hinamie · 2 months
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domain expansion
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joyceaila · 2 years
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lunian · 1 year
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gosh are you kidding me
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obsessedwhyyes · 17 days
I can't be the only one that unironically loves the new Ascended Astarion evil ending, surely.
It's exactly the level of vampiric villainy that I wanted! Is it dramatic? Yes. A little over the top? For sure. Absolutely dripping with chuunibyou energy? Very much so. But that slightly cringe, theatrical villain vibe is exactly what I enjoy about A!Astarion.
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trappedinafantasy37 · 18 days
yes... YES... The ending I have always wanted for Daedra is here!
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Where ever they walk, doom follows.
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Evil murder kitten is so proud of her evil murder wife!
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Ooooooooooo! Ate too many brain worms!
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It's okay! She's okay!
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Yes! Finally! Daedra is getting her second playthrough!!! I can finally finally finally play out the vision I always had for her. LET'S GOOOOO!
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m1d-45 · 2 years
summary: my scaramouche pulls, but make it sagau
word count: 1.8k
-> warnings: minor spoilers for sumeru (3.2) archon quest, author has not done 3.2 archon quest but had been spoiled by tumblr :/, probably ooc scara. based entirely on me and my prior pulls (pulled miko, pulled + built childe, has an itto), like two swear words?
taglist: @samarill || @thenyxsky || @valeriele3
< masterlist >
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scaramouche didn’t know what to think of the stars.
he’d kept an eye on them, out of curiosity, watching as constellations rose and fell, rose and fell, their cyclical nature never ending. he never saw any importance in them—not even when he heard of the forest watcher in sumeru being used as a vessel and his glass heart twisted—and hence never paid any attention, focusing on his mission in sumeru. he kept a passing eye on them, sometimes trying to guess how long the current rotation would be up during particularly boring fatui meetings, or trying to guess which constellations would light up when the stars began to fall.
after a while, he began to pay a little more attention to the patterns. he didn’t know why, but suddenly they drew him in more, even as he rolled his eyes whenever tartaglia boasted about a star crossing his constellation. never mind that that guuji from inazuma had hers too, no, he was the one that mattered.
and he was probably right. his bow had been replaced, he was a better shot than ever, and his water blades burned with skill. even the tsaritsa noticed his increase in strength, irritatingly, sending him a letter of congratulations on becoming a vessel. he’d even spent a whole day drafting a three-page letter to his family detailing it all, all the new skills and power he’d picked up by being with you.
what made him so favored?
he pulled down the brim of his hat, repressing the need urge to look up at the sky. he’d never been one to believe in astrology, or astronomy, or whatever that witch in mondstat wanted to call it. he wasn’t going to start now, not when his whole plan in sumeru was close to toppling.
he arrived at his camp. he accepted reports with a scowl. he marched to his office. he glanced through the window. he sat down.
he didn’t know why he was being so contradictory. he’d never felt this before towards anything, let alone something he actively despised. there was no reason for this. at all.
scaramouche picked up his pen, pulling over another dull report. the words bled together, the handwriting atrocious, and he was tempted to burn it. the only thing stopping him was the knowledge that it meant he’d have to ask for another from whatever recruit turned it in.
he tapped his pen on his finger. it was hard to focus, unnaturally, and he chalked it up to the weird feeling that’s been bugging him all day; the same one that wanted him to look at the stars. he sighed, adjusted his hat, glared at where a tassel caught on his chair, and picked up a pen again.
‘troops near chatrakam cave…’
purple eyes glared at his page, at where the ink bled a bit as he left his pen too long. what was his problem?
his eyes flicked to the window, to the curtains waving in the breeze coming though.
‘…have encountered no problems. all…’
‘…all is going gwe-‘
scaramouche slammed his pen on his desk with a loud groan, standing from his chair and sending it skidding back. with stomping steps, he approached the offending window, reaching to shove the pale green curtains aside. he fumbled once on the lock but quickly pushed open the whole window, removing his hat to put his head through and glare at the sky.
