jhkalito · 11 months
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techtimegalaxy · 1 year
Which Of The Following Is Not A Typical CRM Metric
Customer relationship management (CRM) has emerged as a critical component for every corporation in today’s business environment. It is a process that comprises managing contacts with existing as well as future clients. Businesses use a variety of measures to gauge the success of their CRM strategy. Not all indicators, nevertheless, are regarded as conventional CRM metrics. We will explore which of the following is Not A Typical CRM Metric in this post, as well as why it is crucial to track such metrics. read more
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🇺🇲 Dive into the history of the Apple III (styled as apple ///), a computer that marked an ambitious step forward for Apple Inc. Released in May 1980, the Apple III was designed to be a successor to the highly successful Apple II series, aimed at the business market.
💻 The Apple III was envisioned as a business-oriented machine that would bridge the gap between personal and professional computing. Apple sought to improve upon the Apple II's capabilities, both in terms of hardware and software, while maintaining backward compatibility. Steve Jobs, who was heavily involved in its design, emphasized aesthetics and functionality. The Apple III featured a sleek design and was intended to be more robust and reliable, with enhanced performance.
⚙️ The Apple III was powered by a 2 MHz Synertek 6502A processor, an improvement over the Apple II's 1 MHz processor. It came with 128 KB of RAM, expandable to 512 KB, which was a significant upgrade at the time. The computer featured an internal 140 KB 5.25-inch floppy disk drive. An external floppy drive could also be connected for additional storage. The Apple III supported a variety of display modes, including 24 lines of 80-column text and multiple graphics modes. It ran on Apple SOS (Sophisticated Operating System), which offered advanced features such as hierarchical file system and support for multiple users.
💡 The Apple III introduced several innovations, including a built-in clock, advanced sound capabilities, and a new keyboard design. However, it also faced significant challenges: The Apple III initially suffered from severe overheating problems due to the lack of a cooling fan. This led to hardware failures, with chips often becoming dislodged from their sockets. Early units were plagued by reliability issues, which hurt the computer’s reputation in the business market.
💔 Despite its rocky start, Apple released an improved version in 1981, known as the Apple III Plus, which addressed many of the initial issues. The Apple III ultimately did not achieve the commercial success Apple had hoped for, with only about 65,000 units sold. Nevertheless, the Apple III played a crucial role in Apple's development. The lessons learned from its challenges influenced the design and engineering of future Apple products, including the highly successful Apple Macintosh.
💾 The Apple III stands as a fascinating chapter in the history of computing. While it may not have achieved the commercial triumph of its predecessor or successors, its ambition and the innovative spirit behind its design left an indelible mark on Apple’s evolution. Today, the Apple III is remembered as a symbol of both the challenges and the relentless drive for innovation that characterize Apple's journey.
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feedingfrenzy91 · 1 month
EA Considering Ads in AAA games
This could literally be a game-changer.
Gameplay: Star Wars Jedi Fallen Order and a little bit of Dragonball Z Budakai HD
May God bless you all.
Gamespot article: https://www.gamespot.com/articles/ea-...
Thumbnail: https://www.techtimes.com/articles/26... https://pepsimidamerica.com/product/d...
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darkangelstrawberry · 10 months
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williamhammel · 1 year
Tech Times: Bridging the Gap Between Technology, Lifestyle, and Culture
In today's rapidly evolving digital landscape, staying informed about the latest technology trends, lifestyle advancements, and cultural shifts is crucial. Adconnects, a leading digital media company, has emerged as a reliable source of news, delivering insightful content that explores the intersection between technology, lifestyle, and culture. Through its flagship platform, Tech Times, Adconnects empowers readers by providing in-depth analysis and thought-provoking articles that enable individuals to navigate the ever-changing digital realm.
Tech Times: Uniting the Digital World
As technology becomes increasingly integrated into our daily lives, understanding its impact on our lifestyles and the wider cultural landscape is essential. Tech Times, a dedicated section of Adconnects, serves as a hub for tech enthusiasts and novices alike. It offers a wide range of articles, news, and features that delve into the world of gadgets, emerging technologies, and industry trends. From comprehensive product reviews to thought-provoking opinion pieces, Tech Times ensures that readers are well-equipped to make informed decisions and stay ahead in the fast-paced tech world.
