lydiaandarry · 5 years
{The Murder of Alternative Character Design}
Hello there!
    My name is Arabella, but you can call me Arry if easier. You may be looking at the title and feeling a bit confused by it. “The Murder of Alternative Character Design” may be quite a confusing title and leave others wondering what the hell it even means. But that is why I am here to spread awareness about this horrible phenomenon that is going on in recent pop culture. Especially with superheroes. ‘Alternative Character Design’ to me is when a character (usually a superhero) looks different from the traditional standard of the type of character they represent. I can name quite a couple of alternatively dressed superheroes who get made into more traditional wear or boring wear in their live-action debut. So let’s invade the topic!
(The poor costume design recently...)
    I don’t know if you have noticed but the quality of costume design and the importance of comic accuracy has lowered in demand. It seems now like live-action adaptations of a comic book character just throw whatever they can to seem “different” or “out there”. Yet it murders the costume design to begin with. Recently in “Birds of Prey”, one of my favorite DC female characters ‘Black Canary’ has had her main outfit leaked on set. And there are no fishnets to be seen or a bodysuit or anything that represents the character in the comics. I personally love Black Canary for that reason with how different she looks and how she isn’t afraid to wear leather, fishnets and reveal skin, things that could be seen as hooker-ish. She rocks and makes it look stylish and badass. Yet in Birds of Prey, it seems like they went for a more ‘preppy’ approach where nothing about her screams ‘Black Canary’ but perhaps the colors. Even then, black and yellow in DC and especially to non-comic book readers just screams Batman. Netflix recently released a show called “The Umbrella Academy” and I don’t really know much about the comics except that it was created by My Chemical Romance babe Gerard Way who I grew up listening to his music. Even after they broke up. It saddened me to see the complete difference from the comics to the actual live-action adaptation. The art is nearly killed with the inaccuracy as Allison Hargreeves doesn’t have her awesome purple-blue hair. Klaus didn't have his awesome skull shirt, ouija pendant necklace and signature bright orange hair. Diego’s long, blond hair is completely disregarded despite the lack of longer hair on dudes in superhero shows. All of this is disregarded for a more preppy, modern and “up to date” look that kills the character design that made the comics look so different in the first place. And it’s Gerard Way’s creation for crying out loud! He was part of an alternative group! They didn't look nearly as normal as the people in the show look. Even Klaus looks normal compared to how these people used to look. It’s changed for diversity and relatability to other characters but where’s my representation? Where’s my second personality’s representation? And this isn’t just on DC’s end. Marvel does this as well with my favorite X-Men character, Kurt Wagner, a.k.a Nightcrawler. Who seriously wore a Thriller jacket in X-Men Apocalypse. It was the worse outfit I have ever seen on Nightcrawler. Nightcrawler in the comics is basically Gothic. He wears dark clothes, looks kind of scary to the point where people fear him on a daily basis, and has hints of red here and there. The usage of color in Kurt’s design is usually creative and done justice. Now I could understand if they were going for a more X-Men Evolution Kurt but even then, the outfit was better and Kurt is rarely seen as blue in that outfit because when he is blue, it is shown to hardly work with being blue.The colors don’t go well with his skin. Also, his personality is a lot different to X-Men Apocalypse’s but we are talking about character design not writing. And can someone please show Legion FX how to dress punk people? Don’t say David Haller is punk when you hardly dress him as punk.
(Why is this an issue?)
     So, why is this an issue? You may ask me when reading this post. They’re characters, Arry. They aren’t always going to be comic-book accurate. Why are you so upset over all of this? As an artist, to me, character design and clothing choices is just as important as personality. Appearance is the first thing you see of anyone and it can say a lot. You express yourself through your appearance more than you think. When creating a character, I always make sure that I have the character design down pack. It’s my favorite thing to do. I am not against preppier clothing or modernizing things. I understand that this is something that has to be taken into consideration when taking a character and placing them in live-action. There are some things that are too difficult to carry over. But why make a live-action adaptation of something if you are not going to use the version that everyone who reads the comics is familiar with? What’s wrong with having abnormally colored hair? I get that diversity is a hot topic right now and it’s amazing that everyone is getting representation in one way or another. But diversity goes deeper than just skin tone. I have never seen a true alternative like character outside of cartoons that was done right. And I have tons of favorite goth girls in cartoons (Gwen & Crimson from Total Drama, Sam Manson from Danny Phantom, Mandy from The Grim Adventures of Billy & Mandy, Triana Orpheus from Venture Bros, Jinx & Raven from Teen Titans, The Hex Girls from Scooby Doo, Rogue from X-Men Evolution, Joan of Arc from Clone High, Marceline from Adventure Time, Marie from Ed, Edd, and Eddy.) the list goes on. These aren’t characters you see in live-action though. These aren’t female characters that are even considered in live-action or even superheroes for that matter. And comic books are incredible for the reason that you don’t have to conform to normality. You can make any character you want. That’s why we have such unique characters in comic books and even in cartoons. Justice Friends has a colorful witch named Miss Spell and Valhallen is a metalhead. This is one of the many reasons why Neil Gaiman has been picky and harsh over making his Sandman comics into live-action because Sandman features so many subgenres of styles. Goth and punk, mostly. These characters aren’t represented in live-action adaptations. They are forgotten about or normalized. Kurt Wagner is a background character and they still couldn’t dress him how he is in the comics. The Umbrella Academy normalized its characters a lot in clothing choices. And it’s sad. There are people who dress like this and should be able to see themselves in at least one superhero. Kurt Wagner teaches us that not all goths are gloomy and depressed or dangerous. He’s a goth with a pure soul and good heart. Sandman comics make Death and Dream and Delirium seem normal, like they don’t have to change to be liked or good-hearted. They are who they are. The Umbrella Academy basically showed that you could wear abnormal costumes, have colored hair, have longer hair for a dude and still be an awesome superhero. X-Men has tons of abnormally colored hair characters that rarely make it onto the big screen, they are usually brought to small screen like Blink and Polaris in The Gifted. And in Legion FX, the most evil and villainous character is a punk. David Haller is not a good person on Legion nor can he be considered an anti-hero anymore. He is a despicable being with a god complex. Punks already get the bad rep of being dangerous, angry, and mean-spirited. Do we really need a character in mainstream media to be punk while also had killed multiple people and raped his girlfriend? That’s not progressive, that’s moving backwards. Superboy doesn’t even have his leather jacket, leather gloves and black circle sunglasses anymore with his undercut. He’s just narrowed down to a tee shirt and jeans most of the time.
(How can we change this issue?)
     I am not exactly sure. I know it seems kind of lame to like… bring up an issue and then not offer a solution. I feel like the best way to fix this problem is to hopefully notify costume designers that the world is in need of different styles. Their designs are not “out there” or “different”, as the comic book characters designs were already out there and they completely changed them. I am a huge judge when it comes to costume and character designs in live-action adaptations and I may make a post on why that is. I feel like we need to open our eyes to newer looks. To give some representation to those who dress differently from others. The issues that I brought up are already done and over with. Bad representation for punks as evil and villainous. The Umbrella Academy normalized every character, even Klaus. And hopefully Marvel can give us the Nightcrawler that we deserve as Fox no longer has the rights. All we can do is hope that this comic inaccuracy is a pasting phase and that creators will soon give the outcasts a voice and a chance for better representation. To stop being the villains or bad guys.
     This was a short rant that I felt had to be done and I had to explain some issues. I hope you enjoyed my post and agree with some points that I made. If you have any questions on the matter, feel free to message me. If you like this post and want to see more like this, feel free to follow our Tumblr! And if you liked the post, feel free to reblog and like. I post every Wednesday and Saturday! I will see you on Wednesday. Peace out!
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morphofan · 6 years
Merry Christmas, Jenny Rose
Hello, @pinkluminarystarlight it’s your Venture Bros. Secret Santa here! Well, not secret anymore, obviously. :-D Here’s the fic you asked for! Enjoy! And thank you for the challenge! 
The request: “A spoof of "Manimal" w/ Dr. Orpheus as Dr. Chase, Tatiana as Det. Mckenzie, Jefferson Twilight as Ty, Alchemist as Lt. Rivera, Triana as Teresa, it can be a flashback so it doesn't mess w/ continuity.”
 "Al," Orpheus called from the kitchen, "Can you get the door for me, please, I am presently elbow-deep in hummus!"
 "Kinky!" Al called back with a laugh as he jogged down the hall to the front door. He tried briefly and unsuccessfully to look through the peephole, but since it was designed for Byron, it was good foot above his head. He opened the door, and was greeted by two lovely ladies.
 "Triana!" he exclaimed, "How are you, lil peanut? I've missed you!" he embraced Orpheus' daughter warmly, and she hugged him back just as hard.
 "Doing fine," she replied, "Mom's been training me, I can't wait to show you!"
 "Later, dear one," Tatyana said gently, stroking her daughter's black and violet hair, "Let's get inside and get our coats off before you start casting any spells." The raven-haired beauty unbuttoned her coat, and smiled as Al gallantly took it off her shoulders.
 "Hi Tatsy," he said quietly, smiling, "Merry Christmas. I'm so pleased you came." He folded her coat over his arm and leaned up as she reached down to kiss his cheek. "Byron's in the kitchen, as usual."  The two old friends laughed together as Al closed the door and led them into the living room.
 "Hey, look who's here!" Jefferson said brightly as he rose from the couch to greet the newcomers. He hugged Triana, and then Tatyana, then escorted them over the couch. "Can I get you ladies a drink?" he asked, moving to stand beside the punch bowl on the table in the corner.
 "Is there anything in that punch I should know about?" Tatyana asked teasingly, "Especially before I let Triana have any?"
 "Moooom," Triana groaned, rolling her eyes.
 "It's just plain old punch," Jefferson chuckled, filling two cups, "Nothing naughty in it, I promise." He brought the cups over to the couch and handed them to Triana and Tatyana.
 "Who wants PITA CHIPS?" Orpheus announced loudly, appear in the doorway with a tray, "Also, organic sun-dried tomato hummus, homemade by yours truly!" He crossed the room and set the tray on the coffee table, before kissing his daughter on the head. He hesitated as Tatyana rose, then relaxed as his ex-wife hugged him.
 "Nice to see you, Byron," she said softly, kissing him on the cheek, "Merry Christmas."
 "Likewise, my dear," the necromancer replied, lifting her hand to his lips and kissing it politely, "Thank you for coming." He glanced around the room, then, and raised a quizzical eyebrow? "Did The Outrider not accompany you? I hope he knows he is welcome, here."
 "Oh, he'll be along," Tatyana replied as she sat back down on the couch, "He had some business to attend to, first. Work, work, work."
 "OK, I know we all agreed, no gifts," Al began sheepishly, "But I found something for Triana that I just couldn't resist. I hope that's OK." He reached inside his robe and withdrew a small, flat, wrapped package.
 "Awww," Triana said, as she took the gift, "Thanks, Al." She held it up and shook it a little. "Movies?" she guessed with a grin.
 Al just shrugged mysteriously at her.
 She ripped the paper off to find not one, but TWO DVDs. "Oh my gosh, Al!" she exclaimed, "WHERE did you find these?"
 "What are they?" Jefferson asked, leaning over her shoulder to read the titles, "Manimal… and Nightman? Never heard of them."
 "They're a couple of old TV shows that NEVER got the respect they deserved," Triana said, looking over the back of the box for Manimal. This one was on in 1983, and Nightman was 1998."
 "Nightman was a separate show, but they did a crossover with Manimal, and it was awesome," Al explained, "Simon MacCorkindale plays Dr. Jonathan Chase, and he's got these powers that let him turn into an animal. And he's a Hottie McHottersons!"
 Everyone chuckled.
 "I… vaguely remember Manimal," Orpheus said, "It was on about the same time as Automan, was it not?" He came to sit beside his daughter, as Tatiana sat on her other side.
 "Oh yeah, yeah," Jefferson chimed in, "I remember Automan! The computer guy with the awesome car, right?"
 "Indeed," Byron confirmed with a nod.
 "Thanks so much, Al," Triana said, standing up to hug the monk, "This is amazing." She gave him a big kiss on the cheek.
 "My pleasure, kiddo," he said kindly.
 Triana tucked her gifts into her handbag, looking forward to watching them later.
 "So, Triana," your mother tells me you've been making excellent progress with your training," Orpheus said, "Would you like to give us a demonstration?"
 "Sure!" she jumped up and moved to stand in the center of the room. "Watch this," she said, grinning. Focusing her power and concentration, she traced a circle in the air, and a very small, very weak inter-dimensional portal sparkled into existence.
 "Whoo!" Jefferson exclaimed, clapping his hands, "Awesome! I wish I could do that."
 "Wait, there's more," Triana said with a wink. She focused harder, and the portal began to grow in size, becoming brighter and more solid-looking with each passing moment.
 "Uhhh, pumpkin?" Orpheus said nervously, glancing at Tatyanna, "I don't know if portals are a good thing to attempt this early in your training."
 "Relax, Dad," Triana replied, "I got this." No sooner had she spoken, when there was a surge of energy from the portal, and she was knocked backwards. She lost her balance and fell, striking her head on the edge of the table on her way to the floor.
 "Triana!" everyone exclaimed.
 "Owwww," the girl moaned, sitting up and rubbing the back of her aching head as her family and friends crowded around her. Orpheus helped her to her feet and guided her over to the couch. "I'm fine," she said, "Just embarrassed. That never happened before. I wonder if…. Uhhh… Dad? Mom?"
 She pointed nervously at the portal, which was now glowing brightly. Movement inside the portal was visible, now, and suddenly the room was filled with wind.
 "I'm… not doing that," Triana said uneasily.
 The portal seemed to be creating a vacuum, and several napkins shot off the table into the void. Next, the throw pillows were sucked into the maw.
 "It's getting stronger," Tatyanna said, "Byron, can you shut it down?"
 "I don't know," the necromancer said, "I don't even know how she created it, but we should…."
 Whatever they should have done would never be known, because with a great roar of rushing air and a cacophony of alarmed shouts, everyone in the room was suddenly sucked through the portal….
  * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
"Dr Jonathan Chase... wealthy, young, handsome. A man with the brightest of futures. A man with the darkest of pasts. From Africa's deepest recesses, to the rarefied peaks of Tibet, heir to his father's legacy and the world's darkest mysteries. Jonathan Chase, master of the secrets that divide man from animal, animal from man... Manimal!"
