#Talib Hussain
maihonhassan · 2 months
“Karbala hochuki tayaar, Khuda khair kare”
Is a line that has such different emotions for everyone. For Hussain[as] that brings calm. For Qasim [as], that brings joy. For Abbas [as], that brings obedience. For Zaynab [sa], that brings grief. For Fatima [sa], it breaks her heart into pieces.❤️‍🩹
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labbaik-ya-hussain-as · 3 months
1400 years ago Imam Hussaine was alone, seeking help, saying "Hal Min Nasirin Yansurna"
Today, Allah embedded his name in the hearts of Millions.
"Labbaik ya Hussain" till our last breath.
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mybeingthere · 1 year
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Bakarwal blankets: this pastoralist community makes them using wool from their animals. It has become almost impossible to continue with this beautiful and essential craft. Ritayan Mukherjee reports:
The woollen blankets are made by members of Scheduled Tribe communities – Megh and Mihngh, known for their wool craftsmanship. Once the blankets are made, they are washed and dried by the Bakarwal men. The thread and yarn for the blankets are usually made by Bakarwal women, and the yarn is dyed at home by Bakarwal families.
Mohammed Kalu has come from Khanna Chargal, a small settlement in a riverbed upstream from Pargalta. Pointing towards an old woollen blanket on which his little son is asleep he says, “[The blanket] lives as long as a human being or longer. But the market-bought acrylic wool blankets hardly last a few years.
He adds that blankets made of pachim (the local word for acrylic wool) take days to dry if they get wet, unlike pure woollen blankets. “Our feet burn and body aches after using the acrylic blankets in winter”.
“I can look at a quilt and tell you which family it comes from,” says Zareena Begum who lives in the same settlement as Talab Hussain.
“It is difficult to get people who still have mills,” says Maaz Khan. In his sixties, Khan is from a family that still processes wool. Many in the community say that the charkha (spinning wheel) is dead and have given up spinning.
As a result, pastoralists are also finding it difficult to sell wool. “We used to get at least 120-220 [rupees] for a kilogram but now we get nothing. A decade or so ago even the goat hair had a price in the market; now even sheep wool has no buyers,” says Mohammad Talib, a Bakarwal from tehsil Basohli, in Kathua district. The unused wool lies in their storerooms or is discarded at the shearing spot. The number of artisans working with wool has also reduced.
Maintaining a herd of animals for their wool is no longer easy as grazing grounds are scarce in and around Jammu. They also have to pay people whose land their animals graze on.
Recently a lot of areas around the villages in Samba district were taken over by invasive species, Lantana camara. “We can’t graze here. There are weeds everywhere,” says Munabbar Ali, resident of a small village in Basohli tehsil .
Many of the old breeds of animals have been replaced by the state and Bakarwal’s say that the current cross-bred sheep cannot stand the heat of the plains for too long, and neither can they navigate mountain paths, “When we migrate to Kashmir, they stop in their tracks if there is a small ledge as it is difficult for them to jump. The old breed would walk well,” Tahir Raza a shepherd told us.
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badrrr · 1 year
Some of the names that had previously been mentioned here in this channel. The least we can do is to atleast mention the ones we know..
