#Taking Control of My Football Bets
bruhnze · 1 month
Personal Records 2 - Ona Battle x Lucy Bronze
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Part 1 here.
Thank you to: anon , anon, anon, anon, anon for inspirations.
Summary: This is in an alternative universe where Ona and Lucy are not footballers. Lucy is a personal trainer, Ona is a buisnesswoman.
Wordcount: 13K of wordsss (big big one) And sorry if it doesn't live up to expectations :( semi proofread!
Warnings: Minors DNI, little bit of angst, suggestive + smutty scenes. A bit of bickering back and forth, Ona being the ultimate spoilt little bitch, but i promise she gets nicer eventualy, at the end of the day she's just a hurt little baby 🥺
Last sentence part 1: ‘’Not here’’ Lucy said as she broke the kiss, ‘’come home with me’’.
Personal Records 2.
Tuesday night – streets of London
They stepped outside and Lucy nudged for Ona to come with her.
‘’No cab?’’ Ona asked.
Lucy shook her head amused and walked until they stood infront of a small ally way, ‘’in here, come’’.
‘’Ew, smells like piss’’ Ona said, scrunching up her nose.
Lucy shook her head with an amuzed chuckle.
A few meters into the ally way Lucy opened the garage door.
‘’Don’t tell me this is your house’’ Ona said without leaving the disgust out of her voice.
‘’Ofcourse not princess’’ Lucy laughed and pulled Ona inside. The Catalan was met with a big dark space.
Lucy flicked on a light, a few cars and a few motorcycles that were standing around got lit up, but besides that the space was pretty empty besides that.
‘’Are these yours?’’ Ona said.
Lucy shook her head in disbelieve, ‘’no, the business owners in this street came together to rent this garage so the parking spot infront of our businesses were empty and also, parking there costs way more than sharing this’’. She walked further into the garage and pushed a button somewhere, on the other side of the space started to appear light. A garage door rolled open.
‘’So which is yours?’’.
Lucy grinned as she dug through a cabin, she pulled out an old helmet, she was pleased that she had remembered leaving it here after she was gifted a new one by a client.
‘’Here ya go’’ Lucy said as she handed the dusty thing to Ona.
Ona grimaced ‘’I’m not wearing—wait, do you drive a motorcycle!’’.
‘’You bet’’, Lucy grinned as she took her tank top out of her gym bag, ‘’here I’ll wipe it down for you’’ she offered as she took the helmet back. Ona shook her head, what was this woman thinking, wiping dust away with a sweaty shirt, as if that made anything better.
Just as she thought things couldn’t get worse Lucy spoke again, ‘’you'll need to wear both our bags, because otherwise we won’t fit’’. Ona grumbled, but she couldn’t contradict the woman, as it was a true fact that it would be hard for her to hold onto Lucy if there was a big bag inbetween them.
‘’I can just take a cab and meet you there’’ Ona said.
Lucy laughed, ‘’I won’t give you my address, so if you want to come, you need to come with me’’.
‘’You’re just making that up to control what I do’’ Ona said, ‘’forcing me to come on a motorcycle’’.
‘’No one is forcing anything, you can go home you know’’ Lucy grinned, ‘’but by your excitement when you learned I have a motorcycle I think you don’t think it is as bad as you make it seem’’.
‘’You talk too much, we could’ve been halfway through London an hour ago’’ Ona rolled her eyes, ‘’and you know I already got your address’’.
‘’What the hell?’’ Lucy said laughingly as she looked at Ona weird, ‘’do you have private investigators working for you?’’.
Ona shook her head and chuckled, ‘’let’s go Bronze’’.
Lucy nodded and walked over to the bike she owned, on it layed her leather jacket and hanging from the handlebar she took her own helmet.
Ona swallowed hard as Lucy put her bag down and swinged her jacket on, ´´isn´t it too hot for that´´ she remarked.
The Catalan thought Lucy looked incredibly attractive like this, she wore white sneakers, jeans, a white T and the brown leather jacket, but what Ona maybe liked most were the little nose ring and the gold chain the woman wore.
´´You calling me hot?’’ Lucy asked with a grin, ‘’come on, get over here’’.
The Catalan rolled her eyes as she walked over to Lucy and her bike, ‘’big talk for such a whiny little bitch’' Ona said. She caught a little glimpse of a smile before Lucy put the helmet on her head. When she had it on, she reached out to help.
‘’I am not a little bitch’’ Lucy said as she tightened the chin strap of the helmet, ‘’I can squat you two times’’.
Ona rolled her eyes, ‘’exactly, you’re a little bitch because you get your worthiness out of made up achievements’’.
A chuckle sounded from Lucy’s helmet, ‘’made up, ha ha, those achievements are very much real’’ she turned to Ona, ‘’and all earned by myself, from scratch’’ she emphasized the last part.
‘’Sure I had an advantage’’ Ona said rolling her eyes, ‘’but I still put the work in to use it to the fullest’’.
Lucy took her bag from the floor and put it on Ona’s shoulder, opposite of her own bag. ‘’I’m sure anyone in your position would be able to build a business’’ Lucy said.
 Ona shook her head amused, ‘’no, there’s actually living proof that that’s not true, my brother parties in Ibiza all year round’’.
Lucy chuckled, ‘’oh yeah? Well, I bet he is way chiller to hang around with’’, she said as she pushed her motor cycle off the standard ‘’or is he a stuck up bitch too?’’.
Ona couldn’t believe her ears, with any other person she would’ve already have come up with six different plans to ruin their lives, but with this woman here, her urge to get on that bike and sit against her only got bigger and bigger with every comment.
Lucy walked with her bike to the garage door she had just opened, ‘’put of the light, will ya’’.
Ona rolled her eyes, getting her to carry the bags, letting her put off the lights, what an annoying bitch.
But instead of complaining she went to the light switch and flicked it off, and started walking back to Lucy, because she wanted needed to get to the bitches house a.s.a.p.
The English woman took place on her bike and with her tiptoes she guided her vehicle outside. Ona quickened her pace, afraid Lucy was leaving her.
Lucy turned and stood now sideways infront of the garage, Ona recognized by her eyes that she was grinning, even though she couldn’t see her mouth, ‘’what?’’ she said snappily.
‘’On the inside of the door is a button, hit that and quickly go under the door’’ Lucy instructed after which she shut her visor.
‘’No way’’ Ona said as she looked around to spot the button, but she hit it and ducked to go under the door, anyways. It was less dramatic then she’d expected, the door went down fairly slow, but she didn’t like that Lucy made her do all this stuff.
The loud sound of a starting engine filled Ona’s ears, even though they were covered by the helmet it was deafening. She stepped closer but hesitated when Lucy started revving. Lucy turned her head, ‘’HOP ON’’ she yelled.
Ona sat on the back of the motorcycle with the two bags crisscrossed on her back. She felt badass as she held on to Lucy who propelled them through the dim streets of London. Ona would never admit it but she was mesmerized by Lucy's scent that hung in the helmet, it smelt like her hair did. The only thing she didn´t like about this little adventure was Lucy´s whimpery driving, she followed the rules perfectly and didn´t even go the speed limit, she went slower.
Lucy slowed down and Ona was pleased to see they were in a -nicer then she’d expected- part of London. Ona knew this area, the houses were old, beautiful, but old, in her opinion you should only buy a house here if you the funds to renovate properly, otherwise it was a waste.
The building they stopped infront looked nice, it was well taken care of. Lucy put her feet on the ground and got her phone from her pocket, in a few seconds a garage door started to open.
They stayed seated like that for a couple of seconds, Ona sat not knowing what to do, until Lucy tapped her thigh. She quickly -but carefully- got of the bike and saw Lucy rolling the vehicle inside while she kept sitting on it.
After Lucy had opened the front door the pair stepped inside.
‘’Ahh, I know how you know my address’’ Lucy chuckled to herself as she walked through the hallway and saw the four shoe boxes standing on top of eachother, ‘’I texted it to you’’.
‘’I applaud you Sherlock, I must say I’m intimidated by your attention to detail’’ Ona said as she took of her shoes and walked further into the house as if she knew the way.
Lucy rolled her eyes ‘’yeah welcome in’’ she sarcastically said.
Ona quickly inspected the place, she was surprised to see the same style used here as in the gym, which meant it was Lucy’s taste. She didn’t like that she liked Lucy’s house, that the woman had a beautiful and properly renovated house in the middle of London, with a garden. It would get to close to being relationship material, and she didn’t participated in those anymore. Luckily the place had a shit view and the kitchen was horrific, so it wasn’t like Lucy was perfect.
The Catalan turned back around after her brief inspection and was met with a smiling Lucy, ‘’No snarky comments from property princess?’’ Lucy taunted as she walked to the other side of the kitchen island Ona was standing at, ‘’does that mean she approves?’’.
Ona rolled her eyes, ‘’who did your renovation?’’.
Lucy grinned, ‘’oh it was very expensive, a very skillful person worked on this’’.
‘’One person?’’ Ona asked.
‘’Well, they had a bit of help here and there, but mostly one person yes, they did it in evening hours’’ Lucy said, ‘’is it done well?’’.
‘’Yes’’ Ona said as she nodded, ‘’horrific kitchen though’’.
‘’what wrong with the kitchen?’’ Lucy snapped.
‘’It’s ugly’’.  ‘’I can see that it was placed with good craftsmanship, but it does not fit this house’’ Ona shrugged, ‘’waste of potential’’.
Lucy let out a breathy chuckle, ‘’well if you ever need someone to do your renovations, you can always ask me, but I guess I’d leave the decoration choices over to someone else then’’.
‘’No I like the way you did your gym, and the rest of your place, what I have seen, is allright too, just the kitchen’’ Ona said as she tried not to imagine Lucy in a tank top slamming walls, laying pipes or anything else that only she could make look sexy. Damn, did she really renovate this on her own.
‘’Thank you’’ Lucy said, ‘’that was my first time ever designing anything, but I learned a lot from it, like-
Ona cut her off, ‘’the four showers’’.
Lucy looked at her and tilted her head, ‘’yeah’’.
‘’You would’ve made the shower part smaller and put the lockers in the dressing rooms?’’.
Lucy chuckled, ‘’wow, that’s actually a great idea’’.
‘’You didn’t think that?’’.
‘’No I was only thinking that it was weird to have 4 dressing rooms with 4 showers, while we have 2 gym rooms, which are only used for one-on-one or one-on-two sessions’’.
Ona shrugged, ‘’well it is what it is now’’.
‘’Yeah’’ Lucy said as she opened a cupboard, ‘’water?’’ she asked, ‘’or anything else?’’.
‘’Water is fine, sparkling if you have it, otherwise flat will do’’.
As they were both standing with a glass of sparkling water in their hands Lucy broke the silence, ‘’would you know the complete layout of this house right now, like in your head?’’.
‘’With upstairs too?’’ Ona asked.
‘’If you haven’t done any crazy wall changes I think I do’’.
‘’Have you sold in this area?’’.
Ona nodded, ‘’I did, but only because I had a client who wanted to buy something here, I wouldn’t do it voluntarily’’.
‘’Do you not like the neighborhood?’’ Lucy asked before taking another sip.
The Catalan shook her head, ‘’buildings are way to close to eachother for such low buildings, you have 3 floors, no view, from every window you see brick’’.
‘’Or my garden’’.
‘’Okay from the living room you look on to your post stamp of green’’.
Lucy chuckled, ‘’at least I have a garden’’.
Ona closed her eyes and thought, ‘’I have 7, no 8 gardens, I think’’ ‘’I don’t know if I like my garden in Italia or Vilassar de Mar the most’’.
‘’Oh right’’ Lucy said, completely humbled, she almost forgot the reason this woman was they way she was.
‘’I didn’t think a garden in London was worth it’’ Ona said, ‘’rather had the view’’.
‘’I see’’ Lucy nodded at the woman as if she didn’t just had said the most out of touch thing she’d ever heard.
‘’But feel free to give me a tour upstairs’’ Ona said as it was taking too long for her liking, ‘’if you want my predictions, I think you don’t use the highest floor much, one room with junk, one room with laundry and one with a guest room, then I think you have turned two bedrooms in one for your own bedroom, with an on-suite bathroom’’ she eyed Lucy up ‘’and you are crazy enough to have the remaining room, not as an office’’ she started Lucy in the eyes, ‘’but as a home gym’’.
Lucy’s jaw dropped open, ‘’that is not even one of the skills that a real estate agent or architect has’’ she said in disbelieve.
‘’This one has’’ Ona shrugged, ‘’so am I right?’’.
‘’Yeah, well, I have two guest rooms, but they are on the highest floor, but everything else is correct, how did you do that?’’
Ona shook her head as her sight fell on a couple of family photo’s, ‘’ofcourse 2 guest rooms, for your family’’. ‘’but where do you keep your junk then?’’.
Lucy laughed, ‘’in closets in the guestrooms’’.
‘’Fair enough’’ Ona said, ‘’and the home gym was true’’.
‘’If I don’t feel like driving to the office, I have one at home’’ she offered.
‘’Crazy’’ Ona remarked.
Ona pushed Lucy against the wall as soon as they had both walked up the stairs for a ‘tour of upstairs’.
Air escaped Lucy’s chest as she hadn’t expected Ona to make this sudden move, ‘’jeez’’ she breathed out, ‘’give a girl a warning’’.
A dirty smirk appeared on Ona’s mouth, ‘’you’re taking too long’’.
Lucy used her strength and easily flipped them, making her the one pinning Ona against the wall.
Ona leaned in to kiss the English woman but she leaned back, ‘’taking too long for what princess?’’ she teased, ‘’you are the one hindering our tour’’.
‘’You’’ Ona huffed out, ‘’need to stop talking’’.
‘’And do what?’’ Lucy said as she let her lips ghost over Ona’s.
The Catalan squirmed as she tried to catch the other woman’s mouth with her own, a frustrated huff of air left her nose when she felt Lucy pull back after the slightest touch. Just this brush of their lips made Ona unable to think clear anymore, Lucy’s soft lips, the way her sent surrounded her as they stood so close. The strong, warm hands on her biceps, pushing her against the white wall, she couldn’t take it anymore.
‘’Lucy’’ she said, trying to sound as pulled together as possible, ‘’just kiss me’’.
The English woman smiled, ‘’I don’t know if you deserve it’’.
Ona rolled her eyes, ‘’hurt by a couple of stupid jokes?’’.
‘’No’’ Lucy chuckled, ‘’I tend to share the bed with more, better behaved woman’’.
The Catalan relaxed her muscles and stopped fighting the restraint.
Lucy loosened her grip on the woman, a little thinking she had said something wrong, but more curious about what Ona was going to say.
‘’Well, then I better go’’ Ona said reserved, ‘’I don't adapt, people adapt to me’’.
Lucy grinned and leaned back against Ona, not holding her tight as she wanted to give the woman the opportunity to go if she really wished, ‘’I don’t know’’ she whispered in Ona’s ear, ‘’wouldn’t you say please if it would mean I’d kiss you?’’ she traced her bottom lip along Ona’s neck. Then she moved to the other side of Ona’s head, ‘’just one simple word’’ she whispered, ‘’say please and I’ll do what you want’’ with that she placed a line of ever so soft kisses in the shorter woman’s neck, she grinned as she felt the woman get goose bumps.
Lucy pulled back to read Ona’s face, when she recognized she almost had her, she took Ona’s hand and slipped it under her t-shirt, placing it with an open palm on her solid abs, ‘’just one word’’ she said softly, making intense eye contact with the shorter woman.
‘’A la merda’’ Ona grumbled but sighed to oblige, ‘’please kiss me’’ she said with an eyeroll.
‘’See’’ Lucy leaned in, ‘’I’ll teach you right’’ she kissed Ona softly. But Ona didn’t have any of it, she quickly deepened the kiss and pushed them off the wall.
‘’Bedroom’’ she said as she broke the kiss for as short as possible, before crashing in to the English woman again.
Lucy lifted Ona with ease and carried her towards her bed.
She climbed on it with Ona still around her and laid the woman on her back in the middle of the bed with her on top.
Their kiss was filthy, their open mouths mushed against each other as if it were their first meal after 20 years of starvation, Lucy couldn’t help but groan at the way she tasted, she could kiss her for hours.
Ona’s hands started wondering below Lucy’s t-shirt, she pulled on it, signaling she needed her to take it off.
When Lucy pulled away to quickly take it off, Ona took her own blouse off.  
In their bras they continued their make out session, Ona’s hand found Lucy’s head and she buried her fingers in her dark strands of hair.
The heat Lucy had experienced during the sex they had in the showers not even an hour ago was back, she had wanted to take Ona home to have her way with her properly, the way she’s was acting like such a fucking brat was just begging to be fucked good.
 Lucy broke the kiss and shifted her attention to Ona's throat, sternum and collar bone, marking her with open mouthed kisses, ‘’have you ever been fucked with a strap?’’ Lucy asked against Ona’s skin.
It took a few seconds before Ona answered, ‘’yeah, why’re you asking, just because I’m young?’’.
Lucy chuckled, ‘’no, age has nothing to do with this and you’re not even that young’’ Lucy said as a grin tugged on her mouth because she was about get Ona crazy, ‘’you’re just acting as if you’ve never had a good fuck’’.
Ona’s mouth dropped open, ‘’I have’’ she huffed.
‘’Oh yeah? And ours didn’t count by the way’’ Lucy smirked, ‘’or did you mean by that stiff rake Evelyn?’’, ‘’did she make you cum as fast as me?’’.
Ona rolled her eyes, but secretly this talk from Lucy turned her on immensely, ‘’yes’’.
‘’Yeah did she make you cum on her tongue just as easily as I did’’ Lucy got closer to Ona, ‘’I can’t believe her being that good’’ she emphasized her words by rolling her hips.
‘’Oh please’’ Ona rolled her eyes again, ‘’you’re not that good either, and you also used your fingers’’.
‘’Didn’t have to’’ Lucy simply said, ‘’that was just for my own fun’’ she added in a low voice.
With those words Ona could literally feel a pulsation between her legs, fuck she needed that woman, and she needed it now.
‘’Why are you being such a bitch?’’ Ona asked as Lucy was hovering over her, her hips sensually grinding in to her.
‘’Why are you being such a bitch?’’ Lucy said as she was being straddled by Ona, crossing her legs around her.
‘’No you are nice by heart, I can tell you act’’ Ona said in a thoughtful voice and with her gaze on the English woman's eyes as if she could read all of her thoughts.
‘’Well I wont let people walk all over me, if you act like a brat I’ll respond to you that way’’ she said, narrowing her eyes.
‘’Why bother if you don’t like my attitude’’ Ona said, also narrowing her eyes.
‘’Your hot’’ Lucy simply said, ‘’why do you bother?’’.
‘’Same reason’’ Ona answered with a smirk.
Lucy rolled her eyes, ‘’you can’t even say it out loud? It’s a shame that pretty little body of yours is filled with such a shit personality’’.
Ona rolled her eyes as well, "I can say it, you are hot’’ she stated, "but what would the difference be?".
Lucy grinned, "yeah you wouldn’t know, would you’’ she lowered herself to whisper in Ona’s ear ‘’but it’s actually decent human interaction".
Ona huffed out air in frustration, "I don’t know why you annoy me so much".
"Because I don’t take your shit".
Ona shook her head amused, ‘’no it’s not that, it was rhetorical I do know why’’.
‘’Why then’’.
Ona rolled her eyes, ‘’I said it in the showers, but I get you’re slow so I’ll repeat myself, I can’t temper my physical attraction towards you’’ Ona said, ‘’but I know the reason, it’s because I haven’t had sex in a long time and you’re just the first hot person I have encountered in a long time’’.
Lucy looked at Ona weird, ‘’you-
Ona interrupted her, ‘’don’t tell me I haven’t been clear with you, and I thought we were on the same page, hell I even thought you were even more amazing after you felt the same way as me and agreed’’.
Lucy broke out in a chuckle, ‘’I do agree, I would never date someone like you, I just, I expected someone I have sex with to be nice to me, but I guess that’s not the way you see things’’.
If Ona would be completely honest with herself, she knew that she was just being a bitch to sabotage their chances of ever getting closer then to just sleep with eachother. She couldn’t develop feelings, she never wanted another relationship in her life, people just screw you over.
She sighed deeply and uncrossed her legs around Lucy, giving her space to sit away, which she did. Ona pushed herself up and sat against the headboard ‘’I feel like we need to set some ground rules, because I would like for us to continue sleeping with eachother and I want to keep training with you too’’.
‘’Yeah good idea’’, lucy said with a grin, but she swallowed the comment she was about to make as she appreciated Ona’s normal communication, and finally said a sentence without a snarky comment.
Ona sighed, ‘’what did you want to say?’’.
‘’Okay’’ lucy said, ‘’it’s a bit oversimplified, but I wanted to propose’’ she shook her head with a laugh ‘’you are nice to me and I’ll fuck you’’.
‘’Okay’’ Ona simply agreed after a few seconds of silence, ‘’deal’’.
‘’Okay, that’s it?’’ Lucy asked surprised.
‘’I just want to have sex with you’’ Ona replied, ‘’I can be nice to you’’.
A small cheeky smile appeared on Lucy’s face.
Ona rolled her eyes and pushed Lucy’s face. The taller woman pretended Ona had pushed her over with the small motion and dropped on her back, pulling Ona with her. The Catalan chuckled as she laid on top of Lucy, ‘’I think you looked badass riding your motor’’ Ona said, as her first act of niceness.
A big smile took over Lucy’s face, ‘’see, this is so much better, I already enjoy this a hundred times more’’.
Ona rolled her eyes but laughed, ‘’but you drove a bit like a pussy’’.
‘’I knew it was to good to be true’’ Lucy said with a smile as she rolled them both over and started kissing Ona’s neck, making her squirm and scream of the ticklishness.
Wednesday 02:00 am – Ona’s penthouse
As Ona was laying in her big bed in her penthouse, after dealing with the stupid joked Sophia had attacked her with, she caught herself smiling at the ceiling. She shook her head and pulled herself together, trying not to thing about the way Lucy was so amazing Lucy, and go to sleep.
Thursday evening – Ona’s penthouse
Ona had ordered takeout, but Sophia had ditched her last minute for a date she wanted to go on. Ona didn't want to eat alone, and to be fair, it would be a waste to have to throw away half of it, so she had texted Lucy explaining her situation.
@ Lucy: aw did she leave you alone to get laid
@ Ona Batlle: yeah
@ Lucy: why does it sound a little familiar
@ Ona Batlle: ha ha ha
@ Ona Batlle: now do you have dinner plans or not?
@ Lucy: what happened to our 'being nice' agreement
@ Ona Batlle: Lucy do you want to eat dinner with me?
Ona sended the text with a heavy eyeroll, hoping Lucy could feel it at the other end of the screen.
@ Lucy: you rolled your eyes didn't you 😂
She chuckled at her screen.
@ Ona Batlle: maybe
@ Lucy: but sure, i'll eat dinner with you
@ Ona Batlle: do you want me to ask if valet can handle motorcycles?
@ Lucy: oh that would be nice, saves me from those ungodly high rates they charge for parking in your street
@ Ona Batlle: yeah it is expensive, okay i'll text u in a sec
Thursday, a bit later that evening – Ona’s penthouse
''And how did that parking garage look'' Ona chuckled as she let Lucy in.
''Good'' Lucy said as she took her jacket and shoes off, ''there were so many cool cars in there''.
''I still think it's funny to hire someone for valet who doesn't have motorcycle licence''.
''But you expected it''.
''Yeah I was thinking about the fact nobody in this building owns a motorcycle, and then I thought, oh would they be able to put it away for you''.
''I had to follow the valet boy who walked me to your parking spot'' Lucy said as they walked into the living space, ''do you not have a car or something?''.
''No I take cabs everywhere'' Ona said with a shrug.
Lucy nodded, ''but you can drive?''.
Ona smiled, ''cars, yes'' ''motorcycles, no''.
Friday morning – Bronze Fitness Forge
They had managed to get through the gym session without breaking professionality, okay, maybe there had been some lingering touches here and there, but even with the massage they had both behaved.
Now Ona was done with drying off from her shower and walked back in to the dressing room wrapped in her towel.
Just as she undid herself from it, wanting to put her underwear on, someone knocked on the door on the gym side, she quickly pulled the towel back around her, ‘’yeah?’’.
Lucy opened the door, ‘’you forgot your shoes again’’ she said as she stepped in with the trainers, ‘’this is going to be- ‘’ she lagged as she saw Ona standing there, covered in nothing more then a towel, ‘’a tradition, is it?’’ she finished her sentence.
Ona chuckled and stepped closer to Lucy, ‘’oh shit, sorry for the inconvenience’’.
Lucy laughed breathily as she handed Ona the shoes, ‘’no worries’’.
‘’How can I pay you for your troubles’’ Ona asked whispering as she pulled Lucy closer with her shoes the woman was still holding. She saw Lucy’s chest rising and falling faster as she got closer.
She planted a soft kiss on the taller woman’s lips, ‘’thank you’’ she whispered.
As she wanted to take the shoes form Lucy, who was still holding them, she forgot to keep her elbows on the towel, making the cotton cloth fall to the ground.
‘’Oh eh sorry’’ Lucy said as she removed her hands from the shoes, ‘’I eh-‘’.
Ona chuckled as she dropped the shoes to the ground too, ‘’no worries, you can make it up to me’’ she whispered as she stepped impossibly closer to her, and placed Lucy's hands on her hips.
Lucy lost all composure and kissed Ona greedily.
´´You stay right here and get dressed, mind your business for a sec okay´´ Lucy said after she had got dressed quicker then Ona had ever seen one do before, ´´I need to cancel some appointments´´.
´´I am getting dressed´´ Ona rolled her eyes, ´´you mind your own business´´ she muttered quietly.
´´I am´´ Lucy said as zipped her bag shut, ´´and I’ll see you outside´´.
The door shut when Lucy got out.
Damn what a desperate woman, Ona thought, canceling appointments to get laid.
She quickly texted Sophia that she wouldn´t be there for an undefined period of time.
Then she heard Lucy talking to the secretary, confirming the fact that, the dressing rooms where indeed not soundproof at all.
´´Hey Carla´´.