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
  Triana glanced around, and found herself in what looked like an office. Her mother was sitting at the desk, inexplicably wearing a very early-80s styled suit, complete with shoulder pads that would make a quarterback jealous. Standing in front of the desk was Al, also dressed in 80s business attire. He seemed to be in the process of scolding Tatyanna.
 "…And another thing!" he said, "Your expense account is waaaaaaay out of control, Detective Mackenzie! You're not the only officer in this precinct, you know!"
 "Oh, give it a rest, Lieutenant Rivera," Tatyanna moaned, exasperatedly, "I've brought in more criminals in the past month than most of the precinct brings in all year! You're paying for the quality." She looked up and smiled flirtatiously.
 Triana was nonplussed, wondering why her mother was flirting with the Out-And-Proud Alchemist. But before she could comment, there was a knock on the office door.
 "Go away!" Al yelled.
 "Come in!" Tatyanna called, at the same time. She smiled as Al rolled his eyes.
 The door opened, and Triana's face brightened as her father and Jefferson entered. But then she hesitated. They, too, were now wearing anachronistic clothing; Her father in a sweater vest and khaki slacks, and Jefferson was in a plaid shirt and jeans!
 "Whaaaat's going on?" she stammered, taking a few steps backwards from her friends and family.
 "Teresa!" her father suddenly exclaimed, "What are you doing here?" he turned accusingly toward Al, "Rivera! Why is my daughter in a police station?"
 "I-I-I," Al stammered.
 "Eloquent as ever, Nick," Jefferson chuckled, as he moved toward Triana, "You OK, Teresa?" He laid a hand on her shoulder.
 Triana just stood there, with no idea how to respond. Clearly, she and her friends and family had been pulled through the portal into an alternate universe… but why was she the only one who remembered who she really was?
 "Oh… you know," she faked, "Just came by to talk to detective Macintosh." She gestured at her mother, who was now cocking a confused eyebrow at her.
 "Mackenzie," the older woman corrected, "And I've told you, call me Brooke, sweetheart. Or 'Auntie', if you prefer." She rose from the desk and came to embrace Triana.
 "Auntie," Triana mumbled, still deeply confused as her mother… but not her mother… hugged her.
 "Teresa came to have lunch with me," Tatyanna explained, "I'm sure Dr. Chase doesn't have a problem with that?"
 "Of course not," Orpheus replied, "Why don't we all go out for lunch? We hardly ever have all of us in one place, these days." He turned to Jefferson, "Will that work for you, Ty?"
 "You buying?" Jefferson inquired of Al.
 "No," Al grumbled.
 "Of course he is!" Tatyanna said brightly, collecting her absolutely-enormous handbag from a desk drawer.
 "Oh fine," Al conceded, "I'm starving."
 * * *
 A few minutes later, the group of five was seated at a table at a fancy restaurant. Rivera and Mackenzie seemed to be well-known by the waitstaff, because the party had their food in less than 15 minutes.
 As everyone enjoyed their lunches, Triana kept mostly silent, listening to the dialogue between the people she knew and loved. They kept talking about cases, criminals, the latest breakthroughs. Whenever someone asked her a question, she tried to keep her answers as vague as possible, trying to hide the fact that she wasn't who they thought she was.
 Teresa? Teresa Chase, as it turned out. Well at least her father was still her father…. From the conversation, she had gleaned that he was now Dr. Jonathan Chase, and he taught at NYU. Jefferson was his best friend, Tyrone Earl. Al was Lieutenant Nick Rivera, and was also her mother's boss. Her mother was detective Brooke Mackenzie.
 "I'm telling you, guys," Tatyanna was saying excitedly as she stabbed at her salad, "I am THIS CLOSE to cracking the MOMA forgery and smuggling case! I just need a few more days to really catch those crooks in the act."
 "Detective Mackenzie," Al muttered, leaning close to her, "Don't you think you should keep that confidential? Your friends aren't cops, there's no need to involve them."
 "Right," she replied, with a wink at Chase and Ty, "What do these guys know about fighting crime?"
 Triana cocked an eyebrow as her father and Jefferson suddenly tried to cover up snorts of laughter. She was clearly missing something funny, but for now, she had no idea what it was.
 Suddenly from across the restaurant, there was scream. Everyone at the table jumped to their feet, her mother and Al automatically drawing their guns.
 "Everybody stay back!"
 The source of the demand was a strung-out looking man, and he had a young woman held to him, holding a knife to her throat.
 "Let her go," Al ordered, moving toward the man and his hostage.
 "Jonathan?" Tatyanna whispered, anxiously.
 "I'm on it," he replied softly, stepping backwards, ducking behind a partition.
 Curious, Triana followed her father, and stopped short when she saw what looked like some sort of mutation behind the divider. It sort of looked like her dad, but was half… eagle? No, hawk, she realized, as the man she knew as 'Dad' completed his transformation. He was a hawk. Her dad. Was a hawk.
 "What the," she began, but then suddenly, she felt her own body began to change.
 She dropped to the floor on her hands and knees, seeing and feeling black fur sprout from her pale skin. Her clenched hands reformed into paws, and long, sharp claws emerged from the toes. She could feel her legs elongating, and she whipped her tail (TAIL?) as the bizarre transformation continued.
 "Dad!" she tried to cry out, but the scream of a panther came from her throat. She worked her mouth, feeling long, sharp, predator's teeth growing from her gums. Her tongue felt rougher than sandpaper against the roof of her mouth, and suddenly, she could smell every scrap of food in the restaurant.
 Triana hunkered down, nauseous from the multitude of smells, and weak from the changes her body had gone through. She caught a glimpse of her reflection in the window, and realized she had transformed into a majestic black panther.
 Before she could really process all this, out of the corner of her eye, she saw the hawk, her father, take flight. She followed, creeping stealthily along the floor.
 As she slunk between the tables, a few of the patrons noticed her, and leapt to their feet with screams of alarm.
 "Don't be afraid!" she tried to say, but all that came out was a snarl, which didn't help to ease anyone's fears.
 Up ahead near the door, her father, in his hawk form, was diving at the face of the man holding the knife. The man shrieked and swung the knife at the attacking raptor, but her father was too quick, and dodged easily.
 The hawk latched onto the man's wrist his sharp talons, and the knife dropped to clatter to the floor. The woman he'd taken hostage broke free of his grip, and ran in Jefferson's open arms.
 "Easy now, lady, you're safe," he said gently, as he escorted her to a safer part of the restaurant. They merged with the crowd of other alarmed patrons gathered near the kitchen.
 "Good work, Ty!" Tatyanna said, still training her gun on the criminal. She and Al moved cautiously toward the man, who was screaming and still trying to dislodge the hawk from his wrist.
 Triana saw the man grab the bird around the neck, and she was filled with a protective rage. With a loud, feline scream, she leapt at the man hurting her father, and sank her fangs into his thigh.
 "GAAAHHH!" the man bellowed, and released the hawk to pry at the big cat's jaws.
 Triana leaped up on her hind legs and tackled the man to the floor, moving to stand over him, baring her teeth and growling. He was whimpering in fear, holding his hands up to protect his face.
 "What the hell?" she heard Al shout, "It's a panther! Shoot it!"
 "No wait, Nick, DON'T! Tatyanna and Jefferson both cried. But the warning came too late.
 Triana heard the gunshot, and felt the bullet enter her side. It hurt worse than anything she had ever felt, and her whole body went cold in an instant. She collapsed atop the man, and he roughly pushed her aside.
 But before he could flee, Dr. Chase, in his human form again, was there. He held tight to the criminal, but staring down at Triana in horror.
 "Teresa," he breathed, as tears spilled down his cheeks.
 Now her mother was there, cradling her head. Jefferson joined them, and took her paw. Al came hesitantly to stand over her, looking in confusion from Tatyanna to Jonathan.
 "What… is going on?" he asked uncertainly.
 A strange tingle sparkled through Triana, and she felt her body shifting, returning to human form. She saw the horror and realization come over Al's face, and she tried to speak, but her voice was too faint to hear.
 "Take him!" her father barked, his voice sound hollow and far away. He handed the thug into Al's hands, and then fell to his knees to frame Triana's face in his hands. "Teresa!" he wept, "Hang on, honey. Hang on."
 With a final glance at her circle of loved ones, Triana reached up to touch her father's face… and then everything went dark….
 * * * * *
 Her head hurt.
 "Triana? Sweetheart?" her mother's voice sounded like it was underwater.
 She slowly opened her eyes, but the room spun dizzily, and she closed them again. A strong arm at her back helped her sit up, and she was cradled against someone's warm chest.
 "Pumpkin?" her father said gently, and a hand cupped her cheek, "Can you hear me?"
 "Dad?" she murmured. Something cold was pressed to the back of her head, and next she heard Al's voice.
 "C'mon, kiddo," the Alchemist said softly, "Open your eyes. You're scaring us."
 The worry in her friend's voice spurred her on, and she opened her eyes. She was in her father's living room, just as it had been earlier. She was on the floor, cradled against her father's chest, with her loved ones standing over her.
 "How is she?" a new voice asked worriedly. She followed the source of the sound and saw her stepfather standing over her mother, with his hands on her shoulders.
 "I'm OK," Triana said, struggling to sit up straighter. Her father and stepfather each took her by the arm and pulled her to her feet, and helped her make her wobbly way to the couch. "What… what happened?" she asked as she sat down.
 "You whacked your head on the table," Jefferson said, bringing her a glass of water, "Knocked yourself cold, and scared the crap out of us!"
 "It's all my fault," her stepdad said regretfully, "I tried to teleport into the room at the same time you were demonstrating your new spell, and I guess I caused some sort of magical feedback. It knocked you a good three feet!"
 She took the water gratefully, and drank it down, nodding as everything finally began to make sense. Everything from the moment she hit her head to the moment she woke up was some weird dream, triggered by Al's DVD gifts.
 "I'm so sorry, Triana," her stepfather said, kneeling next to her, laying a hand on her knee, "I feel absolutely terrible. I should have just come through the front door like a normal person…. Can you forgive me?"
 "Sure," Triana said, grinning at him, "Buy me a new car for Christmas, and we'll call it even."  Everyone laughed in relief, and she smiled at the people she loved, thankful to be home.
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Merry Christmas, fannishcodex
‘Twas the night before Christmas, and all through the house, everyone was stirring, even the mouse….
After all, Dr. Venture was planning a huge Christmas party, and he invited everyone he knew, up to and including Dr. Orpheus and Triana.
“I’m currently studying the work of Dr. John Dee. To think, someone was wackier than yours truly!” said Dr. Orpheus to Dr. Venture.
“I see,” said Dr. Venture.
“Dad, you’re embarrassing me!” exclaimed Triana.
“Triana, sweetheart, if you’re bored, go somewhere else. Please don’t bother me,” told Dr. Orpheus to Triana.
“Okay, fine. There are too many old people at this party anyway,” said Triana.
She went downstairs to watch TV. She wanted to watch the Charmed Christmas special, as it was her favorite show.
However, she noticed a young man there. His name was Malcolm, aka the son of Blue Morpho. Well, not exactly the actual son of Blue Morpho, but what the hell.
Malcolm, aka the Blue Morpho, just so happened to be in the basement of Dr. Thaddeus Venture. He was watching a strange videotape. The videotape was him as a young man.
“Look what I can do!” he was telling his father on the videotape. He was about eight years old, and playing an old-fashioned drum set.
“What can you do?” said his surrogate father, Blue Morpho I aka Don Fitzcarraldo.
“I can play the drums!” he said, excitedly. He was about eight years old, and a very happy little boy.
“Absolutely adorable! You could be the next Ringo Starr!” said Blue Morpho.
Meanwhile, his two fathers were upstairs, at Jonas’ brother’s Thaddeus’ annual Christmas party. They were slumming Christmas drinks together and discussing matters concerning who was the actual father to Malcolm.
“But of course I’m his actual father. I’m the one who gave my sperm to him thirty years ago!” argued the first one, Jonas.
“Excuse me, but I’m his actual father. I’m the one who raised him like a true father would! I cleaned for him, cooked for him, wiped and kissed his baby ass!” said the second one.
The first one, who was only his father in the most literal way possible, shot him a disgusted look.
The second part of the video Malcolm was watching involved him as a slightly older boy, riding a bicycle.
“Look at me, daddy! I’m riding a bike with no handlebars!” he said. He was pedaling a bicycle and riding it without hands.
“That’s amazing, Mally! But aren’t you going to get hurt, sport?” said Don. “After all, if you get hurt, you’ll just have to get up and deal with it.”
Malcolm would’ve enjoyed the nostalgic tape, but felt upset and empty inside, he was crying as he watched the tape. After all, he knew that Don wasn’t really his father. Not in the most literal way. But he treated him the way he would his own son.
“My father…” he murmured to himself. “Why...why did he leave?” “Dad issues, huh?” said Triana. She was annoyed by him, but in the Christmas spirit, she wanted to help a poor soul.
“Oh, this tape? It’s just me with my dad. Except not really,” he said.
“What do you mean?” said Triana.
“My actual dad was never there for me, so this guy named Don, who’s also the superhero Blue Morpho, decided to step in.” “Woah, woah, wait a minute. Your dad is the Blue Morpho? No kidding!” said Triana.
“Not really!” said Malcolm, defensively. “Okay...maybe sort of. In a surrogate dad kind of way.” “Whatever. Look, dads can be a pain in the ass sometimes, but at the end of the day, they truly care about us,” said Triana. “Believe me, my dad can be so annoying and embarrassing. He’s a necromancer and all-” “Wait- your dad is the Dr. Orpheus, isn’t he? He’s the guy who brought Dean and Hank back from the dead, right?” said Malcolm.
“Yes, he’s the one,” said Triana, somewhat annoyed at his comment.
“Anyways, enjoying Dr. Venture’s annual holiday party was most important right now,” said Triana.
“So why are you down here watching TV?” said Malcolm.
“Because I’m too bored to do anything else,” she said. “Besides, Charmed is having its Christmas special and I want to watch it. So I want you to go upstairs and show Daddy what you’ve got,” she said.
After hearing Triana’s advice, he decided to put the tape away and go celebrate with his dads and his friends.
But as he walked upstairs, he saw his two fathers arguing.
“Son!” cried Don, excited to see him.
Jonas just shot him a dirty look, and his son an apprehensive one.
Malcolm turned to wish him a merry Christmas.
