#Tastes awful too 0/10 would not recommend
miciiq · 8 months
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Things my picky anorexic ARFID ass has tried today after a brave trip of going to the grocery store to try stuff to broaden my horizons:
- La Fermière orange blossom honey yogurt (yum! 10/10. Smells pretty bad but tastes really good! Although it takes a little bite or two before the deliciousness kicks in. But after that it’s absolutely addicting! It’s not too overwhelming or nauseating like yogurt usually is, either.)
- Lomo (Cured whole muscle) by Spotted Trotter (Delicious, 10/10! Has a funky unusual taste but not in a bad way. But hella expensive for a little package of meat, so not exactly suitable for buying in bulk as a safe food during a picky phase. But good for a treat to look forward to)
- Hannaford brand Vegetable slaw with a little bit of Marie’s Coleslaw (5/10, but 10/10 if you factor in how much I usually despise vegetables! 5/10 is EXCEPTIONALLY high for a vegetable dish because vegetables usually taste like disgusting sweetened dirt to me. The coleslaw made a HUGE difference and made the veggies actually taste like food. I would HIGHLY recommend this to anyone who seriously struggles with vegetables, I think this will help me adjust to veggies. I was expecting each bit to taste awful and for me to start gagging like I usually do when there’s even a hint of vegetables, but I was able to scarf down half a plate without that ~feeling~ hitting.)
Okay now I’m hella full, but expect a part two this evening or tomorrow!
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needmytea · 3 years
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“yay!! mixtures !!!”
Basically, i was curious(and bored), and tried to create new drinks/food (which gordon ramsay would NOT approve of) by mixing them. So today I’ll be arranging my impulse creations from the scale of Not bad, to Absolutely Horrendous, to a wonderful Disgusting-Just-Do-Not-Try :)
**for fun**
Top #1 Mixture (Not so bad)
Ingredients: Green Tea (non-sugared), Ribena syrup (basically blackcurrent berry syrup that you put in water so it sweetens)
Rate: 7/10
amazing. wonderful. awesome. mind-blowing.
it tastes very cool actually
although i got 3 marks off 10 (yikes) since i can’t consume it in huge amounts. it took a lot of suffering and braincells to realize that this is not very healthy to consume copious amounts of (like i can only take 1/4 cup of the mixture without having a stomachache. pain.)
still very cool though. will try again.
#2 (Bad)
Ingredients: Plain yogurt (main), Honey, Strawberry jam (or any other jam)
Rate: 5/10
it actually tastes pretty nice compared to the other ones i’ve made but uh it barely passes in my opinion JHVHASAHSBA sorry. plus the plain yogurt is too plain (and i hate plain yogurt, it’s just not my jam [lmfao see what i did there?] ).
well, if you want to sweeten your plain yogurt then try this, you might like it, you will never know :”)
p.s sorry yogurt fans:0
#3 (Still living i suppose)
Ingredients: Original Coca-Cola, Green Tea (sugared)
Rate: 4/10
just!! too!! sweet!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
and too!! gassy!!! (looks at coke*)
that’s all.
if you want a sugar rush and higher diabetes rates (kidding) then i recommend you to mix it. don’t say i didn’t warn you.
#4 (Absolutely Horrendous)
Ingredients: Instant Custard + Strawberry jam + Honey (The Combo That Will Never Let Me Live Life the Same Ever Again)
Rate: 0/10
it took a big 180 degrees turn from bad to absolutely horrendous.
well,, let’s just say i was planning on making a honey + jam tart for cooking class in school. unfortunately, my teacher required all of us to add custard into our tarts as a must-have ingredient, which led to me adding instant custard into the tart, and then layering honey and strawberry jam onto the custard itself as the filling for the tart. i baked it, and then tasted it after the whole cooking session. the tart crust was absolutely fine, but the filling tasted like sweet sugar and a no-flavour ashy pile of mush (aka the instant custard). the jam and honey totally neutralized the taste of the custard and it just!! feels, and tastes. awful.   (ㆆ_ㆆ)
the combo was disgusting. i absolutely loathe it now and i’m never putting strawberry jam, honey and instant custard together anymore. it was a mistake (ㆆ_ㆆ).
Important Note: am not a professional taste tester but pls excuse my lack of description on the taste
And here comes #5 (Disgusting-Do-Not-Ever-Try)
Ingredients: Ribena syrup + Milk
Rate: I do not approve. Not worthy of a rate.
never again. i want to cry just from imagining myself drinking this mixture in the future. why did i ever try this. nope. i refuse. good. bye. i literally have no words to describe this.
im telling you, even the smell is terrible, and i ain’t even exaggerating.
in conclusion: syrup + milk is disgusting.
do not try at home. just do not. trust me. if you have ribena syrup at home, don’t put it in your milk.
i need a bucket. 
 [ yoon ]
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minty-bunni · 3 years
In case any of you want/need to know what burning flesh and/or hair smells like for reasons I'm posting my experiences with the smell here.. Feel free to add on with yours.
Putting my info below the cut.
First, I work at a doctor's office that sometimes does in house procedures with cauterization. Any burning hair and flesh I have smelt has been on the small scale so your milage may vary. Old burns probably smell different from something actively burning, but haven't dealt with that scent yet so idk.
It smells AWFUL. Burning flesh, even a dime sized portion from a cauterization tool, is bad and will have some people gagging. Burning hair? A million times worse and usually leads to everyone gagging, masked, and airing the entire place out. Do not recommend 0/10.
It is a smell that will stick with you. It isn't something you'll briefly smell as you walk close by. No, that would be too nice. You can catch the scent from a distance and it will stick in the back of your throat all day. Everything you smell or taste for hours after will have a faint bit of that smell.
Speaking of taste, this is one of those smells you can taste! And it will creep up on you at the worst moments. You could be minding your own business about to eat lunch an hour or two after smelling it and you'll suddenly get hit with the taste of it again.
Hard to explain, but it feels thick? Like some scents are light and faint and good, but this one is strong and sorta feels kinda heavy at the back of your neck after inhaling it? (If that makes sense?)
Personally, I think it smells kinda funny? Not the worst thing I've smelt, but it does have a bit of sharpness to it. Sharpness is hard to explain, but it is kinda like the feeling of licking a battery or that sorta metallic taste you get when your mouth bleeds?
Cooking meat like steak smells delicious, burning human doesn't.
It is probably more than enough to traumatize a trio of 14yos.
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storysofmyown · 4 years
can u do a hc on how the brothers n u would b in quarantine? ik there would b no quarantine in devildom but yk dhsjsjjs-
Of course! And as someone who has been in quarantine since almost February, this was a little too real XD
Oh? There's a quarantine? Time to be productive!
He goes full mother mode and starts cleaning the whole house while also making the brothers clean their rooms and help him up.
He doesn't use the "does this spark joy?" Methods, nah, he uses the "if it's on the ground it's getting thrown out"
That's how Levi almost lost one of figurines. Poor boy dove on the floor to save it a still has the scrap
Besides cleaning, Lucifer also spent most of his time doing the paperwork he would usually do at night.
This man went in strong and finished all the paperwork in 2 weeks and so...he was forced to spend time with his brothers.
Worst/best months of his life. He has never been so close with his brothers...and he absolutely hates it-
On the bright side, he has discovered new ways to punish his brothers in different, inventive ways. (RIP Mammon)
While some may think he would be from the ones that have the hardest time, he actually suffered from it the first few weeks and then he just...grew uses to it?
Tho, Lucifer did give him a hard time with his room. Was his floor always this color? Or did it change when you mopped it?
Also, how the hell was there loose change in his room?! How the hell did he not know about it!?
After that he offered to help clean the others room just so he could snatch any loose change they had.
Tho, the part that most bothered him of being quarantined was not being able to go out and go to casinos or get to his usual schemes
But then, he found a couple of online games that fueled his addiction to gamble
"I mean! It's a gambling game, with all the real life stuff...but get this! You don't actually have to spend or lose any money! Isn't that great?!"
"You do realize that also means you don't make any money...right?"
This boy didn't even know there was a quarantine the whole time.
He thought it was weird how everyone was always home all of a sudden but he had many events, games, animes and mangas to care for to ask his brothers why they were at the house all the time. 
This whole thing did make him grow closer to his brothers tho. Since, he is basically the king of isolation (Elsa who? Nah, Levi) all the others kept constantly bugging him and asking him for recommendations of games and even shows to watch.
He has like 70 new records on his games and didn't even bat an eye when Lucifer told him they would be taking online classes. His response was just “Nice, less people!”
Which got a whine out of Asmo who is so touch starved
The day Lucifer announced the quarantine was over everyone was happy except for Levi who just ???
“There was a quarantine going on?”
“You are a useless otaku, you know that-”
This man went into quarantine with a whole ass library worth of unread books and he came out being able to recite them like old poetry, learned 6 languages (without including morse code), is basically a chef at this point, has a whole ass youtube channel to debunking stupid theories he saw on the internet and knows how to play violin, piano, and the flute.
He wasted zero seconds being stuck in that house. He used them all to gain knowledge.
He even started to read some mangas from levi just because he had read ALL of his books at least twice and he wouldnt be getting any new because he couldn't leave to go to the library.
Tho, his and Lucifer’s relationship got better...and worse at the same time.
The two spent so much time stranded with one another they are physically sick of seeing the others face. Satan literally put a spell on Lucifer so that he wouldn't be able to see him for a whole day. He was grounded an entire month.
Being grounded from the stuff he liked to do ended up making him have to play along with his brothers ideas. Which only gave Lucifer more headache. Satan 1 - Lucifer 0.
“It hasn't even been 3 days-”
“AND YET I HAVE LOST SUBS, BEEL! This is all because the lightning in this house is LESS than ideal for my beautiful skin!”
This poor demon has never been as touch starved as he is during the whole process.
He is constantly whining about how he just wants to be hugged and held. It makes all the brothers sick of hi by the third day. Tho, he does manage to get some hugs a day from them! Even from Levi the reclusive.
Also, you KNOW this man made himself an only fans account.
He got so fucking popular on it even Diavolo heard of it...which obviously meant Lucifer found out and close the account.
“Eeeeeh?! But what about my fans?! They cant possibly survive this quarantine without my precious face!”
“I’m sure they will manage.”
“You are so mean! Where am i going to get from the attention and compliments I deserve?”
“You literally compliment yourself every 2 seconds in front of the mirror.”
“It’s not the same, Belphegor!”
Also, this boy did so many g=face masks and shit he basically came out shinning-
This poor boy gets in trouble so much. But he cant help himself! he gets hungry and being able to just...get up and go into the kitchen is a possibility he is not about to throw away!
Like! How is he supposed to resist?!
Besides! It was Lucifer’s fault for buying a month worth of groceries knowing Beel would be around. They didn't last an hour.
On the other hand, has actually been working out quite a lot.
And! Boy even managed to convince Levi to work out with him as well!
Granted, Leviathan didn't make it 10 minutes in, but it was fun for Beel to instruct his brother! : D
Beel actually would be one of the less that suffered during the whole time. Yes he missed going out and tasting new restaurants. But he loves his family and enjoys spending time with them quite a bit!
He literally slept trough the whole thing.
The day it started he looked at Lucifer and went “Welp, i’m going to hibernate. Wake me up when its over.”
Lucifer only rolled his eyes...but almost a week later he realized that Belphegor was being serious about not waking up at all-
So, Beel was instructed to wake him up.
He was in a bad mood for being woken up, and groggy the rest of the day. But after that, he started to spend a lot of time with both Asmodeus and Leviathan playing games.
He even managed to win against Levi once!
Also, Belphegor spent the whole time procrastinating on doing any chores Lucifer gave him. Clean his room? Good luck waking him up. Do the laundry? Awe, too bad Beel ate the detergent. Help Satan on the kitchen? He almost burned Mammon in the process because he feel asleep watching over boiling water. 
