#methods of teaching
hitwiththetmnt · 6 months
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Master Leonardo has some tricks to show Casey for his first Christmas
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ovegakart · 1 year
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he fits in great
<first / next>
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thejournallo · 4 months
Witchcraft Basics Masterlist!
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Witchcraft Basics and Giggles:
Everything to know before you start! The various practices The Tools healing, protecting, and grounding. shielding and banishing herbs,oils and crystals.| Herbs | Oils | Crystals the sabbatsthe Elements astrology + astrology calendar spells, hexes and curses energy manipulation the various entitis Divination tool Symbology Shadow Work Witchy hack Offerings Grimoire/book of shadows
more master lists!
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bookwyrminspiration · 7 months
if I asked very nicely would you all be willing to take a one minute anonymous survey for my linguistics class. if the answer is yes, please click here. thanks :)
(sharing for a better response size would also be very appreciated)
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stuckinapril · 5 months
maybe a bit of an esoteric advice but saving nice things people have said in a notes app entry has saved me so many times. if i’m having a bad day, being hard on myself, dealing w negativity from others etc etc. just whatever it is. i open this page—which is basically a compilation of people complimenting me on certain attributes, sweet interactions i wrote down, or things i’ve accomplished—and it brings me right down to earth. like someone could be saying mean shit about me (whether it be a person or a voice in my own head) & instead of having to go through the mental toil of summoning up positive memories to negate that, i just go to that notes app entry. i read over everything and im like ohhhh ok im not the most horrible person in the world after all. i don’t deserve being told that after all. it’s all written down right here.
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krissis-averted · 7 months
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jack-o-phantom · 2 years
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A small but sweet Rusted Bells & Faded Ribbons, comic
Y/n's got an influence on the kid, and Sunny doesn't seem to mind this time
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Nobody taught me how to be a person the right way
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unexpectedstormy · 1 month
OK, so I was inspired and now I wanna start a bigger conversation and I wanna know: fic writers, comic makers, au creators, etc. how do you do it? How do you go from plot bunny or story idea to completed chapters/story/comic update? What's your process? What programs do you use? Do you draft stuff? Outline? Storyboard? Do you chart or sketch? How do you settle on characters and characterizations? How do you plot (or do you)? I wanna know all the nitty gritty details. It's just so interesting because everyone does it so differently.
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muninnhuginn · 6 months
Ngl definitely thinking back to the cartoon-making chapter now we know that Twilight doesn't realise studying/pursuit of knowledge can be fun. No wonder the cartoon he made sucked. He was approaching it purely from the educational angle with zero idea of the entertainment aspect that makes edutainment programming effective.
It's not that he was really bad at writing the fun parts. He plain didn't realise there were meant to be any in the first place for it to work.
Copying the aesthetics with no understanding of what was underneath.
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takadasaiko · 9 months
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You lack conviction.
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esamastation · 8 days
hi!!! i just wanted to pop in after reading some of your AC fics (ones where desmond, ezio, and/or altaïr are at the forefront so in this case: i was born for this, terrible two, stone angel, gift of living well, impermanence, three fold, & earthly scene) and say that you're a brilliant writer. as someone who's trying to write longer, more impactful stories, it's admirable how you prioritize the plot and how romance is a sweet part of it. (this is part 1 of this message bc of the word count!)
you construct romance in an original, cathartic way that feels effortless. i just finished 'i was born with this' and the romance that forms between the characters feels so natural and unforced. another thing i love in your fics is that when desmond goes back in time, he always (unintentionally at first) makes an impact in furthering knowledge, inventions, etc centuries ahead of when they were supposed to happen. more importantly, desmond finds his well-deserved happy ending.
your fic ideas are also so creative and out of the box. i'm currently going through the games right now and desmond has been so so much shit (unwillingly) and he deserves some rest and happiness :,) another thing i love is how you always leave a hopeful ending that makes me ache to know what happens after!! you flesh out the characters so much over the span of + 100,000k words, tie things wonderfully at the end, and make me feel out breath (in a good way)
yeah, to sum that up, you're an amazing writer!! i also wanted to ask you some questions about writing. i aspire to write long fics, but i struggle with plotting out events =( i feel like i rush the events in how i want to get to the end where the characters are happy! do you have a writing process? do you plot out your stories or kind of go with the flow? do you have any tips on improving your writing? i totally get if you don't have any advice! have a great day!
