#Targeted audience engagement methods
marketingprofitmedia · 3 months
Transform Your Business With These Profitable And Proven Digital Marketing Ideas
Boost your business success with top digital marketing strategies like SEO optimization and social media engagement. Leverage email marketing and content creation to propel profits and brand awareness.
In today’s digital age, having a robust online presence is vital for business growth. Entrepreneurs and marketers alike must embrace dynamic digital marketing tactics to stay ahead. This involves understanding the nuances of search engine optimization (SEO) to enhance visibility, engaging with customers on various social media platforms to build relationships, utilizing targeted email marketing campaigns to retain customers, and consistently producing quality content to establish authority.
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Embracing The Digital Marketing Revolution
Embracing the Digital Marketing Revolution has become essential for businesses seeking growth and profitability. Today, the digital arena offers a plethora of strategies to reach targeted audiences effectively. Let’s dive into the shift from traditional methods to digital and understand the critical factors for success in this new marketing landscape.
From Traditional To Digital: The Paradigm Shift
The marketing world has undergone a dramatic transformation in recent years. Digital platforms now offer unprecedented opportunities for businesses to connect with consumers. With the power of data analytics and targeted advertising, companies can craft personalized messages and measure their campaign success with precision.
Accessibility: Digital channels are accessible to businesses of all sizes.
Engagement: Real-time interaction with consumers has become a reality.
Analytics: Data-driven insights inform more strategic decisions.
Critical Success Factors In Today’s Digital Landscape
To stand out within the digital marketing revolution, businesses must acknowledge and leverage several key factors.
Success Factor Description User Experience Sites must be fast, mobile-friendly, and easy to navigate.Content QualityContent should be engaging, informative, and tailored to the audience.SEO Practices Employing SEO techniques boosts visibility in search engine rankings. Social Media Presence Active and strategic use of social channels expands audience reach. Adaptability Staying agile allows businesses to pivot strategies as trends evolve.
Leverage The Power Of Social Media
Embrace the dynamic world of social media to skyrocket your business reach. Harnessing social platforms can spell the difference between average growth and extraordinary expansion.
Strategies For Building A Strong Social Presence
Initiate your digital saga with a robust social presence.
Identify the Best Platforms: Choose platforms that align with your brand.
Create Engaging Content: Regularly post content that resonates with your audience.
Interact with Your Community: Respond to comments and messages promptly.
Use Analytics: Track what works and refine your strategy.
Converting Followers Into Customers
Turn your followers into a loyal customer base with these steps:
Offer Exclusive Deals: Provide social media-only discounts to followers.
Showcase Customer Testimonials: Share success stories to build trust.
Enable Easy Purchases: Use social platforms with integrated shopping features.
Run Targeted Ads: Reach potential customers through tailored advertising.
Content Marketing: The Core Of Digital Strategy
Transform your business with the power of content marketing. Attract and engage your audience consistently. Content is not just king; it’s the entire kingdom in today’s digital marketing realm. A strategy centered on creating and sharing valuable, relevant, and consistent content can drive profitable customer action.
Crafting Content That Resonates And Converts
Creating content that connects with your audience is crucial. It must resonate and lead to conversions. Follow these tips:
Understand your audience’s needs.
Create clear, compelling messages.
Use stories to build connections.
Include calls-to-action that stand out.
Develop diverse content forms. These include:
Type Description Blog Posts Detailed articles on relevant topics. Videos Engaging and easy to consume. Infographics Quick facts and figures. E-books Comprehensive guides.
Measuring The Impact Of Your Content
It’s not enough to create content; measure its impact. Key performance indicators (KPIs) help understand content effectiveness. Regularly check these:
Traffic: Number of visitors to your content.
Engagement: Time spent and interaction levels.
Leads: Sign-ups or inquiries generated.
Sales: Direct revenue from content-related campaigns.
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Credit: www.amazon.com
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Seo: Unlocking Organic Growth
Smart businesses know that Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is a critical part of their online success. SEO drives free traffic to your website and boosts visibility. Understanding and implementing top-notch SEO strategies can transform your business and lead to remarkable growth.
Keyword Research For Maximum Visibility
The right keywords act like beacons that guide users to your content. Effective keyword research puts your business in the spotlight. It’s about understanding what your audience searches for and optimizing your content to meet those queries.
Use tools like Google Keyword Planner or SEMrush to discover popular search terms.
Analyze the competition to find gaps in the market.
Focus on long-tail keywords to target specific audiences and intents.
Staying Ahead Of The Algorithm Changes
Search engines often change their algorithms, keeping businesses on their toes. To stay ahead:
Keep content fresh and high-quality. Google loves new, relevant content.
Follow SEO news and updates through blogs or online communities.
Ensure your site is mobile-friendly, as mobile-first indexing is a key ranking factor.
Staying informed and adaptable to changes can secure your rank on search engine results pages.
E-mail Marketing: A Direct Line To Customers
Imagine reaching out to your customers with a personalized touch that feels like a one-on-one conversation. E-mail marketing offers this direct line of communication. It allows businesses to convey their message in a way no other digital marketing channel can. The personal inbox is a private space, and with the right strategy, your business can shine here.
Creating Compelling Newsletters
Newsletters breathe life into e-mail marketing. They keep your audience engaged and informed. A well-crafted newsletter can turn readers into customers, and customers into brand advocates.
Start with a catchy subject line. This is your first impression.
Design matters. Use clean, responsive templates that adapt to various devices.
Highlight key content with bold call-to-actions.
Keep your message clear and to the point. Short sentences work best.
Use bullet points to break down information.
Integrate visuals. Images and graphics can tell a story more effectively than text alone.
Segmentation And Personalization Techniques
Not all customers are the same. Segmentation divides your audience into groups with similar characteristics. Personalization speaks to each group differently.
To segment effectively, consider demographics, behavior, and purchase history.
Personalization can skyrocket open rates and conversions. Address recipients by name. Tailor content to their interests and past interactions with your brand.
Segmentation Criteria Personalization Tactics Location Localized offers Purchase history Recommended products User behavior Abandoned cart reminders
Automated tools can help tailor e-mails based on these criteria.
Remember, the goal is a click, and eventually, a conversion. Your e-mail marketing should create a smooth path towards this.
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Data Analytics: Making Informed Decisions
In the digital marketing landscape, data analytics is the compass that guides businesses towards success. By understanding and utilizing data analytics, companies can make strategic decisions that lead to increased profits and optimized marketing efforts.
Interpreting Data To Refine Marketing Efforts
Interpreting data is key to refining your marketing strategies. By looking at the numbers, you can identify what works and what doesn’t. This leads to more targeted campaigns and better allocation of resources. Consider these points for effective data interpretation:
User behavior indicates preferences and pain points.
Conversion rates show the effectiveness of your call-to-actions.
Traffic sources reveal the most fruitful marketing channels.
Tools For Tracking Success And Roi
Many tools exist to track success and calculate ROI. Choosing the right ones can streamline your analysis and improve your marketing ROI. Here’s a list of top tools:
Tool Use Case Google Analytics Website traffic and user behavior analysis Social Media Analytics Social engagement and campaign performance Email Marketing Software Email campaign tracking and subscriber activity
Choose tools that align with your marketing goals. This ensures you’re not only gathering data but also applying it effectively.
Future-proof Your Business With Emerging Technologies
As technologies evolve, businesses must adapt to stay ahead. Emerging technologies provide innovative ways to connect with customers and streamline operations. To remain competitive in a digital world, embracing these advancements is critical. Let’s explore how some of these technologies can future-proof your business and lead to exponential growth.
Incorporating Ai For Personalized Experiences
Artificial Intelligence (AI) takes your marketing to new heights. AI analyzes data quickly and accurately. This enables custom-tailored content for your audience. Using AI, businesses deliver personalized recommendations, enhance customer service, and increase engagement. AI tools like chatbots provide 24/7 interaction, ensuring users receive instant assistance. AI-driven insights help in creating marketing strategies that resonate well with your target market.
The Role Of Ar And Vr In Modern Marketing
Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR) are reshaping customer experiences. These technologies offer interactive ways for consumers to engage with your brand. AR adds digital elements to a live view, often by using the camera on a smartphone. Examples include virtual try-ons and interactive ads. VR creates a fully immersive experience, transporting users to different worlds. It’s used in virtual tours and product demonstrations. By integrating AR and VR, businesses offer unique experiences that captivate and convert customers.
Personalized Shopping: Customers try on clothes virtually using AR mirrors.
