foonoodlesart · 1 month
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Let him yap!!! He’s just a guy!!!!
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iironwreath · 1 year
Outcome [Cihro]
Talsin’s—and by extension, Cihro’s—demiplane was their idea of what life could look like if they retired to a house outside the city. In it was a modestly sized structure, something you could tuck into a quiet corner of Brambleview, spacious enough to accommodate guests and filled with hand-crafted furniture. It had a backyard with a tidy garden and a fire pit circled by long, thick logs. Dancing lights bobbed further out, winking in and out like fireflies.
Talsin led him through the portal rift. Once sealed behind them, he took Cihro’s hands and rested their foreheads together, then landed a soft kiss on his lips. Cihro’s lingering tension dissolved, his mind coming to a gentle stop. It hadn’t slowed since they’d fought Tiamat’s avatar. Talsin hadn’t come that same day, but the one following.
They’d emerged in the backyard. Tinder burned and popped in the pit, braids of smoke curling into a star-speckled sky. It was a place untouched by tragedy, somewhere they couldn’t be disturbed. Talsin sat them on the same log, his hands curling under Cihro’s—he held on with the steadiness of someone who thought Cihro might float away if he didn’t ground him. 
Their sheltered yard and the smell of woodsmoke reminded Cihro of when they originally travelled together, just the two of them, camping beneath woodland and on plains, laughing over swigs of whiskey, keeping vigil while the other rested. He had always enjoyed the journey more than the destination, which always invariably involved murdering somebody. 
Those were simpler times. They involved less autonomy and danger, but also fewer friends and companions.
“You said you knew we’d fight her avatar?” Cihro asked eventually.
“Yes, but not clearly. I saw little snippets of clarity, and the rest would be like trying to see through fogged up glass. They were impressions, more than anything.”
“I’m guessing you can’t control it in that way? Can’t clear up the image?”
Talsin rubbed his eye. It was its true appearance, clouded over with a mist that eddied over the iris. “Not for larger events, which have been more frequent and closer together as of late. Even with smaller events, I don’t always know the outcome. It’s odd; no amount of premonition can help me predict it. Divination doesn’t have the answers people want. I can only give it my best guess and influence what I can.”
“You and me both.”
Talsin’s thumbs drew over the shape of Cihro’s bones. “Ever since I acquired this power, I’ve been watching you in danger in more ways than I could ever imagine.”
As always, Cihro was overcome with sympathy. His heart ached knowing Talsin had to carry the weight of forbidden knowledge and the unknown packaged together, of being unable to warn him, of only telling him about his visions in the past tense.
“I’m sorry,” Cihro said. “It’s not where I expected to be.”
“Is it where you want to be?”
“I didn’t used to, but I’ve come to realize that maybe I’m one of the only ones who can? I like being beside the Gilded Thorns. I like being part of them. So in that way, yeah. I like this version of me that saves the world and helps run the Clasp.”
Talsin grinned. “Look at you, C. The man I fell in love with would’ve been in another country with his tail tucked between his legs.”
Cihro returned his smile. “I could try and be a coward again, if you feel cheated.”
“I would never have called you a coward, Cihro,” Talsin scoffed. “You were more…self-preserving.”
“That sounds like a nicer way of calling me a coward.”
“You were always brave when it mattered. Take, for example, when you chose to take Sean’s contract so Day would have his protection.” He lifted Cihro’s hands to his mouth, lips feathering over his knuckles. “Like when you went toe to toe with my mother and ran through her legs to get to me.”
Cihro’s face warmed. He focused on the praise to keep from reliving some of the most heart-stopping moments of his life.
“That was still fuelled by fear, hon,” he pointed out. “I was scared of losing you, or Day.”
“That doesn’t mean it wasn’t heroic. There’s love in that fear. You don’t need to be so humble, you don’t need to balance out my ego.”
“Alright, but we probably already have songs about how brave we are in the making, y’know. I dunno know how much public attention I can handle as a crime lord.”
“I’m sure you’ll manage. You know how to disappear when you want to.” Talsin slid closer, bumping their hips together and looping an arm around Cihro’s waist. “I don’t think either of our lives are what we envisioned, are they?”
“I guess at some point we could’ve said ‘no,’ and we didn’t.” Cihro leaned his ear against Talsin’s shoulder. “So we’re together in that.”