´´Hey Lucy, what can i--- huh, you’re not in your training clothes?’’.
‘’uh, yeah, I am actually coming to you to call in sick, would you be so kind to call off all my appointments for today’’.
Hastily Ona had put on her clothes, she gathered her stuff to throw in her bag and zipped it shut.
‘’Yeah I don’t feel really well’’. Lucy told the secretary.
Ona stormed out of the dressing room, she loved this, what an entertaining day. ‘’MISS BRONZE, I WILL PERSONALLY LET MY PA SEND IN A COMPLAINT ABOUT THIS’’ she said with a raised voice.
Carla and Lucy looked up.
With that Ona disappeared onto the London streets, she giggled to herself as she waited on Lucy.
After a few minutes a voice interrupted Ona’s thoughts and she looked up from her phone. ‘’I hate you, but also thanks, at least it was convincing’’ Lucy said as she walked towards Ona.
Ona looked back at her phone to finish a reply and put it away.
‘’Hate me?’’ she pouted, ‘’I thought we were an acting duo’’.
Lucy chuckled, ‘’Okay, that was a fun Saturday’’ she admitted.
‘’Right’’ Ona said as she already started walking towards the ally way.
Lucy smiled to herself, at least there was no doubt in how much they both wanted this.
Saturday night - Ona's Penthouse
After the encounter on friday morning they had told eachtother, but mostly themselfs, that it wasn't acceptable to skip days of work and that that day would be an exception.
They came to the conclusion that they had to see eachother more so the two hours of fitness could be spend in total sobriety. (Ofcourse🙄) They agreed with eachother that they had managed great that friday morning, it had only gone south when Ona's towel had slipped. So they agreed to never be alone in the lockerroom together.
Two weeks went by with this new dynamics, training sessions stayed professional, but Lucy and Ona regularly met eachother for a release. Usualy it would be at Lucy's place, as Ona had someone staying at hers, but this weekend Sophia was going home to her parents again.
This led to Lucy, this Saturday night, lying next to her in bed.
Ona was convinced she had just had the best sex of her life and was now lying on Lucy's chest with her head, her fingers tracing lines on the personal trainers toned stomach.
In a comfortable silence they stayed like that until Lucy spoke, ''that was maybe the best sex i've had in my life'' she sighed as she kept tracing her fingers along Ona's back.
Ona started chuckling.
''Hey'' Lucy said, poking Ona playfully, ''you were doing so good with being nice, don't laugh at me''.
Ona quickly shook her head, ''no i laughed because i was just thinking the exact same thing''.
"Yeah" Ona sighed, "it's a shame i have to go after next week".
"Where are you headding?" Lucy asked.
"Rome" Ona said, "but only for 2 weeks because after that I have something in Paris and then i need to go to Spain real quick for my fathers birthday, so i combined that with a few deals too and after that Rome again".
"Jezus" Lucy breathed out as she retracted her arm from Ona and strechted "i could never".
Ona shifted a bit, moving her head to the crook of Lucy's neck, burying her head against the warm skin. She smelt the English woman's sweat and instead of being disgusted by it she actually enjoyed it. But she wouldn't ever admit that to anyone, she didn't even admit it to herself.
After a few moments Ona started to doze off.
"It's getting late" Lucy whispered as she felt Ona's breath steadying.
"Mhm" Ona groaned quietly, barely hearable "just stay, you're so comfy".
Lucy pulled the bedsheet over them, "are you sure" she said, gently rubbing Ona's back again.
"Mhmm" Ona smiled, "especially if you do that".
Lucy smiled, she was really starting to develop a soft spot for the Catalan business woman, especially on moments she showed her soft spot. The last two weeks Lucy had learned that the woman was actually very kind. She just went through a lot on a young age, Lucy thought. She had learned Ona donated to multiple charities and when she had met Sophia, the woman had had nothing but kind words about Ona. This made Lucy to believe Ona had just acted the way she did coming from a hurt place, afraid to let anyone close again, probably especially in romantic terms, as she had been cheated on by Evelyn.
But Lucy tried not to think about all that, as a relationship with the Spaniard was impossible, she was only in London once every year.
Sunday morning - Ona's penthouse
Ona stirred as she woke up, she frowned when she felt herself laying against a bare woman.
Then her memories of the previous night flooded back, Lucy had stayed over, the first time she had shared a bed, for actual sleeping, with someone in over a year.
She took a deep breath, afraid this was going to be the end of her crush on the musculair woman, no one was hot first thing in the morning. Well, she thought, let's just hope it isn't too off putting.
With that she gently got out of bed and went to the bathroom quietly.
When she came back in to the room, the curtains were open and sun lighted up the woman that was, still, peacefully sleeping on her bed.
Ona was mesmerized, she looked so pretty with her slightly bewilderd hair, so peacefull with her arms up and tucked under her head, so cute with the way her chest rose in a steady pattern, covered by the thin white bedsheet.
She stayed standing there for a few seconds until she was weirded out by herself, she put on her robe and went to the kitchen.
In the kitchen she started to make some tea and scrambled eggs, for herself she made coffee, she was always amazed on how the English just went about their day drinking a cup of tea in the morning, no, she needed some real Spanish coffee to have a good start of the day.
As she was setting the table Lucy walked in, "g'morning" a heavy accented english morning voice sounded.
Ona turned around, "bon día hermosa" she said with a smile, looking at Lucy who had put on her white sportsbra, "i made eggs and tea".
"Wow" Lucy sighed in contendness, "you're really getting the hang of this whole being nice thing".
Ona smiled, the comment didn't even bother her, so she just shrugged and continued setting the table.
Now Lucy was flabbergasted, she almost missed Ona's snarky comments, so she wanted to test her limmits, "what are your plans today?" she asked.
Ona looked up with a smile, "i have none, you?".
"Also none".
"Ever seen London from the Thames?".
"Yes" Lucy said with a smile, "but that was lovely and i'd do it again any day".
"I have a friend who rents out boats"
Lucy was amazed when they arrived at the dock, sure she had been on boats, but that was nothing compared to the beauty's in this harbor.
"Ona!" A man called out.
"Ha Gerold, how are you?" Ona asked the man she shook the hand off, "this is Lucy, she owns Bronze Fitness Forge" Ona stated as if her gym was a well known fenomenon.
The man also shook her hand, "nice to meet you Lucy, i'm Gerold, i'm in boats" he laughed, "but i'm sure you could've guessed that".
Lucy laughed, she didn't find the man very funny, but she wanted to be polite.
"Well", the man said, "I'm sending Thomas with you as helmsman for the boat, if i didn't have work i would've come myself" he said in an appoligetic voice.
Ona chuckled, "oh i couldn't ask that of you Gerold, and thank you so much for letting us borrow your own boat".
"Any day Ona!" Gerold said, "my wife and i still think of you often, we're so happy with our house, it's perfect".
"Aw" Ona smiled, "It was perfect for you two, I'm still glad that offer was accepted then".
"Me too", the man said, "well have a good day you two, Thomas is already on the boat".
"Thank you" Ona and Lucy said.
Lucy followed Ona to the boat, she was wearing a white blouse and white top, borrowed from Ona, with her own jeans, she thought the blouse looked nice but she didn´t come close to the way Ona looked. They were wearing matching fits, but colored oposite. The Catalan was wearing a white trouser with a light blue blouse. They also matched with sunglasses, Ona had leant Lucy a pair, letting her choose one she liked from the maybe 100 she had laying in a drawer of her closet.
It made Lucy wonder if she had an entire wardrobe like that in every house she owned.
It had been a lovely afternoon sailing on the Thames, the boy who was with them to steer was very nice and mostly stayed in the cockpit.
He had first asked a few times if Ona and Lucy wanted something to drink, but Ona had said nicely that they would get something themselves if they needed anything, she had also encouraged the boy to have a drink himself every now and then if he wanted to.
They had laid on the deck and watched London go by, it was a nice summer day but with the breeze on the water they were glad they had put on longsleeve tops.
Now it was almost dinnertime and the boy was berthing the boat back in it´s spot. Ona had tanked him for coming along ealier, and had slipped him a 100 euro note, eventhough Gerold had told her it was on him, she wanted to give the boy a little something.
A few hours earlier she had planned a dinner in a rooftop restaurant she loved with her phone, sending an email if they had a table left for tonight, which they luckily had.
Sunday night - Ona´s penthouse
´´Did you enjoy dinner?'' Ona asked Lucy while pouring her a glass of white wine.
Lucy nodded, ''a lot, the whole day actually, thanks for taking me along'' she said honestly.
Ona smiled, ''wouldn't have been fun without you'' she said as she finished pouring her own glass.
She walked towards Lucy, ''want to sit on the couch?''.
''mhm'' Lucy said as she took one of the glasses from Ona, ''thank you'' she said, looking into the shorter woman's eyes, ''for everything''.
Ona held her gaze, unconsciously moving closer ''it was my pleasure'' she said as she could now feel Lucy's breath against her face.
Lucy bowed her head to be on the same level as the shorter woman, she could feel Ona's shaky breath against her lips as she leant in.
They shared a kiss, the kiss was different to kisses they had shared earlier, it was a kiss without hunger, or well, a different type of hunger. It was full of feelings, wanting to be close to eachother, wanting to be connected.
As their glasses clinked against eachother they broke the kiss, disturbed by the sound.
Ona cleared her throath and smiled, ''right, uhm, couch''.
''Mhm'' Lucy said back with a dopey smile, ''can't let the wine get warm''.
Ona chuckled, ''that would be a shame''.
Lucy took place on a spot on the couch that was directly pointed at the big windows, she loved the view from Ona's beautiful apartment.
Ona sat on the other side of the cornered couch.
''Are you going to sit there?'' Lucy asked, ''don't you want the view?''.
The Spaniard chuckled, ''if you want me close just say so''.
Lucy shook her head with a smile but didn't deny anything.
Ona moved to sit on the same side as Lucy, eventhough the couch was long enough for them to leave two metres between them, she took place so close next to Lucy that their thighs touched.
The English woman said nothing and took another sip of her wine, Ona also took a sip, before letting her head rest on Lucy's shoulder.
Lucy sighed in contendness and shifted a bit to get her arm up so Ona would be a little more comfy, resting her arm around the woman.
They sat like that for a while, sipping wine and looking out of the windows, overlooking the city. The air was filled with a warm silence, they were both enjoying this moment together.
When Lucy's glass was empty she let it rest on her leg, holding the stem of the wine glass, spining it around with two fingers.
''Want a refil?'' Ona asked, looking up at Lucy.
Lucy smiled as she looked into Ona's eyes, she shook her head, ''no one is enough for me'' she said, ''I didn't want to disturb you by leaning forward''.
Ona smiled and took the glass from Lucy to put it on the coffee table, she put her own next to it, eventhough it had still a bottom left. She looked back at Lucy ''so kind of you'' she said, ''very thoughtfull''.
The English woman shrugged, ''you looked relaxed''.
''I am'' Ona smiled, but her smile faded as she realised how she had behaved towards the woman that had this calming effect on her, ''hey Lucy'' she said as she sat up, ''sorry again for being so mean-spirited the other days''.
She saw Lucy's gaze go from her eyes to her mouth and back to her eyes, ''it's okay Ona'' Lucy ensured, ''i think i know where you're comming from, and i've noticed you're actually very kind''.
''Where i'm coming from?'' Ona asked surprised.
''Yeah, i think your trust has been broken'' Lucy carefully said, as she kept her eye on Ona, ''maybe even more then once?''.
Ona took a deep breath and let her head fall back on Lucy's arm.
''You don't have to say anything'' Lucy said as she gently started stroking Ona's hair, ''it's okay''.
Tears welled up in Ona's eyes, how could Lucy be so nice to her, they had just known eachother for a couple of weeks.
''Hey'' Lucy kissed Ona's temple, ''you're okay, you can cry, i won't think any different of you'' she planted another kiss, ''don't hold it in because of me''.
With a breathy whimper the tears started flowing, ''because you already see me as pathetic'' she joked.
''Nooo'' Lucy soothed, ''not at all Ona, i think you're so strong, so beautiful'' she placed another kiss, ''just a little broken''.
''God'' Ona sniffed and wiped her eyes carefully not to smudge her mascara, ''this is emberassing''.
''Hey'' Lucy turned Ona's head gently to look her in the eyes, ''you're one of the strongest woman i have ever met''.
Ona laughed with a stuffed nose from her tears, ''who is crying in the arms of a stranger''.
Lucy tried not to take offence from that comment, it hurt a little to be refered to as a stranger, but she realised she didn't know how she would call them either, ''well, showing your emotions also takes courage'' she said as she pulled her hands up to Ona's face and wiped her cheeks with her tumbs.
Lucy looked back at her eyes and saw Ona looking at her lips. She smiled and leant in to kiss the woman.
''So why do you not have a partner?'' Ona asked as she pulled back.
Lucy chuckled, ''I can answer that in two ways, d'you want political correct or the other one''.
Ona crinkled her nose, ''the one thats true?'' she asked laughingly.
''Well..'' Lucy akwardly said, ''they both have truth in them''.
''Allright, get it over with''.
''Okay, first and most important reason, i haven't met the one'' Lucy said as she stared infront of her, ''second reason is i...'' she hasitated, ''..i enjoy flirting with woman''.
Ona couldn't suppress the smile that tugged on the corners of her mouth, ''akward Lucy likes flirting?''.
Lucy rolled her eyes, ''i know, you wouldn't expect it, but i'm usualy pretty smooth'' she grinned, ''they like the abs too''.
''Wow'' Ona said as it dawned on her, ''so that was your thing, you do impress them with your whole fitness thingy'', she started mimicking Lucy, ''i believe i can break personal records with you on multiple fronts'' she chuckled, ''and then you slip their hand under your shirt''.
She looked at Lucy, ''right?''.
Lucy shook her head, with a smile ''maybe''.
''But why?'' Ona asked, ''are you affraid you can't keep from flirting if you're in a relationship?''.
''I would never cheat'' Lucy said quickly, as she knew it was a sensitive subject for Ona, ''i just haven't found the woman that has it all''.
Ona nodded, ''cheaters suck''.
''Cheaters suck'' Lucy agreed, ''it's so stupid too, because you can just communicate''.
''Well'' Ona said bitterly, ''that seems to be very hard for some people''.
''What happened'' Lucy carefully asked as she rubbed Ona's thigh, ''if you want to talk about it''.
Ona looked at Lucy, the beautiful tanned face with the tiny nose ring, she smiled, ''i have been cheated on by both the woman i have ever had an relationship with, Evelyn, the last one, she knew of the first one, and still'' Ona stopped as she felt the lump in her throath, she swallowed and continued ''still she cheated, we had been together for a year and a half, and half of that she'd spent fucking other women besides me'' she spitted the last words out with disgust.
''Heyy'' Lucy soothingly said, ''c'mere'' she patted her lap before pulling Ona on it.
''I just feel like i am not worthy enough to not be cheated on'' Ona said with a broken voice, she sniffed, ''dios, sorry, i am normally not like this''.
Lucy cupped her cheeks and smiled, ''i think evelyn and that other bitch are crazy, and i think they realise that now too'' she gently wiped away a tear that fell down Ona's cheek, ''you're so beautiful, and i hate that you've been hurt like that because i can see there is such a beautiful soul inside you too''.
Ona blushed by the words the English woman spoke, ''Lu-''.
'-sshh, it's true, you've just been hurt, but i know you will find someone who is worthy of your love one day, who will never cheat on you, never intentionally hurt you''.
The Spaniard was at a loss for words, how could Lucy speak so kindly about her, and why did Ona feel this sensation in her stomach everytime she caught Lucy looking at her lips.
She leant in to kiss Lucy. Again it was a kiss different then the once they had shared before this day. So tender, so peacefull.
Lucy hands found their place on Ona's body, not in a needy exploring way, but in a gentle grounding way.
´´Come with me´´ Ona said in a breathy voice as she broke the kiss after a few minutes.
''we d-don't'' Lucy smiled at her assuringly, ''w-we don't have to do anything you know that?''.
Ona tilted her head.
''We don't have to sleep with eachother right now, i get it if you're not in the mood, we can just cuddle or something'' Lucy suggested.
''Oh'' Ona smiled, ''you are so sweet to me''.
Lucy shook her head, ''just being a decent human, the bare minimum''.
''But i was talking about something else'' Ona carfully said, ''come with me when i.. leave for Rome?''.
The smile from Lucy's face slowely disappeared, she chuckled akwardly ''what d'you mean?''.
''Come with me'' Ona said with a twinkle in her eyes, ''i really like your company''.
''i can't Ona'' Lucy said as she soothed her hands along Ona's sides, ''i have clients here and my gym''.
''What if you hire someone in your place?''.
Lucy shook her head, ''they booked me, some people want me explicitly''.
''I want you'', Ona pouted, ''can't i hire you to come with me as a personal trainer''.
''No'' Lucy chuckled, ''then i'll still leave those clients, remember''.
''Just hire some other high class trainer''.
''i cant just do that''.
Ona rolled her eyes, ''you're no fun''.
''You stay in London then''. Lucy challenged.
''No i can't'' ''i have business'' Ona sputtered, before she realised what Lucy did, ''right''.
''Mhm'' Lucy smiled, ''we both have things to do''.
Ona kissed Lucy again, this time it was a hungry kiss, ready to forget their conversation with some physical distractions.
Tuesday evening - Bronze Fitness Forge
It was time for Ona's training session again. Lucy had left Ona's appartment Monday morning, just early enough to avoid an akward encounter with Soph, but late enough they'd drawn out a couple of orgasms from eachoter.
Lucy and her worked perfectly together, as they'd admitted to eachother that weekend that they had the best sex they'd ever had together.
Now Ona stepped in to the building, eventhough she'd seen Lucy yesterday, she was still looking forward to seeing her again. They had texted a little bit here and there, saying goodmorning and goodnight and some things about their days.
She got dressed and stepped in to the gym, and maybe she was a bit early, but she hadn't expected to see the thing she was walking in on.
Lucy was standing at the massage table and giving a woman a massage, the woman was laying down and Lucy stood besides the table.
It shouldn't make her this mad, it wasn't her right to feel this sting in her stomach and it was unreasonable the way her sight got blurred slightly from the damp that formed in her eyes.
''Miss Batlle!'' Lucy cheered, ''we are almost done, could i kindly ask you to wait in the dressingroom?'' she said in a professional tone.
''Of course'' Ona said, suppressing a whimper in her voice, ''pardon me, i didn't-
Lucy smiled and nodded.
''It's okay'' a muffled sound from the person laying on the table sounded ''we're almost done''.
Ona turned around and took place on a bench in the dressing room, merda, why does this bother her as much as it did.
Her thoughts get interupted by a loud grunt ''agh, Luce, just like that''.
What the hell, Ona thought, she couldn't believe what was happening.
''Okay'' she heared Lucy say, ''i think that knod is gone now''.
''mhh'' the woman giggled, ''you're such a good masseuse Luce''.
''Thank you'' Lucy said casually, ''well, more next time''.
''Yeah'' she giggled again, ''god, i need someone like you in my house, who could just give me massages every day''.
''Well you got my number Jess'' Lucy said, ''just text to book a next appointment and i'll see if i have a spot''.
''Yeah i have put you under the name magic hands'' the woman said.
Ona grumbled as she hear Lucy laughing with her.
When she heared the other dressing room close she stood up and pretended to do something with her bag, as she didn't want to look like an eavesdropping.
''Hey Ona'' Lucy said as she walked in to the dressing room, ''sorry about that, she is the wife of a soccer player i coach, they did a couple session once and since then she comes alone sometimes'' she got closer to Ona as she whispered, ''i actually think she is so anoying'' she confessed, ''but i'm mates with her girlfriend, so i just do it anyways''.
Ona chuckled, she was confused as why the partner of that woman wanted Lucy's hands all over her girlfriend, but she guessed Lucy was a trustworthy enough person, that they didn't mind. "Why do you find her anoying?" Ona asked sincerely.
Lucy quietly replied, as if she was afraid the woman in the dressing room would hear them, eventhough Ona could hear her sing under the shower "I feel likes she flirts with me, she just acts way different when her girlfriend is around then when we're alone" Lucy said, "and she obnoxiously loud".
´´Oh´´ Ona said, not being able to come up with anything else.
Lucy cupped Ona´s chin with her hand and tilted it up towards her, ´´now what´s wrong´´ she asked in a teasing voice, chuckling.
´´Nothing´´ Ona huffed, acting like a todler.
Lucy leaned in enough to let their lips brush, ´´what´s wrong?'' she asked again, a bit more serious this time.
Ona turned her head, ''let's just go train'' she said. She hated herself for feeling so much for this woman, Lucy could flirt with whoever she wants, it's not like they're in a relationship.
''Okay'' Lucy said, ''i don't know whats wrong, but if you want to go train now we'll do that, i'll just say that i wouldn't have minded to kiss you before''.
With a laugh Ona turned back, ''wouldn't have minded?'' she chuckled, ''good to know you're feeling so neutral about it''.
''No wait'' Lucy said shaking her head, ''i meant, i was looking forward to kiss you again''.
Ona couldn't suppress her smile at those words, but then the smile faded again, ''me, or just someone?''.
''What's this about Ona?'' Lucy asked with a frown, ''i like you, i think you're cute, since we've first slept together i haven't done anything with anyone else, not that we had made rules for that, if anything you were very clear on the 'no relationship' policy you're handling''.
''Right'' Ona said with a broken voice, ''i just--'' she shook her head, she was not going to confess to Lucy that when she had said ''i know you will find someone who is worthy of your love'' that Ona had seen a future flash by where she was together with Lucy.
''Train then?'' Lucy asked when it stayed silent for a couple of minutes, she was dying to kiss the Spaniard infront of her, but she wasn't about to confess she hadn't been able to think about anything else since the freckled woman had entered her life.
Ona sniffed her nose, ''y-yeah'' she said, actively trying to hold back her tears.
There was a sad atmosphere during the sports session, they did what they had to do, but there was not much talking.
At one point it was enough for Lucy, she couldn't hold it in anymore, it had been on the tip of her tongue for an hour ''I like you'' she blurted out.
Ona almost dropped the barbell she was doing swings with, did she hear that right? She put the weight on the ground and turned around to face the woman.
Lucy was standing there as if she didn't know what had gotten in to her, ''sorry i-''.
''What did you say?'' Ona asked, she had heared it, she just needed to be a hunderd percent sure, or maybe she wanted to hear it again.
''uh'' Lucy bit her nails, ''n-nothing, i just'' she shook her head, ''accidentally said something''.
A tear rolled onto Ona's cheek, but she smiled, atleast she tried to smile, ''okay'' she cleared her throath, ''uhm, i am going to the toilet for a second'' she said before she hastily moved towards the dressing room.
Lucy stood in the same position Ona had left her in for a couple of minutes until she regained conscience. She shook her head, what the fuck had she done, Ona would never go with a pleb like her, and frankly, the woman deserved better then here, god, she had litteraly admitted to liking flirting with woman so much as a reason to not date, to a woman who had been cheated on. ''Fucking knobhead'' she said out loud, shaking her head.
Lucy quickly walked to the dressing room, she wanted to apologise. She went in and to her surprise Ona wasn't in the toilet, but stood in the middle of the dressing room, changing ''leaving?'' was the only thing she could mutter.
Ona looked at her, only now Lucy recognised the swollen eyes, red from crying ''y-yeah i need to go home'' Ona said.
Ona let out a sobby laugh, ''can you only say verbs in a questioning matter anymore?''.
''I am not good enough'' Lucy stated out of nowhere, ''technically it might be possible to hand over my role here, but we can't be in a relationship, you deserve better''.
Ona stayed quiet as she kept on getting dressed.
''I get it if you only see me as someone to share the bed with'' she said turning back to Lucy with her bag, ''just don't lie to me about it''.
She walked towards the door, ''i understand i'm not enough to just only have me'' with that she walked out the door, two steps away from it she couldn't keep her tears in anymore.
When she stopped to book a taxi on her phone she felt a hand on her shoulder, ''ona'' a small voice called out, ''let me tell you the truth then''.
Ona shook her head as she turned around, she looked at the ground, ''i don't think i can handle it, please don't say it out loud''.
Lucy bent down and grabbed Ona's face, only now did she see Lucy's tears, ''i have to say the truth, i like you Ona, i like you a lot, you amaze me, you're so pretty and you're the smartest one i've ever met, and you're funny, even when you're mean i like you still so very very much'', she chuckled ''i-'' then Lucy got a lump in her throat, the first part of her confession was easy, but the second part was... ''you're just'' she looked at Ona, ''you, i mean, like that perfect sunday, i would never been able to give you that'' she looked down, ''okay maybe once, but then i'll have to live on water and dry bread for like a month'' she chuckled sadly, ''i'm not at the same level as you, i mean, i rent the space my gym is in from people like you'' she sighed and shook her head ''i bet your closet is worth more then my house''.
Finally Lucy looked up to Ona again, and was met with..... a smiling woman. ''Huh?'' Lucy said confused, then she shook her head, ''don't laugh at me please''.
''No no nooo'' Ona grabbed Lucy's face, ''i am not Lucy, i am not''.
''Lucy, you're such an amazing woman'' Ona said with disbelieve, ''i can't grasp the fact you feel like we are not on the same level'' she shook her head, ''i mean i can't grasp the fact you see me above you'' she grabbed Lucy's face thighter, ''you renovated a freaking house'' she chuckled, ''do you know why i eat scrambled eggs and take out, i can't even cook'' Ona called out to the ceiling, ''and yet here you are saying things like this'' she looked back at Lucy, ''i had an advantage, but if we take all the money out of the picture, we would be left with one skillless woman and one very skillfull one''.
Lucy frowned, ''i hope you just forgot all your skills in the field of architecture and real estate'' she chuckled, ''otherwise this is a big clever roast from you''.
Ona chuckled, ''Okay that came out a bit stupid, but you have to take in account that i am not a native English speaker, i was talking about life skills''.
''Hmm'' Lucy said, ''Well your profession is also a life skill, you make a living off of it''.
Ona smiled, ''you're so cute, i can't wait for us to be officially together''.
Lucy kissed Ona tenderly.
''So we're really doing this huh?'' Lucy chuckled as she was still face to face with the Catalan.