Bonus on one of my Mc’s just because I can
During this whole thing I can see my Mc, Amaria,driving Satan crazy! She wouldn't leave his side at all XD. She would also be constantly helping Mammon, Belphie, and Satan on their pranks on Lucifer
Hope y’all enjoyed those little headcanons! I dont know if this is exactly what you wanted but I had fun with it! Stay safe people!
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go-forth-and-live · 4 years
Hazel: with one day of freedom from Val, what would he do? Is there anything he feels he can’t or won’t do with Val inside of him? Give an embarrassing memory! Now give one that involves Val. How active is Val in Hazel’s daily life? What’s one thing they both agree on? Hazel’s favorite food. A smell or taste that brings up a strong memory? Does he have a core friend group? Or many people he’s acquaintances with? Did he get along with his parents? What kind of child was he?
With one day of freedom from Val, what would he do? 
Spend the day trying to banish Varahal to hell before he can re-possess his body. :\ 
Is there anything he feels he can’t or won’t do with Val inside of him? 
I think with Varahal now active and a conscious part of him, Hazel doesn’t really think finding a home or a family is something that’s really in the cards for him anymore. He isolates because he thinks it’s safest that way for the people around him. Early on, before he’s had time to learn how to cope with Varahal’s presence, he’s terrified of the possibility that he could lose control again and really hurt somebody. 
Give an embarrassing memory! 
He got in a schoolyard fight with a boy from his class once, when he was around 8 or 9. The kid got Hazel on a bad day, made some shitty comment about him being adopted, and Hazel just decked him. Bishop Filbert was called, along with the other kid’s parents, and they had to sit through a big disciplinary meeting about it in the headmaster’s office. The two of them had to shake hands and apologize. It was The Worst. 
Now give one that involves Val. 
One time he sneezed and his wings burst out of his back. He was at a crowded market and his wings are sharp enough to slice through trees. There were multiple injuries. One guy lost a hand. Hazel, unsurprisingly, had to book it out of that town toot sweet. 
How active is Val in Hazel’s daily life? 
I’m still kinda figuring that out! Though I think Hazel is generally pretty good at keeping him suppressed throughout the day, as long as he takes care of himself. Varahal can talk to him pretty easily through their shared consciousness, and I think that tends to be the limit of their day-to-day interaction usually. 
What’s one thing they both agree on? 
Falling down a cliff sucked, 0/10, would not recommend. 
Hazel’s favorite food.
So I have since learned that the line from Hazel’s character profile about his favorite food being “high quality food cooked without alcohol” may actually have been a mistranslation, and that his favorite food is “stylish cooking,” which simultaneously tells me both more and less about Hazel’s food preferences, BUT! Anything hella frou-frou and sophisticated is probably his jam. He’s a high-end steak cooked to perfection and king crab arranged elaborately in a seafood tower kinda boy. I feel like he probably likes oysters too. He just seems like an Oysters Guy. 
A smell or taste that brings up a strong memory? 
I have this idea in my head that Filbert used to cook chitterlings sometimes, and like--boy if you’ve ever smelled chitterlings, that’s an aroma you don’t soon forget. Hazel dutifully choked them down because he was determined to be a Good Son, but that’s a smell-and-taste memory that leaves him a little green around the gills. 
Does he have a core friend group? Or many people he’s acquaintances with? 
The impression I kind of get from the flashback chapters of the manga is that Hazel was the kind of kid who was seen as very polite, dependable, devout, and Nice, but kind of unapproachable. We never once see him hanging out with kids his own age, and while his peers don’t seem to be particularly mean to him (aside from that one kid who was like “oh he’s an orphan? no wonder he’s praying all the time, since he’s so much less important”, and like, hey! fuck you little kid!!!), they don’t really understand him.
As an adult, he’s very much the kind of person who comes off as extremely friendly, cheerful, and open, always the life of the party, but he keeps people perpetually at a distance. He’s well-liked by the people who don’t write him off as a self-absorbed jerk (which, lbr, he totally is, at least at the start of his development), but there’s not really anyone he’s comfortable having real conversations with or being genuinely vulnerable with. So. Yeah! I think he’s the kind of person who has a lot of acquaintances, but almost no real Friends. 
Did he get along with his parents? 
Hazel’s parents died in a demon attack when he was a toddler, and he never really had the chance to know them. That said, he was extremely close to his adoptive father, Bishop Filbert Grouse. Like... his wanting to be acknowledged by him and to be of use to Filbert in his work was kind of The Defining Arc of his childhood, and as an adult the memory of Filbert’s violent death at the hands of Varahal is a big part of why he is the way he is and hates demons as much as he does. 
(Note: This is excluding my shared verse with @notsomerciful where her OC August is secretly Hazel’s mom, though because she gave birth to him so young and wasn’t in a position where she was really able to raise him herself, he was brought up thinking she was his older sister. That relationship is uh... complicated! And fraught with an awful lot of mistrust, hurt feelings, and abandonment issues.) 
What kind of child was he? 
By all accounts, he was like, a model kid. Always polite and respectful, always did his chores, always did great in school--though I think a lot of it came out of a deep-seeded fear of rejection and not being worthy of love. The kind of kid who’s always worried about stepping out of line, or asking for too much, or just generally not Being Perfect. The fact that he wasn’t Filbert’s biological son always left him feeling somewhat like he needed to prove himself--even though this absolutely wasn’t the case for Filbert, who never treated Hazel as anything less than family. 
Basically he was a very well-behaved child with a loooooot of self-esteem issues that his adoptive dad probably recognized but didn’t fully know how to help him work past, and never really got the chance to support him through as Hazel grew up, since he also died when Hazel was pretty young. 
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the-winter-witcher · 4 years
Hey Alex 💛 what are you drinking? Also, what would be Geralt and Jaskier's drinks of choice?
Hi Marti! ❤️ I'm having gin and lemonade and I accidentally made it waaaaay too strong (it tastes awful 0/10 would not recommend, I am terrible at measurements)
If we're talking about like non au Geralt/Jask I would say Geralt drinks plain ale while Jask prefers sweeter things like honeyed mead but he'd also partial to wine 🍷
How are you doing lovely? Are you well? ✨
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hyojinrk-archived · 5 years
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#5020 — kim hyojin &  #5025 — kim seunghun ( @rkseunghun​ ) 
MGA 5 EPISODE 3: hwasa′s twit, rearranged ( 0:10 - 1:12 ; 1:28 - 2:26 ) — spicy pork ver.
the moment when it finally sinks in that his name was not called for eliminations, hyojin starts to genuinely wonder if this is some kind of mistake, or if he actually deserved to move on. it physically hurts him to see how wonpil reacts when his name is called and criticism is doled out, reminding him of a similar situation last week -- the familiar, heart-wrenching feeling of guilt and shock and confusion. it only takes one lift of a microphone, one decision for him to now be completely and fully alone. 
perhaps that’s not factually true. in fact, living proof of the counterstatement to that was sitting right next to him on his other side, another piece of evidence directly behind him. sakura and seunghun. somewhere else in the audience is sungwoon, probably with daniel and the other empty enigma members. he feels foolish for even thinking that he might lose them -- they were incredibly talented, after all -- but then again, he had thought wonpil to be one of the most talented vocals that he knew. it’s jarring and exciting altogether; he can’t seem to get over the fact that now his other cousin was gone, too, but there’s an adrenaline rush accompanying the realization that he now was expected to move onto the next challenge. he looks around the studio with wide eyes, almost not even registering the next thing that the ceos say.
duos. two contestants, partnered with each other to deliver a performance. on impulse, his eyes flicker to his other side, half to avoid wonpil and half because he’s looking at seunghun. shaking his head, he resists the urge to glance behind him at a certain girl, instead staying tight-lipped and tense on his seat.
minho and nakyung. strange duo, but it’d be interesting if they could pull that off. yewon and minkyung, yoona and jackson -- rapper-rapper -- kyungsoo and yugyeom. hyojin winces at that combination, remembering vividly that kyungsoo was a singer, while yugyeom was a dancer. inwardly, he wonders if he’ll also find himself partnered with a dancer, and feels his heart drop to the bottom of his stomach. he’s fairly sure that if that was the case, the end of his journey on this show would end rather quickly. for the sake of him and his partner-to-be, he desperately hopes that isn’t the case.
some more names fly by, and he feels a slow sinking disappointment as more vocalists passed by, including sungwoon. without knowing, his fingers cross over each other and he starts to repeat a mantra of names in his head in a desperate hope.
kim hyojin and kim seunghun. his heart drops when he hears one of the names he was repeating in his head flit by, and he looks devastated for a second when he realizes the name partnered with it. kim hyojin. hyojin. hyo --
“oh my god.” he hears a hearty laugh resounding next to him, and his head whips to the side, eyes wide and jaw hitting the floor. blinking multiple times when seunghun asks him for confirmation of what they both just heard, clearly not believing the coincidence himself, hyojin finds himself lifting up his hand dumbly, showing the male his still crossed fingers before breaking into a goofy grin. “it worked, i think.”
with that, he crushes the younger in a hug, before pulling away and chuckling at his comment. “what should we sing this time? monodrama? yanghwa brdg? there are still so many more tears to be shed.” he says it with a loud laugh, waving his hand teasingly to show he was joking. they leave the studio together once the filming ends, hyojin’s arm slung over seunghun’s shoulder affectionately and the two of them chattering about potential songs to perform.
even when it feels like his luck has just run out, he feels like he’s on cloud nine.
he feels like an absolute coward for asking wonpil for his electric guitar. it’s obvious in his stance and the way his fingers fiddle with each other that he knows he could be reopening wounds, wounds that hadn’t even started healing yet but were being stitched together by calloused hands. he knows, and he feels awful, atrocious, like a monster. he hadn’t even dared to talk to seungmin face-to-face after the latter had been eliminated, and the fact that this deeply set feeling, this desperation to do all that he could to protect his spot in the competition because now seunghun was on the line, too was more important than his sense of decency made him sick.
hyojin almost cries when wonpil agrees, unaffected, excited, even, showing him where it had been stored away in the little apartment of theirs, well loved but still beautiful and shining in his eyes. the older seems proud of him instead of annoyed or bitter, supportive. it fills hyojin with a newfound sense of determination, because, no, he shouldn’t be ashamed. he shouldn’t feel bad for trying his best and making use of what he had.
this wasn’t for the sake of winning. this was for the sake of something a little bigger than that, for the sake of the slowly growing hole in his heart from not being able to do what he’s been wanting to do his whole life. no matter what happens, he needs to leave the stage on thursday knowing that he’s done all that he could.
even though it’s too formal considering how close the two of them were, he turns and bows deeply to his cousin in thanks, not sure how to classify the thickness in his throat and how his eyes started to water.
with some careful guidance on where to find the amplifier and what to do with it, and some even more googling later, hyojin finds himself holding the guitar in his hand, the heavy metal ( no pun intended ) feels like the many burdens he’s started to take on. he’s only just made amends with seungmin not too long ago, but the insecurities are starting to well up. the bandaids he’s tried to put on the wounds on his heart from the elimination of his cousins left other parts of him open and vulnerable. he had watched seungyeon’s live the other day, and although he found himself smiling at her show of support for him and seunghun, he couldn’t help but feel the same tug at his heart that always came up when he heard her voice or saw her face. 
he’s been so busy worrying about mgas and his other friends that he’s almost completely forgotten about the heartache he had gone through before, heartache that was in the process of being patched up by sakura. even then, he wonders if she’ll see his stage too this week, and what she’ll think of it. absentmindedly strumming a chord, a habit he’s picked up to break himself out of any dark thoughts, he jumps at the loud feedback, suddenly remembering that he was holding an electric guitar and not an acoustic one. right, he needs to focus.