But before he could say anything to him, Don shot him an angry look.
“Look, Malcolm, this is why I’m the real dad here. You can’t even let your son wish you a Merry Christmas, let alone wish him one!” he said.
Malcolm pulled a strange-looking CD out of a bag.
“Hey Dad, I got you something!” he said, excitedly. “It’s Nick Jonas’ new album! A Jonas for the Jonas!”
Jonas just stood there, disgusted at his son.
“Not to mention, your son doesn’t even know what to get you for Christmas,” said Don. “This is the kind of shit he gets you for Christmas. A CD more appropriate for a thirteen-year-old girl. All because of your stupid name,” continued Don.
Jonas was going to argue, but merely stood there, as if he was about to cry.
“What the-? I didn’t mean for you to cry,” said Don. “I just wanted to tell you how to really raise a son. Look here, there’s nothing more pathetic than a man crying. Can’t stand to see a man cry.”
Malcolm just looked awkwardly at the both of them.
“I’m sorry, I just need to leave,” said Jonas. “I just need a moment.”
He decided to leave to go to the men’s bathroom, where he started to cry.
“Is he...okay?” said Malcolm, turning to Don. He may had been a pain in the ass, but he was his father, dammit.
So he decided to leave to see him.
Malcolm knocked on the door.
“Hey, Dad?” he asked. “You okay?”
“I’m okay,” he lied in an upset tone of voice.
Suddenly, starring at the bathroom mirror there, Jonas had an epiphany. If Malcolm, his very own son, could reach out to comfort him at a time like this, what did that say about the way he was treating him? He unlocked the door of the bathroom, and gave him a hug.
“Merry Christmas, son,” he said.
“Thanks, Dad,” he said. “Hey Dad?” “Yes son?” he asked.
“There’s a party upstairs. Wanna go celebrate?” he said. “Sure thing!” he said. “Son,” he said with a look of fatherly comfort in his eyes.
“Dad,” he said, embracing his new father.
When they went upstairs, they saw Triana and her father, presenting them with gifts.
“You know, I was the one who inspired Malcolm to reconcile with his dad,” said Triana. Everyone looked at her in surprise.
“Not to mention it inspired me to celebrate Christmas with the ones I love,” she continued in a chirper mood. “Merry Christmas, Dad,” she said, turning to her dad.
“Here’s to a Christmas miracle! Cheers!” said Dr. Orpheus, raising his glass in a toast.
“Cheers!” said everyone else in unison, touched by what had happened.
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from Editor Prof. Matt Martinson ⌂
Thank you for checking out the first issue of our journal. Wow! It is an exciting moment here at CWU’s William O. Douglas Honors College. We’ve daydreamed about starting a journal like this for a number of years, wanting to showcase the brilliant, interdisciplinary work our students create each quarter, and it is a joy for me to see those dreams come to fruition.
Before we go any further, let me answer the question you just might be wondering—Why Minerva’s Owl? Minerva’s Owl—sometimes also referred to as Athena’s Owl—represents wisdom, knowledge, and scholarship. What better name for a journal that represents the DHC, an interdisciplinary honors college whose motto is Sapere Aude, Dare to be Wise, and whose foundational pillar is Undergraduate Research? Of course, it should also be noted that our campus is home to a number of barred and great horned owls.
I have the absolute joy of teaching amazing students at the DHC, as the work in this first issue demonstrates. Here you will find fascinating essays on scientific history by Gabby Triana and Lauren Taracka, who write about the work and legacies of Rita-Levi Montalcini and Charles M. Bogert, respectively. In the world of literary analysis, there’s Anthony Krueger reflecting on the implications of Caliban in Shakespeare’s The Tempest, and Rebekah Janway pondering the relationship between faith and liberation in the fiction of Alejo Carpentier and Toni Morrison. There is music here, too, as Elijah Jarreau Bergevin and Alison Banchero have both shared original works that I guarantee you will want to listen to more than once. And speaking of music, don’t miss the joyful, appreciative essay on AJR’s “Burn Down the House” by our recent graduate, Olivia McDougall.
Some of these works, in the spirit of the DHC, are harder to categorize. These include Yuheng Changyun Chen’s book jacket design for Frankenstein, Daniel Caldeira’s analysis and implementation translating the poetry of Han Shan, or David Wacker’s ruminations on Elon Musk’s similarities to comic book legends. Check out, too, Dominic Choi’s essay on democracy and Emma CrowE’s on young people in leadership—both students remind us of what is at stake in our world, but that their generation is up to the challenge.
Our students care about our earth and its inhabitants, so it’s a treat to see Kimberly Barnett’s research into Hawaiian monk seals and how they can be Preserved, not to mention Therin Lucas’ academic ruminations on empathy in the modern age. But it is also a joy to see what interdisciplinarity means to some of these students, who wrote climate-themed fiction (cli-fi) to discuss the growing threat of climate change. Authors Fiona Fualaau, Piper Rutzer, Logan Vosburg, Noah Christy, and one anonymous student, wrote fictional tales that are hilarious, sad, or sometimes strange, but all quite entertaining, thoughtful, and well-informed.
Like I said before, it’s a great group of students. But I would be remiss if I did not give an especially giant THANK YOU AND WELL DONE to one of the students mentioned above, Elijah Jarreau Bergevin, who is graduating in a few short weeks but somehow managed to spend an inordinate amount of time helping put together this first issue of Minerva’s Owl. Elijah hounded his peers to submit work, then to submit their bios; but he also designed our entire first issue and edited essays! I’m not sure how we’ll manage to publish the next edition, but that concern is for another day. Thank you, Elijah, and thank you to all the students who took the brave step in sharing their work. I am very proud to be a part of such an amazing college, and I hope you enjoy our first issue. Welcome to Minerva’s Owl!
Matt Martinson, Editor of Minerva’s Owl ∎
Contact Matt ~ Minerva’s Owl Homepage
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April 16-19, 2018
Limasawa Island, Southern Leyte
Blue green seas. Clear waters. White sandy beaches. Friendly people. Simple life.
I have always loved the scent and warmth of this small island in the southernmost part of Eastern Visayas, Philippines. The best time to visit this place is between March-May when the open seas are not so rough and the monsoon winds and rains are not too strong.
My first visit was last March 2017 when I joined our then-Eastern Visayas missionary in visiting the churches in that area. I was an operations manager that time. Several months later, I accepted the call as missionary to Eastern Visayas. The former focused on Central Visayas.
Since then, I have always dreamed of going back to Limasawa to meet the wonderful people I became friends with and to experience the island all over again.
I usually go to Triana (port area) and visit a Baptist church there. Then, I will travel by motorcycle to Lugsongan, which is on the other side of the island. Here is a church by the name of Fair Haven Fundamental Baptist Church. It is a small church made of concrete and wood for walls and galvanized iron for roofing, with a parsonage at its left side and an open grassy space at its right. Across the grassy area is a big, long room divided into smaller rooms for Sunday school classes of children. The pastor of this church is very welcoming (he even serves me Coca-Cola for breakfast!). A lot of children play on the church grounds, all of them attending the church’s Awana club. The church overlooks the eastern sea. You can see Panlaon’s silhouette and the lights of Surigao on the horizon on a clear night sky.
During the months of March until April, local townspeople dry squid by the streets. Almost all of the people in this island fish for a living and for their daily consumption. I see to it that I buy some dried pusit (squid) before I leave the island. There is no day in Limasawa that I did not eat a fish, no meal not served with a cold glass of Coca-Cola. I think it is their “water” there.
Christian brethren from Fair Haven took me with them to a few resorts, namely: Dakdak and Island Lagoon. Dakdak Resort is just located in Lugsongan, a 5-10 minute walk from the Fair Haven church. It has sandy beaches and cottages under trees. The waves can get a bit rough on some days. On the other hand, the Island Lagoon Resort is on the other side of the island, a 10-minute motorcycle ride from Triana port. Entering the lagoon vicinity even has a toll fee of Php 5.00! It has no sandy shores, but large rocks cut by man or by nature’s weathering over time. This place is good for cliff/rock jumping. There are even caves under the rocks.
Aside from enjoying the beautiful waters of Limasawa, the Fair Haven youth and I also climbed the 450-step stairway to Magellan’s Cross in the town of Magallanes. The first Roman Catholic mass was held in Limasawa in 1521 after Ferdinand Magellan, a Portuguese explorer, arrived with other ships from Spain. A monument of a large wooden cross was erected on top of a hill in this town, same location as the original one. Several feet away from the cross monument is a grazing ground for cattle and goats. The view is good for filming a Sound of Music scene of climbing the mountains. From this grassland on top of the hill, we could see the blue seas surrounding the whole island, some farms, boats crossing the seas from Triana and Padre Burgos, and a silhouette of Bohol in the horizon and farther is Camiguin. The view is so amazing, we cannot keep ourselves from praising God for creating and preserving such a wonderful environment.
There are two reasons why I would love to return to Limasawa: the people and the place. I will always miss their hospitality, their simple living, the fun fellowship and the feeling of family they gave me when I was there. Christians in this island are very friendly. They have a sense of humor, too.
I know that there is still so much to explore in this island, and I know I am always welcome to come back and meet my fellow Christian friends for more fellowship and adventures.
  Fair Haven April 16-19, 2018 Limasawa Island, Southern Leyte Blue green seas. Clear waters. White sandy beaches. Friendly people.
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jenasisity-blog · 7 years
Fanfic/Fandom Questions
Fandom Questions 1. What was the first fandom you got involved in? TMNT
2. What is your latest fandom? Haikyuu!!
3. What is the best fandom you’ve ever been involved in? Haikyuu!!
4. Do you regret getting involved in any fandoms? Nope, I'm not into certain fandoms any longer, but I don't regret the time I spent in them...
5. Which fandoms have your written fanfiction for? TMNT
6. List your OTP from each fandom you’ve been involved in.
Haikyuu!! - IwaOi, DaiSuga, BokuAka, BoKuroo, OiKuro, MatsuHanaIwaOi, and BokuAkaKuroTsuki are my main ships.
7. List your NoTPs from each fandom you’ve been in.
TMNT - Brother x Brother and Donnie x April
Haikyuu!! - only KuroKen, really...I don't hate it, just not really into it all that much? I'll still read fics with the ship, though, if I'm intrigued by/into the plot.
8. How did you get involved in your latest fandom? I watched the anime, and the stage play, and the OVA(s), all that good stuff...though I will admit, I'm kinda annoyed at myself for putting off watching the series for a while, like I did.
9. What are the best things about your current fandom? I adore the humor, the friendliness/compassion and acceptance the Haikyuu!! fandom has for pretty much any ship...and I mean ANY SHIP. Like, we've heard of everything. xD
10. Is there a fandom you read fic from but don’t write in? Yes, Haikyuu!!, and that sucks, because I want to write for the fandom so badly, but I just can't get the characterization down...when I write a character, it's like they're a completely different person, and I want to fight myself so badly. ٩(๑`^´๑)۶
Ship Questions for your Current Fandom
11. Who is your current OTP? I ship IwaOi harder than anything, lol! Like, how can you not? xD I will go down with this ship~
12. Who is your current OT3? I don't have OT3s...I have OT4s! xD MatsuHanaIwaOi and BokuAkaKuroTsuki are my main OT4 ships.
13. Any NoTPs? Oh boy, you have to be careful with this. I don't want to start a war...but, as I said before, I'm pretty good with any ship...just...I don't really see KuroKen as romantic...just platonic, but that doesn't mean that I hate romantic KuroKen either, it's just...not my cup of tea, if you will. :)
14. Go on, who are your BroTPs? Ahhh, BoKuroo (I ship them both romantically and platonically) and KuroKen are my big ones! I also like the idea of KuroOi...
15. Is there an obscure ship which you love? Hmmm...I mean, @suguru got me falling into KuroShou really fast and hard, like, it should be a crime, really, and that's a ship not really well known, so I suppose that'd qualify??
16. Are their any popular ships in your fandom which you dislike? Um, please don't kill me, but I'm not much into KageHina....that's like a major sin, I know, but I like their friendship better, sorry KageHina shippers! ^^;
17. Who was your first OTP and are they still your favourite? IwaOi, all the way! As I said before, I'm goin' down with this ship!
18. What ship have you written the most about? Since I can't get my characterization down, I don't write for the fandom, but if I ever did, it's most likely be IwaOi or platonic ships.
19. Is there a ship which you wished you could get behind, but you just don’t feel them? As mentioned, not shipping KageHina is almost like a unspoken sin, but I don't really care? About shipping, in general, I mean. Like, everyone is intitled to their own opinions, to what they like and what they don't. Nobody should be degraded or threatened for what they like...and that also goes for what they don't, as well.
20. Any ships which you surprised yourself by liking? Hmmm...not really? If I like something, I usually like it just 'cause I like it, ya know? xD Author Questions
21. What was the first fanfic you ever wrote? A TMNT One-Shot.
22. Is there anything you regret writing? Hmmm...no, not that I can think of.
23. Name a fic you’ve written that you’re especially fond of & explain why you like it. Uhhh...I never finished any of my TMNT multi-chapter fics, at least not before I fell headfirst into Haikyuu!! Hell, so yeah...not really proud of any of them? Like, I liked my plot-bunnies, but I never went through with them and finished a actual multi-chapter fic, so....oh, but there was this one-shot that I wrote for an old online friend's birthday, and to also cheer her up and put her fears to rest, so yeah. I guess I'm quite proud of that one. :)
24. What fic do you desperately need to rewrite or edit? As I said before, I only ever wrote in the TMNT fandom, but I'm no longer apart of it, so I wouldn't go back to edit/rewrite anything, but I'm sure all of my works are capable of improvement.
25. What’s your most popular fanfic? Hmmm...that would be We're All Just Built To Be Broken.
26. How do you come up with your fanfic titles? Most times I use or get ideas from song names or lyrics, like above, other times I just rhyme the title or just use the work context to come up with a title that compliments the text.
27. What do you hate more: Coming up with titles or writing summaries? Writing summaries, no doubt. I'm usually proud of them by the time I'm done changing/rewriting it a thousand time, but it's far more exhausting and time consuming than coming up with a title.
