#Teru minamoto is NOT like the other girls
thriftedgenes · 4 months
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Bro has been quirky since day one
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rarastmblr · 9 months
“I'll wait. I'll always wait.”
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#Pairing? Teru Minamoto x FEM!Reader
#Sypnosis. Your boyfriend finds out you've been keeping a secret from him, how does he react?
#Tags. The overused trope of three (in this case, two) of the boy's fangirls bullying his girlfriend lmao, Akane Aoi and Aoi Akane is here‼️
—This post was requested by anon. Thank you for requesting! 💕 I don't think this is exactly how you wanted Teru to find out, so I apologize for that! 😅
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When you had confessed to Teru you thought you would be rejected too, just like the girls who had poured their hearts out when they wrote their love letters for him.
You expected to have your heart broken as you prepared for the words that would shatter your heart as if it was just a fragile plate.
Getting rejected by the handsome prince isn't the worst that you expect; it was the sheer embarrassment that you'd have to deal with as you walk down the halls of the school.
You could only wonder what had happened to the girls that had gotten rejected by him, were they able to quickly move on?
Unfortunately, unlike them, you surely aren't someone who is able to handle rejection lightly, especially if it's from him.
But— Thank the heavens! The result was much more fruitful than you thought it would be. Pushing the negative thoughts of what people would think aside, Teru accepted your confession.
The both of you had agreed to keep the relationship on the low because Teru had many fangirls— and you know what would possibly happen if they found out.
Teru is worried about what would happen to you. Some girls are driven by love to the point they take it too far if they heard news about their crush having a significant other.
That's what led to this — apparently, a certain someone found out about your relationship between Teru and spread the news to the girls, particularly the ones who were known to be obsessed over him.
“Are you seriously Minamoto-senpai's girlfriend?” Kyoko doubted, right after hitting you multiple times earlier along with her best friend Mayu.
“Oh gosh, he must've been out of his mind!” Mayu snorted. No, their parents must've been out of their minds for giving them names that contradicted their personalities. Though, you suppose it wasn't their parents fault their daughters grew up to be bitches a pain in the neck.
“Minamoto-senpai is too good for you, y'know? He's like a prince charming and you..” Right after finishing her sentence, Mayu grimaced: showing a face of disgust. “Don't let the rumours get into your head..”
Well, that's true.. No. You weren't going to be gullible with all the stanky comments Mayu and Kyoko were throwing at you. But it still does bring some tears into your eyes — not enough for them to roll down your face though.
Oh come on, Teru had just comforted you over your insecurities 2 days ago and just plain words from two girls were already melting down the wall of confidence that Teru built up.
“Augh, come on.. is the crybaby gonna cry again? This is just a routine now” Kyoko sneered, annoyed at the routine she herself made. If she thought bullying you was such a chore then why doesn't she just stop? She might as well just be sadistic.
Crybaby. That was the nickname they gave you when they started this mess; ever since they noticed that you were awfully close with Teru. Way before you and him started dating.
You stood up. Well, at least tried to. The bruises Kyoko and Mayu left on your legs didn't really do you any good. Mayu had already beat you into pushing you against the wall before you could stand up.
Just as the two girls were gonna start berrating you again, a cough was heard from behind. The two turned around to see the one and only Akane Aoi. The two froze in fright, wondering what she was going to do.
Her petite figure walked up to the three of you, her indigo hair tied up into two circle sections behind her head as usual. Aoi stared at you with an expression Kyoko and Mayu couldn't read.
Kyoko and Mayu's next move proved that they were idiots. “Akane-san! The princess of the school! Wanna join us over here?” Kyoko suggested, earning a confused look from the indigo-haired girl.
“This little minx sitting on the dirty floor over here is supposedly dating the one and only Teru Minamoto. Could you believe how absurd that rumour is!? Especially since you and Minamoto-kun dated before..” Mayu babbled. Where did she get that information from? As far as you knew, Teru and Aoi never felt any romantic feelings towards each other. Akane would fume at the thought of that.
“What are you talking about?” Aoi looked like she was gonna burst at any moment, well, at least she looked like she was in your perspective. Because of Kyoko and Mayu not being one of Aoi's close friends, the two bullies in front of you wouldn't be able to relate with you being able to read Aoi and her expressions.
“I heard—” “Whatever you're gonna babble next, just shut up. This bathroom is already reeking because of the stank you and Kyoko are emitting. It'd stink more if you open your mouth again.” Aoi shut Mayu up, already fed up with the two girls in front of her.
“It's best you leave (name)-chan alone, unless you want this audio tape sent to the supreme student council office, where Minamoto-senpai would hear it.”
Hearing Teru's name and seeing Aoi shoving a videotape into their faces — repeating everything they said to you, the two girls quickly dashed out of the area.
It was just you and Aoi now. You stared at her as if she hung up the stars, bowing and thanking her profusely again and again for saving you from them. Aoi only crouched down and helped you to stand up. She then put your arm around her shoulder, guiding you as you two walk together towards the nurse's office.
The nurse's office wasn't far. Lucky day for you. It wasn't like you were dreading the time you were walking with Aoi anyway, while you were walking earlier, she had wiped off your tears and helped bring back a smile on your face. She joked about how the two girls didn't have any room to talk to you even — they literally are in the lowest ranks in the class when it comes to intelligence, while you and Aoi are in the top 10.
The nurse was generous (she always is) to have you excused to any of last the classes you had, and with Aoi's help, the teacher agreed to just sign you as ‘excused’.
When it was time to go home, the bruises on your legs have already healed a lot more than you expected. You thanked the nurse and grabbed your back (that Aoi dropped off earlier) so that you can head back home.
Unexpectedly, Aoi was there just as you opened the door of the nurse's office to leave. She said that she'd walk with you on the way home, as the both of your houses were close to each other.
“Where's Nene-chan?” You asked her.
“Hmm.. I don't know either. She's been spending a lot of time in the bathroom lately, do you think my story about Hanako-san took a toll on her?” Aoi responded. The thought of a ghost in the girl's bathroom sent chills down your spine — At least Hanako-san is a girl though, well, rumoured to be.
“AO-CHAN~!!” Ah, you knew that voice. Turning around in sync with Aoi, Akane walked up to you guys with a smile on his face. Though you felt like you were third wheeling..
A conversation started with Akane and Aoi as the three of you were walking. Akane invited himself to walk the both of you home (by both he definitely just meant Aoi, you didn't really care though).
Aoi didn't see a way to escape from this, the three of your houses were close and there wasn't an excuse she could make up except for “We're gonna have a girl's night. Only girls are allowed” and Akane would just unknowingly counter her by saying “I'm only walking with you until you arrive at your house, it'll be fine!”
The walk back home ended with Akane trying to have a long conversation with Aoi, only for it to be a short conversation. He'd try over and over again while you are just there; observing the two of them. Sometimes you'd often see Aoi's eyes light up more than they usually do, so you didn't bother to include yourself into their conversations.
Though, you really did want to ask what Aoi was going to be doing tomorrow. Tomorrow's Saturday after all, meaning no school to stress about.
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*Audio file sent* ...What the hell?
Teru didn't know what to say or feel at the moment. He was just cooking for his siblings earlier right now and they are eating joyfully like a happy family. (Cue Kou excusing himself to go to the bathroom to barf)
A single audio file ruined his evening — even worse that what happened in the audio file had something to do with his girlfriend.
He messaged you, not to ask if the audio was real, he already had enough evidence. But to ask you if you were okay. You replied once he greeted you, but left him on read as soon as he typed the message: ‘Akane and Akane-san informed me about what happened to you today. Can we talk about it? Please?’ He spammed you with messages. He was worried.
After a while, his messages were left on sent. ‘..I'll be visiting you tomorrow.’ That was his last messaged before Teru had turned off his phone. As he looked up, expecting to see Kou and Tiara, he realized he was sthe only one sitting in the dinner table. Where did they go?