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daybreaksys · 7 months
Mother Talsin: "on that tower, there is a device that can harness the energy of the sun"
and it's literally a fucking magnifying glass
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mojaves · 2 years
i need to yell about elf boy but i cant find any good ask games so im just. vibrating
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wertpq · 3 months
shoutout to my apparantly cursed bg3 run where i speedran the game on accident, getting to act 2 in 4 hours
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darlinglittlemeg · 29 days
Talsin when Molly died in C2: you all need a grievance counselor
Sam when FCG died in C3: you all need to bone
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yoitsjay · 3 months
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Ch.3 Loss and Gain
Pairings: Hunter x Fem reader
Summary: multiple missions, Cid getting on your nerves. What else could you ask for... oh, maybe your developing feelings for a certain clone to add to it... maybe.
Warnings: cannon violence, multiple episodes in one story, I skipped a lot of plot lol. A nasty dream 🤪 it gets cut off. Hunter being a handsome man fr, mentions and direct references to characters from Star wars Jedi: fallen order
Word count: 4k
“Go back!”
“Don't get rid of us”
“We fuel you”
“Feed us and we will make you stronger”
“Mother Talsin wouldn’t approve”
“Your a failure.”
“No wonder Merrin hates you.”
“If you kill us we-”
“Enough!” You shouted, stopping in your tracks as you gripped your head, the father you walked the louder and meaner these voices got. They were scared, they were leeches that you needed to pour salt on, and your salt was at the end of this crypt hall.
You sucked in a deep breath, rolling your head as you cracked your neck followed by your knuckles, You continued forward down the path, sending your little magic orb down a way to light up the tunnel further. It didn't take you long, and soon you entered this dusty clearing within the crypt, you looked around seeing piles of bones scattered around, as well as skulls and dead bugs.
The only life here was that of the spiders, and the history that these crypt’s held. You took a step forward, sending your light above you to reveal the whole room. You noticed another altar in front of you with half of Mother Talsin’s sphere. You took a few steps forward, pausing as your senses screamed at you to wait. And you did, moving your head to the side as you closed your eyes, listening… waiting…
Just then you heard a scream of anger and in a flash you drew your scimitars, holding them in front of you as a staff came crashing down against your scimitars, you pushed the assailant back, eyes widening as you quickly realized who it was. “Merrin…” You whispered, however she didnt pause and came at you again, spinning and teleporting all around you as she tried to strike you with her staff.
You however predicted every move, she was reckless and angry and you could understand why, but you offered her a chance and she gave it up.
You grunted as Merin slid underneath you, coming up behind you to hit the back of your legs, you blocked with one scimitar, however she used the other end of her staff to hit you in the face. You stumbled back as you spit out some blood from your mouth, staring up at Merrin. “Merrin stop! I don't want to hurt you.” You hissed, watching as she charged at you again.
You let out a sigh, quickly dodging out of the way, purple magic swarming you as you started teleporting all around the room you were in, moving every time Merrin lunged at you. You could see that she was growing tired, and so were you. So with one last quick teleport you appeared behind her, dropping your weapons as you wrapped your arms around her shoulders, gripping her tight as you forced her to the ground. She tried to fight you but your grip was strong, and eventually she dropped her staff, and let out a frustrated yell.
“Shh Merrin… I'm here…” You whispered, holding her tighter as you both sat in silence. You then turned her around to face her, however she refused to look at you. “Merrin, you have to let me face my past, and you can do whatever you want to try and stop me but it wont work…” You trailed off, reaching up to cup her cheek. Merrin was only a teenager, having to survive with a welp for company…
“Merrin, come with me. Meet my friends and travel the galaxy together. I offered it to you once, and i can do it again.” You whispered, and she finally looked at you. “Do what you need to do… Sister, but I'm staying, I can't leave… I'm not ready.” She whispered. Sighing, you stood up and brought her with you, nodding your head to her before returning your scimitars to your back. “I understand…” You trailed off again, giving her shoulder a firm squeeze.
“At least accompany me? you were part of my past, i can face it better with you.” You asked her, walking up to the shattered sphere. Merrin stood behind you, watching you curiously as you knelt down by the sphere, picking it up in your hands. You visibly winced, the whispers now screams in your head.