Our scholars from Bangladesh who are behind bars, among whom are:
Sheikh Jashim Uddin Rahmani
Sheikh Hārūn Izhar
Sheikh Ali Hassan Osama
Sheikh Mahmud Hasan Gunvi
Sheikh Abu Taha with his two assistants Amir Uddin Foyez and Abdul Muhit
Our Scholars, students of knowledge and preachers who have been imprisoned and tortured by Tawagheet Regimes, among whom are:
Shaykh Nāṣir alFahd
Shaykh Sulaymān Nasir al-Alwan
Shaykh Waleed As-Sinani
Shaykh Khalid Rashid
Shaykh Ali al-Khudayr
Shaykh al-Khalidi
Shaykh Saud al-Obaid al-Qahtani
Shaykh Ahmad al-Asir
Shaykh Faisal
Shaykh Benbrika
Shaykh Abu Baraa- As-Sayf
Shaykh Abu Umar
Abu Hamza al-Misri
Abu Hamza (ATP)
Abu Imran (Belgium)
Abu Ilyas (Holland)
Abu Abdurrahman (Denmark)
Our scholars who had been k***d in the way of Allah after imprisonment:
Shaykh Musa al-Qarni
Shaykh Faris az-Zahrani
Shaykh Hamad al-Humeidi
Shaykh Abdul Aziz al-Tiwayli
Hayla al-Qusayr
Umm A 
Umm Abdul Qayoom 
Ukht M and her daughters S and R (UK)
Sabir Miah (UK)
Ali Hussain (UK)
Safiyya (UK)
Safiya Yassin (USA)
Our young Deutsch
sis & student of Shaykh AMJ
Muhammad Abu Bakr (Minshawary)
Ali Bhola
Abul wali AbuKhadir Muse (The Smiling Somali)
Iqbal Khan (India)
Abu Syahla
Abu Yousuf
Brother R
Abu I and Abu N
Ukht S & Ukht H from India
Umm Hud
Sister A
Sister B & siblings & their mother 
Umm Mariyah
Brothers Jahanzaib, Nabeel, Abdullah Basit
Sister S (Bangladesh)
Our dear brother Muhammad Azharuddin
Brother 'Talib Exposed'
Brother Abu Luqman (Anjem) 
Brother Khaled 
Abu Fazul
Abu Umar (Pakistan)
Ibn Tsar (Chechen)
Hadi Nabi
Abu Ibrahim 
Ari and Alan 
Last edited on 25 Sep 23
اللهم فك قيد اسرانا و اسرى المسلمين
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ahlulbaytnetworks · 3 months
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His statement teaches the importance of standing firm in the right path, regardless of the consequences. In a world where ethical compromises are often made for convenience or personal gain, Hussain's example serves as a beacon of moral courage.
Historical context: When forced by the governor of Yazid to pay allegiance to him, Imam Hussain (as) replied:
"We are the household of the prophethood, the source of messengership, the descending place of the angels. Through us, God has begun (showering His favors) and with us, He has perfected (His blessings). Whereas Yazid is a sinful man, a drunkard, a killer of innocent people, and one who openly indulges in sinful acts. A person like me can never pay allegiance to a person like him..."(1)
He also stated in a letter to his brother, "I am not rising (against Yazid) as an insolent, or an arrogant, or a mischief-monger, or as a tyrant. I have risen (against Yazid) as I seek to reform the ummah of my grandfather. I wish to enjoin the good and forbid the evil, and to follow the way of my grandfather and my father, ‘Ali bin Abi Talib..."(2)
1- Luhuf, p. 23
2- Bihar al-Anwar, vol. 44, p. 329
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🍂🥀🍂 Jabir b. Abdullah al-Ansari said,
When Allah revealed the verse:
“Obey Allah and obey the Apostle and those vested with authority among you..."onto His Prophet Muhammad (S) I said, O Messenger of Allah, we know Allah and His Messenger, but who are those vested with authority that Allah has associated their obedience with your obedience? He (S) said, O Jabir, they are my successors and the leaders of the Muslims after me. The first of them is Ali b. Abu Talib, then Hasan, then Hussain, then Ali b. al-Hussain then Muhammad b, Ali that is known in the Torah as al-Baqir then al-Sadiq, Ja'far b. Muhammad then Musa b. Ja'far then Ali b. Musa then Muhammad b, Ali then Ali b.Muhammad then Hasan b. Ali then my namesake and he whose nickname is as mine, the proof of Allah on His earth and His remainder among His servants the son of Hasan b.
🍂🥀🍂 Holy Prophet (S) 🍂🥀🍂
🥀 Kamāl al-Dīn wa Tamām al-Ni'ma 🥀
🍂 (vol. 1, pg. 253) 🍂
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hahahakeemu · 1 year
Peace be upon you, I stumbled upon your blog and was amazed that you wrote a piece on Abu Abdallah Al-Shi'i, I assume that you are well-read on early Islamic history and the history of the Imams peace be upon them, are there any books that you recommend about this subject? I am looking to educate myself and I think you would have some good recommendations.
