#Teft Stormlight
stew4 · 1 month
The best part of stormlight modern aus is thinking about all the different bridge four incarnations.
school club? Dance team? Literally any kind of sport team? Factory workers? Apartment floor? Diner workers? Backstage crew? Just some guys?
someone has thought it
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cosmereplay · 1 year
⛵ 🔥 Teft. Would also love to hear what ship you like most for him.
⛵ What do I like about the character
I love Teft because he tries. He has such a wonderful soft heart and he allows himself to care over and over, despite the damage he ends up with.
Teft's relationship with Kaladin is so special to me. In Kaladin, he sees his own family's vindication and their foolishness. He bonds to him so hard because he wants so much to let go of the guilt he feels about his family and he sees Kaladin as a way of making it up to them. (As much as his family fucked him up hard, he still loves them with everything he is.) In the process Kaladin becomes his new family, and that is such a crowning achievement for him that he feels victorious even in death. Even as I cried I was so happy for him KNOWING he was loved.
🔥 What do I find hot about the character
It's gotta be the stubble. Goddamn. Also though? The way he would be reverent with touch. That's a headcanon, but like we've seen him take certain personal moments as a prayer for redemption or hope for change, and I feel like if he got into bed with someone he would be bringing that reverential attitude, as if he doesn't deserve it but he will accept it because he needs it desperately. Yeah, the combination of desperation and holiness is hot!
On that note I think he would need someone who can help him balance his seriousness and desperation. Someone sensible but also funny. Hesina would probably be perfect for him. I enjoy the Dalinar/Teft fics a lot; Dalinar would be able to tell Teft to stop feeling sorry for himself and Teft would be amazed to discover it actually worked 😂
In terms of earnest shipping though, I don't think Teft would actually be ready for a relationship. I would love to see him continuing to build up his community at Urithiru beyond Bridge Four, babysit Oroden, do his steady learning in those groups, find some stability, and achieve a longer period of sobriety before starting another relationship. At that point? Maybe Laral! I think they could be good for each other!
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onlycosmere · 6 months
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The Stormlight Archive by Josh Corpuz
Shallan, Dalinar, Kaladin, Jasnah, Szeth
Pattern, Moash, Adolin, Syl, Rock, Gaz
Hoid, Lopen, Eshonai, Navani, Zahel
Sadeas, Lift, Veil, Teft, Rlain
Ben McSweeney: Pretty excellent, I like a lot of these!
The artist is from the Phillipines, and they do superb animation work as well. I think they're tied up in videogames, working on JRPGs.
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azure-sorceress · 6 months
The argument that Moash was the only one in Bridge Four that didn't see Kaladin as some kind of deity or hero really falls apart once you get to the Bridge Four POV chapters in Oathbringer. They're like "yeah, Kaladin is great, but sometimes he can be an idiot, you know" and things of the sort.
Meanwhile, in Oathbringer and Rhythm of War Moash's POVs actually show that he paints Kaladin as this perfect man and soldier.
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hyoukanee · 5 months
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I present to you my favorite men from Rhythm of War (from left to right): Dabbid, Teft, Kaladin and Rock! Bridge Four artwork in progress~ p.s. Syl is the best girl ✨
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cosmerelists · 3 months
Stormlight Characters Switch Roles for a Day
As request by anon. :) [Some spoilers for Stormlight! Includes some roles people only have in later books]
It's important to me for you all to know that these combos were generated by a random number generator. Here is how fate (=random number generator) has decreed that Stormlight characters will be swapped around! How will they do in their new job?
1. Renarin takes on Jasnah's role as Queen of Alethkar
Renarin: [smiling beatifically] Rlain: You're stressed out of your mind, aren't you? Renarin (calmly): I am about to vibrate out of my skin, yeah. Rlain: Does it help that we already have three preemptive surrenders from nations who "don't want to risk angering the all-seeing prophetic god-king of Alethkar"? Renarin: What?! Rlain: Just kidding. Rlain: ...There's only been one surrender so far. Renarin: ... Renarin: I didn't even SAY anything!