“oh, i like it, it like it!” sitting up from his initially slouched position, hyojin almost startles gamja into falling off his lap, catching the adorable puppy before it could scamper off and trying to soothe it. seunghun’s been playing the keyboard he brought for a few minutes now, messing around with the song choice they had decided on. it’s basically a given that they wouldn’t be doing a ballad -- they’ve both sang plenty enough themselves, and he’s sure that the judges knew well enough that they were both capable vocally of singing heart-jerking tunes.
he’s fairly sure he’d be smacked on the shoulder if he suggested something trot -- although he couldn’t help himself from making a joke or two, snickering. the younger male always brought out the childish and energetic side of him, and every time they were together in the studio, it felt like all of his worries had melted away, and he could do things without a care in the world. he could sing any song in his music library and seunghun would be able to pick up after it, their music tastes going hand in hand. after some preliminary discussions, they had agreed on adding some electric guitar into the mix, providing more of a rock-house fusion of the hwasa song, something smooth and a little sexy, even. 
perhaps a little shyly, he even finds himself suggesting that he bring in the guitar to play during the performance, both as a shock factor and a tribute to wonpil, although he didn’t say the latter out loud. it feels wrong to go into the studio without such a comforting presence next to him. after three years of seeing him as an older brother, hyojin feels like it’s morally incorrect to not have a piece of his cousin with him when he sings, especially when wonpil won’t be there physically.
the rearrangement goes smoothly from there, and a few impromptu song covers and more fiddling later, they already have an outline done. the rest of the week passes like this, a mix of fun and frantic preparation, and when they part on the final day before d-day, hyojin feels like the guitar case on his back was significantly lighter than it first had been when he picked it up.
“woah, looking good~” greeting seunghun with a half-smile, hyojin laughs as he sees his friend with his new hair color. he had to say, ash brown suited the male well, giving him a more mellow and mature look in comparison to the blonde hair he had before. not that he looked better or worse -- it was arguably as good as the one before, but it was definitely new. hyojin’s heart may lie elsewhere, but he genuinely meant the compliment when he said it. they make their way into the studio, the taller’s arm looped around his shoulder, both dressed in loose dress shirts and hyojin’s slightly unbuttoned at the top, tie purposefully loosened and the smooth expanse of his neck shown.
he has a head of bright red hair himself, having gone to a hairstylist recommended by a busking friend of his who had gotten their hair dyed at the same place. if his best friend was going to do it, he might as well do the same. besides, he had always wanted to try out red -- at the very least, he could take this performance as an excuse to do so. it’s kind of funny at the same time, because ever since they made their duo name, they’ve been joking about dying their hair to match it. turns out it actually did happen.
as they sit down next to each other, hyojin smiles softly at seunghun’s question, nodding. “i’m as prepared as i could be, you?” as the male responds, hyojin finds himself absentmindedly fixing a tuft of seunghun’s light brown hair that had gotten rumpled by the cool air of the studio, putting it back in place and patting his friend’s head affectionately. it was a pretty normal gesture considering how close the two of them were, and hence, passed by naturally. “let’s enjoy the stage today.”
and with that, the recording starts. there are a few explosive performances, many of them entertaining and some even soulful. admittedly, hyojin and seunghun were going in the later half, and although he tries his best not to get affected, he can feel the nerves ebbing away at him. nevertheless, he thoroughly enjoys the stages. 
making a sound of surprise and shaking his head in happiness when he hears the song that sungwoon and his partner, jaemin, were performing, hyojin looks to seunghun with a grin. easy was for sure one of his favorite songs to listen to, the groove of wheein’s voice, coupled with the smoothness of sik-k giving it a high replay value. the both of them execute it well, and hyojin finds himself unable to stay still in his seat, grooving along. 
sakura’s stage with ryujin is equally stylish, albeit more upbeat and old-fashioned. he’s only heard the song a few times, but bond girl is for sure going on his playlist after watching. bopping his head to the addictive beat, he cheers for sakura and her partner, even chanting her name at one point while shaking his fists, like it was a fanchant and he was at an idol concert with a lightstick.
soon enough, their names are called, and hyojin gets up, making his way to the stage with seunghun behind him, ducking his head shyly in thanks at the light applause that came up at the announcement of their team.
as he was older, he took the lead for their introduction, counting to two before doing their signature pose, raising his fists up to his cheeks in a crying gesture, instead biting down as if biting on a meat skewer, and then pretending to cry. it’s a silly thing they made up during one of their late night talks in the studio, with one stupid suggesting leading to another, and then them building up on each other until they came up with something both witty and embarrassing that they just had to do.
“hello, we’re spicy pork! i’m contestant #5020, kim hyojin,” he says, before letting seunghun finish, then adding, “like our team name and our hair colors,” he says, gesturing at seunghun’s head, then at his, “we’ll make sure to burn the stage with our spiciness!” 
with that, he tries not to get too embarrassed by the giggles that resound around the stage, keeping a straight face save for a little smile at seunghun, nodding back at him. putting the electric guitar strap over his shoulder, hyojin strums experimentally, hearing the sound echo faintly throughout the studio, before stepping up to his own standing microphone. 
the moment the instrumental starts and they begin to sing in harmony, hyojin’s smile drops immediately, and he takes on a fiercer, more serious expression. instead of vulnerable and gentle like it usually was, he finds himself wearing a new mask this time with seunghun. they were here to show new sides and new colors of themselves, keeping the judges and their competition on their toes. it wasn’t uncomfortable in the slightest, surprisingly enough -- they’ve spent hours on hours refining the performance and their synergy did wonders for their performance, after all.
( bold = hyojin’s lines, normal = seunghun’s lines )
oh 너는 멍청이     you’re a twit 가녀린 심청이    like simcheong
taking the bottom note when harmonizing, hyojin looks straight at the judge panel as he sings with an almost intense gaze, nodding his head when seunghun sings the first line powerfully, starting to play the guitar, feeling the chords resound and blending in smoothly with the piano track going in, opening the floodgates to more instruments that they had pre-recorded when re-making the track. they had also modified the lyrics a little to fit the allotted time, rearranging them but not rewriting them.
after a few rifts, he sings into the microphone with seunghun again, their voices flowing together well and making for a pretty melody.
내가 멍청이     i’m a fool 너를 병들게 한 싸가지     i’m the wench for making you sick 한 번씩 주위를 둘러봐     why don’t you look around once in a while 너는 아파도 모르고 있잖아     even when you’re in pain, you don’t know
starting off the first verse with an almost sultry tone, hyojin decides to go for something more smooth than seunghun’s more powerful approach so that they don’t clash, setting the mood as he tilts his head while singing the second line, fingers slowly but surely plucking at the guitar strings on beat.
he turns his focus back to playing when seunghun continues, matching his smoothness to further build up until the drop.
you make me loyal you make me hero you make me genius 주는 게 많아 근데 왜 너만 불행해질까     you give so much but why are you the only unhappy one? 나를 위해서만 숨을 쉬니까     cuz you only breathe for me 너무 외로워 보여     you look so lonely
flowing along the notes as if riding waves, hyojin’s mouth turns up slightly at the corner to form a half smirk, his gaze never leaving the ceos. it’s a completely different persona than he actually has, but it fits well for some reason, and he feels like he’s pulling them in inch by inch, closing the distance with his aura.
this time, seunghun comes in with power, and hyojin feels himself shift into a grin, his body moving along to the music as he plays.
너는 멍청이     you’re a fool twit twit twit twit i do not like it nobody likes it 가녀린 심청이     like simcheong twit twit twit twit i do not like it nobody likes it
hitting the chorus, hyojin picks up his playing, singing into the microphone with a controlled power to hit the note with the correct mood. he sings the ‘twit’ line almost delicately, hitting the high note smoothly, before fading into seunghun’s voice for the hook. seunghun sings the next line with his own flow, making them both stand out despite matching so well.
아이야 아이야이야     just a baby baby sky야 아이야이야 야이야     baby sky, just a baby
transitioning into the bridge, hyojin stops playing to let the emptiness sink in, now singing softer and feeling the attention focus on him as he grabs the microphone for the first time during the performance, clutching onto it and having an indignant look in his eyes as he sings the line, as if calling everyone watching a baby. seunghun then comes in, changing the attention focus, and hyojin aids him, harmonizing for the high note and taking the bottom line.
he meets seunghun’s eyes at this, breaking into a smile when the male winks at him.
너는 멍청이   you’re a fool twit twit twit twit i do not like it nobody likes it가녀린 심청이   like simcheong twit twit twit twit i do not like it nobody likes it
this time, a pre-recorded guitar comes in, purposefully planned so that they could focus more on the high notes and executing the chorus well. repeating it, this time switched, he makes in effort to make it more explosive than the last time.
twit twit twit twit (twit) 우린 길을 잃었어 (woah)    we’ve lost our way twit twit twit twit (woah) 나 밖에 모르는 너는 멍청이     you’re a fool who only knows me
now was the time where they could show off their skills, seunghun singing the line soulfully as hyojin did the adlibs, hitting the high notes prettily. when it reaches his turn to do it, he does the same, helping to segue into one of the many highlights of the song.
너는 멍청이     you’re a fool
(woah, woah, woah, woah)
나 밖에 모르는      who only knows me 우리 멍청이     we’re a fool
they hit the high note together, holding it and harmonizing, reaching the end of the song. they echo each other during one last ad lib, and hyojin finishes off the song suavely, the both of them singing the last line and the song ending with a bang. as they end with charismatic poses, hyojin finds himself a little out of breath by the intensity of their performance, feeling everything come alive at his fingertips. 
as they bow one last time and leave the stage, hyojin hears seunghun jokingly ask him to treat him to pork if they moved on, and just ruffles his partner’s hair in response. 
“i’ll think about it.”
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WIP tag game
I’m getting all the tags today!
Tagged by @silver-wields-a-pen  ♡ 
1. Describe the plot in one sentence? 
A secret organization works under the cover of darkness to purge the corruption and depravity from their city.
2. Pick one sight, smell, sound, feel and taste to describe the aesthetic for your novel. 
Sight: darkened, cobblestone streets and shadows moving in alleyways
Smell: grime, fancy perfume and the faint metallic scent of blood
Sound: Clocks ticking and soft conversations just out of hearing range
Feel: bitter resentment and the distinct feeling that something is about to go wrong
Taste: salt and copper
3. Which 3+ songs would make up a playlist for the novel? 
I actually have a full playlist for the SPAU, it consists entirely of the soundtracks from American McGee’s Alice and Alice Madness Returns.
4. What’s the time period and location in which the novel takes place? 
This story is set in a Steampunk world, so I’m focusing a slightly warped version of 1800′s England.
5. Are there any former titles you’ve considered but discarded? 
It’s not something I thought about until right this moment, but the story doesn’t actually have a title. It’s just referred to as the SPAU. (Steampunk Alternate Reality)
6. What’s the first line of your novel? 
7. What’s a line of dialogue you’re particularly proud of?
“Inari told us to be discreet,” Tundra rose a brow in disbelief at the several bags of explosives laid out before him. “Inari also said to stop the train and free the slaves by any means necessary. They can’t have it both ways man. It’s either we stop this train or be discreet, I can’t do both at the same time.”
Seth and Tundra being themselves is always a favorite of mine.
8. Which line from the novel most represents it as a whole?
A parade of dicks with porcelain masks affixed to hide the ugliness beneath.
9. Who are your character(s) faceclaims? 
There are honestly too many at this point to list.
10. Sort your character(s) into Hogwarts houses. 
Again, too many to list. But in terms of the SPAU just about everyone has some Slytherin in them.
11. Which character’s name do you like the most? 
One of the character’s names is Soriah, I quite like that name. I think it sounds pretty.
12. Describe each character’s daily outfit.
Too many to list them all out, but there is a lot of corsets and buttons.
