face, Kiara watching and also calling your name, desperately.
“Stay with me, y/n. Please. Please.” He whispered.
“Where are JJ, kie, and y/n?” John B asked.
“Last time I saw them they were on the other side of the ship!” Cleo said, and they quickly drove over to the sound of Kiara’s and JJs voice.
“Shit.” They spoke when they came closer to your unconscious body, quickly stopping by and helping them put you into the boat.
Jj sobbed, a hand running over his face as he got in the boat next to you, looking down at you.
Rafe turned around, seeing you all leave.
“Give me that gun. Give me it.” He panted, when he had it he stared out at the boat as its engine gave out, spluttering.
“No, no, no.” JJ mumbled, looking at Rafe who held the gun to them. They turned to the engine and tried to get it on.
But then Rafe saw you. He whispered your name quietly, seeing your brother sobbing next to your unconscious body, his mind went to the worst possible thing.
You were dead, he thought. And it was all his fault.
He put the gun down, breathing heavily, his eyes fixed on you.
Finally, the engine started back up and they were back to running. Tears filled his eyes as he watched the boat leave, running a hand through his hair.
“Y/n, please! Please wake up.” JJ continued.
“You gotta wake up.” John B mumbled.
You spit out some water, coughing and opening your eyes, putting a hand to your head.
“What the fuck happened?” You mumbled to yourself when JJ pulled you in for a hug, you struggling to sit up.
He had a hand on your back, helping you sit up now. You stared at him and the rest of them.
“Hi.” He said with a small laugh, wiping away the tears he had on his face.
“That’s the first time I think I’ve seen you cry for me.” You told him, a small smile playing on your face.
He laughed and rolled his eyes, just happy you were back.
“Always looking for attention, huh?” He teased you.
“Whatever it takes, right?”
“How is he?”
“He’s stable. He’s sleeping. We have half power but will make the next port in three hours. I’ll have a doctor waiting.”
“Thank you.” Rose said.
“Can I see him?” Rafe asked.
“Yeah, sure yeah.”
“Wait right here, I’ll be right back.” Rose told Wheezie.
“Let me… let me talk to him.” Rafe told Rose, opening the door and shutting it.
“Hey, dad.”
“You’re gonna be okay, it’s all gonna be good, all right? We did it. All this it is over. It all worked out. I got the cross. We got the gold. We got everything.”
But he didn’t have everything. He lost you in the process.
“We’re done. I got everything.” Rafe said with a small smile.
Ward shook his head. Rafe’s smile faltered.
Rafe knew what he meant, looking down. “We’ll find her. I’ll bring her back for this family. I promise. For our family, dad. It’ll be just like you wanted. But listen, while you’re down, I’m gonna step up.”
Ward nodded at his words.
“I’m gonna… I’m gonna be a better man.” He took Wards hands in his, Rafes voice getting shaky.
“Just like you.”
You helped John B, Pope and JJ pull the boat onto shore.
“Y/n, you alright there?” John B asked as you held your head, the spot where it had been bleeding before.
“Yeah. Just a little dizzy.” You shrugged it off.
“Okay, anyone know where we’re at?” JJ asked, you sitting down next to him.
“Deserted beach. Unknown island.”
“Alright, I’ll take that as a no.”
“Hey, I would rather be on this deserted beach that stuck on a boat my crazy ass ex boyfriend.” You said with a scoff.
“This is the lowest we can go.” Pope said, they all turned to him now. “We literally have nothing else to lose. The cross, gone.”
“The gold, gone.”
“Seriously, if we had a nickel for every time we got beat up, I’d say we’re at a dollar fifty.”
“That’s more than I got on me.”
“That somehow doesn’t make me feel better.”
“Yeah, you’re right. But I mean… we… we’ve had some good stuff happen, right?”
“Name something.” Pope said.
“Um… the boiler room.”
They all looked at him confused.
“What? If the boiler didn’t explode, I wouldn’t have gotten away from Rafe. I couldn’t have gotten the zodiac and gotten us out of here.”
“Well, because of the boiler room he held a gun to my temple and a knife to my throat. So… I wouldn’t say it’s the best thing.”
“You know what? Guys, this is it. This is the pogue life. We are in the Carribean. It’s our own little slice of paradise.”
“Yeah, a slice of paradise without a shower or bathroom, sure.” You mumbled.
“With my best friends, with my family, and with… y/n, I guess.”
You rolled your eyes at him, throwing some sand at him.
“Kidding. I wouldn’t wanna do it with anyone else.” He looked at Sarah.
“Look, and while you guys were complaining about every little thing…”
“I was looking at those burly lefts.”
A smile spread across JJs face.
“There’s some slabs out there.”
“Just a few. Kie, you see that? I know you wanna get out there.”
“No boards.” She said.
“Well, we can bodysurf till we make some boards.”
“Agreed with Kiara.” You pointed at her.
“Pope? Come on, man.”
“They do look pretty tasty.”
“Oh yes they do.”
“There’s nobody around. We could squat here for a bit.” Pope stood up.
“Kind of belongs to us now, huh?”
“You got a point.”
“Six way split?”
“Poguelandia.” JJ cut in, mocking a posh accent. “I claim thee poguelandia.” He leaned against a tree. “I like the ring of it. I’m gonna make a flag, it’s gonna have a chicken on it. With a coconut bra, smoking a J… in crocs.”
“I could use a J.” You sighed.
“Can we vote on this?”
“Let’s get to work. Let’s start working on provisions. Set up shop.”
JJ came over to you, “what do you say, sis?”
“I say this is by far the most stupid idea you’ve ever had, J.”
He tilted his head. “Welcome back to the pogue life.” He helped you stand up.
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lucifer-kane · 2 years
I said this once and I’ll say it a million times. This is a Warren Godby song
Drifting along on a breeze and a breath Let me forget the cruel world that I left Lay here and never get up, no regrets Curled in the cracks between death
Oh, why clutch and scrape, holding on To the ledge around you, the mist swirls and flows Tearing yourself, fingernails grasp on edge Just close your eyes, smile and let go
Sell the house, sell the boat Leave the car and me alone Trash the job, trash the bones Leave it all, let it go
Send my regards, I won't be coming home
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Garfield Movie Pitch
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*sigh* seems like a lot of people didn't like this one so let me try and pitch a new one.
First of all, let's cast JSchlatt. I don't like Frank Welker as him (I like Frank just not as him), he sounds miserable but too monotone, more or less the same as Jon Barnard before him. Chris Pratt is different enough but it's just Chris Pratt. So I think there's a balance to strike.
I even want to change his color palette. I like the grunge look as it gets dirty like that picture but when it's not, I want it to be neon orange like he's wearing a safety vest.
I want his personality to be consistent. An introvert type that stays in all day, hisses at the sunlight like a vampire, peeks through blinds when someone walks by. He doesn't care for fans, he just wants to live a simple life in his swamp- I mean! Home.
We can keep our opening with Garfield's origins, I'm not personally a fan but I understand why it's there, baby Garfield and all, marketing.
John is basically his agent, taking phone calls, setting up pictures, etc (afterall he's based on Jim Davis) Garfield is already known by everyone, he's a superstar, he has merch. His own cups, plushes, even telephones. But his work has slowed down. Garfield's not "old news", he's still known and he's not looking to be relevant, he has other 'imitators' already doing that, Grumpy Cat for example. He didn't just have lasagna stacks, he had money stacks.
He's not really old news, he's still there and everyone knows him but he sort of has a trash factor about him. You see, he hasn't put any work into his fame or stardom, nobody's been buying new merch, he's just been the same old boring Garfield living his day to day. His merch gets raggy, it's so old, everyone's already had it in their basements for years. All this fame and he's still lonely.
It sets up John to get busier and busier, less time for Garfield as he makes his living. As time's gone on, Odie's appeared and Nermal and Jon gets married to Liz, some to keep him less lonely.
He's a tsundere and doesn't want to admit that he misses him but he awaits his return. When it comes Monday again, John has to leave again. Sometimes every day seems like Monday because he'll have to work weekends.
His journey is based around stopping those endless Mondays. Sounds sad but that's the point, Garfield has depression that's never been diagnosed. He goes to the vet after some weird stuff happening to him and the vet tells him that it's stress. They try to come to the root of that stress to which Garfield eventually realizes by flipping channels on tv and seeing a bunch of references "John Connor" "John Rambo" "John McClane", he can't escape it but there's nothing that they can do about it, Jon still has to work, he still has to pay bills, there's no lead way, he tries getting another job but can't, this is what he's known for now, he's too prolific.
They try hiring someone to do the job for them but the boat sinks because now Jon is depressed being home all the time, he doesn't know what to do with his time, he can't live like Garfield because he's not him. He just loves making cartoons, that's why he started, that's why he took on that role in the first place and got Garfield popularized. No other comic does it for him.
Garfield doesn't even know where exactly Jon works but Nermal suggests checking LinkedIN, but given that his corporation spans the globe, Garfield has to venture outside and find him. Jon will also become trapped at his job so he can't go home, like Severance, going through mazes and losing what day it is. The one coworker will read a book called "I didn't know I was burned out."
During Garfield's adventure, he sees people that he knows nothing about and apparently nobody knows anything about him, he's just a chosen icon to represent. I imagine him going to Mexico, dressed in hat and poncho, expecting a desert, only to realize that it's a lot more than that. It's a civilization and these people know him, speaking Spanish but he can't speak it. There's graffiti of him in places that he's never even heard of.
Garfield gives up a few places in and decides to go to the source to stop not just Jon's Mondays but America's. Washington D.C.
The villain tricks him into thinking he likes Mondays but he finds out it's actually a Tuesday, he just overslept.
Also everyone who works on this movie will work a 4 day work week to further drive the narrative.
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mysterystarz · 3 years
perfect probability
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pairing: iwaizumi hajime x g!n reader
genre: fluff
a/n: blind dating is always fun when you get paired with the right person <3 i had so much fun writing this!
reblogs are appreciated <33
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sometimes, you wondered what possessed you to take up oikawa’s “genuine offer.”
it was perhaps, the stupidest thing you’ve ever done. after all — agreeing to oikawa’s propositions could never really end in anything peaceful. he always knew exactly how to phrase things to make you agree, and while you adored your best friend, you weren’t sure you could ever forgive him for doing what he did.
“have you made it y/n-chan?” oikawa asked through the call, his voice suspiciously light, “oh this is going to be perfect.”
“yes i’m here,” you sighed, “and from the looks of it, i’m early. why’d you send me here now?”
“ah,” he chuckled, “well you see, i’ve set you up with someone who’s quite the gentlemen, and he always gets to the location 10 minutes early….no matter what! so i thought i was just going to send him for a loop this time and send you 5 minutes earlier than him.”
“you’re kidding me.” you sigh. “i’m not even sure if i can be mad about this.”
that was true.
the cafe you sat at was absolutely beautiful, a quaint little place that seemed to have a large variety of drinks and snacks arranged artfully near their display case and on the menus that were placed at every table.
in fact, you felt like you could soak in the space forever, from the natural light to the way it seemed to sooth your very senses.
“you did a good thing sending me here 15 minutes early,” you smiled, “this place looks amazing.”
“i could say the same about you.”
you turned around to meet the green eyes of a man, well built and with a smile so sweet that it could’ve melted your heart.
“oh!” oikawa said over the line, “y/n-chan, do me a favor and give your phone to the guy who just said that.”
“why?” you asked skeptically. “you’re being funny tooru.”
“shittykawa,” the man scowled, “you did this, didn’t you?”
“guilty as charged iwa-chan,” your best friend laughed. “anyways, y/n, meet iwaizumi hajime. iwa-chan, meet y/n. this is my cue to leave. bye!”
you and the hot man — iwaizumi, stood in relative silence for a moment before grinning almost immediately at each other.
“well,” iwaizumi began, “hi there.”
“hi,” you responded, “first time being set up by our menace?”
“i wish,” he sighed, “he’s been doing shit like this forever, but i’m actually happy with the outcome this time.”
“really?” you smirked, “and why’s that?”
“i’ve wanted to meet you for a while actually.” iwaizumi looked downwards momentarily, the faintest hint of pink showing on his cheeks. “oikawa talks about you a lot.” he looked up again, a smile playing on his own lips, “i think it’s about time to get to know you for myself.”
“well in that case,” you paused, “what’s your favorite color?”
his immediate deadpan was enough to have you laughing and taking a seat at one of the tables, with him following and taking the seat across from you.
“i’m not answering.” he said, rolling his eyes, “i know you can do better than that.”
“your face,” you wheezed, “priceless.”
“so how did oikawa get you to agree to this?” iwaizumi questioned immediately, his eyes mirroring the curiosity in his tone, “you don’t seem like the type to let him force you into anything.”
“he said this was a ‘genuine offer,’ which is why i even considered it in the first place.”
“trash.” iwaizumi mumbled, “he said the same thing to me.”
as much as you hated to admit it, oikawa had actually done a good job. between the ambience of the cafe and your interactions, there was simply one fact that you couldn’t ignore at all.
the chemistry between the two of you was simply perfect. he was respectful, a bit teasing, and beneath all the roughness, had a heart that cared for those he was close to.
“we’re in the same boat then,” you grinned, “so, tell me things about you that oikawa can’t tell me.”
“there’s a lot,” he smirked, “where would you like me to start?”
you looked up at him, allowing your eyes to fall on the toned muscle of his arms. “anywhere.”
hours had seemingly passed with the two of you discussing your hobbies, with him eagerly listening to your recounts of everything you loved. a drink or two had been shared between you, and before you had even realized, the sky’s hues had began to melt into a medley of colors.
it was so simple to lose a track of time with him.
“that was fun,” you told him, opening the door of the cafe, the pinks and oranges of the setting sky greeting you.
“it was,” he said, flashing his grin at you, “would you like to do it again sometime?”
it took you a moment to process his words.
do it again? he was asking you on another date.
“i’d love to,” you said, looking down to the floor, “i can get your number off of tooru if you’d like.”
“actually, i’ll give you it now.” he took a pen out of his pocket, scribbling the digits onto a napkin before handing it to you with a smile. “i’ll be seeing you soon.”
and with that he left, the butterflies in your stomach as the indicator of the event.
you couldn’t wait for your second date.
damn oikawa for being right.