Wa alaikum salam wa rahmatullah! So the first to come to mind would surely be Kitab al-Irshad by Sheikh al-Mufid. The old book has been translated and the scholar’s work is in depth, including ahadith and history. The first half or so is dedicated to Imam Ali ibn Abi Talib ع, while the second half covers the rest of the Imams ع. The free PDF is also easily accessible. Also in English, Sheikh Mahdi Pishavi’s The Lives of the Twelve: A Look at the Social and Political Lives of the Twelve Infallible Imams (in English, it’s 4 parts) has been translated. It gives a basic context to the caliphs and governments under which the Imams ع lived alongside some famous ahadith surrounding the Imam’s life which the author writes about at that given moment.
There are other works that are more specific. A Restatement of Islam of the History of Islam and Muslims by Sayyid Ali Asghar Razwy is a pretty solid piece for the Prophet ص to the caliphate of Imam Ali ع. Ayatollah Muhammad-Sadiq Najmi has authored From Medina to Karbala: In the Words of Imam Al Husayn; this piece is great as it is a collection of early sources, primarily quotes (and letters), from the journey of Imam Hussain ع and his caravan.
Of course, I would recommend you make use of al-Islam.org, the website full of free (and translated) books which can insha’Allah benefit you in your search for knowledge. May God increase your knowledge, hopefully this has been a help for you.
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likewaterfallz · 2 years
Another question which brings the test. My acquaintance told me, "Why you cry for Hussain when many were shuhada in history? If we cry for him we should cry for eveyone. They are all the same." This hurts me so much. Please dont get me wrong, I am open for questions of all kind. If I dont know something I will be straightforward to say I don't know but lets learn together.
What I do know is the answer to this question. That,
DEATH is inevitable and true that there have been many shuhada in islamic history. But first of all they are not the same. Had they all been same, the killing of Ameer Hamza (ra) would not have saddened Rasool (saww) so much that his deah combined with the death of Hazrat Abu Talib (as) and hazrat Khadija (sa) in the same year made him declare that year Aam ul Huzn.
And Imam Hussain's (as) martyrdom is NOT the same. It wasnt any ghazwa or any other battle against nonbelievers that he was killed. He was killed by people who prayed and recited kalma. What is sad is that Muslims rendered him, his companions, kids, and women the worst and most inhumane treatment. This is a clear indication between the two ideologies, one which is a malign tumor to islam of course followed by yazeedis who supported murder and plunder without fear of Allah and the other one was kindness, negotiation, humanity, reliance over allah, and the utmost resolve. Because frankly speaking I have not seen in history where a man was faced with 30000 spears by the people who worship the same God as him yet He remained more adherant to tauheed than anyone on the battlefield that day. The concept of tauheed is no dilution in monotheism. When the nafs rises enough to compel one to make acts which may tarnish the entire message of God then that itself is the beginning of the dilution in tauheed which is a debate for another day. So, its not the same.
Do we cry that he became a shaheed? No! We cry for the sufferings rendered to him and his family by Muslims. When a Christian saw him be tormented by the forces of yazeed he converted to Islam so that he could defend him. He was killed defending a man he just met and whose face made him believe in excellence of Islamic principles more than fake glory of the forces of the then islamic ummah Caliph yazeed. People found death better than what Muslims were doing on 10th muharram 61 hijri to the progeny of rasool allah (saww). We cry because we are not affiliated to those so called Muslims who could not come up with one crime against which they thought the grandson of Rasool Allah (saww) should be beheaded. We cry over what could have been the destiny of Tauheed and islam had Imam Hussain (as) not risen to say NO to the forceful allegiance to illegitimate caliphate. WE cey over the fact that only two decades later to the demise of Prophet (saww) people plunged in the same darkness, barbarism, and ignorance for which they got revelations in the first place. We cry to keep the ignorance at bay and keep rejuvinating our hearts with the name of Al Hussain (as) against all yazeeds. The question of allegiajce brings many questions on the legitimacy of caliphate. Was it to guide people or to annex more areas and increase political influence with religion as guise? That is something to ponder upon. We dont because we are hushed by molvis. Asking questions is not shirk. God has said, Seek. Why then we must not?