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Exploring the Intersection of Technology and Daily Life
Adconnects recognizes that technology extends far beyond gadgets and gizmos—it shapes our habits, relationships, and overall lifestyle. By exploring the intersection between technology and daily life, Adconnects provides readers with valuable insights into how innovations are transforming our homes, workplaces, and communities. From exploring the impact of artificial intelligence on job markets to examining the rise of smart homes and connected devices, Adconnects presents a comprehensive view of how technology influences our everyday experiences.
Furthermore, Adconnects delves into the social and cultural implications of technology, examining its role in areas such as entertainment, fashion, and travel. By shedding light on the ever-evolving digital landscape, Adconnects aims to bridge the gap between technological advancements and their practical applications, enabling readers to adapt and thrive in this digital age.
Adconnects: Empowering Readers with Relevant News
One of the key strengths of Adconnects is its commitment to delivering relevant and engaging content to its readers. With a team of seasoned writers and industry experts, Adconnects ensures that its articles are not only informative but also captivating and accessible to a wide audience. By covering a diverse range of topics, Adconnects caters to the varying interests and curiosities of its readers, making it a go-to source for those seeking to stay informed about the latest tech trends, lifestyle innovations, and cultural developments.
Moreover, Adconnects actively engages with its readers, fostering a sense of community and encouraging dialogue through comments and social media platforms. This interaction allows readers to share their thoughts, ask questions, and connect with like-minded individuals, creating a space for collaborative learning and growth.
In conclusion, Adconnects and its flagship platform, Tech Times, play a vital role in bridging the gap between technology, lifestyle, and culture. By delivering comprehensive and engaging content, Adconnects empowers readers to navigate the ever-changing digital landscape with confidence. As technology continues to shape our world, Adconnects remains at the forefront of providing timely, relevant, and thought-provoking news that keeps us connected, informed, and inspired.
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fakoa · 2 years
TechTimes Blogger Template
TechTimes Blogger Template TechTimes Blogger Template Free Obtain – TemplatesYard | TechTimes Blogger Template is a wonderful theme made particularly for blogs regarding know-how. This has a versatile format meaning that you’re routinely making changes to the display using a big display gadget like a desktop/laptop computer or a tiny gadget like a smartphone. This blogger template is used for a…
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hatboyproject · 1 year
The Hatboy Project: Delicious Sticky Poast
YouTube Channel // Nexus Mods // Ko-Fi
#hatboyproject LE daily // iterative progress #shoker // #jeff joker moreau // fandom specific #mass effect mods // #mass effect modding #private terminal mail // asks #for long and boring technical reasons // tech breakdowns (sometimes not just the tech)
Mass Effect Modding Discord // Lip-Sync for Mass Effect Games
Polygon // PCGamer // TechTimes
But, yes, it's for both Male and Female Shepard, now.
Breakdown of The Issues at Play (Video) * After having spoken to NAVA (National Association of Voice Actors) there will be an update, this post will be updated when it is available. This video is a useful introduction to how the issue relates to non-commercial fanworks and the understanding of the wider issue.
F E M A L E S H E P A R D O N L Y ?
Hatboy Project: LE will be available for both Male and Female Shepard. Only the beta version, for the original Mass Effect 3, is Female Shepard only.
C A N I P L A Y O N C O N S O L E ?
Sorry, the console versions can't be modded. That is not something within my control. PC only.
D O E S I T C O S T M O N E Y?
You must own a legitimate copy of Mass Effect 3 (2012) to use the beta version which is out right now. You must own a legitimate copy of Mass Effect: Legendary Edition in order to use my upcoming mod. My mod will never be pay-gated, and everyone will receive the same version of the work at the same time once it's released. You can support my creative endeavours via the link above to my Ko-Fi, but it isn't necessary.
W H O M S T ?
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myperfectdad · 2 years
45. Black Friday
This story was originally published on My website. Read new My Perfect Dad stories at JayHypnoWriter.com a full week before they drop here, and follow Me @JayHypnoWriter on Twitter for more updates.
Every store in the Commonwealth trotted out their old, unshifted merchandise on Black Friday. As a date on the calendar, it was a quaint holdover from the pre-Reform, back when people sold you stuff you didn’t need just because you had money, and they could convince you to spend it. It was harmless cultural theater, like those recreations of historic villages with actors churning butter and feigning shock at your zippers. 