2. Navani takes on Kaladin's role as leader of Bridge 4
Navani (Hour 1): I'm not a commander, of course. I'll stay out of the way and allow Teft and the other lieutenants to handle things. Navani (Hour 4): I'm not a commander, of course, but I have suggested a few small improvements. If Teft and the other lieutenants can make them work, then that's great. Navani (Hour 8): With the help of Teft and the other lieutenants, we have created nineteen new devices that have improved the efficiency of Bridge 4 by 35%. I'm so glad I can support them in some small way. Navani (Hour 12): Wait a second...I'm actually amazing at this.
3. Shallan takes on Adolin's role as duelist
Jakamov stands in the dueling ring, frozen. The 7 Shallans surround him, taunting him. One of them seems to know all of his secrets. One of them wears the face of an old girlfriend whom he ghosted. One of them has his mother's frown--only her frown. All of them have swords. All of them are watching him. Shallan (actually up in the stands): I'm so great at this, actually. Adolin: Shallan...he's crying.
4. Dalinar takes on Shallan's role as Ghostblood spy
Dalinar tramps into a seedy bar. Everyone takes one look at him and immediately they all file out. He is alone. Dalinar: ... Dalinar: And I wore a fake mustache and everything.
5. Teft takes on Dalinar's role as leader of Urithiru
Teft: Kal...congratulations on becoming the leader of Urithiru. Kaladin: I'M PRETTY SURE THAT'S NOT HOW THIS WORKS
6. Szeth takes on Navani's role as artefabrian
Navani: Well...you've certainly been...busy. Szeth: I am physically incapable of not giving a role my all. Navani: So... Navani: ... Navani: They're all complicated instruments of horrible death, huh? Szeth: I like the one with the spring.
7. Sadeas takes on Szeth's role as the Assassin in White
Sadeas: Ialai...can you have your assassins kill all these men? Ialai: Already sent 'em out. Sadeas: I love you! Sadeas: Wow...this job was so easy and not emotionally taxing in the slightest.
8. Leshwi takes on Sadeas' role as betrayer of Dalinar
Leshwi: I feel like........I'm just going to fly down and stab him. Leshwi: Well, after I introduce myself of course. Leshwi: And allow him to summon his sword for an honorable duel. Lezian: You suck at betrayal. Leshwi: ...Thank you?
9. Rlain takes on Wit's role as the King's/Queen's Wit
Rlain: I see that you have chosen to wear yellow to this feast. Rlain: It was a good choice. It looks nice on you. Wit: I want to cry. Rlain: What? I said it to Amusement.
10. Wit takes on Rock's role as Bridge 4's cook
Wit: As a vegetarian whose morals are supernaturally enforced...I'm gonna introduce you all to a little something I call "Tofu." Rock: YOU'RE FIRED
11. Jasnah takes on Teft's role as Kaladin's lieutenant
Jasnah (holding an enormous notebook): I have some suggestions...Captain. Kaladin: M-My life is flashing before my eyes!
12. Adolin takes on Lirin's role as ultra-pacifist doctor
Adolin: Okay, but...dueling is pacifist, right? No one dies. Lirin: Play-violence is still violence! People get injured and it's so horrible and pointless! Adolin: What about fighting but, like, noble fighting? Lirin: D-Do you know what pacifist MEANS? Adolin: But my sword is my best friend! Lirin: ...every day the Almighty tests my patience.
13. Lirin takes on Renarin's role as Prophet of the Everstorm
Lirin: ...and that is how and why I know that something bad is coming, and why I think you need to prepare to save everyone. Dalinar: Wow...you just...said all that. To me. Directly. With details. Lirin: I understand that you may choose to execute me for blasphemy or whatever, but I couldn't sit back and allow people to die for my own comfort. Dalinar: What a mature and straightforward way to handle that!