“I will not be punished for surviving.” You growled out, letting your magic flow around you, beginning to separate your purple from the green magic that fueled the whispers, placing that magic within the sphere.
Your hands shook, and a headache formed and quickly worsened which made it hard to concentrate. “No!” you shouted, and Merrin jumped a little, but as you pushed out more dread magic she started to hear the whispers you've heard since that dreaded day. “Oh sister… im so sorry.” She whispered, taking her place beside you as she placed a hand on your shoulder.
You looked at her, green and purple magic having filled your eyes, fighting to take control over your body. She nodded to you, and you both closed your eyes… This time her magic and yours tied together, and with that combined power you both continued to push out those whispers and screams, and with a last push of resistance from the dead and long gone, you and Merrin had released a burst of magical energy, and you had banished all that evil and darkness from your heart, from the source of your abilities…
You leaned back for a moment, placing the sphere back on the altar, turning to look at Merrin who smiled at you. “you did it.” She started softly, however you shook your head. “We did Merrin. We did it.” You corrected, standing up to your feet after a moment, feeling a bit shaky. Regardless you helped Merrin to her feet, and she quickly pulled you into a hug.
“I'm sorry… truly… if I do decide to leave, please come find me, and we can talk and be sisters again.” she offered, and you nodded, kissing the top of her head before letting go. You let out a deep breath, releasing the last of that hate and regret you held in your heart before speaking up. “No matter how far we are from each other, I'll always have you in my mind and soul.”
And with that, you and Merrin left the crypt, eventually finding your way back to Hunter and the rest of the batch, who all looked up at you, and then to Merrin when you both had entered the room. “We heard screams, are you okay?” Omega asked, running up to you as she grabbed your hand. You nodded, smiling. “Yes, I had to do what was necessary, sorry if I scared you.” You patted her head, turning to Hunter. “Im okay… we can leave.” You told him.
Hunter nodded to you, standing up with his brothers, and together you all walked out the way you came, taking the bridge back to the Marauder. Merrin followed until you had reached the ramp, you turned around to look at her and then glanced at the Marauder, however she shook her head. She needed to face her own demons, and she had to do so here, for however long it took.
You waved goodbye as you stepped further into the ship, the ramp closing behind you whilst making your way to the cockpit, you took your seat, turning to look at the Bad batch who all seemed to be staring at you. Wrecker was the one who spoke up first. “so… are all your cool witchy powers gone?” He asked, making you laugh. in no time, making your way to the parlor which seemed somewhat empty for the time of day, however you saw Cid cleaning glasses and when she noticed your presence she grinned. “So you're alive! good i've got a job for y'all.” She cut right to the chase, leading the group into her office.
You shook your head, sending a gentle bolt of magic into his face which then exploded into a light shimmer before dissipating. “No, no I definitely lost something… but I also gained something… I feel stronger, like my ancestors and Mother Talzin and all the dead can no longer hold me back. I'm free to walk my own path, and I'm happy.” You answered, stealing a glance at Hunter who had a look of.. fascination spread across his face.
However he then turned away, and you did too as tech lifted off from Dathomir, flying off world and then jumping into hyperspace. Back to Ord Mantel… however before you could forget, you turned to Hunter. “You still have my rifle?” You asked, and he sat up, also seeming to forget about it. “Yea here, sorry it totally blew my mind.” He chuckled, placing the rifle in your hands. You grinned and nodded, tracing your fingers over the engravings, leaning against the back of your chair as you let your eyes flutter closed.
You were exhausted but you were back on Ord Mantell. You leaned against the wall close to the door, your eyes trained on Hunter as Cid gave you very minor details about the mission, only the coordinates. “I need you guys to retrieve this substance called Ipsium…”
And now you were here, having just been trapped only to then find an exit, the tension between everyone at an all time high as tech had lost what Ipsium you had already gathered up, and now thanks to omega who was in a mood because of what Tech had said earlier, you still had ipsium which was a bit more pure than the other ones earlier.
You were out of the cave and safe, sure, but you had no ship, that was the major issue… and the storms on this planet were unpredictable. However there was a spaceport that wasn't too far from where you were, so you all made the journey there, tensions still high…
Hunter took the lead but you weren't too far behind, mostly keeping to yourself as the hot sun bared down on you. You wiped some sweat off your brow, letting out a sigh as you checked your water skin… which was empty. “Lucky me.” You grumbled, fiddling with the water skin as you continued to walk, not noting that Hunter had stopped.
