#Teachers must have a positive attitude with the use of technology to students
joyceaila · 2 years
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Personalised Learning Routes: Adapting Education to Specific Requirements
 In the heterogeneous educational environment of today, a one-size-fits-all strategy frequently fails to fulfil the demands of every student. Personalised learning pathways are becoming a game-changing option that provide a more efficient and tailored education. Here's a closer look at customised learning routes and their significance.
Personalise Learning Paths: What Are They?
Personalise learning paths are specialise lesson plans created to cater to each student's particular requirements, interests, and strengths. Personalised learning is different from traditional approaches in that it adjusts to the unique pace, learning style, and academic goals of each student. To make sure that every student gets the most out of this strategy, a combination of tailored lesson plans, focused resources, and adaptable technology may be Used.
Personalised Learning Paths' Benefits
1. Enhanced Engagement: Students are likely to be inspired and intrigued when they work on topics they find interesting or at a pace that fits their learning style. A more positive attitude towards learning and improved academic performance can result from this greater engagement.
2. Better Understanding: Students can go deeper into subjects at their own pace thanks to personalised learning. Since students have more time and resources to fully grasp concepts before moving on, this might result in a stronger understanding of the material.
3. Addressing Learning Gaps: Teachers can more quickly find and fill in knowledge gaps in students when they use personalised learning. Customised instruction lowers the chance of falling behind by ensuring that these gaps are addressed.
4. Building Independence : Students are encouraged to take charge of their education through personalised learning. Through goal-setting and self-direction, kids acquire critical abilities such as self-control and autonomous problem-solving.
5. Support for Diverse: Needs: pupils with learning difficulties, gifted pupils, and those in need of extra help are all catered to through personalised learning pathways. This inclusiveness guarantees every student the chance to be successful.
Mapping the Custom Courses for Learning Solutions
Several essential elements must be present for personalised learning routes to be implemented effectively:Several essential elements must be present for personalised learning routes to be implemented effectively:
Assessment and Data: Teachers can improve the observation of each student’s abilities, as well as limitations and progress, when performing tests frequently and collecting information. I believe having this data is a necessity to devise and alter learning programs regarding a learner.
Adaptable Curriculum: Teachers can be able to provide the necessary products that will help each child depending on the type of curriculum that is in practice. This could be tools and other materials for education, equipment and other unique ways of testing students.
Technology Integration: With the generation of individual content and track feedback given to student, educations technology including online content help in personalised learning.
Ongoing Support: Everyone who is a teacher, tutor or a mentor guides and helps the students when they feel lost or do not know which path to follow in becoming independent learners.
Learning intervention refers to the learning mechanism which means that the process of learning has become personalised, and this is a shift in education from traditional method of learning. Besides a love for learning, this method addresses the needs of every learner and preference, thereby enhancing their academic performance. Over time, tailored learning will have to become an imperative as education continues advancing.
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kevincamargo · 3 months
Why Online Homework and Assignments Are Important for Students
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The educational landscape is changing quickly in the digital age, and online homework and assignments are now an essential part of the curriculum. Numerous advantages provided by these digital tools improve student learning and engagement. Here are some reasons why students should value their online homework and assignments.
The Importance of Online Homework and Assignments
Enhances Learning Flexibility
The flexibility that comes with doing schoolwork online is one of its main benefits. With the flexibility to access assignments from anywhere at any time, students may study at their own speed. This adaptability makes education more accessible by accommodating various schedules and learning styles.
Encourages Self-Discipline
Students who do online assignments must be capable of time management and learning accountability. Self-discipline and independence are fostered by this self-directed approach, and these are critical abilities for both personal and academic success.
Provides Immediate Feedback
Numerous online resources offer rapid feedback on assignments, enabling students to recognize their errors and take immediate corrective action. To improve academic achievement and reinforce learning, this real-time input is essential.
Facilitates Personalized Learning
Online assignments can be customized to each student's needs. To create a more individualized learning experience, teachers might assign various assignments depending on the strengths and limitations of their pupils. This personalization aids in closing learning gaps and fostering growth on the whole.
Enhances Technological Proficiency
The inclusion of online assignments in the curriculum aids in the development of critical technology skills in the pupils. Acquaintance with online tools and platforms helps students prepare for future issues in the classroom and in the workplace, as digital literacy becomes more and more crucial in today's world.
Promotes Collaboration
Students are encouraged to collaborate on many online assignment venues. Through group projects and discussion boards, students can collaborate, exchange ideas, and gain knowledge from one another. This cooperative method improves teamwork and communication abilities.
How to Effectively Use Online Homework and Assignments
Choose the Right Platform
Choose an online learning environment that supports your objectives and is easy for teachers and students to use. A great option that provides a full range of capabilities for tracking and organizing assignments is Class Connect Pro. It is simple to include in any educational environment thanks to its comprehensive features and user-friendly design.
Set Clear Expectations
Give each assignment's goals and due dates a clear explanation. Giving pupils clear guidelines and expectations makes it easier for them to know what is expected of them. Students keep on course and confusion is decreased by this clarity.
Monitor Progress
Make sure to regularly assess pupils' progress and offer helpful criticism. By keeping an eye on things, educators can spot potential problem areas in their kids and provide more assistance. It also supports continuous effort and accountability maintenance.
Encourage Engagement
Use multimedia components like films, interactive tests, and virtual labs to add interest to your online assignments. These interesting components keep students interested and motivated while also making studying more fun.
Provide Support
Make certain that students have access to the tools and assistance they need to do their tasks. This entails supplying further learning resources as required, responding to inquiries, and providing technical support.
Foster a Positive Attitude
By stressing the advantages of online schoolwork and answering any worries pupils may have, you can help them adopt a positive outlook on it. Students may be encouraged to adopt this digital strategy by highlighting the importance of these tasks in augmenting their educational journey.
Modern education would be incomplete without online homework and assignments, which provide flexibility, individualized instruction, and technological skills. Teachers can make the most of online assignments by selecting the appropriate platform, developing a positive attitude, monitoring progress, defining clear objectives, and encouraging involvement.
Not only does assigning online homework help children perform better academically, but it also gives them the tools they need to succeed in the digital world. Online assignments have the power to completely change the learning process, making it more engaging, dynamic, and productive when used properly.
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The Power of Lifelong Learning: Fostering a Growth Mindset in Education
In today's rapidly changing world, the notion of education extends far beyond the walls of traditional classrooms and the confines of formal schooling. Lifelong learning, characterized by a continuous pursuit of knowledge and skill development throughout one's life, has become increasingly essential for personal growth, career advancement, and societal progress. At the heart of this lifelong learning journey lies the concept of a growth mindset – a belief that intelligence and abilities can be developed through dedication, effort, and perseverance.
Growth mindset theory, popularized by psychologist Carol Dweck, emphasizes the importance of cultivating a positive attitude toward learning and embracing challenges as opportunities for growth. In education, fostering a growth mindset among students can have profound effects on their academic achievement, motivation, and overall well-being.