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©mysterystarz all rights reserved - please do not plagiarize, translate, or modify my fics even if credited
tagging: @tearofvenus @atsuvu @sscarchiyo @lia-miya @uxavity (since you guys asked <3)
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How do I explain to people that they can't just park their boat wherever they want just because there's technically space for it?
Our motel has three designated parking spaces for boat trailers, first come first serve. If you plan on bringing a boat with you for your stay, we can assign one to you, and that's where your boat goes. You're not allowed to park it across multiple empty car spaces, you're not allowed to back it right up along next to the building, you have to keep it in your space. I don't care how much physical room we have, there are fire codes and evacuation routes and customer walkways that you're not allowed to obstruct. And if all three designated spaces are already taken, you can't keep your boat with us, full stop. I'm sorry, I didn't make the policy and I can't make exceptions just because you want me to; my boss would have a few things to say about that, and I'd rather keep my job than cut you a break.
"But there's clearly space for more than three trailers, why can't I squeeze mine in?" That's true of every parking lot! If you ignore the lines you can fit way more cars in there, pack em in like sardines, door to door, but the spaces are as big as they are for a reason. I'm not gonna invent more space for you just because you wanted to bring your boat on vacation despite being told not to. We ask every customer if they're bringing a boat, every single one without exception, it's part of the reservation process, a literal actual box I have to tick with a pen, and if they say yes then I have to see how many spaces we have left; if they're all full, I tell them they can't bring theirs. They can either stay somewhere else, or leave their boat in a marina, but I make a note on our end saying that I told them they couldn't bring a boat, so if they do it anyway they can't lie and say I told them it was okay.
Rich people have it in their mind that rules simply don't apply to them, that they can just throw their money at every problem and make it go away, or rather the idea of their money; nine times out of ten they don't actually throw any money at it, they just let us know they have money and expect special treatment because we're supposed to respect or fear that fact. At best they think we'll miss their patronage, "give us what we want, or we'll take our business elsewhere," but at worst they're trying to threaten us, "do you know who I am? Do you know how much power I have? I'm friends with DeSantis, I could shut you down if you don't let me smoke in the non-smoking room!"
You come to my town, you leave your trash in my streets and on my beaches, you roll through my stop signs, you run my red lights, you treat my fellow cashiers at every shop you go into like dirt, fuck you! We don't want your money! Go home! Go darken someone else's doorstep! Whether you stay here or not, I don't see an extra dime, so I'm not gonna dance at your beck and call.
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sohin-ace · 3 years
Bucciarati - My little Seastar
Sister reader. Enjoy~
"Hey, Bucciarati! Can you help me for a sec?"
You turned towards the direction of the voice calling you and stopped in your tracks on the wooden docks.
"What do you want, Valentino?" You spat, a bit more harshly than intended.
The smug boy who was crouched on his zodiac chuckled at you. "Aw, come on, Bucciarati! Don't be like that. I just need some help to tie the rope. Your dad is a fisherman, right? You should know knots like no one else!"
Even though he had said this as a way to woo you and flatter you somehow, you couldn't help but hear it as a condescending remark. You crossed your arms over your chest and he pouted at the glare you sent him.
"Pretty please~? No funny business, I swear! Look, the guys aren't even here, I'm all alone. You can trust me!"
That's right. Valentino and his little gang took great pleasure in teasing you and bothering you at every corner and it pissed you off. No matter how much you insulted them, ignored them or avoided them, they never seemed to stop their stupid and useless bullying.
But sadly, oh so sadly, the Bucciarati that you were was kind. Too kind. You despised that you were so gentle-hearted, but in the end, this is how your father and brother had raised you.
You huffed and slumped your arms loose along your body, defeated. "Fine!" You dragged your sandals over the dock and approached him. "It better be quick."
The boy beamed as you embarked on the zodiac next to him, "Sure thing! Thanks a lot, girl. I'll make it up to you!"
He gave you the ropes as you crouched down at his place and got to work. But without you noticing, the boy had swiftly slid his leg over the vehicle and easily jumped back into the dock, leaving you behind.
Before you could even turn around and ask where he was going, the brat, now accompanied by all three of his little buddies that appeared out of their hiding spot, all kicked the zodiac off of the dock before you could even tie it.
You lost balance at the violent jerk of the boat and yelped, letting go of the ropes that could have saved you from your demise.
You couldn't even get back to your knees and try desperately to grab onto the dock's wooden planks. You heard the boys snickering and laughing at you as you drifted farther and farther away from the land into the water.
"I fucking knew it you disgusting piece of TRASH!" You yelled at them, angry with them obviously, but also angry with yourself for granting that bastard the benefit of the doubt. "You know damn well I can't swim!"
They all seemed to laugh even louder, obnoxiously. "Too bad for you Bucciarati! Maybe you shouldn't be so stupid next time! BWAHAHAHA!"
Your curses and wails seem to fall into deaf ears as you drifted even farther away from the coast, with no way of even paddling back.
Looking around towards the much bigger boats parked along the docks, you could only hope 'he' would hear you.
"PAPA!! PAPAAA!!!" You called desperately. Surely he would hear you, he wasn't far after all, you did come all the way here to bring him his lunch. He must still be somewhere around the fishing boats.
After a few more vain attempts to call for your father, you settled to accept that he wouldn't hear you, nor would the other fishermen that were already far gone from their boats to bring their catches to land.
You sat on the damp zodiac and brought your knees to your chest, not even caring if your sundress slid down your thighs indecently and got stained by the salty water. Stupid Valentino couldn't even keep his tiny boat clean.
"Stupid, stupid..." Your voice cracked, threatening to break into a sob. "If he was a sailor he'd be dead before even sailing. That's how stupid this stupid boy is. Stupid."
With only your expletives to reassure you in your demise, you buried half of your face in your arms now craddling your cold knees.
Everything was so silent, the sea did a great job at muting every sound around the coast and you felt the loneliest and most scared you had ever been since you were a child.
You thought nobody would find you, and you'd be dead drowning because you could never learn to swim and since nobody even noticed your absence in minutes that felt like hours, nobody would cry for you if you died here either.
And so the stinging tears prickled at your eyes.
"Y/N?" You heard a familiar voice calling your name, but brushed it off as the wind. "Y/N is that you?"
You looked up towards the insistant voice in a sliver of hope and, like an angel fallen from heaven, you were met with the caring blue gaze of your big brother from the railings of one of the high boats right next to where you had drifted to.
"Bruno!" You gasped and got up immediately, almost falling over from the sudden sway of the boat under your weight. "A-ah! Bruno help me, I'm stuck!"
"Hold on!" The worried face of the male hesitated to leave you for even a split second. "I'm coming down. Don't move."
You nodded at his strict tone and waited for him as he disapeared. Your breath caught in your throat with stress, even though you were reassured to finally have a savior. And what a savior it was, your one and only big brother.
Barely a minute passed before you saw him come back and unravel an emergency ladder down to you. He made sure the ladder was all tight and secure and almost immediately after, Bruno jumped over the railing, to your grand fright, and started climbing down, your heart pounding with worry for him.
He finally arrived down and stepped into the zodiac, joining you, like a glorious hero, saving the day. You barely let him any time to react as you threw yourself into his chest and gripped viciously at the back of his shirt, scrunching it without care, scared to be alone at sea again.
Bruno wanted to scold you and yell at you for recklessly playing around all alone in the docks and ending yourself in such a dire situation. But when he felt you trembling and squeezing him like your life depended on it, which ironically it did, the elder couldn't help but sigh and wrap his long arms around your shoulders, a gesture of comfort.
"... What happened to you?"
"It's-" You choked a sob and Bruno tutted and shushed you softly, patting your head to calm you down, just like your mother used to do when you were a child.
"Shhh, it's okay bambina, I'm here now."
He felt you relax and you sniffled a few times before mumbling into his shirt. "It's Valentino! He tricked me! I hate him! He's such a coglione!"
"Hey! Language." He scolded and pinched your arm, earning a little 'ow' from you, "What would dad think if he heard you say such words? Bite your tongue, young lady."
"S-sorry..." You croaked a little ashamed of your outburst and lifted your head up at your brother. "They always do this to me... Valentino and the others... Why...? They know I can't swim and they throw me into the water all the time..."
Bruno let go of you to cup your face and wipe your tears off. He did not let it show to you but he was infuriated. There was only so much patience an Italian man could have when his family was being targeted. Especially his little sister and the only lasting woman of his life.
"Shh, stop crying now, mia stellina marina. I'll deal with them later, okay? Let's get you home for now."
"They'll see." You sniffled as your breath steadied, calmed by Bruno's soft tone, "When I'll marry a big, tall, goth policeman, he'll beat them up for me and then, they won't act so cocky anymore."
He huffed with amusement at your words before he let you go and laid a gentle hand on your back to usher you towards the ladder.  Bruno, still with a bit of confusion, mumbled to himself without you hearing it.
"... Why goth, though?"
Only now had you noticed the zodiac had stopped drifting since Bruno found you, held onto the much bigger boat by a phantom blue and white arm and a golden zipper that you'd recognize from a mile away.
"Can we... Can we let the zodiac in here?" You asked hesitantly towards your brother who paid no mind to it.
"Who cares? It's not ours."
With thoughts of Valentino's expensive motorboat getting lost in the sea, you slowly took ahold of the ladder's ropes and started climbing, Bruno keeping it steady for you until he was sure you embarked in safely.
He then joined you up and lent you a spare jacket that he thankfully thought of taking with him in the morning, covering you from the cold of your drenched dress against the littoral wind.
"Thank you Bruno..." You softly uttered and hugged his warm jacket closer around you, "I always cause you trouble..."
"Nonsense, piccolina. I could never live knowing my sister is crying, cold and afraid somewhere." He squeezed your shoulder against him as you approached the stall your father and his colleagues were filling with freshly caught fishes. "I'll make sure you're the one that never gets troubled again..."
Fortunately for you, the day ended much more peacefully than it had started and your father was happy and relieved to find you safe and uninjured. He had specifically instructed Bruno to not get involved or make a scene, but of course, his son was a stubborn mediterranean who could not let anything just slide.
It was not the first, not the second, nor even the third time this boy, 'Valentino' and his friends, had taken offense towards you.
So, Bruno would make sure the zodiac Valentino had worked oh-so-hard to afford, part-timing as a waiter, cleaning after people's messes, scrubing disgusting shit-stained lavatories and cutting his hands off of plastic and metal scraps scattered along the beaches for a few cents per day, got thoroughly anihilated to pieces.
The very next day, as you walked along the docks to bring some fishing materials to your brother, you heard the painful wails of a very familiar boy kneeling down and crying on the woodplanks, his screams echoing against the shore.
"SHUT UP BRAT! You'll think about your money after you pay for the fines I'm about to give you. You think you can get away with polluting the water with your gross ass wreckage?" A tall and burly policeman wearing purple lipstick growled at the kneeling boy, no signs of mercy in his baritone voice. "You'll have a reason to cry when you pay for the oil you spilled in here. You're lucky I'm not throwing your ass in jail right now."
"Officer please-" Valentino pleaded miserably, but the policeman did not hold back on pushing all fives of the different citations he had owned by having pieces of his zodiac scattered all around the precious ressourceful ocean.
"You have two weeks to pay up and clean all that shit." The officer fixed his shades over his nose before turning around to leave. "And expect to receive a salty lawsuit soon. Fucking whiny bitchbaby..."
The policeman left with a determined and impatient step as you witnessed the entire scene with wide eyes, not noticing your brother approaching.
"Oh no... That's horrible..." You gasped with sympathy and worry, "I hope the fishes and corals won't get impacted by the oil spill..."
"Oh don't worry," Bruno chuckled, taking the heavy loads off your hands, "I made sure to zip that out of the water."
You blinked, confused.
That fic was inspired by the very first scene of H2O, I love that show so much, and I can't wait to post my mermaid fics in store!
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usopp-writes · 2 years
Hey lovelies. I want to present you a little drabble about my OC Jessica. I do hope you'll like her. This drabble is about how she met Jozu and what happened just before she met him.
Enjoy <3
Jessica and the Whitebeard pirates SFW Word count: 1,125
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Why was it so hard to get a job as a young woman on this island? Sure, she was a stranger, had no family here, but she wasn’t a threat or had acted in a way that would cause people to be cautious around her. And yet the people here didn’t even want to look at her, avoiding her at all cost, which left her with little options. She did have some money, but seeing that she wasn’t even allowed to purchase food, she opted to find a way off the island and just ignore her growling stomach. She refused to become a thief due to starvation; she wanted to prove to the people that she was a good person, who only wanted a new start or a fresh start into her adult life.
“Look, I have enough money for the bread and meat. Why can’t you just let me pay for it?” She tried to be as polite as possible, as she once more tried to get some food. Her stomach hurt from the lack of food, her body felt so strange, she was lightheaded and she was cold, despite it being a warm summer day.
The man just grabbed a knife and told her to get lost or he would end her misery right here and now. She left, sighing in defeat, as she walked back to the beach and to her self-made hut. It only provided her with little shelter, but it was better than nothing. She’d tried to buy food herself and even tried to bribe street kids to buy some for her, but they’d laughed and then left her. Her dark blue hues gazed at the edge of the town, seeing the street kids watching her. She knew they waited for her body to give in, but she was strong willed and wasn’t going to give in that easily.
Her eyes went back to scan the sea. It’d been weeks since the last ship had docked at the island, it’d been the one she’d came with. Sooner or later another ship or maybe a boat would dock and she could try and convince the crew to let her come with them. There had to be an island that wouldn’t mind hiring a stranger and give her some food and a proper shelter. She refused to give up her hope and dream.
Night came and she was curled up on the floor in her hut. It was basically just big leaves and branches that were put together and the ground was covered in leaves, so she wasn’t going to sleep on the cold sand. Still, she was shivering, feeling so cold in the darkness of the night, leaving her with little sleep. She knew she was sick and that her body was shutting down, her energy level was low, but she just wasn’t going to let it beat her.
The day came and she left her hut. She was now shivering; her face flustered and whole body felt as if it was on fire. The fever had come in the early morning. She had thought about her options and today she was going to do what it took to get better. To hell with politeness and trying to prove something to the people in town. Today she would get her food and maybe even some medicine to lower her fever.