Thank you for your nice comments, sorry it took so long to reply, I was feeling very antisocial. Anyway.
I do not have a writing process - I'm what they call a gardner writer, I take characters and I put them into situations and see how things develop and plot either happens or it doesn't. Maybe I have vague plans like "here's a scene I want to see in future" and "this is a result I want them to come to" and then try to write towards those goals, but they don't always pan out. It's all very chaotic and leads to lot of dropped fics, but it's how I enjoy writing. (It really helps having someone reading your stuff and poking at the plot holes though, I got a lot of fics that only got as far as they did because nimadge or someone else was there along for the ride.)
I dunno if there's anything other that just practice that can improve a person's writing. Some people recommend writing short stories and flash fiction, some people say your should write X amount of words every day. If all else fails there's thousands YouTube videos on subject.
Personally I'm a huge advocate of taking ideas from other people and putting your own spin into them. Derivate, rehash, put them in a blender, see what comes out. Like, don't copy Lord of the Rings word for word and publish it as your own work, that's bad - but maybe dwarf and elf going on adventures together is a idea that could go places. Fanfiction is all derivation upon pre-existing ideas.
Related, I whole heartedly endorse anyone who wants to take plots and ideas I've written and taking a crack at them with their own style. It's pretty much how I learned to write as wee bab on a typewriter, stealing from the books I enjoyed. And hell, if you don't have a style, try someone else's. One is my most popular fics started with me trying to emulate the style and cadence of narration of a completely unrelated TV series I was watching at the time. I don't think anyone even noticed.
Once you have enough practice under your belt, your style will develop on its own.
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thejournallo · 1 month
Explain the basic: Shadow Work
As always, I will love to hear your thoughts! and if you have any questions, I will be more than happy to answer them! If you liked it, leave a comment or reblog (that is always appreciated!). if you are intrested in more method check the masterlist!
Desclaimer: Everything I will talk about is information that I got from books and sites online and even videos on YouTube. In my years of practice, I learned as much as I could out of curiosity and what works best for me. I suggest you do the same by learning as much as you can on your own (I will be here making posts teaching this kind of stuff) from multiple sources.
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Shadow work in witchcraft refers to the practice of exploring and integrating the darker, often unconscious parts of oneself. This concept, which has roots in Jungian psychology, involves confronting and working through repressed emotions, fears, and desires that can influence behavior and spiritual well-being. For witches and those practicing modern paganism, shadow work is a means of personal growth, healing, and achieving a more balanced self.
What is Shadow Work?
Concept and Origins
The term "shadow" was popularized by Carl Jung, who described it as the unconscious part of the personality that contains repressed weaknesses, desires, and instincts. In witchcraft, shadow work involves delving into these hidden aspects to gain a deeper understanding of oneself and to heal from past traumas. (Do not take it as a substitution for a professional therapist.)
the Purpose is:
Self-Awareness: Gaining insight into one's unconscious motivations and behaviors.
Healing: Addressing and healing from past wounds and traumas.
Integration: Bringing the shadow into the conscious mind to achieve a more balanced and whole self.
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How to Do Shadow Work in Witchcraft
Safe Space: Create a physical and emotional space where you feel safe and comfortable. This can include an altar, candles, crystals, and other personal items.
Set Intentions: Clearly state your intentions for undertaking shadow work. This could be written in a journal or spoken aloud as part of a ritual.
Journaling: Regularly write about your thoughts, feelings, and experiences. Focus on patterns, triggers, and recurring themes in your life.
Meditation: Practice meditation to quiet the mind and become more aware of your inner world. Guided meditations specifically for shadow work can be helpful.
Dream Analysis: Pay attention to your dreams and record them. Dreams can provide insight into the unconscious mind.
Tarot and Oracle Cards: Use tarot or oracle cards to explore your shadow. Specific spreads can help reveal hidden aspects of yourself.
Rituals: Perform rituals that focus on introspection and healing. These might involve candle work, invoking deities or spirits associated with transformation, and symbolic acts like burning written fears or burying objects representing old wounds.(Do not even think of doing this without the right preparation first!)