One of the key principles of nurturing a growth mindset in education is reframing failure as a natural part of the learning process rather than a sign of incompetence. When students understand that setbacks and mistakes are valuable learning experiences, they become more resilient and adaptable in the face of challenges. Teachers play a crucial role in creating a supportive learning environment where students feel comfortable taking risks, seeking feedback, and persisting in the face of obstacles.
Moreover, integrating growth mindset principles into classroom practices can enhance students' intrinsic motivation and engagement with learning. By emphasizing the importance of effort and hard work in achieving success, educators can inspire students to adopt a proactive approach to their own learning journey. Encouraging a growth mindset not only boosts academic performance but also nurtures essential life skills such as problem-solving, critical thinking, and self-regulation.
Furthermore, the benefits of a growth mindset extend beyond the classroom and into the realm of lifelong learning. In today's knowledge-based economy, individuals must continuously adapt to evolving technologies, industries, and job markets. Embracing a growth mindset empowers individuals to embrace new challenges, acquire new skills, and pursue lifelong learning opportunities with enthusiasm and confidence.
As educators, parents, and lifelong learners, we must recognize the transformative power of a growth mindset in shaping the future of education and society as a whole. By instilling a belief in the potential for growth and development in ourselves and others, we can cultivate a culture of lifelong learning that celebrates curiosity, resilience, and the pursuit of excellence.
In conclusion, fostering a growth mindset in education is not just about achieving academic success; it's about empowering individuals to thrive in an ever-changing world. By embracing challenges, embracing failures, and embracing the journey of continuous learning, we can unlock our full potential and inspire others to do the same. Let us commit ourselves to nurturing a culture of growth mindset in education and beyond, laying the foundation for a brighter and more prosperous future for generations to come.
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carolemugaisi · 11 months
Digital Literacy and Technology in Early Education with Carole Mugaisi - The Role of Pre-K and Kindergarten Teachers
Carole Mugaisi
In the swiftly changing modern world, mastering digital literacy is now essential, even at the earliest stages of education. The infusion of technology into learning has set forth new possibilities and hurdles alike for educators and learners. This text probes into how Pre-K and Kindergarten teachers like Carole Mugaisi cultivate digital literacy in their young pupils, all while avoiding complex numerical concepts or the use of colon punctuation.
Carole Mugaisi
Early education, encompassing Pre-K and Kindergarten, is a critical foundation for a child's cognitive and social development. Teachers in these formative years play a pivotal role in shaping students' attitudes towards technology and building their digital literacy skills. These educators introduce young learners to the world of screens, devices, and the internet while instilling values of responsible usage and online safety.
In recent years, the integration of technology into the early education curriculum has become increasingly prevalent. Digital tools and resources, when used effectively, can enhance the learning experience for young children. They provide a dynamic and interactive approach that complements traditional teaching methods.
However, incorporating technology into Pre-K and Kindergarten classrooms is not without its unique complications. Educators such as Carole Mugaisi are tasked with the dual responsibility of conveying academic material and guiding their students in the ethical use of digital tools. This commitment becomes even more critical in our era, where the prevalence of technology is rapidly expanding.
Pre-K and Kindergarten teachers must carefully select age-appropriate digital resources. These should be engaging and educational, encouraging the development of essential skills such as critical thinking, problem-solving, and creativity. Moreover, they should be vigilant in monitoring the children's screen time to prevent excessive exposure.
A crucial aspect of fostering digital literacy in young learners is helping them develop essential digital skills. Teachers should aim to equip children with the ability to navigate digital interfaces, utilize age-appropriate software, and understand the basics of internet safety. While this may sound complex, Pre-K and Kindergarten educators often employ imaginative and play-based methods to teach these skills.
Integrating technology into early childhood education doesn't mean substituting conventional toys and activities. Instead, it entails using digital tools to augment learning. For example, kindergarten educators, such as Carole Mugaisi, can incorporate digital storytelling applications or interactive learning games into their curriculum. These methods enrich the learning experience and promote a positive perception of technology amongst young learners.
Beyond the practical skills, early education teachers have a critical role in instilling responsible online behavior. This involves teaching children about privacy, the dangers of oversharing personal information, and the importance of reporting any uncomfortable online encounters. Such lessons are pivotal in the digital age where young children have increasing access to the internet.
Pre-K and Kindergarten educators are well aware of the need for a balanced approach when introducing technology into the classroom. It's essential to strike a harmonious equilibrium between screen time and other types of activities. While digital tools can be a valuable resource, they should never overshadow the significance of in-person interactions and hands-on learning.
One of the challenges that Pre-K and Kindergarten teachers face is keeping up with the rapid pace of technological advancement. In a world where technology is continually evolving, educators must be adaptable and willing to learn alongside their students. Professional development programs can be invaluable in keeping teachers updated on the latest educational technologies and methodologies.
Additionally, collaboration among educators is crucial. Sharing experiences, strategies, and resources can help in the collective effort to enhance digital literacy among early learners. Peer support can be particularly effective in identifying the most effective digital resources and teaching methods for this age group.
Parents, too, play an integral role in supporting digital literacy in early education. By actively engaging with Pre-K and Kindergarten teachers, parents can foster a collaborative approach to technology usage that ensures a consistent and effective learning experience for children. Regular communication between parents and educators is vital, as it allows for the establishment of common guidelines and expectations, promoting a healthy and balanced use of technology in children's lives. Through this partnership, parents and educators can empower children to navigate the digital landscape responsibly and maximize the benefits of technology in their educational journey.
As digital devices become a more commonplace tool in early education, understanding potential drawbacks is essential. Educators, like Carole Mugaisi, and parents need to be aware of the hazards associated with excessive screen time, which can encourage sedentary behaviors and health complications among children. Addressing this issue calls for a cooperative strategy to encourage physical movement and a balanced use of technology.
While this thought-provoking article refrains from presenting a mere laundry list of statistics or structured bullet points, it emphasizes the vital importance of digital literacy in early education. Recognizing that children's development hinges upon this critical component, the article sheds light on the pivotal role of Pre-K and Kindergarten teachers. These educators are at the forefront of a transformative journey, guiding young minds through the intricate maze of technology. By imparting essential skills and knowledge, they ensure that children emerge with the ability to navigate the digital world responsibly and thrive in an increasingly interconnected society.
In a world increasingly dominated by technology, the contributions of educators in early childhood education cannot be understated. They play an essential role in paving the way for our next generation's digital literacy, delicately balancing the use of technology and conventional teaching methods. Pre-K and Kindergarten teachers like Carole Mugaisi embrace this challenge, thoughtfully integrating technology into their classrooms. They foster crucial digital skills while also promoting responsible online behavior, all the while ensuring that screen time remains balanced. Their collaboration with parents further underscores their efforts. As they navigate this digital era, they are shaping future citizens who are conscientious and digitally proficient.