Immersive Product Demos: VR allows customers to test products in a virtual environment.
Interactive Ad Campaigns: AR campaigns encourage user engagement and sharing.
Frequently Asked Questions
Q. What Are Top Digital Marketing Strategies?
Digital marketing strategies that yield profitability include content marketing, SEO optimization, social media engagement, email campaigns, and PPC advertising.
Q. How Does Digital Marketing Boost Business?
Effective digital marketing enhances brand visibility, generates leads, improves customer engagement, and increases conversions, thereby boosting business profitability.
Q. Which Digital Channels Offer The Best Roi?
Email marketing often boasts the highest ROI, followed closely by SEO, content marketing, and social media when executed with a strategic approach.
Q. Can Digital Marketing Reduce Business Costs?
Yes, digital marketing can significantly reduce costs by targeting specific audiences and measuring campaigns for continual optimization and reduced ad spend waste.
Q. Why Is Social Media Vital For Marketing?
Social media platforms offer vast outreach potential, direct customer engagement, and valuable insights into consumer behavior, making them essential in digital marketing strategies.
Embracing digital marketing isn’t just an option; it’s a necessity for profitability and growth. Implement the strategies we’ve covered, from leveraging social media to harnessing SEO, and watch your business thrive in the digital arena. Remember, consistent effort and adaptability are key.
Start now and transform your brand’s future.
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Thanks for reading my article on Transform Your Business With These Profitable And Proven Digital Marketing Ideas, hope it will help!
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Source : Boost Your Website Traffic With Instagram’s Best-Kept Secret Method
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silent-sanctum · 11 months
The Part 3 Dilemma
I have one of this random thoughts of mine and it's about one of the complaints about Stardust Crusaders
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"I dropped at Part 3 because the plot dragged too long" "The Monster-of-the week trope made it boring"
Personally, I don't mind it (thanks to Jotaro's presence tbh). But I do understand why others feel that way. I feel like the reason Araki decided to stick with that set-up is because for one, it's a shonen series (a.k.a a manga who's targeted for young boys), and two that it's because it's his way of experimenting with a new power system.
So, you can't really blame a guy who wanted to test things out in the beginning rather than to focus on writing a more engaging story, more so when him knowing that the introduction of Stands and their powers was able to bring him the most commercial success.
But from a writer's perspective and someone who watches a lot of shows, I think what made SC such a sludge to get through is this part's lack of subplots.
What do I mean by that? Let me explain:
"A subplot is a narrative thread that is woven through the media to support the elements of the main plot. A subplot can build out the conflict in the main plot or it can be a vehicle for a secondary character's storyline."
Essentially, it's a method of fleshing out the story more by introducing the audience a side story to either tackle a theme that's related to the main plot or develop a character more to better understand their purpose in the story.
Now let's look at Part 3
The central point of this part is that a big bad has returned to wreak havoc on the Joestars and the world and it's the heroes' job is to get rid of him once and for all. It's odyssey-based where we get to see the guys go on this journey and fight the bad guys until they reach the final stage.
But because this part involves just that- the fighting bad guys part- for 40+ episodes, it bores the audience because of how repetitive it's becoming. There's nothing else it has going on for it to keep the audience engaged.
There's a significant lack of subplots to enhance their journey to Egypt.
Compare that to the other parts…
Part 4: A slice-of-life/murder mystery plot that focuses on the stories of its residents (e.g. Koichi's development, Okuyasu's family issues, Yukako's obssesion, Rohan's antics as a mangaka, Josuke's bond with Joseph), before tying them into the main plot in the second half (e.g. Reimi's murder, the involvement of the Stand arrow, focus on Kira's mind as a psychopathic serial killer) Part 5: Got to look into the past of each of Bucciarati's crew: Giorno and Bucciarati's childhood, Mista's pre-Stand user life, Abbachio's past as a cop, Diavolo and Trish's dynamic, Fugo's history with his anger issues. There's also the involvement of the Stand arrow, brief focus on La Squadra's perspective, etc. Part 6: Explores the characters of Ermes (seeking justice for the death of her sister), FF (their path of finding their identity), delving deep into DIO's psyche about "attaining heaven", Weather Report's history with Pucci and Perla, and the estranged bond between Jolyne and Jotaro.
This is Araki improving his craft but when we compare that to Part 3, we can see that P3 only got the "fighting enemies until we reach the boss" plot going on. And that's tedious to get past.
Sure we got one subplot going: Polnareff's quest of avenging the death of his sister.
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His purpose of joining the Crusaders in the first place was to find the killer. It's been tackled for more than one episode and in the process, we see him form rapport with the allies he made while still sticking to his mission, allowing the audience to connect to the Frenchman more (even to the point where they start to joke that he's the main protagonist instead of Jotaro)
But what of the rest? What of the development of the other Crusaders?
Kakyoin and his past as a lonely child born with a Stand?
How Avdol met Joseph, and what his motivation was to continue working with the latter?
Maybe a subtle foreshadowing of Joseph's infidelity or how he's doing in New York prior to the quest?
Heck maybe even a background as to why Jotaro turned to delinquency when in the past, he's seen or viewed as a regular happy child who does well and is active in school?
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Instead, what we got is Kak's past revealed as a last minute attempt to make us feel sympathy for him as he's dying, Avdol died without much going about him, Joseph is just there to be the secondary Jojo, and 3taro is most of the fandom's worst version of Jotaro because at a surface level, he's seen only as a rude standoffish teenager who does not emote for no reason.
We don't get to connect with the Crusaders as much or as deep because we don't know them outside of "we're here to defeat the big evil" and a bunch of fighting.
tldr: Not enough character development because there's too much of the "beat the bad guys and win"
I don't know. It's just my personal take because usually when I consume media, I tend to get hooked onto the story when there's mini stories that fleshes out the overarching theme.
Thanks for coming to my TED talk
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computerknowledge27 · 4 months
what is digital marketing ?
Digital marketing refers to the use of digital channels, platforms, and technologies to promote products, services, or brands to a target audience. Unlike traditional marketing methods that rely on offline channels such as print, television, or radio, digital marketing leverages online channels to reach and engage with consumers. The goal of digital marketing is to connect with the target audience in the right place and at the right time, driving brand awareness, customer acquisition, and retention.
Key components of digital marketing include:
Search Engine Optimization (SEO): Optimizing a website or content to rank higher in search engine results, improving visibility and organic (non-paid) traffic.
Content Marketing: Creating and distributing valuable, relevant content to attract and engage a target audience. This can include blog posts, videos, infographics, and more.
Social Media Marketing: Utilizing social media platforms (such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn) to promote products or services, interact with the audience, and build brand awareness.
Email Marketing: Sending targeted messages and promotional content to a group of people via email to nurture leads, build customer relationships, and encourage conversions.
Pay-Per-Click (PPC) Advertising: Running paid advertisements on search engines or social media platforms, with advertisers paying a fee each time their ad is clicked.
Affiliate Marketing: Partnering with other businesses or individuals to promote products or services, with commissions earned for every sale or lead generated through the affiliate's efforts.
Influencer Marketing: Collaborating with influencers or individuals with a significant following to promote products or services to their audience.
Online Public Relations (PR): Managing a brand's online reputation and relationships with the public through various digital channels.
Analytics and Data Analysis: Monitoring and analyzing data from digital marketing efforts to measure performance, identify trends, and make informed decisions for future campaigns.
Digital marketing provides businesses with the flexibility to target specific demographics, track and measure campaign performance, and adjust strategies in real-time. It has become an integral part of the overall marketing strategy for many organizations in today's digital age.
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By: Wokal Distance
Published: May 7, 2024
Want to know how Woke activists take over buildings, smash windows, trash university campuses, and still have the press call them "non-violent"?
Well, as it turns out these are well trained activists using intelligent, highly developed tactics. Here's a primer:
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First off: none of this is spontaneous.
IE: The protestors in the video going around have shields. (pic 1)
In 2020 we learned these shields can take hours to make and are made by volunteers working all day. You don't do that spontaneously. It takes planning. (pics 2 +3)
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Here's a thread on the shields used during the 2020 Portland protests. They are well built and are distributed to those wishing to engage in "direct action" (AKA violence and vandalism).
Not all shields are built like this, but this is typical:
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Another clue that this is all VERY well planned is the fact they tend to all have the same tent.
This is because the organizations that run and fund the protests purchase the tents in bulk and then give them to the protestors as needed.
