readingandrelaxing · 5 months
Katherine Pierce: The Fan-Favourite Villian
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Katherine is badass.
We all know this by now.
But one of the main reasons why people like her, is the fact that she is different and even better from the rest of the female characters on the show.
While the rest of the characters allow themselves to be used and abused for the benefit of others, Katherine always prioritises herself above everyone else. That's one of the main reasons why she has lived for so long even when the Original Hybrid was hunting her.
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Also, if we see her dynamic with the Salvatore brothers, it is drastically different from their dynamic with Elena. As I've mentioned in my previous post about Elena when Katherine was with the Salvatore brothers, it was always her who was in control. Albeit, she was the vampire in that case and the Salvatores were humans, and her relationship with them is also toxic. But we must also never forget that Katherine did love them. She just prioritised her own life over her love for them.
Which brings me to my next point. This decision of hers makes her drastically different from not just Elena, but even the rest of the female characters on the show. Characters like Bonnie, Caroline etc, they're all very similar to each other in terms of their decisions. Sure, they are strong, independent women who can defend themselves but the moment their loved ones are threatened, everyone is ready to jump on the bandwagon as a meatshield to protect their loved ones.
Katherine is not like that. She is selfish, cunning and cruel, but she's also passionate, fierce and authentic. She knows how to love, she loves a few special people around her, but she's also smart enough to not put her own life in danger just to save someone else's. This provides a unique authenticity and complexity to her character, making her likeable and relatable.
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Katherine is not the main character in the story. She's the character who comes and goes occasionally, yet, viewers look forward to her presence. And, she's not even a 'good' character. She's cruel and heartless. At least that's what the show wants us to think.
I won't try to defend her by saying that she wasn't cruel. Yes, she was. She has done horrible things in her life, and it is arguable whether she can be redeemed. But it is her cruelty and brutality which adds authenticity to her character. There is no other character like her, who is cruel and brutal and yet can feel qualities like love and care.
The love she had for Stefan and Damon was real. Some might argue that it wasn't, and these arguments make her an interesting character. She's debatable, her actions make someone think twice to form an opinion about her. Her character is complex and it has always divided fans.
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Her complex character makes her unpredictable. With most other females on the show, it is almost guaranteed that the audience will guess what their reaction to the situation might be.
With Bonnie, everyone knows that she'll jump into the line of fire just to save her friends. Even when being obviously overpowered, she has the least importance which is honestly a sad thing to see. But that's a story for another day.
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And then there's Caroline, who's usually ignored despite being willing to become a meatshield for her friends. She's ignored because she's 'less important' than Elena. Although, she's far more liked by fans than Elena but yet again, that's not for today.
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And then there's our protagonist, Elena Gilbert. I already have one post about her, you can check it out here.
But what makes Katherine special, and better than these ladies is her unpredictability. When she was first introduced, many believed her to be a heartless b- but as the show went on, we got to the humane, more natural and mundane side of her. Her choices were varied, they weren't always selfish. They weren't always selfless either.
Her reactions to things were always different. You never know what Katherine is thinking.
And that makes her endearing, attractive and interesting.
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Another notable aspect of Katherine is that exceptionally intelligent. She is a survivor in its true sense, being self-sufficient and perpetually vigilant. She knows how to take care of herself, she knows how to stay alive by herself. She doesn't rely on anybody, she knows what she wants and what she needs.
Though the main characters in the show are also intelligent, they're always in a group. They're a group of friends, looking out for each other and trying to keep each other alive. There is no one with Katherine. She has to do everything alone, and people find it easier to relate to that. Not everyone has a group of friends who'd take a bullet for you.
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There's another important thing I'd like to address. Many would argue with me based on this since it is a controversial topic. But we have to acknowledge this.
Katherine knew that Stefan is the man you choose in life.
Not Damon.
Though Katherine loved both of them, she still chose Stefan over his brother. With good reason.
We have seen how explosive, mostly irrational, and hot-tempered Damon is. Unapologetically so. He doesn't care about right or wrong for the benefit of himself as well as the people he loves. Ironically, his behaviour is similar to Katherine's, while Elena and Stefan are of similar characteristics.