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kusnorio · 11 months
Welcome the Pandemic era with a positive attitude and significant change
Welcome the Pandemic era with a positive attitude and significant change
Pandemi Covid-19 has drastically changed the world and forced us to adapt to situations that had never been thought of before. Although the current conditions may cause a lot of anxiety and uncertainty, it is important for us to be able to welcome this Pandemic era with a positive attitude and significant change. In this article, we will discuss why positive attitudes and changes are the key to dealing with this pandemic, as well as the steps we can take to apply it. I. The importance of a positive attitude in dealing with Pandemi 1. Overcoming stress and anxiety Fast and unexpected changes that occur during pandemic can cause significant stress and anxiety. By having a positive attitude, we can overcome this stress better and maintain our mental health. 2. Improve the quality of life A positive attitude can help us see the good side of every situation, even in difficult conditions. By looking at the positive side, we can improve the quality of our lives and undergo this pandemic happier. 3. Encourage creativity and innovation This pandemic has forced us to think outside the box and find new solutions to overcome the challenges. By having a positive attitude, we can encourage creativity and innovation in finding effective solutions. II. Significant changes in dealing with pandemics 1. Changes in lifestyle This pandemic has forced us to make significant changes in our lifestyle. For example, many people turn to work from home (work from home) and avoid activities that involve the crowd. This change requires our adaptation and flexibility. 2. Changes in education and learning Schools and universities around the world are forced to switch to long distance learning (online learning) during this pandemic. This change requires teachers and students to adapt to new technology and learning methods. 3. Changes in Industry and Economics Many industries have experienced significant changes during this pandemic. For example, the tourism and hospitality industry faces big challenges due to a decline in the number of tourists. On the other hand, the technology and e-commerce industry experienced rapid growth. This change requires strategic planning and fast business adaptation. III. Steps to apply positive attitudes and significant changes 1. Change mindset The first step in adopting a positive attitude is to change our mindset. Start seeing every problem as an opportunity to learn and develop, rather than as an obstacle that is not resolved. 2. Looking for social support In dealing with this pandemic, it is important for us to seek social support. Sharing experiences and feelings with friends, family, or support groups can help us feel more connected and have a sense of mutual support. 3. Be flexible and adaptive This pandemic continues to grow, and we must be prepared to face the changes that occur. Being flexible and adaptive will help us overcome challenges that might arise and find effective solutions. 4. Developing new skills In dealing with significant changes during this pandemic, it is important for us to develop new skills that are relevant to the current situation. For example, we can learn new technology skills or hone online communication skills. IV. Conclusion Although Pandemi Covid-19 has brought many difficult challenges and changes, it is important for us to welcome this Pandemic era with a positive attitude and significant change. By having a positive attitude, we can overcome stress and anxiety, improve the quality of life, and encourage creativity and innovation. In addition, by adopting significant changes in life, education, and industry, we can face this pandemic better. By changing the mindset, seeking social support, being flexible and adaptive, and developing new skills, we can face this pandemic with strong beliefs and abilities.
Check more: Welcoming the Pandemic era with a positive attitude and significant changes
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pooma-education · 1 year
Discussion mode:
Questions to discuss
i) What modern trends in education are baffling you? Why?
ii) How do you think students will remember you and your class after they complete their schooling?
(Nahid Raza, Leena Rai, Dr. Sekar Srinivasan,
Swetha Srivastava, Dr. Jemi Sudhakar)
▪️Nahid Raza: Education system is established and has started delivering. We need to understand how we could catch literacy first and creativity side by side. We need to make our students happy. We need to create a curriculum that is interesting. The trends that baffle today include monotony in the class, even in this era of digitalization. We need to create a community of students who take responsibility for their own learning. We have to make them autonomous learners. They could become inquisitive.
Listening to children, making them autonomous, and making them problem solvers will help the educators be remembered and respected. Importance needs to be given to children. They must feel wiser and better in the presence of the educator.
Language development in early education could be crucial. But before we move towards the cognitive development of a child, we must ensure that they are cared for, loved, and responded to. Please understand child psychology. Education should not be traumatic. It should be easy, incremental, and advancing. We must not forget the child while transforming them into human capital. The child must be facilitated socially too.
Sweet experiences with educators shall never be forgotten.
If we think we are teaching legends, they will become one. Arithmetic is ruthlessly easy, isn't it ?
Before teaching, we ought to align the values of the taught. Before we teach, we should establish communication. Before we communicate, we should connect. Classroom outcomes will be limitless.
▪️Dr Sekar Srinivasan: Usage of more technology-oriented gadgets is mainly baffling. Students are more conversant and skillful. If I can make them think without just spoonfeeding them with knowledge, they will remember us lifelong. Our influx of positive and confidence-building measures are liked by the students most. They actually need an intellectual companion who could be relied upon personally for overcoming conflicts.
▪️Swetha Srivastava: Modern teachers' selection is also not right; only marks of the teachers should not be the criteria for good teaching. A university topper will not necessarily be the best teacher; no one can give a guarantee.
▪️Dr. Jemi: Focusing on Enduring Understanding will keep our learners remembering us forever. "Enduring understanding" sounds appealing, along with traditional terminology such as "mastery" of the material. Teaching with objectives short-circuits unforeseen benefits. Backward design clarifies the content and connections for both teachers and students.
It's the nature of backward design to "make the connections explicit for the students," but it also benefits the teacher by providing a tool for coherent thinking. Backward design encourages explicit connections, unlike implicit textbook organization. Backward design is a technique for teachers and students to learn from.
▪️Azeez: Students will remember two types of adults in their lives: charismatic and caring. Having a strong person in their life who supports them, whether charismatic or caring, plays a big role in students' lives.
It's true that students remember teachers who support them and guide them with a caring attitude. However, teaching them something for life that makes them capable human beings and citizens is equally important. Dependency might hinder their preparation for life, so we need to support, guide, and care for them appropriately.
▪️Leader. Leena: Not exactly baffling but a thing to ponder over: Why people forget their roots and culture in the realm of digitization? Dependency on apps and technology is limiting physical connections. Even though virtual labs are creative, they abolish hands-on experience and critical thinking. People opt for easy solutions like CHAT GPT, but what about developing cognitive abilities?
Impressions on students are everlasting. To make them remember you, be there for their problems, provide solutions, teach them life skills, encourage cooperative behavior, instill culture, expose them to the world, listen to them, and appreciate their efforts.
What is baffling the most is the corruption permeating deep into the educational arena, uneducated people in higher positions, corporatization, and the greed for unacceptable favors within the education system.