I am writing my response and feedback in a humble and polite manner. I know no one has time to question these thinga then research and get answers. Also many posionous suspicions are spread from inside and outside elements. These statements are familiar to all of us cause we are trapped in the same confused present. Also I am writing for my personal records. Also I am writing because my nana died and I dont have anyone with whom I can make these discussions who actually enjoys to debate.
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poznajemytawheed · 2 months
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Zabawa kredą na asfalcie zamieniła się w eksperymentowanie, by sprawdzić jak duże są ślady. 
To wywołało refleksję, że każdy z nas był/jest kiedyś dzieckiem. 
Gdy jedna osoba jest młodsza, ktoś inny będzie starszy. 
Przy temacie dzieciństwa, różnicy wieku i dzieci wokoło, możnaby zrobić mały konkurs. Sprawdzić czy pamiętamy, lub nasze dzieci umieją wymienić dzieci wokół Proroka Muhammada, salla allahu alayhi wa salam, przykłady sławnych Sahabah, którzy urodzili się w czasie misji Proroka Muhammada, lub krótko przed nią.
(O)  Usamah ibn Zayed
Urodzony w Mekce w czwartym roku po rozpoczęciu się misji Proroka; syn Zayd ibn Haritha; wychowany w domu Proroka Muhammada, salla allahu alayhi wa salam. Prorok mówił o nim i o Al-Hassanie, synie Alego: „O Allah, kochaj ich, ponieważ ja ich kocham”.
(O) Abdullah ibn Omar ibn Al-Khattab
Przyjął islam, razem ze swoim ojcem, w szóstym roku misji Proroka, salla allahu alayhi wa salam. Miał wtedy około siedem lat. Dokonał migracji do Medyny przed swoim ojcem. Był znany ze staranności w podążaniu za aktami sunny. 
(O) Abdullah ibn Abbas
Był kuzynem Proroka, salla allahu alayhi wa salam, urodzonym w Mekce trzy lata przed misją Proroka Muhammada. Razem ze swoim ojcem, wyemigrował do Medyny w ósmym roku Hidżry. Towarzyszył Prorokowi, salla allahu alayhi wa salam, przez dwa i pół roku, i później przekazał wiele wypowiedzi Proroka. Jako dziecko bardzo chętnie zdobywał wiedzę, był mądry i szybko się uczył. Już jako młoda osoba został wielkim uczonym. 
(O) Zayed Ibn Thabit 
Przyjął islam gdy był bardzo młody, a w wieku 11 lat dokonał emigracji z Mekki do Medyny. Jako młoda osoba chętnie brał udział w zdobywaniu wiedzy i walce na drodze Boga. Chciał brać udział w bitwie pod Badr i Uhud, ale Prorok się na to nie zgodził ze względu na jego wiek. Pierwsza bitwa, w której wziął udział to była Bitwa Rowu. Towarzyszył Prorokowi odkąd przybył do Medyny. 
(O) Anas Ibn Malik 
Urodził się dziesięć lat przed emigracją do Medyny. Kiedy Prorok wyemigrował do Medyny, Anas zaczął mu służyć. Dorastał więc pod nadzorem Proroka. Przekazał około dwa tysiące hadisów. 
(O) Al-Hassan ibn Ali 
Syn Ali ibn Talib oraz Fatimy Az-Zahra, która była córką Proroka Muhammada, salla allahu alayhi wa salam. Urodził się w trzecim roku Hidżry. Dorastał w częstym towarzystwie Proroka, i pod Jego okiem, który się z nim bawił, razem z jego bratem Al-Hussainem. Miał doskonałe maniery, był elokwentny, odważny i chojny. 