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You were nervous. It was the crack of dawn and you checked to see Teru's messages again, only to be left frightened because of the news that he'll be visiting you.
No. It wasn't like your parents had any issues with your boyfriend or anything, they loved him. What you were nervous about was the inevitable conversation that is going to happen today.
You weren't very much of a productive person during the weekdays, so you opted to take a bath later instead of right now in the early morning. Not like Teru would mind anyway.
It wasn't long before 7:47 AM, exactly the time Teru arrived at the doorstep of your home. Your mom, though surprised that your boyfriend unexpectedly visited so early, welcomed him warmly.
Before your mom could lead him to the living room so he could sit down while she goes to your room to call for you, he already saw you taking a sneak peak of him from the stairs. Immediately, as if in a emergency, Teru excused himself and hurriedly walked upstairs to your room almost tripping halfway.
“..Young love~” You mother sighed in happiness for her daughter.
“I don't know, it kind of looks like they're gonna break up.” Your father broke your mom from her dream of you getting married to Teru.
“Don't say that!” She hissed at him, grabbing her slipper—
“Please let me in sweetheart,” Teru begged in a soft tone, not wanting to overwhelm you with everything that was happening.
You cracked the door open slightly. You saw him smile reassuringly. You then opened it enough for Teru to walk in, as Teru is finally inside he waited for you to close your door. He knew you liked it best when conversations between you and him were in private.
“You could've just called.. you didn't have to come here.” You told him, only to be countered by his next words.
“I knew you wouldn't reply anyway when you hear my voice from the phone.” Teru responded, only to get a playful hit from you.
“So..” The room was silent as you locked your door for privacy, fearing that one of you're parents would possibly walk in.
“How long has this bullying been going on for?” Teru asked as he walked closer to you, holding your hand in his and rubbing his thumb across your knuckles.
“..Way before you and I started dating.” You answered truthfully, it was better to speed up this conversation than to slower it down and tell lies.
At that, Teru froze. “Why didn't you tell me?” Almost immediately, Teru used his other hand (the one not holding yours) to wipe away the tears that were starting to brim in your eyes.
Teru knew you like he knew his own mind. He knew that you were getting overwhelmed and we're crying because of it. He could almost predict every move that you were gonna do.
Teru smiled at you softly, then gently held the back of your head. Sobs that came out of your mouth turned muffled as he gently pushed your face into his t-shirt. You wrapped your arms around him, feeling a sense of comfort.
“If you don't want to talk about it now, then that's okay. There's no use dwelling on the past.” Teru muttered as he kissed the top of your head. “I'll deal with those girls at school. You won't have anything to worry about.”
Teru continues to comfort you through your muffled sobs, you hear a series of “shh” and words of encouragement throughout the whole ordeal.
Teru tilted your head up to meat his eyes and wiped away any tears still on your face. Also, he used his shirt to wipe of your snot too — much to your embarrassment.
After that he peppered your face with kisses, resulting into the two of you cuddling in your bed the rest of the morning. But your mom called the two of you down stairs when she noticed you haven't eaten breakfast yet.
The rest of the day ended with Teru hanging out with you and your family. Teru invited you to go on a date tomorrow — his treat ofcourse (nothing changed, he was always the one who pays). Tiara decided to come along that day, not that you minded.
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Sunday passed, and the walk to school with Aoi was peaceful if you just ignore Akane in the background. The bruises have healed, thanks to your mom and Teru. Dad was the one stressing over the many things he had to buy from the store and pharmacy.
“You look better now. Guessing the talk between you and Minamoto-senpai went well?” Aoi asked as the two of you were at the school gate. Akane got called by the other student council's to hurry up because of an urgent early meeting.
“It went very well.” I answered, giving her a thankful smile. “Thanks again, for protecting me that day..”
“No need.” The two of you walked towards the classroom. “Oh! Nene-chan is finally here!” Aoi chimed, delighted to see her friend. Her absence in classes made her seem like she went missing.
You followed Aoi as she went to converse with Nene. You also gave out some opinions and thoughts about the topic the three of you were conversing about, but only like once or six times since you really didn't know a lot about supernaturals.
The teacher finally arrived, students immediately went to go sit down on their seats. Akane was still busy with the student council meeting you suppose. But what was weird is Kyoko and Mayu not being there chattering, judging everyone in their field of view as if they had any room to talk.
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dbs-scans · 1 year
Minamoto Supernatural Detective Agency — April Fool’s Day 2023
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April Fool’s! Nah, this one’s the real deal—here’s a translated archive of the event hosted on AidaIro’s twitter during April of 2023.
Day 1
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“Hello, you’ve reached the Minamoto Supernatural Detective Agency—” “Oh, it's just you, Kou. Yes, of course.” “All right, I'll see you at 8 PM.”
Click! Booop, booop....
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Day 2
Somewhere in the city lies an ultra-famous detective agency that boasts a terrifying case-solving rate...
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[Teru] “Welcome, I've been expecting you.” “I look tired, you say? Haha, I've been working on a big case that came in yesterday.” “But I have plans to go on break tomorrow, and I'm used to pulling all-nighters, so don't worry about me.” “You reporters are just as busy, right?”
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“I've collected the info pertaining to the Ryokan Case over there.” “Huh? You don't know where I mean? Sorry, I've been so busy that I haven't had a chance to organize everything.” “All my other case files are scattered around... but I won't mind if you search through them for it.”
Various items have been scattered throughout the detective agency. What interests you is the...
Old Flier
Strange Magazine
Dirtied Diary ✅
Left-on TV
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It's a diary with a cute design. It's terribly dirty, as if someone had dropped it somewhere. You can see a footprint left behind where somebody stepped on it.
Everyday events have been written inside with neat handwriting: “The potted flowers we planted bloomed today.” “Went out with a friend.” “I spotted a cute cat.”
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...But the diary entries abruptly cut off, and a message written in another person's hand-writing has been left behind: “Go Away.”
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[Teru] “Ahh, that's unrelated to the ryokan.” “A client asked me to locate the diary of someone precious to them.” “I did find it, but as you can see... her work environment was rather poor.” “She set her sights on a new career path, and left to do field research, but I'm not sure where...”
――Knock Knock! “Hm?” “Looks like somebody's here. Is it another job request...?”
[Akane] “Oh, there's a guest here. Hello.” “I came to pick up something I left behind before I leave! I'm going on a trip with my childhood friend!” “A vacation to the hot springs, all by ourselves... I can't squander this. I've finally made it...” “Enjoy working on your day off, Chief! See ya!”
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[Teru] “A hot springs vacation with his childhood friend, huh...” “Oh, that was one of our staff members. It seems he's going to be taking some time off, as well.”
Now, where should I check next?
Old Flier
Strange Magazine ✅
Left-on TV
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A mysterious magazine titled Monthly MO has been left here. There’s a bookmark inside. A special report on cryptids...?
[Teru] “Reports of cryptids at the ryokan are almost never-ending.” “If you go there, try seeing if you can catch one. You might earn some extra pocket money if you do.” “Haha, I'm just kidding, of course.”
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Now, what’s next? 🐈The investigation continues tomorrow at 8PM🐈
Old Flier
Left-on TV
Cassette Tape ✅
Day 3
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It's an old cassette tape. I'll try playing it. ...It's a man recounting how he was spirited away as a child and wandered into a mysterious ryokan in the mountains. He sounds oddly happy about the experience.
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“...and that was how I returned to human civilization.” “I'll never forget the girl who helped me to escape from there. Never ever~!”
“She told me ‘you must never come back here again,’ but it's my dream to return one day and be reunited with her.” “If it meant being with a beauty like her, then I’d do anything—I’d even become a cat...!!!”
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[Teru] “To be attracted to someone that isn't even human? What a freak.” “I can't relate at all.”
Now, what should I check next?