28. If someone were to draw a piece of fanart for your story, which story would it be and what would the picture be of? I actually had a picture commissioned for another fic I did (never completed), called The Devil Within (another song name), but I honestly would like anything someone made for me out of their own busy time, I have no preferences. :)
29. Do you have a beta reader? Why/Why not? Nope, lol, I'm actually a Beta for a few awesome souls. xD I think I reread my works for mistakes enough to be my own beta reader, though I wouldn't mind the extra set of eyes! xD
30. What inspires you to write? Music, fanart, other fanfiction, and AUs. Basically everytime I hear a new song/see new art/read another fanfiction/AU, I have some kind of plot-bunny running around my head somewhere. Especially for the Haikyuu!! fandom.
31. What’s the nicest thing someone has ever said about your writing? Just that they're excited for more and that they enjoyed it; if I make my readers happy, I'm happy.
32. Do you listen to music when you write or does music inspire you? If so, which band or genre of music does it for you? Ohhhh, yes. I listen to music constantly when I'm writing. The lyrics give me plot-bunnies and I listen to whatever genre I'm writing at the time. If it's angst, I put on some sad, slow music. Fluff and love? Happy, sweet, cute songs.
33. Do you write oneshots, multi-chapter fics or huuuuuge epics? I like to write One-Shots, I gave a go at multi-chapter fics, but, as I said before, couldn't finish any of 'em.
34. What’s the word count on your longest fic? 4,693 words, for the fic The Devil Within. It wasn't ever completed.
35. Do you write drabbles? If so, what do you normally write them about? Hmmm, no, I don't. Maybe I should, though, to try to get back into the swing of things...maybe I'll even see what I could do about my characterization skills?
36. What’s your favourite genre to write? Angst. Hands down angst. I love the pain and tears. \( ˆoˆ )/
37. First Person or Third Person - what do you write in and why? Third Person, I always write in Third Person. It's just default, unless I make a conscious effort to write in First.
38. Do you use established canon characters or do you create OCs? Both, though I'm more familiar with writing with established characters.
39. What is you greatest strength as a writer? I would like to say my writing style...I believe it to be very detailed and well thought out and put together. ~(0^0)~
40. What do you struggle the most with in your writing? CHARACTERIZATION!!!! My gosh, do I need to work on my characterization...( ̄ー ̄ ) Fanfiction Questions
41. List and link to 5 fanfics you are currently reading: I'm not really readying anything currently, so I'll just post five of my favorite fanfics I bookmarked on AO3. Not in any particular order.
1. Come and get lost with us by boxofwonder
2. A Purpose by Your_Friendly_Neighborhood_Pigeon
3. The Alpha King & I by caelestisxyz
4. Follow Rivers by surveycorpsjean
5. Build A Temple In Me by Authoress
42. List and link to 5 fanfiction authors who are amazing: This is totally not all of my favorites, and they're not in any particular order.
1. surveycorpsjean
2. Triana
3. Frenchibi
4. codename_bewareofthefangirl
5. Amethystfairy1
43. Is there anyone in your fandom who really inspires you? Yes, a lot of them do, but I'd say the top ones are @ichigomaniac, @codename-bewareofthefangirl, @haikyuulovercompany, @suguru, @here-is-my-happy-place, @craziiwolf, @dothewrite, @sugawaraformytea, @lovely-angst, @franeridart, @nekokat42, @ikipin, @03xlimit, and @kittlekrattle! Wow, that's a lot! As I said, I got more, but those are my main ones. xD
44. What ship do you feel needs more attention? Hmmm, I think evey ship needs the attention it deserves...all ships are treasured to someone.
45. What is your all time favourite fanfic? Oh, come on, that's impossible to say!
46. If someone was to read one of your fanfics, which fic would you recommend to them and why? None, lol, never look into my TMNT stuff...it's horrid and besides, it's not getting updated anymore.
47. Archive Of Our Own, Fanfiction.net or Tumblr - where do you prefer to post and why? AO3, all the way! It's a bigger and better community! ;)
48. Do you leave reviews when you read fanfiction? Why/Why not? Sometimes, either when I have time or feel as if I need to absolutely say something. I always leave Kudos if I enjoyed the work, though. :)
49. Do you care if people leave comments/reblog your fic? Why/Why not? I'd love if people commented on my works, it makes me feel more inspired to finish them if I know there are people out there that enjoyed it and are waiting for the next installment.
50. How did you get into reading and/or writing fanfiction? Gosh, how do you not get into fanfiction?
51. Rant or Gush about one thing you love or hate in the world of fanfiction! Go! I downright adore how people can come in with their own ideas, their own AUs or even build off of other's AUs (with permission, of course), and everyone in the Haikyuu!! fanfic community does not care, as long as you respect their work! I adore that about this fandom. Everyone is left to their own devices and people don't care what you ship, as long as you're respectful. It's nice to be in a fandom that is so loving and accepting.
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hissyfitprincess · 7 years
My Thoughts On The First Semi Final of Eurovision 2017
1. The hosts this year are definitely not as entertaining as Måns and Petra (the hosts last year)
2. The stage this year is beautiful!
3. I have mixed feelings about the opening performance this year. The song wasn't my favorite and I still think the best opening performance was in Eurovision 2015, but there was a certain part of the song that the stage did this cool effect, and I thought that was awesome to watch.
4. Jamala (the winner last year) performed twice in the show. Her first song was a redone version of her winning song, "1944", and the only changes made to it was that the song was made to sound more dramatic. Her second song, "Zamanyly" was...different. The background effects were strange, and the song was something you don't hear every day. However, I will admit, her voice was amazing.
5. Sweden: Robin Bengtsson - I Can't Go On The performance was nearly identical to the National Final performance. The song itself is fun to listen to, and reminds me a bit of Justin Timberlake. The stage effects were great, and the fact that he and the background dancers spent most of the song dancing on treadmills were fun to watch.
6. Georgia: Tamara Gachechiladze - Keep The Faith I don't like this song. I never did. It was a fairly nice, stong ballad, but it wasn't a song for Eurovision. I will say, the stage effects were pretty, and her voice is pretty. BUT...that outfit was not flattering. It was similar to that Britney Spears bodysuit that made her look like she was naked, but covered with diamonds. Think of that outfit, but replace the diamonds with sparkly ketchup. That was Tamara's outfit.
7. Australia: Isaiah - Don't Come Easy I'm slightly disappointed with this one. I LOVE the song, but his vocals weren't up to my expectations. He tried to sound better by adding extra flair to his voice, but it didn't work out for him. At one point, he tried to hit a high note. Ugh....no. That was not a good choice. I know I sound biased, but this performance was nothing compared to Dami Im's "Sound of Silence" from last year's Eurovision. And yes, I'm still highly upset about that.
8. Albania: Lindita - World Again, I have mixed feelings. She has a great voice, but the song just didn't do it for me. I liked the stage, though! For the first half, the stage looked like a giant clock, and then transitioned to having a bunch of clouds and flying ships. I don't know how I feel about her costume though. She looked like a disco ball with a wedding veil on.
9. Belgium: Blance - City Lights I'm worried for her. I don't like the song, but after watching her perform, I want to see her do well. She was so nervous. You could see the fear in her eyes and towards the end of the song, her voice was shaky and sounded like she was about to start crying.
10. Montenegro: Slavko Kalezić - Space I was disappointed. He wasn't terrible, but it wasn't on par with my expectations. The song is super fun to listen to and the stage was awesome, but his voice wasn't that great. However, I could not get enough of what he looked like. Picture a flamboyant, muscular, bearded white dude wearing a transparent shirt, black sparkly pants, and his hair tied in a braid the length of Rapunzel's hair. Oh, and that braid? He was swinging it around! This would've been a perfect performance, and was one of the main acts I was looking forward to, but his voice just wasn't there.
11. Finland: Norma John - Blackbird Absolutely amazing. Loved it. It was a depressing ballad with barely a beat, but her voice was powerful and sent a chill up my spine. During the song, all you could see was her singing and the guy on the piano, surrounded by fog. It may not be the kind of song for Eurovision, but it was still a beautiful. Its the kind of song that'll make you start thinking about exes you don't even have.
12. Azerbaijan: Dihaj - Skeletons This. Song. Holy crap. Her voice was powerful, and the props on the stage were interesting as hell. You have her surrounded by giant chalkboards that she was writing on at one point, and later on in the song, the chalkboards became platforms that she sang on top of. Also, there was also a guy standing on top of a ladder wearing a horse mask.
13. Portugal: Salvador Sobral - Amar Pelos Dois This song wasn't my favorite, but I can see why everyone loved it. This guy sings a song in Portuguese in a high pitched, hushed tone, which sounded absolutely adorable. It reminded me of old school Disney movies.
14. Greece: Demy - This Is Love Again, mixed feelings. I find this song bland as hell. It's just a boring, unchallenging love song with an EDM beat to it. She didn't hit a lot of the high notes of the song (which weren't even that high in the first place), and overall I just wasn't feeling it. I will say, the performance was indeed better than a lot of the other ones. Not to mention, who wouldn't like seeing two shirtless guys splashing around in a kiddie pool while a woman sang about love?
15. Poland: Kasia Moś - Flashlight I don't have a lot of things to say about this one. I didn't like the song, and I missed a lot of it due to real life things happening that forced me to leave my computer for a few minutes. I will say, her dress was alright and the stage was pretty.
16. Moldova: Sunstroke Project - Hey Mamma Here we go...for all of you who remember the "Epic Sax Guy" meme, he's back for round two. The band consists of four guys who were all dressed in tuxedos, then you have three female backup singers wearing white dresses. Yes. They had a wedding on stage. Plus, the women's dresses started off as short white dresses with black bottoms, but at one point the singers did a little twirl, and the outfits transformed into wedding dresses. Definitely, one of the best performances today.
17. Iceland: Svala - Paper I wasn't a HUGE fan of this song during the months leading up to the contest, but it grew on me at the last minute. It's slow, powerful, and the artist says the song is about Anxiety. The performance, however, had me a bit worried. It was elegant, but simple. She wore a white pantsuit with a cape that blew in the wind. Not amazing, but I like it.
18. Czech Republic: Martina Bárta - My Turn It didn't do it for me. The song was nice, but boring. The stage was a pretty purple color, and her outfit was a pantsuit made out of a material that looked like bronze tin foil.
19. Cyprus: Hovig - Gravity It was...alright. Wasn't a huge fan of his outfit, which was black pants, a black shirt, and a black jacket that looked like it was decorated with pearls. The song wasn't amazing, but the stage effects were interesting.
20. Armenia: Artsvik - Fly With Me SHE CAME THROUGH! I'M SO GLAD! The song was great, her voice was AMAZING, the stage was gorgeous, and the choreography was cool! They did a lot of those moves that you see in Indian dancing, where it looks like she had six arms. And the end of the song blew me away! The only thing I don't understand is why her outfit looked like the top part of it was made of chain mail.
21. Slovenia: Omar Naber - On My Way I liked the song. It was dated, but still interesting. A power ballad with strong vocals and a bunch of key changes. He wore a sparkly black tux, and the stage had a bunch of spinning spotlights on him. I also like how the song is about someone running away.
22. Latvia: Triana Park - Line What the hell was she wearing? Her hair was a lavender color with two golden pigtails on top. Her outfit looked like it was decorated with a bunch of giant zipper, and the stage made you think you were at a rave...on acid.
COUNTRIES THAT QUALIFIED FOR THE FINALS 1. Moldova 2. Azerbaijan 3. Greece 4. Sweden 5. Portugal 6. Poland 7. Armenia 8. Australia 9. Cyprus 10. Belgium
COUNTRIES THAT DID NOT QUALIFY 1. Albania 2. Czech Republic 3. Finland 4. Georgia 5. Iceland 6. Latvia 7. Montenegro 8. Slovenia
23. I was really hoping Finland, Iceland, and Montenegro would've made it, so I was furious when they didn't.
I wanted Finland to qualify because the song was beautiful. However, like i said before, it wasn't a song for Eurovision. Because of that, I'm not surprised.
I felt Iceland truly deserved to go to the Grand Final. I guess people in Europe don't agree with me.
Montenegro not making it pissed me off! His song was one of the most fun songs this year! But as I watched the performance a second and third time while I was writing this post, I can understand why the performance wasn't good enough.
25. With the first Semi Final out of the way, I'm looking forward to the second one on Thursday. I'm expecting Anja (Denmark's singer) to blow me away. Please don't let us down!