(O) Al-Hussain ibn Ali
Urodzony w czwartym roku po Hidżrze. On i jego brat byli najukochańszymi osobami dla Proroka Muhammada, salla allahu alayhi wa salam. 
Podobnie jak jego brat był odważny i miał zamiłowanie do jazdy konnej. 
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gmqazi19739 · 3 months
Talib Hussain Dard: Biography, Top 20 Best Punjabi Music
In this useful article, I guide you about Talib Hussain Dard, he was a Pakistani Punjabi Music and Saraiki folk singer, who was the most famed artist. He sings in the Shahpuri accent of Punjabi, which is the language of thousands and thousands of folks in central Punjab. He's the pioneer of "JOG" singing. He is not just widely recognized amongst neighborhood factions of Baloch, Naul, Haraj, Silas, and Syed then again in a similar celebration amongst pilgrim standings of Warriach, Cheema, Chatha, and Tarar. He is the most famous and popular singer and so forth, and younger ages of relocated Jaat, Rajput, and Arain who settled in those areas after 1947. Punjab, recognized for its wealthy cultural heritage and best music scene, has produced one of the maximum iconic, and proficient music artists. One such artist is Talib Hussain Dard, a Punjabi Folk singer whose soulful voice and heart-touching lyrics have left an indelible mark on the music panorama. With an occupation spanning many years, Dard's Punjabi Folk Music continues to resonate with audiences, transcending generations and borders. Talib Hussain Dard's Best Punjabi Music Download   Talib Hussain Dard Biography and Inspiration Talib Hussain Dard was born in 1955 in  Khanoana, Khewa, Thesil Bowana, District Jhang Punjab Pakistan. He was once the most well-liked Punjabi and Saraiki track artist. Talib Hussain Dard has sung numerous nice songs and Folk Music in Punjabi, Saraiki, and different languages and still, he is the most liked artist in Punjab. He began training in Music from Ustad Nazar Hussain Dhokri and a standard from Ustad Salamat Ali Khan. He had constructed a Music institute in Jhang a few years prior. It was just about closed on account of the absence of property.  He was nonetheless referred to as a singer of "Dard ", he was once a perfect singer of  Punjab and he created a perfect title in Punjabi Folk Music. Talib Hussain Dard was raised as a music artist in the area of Punjab, Pakistan. His upbringing was once steeped within the traditions of Punjabi Folk Music, and he confirmed an early affinity. Impressed by the mythical folk singers of the area, Talib Hussain Dard started his adventure to hold ahead the wealthy musical legacy of Punjab. Talib Hussain Dard Unique Musical Style What units Talib Hussain Dard apart is his unique musical style that the uncooked feelings and struggles of the average folks. His music is conventional Punjabi Music and deeply poignant lyrics that continuously revolve around issues of affection, ache, and separation. The socio-economic demanding situations confronted by the agricultural inhabitants. Dard's talent for his songs with authentic feelings has earned him a devoted fan base. On the coronary heart of Talib Hussain Dard's music his remarkable talent as a lyricist. His way of piercing the course of the listener's coronary heart evokes a spread of feelings. Talib Hussain Dard's lyrics are relatable and resonate with the reviews of regular existence. Whether or not it is a love ballad or a tune highlighting the struggles of the downtrodden. Influence on Punjabi Folk Music and Culture Talib Hussain Dard's contributions to the Punjabi people's tracks are huge, shaping the style in profound techniques. His musical work has not only enriched the musical panorama but also performed an important function in keeping the cultural heritage of Punjab. Using infusing conventional melodies with recent poetic issues, Dard created a novel style that resonated deeply with audiences. This leading-edge method impressed numerous musicians, motivating them to discover and experiment with the style whilst staying true to their roots. Consequently, Punjabi Folk Music has endured to conform, demonstrating its dynamic and enduring nature and its great music style and performance. Past his musical inventions, Talib Hussain Dard's efforts in selling the Punjabi language had been similarly impactful. Via his songs and performances, he championed the usage of Punjabi, serving to maintain its relevance in a generation of globalization. His lyrics continuously mirrored the regular reviews and struggles of the average folks, making his track relatable and obtainable. This deep reference to the target market fostered a way of cultural delight and id, encouraging the more youthful technology to include their linguistic heritage. Additionally, Dard's effect prolonged past the world of the track into broader cultural activism. He was once a suggest for the preservation of Punjabi Culture and customs.  