Again, It is all VERY well planned.
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Further, these are NOT "student protests."
Lisa Fithian is a 63 year old professional protestor, not a student. She's planned protests for decades.
According to the NYPD 1/3 of the people arrested at Columbia, and most of the people arrested at the CCNY, were not students
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Now we need to understand the TACTICS that are being used here.
The first strategy is to put their target in a "decision dilemma." This is where they select a method of protest that leaves the person with no good options. No matter how the target reacts they look bad.
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As John Searle explained in his 1971 book "The Campus War," the strategy is to leave the University with no good options:
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They either let the protestors take over, or call police and then students play victim and use the optics to look like sympathetic martyrs for the cause.
The decision dilemma strategy is paired with: "the real action is your targets reaction." You use someone's reactions to your protest against them.
IE: Taking over a building. If the police arrest you, you film it and play the martyr. If they don't, you control the building
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Those two strategies are used hand in hand to create actions which activists can turn to their advantage.
When they do this correctly they can paint themselves as the sympathetic powerless underdogs even when they are the aggressors.
It's social and political jiu-jitsu  This is performative, but not in "look good to your peers" kind of way.
The principle is "play to the audience that isn't there." Activists protesters want to LOOK good to the people on Youtube or watching the news.
It's the OPTICS that matter.
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Please pay careful attention to this:
Activists want to LOOK like they are trying to change the minds of people they protest against, but that's just for show. They see their targets unrepentant evil doers that are just props in the drama they are staging.
This is awful.
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The point of the protest is not to change the mind of the people whose building they have taken over, the goal is to use the protest as a way of building social and political pressure against the people they are trying to make give it.
THAT is the goal. 
This next strategy is self-explanatory: "do the media's work for them."
This is where activists find press releases and film footage that make them look good get into the hands of sympathetic journalists. This explains a lot of what gets on TV
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So how do they do all this and still get sympathetic coverage?
The strategy is: "lead with sympathetic characters." It's EXACTLY what it sounds like. They put sympathetic people out front to garner sympathy and create the APPEARANCE of underdogs fighting against the powerful.
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This is why in the coverage of these protests you rarely see the images of smashed glass, trashed buildings, broken doors, and blood on the street, but you will often see pictures of the people below which are meant to make the protestors look sympathetic.
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The protestors have a highly developed theory of protest optics. They understand videos can be sliced and diced to tell any story, and the story that "resonates" with people most, wins. So they are intentional in trying to create moments on video that can go viral... 
That isn't to say they aren't also intentional in doing damage. They are. The book Black Bloc, White Riot: Anti-Globalization and the Genealogy of Dissent by author AK Thompson is the starting place for their theory of what counts as violence, and when violence is justified. 
Here is Alex Hundert writing is rabble defending "a diversity of tactics" which is a euphemism for allowing violence at protests. Hundert explicitly states a commitment to non-violence is "dogmatic" and "stifles debate" about which tactics to use.
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So the violence and vandalism at these protests is intentional. Where the elderly protestor is meant to win hearts, the black bloc is there to intimidate. If police react to the violence with arrests protestors claim the police "attacked students."
See how the game works?
The point is that none of these protests are happening spontaneously.
These are well planned protests, using high level tactics that are given to people supported by a well organized protest infrastructure (where did you think the tents and shields came from?) 
These radical protestors have organized an infrastructure to, in their words, disrupt, dismantle, and deconstruct your society.
I don't want to scare any of you, I just want you to know what's happening because you can't push back against what you don't understand.
Every single one of these protests operates according to a set of methodologies, principles and tactics and theories that have been created with the specific goal of allowing the radicals to gain social and political victories by creating and controlling the narrative.
As @realchrisrufo points out, the conflict at Harvard is reaching a "decision point," but Harvard can't end the conflict without looking bad and damaging their own reputation.
This is the result of activist tactics applied perfectly against Harvard.
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Do not underestimate the ability of radical leftist protestors to win the narrative battle, particularly since we have a media complex sympathetic to leftist causes.
The goal here is not to scare you, but to show you what's going on under the hood of these protests....
Beating woke activists means understanding their tactics are so you can anticipate them and respond in a way that is effective. If universities had anticipated the Activist tactic "occupation" They would have known the goal was to put them in a "decision dillemma" (pic 2)
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And the activists will explicitly tell us that these occupations are "well planned" (that's why I keep using that phrase" and that they want to expose the "power holders" (in this case universities) inability to enforce the rules. That's literally the whole point...
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Had universities known this they would have understood that the right move is to eject the encampments the minute they start. There was not way to negotiate with the protestors because, as the activists themselves tell us, negotiating is not the point. The point is to create a situation where the University has no good option and expose the university as weak, and then use that to extract concessions and make the university fold because they have ZERO good options.
Knowing that this is the strategy allows you avoid the trap by taking the PR hit and ejecting the protestors and tearing down the encampments on day 1. You're taking a PR hit no matter what, so take the hit day 1 and then ride it out. The longer the protests last, the bigger a story they become, so end it quick and kill the momentum.
Instead universities did not know the tactics, thought they could reason with the protestors or negotiate in good faith, and now they are in exactly the bind that @realchrisrufo lays out here:
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Learn how the woke activists operate, learn how their tactics function, and learn how to respond accordingly when they seek to impose their will on you using these tactics.
Thanks for reading.
Honestly, this seems pretty freaking obvious. Hamas can't defeat Israel by firepower; the way they win is by fighting the propaganda war and manipulating the rest of the world into fighting against Israel instead.
Still, it doesn't matter how much you quote their own words, there's still certain people who will say right to you that it isn't true, it's not happening.
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lactating · 1 month
some miscellaneous thought on tumblr as a medium with which to make art.
one: there are, generally, two camps that that self-segregate based on user intention. The first is snappy one image four panel webcomics that use only images and art to tell a cohesive story over time. and on the other hand, we have loki x reader 50k word fanfictions that ramble and sprawl and clutter up your favorite tags. these two things could not be less apart in target audience.
two: these art works that fall into the former generally are (or appear to be) laborious from scratch drawings every time, sometimes being many pages of full color artwork.
three: this is fine, do what thou wilt, if, however, you want to use the machines at your tool to their full potential, it seems generally more advisabke to use the [REDACTED] method, of starting (amd returning) to sprite based artwork, and doing more laborious pieces when the manic mood strikes you.
four: removing the text from the images (which tumblr, which allows you to have images and text in the same damn post) allows you to have the text be (literally) abstracted from the image, and therefore you can write whatever you please (generally related to what the image is. in our loki x reader example, these posts are generally accompied by an image, gif(or gifset) of the relevant actor.).
five: if, say, youre a niche internet blogger with a follower count in the low thousands, and youre writing a webcomic that you intead to shovel directly into the open gaping maw of whatever you audience is (in this case, randoms who enjoy funny poasts and insane transsexuals), it would be advisable to publish this in a serialized form.
six: the case for serialization for this hypothetical blogger and hypothetical web comic idea has advantages two fold. one, your audience has self-selected your blog because it lacks the 50k loki x reader fanfictions (though, this is a half truth, you regularly reblog obscenly long posts for the comedy element, which could be explored later.) and instead favors the one image comic. however, a secret third option wherein you have an image as a jumping off point with a paragraph (or two) of following text would
A: let you maximize the output of poasts to creative ideas
B: allow users to engage more freely with the work, as having ideas self-contained would necessarily beg to be rebloaged, without cluttering up the feed. in addition, every micro slice of this hypothetical web comic could possibly pique a new users interest.
seven: cleverly use of signs and symboms within your work can allow it to spread memetically much faster than works without it (how do i even reference which 50k loki x reader work im referring to without an unsightly link).
eight: peddling your wares to tumblr users (the lowest common denomator) will necessarily result in misunderstanding, flanderization, and hate, and thats ok. all publicity for Fast Earth is good publicity
nine: 🪲
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my-mt-heart · 1 year
Hey MT, Marketing Anon again.
Seeing all the Melissa and Caryl pics made my day! I’m so glad we’re FINALLY getting some confirmation.
But I’ve noticed a TON of confusion surrounding the spinoff since the snippet of the teaser a few nights ago. Then the subsequent internet explosion that occurred when my wish was granted, and we finally got some McReedus content (I may or may not have squealed with joy—you can’t prove this without witnesses).