But that does not mean that Damon is the man you choose. Damon is the kind of man you friend zone, not fall in love with. He's controlling, up to the extent that he fed his own blood to Elena forcefully just to make sure that she wouldn't die while Klaus broke the curse. He was uncaring of the fact that she did not want to become a vampire and that she'd rather die. He had also snapped Jeremy's neck twice because Elena rejected him. Is this the kind of man women want to end up with?
Stefan is also protective, ferocious and ruthless to his enemies. But when it came down to it, he allowed Elena the dignity of her own choice. He respected her decisions, even when they'd land her in trouble. He helped her become her own independent person, and their relationship didn't reek of power imbalance despite one of them being an immortal vampire.
It might be a tough pill to swallow for most fans of the show, but we all must admit that Stefan is the better brother.
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In conclusion, Katherine is an amazing, astounding character, but she has her own flaws and cons. She's headstrong, ruthless and manipulative, but also has a kind, loving, humane side to herself which makes her remarkable and unforgettable.
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Thanks for reading!
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pascaloverx · 8 months
Hit The Road
Chapter Thirteen
previous chapter final chapter
Summary: You are a hunter of supernatural beings who is forced to experience a new reality: being a vampire. The only thing stronger than your thirst for blood is your thirst for revenge.
Author's note: the characters mentioned here were created by Kevin Williamson and Julie Plec, based on the book series of the same name by author L. J. Smith. They don't belong to me. That said, this fanfic will be short. This fanfic may address scenes of violence, inappropriate language and adult content. Minors should not interact with this story. Also some information here is not in the order of the series or the same way it happened in the tv series. I'm changing some things to fit the fanfic story. Just to say that after this chapter the fanfic will go on HIATUS.
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"I never realized how dumb you guys are. Killing me was the easiest and most practical way out, but you had to make it all an adolescent drama and lock me in this damn room like a prisoner. You won't get anything out of this other than making a complicated situation even worse." You throw the chair that's in the middle of the dark room, which the Salvatores put you in, with all your strength at the iron door that holds you. Your strength doesn't seem the same, leading you to believe that the consequences of not obeying the spell are intensifying.
"You're being a bit too dramatic. I mean, Stefan and I have been through horrible things and came out alive. We'll find a way to get you back to normal." Damon seems very calm. It irritates you – how can he be calm when one of you might die today?
"If I don't obey the commands of the one who enchanted me, I'll die. If I do, I'll not only kill the men I had a romantic relationship with but also most of the people they love. You and Stefan should have killed me when you had the chance. But of course, you wouldn't be able to. You can't decide which of you loves Elena more. Or is it Katherine or maybe Caroline. Not trying to say anything, but it's pretty obvious that you two only know how to share loves. And when you don't know what to do, you move on to the next victim." You feel a pain inside you large enough to make you scream in agony after finishing speaking. Your right arm has a mark that wasn't there before. The spell wants you to kill Damon, and the fact that you can't is killing you.
"You're right. Stefan and I are like that. But you're not much different, can't decide who you want to be with. Even while you must be feeling a horrible pain capable of making you scream like that. The truth is, none of us wants to lose the other. You don't want to lose us, and we don't want to lose you." Damon makes a sound as if he's leaning against the door that separates you two. You hear what he says, and some involuntary tears escape from your eyes.
"Kill me, Damon. Kill me right away if you still know what's best for you." You plead, almost shouting through the door, not as if you were angry but as if you were desperate.
"I'm not going to kill you. I'd rather go in there and let you kill me. Maybe I'd even prefer to let Stefan make that sacrifice after all he's the hero of almost every story." Damon says with a certain mockery and you laugh. Laugh because you know you'll miss him.
"When burn in hell I'll miss your sense of humor." And you don't even realize it but you're sitting on the floor waiting for the anger at this situation to end and thinking about how much you wish you had enjoyed it more.
"If you go to hell, I will follow you. After all, we were meant to burn together." Damon speaks delicately as if he means it. You laugh thinking about how you don't believe it.
"And would you leave Elena behind? Stefan? Your immortality?" You question it being an inexplicable pain inside you.
"I don't think I ever told you this but yes. For you, for both of us. I would leave any of them. I'm not saying it would be easy, but you and I are destined. In joy or in sorrow, in health or in sickness until death do us part and not even death will do." It's possible that you never thought that you could want to kill and love someone so much at the same time but now you do.