His willpower for cultural advocacy was once glaring in his participation in more than a few cultural occasions and gala, the place where he used his platform to rejoice and advertise Punjabi heritage. Using doing so, he now not only entertained but additionally trained and impressed his target market, making sure that the wealthy traditions of Punjab have been saved alive for long-term generations. In essence, Talib Hussain Dard's legacy is a testament to the ability of artwork and tradition to shape societal values and id. His contributions to Punjabi people's track and tradition have left an indelible mark, making sure that the colorful traditions of Punjab proceed to thrive and encourage. Talib Hussain Dard Legacy and Proceeding The iconic legacy of Talib Hussain Dard in Punjabi Folk Music is a testament to his remarkable contribution to the style. His musical work continues to resonate deeply inside recent Punjabi tracks, charming listeners from numerous backgrounds. Music critics and historians alike recognize Dard's profound effect on the cultural panorama, noting that his leading-edge strategy to conventional folk music has left an indelible mark that transcends generations. Critics continuously spotlight Dard's distinctive talent for mixing conventional and trendy parts, creating an undying high quality in his music. His poignant lyrics, continuously reflective of the socio-political local weather of his time, nonetheless found relevance as of late. Historians emphasize how Talib Hussain Dard's Music captured the essence of Punjabi tradition, keeping its wealthy heritage whilst concurrently pushing its limitations. Recent artists often cite Talib Hussain Dard as having a significant effect on their paintings. His leading-edge use of conventional tools, coupled with his lyrical intensity. Artists like Gurdas Maan and Harbhajan Mann continuously pay homage to Dard in their performances, underscoring the lasting effect of his musical contributions. Talib Hussain Dard Music stays related as of late, now not best in its conventional shape but additionally via more than a few trendy variations. Recent musicians and manufacturers remix his vintage tracks, introducing them to new audiences who will not be aware of his authentic Folk Music Legends. This ongoing birthday party of his track guarantees that his legacy is not just preserved but additionally frequently revitalized, making Talib Hussain Dard a perpetual determine on this planet of Punjabi people track. Talib Hussain Dard Music continuously serves as a medium for social statements, dropping gently at the demanding situations confronted via rural communities. His songs cope with problems corresponding to poverty, inequality, and the plight of farmers. He is weaving those issues into his track Punjabi songs. Talib Hussain Dard Timeless Attraction and Legacy Talib Hussain Dard's Music has an undying high quality that transcends generations. Even in of late generation of contemporary tracks, his melodies proceed to discover a particular position within the hearts of listeners. His songs are often revisited and reimagined via recent artists, a testament to the lasting effect he has had on the Punjabi tracks and songs that inform a tale. Dard's effect extends past his generation. Many recent Punjabi singers and musicians draw inspiration from his paintings. They respect his talent to hook up with the target market on a deep emotional stage and attempt to include identical authenticity into their very own creations. Conclusion Talib Hussain Dard's contributions to the tune Punjabi download are immeasurable. His soul-stirring vocals, and heartfelt lyrics. Their unwavering dedication to representing the realities of rural existence has made him an icon on this planet of  Folk Music. He has preserved the essence of Punjab's musical heritage whilst touching the hearts of folks all over the place. As his track continues to echo in the course of the ages. The legacy of Talib Hussain Dard is a cornerstone of Punjabi Folk Music, resonating with audiences of each old and new Punjabi Musical Heritage. His contributions have formed the style in profound techniques, making sure that his track stays an important part of Punjab's cultural heritage. In the course of the collective efforts of critics, historians, and recent artists, Dard's paintings continue to encourage and affect, solidifying his standing as a pioneer in Punjabi Folk Music. Read the full article
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Ramadan Al-Karim
Month of Blessings month of mercy Month of extra  salah month of fasting Welcome welcome welcome welcome We muslims ready to live ready to die O Allah we are present we are present Forgive us and our sins we are present Send your help to Palestine like Badr Accept martyre like Hamza and Hussain Give  patience like time of Sheb Abi Talib O Allah give victory like victory of…
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labbaik-ya-hussain-as · 3 months
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thedailyexcelsior · 10 months
Doda: 2 Dead, 1 Injured In Road Accident
Two persons were killed and another injured when a vehicle they were traveling in skidded off the road and fell into a 250-foot gorge in Doda district on Tanta-Gundna road. The deceased have been identified as Mir Ali, son of Noor of Kunthal and Zafarullah, son of Talib Hussain of Dandi Bala.  