Ona gave Lucy another kiss, ''first to the beautiful Rome, and then to the city of love'''.
Lucy smiled, ''Paris''.
''Mhm'' Ona smiled at her ''I bet you would love waking up with a view of la tour Eiffel''.
''I would, but like i've said before, no view could beat the sight of you''.
''romàntica'' Ona laughed as she rolled her eyes, ''and in Rome i live in a mansion just outside of the city, i fell in love with the olive trees so i needed a big garden full of them'''.
Lucy shook her head in disbelieve, ''we need to work on statements like this, and i'll pay for my own plane ticket by the way''.
Ona laughed, ''okay, don't hate me for saying another out-of-touch thing-
-so you do know what that is!'' Lucy laughed.
Ona playfully slapped Lucy's chest, ''but we fly with one of my dads planes''.
Lucy took Ona's hands ''wow'' she said as she leaned in to kiss Ona, ''I don't think i'll get ever used to the things you say'' she kissed Ona softly ''but I think i'll only be able to join you when you're already in Paris, but Rome was on the agenda again later right, so i'll see your house there later?''.
Ona tilted her head, ''Yes after Spain i need to go there again, but why can't you come with me earlier?''.
''I have to set everything up here'' Lucy gave her another kiss, ''leave it behind properly so I have my full attention for you when we meet up again''.
Ona smiled, ''will you stay my personal trainer too?'' she asked.
Lucy shrugged, ''ofcourse i'll train with you, you just can't pay me for it anymore, and i am going to work where ever we go because i cant just live off of you''.
''We'll set up a gym for you in each city i have a house'' Ona said as if she was stating a fact.
''Ona!'' Lucy said, ''this is exactly what i meant'' she shook her head laughing, ''I need to build things up myself''.
''I'll just give you the buildings'' Ona said.
Lucy slapped her forehead, and shook her head, ''no Ona, i want to create it myself, everything'' she took Ona's hand again, ''but i'll ask you to search for a place i can afford with me when i have saved up enough to rent''. Suddenly and idea struk her, ''maybe i can rent out my house here or something and then use that towards my new project''.
Ona shook her head, ''renting is not smart, it's losing money, it's wiser to buy''.
''It's not about what's smarter, it's about what's possible'' Lucy said as she brought one of Ona's hands to her mouth, ''we'll see how everything goes'' she said as she placed a kiss to it.
Ona smiled, ''i feel so happy already''.
''Want me to changed and come home with me?'' Lucy asked.
''I think i need to kiss you some more first'' Ona said as she cupped Lucy's face.
Tuesday night- Lucy's house
Ona moaned while pulling Lucy's hair, ''I think you hypnotize me with good sex''.
A chuckle sounded between Ona's legs, Lucy climbed up to hover above Ona ''I think you hypnotize me with the way you taste'' she said before indulging in a sloppy kiss rich of tongue.
Again Ona moaned, this time it was more whiny, her hips shifted, searching for contact with any part of Lucy's body.
Lucy chuckled, ''is it all i'm good for? giving you orgasms?''.
''Hmm'' Ona let her head fall back on the bed, ''no i love talking to you too, but there's a time and-
The words hitched in her throath as Lucy slid two fingers along her core, ''and what?'' Lucy teasingly asked as she kissed Ona's exposed neck, ''tell me, i love talking to you too''.
''y-you're'' Ona tried to gain back her composure, something that was encredibly hard with those talented fingers teasing her entrance, ''a tease Luce'' she groaned,
''Why am I a tease?'' Lucy asked as she grazed her teeth along the skin of Ona's throath, making her arch of the mattress, ''what did you say, come on i'm dying to know''.
''There's a time and a place!'' Ona called out as she felt Lucy barely dip one of her fingers inside her, ''now is not the time for talking''.
''What is it time for?'' Lucy asked, sucking at Ona's skin, ''for this?'' she asked as she pushed her two fingers inside the Catalans pulsing opening.
Ona moaned as she once again arched off the bed, ''fuck yes'' she cried out.
Lucy grinned, ''i think i need something to shut me up then, so i can focus'' she said as she curled her fingers inside Ona.
Ona's eyes rolled back as she tried to focus on Lucy's words, she pulled Lucy closer by her neck and kissed her.
Lucy groaned as Ona mesmerized her with the captivating kiss they shared and the way she felt around her fingers.
Wednesday afternoon - Ona's penthouse
Ona had come home this morning very very satisfied, but most of all very very happy.
She had sat down with Soph and told her everything, well not everything, she didn't need to know anything about her intimate life, but the fact Lucy and her were going to start dating had been shared.
Sophia was really happy for Ona and they had a happy and productive workday behind them, where Soph had made a comment here and there about how Ona was glowing or how love was a good look on her.
She couldn't even find it in herself to care or make a snarky comment back, she secretly liked it.
This brought her to the here and now, where she was sitting behind the computer in her office, she had agreed with Soph to let her handle dinner.
Ona still had some things to arrange.
First she found out who the building owned that Lucy's gym was in, coincidentally she knew the guy, it was an acquaintance of her father.
She gave him a quick phone call.
''Hey tío'' Ona started, ''you're speaking with Ona, Ona Batlle'' she clarified.
''Ona!'' the man sounded happy, ''what do i owe the pleasure too?''.
''I was calling about one of your buildings'' Ona told him wich one she was talking about, ''does it bring in a lot of money for you?''.
''Meh'' the guy said, ''i mean the renters always pay me on time, so it's a perfect building to own, but it's not anything special''. ''Why? do you have clients interested?''.
''I got someone who wants to take it over with the renters, a silent conveyance''.
''Who is it, and you know we always have to atleast give out an email with a new owner'' the guy said, ''what are they offering?''.
''What would you do it away for?''.
''22 milion'' the guy said, ''but if they gave you a bigger budget, i'll accept that too'' he laughed, it was one of those typical rich golfer guys laughs.
Ona laughed in politeness, she knew 22 milion was a fair price from the guy, ''they were thinking 20-21 million, but i bet they'd give you 22, i'll just tell them i negotiated from 25 to 22''.
''Deal Ona, you're a funny girl, makes me miss your dad, how is he?''.
They talked about him for a while before Ona could finally end the call, within two weeks she would be the proud owner of the building Lucy rented from, now she only needed to keep her fingers crossed that Lucy wouldn't read the email about it, she just wanted to buy the building as a safety net for her, if the gym clients really did leave if Lucy wouldn't work there anymore, she didn't have to worry about rent.
Then it was time for her next plan, she made a couple of calls to people in the world of fitness.
When Sophia called her for dinner an hour later, she was done.
In a couple of days Bronze Fitness Forge would have a dozen candidates stopping by for a job interview, she had deliberately planned it on Saturday, figuring Lucy would not like it if her normal program was disrupted.
Friday morning - Bronze Fitness Forge
''I hope you are free tomorrow'' Ona said as Lucy walked in to the dressing room.
''Hey to you too'' Lucy chuckled, ''sorry i couldn't wait for a kiss'' she offered as explanation for why she was in the dressing room.
''Yeah yeah'' Ona chuckled, ''sure you didn't just wanted to take a peek?'' she teased.
''Ah busted'' Lucy said smiling as she held Ona by the waist and pulled the shorter woman against her, ''what did you plan for tomorrow then?''.
''Now i want a kiss first'' Ona pulled a sad face, ''can't just talk about it and not do it''.
Lucy grinned and leaned in, ''you're cute when u put on a pouty face'' she said before kissing her.
''So what did you plan?'' Lucy said as they broke their kiss, clearing her throat, almost having forgotten where they were.
Ona blinked, having to regain her thoughts after she'd been broken from the trance of Lucy's smell and taste, ''uhm'' ''oh right, a surprise, i need you from 11 until 17''.
''Is it fun?'' Lucy asked suspiously, as she couldn't read anything off of Ona's face.
Ona chuckled, ''for me probably, for you..'' she looked at Lucy earnestly, ''i hope so, i hope you like my gesture''.
Lucy narrowed her eyes, ''what did you doooo?'' she asked suspiously, ''nothing with money i hope'' she added, ''I don't want you to buy anything for me''.
''No'' Ona laughed, ''if you like one, you can pay for it yourself'' she said cryptically.
''You're crazy'' Lucy shook her head, ''you aren't going to give me any hints, are you?''.
''Nope'' Ona said with a satisfied smirk, ''you'll see''.
''Are you bringing me along shopping?'' Lucy tried, ''making me buy suits you'll accept me wearing when i'm walking by your side''.
''No'' Ona shook her head, ''i accept everything you'll wear if it means you're next to me''.
Lucy lifted an eyebrow.
''Okay, some things i like better then other things, we can upgrade your wardrobe another time'' she said rolling her eyes.
''But not tomorrow?''.
''No tomorrow we have something else planned'' Ona said as she took her clothes off, ''now quit asking stuff because i won't answer''.
But Lucy had long forgotten the track she was on, she was watching Ona getting ready putting her gym clothes on.
When Ona wanted to turn around to put her sports bra on Lucy reached out, ''you don't have to turn around for me you know..'' she cheekily said.
Ona looked at her with an open mouth, ''okay miss pervy'' she said, pushing Lucy lightly.
Lucy chuckled, ''oh yeah, as if you didn't stare at me when i was putting my shirt on that first evening class''.
Ona rolled her eyes, ''just because you looked so dumb being stuck in it'' she said, not being able to keep from smiling.
''Okay fair enough'' Lucy said, crossing her arms and accepting her defeat.
Ona took her normal bra off to replace it with her sporting one, ''and you looked at my ass too'' she said, catching Lucy's eyes roaming her chest.
Lucy blushed, ''i was not'' she sputtered, still looking down.
Ona held her hands infront of her boobs, finally making Lucy look up at her, Lucy blushed as she felt like a caught teenager.
Ona chuckled, ''see, i saw that face too that day'' she laughed again, ''i just hadn't learned what it meant yet''.
Lucy grinned as she took Ona's hands, ''it meant'' she said leaning in, ''that you look so fucking amazing that i can't tear my eyes off of you'' she said hungrily, leaning in to kiss Ona.
Friday evening - Ona's penthouse
Lucy cooked dinner as Sophia and Ona sat behind the counter, all tree they had a glass of whine and it was very lovely how Sophia and Lucy were getting along.
Lucy had texted Ona with the idea of her cooking dinner for her tonight and when Sophia heared about the plans she insisted on staying, so she could properly meet Lucy, as she had only spoken to the woman once, and Ona wasn't dating her back then.
So Ona reluctantly agreed, as she'd rather just spend her time alone with Lucy, but she turned around a bit more when Lucy had been enthusiastic about it.
After they had eaten dinner and had a few more glasses of wine, Sophia announced her cab was going to be there soon, as she didn't want to arrive at her parents' too late.
´´Allright lovebirds´´ Sophia said as she came back with her suitcase, she´d fetched from her room.
Lucy stepped away from Ona, she had been hugging her from behind, standing at the kitchen as Ona was wiping the counter.
Ona looked up with a smile, ´´ah yes, have fun with your parents Soph´´.
´´I will´´ Sophia smiled, ´´they love that i´ve been able to come home the weekends, so thank you for that Ona and have a good weekend you two´´
´´Ofcourse´´ Ona smiled, ´´thank you Sophia, you know you´re the best assistant i know right´´.
´´I really like this in love version of you´´ Sophia chuckled, ´´i could get used to this´´.
´´Hey!´´ Ona said, ´´i was nice to you before this too´´ she pouted.
Sophia shrugged, ´´yes but now you´re even nicer´´.
Ona heard Lucy chuckling besides her, ´´hey! you two are not ganging up against me, are you?''.
''Well'' Sophia laughed, ''i have to go, good to meet you properly Lucy, nice to get to know you''.
''It was a pleasure Sophia, nice to meet you too'' she gently put her hand on Ona's back, ''i'm sure we'll be seeing eachother a lot more from now on''.
''without a doubt!'' Sophia laughed as she walked into the hallway ''bye byee''.
''Bye Soph'' Ona chuckled.
''Bye Sophia!'' Lucy called out before she heard the door shut.
''Sooo'' Lucy said as she took place behind Ona again, she burried her face in Ona's neck and closed her arms around Ona's tummy, ''in love huh?'' she smiled as she took in Ona's scent, ''sounds good''.
''Hmm'' Ona hummed as she lightly got rocked to and fro by the woman wrapped around her, ''what if i am?'' she said with her eyes closed, enjoying Lucy's presence.
Lucy smiled against Ona neck and pressed a kiss against her skin, ''maybe i am too'' she hummed against the smaller woman.
Ona chuckled, as she tried to turn around.
''No'' Lucy said as she thightened her hold, ''no you are mine now, can't escape anymore'' she chuckled.
Ona turned her head to try and face Lucy as good as she could, ''i don't want to escape, i wanted to turn around'' she laughed, ''millor et faig un petó'' (so i can kiss you better).
''I am going to learn your language'' Lucy said as she loosened her grip on Ona, ''because i have now idea what you were just saying'' she laughed.
Ona turned around, ''i said i wanted to kiss you'' she said as she leaned in.
he he he (stay put for part 3 to find out if Lucy likes what Ona has planned this saturday 😈)
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rinhaler · 9 months
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CHAPTER SUMMARY : Bags are packed, parents are disappointed, and Chigiri has arrived to ride up to the Itoshi family cabin together !
ex-fiancé!rin x f!reader
WARNINGS : 18+, alcohol mention.
WORDS : 4k
notes : me vs wanting to fuck almost everyone in the cabin 😩
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“Ready to go?” Chigiri asks, coming inside to assess the situation. He looks at your enormous suitcase and several travel bags before looking back at you with a quirked brow. You look away from him quickly, pretending something on your phone has caught your attention. “You know we’re only going for a week, right?”
“I want to be prepared!”
“It’s crazy,” he laughs, “because I know that somehow you’re gonna come home with more things than you left with.”
“Not true! Your birthday presents are in here!” you smile, shaking the large gift bag in your hand. He tries to take it from you to peak at what’s inside, but you move it out of his reach.
He pouts.
You pout harder.
“Fine, I’ll carry the heavy suitcase. Even though it’s my birthday week.”
“Thank you Chigs~!”
“Don’t call me that~!” he repeats in your sing-song voice.
You laugh, picking up another bag and carrying it to the car. You load them into the back before rushing into your house again and getting the last few bags. He takes them for you, allowing you to lock the door. If you’d had more warning, you definitely would have gotten a house sitter. But you’re trying not to worry about that, you just want to get on the road and leave all of your worries behind.
Worries, including your family. The family who are less than impressed that you’re abandoning them to spend a boozy week with friends instead of them. You don’t care, though. You delivered their gifts and wished them well.
It’s stupid, really, that they’re so frustrated that you won’t be spending time with them. You can’t stomach spending time with your dad and his new girlfriend. He knows you can’t control your face and you say the first thing that comes to your mind.
You inherited that from him.
Your mother however, was devastated when you told her. You figured she’d be okay since she has a larger family to spend the holidays with. But you’re her only child, you suppose you are being a little selfish.
It’s something you have to do though, you feel. You’re not over Rin and you don’t want to spend Christmas with family grieving what should have been you and him spending the day together. This way, you get to actually have fun. It’s not forced or superficial to keep up appearances for your relatives.
No one is going to expect anything of you at the cabin.
“I’m proud of you,” Chigiri smiles, looking at you briefly before focusing back on the road. You scoff, turning the radio up in the car, Mariah Carey blasting through the speakers. You both groan before he hands you the aux cord. “Not in a cringe way. I just mean, I know you’re a people pleaser. So I’m impressed that you put yourself over your parents.”
“Ugh, they were both so disappointed in me. I spent thousands on presents for them both. I even got some toys for my stepdad’s ratty step-kids. What more can I do?”
“God they are ratty.”
“They’re giving Damien from The Omen.” you tell him, both of you laughing loudly as one of your playlists plays softly through the speaker. You turn it up a little, both of you whooping as you hear Boss Bitch by Doja Cat play. “I know I was shitting myself when Sae texted, but I’m so glad we’re doing this.”
“Me too, I was dreading spending my birthday with your miserable ass.” he chuckles and you slap his arm lightly. “Wait! I know you’re still down about Rin, so, this will be a fun distraction. Plus I bet you end up hooking up with one of Sae’s friends, you haven’t had your rebound yet.”
“I am not doing another footballer, I can’t.” you shake your head.
You both laugh lightly and carry on chatting about the events to come. It’s like a weeklong party, essentially. And ever since you’ve known Chigiri, you’ve both loved a party. But it’s never actually the party itself.
The days before a party are always the best. Whether you’re hosting or attending, it’s always exciting. A theme is always ideal but not essential. Either way, you’ll spend weeks talking about it. Who’s going? What will you wear? What are you gonna drink?
You go on numerous shopping trips and buy endless amounts of clothes until you find the perfect outfit. Only to wear it that night and never again. But it’s worth it, every time. Hearing people compliment how gorgeous you look never gets old.
No one’s words meant more to you than Rin’s, though. The way he’d rest his hand in the small of your back while showing you off made you feel like a princess. He’d whisper sweet nothings about how you’re the most beautiful girl he’s ever seen and the things he wanted to do to you when you got home. It made your legs weak and your face flush with heat. And yet, he was always so calm. So cool. He liked to rile you up and pay you no mind as you look up at him expectantly. Acting as if he hadn’t said something so salacious and lewd while chatting with guests.
It drove you wild.
But, truthfully, where your best friend is concerned, your favourite part of a party is the morning after. If he spent the night at your place, especially. You’d wait for him to message you to let you know he’s awake and leave Rin’s side while he was snoring softly. Hyoma can’t handle his drink, and you’re no better. You’d crawl into bed with him and burrow under the duvet after handing him some water and painkillers.
Hungover or not, though, you loved gossiping with him. You’d trade stories about what happened throughout the night and things you heard. It made your day; it made the hangover worth it.
And now, you’re driving towards a week’s worth of that.
You groan as the song changes from Doja Cat to Lust for Life by Lana Del Rey.
“Nope!” he objects, “What kind of psychopath has Doja and Lana on the same playlist?” Chigiri asks, skipping the song. You throw your head back against the headrest, sighing as you think about Rin, again.
The album featuring the eponymous song is one of the first gifts Rin gave you. In vinyl form, of course, along with a pink record player. You had a record player already, but you told him a few times that you’d always wanted a pink one. It was a birthday gift, you remember crying so much as you unwrapped it.
“And I thought we could listen to this together.” you reminisce on him telling you as he handed the album to you. You told him you’d never listened to it before when you were going through her discography. It was a throwaway comment you didn’t think he’d even remember.
You cried listening to the self-titled song, wrapped up in his arms as he held you close. Truthfully, you’ve never felt so loved. And unfortunately, you don’t think you will again. You told him, repeatedly, how in love with him you were.
He couldn’t keep his hands off you after that.
“I need to make a new playlist.” you sigh, Chigiri nods, agreeing. “You’re right, Doja and Lana on the same playlist is psycho behaviour.”
“And you’re only just realising this?” he laughs again.
“I bet he’s got a new girlfriend now. Girls always threw themselves at him, even when we were together.” you tell him. “Oh my God, I miss him. I miss him so much I feel sick. I can’t do this.”
“Shut up.” he tells you, sternly, “I haven’t seen anything on his socials about a girlfriend, but that’s none of your business anymore anyway.”
“You’re still on his socials?”
“… anyway…”
“You know how private he is, Hyoma. If he’s seeing someone he wouldn’t post about her.”
“He posted you.” he reminds you, and you shrug defeatedly. “Besides, you broke up with him. You ended things and you’re still heartbroken. Imagine how depressed he probably is. He’s a workaholic, too. He’s probably distracting himself with work, not girls.”
Hyoma always knows what to say. Deep down, you knew that. But you never would have thought about it until he said. It was a miracle that he even asked you out, after all. His friends never failed to tell you how surprised they were. He’s too focused on football to bother with girls.
But you… you were different.
“You’re self-sabotaging, idiot.” Chigiri tells you. “We’ll get there, we’ll have fun, and you won’t think about Rin at all. I’m banning Rin talk for the rest of the week.”
“Fine fine fine.” you relent, shaking your body in an attempt to dispel any further thoughts of your ex. Though, to be honest, Sae might make it hard to not think about or discuss him. He’s his brother, after all. You can’t expect him to not talk about his little brother. And you certainly can’t ask him not to. “You’re gonna love the cabin. It’s huge. And there’s a lake we can ice skate on.”
“Perfect, can’t wait.”
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There are several cars parked outside as you pull up. Chigiri parks, but is frozen in place as he looks at the cabin. It’s clear that the place is not what he expected. You end up leaving him alone to process his thoughts as he drinks it in. It’s the closest he’ll get to feeling like a celebrity, he suspects.
He follows you out, rushing to help you lift your suitcase as you struggle under the weight of it. You smile, gratefully, as he drags it towards the cabin. You decide to pick up his much smaller suitcase as well as all of your other bags. It isn’t hard to keep up with him as he struggles to pull your luggage through the snow.
“This isn’t a cabin. I was expecting a log shack with a few amenities. This is a mansion.” Chigiri tells you as you walk by his side. You giggle, agreeing, you felt exactly the same way the first time you came here with Rin.
You walk up the stairs ahead of him and knock on the door, starting to shiver as the biting winter air begins to attack you.
Chigiri manages to get your suitcase to the top of the stairs before anyone even knows you’ve knocked. He’s cold, tired, and impatient, and decides to ring the doorbell. You can both hear music playing inside.
It gets louder once the door swings open, and you see a familiar face.
“Oh hey, are you the little sister?” Oliver asks, forgetting that you’ve met before. You assume that’s how Sae has been referring to you as when talking to his friends, so, you nod. He smiles at Chigiri and takes your heavy suitcase from him, lifting it with ease as he welcomes you in. “They’re all in the lounge, grab yourselves a drink from the kitchen.” he tells you, winking as he sets down your case with all of the others at the bottom of the stairs.
There’s a lot of luggage, though the amount seems to double when you and Chigiri put the rest of yours down. You aren’t sure how many people must be here, but the nerves are setting in.
“She’s cute!” you hear Oliver tell the group as he goes into the lounge, it’s quiet, but you hear it clearly.
“You’ve met her before, idiot.” you hear Sae tell him, his voice getting closer to you as he comes to greet you. “Hey you.” he smiles, hugging you and placing a soft kiss on your cheek. You hug him back, feeling surprisingly calmer as you allow yourself to melt into his embrace.
You aren’t sure why, but you were worried he’d be weird with you when he saw you in person. This is only the second time you’ve seen him since you and Rin split, after all. The first was a coffee date to explain your side of things face to face. You’re happy you decided to keep in contact with Sae, he’s been so sweet and supportive through it all.
So, really, you aren’t sure why you expected him to be off with you.
Especially since he invited you here.
“Nice to meet you, man.” Sae smiles at Chigiri, holding his hand out to shake, which he does. “Your birthday is on the 23rd, yeah? We’ll plan something fun.”
“Being here is fun enough, don’t worry.” Hyoma responds, looking around. “This isn’t a cabin, by the way.” he laughs.
Sae laughs too, walking back towards the lounge. “Come meet everyone.” he insists. You and Chigiri look at each other, but follow.
You’re the only girl here, by the looks of things. You aren’t sure if that’ll change or not though. Maybe they all have partners who are arriving together later. You’re a little surprised by the headcount, you were expecting more. Including Sae, there’s only four of them sitting around the fire, drinking together.
“Apparently we’ve met before?” Oliver’s brows knot in contemplation, and you nod. “Sorry, sweetheart. Normally I don’t forget a pretty face.”
“Yeah ya do, bullshitter.” Tabito snickers, looking up at you from his seat on the floor. You’ve never met Karasu, but you’ve heard a lot about him. Mostly from Rin about when they used to play together. And you may or may not have stalked his socials before, so you’re familiar with his face. “Nice to meet’cha, heard a lot about you.”
“Likewise.” you smile.
“Do you smoke?” you hear another voice speak as you get further into the room. Your eyes lie on Eita Otoya as he pulls a blunt from behind his ear, and you shake your head. You’re surprised to see them letting loose like this, though you suppose they mustn’t get the chance to often.
Rin found it hard to relax and unwind. He’s always been so career focused, never wanting to do anything to harm his reputation. And you understand that, you do. You’re the same, really. You have an image to maintain, people seem to think being a model is just turning up and looking pretty. But you take it seriously, like Rin.
Though he doesn’t seem to know how to turn it off.
“No Ryusei?” you ask, a little surprised he couldn’t make it.
“Not yet, he should be here soon.” Sae assures you. You laugh, knowing you’re in for a really fun week once Shidou gets here. Sae turns back to look at you, taking you back to the entrance. “I’ll show you to your rooms. Did you want to share? There’s enough for everyone to have their own.”
“She snores, I’ll take my own.” Hyoma tells Sae, earning a smirk from him. You try to argue, but your best friend seems to be too convincing. The rest of the guys join you, offering to help with your bags and carry them up to your room.
And, really, who are you to say no?
Chigiri rolls his eyes, carrying his own case and entering the room Sae had planned for him. You realise Sae is sleeping in the master bedroom downstairs when you see all of the other rooms have been claimed by sneakers and jackets from the other guests, all of them are just too lazy to bring their luggage up.
Though none of them had a problem helping with yours.
Your heart sinks when you realise Sae saved your usual room for you to take. The room you always shared with your ex whenever he brought you here. The guys don’t give you much time to feel sorrowful, though. Not when they’re laughing and joking beside you. Sae notices your forlorn expression, pulling you aside slightly.
“I thought you’d feel comfortable in here, but we can switch if you want.” he tells you, but you shake your head. “Ryusei will be in the opposite room so I’m sure you won’t be thinking about anything other than how annoying he is.” he smiles.
“Thank you, Sae.” you smile, albeit a little weakly. It’s bittersweet, that’s all. “At least I have the best view.” you tell him, opening the doors to the large balcony that looks over the lake. You think about how the nearby town’s lights twinkle at night.
“Right.” he puts a sympathetic hand on your shoulder. “Everyone out, let’s leave her to unpack.” Sae announces, ushering the other three men out of the room.