Old Flier
Left-on TV ✅
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The 12 o'clock news is on. It appears that the children of the leaders of the East and West yakuza organizations have gone to dinner together. Rumor has it that they're considering an arranged marriage to unite the criminal underworld.
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“Now this is just plain dumb. A political marriage, in this day 'n age?”
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“Wait, you don't want to get married?” “Huh?”
[Teru] “Wow, they'll make a news report on just about anything.” “I'll change the channel~”
Now, what’s next? 🐈The investigation continues tomorrow at 8PM🐈
Old Flier
Old Newspaper Clipping ✅
Day 4
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It's a newspaper clipping from 50 years ago. During a national tour, a popular circus troupe had their tent burst into flames in the middle of the night and burn to the ground.
Officially, the cause of the fire is unknown, but on that night, two small figures were spotted fleeing from the scene of the crime. However, there was only one child registered with the circus troupe at the time—a single animal handler, who went missing after the incident. The child was known for doting on his pet black cat.
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[Teru] “Rumor has it there's someone at the ryokan who looks exactly like the child who went missing, completely unchanged over the years.” “I wonder what that means...?”
Now all that's left is the old flier.
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There's a tattered, yellowed flier lying around—a notice for a lost cat. It appears the cat went missing over ten years ago...
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[Teru] “What a big cat. Cute, isn't she?” “They said she was a strange cat who would dance on nights of the full moon.” “Apparently they never found her... but lately, I've heard reports that a cat with similar characteristics was spotted near the ryokan.”
I've finished surveying the results of the agency's investigation. Now, for the final step, I'll ask for information concerning the person I'm looking for. 🐈 The final investigation begins tomorrow at 8 PM 🐈 
Day 5
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This is what the person I'm looking for left behind. I've brought it here with me.
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[Teru] “About that coworker of yours who disappeared, the photographer...” “So far we haven't found any concrete proof that kid is staying at the ryokan.” “It's possible he might have disappeared of his own free will...”
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That's what the guys at work all said. That he ran out on us 'cause the job’s too hard. But...
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He'd never go off and leave his camera behind. Something must have happened to him out there...
[Teru] “I see. In that case, you should trust your intuition.” “Even if there's no evidence to support it, there's still a chance he could be there.”
“...And with that, I believe we’ve gone through everything that my investigation turned up.” “So what's your next move? There isn’t much left to do except actually going to the ryokan itself.” “If you hire me, I can tag along and...”
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[Teru] “Oh, you're going alone? Since you don't want to bother me when I'm on vacation?” “But you know, they'll probably be less suspicious if we go together... Have you already got a ticket?” “Oh... You're so responsible, Kou. Your big brother is very proud of you.” “Okay, see you. Be careful out there.”
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[Teru] “......” “A trip to the hot springs, huh?” “Not like I've got anything better to do. Maybe I’ll go, too.”
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BZzT zzzZzZT......
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"Human society brings endless pain and suffering~♪" "The youth of today with nowhere to belong feel nothing but frustration~♪"
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"Let the hot spring's waters wash your troubles away~♪"
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"And let your bellies be satisfied by our tasty food~♪"
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"So come on down—" "To the Bakeneko Ryokan Hanako-tei!" 🐈 The End 🐈
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tsukasalvr · 1 year
hihi I'm starting to hyperfix on tbhk again and the lack of tbhk writers on here is criminally low :,)
sooo could you do teru minamoto x supernatural!reader but the reader is a type of supernatural that's like a vampire but not really like she needs blood and flesh to survive but she can like be in light. maybe she blends into the school to try to regain any type of humanity and teru notices and thinks shes gonna harm a student but when he confronts her she confesses that she just wants to fit in. So teru kinda just drags her around to make sure she doesn't go bonkers and it turns out she actually is nice and not malicious but still seems extremely weak from the lack of blood to maybe teru offers his arm to drink from and he realizes that not all supernaturals are bad
I'm tried while writing this so sorry if the plot seems to complicated or something
also I dont mind if its headcanons or a one shot whichever fits you're schedule <333
AN: FRRRR like the tbhk writers rn are doing amazingggg!!!!!! But there’s literally so few of them and idk if I would consider myself an active tbhk writer cus I’m so inconsistent with my works LMAO but I do have a lot of tbhk works so I guess I’m pretty good
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Anime/fandom: Tbhk
Character: Teru Minamoto
Warnings: I don’t proofread
A/n: I love girls and I love girls girls bless all the girls
Tbhk masterlist | Main masterlist
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Teru Minamoto
It’s one thing that you’re a supernatural, but it’s another that you’re also a vampire which makes you an even more danger to other students
He watched you sneakily, hoping to catch you alone, but you’re always hanging around other people smiling and laughing that it makes him curious on what’s your motive. Are you getting close to these people so you can feed on them later? But he hesitates on that thought with how real your smile looks, as if you really do enjoy hanging around others and don’t want to feed on them
It’s hard to catch to you alone and is only able to find you alone when it’s the end of the school day, you looked at him worried and explain your situation on how you don’t want to feed on others and just want to be a normal student and how if he wanted, he can watch until he believes her
Teru doesn’t know why he decides to believe and trust you, he’s never hesitated like this. So the next day he never strays far away from you and it isn’t till a week later where he finally believes you but still wants to watch you just for the safety of others, which you agree with
Teru can’t help but want to smile whenever he sees you and even though he knows it’s wrong, it doesn’t take long until the both of you become a couple and he sees how tired you actually are and how you try to hide it but it only seems to get worse every day
He gets worried and without thinking offers his arm and neck for you bite on so you drink some of his blood. But even after he realizes what he said, he doesn’t go back on what he says and reassures you it’s okay and although your hesitant, you agree and at least once a week, Teru lets you feed on him a little and will ask if raw meat will work the same if he isn’t available
Although Teru thinks it feels weird and can’t help but blush whenever you bite him, it’s all worth it to see you better
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miimo96 · 4 months
Thoughts on TBHK Chapter 114
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Looks like we're finally Diving into the Relationship between these 2 , Ngl seeing a relationship between the 2 most "Fake" Characters in the series is Really gonna be interesting, especially with the New timeline and stuff, I wonder if people's theories on the whole comparison to Sumire's life and the minamoto clan will be correct.
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GOD I Hate on How SMUG this character Is, how you just gonna start off the chapter like that Knowing on How Akane will React!? Also between this and How Akane is treated most of the Series, the Man is a walking L
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This tells us so much about the 2 and how they see each other, he initially Didn't even think twice about aoi, immediately getting down to business and figuring What changed In the timeline, only using the "aoi as his Finance" excuse to get under Akane's skin, he sees her as Nothing more than something to play with Akane's emotions with, however aoi is doing what she Does best, Putting on an act and playing along, He knows that Aoi would initially not even take his hand, and brush him off slightly, as she does not see him that way, however aoi is playing along and Does grab his hand, which uneases him, because what if She does see him that way Now?