14. Rock takes on Rlain's roll as "Parshendi" spy
Rock: Here are everyone's secrets! Rlain: I am...impressed. How did you get all this intelligence so quickly? Rock: People LOVE talking to the cook!
15. Kaladin takes on Leshwi's role as leader of shanay-im
Kaladin: So...you guys...can't die? Shanay-im guy: That is correct. Kaladin (tears welling up in his eyes): S-So...I can be commander of a squad where...no one ever dies? I-Is this happening? Shanay-im guy: However, we have to kill someone and take over their body to return. Kaladin: GOD FUCKING DAMMIT
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renarines · 2 months
and when it turns out that in-book knights of wind and truth was written by delp, famous early-WOK bridgeman with one single mention? what then?
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ultimateinferno · 1 year
Every so often I remember Lirin was a doctor while Dalinar was Blackthorn, and his entire worldview makes a shit ton of sense. I can go on and acknowledge that he was a subject of Sadeas but really... nah. That man absolutely witnessed first-hand the casualties of that war.
#lirin did nothing wrong#yes even after the scene during the siege of urithiru. kaladin did not need to kill that singer#teft wasn't in any immediate danger at that point when they were being gathered. kaladin was the person who escalated everything#i don't (wholly) condemn kaladin beyond it being the first foot soldier he killed since oathbringer iirc.#i don't need him to act perfectly logically he wasn't in a good headspace#but lirin wasn't entirely unreasonable either.#cosmere#cfsbf#stormlight#stormlight archive#the way of kings#words of radiance#oathbringer#rhythm of war#lirin stormblessed#dalinar kholin#it's also understandable why he's fucking weird throughout the rest of RoW#talking to someone close to you after a heated argument is fucking uncomfortable as shit#and sometimes it's really tempting to refuse to acknowledge it instead because what the fuck do you do when that shit happens?#if communication was easy we wouldn't need diplomats.#we also see first hand how much lirin is lying to himself when it comes to resistance#both in hearthstone and in urithiru he keeps sticking his hands into the conflict and covering up resistance#despite the fact that he claims he doesn't believe in it. he is naturally a defiant person he just decided to not be super obvious about it#i think a lot of people don't like them because their own relationship with their parents is frustrating#and project their issues onto kaladin when they see them collide#lirin and kaladin are the same person.#a friend of mine who projects super hard on kaladin told me that if he ever met his clone even if they were identical in personality#he'd hate him because he's super bullheaded and stubborn#but also deeply fervent in his beliefs.#anyways i'm probably running out of tags
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ashesoriley · 5 months
Kals not on here
This isn't about him
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lentilmento · 3 months
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just got past chapter 43 in my tWoK reread and this is all i could think about
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thatfoxnamedfinley · 13 days
Ten Heartbeats...aka The Way of Kings thoughts
Holy fuck my friends
holy FUCK
this is the longest book I've ever read while simultaneously being one of the best books I've ever read
Friends, students, juvenile delinquents. LEND ME YOUR EAR.
SPOILERS UNDER THE CUT, this is going to be a long one baby LETS GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOoooooooooooooooo
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Them: Ok so everyone say their favorite character on three. Okay? One, Two, Three! -
Me: Szeth! Wait...er...I think actually it's Dalinar. Wait...but, Kaladin...er...and Syl too. Well, maybe...Wit...er...possibly Teft? Rock! Er...
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The characters are EXCELLENT. Fascinating. Probably because the world building is so solid that they are able to all stand on their own in their own stories.
I know a big complaint is Shallan's parts in the beginning half (because we're so thirsty for Kaladin and Dalinar's stories) but I still really liked them. I know Capsule isn't the guy's name (spelled Kabsal I think) but I'm calling him Capsule. That's the one part I wasn't a huge fan of only because I'm not a fan of romance in anything I consume. There was a payoff at the end but still.