13. Do any characters have distinctive birthmarks/scars? 
In terms of distinctive markings, only Lerki, Tundra and Toshiiro would qualify. All three have mechanical upgrades attached to their bodies.
Everyone in this story has scars.
14. Which character most fits a character trope? 
The Queen, most likely. She’s very much your average evil queen.
15. Which character is the best writer? Worst? 
The best writer would be Scyanatha, most likely. The worst would be Vyxen, Salem and Nyima.
16. Which character is the best liar? Worst? 
Tough call, everyone is a good liar in the SPAU. They have to be. I supposed Nyima would be the worst, she’s had no reason to lie yet and she’s not the type to do so unless absolutely necessary.
17. What character swears the most? Least? 
Toshiiro swears the most, he’s likely swearing right now. Ghenha will catch up once she sheds her life as a proper lady.
Eleanor and Raemina swear the least, they’re very classy.
18. Which character has the best handwriting? Worst? 
Scyanatha has the best writing, Vyxen would have the worst.
19. Which character is most like you? Least like you? 
None of them are like me, if I was in Kerridon I would already be dead.
20. Which character would you most like to be? 
None of them, their lives suck. Kerridon is awful. 0/10 would not recommend living there for any reason.
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Can You Hear the Call of My Heart? (Day 5)
Day 5: Games | Pidge decides to teach Keith how to play video games.
Day 1 | Day 2 | Day 3 | Day 4 | Day 6 | Day 7
Also on AO3 and fanfiction.net
Little Kisses
Day 5: Games
Video games were unfamiliar ground for Keith. It wasn't something he had while growing up and once he was taken in by the Garrison, his life became studying in preparation to be a pilot. So when his friends first started to spend their downtime sitting in front of a screen, passing a controller around and cheering each other along as they battled their way through a virtual dungeon, he didn't understand the appeal.
“Do you want to learn?” Pidge asked after pulling him aside.
Keith shrugged. “I don't really see the point.”
Had he been talking to anyone else, he would have made up an excuse about being too busy, but it was Pidge asking him and he'd never been able to lie to her. There was something about those big brown eyes...
“It's just to have fun. To take your mind off of serious matters for a while,” Pidge told him.
There was no judgment in her voice. No incredulous declaration or remark about how obvious it was that he wasn't fully human. (Always meant as a joke, he knew, but that didn't make it hurt any less. That strong sense of not belonging to either side of his bloodlines.)
Keith's gaze flickered to the others, who were yelling with delight as Shiro gained the upper hand in the fight. He watched as his oldest friend delivered the final blow and Matt leaned forward and planted a big kiss on his cheek in celebration.
Pidge's hand, warm against his own, drew him back to their conversation. She smiled up at him and said: “You don't have to decide now. Anytime you want to learn, I'll be happy to show you. And who knows, you might even be as good at it as I am. Maybe.”
Keith found himself grinning back at her, put at ease by her easy confidence. “Maybe I'll be even better.” His words drew a laugh from her and his heart soared even as she pulled away from him.
“In your dreams, Hawkins,” she teased.
It was another month before Keith took her up on her offer, following a particularly rough assignment from Kolivan. He returned to the Castle for some well-earned rest, but found himself unable to do so. He tossed and turned in bed, unable to sleep for more than ten minutes at a time, and eventually gave up in favor of aimlessly wandering the halls.
That was when he found Pidge.
She was sitting by herself in the game room, curled up against one of the arms of the couch with a controller held loosely in her hands and a thin blanket draped over her shoulders. All he could hear was the sound of her fingers tapping the buttons and, of course, the sound effects of the game she was playing.
Keith quietly moved closer, giving the screen a cursory look-over. He could tell it was different than the one he'd seen everyone playing. It was more brightly colored than the last and the character was some sort of blue animal instead of human, but he didn't care enough to note more than that. His real focus was on Pidge herself and how she wasn't playing with her usual enthusiasm.
She looked... sad.
Keith was moving before he actually knew what he was going to do. There was something in his chest that twisted at the sight of her looking like that and he had to try and change that.
“Hey,” he greeted as he came around the couch.
Pidge glanced up, her fingers pausing for a brief moment. “Can't sleep either?”
“Not really,” Keith admitted as he sat down next to her. “It's... been a rough few days. I thought being here would help.”
Pidge smiled sympathetically. “It's too peaceful, right? Everyone else is asleep, so there's no one around to talk to. No one's making noise. There's nothing to keep your mind off of things.” She stared at her hands as she spoke, her fingers tracing the buttons on the controller. She pressed down on one of the middle ones, pausing the game, and then turned to Keith. “My offer still stands, you know. About teaching you to play. If you want to.”
The thought had crossed his mind once or twice. And it was even more tempting with it being just the two of them, with no one else around to make fun of him or trying to talk over Pidge's advice.
Keith fought back the sudden awareness that they were completely alone for once, and in turning to face him, Pidge's knees were just barely brushing against his own. It was so different than when they were out in the field working together. At least out there he knew what was expected of him.
But what did he really have to lose? (Other than accidentally offending the one girl he'd ever liked and hadn't managed to offend in the two years they'd been working together defending the universe.)
“Nothing else has helped me relax so far. Maybe this is what I need,” Keith said.
Pidge's eyes lit up at being given the chance to share something she enjoyed. “Okay, lets do this! It's perfect timing, actually. This game's easier to pick up and play than Killbot Phantasm.”
Keith watched as she rapidly pushed a few buttons, switching out of the game itself and to what he assumed was the title screen. “I'll take your word for it...” he said, staring down at the controller as she pushed it into his hands. “Uhh?”
“The best way to learn is to jump right in. There are only a few buttons you need to know. Now...” She paused to help him adjust his hands properly. “Left hand controls direction. If you press up, your character will look up and the screen will adjust to give you a better view of what's above you. It's the same if you look down. If you press right or left and then look down, you'll go into a roll. Right hand controls jump and that's it. Now hit start. It's in the center.”
Keith did so, watching the screen a the game started up the first level. “So now I just go forward?”
Pidge nodded. “Exactly! This is a side-scroller, so your objective is to get to the end. Along the way you want to beat the monsters by hitting them and collect golden rings.”
Keith moved his character forward, cautiously at first, but soon he started to pick up speed with a little well-timed advice from Pidge, who knew the best way to take out the mechanical monsters and the best paths to take to get the good power-ups. He didn't dare imagine he was actually any good at it, considering the number of times he lost rings or ran too fast and fell into the void, but her encouraging smile was all it took for him to keep going.
He had to admit, it was kind of fun.
By the time both of them were having trouble keeping focus, somewhere in the early morning hours of the Castle's day-night cycle, Keith felt a little more confident in his ability to play.
“Want to play again later?” Pidge asked. “Hunk and Lance are going out to see how the Balmeran's are doing, so they'll be away for the day.”
“You're not going with them?”
Pidge shook her head “As tempting as it is to go and watch Hunk transform into a giant mushy mess the moment he sees Shay, I'm going to pass this time.” She paused to yawn, covering her mouth with her hand. “This was more fun than that.”
Keith looked at her in surprise. “Really? It wasn't boring watching me try and play?”
Pidge leaned back into the couch, barely able to keep her eyes open. “Not really. Why? Do you get bored watching me try an learn a new move on the training deck?”
His face flushed hotly at her question. He hadn't known she'd been that aware of him watching her form during training. Part of it was because he could never seem to keep his eyes off of her and the other was from sheer awe at how quickly she picked up techniques. “Never.”
“Thought so,” Pidge murmured, her eyes fluttering shut. Her breathing soon evened out as she drifted off to sleep right there on the couch.
Keith didn't dare move, for fear of waking her, and soon fell asleep next to her.
Pidge awoke with an abnormal amount of heat radiating from the couch she was laying against. It was the fleeting taste of Altean wine still on her lips that reminded her of what she'd been doing when she fell asleep and how she hadn't been alone.
Sure enough, she opened her eyes to find she'd slid to the side and had spent the past few hours drooling onto Keith's shoulder. To add to the embarrassment, someone had found them because there was a large blanket spread out over them. (She really hoped it wasn't Lance or Hunk. Neither of them would ever stop talking about it.)
Pidge took the rare opportunity to watch Keith as he slept. He always looked so at peace when he fell asleep after their gaming sessions, as if it allowed all of his worries the chance to melt away.
It had been two months since they started their night-time “hangout” whenever Keith was back in the Castle, bringing them closer together than ever before.
Pidge found herself eagerly anticipating the times he was in the Castle and missed him so fiercely that it ached when he was away. Matt, always her go-to person in times of emotional crises, was being unusually unhelpful on the matter, saying that it was something she had to discover for herself. (Extremely useless. 0/10 would not recommend as advice.)
Which was how she found herself talking to Coran late one night.
“Sounds like heartache to me,” he had told her sagely.
Heartache, she thought as she watched Keith breathe. It sounded crazy. Keith was her friend. They were partners (or had been, when he still piloted the Red Lion) and worked well together, and sure there had always been a level of mutual fondness between them, but that was all!
Wasn't it?
Pidge wasn't so sure anymore.
A friend probably wouldn't have such vivid dreams of kissing him. A friend probably wouldn't catch themselves daydreaming about what it'd be like to hold his hand or just be held.
She regretfully pulled away from him, moving slowly and carefully tucking the blanket around him so he wouldn't wake from the sudden chill. She settled back on her side of the couch and recollected the controller from where it had fallen. What she really needed was something to distract her from her thoughts.
“Getting an early start?” Keith's voice rumbled low with sleep and the sound sent tingles down Pidge's spine. “Pretty sure that's cheating.”
“Cheating?” Pidge parroted in confusion.
“For our competition. The one you said you wanted to do before you fell asleep last night,” Keith clarified. (And was it just her imagination, or was he blushing?) “Or, was that...? I mean, we don't have to. It sounded kind of fun.”
Oh. Right. The competition. The one her half-asleep and mildly inebriated brain decided would be a good idea. The one where some part of her thought it would be a good idea to request a kiss if she won. Not that she'd actually said that out loud.
That one.
Fighting back the blush threatening to take over her whole face, Pidge restrained herself from hitting start. “I'm not backing down now. Lets do this!”
Keith was quiet for a moment, staring at her with an unreadable expression. Then, he slowly exhaled and looked away. “So, I've been thinking about what I want if I win. I'm not sure I can top the kiss you're requesting, but-”
The controller clattered to the floor.
Pidge rapidly paled, blood draining from her face. “What?”
Her thought process stuttered to a stop.
She didn't...?
She had.
Pidge was never drinking Altean wine again.
“Perfectly safe” her ass. Coran was going to get an earful from Shiro once she let it slip that he let her have a bottle. A bottle which she was returning post-haste if one little glass was enough to make her lose all sense.
“Pidge, are you okay?”
She groaned and dropped her head in her hands. “I'm so sorry! I don't know what I was thinking last night.”
“...so you don't want to kiss me?”
Was it just her imagination or did Keith sound disappointed?
Pidge peeked out through her fingers, unsure of what to make of the situation. She could deny it. Should deny it? No? Yes? What was the right answer? Was there a right answer?
(“Love isn't something that has a wrong or right answer, Pidge,” Matt said, gazing at Shiro. “It just is. You can fight it or you can go along with it, it's your choice. But let me tell you, going with it, as terrifying as it is, is so much better.”)
“I want to kiss you,” Pidge whispered, too quiet for anyone to hear. She swallowed around the lump in her throat and sat back to slump against the couch, dropping her hands to her lap. “I want to kiss you,” she repeated, louder than before.
“Okay,” Keith said as he bent down to pick up the fallen controller. “But first you'll have to beat me.”
“And if you win?” Pidge asked, accepting it from him. She dared to meet his eyes and her heard did flip-flops at the heated way he looked at her. She could also make out the faintest hint of a blush, which set her a little more at ease.
He was just as nervous.