I saw your post about the spinoff and the confusion around it. I figured I’ll add some info that may clarify why it all seems weird—MT, you hit the nail on the head with some points I’ll cover here. As always, this is my speculation, take what resonates <3
Why Does the Eventual Caryl Spinoff News Feel Confusing?
This may be a bit boring, but it clarifies a lot, so stick with me.
Season 1
Based on what we know about Season 1 of the spinoff—it's catered toward a younger male audience. It’s a fresh new audience that may stick around and won’t be resistant to new storylines, characters, villains, etc. So they can break the mould of the old show and veer into newer territory under the same branding umbrella, which over the years has garnered intrigue to pull a cold audience, aka those who don’t know what the content is but have heard of it. (How many times have you tried something because your friends raved about it? Heck, how many of you started TWD that way?) It’s FOMO—a tried and true method to pull cold audiences.
In marketing, you do market research to learn more about your target audience so you can create content geared toward them. IF used correctly, Reddit is an “untapped gold mine” of market research to help attract your target audience (source: pipeline.zoominfo.com/marketing/reddit-market-research).
Like you said, MT, 74% of Reddit users are people in their 20s who identify as male. Half of that audience is based in the US (source: blog.gitnux.com/reddit-user-statistics). This fits in with the criteria of attracting a younger male audience. And many Redditors from this demographic are resistant to Daryl being paired with a woman his own age that he has clearly been in love with for a decade (marketing anon, your Caryler is showing). You’re welcome to look it up on Reddit and see for yourself. So they’re not married to Caryl and are open to having new female leads on the spinoff.
So if I were marketing that show, that’s where I would go for research.
I suspect nightclubs and nuns were part of that strategy, but they added the young male kid in to show Daryl’s fatherly side. Absent father figures may be a major pain point for the audience they want to reach in S1—because, sadly, approximately 12 million boys in the US grow up without a father (source: rb.gy/o72re). It fits the demographic they're trying to attract. And it’s also a good way to preserve the ‘Daryl we know’ to hook the old audience while attracting the new.
Unfortunately, the reactions by that audience to S1 have been mixed—which, as I mentioned in a previous anon, is a marketer's worst nightmare. So you either change your content/strategy or find an audience that engages with and wants your content/strategy. It’s obviously too late to redo S1 since it has wrapped filming. The only option is to modify it as much as you can to appeal to an audience that is engaging to them—Carylers.
Which brings me to…
Season 2
Season 2 is a whole other strategy—it's completely catered toward Carylers and Melissa fans. They’ve used Caryl content to attract the attention of Carylers for the last decade, they’re going with what they know. Think about the news in the last few weeks. How many of us wanted all of that? They KNOW how to attract us. So Season 2 is a no-brainer IF done correctly.
So How Does This Explain the Spinoff Confusion?
The information we have is extremely ambiguous—When does it air? Who is the main villain? Why are they shooting 2 seasons back to back? What does it mean by a complete ‘reset’? What’s the damn name—Daryl Dixon or Raise the Dead or Pilgrim or something else to fit Caryl?
To further complicate things, they have two sets of audiences that they’re trying to cater to, but only one is responding to them on social media. Just look at the trajectory of the news:
Bathtub leak (nothing)
Rumours of Carol returning (Melissa trends on Twitter)
Daryl “in production” teaser (nothing)
Melissa spotted in the wilderness (Melissa/Caryl trend on Twitter)
Daryl snippet and the promise of a teaser (nothing)
The next day we see Mcreedus and Melissa McBride (Melissa/Caryl trend on Twitter—I think Melissa is still trending 2 days later)
Yes, there were times Daryl was also trending, but if you looked at the top posts, they all had to do with his relationship with Carol or TF in some way. The news that is promoting S2 is getting more attention. Hence creating a cluster of fans (from both groups, S1 group and S2 group) who are confused about when Melissa is joining.
So without clarifying, they’re thriving on the confusion. And instead of doing separate promo for S1, they’re cruising on the buzz generated by all the Melissa and McReedus sightings and keeping people wondering.
That way, Carylers join in and watch S1 with the promise of more Caryl (more info in my previous speculation post to MT).
So What Is REALLY Happening With the Eventual Caryl Spinoff?
It's exactly that—an eventual Caryl spinoff.
S1 is still a solo Daryl show where he is a fish out of water—exploring France, meeting the nun and her nephew, fighting villains, and trying to find a way home.
Melissa McBride joins in S2 of the spinoff.
In S2, Caryl clearly join forces in a location that parallels Consumed.
S1 airs sometime in the fall (I’ve heard September thrown around a lot, but we may get confirmation of that and of Melissa’s return at SDCC).
S2 air date is still TBA.
That’s all the reliable source-backed information we have so far. Melissa may have a cameo in the S1 finale but it hasn't been confirmed. We don’t know if the romantic canon is in the cards yet, although they tried to tease it with that ring on Melissa’s finger. Again, a promise of what you get if you tune in.
Where Does That Leave You, Dear Caryler?
If you signed up for to watch Caryl together—there’s still time for that. S1 still seems to be mostly Daryl with the French entourage. But Melissa is back, and she looks extremely happy. For me, personally, that counts as a sunny day after a cold, hard winter of her absence, her brief SDCC sighting, and nothing but tearful pictures of her during the final days of TWD shoots.
Remember that the timing of every piece of news you got isn’t a coincidence. They’re doubling down on getting Carylers’ attention because they need you to tune in.
Your view has value, your perspective is important—and you deserve to withhold investment until YOU feel they’ve earned it.
You hold the power—No matter what they want you to think. Use it wisely. Caryl on. <3
That was a thorough breakdown, thank you!!
Catering to two (opposing) groups is making me want to rip my hair out. How do you maintain longterm viewership that way?? No one’s going to be satisfied, and I’m concerned I’m going to resent what they do with Daryl in S1 so much, I won’t have the heart for S2 anymore. So I’d really like that addressed somehow.
Panels may not happen this year, but still holding out hope for an official announcement on Melissa, Caryl, and that damn title. And I want language that emphasizes it’s Norman’s AND Melissa’s show. Not Melissa joining Norman’s show because that’s not true.
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ftmtftm · 7 months
contrapoints videos? really?
Yeah actually.
Do I like her as a person? Not really no. I have a lot of criticism of her actually if we're being honest. However!! Do I also think she made some videos that are extremely easily accessible, engaging, and function as a springboard for concepts I'm trying to communicate? Yeah absolutely.
If you're already on board with the concepts: Congratulations! You are not the target audience I'm attempting to share ideas with in this moment!! And that's okay!!! I'm not making you listen to Natalie Wynn talk at a camera for 50 minutes, especially not if you already understand the subject matter of the video!!!!
No one just manifests a full and complete understanding of these conversations though and I'm a big believer in opening multiple avenues for education. It's about trying to address a large audience. For some people, they're gonna want the academic texts, some people will want books, or podcasts, or interviews, or video essays, etc. etc. Each method of information delivery has its own pros and cons and each method is more accessible to some people than others.
I'm in the interest of more idea exposure and (important "and" here) subsequently more conversation and dialogue in response to it. Once you (general you) have got a solid understanding of why being transphobic is harmful, then we can talk about the issues of Natalie Wynn and criticize video essays as a format for idea delivery. You gotta get past step one first though, you know?
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Michael Esposito Staten Island: Innovative AI Solutions for Influencer Marketing in the Digital Age
In the ever-evolving landscape of digital marketing, influencer marketing has emerged as a powerful strategy for brands to connect with their target audience and drive engagement. With the rise of social media platforms, influencers have become key players in shaping consumer preferences and purchasing decisions. Michael Esposito Staten Island — Influence in the Digital Age exemplifies this trend, highlighting how digital influencers can significantly impact marketing strategies and outcomes. However, as the digital space becomes increasingly saturated with content, brands are turning to innovative AI solutions to enhance their influencer marketing efforts and stay ahead of the curve.
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AI-Powered Influencer Discovery
One of the biggest challenges brands face in influencer marketing is finding the right influencers to collaborate with. Traditional methods of influencer discovery often involve manual research and outreach, which can be time-consuming and inefficient. However, AI-powered influencer discovery platforms leverage advanced algorithms to analyze vast amounts of data and identify influencers who are the best fit for a brand's target audience and campaign objectives. Michael Esposito Staten Island: An Influencer Marketer Extraordinaire, exemplifies how effective influencer collaboration can transform marketing strategies. By harnessing the power of AI, brands can streamline the influencer discovery process and identify high-potential collaborators with greater accuracy and efficiency.