My best friend Adrian and I ventured into the old commercial sector this year for some Black Friday window shopping. Our dads tried to talk us out of it, saying it was rude to waste a shopkeeper’s time if we had no intention of buying anything. Typical dadNet programming, trying to guilt us into staying home. We went anyway and had a great time trying on boots and coloring in mood panels with hand gestures while our dads remained docked at home. We had just left a home appliances warehouse and were about to break for lunch when I saw him standing in the window. 
“Dude. Stop for a sec,” I said. 
“Come on, Mike,” Adrian whined. “My feet hurt. I want to get some chowder before they’re all sold out.” 
I refused to budge and stared into the shop window at a display of old-style dads. They had to be 5th Generation, maybe even 4th. “Look at these guys,” I said. “They sure don’t make them like this anymore.” 
People always told me I was born in the wrong decade. My tastes had always been a bit old fashioned. I still bought boots with laces, I preferred to look at the menu instead of letting the restaurant’s AI extrapolate my preferences, and I always had an affinity for dads that looked like dads. 
“They give me the creeps,” Adrian shuddered. “I like the way they build them now better.” 
I respectfully disagreed. About a decade before we were born, dadNet stopped designing dads with visual authenticity in mind. Gone were the simulated crows’ feet, overweight builds, and gently paternalistic cognitive subroutines. The generation of dads I grew up with were boxy, metallic, and obsessed with quoting rules from the Commonwealth Community Standards. Sure, they were decent servants and interacted well with local government on our behalf, but that was kind of the point. Somewhere along the way, the definition of dad changed to mean something else. 
“Let’s go check them out,” I said, already walking into the store. Adrian protested, but when he realized I wasn’t to be deterred, he followed me in. 
The store, TechTime, was full of pre- and early-Reform era electronics and positronics. It was a veritable museum of the last century of popular history. I pretended to browse around, trying not to appear too keen on anything in particular. But my eyes never left the dads in the window. 
“Hey, Mike!” Adrian laughed and waved a small, rectangular piece of metal and glass in the air. “They call this stupid thing a smartphone. What the hell is a phone?” 
I nodded and smiled, just enough to register a socially acceptable level of interest, then meandered back toward the window display. Three dads stood motionless and inert amidst an idealized winter scene, staring blankly out into the street. The one on the left held a shovel and the one on the right was putting on a pair of mittens. I eyed the one in the middle, which wore an old-fashioned pair of denim jeans and a flannel shirt. He stood upright with balled up fists resting on his hips. His stance reminded me of old superhero holo-comics, but his appearance was more akin to an old educational film. 
“Care to take him for a spin?” 
I turned to face the salesman who had sneaked up behind me. “I don’t know,” I said, wondering whether the admonishment I got from my robot dad back at home was true. “I’ve got a dad back home that works fine. I just like the way they used to build them.” 
The salesman nodded and pulled a control device from his pocket. “They are durable. Handsome, too.” He held the control out and I took it. “Everything’s on sale for Black Friday. Go ahead and give him a try.” 
I looked at the small metal sphere in my palm as the salesman left to wait on someone else. I barely heard his footsteps fade into the distance. I pressed the blue button on the top of the sphere and pointed it at the plaid dad in the display. 
He stood at attention for several seconds and then turned around. Noticing the control device in my hand, he looked at me and smiled. “Are you my Son?” 
I laughed. “No, I’m not. My name’s Mike. I’m just trying you out.” 
The dad stepped down from the window display and approached me. He was taller than he looked in the window. His beard and eyebrows were single pieces of flexible plastic attached to his face. When he smiled at me, they distorted slightly. He held out his right hand. 
“Nice to meet you, Mike. I am 717.” 
I shook his hand, surprised at the tight grip. My dad back home was such a milquetoast, but 717 was exactly the kind of dad I always wanted. Masculine, affable, and handsome. 
“Nice to meet you, too,” I said. “You know you’re for sale in a discount shop, right?” 
717 looked around, appraising the situation. “I can see that it has been some time since I was last activated, Mike. But my programming is just as relevant today. You appear to have reached age 30. Do you have a dad?” 