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ahlulbaytnetworks · 2 months
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🍂🥀🍂 I want to order the good deed and forbid the evil & put into practice the character and morale of my Grandfather Muhammad (S) and Father Ali Ibn Abi Talib (as)
🍂🥀🍂 Imam Hussain (as) 🍂🥀🍂
🍂 Maqtal Khawarzami 🍂
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🍃🕊🍃 Wiladat Anniversary of Imam Zaynal al-Abideen (as) 5th Sha’ban 🍃
🍃 Birth 🍃
In the period of the second caliph “Ummer”, the Muslims conquered Iran. The daughters of Yazdgard were brought to Madina.
All had gathered in the mosque of Madina to see what was the decision of the caliph, about them. He wanted to sell them but Imam Ali (as) stopped him from doing so and said to Urnmer, “leave the girls free so that they marry whosoever they wish.”
One of the girls chose Imam Hussain (as) and the other chose Imam Hasan (as). Imam Ali (as) said to Hussain, “Look after this woman very well, because, from her an Imam will come into existence (born) who will be the best of the God’s creations upon the earth and the father of all the Imams (after himself).
Not very long after that the sun of his existence arose, on Thursday, the 5th of Sha’ban, 38th Hijrah, in Madina.
He was named “Ali” later on titled as Zaynal al-Abideen (as) (the decoration of the worshippers) and Sajjad (one who performs much prostration).
🍃 The Ethical and Moral Characteristics of Imam (as) 🍃
1. Piety and Abstinence:
One of the special features of Imam’s character was his piety and abstinence. Imam Jafar al-Sadiq (as) said, “Ali Ibn-ul-Hussain (as) resembled most of all the sons of Bani Hashim, with Ali (as)”.
His son Imam Muhammad Baqir (as) said, “One day I happened to see my father, I saw him (completely) immersed and (thoroughly pre occupied) in the prayers and with all the attention towards God. His color was faded and his eyes were sore and red due to weeping, his feet were swollen by (prostration) and legs, and knees had developed corns. I said humbly “Oh father, why do you loose your self control during the prayers and put yourself in such an inconvenience and discomfort. My father wept and said, “Oh son however and whatsoever amount of prayers I perform even then it is meager and very little as compared to the prayers of your grandfather, “Ali Ibn-Abi Talib.”
Taous Yamni says, I saw Imam lying in prostration saying, “Oh God your servant, needy towards you, is in your house waiting for your blessing, forgiveness and favor”.
2. Attention to the life and training of people:
Imam Zaynalal-Abideen (as), like his grandfather, was busy in cultivating land and palm date orchards. He offered two Rakat of prayer near each palm date tree. During the prayers he would get himself so absorbed that he did not have any attention towards anything except God. He traveled to Mecca, on foot, twenty times. And continuously guided and conducted people through the attractive melody of the Qur’anic verses.
All the human qualities and attributes were collectively present in his personality. He was the complete specimen of tolerance, forgiveness and self-sacrifice. He looked after and administrated hundreds of houses of the poor and hunger stricken. Daily a number of goats were slaughtered in his house and he distributed all their meat among the afflicted. He dressed the naked and dress less ones and paid their debts and loans. But he himself took simple meals and put on simple dress.