"You really took our marriage seriously. You're talking like a married man. I really wish I could kiss you right now." You say between a few tears and a nervous laugh. Imminent death has left you terrified in reality.
"Soon you will be able to, Stefan is looking for a way out with Bonnie, Elena and Caroline. The whole team is on your side." He says and you smile slightly, feeling a twinge inside you as if you were being shot. Not obeying a strong spell of this magnitude is really killing you. But you do not care. Everything that is born one day will die. It's painful and beautiful at the same time.
"Damon, I loved you. Damn maybe I still do but I don't want you to get sentimental after I die. You should move on, stay with Elena maybe. She's good for you, God knows that without me and her you'd be a walking idiot who goes around killing everyone and making your brother tired." You say goodbye, you know it will take a few more hours and this spell will take your sanity and consume you. You have to say goodbye to them...
"You're not going to die. I refuse to bury you." It's certainly cute to see him deny something that's going on. But you're out of time to deny the inevitable.
"Honey, I hope that if there are other lives, we can live what we didn't live in this one. Now at the risk of seeming rude, I need to speak to your brother." That's all you say before you hear Damon get up and disappear. You then slowly lies down on the floor as he loses consciousness.
"Damon said you wanted to talk to me." Stefan speaks from behind the door, his tone of voice is a little harsh which easily helps you wake up. You swore you were already dead because the time you spent lying on the cold floor seemed eternal.
"Are you mad at me?" You question as you stand up letting out a loud groan of pain.
"Damon told me how crazy you are talking about dying. I should be happy, right? — he gives an almost sarcastic laugh — You dying would make things a lot easier.” You already imagined that Stefan would react that way. Despite everything, you still care so much about each other.
"Your plan is to treat me badly until I decide to live to hit you one last time?" His attempt to be funny fails miserably but at least Stefan lets out a laugh.
"I love you. Should I celebrate that you so easily accepted death in the name of letting me and my brother live?" Stefan speaks in the most sincere as possible, it's as if you feel that this made him tense. You wish you could hug him right now and tell him it hurts like hell to leave them.
"What's the point of fighting the inevitable, my love? How long do you want me to kill you and your brother and then kill every vampire in front of me? I'm a risk, Stefan." You no longer have as much strength to speak as you did a few hours ago. Is it the spell or his bloodlust?
"I'm sorry this is happening. But if you fight this, maybe you can live. With me and Damon. I promise I won't make you choose." You start to cry using the last of your strength.Something told you that saying goodbye to Stefan would be more dramatic.
"I choose you. Both of you. I want an eternity with you, to love you, to share you with Elena and Caroline. But life doesn't care about what I want." Those are the last words you allow yourself to say before doing what you should. What was needed. Your balance is poor but you manage to get up and go towards the point in the room where you are, the point where the sunlight shines brighter than ever. Then you take off the ring that stops you from burning. And all you feel is pain as your skin catches fire and your screams fill the room. It's the end.
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Anyone else wholly obsessed with Caroline Forbes? Her laugh? Her organisational skill? HER?!?!
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dearestdaffodils · 2 years
As a form of grieving something personal, I started rewatching TVD and now I have the urge to write something for it despite the fact that I claimed I fell out of love with the show just a couple days ago
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taylorswiftt1 · 4 months
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wholoveseggs · 5 months
~Series♡~ {<- masterlist}
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Smut ~ Violence ~ Fluff ~ Angst
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Part One {5k} ♡♡♡ --- It's your wedding day, but it feels more like being sold off than a celebration. You're about to marry into the most powerful family in history, but it's not by choice—it's all politics. All you can do is hope that the guy waiting for you at the altar is decent and that somehow, you'll survive whatever comes after "I do." Part Two {6k} ♡♡ --- Its day two of your unexpected honeymoon, as trust begins to blossom, the question lingers—will he exceed your expectations or leave you longing for more? Part Three {8k} ♡♡♡ --- Back in the vibrant streets of New Orleans, relishing in your newfound freedom. Life takes an unexpected turn as the shadows of your past life loom large, pulling you back into the life you just escaped. Yet, amidst the haunting echoes, you find strength in a partner who is ready to go to any lengths for you.