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Going from what I said earlier it's pretty clear that aoi's Just playing the part and is not really into Teru, and teru Knows this by confirming saying "he'll send it to Akane" to which Aoi shakes her head, it's lovely indication to show that even in this New timeline, she Still very Deeply cares about Akane, and doesn't want him to see her with Another man
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Teru and Aoi are like the couples you'd see in movies, the type of "Perfect" Couple you'd expect (The most popular boy Dates the most popular girl) it's the perfect type of Relationship for these 2 characters, a fake romance fit for Fake people
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Ya know I don't think Teru's ever been "hit" before, aside from the beatdown hakubo gave Him and Akane, teru's the type of character that's Never been "humbled" like he's never received a Proper smack to Reality; Yashiro won't do it because She has a soft spot for him, plus He's Handsome, Kou has too much respect for his older brother and aspires to be like him, Akane is completely terrified of teru and would probably Die if he tried, So Aoi being the 1 to do it is pretty fitting like saying "I don't care if you're my upper clansmen, part of the minamoto clan, or completely handsome, You ever try some shit like that again and I WILL END YOU"
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Upon Re-reading the chapter I love the reaction here, he's Relieved of the fact that She DOES NOT have a crush for him, meaning that she still does care about Akane in someway and He's happy to hear that, aside from all the teasing and bullying he does He Still does care about Akane and his feelings and does NOT want to hurt him.^^
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Looks like people's theories on the 2 being in Relationship as a result of the Sumire incident/ sacrificial bloodline was Correct, also the fact the Seven wonders don't exist is really interesting, I wonder if it has anything to do with Tsukasa being the only apparition for Now, which is weird because aside from No.5, Yako should be a wonder regardless the timeline
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I can't tell if this Akane or teru, probably Akane but it's Nice that she still has feelings for him, also Aoi having 2 sisters is a Surprise to me, so far i don't think we've ever seen or known about them till this point, also her mom seems to be more important than we think, hmmmm 🤔
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Ngl this hurt me a bit, that line "So that's the type of world we're in" really sums up the Pain in this timeline, and you gotta wonder if he really wants to do this anymore, It really hurts me and that's saying something considering I'm a Huge Teru hater and because Now I'm curious of how Kou will react act due the SCENE in The Red house arc
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This are 2nd look at Kou's mom ever since the red house arc, aside from the Tear jerking moment we've Never seen the 2s relationship and how they must've acted before her passing so it's really Heartbreaking to see it here finally and I kinda wonder if kou will eventually find out the Truth and Be against putting things back to Normal, this arc may be a lot like the picture perfect arc just Cranked to 11, also can someone tell me what this Says in the background, I cant read Japanese and my translator isn't working
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I Love the Dynamic between these 2, at 1st I was a little worried that the call Kou got about a missing student was about Mitsuba, thinking that mitsuba probably dying or something happening to him was a Canon event and that this is all ment to happen eventually, Thank GOD it isn't, Also I love the face mitsuba gives him here, just a little "I Love f@#king with my Boyfriend" face, Also I Guess this confirms that Hanako is still alive in this timeline, meaning the Man we saw in the last Chapter Definitely was Hanako, I wonder if we'll see him run into yashiro soon^^
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faerishv · 6 months
hellooooooooooooo! I really like your posts. I see you opened a request and..umm..can I place a request for Teru, Akane,Mei (tbhk) x reader who likes to draw and always draws anytime, anywhere. If you don't like it, it's okay…anyway, have a nice day :333
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hi anon im glad u like my writings, so sorry for the wait hope youʼll like this post as well, have a nice day / night
teru minamoto
he finds your hobby really interesting and adorable, you have a lot of talent and itʼs good that you practice everyday.
sometimes, when you have nothing to do, he invites you to the students council room and makes you sit beside him, he likes the silence thereʼs in the room while you draw whatever is on your mind while he finishes his work.
his grades are excellent so of course he shines in art class, he gives really good advices on how you can get better with your art, drawing / painting with him is really fun and relaxing.
if you gift him a drawing of him or you two together heʼll make sure to put it in a frame, beside the pictures with his siblings so he can see it everyday; heʼll praise you a lot and maybe gift you a drawing as well, as a thank you.
akane aoi
heʼs literally your number one supporter, always been since the start, he definitely takes pictures to every single drawing u make, even if itʼs just one doodle on the end of your note book or on your arm.
talking about doodling on someoneʼs skin, he will scream like a fan girl if you ask to draw on his arm, it could be anything really: smiling faces, lil shining stars, flowers.. he will cherish them till they completely faid away when heʼs washing himself up he will be sad about it too.
i wouldnʼt try to ask him for suggestions on how to make your art better though, he will always compliment whatever you draw, even if itʼs just a literal stick men, he cannot manage to criticize you and your art.
believe me when i say he will go feral if you draw him or both of you together. Imagine handing him a small drawing of you two holding hands w little hearts as decorations, and each second his face gets more and more red.. heʼll probably stick it to his ceiling, right in front of his bed so that it will be the first thing he sees in the morning and last thing he sees before closing his eyes to sleep.
mei shijima
i think she'd be really amused about the fact that you both like art and spend most of your days drawing, you both support and help eachother when the other needs help or suggestions.
since you two share the same passion, expect to do some works together with shijima, maybe like you both seat in front of eachother and draw the other or draw shared parts of a singular painting, you know things like that if you understood.. where you both have fun.
more than one time, she definitely chose you as her subject for various drawings / paintings for her school's art competitions, and every time she would win, sheʼd give you her art piece for you to keep it.
if you ask her for suggestions on how to get better at drawing, you better be ready cause she will say everything that is on her mind, she doesnʼt say it in a mean way of course but you asked her for art criticism and thatʼs exactly what sheʼll give you
i missed writing for tbhk to be honest, i hope this is what you were waiting for anon ^_^
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musicalmoritz · 10 days
How do you think Nene and Tiara would interact? Was rereading the manga and I just noticed Nene playing with the other before she sees Aoi after the Grim Reaper Arc
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They for sure seem to get along well from what we’ve seen!! Since Tiara never knew her mom, she doesn’t have a lot of female figures in her life, I assume it means a lot to her to hang out with a girl her brothers’ age. Kids tend to look to older people of their own gender for guidance and to learn how they should behave, Kou had that with Teru but Tiara has no one like that (unless she has a female teacher, she’s old enough to be in kindergarten). I wouldn’t go as far as to call Nene an older sister figure to Tiara since we haven’t seen them interact much, but I could see their dynamic being something of that nature. In the official art for this chapter Tiara was crying and trying to pull Nene back into the house when she was leaving lol, so it seems like she looks up to her in some way
If Nene stays friends with the Minamotos long term (which I like to imagine she will), I could see her taking Tiara out on girl’s days when she gets a bit older to give her mother-daughter experiences she missed out on. And if Tiara needs advice specifically pertaining to girlhood, Nene is the one she goes to. I am fortunate enough to have had a lot of women like that in my life growing up so those type of dynamics are very personal and nostalgic to me
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Tbhk gardening Headcannons pt 1.
Part 1 of most likely 2
Nene Yashiro, Aoi Akane (Girl), Aoi Akane (Boy), Teru Minamoto, Kou Minamoto, Mitsuba Souske
Part 2
Nene Yashiro
* it’s cannon that she’s good with plants as she’s in the gardening club
* Also that she’s better with veggies and food type of gardening compared to flower type
* She definitely has tried to raise flowers at home but just couldn’t so now she raises lots of green type plants that she feeds to her hamster!
* Well, one plant she can grow that has a flower is the cactus, and somehow it has a multitude of flowers
* Why? No one knows but her green thumb is definitely not in the flower type of gardening
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Aoi Akane (Girl)
* it’s also canon for her to be a good gardener like Nene as she’s also in the gardening club
* Complete opposite of Nene, can’t grow food stuff to save her life
* But her flowers are the prettiest
* Also cant raise any ferns or green plants
* Can raise Cacti though
* The thing she and Nene bonds over
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Akane Aoi (Boy)
* Aoi loves gardening so of course he picked up on it too and is very good at it
* Can do both flowers and food type plants
* Doesn’t do gardening though so Aoi won’t have a break down
* Actually is really fucking good at gardening though, like insanely good like he is with everything
* Instead of store bought flowers he uses the flowers he got from his garden to gift to Aoi
* She doesn’t know this though as the flowers are beautiful and extravagant
* Raises Aoi’s favorite flower the most though that isn’t his own favorite flower
* Raises multiple cacti and they’re all so big and flowery and pretty
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Teru Minamoto
* It’s funny that this guy thinks he can manage plants
* The only thing this guy can do is be pretty, exorcise spirits/demons, and be smart
* Does not have a green thumb at all
* Even easy to care for plants die in his care sadly
* Waters fake plants cause at least he can’t kill those!