You walked right into his chest, which startled you and made you jump away a bit, but Hunter could only chuckle, offering you some water from his own water flask. “Here, don't want you to wither away.” He kidded, and you smiled, taking the water flask and taking a few sips before handing it back to him.
You and Hunter shared a look, one that sent a tingle down your spine. You could feel your cheels heat up and you quickly looked away, beliving that it was just the sun that made your face hot, and not the way his beautiful auburn eyes shimmered in the light… or how he looked at you period.
Soon enough you reached the space port, finding yourselves a speeder that could be tuned up… a veru busted tuned up speeder, but one that would work nonetheless. Omega then suddenly gasped. “We forgot Gonky!” She exclaimed.
Tech sighed. “The thieves most likely disabled the ships transponder, so we cant track it.” Omega shook her head. “I dont mean the marauder, we can track Gonky!” She exclaimed, and Tech complimented her on her thinking… You could see the way she brightened up, and it made you glad that they were no longer mad at each other.
Omega is eventually succesful on Tracking Gonky and reveals that he and the Marauder are 100 clicks east, so once the speeder was operational. It was a bit of a squeeze, and you had to find purchase on either the floor… or Hunters lap… However that choice was quickly made for you as you felt hands on your waist quickly pulling you down. You turned your head, seeing hunter give you a slight nod.
You let out a sigh, but let yourself relax as you slid an arm across his shoulders, holding on while Tech drove.
You soon reached the area where Gonky was tracked, and you stayed behind out in the open in case the thief tried to run while Hunter and the others searched. However when you heard shouting you made your way over, seeing him already apprehended by omega who had her energy bow pointed at the thief.
The Marauder was revealed, and now came the plan of infiltrating the mine to get the ship back, and with teamwork and a little subtle help from your magic you successfully reached the Marauder. You patted the side of the ship, relieved to see it before you turned to Hunter and the others.
They all agreed that Omega and Baro will go and remove the ray shield so that they can actually fly out, and in the meantime you and Tech would get to fixing the ship, which had its hyperdrive removed, and Hunter and Wrecker would keep watch. You stayed focused on the task at hand, but you could occasionally feel eyes on your figure every time you would bend down or reach across to grab a tool. Eventually you turned your head, catching Hunter's eyes with your own.
His eyes widened as you raised an eyebrow, watching as he quickly looked away, pretending as if he was nor just checking you out. Now people have flirted with you before and have checked you out before… but seeing Hunter do it again you felt that tingle fall down your spine. You quickly got back to work, hearing some new voices as you and Tech almost had the hyperdrive reinstalled.
Hunter and Wrecker quickly improvised as a couple miners started asking about the ship and the hyperdrive. Wrecker came up with the excuse that Makko had sent them… and it seemed to buy a little more time as You and Tech fixed the hyperdrive.
You hadn't realized that Omega had been caught, but Hunter was gone to check and watch over them. when Tech had commed Hunter, your eyes widened as he explained that Baro and Omega have been found out. Tech, Wrecker and yourself then make your way to the bridge where Makko is, Omega being held by one of the droiers the droid to throw Omega over the edge, your eyes go wide, glancing back at Tech and Wrecker who shook their head, a silent order not to use your magic… where was hunter when you needed him…
Meanwhile, Baro emerged and argued with Makko, the words that were said were blurred to you as your eyes stayed trained on Omegads behind him. You ready your sniper, aiming at Makko’s head while the others point their blasters. “If you fire you’ll ignite the ipsium! and no one will get out of here.'' Makko warned, and Tech scoffed. “We don't miss.”
However this only seemed to Irritate Makko as he ordered the droids to throw Omega over the edge. When Makko ordered Omega to be thrown over, you almost reach out with your magic, until a grappling hook is shot forward and you see Hunter swing and grab Omega, bringing her to a safe platform.
You let out a sigh of relief, training your weapon back on Makko, and quickly you shoot the droid's heads before knocking Makko off balance. You watched as Baro extended his hand to the man, but Makko then tried to drag the boy with him… however one of the other miners grabbed Baro, and you all watched as Makko lost grip and fell into the molten lava. You wince, and turn your head as you see Omega and Hunter reach the bridge you were on.