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gakkawojin · 7 years
time for a eurovision ranking rant with sav that no one cares about wooooooo
this is actually vaguely in order of songs i love through to dislike so here goes
italy: francesco gabbani, occidentali’s karma my clear winner near enough since it was announced, honestly. good hook, good overall sound, unique amongst this year’s selection, interesting theme, faintly silly dancing, europe’s cool uncle. solid winner. will probably do very well in the show and maybe win, roma 2018 right boys, honestly though this is one of my fave esc entries in years if not ever
moldova: sunstroke project, hey, mamma! see above: good beat, good sound, questionable silly dancing, europe’s other cool uncles. decent vocals, excellent musicians, and they really seem pleased/proud to be representing moldova again (imo ola tira held them back this time), this is a solid club/party song and i think a solid qualifier. maybe not a winner, but i’m expecting/hoping for a good result for moldova! hopefully their second time in the top ten, maybe even their first top 5 if they’re lucky
belarus: NAVI, historyja mahjo žyccia another i loved from the first time i heard it in the national selection days (i didn’t think it would win cause everything i love seems to die on the stage at nf shows) and it’s much stronger with the new rework. it’s just such a happy, feelgood song, they’ve got great voices and chemistry together, it still stands out even weeks after its announcement and i love it. also first entry in belorussian yesssss
the netherlands: OG3NE, lights and shadows i’ll be honest, when i first listened to the studio i wasn’t in love, but then i heard their live performance and hoooooooooooly shiiiiiiit man they’re good. will need strong/dramatic staging because the song itself is a bit 90s but it’s got a good build and some amazing vocal work, i would love for this to do well
portugal: salvador sobral, amar pelos dois i hate ballads, i do, but i love this -it’s quirky, something a bit different, and his voice is lovely. it reminds me of old disney movies in the best way. it actually reminds me a bit of pernilla karlsson’s när jag blundar for finland a few years ago, weirdly, but i really like them both. i hope this year finally brings portugal back into the finals because this is gorgeous, honestly
austria: nathan trent, running on air i really like this, honestly -i don’t think it’s a winner by any means, but it’s good, radio friendly, it’s feel good and fun and i like it. i’m curious what’s gonna happen with staging but i think nathan’s a strong dancer and performer so this should do okay for austria, it’s similar in tone/style to last year and they did alright then so
france: alma, requiem i really liked this on release, but her live vocals just don’t hold up as well as i’d wanted them to, and i feel the song starts to trail in the last minute or so. i still really like it and i think it’s another really solid effort for france this year but it’s just not as strong as some of the other entries for me
estonia: koit toome & laura, verona hilariously i haaaaaaaated this in the early days of eesti laul (my girl elina born was there after all so) but it really grew on me, their voices are solid together and i think with a bit more practice/better staging this could do well, given there’s so few duets this year
hungary: joci papai, origo i reaaaaaaally like this, except the weird little rap bit. hopefully europe aren’t our usual hideous racist selves about it and it qualifies and does well, cause it’s so unique and it’s such a love letter to hungarian culture. the staging and music is beautiful i really love it
latvia: triana park, line this isn’t something i can see myself listening to over and over again, but it’s a decent song and the staging is wiiiiiiild, it’s gonna stand out, kick ass, take names and probably a top 15 spot imo
finland: norma john, blackbird i don’t love this, it’s okay, but her voice is gorgeous hot damn. it probably won’t win but it’s just really a very nice song. i worry it might get lost or forgotten, which i think is a big issue/worry with a lot of entries this year
everything past this point i flat out dislike or just hate honestly so this gon be brief
cyprus: song is passable to good, but i was immediately concerned when he mimed his first live performance, it just looks shoddy and i’m now thinking he can’t actually pull these notes off
poland: decent song, i’m just not huge on her voice. she can definitely sing and she’s got a solid jazz vocal, it’s just not my thing
denmark: it’s just a bit forgettable, honestly. it feels just like an x factor singer’s second single, which it is, but i just think it airs too closely to generic for me
switzerland: it’s alright, she’s gorgeous, but it’s just nothing to write home about. their aesthetic is on point but it’s just doesn’t do much for me
united kingdom: ...no comment. honestly we’re so meh this year i can’t
germany: oh bless you. honestly this isn’t even terrible, everyone is just gonna immediately forget about it
ukraine: i like rock at eurovision. i do not like this. the staging just creeps me out with the dodgy prosthetics and i just think it’s so dark and grumpy and sad, i’m not a fan at all
spain: forgettable. all i know is he wants me to ‘do it for your lover’. what is ‘it’
albania: i really like it in albanian, and her voice is insanely strong but i’m worried the english version is gonna lose all its charm and musicality as has happened on many occasions before
belgium: solid meh. sounds like it tries too hard to be indie, wishes she was lana del rey, the music is good and the song itself is fine, but i am fairly sure this won’t work live because it just sounds so forced
greece: someone let them know cascada called and asked for the breakdown from ‘glorious’ back, this sounds so 2006 and i cannot, it’s an improvement from last year certainly but still not a strong comeback imo
croatia: completely ridiculous and i can’t wait for the live performance in the same sense that you can’t tear your eyes off a train wreck
georgia: she’s got a powerful voice that’s for sure but the song is so repetitive and the staging is just bland as hell
australia: it’s just dull god love them, it’s another ballad in a sea of ballads and he’s like 17 telling me how difficult and hard love is, i don’t care, will qualify ‘because it’s australia’ and it’s just so eh
czechia: oh, oh sweetheart
slovenia: why did you pick this, who hurt you
malta: see above
romania: i literally hate this and cannot wait to buy the album so i can delete it, fuck me i can’t stand it
also two of the national finals happening this weekend (that i’m missing because family event bah) that might return hope and joy to this year’s contest:
sweden: i will take literally anyone winning as long as it’s not lisa ajax or ace wilder cause they both drive me nuts. personally i’m rooting for mariette or robin bengtsson but wiktoria will probably take it
iceland: again will take basically anyone qualifying here, i’d prefer either of the arons or even daði but honestly they’re all alright, except maybe hildur but eh
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General Thoughts and Predictions - Eurovision 1st Semi-final
Now that the first rehearsal is over for the first Semi-final, it's time again to reflect on the entries now that we've been given a sneak peak at the staging and live performance potentials.
Sweden - “I Can’t Go On” - Robin Bengtsson - Sweden delivers as strongly as ever, but the song still leaves me dead cold. That said, judging from what I’ve seen so far as well as the press room’s reactions, I stand by my earlier prediction that this one is almost guaranteed to go through. 
Georgia - “Keep The Faith” - Tako Gachechiladze - It appears that Georgia has hired Swedish choreographer Sacha Jean-Baptiste to help them ramp up the staging, but you’d never be able to tell from the clip of the first rehearsal that’s available--and the press room, who’ve seen the full run-through, seem to agree. I’ve never liked the song in the first place, and while she does sound like she’s quite a good singer in the clip,there wasn’t much else (positive, at least) to be said about it. What’s more, I would go as far as to say that I actually preferred the backdrop she had in the national finals. That one told a story, whereas the one shown in the clip is just generic Eurovision cut-and-paste. Barring any major upsets and/or changes, my money is on a firm “no.”
Australia - “Don’t Come Easy” - Isaiah Firebrace - At first, I was slightly underwhelmed by the clip of the staging, to be absolutely honest, but I’ve warmed up to the staging a bit since the first watch. It’s understated but nicely so, and Isaiah’s face in the backdrop compliments the song quite well, instead of coming off as vain. It won’t have quite the wow factor that Dami Im brought with her vocals last year, but I do think Isaiah will get through to the finals quite easily.
Albania - “World” - Lindita - I was quite taken by her singing prowess in her earlier performances, but the clip from the rehearsal made me a little bit worried. I know it’s not the full run-through, she didn’t look to be in costume, and the right camera angle at key moments might change a lot, but I felt the stage was a bit too busy for a song that shines because of the singer’s powerful voice, and takes away rather than adds to the performance. It’s still early days yet, but personally it has shifted from a “likely” to a “maybe, if the stars align.”
Belgium - “City Lights” - Blanche - Well, I have to agree with the general buzz going around: Belgium looks to be in big trouble indeed. From the clip and opinions coming out of the press room, the lack of confidence and stage presence afflicting her performance showed no sign of improving, and what’s worse, she seems  “alone in the danger zone” and close to getting completely lost. Hopefully things will change for the better between now and the first semi, but short of a total overhaul I think her song will sadly be forgotten in a long night full of great, energetic performances, especially with her earlier place in the running order.
Montenegro - “Space” - Slavko Kalezić - I’ve heard some positive buzz going around, but personally I’m still not feeling it. That said, I appreciate the fact that Slavko seem completely dedicated to his gimmick and brings quirky character and variation to a night of too many ballads and variations thereof. I think it’s going to be more of a contender than I previously thought, but not to the point that it’ll likely qualify. 
Finland - “Blackbird” - Norma John - This one gave me a pleasant surprise, in that the atmospheric backdrop complimented the song nicely and, together with the stellar vocal performance, made the song engaging and charming rather than the nicely-sounding bore I was afraid it might turn into. It also creates a nice contrast, coming straight after the madness of Montenegro. It’s a likely contender, I think, especially since it’s definitely the type of song that will play well with the jury. 
Azerbaijan - “Skeletons” - Dihaj - Before going into the staging, I would like to say first that this song has to be one of my biggest growers listening to the Eurovision 2017 album on repeat after it came out. And with the clip of the rehearsal as well as comments coming out of the press room, I’ve only grown more excited about it. It’s dark, edgy, a visual treat, and even though there are elements that mystified me a bit (the guy standing on the ladder?), I think it’s going to come together quite powerfully and I can’t wait to see the full finished product. It’s quite a strong contender for sure, and seeing it in the final will please me greatly.
Portugal - “Amar Pelos Dois” - Salvador Sobral - Even with Luisa standing in for Salvador for the rehearsals, just seeing the staging alleviated most, if not all, of my concerns about Portugal’s entry. The forest setting adds a layer of fairytale-like enchantment that work seamlessly with the soft, tender qualities of the song itself, and proves that you don’t need loud climaxes and explosive staging with a plethora of gimmicks to make a massive impact. Go Portugal, and see you (on the left side of the scoreboards) in the finals! (Even if I’m still firmly behind #Italy2018.)
Greece - “This is Love” - Demy - Greece’s rehearsal clip brought quite a pleasant surprise. I thought it was a nice song, but nothing remarkable, but with the glimpse into the staging, I think this is going to be one of the ones where the staging and live performance elevates an otherwise average song to greatness. The falling water drops in the background add quite the punch to the song and help to generate a captivating performance. I definitely look forward to the full finished product, and I don’t think I will be at all adversed to seeing it in the finals.
Poland - “Flashlight” - Kasia Moś - Having been initially sold on the song because of the music video, I must admit the rehearsal clip was a total letdown for me. In fact, my first reaction was that the staging unpleasantly reminded me of Czech Republic last year. With that said, however, Kasia is as great a performer as ever, and makes it work despite what I felt was a disappointing staging. With good will from the jury, the diaspora vote, and supporters from outside the diaspora, I think it still has a fair chance of going through to the finals. 
Moldova - “Hey Mamma!” - SunStroke Project - And now, for something completely different. Moldova brings the party to the room even when it’s just the recording you’re listening to, and man the live performance definitely does not disappoint! Their staging works great, and even if the song might never be a musical masterpiece it’s just such a refreshing blast of fun, joy, charm, and confidence. I think it will probably do very well on the night of the semi, especially with the televoters, and seeing it in the final will definitely make me a happy fan indeed. 
Iceland - “Paper” - Svala - I don’t know if it’s because it comes straight after Moldova, but Svala’s “Paper” just doesn’t seem all there from the clip and the buzz coming out of the press room. A shame too, since it’s a great song and one of my personal favorites. Now, I can only hope there will be changes for the better between now and showtime. 
Czech Republic - “My Turn” - Martina Bárta - I liked it better than I expected I would, but I don’t think it will be enough to carry Martina through to the finals--which is a shame because I fell in love with Prague during my visit there last year and it will be a delight to see a Eurovision held in that amazing city. 
Cyprus - “Gravity” - Hovig - I’ve always thought this is going to be one of the songs where the staging will make or break it, and after watching the rehearsal clip I’m of the opinion that the scale is tipping to the latter. Granted, things might improve between now and next week, but I, for one, am not that confident about its chances.
 Armenia - “Fly with Me” - Artsvik - I don’t know if it’s personal preference, or not getting the complete picture watching only a clip of the rehearsal, but I’m completely dumbfounded by about all the positive reactions to it coming out of the press room. It’s like, yeah, I can see why certain viewers might like it, but to me at least there wasn’t the mass appeal that makes me think it will definitely do well despite my personal dislike of the song a la Sweden. I’m going to go with popular opinion and say this one is almost guaranteed to qualify, but nevertheless I’m just not feeling it. At all.
Slovenia - “On My Way” - Omar Naber - Well, it was better than I expected, but my expectation was also close to zero. So, yeah, still a no.
Latvia - “Line” - Triana Park - What a closing act! The producers definitely chose well. It looks like it’s going to be bold, colorful, edgy, and an entry that will bring the night to an energetic finish. That, combined with the favorable place in the running order, will most definitely translate to a good night for Latvia. 
My Current Predictions (In no particular order):
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merlivystories · 4 years
Being a pretty experienced viewer, I often find myself thinking about the significance of tv-representation. The process of shaping into the person I am today would never have the same result without countless tv-series, shows and movies I stumbled upon on the way. Media space is a place that can be not only entertaining, but also educational. By educational here I don’t necessarily mean academic knowledge, I’m talking about every day-life skills and widening world perception. Learning how to live in peace with ourselves and with other people is a true secret of a happy life. That’s why it is important use media with a purpose to remind people about the past, educate about today and show possible consequences in the future.
I tried to highlight the reasons why I believe TV-representation has significant relevance nowadays. Firstly, watching TV or videos happens to be the most common way of spending leisure time among kids, teenagers and youngsters. Since it requires minimum activity it is the easiest possible way to relax and stay entertained at once. Secondly, TV has the biggest potential to turn boring topics into something relatable and exciting by creating interesting characters, breath-taking plots, using popular audio-tracks and eye-catching sceneries. The last but not the least important reason is being able to change people’s world-views or opinions towards the represented issue or make people feel accepted and okay with themselves by relatable content.
In my opinion, such theme should only be discussed and explained via examples of tv-representation. Here I’m going to display only a few series that I either found to be great representatives of particular social issues or social groups or breaking irrelevant and toxic stereotypes.
(SPOILER ALLERT! + Everything I state below is exclusively my own perception of those series and everyone is completely free to agree or disagree.)
 1. GREY’S ANATOMY (2005- )
I’ve been a huge fan of this medical show since 2014 and the there are quite a few issues represented throughout 16 seasons that aired in a period from 2005 to this year. In my opinion, the most important part of the show is representation of feminism. Development of the main character – Meredith Grey is fascinating. She has turned from an insecure intern into a surgeon with a world-known name and a head of general surgery in the Grey-Sloan hospital in Seattle. Alongside with Meredith there are plenty of amazing women working as surgeons and heads of departments in GSH. Moreover, the chief of surgery currently is also a woman! In this show both men and women not only dream big, but also have an opportunity to turn their dreams into reality. Grey’s Anatomy has a huge impact on young girls and boys all over the world as it inspires them to become doctors. Every day is a beautiful day to save lives, I believe.
 2. TOY BOY (2019 - )
This show is my recent but no less valuable discovery. Dictionary defines «toy boy» as a young man who is having a sexual relationship with an older woman – used humorously. The main character of this show, Hugo, has been put in prison for the crime he did not commit. After 7 years in prison he is determined to prove his innocence with a help of a young lawyer – Triana while getting back to his work as a stripper in a bar alongside with his best friends: Ivan, German and Jairo. While watching this show I pointed out a few topics that the attention of viewers is clearly supposed to be drawn to. Firstly, male stripping and prostitution. It is important to remember that not only women choose to do this professionally and that it is completely fine as long as you enjoy it and stay mentally in a good place. Every job has its struggles and we can see the ups and downs of being a male-stripper on this show. Secondly, thanks-thanks-thanks a lot to writers for representing a disabled person. One of the key-characters – Jairo is mute. And he receives nothing but support and appreciation for being who he is, never being treated differently by his friends. It doesn’t in any way diminish him as a person. I consider Jairo to be the most loving, accepting and understanding character that makes him truly likable to the viewers. His relationships with Andrea, who was raped as a child and grew up to be really introverted and shy, is the most precious thing to be seen on this show. The way Jairo and Andrea were able to bond over their struggles and the way they found comfort in each other is a great example of something beautiful coming out of something dark and uncomfortable. The other important topic is domestic violence and rape. The phenomena of being sexually assaulted is horrible on its own, while being sexually assaulted by your relative, by your ankle is terrifying. Andrea represents all those kids and teenagers whose mental health was completely destroyed by people who were supposed to care for them. I’m glad that «Toy Boy» found a way to show how it can get better even when it seems like it never will.