She didn’t get pass the harbor, before her body needed a break. Breathing heavily, she sat down next to some barrels. Her fever made everything spin around. She had water, having a small bucket she’d gotten from the trash site, which had gathered rain water. There wasn’t much left though, as it hadn’t rained in a few days.
“Just give in and sleep. It’s what you want. Don’t be stubborn.” Soft voices spoke and she knew it was just the voices of the street kids, trying to convince her to give in. Why they were after her, she didn’t know. She didn’t know why the entire town was against her. She had done nothing wrong. True, she was different, with her purple hair, which had a thick pink stripe in bangs to her left, but was that the sole reason for their disgust against her? She probably would never know, as the only time she was spoken to, it was either to threaten her or like now, convince her to just die.
“Get lost. I have my dream and I’m not going to give up this easily.” She growled and snapped her eyes open, scaring the kids away.
“Well spoken.”
She snapped her head to her side and spotted a pair of legs. Whoever spoke was freakish tall, as she had to tilt her head a lot to see his face. He was a very muscular, broad-chested, heavily-armored and dark-skinned man. His face was long with black stripe-like patterns for a beard and hairstyle. His legs were relatively thin in comparison to his muscular arms. It looked like he was scowling, as he looked down at her.
Trying to get up, she gave him her best neutral gaze, as to not provoke him. She hadn’t seen him around, which meant he could be her way out of this stupid town. However, he did look dangerous and she didn’t want to end up in a worse situation, which would be where her freedom was taken from her. She would rather die free than being enslaved.
He knelt down and reached his hand towards her. “I won’t hurt you or take your freedom, but it seems you need some help before you can even begin your way to your dream.”
The way he talked told her that he wasn’t really a man of many words, but when he spoke, he had something important to say or was serious. Deciding to take a risk and trust him, she placed her hand in his. She didn’t notice how his eyes widened lightly, as he felt the heat radiating from her hand alone. Instead she was focusing on not passing out, her head spinning even worse, dark spots dancing over her eyes, slurring her vision.
She let out a surprised gasp, as she was picked up with ease. She looked up at the tall man, as he headed to a boat, where she was placed on a bed and a woman rushed to her side. Her eyes never left the man, who didn’t even speak to the woman that was fussing around her.
“I’m Jozu and I’ll take care of you for now, so rest up.” He turned around, heading out.
“I’m … Jessica.” She said and leaned back, finally allowing the darkness to take over and give her body the rest it needed to heal.
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ipuckwithhockey · 4 years
Tattooed Idiots- N. Patrick
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a/n: I went months where I couldn’t even think about writing anything and now I’ve written two things this week? OK. I was also recently talking to a friend about tattoo placement and how they regretted putting one little tattoo in the middle of their arm because it doesn’t flow with how they want to do their sleeve... It made me think of Nolan’s boat tattoo.  
warnings: none? swearing
“Nolan James Patrick. In the flesh. I have to say, I feel honored to be graced with your presence.”
You hadn’t seen Nolan in almost four years, but here he was standing on the deck of your mutual friend’s lake house. A post college graduation reunion of sorts was planned for this summer, and a group of your childhood friends was now gathered for a week on the lake.
When Nolan left Canada for Philadelphia you left the same town for college in New York. The two of you were close growing up, but it seemed like the older you got the further apart you grew. Neither of you really knew why, and maybe it was just the physical distance that pushed your texts and calls further apart.  In retrospect this doesn’t seem likely as you have only been an hour train ride apart for the last four years.
You didn’t spend much time at home in the summers as you worked jobs and internships in the city, and it just so happened that your visits home never lined up with his. Your secret crush on your friend eventually faded, but now that you’re looking at Nolan’s bare back you can’t help but notice that his shoulders are broader, and his arms are thicker than they were back when you were kids.
Both of you had grown a lot over the last few years. You weren’t the same shy teenage girl and he wasn’t the quiet hockey player that dreamt of making it to the NHL. Going to school in New York had pushed you out of your comfort zone and had given you a newfound sense of confidence. Introversion was always a source of common ground between the two of you, as most of your friends were more outgoing and even a bit rowdy at times. For the last week you had racked your brain of what you would say when you saw him again. Would you fall into your old habits and close relationship or would be met with someone you didn’t recognize?
“I’m the one who should feel honored, you’ve only been avoiding me for about four years.”
Nolan turns around to face you and for some reason there’s a tinge of hurt in his voice that only you can probably pick up on.
“You know what, you’re right. You are lucky.” You chose to ignore that feeling and your quick retort takes Nolan a bit by surprise. He wasn’t expecting you to be so bold. He can’t do anything but laugh and as the day goes on you fall back into your old friendship and adjust to each other’s new maturities.
Later that day the group decides to make its way from the deck down to the to dock for a swim.  As you strip off your shorts and tank top to reveal your bikini clad body, you begin to feel a bit of self-consciousness sneak up on you. That, and you feel a set of eyes on you. It’s not until later that day that you find out who those eyes belong to.
“You know, a picture would last longer” You look over from the chair you are sitting in to see a rosy cheeked Nolan sitting on top of a cooler.
“You’re probably right... always were the smart one.” As he says it, you see him wink through his round rimmed sunglasses. Did he seriously just wink at you? Is Nolan Patrick seriously trying to flirt with you or is it just the day drinking talking?
Throughout the day you and Nolan continue to tease and banter, and in any other situation you would have definitely considered this flirting. Either way, you were having a good time and a little flirting felt harmless.
Later that night you’re all back on the deck after dinner.
“I need another Claw; anybody want anything from the kitchen?” You ask as you move toward the sliding doors.
“Yeah, I’m gonna get another beer.” You barely even hear his mumbled voice, but he follows you into the kitchen and you leave your rambunctious group of friends behind you. The next few minutes are quiet as the two you move around the kitchen in silence. You’re throwing some trash away that has begun to litter the counters and finally turn to face the sink as you crack open your well-earned drink. You can once again feel Nolan’s eyes on you as he leans against the counter behind you.
“Since when are you into tattoos?” You practically choke on your drink. His deep voice is now closing in on you, and his hot breath is now hitting your neck as he steps up and leans in close behind you. His bare chest is just inches from your back that is only covered by a strap holding your bikini top to your body. And his hands. His fingers are lightly tracing the delicate tattoo that now inhabits your right side. His hands are cold from holding his beer and he’s touching you so close to your breast, goosebumps now litter your skin. If it weren’t for him stepping even closer into you, you probably would have forgotten to breathe. His body is now touching yours and your short frame in being toward over.  You can’t help but lean back into him. Taking in his warmth and his familiar scent. His breath still hot on your neck as he mumbles, “You gonna answer my question or are we just gonna stand here all night?”
You wouldn’t have had any problem doing just that, but you clear your throat and turn around to face him. He takes a slight step back, but you’re still close enough to lightly touch his his upper arm and whisper, “Well, I’ve kind of had a thing for them since this guy I used to know got a little boat tattooed on the middle of his arm.”
You look up at him and he has that sly smile on his face that you hate but secretly love.
“You know, I used to have a massive crush on this chick who used to talk about how much she hated that little boat tattoo. She always gave me shit for putting a ‘tiny boat in the middle of my arm.’ She said I’d regret it one day when I decided to get a sleeve. She was probably right, but then she left and stopped talking to me.”
You jokingly push him back a little to distance yourself, “I didn’t stop talking to you, you stopped talking to me. And you didn’t have a crush on me. I would have known. Hell, I’m the one who spent my entire life quite obviously pining over you!”
You’re not arguing, you’re still just joking, but the mood in the air is becoming more serious as the two of you come to realize what has just unfolded. Years of mutual but unknown pining between the two of you finally comes to the surface and you’re both still processing what that  means.
You look up at each other, and you can’t help but laugh. Nolan laughs too, and he shakes his head, “I’m an idiot. I had no clue you ever liked me like that. I guess I always figured you were way too smart to be into me. Guess you’re just not that smart.”
“Who says I still like you?” You say it as a joke but there’s a moment when it dawns on Nolan that you probably don’t still like him.
“Nols, I’m joking. I definitely thought I was over you, but as soon as I saw you today I knew I was still fucked. You were right, I’m really not that smart.”
Your feet are moving you back into him and you’re met chest to chest again. Your hands hesitate but eventually reach up to his hair that he has let grow out, and his eyes close as he feels your fingers lightly tug on the wisps that fall at his neck. You’re still looking up at him, admiring just how beautiful he is just as your foreheads touch. They’re resting gently against each other and his arms have wrapped around your body to pull you close. You think maybe he’ll pull away, but you feel his hand take your cheek and then you’re kissing. Nolan can’t put how good your lips feel on his into words. Mind blowing may be the closest thing to accurate.
You kiss gently and his tenderness warms your heart but feeling his bare chest against yours and his arm wrapping around your waste, you can’t help but deepen the kiss. Soon the innocence is gone and you’re desperately holding onto each other. You bite at his lip and he can’t help but moan into you. Years of pining, years of tension, are finally being relieved.
Nolan pushes you back and traps you between him and the cold kitchen island. His lips dance over your neck and you gladly adjust to give him better access. You would have let him take you right there in the middle of the kitchen if you hadn’t been interrupted by an eruption of applause.
“Finally! God Damn!”
“We’ve only been waiting our entire lives for you two to get together.”
Remarks of relief and approval come from your group of friends who are now gathered at the back door. You bury your head into Nolan’s chest and you can’t help but laugh as you realize you really are the two most clueless idiots in the world.
“We really are idiots.” You look up at him and he looks back at you, smiling,
“Yeah, but you’re my idiot.”
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hotdogct · 3 years
as dreamers do ||| n.jm
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pairing: na jaemin x reader genre: fluff words: 2.2k a/n: hello!!! this is my first piece of writing in a very long time, so apologies if its all over the place/makes no sense!!! obviously this is all a work of fiction, disclaimer, blablabla, idk what i’m doing i just wanted to write drabbles about nct lmao, so with that being said!!!! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
“Do you trust me?”
You roll your eyes in the direction of your coworker, Jaemin, who was sitting across from you in the fluorescent lit break room located just behind Splash Mountain’s gift shop and exit. The two of you were part of the massive workforce of college aged youth that Disney recruited every year to staff their theme parks and resorts. While you weren’t initially thrilled with your role as a custodian, you learned to appreciate its quirks - and that included the unique cast of characters otherwise known as your coworkers. From the full-timers that did their best to ignore your presence, knowing another semester would just bring a fresh wave of new faces, to your fellow program cohorts - Jaemin being one of them.
Assuming he was just quoting Aladdin at you, you offer no response to Jaemin’s initial query and continue scrolling through your phone, shoveling the few remaining cheese crackers from the nearby vending machine down your throat, intending on savoring the remaining minutes of your last break for the evening.
Your thoughts wandered back to your fellow cast members. There was Daehwi, sheltered and away from home for the first time, affectionately nicknamed ‘baby’ by everyone he befriended. Wendy, with her melodic voice and cheerful disposition, eager to break into song at a moments notice. Lucas, who might’ve come to Florida to party first, but worked equally hard. Hani, who arrived a few weeks after you, always the first to come help when you radio that your restroom has overflowed, again. Even Jinho, who had initially fooled you with his youthful looks before revealing this was his third time through the program, had somehow wormed his way into your heart. But nobody had been as captivating as Jaemin. When you first met him in passing in the cramped break room, you were convinced casting had made a mistake, that he was lost on his way to costuming for entertainment. He certainly looked like a prince - perfectly straight teeth, boyishly handsome good looks. A few days later he was assigned to clean the same bathrooms as you - “bathroom buddies” as everyone affectionately would call the practice. There, in the shared stockrooms, you learned who Jaemin was beyond his beautiful face - how his friends back home called him Nana, that he was studying photography in college, that he was an only child, a helluva flirt. Even your music tastes were similar, a fact you discovered on one of the many cramped, late night bus rides back to program housing where the two of you stood packed shoulder to shoulder, like sardines in a can. Jaemin interacted with guests both young and young at heart with an effortless charm and grace. Your managers loved him immediately, and before you knew it, you found yourself incredibly enamored with him too.
It wasn’t until his hand suddenly broke through your field of vision, blocking sight of your phone, that you realized Jaemin had stood up and was now standing directly in front of you. His head covered the harshest of the overhead lights, casting a soft halo glow around his black, messy hair and broad shoulders. He smiles down at you, innocently, and you feel your heartbeat accelerate when your eyes meet his own.
“Do you trust me?” he asks, again. This time, without thought, you place your hand firmly in his.
Jaemin leads you out of the blinding light of the break room silently, into the dark of the early winter evening. Eyes still adjusting, you follow behind him, thankful that your corner of the park was mostly deserted - Splash Mountain still closed for the season, only a few stragglers were coming and going to use the restroom in the area. You vaguely remember that Jaemin had been assigned a nearby zone to clean that evening - which was it again…?
He leads you up a flight up stairs, then, and that’s when it hits you. Train Zone. The Frontierland Railroad Station. It was an easy zone to clean, as the railroad shut down early each night before the fireworks display. Gathering the trash in an empty zone like this was a godsend, especially when compared to the other ride queues you had to clean, oftentimes fighting constant guest traffic like a fish swimming upstream.
Lost in your thoughts, you follow behind Jaemin as he completes his task diligently, making sure each trash can within the train station is empty and re-bagged for the next morning. It had been a few days since the two of you had worked in neighboring areas, and you often found yourself tongue tied when around him. The background music loop of Frontierland was noticeably absent, the speakers within the station shut off for the night. This led to Jaemin singing nonsense songs while tying up trash bags and wiping down surfaces, dancing lightly on his feet.
Turkey leg-g-g
At the train
D-d-d-driving me insane~
All you could do was laugh at his antics, and before you knew it, the nearby banana boat parked at the exit ramp was full of trash bags. Satisfied with the results of your hard work, you were about to begin the walk to backstage, where the dumpsters were located, when Jaemin turned about face, walking instead towards the train station.
“What are you doing?!” you hiss, not wanting to shout but needing to stress your confusion at his actions. Jaemin stops at the gate, unlatches it, before turning around, beckoning you over with a smile.
“I asked you if you trusted me, didn’t I?” his voice low in your ear upon your arrival at his side, banana boat now parked safely out of any guest traffic. Jaemin unlocks the gate for you, both of you falling silent on your walk back up into the depths of the train station - no more cute, silly songs spilling from his lips.