“If I win, I get to kiss you,” Keith said.
Pidge's heart fluttered. Mustering her resolve, she managed a small, lopsided grin. “Hope you're up for the challenge. I never lose.”
Keith answered her challenge with a smirk of his own. “We'll see. I'm not going down without a fight, Katie.”
She flushed at the use of her real name and turned her attention to the game, trying not to let him see just how flustered it made her. She hit start.
The competition was simple. They'd each play the first zone of the game, which had a total of three acts and the possibility for two special stages. In the end, the winner would be the person with the highest total score. It was a contest of knowing the right path to take and which risks would be worth the points.
Pidge concentrated solely on the game, ignoring whatever Keith was doing. He was bound to try and distract her and she refused to let him succeed. They had an unspoken rule about how much interference was permitted and so far, neither of them had crossed that line.
She grit her teeth as she passed the first act, moving the first special stage as a reward for collecting and keeping enough rings. She could feel his eyes on her.
Don't get distracted!
She passed the special stage with ease after collecting the emerald as a prize and then moved onto the second act. She'd just started to relax when she felt him shift closer. A weight settled against her shoulder.
“Keith, what are you doing?” Pidge asked, refusing to take her eyes off the screen.
“Just watching,” he replied.
She pressed on, trying not to let herself get sidetracked by the way his hair tickled her skin whenever he moved. She was in the middle of timing a jump when Keith shifted again, his breath fanning over bare skin, and gently pressed his lips against her shoulder.
Quiznaking quiznak.
Pidge wouldn't look. She refused to look.
She just knew if she did, she'd get distracted by those beautiful blue-violet eyes and –
Too late.
Pidge swore under her breath, angry with herself for being so weak. As Keith chuckled into her exposed skin, she swore revenge. (And, for good measure, she swore off ever drinking wine again, as it'd been the reason she stripped off her usual sweater for the tank top she wore underneath.)
“Having trouble, Katie?”
“You wish,” she retorted, viciously bouncing off an enemy's head. “You'll have to try harder than that, Hawkins!”
Another kiss, a little higher, and a shiver ran down her spine. When did Keith get so confident? Was she still dreaming? She absolutely blamed the Altean wine. Clearly, it had affected them both. Another reason to get rid of it.
Pidge fought to focus. A kiss on her neck had her missing an easy target and losing her invulnerability. Keith backed off for a few minutes, letting her finish the act in peace, but the moment the next special stage began, he returned, nipping gently.
“Quiznak!” Pidge swore, fighting her rising desire to give in. Did it really matter who won, when the outcome would be the same?
Her hesitation led to her failing to acquire the emerald and reinvigorated her want to win. She had a momentary lapse, but that was fine. She'd make up for it.
Keith didn't let up for the final act, peppering kisses wherever he could get away with it.
Pidge trembled under his ministrations, losing more rings and precious time than she would have liked, but easily finished off the zone boss. She let the total score tally up and then paused the game, breathlessly turning to look at Keith. “Your turn. Hope you're ready.”
“Do your worst,” Keith responded, unable to stop himself from placing one last kiss on her shoulder. He took the controller from her and restarted from the first act.
Pidge hummed as she settled against him, much like he'd done to her in the beginning. She was content to watch for the first level and into the special stage, but after that, she began slowly tracing swirls along his arm. She kept her touch light and gentle. Teasing.
Keith shifted beneath her uneasily when she didn't do more than that through all of the second act and was practically squirming when he got to the next special stage.
“Hey, Keith,” she asked softly, tilting her head to look at him through her eyelashes. “Kiss me?”
She expected him to laugh it off, to retort with something witty or at least a distracted “you'll have to try harder than that.” Instead, Keith paused the game with a low growl and tossed the controller aside so his hands were free to gently cup her face as he gladly melded their lips together.
Pidge nearly gasped at the heat radiating from him, utterly lost in the way his lips moved against her own, hesitant and unsure, but still nice. One hand slid down to her waist, holding her close. And then he pulled back, not far, just enough to give them a moment to breathe.
“I win,” Pidge whispered, unable to help herself.
Keith chuckled. “Are you sure about that?”
“Coran, are we missing a bottle of Juniberry wine?” Allura asked as she returned from taking inventory of the Castle's drink selection. She wanted to get a head start on preparations for the next diplomatic meeting and had noticed an empty space on one of the racks while checking the more appropriate drinks.
Coran jumped guiltily at the question. “Ah, why do you ask, princess?”
Allura leveled him with a no-nonsense look. “You and I both know the effect it tends to have on people. Imagine if one of the paladins drank some! Lance is... affectionate enough without it. I don't want to imagine...” She trailed off, a blush overtaking her face. “That might not be so terrible, actually...”
Feeling as though he'd narrowly dodged a bullet, Coran stealthily made his way out of the room, leaving the princess alone with her thoughts.
She didn't really need to know that he'd deliberately given a bottle to Pidge in hopes she and Keith would resolve their feelings for each other. She especially didn't need to know that he hadn't warned her of the potent effects of the wine and it's ability to draw feelings of love to the surface.
Coran hummed a lively tune as he set off to complete his usual morning routine.
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Song Obsessions
Rules: list 10 songs you’re obsessed with and tag 10 people
Mmm. How about “Current Song Obsessions” and I tag 5, so I that I’m more likely to read/listen to their responses. Tagged By: @epistaxisxjensen Why thank you, dear. Btw, that Aesthetic Perfection track was pleasing. 1. Uncharted Worlds - Mass Effect Soundtrack : (Extended) Well, better not call this one a “current obsession”. I loved it the first time I heard it years ago... Someone once asked what song/track I would choose if I could only listen to one song/track for the rest of my life and, although such a fate would be pretty awful, this chose this without much hesitation. I wake up every morning to this as my alarm...and it’s a beautiful way to welcome the day. 2. Dream Town - Fallout OST : Here’s another beautiful ambient gem, but a really recent obsession. It was a near tie between this and Metallic Monks , which now vies for an obsession spot now that I listen to it. I chose this one though, because (with Fallout as context) it speaks of tranquility and a hopeful -possibly futile- longing in an awful, tormented, ugly nightmare of world of our own making. I imagine the incoherent whispers as a father quietly speaking to his spouse about adult woes as their child drifts asleep in the next room - blissfully ignorant of their troubles.  3. It’s a Sin to Tell A Lie - The Inkspots : (Fallout OST Version) Tag. Jumping to another song that made its way into Fallout. I did not like this one at first, because I found the singer’s enunciation both creepy and irritating, but damn did it grow on me...so much so that I don’t care for any other version out there. To me it’s a really great blend of that dark, listless Fallout irony, a hopeful sincerity...and a threat! *insert evil cackle here* Perfect for villainous characters such as the one I currently RP. 4. 0:59 - Danger : Speaking of villainy, a friend recommended this to me a while back and I find it so incredibly inspiring when writing that cyberpunk-y, gloomy, hopeless sort of passage. I do not know about you, but here’s the strong image I get: A woman dressed in unfortunate-white frantically runs through the alleys of a dark, rain drenched city, as a man, coated in black, calmly follows her trail. She is careless in her fright, and finds herself trapped either at the end of an alley or inside an abode she once thought as safe. Whirling around, her thin hands draw a pistol from her belt. She levels it at her pursuer, whom pauses at the sight of its metal gleam if only for a moment. With wide eyes she cries out a warning: “Stay where you are!”. But he does not listen. She’s shaking so bad that the barrel trembles in her grasp. “I’m warning you!”. He’s nearer now. So she fires. It does nothing to deter him. 5. Confrontation - Speed Machine : I write/talk too much? Here is one I’m obsessed with simply because it is kickass-aggressive. 6. U Got U - Rodg : Another track I’m currently obsessed with because it’s aggressive (especially the last 30 seconds...mmmmmgoodyes). For no apparent reason I envision a lean, half-naked, heavily tattooed man with black lip piercings beckoning/taunting me into a fight as his sword (some overrated Japanese sort - I’m not sorry) glints white in the morning light. ...*shrugs* This is my mind. 7. Unyt - Scann-Tec : I cheated. I love this entire album. So much. It’s a journey of beauty. A lot of ambient/psytrance tracks tend to drone out after a while, which is all fine and dandy, but at times this lends itself into boredom. This man keeps it interesting with such delightful little tweaks and twists. I think everyone who enjoys this type of music and has listened to Parsec, as an example, has had their mind blown. Plus it’s endearing that the man made this triumph of an album in honor of his daughter. 8. Giving Up - Oscuro : Ever...taste a song? I donno. I taste this one. Actually it’s more of a texture. Hard to describe...but I feel it...Can you taste it? 9. Lament for Thorin - Eurielle : Beautiful. 10. Surtr Boss Battle - Hellblade: Senua’s Sacrifice : And I leave you with angry Vikings. God. Yes. I’M SO PUMPED RIGHT NOW. Tagging: @bitchywombatstuff, @amantisdedeus, @king-oikawa-trash, @doctor-angelicus, @jcd2187, @dr-vauclair, @raethechemist ...okay 7.
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Pairing: Sirius Black x Reader
Warnings: cursing, jealousy, idk man
Word Count: 2643
Summary: Friends get jealous when they’re interested in other people, right?
A/N: So, my hand is doing better, but I am still healing. Anyway, have this in the meantime. There will probably be typos since all of this is typed with my non-dominant hand, and I haven’t edited it. 
“We’re friends.”
That phrase came up too often in any conversation regarding Sirius and you. Friends since third year, you were two peas in a pod. Witty banter and playful teasing were your trademark. Even James couldn’t compete with your sharp wits whenever Sirius and you were remotely near each other. Naturally, it prompted a lot of curiosity from anyone who noticed the kind of friendship you had. You constantly had to assure people that Sirius and you weren’t flirting, and it was simply your sense of humor.
Still, every time the excuse left your lips, waves of mixed emotions involuntarily stormed inside you. You knew Sirius wasn’t just your friend. You definitely wouldn’t feel comfortable talking to Remus or Lily the way you acted with Sirius. He wasn’t officially more than a friend, though, and you didn’t want him to be. That would be messy. You liked things the way they were, with Sirius as whatever he was to you, sans any label.
However, sixth year, Sirius began dating a nice girl from Ravenclaw. He never dated, so of course, your friends gossiped about it whenever they could. You couldn’t count how many times you’d been asked for your opinion on her. You didn’t care much to be honest. Sirius would go on a date or two, probably get bored, and break up with her. Things would return to normal after that.
Weeks past, but they hadn’t broken it off. You weren’t too bothered, except for the fact that the Sirius you knew and loved began to disappear. There were no more snarky remarks or teasing pet names, and the lack of his presence had you feeling a bit hurt. One night, you must’ve been scribbling angrily on your essay since James snickered under his breath. He sat across the table while he folded parchment into paper planes, smirking, “Take it easy, Y/N. What’d that parchment ever do to you.” You rolled your eyes at him and returned to your work. He obviously wasn’t satisfied, so he plucked your quill from your hand to stop your writing. “C’mon, what’s up?”
“It’s not a big deal. I’m just upset Sirius is completely ignoring me in favor of a girl who he’s gonna break up with any second now, you know? We haven’t spoken in four days. The last time we talked, he couldn’t even form one good comeback to anything I said. He just gave me this condescending, almost pitiful, look. Merlin, he’s acting like a prick.”
“Aw,” James cooed, “someone’s jealous.”
“Hell yeah, I’m jealous. He hardly knows her. I’ve been his friend for years.”
James sat back in his seat with a sigh. “Well, if it helps,” he confessed, “I don’t think she’s right for him either… I really don’t know why he’s with her.”
A beat of silence settled over you both until a hint of an idea sparked in the back of your mind. “You know,” you reluctantly mumbled your proposal, “we could always give him a taste of his own medicine.”