* Only for 73% of the time something happens to the fake plant either destroying it or the plant get nearly destroyed
* I feel like he got cursed by a plant or garden spirit when he exorcised them
* But because of all the girls around him he’s decently knowledgeable on how to garden
* Can direct someone in how to do gardening but can’t do it himself for shit
* Does not pass the cacti test, man is hopeless with gardening
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Kou Minamoto
* Like usual, Kou can do all the stuff Teru can’t
* Isn’t a top notch gardener but has the potential to be
* I mean like he could be close to Akane’s level if he tried
* Mostly grows food type plants for his cooking
* Very waste free and such, so most food scraps go into the compost bin for more plants in the future
* Helps maintain two small patches of flowers, one for his parents and the other that tiara wanted to plant
* Actually starts taking care of more flowery plants after his interactions with Nene, planting a lot of her favorite flowers and what flower he think she’s like
* He uses gardening as his time to relax and de-stress
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Mitsuba Souske
* He can garden
* But not amazingly though, only simple flowers and potted plants
* Loves to take pictures of them and brag his head off about the plants
* His mother started gardening too because of him so he also has a lot of photos of his mom gardening with the pretty flowers or her sitting among them posing
* Refuses to grow food type of plants
* Says it’s not for someone as cute and pretty as him to do
* Oh if only he had planted some potatoes-
* After his death he’s still really into plant pictures as they remind him of his life before he died
* And after being remade again with no memories he still has a love for plants and flowers
* Says it adds to his charm
* Even with that phrase he feels some sort of pull between him and flowers especially the ones his mother used to plant often (not that he’d know)
* Gardens because it just seems like he knows how to
* And because apparently it adds to his charm
* Passes the cacti test
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old-poptart · 1 year
hi!! KIND OF TERU X READER REQUEST ?? Basically the reader (who is homeschooled / not at kamome) just moved pretty near Teru’s house and she tends to stay up really late at light to play the piano, listen to music, read, watch animes etc
And Teru starts noticing it!! At time goes by he starts to slow down a bit when he see her room lights are still on, to hear her play the piano or just rumble about the game she’s playing or something like that!! Then one night he actually sees her looking outside her window and they just kind of stare at each other ? AND FROM THEN NOW I DON’T KNOW, but I imagined the reader to be a real source of comfort for Teru!! They could meet up at night after his exorcism jobs and it would be like a break from his really busy life and yeaaah
a/n: OH MY GOSH??? THIS IS SO CUTE??? YEYSYEYSYYSSY I LOVE THISISBZB i wrote this as a lil oneshot if you don’t mind mueuehehheh ANYWAYSSSS ONTO THE ONESHOT!!!
warnings: cutie patootiez in love
Teru 🤺 with his new neighbor (fem!):
"she's worth it"
"i want this one!" you darted upstairs to be met with two rooms, picking the best one for yourself. whilst catching your breath, you checked out the empty room and started to picture what would go where.
"alright kiddo, which one did you pick out?" your parents walked up the stairs, wheezing a bit due to the tedious exercise. they looked around the room, making sure that it was ample enough for their child. "you sure you like this one, honey?" your mom peeped in your soon to be room, smiling.
"yep!! i already know where everything is gonna go.." you already planned out what goes where. the bed goes in that corner, your desk goes over there, ooh the tv would look great there!! you wanted to get a head start, so you went downstairs to get as many boxes as possible and start assembling your new little space.
"look, teru! we have new neighbors!"
a few days had gone by, you already had the basics of your room down. sure it wasn't all glamoured up yet, but you have a space to sleep and watch your shows, so all was good!
a vague knocking could be heard at the door, but your mind was too busy figuring out how to do this one assignment that always managed to get you stuck. your parents weren't home due to work, so it was up to you to get it. after a few more knocks, you finally snapped out of it and came rushing downstairs without bothering to spruce up your appearance a smidge, thinking it was just the food delivery service.
you opened the door to three beaming, young faces. there seemed to be three siblings, a little girl and two teenage boys. the younger teenager was holding a container of sweets he made all on his own. the elder teen held the little girl's hand and held a small gift bag in the other.
"welcome to the neighborhood!! we are so glad to have you here" they all said in sync as if they'd practiced that greeting for hours. "we are the minamotos, i'm teru, this is kou, and here's-"
"im tiara!!" the young girl interrupted, wanting to take things into her own hands despite literally being held back. you snickered at the cute interruption, taking a step back yourself. "sorry about her, she loves saying her name"
"thank you so much!! ah, im y/n l/n, pleasure to meet you all!" you smiled, charmed.
"how long have you been here? i don't see you at school" teru asked curiously, maybe you two had completely different schedules
"oh i'm actually homeschooled!!"
"is that so?" he placed a finger on his chin, leaning in closer to show his interest. kou started to sense the tension between the two of you. he decided to step in.
"u-uh as a welcome gift, we give you these sweets! we hope you are fond of them" kou handed the sweet treats over to you, his smile bright as ever.
"he baked them himself" teru mentioned. "oh it's nothing!" "oh don't be so modest, kou! his cooking is to die for, you should come over some time to try it" he used his hand to whisper this sacred information to you, the closeness between you two making your cheeks go a bit warm. he then realized how close you two were, backing up immediately.
"i can't thank you enough! they look marvelous, i'll definitely be snacking on them when i study hehe" you improvised the tension between you and the tall, charming teen.
from that moment on, you two have been noticing each other from each other's windows. whether it was you studying, teru finishing up extra student council work, or just simply admiring each other, your eyes always managed to wander off to hopefully catch a glance at his frosty blue ones.
day by day, he has noticed more things about you. due to complicated schedules with school and exorcist training, poor thing hasn't had the chance to properly get to know you. but that wouldn't be much of a problem soon.
anytime that he would be working on something in his room late at night, he would hear a charming melody. it was like no other, he could practically taste how sweet it was no matter how muffled it was. it always managed to put him at ease. he didn't know where it came from, shoot he thought that the melody popped up in his head out of the blue. but why? he's not one for composing music. he always saw your light on but never put two and two together, it just never came to mind.
weeks went by and eventually he got to meet the face of those angelic hands. he needed some fresh air, quite frankly he needed to stretch as well. being crouched over like a shrimp all night won't do you well as the school's prince!
to his surprise, a familiar face was also catching some fresh air from the cool breeze outside your cozy room. it was well needed after practicing that scale for hours, shoot your fingers started to cramp up! rubbing your sore fingers, you looked around the atmosphere. you actually never got the chance to properly look outside your window. it was always just a quick glance or trying to tell what the weather was like outside, then again you just gave up and checked on your phone.
two sets of eyes have officially locked, their blinking came to a short pause and was set aside. clearly holding the contact was far more important to these two souls. it all began there, a source of comfort and warmth blossomed between these two young soon-to-be lovers.
meet ups were being set up, snacks at sleepovers, studying, helping out, whatever put him at ease helped him. in reality you were the one who put him at ease. a break from being perfect all the time. just what he needed, and that little tune you play on the piano still roams around his head like a parasite. he loves you dearly, dear.
-ooga :D
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mari-lair · 1 year
Aye is me again!
I was just wondering if you had any theories on what Teru's dream involving Aoi may be. He says she's necessary for his dream and I wonder if its because she's a direct descendant of the kannagi line?
I hope his dream includes Akane too bc even if they won't end up together I just KNOW they'll be besties either way (am soft for Akane being the 1st person he shows his true self to outside his family)
Hello! :D I have no hope Aidairo will treat this sub plot with care, (or any plot that includes Aoi) so this will be more of a rambly analysis than a theory.
I am inclined to believe Teru’s dream doesn’t have anything to do with her Kannagi blood because of how he approaches Aoi compared to Nene.
Nene is also a Kannagi, but Teru never searches for Nene or gives her much thought, he even let her have a crush on what he sees as a dangerous supernatural since it is what she wants so who is he to reprimand a dying girl? Whenever they are together he flatters her but never asks about her life or tries to make her linger in his presence. 