“Are you sure we aren’t going to get caught?” your voice carries louder than intended across the empty room as you go through the turnstile, and you wince.
Jaemin’s boisterous laugh took you by surprise, followed a moment later by his hand ruffling the top of your head, messing up your hair. As if to say, foolish.
“Getting the trash from up here is technically our responsibility. So what if it took us a little long?”
He was right - the best part of your job was the agency it provided. Sure, you were cleaning up garbage and bathrooms and vomit, but you could walk around freely. Explore hidden corners and crevices of the park. You knew all too well the allures of the shared hallway between the Frontierland restrooms, the stock closet next to the Veranda breezeway, the dumpster behind the Haunted Mansion - places the rest of your desperately horny coworkers had used to hook up in weeks prior. As you follow Jaemin around a corner towards the front of the station, through an open passageway, you wonder if that’s what he has in mind. That is, until you see the view in front of you.
Jaemin had led you to a small balcony that overlooked the whole expanse of Frontierland. From above you could spot guests walking about the park to and fro, the Rivers of America flowing gently behind them in the distance. Bits and pieces of Cinderella’s Castle were visible through the tree line, shining bright in multicolor as the nightly projection show proceeded to play.
“Jaem, it’s….”
“Nice, isn’t it?” He finishes your thought for you, his hand brushing over the staged decorations of fake barrels and crates against the wall of the balcony that seemed perfect to sit upon. Moments later, Jaemin plops down with a satisfied smile on his face and pats the space beside him, silently asking you to join him.
“Nice is an understatement” you offer in reply. A small laugh leaves his lips, a breeze rolls through. For just a moment, it is quiet and still.
“I’ve been wanting to show you this place for a while, but the stars just never aligned right until tonight.”
“You mean, the computer system that automates scheduling and staffing didn’t randomly place us in neighboring areas of the park until to-” Jaemin’s stiff elbow into your side lets you know to drop the wit. That you could do, but a question lingered in your mind, still, and you did have to voice your sole concern.
“How do you not get caught up here?”
Jaemin turns around, points to the solitary light on the balcony, and it’s then that you notice the bulb is off. You might feel exposed looking down upon everyone, but quickly realize that nobody is looking up at the closed train station - let alone looking for two cast members in white uniforms in the dark, goofing off on a weeknight.
Fooling around…
You were thankful for the cover of darkness in that moment, as you felt your cheeks turn crimson at the thought. Being alone, with Jaemin, this close, in the dark...This all seemed very sudden, despite everyone knowing about your big crush on Nana - he had to know too?
“So,” Jaemin’s voice cuts through your ever-racing thoughts, and your chest goes cold. “A little birdie told me there’s something you really, really like…”
If jumping off the balcony was a safe option, in that moment, you would’ve taken it. A confirmation of your worst fears - that Jaemin was aware of your ridiculous, schoolgirl like crush on him. You are speechless, sunken, pulse racing, and terrified.
Without the usual cue of area music, caught up in the last hour, you had missed your usual clues. A loud boom caused you to jump in your seat, out of your brain, head immediately turning towards Jaemin - only to make eye contact with him, bright lights reflecting off the surface, who smiles and motions for you to turn around. Of course.
If you were known for one thing amongst your cohorts, it was that you loved fireworks. Even on the most hectic of nights you found a way to make sure you were outside during the nightly display, never taking for granted that you were being paid to watch the sky light up in time to music. You had your favorite spots to watch from, but had never once considered the train station. From the corner of Frontierland, it felt like the fireworks were almost on top of you - cascading down upon Big Thunder Mountain Railroad, the expanse of empty night sky providing the perfect canvas. As the speakers above you were silent, there was no accompanying soundtrack, but it didn’t matter - you knew the whole show by heart. You were unaware of how long your mouth had been hanging open in blissful, childlike wonder, only noticing when Jaemin gently pressed his finger up against your chin, closing the space between your upper and lower lip through simple momentum. Moments later, his hand brushed over yours, testing the waters, and finding no complaint, interlocked his fingers with yours, and gravity pulls your head to his shoulder. A soft, steady hum leaves his lips, as you settle into this newfound bliss.
The rest of the fireworks show plays out in front of the two of you - two white ghosts in a dark shadow, illuminated by glowing streaks and bursts of color from the night sky. You’re working at the most magical place on earth, sure, but this felt like the most magical moment of your life.
Before you know it, the sky calms again, signaling the end of the show. You remain frozen for a moment, not wanting to leave. When you finally stand back up, awkwardly untangling yourself from Jaemin’s frame in a rushed manner, you can almost feel yourself floating back down to the ground, back to reality. Jaemin, your co-worker, Jaemin the flirt. He brought you up here just to watch the fireworks after all. Had you been a bit more outgoing, a bit less awkward, maybe...
Taking a few steps towards the entryway, a sudden hand on your wrist pulls you against the wall - thankfully, out of sight of any guests, but now engulfing your entire body in shadow. And it’s here in the darkness that Jaemin’s hand releases itself from your wrist, finds its way up to your cheek. Here, he leans in and kisses you - pressing his chapped lips against yours gently, but with enough intent and purpose that you swear you were seeing stars after a few moments. It doesn’t last long, as all fairytales would tell you. When you part, Jaemin rests his forehead against yours, both slightly damp from the Florida humidity, and you can feel him smile against you, somehow breathless, letting out a low chuckle, before asking,
“Did you think I was talking about the fireworks?”
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John B x reader
Summary: You end up pregnant and because John B’s life was already hard, you didn’t want to make it any worse so you keep it from him. However, after a tense night at the boneyard, everything comes slipping out. 
A/N: This is my first obx fic, I hope you guys like it!! I’ll post the rest of the obx fics/requests I have tomorrow (Thursday). 
Tag list is at the end. Let me know if you want to be added xx 
Requests: {OPEN} CLOSED
I am currently taking requests for:
The Vampire Diaries/The Originals
Elijah Mikaelson
Damon Salvatore
Criminal Minds:
Spencer Reid
Derek Morgan
Supernatural (I’m only up to season 2, so please don’t request something with spoilers)**
Sam Winchester
Dean Winchester
Outer Banks (Netflix):
John B Routledge
JJ Maybank
Rafe Cameron
********************************************************************************************NOT MY GIF, CREDIT TO OWNERS
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Your eyes stare at the two pink lines. Positive. How could you and John B let this happen? You’d been careful. You used protection and you were on birth control, something your mother had you put on after she found out you were dating John B, a pogue. Your mother warned you about pregnancy and strongly urged you to use protection. Your family’s reputation would not be able to handle a pregnancy caused by a pogue. The reputation was already beginning to crack after they found out about you and him, this would completely ruin it.
Your mind then went to John B and his life. He was living alone at 18. His dad disappeared in a boating accident years ago and he was barely scrapping by. His life was already hard and to throw a baby into the mix? It would be even worse for him. You couldn’t do that to him. Especially, since your family would disown you and kick you out, leaving you to live with John B. However, this was John B’s baby and he deserved to know. He would want to know you were carrying his child. You knew he was going to be a good father, no doubt about it.   
Gathering yourself from you white tiled bathroom floor, you stood in the mirror and wiped your eyes, washing the mascara from your face and headed to the Chateau.
When you arrived, you let out a sigh of relief to only see John B’s van. Kie’s car or JJ’s bike no where in sight. You stepped out of your car and headed inside.
“John B?” You called out, but there was no answer. You stepped through the house, checking in the rooms, but no John B. You checked the time; he’d be home from working at the dock by now. So, where was he?
You stepped off the screen porch and looked around the yard when you heard a boat motor. As you headed down to the dock, there was John B, pulling up in HMS Pogue. He must have gone for an evening drive.
“Hey.” You gave a small smile and a wave, stepping to the end of the dock as he pulled the boat closer to the edge.
He threw you the rope to tie off the boat, “Hey, what are you doing here?”
You bent down and tied off the boat, “I needed to talk with you about something.” After tying off the boat, you stood and wiped your hands on your jeans.
As he stepped off the boat and onto the dock, you could see the weight of the world on his shoulders, “Can it wait? I’ve had a shitty day.” He sighs and sits down on the bench, running his hands through his hair.
You frowned and nodded, “What’s wrong? Do you want to want to talk about it?” You take a seat next to him and put a loving hand on his thigh.
He holds his head in his hands, “They’ve cut back my hours on the dock, which means I won’t be able make enough to pay bills, so I have to find another job.”
And that is when you knew, you couldn’t tell him about the baby.
It had been a few weeks, John B had yet to find a second job and you had yet to tell him about the baby. It was Kie who found out about the pregnancy first. You didn’t mean for it to happen but she’d come over to drop something off and found you sobbing in the bathroom floor. She was your best friend and you knew there was no lying to her.
“I’m pregnant, Kie.” You sobbed into your hands.
She immediately pulled you into her arms as you two sat on the bathroom floor. She let you sob for as long as you needed, “Does John B know?”
You shook your head and quickly pulled away to look at her, “He can’t know Kie. You can’t tell him. Please.”
She sadly nods, “Okay, I won’t.” It wasn’t her secret to tell.
You didn’t want to go to the Boneyard for a party, but John B begged you to come. He’d finally found another job and wanted to celebrate. As you and the pogues were situated around a fire, you sat next to Kie, who was telling you about her horrible date, when John B came stumbling over.
“Hey y/n.” He slurs, two cups in his hands, “Here drink up.”
You glanced at Kie and then back up at John B, “I’m okay John B. I don’t feel like drinking tonight.”
He narrows his eyes at you, “You don’t ever feel like drinking. You don’t feel like doing anything anymore! All you do is sit around on your little kook ass crying about the dumbest shit!”
Your eyes sting with tears. It had been a rough couple of weeks. Your hormones were horrible and all over the place and you had terrible morning sickness lasting through out the day.
“John B.” Kie snapped, “Don’t be an ass!”
He looks at Kie then back at you, noticing the tears, “There she goes now with the damn water works.” He shakes his head and finishes off his drink with a gulp, tossing the cup in the trash.
You stand, “John B I think it’s time for you to stop. You’ve had enough..” You go to grab the other drink in his hand but he smacks your hand away.
“Don’t touch my fucking drink.”
You put your hands up defensively, Kie standing at your side as JJ and Pope make their way over seeing all the commotion.
“You sit all high and mighty in that big ass house of yours while the rest of us pogues bust our asses to put food on the table!” He points a finger at you.
‘he’s just drunk. He’s just drunk and doesn’t mean those things.’ You repeat in your head, but your hormones are already raging and another tear slips down your face. This is what sends John B into a fit.
“And there you are with those damn tears again! What do you have to cry about?! You’ve never worked a day in your life and you probably never will!”
“I’m pregnant John B. That’s why I cry all the time! That’s why I don’t drink anymore or I’m always sick!” Tears are steadily falling and Kie puts an hand on your back.
John B is taken back by this information and stumbles back a little, “P-pregnant?” He shakes his head, the alcohol making his head spin. “There isn’t no fucking way you’re pregnant.” His eyes snap to you, “We used protection. You were on the pill. That isn’t my baby.” He points to your stomach. The next thing that happens is something none of the pogues saw coming. He tosses the drink in your face, the beer splashing on your face and down the front of your clothes.
Everything else happened so fast. Suddenly, JJ was protectively in front of you, grabbing at John B and yelling at him. Kie is cussing at John B and trying to get napkins to wipe up your face.
JJ and Pope drag John B off toward the van, still cussing and yelling at him for what he did.
“Are you okay?” Kie asks, wiping the beer off your face.
You shake your head and let out a sob.
“Oh sweetie..” She wraps her arms around you in a hug, “He was just drunk, you know that he didn’t mean any of it.”
Kie drove you home that night and made sure you were okay before leaving. JJ and Pope took John B back to the Chateau where John B finally passed out on the couch. They didn’t leave either, they wanted to be the first to tell John B how much he fucked up after he woke up the next morning.
You slept in the next morning, never leaving the bed. Kie came over and hung out but never once mentioned John B. Not like you wanted to hear about him anyways. Maybe your mother was right, dating a pogue was wrong.
Back at the Chateau, he knew he’d fucked up. The next morning after the outburst, JJ and Pope were quick to tell him everything that happened, how he’d drank too much, snapped on you, the pregnancy announcement and the throwing of the drink.
“Oh I fucked up.” John B groans, running his hands through his hair, “I need to go see her.” He starts to walk out but Pope grabs his arm, “Kie called from her house. She doesn’t want to see you.”
He shook Pope’s arm off, “Doesn’t mean I’m not going to try.”
When he arrived at your house, Kie’s car was still in the driveway. Kie was never going to let you see him. He sighs and knocks on the door. To no surprise, Kie opens the door.
“She doesn’t want to see you John B.”
“I know Kie, I fucked up but please, I have to apologize.” He begs.
She shakes her head and goes to shut the door, but he stops it with his foot, “Kie, Please!”
You slowly make your way down the stairs, wrapped in a blanket, “Kie?”
Kie turns around, “He’s leaving, it’s okay.”
John B looks passed Kie and looks at your appearance. He can see you’ve been crying all night. Your eyes are swollen and red. And you’re wrapped in your favorite fluffy blanket, one only used when things were bad, “Y/n please… I’m sorry.” His eyes are pleading as he begs.
You wrap the blanket tighter around you as you walk behind Kie, “It’s okay, Kie…” You give a small smile at her and she nods before heading back to your room. Pushing John B out of the house you close the door behind you and sit on one of the white rocking chairs. “Well?”
He quickly takes a seat next to you, “I’m sorry about last night. I was a complete asshole.”
You laugh halfheartedly, “Asshole? That was more than being an asshole John B. You snapped on me and said mean things and you threw a drink in my face.”
His face falls, “I know. And I don’t know what got into me. I got scared when you said you were pregnant. I was already stressed and had finally found a second job then you say you’re pregnant? I can barely take care of myself, let alone another human being.”
“You don’t think I’m stressed out? I can’t take care of another human being either! You’re not the only one in this John B.”
He sighs, nodding, “I know and I should have never reacted the way I did.” He stands from the chair and steps in front of you, bending his knees so he’s eye level with you. He puts a loving hand on your knee, “I will take care of you and our baby, no matter what. Okay?”