What is baffling me❓
The recruitment process of Principal at some places:
√ The interview is conducted and the previous Principal sits in the panel and that too the lesser experienced
√ The questionnaire is googled up and enquiring like if a fresher is sitting in front instead of credentials mentioned in CV speak for themselves
√ The eye catching phrases for no of rounds are uselessly created to show that you are appearing for UPSC like HR Round Technical Round Virtual Round and last PI
√ The worst part is when a brand conducts virtual rounds through their Montessori head to a subject teacher to an admin for the post of Principal where the management is nowhere in the picture
▪️Roma Narang: Modern trends in education these days are self assessment, self made curriculum by students and ban on teachers as well as principal for any sort of punishment to students is really baffling the educators. It should be considered that students age in school time is not an accurate age to decide or fix everything. They need the support, guidance and benefits of all experienced ones like teachers, principal as well as parents.
Another bothersome point is digitalization which is good for extensive knowledge but there is no way out to limit the use of these smart gadgets. After COVID, smart mobiles are accessible even to small children but there is no constraint on its use which is eliminating moral values and right kind of relationships with each other but no such discipline is found to get back.
Today we need to adopt a teaching with art integration, more practical than theoretical and learning should be experiential and activity based. It should consist of life skills. So that students would atleast remember and love the teachers even after schooling.
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chroniclecloud · 1 year
Chronicle Cloud Enhances Parent Teacher Communication
Communication plays a fundamental role in keeping parents engaged. We must keep motivating parents, grandparents, or caregivers and communicate that their contributions are invaluable to their child's education.
Abrupt phone calls, forgotten emails, and stressful parent-teacher conferences are passé. With EdTech, parent-teacher communication apps, communication between parents and teachers has improved.
Education apps are helping teachers communicate with parents effectively and seamlessly. Adopting a parent-friendly app that creates engagement and transparency is necessary for all educators because parent participation is important in child’s education.
Parents kept in the loop feel empowered, better in control of their children's learning and attainment, are more likely to be engaged and have a better attitude towards the school and the teaching staff. For teachers, having up-to-date knowledge of students' home situations on a week-by-week and sometimes day-to-day basis allows for a better understanding of student's needs and requirements so they can better meet them.
Technology provides instant, practical, and regular communication tools to encourage active engagement between students, teachers, and parents. When parents participate at regular intervals, you will see that you will have to work less on the child because the home conversations will automatically become positive and lead to productive outcomes. The most important thing we must ensure is that we collaborate with parents for the best learning outcomes.
Some apps like Klassly, Thinkwave, Twitter, and a few more help teachers interact with parents. The problem is that these apps address one need and not all. I found one app with the most functional features teachers need to manage their classrooms. It also helped me immensely in connecting with the parents—through the Chronicle Cloud parent-teacher app. The Chronicle Cloud teacher app is the closest to what teachers need to manage their daily classroom tasks and communicate with parents.
A teacher from Oregon who stumbled upon the app could also see the benefit, saying:
"I look forward to using this app with my students and sharing data with parents at conferences. With the photo, video, and audio capabilities, it can make sharing and communication with parents extremely easy."
Besides being a parent-teacher app, Chronicle Cloud is a classroom management app that helps teachers with classroom management
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121-mitu · 1 year
The Role of Technology in Education: Benefits and Challenges
Technology has revolutionized learning and teaching. Discover the benefits and challenges of technology integration in this informative post. Technology has transformed our lives. Technology has opened up new opportunities for students and teachers alike in education. From online learning platforms to interactive whiteboards, technology can enhance learning in many ways. However, there are also challenges to integrating technology into education that must be considered. This post explores the benefits and challenges of technology in the classroom.
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Improved Information Access.
One of the biggest benefits of technology in education is improved access to information. With the internet, students and teachers have access to a vast amount of information on any subject. This allows for more personalized learning experiences, as students can explore topics that interest them, and teachers can provide resources tailored to individual student needs. Furthermore, technology allows for real-time updates and access to current information, keeping students and teachers abreast of the latest developments in their fields.
Technology, especially the internet and digital devices, has revolutionized information access. It has enabled access to vast amounts of data, research, news, and resources from anywhere in the world. By expanding broadband and mobile networks, the availability of information is further enhanced. Open access initiatives aim to provide unrestricted access to scholarly research, academic publications, and other resources. Open data initiatives involve making public datasets freely available for analysis, research, and innovation. These efforts promote collaboration, transparency, and information democratization.
Enhanced Learning Experience.
Technology has greatly enhanced students’ learning experience. Students can engage with the material more dynamically and effectively through interactive tools such as videos, simulations, and games. This can lead to better information retention and a deeper understanding of the subject matter. Additionally, technology allows for more collaborative learning experiences, as students can work together on projects and assignments regardless of their physical location. This can help develop the teamwork and communication skills in the workforce.
Increased Engagement and Collaboration.
One of the biggest benefits of integrating technology into education is the increased engagement and collaboration it allows for. With interactive tools and platforms, students can actively participate in their learning and collaborate with their peers in real-time. This can lead to a more dynamic and engaging learning experience and the development of critical teamwork and communication skills. Moreover, technology can improve collaboration by enabling students to work together on assignments and projects even if they are physically separated.
Personalized learning.
One of the major benefits of technology in education is the ability to customize student learning experiences. With adaptive learning software and personalized learning platforms, students can receive customized instruction based on their needs and learning styles. This can lead to improved academic performance and a more positive attitude towards learning. However, there are also challenges to implementing personalized learning. These challenges include the need for adequate technology infrastructure and training for teachers to use these tools effectively. Digital libraries and online archives store and provide access to vast collections of books, documents, historical records, and multimedia resources. These platforms allow users to explore and retrieve information without physical limitations, expanding access to knowledge.
Challenges of Integrating Technology into Education.
While technology has brought many benefits to education, some challenges come with integrating it into the classroom. One major challenge is adequate technology infrastructure, including reliable internet access and up-to-date devices. Additionally, teachers may need training and support to effectively use technology, which can be time-consuming and costly. There is also concern about over-reliance on technology, which can lead to students needing more critical thinking and problem-solving skills. It is critical to carefully consider and address these challenges to fully realize technology’s potential in education.
Governments, organizations, and institutions play a crucial role in improving access to information. They can implement policies and initiatives that promote transparency, open data, and public access to government records and services. Libraries, educational institutions, and research organizations also contribute by providing resources and services to support information access.
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reddbridgeblogs · 1 year
What is dynamic learning?
Many schools today, aim at not only offering education as per the syllabus but also focusing on the quality of education delivered. Education is different from what it used to be. It is no more restricted to just completing the portions or syllabus. The intent is to create a learning environment for students. A thriving atmosphere where students find a treasure trove of knowledge. Teachers are specially trained to follow instructing modules that have been established through much trial and error. 
Such an established modality is dynamic learning. Dynamic learning is change, activity, and progress. It is purposefully created to fulfil the requirements of all children while challenging them to improve existing abilities, interests, and understandings while also developing new ones. Teachers direct students to flexible learning environments, based on changing student needs and interests.