Predictive Analytics for Campaign Optimization
Once influencers have been identified and partnerships established, brands can leverage AI-powered predictive analytics to optimize their influencer marketing campaigns. Predictive analytics algorithms analyze historical campaign data, audience demographics, and engagement metrics to forecast the performance of future campaigns. By leveraging these insights, brands can make data-driven decisions about content strategy, audience targeting, and campaign optimization, maximizing the impact of their influencer collaborations and driving measurable results.
AI-Driven Content Creation
Content creation is a critical component of influencer marketing campaigns, and AI is revolutionizing the way brands create and optimize content for maximum impact. AI-powered content creation tools can generate personalized, high-quality content at scale, helping brands maintain a consistent brand voice and aesthetic across their influencer collaborations. From automated image and video editing to natural language processing for caption generation, AI-driven content creation tools empower brands to create compelling, on-brand content that resonates with their target audience and drives engagement.
Sentiment Analysis for Brand Monitoring
Influencer marketing campaigns can have a significant impact on brand perception, and it's essential for brands to monitor and manage their online reputation effectively. AI-powered sentiment analysis tools analyze social media conversations and user-generated content to gauge public sentiment towards a brand or campaign. By tracking mentions, sentiment trends, and key themes, brands can quickly identify and address any potential issues or negative feedback, allowing them to proactively manage their brand reputation and maintain a positive online presence.
Automated Performance Reporting
Measuring the success of influencer marketing campaigns is crucial for determining ROI and informing future strategies. However, manual performance reporting can be time-consuming and prone to human error. AI-powered analytics platforms automate the process of performance reporting by aggregating data from multiple sources, analyzing key metrics, and generating comprehensive reports in real-time. By providing brands with actionable insights into campaign performance, audience engagement, and ROI, AI-driven analytics platforms enable brands to optimize their influencer marketing efforts and drive continuous improvement.
In conclusion, as influencer marketing continues to evolve in the digital age, brands must leverage innovative AI solutions to stay competitive and maximize the impact of their campaigns. From AI-powered influencer discovery and predictive analytics to automated content creation and sentiment analysis, AI is revolutionizing every aspect of influencer marketing, enabling brands to connect with their target audience more effectively and drive measurable results. By embracing these innovative AI solutions, brands can unlock the full potential of influencer marketing and achieve success in the digital era.
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momtasticcreatopia · 3 months
📢 Attention ALL Influencers, #Etsy and #YouTube Owners¡! 👇 #MustRead 👇
🚫 Stop relying solely on fresh content and link-building. 🚫 It's time to elevate your strategy to the next level! Google now demands proof of user engagement and interest for top rankings. ✅ Demonstrate that your page resonates with your audience by driving the highest call-to-action (CTA) on results pages. This is already evident on YouTube and will undoubtedly spread to other search engines. 💯
📢 BUT... What if you could harness a game-changing method to generate the engagement your page craves? 😉 Imagine promoting your results across multiple platforms, including:
~ YouTube
~ Alexa
~ Google Search and Google My Business
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🚨 Introducing a revolutionary and highly recommended engagement generation platform! 🤯 It targets specific keywords, engages with your website, and navigates multiple pages. 🎯 This strategic action signals to Google that your website is highly relevant and deserving of a higher ranking. 🔝
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#MomtasticCreatopia #ShoutOut to #SmallBusinessSpotlight 🤝 #HighlyRecommended #Entrepreneur #SmallBusiness #Influencer #YouTube #Etsy
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accountsend · 11 months
Unlocking Success Through B2B Sales Lead Acquisition: Expert Insights
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In the dynamic landscape of modern business, where competition reigns and opportunities abound, the strategic acquisition of B2B sales leads emerges as a catalyst for achieving sustainable growth. However, this journey is not a linear path; it's a complex tapestry that demands strategic decisions and informed choices. In this comprehensive guide, we dive deep into the nuances, offering a wealth of industry insights and expert guidance to illuminate your way.
Define Your Ideal Customer Profile
In the realm of B2B sales, knowing your audience is the bedrock of success. Crafting a finely tuned ideal customer profile serves as your compass, directing your lead acquisition efforts with precision. The process involves delving beyond surface-level demographics to capture the essence of your target audience—understanding their behaviors, preferences, and pain points. Armed with this detailed understanding, you not only streamline your lead acquisition but also craft compelling marketing messages that resonate deeply, fostering connections that are meaningful and enduring.
Research Reputable Lead Providers
Navigating the labyrinth of lead providers is a critical task that demands careful consideration. As you embark on this journey, arm yourself with the knowledge that not all providers are created equal. Seek out those with a track record of excellence, a history of delivering high-quality B2B database leads. Scrutinize customer reviews, testimonials, and industry accolades to gain insight into their performance. Additionally, leverage the power of your professional network, seeking referrals from trusted peers who have already navigated this terrain. Choosing a partner in lead acquisition is a decision of paramount importance—one that should be informed, calculated, and grounded in the wisdom of those who've come before.
Determine Lead Quality and Validity
The cornerstone of successful lead acquisition is the authenticity and quality of the leads themselves. In the pursuit of excellence, understanding how these leads are sourced and validated is crucial. Engage in candid conversations with potential lead providers, gaining insight into their B2B lead generation methods. Probe into the processes of data validation, such as email verification and phone number validation, to ensure the accuracy and reliability of the leads. The investment in high-quality leads isn't just a monetary one—it's an investment in the future, a commitment to forging relationships that endure beyond the initial transaction.
Consider Niche or Industry-Specific Leads
As the modern business landscape continues to evolve, personalization has emerged as a driving force behind successful marketing efforts. In the realm of B2B sales leads, niche or industry-specific leads are the embodiment of this principle. Tailored to cater to specific industries, these leads carry a heightened level of relevance and resonance. They represent a laser-focused approach that aligns your offerings with the precise needs and challenges of a particular market segment. The journey toward success is marked by embracing this approach, understanding that relevance is the currency that propels your interactions from transactional to transformative.
Evaluate Lead Scoring and Segmentation
Precision is the watchword in the realm of B2B sales, and it's a precision that can be achieved through lead scoring and segmentation. Lead scoring, a strategic mechanism, empowers you to allocate resources where they matter most—on leads with the highest likelihood of conversion. The process is a data-driven symphony, harmonizing your efforts with the rhythm of your audience's needs. Segmentation takes this precision a step further, allowing you to categorize leads based on specific criteria. This segmentation facilitates tailored marketing strategies that resonate deeply, creating connections that go beyond the surface level, igniting genuine engagement.
Ensure Compliance with Data Privacy Regulations
In an era where data privacy is a fundamental concern, ensuring compliance with regulations such as GDPR or CCPA isn't merely a legal obligation—it's an ethical commitment. As you embark on the journey of lead acquisition, a critical step is to partner with lead providers who uphold the same commitment to data protection. Scrutinize their practices, seeking evidence of robust data protection measures that align with regulatory standards. The trust you cultivate through these practices isn't just legal—it's a foundation for fostering enduring relationships with your audience.
Test and Measure Performance
The journey of B2B sales lead acquisition is not a destination; it's a continuous evolution. The culmination of this journey lies in the realm of performance measurement—a dynamic process that demands vigilance and adaptability. Metrics such as conversion rates, lead quality, and ROI become your guiding stars, offering insights into the efficacy of your strategies. It's a dance of constant refinement, an ongoing quest for optimization. This phase ensures that your efforts aren't stagnant but are driven by the currents of data-driven insights.
In summation, the mastery of B2B sales lead acquisition is a journey marked by strategic decisions, data-driven insights, and a commitment to excellence. As you navigate this landscape, let these insights serve as your compass. By defining your ideal customer profile, selecting reputable lead providers, ensuring lead quality, embracing niche leads, and adhering to data privacy regulations, you craft a lead acquisition strategy that resonates with success. The chapters of lead scoring and segmentation, coupled with ongoing performance evaluation, complete the narrative, forging the path to sustained triumph. Embrace these insights, let them guide your decisions, and witness the transformation of B2B sales lead acquisition from a challenge into an opportunity for enduring growth.