You smile, waving at them all as they leave. Once they’re out, Sae closes the door behind himself and leaves you alone with your thoughts. As much as you want to sit and dwell on things, you decide to occupy your mind and unpack instead.
You’re startled, a little, when Chigiri comes in to see you. Though you’re relieved when he starts to help.
“You did not need to bring all of this.” he grabs a gold glittery mini stress and holds it up. “I— I’ve never seen this in my life. Oh my God, did you buy new clothes for this? You are trying to get a rebound.”
“No I’m—”
“Yeah, you are.” he stops you immediately. “I’ve been stalking all of their socials in my room, they’re all single. And they all had their tongues hanging out for you when you came in.”
“You work too fast.” you laugh. He shrugs, grabbing a few items of clothing and hanging them up in the wardrobe for you.
You’re thankful for his help, it goes a lot quicker than it would have otherwise. Plus you get to gossip about the week ahead. You try and dodge his questions, but your facial expressions always give you away. You have quite a good poker face, but it doesn’t matter when it comes to Chigiri. He has a way of making you shy and giggly when you’re trying to keep a secret.
“Which one?” he asks, and you tut. “I feel like they’re all your type.” he tells you, handing you your toothbrush to take to the ensuite.
“They are.” you laugh from the other room. You return, zipping up your case and pushing it away. “I’ve always had the hots for Ryusei low key though, but I think Rin would be livid.”
“Rin isn’t here and he’s not our problem.” Chigiri smiles. You both sit on top of your bed and flop backwards with a sigh. He turns his head to the side to look at you while you’re too busy disassociating, staring at the ceiling. “Don’t just do it because you feel like you have to, by the way.”
“What do you mean?” you ask. “Oh, rebound.”
He nods, “We’re here to have fun. So, if you’re going to fuck one of them, do it because it’s fun.”
“I won’t.” you agree. “I’m worried about feeling guilty too… they’re Rin’s friends, after all. I don’t want to upset him.”
As Chigiri is about to respond, he’s stopped by the sound of the doorbell ringing. You smile, widely, when you realise Ryusei is here. Hyoma knows all about Ryusei. His feral replacement whenever Rin used to take you around the world for his away games.
Hyoma isn’t jealous, of course. Especially when he knew you had a little crush on Ryusei. You and Hyoma have only ever been friends, and you’ll never be closer to anyone than you are with each other.
“Should we wait a few minutes so I don’t look desperate?” you ask, sitting upright and resting your bodyweight on one hand as you look down at him.
“Yeah.” he nods.
You nod too. You start lying back down, slowly, looking around at the room as you do. “I can’t.” you tell him, jumping off the bed and heading towards the door. He sighs, but hurries after you.
All of the guests are gathered in the entryway as they greet Ryusei. They exchange hugs and handshakes as they all chat and catch up. You descend the stairs slowly, but not fully, standing at the halfway point with Chigiri as you watch the scene unfold.
His bright smile turns to a look of wonder when he notices you. Eyes softening as he realises you’re here, you’re really here.
“No way…” he smirks, “Hey, kid, how are ya?”
“I’m good,” you nod, an embarrassingly wide smile on your face. “And you? How are you, Ryu?”
“Better for seeing you,” he laughs. “Didn’t know you were comin’.”
“Shut the door, man, it’s freezing.” Sae tells him, approaching to do it for him. But Ryusei stops him, keeping him at arm’s length so he can’t.
“I actually picked someone up on the way.” Ryusei announces, side stepping a little as he waits for the mystery guest to hurry. Chigiri’s eyes widen in horror, the realisation hitting him before anyone else as he looks at you. You’re too busy feeling deflated that Ryusei has brought a girl along with him.
“Oh no.” Chigiri speaks, and you look at him. “We should go back upstairs.”
“What? Why?” you ask him, confused. Though your attention is forced back downstairs when you see another figure enter the cabin out of your peripheral view.
Your heart sinks.
“Rin?” Sae asks as he watches his younger, yet for some reason taller, brother set down his suitcase.
Your heart keeps plummeting deeper through your body as you watch him, too. God, he looks even better than he did the day you ended things. He’s always been striking, beautiful. Just so God damn handsome. But he looks older, more mature.
You feel your breathing get heavier and more intense the longer you watch him. The way he dusts the snow from his expensive looking coat. And that familiar ruffle of his hair as he fixes it into place.
“You said you weren’t coming.” Sae tells him.
“I changed my mind,” Rin responds, gesturing to Ryusei. “He begged, really.”
Sae holds his eyes shut, sighing. Rin isn’t sure what the issue is. He was invited, after all, he just declined. He expected his brother to be happy to see him, he thought it would be a fun surprise. Though maybe he only invited him out of obligation.
Shidou hadn’t made it seem that way, though.
“Look who’s here.” Ryusei smiles, pointing up at you.
Rin’s weak smile drops to a stoic straight line as he follows his friends directional finger and his sights land on you. You’re frozen. You can’t smile. You can’t say hello. You can’t even wave. You’re just staring at each other, both absolutely paralysed with no idea how to act.
“H— Hi…” you struggle to speak. Hyoma is thankful you’re too distracted looking at Rin to see the way he’s cringing horrendously behind your back, but not showing his face to the lower floor.
“Hey.” Rin responds, even smiling a little when he hears your voice. It’s been so long, after all. “I didn’t know you were coming.” he explains.
“Same…” you tell him, hoping he believes you. “I wouldn’t have come if I knew you were coming. Wait—” you interrupt yourself when you realise how horrible that sounded.
“Stop talking.” Hyoma whispers, and you clear your throat.
Everyone else seems to see the funny side, all except Rin. He appears a little downtrodden, though he disguises it well. You know him, though. You’re sure he knows you didn’t mean it how it sounded, but you can’t help feeling a little guilty.
“You made it very clear you weren’t coming, Rin.” Sae tells him. “If you said you were coming I—”
“It’s fine. I didn’t know you were still talking, though.” Rin says, the annoyance in his voice very evident. You can’t tell if he’s purposefully trying to hurt you or if it’s just Rin being Rin. “But we’re adults. I’m sure we can co-exist for a week, right?” he asks, looking at you with his intense, teal gaze.
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© 2023 rinhaler
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itsthestutterforme · 7 months
My Sleepy Girl (Rafe Cameron Drabble)
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Summary: Rafe rushes you to the hospital after you fainted in his arms.
Prompt credit @eddysocs : “Stop that broody look and come over here.”
Notes: GIF is not mine, all mistakes are my own, protective Rafe
“I mean really? The luck that I have right? Every single team that I’ve bet on fucking lost. Three fifty down the drain-“
Rafe was in the middle of venting to you about how he lost money betting fantasy football- yet again- when he notices your head bobbing whenever the car shakes when it hits a pothole.
He keeps an eye on the road but occasionally glancing at you and shaking his head.
Throwing the car in park, he tapped your shoulder and you jolted awake, hitting him in the chest.
“Relax, Bruce Lee. Jesus,” “Sorry,” you said through a yawn. “You didn’t have to come if you were tired baby,”
“It’s fine, Rafey. I just wanted to spend some time with you.” You told him, giving him a tired smile.“
“My sleepy girl,” he coos pecking your lips softly before opening his door.
You slid out of his BMW and shut the door, tugging Rafe’s North Face jacket closer to your frame at the cold chill.
Rafe holds his hand out for you and you place your hand into his. He presses a soft kiss to your knuckles before leading you inside.
He peered over his shoulder at you when he feels you pull away from his grip.
“I’ll head to the bathroom to freshen up,” you explain. “You want me to wait outside the door?”
“It’s okay, Rafe. I’ll come find you.” You reassure but he wasn’t budging.
Rafe watched you push through the crowd and decided to go with you anyway.
What kind of boyfriend would he be if he let his girl walk to the bathroom alone in a crowded restaurant full of drunk dudes?
You felt a hand on your waist and immediately knew it was Rafe from the signet ring.
He stood in front of you protectively, occasionally nudging some guys that were in his way until he reached the bathrooms.
“I said I was okay, Rafe.” You said when he opened the door to the bathroom for you.
“I know you did, baby. I’ll be right out here, alright?” You nodded, locking the door after you closed it.
Thankfully it was a one stall so you could have a moment to yourself.
You haven’t been feeling yourself lately. Sure it could have something to do with your period coming up or the birth control pills you’ve been taking. But it feels like something else.
You’ve been feeling more tired more frequently and get lightheaded when you stood up too quick.
You secretly hoped that Rafe hasn’t noticed because he can be such a helicopter boyfriend when he thinks you’ve been hurt.
Bending low into the sink you let the cold water run over your hands a bit before throwing some on your face.
Bringing the cold water on your face a few times, you turned off the sink and dried your face with a paper towel.
You felt rejuvenated but a yawn still escaped your lips. You applied some lip stick after you washed your hands, giving yourself a once over in the mirror before leaving.
Rafe’s eyes met yours when you open the door. He was leaning against the door, crossing his arms as he waited for you.
“You sure you’re alright, baby?” He takes your head into his hands, gently scratching your scalp to calm you.
“Mm, you know I fall asleep when you do that.” You tell him, melting into his warm hands with a pleased smile.
He chuckles at the sight of his hands squishing your cheeks.
“M’okay, Rafe. Let’s go find the boys.” You took his hand and let him pull you through the crowd until you met Topper and Kelce.
“Y/N, you made it!” Topper’s face lit up when he brings you in for a hug.
Kelce lifted his fist and you gave him a first bump. “Good to see ya as always,” he greeted.
You and Rafe sat down and the boys immediately started talking about how the game was going.
Meanwhile you flagged down the waitress to order a drink and some boneless wings.
By the time the third quarter hit, you were back asleep. Kelce cocks his head to you sleeping, resting your head on the palm of your hand.
“Is she okay?” “I dunno man. She’s been.. tired lately. I think she needs to make a doctor’s appointment,” Rafe explains.
“Baby,” he states, rubbing soothing circles on your back.
Your eyes peeled open. “Oh, sorry. I think I’ll head home. You can stay here, I’ll call an Uber,” you stand from chair and your head felt like it was floating off your body.
“I don’t..” you trail off. Your knees buckled sending you to the floor.
“Whoa, whoa,” Rafe’s catches you, holding your chin in his hand as he called your name.
“Y/N, baby. Look at me.” He tells you. When you tried to speak, he noticed your words starting to slur.
“I’m taking her to the hospital,” he takes out a hundred dollar bill from his wallet and set it on the table in to pay for your food.
Throwing you over his shoulder, he walks to his car and buckled you in the front seat.
There you laid asleep in the hospital bed with the constant beep from the heart monitor. Thankfully, you didn’t need an oxygen tank.
The doctors ruled out brain damage, which they were worried about when Rafe mentioned your speech slurring.
After hours of tests and blood work, the doctor ordered the nurses to give you an IV with the necessary nutrients that you were lacking.
With just an hour on being on a drip, you were feeling much better.
Rafe paces in the room, biting on his thumb anxiously. He stops pacing when he heard the door click open.
“Hey doc,” you greet. “So we figured out what was wrong. Y/N, do you have history of anemia in your family?” He starts.
“Uh y-yes, my grandmother has it and so does my mom. I just.. haven’t been the best at taking pills.” You said with a grimace, feeling Rafe’s burning stare on the side of your face.
“Mm, I see. Well your blood tests came back and we can determine that you are teetering between mild anemia and severe anemia. And you also have a potassium deficiency.”
“That’s not fatal is it?” Rafe asks, crossing the room until he was next to you.
“If it goes untreated for a long period of time, yes. But thankfully, she’s nowhere near fatal ranges,”
You glanced over at Rafe who looked like he was going to kill someone. His expression caused the doctor to take a step back.
“No need to worry about him, doc. He’s just protective.“ you reassured, wanting him to continue speaking.
“Good news is that you can be discharged within the hour. I suggest swinging by the nearest GNC to find iron and potassium supplements along with monthly blood tests to make sure you’re headed in the right direction.” He finalizes, giving you a nod before leaving.
The room went silent until Rafe scoffs. “Here we go,”
“Because you haven’t been the best at taking pills, you passed out. Are you serious, Y/N?” He held a hand out for emphasis.
“Look, I know it’s a stupid move alright? I just don’t like taking pills. Especially big ones. It makes me feel like I’m going to choke or something.”
“But you don’t have a gag reflex,” he said and you gave him a flat look.
“I know you’re struggling to keep a straight face after that,” you said after a long pause.
“I couldn’t help myself,” he says with a soft chuckle. “Leave it to Rafe to make sexual innuendos,”
“Please, you know you love this mouth.”
“I do. Now stop that broody look and come over here.” He slumps his shoulders and approached your open arms.
Resting his head on your shoulder with a low grumble. He wrapped his arms around you cautiously.
“I’m just worried about you,” “I know, baby.” “I’ll make sure you take your pills every day. You hear me?”
“Okay,” you said in defeat. “Hey, none of that. You need to get better.” He reprimands as he pulls away from your shoulder.
Sighing when he sees your pout, he adds, “Fine I’ll order us some take out from the Cheesecake Factory after we go to GNC. Deal?”
“Deal,” he leans down to give you a quick peck.
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blasphemecel · 6 months
Michael Kaiser, Alexis Ness — Ego Death
PAIRING: Michael Kaiser/Reader, Alexis Ness/Reader WORD COUNT: 1.4k TYPE: Rivalry, Tension WARNING(S): Canon-typical football derangement, canon-typical overreaction NOTE: This is a part of the dog walking-verse again it's getting out of control
They swap you in not long after Shidou’s goal.
You’re in a good mood when you step on the field, of course, like you always are. Noa doesn’t like the way you play, but you’re always in the games in the end. Your unbalanced mind chooses to interpret this as an acknowledgement of your greatness, which gives you a funny feeling. Kind of like a high.
And your target is Ness, as usual. You find yourself standing next to him, excitement bubbling in your stomach. “Let’s give them hell, ok?”
“I’m tired of telling you everyday, we won’t be doing anything,” he says, irked by your persistence. “You’re not my ace! Get it through your thick head.”
You continue grinning, giddy for what you have planned. “Ness, do you see the future I see?”
“I don’t know what your delusional imagination has come up with, but I bet it’s something stupid.”
“Whatever. When someone’s mind is closed, you just need to pry it open sometimes.”
Ness maintains his upbeat demeanor, but it’s nothing more than a mask. He intends for his words to cut into you, though he knows you won’t care. “You always talk nonsense and then call everyone else myopic for not understanding you.”
“I guess. I mean, if that’s how you see it,” you say.
After relenting, you glance at Kaiser, who’s not saying anything, just frowning. His attitude has been getting worse the longer this Neo Egotist League event has been going on. Isagi must be wearing him down.
That’s a nasty face he’s making right now. You want to watch it get worse.
When the game starts, you do your typical movements, as if you’re trying to go on the offense. You make an earnest attempt to evade the defenders marking you down whenever you get the ball, but it’s mostly a ploy. What’s important is to get the positioning right for what you’re about to do, so you keep track of where everyone is, where they’re going to run next, and try to use your approach as a lure to adjust it all to your liking.
Is the misery settling in? Does it bother Kaiser how he’s struggling to stand out right now, and against this competition, for maybe the first time in his life? Is Ness frustrated because his passing courses are so limited like never before? You’ll need to create an opportunity for this desperation to turn into a slip up you can exploit. A moment of urgent, careless thinking, more likely to give into instinct rather than a clear-minded aspiration…
You can’t leave it to coincidence, though. You break through with one-two passes from Hiori. Karasu follows, hot on your trail. Defenses are tight, not leaving any room for a sensible breakthrough.
“Always flittin’ about like a damn fly,” Karasu says. “Yer annoying.”
“And you’re a hillbilly.” You’re close to the penalty area, and you realize things have aligned well now, though you try not to let it show on your face that you’re scheming something. The next step requires meticulous execution. You manage to keep the ball in your possession against Karasu, but you can’t drag this out.
The exact moment you have enough space to move, the ball goes up in the air and you take on a shooting stance. Rin jumps into your field of vision as you thought he would, blocking the path with his foot, trying to get in your way. “You’re so damn predictable. It’s-”
In what looks like a show of godlike reflexes, but was actually premeditated all along, you reveal the feint, sending the ball flying to your desired spot, somewhere behind yourself and near the arc. Rin doesn’t even finish his critique of your performance out of incredulity.
You snap your head around to watch with an ecstatic grin, goosebumps breaking out across your skin in anticipation. Even by your standards — quick and precise with your aim — this was an abrupt and forceful pass, enough to catch the recipient off guard.
Ness doesn’t have much time to think it over by the time he realizes what’s happening, what with three defenders blocking Kaiser and two more hovering near Ness himself. So, he pulls his leg in and obeys the instantaneous reaction-
“Yes!” you scream, elated at your success. Your vision comes to life — Alexis Ness scores Bastard München’s first goal.
Despite kicking the ball, Ness seems surprised by this development, staring at you in a confused daze. He doesn’t even bother putting on a pretense of feeling annoyed by your interference. He’s not the only one perplexed. While it’s surprising enough that he scored, what’s even more shocking is the fact that you made an assist. A deliberate one, with this outcome as the intention.
“See, Ness,” you say, gesturing ahead with a manic expression on your face, before you begin making your way towards him as if to celebrate. “You make your own magic.”
He is trembling. Ness never considered himself interested in getting a point by himself, and as of recently to make any plays separate from Kaiser at all, but it is undeniable that he’s excited by this, and he’s sure the afterwaves of energy will linger in his system for a while. But he’s still dumbfounded. “Why…?”
“Let’s play together,” you say. “You shouldn’t shackle yourself to one option like a coward. There’s no need to be scared of making a choice.” Your gaze strays from him and instead moves over his shoulder where you see Kaiser glaring at you with pure hatred from a distance, but you recognize the expression as a farce, hiding feelings of hurt and betrayal and paranoia. He really is sensitive deep down. It’s too much fun poking at that kind of thing. You continue looking at him while you continue, “After all, everything’s possible.”
“Ness, what the fuck do you think you’re doing?” Kaiser approaches with crossed arms, and his scowling is so intense, you feel like he’s trying to blow you to smithereens with his pathetic display. Ness flinches away from him regardless, maybe ashamed of his transgressions. Usually Kaiser treats your encounters together with a sort of levity, but his patience has been stretching thin for a while. “What do you think you’re doing? I thought you don’t help anyone besides yourself? The hell is this?”
“Ness, don’t be scared of him,” you say with a smirk. “You let him do most of the thinking, but you’re not dependent on him. It’s up to you most of the time if he gets a good shot in, not the other way around.”
Ness’s eyes widen at your words. Good. You want to watch him develop a sense of identity. It’s been too many games and you’ve been antsy. You want the satisfaction of being the catalyst to his evolution. How will his real ego manifest?
“I’m talking to you,” Kaiser grits out, grabbing you roughly by the collar of your jersey and leaning down to invade your personal space to the best of his ability as a last ditch attempt at intimidating you, blocking your view of Ness. The corners of your lips quirk up even higher, clearly not taking him seriously. The fuck is he gonna do? Whine at you until you die of boredom? “Look at me and stop pretending I’m not here!”
“When an emperor loses his last lackey, I consider him dethroned.”
His grip on your shirt tightens in response. So temperamental and easy to mess with, it’s almost cute. “Ness won’t switch to you over this. Besides, that was your orchestration. It doesn’t mean anything.”
“Doesn’t matter,” you say. “He’ll resist it at first, I’m sure, but there’s no going back after this. He’ll start seeing me and Isagi as viable passing options, and then curiosity will get the better of him.”
Kaiser pushes you away, but his anger doesn’t seem to be simmering down. You stumble a little, but it’s not even enough to make you lose your balance and land on your ass. “I’ll make sure you plunge so deep into despair, you won’t want to touch a football in your life ever again.”
“Ho ho ho.” You laugh fakely in an exaggerated voice, clasping your hands together behind your back, pleased with the way this is going. “That’s what I like to hear.”
You’ve caused a great sense of unsettle within your favorite player out of the New Generation World XI. How long ago was it when you first saw him through a screen? Now he’s standing in front of you, and he’s disturbed, and you’re getting under his skin, and you’ve just completed the first step in your plan to steal his loyal midfielder. And he even wants to crush you! You’re so happy, you can’t help but continue to grin.
Yes, today is another beautiful day, like always.
It's never that serious
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wolfpackss · 1 year
Hello! I'd love to request Jacob responding to his imprint having an asthmatic attack. One that's bad enough they have to get paramedics to get her on oxygen until they can get to the hospital to get medication to calm the asthma attack. I'm sure poor Jacob would just be losing it. <3 Please and thank you!
Hhiii!! I love Jacob and this request so I had a blast writing this piece. I must warn you, I don’t know asthma attacks that well so I had to google a lot!
I hope you enjoy it, I tried my best! Keep it coming with the requests, I love doing them!
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It’s a beautiful summer day and you’re hanging out at the beach with your imprinter boyfriend and the rest of his pack. The boys are playing football, which always gets a little rough when they’re all together while the girls are hanging out, chatting and drinking.
“Baby, check this out!” You look over to Jacob as he sprints down the beach towards you, does a flip and lands perfectly next to your towel. “Amazing babe” you kiss his cheek and a big smile forms on his face. Embry drops down next to Jacob and puts an arm around him. “Come on Jake, you can cuddle all the time you want later but now it’s boys time” Embry grins at you and you smile back, laughing a little at his joke. All of a sudden you start coughing a little, making Jake turn towards you with big eyes.
“I’m fine babe, really. Just a little cough, now go! Have fun” you smile at him. “Yeah we’ll take good care of her!” Emily tells him. He hesitates but follows embry anyway. You cough a little again but you wave it off to the other girls. You open your book again and try reading the same chapter but you can feel your chest becoming tighter and the panic sets in.
With fear in your eyes you try to find Emily’s hand while trying to focus on your breathing. Emily is talking to Kim when she feels you touch her hand and turns around towards you. “Y/n? What are you-, oh my god, okay!” Emily becomes frantic as you’re breathing becomes heavier. You face becomes pale and you can feel the cold sweat form on your forehead. Kim runs off towards the boys the moment you start wheezing. “This isn’t good y/n! I’m calling 911” Emily starts running around, calls 911 and puts it on speaker so she can comfort you while talking to the dispatcher.
You wheeze uncontrollably and you feel warm hands cover your shoulders. Jacob pulls your back into his chest and he intertwines your fingers with his. “Breathe for me baby, please just focus on your breathing okay!” His voice rings in your ear and you can barely hear him over the sound of your wheezing. You can feel the panic in his body, he’s shaking and his hands are clutching yours. “They’re almost here!” Your wheezing stops but your chest won’t stop tightening. “Good girl, just focus on your breathing” Jacob sounds relieved but you can see his mind racing with different emotions.
As soon as the ambulance arrives and the paramedics give you the help you need and put you on oxygen, Jacob start calming down. You slowly start to get your breathing under control and they do their check ups. You turn your head to look at your boyfriend and you see the tears in his eyes. You stretch your hand out to him and he grips it tightly.
“I told you it was an attack! I know you baby, I know when it’s happening. You have to trust me when I tell you” he rubs his thumb across the back of your hand. You look around the pack and see all their faces scrunched up in worry and relieve. “You okay?” You look back at Jacob and nod your head. After getting the all clear from the paramedics, you all decide to call it a day. Jacob takes you home.
“You’re gonna be on my ass when I let out just one cough, aren’t you?” You look over to him when you lay in bed together watching the movie you picked out. “You fucking bet I am! Do you know how anxious I was? Or still am, you need to tell me baby, you need to talk to me when you feel something, a cough, a sneeze, I don’t care, talk to me” you grab Jacob’s hand and squeeze it. “I will, I promise. I love you Jake” you lean over and kiss his lips.
“And I love you, pretty girl. Even if you sometimes scare the living shit out of me”
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jedi-luca · 1 year
Avenger Lane Chapter 8: Finish Him!
Summary: You and your wife Quinn move your family outside of New York City to Avenger Lane; a small private suburbia. There you face your toughest obstacle of your marriage. Will your marriage with Quinn be strong enough when a certain redheaded beauty captures your attention? 
Parings: Quinn Fabray x Reader / eventual Natasha x Reader
Warnings: Reader has a Penis, Guardians of the galaxy vol 3 spoilers
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Avenger Lane Chapter 8: Finish Him!
“Your soul is mine!” You mimicked Shang Tsung from Mortal Kombat. 
“FINISH HIM!” the game announcer bellowed.
“Nooooo!” Beth shouted as Sub-Zero performed their fatality. 
“Beth, your room is a mess!” You hear Quinn shouting from upstairs causing Ollie to sit up from his nap.
“Young lady, did you not clean it earlier when she asked you the first time?” You raised your brow pausing the video game you both were playing.
“Beth!” Quinn shouted from upstairs.
“Uh oh.” Fin giggled looking up from her drawing. “Mommy’s mad.”
“Well, go on.” You said taking her controller hearing her groan.
“Don’t play without me!” Beth shouted as she marched up stairs.
“I help Bethy.” Fin said racing after her, leaving her drawing behind.
You stood making your way to the garage grabbing your sheers you needed to tend to the gardens anyway. Right as you kneeled in front of your flower bed a certain redhead walked by.
“They’re beautiful.” Natasha smiled stopping next to you before crouching down.
“Beautiful flowers-” You cut a small bouquet. “For a beautiful lady.” 
“Thank you.” She chuckled bashfully taking them from you.
“You're welcome.” you grinned before asking. “Off to Wanda’s? Or did you just wanna see me?”
“Well always happy to see you, but I am about to have a drink with Wanda.” She smiled. “Do you wanna join us?”
“No, I'm just messing with you. I'm waiting for Beth to finish her chores so we can go back to our video game marathon.”
“Oooh fun, I've never really played anything before besides what is at an arcade. Sometimes Pietro would convince us to skip school and join him at the arcade.” 
“Woooow, bad student.” you both chuckled.
“I was a great student! How are you by the way?”
“Good; we took Beth to get registered at school earlier today. I can’t believe she’s starting the 6th grade already.”
“I bet, did she join any clubs?”
“Her mother really wants her to be a cheerleader.”
“You don’t?” She raised her brow.
“Not really.” You sighed setting your sheers down. “I just can’t see her doing that.”
“Does she want too?” 