Inclusion, learning styles, technology, and real-world applications are part of such an environment. It embraces the classroom, school, and community as a whole under the guise of mutual respect and collaboration. In a mutually respectful manner, the teacher encourages pupils to explore and appreciate their originality and personality.
What is dynamic learning?
Learning that is activity-based and intuitive yet through research, followed in the best IB schools in Bangalore. Dynamic learning encourages learning beyond the classroom. The most important is associated with real-world issues. Even the design of assessments involves the consideration of student interests.
Creating learning opportunities outside of the classroom is critical to supporting and improving the learner experience and generating positive educational results for students. Learning in International schools in Bangalore, offering ICSE, IGCSE and IB syllabi is notably rigorous. Consequently, schools have volunteered to improve their teaching methods.
Outside the classroom, spaces can be turned into a learning environment.
What are the other features of dynamic learning?
Technology Equipped Classroom 
The usage of social media for professional purposes is encouraged and promoted.
Students are encouraged to develop knowledge using appropriate technologies. As technology has advanced, the virtual classroom has surpassed the traditional classroom in delivering and interacting with learning content. Teachers use a range of tools to promote inclusiveness. Students can access learning materials and exercises at their speed, seek feedback on their work, and participate in group projects and conversations in and out of the classroom.
2. Project-based Classroom
Project-based techniques encourage active learning by the learner, which helps to build both cognitive and social abilities. Project-based learning engages both the student and the teacher. However, preparing for project-based learning necessitates a shift in instructors’ attitudes and increased effort to construct classrooms and materials accordingly.
            3. Team-Based Learning (TBL) is an educational technique that uses individual testing and group cooperation to activate student knowledge. Following individual responses, students form groups and work through problems, appealing when their answers are incorrect. This technique inspires students by making them accountable to themselves and one another, while also introducing them to a range of thought processes focused on a single subject. 
Kasey Bell, the famous, award-winning international speaker, author, and blogger suggests that a dynamic environment at school must include:
Beyond the bell by instilling in kids a lifelong learning perspective. She emphasises that learning should not stop when the bell sounds; kids should continue studying, interacting, and growing outside of school.
2. Beyond the grade level and topic area by assisting children in discovering passions and interests outside of the mandated curriculum.
3. By giving an ideal exposure to students to the greater world outside of the classroom, students should communicate and cooperate with classmates and subject matter experts from all over the world, as well as share and publish their work for a worldwide audience.
4. Beyond the tools, by employing technology to accomplish more than just traditional activities. Students should instead use digital technologies to transform their learning and take action.
Among the few schools adopting dynamic learning strategies, Redbridge International Academy has not left any opportunity to provide an ideal educational environment. The best  IGCSE, IB and ICSE school in Bangalore teaches students in the best way in an infrastructure that motivates students to achieve their goals and become global-minded citizens. Thus, the school is recognised as the best ICSE and IB international school in Bangalore near Bannerghatta Road. 
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joyce242 · 2 years
ICT competency standards for Philippines pre-service teacher education
Rationalize the indicators
This domain say that teacher must understand the intention of national policies and be able to contribute to the discussion of education. Reform policies and participate in design implementation and division of programs intended to implement these policies.
Teacher must know about complex cognitive thoughts processes known as students learn and understand their difficulties encounter they may have the skills required to support these complex processers.
The role of teachers in this is the oversized modelling learning processes situation in which a student applied their cognitive skills and assist students in their coaching,
Teachers must be able to design ICT based on the knowledge communities and use ICT to support development of student creation skills and their continuous reflective learning
Teachers should be able to placed leadership role in training colleagues and implementing a vision of your school based on innovation continuous learning enriched by ICT
Teachers must have the ability and inclusion to experiment and continuously learn and use ICT to create professional knowledge communities
Teachers must have a positive attitude with the use of technology to students
Performance indicator: Most important for us to do
Domain 1: understanding ICT in education I think this is the most important domain because it gives us awareness of policies affecting ICT in education as a teacher it is important to know what are the positive and negative effects of technology to students.
Performance indicator: Least important for us to do
Domain 3: Pedagogy because not only technology can solve complex problems and support student’s collaborative activities.
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How can teachers' training assist students in advancing their learning?
Have you ever debated with your classmates over which instructor is the best? Did you have a favorite teacher among the others at your school? You would have, for sure, but have you thought about why you respect one teacher more than the others? Each person has their own tastes when it comes to instructors, but what makes the finest teachers is their effectiveness in the classroom.
Students are prepared for the future by qualified teachers using their expertise, instructional methods, and teaching medium. Leading EdTech companies are assisting teachers in their training to conduct effective learning, giving them access to a wider network of mentors and not simply the peers of their school seniors.
Why is training for teachers required?
The solution is straightforward: increase student engagement and teamwork in the classroom so that each student succeeds in whatever endeavor they choose, making their instructors and parents pleased. Trained educators may make the most of EdTech's capabilities, building technical proficiency that will enable them to compete with the quite advanced international education system. The main points that have been raised to support the need for teacher training are listed below:
·        Increase academic excellence–Teachers support the kid's active learning, encourage the youngster to ask questions, and promote experimental learning as practice. Teachers cannot assist a youngster in overcoming it unless they have received the necessary training. The limitless resources offered by educational technology are of extraordinary use to teachers. A paradigm change from instructor-based learning to self-centered learning is brought about by the auxiliary tools.
·        Enhance your ability to solve problems- A traditional approach to teaching technology is through problem-solving abilities. Technology development today has created a dynamic demand for critical thinking, problem-solving, and technical advances in the classroom to fulfil the needs of the modern world.
·        Can improve intellectual clarity Teachers using digital educational tools have an easier time teaching as compared to students who are educated using traditional techniques. Teachers can surprise and clarify ideas thanks to the efficient and simple utilization of the content. Additionally, the engaging classroom is made possible by the well-designed EdTech tools that promote student interaction.
·        Teach young one’s new methods- The primary responsibility of teachers is to introduce students to EdTech resources so they can practice while they learn. Only until teachers are trained in these technologies will this be feasible. Getting students comfortable with technology makes it simpler for kids to embrace the lessons.
·        Understanding the idea behind restored learning- For education to be used to its most potential, an hour must be set aside to develop concepts rather than race to meet deadlines. Promoting visual learning, using interactive classroom software, recording class sessions, and many more methods that aid in reviving classroom learning can improve conceptual learning.
·        Easy to use as a medium for evaluation– In the classroom, teachers find it possible to guarantee accurate student evaluations and assessments. Through assessments, teachers may get a sense of how well their students are doing, which helps them know which students need more help.
·        Students' confidence can be increased by confident teachers. You can have a beneficial impact on your pupils' lives as a teacher. The growth of children will always be a priority for confident teaching. Teachers who have grown confidence using these resources can inspire and prod students to embrace the new educational medium. Finding the teachers' positive qualities might help pupils develop positive learning attitudes. As a result, the motivated child can utilize educational technologies to their full capacity.
What modifications are brought forth by training children?