“what the fuck could you possibly-…”
scaramouche stared.
his steel tongue was stilled, no quick remark or scathing quip coming to his mind. his thoughts were empty, his mouth suddenly dry as he looked upwards.
at his constellation.
he knew the moment he received a vision—how he wanted to see it shatter—that he had one, the image filling his mind alongside the elemental abilities. he knew what it was, he knew it’s name, he knew the six stars that composed it and the lines drawn between.
he didn’t know it was in the sky.
but there it was, blue stars shining brightly next to some orange bull, almost mocking him as he looked up at them. in his disdainful study of the stars, he knew that only a few were delegated to the prime positions in the sky, and that the latter of the two had been rotated in already. even if he didn’t, the way it’s stars outshone his made it clear.
curses rose and fell on his tongue, like a relentless tide that dared him to speak whilst taking away his air.
he knew what having a constellation in the sky meant. he knew it, and it was why he tried earnestly to destroy it the moment he got over the shock when he received it. he wasn’t picky about power, but power that came at the cost of being another gods puppet?
he’ll pass, thanks.
so to see himself in the sky, to know that at any moment strings could be tied around his wrists once more, that he could be jerked and pulled across a stage of another’s making-
the stars shone brighter.
his office fell away, his hat slipping from between his fingertips.
he reached for it, he reached for his last semblance of a shield—he wouldn’t need it—from another god, but he barely felt the fabric before it was gone.
a white haze surrounded him, vaguely bubbling into clouds far beneath his feet as he stood on an invisible platform. a blurry rectangle was far out in front of him, a distorted voice warping through.
“-i have 45, that makes… i just have to get lucky, then…”
the voice was soft- you were soft, urging him to relax even as his rational mind fought. he could feel his heart speeding up in his chest, feel the war of emotions clouding his thoughts.
this wasn’t fair. you didn’t get to show up, after everything he’d been through, and expect him to fall into your lap. you didn’t get to do that, not to him, not now, not ever.
how he wished you’d catch him.
stars lit up the sky, one after another, and he saw one of them cross a flower-like constellation. you ooo’d and thanked whoever it was for answering—as if they had a choice—and sent out more stars, more wishes, the dust certainly fogging his head.
your voice grew clearer the more stars you summoned, his heart rate increasing in turn. how many did you have? would he be forced to go? why did he want to? would you wrap your divine hands around his and pull him into your team? why did his paper front of a soul leap at the idea?
emotions he’d never felt filled his chest, heat and warmth and icy frost pooling in his veins.
“50,” you called, voice alarmingly gentle in his ear. “please, scara, please?”
he should be proud to have a god so high begging for him. he should cross his arms and puff out his chest, he should smirk and glare with a comment about how even the divine can fall.
he was one of them.
“60,” you whispered, flaring the boil in his chest.
what did he do? what could he do? how did he get out of here? why didn’t he want to? what were you doing to him? what were these feelings? why did he never want them to fade?
“70. please? pretty please?”
he felt himself lurch as the star passed but gripped desperately to the invisible air around him, wide eyes searching for a way out. it was all clouds and stars, as far as he could see, with vague shapes slowly coming into focus around him. he saw something that he thought would direct your attention elsewhere, then realized it would take your gaze off him would only be temporary and saved his energy.
“80. come on, scara.. i promise i’ll be nice.”
nice? he wanted to laugh. he would have if he wasn’t so short on breath already- and yet somehow still lightheaded, his vision swimming as his fingers began to buzz. he could feel it, the invisible rope around his chest pulling as the purple stars whizzed by, and yet he held firm in his place amongst the clouds. he couldn’t answer you he wouldn’t be able to stay composed. he wouldn’t allow himself to be put under another’s jurisdiction again but he knew you were different, you were warm and soft and so different from her.
you would not have him yet.
you were not his god you were his true creator.
you laughed. he hated loved that it was edged with bitterness.
“damn. making me go to the shop again, huh?”
he wanted to apologize tell you it was a lost cause.
“well scara… 4 more wishes. i know it’s useless but… please?”
the pull knocked the wind out of him, his treacherous to who? hands faltering their grip on the walls around him. in the blue light of the stars, he knew he was flushed with exertion.
he could feel it, the chance he was given. the choice to stay, to hear your voice falter and slip and plea, or to go. to answer the string pulling at his heart of glass, to trust and hope that you wouldn’t betray him like so many before.
did he dare believe you? did he dare to trust the only one he could another god, to put his cracked trust in your palms and hope you wouldn’t drop it? did he go against his rules, did he follow the reputation he had built up, did he cling to the clouds before crashing down in regret his office?
who knew if you could be trusted? if he went, you’d have two harbingers under your thumb. what if you wanted to topple the fatui? what if this was a ploy to get him to trust you? what if you didn’t treat him like you did childe or any of the others, what if you wanted him to laugh and scorn and taunt? what if you wanted him just to see him try and pick himself off the floor where he landed, expecting nothing and yet still disappointed?
what if you wanted him for him?
enveloped in gold, the wanderer could only wish that you would catch him.