“Well it looks like her new friends are playing soccer. So now she’s on the fence.” You shrugged.
“Lyla’s pretty excited she’s played since she was a little girl.” Natasha added with a smile.
“Secretly, I want her in anything but cheer. I know how cheerleaders are, and I do not want my daughter to be like them.” You grumbled.
“Well they’re only in middle school.” Natasha smirked.
“Of course.” Natasha nodded standing up with a grin.
“Tell Wanda I said hi.” You grinned.
“I will. When are you going to tell Quinn about the job offer?” She raised her brow at you.
“I’m working up to it.” You mumbled.
“Hmhm.” She smirked walking off to the Maximoff residence smelling her flowers. “Thanks for the flowers.”
“Welcome!” You say back as you watch her smile at you before walking inside the Maximoff home.
“Look at that love sick look on your face.” Wanda laughed as she set two wine glasses down.
“Shut up.” She grumbled setting them down softly before taking the glass in her hand.
Natasha was too busy looking at her flowers to notice Wanda yelling at the boys to go outside.
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You were tending to your garden with your phone playing an old Journey song in the back ground. You were jamming along when you heard Wanda’s boys run outside.
“What’s up boys!” You waved seeing the Maximoffs holding a football.
“Hi!” They waved excitedly.
“Can Beth come out and play?” Billy asks.
You sighed looking back at the house. “Well Beth is finishing up her chores but she can when she’s done.”
“Oh okay. Beth said you used to play football.” Tommy says looking at the flowers you were repotting.
“Four time state champ.” You smirked.
“That’s awesome! Mom, just signed us up today, but we don't really know how to play.” Billy says sadly.
“Will you teach us?” Tommy asked sweetly. “Please? When we asked our dad he thought it meant soccer.”
“Well soccer is great too!”
“But we wanna play football.” Billy sighed sadly.
“Please teach us.” Tommy pleaded.
“No…” the boy's looked down in disappointment. “but I’ll coach ya.” You teased with a wink.
The boys jumped up and down cheering.
 ⧗ ⧗ ⧗ ⧗ ⧗ ⧗ ⧗ ⧗ ⧗ ⧗ ⧗ ⧗ ⧗ ⧗ ⧗ ⧗ ⧗ ⧗ ⧗ ⧗ ⧗ ⧗ ⧗ ⧗ ⧗ ⧗ 
Wanda and Natasha were in the middle of a conversation when they heard the boys yelling. They ran outside only to see you teaching them how to tackle. 
“Y/N, is so great with kids.” Wanda said, before taking a sip of her wine. “Ya know if Vis wasn’t such a great husband.” she shrugged jokingly.
Natasha glares playfully. 
“I'm kidding!... Sort of.” Wanda laughed.
“Another thing that makes her undeniably attractive.” Natasha murmured watching you laugh wholeheartedly with the boys.
“Vis is going to be jealous if he sees this.” the taller woman murmured.
“What? That you’re ogling Y/N?” the shorter woman chuckled.
“No.” Wanda laughed, slapping her arm. “More so that Y/N is coaching our sons on how to play football. Vis tried but he grabbed a soccer ball, and the boys didn’t have the heart to tell him.” She sighed before looking over at you. “What is Y/N doing?” 
You were lugging a large tractor tire towards the lawn.
“Okay you were right Y/N is really strong.” Wanda smirked watching your muscles flex as you flipped the tire.
“Can I try?!” She heard Tommy ask and you laughed.
“Be my guest.” You stepped aside as Tommy growled trying to move the tire but only nudged it.
“Oh this is adorable.” Wanda chuckled, taking out her phone once more to record the boys. “Come on Billy, you can do it!” 
“Dad, what are you doing?” Beth asked suddenly next to you.
“Oh hey sweetheart!” You laying your hand on her tiny shoulder. “I'm just teaching the boys about football. They wanted to try and lift the tire before I hang it up.”
“Can I try?” Beth asked looking up at you.
“Of course.”
“Beth!” The boys waved her over explaining how heavy the tire is.
Beth remembered you throwing the tire and squatted down before using her legs to support the toss.
“That’s my daughter!” You cheered.
Beth blushed hearing everyone cheer for her.
You finally moved the tire where you wanted it using rope to tie it to the tree branch out on your lawn. You jumped from the tree taking the ball Billy handed you,
“The key to a perfect spiral is hand placement and foot work.” You showed them with one hand how you were holding it. You slowly showed each step in movement before throwing it right through the tire.
“Wow!” The boys gasped.
“I know right.” Beth grinned.
“Who wants to go first?” You grinned, taking the ball from Billy who ran to get it. “Thanks bud.”
“Hey Y/L/N!” Steve shouted from his driveway holding up his arms.
You stepped back angling yourself before grunting as you threw it straight in his arms.
“Yeah!” He chuckled before throwing it right back.
You jumped up catching it before landing back on the grass.
“That was so cool!” The boys gushed.
“Woooo! That’s a running back right there!” He clapped his hands cheering before he walked into his home.
“My turn!” Beth shouted.
Soon Cassie and Morgan, and Monica joined in with the kids throwing perfect spirals.
“Okay but this is such a dad thing!” Carol giggled as she watched you coaching the kids. She and Val walked over to watch you and the kids with Wanda and Natasha. “She’s literally teaching the kids on the block.” 
“It’s called Coaching.” Val smirked, taking a sip of her beer they brought over, nudging her wife. “That’s it sweetheart that’s the hustle!” Val clapped seeing Monica throw the ball through the tire.
Soon a car drove up it was Vis.
“Uh oh.” Wanda sighed.
Vis got out watching his boys being coached by you. He sighed sadly before trudging up the steps. “I see the boys asked Y/N to coach them.” He sighed.
“Oh Vis-“
“It’s quite alright darling. Y/N is a 4 time state champion. They seem to be learning a great deal. I’ll just go get washed up for dinner.” He made a mental note to return the book he purchased earlier that same day.
“Oof, he is definitely upset.” Val nodded.
“I’d give my vibrator to see Y/N in her old football uniform.” Carol fanned herself, ignoring the depressed Englishman to watch you run around with the kids.
“Oh my God, Carol!” Natasha chuckled before looking at Val.
“What? Y/N is hot. I wouldn’t mind them in our bed. Devils threesome and all.” Val shrugged. “Her wife is just as sexy, I can only imagine what goes on in that bedroom.” She laughed causing the women to giggle. 
Natasha stayed silent clenching her legs knowing exactly what you were like as she recalled a memory.
“I’ve seen it.” Wanda blushed smiling as she bit her lip, breaking the comfortable silence.
“Shut up! You have not.” Carol scoffed.
“I did and let me just say Y/N, is very, very well endowed.” Wanda smirked while finishing her drink.
“I can confirm. Hung as a fucking horse” Val chuckled. 
“How did you both even-“ Natasha began she was upset. How dare they oogle you… even though she used to do the same thing.
“Gym I saw the outline.”
“Quinn did this sexy strip tease for Y/N in the living room. It was like watching one of those nature shows I couldn’t look away. Y/N definitely knows how to work a woman, and Quinn knows how to work Y/N. All of Y/N.” She giggled.
“Damn Wands you watched them fuck?” Val furrowed her brows. “Have you ever seen Carol and I?”
“Once.” She giggled.
“Oh my God.” Val muttered.
“We’re getting black out curtains.” Carol murmured. “How did you see Y/N and not tell me though?”
“Are you kidding she made me feel…slightly emasculated. Why would I ever openly say that she’s bigger than-” Val scoffed. 
“Oh baby, you shouldn’t ever feel that way.” Carol smirked sitting on Val’s lap giving her a kiss.
“Alright you two; reel it in.” Nat muttered, sipping her drink as they began to feel eachother up. 
“Speak of the devil.” Wanda said, diverting her attention to the girls to Quinn who stepped out on her own porch.
“Dinner is ready.” Quinn smiled. “Beth, come wash up.”
“Aww but mom! Pop is coaching us!” Beth whined.
“Papa me too! Papa me too!” Fin ran out the door with your old football helmet.
You laughed watching her tumble down the steps the helmet breaking her fall.
“Fin, I told you to leave your papa’s things alone.”
“It’s ok Q.” You wink. 
“Papa my turn!” Fin whined, holding out her tiny hands.
“Oh my gosh fine!” Beth huffed, throwing a spiral at her little sister.
“Beth.” You and Quinn said sternly after it bounced off of the helmet.
“Sorry.” Beth said meekly after her mother glared at her.
“You did great kiddo.” You say pushing the helmet up so she could see.
“Okay enough football for tonight let’s eat dinner. Beth take Fin and go wash up please.”
“Aww mom, one more round!”
“It’s alright Sweetheart I’m pretty hungry. You all were awesome today! It’s getting a little late so everyone go home, and wash up.” You turned waving towards the ladies watching.
The kids cheered before each one ran to their respective houses.
“Fin!” Beth huffed as Finley ran right behind the other kids to the Maximoff residence.
The kids cheered before each one ran to their respective houses.
“Natty!” Finley beamed from beneath the helmet.
“Hi Finny!”
“I’m like papa now!”
“I see that you did great!” Natasha smiles lifting your youngest on her lap.
Meanwhile the other neighborhood kids were gushing about their new fondness for football.
“Mom, did you see me?!” Billy gasped holding the football.
“Mom, that was so much fun!” Monica said, looking up at Carol and Val.
“Yeah it was! You did fantastic out there lieutenant trouble!” Carol grinned.
“How’s pizza sound for our little football player?” Val smirked.
“Yayyy!” Monica cheered.
“Mom did you see?!” Tommy panted, his hair crazy and sweaty..
“I did sweetie you and your brother are naturals.” Wanda smiled sweetly, pushing his wet sweaty hair back. “Did you thank coach Y/L/N?” 
“Yes momma.” They nodded.
“Billy and I are gonna make coach Y/L/N a tshirt tomorrow in art class!” Tommy grinned.
“That’s really thoughtful. Boys, go on and take showers, dinner will be ready soon.”
“Bye neighbors!” The boys shouted to the women drinking on their porch before racing one another to the shower.
“Hi Miss Nat, Fin, come on, we have to go back home for dinner.” Beth 
“Hi Beth.” Natasha smiled at Quinn’s mini clone.
“Neh, I stay with Natty.” 
“Oh you’ll stay with me?” Natasha chuckled looking down at her little eyes beneath the helmet.
“Fin.” Beth huffed.
“How about next time Fin? Your mommy made you dinner, it's time to go eat now.”
“Aww.” Finley bowed her head making Natasha lift it back up before she tumbled over by the weight of the helmet.
“We’ll go swimming tomorrow, how about that?” Natasha smiled.
“Okay Natty.” Finley made grabby hands at her older sister. Beth rolled her eyes before lifting her up.
“Bye Natty.” “Bye Miss Nat.” The kids said in unison.
“Bye, see you again soon.” She looked over at you who winked in response.
Natasha looked away when Quinn started acting like a lovesick teenager by pulling you in a kiss.
“You gonna be my coach tonight?” Quinn husked.
“I can think of some drills.” You smirked.
“Hey Y/L/N!” Steve shouted as you held your wife by her hips pecking her lips softly. He ran over from across the street.
“Hmm?” You hummed, turning your head before turning away from your wife.
“Let’s all get together this weekend to have a friendly game of touch football? I can bring out the grill and cooler.”
“Yeah man sounds like a plan!” You grinned.
“Nice! I’ll get the guys together.”
“Oi what are we? Chopped liver?” Val shouted.
You chuckled leaning back against Quinn who stood a step higher. Her arms wrapped loosely around your neck. She was whispering sweet nothings near your ear. It drove her absolutely insane when you did anything sports related. 
“The more the merrier!” Steve laughed.
“Yeah sounds good just more ass I get to smack.” You smirked over at them as Quinn bit her lip.
“Wow Y/L/N I had no idea you were such a jock.” Carol smirked.
“Four time state champ baby!” You grinned.
“My mom won the cheer championship 4 times in a row too!” Beth smiled looking up at her mother.
“The jock and the cheerleader. Lots of locker room meetups?” Val smirked. 
“How do you think we got Beth?” You chuckled as Quinn elbowed you and Beth made a ew sound before running inside.
“Nice.” Val chuckled high fiving you.
⧗ ⧗ ⧗ ⧗ ⧗ ⧗ ⧗ ⧗ ⧗ ⧗ ⧗ ⧗ ⧗ ⧗ ⧗ ⧗ ⧗ ⧗ ⧗ ⧗ ⧗ ⧗ ⧗ ⧗ ⧗ ⧗
The following morning you had been walking Ollie with the girls when you all came across Peter and Gamora Quill walking their animals.
“Oh my gosh!” Beth gasped.
“Can I pet?” Fin pointed.
“Yes.” Gamora giggled. “Yes you can pet.” She crouched down letting your daughters pet their mini zoo of animals.
“Sorry.” You chuckled.
“Oh don’t be neighbor, this happens all the time we don’t mind and neither do they.” Quill laughed. “We were just about to put them in the backyard. Why don’t you guys just follow us and you can keep playing them.”
⧗ ⧗ ⧗ ⧗ ⧗ ⧗ ⧗ ⧗ ⧗ ⧗ ⧗ ⧗ ⧗ ⧗ ⧗ ⧗ ⧗ ⧗ ⧗ ⧗ ⧗ ⧗ ⧗ ⧗ ⧗ ⧗
“That’s such a sad story but at least they found the their happy ever after. Rocket and the others really went through the ringer.” You say as the raccoon settles on your lap letting you gently pet him as you listen to Peter Quill and Gamora explain how they found him in the first place, and how Gamora made a sort of career change from being a bounty hunter to a rescue hunter. She went from hunting Nazi’s to hunting animal abusers and sometimes even child abusers
“Yeah they really did.” Gamora whispers softly just before Rocket lept from your lap to hers giving her a snuggle before darting off towards up a tree that Peter made a treehouse in. “After finding him and Lylla I couldn’t let them be apart.” 
You smile seeing the otter they rescued in their salt water pool. You sniffled and wiped a tear away looking around at the recuses they have found together. “Well Rocket, is welcomed to our trash anytime.” 
“I love Flor!” Beth giggled as she played with the handicapped bunny. 
“I can’t believe animal cruelty is even a thing. What kind of monster of a human would hurt defenseless animals.” You sigh. “They’re all so sweet and beautiful. Makes me love and appreciate Ollie even more. I’ve only known Rocket, Lylla, Cosmo, and Flor a short while and I would absolutely lay my life down for them just like I would for Ollie.” You smiled seeing Ollie and Cosmo playing around with one another.
“Maybe we can take all of you to visit Teefs.” Gamora smiled. “He’s living at the Aquarium now in New York. We hated separating them but Teefs needed a lot of special care and the Aquarium provides that. We take them out to visit him at least 3 times a month.”
“I’d love to meet the big guy, and I’m sure the girls would too as well.” You chuckle as Cosmo, their rescue dog, gives you kisses. “Thank you Cosmo, you're a good girl.” She barked in excitement she whisked Fin up and on her back. Zooming all of the yard chasing Ollie.
“Cosmo zoomies!” Fin giggled on her back.
“The girls are in love with this place.” You chuckled seeing Beth’s face light up when floor hopped on her chest as they laid in the grass.
“They are always welcome here.” Gamora smiled.
“Yeah maybe next time I can grill us some burgers, and you can actually meet our team.” Peter grinned.
“Yeah I’d like that!” After a beat you asked; “Have you thought about opening up a rescue center?”
“We have but we just felt like if we did then it would need to basically be a zoo so they can free roam and not be tied down in a cage.”
“Well when you guys find the right place let me know. I’d love to help out in anyway that I can.”
“Thank you Y/N.” Gamora smiled.
“Beer?” Peter grins, handing you a bottle.
⧗ ⧗ ⧗ ⧗ ⧗ ⧗ ⧗ ⧗ ⧗ ⧗ ⧗ ⧗ ⧗ ⧗ ⧗ ⧗ ⧗ ⧗ ⧗ ⧗ ⧗ ⧗ ⧗ ⧗ ⧗ ⧗
“Hey.” You say knocking on her office door.
“Hi baby, you and the girls have a nice walk?” Quinn smiles, taking her glasses off looking from her computer to you.
“It was great we met some more neighbors down the block, but we can talk about that later. I wanna talk with you about something important to me.”
“Okay.” She said standing up taking your hand leading you to her loveseat. “What’s going on?”
“Well a few days ago I was speaking with Tony, and he basically offered me a job on his team.”
“With Stark Industries?” Quinn’s eyes widened.
“Yeah, he heard I was supposed to go to MIT, and since I actually know what I’m doing he offered me a job.”
“Wow.” She smiled, patting your hands.
“You don’t want me to take it.” You mutter softly with a sigh.
“It’s just Fin is still not in school, and I-“
“Natasha said she’d be her babysitter, and Beth will be in school.” You say.
Quinn bit her lip looking away.
“Hey.” You say gaining her attention back. “This is important to me. I can actually bring something home. I can actually have my own career. It’s time Quinn.”
“Let’s wait a couple years for Fin to go to school then we can-“
“If you don’t want Natasha to take care of Fin. Then why don’t you just work from home fulltime and take care of our daughters yourself?”
“I can’t do that.”
“Quinn why can’t you just meet me half way-“
“Because I may be pregnant.” She interrupts you.
“Wait what?” You furrow your brows.
“I didn’t wanna tell you yet, I wanted to be sure.” She sighed standing up.
“Oh.” You raise your brows.
She swiftly turned around glaring at you. “You said you wanted-“
“No, no, I do, I do.” You say quickly rushing to her side, taking her hands. “Have you taken a test yet?”
“No…I’m still waiting a few more days to see if I start.” She muttered. 
“Okay.” You nodded. “So we really aren’t sure yet.”
“No… but I know my body, and it feels just like the first time. I’ll make a doctor's appointment.”
You took her hand and sat down in thought. You did want another baby, but you knew she didn’t want another. You can’t help but feel a little blind sided. You internally roll your eyes at yourself Beth and Finley were both surprises, and you did tell her you wanted another baby. Maybe you won't have to turn down your dream job. You take in a deep breath and slowly release before saying something more so for yourself.
“One day at a time.”
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blossom-works · 1 year
Opposites Attract
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A/N: I have no knowledge about technology & engineering so don’t come at me internet...😐
Who would have thought that Ego Jinpachi’s cousin is the secret lover of the world’s best striker, Noel Noa? Certainly not Chris Prince. Or anyone in the Blue Lock as a matter of fact. And the cherry on top is that you, Noel’s fiancé and Ego’s cousin, are responsible for building this state-of-the-art facility. You are a tech geek and was able to geek out at the request of your cousin. Since Blue Lock began, you have been behind the scenes to make sure everything is running smoothly. No one but your cousin, Anri, and the money grubbing fucks of the JFU knew about you. Now, a large group of footballers know about you since someone decided to mess with your technology. 
“Honestly! How did you manage to pull out multiple fuses! And how did you get into the control center?!”
Chris Prince scratches the back of his head in semi-shame. “I got curious and wanted to know what does what.”
“That doesn’t explain why you’re here!”
In frustration, you try to reconnect the different fuses to the appropriate ports, but it seems that when Chris pulled them out, he damaged the chords attached to them. How that is possible, you do not know. Your phone starts buzzing from the back pocket of your pants. Answering, you hear your cousin, Ego, on the other side. Demanding to know what you did wrong. 
“I didn’t do anything, dipshit! - One of your genius masters decided it would be a good idea to pull out multiple fuses. - Chris Prince. - I don’t know how he managed to do that! - Well he isn’t that smart if he pulled them out because he was just curious. - The fuses he pulled out powered Blue Lock Man and other training material. - Yes, that means advanced training will be out of the question. - Maybe two days? Three max. - That’s your job to figure out! - Oh shut up and stop complaining, dumbass.” You hang up the call with a huff and gather the broken fuses to properly dispose of them. When you turn around, you are surprised and annoyed that the Englishman is still standing there. 
“What are you still doing here?”
“Uhh...are you single?”
His question catches you off guard which makes you drop one of your poor babies. Dumbfounded, you ask the striker to clarify. 
“Are you taken?”
Now, you are a bit more ticked off than you already were. You put the fuses to the side, and place your fists on your hips. “Let me get this straight, you come into my command center and play with creations because self-control is obviously nowhere in your vocabulary. All of which forces me to rearrange my already busy schedule, and you have the audacity to hit on me? Did I miss anything number two?”
Chris looks at you for a few seconds before he proudly responds “Nope!” with a flashy smile.
Exasperated, you point to the automatic door (which you will have to rethink). “I’m already engaged. Now get out.” 
Instead of obeying like a good boy, Chris tries to use his charms on you. 
“C’mon, I bet your fiancé isn’t that great. Compared to me at least.” He winks. 
“I would have to say otherwise. Compared to you, he is great.” And before Prince can say anything else, you push him out the door and lock it before anyone else can bother you. Once in peace, you make a couple of calls to order more fuses and to hire a team to help you further develop Blue Lock’s technology. Engrossed in your work, you do not hear someone knocking on your door. It takes one loud knock to bring you back to reality. Jumping out of your chair you unlock the metal door. 
“Ego m'a dit que l'entraînement ne serait pas possible dans les prochains jours.“ Noel asks. He has on his usual tracksuit and has a cup of freshly made coffee in his hand. Ego told me that training would not be possible in the next few days.
Since basically everyone got a translating earpiece, you chose to answer him in your native tongue. When the Neo-Egoist Phase began, you partnered with the Mikage Corporation to advance their earpiece. While the device cannot translate all languages, it can translate a good handful when preprogrammed. Though, you are not sold on the idea of talking to intergalactic beings.  
“Basically. The world’s second best striker and the world’s first dumbass messed with my technology. All of which powered the Blue Lock Man and amongst other things. You guys can still train the o’fashion way and the kids can still workout, but advanced training is off the table.”
“I see. How long until the system is up and running?”
“Three days max.”
Noel nods and hands you the cup of hot caffeine. You take the Blue Lock mug and silently thank him. You take one sip and plant the mug on a surface away from the monitors. Like he expected it, Noel catches you when you quickly jump on top of him and nuzzle your nose against his cheek. 
“But I missed you! I haven’t seen you since you first got to Blue Lock!” You complain like a child. 
“You saw me this morning, and the mornings before.”
“So! We haven’t spent any time together though.” You move your face slightly away from Noel’s so he can see your puppy dog eyes and pout. The Frenchman sighs like he is tired of your antics, but you know better. If he was truly tired of your childishness, he would have put you down but Noel has yet to do that. Instead, Noel keeps his hands under your thighs to hold you up. A small sign of his that lets you know he misses you too. Childish antics and all. 
“You can’t just leave your fiancé hanging around like this! Having me wait around to get some well-deserved attention is just cruel!”
Noel says nothing as you hop off him and drag him to sit in your chair so you can sit on his lap. Sticking to your silly behavior, you pepper Noel’s face with kisses like the lovesick woman you are. You take his face in your hands and plant a big kiss on his sightly chapped lips. Immediately the Frenchman reciprocates the kiss. Another way he silently admits that he misses you too. Happy that you are getting the attention you have been craving, you pull back a bit to see the thin strand of saliva break. Letting out happy squeals, you nuzzle your face against Noel’s while wiggling your body like an excited puppy. The striker lets you have your fill of him (not like that you rotten minds) before he goes back to the Germany part of the building. 
Of course, he does not leave the control center without paying a kiss(es) fee. Noel leaves planning a new training schedule and you stay in your little nook happy as a schoolgirl who got the number of her longtime crush. Honestly, it never ceases to amaze you how a cyborg like Noel Noa lets you get away with acting like a child. Looks like being his significant other has its perks. 
Three Days Later:
Clapping yours hands, you quadruple check your handy-work. (No) Thanks to Chris Prince, you had to install the fuses inside their own boxes so no one can take them out again. You also installed a lock to the control center. People can only enter when they have the passcode. Updates have also been installed into Blue Lock tech so the club masters can get more creative with training. Now all you have to do is make sure that each club is running smoothly with the new installments. One by one go through each building for thorough check-ups, and secretly cheering on the Blue Lockers. Since you saved the best for last, you skidded on your way to Germany’s Bastard Munchens. 
But, all good things must come to an end. 
“Well, well, well, if it isn’t Ms. Tech.”
“Dear god, what do you want Prince?”
“I want to know who your loser of a fiancé is.”
Feeling a little smug, you decide it is best to give the Englishman what he wants. 
“If it’ll get you to leave me alone, then so be it. I’m on my way to meet him anyway.”
For some reason, pride makes Chris puff out his chest like Superman as he follows behind you. He is even walking like he is some sort of a hero. How amusing. With the tablet in your hands, you go through the new data it has been collecting. Since Ego is the man in charge here, you need to compile a report of the new tech you installed, and the cost. If it was still the first phase of Blue Lock, the amount of money used to create the program would be equivalent to how much debt the United States is (that is a bit exaggerated but you get the picture). Now that you guys have sponsors and BL TV, money is streaming in like cryptocurrency. 
“Hey, isn’t this the way to-”
Said man turns around only to be tackled by a woman half his size. Thank goodness for his physicality or else you both would have fallen onto the ground. Like you always do, you nuzzle the side of his face with your nose. 
“What are you doing here? We’re in the middle of practice.”
“Oh, I came to check on how the new update is fairing. Just following routine to make sure things are going smoothly.” You say as you get off the man. The commotion gets the players’ attention. Too busy showing Noel what is on the tablet, you do not realize that Noel give his players a glare. Telling them to get back to training like their lives depend on it. 
“Prince? What are you doing here?”
“So, I’m finally acknowledged by the great Noel Noa.” Chris sarcastically says. “If you must know, this little lady is taking me to meet her third-grade fiancé. But I guess she’s going to finish her work beforehand. Now hurry up so she can see how much better I am than whoever she’s engaged to.”
The albino raises a brow before uncharacteristically scoffing and goes back to ignoring the world’s second best striker. 
“What? You know, you think you’re all high and mighty but you’re not.” The petty Prince states. He only aggravates himself further as he starts a one sided argument with Noel. Meanwhile, you busy yourself with examining how the players are using the new and updated tech. 
“Excuse me, but who are you?”