Students are being led appropriately thanks to teachers who have received effective training. With the aid of the audio-visual components provided by the EdTech sector, teachers can improve classrooms with significant learning activities that are more engaging, pedagogically sound, and align with students' requirements.
The teacher's effectiveness, assurance, and excitement will immediately influence the student's desire to study at the same rate. Trained teachers are delivering a dramatic transformation in how a youngster views education by leveraging various EdTech brand features.
When used with the assistance of trained teachers, digital education ensures:
·         Children's development of skills
·         Instant feedback aids in the development of analytical skills and speeds up learning
·         Concept gamification provides an interesting learning
·         Experimental education makes it simple to remember chapters.
·        The quizzes, live discussions, direct internet access, and vibrant graphics help students to concentrate.
How efficiently is Globus Infocom carrying out this training?
For complete and efficient classroom solutions, The Globus Infocom Limited makes sure that teachers receive regular training. Government policies to increase access to education are also being implemented to support effective training. One recent instance that comes to mind is the training that the Government of Haryana undertook in conjunction with Globus Infocom Limited. To provide teachers with digital skills and make the best possible use of the digital gadgets deployed in the schools, the training was delivered in 22 districts throughout Haryana. In the first stage, 40-teacher training batches were given to almost 900 teachers from at least 137 schools in Haryana.
Summing up
Everyone has always found it difficult to adapt to new change yet doing so is necessary in order to keep up with the times. Although it would be a tedious and drawn-out process, it is now obvious that such tools for classrooms are necessary. We must be prepared to properly manage obstacles if we want to compete and stand out internationally.
Therefore, managing these problems to produce high-quality teaching is made possible by classrooms outfitted with EdTech learning materials and skilled teachers who have completed efficient teacher training programmes.
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edujournalblogs · 2 years
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What is eLearning for kids?  How do you introduce children to eLearning?
“A mere exchange of information doesn’t engross a child and does not add to his wisdom in any manner” – Benjamin Franklin. 
ELearning has brought about a tremendous change in the growth of education sector during the past couple of decades. With the growth of technology and the availability of various digital resources to support eLearning, more and more parents are taking eLearning seriously and coming forward to providing their child a superior and quality education.  Schools and training institutes around the world have adopted an innovative and attractive ways that makes online learning more fun, interactive, engaging and appealing.  
A learning system for kids based on the formal method of learning, with the help of technology and digital resources is the manner in which,  we impart eLearning to children.  The use of computers with internet connection forms the basis of eLearning.  ELearning is available  in both online and offline mode.  Various forms of eLearning are one-to-one-learning, group-learning, video-based learning, webinars etc.,
As a kid, children have an innate curiosity within them to learn and explore new things around them. But somewhere down the line, these innate qualities get diminished, and they start disliking school and studies.  Fortunately, there are a number of ways to instill a sense of learning among children and develop interest, confidence, motivation and attitude
Today,  our  new gen kids are tech savvy, who enjoy spending their time in front of their tab, lap or smart phones playing games, which was not the case a couple of decades ago. So introducing them to eLearning shouldn’t be a big deal.  However in recent years, technology has played a meaningful role in the educational sector, by engaging  our young learners to eLearning with courses like Abacus, Coding, Spoken English etc, with captivating imagery interface and animation , gamified learning techniques etc., that are interactive, simple and easy to understand. Online Learning has become increasingly popular as they enable kids to engage and socialize, and   learn at their own pace.
The following are some proven tips and strategies that can help introduce your children to eLearning. They are:
1. Develop an atmosphere of learning for children: The physical atmosphere should be such that it creates and promotes learning activities in children.  The key to developing a good conducive environment is   by engaging with learners, have a playful and gamified activities,  promote discussion and interaction, building positive relationships, supportiveness  etc. Teachers must incorporate movement, interaction and tactile experiences by using manipulation. For instance, take the case of Abacus Course (please refer www.edujournal.com for more details).   Initially, the beads are moved using a device called Abacus, from bottom to the middle partition, or from top to the middle partition of the frame, which are indicating numerical values, from which mathematical calculations can be performed.  In the later stages, with constant practice, the device is physically eliminated, and the figure of Abacus is depicted into our minds, and the calculations are performed with greater speed and accuracy, by the movements of both our hands (ie., on the virtual device placed in our mind). 
2. Virtual Classroom sessions: This app enriches classroom experience and provides positive reinforcement and communication management among parents, teachers and student.
3. Introduce game based playful learning:  Gamified learning helps children develop essential skills like logical and math skills, analytical and problem solving skills etc.,   This kind of learning makes the learners to use their imagination and discover new possibilities in a fun and interactive way.  For instance, Flight Simulators used by pilots during their training session is an example of game based learning.
4. Use captivating visuals: Kids respond well to visuals especially when they are engaging and appealing.  Bold and colorful captivating images, graphics, animation etc., can draw children to the learning process. Try to build curiosity and interest in the child and make the session lively and engaging. 
5. Affordability and flexibility:  The cost involved for studying in a traditional setting is much higher compared to studying through eLearning. Therefore you can have a high quality education at an economic cost.
6. Making the course content interactive: Have interactive content like quizzes, polls, assignments, projects, chatting, video-conferencing etc., can spark interest in your child. Easy access to course content and engaging course content can improve interest in learning. The classes may also include their parents to enable them experience their child’s development as well as providing support to their kid. 
7. Provide a short study material and plenty of tasks for practice sessions: Often, young learners wouldn’t have reached a stage where they can read and understand the content from the study material, which should be avoided.  Instead, narrate by animated visuals on the screen. Also, children have shorter attention spans, and this aspect should be kept in mind while designing an eLearning course material. Provide them shorter activities and also keep them hooked in front of the screen only for a minimum duration.  Use voiceovers instead of text to provide information.
8 Unlocking your child’s interests: Allow children to explore and discover the topics that are of interest to them.  Have a plenty of choices in your curriculum.  Identify your child’s passion and interest and provide them resources that will help them to further explore their interests.
9. Collaborative pedagogy: The emphasis of learners, teachers and parents working together in a group makes learning collaborative and interesting.  Project based learning is one such approach where children can learn topics through problem-solving and improve their competencies.  When your child demonstrates their curiosity by asking a some questions, do your best to answer them promptly and clearly.
10. Be supportive and encouraging: Be encouraging, supportive and motivate your children, without putting undue pressure on them, and do not compare your child’s performance with other students.  When the child experiences some sort of a pressure, there is a strong tendency to withdraw from learning.