Now, I DO think that Jasnah CARRIED Shallan's chapters because a lot of what Shallan was trying to do revolved around Jasnah and stealing her Soulcaster and what Jasnah was researching and who Jasnah's father was and how intelligent Jasnah is. I actually found the philosophy of her killing those men in the alleyway to make Shallan more open minded to different ways of thinking to be quite brilliant. I also knew through other avenues of the story (Dalinar's POV) that what Jasnah was researching was major and the lore we would get from Shallan's POV would be invaluable to the world building. ESPECIALLY towards the back half when Shallan was drawing weird things and Capsule made his move to assassinate Jasnah (with bread and jam LMFAO bro)
The scene of Shallan running away from those creatures she was drawing was genuinely frightening, especially when she reached out towards the hand that was near her (in her drawing) and felt something there. I was like
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And the soulcasting and that both she and Jasnah can do it without a soulcaster because...??????????? oh dont worry we dont know yet
And wtf is Shadesmar
like WTF is that place? WTF is there? What is it? A different plane? Are spren there? Are voidbringers there? Are not all spren good? Like, I know there are painspren and deathspren and rotspren and the question has continued to be asked if the spren are drawn to things or if they create them. But they seem to have limited intelligence (minus maybe Syl). But there's no reason to believe that maybe there are spren that aren't malicious; we just haven't seen them yet. They're in Shadesmar bitch
(side note, anticipationspren and gloryspren may be my fav, I can imagine them as little sprites with their hands raised in the air, lit af)
OH AND BITCH the revelation of the Parshmen being the VOIDBRINGERS????????????????? BITCH WTF
When it was mentioned the Voidbringers "hummed in song" I was like WAIT A FUCKING SECOND THERE'S NO FUCKING WAY
like WTF IS HAPPENING and when Jasnah was like "girlie, these bitches are ingratiated into every aspect of our society" Shallan and I were BOTH like
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Kaladin and Syl. Baby boi and baby girl.
do not TOUCH me when Syl was holding up her little arms in front of the highstorm to try to shield Kaladin from it
When she brought him a leaf to make him feel better
Saying she tripped some men to get back at being mean to Kaladin and she was so proud of herself
At moments she gave Kaladin a reason to live and she was AMAZING. BOIIIIIII when she appeared a full woman next to Kaladin and the look on her face and the echo of his father's words making him go back and save Dalinar. Syl appearing like that honestly carried so much weight, especially when you find out she's an Honorspren. Spirit of oaths. Of promises. And nobility. And all of a sudden that moment and that battle had so much more gravity. I can close my eyes an imagine her hair blowing around her face as she watches Dalinar's banner fight to survive and the moment Kaladin realises he HAS to go help them....
ok wait wait wait my heartrate is increasing let me travel back a little bit
Kaladin and the process of getting his Bridge Four homeboys to trust him was
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Rock and Teft are LEGENDS. Rock being the first one to really see Kaladin as a leader was iconic.
I'm listening to the audiobooks (if you are unaware and this is a first book posting of mine you've seen) I'm a REALLY slow reader. I get distracted and I have ADD so I need to be moving and doing other things (even if it's just COLORING while I listen, I can't just sit and read but I'm trying to get better at it), and there's a bookmark+note I left on chapter 21:
"Rock, I fear, may be an actual legend"
I actually ended up liking Teft a little bit more than Rock by the end of the book but Rock being the first one to actually be open and willing to Kaladin's leadership made me really like him immediately.
I liked Teft a lot because he was the one constantly checking up on Kaladin and asking him if he was okay, giving him space when he needed it but still staying close to him and I thought that was really sweet. When you're depressed, sometimes someone just needs to BE there with you and Teft seemed to understand the burden of leadership. And of course it helped that he saw Kaladin glow like a flamespren on steroids after Kaladin survived a highstorm.