“Ah, Yoichi Isagi. I’m just here to make sure that everything is running smoothly so I can give a report to Ego. Don’t worry, I won’t get in your team’s way.” Before you can explain more, you notice a small tweak in the Blue Lock Man which prompts you to halt practice. You got a few hisses and groans but ignored them all. Out of thin air, you take out a couple of screws, a small hard drive, and a screwdriver. 
Taking a panel off the wall, you plug in the hard drive and start typing away on your tablet. One of the players tries to ask you what you are doing and how long you plan on being here, to which you just hold up a finger, telling the player to wait. A couple more clicks and you are happy with your work. Pulling the hard drive out and putting the panel back on the wall, you tell Bastard Munchen “Alrighty! There shouldn’t be anymore issues for you guys.”
“But...there wasn’t any problem to begin with...”
“Ah ah.” You wave your finger in a “no-no” motion. “It was only for a split second but the Blue Lock Man you were using had a glitch to it. It wasn’t noticeable to the untrained eyes, but since my more than qualified eyes caught it, I had to fix it right away. If I left the Blue Lock Man as he was, then future problems with it would arise. Prohibiting further training.”
Most of the team looks at you in awe at your explanation (mainly the Blue Lockers). 
“Woah! Are you some tech guru?”
“Have you been working here this entire time?”
“How old are you?”
More and more questions are being bombarded towards you. Smiling at their curiosity, you answer some of their questions. You bow to them in a formal greeting. 
“I’m an employee here at Blue Lock. I’ve been working here since the very beginning. In fact, I’m the person who created and designed this entire facility. From the infrastructure to the technology, that was all me.”
Like Gru’s minion, they all let out a “Woah”. You should have known that your introduction would only lead to more questions. Thankfully, Kaiser comes to your rescue. Albeit, rudely. 
“Hurry up and get into formation. There’s no need for a maintenance worker to overstay their welcome. Now leave. You’re becoming a pest.”
A little ticked by the boy’s attitude, you put on a polite smile. “I thinks that’s best too. Afterall, the main actor needs to keep practicing or else he’ll always have to rely on his co-stars to make up for his shortcomings.” Your patronizing tone and pleasant smile pisses Kaiser off and before he can say anything more, you walk away, bumping the teen with your shoulder on “accident”. You spot your fiancé antagonizing the Frenchman with his dry humor. 
“I’m done with my inspection!” You cry out as you jump on Noel’s back to perform your ritual of nuzzling. “I wish I could stay longer but Ego would have my head if I’m late with my report.”
“I thought you were on your way to see your fiancé. Wait a minute, did you just make up a lie cause you’re too shy to go on a date with me?” Chris asks while raising both his blonde brows. 
Still on Noel, you blink confused for a quick second. “Oh, I wasn’t lying. If I’m being 100 percent honest, you’ve already met my fiancé but didn’t know it’s him.  You still haven’t found out who he is even though I’ve made it clear about three times now. And this ring doesn’t lie.”
Now that Prince has caught on to your behavior he blurts out incoherent sentences, pointing at you and Noel. Happy with how things are turning out, you get off Noel’s back and pull him down so you can kiss his cheek. 
“I’ll see ya, cher!” and you are off to Ego’s cave of egoism. All the while leaving behind a stuttering Chris Prince, a shocked Bastard Munchen (who have been watching the whole thing play out), and an unbothered Noel Noa. Dear.
When you pop into Ego’s cave, you give him all of the data you have collected and what he and the masters should be looking out for. 
“Alright. You can leave now.”
“Awe! Don’t be like that cuz! I did all this work and rearranged my schedule for the next two weeks. You should at least thank me.” You pout. 
“You’re getting paid are you not?”
“But that’s not the same ~ C’mon! Give your little cousin a hug! You haven’t even congratulated me on my engagement to Noel!” You open your arms out and slowly get closer to Ego. You are determined to get your hug from him whether he likes it or not.
“Another step and I’ll fire you.” Ego warns. Seriously, how the fuck are you two related. He swears that you are adopted cause there is no way in hell. 
“Oh, shut up and hug me you bastard!” And that is how you and Ego end up running around in the room like small children. An older brother who is trying to get away from his annoying and unwanted younger sister. A younger sister purposefully annoying her straightedged, older brother. A perfect duo if you say so. In the midst of your chase, one of you accidentally presses the button for the intercom that connects to the entire building, prompting everyone in it to listen to your pleas and Ego’s cursing. 
“What the hell is going on here?”
“Ego and that chick are related!”
“Are they okay?”
Are some of the few questions the players have until they hear, “Aren’t you excited to have Noel as an in-law?”
Noel swears on his entire career that the whole building shakes when everyone yells, “What?!”
A/N: How’d ya like my Noel Noa story? I wrote for him cause there’s not a lot fanfiction of him. For my readers who have been patiently waiting for another Kylian Mbappe story, I haven’t forgotten about you! I can’t say when the update will be, but I hope it’ll be before September ends. I know it is a long wait but the story I’m working on is longer than I anticipated. 
282 notes · View notes
avatarrecom · 11 months
Day 15: Size difference
Pairing: Poly!recoms x Human!reader (can be read as character x reader)
Word count: 1.6k
A/N: Trying to get the other prompts out asap. Also, I'm curious, do you guys think my kinktober headcanons fit the Recoms? Or not? or would you change certain things about how I write them? And what do you guys think of my characterization?
Kinktober masterlist
🌍 Recom Miles Quaritch The difference in size between you and him can drive him crazy. You're so small compared to him, completely covered when he hugs you. Your fingers barely wrap around his thumb. His shirt looks like a dress on you. You're his adorable little one. He holds you close, making love to you from behind. His size may be a challenge, but you'll handle it, won't you? He can't even put into words how his shape fills you up, creating a bulge in your belly. He's giving it to you so well, guiding your hand to feel his presence inside you. "Feel that, baby? That's me deep inside you. You're doing so good, taking me so well. Are you proud of yourself? Because I am. You're so lost in pleasure right now, aren't you? What if we have a child together? I bet your belly would look even more beautiful with our little one inside." Don't worry, he won't harm you. He'll take care of you, dressing you in his shirt. Panties and bras? Who needs them? His shirt is enough for someone as cute as you. There's no need to hide your private parts because they all belong to him.
😈 Recom Lyle Wainfleet Lyle secretly revels in the contrast between your sizes. When he holds you close, he can't help but notice how petite you are compared to him. While he may appear to be affectionately caressing your stomach, he's actually mentally measuring how deeply he can penetrate you. However, he's mindful of not causing any unintentional harm, so he allows you to set the pace. Despite all the preparation he's done beforehand, your tightness still surprises him, causing him to tightly grip the bed sheets as he witnesses your efforts to accommodate him. The sensation of your walls gripping him sends shivers down his spine, testing his self-control. As he observes you whimper whenever you accidentally push too far, he experiences a mix of nervousness and intense arousal. The gentle contractions of your inner walls make him tremble as he struggles to maintain composure. But when he sees that small smile grace your lips and the pride gleaming in your eyes as you finally take him in completely, he finds you irresistibly adorable. He softly praises your accomplishment, urging you to relax and let him take charge.
🍬 Recom Z-dog I’m pretty sure that when she’s fingering you, her fingers feel like a thin, but long human sized cock. So her size kink isn’t exactly fixated on that, but more on how she has to get on her knees to kiss you or you have to climb on something to reach her lips. Loves how she can pin your hands with one hand and barely any effort. She also loves how she can pin your entire body with hers. If you’re being a brat and you pissed her off, she definitely picks you up and holds you under her arm like a football while she storms back to her room to fuck the brat outta you.
🥽 Recom Walker Same as Z-dog. But she also loves to pin you against the wall, slot her thick thigh between your legs and with her knee against the wall, she slides her leg up until you’re literally sitting on her thigh and you’re face to face with her so she can kiss you.
😎 Recom Mansk He's a massive guy, and he can't help but notice how small you are compared to him. It's like you're fragile and delicate in his arms, and it drives him crazy. Your hands can barely wrap around his impressive size, and it's a sight to behold. Because of the difference in size, he feels this overwhelming need to protect you, to shield you from anything that might harm you. And he absolutely loves it. But don't be fooled, because as soon as he knows you want him to take control, he'll do it without hesitation. Thankfully, he'll make sure you're ready for it, because otherwise, it would be a real challenge to handle all of him. And even with all the preparation, it's still an incredibly intense experience that leaves you in tears after just half of him. But he'll be there, whispering the sweetest words of encouragement, reminding you how well you're doing and urging you to keep going. Once he's fully inside you, he'll make sure that you can't think of anything else but him and his cock. It's a mind-blowing experience that will leave you completely captivated by him.
🧯 Recom Prager He only discovered his size kink when you entered his life. The stark contrast between your tiny frame and his larger stature excites both of you. Behind closed doors, however, he takes advantage of this size difference. His strength, combined with his significant size advantage, turns you both on. He effortlessly pins your wrists above your head with one hand, or holds your waist with both hands, his fingers barely touching due to your small size. Initially, he worried about hurting you during sex, given his girthy and large cock. But you reassured him, and he cautiously entered your petite boy. The sight of his length slowly entering you drove him wild. You were amazed at how clearly you could see him inside you, with each thrust causing a visible bulge. Your first time together was shocking, but now that you're deep into your relationship, he ensures that you feel every sensation. His tip hits your cervix, and the veins on his shaft press against your velvety walls. Despite the roughness of the sex, he excels at providing aftercare.
⚕️ Recom Ja He's not necessarily into size, but once he knows it turns you on, get ready. He's not only well-endowed, but also tall, and it really boosts his ego when you kneel before him and he towers over you. He'll use your eagerness to convince you to take more than you think you can handle. He loves watching you wrap your lips around him and try to take as much as you can in your mouth. "Hmm, not quite enough. Keep going, you can go deeper. If you do a good job, maybe I'll fuck you later." It really turns him on when your eyes water from trying to deepthroat him, so he starts thrusting into your mouth until you paw at his legs, desperate for air. You're drooling and flushed when he pulls back and wipes his thumb across your pink, swollen lips from trying to give him the best blowjob possible. By the time he flips you onto your stomach, you're mindlessly begging for him to completely ravage you, and he's more than happy to oblige.
🧢 Recom Brown He loves to praise and guide you as you take him inside you, even if you're initially hesitant about his size. Most of the time, you're on top of him and he'll hold onto your hips possessively, leading you down onto him. Despite his sweet words, he won't give you a break and will make sure you take all of him if he has to. When you're a trembling mess, he'll gently rub circles on your hip bones with his thumbs while you try to adjust to him. "You look amazing, Love. Look how well you're handling me. How does it feel to be so full?" He takes his time, starting off slow because he wants you to feel every inch of him entering you, driving you crazy. He'll make you lift your hips until he almost slips out, only to push you back down and make you feel that sensation of being filled over and over again. Only when you start moaning his name in pure pleasure, he'll pin you down and finally take you like you've been begging him to do.
📿 Recom Lopez Loves to surprise you with his size, making you struggle to accommodate him and squirm from the sudden stretch. Even when tears threaten to spill, he pushes you further, ignoring your pleas to slow down. He gets off on your desperation, especially when you sob about his size. "Weren't you just drooling over how big I am? Now you want me to stop? You're not going to be a good little human and take it? What a shame..." He acts like he's going to leave you hanging, but you quickly claim that you can handle it. He has you begging for his cock again in seconds because you secretly enjoy the burn. His dirty talk becomes even filthier. If you try to stop him by pressing your hands against his chest, he pins your wrists above your head and fucks you mercilessly.
⛓️ Recom Fike  When you start complimenting him on his size, he'll be surprised to learn about the size kink. After getting over his initial embarrassment, he'll demand that you tell him how much you love his cock. Shower him with praise about how good and big he feels, and let him know that he's the biggest you've ever had. In return, he'll reward you with relentless thrusts that make you moan into the mattress. He'll even start leaking pre-cum when you agree with him, but you'll still beg him to slow down a bit because he's too big, too deep, too fast. However, you won't want to let go of his cock, so he'll keep going, pushing even deeper than before. Let him know that you're going to cum soon and that his cock is the only one that makes you feel this good and full. He'll want to imprint the feeling of his dick inside your memories as he fucks you until you scream his name.
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gumballavocadoharry · 4 months
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Estrangement (Future follow up) {Conclusion}:
My legs pressed together, fiddling with the little tract in my hands while engaging on every word of the eulogy being delivered by Kristopher. His words: fabricated with mawkishness to fit the public persona of who Dad portrayed himself to be. Maybe it was the element of melancholy that hastened through the room, that had stricken a slash of grief to trickle down my face.
Sandwiched between Angus and Matthew- who looked up at me to explain why so many people were crying. Victoria and Joshua also wondered the same thing: who was this man? And why was he so important? I pinched a small smile together through my little tears. I looked to Angus who held this straight controlled face. A reef which circled my father's face in the middle. Kristopher stepped down leading to a barrage of claps. Mom and Kimberly sat next to each other, holding hands with one of Kim's hands while the other stayed laced with her husband's Pete's. Piper looked around the room, making eye contact with my children several times. Mom's glances were steady between my family and the platform of the small stage. 
Kylie would sometimes give reassuring shoulder squeezes from behind me and Kira and Kameron partnered together in their seats only a few spaces from ours. Around us was the bog of professor friends and colleagues from the schools Dad taught at. Then the other half were the upscale friends of Mom and Dad: The Wint's, The Collymore's, The Verlice's and The Huxley's. All splattered together into this clique of families who wanted nothing but the best. I faintly remembered the Verlice's- they would come to the local country club and have friendly competitions with Mom and Dad. Mr. Verlice and Dad were fanatics with betting which one of their children would make the mark at the most prestigious universities they could think of. Mr. Verlice's son, Dalton had one over Kimberly when it came to his football against Kimberly's tennis records.
I remember Dalton's particular liking towards Kimberly; his blonde bangs swaying neatly over his eyes and the clean-cut presentation of himself made Dad and Mr. Verlice believe they could be another version of Mom and Dad. But Kim wasn't as interested in Dalton as she appeared.... I guess I wouldn't either if I found out his attraction was of someone of... his body type. Rumors spread all over once Dalton made his way around the college. Names of different guys popped all over, making Mr. Verlice into this hermit. He couldn't muster himself to call Dad or anyone else. He faded away, almost completely out of the earth until now, here at Dad's funereal. I made eye contact with him twice only to be rebuffed silently and glanced over with no expression- no smile... nothing.
After the funereal, we were all to attend the burial of Dad before the wake. The pallbearers held the long timber casket above them, marching to silent rhythm. The casket finally being set down onto the platform that would officially bury him underneath. The pastor preached occasionally glancing up from his bible to the ones who could stare at him while looking back to the casket. My bottom lip stayed bitten the whole time; untucking it only once I realized that there was a pinching pressure that was beginning. It seemed like all eyes were on my children- Mom not able to take her gaze off of the three even for a second. Three grandchildren she knew nothing about and who nothing about her either. Victoria, holding my hand closely, must've reminded mom of myself at that age. Quiet, curious, unsure of what to happen next. The casket was pulled into the ground; swallowed up by the core of the earth it seemed, leaving only this nadir shell of existence from Dad. 
Everyone faded slowly from their spots in front of the grave, disappearing into their cars. A westside community center that was specially reserved for Dad's wake was full of parked spaces. Angus circled around until we found this nicely hidden spot by a flurry tree that liked to sway its branches into the tips of the afternoon air. "Stay by Mommy and Daddy." I had bent down, gathering my children around me and instructing them. I ushered the children to a table where Angus volunteered to watch it, while the children and I gathered our plates at the buffet that was sprawled across the vary of tables. In the corner of my eye- Kimberly and Pete were chatting with Mom and Kristopher. Piper and Joshua locked eyes, exchanging smiles before she came over to us after unraveling her grip from Kimberly's hand. "What's your name?" 
"Joshua, but you can call me Josh- everyone else does.." "I'm Piper," the sweet girl stuck her hand out; Joshua shaking it while gathering a few more wings onto his plate. "Piper!" Kimberly's yell made me glance over in their direction. I gave a quick smile before gathering my children back to their father. Even Mom couldn't shake my hawk like protective watch from my kids. "It was nice to meet you, Piper. I'm Katlin, by the way." The little girl smiled, showcasing her piercing dimples just like her mother's. Piper was asked to come back to her mother- running off back to Kimberly who gave me a content look of thankfulness. Mom's eyes glanced between Kim and me- eyeing me, then my children, then Angus who was hugged at the table guarding it like a third world country would swoop by and snag him with it. I guided our way back to the table, where Angus was able to grab his food the counter.
Silence. Nothing but utter silence sat with us at the table while we ate our lunch. It felt like all eyes were on me even when my own bored into the empty plate in front of me. Scratching it with the nip of my fork which miffed Angus. "Kids, why don't you go and play with the other children?" His smile- fatherly and meek. Matthew guided his younger siblings with him out to the yard where Kim's daughter among the other little cousins and grandchildren of whomever were. Kylie seized the opportunity- taking a seat with us at the table. My eyes scanned her blueish aqua ones, wanting to know what was up her sleeve and what she possibly might've witnessed. After biting my lips; licking them thinly, I needed to say something- ask something, a question- anything that seemed to be gnawing at the panel of my brain. "How's mom?" I raised my eyebrow, shooting my glance down at the paper like table cloth. 
"Grieving..... Nana Anne and Grandpa Des are talking to her right now...." I looked over to see mom huddled in a corner, family rushing in and out consoling her. Flattening my lips, I turned back to Kylie, "I know- it all happened so fast..... how is she adjusting to everything else?...." I glanced towards outside where the kids where running around after a soccer ball- Kam's idea.
"Well..... it hit her all at once and.... she's.... really..." Kylie shot a quick glance towards Mom, "frozen." I bit my lip. I knew Kylie meant "offended" rather than a simple little nick of a description that couldn't even comprehend the concussion of turmoil that shattered her that night at the hospital once she realized four perfect secrets that were so neatly hidden from her and dad. Stalking heel clicks chirped loudly until I felt a heated shadowy mien around me. "Hey girls," Mom's voice, peddled through our table. Taking a seat in between me and Kylie, scanning us for what we were so tightly keeping between our glances. She cleared her throat before looking towards the outside where the flock of children played. She turned her look back to me and tattered on a smile, "How are the children holding up?" I stiffened up straighter and taller in my chair, "Well. They're doing well..." Mom shifted her lips towards one corner of her mouth. "So, Mom, how are doing?" 
"Oh, I'm steady right now.... I guess it just took everyone by surprise," Kira came over and took the last remaining chair at our table. "Hey sweetie," Kira smiled tacitly. "Tomorrow- I have to clean out the house of your father's things.... if you all want to come to see if there's anything that you may want for yourselves... I wouldn't mind." Silence slithered through the table once again. Mom's eyes seemed to stare through everyone- through the glass of their eyes and somehow into their thoughts that fumbled like bricks in their brain. Her eyes then shifted to me, attempting to bore into me like she would do when I was a child, except with this angry repelling stare. A look that now etched across her face in my mind- tempting to continue the stare showdown while also trying to mentally pull and shield myself from. I quickly jerked my expression to become stoic and stone like; her face flailing and shedding her desperate stares in between my sisters and me.  "Do Kam, Kris and Kim know?" Mom nodded, keeping her stare on me. "I'll come," Kira piped. I gave her a smile. Kylie gave a quiet smile and nod and soon all eyes turned to me again.
Mom's fingers etched towards my the fist of my right hand that were firmly on my lap. Yanking it to my face, clearing my throat and turning to mom; brashly with underlined emotion. "I'll see if I can stop by..."
"Will-" I raised an eyebrow. Mom gathered herself into my eyeline, "Will you bring the children?" I raised my eyebrows swiftly before glancing to Kira, then Kylie, then Angus, who I exchanged looks with longer. "Well.... Matthew and Joshua have school and Victoria has preschool." Mom's eyes became glossy- shifting around to stunt the peering tears. I gave her a small hand to shoulder touch. "I'll be there." I promised. I didn't know if it was the right thing for me... but I intended to keep that promise anyway. 
Leaving the wake was symbolic for me in some pondering way. The thick cool breeze of later afternoon swept the bold strands of my hair as I trudged myself closer and closer to my car; arms wrapped around me like the hug that I didn't believe I needed, especially from myself. Angus came shadowing next to me holding Tori in one arm and holding Josh's hand in the other. Matt scooted next to me latching his hand into mine while swinging and kicking. "Bye Matthew and Josh!" I turned around to see Piper, waving her hand while Kim was holding onto the other. "Bye Tori!" The children waved bye to each other before shuttling into the backseat of the mini van. I could feel eyes boring into me; latched into this grasp that picked through my spine. Turning and seeing Mom's piercing pained look coil around the view of our car. My kids and Kim's daughter were getting along just fine like they had always been together. Like they knew each other forever- since their birth. But they were still strangers. Just friendly strangers to this quicksand of chaos that their little minds couldn't yet entice.
Bitting the corner of my lip before plopping into the passenger's side and pulling out of the parking lot and then peeling onto the corner. The ride home was less dreary than the wake, but still somber. I guess you can expect that after a funeral but with everything that went on outside of Dad's death, there was nothing but mere dysfunction. My mind quivered over the promise of what was expected of me tomorrow. Cleaning out the childhood home of nightmares where emptiness was a cool hug compared to the rigid cold atmosphere that lurked even in the darkest of corners. The walls liked to suffocate me in them- thickening the air pent up in my lungs of wanting to scream or holler anything for help. But nothing. Only dew drop rays of light pecked in with Kira sitting on my bed listening to my feverish poems that even at her age, were too mature for her to realize, or Kylie teaching me to sketch my first simple stick figure. Kristopher with his soccer and Kameron with his basketball- both teaching me the art of sports and sportsmen ship.
Kimberly and I could only be so close. In her innocent good girl eyes, they longed for more; nights where she spilled the latest gossip about her crushes and her friends and times where manicures were some of the funniest moments I've ever had. But she was the pedestal. The pedestal of golden that Mom and Dad needed for everyone else. The parting line was tradition. 
"You alright?" Angus turned to me after turning the key once we pulled into our driveway. I nodded, "Can we-" I glanced through the overhead mirror before back to Angus, "Can we... talk inside?" I loudly whispered. Once the kids were in the house and downstairs enjoying their snack, me and Angus trailed upstairs into our bedroom. I took a deep breath and looked into his mellow washed blue eyes. Shaking my head, finally opening my mouth to speak. "Mom... wanted so badly to see the kids.... was I too harsh on her?" Angus was undoing his tie in the mirror, he shook his head, "No I don't think so.... the kids do have school and besides...." He came over to the side of the bed, "You can't ever trust someone like that- there's a reason why your parents weren't invited into our family." I nodded. "At the table, I told her I'd drop by and help her sort out Dad's things.... I don't know if that was a mistake," I looked away for a brief moment like I couldn't handle Angus's intense stare.
"It's like there's this invisible dower over me because I kept my life in the shadows... especially the kids. Dad only saw them once and Mom is probably angry because she...well... she always loved the idea of having a lot of grandchildren... deep down I know she hates me for it." Angus sucked in his bottom lip. "It was their mistake, not yours. You don't owe her anything and if she misses out on the kids growing up, then so be it... she had a daughter- you, and she didn't appreciate that... so.. there it is." Angus was right, I knew he was. But somehow, I had this gut instinct that I had somehow created another hole into this platonic layer. That maybe even I was surprised with. Every promise I made to myself at sixteen, nineteen, and now was evident. There was no turning back, I had promised. I would never call, or text, or visit. I would never announce my success, my newfound happiness in literature, my engagement, my marriage, the birth of my children, how Tori was a preemie, how Josh has been tested for ADHD, how Matthew had a lisp at one point, or how our suburban neighborhood was way more upscale than what they had imagined for us.
Nothing. Every milestone, every piece of life that I grabbed at the fringes and hugged together to shape who I wanted to become was nothing but exotic. 
For the first time in my life- my family saw me make a life standing commitment. Even I surprised myself with my endurance and how forgotten they had become once I fully threw it all behind me. Mom knew I was serious when I said 'goodbye' the last time I walked out of that house... and that's what it meant through all these years. Goodbye.
It was eleven in the morning when I arrived. The air had softened leaving behind a gentle glow of warmth from the sun. Listening the tatter sounds of my jeans rubbing against my legs was humming beat the further I strolled through the front door pathway to the porch. Kim's car was lined first, then Kam and Kris's on the street, Kira's was second parked in the driveway and Kylie's stood only a little behind mine further down the road, but not too far from the house.
Walking into the house, slapped me from head to toe with pinging memories. The house stood exactly the same as it did outside. Clean, crisp, fancy, elegant leaving you too stiff to touch anything. The kitchen where I read my books early in the morning while sipping tea was untouched. The dining room where isolation in the crowded room stabbed me from every corner. I wondered about my bedroom; walls still being the lavender purplish color with the white trimming. I grabbed my internal curiosity not sure if I could handle seeing the bleak room of draining graphic memories that would bring me into this unfocused despair.
Kimberly was asking Mom where she wanted some things and Kris and Kam were already bringing some things down from the attic. I glanced over to see the coffee table, stacked full of Dad's professor books. Even today, my fingers still felt wriggly to even so much as stare beyond the cover of the book. A cool shiver trickled down my spine, silvering the tip of my fingers. "Katlin," I looked up to see Mom- trailing down the stairs, eyes laser focused on me like I was this looming shadow that had somehow snuck into the house or like I had two heads and four bulging eyes that popped out from the sides of my face.  "I'm glad you're here!" I tapered my expression- not sure exactly what she meant. I scanned the living room only wanting traces of Mom through my peripheral vision. "The upstairs could use some help," I followed Mom up the stairs trying to swallow those thrusting memories of feet paddling up the same wooden steps after a fight or a Sunday drive in the country where I seemed to only fade in through one end and out the other.