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not-poignant · 1 year
I've a bit of a vague question: How do you decide how much detail to go into when it comes to formative traumas for your characters, and particularly past sexual traumas and similarly loaded topics? I don't mind highly detailed, dramatic pasts (à la Doctrine of Labyrinths), though I know some people find overwhelmingly dark pasts trite and difficult to engage with ("grimdark" or "misery porn" - not terms I agree with), but in my own writing I tend to imply rather than state past horrors. 1/2
2/2 It's difficult to find the balance; obviously leaving too many things unsaid renders the story vague and not very compelling, whereas being too detailed alienates readers too. Of course there's ways to explore trauma which don't feel gratuitous or exploitative, but I think there's a knee-jerk impulse to dismiss certain media for the blatancy of their content alone regardless of how that's handled in-universe. How do you navigate this and settle on content which feels right for your stories?
Hi anon! At first when I was thinking of how to reply to this, all I had was 'I just do it, it feels natural.' Which is true! It does feel natural. But that's not helpful. So I've been noodling on it more and I think I finally have a twofold answer. Firstly, I don't care about what the reader thinks re: how graphic I get about retelling a character's past or trauma, because a) my content is thoroughly warned for and b) I tend to place additional warnings in 'extra confrontational' chapters. After that it's not my responsibility or my business. But I do know as someone who has been through extensive trauma, I would've like, sacrificed a theoretical firstborn to read stories that were as detailed and thorough as mine re: trauma recovery and trauma representation. I'm not writing for people who don't have trauma in their backgrounds (must be nice, can't relate), not to sound callous, but they're not my target audience and I don't care if they're too fragile to handle what's going on. They get the warnings. I write for the people who need to see their traumatic histories reflected in fiction. Because that's what I needed. Okay, so, point the second. How to know how much detail to go into? The character. I follow the character always. It's important to know enough about post-trauma and behavioural changes and what happens to the mind, as well as a character's general disposition, to know where you're going in terms of detail. That, anon, is something you're going to have to research.
Felix in The Beast that Chose Its Own Bridle is more 'graphic' in his thoughts because he doesn't have the same kind of post-trauma as many other characters I'm writing. He has it, but it manifests in how he communicates and attaches to people, but he has no problems reflecting on or recollecting certain experiences (while avoiding thinking about others). This is fairly consistent with the character in the canon. He's also known for weaponising or talking about graphic experiences for shock value, or to push people away. So he will choose deliberately confrontational methods of talking about his life.
Efnisien on the other hand in say Underline the Black doesn't believe he's been through trauma and his brain is very protective as a result. People with extremely protective minds aren't likely to have graphic recollections of trauma on a regular basis, or are more likely to have nightmares (which he has), or have profound behavioural changes (which he has) which are consistent with trauma. I expect Efnisien's memories will get more explicit as the story goes on. We can see his 'shying away from the graphic nature of upcoming trauma' in the medical exam, he is actively trying to dissociate. A character that dissociates will not constantly be reflecting on trauma, but they might be shocked by it in the form of visceral flashbacks or nightmares. They are more likely to show overall behavioural changes.
Efnisien in Falling Falling Stars had intrusive thoughts as a manifestation of his trauma, and as those intrusive thoughts were dealt with and Efnisien acknowledged he had trauma, he began to have more graphic flashbacks. The more he acknowledged the content in the flashbacks as being traumatic, the less he actually had to deal with a ton of graphic stuff being described, because he was slowly recovering.
Augus in the canon rarely reflects on any of his past trauma. We see it less than a handful of times in any graphic memories, over 1.5 million words. But he has some behavioural changes around trauma. When he experiences current trauma in the story, it's often emotional, and he usually responds with anger or a fight response (and sometimes a flight response). So I would say Augus' story and descriptions are overall less graphic, which fits his disposition, which is to heavily compartmentalise his pain, so he doesn't have to deal with it (which comes back to bite him later on).
So basically if a character is leaving things vague, it's because they can't handle it yet, and that's normally because of dissociation. I've definitely written characters who have dissociated through current trauma, and who are trying to avoid past trauma. Likewise, there are characters who are just starting to experience flashbacks, and characters who are so 'oh yeah I was a child prostitute, what of it?' (hi Felix), and it all comes down to just...where they're at in their journey. How healed is your character? What do they still have left to deal with? What are their main triggers? What do they see or experience in their mind or their body when they're triggered? Have they been through so much trauma, they no longer really respond to new traumas properly? (See Augus and Efnisien, lol). Or are they very unfamiliar with trauma? (See Eran). All of this changes how a character will think about trauma. If a character is super good at compartmentalising for example, even if they go through a current trauma, I'm not likely to write it in huge detail. But if they're bad at it, or flooded, I will.
When applying this to your own writing, think about your characters and their natures. Are they the type to mentally run and hide from trauma? Those characters might not be describing it mentally in great detail unless they're forced to because of a flashback. Or are they characters who don't find something that traumatic? Then you don't need to describe what's happening in as much detail. Are they very sensitive people? Then they might be noticing every detail, or they might be noticing one or two details and trying to forget the rest in order to survive. The nature of your characters, their previous experiences, their coping skills with trauma, for me, all determine how graphic you need to be.
Tl;dr none of my decisions are determined by the reader, because I don't care about the kinds of readers who will go 'this kind of trauma is gratuitous/exploitative' or whatever (and I'm sure some have). I have PTSD, therefore, I write post-trauma. Not everyone with PTSD can handle my content, that's why there's warnings. But for the people who can? Who need it because of their own histories? Who just want to a) feel seen, and then b) feel like healing might be possible? I see you. You're the ones I'm writing for.
Also, for the record, grimdark refers to no characters being likeable or trustworthy and generally terrible things happening all the time, including at the end. It assumes an untrustworthy and dark or corrupt world, and therefore dark or corrupt characters. It actually in and of itself has nothing to do with 'being super graphic about trauma' (though they do often go hand in hand). Most of my stuff could never be grimdark, no matter how graphic it gets, because there's always a lot of hope, healing, and the assumption that the majority of the world is capable of good despite great evil. As for misery porn, sure! But I don't care, see point 1, lol.
I definitely think researching trauma and researching case studies about how people write about their own traumatic experience can help. A lot of the time people who have PTSD aren't actually thinking about their experiences in graphic detail because avoidance is a symptom of PTSD, which means their/our behaviours have changed to avoid thinking about those things. My entire life has been marked with trauma, but I don't talk to anyone about it or think about it often, because avoidance is a cardinal symptom of PTSD/C-PTSD. So if I were writing my story, it would be very not graphic, with bursts of intense graphic detail that even I don't like experiencing.
Conveniently in storytelling, this means even if you are sharing graphic trauma, it's very selectively, and not all the time anyway. Because 'all the time' it's not how human brains work in the first place. So once you understand more about the mechanisms of trauma, trauma avoidance, post-trauma , and trauma recovery (where sometimes some of the most graphic reflection happens, but often in a more supported environment, so it can feel gentler to the reader), you get a better sense of how graphic to be, and how often! So I'd say this will be down to a) researching trauma and b) reflecting on the nature of your characters!
I hope that helps!
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solarisgod · 2 months
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   In summary after the scene between Micah and Antiafter : Astereus and Warlock had the brawl with Antiafter, the Audience ( You ) not being able to engage in it as well because their involvement with the tension between three highly powerful Antigods would distort the Narrative further. Astereus and Warlock learnt Antiafter is an infamous assassin who generally targets after and kills Antigods, especially those as Saints, either unaffiliated or affiliated with the Break Beyond Force.
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Prior to Antiafter's Exiting ( THE PROCESS OF BECOMING AN ANTIGOD ), Antiafter was the human sole survivor of a massacre that took away her friends. Antiafter murdered the serial killer, but the public viewed her to be responsible of her friends' death and dreaded her. Evolving into the Antigod after everything mentally and emotionally broke Antiafter and not being able to die in her own ways, she grew resentful and malicious towards the existence of Antigods since. She believes if every Antigods are dead, she'll finally break free from being one.
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Since the beginning of Saga I Season IV ( early January, 2024 ), Devileye, the leader of Infernal Infinity, hired Antiafter to murder Astereus with a promise that she can devolve from being an Antigod if she killed Astereus, whom she was told xe was the key to gaining power over Fate. Antiafter is notoriously known for her existence to be undetectable in the timeline that Antigods can not catch through their Awareness ability, meaning that Awareness Users can't read any future events where she's part of, as if she doesn't exist in life or she is invisible to the eyes of Fate.
Micah attempted to tell Antiafter that her method isn't the answer to her rage and Devileye was using her, but this only agitated Antiafter more. From the brawl, Antiafter landed several harsh stabs into Astereus and Warlock, but the pair was also able to bring some successful hits against her. Despite this, however, Antiafter managed to pull Micah into distress as to distract xem, saying Adoniram did burn down their treehouse.