All due respect I'm so glad he survived the highstorm cause, *COUGH* prophecy *COUGH*, but Sanderson described him as basically flapping in the wind like a wet sock
I liked when they were doing the assault to save Dalinar (SADEAS YOU FUCKING BASTARD OH I'LL GET TO HIM) and Bridge Four was watching him fight with his spear and they were all watching in awe and the Teft snapped out of it like OUR BRIDGELEADER NEEDS US COME ON MEN
And they all charged I was like
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I came around on Moash too eventually XD
Lopen was funny cause he had like 15 cousins that owed him favors and I'm like BRO WHO ARE YOU
Hoid being Sigzil's old master was a pleasant surprise. When he was telling that story to Kaladin by the fire I was like "Wait a minute is he also a Worldsinger?? He knows all this SHIT!" Then when it was revealed I was satisfied. A pleasant tie-in to that character that made the world seem more connected.
My working theory is that spren gave the Radiants their powers and they have to do like an "equal exchange" thing (like Shallan with that voice that wanted something) for their powers to fully manifest. I don't know that you're "BORN" with powers so much as chosen by a specific spren with a specific power. But girl, idk this is just what my brain is thinking after lying in bed with scrap paper like
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Stoic boi. Soft boi. Emotional boi. Pent up boi. Sadeas and Dalinar have this exchange in which he has this to say about Dalinar. From Chapter 26, ahem, let me read it:
"It's odd, how a leader's influence can affect his men," Sadeas said. "So many of these are like smaller versions of you. Bundles of emotion, wrapped up and tied until they become stiff from the pressure. They're so sure in some ways, yet so insecure in others."
"But don't you ever want to let it out, as you used to? Doesn't it pound on you inside, like someone trapped within a large drum? Beating, banging, trying to claw free?"
"Yes," Dalinar said.
"And the Thrill, Dalinar. Do you still feel the Thrill?"
*folds sheet of paper away* And not only does this sound like the beginning of a very intense gay fanfic (note that my bookmark note in the audiobook read as follows: Yo Sadeas, this pillow talk is WILD rn bro. "Do you still feel the Thrill?" BRO WE'RE ON A HUNT FOR A CHASMFIEND RN THIS IS *NOT* THE TIME MY GUY), but Navani echoes something similar later. Dalinar does too when they finally accept their feelings for each other. He says he HAS to live for something or else he spirals out of control. The Codes, Gavilar, the book. If he gives himself any "leeway on the leash" then he rages. I found that to be ever present in his character, always having to calm himself down and ESSENTIALLY do breathing exercises when people pissed him tf off.
I found Dalinar's POV quite captivating. A warlord, a feared warlord, who has visions of...crazy shit during these highstorms and really goes through this internal conflict of if he is mad or not and if he should abdicate to his son. His boon and curse are unknown to us from the NightWatcher (although alluding maybe his curse has to do with his wife as he doesn't even remember her name).
During the battle at the end with the Parshendi when Sadeas abandons him I had several thoughts and feelings during this
1.) Kaladin choosing to go save him was fucking EPIC. When Dalinar sees them charging back to them, a single lone bridge crew...using THAT as a hope and fighting through the army....GOOSEBUMPS BRO
2.) I think that Parshendi that said he had "finally found" Dalinar after searching for him was Odium. I really think this. The odd respectful saluting towards Dalinar...it was all so odd but it makes me feel what I felt since we saw his very first highstorm vision. Dalinar is chosen. A lot of our MCs are. For what, I don't know. But they're chosen for this Everstorm coming.
3.) SADEAS. You insidious POS. From Dalinar's POV, it was written so well that I actually thought Sadeas was an ally. Maybe I'm a dumb mother fucker. I did NOT anticipate Sadeas betraying him. I really didn't. It's a trope and I should of seen that shit from a mile away but I didn't.