You sniff, another round of tears filling your eyes, “I didn’t mean for this to happen.”
His heart breaks when he sees the look in your eye. They’re filled with regret and sadness. “Hey.. I know that.” He rubs his thumb along your cheek, “I know you didn’t mean for this to happen. This is on both of us, not just you. It was an accident and that’s okay. We’re going to go through this together. I’m going to be there every step of the way, alright?”
You sniffle and nod, before standing up and walking right into his open arms. He kisses the top of your head, “We’re going to be parents.” He whispers and gives you a small squeeze. Suddenly the thought of having a baby pogue, half you, half him running around made his heart swell. It was earlier than he would have hoped. He wanted to have a steady job. He wanted to marry you first and then start a family but looks like he’d have to do things another way and that was okay.
Few weeks went by. You were now 3 months pregnant, no baby bump yet. You’d asked Kie to accompany you to one of the appointments because John B said he had to work and couldn’t make it. You two had made a day of it, stopping for lunch and did some shopping around town. Now, you two were on your way home. You decided you’d wait at the Chateau for John B until he got off work.
“Can you take me by John B’s?” You ask, looking over at Kie.
“yeah sure.” She nods, turning off a side street and heading toward the Chateau.
When you arrive, his van is parked by the house along with JJ’s bike. “Thought he was at work?” She asks, turning off the car.
“Yeah I did too..” you mutter before getting out of the car. The two of you head up on the front porch; the door is open and it sounds like JJ and John B are arguing.
“That’s not the right part, JJ! It’s this one.”
“Dude, I’m not a rocket scientist.”
“This has to be perfect.”
You look at Kie, who shrugs, so the two of you walk into the house and to the office where John B’s dad kept all his treasures and research. However, the room isn’t filled with his dad’s things anymore. It was empty. The walls had been painted a light grey and there were baby animals hung around the room. In the middle of the room sat John B and JJ, half of a crib up, the rest of the parts were strewed around them.
Your eyes swelled with tears, “John B..”
His head snapped up to you, oh shit. He’d lied to you about work and now was caught right in the middle of it.
“I’m just gonna.. go outside.” JJ quickly stands and follows Kie out, leaving you and John B in the room.
He slowly stands, “I wanted it to be a surprise… this is the nursery.. for our baby.”
Your let out a small sob, admiring the room, “It’s amazing!”  
His face lights up, “Really? You like it?”
“Like it? I love it John B!” You smile, turning around to face him, frowning, “But all your dad’s stuff.”
He nods, “In the shed. I figured he wouldn’t mind his grandchild having this room..”
You look at the décor and then the crib, “How could you afford all this?”
“I had some savings set aside for something else. But I knew this was more important.” He steps over to you, “Do you like the color? I can change it if you don’t like it. It’s just the guy at the paint shop said grey was a neutral color since I didn’t know the gender.”
You quickly shook your head and smiled, “No, it’s perfect. All of it.. is perfect.” Your hand digs into your back pocket and pull out the ultrasound photo.
“New ultrasound photo?” He asks as you hand it to him.
You point to the little bean in the photo, “Size of a plum now.” You giggle a little.
He chuckles, looking over the photo, “Size of a plum..”
You nod, “Doctor said baby was healthy and growing just fine. And the mother was doing great too.” You laugh a little.  
He smiles, “Can I keep this one? I want to put it with my others” He’d kept the photos from the first ultrasound, hung on the fridge and in the van. He was proud and would show of the photo anytime someone entered in the Chateau or even the van. “We know John B, we saw the photo in the van.” The pogues would mutter.
“Sure. I have another one in the car. That’s your copy.”
His hand slips around your waist and pulls you into his side, his free hand going to your tummy, “My little family…”
OBX Tag list: @emmalvei-blog​ , @tregua-oca​ , @weirdbiwitch​ , @losers-club6​
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krreader · 4 years
tears of gold | the aftermath.
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pairing: min yoongi x reader fandom: bts warnings: anxiety ; depression genre: angst ; fluff word count: 3.3k+  previous: x
summary: if yoongi had a super power, it would be to turn back time and undo his past mistakes. 
a/n: tumblr, you better not do me dirty again, let ME POST THIS NOW.
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This started out as a very normal day on tour.
Yoongi got woken up by his alarm at 6 in the morning, turning it off with a heavy sigh before lying on his back and staring up at the ceiling through the darkness of the room. As always, his first thoughts were about his daughter, hoping that she was doing okay, that she was healthy and happy. Then his thoughts drifted to you, hoping that you were better off now that you were away from him.
It's been two years since Hoseok had told him that he had spotted you out on the streets with his child and back then, he had done everything he could to track you down, only to find out from one of your old friends that you had decided to move out of the country.
And he didn't know where to.
Two years of the never ending wondering where you were, sadness about the what-could-have-been, disappointment in himself, all the while pretending he was still the same bubbly Suga that fans loved so much.
One of those days, he wouldn't be able to put on the facade anymore.
Finally, he slipped out of bed and under the shower, getting ready within ten minutes, before joining the others for breakfast.
He got himself a plate, sat down and continued his morning like he always did, his thoughts slowly managing to focus on the performance today.
Until Namjoon said something that made him freeze, a cold shiver running down his spine, because he hadn’t expected to hear that name being said out loud ever again.
“What the hell?” he turned the flyer in his hand around, his eyes widening, before reading what was on it: “Join (Y/N) (Y/L/N) for the reading of her bestseller that captivated the hearts of millions.”
It got very quiet for a moment, everyone that was sitting at the table stopped eating and now stared at Namjoon, but he stared at Yoongi.
“I thought (Y/N) was in management?”
“The (Y/N)? Yoongi hyung's ex girlfriend?”
“She's an author now?”
“She moved here?”
Question after question was being thrown around a moment later, but Yoongi couldn't do anything other than stare at your smiling face printed on the flyer.
You looked so happy, your eyes literally sparkling and your posture screaming nothing but confidence.
Had it really only been three years? Because looking at you on that flyer now made it seem like it’s been over twenty..
Hoseok was the first to clear his throat, knowing more than the others did, “Doesn't really matter, right? They broke up, I don't think that it's any of our business.”
Even if they were all curious, a look at Yoongi, whose head was hanging so low that nobody could see his face through his long strands of hair, was enough for them all to return to eating quietly.
No matter how long it's been, he was clearly still struggling, they all knew that. They had tried to help, had done everything in their power, but at one point, there was nothing left to do for them. None of them could truly help.
Nevertheless, Namjoon left the flyer on the table as he and the others got up to go back to their rooms to get their things before they had to leave for the venue and Yoongi couldn't help but to reach for it and stare at it for a long time, his fingertips running over your printed face.
“You look beautiful,” he whispered to himself.
And once again, he got reminded of just how much he missed you. Your face, your touch, your lips against his. Everything about you, he missed, yearned for.
So even though it was a bad idea for both parties and his mental health, he made the decision to go there, hoping that he’d get to see a glimpse of his daughter from afar.
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The room filled up within the first ten minutes until there was absolutely no seat left.
You truly hadn't expected so many to turn up, but looking at the crowd of so many clutching your book to their chests with a happy and excited smile on their face made you once again realize of just how good of an idea it had been to write down your struggles and thoughts, knowing that so many could relate and connect with you like that.
“Are you ready?” your agent placed her hand on your lower back, “They're all waiting for you.”
“I'm nervous,” you admitted.
“That's normal. But you'll do great. Just read the passages that we've talked about, don't think too much about it.”
And while you and your agent discussed some final things before you’d go on stage, Yoongi managed to sneak in and stand at the very back, his eyes immediately scanning the room in hopes of seeing a little girl, but there was none.
Just.. fans.
You had fans now.
A part of him was so proud of you, of what you had achieved after everything that he had put you through. But that other part hated him for that exact reason.
“Please welcome (Y/N) (Y/L/N).”
Your name made him snap out of his thoughts, his breath getting stuck in his throat when you stepped out on that stage and he swore that for a moment, the world stopped spinning. He couldn't hear the claps and screams anymore, it was as if everything blurred except for you on that stage, smiling so happily and carefree, even if you seemed a little nervous.
You looked gorgeous.
Your hair had grown a little, but it suited you so well. You wore a blue dress, one of his favorite colors on you, with black heels that he loved so much. And like when he saw you on that flyer, all the feelings for you that had never vanished came crashing back down and all he could think about was: ‘I love you so much.. even after all this time.’
“Uh, thank you all for coming here, I really didn't expect so many of you to show up,” you chuckled nervously and sat down, grabbing your book from the floor, “If you read my book – which I assume you did, since you showed up here today – then you know how much it means to me. Sharing it with the world and reaching so many of you that have been or are in the same boat as I used to be in... if I was able to help even one of you with it, then I've achieved everything I wanted.”
Another round of claps echoed through the room, Yoongi's eyebrows furrowing as he shifted his weight from one foot to the other.
Maybe he should have read up on what the book was about.
Probably would have been a good idea.
Because he really wasn't prepared for what he heard once you started reading.
“I used to think that my live was perfect. Perfect job, perfect friends, perfect family, perfect partner. There was not a single thing in my life that I had wanted to change at the time. I was living in a bubble with nothing but happiness and bliss. A bubble that I wasn't prepared to burst.. ever. But that's what happened when the pregnancy test showed two lines. That day, time stopped for a very long time. I truly thought that my life was over when these two lines appeared. It's not that I wasn't well off financially, or that I had parents who would disapprove. It's just that I wasn't ready to be a mother yet. The thought of taking care of something so precious and raising them to be the best possible version of themselves, that was something that scared the living shit out of me. It paralyzed me to the point where when I walked out of the bathroom that day, I was just the shell of my former happy self. I knew I had to tell my partner right away, was expecting him to put his arm around my shoulder and tell me that everything would be alright. That he'd be with me and that we'd raise this child together, that no matter what, I wouldn't be alone in this,” you stopped for a moment to gulp down hard, then you looked up at the crowd with tears in your eyes, “But I was.”
The more you read, the weaker Yoongi's legs became.
This was about him.
“I gave him an ultimatum that one day. That if he didn't want the child now that he'd never get another chance at being a father again. Even if I wasn't ready for the baby, I never would have abandoned it. But he did. He abandoned her before she was even born. He walked out that day and I was completely alone.”
When the world started spinning around Yoongi, he took a step back until he hit the cold window, trying to regain control over his body and emotions.
“The following weeks were the worst of my life. I didn't feel alive anymore, despite the life inside of me growing. I didn't feel anything, gave up on crying eventually, stopped eating and just didn't function properly anymore. Anxiety and depression consumed me, I was feeling worthless and unloved and nothing could fix it. No matter what I did, no matter who tried to help me. That continued on until I went for my first ultrasound appointment,” despite the tear that rolled out of your eye, you smiled, “I've never heard anything more beautiful than that sound. The heartbeat of my child. Beating so strong and loudly, despite me taking so little care of myself. I sobbed my eyes out that day, kept apologizing to the screen, to my baby and made a promise that day to take better care of myself to take care of the baby. The baby, that was so strong, even when I couldn't be. But I wanted to be. I wanted to be strong for her and so I made a decision that day. I became the mother that I wanted my child to have. A strong one. I changed my number and I moved, I started a new life, far away from the man that promised me the world but threw me away the moment that his idea of the future got destroyed. I was done crying over someone that treated me like trash, that treated my child – our child – like trash. So I regained control over my life again, saw a therapist to talk about my issues and by the time that my daughter was born, I could hold her in my arms with the happiest of smiles and say: I love you and I'm so glad you're in this world. I’m so glad that I get to call you my daughter.”
At that point, Yoongi was silently crying, biting down so hard on his lip as to not make a sound and alert anyone of what was going on that it started to bleed.
“I raised my daughter on my own and I couldn't be prouder of who she is today. This beautiful bundle of pure joy and happiness that loves with all her heart. I did that. I didn't need her father and she didn't either. Him leaving us was so hard at first, but it made me so strong, it made our bond so strong. But I guess, if I could say one thing to him now..-”
Yoongi hadn’t expected you to spot him in that moment, but maybe you had seen him from the very beginning and had only waited until now to acknowledge him.
You weren’t surprised to see him here, you had heard that BTS was in town and since he had tried to contact you for so long after your break-up, you had assumed that he'd come by.
But you were still composed, were smiling at him, very softly, actually. Something that he hadn’t expected, “I forgive you.”
When you closed your book and signaled the crowd that the reading was over, everyone got up and clapped, but you still stared at Yoongi.
You meant what you said.
You were done being angry and disappointed. You had grown as a person and had decided that you'd rather spend your days surrounding yourself with things and people that made you happy, than hold a grudge over people from the past, that including Yoongi.
People started to line up after the reading was done for the signing of your books that came afterwards. Many of the ones that came told you just how much your book had helped them on their journeys, knowing that they weren't alone and that this feeling of hopelessness would go away once they realized they were so strong and just how much stronger they could be for their child.
It took a while, but eventually, the room started to clear, until there was only one more person, still standing at the same exact spot as before.
“Uh.. do you want me to..-?” your agent asked, but you shook your head.
“It’s alright. I will see at the office tomorrow.”
She hesitated for a moment, but then she nodded and walked away. Whoever this person was, the way you looked at him made her believe that you two had a lot to discuss.
You took a few deep breaths to prepare yourself for what was coming, then you got up and walked over to him, smiling as softly as before, “It's been a few years, hasn't it?”
“Three years, two months and one week,” he said without having to think twice about it. He remembered when he made the biggest mistake of his life.
He would forever remember that day.
You watched him for a moment, cocking your head to the side, before your smile dropped, “I wish I could say you look good, but.. you don’t, Yoongi.”
“You do,” Yoongi nodded, “You always did.”
You brushed over your dress, almost lovingly, before you said: “Thank you.”
Yoongi had so many questions and so many things to say and ask, but the most pressing thing was: “Is.. she here?”
“No. She's with my mother.”
His shoulders dropped in disappointment, “Ah.. I see.”
You knew that he regretted his decision, despite never having read his messages since you had blocked his number soon after the break-up and then having gotten another number altogether. But your friends had told you about how often he stopped by their places in hopes of you being there or them telling him about you and your daughter.
“I've worked very hard for the last years, Yoongi. To raise my child, but also to become the woman that I am today. I've grown. And I've.. been thinking a lot. What I said before, about me forgiving you. I mean that.”