Side-eyeing my empty bedroom; walls stained in a washed purple tone, dust bunnies tucked in corners neatly over to the side. The corner of my defuncted desk had this hollow echo- like nothing had changed and that the little spot was just a temporary empty that could easily be filled with something worth a replacement. Otherwise, everything in this bedroom stayed the same. Dead, but alive in some way- forever the same nineteen-year-old with big dreams and ambitions who wanted nothing more than to cast herself out of this house like a cannonball. But Mom needed me in her bedroom. She guided me into the small little office space that she would use sometimes to write checks or sort bills for Dad to see once he returned from work. She turned to me: "Katlin.... your father had these books that he would read whenever he wanted to find a formula for a lecture he would work on," She pulled out one of the books that had a particular color to it: navy blue with a washed-out silver tone to it. I reckoned it to be one of my first published books. 
"Your father had bought this one day at Barnes and Nobles and he just couldn't stop staring at it. I didn't know exactly what it was that he was interested in about it... until I saw your name." I swallowed. "It was one of the first books he's read from you, sweetie." My eyes couldn't stop examining the book. So crisp and new, like it had barely been touched. I looked further down the cover and seeing my signature- a signed copy. I blinked up to Mom again. "You want me to have it?" Tear brimmed across her eyes. She took a deep somber breath and rested her hand on her head. My eyebrows squinted wondering what exactly she wanted from me in this very moment. But maybe I already knew. "How could you? Keep this amazing secret from us all these years? Don't you think I would've deserved to know about those kids? - about how I wanted to be there for every birthday or even their births in the first place?! That was my precious moment that you so selfishly threw away all for pride.... Katlin.... was it really worth it?"
Katlin? Katlin? Katlin?
My eyes blinked awake. "Oh yes, I'm sorry," Mom sighed, "I wanted to show you that even though.... it wasn't perfect... your father did have his moments of pride..." 
"Or guilt," "What?" "I wrote that book based loosely off my experiences here... I know Dad... I know that despite everything he said about me... he still had his pride. He needed that book. He needed that book to show around to everyone like a trophy to prove he could make success and because he needed to etch out the truth behind these words. He was always one to hide behind his own image... if he did read it... then.... that's what it would be for." Bitting my tongue, not believing for a minute how much I said in so little words. Mom seemed to fade into my eyes. 
"Whatever you have to say.... say it. Dad's gone... you know... everything that went on in this house... don't believe for one second that you couldn't understand what was coming. I was persistent in my achievements... you knew I had everything I needed to walk away." Tears trickled through the creased cheeks of Mom. Her eyes become blurry to me maybe from my own wallows. "I-I," She dropped. Box slamming and spilling out all the books to sprawl across the floor. "I'm sorry.... I'm so sorry!" Sniffling and whimpering like a scared little child, "I don't know.... I don't know why I did it... I-" Heaving breaths took control. I crotched down to Mom's level and just looked into her wet eyes. She grabbed my shoulders, "Katlin... I was a bad mother- I won't deny it. I can't change what happened and.... that does beat me up every day. But I can be there now... I can make the choice now-"
"For me or for Tori and Joshua and Matthew and Angus?" She nodded, "For all of you." I shook my head, "But you're my mother. Tell me- is it for me or for the chance to have what you don't deserve?" A crack chipped in her voice, "Both."  I shook my head, biting my lip. "You can't... you can't take either one.... I can't let you take either one."  Mom stared at me with gasping eyes of bleeding pleads. Not being able to attach herself to something she didn't own ate into her like a core of an apple. Dying with grief- standing to her own feet again, this time with an unforgiving blanched look of hopeless. "I can't lose you Katlin..." Her voice frayed and demised. I turned to her- shooting an up and down look, "You didn't lose me.... we just simply never existed."
The clicks of my boots were the only echos that were traced through the downstairs. All eyes were met with me; up and down looks swimming around me in the same tone I used with Mom. They knew. I didn't know if they were listening or if my voice was loud or if some fiber in their being could just sense this engrossing feeling of tension that was introduced in this same living room from the time our eyes met just pounded through them like a loud heartbeat. "Katlin..." Kira's little voice seemed to me like the same one I would hear as a teenager when she would curl up into my bed and watch me flicker through my book of poems. I shook my head, flaring it off with my hand. "What happened?" Kim spoke. "Mom.... well... she wanted me to help with some of Dad's old books and I guess I assumed that she wanted me to keep some of them,"
I took a deep breath, "But, instead she showed me that he had bought one of my first books and kept it, which led to her asking me about..." I finally met eyes with everyone. "I don't know... maybe since she's grieving- it.... that must be it." Kylie arched an eyebrow. Somehow without ushering me physically, I sat down across from her. She took a deep breath and looked to Kimberly. Then eventually we all did. Kim had her gaze solid on her lap, scratching the fabric of her jeans. Licking her lips, she finally met everyone's gaze. Their leader. My answers were led with Kimberly. "Growing up.... Mom and Dad- as you all know- had conditions. And being the firstborn of their children, they needed compile a bunch of expectations to me for success,"
"I was perfect in their eyes. I played tennis, I got excellent grades, went to the best college, dated the most promising guy of approval and did everything their way. But it didn't mean anything... my life was never my own- only an object of Mom and Dad," Tears welled in her eyes leading to sniffles and red washed eyes, "I always wanted to just be normal- go crazy and become a tennis player of my own sort. And I tried so hard to bond with you Katlin- to apart of your world because... it was so fascinating. It brought life into everything... but I couldn't.... they wouldn't let me. You were born and they of course sculpted this image of everything you were supposed to be to them... but you weren't. You rebelled- forged your hobby of writing and grew into this amazing artistic person who I could only dream of becoming. Refusing to walk the parting line, Mom and Dad abused you- keeping me and everyone else at this distance from you because they hated your strength. Standing up for yourself in this family with these types of parents was the strongest thing I've seen and they hated it. Hated you for it. But we loved you. Anytime I spent with you encouraged me to just try to break out for the sake of who I was and become the actual Kimberly that I kept hidden... but I couldn't. Of course I wasn't forced to do any of this... but... you know how they are." Kimberly set her gaze against the leg of couch.
"Today... I love Piper... but I'm married to success, became success and became everything I was programmed to be and nothing else. Nothing more, nothing less." A scorn left her throat. But a weight had hefted from her presence.
Kylie finished where Kim left off. "We all had our hobbies: my painting, the twin's sports, Kira's poems... but none of those things would've mattered if Mom and Dad's pleasures weren't first. At the start of middle school- pretending to like astrology and 'study' it was the only way an art wall could be planted in my room."
"I know, I had to pretend to study medicine which became a part of my fate today," Said Kris. "Mathematics for me," Kam chimed, "I got the best job of following in Dad's footsteps of being the most prestigious professor in the country!" Kim sarcastically said.
Kira was now the focus. She took a deep breath and spoke. "Science," She bit her lip, "They knew how close we were...." A heavy breath cave in through Kira's little voice, "They were really hard on me- maybe not in the same way, but I guess they were trying to find a replacement for the prodigal daughter." Tears became my vision. My poor youngest sister suffered for love. Everyone did. "Katlin... you will always be the brightest one in this family... you stayed true to yourself and walked away to something better. We followed after you," Another heavy breath shifted, "I wish I had the guts you did. I'll never forget the day you moved out... we couldn't bare to see you leave, but saying goodbye was defining. The war was over for you and you never looked back."
"We're so proud of you, Katlin... don't ever let Mom say otherwise." Kim tussled me into a hug, soaking her damp face in my hair. Kris's eyes held tears. "You're not a black sheep to us... you're an angel." He clanged behind me, then Kam, then Kylie, then Kira. Finally breaking and sobbing into this warmth of my siblings that I didn't have to hide from anymore. Sniffles spread through the room. Mom skirted halfway down the stairs, stopping and just eyeing everyone piled into the group hug. Her looking with the same shadow of distance that I bestowed me at ten, then thirteen, fifthteen, nineteen and twenty. 
Not anymore. Not ever again could I separate myself the truth that hid behind the mask of dysfunction.
Six-o-clock rolled around. The house was cleared, empty and lifeless. Quick parting routine hugs and kisses were bestowed upon Mom, but nothing more. "Thank you all so much for helping me..." Her voice emitting pitiful mourns. "I love you all so much." The room was silent and dark until we silently agreed to bush her with the same the words: "Love you too."
Leaving with new contacts in my phone was the best feeling. Even more than the cool spring breeze of the evening. "Will Mom be okay?" Kira whispered, "Of course, she's got Dad's survivor benefits." Kam shot back. Not at Kira exactly, but at Mom. I looked back to see her staring through the doorway of the now lifeless broken house that she had so blissfully inherited. Fumbling my pocket for the car keys, Kim came up and hugged me tightly. "You still inspire me Kate...." pulling away and looking into my eyes, "Don't forget that." A sweet smile sprouted through her face. "I won't." I managed to say. Kam's car honked as he drove by before turning the corner. Soon everyone's car but mine had pulled away into the night. I took one last look at the house and Mom before pulling out and driving away.
A fresh breath finally choked out. Happy tears drizzled and new chapters arose. Closure found me, wrapped in it's arms and spoke in my face to say: "I'm Katlin Styles."
And I was. To my very own self. Finally turning the corner and pulling into my home where the house probably smelled of delivery fresh pizza, cookies, paint and whatever else Angus had set out for the kids. Sitting in the driveway and taking in the essence of my messy perfectness was everything I ever needed.
More so, everything I ever wanted. Something to my life, my future and myself.
Yes. My very own Katlin Styles. 
Taking a deep breath, locking the car door and finally stepping inside the house. Angus looked at me, seeing the awe that maybe didn't exist until now. "You okay?" His voice, mellow and soft.
I smiled, scanning the house for everything- the kids, the dirty laundry that seemed to overflow in the hamper, the two open pizza boxes that one of them carried still a full a pizza in and the flickering Tv. Looking back to Angus- smiling loudly and hopeful.
"I'm fine," I nodded, still smiling, 
"I'm fine."
So this is the final chapter of the Estrangement series!!! I hope you enjoyed this series and I hope that it touched you in more ways possible!!!
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melanieph321 · 5 months
Ruben Dias x Reader - Set Me Free Part 8/15
Part 9 and 10 are already out on my Patreon for Free!
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Ruben and Carla have grown apart. With Rubens career taking off he leaves Portugal to live the life of his dreams, breaking Carla's heart doing so. Years later, upon his return home, Ruben learns that Carla has moved on, happily engaged to another man, but not any man, Ruben's childhood bully João Mendes.
Ruben ran around the local stadium. He stopped counting how many laps he had done once his smartwatch died. After running he made his way onto the football pitch, a ball at his feet. He moved fast, trying to keep control of the ball. Defending was his job and Ruben was set to not let anybody through, that started with knowing how to keep the ball at his feet no matter what.
He wasn't good enough, not yet. Years of training and Ruben was still not good enough. He certainly hadn't been good enough to keep the love of his life. How could he expect to be good enough for his team? The European championship was due this summer and Ruben had a long way to go. He had to work harder.
His family had left him for the day. Ruben's mother in particular, couldn't stand it when he got like this. His behavior was compulsive. Instead of expressing his emotions, Ruben would head to the gym and push his body to its limits. His family worried about him, but never knew how to reach him. They saw him as a ticking time bomb, waiting to explode from all the pent-up anger and stress. However, it's what made him the man he is today. That and other things.
"Hello, anybody home?"
"In here!" Ruben shouted.
He stood in the kitchen preparing his post-workout shake whilst waiting for the sauna to heat up. Emerging footsteps were heard out on the patio, followed by a sun kissed Santina popping her head through the glass doors.
"I thought that was you running up and down the street." She smiled. "Are you training for a marathon or something?"
Ruben shrugged his shoulders and took a swing of his shake. "I'm just trying to stay in shape." He said.
"You, stay in shape?" Santina invited herself in, her eyes wandering shamelessly to the pecks of Ruben's sweaty muscles as he stood shirtless before her. "Come on Ruben, you're built like a sculpture, what more do you want?"
He chuckled.
"I bet you can't do pilates though. I'm good for a spread eagle now that the studio in my house is fully renovated."
"A spread eagle?" Ruben frowned.
Santina glared at him seductively. "I'd show you how I do it but...."
"But Carla is my friend so...."
Ruben flinched at the name. A grimace that did not go unnoticed by Santina.
"I saw you talking to her at the party." She said, resting her elbows on the kitchen Island and grinning when Ruben's eyes shamelessly diverged to her ass. "You left kind of early after that."
"Yeah, I was not...." Ruben scratched the back of his head, his gaze returning to hers. "I guess you can say I suddenly felt sick to my stomach." And he still felt sick. Not even the aching pain from working out so hard could mend what he felt inside. The fact that Carla wanted nothing to do with him was simply killing him from the inside out.
Ruben cleared his throat. "Was there anything you needed?"
Santina perked up. "No, not really."
With Ruben's success he had moved his family into a gated community. Santina had become their new neighbor as she lived down the street in the home that her family left her in their will.
"Alright, well I'm about to head into the sauna." He pointed.
"Cool. Mind if I join?"
It wasn't a question. Santina pushed off the kitchen Island and strutted down the hallway, peeling off the laces to her top as she did.
Ruben sighed but bent down to pick up the trail of her clothes, neatly folding them and placing them on the bathroom sink. The glass doors to the sauna were foggy, with Santina hiding inside of it. Ruben stepped out of his shorts and boxers before opening the door, welcoming the heat.
"What took you so long?"
Santina sat with her knees to her chin, head leaning back against the wall. She sat up as Ruben stepped up to her, his hand reaching to her lips.
"No talking during."
She smiled, "As you wish."
Ruben's hand went to the back of her neck, aligning her head with his erect cock. Santina's eyes widened at the sight of it, already pulsating in his hand.
She obeyed his wishes by not talking during, however Ruben imagined it hard for her to do anything with his dick in her mouth.
She squinted her eyes, tears running down the side of her face as he fucked her mouth, making her gag as he did.
"Good girl." He grunted.
Santina was no quitter either, swallowing his seed with the audacity to look up at him and smile as it went down her throat.
She had a hot body, no doubt about that. However Ruben was afraid that he would go soft seeing her face. There was nothing peculiar about her face, it just didn't belong to the woman that he loved. Nevertheless, Santina didn't mind getting fucked from behind, something told Ruben that she preferred it. She arched her back with his every stroke, gripping the wood and moaning like a maniac as he knocked his hips against hers. She had him coming within seconds. It would be embarrassing, however Ruben couldn't care less.
"We're done here." He said, falling back against the wood.
Santina nodded and made her way out of the sauna, letting out some of the fog. Ruben sat with his legs spread and glistening sweat dripping down his torso. He was still hard, so hard. Nothing did it for him these days. No other woman could satisfy him anymore. He was being a tad dramatic, but if Carla didn't want him Ruben would quit women altogether. He needed to focus on football anyway and now he could do that without looking back.
The wood burned his back as he slumped down against it. Ruben groand as he grabbed his dick, squeezing it in the palm of his hand. He stroked it slowly up and down, trying to picture her face behind his closed eyelids. "Carla." He moaned. Along with upping the tempo of the stroking of his cock. His biceps clenched, already tired from his workout earlier. He pushed through, biting down on his lip as he did.
Her name escaped his lips when he came.
He felt pathetic.
Ruben felt pathetic and disgusting. He was careless too, having fucked Santina without a condom. But who knows, maybe she could have his baby? Ruben wanted nothing more than a family of his own. But if it wasn't with Carla perhaps it was never meant to be.
Part 9 and 10 are already out on my Patreon for Free!
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ilynemesis · 1 year
uhm uhm.
First of all i wanna tell u that i love your work a lot...
so, if it's ok with u, can you write a bakugou x gamer!reader
like when they both arrive home after UA and just start playing games together with the others (kirishima , sero , mina , tsuyu , denki...etc. those dudes you know)
and at the weekends when they all come to the readers house (yeaaaa we're rich hehehe ) to play games together such as football games and stuff ?
and actually i cant stop thinking about how fun and funny would be the whole bakusquad playing an among us game :))))
hope im not asking for a lot of things, if you're not comfortable about writing that just forget about it!!
thx a lot.
hi Rui, thank you for requesting and supporting my work! mwah ♡
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bakugo x gamer! reader
katsuki was a hardheaded unsentimental person most of the times, but he was always a gentleman to you. everyday he would walk you home from school, but for his sake he described his behaviors as, "tch, there might be villains or shit around your house." so here you are, walking with bakugo to your house; but this time it was different. at school you invited him to come into your house to play some video games. you were a known gamer nerd, always playing the newest games and being damn good at it.
so it didn't surprise bakugo that you asked him to play video games with you, and to your shock, he accepted. walking along the pathway to your house you ask him what games to play when you arrive. "so, whatcha wanna play? I have it all."
"of couse ya' do, you nerd." he teases. you playfully punch his arm and giggle softly, "says you, you practically jumped in joy when I asked you. I could see it in your eyes." he scoffs, "stop lyin' and, I don't care what we play. you're gonna lose to me anyways."
you walk up the steps to your house, unlocking the door and gesturing him to come in. he's walked you home for months, but surprisingly has never been inside. you grab him arm and pull him upstairs and to your room where your new playstation four and pick up controllers for both of you. sitting down closely beside eachother you scroll through your library, picking a football game, "madden."
after two hours go by of you relentlessly beating him, destroying his massive ego and self esteem. he grunts and decides to rage quit, lightly throwing his controller into your lap. "this is bullshit' you're cheatin or something," he says. you laugh loudly at his destroyed demeanor, "what happened to you beating me?"
katsuki scoffs at your sentence, and you start feeling buzzing in your pocket. you pull out your phone, seeing that mina was calling you. you answer it, "hey mina? what's up!... yeah bakugo's with me, we were playing a game... sure! we'll play with you!"
bakugo scoffs, "why'd you accept? I'm not playing with those extras." you bonk the side of his head with your controller, "mina invited us, stop being difficult!" you switch the game to among us and enter the 1A groupchat call. bakugo pulls out his phone with a grumble and loads among us.
"guys guys! y/n and bakugo are here!" mina squeals.
"about time, you guys made me think you wouldn't come." denki says.
"tch, I didn't want to, y/n forced me to come." bakugo expresses.
"come on bro! it'll be fun, you'll see." kirishima assures.
after a few minutes of talking you finally start the game; you and sero get imposters and you snicker evilly. you pretend to do tasks in admin but end up killing mina, hearing a whine from the groupchat call. you look over at bakugo to make sure he didn't see you kill her, and you notice that he looks unamused playing the game.
you mute your mic, "katsu, come on.. play the game with us." he looks at you and grumbles, "tch, I only wanted to play with you. not these brainless extras." you widen your eyes in surpise from his response, you propose an idea, "hmm.. lets make bets." he looks at you with a slight grin on his face.
"when I win, I'll take ya out somewhere." he says. you smile and nod your head, turning away from him and focusing on the present game. you all communicate on who could be the imposter, and end up voting sero.
"hah, knew it was flat face." bakugo says.
"oh come on!" sero whines.
"focus guys, we have one more imposter, ribbit." tsuyu says.
you agree with her and tell everyone to focus on finding the second imposter, even though it's you. you sabotage the lights, and end up killing two people on the way to electric; kirishima and denki. you make it to electric and meet jiro there, working on fixing the lights. as the lights turn on you pretend to find the bodies and report them.
"damn, kirishima and denki died. mina, you owe me ten dollars, I told you denki would be one of the firsts to get killed." jiro says.
"ribbit, I suspect bakugo, I didn't see him anywhere. he probably killed them then raced off somewhere, ribbit" tsu guesses.
"I DIDN'T DO ANTHING FROG FACE!" bakugo says with a scowl.
"you're being suspicious bakugo." you say, grinning.
"I agree, plus, you yelling isn't doing anything but bring more suspicion. I'm voting bakugo." jiro says.
you and tsuyu agree, earning a scowl from bakugo as he looks at you; you stick your tounge out playfully. bakugo gets voted out and you resume back to the game. you follow jiro into medbay and pretends to go on the scanner, then you quickly kill her. running out and venting to comms where you see tsuyu doing tasks in storage. you walk to her and stab her, ending the game in victory.
"well y/n won!" mina says, unsurprised. you were the known gamer after all.
"good, at least my teammate won." sero says with a sigh, feeling victory.
"you were the first person to get voted out!" denki says.
"yeah yeah, who's up for a round two?" sero says. everybody agrees, loading in a new game. you look at bakugo who has his brows furrowed.
"guys, sorry. bakugo and I are going to go." you say as you log off. you earn a line of "goodbyes" and end the call. you scoot over to bakugo and lean on his shoulder, "so, you didn't win." bakugo sighs, he really did want to take you out. you smile to yourself, you already knew what you wanted your prize to be.
"since I won, I'd like my prize." you say, looking at bakugo. he looks back at you, "tch, what is it? twenty dollars or somethin?" you put your hands on his cheeks, cupping his face.
"a kiss from you."
let's just say, you both started walking home together hand in hand.
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pumukli74 · 3 months
Pairing: Jude Bellingham x Reader
- What did you do? - I roared down Dom's head.
- Minna! Everything will be fine. I will win - my friend tried to calm me down. We usually get along, but now he did something stupid.
- Don't worry - my girlfriend hugged me. Should I be calm? Should I not worry?
- He didn't offer you as a prize... I'd rather not say what it is! - Different shades of red danced on my face, from my neck to my burning ears. I tried to calm down with deep inhalations and exhalations, but I couldn't.
After partially regulating my pulse, I curiously glanced over to the far end of the pub. There, among his laughing friends, my pushed friend's opponent, Jude Bellingham, is the savior of the Real Madrid football team, the black-haired demigod of the Galacticos. The competition between them has been going on since his arrival, which they tried to keep within normal limits, their fight was never really bloody. Until now. I don't even understand how Jude could agree to the bet, why he allowed this challenge to my drunk friend.
If he wins, I mean Jude, I'll be his for a night. The thought of it touching me gave me chills, in a good way, of course. Like others, I was not left cold by his magical aura, which made most of the girls willing to do anything. Well, I really liked the guy, but I didn't want to be another name in his crowded notebook. As before, I couldn't take my eyes off him. My gaze wandered over his muscular figure, his narrow hips and long legs hidden in black jeans.
As much as I didn't mean to, it definitely had an effect on me. I envied the red and black arrows as he twirled them between his fingers, while his all-knowing eyes bore into mine. I answered his flash of a smile with a grimace, then turned back to my friend with a grunt, ignoring Jude's nod as he tried to greet me.
- Then let's start! - Dom waved at his opponent with a drunken grin. - There will be nothing wrong - he pressed a kiss on my cheek. Of course! The smell of alcohol, which could be felt from kilometers away, followed him like a shadow as he walked with uncertain steps to the throwing line.
- Minna - I trembled, she appeared behind me so unexpectedly.
- Jude.
- Don't you wish me luck? - My nose was hit by her acrid, citrus scent and the pulsation of energy that came from her body. I had a strong desire to snuggle up to Jude, hug him and never let him go. But I was able to resist the temptation, I pushed it away.
- I'm rooting for my friend, don't be angry.
-I'm not angry - he whispered. - How crampy you are today. I know a sure fire way to get you unstuck.
- Try a cold shower - I retorted.
- It can only be considered as a temporary solution.
- My body is not for sale.
- I'm glad. You know, I've never paid for sex before.
- Let's go! - Vini, one of the demigod's best friends, interrupted our verbal duel. - My stars! Work first, then fun.
At the beginning, everything went fine, but somewhere along the way, Dom lost control, the alcohol took over him. He made more and more mistakes and finally lost. And I turned around and walked away. I didn't want to see my friend's desperate face, nor Jude's smug look. I ran away, leaving the noisy pub behind. Neither the fresh, early spring air could soothe him, nor the beloved city of Madrid, whose streets were resplendent in the silvery light of the full moon shining in the sky. In my favorite nightclub, I was greeted by a gentle twilight, a lot of people and a fast rhythm. He was familiar behind the bar, he would have filled my usual drink immediately.
- No, thanks - I motioned to him. I didn't want the drink now, I was in a mess anyway, I didn't want to knock myself out completely. Rather, I gave in to the uncontrollable rumbling that hurt ears accustomed to silence, that the bass became one with my heartbeat. With arms raised high, hips swaying to the tune of the music, I raged for who knows how long. This night was different.
My skin heated up as the hand slid to my waist, my back pressed against the hard muscles. Glancing back over my shoulder, I detected a slight rebuke in the gaze framed by thick, dark eyelashes. I knew that no matter how much I resisted, I would only feel truly at home in his arms.
- You're bad, Minna. Very, very bad.
- Jude...
- We both have an unfinished business that...
- What?
- What we need to close. Now. Immediately - There was no escape.
- Well then, love me, Jude Bellingham! - I gave the order.
- Yes ma'am! - he leaned closer. - I will love you my beauty until the end of time.
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kwisatzworld · 11 months
Vale's First Year in 250cc - 1998
Japanese GP, Suzuka “Maybe the perfect thing about 250 is I can get out of bed later! I used to get up around 7am every day for 125 practice, and that’s too early, a big problem for me. Now life is very much better because 250 practice later so I can stay in bed until 9am. I keep strange hours – at home I never go to bed before one or two in the morning, and I never get up before 11am if I can help it.” “I like Suzuka very much because it’s fun and Japan is a paradise for me because I love computer games. The track is great and I love all the shops and amusement arcades in the circuit complex – it’s like a big amusement park. Suzuka has to be the most expensive GP for me! This year I spent so much money on new games for my PlayStation and on souvenir F1 models of Hakkinen and Senna. I also bought a very trick radio-controlled Tamiya Subaru, with all the special parts that are impossible to buy in Italy.” “I think I will ask Beggio - he’s the Aprilia boss - to fix it for me to meet the Spice Girls. They are now promoting Aprilia scooters, and I’m a big fan. It would be fantastic to meet Scary Spice. Maybe I should join the band – I’d be Fast Spice!” “It’s good to be racing again after such a long winter and so much testing. I only had one real holiday – I went snowboarding for the first time. I crashed so many times. Now I’m a racer I’m more careful on skis than when I was a boy, but not too careful!”
Malaysian GP, Johor “Johor was another expensive grand prix for me – very expensive! On Sunday I lost the prize money for first place and earlier in the week I lost one million lira in a bet with Loris Capirossi. We stayed at the same hotel and I bet him that he couldn’t jump off a first-floor hotel walkway into the swimming pool. It was a pretty risky jump because he had to jump away from the walkway and there was a four metres drop to the pool, and no room for a run up! He nearly chickened out, but I’ll never pay him. Well, I’ll see if he forgets first.”