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Part One {5k} ♡♡ --- Just a quick little ménage à trois with the boys. Part Two {7k} ♡♡ --- Just a quick little ménage à trois with the boys... but its round two. Part Three {8.5k} {Holiday Special} ♡♡♡ --- Just a quick little ménage à trois with the boys... but its round three & under the mistletoe.
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Part One {3k} ♡♡ --- Elijah's red door is cracked open and his heart broken, so naturally Klaus takes him to a strip club to cheer him up. Part Two {3.5k} ♡♡ --- Elijah returns to the club, seeking solace in the dimly lit corners. You navigate the allure of his wealth and charm while trapped in the grip of your possessive boyfriend. Part Three {5.5k} ♡♡♡ --- As your relationship with Elijah deepens, conflict arises and you are put in an impossible situation. Part Four {7k} ♡♡♡ --- In the aftermath of violence, you forge new connections and leave behind all the pain that has plagued you for so long.
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~Pop Quiz
Part One {7k} ♡♡ --- How can you possibly pay attention in history class when your professor is that hot? Let's hope you don't fail your exam...
Part Two {9.5k} ♡♡♡ --- Its been a few weeks since you last saw your professor, and you are feeling insecure about the nature of your relationship. You decide to make a grand gesture to capture his attention. Hopefully it doesn't blow up in your face...
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Part One {5k} ♡ --- A drunken hookup with Klaus complicates your friendship with Elijah, leading to an awkward morning after. Part Two {5k} ♡♡♡ --- Rebekah talks some sense into you and you aim to repair your relationship with Elijah.
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~Crimson Frost
Part One {6k} ♡♡♡ --- You are to be wed to Niklaus of the Mikaelson clan, but when tragedy strikes and blood is shed in the snowy night, the true strength of family bonds and the power of love are put to the ultimate test.
Part Two {5.5k} ♡♡ --- After the raid on your village you are separated from your little sister and your betrothed Niklaus, not knowing if they are alive or dead. Holed up in a hut with Elijah during a raging snowstorm, you train and prepare to hunt down the Blackthornes. Meanwhile, Niklaus, Kol and Rebekah have found safe haven in a nearby village, the leader Ansel provides all he can.
Part Three {6k} ♡♡♡♡ --- Things heat up between you and Elijah as you prepare to rescue Gerda and Henrik. In the pursuit of your sister things get bloody and an unexpected warrior comes to your aid.
Part Four {5.5k} ♡♡♡ --- Your reunion with Nikaus and Elijah doesn't go as planned and betrayals are revealed. Threatening the peace and safety you fought so hard for.
Part Five {8.5k} ♡♡♡ --- As you prepare for your wedding, secrets come to the surface and your future hangs in the balance.
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Part One {2k} ♡♡ --- As the little sister of the Salvatores, trouble always finds you. Whether it's from a vampire, werewolf or an original, you are always at the center of it. When the mysterious villain Elijah comes to Mystic Falls, everyone is trying to stop him from hurting Elena. But you? You might be falling in love...
Part Two {4k} ♡♡ --- Its a beautiful day in Mystic Falls, so you decide to put on your favorite dress and grab a drink. Hoping to attract a man {or two} to satisfy your appetites.
Part Three {6k} ♡♡♡ --- You head over to Elijah's place, ready to have a fun night together. But when you
Part Four {6.4k} ♡♡ --- Tonight is the night of the dinner party and tensions are running high. Caught between the love for your family and your own desires, things take a dramatic turn
Part Five {10.7k} ♡♡♡♡ --- It was never a good idea, falling in love with the enemy. But how were you supposed to know how it would all end up?
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~The Gardener
Part One {2k} ♡♡♡ --- The relationship between witches and vampires has always been fraught with complexity— a toxic mix of power and revenge. Raised to preserve nature’s balance, you’ve been taught that vampires are a perversion of life itself. You have a duty and a purpose, to eliminate all vampires. You're willing to do whatever it takes to fulfill it, even if that means falling into bed with the enemy.
Part Two {2k} ♡♡♡ --- Your mission to seduce Elijah continues, and it's becoming harder and harder to separate your feelings for him from your duty. Your ancestors call out to you, warning of death and destruction, and tensions within the coven are high. Your time is running out, and you have to find the white oak ash, and soon.