You walked up to the both of them, pulling them into a tight hug. “You both had me really worried.” You whispered, giving Hunter a look before you grabbed Omega's hand. “Let's get the hell out of here.” You told her, walking back to the Marauder with Hunter and the rest.
You make your way onto the ship first while Omega talks with Baro after the batches' items are returned, taking a seat in the cockpit as you drop your head into your hands. When you were stuck in that cave with Hunter, the tension growing between you two was growing unbearable, and now seeing Hunter risk himself, and seeing Omega almost get hurt… It was just a lot to take in handing it back to him, now walking side by side with him. “Thank you Hunter… I appreciate it.” You muttered to him.
Soon Hunter and the rest enter the cockpit, and you sit up straight, offering them gentle smiles so they don't ask questions. After leaving and jumping to hyperspace, once again setting course for Ord Mantell. However A transmission from Cid could be heard, and everyone gathered in the cockpit as Cid popped up as a hologram. You narrowed your eyes, staying by Hunter's side as Cid acted all innocent, ony for Omega to argue that they needed Cid, and she just left them.
“You're fine now aren't ya? and you got your ship back.” She argued back, this time you huffed and spoke up. “Yeah with no help from you.” You growled, seeing Cid’s eyes widen slightly before she just went back to glaring.
“Do you wanna mope? or make money because I got a tip on a downed ship which means cargo right for the taking. I'll even give you thirty percent of the cut.” She offered, and you rolled your eyes, crossing your arms over your chest as tech spoke up.
“That is our standard percentage.”
“Alright.” Cid paused in thought before continuing. “this one time lets say.. thirty five percent…” She trailed off, seeing each of the glares coming from all of you, she sighed. “Okay fourty.” She paused again, but you gave her a look that made her groan. “Fine, fifty percent as a token of my good will that you seem to have forgotten… I'm sending you the intell now. dont come back unless you’ve scavenged something valuable.” She said.
Hunter huffed. “What makes you think we’ll come back at all?” He asked, getting a glare from Cid. “Don't test me, bandana, just get it done.” she spat before the com cut off. You sighed, turning to look at Hunter.
“Severing ties with Cid could be problematic, we should just do this job for her and give her what she wants and then working for her will be history.” You suggested, resting a hand on Hunter's shoulder as Wrecker got up and walked towards the back of the cockpit
Hunter sighed, but nodded. “Yeah you're right… Cid only set coordinates, no ship transponder code or any indication of what caused it to crash.” He huffed, and you rolled your eyes. “Surprise surprise.” You muttered, pulling up a seat to his side, turning to face him. Omega then spoke up, biting a piece off of her ration bar. “How hard could scavenging be?”
You and Hunter shared a look again, before setting course to the coordinates that Cid had sent you…This would be a long day…
When you arrived on the planet by the shipwreck, the boys and omega geared up, but just as you were about to, Hunter placed a hand on your shoulder. “I need you to stay on the ship and keep guard, if anything goes wrong we need you to either get help or give us a quick escape. Tech taught you flight basics, so you'll be fine.” He stated, staring into your eyes.
You huffed, but nodded. “Alright, but you better come back in one piece Hu- all of you… all of you come back in one piece.” You huffed, sharing one more look with Hunter before you walked into the cockpit, snagging Tech’s seat, lifting your legs up as you pressed them against your chest, watching the stars while the others boarded the ship.
After what seemed like quite a while of waiting, you felt yourself drifting off to sleep. No matter how much you tried to fight it, the fatigue just came over you and you slumped into the seat, soft snores echoing throughout the Marauder…
“You know i could get used to this..” you trailed off, watching the sun set on some distant planet, you found yourself leaning against Hunter who had an arm wrapped around your waist, a chuckle leaving his lips. His hair was slightly longer, wet from having gone swimming in the ocean that you both had your feet dipped into.
“Yeah, me too.” He muttered against the top of your head, placing a kiss there before he shifted himself, pushing you down into the sand. A laugh left your lips, quieting down as Hunter started trailing soft kisses down your skin, sneaking a hand up your torso, his rough and calloused fingers making your skin tingle at just the smallest touch. You slid your hand into his hair, gently tugging on it. causing a small grunt to leave his lips.