He does show interest in Nene being a Kannagi but it does not feel like he sees her as a weapon or an important tool that he can use to achieve a ‘goal’. She is still a ‘silly girl’ or a ‘funny girl’ in his mind, someone he is kind to when they are face to face, but he doesn't go out of his way to do much for her.
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Aoi is canonically very hard to get close to, so trying to 'be her friend just to use her later’ would be contrived and too stupid for a character built up to be smart, considering Nene (who had a crush on him throught a big part of the manga) would be a far better target to get his hands on Kanagi powers.
Teru actively goes out of his way to try to learn more about Aoi and make her stay with him, even if he has to resort to manipulation, he will do it to spend more time with her.
It also bears mention that Akane's tactless way to ‘woo’ Aoi is what he hates the most about Akane. Not Akane supernatural contract or, any of his behavior with Teru, but how he approaches Aoi:
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Teru trusts Akane, but he gets disgusted with how he put her on a pedestal, how his obsession gets on creepy territory at times, yet, when Akane and Aoi work things up and are able to properly communicate, Teru gets grumpy and mopes about their almost kiss. A kiss that shouldn’t be significant if what he was interested in was her Kannagi status.
He listens to Akane go on and on about how ‘sweet and kind and pretty’ Aoi is without ever shutting him down, and despite loving to annoy the clock keeper, he never disagrees or implies that Aoi isn't as amazing as Akane claims, so he does have a very positive view of Aoi.
I can’t say for sure what his dream is, but it feels related to Aoi as a person, not her blood or ancestors. Is a desire of his own.
Minamotos are very connected to supernaturals, and they are pushed to put their duties first, but being disconnected from other, and able to have a level head in dangerous situations doesn’t make them any less human or emotional: They value their family, their friends, their desires, occasionally putting them above their job for selfish reasons.
Now let’s talk about a theory Maagi shared with me, that the more i thought about it, the more plausible it seemed: If Teru was in love with Aoi, it wouldn't be the first time a Minamoto fell in love, or at the very least, was very attracted, to an Akane.
The manga makes a point to heavily imply that Kanagis usually live with loved ones at the start of their lives, and that even in the old ages where Sumire’s story takes place, it's seen as cruel to abandon a child so young.
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They mention her family wanted to ‘get away from her resentment’ but considering how oblivious and happy she had been to “marry God”, eager to declare a demon her husband, it is far more likely they wanted to get rid of Sumire for reasons out of her control, like her bloodline.
From Sumire pale eyes, which have hints of the Akane purple we know, but is mostly blue, to her expertise in using spiritual tools (from her knife, to bracelets, to even a protective barrier)  it’s just far too much of a coincidence.
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Even her personality seems like a mix between Teru and Aoi.
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And I can see the argument that her exorcism tools are things that every Kannagi can use, since Aoi can use them too, but it is still strange that Sumire has so many tools associated with the Minamoto clan, when every other sacrifice has none. Not even a bracelet.
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The bracelet is not part of a Kannagi’s uniform. Or a precaution of No.6 that comes with his duties. It’s a Minamoto’s gift. Which makes Sumire feel more personal than ‘just another sacrifice girl’, like her protection matters for someone.
This leads me to how Teru gave Aoi a bracelet the second she got mixed with supernaturals, and let her keep it,
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He never offered this kind of protection to anyone else, not even Nene, the girl that lives in danger.
So even if the fandom will cry at the idea, there is a lot to indicate Teru is genuinely interested in Aoi. The seeds are there, Aidairo was just clunky when hinting his interest (I’m still baffled an interaction as important as the convenience store one is in a spin off.)
And I am sure his dream includes Akane! Akane is his best friend, even when he wants to spend time with Aoi, he isn’t opposed at all to Akane tagging along.
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He values Akane in a completely different way than he values Aoi, but is so clear he has tons of fun with the two Aois!
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(There is a reason I would be chill if his crush was either Aoi or Akane, he acts in such a way that no matter who he has a crush on, it is still obvious he really values them both)
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thelunarfairy · 7 months
What do you think abt the minamoto clan from yorimitsu to its current heir? They seemed to be responsible for the human sacrifice ritual, maybe the one who suggested it and it worked. And teru seemed to be hiding the fact that his family did that in the past.
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It was like their way to protect humans from supernaturals began with exorcising, then maybe after yorimitsu passed, they found another way instead of doing that so the can live an easier, normal life like others(?) which was a ritual of sacrificing a young woman, after sumire was sacrificed, hakubo killed many of minamoto family and spared their children, it was unclear if the ritual was discontinued or not but the last sacrificed kannagi was katakuri, after that they went back to exorcising? And what if the red house was their faults too, they went back to sacrificing people but more subtle, make it look like an accident, make it look like its the occupants own fault so they let a family live there? Until yugi family died, and anyone who came there received the same fate too, minamoto grandma was the one who ended the ritual again, and they went back to exorcising?
2. The shrine couldnt see what was possessing little tsukasa, but can they even sense the evil energy accompanied the child? Kunishige seemed to flinched a little after he saw the bottomless darkness in tsukasa's eyes, maybe he can sense the evil energy because of his strong sixth sense but wont say anything abt it because he was still a junior in the shrine?
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And if the shrine couldnt solve whats wrong with tsukasa, does it mean yugi mom went to the minamoto next? And what if minamoto grandma who sealed hanako away and warned abt the red house was the same age as kunishige or the yugi twins or just knowing the family problem?
Well, I'll tell you how I see the whole Minamoto situation in general.
Briefly, the God was too powerful for them to be able to exorcise Him, I imagine they must have tried several ways and several times, but always without success.
So, maybe they created an agreement with the people of the village and who knows, this God (hypothetically speaking) the agreement is that they would offer a sacrifice at some specific time, leaving the God satisfied and the village at peace.
At some point, the sacrifices began to dwindle, because young girls were becoming scarce from being sacrificed indiscriminately, so they chose to sacrifice the youngest in the village, Katakuri.
He was the last one before Tsukasa, which means it probably didn't work out and something happened to the people of the village. After that, we have a part without answers, a period in which the village ceased to exist and became the school and the red house, imagining that the village is a large place and that the neighborhood was built on top.
Probably, the Minamoto, as a last alternative, sealed this God, using the yorishiros and the mysteries. Somehow I believe the Minamoto and some supernaturals made a deal to make this work.
Some supernaturals are not killed by the Minamoto, and I imagine that is linked to this agreement. If the supernaturals cooperate, the Minamoto will not exorcise them, and they will also be able to roam freely between the far shore and the nearby shore.
But then we have another important detail, the God, the mysteries work for a God who does not seem to be the same as the one who is sealed, after all, the sealed God, Tsukasa's, is trying to remove the seals, the other God wants to keep them, he is the work of the mysteries.
Nowadays, things work like that, but I believe that sacrifices still happen from time to time, when Nene asked Hanako that, he said no, but his look became dark and he turned his face away, which means he may be lying.
The main hypothesis is that the twins were probably the last sacrifices, or Tsukasa, as Katakuri said, Tsukasa was the last one who ended up in the "sacrifice zone" and left there. That would probably be where Aoi would stay.
So, the God and the red house are under the control and custody of the Minamotos, who apparently had to seal Hanako too, probably due to the connection with the God.
As for how this God can be perceived inside someone's body, I still have no idea, some people notice it and others don't, maybe there is something special in some people so they can notice it, it's still mysterious.
Well, in short, that's what I think.
Maybe the Yugis are very important to this God, or they just had bad luck living in that house.
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enulaz · 19 days
My reread of TBHK, Spook 1: Hanako-San of the Toilet
Starting off with the very first Teach Me, Hanako-Kun. He tells Nene that he became Hanako by succumbing to lust. Does that mean he ate the last one in a sexy way? I'm seeing a mix of how Mitsuba became a school mystery and how Hakubo devoured Sumire.