 The above tips can help you to introduce your children to eLearning.   Online learning broadens one’s scope for academic learning by increasing engagement, collaboration through advanced multimedia tools, online resources that provide easy accessibility and flexibility which ultimately enhances their learning experience.   ELearning can provide your child a perfect opportunity to discover their innate creativity, talent and interest. It gives your child a good exposure and a wonderful opportunity to learn new things. But as a parent / guardian of your child, it’s your responsibility to provide the best and appropriate guidance and resources for your child, so that they can utilize their full potential to develop their skills and talent which ultimately benefits their growth and success.  Schools and training institutes should utilize this trend to improve the overall development of the educational sector even more and utilize the digitally assisted learning tools (ie., authoring tools) to improve learning and teaching capabilities.   With everything turning digital, and technologies evolving, it has had its impact in the education sector as well, and eLearning, no doubt, will become the most sought after technology in the years to come.
URL : https://www.edujournal.com/how-to-introduce-children-to-elearning/
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rmml11 · 3 years
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What does it mean to be a digital citizen?
        Digital citizenship refers to the ability to engage positively, critically, and competently in the digital environment, relying on effective communication and creation skills to engage in forms of social participation that are respectful of human rights and dignity while using technology responsibly. Participating actively and responsibly (values, skills, attitudes, knowledge) in communities (local, national, global) at all levels (political, economic, social, cultural, and intercultural); being involved in a dual process of lifelong learning (in formal, informal, and non-formal settings) and continuously defensing. 
How can you observe social, ethical, and legal responsibilities in the use of technology tools and resources?
    The global digital citizen's functions and obligations are numerous and varied. In order to become a worldwide effective and globally competent digital teacher in today's world, prospective educators must practice innovation in teaching and learning.
     Furthermore, instructors are much more than just educators; they have been for a long time. Teachers have evolved into guides, mentors, role models, counselors, and facilitators in our digital age. They practice being global citizens, ethics experts, and critical thinkers who think in a variety of ways. It's past time to shed some light on what it takes to be a global digital educator.
     These ideas play a critical part in the modern inventive classroom as a future global digital teacher. They include items such as:
- knowledge of technology and its advantages and disadvantages for students
- awareness of and respect for the world's varied cultures
- a sense of place in the local, community, and global contexts
- moral and ethical role modeling that aids kids in achieving success and safety in both online and offline settings
- knowledge of a variety of technological and communication channels
- creativity and adaptability
- the ability to learn throughout the rest of one's life
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radhi4025-blog · 2 years
Methods, Techniques and Approaches of Teaching
Effective teaching is measured by the level of creativity a teacher employs in the classroom environment.  This topic is relevant because it highlights the significant ways in which students could be motivated to benefit from the learning environment. Lee affirms that motivating students gives them the desire to perform better in every examination they take. Moreover, this topic is relevant because it helps in the understanding of students' perceptions of their teachers in the learning environment. Most students tend to be more positive and optimistic in cases where they have creative teachers who go the extra-mile to drive the point home.
The first most effective and creative way of teaching is the student-centered approach to learning. This means that the teacher will not spent all the time in class lecturing his/her notes to students. It is the most effective and creative way of teaching because it ensures that students are involved in the lesson through self-reflection, group discussions, brainstorming, and role-playing. It gives students, sitting at the back, the opportunity to pay attention to the learning process, as they have to become involved in the ongoing discussion in the classroom.
The second effective and creative method of teaching is the use of diverse teaching aids in the classroom. Technology is changing at an extremely alarming rate. For a teacher the best way to change the perception of a student is to get out of the comfort zone by embracing and utilizing technological aids in the classroom. Some of the key teaching aids teachers could use include power point, multimedia, computers, paper crushers, and student writing scripts. It enhances the memory of a student because of the improved ability to link the normal teaching elements and the visual elements used by the teacher. Class sessions entailing the use of videos, slide shows, and transparencies are always interesting and enhance the attentiveness of students apart from improving their memory. In most instances, students will look forward to classes that involve the use of visual supports. Again, this strategy is more efficient and attractive because it eliminates the idea that teachers are only supposed to use the chalkboard and the chalk to pass their message across. Teachers who want to be creative and bring changes to their classrooms must be ready to move along with the existing technology rather than using traditional approach of writing information on the chalkboard for students to follow. Overall, the use of visual supports such as videos and power points is effective because of its ability to change the attitude of students toward the learning experience.
The third strategy that exhibits effective and creative teaching is the teacher's ability to establish a connection between the classroom content and real life. It is undeniable that many students enjoy lessons if the teacher is able to give real life demonstrations. The strategy is effective and creative because it enhances the ability of students to share personal experiences with others in the learning process. In fact, the memory retains most of the ideas shared through personal experiences compared to the ones emphasizing the class content. Students find it easier to tackle their examinations with such learning activities because of the ability to remember the taught content directly and its relationship to their personal experiences.
In conclusion, teachers in the contemporary classroom must prioritize effective and creative teaching strategies because they enhance the ability of the learner to grasp the content presented. Teachers should rise above traditional teaching approaches to ensure their students perform excellently in line with effective and creative teaching techniques. For instance, they could use educational aids such as computers to drive the class content into the brains of their students. Additionally, they could try to establish a perfect link between the class content and the real world to ensure students understand all the information presented in class. Creative thinking is the only way to tap the potential of all students in the classroom.
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rpgsandbox · 4 years
Introducing the Teacher-Gamer Handbook
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The Teacher-Gamer Handbook is a resource for educators to lead Role Playing Games (such as Dungeons and Dragons) in the classroom, in homeschool and online. It contains a full semester of robust lesson plans and the pedagogical infrastructure to last years that teach 36 life-skills to players with pre-created adventure suggestions, narrative arcs and prompts.
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The main premise is: you can’t learn something unless you notice it. The purpose of the RPG Skillset is to generate multitudes of continuous opportunities to notice things within at least 36 major domains of self-development. The possibilities are endless.
My name is Zach.
Here is a brief history of how the Teacher-Gamer Handbook came to be:
1982 played Dungeons and Dragons for the first time - my character died in the first 10 minutes, it was so fascinating and unlike anything I had ever experienced... I was hooked! I have been playing RPGs for thousands of hours and almost 4 decades. Some would call me an O.G. (Original Gamer).
1990’s adventuring in life, school, work, music production, becoming Canadian and starting a family steered me in new directions.
2002+ raising two boys with my wife Sophie, I was teaching and studying by day, hangin' with the family and playing RPGs when I could on weekends.
2006 enrolled in an MA program in Education to better understand the “how” of teaching and learning.
2010 finished my Masters in Education focused on authentic learning and life-skills curriculum development.
2012 realized that role-playing games (RPGs) in Schools was an untapped resource. I began working on the Teacher-Gamer as an extension of my Distinct Self well-being program.
2014-2016 brought RPGs in Schools curriculum into the classroom at Green School Bali
2015-present Wild Mind Training workshops blending RPGs in Schools with mindfulness ramps into wilderness trips with Wildlife Conservation Society.
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2020 Teacher-Gamer Revolution! - happening offscreen on tabletops everywhere! Let’s get radical about balancing EdTech and AI coming into schools by bringing our teacher’s hobbies into life-skills classes that enrich youth with socio-emotional and literary skills while maintaining the distinctly human teacher-student relationships that cannot be replaced by computers.