 3. HOUSE OF FLOWERS (2018 – 2020)
The time has come to talk about traditional values clashing with being who you are and feeling good as a person. This show is a story about a dysfunctional upper-class Mexican family that own a prestigious floristry shop and a struggling cabaret, both called «The House of Flowers». The story features plenty of amazing LGBTQ+ characters such as María José Riquelme Torres – transgender woman, Diego Olvera – gay man, Julián de la Mora – bisexual man, Paulina de la Mora – pansexual woman (not straightforwardly stated in the series, but I clocked her as one) and Patricio "Pato" Lascuráin – gay man. Firstly, I like how gracefully and accurately the line between gender and sexuality was treated on this show. When Maria Hose comes out as a trans woman she doesn’t stop loving her wife. She doesn’t change, she just gets closer to looking the way she has felt for a long time, if not her whole life. That’s it with trans people, I believe, coming out and the transitioning process is never actually about changing, it’s about getting the outside to match the inside that has always been there. I also adore how Paulina loved Maria Hose for the personality and not for the gender. Hands down vote for them together as the best couple on the show. Secondly, I would very much like to comment on conversion therapy part featuring Diego and Patricio being a victim of horrible hate crime. Conversion therapy is the pseudoscientific practice of trying to change an individual's sexual orientation from homosexual or bisexual to heterosexual using psychological, physical, or spiritual interventions. Sadly, it is still being practiced these day even though various jurisdictions around the world have passed laws against conversion therapy. Diego, a gay man, wants to have a kid so much and also earn the acceptance of his homophobic parents, he agrees on being put in a place where it is promised to turn him straight. Not surprisingly, it doesn’t change his sexual orientation but makes him suffer through the whole experience. In the end, he stands up to his parents and faces them alongside with his fiancé, Julian. He realizes that loving himself and being happy is more important than being accepted by someone who doesn’t really care about his well-being. Also, family is about people loving and supporting each other and never about following «traditional» gender-roles. Conversion therapy has no proof to be helpful in the sense of changing sexuality, but is totally effective at making people mentally unstable and self-hating so they are unable to develop any healthy relationships in the future. Talking about hating yourself, another closeted character - Agustín Corcuera is a great example. He grew up with his head filled with toxic stereotypes and fully dependent on social opinion. That’s why his desire for a loving, outgoing and open about his sexuality Patricio had horrible consequences. A hate crime is defined as a prejudice-motivated crime which occurs when a perpetrator targets a victim because of their membership (or perceived membership) of a certain social group or race. Agustin was clearly mesmerized by the way Patricio couldn’t care less about what people around him had to say, but he was also scared of that. It made me upset that Patricio loved Agustin a little to much to notice how much the guy hated even the thought of people considering him to be anything other than straight. One night at the New Year party in 1970 Patricio was beaten to death by Agustin himself and his homophobic friends - that’s how much Agustin was scared of accepting himself and admitting he had feelings for Patricio in front of his friends, just enough to take away another person’s right to live. The last words Patricio said to Agustin before receiving that one last punch was «I love you», which makes the scene even more terrifying than it could have been.  The absurdity of love facing hate like that, the horror of murdering love with hate, hate not only directed towards the victim, but also towards Augustin himself. Self-hate happens to be extremely dangerous not only to the particular person, but also to their surroundings. This is the example of what the self-oppression and the lack of ability to love yourself in the first place can lead to and it is awful.
 4. HOLLYWOOD (2020)
The show that rewrote the history and we were all completely there for it! The show about people being brave and following their dreams despite it being truly dangerous. This story is inspiring for all people cause the most important thing to learn from this show is that it doesn’t matter where you come from, what you background is, no matter what color your skin is or what your sexuality is – it should never stop you from dreaming. All those things should never make you feel like you don’t stand a chance, that you’re not worth it, that you’re less valuable. What actually means a lot is your personality, your talent and determination to go all the way. I was blown away by literally every single character in this show. I admire Raymond Ainsley for not giving up on representation in his movie. I admire Camille Washington for not giving up her right to be treated the same as other actresses. I admire Archie Coleman for being brave and showing that true success never depends on anything but talent. I admire Richard Samuels for always staying unbiased and finding the courage to be himself truly. I admire Avis Amberg for standing up for the right values and using her power is the most honorable way there was. I didn’t mention all of the characters, but every single one of them has their own story and something to teach the viewer.
 5. COMMUNITY (2009-2015)
Now I would like to introduce you to the show about diversity and true friendship. It teaches viewer that your friends are your chosen family, nobody is perfect but when you decide to stick together – you stick for all ups and downs, for the best and for the worst. All of the main characters are different: they have different backgrounds, different world-perceptions and different behavior-patterns. Anyway, those differences ultimately should never stay on the way of true kindness and compassion. «Community» explores topics that might seem offensive at times, but the conclusion is always the same – people need to accept each other for who they are. Moreover, the significant lesson in this show is that if you have a problem with someone, you should first try to find a problem within yourself.
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anestiefel · 4 years
Spain Itinerary: The Perfect 10 Days
Day 1: Madrid
Retiro Park/Oyster
You’ve arrived in Spain’s vibrant and elegant capital city, likely after a long flight. Hope you got some sleep! Check into your hotel, where you’ll stay for three nights, and drop off your luggage so that you can hit the pavement. Madrid is the heart of all that makes modern Spain tick, offering world-class museums, charming cafes, amazing tapas, cosmopolitan nightlife, and an excellent metro system to get around. Take an Urban Adventures walking and tapas tour through the city’s well-known sites like Plaza Mayor, the Royal Palace of Madrid, and Puerta del Sol, and meander through Retiro Park if the weather is nice.
If you’d prefer a cultural romp through the city, take some time to explore Barrio de las Letras, where several of Spain’s most famous writers lived (including Cervantes). Look for famous literary quotes and colorful bohemian art that line the cobblestone streets. Also known as Huertas, this part of town is located in between Madrid’s most famous museums: The Prado, Reina-Sofia, and Thyssen-Bornemisza. Hitting up all three in one day is a fool’s errand, so pick one for your first day and save another for your second.
Once you’re changed for the evening, head to Templo de Debod, an ancient Egyptian temple moved here from Aswan and rebuilt in the city. Crowds tend to gather nightly to watch the stunning sunset view. Linger through the area until dusk, and then head to one of the cool restaurants in Malasaña or Chueca for dinner.
Where to Stay in Madrid: Petit Palace Plaza del Carmen
The Superior Family Room at the Petit Palace Plaza del Carmen/Oyster
Our top Madrid hotel pick is the sleek Petit Palace Plaza del Carmen, located on an attractive square near Sol, surrounded by restaurants, shops, and attractions. Modern, yet budget-friendly, rooms have floor-to-ceiling windows, laptops for guest use, and free Wi-Fi; additional hotel freebies include bike rentals and coffee in the lobby.
Pricing for Petit Palace Plaza del Carmen
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Day 2: Madrid Like a Local
Plaza de San Andrés/Oyster
Spend your second day in Madrid getting to know the city on a more intimate level. Start your day off with a Spanish breakfast of pan con tomate (toast rubbed with tomato and sprinkled with a little salt and olive oil), which can be found at any cafe. Pair it with cafe con leche (coffee with milk) and a glass of zumo de naranja natural (freshly squeezed orange juice) for a true Spanish experience.
Afterward, take to the streets. This is one of the best ways to experience local neighborhoods like Malasaña, which is the hipster heart of the city, or LGBTQ-friendly Chueca. Both districts — which are side by side — are packed with boutiques and shops (but note that smaller stores close for the siesta — generally from 3 to 5 in the afternoon). You’d also do well to explore Lavapies, which is home to a majority of the city’s immigrant community, amazing art galleries, and community spaces like the fascinating La Tabacalera, and art and activism center that makes a rebellious counterpoint to The Prado and Reina Sofia.
For lunch, head to one of Madrid’s many colorful markets sampling jamon and cheese, patatas bravas, jamon serrano, Spanish tortilla, and a variety of pinchos and tapas. We recommend Mercado de la Cebada in La Latina for something that’s less touristy than the overpriced Mercado San Miguel. If you’re in town on a Sunday, head to the Rastro Flea Market in La Latina, which is an antique-filled street-life spectacle to behold.
End the day with a rooftop drink overlooking the city, and another traditional tapas crawl along Calle Cava Baja. Alternatively, hit up the amazing Middle Eastern and South Asian restaurants in Lavapies. Finish the night off with churros and chocolate at Chocolateria San Gines — the city’s most famous churro institution.
Day 3: Day Trip to Toledo or Segovia (Overnight in Madrid)
Toledo, Spain; Ines Padron/Unsplash
Now that you’ve experienced a slice of the city, it’s time to take a day trip to either Toledo or Segovia — both medieval walled cities within a 30-minute high-speed train ride from Madrid. Toledo, for its part, was named a UNESCO World Heritage site in 1986, and is where Christians, Muslims, and Jews lived together for centuries. It is also the place where El Greco lived and painted in Spain, though the museum that was supposedly his house is, in fact, not where his home was. Nonetheless, it’s a fascinating folly that’s cool in its own right. El Greco’s most famous work, “The Burial of Count Orgaz,” is located in Toledo.
Segovia, though, is often considered the prettier, less expensive sister of the two. You can walk from the Roman aqueduct on one end of town, pass the city’s wonderful cathedral, and arrive at the castle all the way at the other end of town in about 15 minutes. Everywhere you turn along the way is a feast for the eyes.
Day 4: Seville (Sevilla)
Street at the EME Catedral Hotel/Oyster
Today, you’ll be traveling south by train to the flamboyant, charismatic, and ever-evolving Andalucian metropolis of Seville. You can reach Seville from Madrid in less than three hours by train, but you should book your tickets online well ahead of time to get the schedule that you want. We suggest one of the earliest departures during the day.
According to myth, Seville (or Sevilla, as it’s known in Spain) was founded 3,000 years ago by the Greek god Hercules and combines gorgeous buildings with the vibrant gitano culture that gave birth to flamenco music and dance (now considered Spain’s national musical style, and enjoying a contemporary moment in the pop music of Rosalia). Major landmarks include the ornate Alcazar, built during the Moorish Almohad dynasty, and the 18th-century Plaza de Toros de la Maestranza bullring. The Gothic Seville Cathedral is where the city’s world-famous Semana Santa processions begin and end, and is home to the Giralda, a minaret-turned-bell tower that offers some of the best views in town when climbed.
For dinner, sample the city’s innovative tapas before seeing a flamenco show. Seville’s close proximity to the Guadalquivir River makes it one of Spain’s most productive agricultural regions, while its location by the coast brings a wide variety of fresh seafood and fish. It’s best to either make a restaurant reservation in advance or arrive before the locals do, as they come in droves. El Rinconcillo is Seville’s oldest tapas restaurant, open since 1670. For nightlife, head to the Alameda de Hercules, especially if you’re after gay bars. Other nightlife options include the Macarena neighborhood, where you’ll find lots of small bars.
Where to Stay in Seville: EME Catedral Hotel
Pool at the EME Catedral Hotel/Oyster
EME Catedral Hotel is ideally located right next door to the Seville Cathedral, in the heart of the historic center. With stylish, modern rooms featuring upscale amenities; a rooftop terrace complete with a hopping bar and a pool with striking views; and a relaxing spa offering a wide array of treatments, this boutique property sets the bar for Seville cool.
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Day 5: Seville and Granada
Street at the Marquis Urban/Oyster
Wake up in Seville and treat yourself to a leisurely breakfast. Spend the rest of your day roaming the rest of the city’s sights, like the stunning Plaza de España. Wander the streets of Triana and Santa Cruz, checking out the local crafts and boutiques and snapping plenty of pictures of the impossibly pretty street scenes. If you’re after a casual lunch, the Mercado de Triana is easily the city’s best spot. Make sure you grab a decent-sized lunch because you have a three-hour bus ride ahead of you in the evening, but trust us that it’s worth it. At the end of that ride is one of Spain’s most beautiful sights — Granada — where you’ll be spending two nights.
Part countercultural university town, part stunningly preserved classic beauty, Granada leaves an impression far larger than its size might suggest. As the last redoubt of the Moors in Spain, the look of the city is unlike anywhere else in Europe, with a heavy Islamic influence seen all over the city’s architecture. If you didn’t see a flamenco show in Sevilla — or even if you did — it’s worth seeing one of the shows that take place in the caves of the Sacromonte of Granada. Cueva de la Rocio is arguably the most famous, though Zambra Maria la Canastera is also quite popular.
Where to Stay in Granada: Parador de Granada
Isabel la Catolica Patio at the Parador de Granada/Oyster
In order to make the most of your time, why not opt to stay inside of Granada’s most famous sight — the Alhambra. This upscale hotel has all of the history that you’d expect in a former palace on the grounds of a UNESCO World Heritage Site. It also happens to be an incredibly romantic place to unwind after a long day of traveling and exploring.
Pricing for Parador de Granada
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Day 6: Granada
Alhambra, Granada, Spain, Dimitry B/Unsplash
Granada’s masterpiece is the Alhambra. Since you’re waking up inside of it, spend your entire morning and the early part of the afternoon making you way through the beautiful grounds. With the peaks of the Sierra Nevada behind it, this 13th-century palace complex and walled fort is dazzling. Intricate Moorish motifs decorate nearly every surface of the buildings that compose the Alhambra, most notably in the opulent Palacios Nazaries. This is complemented by the natural beauty of the Generalife gardens. Keep in mind that you could easily spend hours here seeing everything, but you’ll need to be smart about your time. Additionally, you must purchase tickets online well in advance, as this is one of the most popular attractions in Spain and entrances are strictly limited.