He continued kissing downwards, his hands resting on your hips as he gave you a smirk, pulling the bottom half of your swimsuit off, before lowering his head to the spot you needed him to touch.. and as he did, a soft moan escaped your lips as he-
Shouting flooded your ears and you shot up, seeing your com flashing rapidly, you quickly reached for it, voice cracking as you spoke. “ye- yes? you guys okay?” You asked through the com, looking outside for any trouble. “Not really, we found a creature on board and it escaped into the forest, most likely heading to the village. get the ship ready.” Hunter explained, and you cleared your throat.
“Okay? What can I do?” You asked, Hunter quickly replied. “Fly as close to the city as you can without being spotted, and when I give you the word you come get us, alright?” He asked, and you hummed in affirmation. “Copy that Hunter. See you soon.” You replied before setting your calm down, getting the ship up and into the air before flying towards the town.
You weren't that good at flying yet but you did your best, landing in a clearing not too far, but not too close. You had a good path to see what was going on, seeing that creature that Hunter and the others were chasing.
When you had a moment to relax you ran your hands through your hair, thinking of the dream you had when you were asleep. Normally you dreamt about the past, but this was different. You were with Hunter and… you did things that couldn’t leave your mind. A soft groan left your lips, and you let your legs leave the chair that they were up on, sitting normally now.
“I need a wack in the head.” You muttered to yourself, standing up and letting yourself stretch as you took a quick walk to the fresher, splashing your face with cold water to try and shock yourself out of those thoughts. And it seemed to work for the time being…
You walked back to the cockpit, and now you waited, again… this time you didn’t fall asleep.
Soon after what seemed like hours you went to pick up Omega and the batch, letting Tech take over flying again which allowed you to sit in your seat in the cockpit, flying off world, and into hyperspace. You couldn't really look at Hunter, not after that dream, so you just stayed silent as Hunter and Tech spoke about a zillo beast, and about cloning it while looking at the information that they gathered.
Eventually Hunter told Tech to send that Data to Echo and Rex, familiar names, god you missed Echo, he was fun to hang around with, he had a sense of humor that you did quite enjoy… regardless, you finally looked up at hunter, offering a weak little smile.
God you had to stop thinking such nasty little things about this man… but did you really want to?
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galadae · 1 year
wrote something for @wayfarer-week! prompt #1, view
rating: G words: 433 characters: Brienne Varyn, Talsin summary: While her father meets with Cenric, Bri escapes her room. notes: Elene and Lewin are Bri’s half siblings, Talsin is the kids' caretaker. ao3 link
The sea wind rustles Brienne’s hair, tossing it into her face. She wrinkles her nose, freshly pink with sunburn. A half-eaten fishcake, purchased with crowns she'd “borrowed” from her half-sister, sits in her hand as she slouches on the dock. Elene won’t miss them, Brienne thinks. She has so many and she never counts.
Father had another of his stuffy meetings. He was still angry at her—He’d ordered her to stay in her room until further notice. So, she’d slipped out the window.
It wasn’t the first time. She’d fallen on her face on her earliest attempts but she was a practiced expert now, even with her bad ankle. She knew when to jump, which tiles to avoid, which cracks in the stone were deep enough to hold.
It was easy for her to hide here now. She could fit between rough barrels and crates stacked on the docks. It stunk of fish and seaweed. But it smelled like freedom too, on days like this.
She looks out at the view, feeling the breeze on her skin. The wind carries the cries of seabirds with it. They circle together, seeking fish in the shallows. White, wispy clouds glide over the horizon. Ships pass, some distant as specks, others close enough to hear the shouts of the crew. Sunlight glitters off the water, sparkling like Lewin’s newfound magic.
Brienne wrinkles her nose at the thought. Father had been so excited to see his youngest’s abilities. Then he'd ordered Lewin’s bedroom moved across the house, far away from her. I hope they let me see him soon. It’s been four days. She wishes she had wings like those birds so she could fly over to his window.
Brienne freezes at the sound of footsteps on the dock. Light, short, quick steps. Closer, closer. They sound familiar—she shrinks against the barrels. Her heart pounds.
“There you are.”
Brienne looks up. Her caretaker peers down at her. If the smell bothers them, they don’t show it.
“Talsin. I promise I was coming back,” Brienne whispers. “Don’t tell them.”