Spanish GP, Jerez “I didn’t miss the discos either, because I had a lot of late nights in clubs before I went to Malaysia. Maybe you know, but there’s a big fight in Italy at the moment to make clubs shut earlier. They close at 4am on Saturday night, but some people want them to close at two, because a lot of the kids have accidents when they drive home. But it’s crazy, if they shut the clubs at two, for sure there’s no way I’ll go home. I’ll go to another bar or to a party with my friends. I always stay up until six or seven on Sunday morning! Okay, maybe some of the kids drink too much or take drugs, but you don’t only get drink and drugs in clubs.” “It’s great to be back in Europe after the first two races. I have my camper which makes life very comfortable, the camper only holds two people, but that’s okay. I don’t like my dad to sleep with me, because when it gets to ten o’clock he starts saying: ‘Vale, Vale, go to bed!’, but I can’t go to sleep before one or two. We did share a motorhome in ‘96 and it made life very, very difficult for me. Dad didn’t make it to Japan or Malaysia and it’s good to have him around again. He knows what it’s like to be a GP rider, so he keeps in the background, maybe watches a bit out on the track, and lets me get on with it.” “Next race of course is Mugello, which is fantastic – lots of Italian fans. But I hope it doesn’t get too crazy for me in the paddock. Someone told me I should hire some security gorillas to look after me, but the organisers of the Milan motorcycle show did that for me, and they pushed the fans around. I didn’t like that, so maybe I’ll do what I did at the Bologna motorcycle show last autumn – dress up with dark shades, a wig like Ruud Gullit [the Dutch football star] and a baseball cap. I looked just like a fan and didn’t get hassled once all day. Or maybe I will dress up as a Spice Girl!”
Italian GP, Mugello “The noise at Mugello is mad – the fans on the hills rev up engines all day and all night. Some people bring big, old car motors in the back of vans, with big, open megaphone exhausts. They just rev them on the rev- limiter until the engines blow: pa-pa-pa-pa-pa... boom! It’s very funny! It’s fun to go up on the hill on Saturday evening. Two years ago I wasn’t so well known and I went up there and blew up someone’s CBR engine. Ooops! Last year was very dangerous for me – everyone shouting ‘Rossi! Rossi!’ and jumping on me. There was this big wall of people and only one way out – through the showerblock, so I rode my scooter through the showerblock. If I hadn’t, I’d probably still be up there.” “Mugello is always a lot of pressure for me, but maybe this year isn’t so bad as last year when I was on top of the points in 125s, so I had to win. This time as usual I spent so much time signing autographs, taking photographs with fans and talking to journalists and TV people. It’s okay, but it’s a little problem, because I need so much time to set up the 250. It’s not easy like the 125. You must think a lot and speak to your technicians all the time about your engine, your gearbox, your suspension, your chassis. Busy! Busy!” “The other thing that takes a lot of time is the girls! There are always a lot of girls at every Grand Prix, but a lot of really young girl fans come to see me in Italy, 12 and 13-year-olds. I prefer older girls who are real fans of me as a racer – not teeny-boppers.” “I wasn’t so confident before Mugello because while I was at home I played football and lost, I played tennis and lost, I rode motocross and lost. The only thing I won was minicars – I am the champion! We got beaten in a five-a-side soccer match, six-one, then a friend beat me at tennis, six-one, then Marco [Melandri] beat me at motocross. I’m always fighting with Marco on motocross but he’s faster than me. I’m getting better though – at the start of the year he’d beat me by five or six seconds, now it’s only one or two. I have much fear when I ride motocross because I’m not good at flying. We don’t go crazy; it would be stupid to get hurt doing that. Motocross is great for my muscle power though. I don’t go the gym much in the summer because I want to be outside, so motocross is perfect.”
French GP, Circuit Paul Ricard “Of course I’m looking forward to the World Cup. I love football and you get a great atmosphere for the World Cup. For sure I will see all of Italy’s matches on TV with my friends. I may also go to Paris for one of our matches to work with Italian TV. I hope it’s the final! But I think it will be difficult for Italy. For me, Brazil are the favourites, maybe also France; they have some good players.”
Madrid GP, Jarama “The Saturday before Jarama I went to a crazy disco in Riccione – a lot of people were out of their minds, really high! It’s incredible what the young do for enjoyment! I nearly got into a fight in the club too. This guy came up to me and asked for a cigarette. I told him I don’t smoke. So he asked me again, and I said I don’t smoke. He said ‘You don’t want to give me a cigarette because you’re Valentino Rossi’ and he wanted to fight me! Luckily a friend of mine – a big friend – arrived just in time. That’s another reason why I must get bigger muscles!”
Dutch TT, Assen “I love Assen – it’s a fun track – so it was great to win my first 250 GP there, especially after I won there on the 125 last year. The only thing I hate about Assen is the weather, but it didn’t rain until the 500 went out. God must like 250 racing!” “Maybe my new hair style gave me good luck. I dyed it orange before I left home for Holland, but only when I got to Assen did I realise that orange is the country’s national colour. So far I’ve been blue, blonde and orange, which leaves so many more colours to choose from. I think silver will be next.” “The weekend before Assen I went to the Misano World Superbike round. The track is only 10km from where I live, so I rode there on a scooter with some friends. It was like being a kid again! We watched from the side of the track, not from the paddock. We just laid down in the grass, sunbathed and cheered like crazy when Aaron Slight won both races. I’m a big Slight fan, so it was another perfect day. Aaron’s a really nice guy, but I’m also a big fan of Haga. He didn’t have such a great day – he crashed in both races – but that didn’t stop him having a big party on Sunday night. I went out to dinner with him and the Yamaha team that evening. I had already met him at the Suzuka GP and although he doesn’t speak Italian or English we had a very good Japanese/Italian interpreter. He’s incredible – he drank so much beer! He’s a good guy and very funny.” “The Superbike paddock is great, very different from GPs. Everyone is so serious in GPs – they have to be because the racing is so competitive. In Superbike it’s not like that, the whole Yamaha team was drinking on Sunday night: chief mechanics, mechanics, riders and even the number one guys of Yamaha Japan and Yamaha Italy. I think it’s better like that, but the scene in GPs is too intense for that kind of thing.” “A few days before Misano I went to Paris to be a studio guest on Rae TV for the Italy v Cameroon game. Three-nil! It was fun, but I didn’t get to talk much and I never met the Italian team, because I was in Paris and they were playing in Montpelier!”
British GP, Donington Park “It was a bad end to a bad week for me. We watched the Italy v France World Cup game on Friday night in the Aprilia hospitality unit – there were a lot of Italians and a lot of French making a lot of noise, so it was very funny. Of course I was sad to see Italy get beaten, especially on penalties. For sure if they’d won the cup there would have been a really huge party all over Italy. I was looking forward to that. Now I want Brazil to win. I was glad to see Germany go out on Saturday because I didn’t want them to win. Sorry, Germany!” “The guy who really impressed me during the World Cup was Michael Owen, the English striker, he’s only 18 or something and he scored an amazing goal against Argentina. Maybe he’s the Valentino Rossi of football!” “We had our own paddock World Cup at Donington on Thursday, which was really shit, because we played three games and lost three games. I played in the Italian team with Melandri, Boscoscuro, Scalvini, Locatelli, Borsoi and Carpani. First we played the Suzuki 500 team and lost, then we played Team Rainey and lost, and finally we played Dorna, and lost. Dorna were all Spanish and very good. But the games weren’t so much fun because the pitch was tiny and really bumpy. Last year we had the paddock World Cup at Imola on a full-size pitch, and I scored twice. Nice!” “I have to say I don’t like leaving home to go racing at this time of year - there are too many beautiful girls around where I live, and they don’t wear so many clothes during the summer. Before I left home for Donington we played this really fun game of football in Riccione, on a soft rubber pitch, covered with soap and water, so you slide all over the place! It’s very difficult even to touch the ball, and you spend most of the time crashing into each other. We were laughing so much we were crying.” “I’ve got a new PlayStation car racing game at home: Grand Turismo. It’s fantastic and I’ve been spending a lot of time playing it. You start off with a not-so-good car, and then win prize money to get trick tuning gear for the engine and chassis. Now I have a Subaru with 350bhp. It’s so fast! I’ve heard there are also some good bike racing games coming out soon – a World Superbike game from Virgin, and the Aoki brothers are working on a GP racing game with Namco. Maybe if they’re really good, I’ll just give up racing and stay home with my PlayStation. It doesn’t hurt so much when you crash.”
German GP, Sachsenring “Now we have a four-week holiday before Brno, but I’m going to spend most of my time on the beach near my home – it’s sunny and the girls are nice, that’s all I need! But I am going away for one week – a racers’ holiday with Loris Reggiani, Roberto Locatelli and Melandri. We’re going to Tunisia to mess about with jet skis and fast boats. Should be a lot of fun!” “People ask me why I don’t have a really flash car, but I like the Impreza. And anyway I live in a town with small streets – not so great with a supercar. Maybe next year I will buy a Porsche S4. At the moment I think I am maybe too young for a Porsche. I guess I can afford one but I don’t want to have everything I want too soon. I’m still young and have plenty of time ahead of me for doing things.” “Perugini has a Ferrari, but I think a Porsche has more class. Capirossi has a Lamborghini Diablo with 500bhp, like an F1 car. They’re great cars but they’re like a Fiat 128 inside! Also you can lend your Porsche to your mother so she can go and do the shopping. Try doing that with a Lamborghini – Iimpossible! For me, Porsche is number one, for sure.”
Imola GP, Imola “It’s nice to win again – especiallly at home. Maybe my Italian hairdo worked, which makes me think, because I won in Holland, when I had my hair orange, which is their national colour. So maybe I’ll dye my hair like the Catalan flag for Barcelona – red and yellow. Only problem – I’ll look like an oil flag!” “I could hardly move for girls outside my pit at Imola. Too many girls. Also some very nice girls, but I don’t have time! Maybe they like my new hairstyle. Imola was a tough race for me. Not because of the girls, but because it’s a very technical track with many slow chicanes, so we had trouble finding the right settings for my Aprilia.” “I’ve decided I prefer 125 riders to 250 riders – they’re much more fun and much more honest. It’s better. If you do something bad on the track, the other 125 riders come and tell you to your face. If you do something bad in 250, they just smile and say hello, and then say bad things about you behind your back.” “A lot of the 250 riders aren’t as friendly or as well behaved as 125 riders. 125 racing is like a family – everyone is friends, it’s not like that in 250, and I guess it’s probably the same in 500.” “Back at the start of the season, Ukawa got in my way on purpose when I was on a fast qualifying lap, to try and slow me down. He said he didn’t see me, but for sure he did see me. The same has happened other times. No one ever got in my way on purpose when I was racing 125 GPs in ‘96 and ‘97. In 250, the other riders seem to get angry if you’re fast, they like you more if you’re slow.” “Everyone knows that 125 battles are often very close and very crazy, but we still manage to stay friends. I don’t like the way some 250 riders behave. Before I came into 250 a lot of the riders were my heroes, but not any more. I hope I don’t become like one of them – if I do, I hope you will tell me.”
Catanlan GP, Catalunya “I don’t think the GP bosses liked my friend the chicken at Catalunya. The rules say you’re not allowed to give people pillion rides, but the rules don’t say anything about chickens. Maybe I’ll get into trouble, maybe they’ll put me in jail, but I won the race, so I don’t care. As long they let me out in time for Australia. Why a chicken? Simple, a friend of mine runs a chicken farm, and he’s one of my sponsors.” “We had a big party after I won at Imola – a lot of people, but I didn’t have a hangover the next morning, because I don’t drink alcohol. Maybe the occasional beer, for fun. But I’m only 19, plenty of time for drinking later!”
Australian GP, Phillip Island “I got to Australia on Wednesday and left on Sunday night after the race, so I had no time to see anything, apart from some koalas, kangaroos and possums at a nature reserve on the island. I spent some time in Sydney in ‘96 and I think Australia is my favourite country, outside Italy. I love the people and they’re very passionate about bike racing. They were all behind Mick [Doohan] over the weekend and I saw there were some shops at the track selling black flags with a number six on them. Very funny! [The flags were taking the mickey out of number six 500 rider Max Biaggi who had been black-flagged at the Catalan GP.]” “Since they cancelled Rio I lost all chance of winning the world title. But I’m happy we’re not going there because the track is shit. So the last race is Argentina. I’ve never been there before, so I’m looking forward to it, especially since some people tell me the girls there are the most beautiful in the world.”
Argentine GP, Buenos Aires “It's great to win again - my fifth win of the year - hooray! But I lost the championship by just three points, so, shit!” “It's been a long season, but I could still do another few races no problem. Which we' 11 have to do next year because we have 16 or 17 grands prix in 1999. In fact I' m still not finished - I have a rally at the end of November and next season I' m doing a big event at Misano, racing against lot of other bike racers, doing motocross, karting, rally cars and Formula Renault. It should be a lot of fun - I think I' Il be racing with [Kevin] Schwantz, Reggiani, Mamola, Harada, Melandri, Haru and Nobu Aoki, [Luca] Cadalora, [Roberto] Locatelli and Criville. I' not too worried about winning, I just want to have a laugh.” “On Saturday he took a short cut. round the back of the circuit, and was going through this corner at about 20kph when I arrived on a very fast lap. It was really frightening, so I paid him back by kicking him as we returned to the pits. That was my first trip to Argentina, but Buenos Aires is good: nice place, nice girls!”
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evansbby · 10 months
Steve how are you and Omega going to decorate the nursery for the twins? I bet Rosie is going to be the best big sister!
I want it to be all football themed because i know my boys will be just like me and they’ll like sports. My wife says we should keep it simple but she doesn’t mind me taking charge and doing what i want. I usually take creative control of these things because I’m the one who painted Rosie’s nursery and i did a great job even if i do say so myself. I painted flowers on her walls and my wife really liked what i did, which is why i get free rein to do what i want with the boys’ nursery too. And yeah, Rosie will be the perfect big sister but she’s still my little baby forever.
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quantomoo2 · 1 year
So I was recently struck with awe over marching bands. So many things need happen for them to work right and I think they deserve some appreciation. Here are the things you need for a marching band:
1. Be able to play music This is super obvious, but I feel like it could get overlooked with the rest of this stuff. Like, sure it isn't that hard to play music, but for a lot of people that is already magical in its own way and I think we should take a moment to recognize that
2. Memorize an entire piece Another obvious one, but it actually sometimes a feat to memorize an entire piece of music. Most normal bands have sheet music for a reason. There are a lot of subtle details that are important to remember to really elevate music and memorizing it isn't easy.
3. Do that while moving Remember that this is about a marching band? Playing music is a challenge on its own, but now you have to do it while marching (not just walking, its actually more precise and oftentimes more vigorous) around on a field. You know what doesn't mix super well? Playing an instrument that requires breathing in very specific ways to use and a lot of physical activity. Always respect the people who can control their breathing enough for that.
4. Memorize your movements too I mean, obviously. If you have to memorize your music you have to memorize your marching too. Just another layer of things to juggle so that you can perform
5. Account for sound travel Bet you didn't think of this, but sound doesn't travel instantly. In fact, it travels so slowly that people playing on sides of a football field narrow-wise will be off time from each other. One of my band directors once showed us a neat trick by getting 3 drummers to play perfect triplets by positioning them in different spots across the field and playing at the same time as a visual cue. And you can't just fix that by playing faster or slower, no you have to play at the correct speed just offset by the correct amount for your position (which changes). You can't even listen to other people because of this delay. If you ever listen to a marching band moving across the field and everyone is coming in together, that isn't nearly as easy as you might expect.
6. Coordinate at least a hundred other people to do this at the same time Its not a marching band if you do it alone, so you better believe you need a lot of other people to be able to do everything above. Even beyond getting them to play right, getting this many people in the same places, as well as feeding and watering them, is a major organizational feat.
Sooo, yeah.
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autumntouched · 2 years
Your Jersey or Mine?
Summary: Tired of Hangman’s trash talk leading up to the 49ers v. Cowboys game, Phoenix makes a bet. Yes, it involves smut. Somehow Jake manages to up the stakes.
Pairing: Phoenix x Hangman (Hannix)
Warnings: NSFW, 18+, smut and American football but all SMUT
A/N: Because the 49ers WON and in my headcanon, Jake is a Cowboys fan and Natasha is a 49ers fan. Please don’t judge too harshly. Written in post game furor. Last side fic before I update Talk to Me!
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“No! Take it off, right now!” Jake practically yells when he comes out of the bathroom and sees her laying across their covers. “You’re not wearing that to bed.”
Natasha smiles so wide her cheeks might split. “A deal’s a deal, cowboy.”
Abject agony seizes his features, and she really shouldn’t be enjoying this as much as she is. As soon as the Cowboys and 49ers were matched in the playoffs, Jake started trash talking her 49ers nonstop. But tonight, the chickens are coming home to roost. Her sweet boy had looked so smug when she told him that if his Cowboys won he could do whatever he wanted to her in his jersey. Well tonight, her team’s one game closer to the Super Bowl and he’s fucking her in hers. Although, not her lucky vintage Joe Montana one that she wore during the game. 
Knowing this isn’t easy for him with the loss so devastatingly fresh, and because she does love her Cowboys loyal trash talking boyfriend, she’s not been entirely heartless in her victory. She slides the hem of her jersey up her thigh, high enough to hint that she’s not wearing panties.
Jake’s eyes track her fingers but he’s still pouting, arms crossed over his bare chest, blond hair tousled from clutching it through the final fatal quarter. Her boyfriend’s a sore loser but even that looks good on him. 
Natasha laughs softly at his reticence. She sweeps her legs around and lays back on the pillows, letting her legs fall open enough to leave him no doubt that there’s nothing under her jersey. He swallows and his eyes darken, but he doesn’t budge from the doorway of the bathroom.
So he wants another battle of the wills tonight? This man never learns his lesson. She smirks. “Guess I’ll just have to reward myself for the win then?” 
She lets that sink in, waits for the curiosity to lift his forehead, before she opens her legs even farther. Now she’s no longer watching his face but the telltale bulge in his low slung shorts. From what she can guess, he’s half hard even though he’s doing his best to ignore it.
Natasha moves slowly, sliding her hand forward over her mesh clad stomach. Her adrenaline is high from their victory, every nerve sparking at the slightest touch. She closes her eyes and inhales deeply before she slides her fingers down along her already wet slit then back up again to her aching clit.
She bites her lip so that Jake can only see the ripple of pleasure that her fingers send through her body. That won’t be enough for him. He’s told her how much he likes the sounds she makes when she touches herself, when he touches her. But he’s not going to get those without cooperating.
She increases the tempo of her fingers, letting her head toss and her legs tremble with the tightening coil of her pleasure. Her nipples harden, growing sensitive against the fabric of her jersey. She gropes her breast, letting a slight gasp escape her as one finger traces her slit again then dips into her core. 
Hands wrap around her ankles and pull her roughly to the end of the bed. Her eyes fly open to watch Jake drop to his knees, face hungry and focused. He shoves her hand aside and lifts her thighs over his shoulders. Heat rushes through her at the way he licks his lips as his fingers spread her apart one side at a time before burying his face between her legs. 
He’s as merciless as the 49ers offense, knowing exactly what shatters her control. He sucks hard on her clit while he pushes two fingers into her, pumping them in and out until they’re drenched in and squelching with her slick. Natasha gasps and mewls, hips bucking, begging him for more. Jake obeys, curling his fingers along the roof of her walls. Every nerve is afire now, her face starting to go numb. She's so close.
“Jake,” she pleads, squeezing her chest desperately. Who cares whether the jersey stays on at this point? Natasha pushes her hands up under the shirt to roll her nipples between her fingers until she cries out with the delicious pain. Jake hums on her clit as he watches, and dark spots burst across her vision. She kneads her breast while he tweaks her clit with his tongue and presses his knucks downward inside her. “Oh my god, yes, there!”
His fingers press harder sending her on a collision course toward her orgasm, the coil inside her winding tauter and tauter as another pressure builds over it like a burning urge to pee. Releasing her clit, Jake lets the cool air envelope it then blows out a long breath on it. Natasha’s head falls back and her legs squeeze the back of his shoulders.  
His mouth returns to suck her clit even harder, his fingers curling at the same time that he strokes her. God, his hands are as incredible as his mouth.  
“I’m so close,” she pants. His fingers speed up, making the muscles in her ass clench hard. He hums again on her clit and flicks his tongue back and forth across it at a speed that doesn’t seem possible. “Fuck, fuck, Jake, I’m going to come!”  
Suddenly, Jake’s large hand bears down on her abdomen at the same time the fingers inside her press up on her G-spot. The coil snaps. 
Natasha comes hard and squirting in Jake’s face with a guttural, drawn out “ungh” as she’s swept away on the powerful waves of her orgasm, body anchored only by Jake’s hold on her thighs. Wave after wave breaks over her, all of her senses swirling into one deafening roar. 
Breathing raggedly, she shivers and shakes through her comedown. Her hand falls to the top of Jake’s head to steady herself as his tongue lightly laps at and soothes her drenched, throbbing core. 
Their eyes meet, her hazy vision softening the outline of his face. His nose, mouth, and chin glisten in contrast to the dark pools of his eyes. “You almost made me forget I lost coming like that,” he says roughly. 
“Losers choice what you get next,” she promises.
He stands up from the floor. His shorts are dark with precum. He drops them and crawls over her. His dick is fully hard and leaking. She licks her lips. 
Jake kisses her deeply, her taste smeared across his mouth. He cups her breast and she reaches down to stroke him. “Fuck, let me come inside you,” he breathes into her ear before dropping his kisses to her shoulder and making his way down to her chest. 
Since she won, she ends up on top, groaning as she lowers herself onto him. There’s nothing quite like the feel of Jake inside her. He lets her set the pace, eyes focused on her face instead of her jersey. His thumbs stoke her thighs while she starts slow, still slightly sensitive from her first orgasm.
Natasha skims her fingers up through the dark line of his chest hair, glad he’s not exactly blond everywhere. “Anyone ever tell you how gorgeous your chest hair is,” she murmurs. 
He props his head on his arm and smiles, showing his dimples. “Actually, I have this girlfriend who seems kind of obsessed with it.” Natasha’s eyes follow the line of his bicep, and she fans her fingers through the hair on his abdomen.
“She is,” Natasha hums, and to emphasize her point, she lifts her hips then drives them back down onto his dick. 
Jake’s face screws up. “Fuck she does,” he agrees breathlessly. 
Natasha reaches back and cups his balls. Almost involuntarily, his thighs thrust up and she catches herself on his chest. “I think she might be obsessed with every part of you, how amazing your dick feels in her mouth, inside her.” She squeezes his balls lightly and Jake swears, hands tightening on her thighs so he can take over the pace. He slams into her, and Natasha has to focus to meet him.
He lifts the hem of her shirt. “Feels so good,” he groans. “Love seeing my dick inside you.” 
She braces both hands on his pecs, letting her thumbs circle his nipples, until it’s all she can do to keep her balance. Jake slides his fingers into her hair to draw her down for a kiss. They’re both so close that it’s sloppy. 
“Come for me, babe,” Jake says, mouthing his way down her chin toward her neck. He cradles her shoulders as she leans back into just the right angle to push herself over the edge. Her walls clench hard around him, and she unravels. 
Jake’s thrusts become frenetic. His voice breaks in whines and grunting gasps until he spills himself in her, and Natasha lets out a high pitched moan at the way his pulsing climax draws out her own quivering orgasm. 
Her forehead touches his, the rise and fall of their chests gradually returning to their normal rhythm. Jake brushes light kisses across the corner of her mouth, her chin, the tip of her nose. “Are you really going to sleep in that to rub it in?” he murmurs, tugging at her top. 
“I’d actually rather not,” she laughs softly. She strips it off and tosses it to the end of the bed. Carefully, she climbs off him and does her best to make it to the bathroom without his cum dripping everywhere. He follows her in and helps her clean herself up before taking care of himself. 
“You know,” she says while she pees. “I’m a Super Bowl baby.” 
Jake pauses in the middle of wiping himself down. “A what, babe?”
“Like kids born nine months after their parents’ team win the Super Bowl? I was born the October after the 49ers won the Super Bowl. It’s why I have a Joe Montana jersey. My dad says Montana brought home a win and he brought home a baby.”
Jake goes even more red beneath his post-coital flush. “I am so glad you waited until after we had sex to tell me that little fun fact about yourself.” But he’s grinning. 
She’s at the sink, washing her hands when his eyes meet hers in the mirror. “So are you saying that if the Cowboys or the 49ers win a Super Bowl, I get to put a baby in you?”
“Aren’t you skipping a few steps there sir?” she teases, waving the empty finger of her left hand at him. But that he’s jumped ahead to children in their future sends a warm thrill down her back.
He puts an arm around her and pulls her to his side. Natasha leans into him, once again running her hand through his chest hair. She does think it’s perfect. “Okay, so after I take care of a few things, can we make another little 49ers fan?”
“Ohhh, so you’re going to let them be a 49ers fan?” She should probably get her phone and record this. 
“Solely based on recent track record–and this is for the sole purpose of this conversation, which you are never to use against me under any other circumstances–it’s more likely the 49ers will be playing a Super Bowl than the Cowboys.”
“I will fight just as hard as you for my team, but the gist that I’m getting from this conversation is that you’re thinking about babies,” she says lightly. 
“You brought it up!” he laughs and goes back to getting ready for bed. “We don’t have to talk about it now. Like you said, I’m still missing a few steps.” 
He finishes in the bathroom first and tosses her jersey in the hamper on his way back to bed, a look of relief on his face that he’s fulfilled that debt. 
Natasha watches as he climbs into bed. “You do realize that you just significantly raised the stakes of this in-house rivalry.”
“May the best man win,” he says, just to get a reaction out of her.  
“She will,” Natasha smirks, flicking off the bathroom light. “As soon as you put that baby in her.”
In the darkness, she finds that whether it was the football talk or the baby talk Jake is hard all over again. She’s perfectly happy to take care of this time around with her mouth.
Series Masterlist | The Proposal Pt. 1
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