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9 episodes since Drawfee last referenced Cats (2019)
7 episodes since Drawfee last referenced Everytime We Touch (2005)
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nightowl1556 · 8 months
Wait, could Varian enter public domain in a hundred years? If so....
*uses god-like powers to increase human life expectancy*
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squorttle-pox · 5 months
lmao how did vox beat alastor 7 years ago he is literally a subgenre
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squoobest · 4 months
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got real
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theclearblue · 4 months
Unfortunate that Gege ended up getting sick, hopefully the two week break is good for him and he feels better
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gojosbf · 7 months
if Nanami had a domain expansion, what do you think it would look like? (I'm asking for your opinion/headcanon! :) I'm curious)
oh i used to think about this all the time!! let me paint picture, what do we know about nanami's techniques? 1) overtime rule 2) 3:7 ratio and obviously his domain expansion has to include both of these!!! so in my brain it works like this
nanami's domain expansion only happens when he hits overtime, when someone is in his domain no part of them is safe unlike the usual full body ratio it attacks each part of the body, for example if they move their hand any direction it is treated as an whole body (okay to simply put hand movement=it gets cut in 3:7 ratio and without touching other unmoved parts), and nanami doesn't even have to move to do that, any movement of his blade from his position directly hits anyone inside the domain → this is the special benefit of his domain as it'll make harder for curses to reach him and makes it quicker for him to finish them off (we all know how much he values his time). If we have to go fancier there can also be a rule inside the domain like 3 is strike off.
Let me explain that, 1st movement= a bodypart, 2nd movement= another bodypart (like for example they run towards him so the first leg to step forward will be chopped or if they try to reach him the hand making the first movement will be chopped) and by the third movement the both body and soul would be ratioed.
Idk if I put them nicely in words to be understandable but this is how I think it'd have worked (or atleast something similar) if he had a domain.
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clansunsharp · 7 months
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a major player in my clan's lore and catalyst behind the lair purge narrative i wrote in 2016. in case anyone was wondering where the mass murderer is now.
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rabbitcruiser · 17 days
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National Salami Day
Salami is cured, fermented and air-dried sausage, popular in Italy and the mediterranean, as well as around the world. This meat is convenient due to its relatively long shelf life, and it can be used in a variety of delicious recipes. Plus, it now has a special day just to call its own. It’s National Salami Day!
History of National Salami Day
Salami has a relatively unknown history as its creation cannot easily be traced to a particular time. However, some researchers believe that the ancient Romans would eat salami as a part of a larger food group that used salt as a preservative which is probably where it got its name, since ‘salare’ is Italian for salt.
Most people consider salami to be an Italian food–and even the word is Italian! The English language simply used the pluralized form of the Italian word ‘salame’ to indicate the cased meat but, in English, ‘salami’ is singular.
As an air-cured pork meat, salami is a cased meat that was originally wrapped in a natural skin made of other parts of the pig. Sometimes it is also made from beef, wild boar, goose, venison or even duck for unique variations.
Meat for salami comes from different parts of the pig (or other animal), and should include a mixture of lean meat as well as fat in order to get the flavor just right. That’s why the look of the inside of the meat has a marbled looking texture. Although ‘lean salami’ has been popularized for its health benefits, most artisanal salami makers would say that the flavor is not as good.
To make salami, the meat is ground up to a fine texture and then flavored by adding spices or herbs. Some of the most popular flavorings include garlic, white pepper, vinegar or even wine. (Salami’s flavor is not as strong as its popular pizza-topping cousin, pepperoni.) Once stuffed into the casing, salami is usually aged in a fermentation and drying process that lasts between one and three months–or sometimes longer, even up to several years.
Today, Europe is a huge producer of salami. In fact, between Germany, Italy, France, Hungary and the other countries that produce it, several hundred million pounds of salami are produced and eaten each year.
National Salami Day got its start fairly recently, in 2006. Started in Henrico, Virginia by a group known as the Salami Appreciation Society (SAS), the idea was that the salami is a meat that is far too often overlooked and it needed to be given its day in the sun. The official National Salami Day website offers fun tidbits and ideas for celebrating.
How to Celebrate National Salami Day
Enjoy Salami with Friends, Family and Coworkers
National Salami Day encourages people all over the globe to explore the world of salami by trying new and adventurous types of salami, and enjoying salami with friends at salami-themed parties.
Instead of cooking dinner, create a lovely charcuterie board that includes salami and other cold meats served with cheeses and fruits. Or take a deli platter filled with salami, cheeses and veggies to work to encourage the whole office to get involved with celebrating the fun that comes along with National Salami Day.