Head to the center of Granada for lunch and then make your way to the city’s other sights. The Granada Cathedral and the Royal Chapel are great for history lovers, while the Centro Jose Guerrero is an option for culture aficionados. In the late afternoon (before the sun has set), head to the city’s fascinating Albayzin neighborhood. Here, the warren of medina-style streets is an impossibly beautiful place to get lost. You’ll stumble upon too many holes-in-the-wall to count, and sunset is a magical time to be here.
Day 7: Barcelona
Barcelona; Alfons Taekema/Unsplash
Today you’ll travel from Granada to Barcelona — it’s less than two hours by air, and one-way fares can be found on budget carriers for under $50 if you book in advance. The cool Catalan capital has plenty to offer with its walkable streets, modernist architecture, designer shops, and stylish bars and clubs.
Start your Barcelona experience by taking a mandatory walk through the heart of Las Ramblas, which runs from Plaza Catalunya to the Mediterranean Sea. To either side are equally fascinating neighborhoods: The Gothic Quarter (Barri Gotic) and El Raval. The former is hyper-touristy, but incredibly atmospheric and perfect for getting lost. The latter, El Raval, was once a bit dodgier, then became the locus of Barcelona’s immigrant community, and is now a mix of immigrants, hipsters, university students, and in-the-know travelers.
You’ll find better dinner fare in El Raval, with spots that draw more locals than what’s on the other side in the Barri Gotic. If you’re after tapas, head to Bar Centric, then follow it up with drinks at Madame Jazmine on Rambla del Raval (across from Botero’s cat sculpture). Gay travelers can head to L’Eixample, where the majority of Barcelona’s official gay bars are located, though generally the queer scene is more mixed here than in Madrid.
Where to Stay in Barcelona: Hotel 1898
Private Terrace in the Suite Colonial at the Hotel 1898/Oyster
Hotel 1898 evokes Spain’s opulent late 19th-century past, with its architecture and decor, but guests get thoroughly modern pampering, with top-notch service, plush rooms, a spa, and excellent dining. And unlike other Las Ramblas area hotels, Hotel 1898 has not one but two pools, indoors and outdoors.
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Day 8: Barcelona
Sagrada Familia; Duncan Kidd/Unsplash
You have two options today: Head to one of the nearby towns along the coast — such as Sitges — or go hard on the work of Barcelona’s most famous son. We mean Antoni Gaudí, the modernist architect responsible for the city’s wealth of mind-boggling landmarks. We recommend doing the latter, as Barcelona has its own awesome beach scene if you’re really craving a day in the sun.
While you don’t need a tour guide to see Gaudí’s major works in Barcelona, you do need to be smart about how you plan your visits. Given the increasing number of tourists visiting Barcelona every year, you should purchase all of your Gaudi-related tickets online ahead of time. That’s especially true for Sagrada Familia, his still-unfinished cathedral that’s easily one of the most beautiful buildings in the world, and Park Guell, which has strict visitor caps. Casa Batllo and La Pedrera are also best visited with advanced tickets, and provide a glimpse into Gaudí’s residential work. Simply use Barcelona’s efficient bus and metro system to navigate between these sights.
It’s been a long day, so spend the early evening relaxing by Hotel 1898’s stunning pool before heading out for the night. Start the night sipping Catalan cava. La Vinya del Senyor is a cozy, understated restaurant with several by-the-glass boutique cavas to choose from. If you’re lucky enough to snag a table on the terrace, you’ll be rewarded with views of Santa Maria del Mar’s 14th-century facade. Keep the bar-hopping going until it’s time for clubbing (which doesn’t start until 1 A.M. at the very earliest). Check out what’s on at Sala Razzmatazz, Input, Nitsa, and Moog if you’re after the best of the city’s late-night party scene (or check listings on ResidentAdvisor for Barcelona).
Day 9: Barcelona
Tapas in Barcelona; Sinitta Leunen/Unsplash
After two packed days (and very, very late nights), it’s time to slow your roll. Barcelona is one of the most visited cities in the world for a reason: It’s impossibly beautiful, incredibly charming, and packed with everything from amazing cafes and restaurants to culture and shopping.
After breakfast head to El Raval and see what exhibitions are happening at MACBA, Barcelona’s incredible contemporary art museum. If nothing there piques your interest, opt for the Picasso Museum instead. In either case, you’ll want to do some retail therapy at the cool shops in El Raval and El Born in between. If you’d like a neighborhood that’s a little more local, head to Poble Sec, which is below Montjuic and near Caixa Forum, another cool art space. Montjuic itself is a popular place, as views from the top are incredible, and it’s also home to the National Museum of Art of Catalunya, Montjuic Castle, the Joan Miro Foundation, and other cultural spots.
Splurge on a performance at the modernist Palau de la Musica Catalana — an exuberant space designed by Lluís Domènech i Montaner. Everything from opera to jazz and folk music takes place here, though you’d be smart to get tickets well in advance. Afterward head to dinner in nearby El Born, which is packed with intimate spots and great patio restaurants, or in the Eixample, where you’ll find Michelin-award winners like Alkimia or Catalan-Asian fusion spots like Topik. Reservations are recommended in the Eixample. If you still have energy, and your ninth day is a Friday or Saturday, there are certainly more nightclubs left to explore.
Day 10: Return to Madrid
Retiro Park/Oyster
It’s a quick and cheap flight from Barcelona back to Madrid. Depending on your timing, you may have a day to dip into Madrid from the airport (it’s only a 45-minute trip from Barajas to Puerta del Sol) if you’d like to get in any more exploring. Alternatively, it can be economical and convenient to book your inbound flight to Madrid and your outbound flight from Barcelona. Do this by opting for multi-city fares when you search for flights. You’ll likely have mixed feelings about leaving — Spain has a habit of doing that to people. But don’t worry, that just means it’s time to start planning your next trip!
Simple Tips on Traveling to Spain
Monumental art at the Reina-Sofia in Madrid/Oyster
Flying into and out of Madrid is likely to score you the best bargains and most flexibility in your travels. It also lets you kick off your trip in one of the world’s best cities (you’ll see why below). However, reasonable flights can be found into and out of different airports, so be sure to check multi-city itineraries too.
English will get you around fine enough in the most touristy parts of the destinations below, though in Barcelona you may encounter Catalan (even in the city center), which is quite different. It will be helpful to pick up some basic Spanish phrases before visiting Spain, in any case, as English isn’t as widely spoken as you might expect.
Additionally, you won’t need to rent a car, as trains, domestic flights, and long-haul buses are perfectly reliable. Flights and buses are also far cheaper than what you would find in the U.S.
Additional reporting by Kyle Valenta.
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The post Spain Itinerary: The Perfect 10 Days appeared first on Oyster.com.
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dorenekvance · 4 years
5 days in Gran Canaria
Spending 5 days in Gran Canaria is more than enough to discover the most important places in this paradise island where the sun always shines. The reason for this eternal summer? The Azores High and the trade winds (or easterlies).
These are two factors that contribute to Gran Canaria being also known as the “miniature continent” by its diversity of landscapes. In fact, here you can contemplate the neighbouring Teide peak at the top of the island and then taking a dip at the beach…
The best part of it is that Gran Canaria is located just 100 kilometres off the northeastern African coast in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean and just a couple hours flight away from the European continent.
As the island is one of the top tourist destination in Spain (being the second most visited country in the world for many years), Gran Canaria Airport LPA receives endless flights from national and international airlines every day.
Therefore, you won’t have any problem to get to Gran Canaria whenever you want. So, the real question is when are you coming to this subtropical paradise! Villa Gran Canaria’s new blog article will show you the best things to see in Gran Canaria.
What to see during 5 days in Gran Canaria
Although Gran Canaria isn’t the largest or the most populated of the Canary Islands, the truth is that this is the most varied one. Here you can enjoy such a high number of landscapes that you will realize why is like a tiny continent.
Are you ready to hike through lush forest, wander the streets of a modern and cosmopolitan city or enjoy the sun at stunning beaches and natural swimming pools while tasting an amazing gastronomy like no other?
Las Palmas de Gran Canaria
The capital of Gran Canaria (and also the Canary Islands along Santa Cruz de Tenerife) is a multicultural city full of culture. Proof of this are the historical quarters of Vegueta and Triana, where the city was founded.
Don’t leave the island without visiting the Casa de Colón museum (where the famous sailor Christopher Columbus stayed during his voyages to the New World), the Teatro Pérez Galdós theatre (named after the leading literary figure in 19th-century Spain, considered second only to Cervantes in stature as a Spanish novelist) or the busy Calle Mayor de Triana street.
Of course, walking along the 4-kilometre promenade of Las Canteras, one of the best urban beaches in the world, is a must during your 5 days in Gran Canaria. Here you can enjoy plenty of services in a unique beach ideal for families on the eastern part and for surf lovers on the western part. Contemplating the sunset next to the Auditorio Alfredo Kraus auditorium (a tribute to the distinguished local tenor) is an experience you won’t forget!
Gáldar, along with Telde, was one of the two kingdoms of Tamarán (as the ancient aborigines called the island) before the Spanish conquest. It shows part of its ancestral past in the Cueva Pintada Archaeological Park, one of the major cave painting finds in the Atlantic region.
The Iglesia de Santiago de los Caballeros is one of the most beautiful churches in the Canary Islands, serving as a link between the Baroque style and the first examples of neo-classicism of the Archipelago. Here the conquered people were first baptised.
Tejeda is the true essence of a traditional Canarian town. Its whitewashed hosed with red tile roofs and little gardens full of potted flowers can give you a general idea. Located at the top of the island next to the impressive Roque Nublo and Roque Bentayga rocks and surrounded by valleys, this is the perfect place for a rural retreat far from the stressing everyday life.
It’s a must stop during your 5 days in Gran Canaria, so let the beauty of the mountains and the natural charming of the area soothe your troubles away while hiking through the old caminos reales (royal paths).
Mogán is an area with a long marine tradition due to its unique setting and natural beauty. Not in vain, it has evolved into one of the most beautiful urban settlements of the Canary Islands. Its spectacular architecture contrasts with its flowery gardens and bridged canals (in fact, Mogán is also known as the Venice of the Canary Islands).
One of the reasons why Mogán attracts many visitors is that if has more sunny days that almost any other resort in Europe. This explains its laid back, friendly atmosphere and the sunny outlook of the locals. Are you ready to feel happier by connecting with childhood memories of idyllic holidays by the seaside?
Maspalomas is a unique place in Gran Canaria. Its famous 400-hectare dunes system has a wide range of ecosystems, including a palm grove and a brackish lagoon with abundant wildlife. The famous beach of Maspalomas enjoys calm seas and three kilometres of golden sand.
The beach has sections for everyone, family-friendly services such as lounger and parasol rental, showers and snack stands to water sports and nudist areas… Your 5 days in Gran Canaria won’t be complete if you don’t experience a romantic plan like heading to the dunes in the evening and watching the sun set behind Maspalomas lighthouse!
Gran Canaria is pure versatility
As you can see, Gran Canaria is an island with lots of things to see and do. Of course, you can enjoy a great part of it in 5 days, but there ara many hidden secrets you should discover in detail.
In short, Gran Canaria is a fantastic family destination with almost 60 kilometres of beaches and a Biosphere Reserve in the west. It’s a miniature continent where you’ll find things to do that make every day special.
Gran Canaria offers everything: nature (beaches, natural swimming pools, coves…), active tourism (cycling, hiking, surfing, kitesurfing, windsurfing, mountain biking, climbing, golfing, diving, fishing…), gastronomy (you must try the famous papas arrugadas con mojo picón!), culture (visit its museums and theatres), etc.
What are you waiting for to enjoying your 5 days in Gran Canaria and living an unforgettable vacation on an island that won’t let you down?
La entrada 5 days in Gran Canaria se publicó primero en Villa Gran Canaria | Holiday Rentals | Villas.
5 days in Gran Canaria published first on http://blog.villagrancanaria.com/
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Eurovision Song Contest 2017
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The LXII edition of the Eurovision Song Contest will be celebrated, as we all know, in Kyiv (Ukraine). And as we have to wait less than a month to enjoy the Festival I have decided to post MY TOP 43 from this year songs. Let’s begin!
42- SLOVENIA with On my way by Omar Naber > LISTEN TO THE SONG HERE I just can’t stand this song neither his voice, nope.
41- UKRAINE with Time by O. Torvald > LISTEN TO THE SONG HERE It will be in the final because their country is the host, but i just don’t like the song, i get very annoyed by it.
40- MALTA with Breathlessly by Claudia Faniello > LISTEN TO THE SONG HERE I can’t with this song either, sorry not even sorry. Is very boring to me.
39- CROATIA with My friend by Jacques Houdek > LISTEN TO THE SONG HERE There is so much going on in this song. It doesn’t work for me at all.
38- CZECH REPUBLIC with My turn by Martina Bartá > LISTEN TO THE SONG HERE   I don’t know why, but something about her accent makes me feel unconfortable. The song is not that bad, but i just don’t enjoy listening to it.
37- LITHUANIA with Rain of Revolution by Fusedmarc > LISTEN TO THE SONG HERE At first i sort of liked it, but now i can’t stand it.
36- SAN MARINO with Spirit of the night by Valentina Monetta ft. Jimmie Wilson > LISTEN TO THE SONG HERE Valentina is here again. The song is not that bad, i just don’t really like it, that’s it.
35- ICELAND with Paper by Svala > LISTEN TO THE SONG HERE One of the worst revamps, the original version was so much better! I get headaches everytime i listen to it.
34- GREECE with This is Love by Demy > LISTEN TO THE SONG HERE Very cheap song. I bet they had much better ones. I’m very dissapointed with you, Greece.
33- FINLAND with Blackbird by Norma John > LISTEN TO THE SONG HERE   Many people adore it, i just don’t get it. Will probably be a darkhorse, tho.
32- ESTONIA with Verona by Koit Toome ft Laura > LISTEN TO THE SONG HERE What have you done, Estonia. why this. 
31- ISRAEL with I feel alive by IMRI > LISTEN TO THE SONG HERE Another cheap song that will be overrated for sure. The sound of the chorus is kind of interesting tho.
30- GERMANY with Perfect Life by Levina > LISTEN TO THE SONG HERE Hey, it’s David Guetta, i’d like to have my song back.
29- AZERBAIJAN with Skeletons by Dihaj > LISTEN TO THE SONG HERE Loved by many, but not by me. Sorry.
28- GEORGIA with Keep the faith by Tamara Gachechiladze > LISTEN TO THE SONG HERE Her voice is amazing, but the song gets a little annoying as you keep listening to it.