Part Three {2k} ♡♡♡♡ --- You have fallen into a comfortable routine with Elijah, but the threat of war looms on the horizon. Will you betray him or will you follow your heart?
Part Four {2k} ♡♡♡♡ --- Things come to a head when you decide to confront the Mikaelsons, before your magic consumes you.
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Moonlight {60k} ♡♡♡♡ --- As Emma navigates a life filled with abuse and darkness, a chance encounter with Klaus and Elijah, who she believes to be demons, sets in motion a tale of forbidden desires, ancient pacts, and the struggle between light and darkness. Will Emma succumb to the darkness or find liberation?
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lalosalamcnca · 11 months
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rottenroses777 · 5 months
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I mean...daddy.
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jnnnferlawrence · 7 months
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Percy Jackson and the Olympians – [s01e01]
Hello everyone! This is my first ever gif set that I made as well as my first time colouring too! Please don't be too harsh! 😃
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readingandrelaxing · 6 months
Elena Gilbert: Heroine or Victim?
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Elena Gilbert's character is argued about by many fans of the TVDU. What makes her interesting though, is the fact that she was supposed to be the leading protagonist in the series, an active character who takes decisions by herself and doesn't need anyone to stay alive. But we can see in the TVDU that Elena is primarily characterised by the notion of how much she can suffer and endure instead of how much she can act and accomplish.
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Elena was supposed to be the leading heroine in the series, and yes, she is. But she is more like the victim than the saviour. It is difficult for a human to survive in a world surrounded by vampires, and that affects Elena as a whole because she couldn't take any major decisions without putting the people around her at risk. But the show slowly took away all of her decision-making capabilities and in turn her glamour in general.
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There's no doubt that the show revolved around Elena, and it should, since she's the main character. But the way the show took place, Elena was portrayed as the one everyone rushes to save and her life is shown to be the most important priority of other people. On top of this, she has to do nothing much to earn this kind of love and protectiveness from the people around her.
All of the care and affection shown by many characters for Elena seems animated. She comes off as the naturally lovable, loving character who is of the most importance to the show and the narrative in general.
While characters like Bonnie and Caroline have to earn even the tiniest flicker of affection from other people, Elena gets it all served over a silver platter. Without her having to do anything extraordinary to earn that, which is not the case with Caroline or Bonnie.
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Elena, as a person, isn't bad. In fact, she's a great girl, who wants no one to get harmed. In the course of showing this nature of hers, she is written to be a perfect character. Her flaws are not noticeable throughout the show when she was a human. When she became a vampire, some of her emotions were expressed. But, she transitions from being a life-savour to a 'perfect goody two shoes' who can possibly do nothing wrong and always what the right thing is and what she's supposed to say and how she's supposed to behave.
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Another problem with Elena is her dynamic with the Salvatore brothers. I mean, she is indirectly compared to Katherine too many times throughout the show, which is obvious since both the ladies are doppelgangers, but what makes this uncomfortable is the fact that primarily, the Salvatore brothers are attracted to her because she literally looks like their ex.
Yes, her character is different. But in the last episode of season 1 of The Vampire Diaries, the famous dialogue between the Salvatore brothers, I don't remember who said it, I think it was Damon.
"Elena is not Katherine."
And then they see her dressed up in vintage attire and both look at her in a certain way, as if they're reminiscing about Katherine.
It's weird to know that a certain person is attracted to you because you look like their ex.
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Another interesting dynamic related to the Salvatore brothers is that if we observe their relationship with Katherine, we can see that at that time it was always Katherine who was in command, who was in control, she had both of them wrapped around her finger.
I wouldn't disagree with the fact that that was also toxic to a certain extent, since even when she loved both of them, she also used them. That is not okay, not at all.
But their dynamic with Elena is something that sticks poorly with many viewers since Elena can't even make decisions of her own without being poked and interrogated by Stefan and Damon. Still, with Stefan, Elena had some autonomy, but with Damon, he tried to control many things he shouldn't have. Yes, he loved her, but love is no excuse for taking away her basic choices in life.