Take a Picnic with Salami
Salami is actually an ideal picnic food because it does not require refrigeration and can be packed into a basket with bread, cheese, fruit and other delicious items that can be spread out on a picnic blanket to enjoy with friends.
Plan a Trip To Italy to Enjoy Salami
Considered to be an important staple in food throughout the country, National Salami Day might just be the perfect excuse to take a trip to the beautiful Italy. Here, it’s easy to find lengths of dry cured salami simply hanging in butchers or grocery stores.
Slice it thick or thin, depending on the style of meat, and enjoy it on a fresh baguette (which European bakeries are famous for) topped with a hunk of fresh cheese. Of course, don’t forget to enjoy a few olives and a glass of lovely red wine with it as well. Italy is absolutely delicious!
While in Italy, it would be a shame not to visit the Salami Museum in Parma. Located in the lovely cellars of the Felino Castle, this museum boasts the history of salami using documents dating back as far as 1436. It also houses various instruments related to butchery, as well as other artifacts and showrooms.
Or, pop over the charcuterie museum, called the Museo della Salumeria. (It’s located in a castle, Castelnuovo Rangone, in Modena, Italy, which is actually less than an hour’s drive from Parma!) It offers an insider’s view of the production facilities as well as displays of machinery, herbs, spices and other salami related items.
Make Some Salami Recipes
While this might be a surprise, some big fans of salami believe that it is as versatile as bacon when used in cooking! It can certainly do more than simply be sliced and slapped on a piece of bread with cheese. Try out these ideas for cooking with salami to add some unique flavors and interesting takes on culinary adventures:
Salami with Fried or Scrambled Eggs. Whether using it as a side to go along with a fried egg, adding it chopped up into an omelette, or making it into a delicious hash, salami makes a great meat to be paired with eggs–at breakfast or any time of the day.
Salami with a Bowl of Pasta. A new version of Pasta Carbonara (pasta with bacon), chop up some salami finely and add to a red sauce to place over pasta.
Salami on a Grilled Cheese Sandwich. It’s true that today’s grilled cheese sandwiches aren’t just for kids anymore! All kinds of different gourmet options can be created for this delicious and easy favorite sandwich–including a grilled cheese with salami slices.
Salami in Soups. Salami is a great meat to add to soups that are thrown together and made with whatever is on hand in the kitchen. Try salami in a bean soup or vegetable soup. Or channel that inner Italian and throw some salami into a minestrone soup recipe.
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elytrafemme · 1 year
guys i laurv college like actually. went out w a group of ppl and went to CVS and a mediocre pep rally. had a really sweet exchange w a bus driver. roommates are going out in a large group to have some of that sweet liquid sillies allegedly. i am alone in my dorm despite thinking i'd be the last one awake i am literally the only one here. and i'm happy i think :D
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trevlad-sounds · 10 months
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Wednesday 15 November Mixtape 396 “Departure Path EXCLUSIVE” Electronic Experimental Space Synth Wednesdays & Sundays. Support the artists and labels. Don't forget to subscribe or tip so future shows can bloom.
Trevlad Sounds-Welcome in you wonderful listener 00:00
The Future Sound Of London-Point of Departure 00:31
Coda Nautica-Intricate Harmonics 06:21
Gy0-Death Is Real 11:32
Dividenthal & Aumgn-Earth Disguised 18:18
worriedaboutsatan-Minesweeper 25:42
Mick Chillage-Gravitational Anomalies 27:35
Virusmoto-ᛊᛖᚲᚱᛖᛏ ᛊᛁᚾ ᚲᚺᚨᛊᛖ 35:50
Survey Channel-Vitamin Mind 42:04
Patrick R. Pärk-Integral Part Of The Universe 45:36
Waveformer-PLAYED DELAYS 48:59
Stiletti Ana-A To B 54:44
Pabellón Sintético-Mother 03 1:01:40
2xirtam-Scalar Fields 1:04:05
Kanot-Mygg 1:11:27
Puma & The Dolphin-Nude Gum 1:13:24
Oceanographer-The Sun Can See Us All 1:16:50
Fontän-Nautilus 1:22:21
lovetrip-pacifier 1:27:00
The Exorcist GBG-X-Theme 1:33:24
dogs versus shadows-Nightwatch 1:25:53
Fibo Toukro-Wako6p 1:27:16
David Slowing-Sinuous Path 1:30:28
Memory Index-Steps On The Way 1:36:58
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