I also just got done reading all of Another, and everything happened to class 3. Thought about that upon reading the "in the 3rd stall on the 3rd floor, you knock 3 times..."
When Nene names her crush as Minamoto-Senpai, that name has to ring a bell for Hanako, no? And when he asks her if she even knows his first name, she goes off subject about a bug. I love how he says "Yashiro...." like he does so much in the future every time she starts to stray too far from the matter at hand.
I got to the part where Nene leaves tomatoes and cucumbers on Teru's desk and someone asked "Did you help a fox or something?" Lllollll this is what made me laugh so hard the first time I read it. Think this was the point I knew I was already in love with the series (maybe I'm no better than Nene.....)
Okay so Hanako is trying to help Nene figure out how to get Teru's attention. He took Teru's button off of his sleeve. Surely Teru would have noticed Hanako doing that....
Nene's homemade character bento with those scary looking vegetables is still soo funnyyy!
After Nene eats the mermaid scale, she gets upset that Hanako didn't tell her about them before. She calls him a liar and runs away. This seems to effect him a lot. His shocked eyes and then him just standing there.....like it brings up memories of his past of people accusing him of something and/or leaving...
Nene finds Teru but another girl is confessing her love for him, but he says he's been in love with someone else for a long time. Hmm. He could just be saying that thinking it would be the easiest way to let her down, but. I'm going with Akane lol.
When Hanako starts to fight the mermaid, he finally reveals his knife....he pulls it right out of his gut!! I did not notice that at all my first read through. He then beats the mermaid in an instant. He went from cute and chill, to unforgiving and strong, back to chill, in a matter of three pages.
He eats the mermaid scale..."our fates have been tied together...across the near and far shores." So romantic. Also reminds me of Yatori.
Hanako says he granted her two wishes of wanting to be human again, and wanting to be a couple with someone. He doesn't say haha just kidding and she doesn't say anything outwardly against it so I guess it's safe to say that HanaNene has been canon since chapter 1.
Finished my first reread through and thoughts post. Even though I only started reading the manga a month ago, going through it again it already so much fun. I can take my time going through the panels instead of sometimes rushing through just because I'm so excited to see what happens next.
And I'm sure some of the things I include in here will make some people roll their eyes wondering how I didn't catch that the first time. BUT with that, I'd love to get some comments from others about something I mentioned...or didn't mention. I just wanna talk TBHK.
End Spook 1.
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rarastmblr · 1 year
“Minamoto Teru”
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The Perfect Boy — Minamoto Teru
He's smart. Always perfect and answering correctly in academics.
Tests? Perfect. Quizzes? Perfect. Recitation? Perfect.
You can't help but be so grateful when he helps you out and tutors you in subjects that you're having a hard time with.
He's handsome, attractive. No wonder he has so many fans. I mean, who could resist such a handsome face?
His hair; Every strand was so soft to the touch that it felt like a gentle caress. You couldn't take your eyes off it and feel nothing but adoration for the golden hue that filled your vision.
The blonde tresses captivated your soul and forever imprinted itself inside your heart.
His eyes; The blue eyes sparkled like pools of sapphire, reflecting the sun in all of its brilliance. Every time you looked at them, there was a feeling of admiration and profound joy that you couldn't quite explain.
He is invested in his interests and engaging in conversation with him allows one to appreciate his positive outlook on life.
He takes action to bring his goals and dreams to fruition, and is resilient and self-sufficient in the face of adversity and challenge.
He has the poise and class to graciously accept every experience. He is encouraging and motivating of the people he loves and engages with.
He's kind. Some think that he's cruel when he rejects the confessions of the girls who have a crush on him.
But he isn't, not at all. He's not cruel, just straightforward but in a way you'll understand and not hate him for it. He'll apologize and then reject you.
He is caring, tender. He is honest about his feelings and empathizes with the struggles of his friends.
There's a reason to why you love Minamoto Teru but you can't seem to answer such a question when you are actually asked why.
It's because you can't pick which of the many things that Minamoto Teru has that makes you love him so much.
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You watch him as he reads the contents of your love letter about your love for him.
As he finishes reading, he gives you a smile. You can't tell whether it's a smile of pity or if it's a sign that he accepts your love.
“I'm sorry—”
The first two words were enough for you to know what his response was.
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That had happened years ago, if your memory was correct, maybe when you guys were still first years.
Ever since the confession, you guys have grown distant. From the occasional greetings in the halls to only pass by each other without making any eye contact.
You admit the sudden distance between your relationship was your fault. A day after the confession you were the one who would hide away from him out of embarrassment because you got rejected.
You avoided him like a plague.
Even when your classmates had told you that Teru was looking for you because he wanted to catch up with you and other things, you wouldn't go.
Even if it was Minamoto Teru himself who would walk towards you and try his best to start a conversation, you'd somehow be able to slip away from him.
Now, in second year, Minamoto Teru is still the perfect boy that you always admired ever since you guys first met.
I think back to when we were so close and I would wonder. What would have happened to us if the confession never happened. Would we have been more closer than we already were?
As the both of you pass by each other, a pair of blue eyes look back at the back of your figure. Once? No. Twice.
Unfortunately, you took no notice of the longing gaze.
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A/n: This isn't really a long fic, I'm so sorry 🥹. I'm just adding plot to the reader and Teru's relationship. Man I'm a sucker for when the relationship has something like a distance and the guy is the one who is desperate to mend the relationship together again. Also I think I didn't really mention supernaturals/apparitions here 🫣 woopsy.
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alexiethymia · 1 year
JSHK 105 reaction
Haven't done one of these in a while! My favorite panels in no particular order.
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I just love how in the drama and morbidity of it all, Hanako's trait of unconsciously? constantly? touching Yashiro has remained consistent. And Nene's blase attitude about it (and the blood, like wow this girl has become desensitized and that's another worrisome conversation for later). No wonder she feels as if they haven't really changed at all despite her confessing her feelings, since after all they've been like this since the beginning! There's just something sweet about Hanako wiping blood off of her cheek with his sleeve as a parallel to when he wiped away her tears back then.
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AidaIro does it again! This is such a gorgeous, ethereal, and unsettling drawing. Speaking off this whole arc, this brings to mind the Mokke of the Dead arc. I had this theory that there was something about Nene that allowed her to purify things (as opposed to exorcising them), so who knows! Maybe (once again) salt water she touches could work against Natsuhiko's blood? And the current flower zombie plague? I thought that special trait of hers had something to do with being a kannagi, but now that I recall, even Teru seemed surprised during the Mokke of the Dead chapter. If this special trait of hers had something to do with being the kannagi, then Teru would have expected it. So maybe it has something to do with her now being a (half-) mermaid? Or perhaps there's something more to Nene's past we're not privy to yet.
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And finally, last and actually my most favorite! Oh wow, Hanako's most definitely traumatized. Now we know how he would have reacted if the akanene kiss succeeded. And actually this is the worst duo to find him in his (arguably) most vulnerable and saddened stated to date. But I don't care! I am so excited for the potential of this trio like you wouldn't believe! There's isn't even the enemy of my enemy is my friend here since all three of them hate each other's guts haha.
Speaking of, I always wondered why Akane persisted with the 'Honorable' despite hating Hanako, but then again this is the guy who still consistently calls Teru 'Student Council President' and Kou as 'Minamoto kouhai' so despite how outwardly he will be blunt with those he dislikes, he still keeps to the formalities.
And Aoi not being at the auditorium is most certainly a Checkhov's gunman type of situation. You'd normally think that meant that she was frozen yet I don't think that's the case. I can understand why Akane would be free from the time freeze, but not Teru, when even Kou was frozen. It's possible that Teru's bracelet allows him a measure of protection, so if that's the case then Aoi's probably unaffected too. But if that's the case wouldn't Akane's first priority be her?