“You really want to get under his skin, don’t you?” Your fingers began to trace over the wooden table in front of you to spare yourself from James’s knowing gaze. James simply beamed deviously. “I’m in.”
“Hell yeah! Let’s get everyone together tomorrow to play a quidditch scrimmage,” He recommended. “It’ll be perfect!”
Captains Dorcas and James stood with their brooms in hand opposite the line of the players. James was the first to choose a player.
“Y/N, get your adorable ass over here.”
You rolled your eyes with a smile across your lips before you trudged over beside James, pausing to whisper into his ear, “Really? That’s what you choose to say?”
This prompted James to smile to himself while you returned your attention to the draft. Once you’d decided who was on which team, your teammates began discussing who’d play which position. When you usually played, James, Sirius, and you were chasers. James always distracted the other team while Sirius and you made the real moves to score. You three were a well-oiled machine, always on the same wavelength. Until now.
“Hey, Y/N,” Sirius interrupted your strategy conversation with James to ask, “would it be cool if we changed things up a bit and switched you with my princess for our third chaser today?”
Containing your shock as best as you could, you brushed it off. “Of course. I feel like playing beater anyway.” You gave James a smirk before continuing to him, “That is, unless you can’t bear to part with me.”
“I’m tempted to say I can’t, but you can do wonders with a bat, sweetheart.”
“Don’t call me sweetheart, Potter,” I smiled at him teasingly, causing Sirius to quietly huff in annoyance.
“Whatever you say, sweetheart.” At that, James strode away from the conversation, leaving you shaking your head while Sirius tried keep from glaring in James’s direction.
“Hey, Aileen,” you called to your Hufflepuff teammate after a moment, “I need a second beater. You up for it?”
“Definitely!” she agreed while tossing a bat your way. Remus decided to play keeper, and Marlene was a perfect choice for seeker.
Now, everyone was ready for the scrimmage, so the game began. James was a bit thrown off without you as a chaser, and with Sirius focused more on his girlfriend than the game, your team fell behind with the current strategy, 30 – 0.
You met James’s gaze at one point, and you could tell he was nodding at you to change the strategy. Flying past Aileen on your way to him and the other chasers, you quickly mentioned, “We’re zoning. Play offense, I’ll stay on defense.”
She took your direction by flying towards the other side of the field, to assist a bludger currently giving the other team some difficulty. The other MIA bludger wasn’t anywhere you could see, so you tried distracting the other team in the meantime.
Whizzing through the maze of players, you noticed Sirius had the quaffle. As you approached him, he passed it off to his girlfriend despite James being in a better position to score. Your friend looked at you while flying and nodded towards the missing bludger returning straight towards her. Just when you were about to fly to it, James nodded towards Sirius. You knew exactly what he was thinking, and you liked his idea more than you’d ever admit.
Your broom took off towards the bludger’s target, and just when it was about to knock her off her broom, you swung your bat as hard as you could physically manage. The bludger went barreling at another angle, but you lost your balance in the process, and fell off your broom for a second. Thankfully, you were able to remount it sideways and continue flying just in time to see Sirius duck below the speeding bludger you’d knocked his way.
With Sirius absent from his spot, James swooped in to steal the pass from his girlfriend. You could’ve sworn Remus was laughing from his position on the field when his friend took the opportunity to score ten more points. Now the score 30 – 10.
Springing into action the second you noticed, Marlene sped into a swan dive towards the snitch with Frank, the other seeker, beside her. You followed them slower while you searched for a bludger to distract Frank when Aileen spotted you. She helped you out by whacking one your way, and you barely had enough time to redirect it within an inch of your friends. Since they were getting closer to the gound, the bludger spooked Frank enough for Marlene to gain a decent lead, and she grabbed the fleck of gold within the minute.
“We win!” James shouted, prompting your entire team to erupt in cheers. Well, the entire team except for Sirius, who still seemed to be angry about the bludger you’d sent his way. However, you ignored him just like you’d planned.
All the players were making their way back to solid ground with orders from James and Dorcas. As soon as you dismounted your broom, familiar arms wrapped around your waist to pick you up. “That was an AMAZING shot! You won us the game!”
“James put me down!”
“He’s right, Y/N!” Marlene cheered, “you had my back there. Couldn’t have done it without you!”
James finally put you down, so you could reply to Marlene. “Thanks, but without your flying, the whole thing would’ve been in vain. Don’t sell yourself short because I hit a ball.”
“She’s right,” agreed Dorcas, “You guys all won fair and square.”
“Now let’s all get cleaned up. It’s almost time for dinner.” Remus was, of course, the one to suggest freshening up, so everyone slowly returned to the castle once the balls and brooms were all put away. Sirius was still pouting when you locked up the shed of equipment, and he even waved his girlfriend off when she tried to get him to talk, so she instead caught up with Marlene and Dorcas. You couldn’t suppress the spring in your step while walking to catch up.
However, you unexpectedly laughed when James snuck up behind you to whisper “winner, winner chicken dinner” in your ear and tickle your sides before he ran ahead of you to avoid your wrath. He fell in step with Sirius, but when James began to talk, Sirius wasn’t having any of it.
“Merlin, that was fun!” Sirius kept quiet, pretending that he didn’t hear James speaking. “Everything okay, mate?” Attempting to get away from him, Sirius sped up his pace, so James gradually fell behind. James brushed it off with a roll of his eyes before he slowed his pace to fall in step with you.
“The fuck was that about?” you inquired, watching Sirius stomp up into the castle.
He shrugged. “No idea. Maybe the plan is working too well.”
Even back in their dorm, Sirius entirely refused to acknowledge James, so he tried again when they were the last two in their room. “Got any plans after dinner? I had an idea I wanted to run by you to get Snivellus back for saying those nasty things about that sweet Hufflepuff muggleborn.”
Sirius simply huffed a sigh, paying no attention.
“Alright, mate.” James was fed up. “The fuck is up with you? You’ve been acting like an utter prick since the scrimmage.”
“Oh!” Sirius must’ve been on the last straw too. “I’m the prick here? Well excuse me. You should probably take a long look in the mirror before you go around saying I’m the prick.”
“I almost got taken out today with a bludger today when Y/N hit it straight towards me! I’m your best friend, and you have the nerve to tell her, ‘good job!’ Do you want me in the hospital wing or something? I swear, I could be bleeding out right in front of you, and you wouldn’t even notice if she was anywhere near us! Besides, you were looking quite cozy with her. Here, I thought you were after Evans. But then again, I must not be a good enough friend for you to tell me that you decided to peruse Y/N instead.”
“She didn’t ‘almost take you out with a bludger’. It was headed straight for your girlfriend. She probably didn’t have anywhere else to hit it and knew you could handle it if she hit it your way. After all, the two of you are friends. You remind everyone of that on a daily basis. Y/N and I are friends too. Nothing more. Just because I hang out with her doesn’t mean I don’t like Lily. Are you the only person allowed to be Y/N’s friend now, because I think that’s her choice, not yours! Even if I was crushing on her, what does it matter? She’s single. I’m single. It’s not like it’s a crime or anything. You and your girlfriend were two single people who liked each other. I’m friends with her too despite her throwing off our entire quidditch flow. You don’t see me being a little bitch about it.”
Sirius was quick to defend himself. “That’s different.”
“How on earth is that different?”
“It just is.”
James almost laughed at his friend’s reasoning. He was about to crack. “No, it’s not.”
“Yes, it is!”
“How the fuck is it–”
“Because I’m crazy about her! Okay James!”
“Y/N?” James already knew the answer, but playing dumb was too fun.
“No, fucking Helga Hufflepuff, dickhead.”
“So why are you dating someone else?”
“Because I can either suffer in silence, which I’m sick and tired of, or I can get over this stupid crush. It’s pathetic.”
“Or,” James nearly laughed out loud, “you could grow a pair and ask her out like a normal person?”
“You’re shitting me, right?”
“No. Just tell her. Kiss her for Godric’s sake. I don’t care. Just put us all out of our misery.”
Sirius didn’t even bother to say anything more on the subject. He was already rushing out of the room in search of you. James was right. Dating other people wasn’t working for him. Plus, he wasn’t spending nearly as much time with you, and the combination of it all made him feel worse than the whole suffering in silence thing.
After he accomplished one last thing, he caught sight of you humming a tune while strolling through a corridor on your way to the Great Hall. He took your hand when he was about to pass by you, urgently stuffing the two of you into a cupboard and shutting the door. Before you had a chance to ask what was going on, he slammed his lips against yours.
You couldn’t think. The way his hands gently caressed up the sides of your waist had your eyes fluttering closed. His lips were slightly chapped from the game, but yours were in the same condition. Gently threading your hands through his dark, silky hair, you turned your head the slightest bit to deepen the kiss. Had he always smelled this nice? You had no idea, and you didn’t care. All that mattered was the goosebumps his fingers left wherever they went. Gently cupping your cheek with one hand, his touch dipped down your jaw and your neck.
Your eyes snapped open. Removing your fingers from raking across his scalp and clinging to his neck, you shoved him away. Thankfully, he caught himself from stumbling backwards while you frantically began, “What the hell is wrong with you? You have a girlfriend!”
“I’ve been crazy about you since second year. That’s what’s wrong with me.”
“Merlin, you’re a jerk… kiss me again.” Sirius stepped closer to you and gently placed a hand on your hip. He was about to lean in when you held a hand to his lips to stop him with an afterthought. “Wait, wait, wait, wait… did you break up with your girlfriend yet?”
As though she knew you were talking about her, a scream echoed through the door from what sounded like ten feet away. With a smirk on his face and a glimmer in his eye, Sirius softly chuckled, “She’s probably going to break up with me any second now because frankly, I’m immature, and she deserves better… She’s not wrong.”
“Sirius Black! I know you’re around here somewhere! Get over here this instant!” his girlfriend screamed, causing you to poke him in the chest.
He stepped back reluctantly at your touch, but his shoulders slumped in annoyance. You knew he was about to whine to let him stay, but you beat him to it. “Go talk to her,” you insisted, “I’ll be here when you’re done.”
He thought about it for a second, glancing towards the door before he raised a brow at you suggestively.
“With kisses?”
“With kisses.”
Nobody right now, but let me know if you want to be. 
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tilbageidanmark · 3 years
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Movies I watched this week - 34
It dawned on me last night, that watching films and writing these short reviews is somethings I truly enjoy. I thought to myself: If I could do that as a job, it would be ideal. I see up to 4 films and more per day, anyway. So now I am going to embrace it, and make it my job.
(2 + 1) by my new favorite Polish director, Paweł Pawlikowski:
✳️✳️✳️ Cold War, starts with a group of ethnomusicologists searching the countryside for old traditional folk sounds before they are lost forever, and ends 15 surprising years later at the most intense heartbreak. An absolute masterpiece - 10/10.
Here’s a short trailer that shocked me, since I didn’t realize what a disastrous love story it was until the end. (Photo Above).
✳️✳️✳️ Ida, the first Polish Oscar winner for Best Foreign Language Film (2012). In 1962, a 17 year old novice nun, before taking her final vows, discovers that her parents, who were murdered in the war, were Jewish.
A featured snippet from John Coltrane’s Naima represents the mood of the story.
Stark and austere black & white compositions, a journey into Poland’s darkest soul. Best film of the week.
✳️✳️✳️ However, The woman in the fifth, Paweł’s previous film, was forgettable and listless. It’s hard to imagine that the director of this standard fair will rise to produce the magical lyricism of his two later films. Even Joanna Kulig (Zula from ‘Cold War’) doesn’t elevate it and make it worthwhile.
Ida’s visual style was inspired by The Passion of Joan of Arc, and Paweł’s framing often evokes Maria Falconetti’s tortured face. Carl Dryer’s haunting 1928 film is still fresh and extremely modern. Even more than the radical close ups, I was struck by the gender imbalance of the play: One frightened 19 year old girl, against a full battery of grotesque, powerful and menacing old men, who demand complete fealty from her. 9/10.