4.) It's actually heatwarming how much Adolin loves his father. during his brief POV's he thinks about him a lot in a very loving manner and it's actually lovely to see that the relationships he has with his two sons are HEALTHY. In Chapter 12, Adolin states the reason he fights is that he can never forgive the Parshendi for bringing his father so much pain after the assassination of his brother. That's like...super sweet! He even states in the same chapter that he thinks his father is the greatest man alive. Seeing a loving, healthy dynamic between a father and his son was actually super, super special and unexpected. He still had moments where he challenged his father and Dalinar LETS him but he spends a lot of his time trying to understand his father's thoughts and I can't WAIT to see more of this dynamic as well as more of Adolin and Renarin (I have a feeling this dude will be a dark horse later) in later books.
World building is great. I literally felt like I was dropped into this world with no explanations, expected to figure everything out. While there are frustrations in that maybe, I really liked it. It took me about a week to work through this book (I read along with the audiobook, like someone was reading to me at night) and many a night was I awake til like 4am listening and thinking about it. In my bed all curled up, listening and imagining the world. Giggling sometimes, gasping. Clapping vigorously. I almost cried once.
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THIS is how stories should be felt. Like I'm by a fire, wrapped up in a blanket given to me from another world, lost in the stories of the stars when I look up. One of the best experiences I've had with a book and I'm truly looking forward to the next book.
Until next time *salutes*
side thoughts pulled from audiobook bookmarked notes:
Dalinar giving up his Shardblade for Bridge Four and all of the bridgeman was kinda hot, ngl
Syl may be a GOAT
"Brightlord Sadeas," Wit said, taking a sip of wine. "I'm terribly sorry to see you here." LMFAOO WHAT A CUNTY ICON i love Wit
wait if men don't write how does Szeth know how wtf (Szeth is an actual baby angel and he may be the side character I want to know the most about. Super super interesting)
Teft kinda clutch
"What is that?" Gaz said, pointing. "Bridge Crew. Carrying what I believe is...yes, it's a bridge." Kaladin is lowkey a comedian
wait where tf did Gaz go later on
Bridge Four nodding knowingly when they see Kaladin talking to air LMFAOOOO I fear this bridge crew is iconic
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natavinsmoke06 · 3 months
I wanted to a little analysis of teft now that I had read Wok and I paid attention to him specifically and while I was getting the points in my mind I thought dam that's kinda tragic and then remembered another and another thing and ended up crying a little, I think I can't do it ,my heart can't handle it
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brothermouse-skeleton · 3 months
I love that in the middle of Rhythm of War Kaladin and Teft team up for some classic bubby cop mystery solvin'
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lillytalons · 7 months
Lolll Kaladin is so mad he keeps hearing about Dalinar, sorry buddy, it’s literally never gonna stop.
Also, teft is hilarious, making odd, ominous comments at Kaladin. He clearly knows what’s up and is leaving everyone confused instead of just explaining. These bridgeman are all weirdos in their own way and I love that for them
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Considering wob suggests that Dalinar is a) bad at mario cart and b) a bad loser. I imagine it’s probably a very healthy thing for both him and Gavilar that mario cart did not exist on roshar while they where growing up
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hyoukanee · 4 months
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I am proud to present to you the expanded version of Bridge Four! ⚔️ Most likely this will be the final version (more on that below). First of all, I want to say thank you for liking the first version, I was very pleased to receive feedback & nice comments. Secondly, I hope the characters who joined turned out to be recognizable! Thanks to Brotherwise we got official images for many of the characters, so Rlain followed the concept. I have nothing to add except that I need to practice drawing listeners more and Rlain is one of my favorite characters in Rhythm of War! Sigzil turned out to be very serious & calm, I thought about drawing him with longer hair, but his Sunlit Man design was clearly imprinted on me since the book came out. And finally, Lopen! His official design is damn hot and sexy! And I tried to convey his cheerful and slightly daring image, which is why he got a pirate vibe. And the pose is very confident! His outfit is inspired by Ben McSweeney artworks for Dawnshard. And finally: I will not add Moash for obvious reasons. Renarin is undoubtedly part of Bridge of Four too, but I perceive him as a more independent character, so I also did not draw him here (sorry). This post is getting ridiculously long, so I really hope you enjoy the updated version as well! 😊
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