Mirror Work: Spend time looking at yourself in the mirror, speaking affirmations, and acknowledging both positive and negative aspects of yourself.
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Integration and Healing
Acceptance: Acknowledge and accept all parts of yourself without judgment.
Self-Compassion: Practice self-compassion and forgiveness for past mistakes and behaviors.
Therapy: Consider professional therapy if needed, especially when dealing with deep traumas or difficult emotions.
Continual Practice
Shadow work is an ongoing process rather than a one-time task. Regularly revisit and update your practices to continue growing and healing.
Tips for Effective Shadow Work
Patience and Persistence: Shadow work can be challenging and emotional. Be patient with yourself and persistent in your efforts.
Support System: Have a support system in place, whether friends, family, or a community of like-minded individuals.
Self-Care: Engage in regular self-care activities to balance the intensity of shadow work.
Balance: Ensure you balance shadow work with other spiritual practices that uplift and energize you.
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Shadow work in witchcraft is a profound journey of self-discovery and healing, leading to greater self-awareness and spiritual depth. By embracing both the light and shadow within, practitioners can achieve a more harmonious and integrated self.
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neko-michaelis · 2 months
i’d like to know what master michaelis’ teaching methods are really like 😳😳
edit: y’all this is not a sebaciel post, this is a “i’m really fucking horny for housemaster sebastian” post 😭😭
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choco-mooooose · 6 months
Spy x Family Chapter 92 manga analysis/speculation- SPOILERS!!
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Ok after reading this chapter, do I think the Authens have something more to them? Yes. Do I think they have bad intentions? Absolutely not!!!
Every single person in the family in spy family has their own hidden identity, even the dog and uncles. It would make sense if even the grandparents (the grandfather, at least) have their own hidden side. Except, in this case, it’s a case of forgotten identity, rather than hidden identity. The fact that a point was made to bring up that he worked in neurology and he was away from home for a while seems pretty specific of a detail to include. I don’t think Sigmund was one of the researchers who experimented on Anya, though. If anything, he may have been a branch head of some sort and greenlighted the project, without knowing/being told the extent of the experiment’s goals.
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If he does find out she was one of the victims of this project, it could lead to a really profound scene with the absentminded, somewhat silly man earnestly apologizing to her for the trauma she’s endured.
I don’t think Twilight needs to be suspicious of them, but I do think there’s more to them than what’s on the surface. Besides, it feels pretty intentional that the Anya backstory special artwork and short chapter was released pretty recently.
And with them being the “Authens” (authentic), it’s an interesting parallel between the Forgers and their secrets (and repressed love!) vs the Authens, who may also have secrets, but also have very real love between them. They are what the Forgers could and can be.
Anyways… those are my thoughts on the chapter. I really loved it!!! It’s nice seeing an abundance of Anya after not seeing her during the mole arc at all. Makes me remember why I love her so much!!!! I seriously hope it’s not a fake out and she actually does really well on the test. I loved seeing Sigmund’s method work for her and seeing her be really dedicated to not failing, lol. The beard was great, we love you Anya.
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think its interesting how milsiril quit the canaries out of disgust, shuros mom seemed to become a recluse (conjecture) bc of her moral character leading to her inability to stomach the going ons of the household, shuro reacting to all this by trying to interact w his retainers as little as possible and like the system keeps running without them like a meatgrinder. Like the only ppl who benefit from their choice to not participate in these systems is themselves, their own comfort, rather than their objections leading to any meaningful change for the ppl most harmed by these systems. Also interesting that these three are also high high up on the hierarchy. I think it relates to how laios left home early out of disgust on how ppl treated falin-this action did not actually seem to help her situation much and just left her alone to deal w the ostracization. And it's not until the end Laios aknowledges that falin's not the only person who gets targeted bc of her magic and resolves to become a leader to create a world where ppl like her can live safely. The systems these characters live in are unpalatable, but to not engage in it at all is irresponsible, bc they are characters born into power. It's going to be ugly, difficult work, but that is what it means to be in the cycle of life. Also ties into marcille wanting to create a safe dungeon when it is impossible . And ties into arbitrariness of when disgust is triggered and how it leads to ppl not engaging in the very important parts of life whether it is w eating, shitting, or the bad parts of society.
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