The film had its world premiere at the local Palads Teatret. Apparently, the original models for the film's set are stored at the Danish Film Institute Archives - Maybe I’ll get a chance to see them one day.
Abbas Kiarostami’s slow-moving Iranian film Taste of Cherry, about a man driving on the outskirts of Tehran, looking to pay somebody to cover him with dirt, after he commits suicide. Probably the inspiration to Ramin Bahrani’s ‘Goodbye Solo’. It ends with Louis Armstrong's "St. James Infirmary Blues." 8/10.
Costa-Gavras’s 1972 State of Siege was a searing indictment of the brutal US meddling in Latin America, and the shameful, deadly repression of leftist regimes. So many atrocities committed in the name of the Imperialistic Yankee dollar: Death squads, torture, mass assassinations, deadly coups - The same playbook for 70 years.
Chaotic opening scene of the army sweeping the street. The whole movie was terrifying. 7+ / 10
Peter Jackson’s They Shall Not Grow Old. The Uncanny Valley effects created by using colorized footage from the trenches of WW1, corrected for speed, and laid with voice-overs of actual British servicemen, talking about their war memories. The moment when the soldiers reach the battlefield, and the film shifts from the black and white to color is breathtaking. 8/10
A Fantastic Woman, a 2017 sensitive Chilean movie about a trans woman, whose older lover suddenly dies, leaving her to confront his estranged family and to deal with ugly problems of identity, respect and dignity. It’s compassionate and eventually hopeful, though not necessarily fantastic.
Thelma, an atmospheric Norwegian thriller about a young student with psychokinetic powers who falls in love with another girl, while losing her mind. Very slow burning and moody. Reminds me that I want to re-watch Polanski’s Repulsion.
Aretha Franklin X 2: 
✳️✳️✳️ Respect, the new, terrific, slick Aretha Franklin bio, which is also a solid feature directorial debut for the director Liesl Tommy. The small girl part was best, but the whole story was well-made. Recommended.
✳️✳️✳️ ... And the final gospel concert from ‘Respect’ was recorded by Sydney Pollack in 1972, and just-recently released as Amazing Grace. With glimpses in the background of Charlie Watts and Mick Jagger (at 0:51).
Woodstock, the documentary of the festival at  Max Yasgur's farm. Unfortunately, this is only 1/2 of the original film. Re-watch.
Carey Mulligan X 3:    
✳️✳️✳️ An education, a beautiful story about a naive 16 year old girl in 1961 London who is being seduced by a charming and sophisticated conman twice her age. The title can be understood in two different ways. 7+/10.
✳️✳️✳️ Never let me go - A British filming of Kazuo Ishiguro's novel didn’t get me. Part subtle science fiction story about compulsory body donors, and part love story with the always-aweful Andrew Garfield in a boarding school setting, its appeal just flew past me.
✳️✳️✳️ Drive - a perfect arthouse thriller by Nicolas Winding Refn. The action scenes are similar to Edgar Wright’s Baby Driver and many other LA-At-Night  action films, but the romance is tight and constrained. The motivation of laconic hero Ryan Goslin is being commented on in the 4-5 songs that puncture the action, with the last one calling him “A real hero - a real human being”, however he is not a real human being, but a replica of the Steve McQueen / Clint Eastwood mold.
I haven’t seen the great American saga Days of Heaven for many years. Through the gorgeous cinematography of Néstor Almendros, the score by Ennio Morricone, and especially the voice over story telling by the little girl Linda Manz as she saw it, it’s still as perfect as it was years ago. 10/10
Brazil, Terry Gilliam’s 1985 satiric version of George Orwell’s 1984. Dystopia! Bureaucracy! Ducts! With young Jonathan Pryce as a dreamy glam rock flying Phoenix.
Too bad that Gilliam never got to film Hieronymus Bosch, for example his Garden of Earthly Delights!
I’ve never seen a Bob Ross painting show or knew much about him except that he had a landscape painting program on PBS, so the new documentary Happy Accidents, Betrayal & Greed was all news to me.
First watch, and only because the highlights always looked somehow ‘funny’ - Fletch. But American comedies of the 80′s and 90′s were so uncharitably lame. 1/10.
Maybe it would have been better if they used their first choice, Mick Jagger.
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Throw-back to the art project:
La Passion de Jeanne d'Arc Adora.
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(My complete movie list is here)
0 notes
hahanoiwont · 7 years
As your DM, I second that anon's request to do all 60 questions for Pizza Bard.
hell yeah let’s go
3 at a time so I don’t literally kill all of you with pizza content
1) What is your character’s biggest fear?He thinks it’s having another mortal join his family and suffer the initiation, or maybe losing his last scraped together bits of personal identity, or not being the prettiest person in the room (not counting fae), but in actuality he’s most afraid of confronting his dual nature. He clings to the trappings of mortality, but he’s clearly fae in nature. As a result, he’s kind of both, kind of neither, and the idea of being forced to choose one would devastate him. The fae have taken everything from him, but they’re also all he has. As a mortal he’s no one and nothing, and also, he’s gotten used to the fae lifestyle. It would be like putting a feral cat in a household with children. He doesn’t know how to act and he’d be even more on edge than he is in the Feywild, where he has a not-insignificant change of being turned into a goat with a snail shell and a cheetah head and dying a horrible hybrid monstrosity death. He’d go crazy being confined to one plane and the by-now-foreign rules of mortal society. But he’s not ready to admit that he’s less changeling and more faerie than he likes to pretend.
Also, he’s gotten used to the idea that he has no power over what he is and what he does. He resents it for form’s sake, but it provides him a ready excuse not to admit that he enjoys aspects of his changeling lifestyle. He doesn’t want to admit to himself or to anyone else what he would choose. So, if it ever occurred to him, having agency in his life and nature would be his greatest fear. Once it’s your choice, it’s your fault, too.
2) What is your character’s favorite memory?He hasn’t got a lot of them! For him, it feels like he’s been employed (as it were) by the fae for about 5ish years, though it’s hard to tell with wonky time. He has blurry memories of trying to hold on to his memories of a life before that, and he thinks he was a part of something larger than himself then, but he doesn’t know what the fuck that was. So essentially, even though he’s existed for more than a thousand years, he’s a little over 5 years old. Grown-assed adult, but only 5 years of experience and the rest is all muscle memory.
His very favorite memory is the first time (that he remembers) that he made a friend on the Prime Material Plane. Back then the fae were better known and people knew they stole children for changelings, so he wasn’t trusted by anyone who could recognize him for what he was, though he was sometimes pitied. People would leave food offerings for the fae in return for blessings, or for the absence of curses. Pizza bard would sometimes pick these up because, hey, they’re for him, right? And there was this one bakery that left this particular kind of scone that almost didn’t taste like ash to him. No mortal food he ate had any flavor, but these scones almost did. He came back as often as he possibly could, sometimes he’d just drop by innocuously before they’d even had the chance to replace the previous offering (sometimes they had things other than scones and he was very put out by this).
One of the bakers became aware of his presence, and they were clairvoyant or cast a detect spell or something, or they just thought he was homeless and kept letting him eat their scones. He’d come by for food and he’d see someone out of the corner of his eye and it’s the baker, right there, seeing him. He’d grab his food and bolt. Next day, repeat.
One day the baker left a whole bag of scones, fresh baked and still steaming, right there for him, and he was so taken aback that he hesitated for a moment. He wanted to pay them back. So he performed his very first blessing on the bakery. He wasn’t good at it then and he’s still not now (I’m saying bardic inspiration/buffs are a blessing though, so he’s a little better at small-scale temporary stuff), but MDB noticed and gave him a hand and he was able to ensure that the family of the baker would never be cold or hungry. Heat stroke and poverty are still a concern but, you know, whatever. Not bad for a first time. Besides, he can’t do everything for them.
While he was doing that, the baker had gotten closer. He was just about ready to jump out of his skin and get out of there bc he’d been banished precisely once and that was enough for him, thanks, but they introduced themself and he had to tell them that they shouldn’t just give out their name like that, and then he was introducing himself as best he could, and then they were asking about the new recipe and it would be really awkward and rude to just leave, and before he knew it he’d made a friend.
The bakery is still in existence. He doesn’t visit often because the parts of it he loved are gone, but he likes that it still exists.
3) What is your character’s least favorite memory?Household initiation. It’s his earliest memory and his worst. He started out as a mortal of some sort, he likes to think he was pretty ordinary (how the fuck did you get to the Feywild and attract the attention of a faerie as an ordinary dude, sir), and household initiation just bent him out of shape and sanity and warped him until he was no longer what he had been. He doesn’t remember what that identity was, but he remembers the horror of losing it, and that it was slow enough that he could see it happening as it did but he couldn’t prevent it. He has a distinct memory of swearing to himself that he wouldn’t forget something, he thinks maybe his name or something he wanted to come home to or something but maybe it was the fucking alphabet, he doesn’t know (he doesn’t remember the alphabet either. he can read fine but he doesn’t know what order the letters go in or the names of like half of them). Anyway, it was awful and excruciating and the fae view it as the greatest possible gift to award a mortal, and as much as he may enjoy parts of his life as a changeling, 0/10 would not recommend the changing process. There’s a reason they only take kids.
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impracticaldemon · 7 years
Tagged ~ Twenty Questions
I’m briefly resurfacing from a combination of writing and gaming.
Thank you to @kawaii-ash for tagging me, and apologies to @kurokiorya who tagged me in something similar ages ago that I don’t think I ever fully answered.
Rules: Answer the twenty questions and tag some people.  Alrighty then!
Name: Lost to the depths of time.  Apparently “The Doctor” is already taken, so I’l go with “Imp”.  My two online names of any note are Impracticaldemon (ImpracticalOni) and Impracticalmagic.  Which is odd, because (other than with plushies) I’m really quite practical.
Nickname: Little Demon, Chibi Oni, Oni-Author-sama
Birthday: November 15 (the “Ides of November”)
Zodiac Sign: Scorpio
Height: 5′2" (”Shorty” is not a nickname I endorse, but it has been used.)
Orientation:  To the best of my knowledge, straight/hetero-sexual/romantic 
Nationality: Canadian 
Favorite Fruit: Wild blueberries
Season: Autumn/Fall (the later part, after it stops being randomly hot)
Favorite Flower: I have a soft spot for Forget-me-nots, even though they’re “just” a wildflower.  The fragrance of honeysuckle and lilac.  The elegance of irises. Giant white chrysanthemums because they remind me of my mum.  Truthfully, I’m a sucker for nice flowers, although it’s taken a long time to realize it.  Roses are wonderful too.  Oh, and blue hydrangeas - they’re just cool.
Favorite Book: I have read and cherished many books, but I must admit that I’ve re-read the second book in Anne McCaffery’s Harper Hall trilogy more times than I can count. The early Anne of Green Gables books (the first two especially), will always be close friends.  Pride and Prejudice.  The very first Harry Potter (there’s nothing quite like the first book of a really good “magical world” series). Good Omens (Neil Diamond/Terry Practchett) is wild but amazing (highly recommended if you enjoy imaginative, intelligent religious satire and a really good story).  Georgette Heyer’s Frederica (regency romance with some of the best humour I’ve ever read).
Coffee/Tea/Hot Cocoa: Green tea (with lemon), English Breakfast tea, chamonile/peppermint tea, and hot chocolate.  Not coffee.
Average sleep hours: It varies from 0 to about 6-7, with very occasional days where I’m unconscious for 10 hours trying to catch up.
Cat or Dog: I prefer plushies.  I realize that makes me evil (the good guys always love cats and/or dogs), but somehow I’m not wired to love pets the way everybody else does.  This is one of my guiltiest secrets, and now you all know. 