He placed his hand on my shoulder, and his uncanny plastic features contorted into a simulation of concern. I thought about the glorified microwave waiting for me in its docking station back home. That wasn’t a dad. This was a dad. 
“No,” I lied. “I don’t.” 
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thepenmuse · 4 months
AI Virtual Coach: Revolutionizing Athlete Training
The integration of AI into the sports and fitness industries has brought about a transformative shift. With advancements in computer vision, a new subset of applications has emerged, particularly in the form of AI virtual coaches.  Due to TechTimes, these coaches assist athletes in various aspects of their training regimen, including correction, exercise analysis, and even rehabilitation…
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techi-wiki · 1 year
Get ready to say 'goodbye' to accidental boss calls and 'hello' to voicemail transcriptions: Google Voice now allows number porting! #GoogleVoiceGotGame #NumberPortingNirvana #TheEndOfBossCallBlunders
It looks like Google Voice is up to something sneaky again. According to the folks over at TechTimes, Google Voice is now allowing users to port their existing mobile numbers over to the service. But why, you ask? Let’s take a closer look. First off, let’s talk about what Google Voice even is. For those of you who have been living under a rock (or just don’t care about this stuff), Google Voice…
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64bitgamer · 1 year
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techtimegalaxy · 1 year
How to Remove No Compromise Gaming Software
Many gamers find no compromise gaming software to be a hassle. It may potentially cause your system to crash and cause your computer’s performance to deteriorate. We’ll teach you how to uninstall no-compromise gaming software from your PC in this article. read more
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techtimechronicles24 · 2 months
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🇯🇵 Unveiling the Toshiba T1100: A Journey into the Dawn of Portable Computing!
💻 In the early 1980s, a revolutionary device emerged, transforming the landscape of personal computing forever. The Toshiba T1100, released in 1985, marked a significant milestone in the history of portable computers. The Toshiba T1100 has subsequently been described by Toshiba as "the world's first mass-market laptop computer".
🌐 The Toshiba T1100 was among the first truly portable computers, designed for professionals and enthusiasts seeking computing power on the go. Weighing approximately 4.1 kilograms (9 pounds) with its lead-acid battery, this innovative machine provided users with unprecedented mobility.
⚙️ Equipped with an Intel 80C88 processor running at 4.77 MHz and boasting 256 KB of RAM, the Toshiba T1100 offered impressive computing capabilities for its time. Its 9.6-inch monochrome LCD screen provided a crisp display, while the detachable keyboard enhanced usability.
💾 The T1100 introduced several innovative features, including a built-in 3.5-inch floppy disk drive—a rarity at the time—which allowed for data storage and transfer with ease. This model also featured MS-DOS as its operating system, providing a familiar computing environment.
📈 The Toshiba T1100 set a new standard for portable computing, demonstrating the feasibility and practicality of laptops for business and personal use. Its success paved the way for subsequent generations of laptops, influencing the evolution of mobile computing worldwide.
👨‍💻 For professionals in various industries, the Toshiba T1100 represented a game-changer, enabling efficient data management, word processing, and spreadsheet tasks on the move. Its portability and functionality empowered users to work beyond traditional office environments.
🌟 Today, the legacy of the Toshiba T1100 lives on in the sleek, lightweight laptops and notebooks that have become indispensable tools for modern professionals and digital nomads. This groundbreaking device remains a testament to Toshiba's commitment to innovation and excellence in the field of computing. The Toshiba T1100 remains an iconic symbol of the dawn of portable computing—a chapter in the ongoing story of technological progress that continues to shape our digital world.
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fishingpiner · 2 years
Ankiapp itunes
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You get all this power, wrapped in a simple, polished app. Or search through millions of flashcards that are ready for you to download. AnkiApp lets you use colors, bulleted lists, and more. Make your own flashcards, styled how you like. When you go to study, the AI chooses which flashcards you need to work on, based on a detailed analysis of your progress. That's why AnkiApp uses an improved form of Spaced Repetition (SRS), built with Artificial Intelligence (AI), to maximize the amount of learning you get done in each study session. Learning Chinese characters? Kanji? Medicine? Another subject with lots to memorize? With that much to learn, you need the right flashcard app, to get the most from your study time.
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darkangelstrawberry · 10 months
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