Either Antiafter was lying or not, it's undetermined when she flung Micah over from the park to a car at the parking lot. Warlock tried to attack her, but was stabbed through the neck. Antiafter planned to knock xem out, although she was held down by Micah's close friend, Father Lucas, while another of xyr friend, Myster Strange tried to help Micah and Warlock retreat.
But Angelparadox and other Break Beyond Force higher ups arrived to stop them so that Warlock and Astereus would be arrested, the former for its massacre of 29 slaughtered Saints in 2022 and the latter for the constant disobedience towards Break Beyond Force, as well as being connected with Warlock.
Antiafter used this shocking development as an opportunity to break Lucas' hands and retreat. Astereus, xyr consciousness flickering in and out, watched Warlock getting handcuffed and placed in the van. ( You can't do anything but watch as well. ) Ahead of Angelparadox, several meters away, Micah saw two figures standing next to each other. Micah couldn't recognize them, but the longer xe stared at them while xe was taken away to Break Beyond Force's jail, everything started to fall apart ─
It was Devileye with Adoniram.
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Boost Your Business with Digital Marketing in Gold Coast
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In the vibrant and competitive business environment of Gold Coast, standing out is more critical than ever. With stunning beaches, a thriving tourism industry, and a diverse economy, Gold Coast offers a unique landscape for businesses to flourish. However, to truly capitalize on the opportunities available, leveraging digital marketing is essential. This article explores how digital marketing can significantly boost your business in Gold Coast, providing practical tips and insights to help you get started.
Understanding the Digital Marketing Landscape
Digital marketing encompasses all online marketing efforts. Companies use digital platforms including websites, email, social media, and search engines to communicate with both present and potential clients. In Gold Coast, where the market is both dynamic and diverse, a robust digital marketing strategy can make a substantial difference.
Why Digital Marketing Matters
1. Reach a Wider Audience:
The internet is a global platform, and digital marketing allows you to reach a wider audience than traditional marketing methods. For businesses in Gold Coast, this means not just tapping into the local market but also attracting tourists and international clients.
2. Cost-Effective:
In many cases, digital marketing is less expensive than traditional marketing. Social media campaigns, email marketing, and search engine optimization (SEO) can offer high returns on investment without the hefty price tag of TV or print ads.
3. Measurable Results:
The capacity to monitor and assess outcomes is one of digital marketing's key benefits. Tools like Google Analytics and social media insights allow you to see what’s working and what’s not, enabling you to adjust your strategies accordingly.
Key Digital Marketing Strategies for Gold Coast Businesses
1. Search Engine Optimization (SEO):
Search engine optimization (SEO) is the process of making your website more visible on search engine results pages (SERPs). For businesses in Gold Coast, local SEO is particularly important. This involves optimizing your website for local search terms and ensuring your business appears in local listings and maps. Using keywords like "best café in Gold Coast" or "Gold Coast real estate" can help attract local traffic.
2. Content Marketing:
Content is king in the digital world. Creating high-quality, relevant content can attract and engage your target audience. For example, a Gold Coast travel agency could maintain a blog with tips on the best places to visit, events happening around the city, and hidden gems only locals know about. This not only helps with SEO but also establishes your business as an authority in the field.
3. Social Media Marketing:
Gold Coast is a visual paradise, making social media platforms like Instagram and Facebook perfect for marketing. Share stunning visuals of the coastline, behind-the-scenes looks at your business, customer testimonials, and upcoming events. Engage with your audience by responding to comments and messages, running contests, and using relevant hashtags to increase your reach.
4. Pay-Per-Click (PPC) Advertising:
With pay-per-click (PPC) advertising, you may post adverts on search engines and only be charged when someone clicks on them. This can be a very powerful strategy for increasing targeted website visitors. Google Ads and social media advertising platforms like Facebook Ads offer sophisticated targeting options, ensuring your ads are seen by the right people at the right time.
5. Email Marketing:
Building an email list and regularly communicating with your subscribers can be a powerful way to nurture leads and maintain customer relationships. Offer valuable content, special promotions, and personalized messages to keep your audience engaged and coming back for more.
Case Study: A Gold Coast Café's Digital Marketing Success
To illustrate the impact of digital marketing, let's look at a hypothetical case study of a local Gold Coast café, "Coastal Brews."
Coastal Brews, a quaint beachfront café, struggled to attract customers outside of peak tourist seasons. The owner wanted to increase year-round foot traffic and build a loyal customer base.
1. Local SEO: Coastal Brews optimized their website for local search terms like "best coffee in Gold Coast" and ensured their Google My Business listing was up-to-date with accurate information and positive reviews.
2. Content Marketing: They started a blog featuring articles on coffee brewing techniques, profiles of local suppliers, and upcoming events at the café. This content was shared on social media to drive traffic to their website.
3. Social Media Marketing: Stunning photos of their coffee, food, and beachfront location were posted regularly on Instagram and Facebook. They ran contests encouraging customers to share their own photos with a specific hashtag for a chance to win a free coffee.
4. PPC Advertising: Targeted Google Ads were set up to attract tourists searching for coffee shops in Gold Coast, especially during off-peak seasons.
5. Email Marketing: Coastal Brews collected email addresses through a sign-up form on their website, offering a discount on the first purchase. They sent monthly newsletters with updates, special offers, and personalized messages to subscribers.
Within six months, Coastal Brews saw a 40% increase in website traffic and a 25% increase in year-round foot traffic. Their social media following grew significantly, and they built a loyal community of regular customers.
Tips for Implementing Your Digital Marketing Strategy
1. Know Your Audience:
To determine their preferences, habits, and pain points, conduct market research. Adapt your online marketing strategies to their requirements and preferences.
2. Set Clear Goals:
Clearly state the goals you have for your digital marketing approach. Whether it's increasing website traffic, generating leads, or boosting sales, having clear goals will guide your efforts and help measure success.
3. Stay Updated:
The digital marketing landscape is constantly evolving. Stay informed about the latest trends, tools, and best practices to keep your strategies effective and up-to-date.
4. Monitor and Adjust:
Utilize analytics tools to assess your digital marketing performance on a regular basis.
Analyze what's working and what's not, and be prepared to adjust your strategies accordingly.
5. Engage with Your Audience:
Building a relationship with your audience is key to long-term success. Respond to comments and messages, encourage user-generated content, and show appreciation for your customers' support.
In the bustling business environment of Gold Coast, digital marketing is no longer optional—it's essential. By leveraging SEO, content marketing, social media, PPC advertising, and email marketing, you can reach a wider audience, engage with potential customers, and drive growth for your business. Whether you're a local café, a real estate agency, or a boutique shop, digital marketing offers the tools and opportunities to boost your business and stand out in the competitive Gold Coast market. Put these tactics into practice right now, and you'll see your company grow.
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sleepis4theweak · 8 months
Hiya! I’m kind of a small creator on here and trying to get my rottmnt fic an audience but no matter what I do as promo material (art, skits, rambles) nothing ever works to get more than like 2 notes max. I’m confident in my story’s quality so I’m fairly sure that’s not the issue. I was wondering if you have any advice or anything like that? Your stuff is lovely and get a lot of community engagement so I’m curious if there was anything you actively did that helped you grow! I hope this doesn’t come off as rude or desperate, I just wanted to know if I was missing something since I’m pretty new to Tumblr. Enjoy your day ^^
Don't worry! You don't come off as rude or desperate at all!! <3
But tbh... you are asking the wrong person here...
I'm going into marketing, and I spent a full school year in high school doing an independent study on social media algorithms. So I know a LOT about how to grow social media followings- specifically instagram accounts.
But I never actually studied tumblr. I used to use instagram as a platform, but knowing how the algorithm worked was too stressful for me... I'd post stuff and be like "the algorithm won't like this because blah blah blah." Eventually I was drawing for the algorithm and not for me, and so I quit because it just wasn't fun anymore...
Which is why I have very specifically not studied Tumblr's algorithm, because I don't want it to turn into the same situation as with instagram. So I don't know a ton about how to grow a following... and also I've only been on tumblr for 5 months...
THAT BEING SAID: I can walk you through my tumblr and how it's grown!
My very first post was of a meme redraw with the 2012 turtles. I think it got around 1,600 likes?
I posted a couple more things, with varying amounts of likes and such. My first comic (which I never actually completed past the first part) got a total of 7 likes within the first months of posting it. Only when I got more followers did the like amount change.