Favorite fictional character:  At the moment, probably Saitou Hajime (Haku).  I’ve read an awful lot of books, though (not to mention all the PC and video games with wonderful characters), so I have a lot of "favourites”.  The person I wanted to be growing up was Anne from Anne of Green Gables - but I’m not.  I’m just not a “free spirit” like she is.  My absolute favourite character in the Marvel/DC universes was J’onn J’onnz (Martian Manhunter).  Talk about picking the most obscure of the original Justice League!  I’m a fan of Hermione Granger - oh, and Minerva McGonnagall.  ...and on and on...
Blog created: August 2016.
Hobbies: Playing otome games, playing various PC games (4X and RPGs, but also some puzzle and time-management games), writing, reading, tumblr.  These days mostly writing.
Top 3 Favorite Otome Games: That’s a surprisingly specific question.  Haku.ouki.  Probably Amnesia, despite it’s flaws--it’s the game that got me hooked in the first place.  After that I’d have to review the list of games I’ve played to make a decent choice.  I haven’t played any of the Voltage games or MysMe.  Honestly, Code Realize is probably #3 right now, but there are some very good independent otome games out there at the moment.
Fictional place you want to visit: Probably lots of places, but  right now I’m drawing a blank.  Something like Diagon Alley would be neat, but honestly, going to a Star Trek Next Generation type of future also  appeals.  So many of the places I want to visit would be dangerous or compel me to wear uncomfortable clothes.
Top 3 countries you want to visit: 1. I want to go back to the UK (I loved England, Scotland and Wales when I was there). 2. Ireland (I never got to see it).  3. I’d love to see northern Europe.
NOTE:  I’d like to go to Japan and Egypt and China and many other places with incredible historical potential.  However, I’m allergic to sun and heat.  So I’d have to find a way to go when it’s cold (more feasible for Japan and China, probably).
Top 3 favorite songs:  Sorry, I’m just kind of burned out and I love music but I’m horrible with song and artist names.  At any given time it could be some 80s stuff, or something new I happened to like from an AMV, or a song from a musical (Disney or Gilbert & Sullivan, who knows?!).  My musical taste is eclectic, to put it mildly.
I usually tag people, but today I’m feeling rebellious, so no tags!
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imapplied · 6 years
How to: Add and improve related products in WooCommerce
WooCommerce is an exceptionally powerful, customisable retail CMS plugin for WordPress.
As it’s WordPress, some organisations tend to reject it in favour of more complex platforms like Magento. While that’s probably a better choice for larger enterprise retailers, you’d be surprised by how much WooCommerce has to offer, especially for start-up retailers.
With that said, Woo naturally has some limitations. One of them is the native related products functionality. The default “Related” product recommendations work by tag or category and are a function of a simple match. You can exert more control by creating “Upsells” but these require manual configuration in the product CMS.
While Upsells are a really nice way to make better product recommendations, setting them up can take a long time for a site with 2,000 products!
Despite WordPress having lots of related posts plugins available, I’m still yet to find a related products plugin for Woo that works the way I want it, so I came up with a process to create a related products table that you can upload directly into WooCommerce’s upsells feature.
Of course, this is a process that can be modified to your own tastes. You need to be able to export and import data into WooCommerce (we use WP All Export and WP All Import) and you need to have the Fuzzy Lookup Add-In for Excel installed.
With this process you could:
Make better recommendations based on product views and purchases
Perform product matches by attributes not featured in Tags or Category names
Avoid the use of post tags altogether
Combine external data sources, like SEMrush to order matches by search demand (see a post on a related topic here)
Put simply, you can build your own product recommendations model using all sorts of attributes normally reserved for very powerful, enterprise systems.
Minor caveat: as with all home brewed methodologies the results aren’t always perfect and it’s, therefore, wise to have a few iterations until you’re happy with the results. Also, it’s easy to keep on plodding along for too long, with the spectre of diminishing returns fatiguing your efforts.
For me, as long as the product recommendations kind of make sense and you’re saving time in the process, that’s a win. I particularly like anything that improves my internal links in sync with search volumes. Have a think about ideas like that while you’re soaking up this methodology:
Here’s how I create a related products table that is importable into WooCommerce.
Export the data with WP All Export
First, we need some product data to work with. Head to WP All Export and select Specific Post Type. In the drop-down, find “WooCommerce Products”. Then in the options below, click the Customise Export button.
When you customise your export, you perhaps don’t need every attribute in the CSV. I have a preset export template that looks a little like this:
The main data points I tend to always use are short, text-based descriptors such as title, tags, colour and category.
By the way, don’t be greedy. If you use the actual product description for the fuzzy matching process below, you’ll quickly run out of power. There are too many characters for Fuzzy match to be able to handle.
Download your data and open Excel.
Processing the data in Excel with Fuzzy Lookup
Firstly, create an Excel file. Mine’s called “Playground with transpose” it’s an exciting and appropriate name because I’m going to be creating a macro to do a bit of clever transposing later on.
For now, here are the important details:
I’ve created two identical data tables on Worksheet A and Worksheet B (highlighted in blue), sorted in opposite order by ID value (highlighted in Green).
Why two tables? Fuzzy match works from two tables and in a linear fashion, so I believe that having two tables in reverse order of each other will allow the tool to deliver a good breadth of matches. I could be wrong about the linearity; it’s just a hunch but seems to work well. You could also sort by page views or order volume as a measure of popularity. This is where data from external sources could add an awful lot of value to the results!
I’ve named each table very imaginatively as TableA and TableB (highlighted in red).
Next, I’m going to head to the Fuzzy Lookup tab. Make sure it’s installed, create a new tab (I’ve called mine “Fuzzy”) and click the Fuzzy Toolbar button.
You need to think about the data points you match on and in what order. This is very definitely a place for trial and error.
In my example, I’m going to match by Product Category, then Brand for simplicity. You could match by Colour and Product Title (or lots of unique combinations). It’s just something that would be unique to the type of products you have.
I deselect most output columns for my production data as you’ll end up with duplicates – but make sure you’re keeping what you need and don’t be scared to throw away the results and try something new.
Save your spreadsheet! When you click “Go” you’ll immediately wish you had as Excel will look like it’s crashed and your laptop cooling fan will spin up:
After a bit of time, you end up with a result. I have to admit – 12 related matches on two match columns was too much for my little i7 processor to handle, so I switched down to 8.
Naturally, it’s important to check you’re happy with the outcome and re-run the process if not. There are lots of different ways you can match products to similar products and lots of ways to sort the match order (sales volume, view count and so on), so don’t just settle for the first result!
Prepare the data for upload
For this next step, you need to copy the product ID list from the left and the product ID list from the right into a new table:
ID MATCH ID 1234 456 1234 457 1234 458 1234 1234
It’ll look something like what’s above, only longer.
Once you’ve created your table, you’ll see the problem. It’s a 2 column table with many duplicates in the left-hand column and some duplicates in the right. Duplicates between the left and right columns would mean your related products would recommend themselves, so best to clean that up. Managing the duplicates in this way is easy, you can just use =EXACT() to find them and delete.
Transpose the data into columns
When you’re done, we still have the problem of many duplicate IDs in the left hand column, so we need to transpose the duplicate rows in to columns in Excel. This handy VBA Macro from KuTools is an absolute lifesaver:
Sub ConvertTable() ‘Update 20150113 Dim xArr1 As Variant Dim xArr2 As Variant Dim InputRng As Range, OutRng As Range Dim xRows As Long xTitleId = “KutoolsforExcel” Set InputRng = Application.Selection Set InputRng = Application.InputBox(“Range :”, xTitleId, InputRng.Address, Type:=8) Set OutRng = Application.InputBox(“Out put to (single cell):”, xTitleId, Type:=8) Set OutRng = OutRng.Range(“A1”) xArr1 = InputRng.Value t = UBound(xArr1, 2): xRows = 1 With CreateObject(“Scripting.Dictionary”) .CompareMode = 1 For i = 2 To UBound(xArr1, 1) If Not .exists(xArr1(i, 1)) Then xRows = xRows + 1: .Item(xArr1(i, 1)) = VBA.Array(xRows, t) For ii = 1 To t xArr1(xRows, ii) = xArr1(i, ii) Next Else xArr2 = .Item(xArr1(i, 1)) If UBound(xArr1, 2) < xArr2(1) + t – 1 Then ReDim Preserve xArr1(1 To UBound(xArr1, 1), 1 To xArr2(1) + t – 1) For ii = 2 To t xArr1(1, xArr2(1) + ii – 1) = xArr1(1, ii) Next End If For ii = 2 To t xArr1(xArr2(0), xArr2(1) + ii – 1) = xArr1(i, ii) Next xArr2(1) = xArr2(1) + t – 1: .Item(xArr1(i, 1)) = xArr2 End If Next End With OutRng.Resize(xRows, UBound(xArr1, 2)).Value = xArr1 End Sub
Sub ConvertTable()
‘Update 20150113
Dim xArr1 As Variant
Dim xArr2 As Variant
Dim InputRng As Range, OutRng As Range
Dim xRows As Long
xTitleId = “KutoolsforExcel”
Set InputRng = Application.Selection
Set InputRng = Application.InputBox(“Range :”, xTitleId, InputRng.Address, Type:=8)
Set OutRng = Application.InputBox(“Out put to (single cell):”, xTitleId, Type:=8)
Set OutRng = OutRng.Range(“A1”)
xArr1 = InputRng.Value
t = UBound(xArr1, 2): xRows = 1
With CreateObject(“Scripting.Dictionary”)
    .CompareMode = 1
    For i = 2 To UBound(xArr1, 1)
        If Not .exists(xArr1(i, 1)) Then
            xRows = xRows + 1: .Item(xArr1(i, 1)) = VBA.Array(xRows, t)
            For ii = 1 To t
                xArr1(xRows, ii) = xArr1(i, ii)
            xArr2 = .Item(xArr1(i, 1))
            If UBound(xArr1, 2) < xArr2(1) + t – 1 Then
                ReDim Preserve xArr1(1 To UBound(xArr1, 1), 1 To xArr2(1) + t – 1)
                For ii = 2 To t
                    xArr1(1, xArr2(1) + ii – 1) = xArr1(1, ii)
            End If
            For ii = 2 To t
                xArr1(xArr2(0), xArr2(1) + ii – 1) = xArr1(i, ii)
            xArr2(1) = xArr2(1) + t – 1: .Item(xArr1(i, 1)) = xArr2
        End If
End With
OutRng.Resize(xRows, UBound(xArr1, 2)).Value = xArr1
End Sub
To create a Macro, copy this code and head to View > Macros. Give it a name, “TransposeUnique” and click “Create”. Paste the code into the Macro editor and save it.
Then, press the F5 key to run the Macro or head back to View > Macros, select your new Macro and click “Run”.
Once the Macro has run, your table is ready! I copy the results to a new tab and then save that as a csv file:
Upload into WooCommerce
I mentioned we use WP All Export for the exporting process and funnily enough, we use WP All Import for the import process! I created a step by step to upload your CSV file once it’s ready. Happy uploading!
Upload your CSV Data:
2. Check that the import data looks right before you proceed:
3. Map data to import with the WooCommerce add-on:
4. Being sure to add all variables for each ID:
5. Match your products with cross-sell products (using the parent ID in this case):
6. Choose which product data to update (only cross-sell data):
From there, run the update and let the process complete before you check the pages are updated.
As I’ve mentioned several times, I’d strongly recommend you try a few iterations of this process to suit your own needs. This article is very much a prototype – in fact, the process changed for me while I was writing this article!
I do think, though, that there’s an opportunity to include data from external sources to drastically improve your related product targeting, particularly from an SEO standpoint. Have fun experimenting with that!
Source link
from https://www.imapplied.co.za/seo/how-to-add-and-improve-related-products-in-woocommerce/
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