They smile, shading their eyes from the glare of the sun. “I won’t,” they say. “But they’ll be asking for you, soon. We need to go.”
“Me? Why? What could they want?”
“Your father wants you to meet someone.” They offer their hand. “Let’s head back. We need to get you cleaned up.”
Brienne sighs and takes their hand. So much for freedom. But Father’s never asked for her in a meeting before. Curiosity stirs her thoughts as she follows Talsin up the road. Maybe he’s finally decided I’m important.
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childofaura · 2 years
If you're still doing the voice actor thing what about the VA of Hel, Barbara Goodson I believe it's her name. I just love her voice and how expressive (can I describe a voice like that?) she is the perfect choice for my wife Hel, sadly Intsy doesn't want to give us a Hel alt even though Surtr and Freya got one
(she is also the voice of the male kid in persona 5 which is surprising)
Also fun fact, she’s the voice (just the voice only!) of Rita Repulsa from the Mighty Morphin’ Power Rangers, and also Mother Talsin from Star Wars: The Clone Wars! So between Hel, Rita, and Talsin, she’s awesome at playing sinister characters.
So emotional performance is weird to really evaluate because Hel doesn’t have much real emotion; her voice is supposed to sound lifeless (ba dum tsss) and devoid of feeling. I think when I was making my categories I SHOULD have said performance over emotion. But anyways, Barbara is PERFECT. Her cackle in the Book 3 ending cinematic while she fights Alfonse, that spoken line where she asks Eir why she’s upset, her slow and ragged tones… Such a fantastic casting choice.
And she absolutely fits Hel, there’s no doubt about that. Barbara’s been playing old women and malevolent female characters for years, and I don’t know if it’s because of the standard VA bullshit that goes on but she should be casted a LOT more; now that sadly Philece Sampler has left us, she might need to be our new Niime.
Because I’m strictly judging range based on FEH characters, I can’t really say anything about that since she’s only voiced Hel. But listening to her other work, I’d say there’s some range, even though she’s usually type-casted.
Barbara Goodson’s a 9/10. She brings a fantastic performance of Hel. And hold strong, friend: We WILL get a Hel alt someday, Surtr only just got his last year in 2021. We just have to be strong and have faith ;w;
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iironwreath · 2 years
Proud [Cihro]
If Talsin didn’t carry Cihro home, Kishore would have. Instead, she was relegated to hovering on Talsin’s heels, flinching every time Talsin stumbled. Talsin had bridal-carried Cihro before, but never for more than a minute; his arms were taut with strain. From Cihro’s angle, he looked mildly offended at Kishore’s presence, but was too caught up with the effort of carrying Cihro to devote much attention to her. His cheeks were flushed, his body impeccably warm compared to Cihro’s.
Cihro’s arms were linked around his neck—weakly, but not at risk of letting go. He refused to lest he end up in the Astral Sea again. He'd only just rejoined the living; he wondered how long it would take for his body to look and feel like it.
“Talsin,” Cihro said, voice creaking like old, punished wood. “You’re drow.”
Talsin blinked. “So I am,” he confirmed, trying and failing to hide sounding winded. “Are you only noticing this now, Cihro? I fear for your eyesight.”
“I’ve just never seen you outside as yourself before. In Westruun, I mean.”
Talsin adjusted his grip with a huff. “I think I had more pressing concerns than donning my high elf disguise, darling.”
“I’m proud of you.”
Talsin smiled, almost unexpectedly, radiant with the compliment. Cihro tucked his head under Talsin’s chin, happy to let the others do the heavy lifting of getting him home.
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I love going through the a court of thorns and roses tag and not seeing a smige of Talsin,bc fuck that man,all the homies hate Talsin
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galoogamelady · 3 years
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Commission for @chaoticcomposition of Talsin and Chiro
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mojaves · 2 years
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talsin mortellis lavellan | no i didn't draw the vallaslin on with permanent marker i swear
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okase · 7 years
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 I have been drawing a lot, just not finishing much b/c time and energy
So, here’s a compilation for your entertainment. This time, Elder Scrolls Edition
Click for Captions!
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chaoticcomposition · 4 years
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I painted some b&w portraits a few years ago, I wanted to do that again
I def feel like I have a much better grasp of light and halftones now lmao
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voxaliines-blog · 7 years
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