“Why, though?” it’s not like he deserved it.
“Because even after everything that happened between us... you gave me the most beautiful gift I could have asked for. And if I had to go through all that pain again, just to hold her in my arms eventually, I would.”
“I’m sorry,” he shook his head, pressing his eyes shut before more tears could escape them, “I’m so sorry, (Y/N).”
“Don’t be,” you put your hand on his shoulder and waited for him to look at you, before you said: “I’m happy now, Yoongi. We both are. What’s done is done and there’s nothing we can do to change it.”
You didn’t say anything else after that, just gave him one last smile before disappearing.
At first he thought about running after you, but you had forgiven him and that is much more than he deserved. He couldn’t really ask for anything else, could he?
But someone else? Maybe.
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Two days later, Yoongi was packing up his suitcase, ready to fly back to Seoul to return to his daily routine, when someone entered his hotel room.
“Hey hyung,” Namjoon smiled a little, “You got a second?”
“Almost ready,” Yoongi said in a small voice.
“Yeah, about that,” Namjoon opened up his suitcase again when Yoongi had closed it and pressed something into his hands, making sure he was holding whatever it was tightly, “Why don't you take a few more days off to relax? I think this city would do you some good.”
And with a wink, he left, Yoongi spotting Hoseok leaning against the doorframe, smiling encouragingly at Yoongi 
He didn't know what he meant. It was only when he unfolded the piece of paper that his legs gave in and he had to sit down for a moment.
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“Namjoon?” your eyes widened, a huge smile spreading on your lips as you embraced him without thinking twice, “What are you doing here? And Hoseok too? You guys!”
“Hoseok hyung told me.. well.. everything. We wanted to hear your story and wanted to apologize for everything. If we had known sooner, maybe we could have helped.”
“No, don't blame yourselves. Yoongi is his own person, he made that decision himself.”
“That.. is actually another thing that we wanted to talk to you about,” Hoseok sighed heavily, “We would never ask you to give him another chance, not after everything. But.. would it be too much to ask you to let him meet her? Just... once?”
That question caught you off-guard, Namjoon quickly adding: “You can say no if you're uncomfortable with it, of course!”
It was something that you had thought about a lot over the course of the last years. Would it be so bad if he met her? Just once? Or if you sent him a picture of her, at least? If not for his sake, then for hers? You were raising her on your own and you didn’t need a man to help you, but the older she got, the more questions she had about why she didn’t have a dad.
If he really had changed..-
You were quiet for a long time, before saying: “I promised myself I would never let him see her when he walked out that day. But the older I get and the older she gets, the more I think about it... if it really were so bad if he met her just once.. if maybe they could have a relationship, even when we couldn't.”
“It's your decision just how far you want this to go, we're just asking you for letting him meet her once.. just to see her face, so he doesn't have to imagine it anymore.”
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With the piece of paper in which your address was scribbled on clutched tightly in his hand, Yoongi pressed the doorbell with a shaking hand, his breathing uneven and his legs wobbly.
He didn't know what to expect. Three hours ago, he hadn't expected any of this to happen, so now he wasn't able to wrap his mind around it that it was actually happening. That he would meet the girl that was on his mind constantly for the last three years.
Once again, he was face to face with you, the one he called the love of his life once.
And a moment later a little girl squeezed herself through your legs, looking at him with the same eyes that he found himself looking at when he looked in the mirror, only a lot more alive and happier.
“Hello, mister. I'm Dae!” she introduced herself without hesitation and a beaming smile.
Yoongi couldn't help but let out a happy laugh, all the tension easing for a moment.
What would happen after today? Only time could tell. But for today, you would let them have this. And maybe you did this as much for him as you did for yourself.
To finally find real closure to all this.
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kimoralov3 · 4 years
Hello, Old Friend
Requested by: @nuclearpizza84
Word Count: 2449
Pairing: Erik Lehnsherr x gn!black!mutant!reader
espèce d'imbécile = idiot in french according to google translate
Warnings: swearing, talks of attempted murder, mention of racial slurs
Charles’ POV
“Who’s the next person on our list?” Erik asked as he sat in one of the chairs, propping his feet up on my desk. I pushed his feet off of my desk then picked up the notebook filled with mutants we could possibly recruit.
“Someone by the name of (Y/N) (Y/LN). They live in Atlanta, Georgia, and as of now it doesn't seem as if they have a job."
"(Y/N)? I used to know someone with that name. Do you have a guess as to what their mutation may be?" Erik sat up straighter in the chair. Oh, now he's interested now that this person has the same name as an old friend of his?
"No I don't, but I guess we shall find out soon. If we want to make it there and back before midday tomorrow, we should leave in the next 30 minutes." Erik nodded and stood up, walking towards the door. "What if this person happens to be your old friend?"
"If this is the same (Y/N) as the one I know, they'll need a lot more convincing than us being in the same boat as them. They're quite stubborn in that way." Erik said as he stopped and turned to face me.
"Like you?" I asked as I titled my head to the side slightly. Erik glared at me before exiting the room, not bothering shutting the door behind him. There was definitely something else going on between Erik and his supposed old friend.
Erik's POV
I stepped out of the car, buttoning up my coat as I took in my surroundings. We had taken a taxi to a small town, not too far from Atlanta. There was a corner store across from us, some restaurants down the street, and a combined book/coffee shop. Of course you would run away here. It's the perfect place to escape from your past. 
"Well, it certainly is quite lovely here. According to Cerebro, (Y/N) comes here every other week to get some more books for the orphanage across town. Very nice of them." Charles said as he made his way towards the book/coffee shop. I followed him, taking one last look at the street before stepping inside.
One half of the shop was filled with floor to ceiling bookshelves, all marked with whatever genre of book filled the shelves. If we were to walk about a foot forward, we'd be standing directly in front of the white and grey display case. There was a counter attached where the coffee machine sat. The back of other side of the shop was filled with bean bag chairs and pillows, while the front is where the tables and chairs sat. 
"Welcome gentlemen, would you like a cup of- Erik?" A voice said as they came from the back. I turned my attention towards the owner of the voice and smiled.
"Hello, (Y/N). How have you been?"
"Wow, he wasn't lying, he actually has friends. I'm impressed." Charles said with a hint of mockery in his tone.
"Erik, what are you doing here? I thought we agreed to never look for each other again." (Y/N) asked as they walked around the counter to stand in front of us.
"Well that was then, and this is now. We need your help." I said. They haven't changed a bit. 
"Oh, I've heard that before. You can fuck off Erik, I'm never helping you again." They said as they glared up at me. You always did look cute when you were upset.
"I don't know what the history between the two of you is, but he's not asking for your help. I am. In return I'm offering to help you control your mutation. If we could sit down I could explain everything further." Charles said as he looked between the two of us.
"Mutation? What are you talking about, I don't have any type of mutation. And who even are you?" (Y/N) asked as they finally turned their attention towards Charles, giving him a once over.
"I'm Charles Xavier. You see, the three of us all have a gene- well, a mutated gene- that gives us specific abilities. I'm a telepath, and Erik can control metal." 
"You're crazy. The whole time Erik and I worked together, he never showed signs of having any special 'abilities'. Other than being an asshole." (Y/N)'s lips curled into a slight smirk at the insult.
"It's not my fault you kept getting in the way." I said.
"You pushed me off a fucking train, Erik. I think it's safe to say that that wasn't my fault."
"You're the one who wasn't supposed to be there in the first place. I told you to stay in the train and wait for me, but you just couldn't follow directions." 
"So you decided that the safest bet was to push me off a moving train?"
"Erik, you're not helping. (Y/N), I understand that you probably don't trust Erik, but you can trust me. If anything goes wrong, I'll take full responsibility. So what do you say?"
(Y/N) took a deep breath, looking between the two of us. I was beginning to think that they'd say no and kick us out, but they finally came to a decision. "Fine, I'll help. As long as Erik doesn't double cross me. Again."
Charles looked at me expectedly, making me roll my eyes. Please, we need all the help we can get. Charles communicated to me telepathically. "Fine, I won't double cross you."
"Excellent! (Y/N,) let's take a taxi to your place so you can gather some of your things. On the way, I can tell you all about my research and what exactly it is we're doing here. I'm sure you'll find it all very interesting." Charles said as he led (Y/N) out of the shop. 
"You coming, espèce d'imbécile?" (Y/N) asked as they got in the taxi. I snapped out of whatever trance I was in and got in the taxi.
(Y/N)'s POV
Charles had spent both taxi rides and most of the plane ride explaining his findings about mutants. To be honest, I didn't understand most of it, but he seemed excited to share this information with someone new, so I wasn't going to stop him. All I knew was that I had another reason for people to call me a freak. Once the plane landed, Charles drove us to his house- excuse me, I mean mansion. "Well shit. You lived here by yourself?" I asked as I got out of the car. 
"Well, not entirely. I have a sister named Raven, you'll meet her soon." Charles said as we walked inside. I can't believe I'm in a fucking mansion. If only my parents could see me now. 
"Oh good, you're back! Hello there, I'm Raven." The blond girl said as she smiled brightly and ran over to me and gave me a hug. I was shocked for a second, but I quickly hugged her back. Is this usually how people greet each other?
"I'm (Y/N), it's nice to meet you. You're Charles' sister, right?" I asked as she pulled away. She nodded and turned to Charles. 
"The boys are sitting in the kitchen. Can you take (Y/N)'s stuff to their room while I introduce them to everyone else?" She asked him. He nodded and grabbed my suitcases, walking somewhere down the hall. She then turned to Erik. "Are the two of you getting along well?"
Erik scoffed. "Me and Charles or me and (Y/N)? Because me and Charles are getting along swimmingly, but (Y/N) is being a bit dramatic if you ask me."
"Says the man who spent 30 minutes crying because he lost track of some stupid guy." I shot back quickly. Erik's jaw clenched as he gave me a once over, then walked in the same direction that Charles went.
"Well that was rude of him. Anyway, come on, let's go meet the rest of the boys." She said as she grabbed my hand and tugged me towards the kitchen. One boy was standing in front of the sink with a beer in his hand, another one with glasses sitting at the table with a bunch of files in front of him, and a messy brown haired boy digging through the fridge. "Boys, we have a new friend. Introduce yourselves please."
"Alex." The boy with the beer said.
The boy rummaging through the fridge stood up, holding a bottle of water in one hand and waving at me with the other. "I'm Seth."
"I'm Hank, nice to meet you." He gave me an awkward smile.
"(Y/N), nice to meet you all." 
"So, what are your special abilities?" Alex asked as he threw the bottle in the trash.
"Anatomy manipulation. You?" They all looked at me like I was crazy. Did I say something wrong?
"A-Anatomy manipulation? That's a pretty violent thing." Hank said as he pushed his glasses to sit correctly on his nose.
"Yeah, it can get pretty ugly. That's why I don't really like to use them. Hurting people isn't really my style."
"I learned that the hard way." Erik's voice came from behind us. I swear this man gets on my fucking nerves.
"Hey Erik. Did you need something?" Raven asked as she turned around to face him. She is definitely interested in him. 
"I would like to speak to (Y/N) in my room."
"Why would I go anywhere with you. You gonna try and kill me again or something?"
"I promised not to, remember? Now come with me." He grabbed my hand and dragged me to his room, closing the door behind us and locking it. First of all, that's creepy. Second of all he could've given me a chance to walk without him dragging me along like I'm some child.
"What do you want, Erik?" I asked as I crossed my arms over my chest.
"I want to apologize. For being an ass. And for anything else I might have done that caused you pain. Will you forgive me?" He said. His words were rushed, he stumbled a little and he seemed out of breath. He must not be used to having to apologize for his actions. Typical.
I stared at him for a moment, switching my focus between his eyes before speaking. "Well I'm not going to say that I forgive you, but I'm glad that you decided to apologize. What made you want to do that?"
"Charles helped me see something that I couldn't see before. Although there's something I need to do to prove his theory."
"And what's that? Be nice to everyone for a day? Well good luck with that because the day that you're nice to people is the day that hell freezes over." 
"Has anyone ever told you that you make things extremely difficult?" Erik asked as he looked down at you. Why did he have to be so tall? 
"No, but then again I've never had to work with someone as stubborn as you."
"Oh I'm the stubborn one? Aren't you the one who refused to leave a bar until the bartender apologized for calling you that horrid word? Then when he finally did mutter out a half assed apology, you still wouldn't leave? Or am I just remembering things incorrectly?" Erik stated, his smile growing bigger at each sentence. I chuckled and shook my head.
"You see, that was different. He called us both slurs, and I wasn't just going to let him get away with that. Plus you know you enjoyed it, you sat there laughing the whole time." I said as I poked him in his chest. 
"I always did love the way you would stand up for what you thought was right." 
"Oh, so you don't hate me? Well there's a shock. You are full of surprises today, aren't you?"
"Why would I hate you? You're the closest thing to a friend I have at the moment."
"If I'm the closest thing you have to a friend, you seriously need to work on your social skills."
"Yeah, Charles said the same thing. Just a lot more complicated, honestly I stopped listening about a minute in. He tends to take the long way of explaining things."
"I think he's just excited to be with other people. He's been alone in this big house with only one other person to talk to. I'd be happy to be around other people too."
"That's fair. So what have you been up to since the last time we talked?" Erik asked as he sat down on the bed, patting the spot next to him. I sat down and smiled at him.
"You mean since the last time you tried to kill me? Nothing much really. As you see I moved to Atlanta, and I was working at a coffee/book shop. Sometimes I babysit the owner's kids while she goes away for work, and when I'm not at work, I volunteer at the orphanage. Pretty boring stuff if you ask me. How about you? Still chasing after Shaw?" I ask as I look up at him. 
"Of course, he has to pay for what he's done. This is the closest I've gotten to catching him."
"I understand. But what are you gonna do once you finally kill him? Are you gonna move away again?"
"No, I don't think I will. I think I might stay here and help Charles with his plan- even though it sounds utterly insane."
"What plan?" 
"He wants to turn this place into a school for people like us- his preferred term is mutant. He wants to help other people in the way that we never had help."
"That's actually very kind of him." Charles does seem like the kind of guy to put others before himself.
"Yeah, I guess. You should stay too, you've always been more of a people person than I."