27- ROMANIA with Yodel It! by Ilinca ft. Alex Florea > LISTEN TO THE SONG HERE   Another probable darkhorse. The biggest risk taken this year (since my point of view). Funny song tho.
26- BELARUS with Historyja Majho Zyccia by NAVIBAND > LISTEN TO THE SONG HERE At the beggining i didn’t liked it, now i lowkey do. Very cute and funny song to listen and sing too. Get’s extra points, from me, for being in their language
25- ALBANIA with World by Lindita > LISTEN TO THE SONG HERE Linditas voice is amazing, will probably be very underrated.
24- NETHERLANDS with Lights and shadows by OG3NE > LISTEN TO THE SONG HERE Very good vocals and amazing harmonies. Another probable dark horse for me.
23- MONTENEGRO with Space by Slavko Kalezić > LISTEN TO THE SONG HERE   Some people hate it, I just love it and i don’t know why.
22- IRELAND with Dying to try by Brendan Murray > LISTEN TO THE SONG HERE Another big dark horse. His voice is very unique, and the song is great.
21- UNITED KINGDOM with Never give up on you by Lucie Jones > LISTEN TO THE SONG HERE Her vocals are pretty great. It gets a little annoying but i still like it
20- SERBIA with In too deep by Tijana Bogićević > LISTEN TO THE SONG HERE   Very mainstream, to be honest. But a great song anyway.
19- F.Y.R. MACEDONIA with Dance alone by Jana Burčeska > LISTEN TO THE SONG HERE Very mainstream too, will be overrated for sure. It’s a great song to dance to.
18- LATVIA with Line by Triana Park > LISTEN TO THE SONG HERE I really do like the song, but i’m scared about how the live version will be. 
17- SPAIN with Do it for you lover by Manel Navarro > LISTEN TO THE SONG HERE It’s the kind of song that i would like, but not really for Eurovision. I don’t like the spanish part at all.
16- AUSTRIA with Running on air by Nathan Trent > LISTEN TO THE SONG HERE A smile gets drawn in my face everytime i listen to it. Very catchy, cute and funny.
15- NORWAY with Grab the moment by JOWST > LISTEN TO THE SONG HERE Another very mainstream song that works very well. I have it in my spotify personal playlist.
14- SWITZERLAND with Apollo by Timebelle > LISTEN TO THE SONG HERE I don’t know why, but i really enjoy listening to this one. 
13- DENMARK with Where I am by Anja > LISTEN TO THE SONG HERE Amazing vocals. Great song. I hope she doesn’t get underrated.
12- POLAND with Flashlight by Kasia Mos > LISTEN TO THE SONG HERE I love the sound this one has, and i have listened the live version and i LIVE for it.
11- CYPRUS with Gravity by Hovig > LISTEN TO THE SONG HERE I really like this song, it may be a little slow, but i really like it.
10- MOLDOVA with Hey Mama by Sunstroke Project > LISTEN TO THE SONG HERE Sunstroke Project strikes bag and I LOVE IT, since the first time i listened to it. It even has another epic sax solo.
9- BELGIUM with City Lights by Blanche > LISTEN TO THE SONG HERE Such an experimental song, love the whole sound it has.
8- ARMENIA with Fly with me by Artsvik > LISTEN TO THE SONG HERE It has grown on me a lot. Her voice in the backing vocals and the traditonal sound it has mixed with new and modern ones make this song a very good one. I hope they get great staging so i won’t get underrated.
7- PORTUGAL with Amar pelos dois by Salvador Sobral > LISTEN TO THE SONG HERE A great comeback to Eurovision. The song is just beautifil, the whole atmosphere that it’s created when the music stars is amazing. And I’m in love with his voice.
6- SWEDEN with I can’t go on by Robin Bengtsson > LISTEN TO THE SONG HERE Even tho some people might not like it i think that it is a great song choice for Eurovision. And the stagging is just freaking beautiful ;) (see what i did there?)
5- ITALY with Occidentalys Karma by Francesco GabbanI > LISTEN TO THE SONG HERE In my opinion this song is being very overrated, but in any case it’s a very funny and catchy song which actually has a message.
4- AUSTRALIA with Don’t come easy by Isaiah > LISTEN TO THE SONG HERE Some people may think what the hell is Australia doing in an European music festival. Well, in the three years they have participated they haven’t dissapointed me. This song is just soooo god, and i’m in love with Isaiahs voice.
3- HUNGARY with Origo by Joci Papai > LISTEN TO THE SONG HERE This is one of the songs from this years selection that catched my atention since i listened to the first chords. I hope it doesn’t get underrated.
2- FRANCE with Requiem by Alma > LISTEN TO THE SONG HERE Despite of the fact of being kind of a mainstream song ‘Requiem’ has the ability of getting stuck in my head. I hope it does well at the final.
1- BULGARIA with Beautiful Mess by Kristian Kostov > LISTEN TO THE SONG HERE Being only 17 years old Kristian has one of the most great voices from this years festival, which with that song make him a potential winner.
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CARNIVAL TIME AGAIN has been published at http://www.theleader.info/2017/02/05/carnival-time-again/
New Post has been published on http://www.theleader.info/2017/02/05/carnival-time-again/
Christmas, New Year and Three Kings Day are all over at last, as is Blue Monday (16 January), which is the most depressing day of the year, according to a happy band of media reporters. It is now time to shake away those winter blues, search out a fabulous costume and get ready for Carnival – Canaries style!
Carnival has been celebrated across the Canary Islands since 1556 just before the Christian period called Lent, forty days before Easter, and often around Shrove Tuesday or Mardi Gras. Lent previously meant that Christians gave up eating meat, so just before this forty-day period the Canary Islanders were determined to take the term ‘party’ or fiesta to a higher level, which normally involves locals dressing up in fabulous costumes, when often men become women and women become men, just for the fun of it, and of course to have your photo taken.
The dates of Easter change each year and so the date of Carnival across the Canary Islands also changes, so that although the capital cities of each of the Canary Islands have the biggest parades and open air entertainment, many smaller towns also hold their own Carnival parades.
These parades have large floats that carry many in amazing costumes who often throw sweets or even offer those watching small cups of Canarian rum. Before the big parades there are also competitions for the best Carnival Queen (ladies), Carnival Dame (older ladies), Carnival Junior Queen (young girls) and of course the best Drag Queen (guess)!
There are also singing competitions called Murgas, when local people on each island sing songs that can often be very rude to those living on other islands. Carnival starts when a large sardine appears, and it ends when the sardine is taken out to sea, where it dies, and many spectators will be seen crying! It is an emotional and passionate event, often reflecting the partying frolics of the previous night!
Expat residents and tourists that visit during this Carnival period should make sure that they join in the party and learn more about local customs and traditions. There are many shops near tourist areas that sell good value Carnival costumes, so there is no reason why foreigners cannot join in the Canary Islanders’ celebrations.
Most municipalities have colourful posters that advertise the local events of Carnival, but some places tend to think that Carnival only involves local people, and they will already know when and where to go. The information shown on The Canary Islander website give dates and times for Carnival events in all the Canary Islands, but it is a good idea to check with local Tourist Information Offices too.
Take plenty of photos and selfies, because the rich cultural mix of Canary Islanders have strong connections with South America, Cuba and other Caribbean islands, which means that when Carnival comes to the Canary Islands it challenges the Carnival in Rio de Janeiro, and some think it is even better!
One word of warning for those visiting Santa Cruz in La Palma for Carnival! The locals also celebrate White Monday (the day before Shrove Tuesday), when locals only wear white clothes, and then after a certain signal, throw white talcum powder over everyone. Los Indianos celebrates Canary Islanders who were previously transported to Spanish colonies, and returned when they had become successful.
So there is a point to White Monday, but the talcum powder goes everywhere, and those with breathing problems should watch from a distance, as the powder storm spreads quickly and is not the healthiest substance to breathe in. Las Palmas in Gran Canaria also celebrates White Monday in the old streets of Triana and Vegueta, with special permission of the islanders of La Palma.
Carnivals in Las Palmas de Gran Canaria and Santa Cruz de Tenerife are often billed as “Second Only to Rio”, so if you really would like to take part in a huge, crazy, frivolous spectacle of colour and vitality, make sure you don’t miss it! You can find out more information and the dates of the largest events on the islands on The Canary Islander website: http://www.thecanaryislander.com/carnival.html
If you enjoyed this article, take a look at Barrie’s websites: http://barriemahoney.com and http://thecanaryislander.com or read his latest book, ‘Footprints in the Sand’ (ISBN: 9780995602717). Available in paperback, as well as Kindle editions.
  © Barrie Mahoney
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dorenekvance · 6 years
5 Things to do in Christmas in Gran Canaria
Christmas in Gran Canaria is something you have to experience at least once in your lifetime. There are many reasons why you should choose this island for your holidays, and we can guarantee that you won’t be disappointed if you travel here during the Christmas season.
As it happens all over Spain, Christmas in Gran Canaria is a magical time for both locals and tourists. You’ll find not only wonderful winter weather but a wide range of fun activities to do while enjoying some warm days abroad in December.
Gran Canaria Weather In December
The main perk of celebrating Christmas in Gran Canaria is the mild winter weather on the island. Snow, temperatures below zero, freezing wind… You can totally forget that the moment you book your Gran Canaria holidays. Here is sunny and warm all year round.
The average daily maximum temperature is 22.4°C, and the coldest temperature you will feel is 16°C after the sun goes down. All you need is a jumper or a light sweater for the night.
That’s very good news when it comes to planning the package for your holidays to Gran Canaria: you won’t have to fill your luggage with big coats, beanies or gloves. Instead, make room for your swimsuit: an absolute must-have for your Canary holidays.
Christmas Traditions: A Guide To Gran Canaria Family Holidays
Traveling with kids during this time of the year can be somehow stressful. You might wonder: ‘What happens with the family traditions if we go abroad?’ Well, you don’t have to leave them behind. Christmas in Gran Canaria is a great moment for spending quality with your family.
It’s quite convenient to follow the main festivities on the Canary calendar. This way you won’t miss a chance to enjoy the most important events on the island.
Christmas Eve: A Big Date In Gran Canaria
Do you know how Christmas Eve is celebrated in Spain? ‘Nochebuena’ is the first holiday on the Christmas Calendar, and it’s kind of a big deal for everyone.
Shops, restaurants, and attractions shorten their opening hours so the person can prepare for the big family dinner at home. All the relatives gather around the table, eat traditional Spanish food and share a few gifts if any. Keep reading this post and you will understand why.
Christmas Day
It’s Christmas Day! And that means chilling time for Canary locals before and after their Christmas meal. Check the timetables and opening hours of every place you want to visit, because most people are at home enjoying the gifts Papá Noel (Santa Claus) have brought for them.
Don’t worry about this: you will find lots of activities to do outdoors than don’t require a tight schedule. Remember? It’s the official day to chill!
The Three Kings Day
Keep an eye on January 5th and 6th if your Gran Canaria holidays last until those dates. Christmas in Gran Canaria means The Three Kings are visiting the island at night on January 5th so everyone can receive their gifts and open them the next morning.
This night has a lot of activity on the streets: while kids go to sleep early (they have to behave themselves or ‘los Reyes Magos’ won’t stop at their home), adults party until midnight.
5 Things To Do In Christmas In Gran Canaria
Go To The Beach!
Can you imagine celebrating Christmas in Gran Canaria at the beach?
The weather is perfect for a beach day even in December. There’s no chance you will freeze out there so you can sunbathe as it was summertime. This means so much fun for kids as well because they will replace snowmen by sandcastles in the middle of winter.  
There are plenty of beaches to choose from, depending on what you are looking for. Some Gran Canaria resorts have their own beach, but you can find many options if you prefer relaxing in a quieter place or trying water sports, like surf or scuba diving.
Christmas Shopping: How To Save Some Money
Christmas shopping in Gran Canaria is full of advantages. You will likely buy original gifts you couldn’t find at home, and it doesn’t have to be expensive if you know where to look.
Christmas fairs and markets are the perfect options when you look for cheap holidays to Gran Canaria. Locals sell handcrafted art, jewelry, accessories and many other things you can easily fit in your luggage.
Sales start when The Three Kings are gone. If you’re still on the island, go to the main shopping centers (Las Arenas, Mesa y López, Triana, Centro Atlántico and Maspalomas) to get some more gifts for your loved ones at home.
Celebrate Christmas Canarian Style
Christmas in Gran Canaria means you can enjoy yourself trying different customs and activities. So, what do Canary people do during Christmas?
It’s very typical to look at the nativity scenes and Christmas cribs located in town squares, store windows and even at the beach. You shouldn’t miss the spectacular Belén de Arena of Las Canteras beach, an exhibition of enormous biblical sculptures entirely made out of the sand.
Music has a big part during Christmas in Gran Canaria. Lovely outdoors concerts are waiting for you on the islands. Who doesn’t like Christmas songs?
A special plan for the little ones: greet The Three Kings at their boat arrival in Santa Catalina. They will share all the excitement with Spanish kids, who are eager to open their gifts.
Relax: That’s What Your Great Accommodation In Gran Canaria Is For
When you go to celebrate Christmas in Gran Canaria you can’t forget about the main purpose of traveling, which is taking a break.
You have worked hard all year and you looked into every hotel in Gran Canaria until you found the right one. Then, make sure you take some time to relax at your accommodation.
You may be at the best resort in Gran Canaria, or maybe you found a deal on cheap all inclusive holidays to Gran Canaria. Whatever it is, enjoy your stay!
Christmas In Gran Canaria: Look At The Wonderful Night Sky
Nights are beautiful and warm enough to go to the beach, especially when you have kids with you. We recommend this plan not only because you will love the sound of the waves at night and because you will breathe pure air. You should go to the beach and look at the night sky.
There’s a clear vision of the stars in Gran Canaria, and if you stay long enough to spend New Year’s Eve, you will be amazed by the fireworks.
Will you find the star that leads the Three Kings to their destination?
Now you know all the tips and recommendations to spend the best Christmas in Gran Canaria. Don’t forget how important it is to find where to stay in Gran Canaria. Contact us if you need help to book the perfect accommodation for you.
The post 5 Things to do in Christmas in Gran Canaria appeared first on Villa Gran Canaria | Holiday Rentals | Villas.
5 Things to do in Christmas in Gran Canaria published first on http://blog.villagrancanaria.com/
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