Who knows? Considering the bonding they did on the train, maybe Aoi makes Hanako's case for him and this gets Akane and Teru to back off. In a reverse situation from the No. 6 arc, it would be the four of them off to rescue Nene.
As an aside, I seriously love hakujoudai. They look so worried about Hanako! Seriously, part of me still think that the hakujoudai (Hanako's and Tsukasa's) are actually the spirits of their parents still watching over them.
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royakahoshiart · 2 months
I want to hear about the vampire au :o
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Spoilers for the fic under the cut!
I had this au for atleast 9 months by now... If you wanna read it here's the link on ao3!
So the AU is mainly Mitsukou, but i'm not planning on actually confirming them as romantic in the fic so everyone can enjoy it! It's very implied though. not at the start because they just met of course.
For now i only have this WIP and i haven't coloured it yet, sorry!
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The Minamotos are of course a family of hunters, and are the main protectors of the town they live in.
Kou isn't very strong and has only killed three vampires with the help of his brother and feeling incredibly guilty afterwards. Mitsuba instead is a normal vampire like any. He lives in his own little town and in a house with Shijima and Akane. They where all invited in that house by Kako since they all remained orphans.
Aoiterukane ( aoi x teru x akane ) will be a thing in the fic! But you can take one of the three pairs more seriously than the other. Terukane, aoikane or teruaoi is up to you. Ill go for all though!
Now now i can't spoil the story but i can give you some of the characters!
Nene is a commoner who helps her parents in the fields sometimes and takes care of some crops with aoi in her garden. She is an apprentince of aoi's mother to learn how to sew.
Teru is a working hunter and he made a promise with a vampire, you'll be introduced to it in chapter 3 and in the future. he is engaged to aoi but for some reason likes akane more than his fiancee
Akane is a vampire in love with a girl of the village, Aoi.
Aoi is a simple girl and her family sells candles and clothes. she is engaged to teru but is in love with akane
Amane is from a family of butchers and thinks he is a human. Is he?
Tsukasa has run away from the village because he was suspected to be a vampire. he is and is now living with the other vampires.
Shijima stays in her room almost all day wanting to pursue the career of her long gone friend Mei.
Kako is an elder of the village and he is not suspected of being a vampire, so he pretends to go in the village to buy things as a old guy from another village.
Yako was originally from another village but when her human lover died she was suspected to having killed him and ran away to the village where mitsuba is.
Tsuchigomori owns a small library in their village and he also pretends to be a human to buy books and knowledge.
sumire is a florist in town, nene looks up to her
hakubo umh i'm still thinking
Now that's all i can tell! But all there characters will have their big important moment. I hope your favourite side of the story will be the Yugi's i think i made them pretty interesting!
Thanks for asking'!! :D anymore question on this or other au's are appreciated!
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opheliaswritings · 1 year
Love For Yashiro Nene ⍣ ೋ
A Yashiro Nene in-depth analysis;
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When it comes to all romance and scary urban legends, you can always trust Yashiro Nene to give you a passionate rant and a cry about them both. This little mermaid is the protagonist of Toilet-Bound Hanako-kun! Also definitely a regular girl! Here I’ll be going on a deep-dive on her, down to the surface level to the deep waters. From everything and anything I can think of her, it will be covered as that’s what Yashiro deserves. 
Yashiro Nene is the one of the normal people out when it comes to the world of Toilet Bound Hanako-Kun. She comes from a relatively normal family, had a regular childhood, and overall your run in the mill high school girl. She has a love for the occult and supernatural stories, as well as idol games! Her enjoyment of urban legends is reminiscent or shown through her uniform as she was a skull brooch. She also think they are pretty cute. Yashiro also has a knack of referencing fairytale stories like Cinderella or Snow White whenever she can.
What sets her apart however, is her love for romance. Her love for the wonder that is romance is less than normal. Yashiro is very quick to fall for any man who’s even remotely like the princes from fairy tales. And quickly does she fall, as she started gardening, sewing, etc, all to appease a man who she hardly talked to. The plot of TBHK even started because she wanted to be in a relationship with Minamoto Teru, somebody who also doesn’t know her. With her extended knowledge of scary stories, it led her to the story of Hanako, who can grant any wish. And like the little mermaid, she took the chance without any hesitation.
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Yashiro’s fixation of love led her to a multitude of problems, including her becoming the priestess of Hanako, becoming a “mermaid”, etc. As well as her overall recklessness and impatience. However Yashiro is a very kind and sweet individual. After a few chapters with Hanako, she already dubbed him fun to hang out with, so he’s already her friend! She’s always willing to help others and to trust, to the point of nativity. She is a woman who believes in trust over suspicion, she once said. Along with her nativity, she can be quite sensitive, to be hurt from sly comments or overzealous at compliments. She is also very quick to forgive and forget. However, Yashiro is a good person who later learns throughout the story to be more careful. Even her fixation on love dies down, but she still gets into bad situations due to that same recklessness she still has in the beginning.
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She is not swayed by love as much in the story, but it still begs the question. Why did she do all this for the sake of love? Of having her prince of her own? To do tasks as rigorous as gardening, sewing, and kiss a frog once. Yashiro even got herself cursed, potentially for life. It’s not *true* love as spoken by Hanako, she will settle for anyone who would reciprocate her feelings. So why? All for herself. I believe that to her, romance was just as important to eat, or breathe. Yashiro didn’t want a romantic partner. She just believed it was a necessity for her to have a romantic partner as that was the only way for her to live her life. Many young girls such as Yashiro fall for the ideology that romance is the key to life, that you must have it to enjoy life to the fullest.
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Yashiro calls out this ideology in both Yako and Sumire. As Sumire *longed* for Hakubo, No.6, though it was because of her own loneliness that she longed for a companion, and the only one she could trust was him. It’s the same for Yako as well. All of them really just wanted a partner who could ease their loneliness and/or give fulfillment to their life.
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Unlike Sumire and Yako however, she managed to recognize and overcome that part of herself. As I have started before, in the coming pages Yashiro she focuses on romance less. The manga starts to turn for the worst during the coming events, especially when we learn of Yashiro’s demise. She will die in less than a year. She won’t be able to graduate, play games, hear any more scary urban legends, hang out with friends, none of that. 
As a result, Hanako tries to keep her in a picture perfect world, so that she can at least live her life in peace, but Yashiro rejects it. Instead of succumbing to fear of dying, she manages to stomp through it. She exclaims how she wants to face what was real, not a phony bliss Hanako tried putting up for her. Yashiro’s goal in life went from finding a romantic partner to just living her life to the fullest, to the ripe age of 100. To experience the good, and bad, everything. Even when she had lost Hanako and Aoi, two people she holds very dearly, she triumphs that too. She puts on a brave face and gives it her all.
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It’s utterly remarkable how she manages to withstand all this, especially when any ordinary person like her would have broken down. It’s easy to forget how out of the loop Yashiro is from this. A year prior to this, she had no idea that the stories she loved so much were that real. 
Yashiro puts on a brave face and perseveres. We can give credit where credit is due. She is trying her best and persisting, yet it doesn’t make her invincible. She has her moments in which she just can not take it. In chapter 96, does she really break down telling Hanako she would gladly die to save Aoi and the others. Yashiro greatly values her friends, so it’s no surprise that she’ll be willing to sacrifice herself for them, as she really does have a pure heart. There’s also another factor, more specifically for Hanako, how she doesn’t take death all so seriously, and wants to be supernatural if it means that she’ll be with Hanako. Over the chapters, she has started to cultivate a multitude of issues due to the situations that Hanako is putting her through. It’s upsetting and disturbing to see a once bright girl turn so bleak. Her changing of goals is a mark of her growing up, but it’s because she *has* to grow up fast in order to even keep up with the events. We have seen her breakdown multiple times, even right now she can’t catch a break with what’s happening to Kou, her best friend. Yashiro Nene at first got to be sensitive and kind, but now with all that’s occurring she will have to be strong.
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