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What We Need & What You Get
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I started this campaign for three main reasons:
It is time to put the Teacher-Gamer Revolution on the timeline, now, globally. It is so important to take what you have inside you and put it into the civic sphere. I urge all educators to make the world a better place by combining their passions with their pedagogical skills and make them available to the public.
Self-publishing the Teacher-Gamer Handbook (TGHB) will launch this new step of my career with all the support of my colleagues, friends and anyone who likes the idea that robust off-screen game-system-learning (engaging face-to-face life-skills development) is a viable initiative to balance the influx of technology into schools.
The TGHB is my calling card, a beacon, an organized methodology that I can put into the hands of people I meet at conferences, conventions and school boards wherever I go.  
I took a calculated risk and have already borrowed the money to:
finish the book
have it typeset in the style of a role-playing game handbook
make videos to explain how teaching RPGs in schools works
build a website with a private interactive forum.
I also plan to use the momentum and connections I make with so many people around the world to take the curriculum to the next level.
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My ultimate goal is to hit at least $60,000 so that I can spread the methodology online and hit the road when the world opens up again to safe conferences and in-person education.
Here's the Teacher-Gamer Revolution plan for the funds raised on IndieGoGo:
Hard Copy prints of the book for everyone!
Hit our stretch goals and produce additional resources for Teacher-Gamers to accompany the Handbook.
Finish the next three handbooks full of additional lesson plans, classroom activities and teaching strategies.
Newsletters with practical activities
Instructional videos
Teacher-gamer website features celebrating educator success around the world  
Weekly Webinars for online outreach and support
Teacher training workshop deployment to implement new full-scale RPGs in the classroom programs.
Head to Conferences and speaking events to grow the community and gain traction.
Continued customization of RPGs in Schools curriculum in community centers, school boards, correctional facilities and homeschools far and wide.
Finish the next three handbooks full of additional lesson plans, classroom activities and teaching strategies.
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Benefits for the Educators
help schools transition into more life-skills programs that prepare youth for adulthood
build progressive opportunities for face-to-face off-screen courses in schools
maintain positive attitudes about the future of schools
work to make life-skills more prominent in schools for the subject teacher who is getting pushed out by tech
Strengthen relationships with students through gameplay
The last thing a teacher wants to feel like is “obsolete”. There is some hustle each teacher must do to remain fresh, viable and relevant in their community, but if teachers are trying to battle incoming tech or are being asked to do more tech type roles, they will have to find ways to shift the consciousness of the institutes they work in or be moved around or pushed out.
This is a call to teachers to take their passions- or at least an opportunity to pick up this methodology to teach games- and deploy life-skills into their learning environment.  
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The Impact
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By contributing to the Teacher-Gamer Handbook, you are doing more than just buying a book or helping it get printed, you help:
establish the printing, distribution and sale of the book
the off-screen Teacher-Gamer Revolution gain traction and take flight
bring viability to the TEACHER-GAMER profession
subject teachers to collaborate with their peers to build robust game systems into learning opportunities
wilderness survival teachers establish classroom simulations of safety and role-playing through authentic learning narratives
bring a whole new piece of curriculum to holistic education
make in-roads for RPGs in Schools to become a discipline unto itself that helps youth process the multiverse of systems, franchises, worlds and cultures that are coming at them at high-speed through the internet and media.
The Story
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The Teacher-Gamer Handbook has been over 8 years in the making!
The RPGs in Schools program was originally developed as an extension to a Personal and Social Development Local Programme course cycle in Canadian public school – a well-being curriculum program of life-skills electives at The English Montreal School Board in Quebec. Since then, the RPGs in Schools program has been adapted into the Wild Mind Training resiliency program for youth, 10 years old and older in schools and camps in Indonesia and the UK where I have been working over the last 6 years.
Starting in 2014, Green School Bali was an early adopter of the RPGs in Schools Program where I ran Introduction to Dungeons and Dragons as an English literacy course (creative writing) in high school and as an English literacy course (communication thematic) in middle school.
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Every child surveyed in Green School reported that they liked the RPGs class and over half of them considered it their favorite class!
As I went along, I started realizing that all the life skills (21 basic and 15 advanced) that I was teaching could be dialed in to meet various curriculum goals and that if I put learners on a narrative cycle such as the Hero’s Journey, they would begin to recognize so many more thematics, symbols, motifs and literary forms as they relate to so many of the stories, books, films, TV series, mangas and other sagas that they follow.
Re-branded as Wild Mind Training, over the last 4 years. I have been experimenting with more mindfulness, wilderness conservation and improvisational theatre elements. As a home school aggregate on the weekdays and a weekend workshop for day school children, I have ironed out the kinks of three different levels of Introduction to Life-Skills through 3rd edition Dungeons and Dragons courses.
As with any pedagogy delivery system, the context and content (ie. role-playing game being used) can be adjusted into the area of study or subject. What matters most is that the learning system is authentically motivating and delivers opportunity after opportunity to acquire literacy, socio-emotional and life skills.  
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Risks & Challenges
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Getting the book printed is only the first step. I’m taking a huge financial risk of my own even if the project does not get funded. In order for it to succeed, I have to get out there and hit the road to show people how the methodology really improves the learning experience for the students and teachers.
I’ve got to hit trade shows, book speaking events, and still create workshops to help teacher-gamers really kickstart this program.
Let’s keep it real: this is an alternative learning method that requires adaptation. There may be backlash as conventional school systems are entrenched in “standardization”. I have to keep pushing this body of work as a complement to curricula by expanding the resources for teachers.
Gamification has brought games into education, but have also made the teachers gatekeepers to the computer. The negative result is that kids will be on their best behavior just to be allowed to get on screen. We need to bring value back to the teacher-student relationship, also making the teacher-gamer an exciting part of education - off-screen!
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The Teacher-Gamer Revolution is on!
And I am ready. The time is NOW. If not us, then who?
As a network of early adopters it is YOU that will help me carry this forward and YOU that by belief in this project, will help extend the reach of the Teacher-Gamer Revolution.
We have some goals to hit, and time is of the essence. There has been so much learned by going for it and I am so excited to turn this guerilla-style launch of getting the first Handbook off the ground and into teachers hands everywhere.
We will try to get questions answered as soon as possible, just know we are also trying to get the book to print BEFORE the end of the campaign and have a lot going on.
That being said, we are GOING TO PRINT and get your copies to you as SOON as possible. Depending on your location this could take some time as we are a GLOBAL movement with community around the world, but can only afford to print in ONE location at this time.
Print and delivery is scheduled for June 15th and getting copies in your hands by July 1st. But again, your patience is much appreciated and we will update you every step of the way!
Thanks to you for all your patience and getting involved.
Indiegogo campaign ends: 24 April 2020
Website: [Teacher Gamer] [facebook] [twitter] [instagram]
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