"Maybe I will. It'd give me more time to annoy the hell out of you." I said as I nudged his shoulder. He chuckled and nudged me back.
"It's getting late, you should head to bed. It's been a long day." Erik said as he helped me off the bed.
"Yeah, I am getting pretty tired. Thanks for the trip down memory lane."
"Any time. Goodnight (Y/N)." He leaned down and gave me a quick peck on the cheek. I smiled and waved as I walked away, in search of my new room. Maybe Erik Lehnsherr does have a heart under all those steel walls after all.
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miraculouscontent · 4 years
A full summary of “Furious Fu” for my followers who can’t find subs or who would rather look at a summary first to figure out if the episode is okay for them to watch:
- The kwami are arguing with Marinette because they want to go see Fu. Marinette argues against this by saying that his memory was erased. They ask why Tikki can go and Tikki explains that Marinette might need to transform. They offer to hide, still wanting to see him because he took care of them for 100+ years, but Marinette says that they need to let him restart his life with his soulmate, so it's her turn to take care of them.
- Wayzz points out that he understands, but Fu was his friend and he misses him. Marinette relents and allows Wayzz to go, which makes the other kwami upset. Marinette tries to get out of the situation by saying that someone needs to protect the box, and Trixx responds, "Well then only one of us needs to stay, right??"
- Sass suggests letting "destiny" decide (I have no idea what that means), then Mullo suggests Kwami-Kwa-Who, which seems like Eeny Meeny Minny Moe. Mullo lands on Marinette and says that Marinette will have to stay. The kwami go to fly away and Marinette blocks them off, stating that it was cheating and she's the guardian, so she decides what happens.
- The kwami give her puppy dog eyes and Marinette relents, asking which kwami will stay. Barkk calls Marinette "little one" and agrees to stay behind to watch for villains because they have a bad feeling (also being in the middle of watching a knight movie on Marinette's monitor).
- At the train station, the kwami start making noises. Marinette panics and claims it was her phone to any onlookers and that she'll "throw it in the trash" if it keeps talking. An old man is watching her from a garbage can in the distance.
- Fu and Marianne arrive and Marinette greets Marianne with a hug. Marianne asks Fu if he remembers Marinette, stating that "she found you after your boat accident; the one that erased your memory."
- Marinette hugs Mast--she catches herself and calls him "Mister/Sir Fu," and he thanks her for reuniting him with his beloved Marianne.
- Cut to the Seine where Marinette, Fu, and Marianne are sitting on a park bench and having snacks together. Fu explains that he's found that he has a passion for painting and pulls out a piece of art to show Marinette (it looks like splotches of paint in red, black, white, pink, and blue). Fu continues talking and Marinette notices that Wayzz has gotten out of the bag and is slowly crawling his way across the ground to make his way to see Master Fu (Wayzz keeps having eyelashes in some shots and it's really distracting). Marinette tries to be subtle in grabbing Wayzz, but Fu notices and picks him up, asking Marinette if it's one of her toys. She insists that it is and puts Wayzz back in her bag, leading to Wayzz squealing happily, "He touched me! He touched me!" Marinette panics and tries to claim that the toy talks, pulling him back out and trying to talk like a ventriloquist to make it seem like he talked.
- The old man from before is hiding in a box on a bicycle and spying on them.
- Fu wants to paint and goes to get set up, telling Marinette and Marianne to act like he's not there. The scene cuts to a painting Fu did of the two of them.
- Marinette comes home to find that an old man is suddenly in her room. Barkk re-states that they had a bad feeling and the man notes that Marinette had the Miracle Box (which is now in his possession). Marinette glances over to her hiding spot for it, seeing that it's indeed been opened, then asks who the man is. Tikki confirms that this is the previous owner of the Miracle Box before Fu, Su-Han.
- Marinette is skeptical and asks how he found her. He explains that his Guardian staff leads him directly to her Miracle Box. Marinette asks why she doesn't have one and he explains that she's not a real guardian. Marinette argues that Fu handed it to her, leading Su-Han to go off, calling Fu "chicken legs" and mocking the fact that Fu couldn't even do the fasting and that didn't meet the expectations he had for him.
- Marinette, annoyed, says that Fu has protected the box all this time and sacrificed himself to save Paris, and he even became a great painter. Su-Han starts to argue, then looks around and notices that there are missing kwami. Marinette explains that Fu had lost the butterfly and peacock, which leads Su-han to ask where Plagg is and Marinette answers that he's which Chat Noir, who she doesn't know the identity of because their identities are meant to stay secret. Su-Han notices her earrings (somehow? I guess guardians can sense miraculouses?) and starts to go on about how "OH I GUESS THIS IS THE MODERN WORLD" and continues on about how Plagg is "flying free" (he's not but go off I guess) which led to the end of dinosaurs and dragons and such, and that guardians aren't meant to hold miraculouses.
- Su-Han pulls out the Miracle Box and demands that the kwami return to it. The kwami sigh and pout, but ultimately go back into the box. Su-Han then takes a book out and starts reading off all the rules Marinette broke: Kwami aren't allowed out of the box, guardians mustn't hold miraculouses, and you mustn't lose a miraculous (Marinette technically lost the Bee but he'd have no way of knowing that; either the writers didn't realize this or Su-Han is blaming Marinette for Fu's mistake). Marinette argues that Fu used a miraculous and he explains that this is the exact problem; they keep making their own rules and children shouldn't be allowed miraculouses anyway.
- While he's talking, the knight movie Barkk was watching is still playing, and Su-Han thinks the knight is a person trapped in Marinette's monitor, nearly attacking it (presumably, no knowledge of technology since the order has been away for 150+ years). Marinette explains that it's a movie and Su-Han clearly doesn't get it, but cuts to the chase and asks her to lead him to Chat Noir so they can hand over their miraculouses. Marinette asks Tikki if it's a good idea and Tikki is unsure but states that he is the celestial guardian and whatnot, so maybe she should listen to him. Marinette sighs and transforms. They leave together.
- Su-Han and Ladybug meet up with Chat Noir. Su-Han demands that they hand over their miraculouses, to which Chat says that it's not a funny joke and he’d know because "he knows them all." Ladybug questions how he plans to defeat Shadow Moth and Su-Han explains that he'll hand the miraculouses over to adult holders who are fit for the job.
- Chat Noir is skeptical of Su-Han at first, but Ladybug insists that the kwami confirmed him as a previous guardian, even suggesting that this might be the right thing to do because maybe this is why they haven't been able to defeat Shadow Moth yet. Chat Noir tells Ladybug to trust herself like he trusts her, and agrees to hand over his miraculous, but only if she says so because she's the real guardian to him.
- Su-Han accepts these terms and demands that Ladybug order him to take off his miraculous (they're on a roof so I don't know how they plan to get down from there afterwards?), then she'll relinquish her guardian status to him. Ladybug asks if this means that she'll get her memory erased like Fu, which prompts Chat to suddenly pause in shock and ask specifically if she'll forget him. Ladybug doesn't answer and Chat Noir suddenly changes his tune, demanding that Su-Han come and get him if he wants his miraculous. Su-Han agrees and Ladybug panics, trying to get Chat Noir to calm down.
- Su-Han readies himself and explains that guardians are specifically trained to fight against miraculous holders, then takes Chat Noir down (Chat Noir makes a side comment about how "Master Fu was nicer"). Just before he swipes Chat Noir's miraculous, Ladybug throws Su-Han with her yoyo and is now on Chat Noir's side, insisting that she's guardian and that neither of them will be giving up their miraculouses. They fight, with Ladybug and Chat Noir managing to get enough of an upper hand (Ladybug puts the knight movie on her phone to distract him) to swipe both the box and staff, getting away.
- Shadow Moth senses Su-Han's negative emotions and sends a butterfly.
- Su-Han leaps after Ladybug and Chat Noir, muttering that this would be a simple task if he had his staff. Coincidentally, he spots Fu (who Marinette had to confirm the identity of, so I imagine that Fu never went to the temple like he said he would in "Feast"; "that old man was Fu/chicken legs?") and Marianne over by a fountain, Fu painting with one hand and his cane in the other.
- Su-Han descends and grabs Fu's cane, starting to tug-of-war with him over it. Marianne comes by and starts whacking him with her cane, telling her to leave her beloved alone. Su-Han then spots the akuma and quickly backs away, performing some sort of technique that causes him to be surrounded by a blue aura, repeating a phrase akin to "my anger is mine but my anger is not me." The butterfly is repelled, but Su-Han goes after Fu's cane again, opening the top to reveal some sort of orb inside, confirming that this is a proper guardian staff.
- Fu asks Marianne if she's okay, then glares at Su-Han and walks after him, demanding that he apologize to her and return his cane. Shadow Moth senses a new negative emotion and the butterfly goes after Fu instead. Su-Han quickly flees as he realizes that Fu is being akumatized(akumokized?).
- Shadow Moth gives ye ol' generic speech (plus a "we meet again" which obviously Fu doesn't get) to Fu about revenge and blah blah blah miraculouses, but Fu is confused and asks Shadow Moth to repeat himself. Shadow Moth sighs and simply asks if Fu wants revenge, which Fu answers affirmatively.
- Marianne sees Furious Fu and approaches, insisting that this isn't worth it. Fu spouts some Chinese saying (there's a LOT of that in this episode from both he and Su-Han), then pulls out some paper and starts writing on it in Chinese with his akumatized object (his ink brush). It says "Find" and Fu shouts as much, throwing the paper away and then leaping after it as it pursues Su-Han.
- Ladybug and Chat Noir are hiding in the football (soccer; sorry, I’m a filthy American :P) stadium, talking about what to do about the situation, when Su-Han shows up and demands their miraculouses. Ladybug notes that the cane he's carrying belongs to Fu and then Furious Fu shows up. Furious Fu writes "Thunder" and sends it into the sky, leading the sky to fill with dark clouds and start blasting everyone.
- They dodge while Su-Han and Ladybug fighting over the Miracle Box, leading them to send it flying a small distance away. Shadow Moth notices this and tells Furious Fu to retrieve the box, so Furious Fu gives chase. Ladybug drops the box and kicks it to Chat Noir as if they're playing soccer, so Chat Noir starts running away and keeping the Miracle Box at his feet. Chat Noir sees Furious Fu and Su-Han at both sides of him and panics, kicking the Miracle Box at the goal. Chat Noir stops to cheer that he achieved a goal, then Ladybug runs past him and he realizes oh, and chases after them.
- Furious Fu writers "Teleport" and attaches it to his head, which teleports him to the box's location. Furious Fu latches the box to himself and readies himself to fight, leaving Ladybug and Chat Noir standing there while Su-Han suddenly cowers and sneaks away. Ladybug and Chat Noir fight Furious Fu, but are clearly outmatched as he blocks their attacks and sends Chat Noir flying. Su-Han makes judgmental comments about their fighting from the sidelines, leading Chat Noir to point out that he's not doing anything. Su-Han explains that guardians are trained to fight holders, not the magic that a holder might make. Ladybug asks if they have to fix his mistake then (calling him out for causing Furious Fu in the first place) and Su-Han is unable to argue. Furious Fu then sends Ladybug and Chat Noir flying away.
- Furious Fu then challenges Su-Han directly and Su-Han has no choice but to fight back. They fight and Furious Fu writes, "Statue," sticking it to Su-Han and freezing him in place.
- Furious Fu retrieves his cane and Shadow Moth reminds him of the miraculouses. Furious Fu doesn't understand and even calls Chat "a bat without wings."
- Meanwhile, Ladybug explains to Chat that it's not important to defeat him, but to make sure he doesn't defeat them. Chat Noir doesn't understand and Ladybug tells him to keep Furious Fu busy while she makes a call. Chat can do that much so he leaves to fight.
- Ladybug uses Lucky Charm, changing her suit to its "upgraded" state and giving her a pair of pliers. She notes Chat Noir's ring, then a bin of soccer balls, then her yoyo, then the pliers. She rushes to enact her plan and Furious Fu notices her. He kicks Chat Noir away, sets his cane down, then writes "Vision" and sticks it on his head, making him see what Ladybug noticed earlier. He says that he sees what she's planning and pursues her, but Chat Noir knocks him down. They fight and Chat Noir calls for Cataclysm, but Ladybug screams for him to stop, running at them both with a soccer ball. Su-Han grabs Chat Noir's wrist, then puts Chat Noir in a hold, Chat held to his chest with one hand on Chat Noir's arm and the other hand on Chat Noir's wrist, trying to get him Cataclysm'd (which is a little strange since he seemed confused about the whole concept of fighting him earlier and doesn’t even know Chat Noir but I digress).
- Ladybug throws her yoyo, which Furious Fu catches in his mouth. Ladybug pulls herself to him, but he grabs her wrist with his hand (the one that wasn't holding Chat Noir's wrist), leaving her dangling. Ladybug smirks, catches the soccer ball with her feet, and shoves it against Chat Noir's elbow, preventing Chat Noir from using Cataclysm on himself as there's now too much space between his hand and chest. Furious Fu comments that neither of them can defeat him in this state, to which Ladybug replies that they're not going to.
- Marianne pops up, taking the brush from Furious Fu (it was tucked behind his ear) and snapping it in half, talking about the call she got from Ladybug. Ladybug smiles and thanks her, assuring that she did perfectly.
- Ladybug opens her yoyo to purify the akuma (as I notice that SHE HAS ACTUAL SOLES NOW IN HER UPGRADED FORM!!!), then uses Miraculous Ladybug, which throws her object in the air and her upgraded outfit goes with it, changing her back to normal. Su-han returns to normal and Ladybug, Chat Noir, and Marianne go to "pound it" before Chat Noir realizes that he's still got Cataclysm active. He Cataclysms the soccer ball from earlier and they do a proper fist bump now.
- Ladybug opens her yoyo and pulls out a Fu-colored amulet She gives it to Fu and assures him that it'll protect him. Fu says that he'll use it to remember her by (just a line to rub salt in the wound I guess) and thanks her along with "Mister Bat." Su-Han then shows up and apologizes to Fu for taking his cane, almost calling him "crybaby" before he corrects himself, claiming that he "mistook" Fu for "someone he knew long ago. Fu forgives him and they do the Chinese bowing thing with the fist against the palm.