I'd like to highlight this one scene from the second season when Damon feeds her his blood forcefully so that god forbid if she died, she would come back as a vampire. He did that without asking her if she wanted to come back a vampire, just did that because her living was more important to him than her loving herself.
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It doesn't matter how much you love a person, you do not have any right to take away their fundamental life choices. Yes, you can advise, suggest, and plead, but forcing someone is not acceptable.
And yet Elena kisses him in the last episode-?
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Elena has suffered a lot, gotta say that. She lost her parents, her aunt, her biological parents, her brother and eventually her own life. Anyone watching the show can directly see that Elena is the centrepiece for every single thing ever, and because of that she is heavily involved in every plotline, but instead of her taking charge or even being like a side character, the show focuses on how constantly she is victimised, how much she suffers, and that it portrayed as a display of strength.
Resilience is also a strength, but how is it that the main character is blackmailed and left vulnerable and helpless every time a new villain shows up?
This is not even remotely inspirational, and it also makes the plotline predictable. Whenever anything happens, the viewers can already predict that Elena is going to suffer, and it also makes everything repetitive.
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In conclusion, the show revolves around Elena, but her own character is so incredibly passive that she's easily replaceable.
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pascaloverx · 9 months
Hit The Road
Chapter Twelve
previous chapter next chapter
Summary: You are a hunter of supernatural beings who is forced to experience a new reality: being a vampire. The only thing stronger than your thirst for blood is your thirst for revenge.
Author's note: the characters mentioned here were created by Kevin Williamson and Julie Plec, based on the book series of the same name by author L. J. Smith. They don't belong to me. That said, this fanfic will be short. This fanfic may address scenes of violence, inappropriate language and adult content. Minors should not interact with this story. Also some information here is not in the order of the series or the same way it happened in the tv series. I'm changing some things to fit the fanfic story. Hope you like it!
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"I have to admit that your self-confidence is enviable. What's it like making everything about you?" You say, distancing yourself from Damon, trying not to reveal your desire for him.
"Can't you cut through all this talk where it seems like you hate me and admit that you want to be close to me?" Damon says with a confident smile on his face. No matter how much time passes, Damon will never let anything shake his ego.
"Damon, understand that despite everything, you're not the center of the universe." You respond, as if you didn't care about Damon. What you hoped would become a reality.
Before Damon could say anything, you both hear a noise, like a loud crash so powerful that it makes the two of you fall to the ground, feeling agonizing pain. You don't know what's happening until you feel someone lifting your body from the ground as if you were a feather. Slowly, you were becoming unconscious, only having the strength to call Damon's name, seeking some answers. You feared to know what was happening and feared that Salvatore might end up dead before you could resolve things. If only there was a way to go back in time and tell the Salvatore brothers how you felt. But now you knew what was happening. The hunters had finally caught up with you all.
"Years of training, thrown away for the first vampire you felt desire for? I expected more from you, Y/N. Much more, actually. Our first rule has always been, and will always be, not to get romantically involved with the prey. Even being a woman, you should know better." Dimitri, your former leader, says while holding a weapon in his hands.
"Dimitri, how good it is to see you again. You're still the same hunter with an inferiority complex as when you recruited me." You respond, opening your eyes slightly as if you had just woken up. You notice that you are inside some kind of abandoned warehouse, extremely dark, and that only Dimitri is there with you. Everything is very suspicious because in the hunter clan, a hunter doesn't stay alone with prey after it's been taken down. And if they got me, they should have gotten Damon too, right?
"If you're wondering where your boyfriend is, know that he's much smarter than you. As I said, women let emotions affect judgment too quickly." Dimitri speaks, almost smiling too much. You can see that your confused reaction to what he's saying makes him even happier about capturing you. He has always been a bit sadistic, but you expected more professionalism from the leader of the clan that was once your family.
"What do you mean by all of this?" You ask while trying to regain your strength, but there's a sharp pain in your head. Personally, you feel frustrated for not being able to save yourself from this situation.
"My dear, he abandoned you. Managed to escape from us and didn't look back. Now I ask you, was it worth abandoning your human life for him?" Dimitri asks in a mocking tone as you feel vulnerable, as if you were completely exposed. Had Damon finally freed himself from your love and chosen to leave you to die?