When I posted my first chapter of the Flashbacks AU, I had 33 or so followers. I think I got to like... 300 followers from that first chapter alone. From there it was just... a steady growth of followers I guess. And with followers comes more reblogs, and with more reblogs comes more followers.
I have around 1,600 followers now. Not everyone is gonna like my posts, I think I get around 20 for responded asks and 100-300 for random pieces of art. Comics get closers to 600 or so. It depends on the content.
I think there are a couple of universal things that help grow an account:
1- Making sure your content is reaching the right people. Put the right tags in. Go crazy with them in fact. If I'm posting a piece with Rise Mikey in it, Im gonna tag: Mikey, Mikey tmnt, Mikey 2018, ROTTMNT, Rise Mikey, etc etc. On instagram they are currently trying to get people to limit their use of tags, but I don't think the same thing applies here. Even tho tags don't help as much here, they are still a good tool!
2- Consistency. Idk how it works on this platform, but consistency is generally a good thing! With instagram theres an actual method to it (1 post a day= good, but the more posts you do a day the less people it shows it to), it might be worth it to look up if tumblr has something similar.
3- Have fun with it! I know this is kinda lame to say... but don't change your content for views. Just... do what you like and eventually your target audience will find you :)
4- Engage with what audience you do have! It's fun to bond with people online, and it helps that "community engagement" piece you talked about!
5-... stalk people hehe. (By which I mean: Look at what other artists post! What tags do they use, do they reblog their own posts a lot, etc etc. Also look at artists with similar followings to your own. For example, studying Cass might not be very helpful, because Cass has a large amount of followers and I'm convinced they could post a picture of a blank canvas and still get 1,000 likes hehe... BUT- I mean you could scroll down to Cass' (or other artist's) first posts and see what they were doing then! Just... observe others I suppose!)
Id love to tell you likes don’t matter, that what matters is having fun and loving what you are drawing. But also I do know how it feels to post something you are really proud of and then have no one like it- it sucks.
But just keep on going :) You'll find your people eventually I'm sure.
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nishakrishnan1996 · 3 months
Driving Business Forward: Harnessing the Potential of Digital Marketing Services
In today's rapidly evolving digital landscape, businesses are continually seeking innovative strategies to enhance their online presence and connect with their target audience effectively. Among these strategies, digital marketing services stand out as indispensable tools for businesses looking to thrive in the digital realm. Let's delve into the myriad benefits that digital marketing services offer and how they can propel businesses towards greater success.
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1. Amplified Online Visibility
Digital marketing services play a pivotal role in elevating a business's online visibility across various digital platforms. From search engines to social media networks and websites, these services strategically promote brands, extending their reach and bolstering brand recognition among their target audience.
2. Precision Targeting
One of the primary advantages of digital marketing services lies in their ability to precisely target specific demographics, interests, and behaviors. This targeted approach ensures that marketing efforts reach the most relevant audience segments, resulting in higher engagement rates and increased conversion opportunities.
3. Cost-Effectiveness
Unlike traditional marketing methods such as print ads or television commercials, digital marketing services offer a more cost-effective alternative. By investing in strategies that deliver measurable results and a higher return on investment (ROI), businesses can optimize their marketing budget and allocate resources more efficiently.
4. Measurable Results
Digital marketing services provide businesses with the ability to track and analyze the performance of their campaigns in real-time. Comprehensive analytics tools offer valuable insights into key metrics such as website traffic, click-through rates, and conversion rates, empowering businesses to make data-driven decisions and refine their strategies accordingly.
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5. Enhanced Customer Engagement
Through various digital channels such as social media interactions, email marketing, and targeted content, businesses can engage with their audience on a more personal level. This fosters stronger relationships with customers, leading to increased brand loyalty and advocacy.
6. Global Reach
Digital marketing services enable businesses to transcend geographical boundaries and expand their reach beyond local markets. By leveraging digital channels, businesses can tap into new markets and connect with potential customers worldwide, irrespective of their location.
7. Improved Customer Experience
Personalization is key in digital marketing, allowing businesses to deliver tailored content based on customer preferences and interests. By providing valuable information and addressing customer needs, businesses can enhance the overall customer experience, fostering trust and credibility.
8. Adaptability and Flexibility
In the dynamic digital landscape, businesses must adapt quickly to changes and trends. Digital marketing services offer flexibility and scalability, allowing businesses to adjust their strategies in response to market dynamics and consumer behavior.
9. Competitive Advantage
By embracing digital marketing strategies, businesses can gain a competitive edge over competitors still reliant on traditional methods. Staying ahead of the curve and leveraging innovative digital tactics can position businesses as industry leaders and innovators.
In summary, digital marketing services offer a multitude of benefits for businesses, from heightened brand visibility and precision targeting to cost-effectiveness and measurable results. By harnessing the power of digital marketing, businesses can effectively engage with their target audience, drive customer engagement, and achieve their marketing objectives in today's digital age.
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Michael Esposito Staten Island: Innovative AI Solutions for Influencer Marketing in the Digital Age
In the ever-evolving landscape of digital marketing, influencer marketing has emerged as a powerful strategy for brands to connect with their target audience and drive engagement. With the rise of social media platforms, influencers have become key players in shaping consumer preferences and purchasing decisions. Michael Esposito Staten Island — Influence in the Digital Age exemplifies this trend, highlighting how digital influencers can significantly impact marketing strategies and outcomes. However, as the digital space becomes increasingly saturated with content, brands are turning to innovative AI solutions to enhance their influencer marketing efforts and stay ahead of the curve.
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AI-Powered Influencer Discovery
One of the biggest challenges brands face in influencer marketing is finding the right influencers to collaborate with. Traditional methods of influencer discovery often involve manual research and outreach, which can be time-consuming and inefficient. However, AI-powered influencer discovery platforms leverage advanced algorithms to analyze vast amounts of data and identify influencers who are the best fit for a brand's target audience and campaign objectives. Michael Esposito Staten Island: An Influencer Marketer Extraordinaire, exemplifies how effective influencer collaboration can transform marketing strategies. By harnessing the power of AI, brands can streamline the influencer discovery process and identify high-potential collaborators with greater accuracy and efficiency.
Predictive Analytics for Campaign Optimization
Once influencers have been identified and partnerships established, brands can leverage AI-powered predictive analytics to optimize their influencer marketing campaigns. Predictive analytics algorithms analyze historical campaign data, audience demographics, and engagement metrics to forecast the performance of future campaigns. By leveraging these insights, brands can make data-driven decisions about content strategy, audience targeting, and campaign optimization, maximizing the impact of their influencer collaborations and driving measurable results.
AI-Driven Content Creation
Content creation is a critical component of influencer marketing campaigns, and AI is revolutionizing the way brands create and optimize content for maximum impact. AI-powered content creation tools can generate personalized, high-quality content at scale, helping brands maintain a consistent brand voice and aesthetic across their influencer collaborations. From automated image and video editing to natural language processing for caption generation, AI-driven content creation tools empower brands to create compelling, on-brand content that resonates with their target audience and drives engagement.
Sentiment Analysis for Brand Monitoring
Influencer marketing campaigns can have a significant impact on brand perception, and it's essential for brands to monitor and manage their online reputation effectively. AI-powered sentiment analysis tools analyze social media conversations and user-generated content to gauge public sentiment towards a brand or campaign. By tracking mentions, sentiment trends, and key themes, brands can quickly identify and address any potential issues or negative feedback, allowing them to proactively manage their brand reputation and maintain a positive online presence.
Automated Performance Reporting
Measuring the success of influencer marketing campaigns is crucial for determining ROI and informing future strategies. However, manual performance reporting can be time-consuming and prone to human error. AI-powered analytics platforms automate the process of performance reporting by aggregating data from multiple sources, analyzing key metrics, and generating comprehensive reports in real-time. By providing brands with actionable insights into campaign performance, audience engagement, and ROI, AI-driven analytics platforms enable brands to optimize their influencer marketing efforts and drive continuous improvement.
In conclusion, as influencer marketing continues to evolve in the digital age, brands must leverage innovative AI solutions to stay competitive and maximize the impact of their campaigns. From AI-powered influencer discovery and predictive analytics to automated content creation and sentiment analysis, AI is revolutionizing every aspect of influencer marketing, enabling brands to connect with their target audience more effectively and drive measurable results. By embracing these innovative AI solutions, brands can unlock the full potential of influencer marketing and achieve success in the digital era.
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