- Back at the train station, Fu comments on the "adventure" of sorts and Marinette praises Marianne, having "heard that she was the real hero of the day." They both smile at her and the scene cuts away to Marinette in her bedroom with the kwami and Su-Han.
- Su-Han has two things to tell her and begins with the first thing, going on about her relying on a human with no powers, which is a huge no-no, and how she has the gall to invent her own rules... but that they strangely seem to work. That gets Marinette's attention and Su-Han goes on to talk about the second thing: that she has amazing natural instincts which is an essential quality for a guardian, so the "crybaby--er, Master Fu" may not have made such a bad choice after all. He talks about how this Miracle Box is the most powerful and the first, and that he can't imagine what would happen if they fell into the wrong hands.
- Su-Han tells Marinette that she can keep the box, but if she makes one mistake, he'll come back and take it again. She smiles and goes to put the box away, then Su-Han talks about how he'll be staying in Paris for a while; he needs to get used to the modern world as a guardian, after all. Marinette tells him that he'll "need these" for that and offers him a pair of shoes. Su-Han looks down at his current shoes, which are currently torn open at the fronts (they've been like that for the whole episode). They laugh and the episode ends.
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sevlgi · 4 years
requested: no
group: blackpink
pairing: jisoo x fem!reader
genre: fluff
contents: guardian angel!jisoo, near death instances, unlucky reader. [22/33].
warnings: none
synopsis: You’ve never believed in guardian angels, but that just might change when you’re saved from certain death 3 times in one week.
a/n: idk if I’ve ever seen anyone do a similar au... tell me if you have! also i’m actually hella proud of this one lmao
word count: 1.8k
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Do guardian angels exist?
Well, that’s a subjective question, and there really isn’t a yes or no answer... But if yours does, they’re doing the shittiest job of the century.
The amount of times you’ve been hurt in the past, both physically and emotionally, is stupidly high. You’ve always had an aptitude for getting injured, stories of broken bones and gashes making up basically half of your entire life. Your friends and family pride themselves on having a fully loaded arsenal of embarrassing tales, practically making it a rite of passage to visit the hospital with you. And don’t even mention the heartbreaks- those just seem to follow you wherever you go.
When you move to a different city for what must be the 10th time, you vow that it’s going to be different, no matter how obvious it is that it won’t. You vow that there aren’t going to be any incidents that land you in the hospital, nor any relationships that just end in chaos.
Suffice to say, all of that goes haywire on your first day in town.
Without a car to drive you to work or any friends to hitchhike off of, you take the subway, line #224 to Solace Building. There just so happens to be a new girl group song you’re obsessed with, blasting on the highest possible volume in your earbuds, when you’re shoved from the back right into the subway tracks. “Fu-”
Time slows down as you start to fall, the dusty railways coming too close to your face for comfort before a warm hand wraps around yours, the socket of your arm straining to carry your entire weight as you’re jerked back sharply.
You collide with a warm body, soft curves lessening the impact and delicate, impossibly strong hands steadying you on either side of your waist. By all logic, you should’ve knocked your savior over, should be sprawled on the ground right now with dirty palms and a heat-flushed face. “Are you okay?”
When you step back sharply, you’re met with the sight of the most beautiful person you’ve ever seen in your life. Her heart-shaped smile and delicate features are framed with cascading brown hair, and she has ethereally flawless porcelain skin. She’s the kind of beautiful that makes the plainest outfit look designer, that could make you believe sea glass to be pure diamond. “Uh. Y-yeah. I’m good.”
“I’m glad,” she chuckles, smiling even wider and tucking a piece of hair behind her ear. Maybe she doesn’t realize the effect she has on you, humming as she dusts something invisible off your bag. “You should be more careful, Y/N, wouldn’t want someone as pretty as you being killed by a train.”
If it was anyone else, the words would sound creepy, especially with the added factor of the girl knowing your name. “How-- how do you know who I am?”
She juts her lips at the card hanging off your bag, your name written in big, bold letters. “Nametag. Y/N Y/L/N, employee in Solace Building?”
To hide the heat in your cheeks, you look to the floor and stutter out, “Well. Since you know my name, uh, isn’t it fitting that I know yours?”
It’s not nearly as smooth as you’d like it to be-- usually, the natural flirt in you would’ve made an appearance-- but the petite brunette extends a hand, tipped with gentle pink nails. “Jisoo. Kim Jisoo, if that’s helpful at all.”
Your next words are interrupted by your train arriving; when Jisoo doesn’t follow you on, you turn to look at her with your eyebrow quirked. “Are you...?”
“Not my train,” she smiles, shaking her head, even though it’s the only one arriving for hours where she stands. “Good to meet you, Y/N. Stay out of trouble!”
It’s an odd way to end a first meeting, but you don’t think much of it as you grab the nearest seat and pull out your phone to search her up. K-I-M J-I-S-O-O, you type, eyes scanning the screen fervently as the train starts.
Plenty of people show up-- after all, Kim Jisoo is not a rare name-- but none of the dozens of profiles you click through are the beautiful girl who saved your life. It’s too late when you look back out the window towards the station, the only thing you see becoming brick wall.
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The next time you almost die, you’re just walking to the coffee shop across from your apartment.
The activity should be safe, considering that not many people in the area own cars. At first, you think you are safe, crossing the silent street with no problem and receiving your usual order just fine; you’re on your way back to your lonely little apartment when you hear the screeching of car tires on the road.
“Watch out!” someone screams, but you’re frozen in the middle of the crosswalk. You forget how there wasn’t a single car in the street when you were crossing as you stare at the grill coming close. The car doesn’t stop or slow down, and you scrunch your eyes shut with your arms raised up, just waiting for the impact.
It never comes. When you hesitantly open your eyes again, you find a familiar figure standing in front of you, the force of her hand having knocked your coffee onto your blouse. The car bumper is pressing into her bare leg, which is miraculously clean of a scratch or bruise, but she doesn’t seem to notice as she turns to grin at you.
“Sorry, I ruined your coffee,” Jisoo frowns, her hand coming up to almost touch the steaming stain on your chest. You stare at her mutely, following obediently when she grabs your wrist and pulls you back to the coffee shop. “Can I buy you another one?” she offers, plucking a napkin off a street-side table.
“Kim Jisoo?” you say disbelievingly, not even feeling it as she dabs the coffee away. “You again?”
“Me again,” she confirms, pulling some more napkins out of her purse with a smile on her face. “I hope you’re not disappointed; after all, I just saved you from dying. Again.”
“No, that’s not...” Taking a deep breath, you smile too, wrapping your fingers around her hand to gently brush her off. “It’s okay. I’m glad to see you, actually-- I searched for your profile to thank you, but I couldn’t find anything.”
Jisoo shrugs, opening the door to the coffee shop for you. “Oh, I’m not really on social media. If you wanted my number, you could’ve just asked.”
You laugh lightly, tossing the crushed cup in your hand into the trash. Of course it’s odd that she isn’t on social media in the 21st century-- with her face, you’d expect Jisoo to be a major influencer. “Then I’ll ask for it. Later.”
“Of course. Order what you want, I owe you one after all that,” she offers, plucking a couple loose 20 dollar bills out of her purse.
Once again, you’re faced with another weird habit of hers, but you order anyway and thank her after she pays. Before you can say anything else, though, she gets a text and frowns at her phone. “Oh, sorry, I have to go. Catch you next time?”
“Sure,” you answer, forgetting to tell her that she still forgot to give you her number. You stand dumbly on the sidewalk and watch her go, taking a deep breath and looking both ways before you set off towards your apartment for the second time that day.
Maybe next time?
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The third, and hopefully last time, is the absolute weirdest of all. 
You seem to have a thing for being knocked into ditches-- this time, a group of teenagers barrels into you while you’re walking by the side of the only river in your entire city. You open your mouth to tell them off, but before you can, an especially hard shove from an stocky little boy pushes you right into the water.
Luckily, the fall isn’t high, so you don’t hit the water with much force, but the boats cruising along and the recently terrible weather stir the current strong enough to pull you right under. In the icy water, you feel your fingers let go of the phone in your hand, your lungs slowly being crushed by the pressure of your surroundings.
It’s hard to tell how much time passes while you’re in the water. From what your doctors have told you, trauma is difficult to remember clearly for a while, but you vaguely feel hands linking in front of your chest and forearms bracing under your armpits to drag you out of the water.
The heat of the summer sun warms the stone under your back and you can hear whispers sounding around you as you flop onto the floor. Hands push hard on your breastbone, once, twice-
After maybe 30 pushes, fingers pinch your nose, and soft lips meet yours. It feels more like a kiss than CPR, no air really being blown into your mouth, but nonetheless, you feel water leaving your lungs, and you open your eyes in shock, coughing out loud.
To your (somewhat) shock, it’s the same girl hovering over you. Jisoo’s skirt is wet at her knees where she kneels beside you, her hands still hovering over your chest. She must’ve been the one giving CPR, then. Sitting up, you hack violently until most of the water’s out of your lungs, the other girl waving away all of the spectators. “How’re you feeling?” she asks, once you’re alone on the sidewalk.
Your hands move faster than your brain, pulling her forward by the nape of her neck until you kiss again, something about her tasting familiar in a way you can’t quite place. “Who are you?” you breathe once you’ve pulled away, searching her warm eyes for an answer.
She smiles again, handing you your miraculously dry phone instead of answering. It should be waterlogged and dead, but nothing seems to make sense when concered with Kim Jisoo. “How about you take me for dinner or something before asking the serious questions? Soup should be good to warm you up.”
Hand clasping in hers, you’re pulled to your feet with strength that doesn’t match her petite stature. You barely remember that you look like an almost-drowned rat, your lips purple with cold and your hair stringy with icy water. “Sure. Soup. But you need to answer me first.”
She exhales, hitching her bag higher up on her arm. “I’d say I’m your guardian angel, but you wouldn’t believe that, would you?”
“I wouldn’t,” you answer, eyes narrowing as you follow her down the street. “But maybe you can convince me. Over soup.”
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pepiranhas · 3 years
Pt 2 of the Luca fic! Unbeta’d once again. Here’s Pt.1
Back to the present - Massimo was not wrong about being able to fix a simple crush, especially one that’s been sewn and continuously growing since Alberto was thirteen. Now, He’s seventeen years old and working outside of Massimo’s pescheria - He took on maintenance jobs, paint jobs, even temporary part time jobs at restaurants during the summer when Portorosso would see its share of tourists. Santa Ricotta, how Alberto despised the summer tourists. 
But then again, Alberto and a few other locals were the ones volunteering their time to clean up the seaside and this year he convinced Luca to do the same. Giulia said she might come along later, but would more than likely be assisting her father in the pescheria for pocket money today. Once the boys were in motion, Alberto began to grumble to himself as he shoveled rotting food and trash and then shoving them in a separate trash bag. 
“These tourists have no respect for marine life - Luca, look at this! They’re trashing our home!”
Luca looked shocked by the sudden outburst; he was probably in his own little world before he was yanked away from it, but agreed nonetheless. 
“We should really ticket people who litter - but the police don’t think it’s that big of a deal ‘till summer ends and now it’s their home that looks ugly.” “They don’t have to swim in this muck,” Luca adds. Alberto sighs, leaning against his shovel after he digs it into the sand as hard as possible to get it to stand in place.
Alberto decides he’s hot enough from work on top of the unforgiving sun and strips off his sweat stained shirt. It felt disgusting sticking to his skin anyway. 
In the split second he pulls the shirt over his head, his gaze naturally goes over to Luca - but he finds that the other boy is staring at him with wide eyes.
Alberto’s heart races in his chest as he tucks the shirt into his pocket, pretending like he never noticed when Luca quickly glances away, cheeks red as the tips of his ears are. 
“You’re not hot?” Alberto raises a brow, trying not to grin or read into Luca’s actions, lest he ends up disappointed. “I’m not, but you are- I mean-- You look hot, but I don’t feel it- the heat, I don’t-!”  
Alberto blinks, but goes to pick up his shovel again to resume scooping trash.
“We should go for a swim after, but probably on the other side. We should ask Massimo to let us borrow his boat and take a net out here tomorrow to clean further out!”
“Yeah! We should bring Giulia too!” Alberto rolls his eyes, “Man, what’s she gonna do but boss us around all day?” Luca, seemingly over his sudden stutter, scolds Alberto. “For company, stupido.” “Don’t call me stupido, imbecil.” Alberto fires back, all in good nature. Luca also fires back in good nature - by grabbing a handful of wet sand and flinging it at Alberto. Alberto screeches indignantly and the boys declare war against each other. By the time they called a truce, the sun was down and they picked up less than half the trash, the rest of the volunteers picking up their slack. They sheepishly apologized and promised they’ll clean further out tomorrow and quickly left.
The boys made it home past dinner. Giulia was already in her room and settled down for the rest of the night, since the lights were out and there was light snoring coming from her room. Massimo is probably out playing poker with some friends. 
The boys heat up some leftover pasta in the old and kind of crusty microwave in the kitchen and make their way to Alberto’s studio out in the back garden that he and Massimo built almost two years ago after Alberto was continuously scolded for leaving his art supplies around the house. Massimo was also not happy to find those art supplies scattered on the floor in Alberto’s room after Alberto allegedly cleaned up after himself. 
The boys decompress in comfortable silence and Alberto can’t stop feeling giddy about it - is this what a life together would feel like? Alberto coming home from a long day’s work, convincing Luca to stop studying and have dinner with him, and oh, Luca, it’s great weather tonight, we should eat dinner outside and I can pop out the good wine--
“Alberto? Are you listening to me?” 
“Huh?” Alberto snaps out of his thoughts just as quickly as they appeared. 
“I said if you’re done - I can take these back to the kitchen and wash them if we’re sleeping here tonight.” “Uh, no, that's fine, I can take them. Make yourself comfortable and I’ll be back.” Alberto quickly stacks the dirty dishes together and walks out, trying to calm his nerves as he washed and put the dishes away. He sighs into the air of the kitchen, the sound of a ticking clock keeping him company. 
He’s slept with Luca before, it’s nothing new. So what was he so worked up about this time?
By the time he came back to his studio and shut the door behind him, Luca had finished setting up the blankets and pillows on the floor. Both boys settled in and Alberto, with all the oxygen he could muster in his nervous state, blew out the light from his little lantern, allowing for the darkness to engulf the boys and hope for sleep to overcome them both.
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