"It seems like my fate is sealed. Why are you prolonging this? Cowardice or fear of taking the initiative?" You say, feeling any hope of survival slipping away. If you're going to die, it'll be while telling your killer what a weak man he is.
"I'm not going to kill you. Don't worry. You're part of my clan, as sentimental and naive as you may be. A vampire manipulated you, made you into a needy slut, but you're going to leave all that in the past." Dimitri seems convinced that you will truly forget Damon and join him, but how can he be so sure?
"What makes you so sure?" At this point, you have nothing left to lose, so why not play along with his game.
"You don't feel different, my love? As if something has changed in you? Let's say you feel like you have no choice?" Dimitri speaks, extremely smiling, as if he's witnessing the most hilarious moment in history.
"What did you do to me?" You ask, feeling the pain in your head intensify as Dimitri watches you with a smile.
"Spells are quite useful, you know. Witches hate vampires, at least most of them do. You know, it didn't take me long to find one capable of casting a obedience spell." You feel your body tremble when you hear the words coming from Dimitri's mouth. An obedience spell hasn't been successfully cast in over a century. It's a spell that messes with the mind and body of a vampire, forcing them to do something. Until they obey the command given by the one who enchanted them, they experience continuous pain and madness, nearly reaching the point of death.
"What did you command me to do?" You ask, but soon start to get an idea of what he would want from you. Everything seems to spin in your head as if the world is turning upside down.
"Soon you'll know. In fact, in a few seconds. Know that after you manage to complete your mission, I intend to give you the cure for your bloodsucking problem. Until then, be a good girl and bring me what I requested." What he's saying makes no sense at all. A cure? How am I going to find out what he requested in a few seconds? Everything is so confusing. He doesn't say anything more, just releases you from the rope you were hanging from, letting you fall to the ground. You feel weak, too weak to react to anything, even as you see him leave without further explanations.
At that moment, a woman enters the warehouse, looking lost. You notice she's a vampire as you don't hear her heartbeat. She approaches you, asking if you know where you two are. For you, it becomes clear that she's a newly turned vampire when she doesn't seem to recognize that she's a vampire. But nothing matters; as soon as she gets close enough to you, you rip her heart out. One swift move, and she's gone. You don't know why you did it, but you killed her. As her lifeless body falls to the ground, you feel an improvement in the pain in your head. Damn.That's what he commanded you to do. Kill vampires, without thinking about anything else. You begin to cry, looking at your hands stained with blood, as if something had shattered within you. And indeed, something had broken. Your humanity seemed nonexistent. You no longer have control over yourself. It might have been better if Dimitri had killed you, but instead, he turned you into a killer.
"Y/N!" You hear the voices of Stefan and Damon calling you from outside the warehouse. You can't see them. You have to escape. But it hurts so much. You try to distance yourself from the location, but each step is a struggle. The pain in your head is gradually diminishing, but the emotional pain is increasing. The voices of the Salvatores echo, concerned, calling for you. Tears fill your eyes as you battle against the compulsion that forces you away from those you love.
"Y/N, where are you?" Damon's voice sounds desperate. Desperation fills you as you want so badly to run to the Salvatore brothers, but you can't. Feeling almost immeasurable pain, you manage to lock the entrance of the warehouse. Unfortunately, in the first moments, they don't understand.
"Listen carefully, with no sentimentality or any foolish behavior. I'm under the influence of an obedience spell. The kind that makes me want to die for not obeying the command of the one who cast the spell on me. My orders are to kill vampires. If you don't want to try your luck, I suggest you leave." You finish speaking, not hearing anything—no protests or noise. Despite the disappointment, you feel relieved knowing that you won't kill either of them. The pain in your head is so strong that you lose concentration for a few minutes, not hearing footsteps behind you. Suddenly, you feel someone grip your neck forcefully, and you black out, collapsing unconscious on the ground.
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dunbonnets · 2 months
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Ruin of Me, by daniella
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minipizza · 1 year
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the vampire diaries details.
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taylorswiftt1 · 3 months
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chloesreality · 2 months
“hey Chloe, what’s one of your favourite episodes in the whole series of tvdu?”
oh! Dangerous Liaisons Season 3 Episode 14 of course!!
“why that one?”
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