A person came to Ali Ibn-ul-Hussain (as) and started addressing him with filthy and abusive language. Imam (as) turned his face towards him without the slightest anger and quarrel or strife and said, “Oh brother, if what you say is right and correct and these vices are present in me then God may pardon and forgive my sin. And if you are telling a lie then God may forgive you and pardon your sin.”
The man was very much ashamed and asked Imam (as) to pardon him. Abu Hamza Somali who was one of the friends of Imam (as) asked his servant to briefly define the character and morals of Imam (as). He said so, “I am at his service for so many years. Whatever I saw was righteousness, piety and purity. My lord helps and assists the people and solves their problems, with all the difficulties worries and pre occupations that he himself faces. Zaid bin Usama was lying on the deathbed. Imam Sajjad (as) visited him, Zaid was weeping. When Imam (as) asked him the reason of his weeping he said, “I have to pay fifteen thousand Dinnars as my loan and debt and my wealth is not so much as to pay off the debt.” Imam said, “Do not weep and be contented, I will pay all of your loan.”
When the nights would become dark and all the people went to sleep, Imam Sajjad (as) would get up put the food in a sack and on his shoulder. He covered his face so that he is not recognized. Then he took that food to the houses of the inflicted and have-nots and gave it to them.
He administrated and looked after nearly a hundred guardians less family in Madina, most of them comprised indigent, helpless and crippled, handicapped and paralytic ones.
What a surprise! None of these families knew that Imam Zaynal al-Abideen (as) was the one who managed and run their lives.
But after his death, when the aids were discontinued they came to know that Imam (as) was their helper and friend.
🍃 Imam Sajjad (as) and the Sahifa-e-Sajjadia
When the Imam got stuck in a tight corner and was virtually besieged he was obliged to state his objects and motive in the form of the prayers. These prayers have been compiled in the shape of a book named “Sahifa-e-Sajjadia.” This is an ocean of topics and objects of science, mathematics, physics, astronomy, social and political sciences and ethics. Obviously and apparently this is a book of prayers.
But, in fact, this is the expression of fact, pains, and difficulties. We present here a few sentences of it as a specimen.
1. Oh God! I take asylum and refuge with you from the revolt, and rebellious (attitude) refractoriness, of the anger and jealousy and the scarcity of patience, and extravagance and intemperance in life.
Oh God! Keep me alive till my life is led in your service and obedience and when it becomes the pasture and meadow of Satan, take me towards yourself and take my life.”
2. Oh sons! Respect you father and mother because if the father was not there you would not have come into existence. Look at the mother that she looks after you with all of her existence (energies). She is not afraid of it that she herself remains hungry and feeds you. She herself remains cloth less (without dress) and covers (dresses) you. She remains in the sun and places you in the Shadow. You cannot thank her. This is God who has the power of thanking her (giving her the reward).
3. Watch over and attend your child because his good or bad (virtues) are related and connected to you and you are responsible for his training and guidance.
4. Be kind to your brother and sister because he/she is your hand (helper) and your power. Help him against the enemy and be his well wisher.
5. Respect your teacher and be polite in his assembly (session) and listen carefully to his words. Do not talk loudly before him. If somebody questions him about something do not reply before he does although you may know the answer to that (question).
6. Respect your neighbor and help and assist him. If you happen to observe a fault or sin of him do hide it and when he slips (commits sin) admonish him.
7. Be just in your conduct and behavior with friend and love him as he loves you. If he makes up his mind to commit a sin stop him from that and always be a blessing for him, not a torment for him.
🍃🕊🍃 al-Islam.org 🍃🕊🍃
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rudrjobdesk · 2 years
अपने होटल में देवी-देवताओं की तस्वीर वाले अखबार में चिकन रखकर बेच रहा था शख्स, रोका तो...
अपने होटल में देवी-देवताओं की तस्वीर वाले अखबार में चिकन रखकर बेच रहा था शख्स, रोका तो…
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