#Testimony Of Faith
Everyone Is A Good Singer Around Campfire
I Can Never Be Thankful Enough; I Can Never Sing Holishly Enough;Your Presence Always Offers Me Abundant Peace;A Reminder That God Is Truly Alive;A Testimony Of Faith At Work;A Reminder That Your Faith Can Turn God’s Eyes To You;A Reminder To Be A Faithful Servant On The Wait;A Reminder That He Never Left Nor Denied;Hence, It Was A Delay In Preparation Of Kingdom Diamonds For You! Like, Shares…
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theinwardlight · 16 days
We are not called to save the world. That’s a burden too heavy for us to bear. We are instead called to follow the Spirit of Christ speaking within us, the Spirit of the one who carries the sin of the world, the one who can lead us out. Part of the work of Jesus is to break us out of the closed circle of self-justification. As long as we struggle to be good we will never be able to bear the weight of our guilt. [...] If instead we rely on the goodness of God, the goodness we partake in as God’s beloved creatures, then our guilt can be faced. Then we can do our small part to untie the sticky knots of sin that riddle our lives. We are loved and we are responsible. We are sinners and we are saints. We are warped by sin and we are precious children of God.
Mark Russ, "The Good News of Sin"
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rookisaknight · 7 months
Lrb relevant something about the way each brother is constantly reiterating their trauma in an attempt to subdue it.
Jacob, most direct and long-term recipient of their father's abuse, surrounds himself with people he's conditioned to become violent at the drop of a hat.
But its ok, because he controls the trigger this time.
Joseph, left abandoned by the splitting of their family, creates conditions for his new Family that are so untenable it's only a matter of time before any given member tries to leave him.
But it's ok, because being forced to constantly negotiate, gaslight, and threaten people into sticking with him makes him feel like he has power over his isolation this time.
John reliving his childhood torture every goddamn day, carving himself up when he can't carve up others and having his fear of damnation dangled over his head by his brother god. Constantly repenting, constantly atoning, never forgiven.
But it's ok, because he holds the knife this time. When you hold the knife, you get to say when it stops, and you get to extract sin from others rather than have it extracted from you.
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10yrsyart · 7 months
a short video discussing my time as an Agender person, and how Jesus lead me through love and healing. i hope it’s a comfort for those this message is meant for. -10 💙
“If you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved.” (Romans 10:9) 🕊
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kacievvbbbb · 1 month
They tried to lead me astray but I knew this day would come.
I knew that we would see the light once more! Our queen Nobara Kugasaki has returned to us 😭🙏
And she is already kicking ass and taking names
Gege, forgive me my sins for I hath doubted 🤲
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pray-like-nehemiah · 1 month
My Testimony
For the first 16 years of my life, I knew nothing about God. I’d never been in a church, and I didn’t really care to go. The only thing involving God that was around me was my grandparents and my uncle and his family, but that was a minimal influence. Whenever I would visit them, my grandmother would occasionally mention God in a casual way that I paid no attention to. As for my aunt and uncle, I saw the way my cousins were raised by them and how things were run in their household. I only saw them as extremely sheltered, because if it wasn’t related to God, it wasn’t allowed. I remember thinking it was strange and a lifestyle I would never want.
Then, one day while on Facebook, I got a message from my uncle on my father’s side of the family. One thing led to another, and I was on a flight to meet my father, whom I hadn’t seen in 13 years. Only a summer visit turned to a decision to live with him and my stepmother permanently. My younger brother and older sister followed shortly after. This was when going to church every Sunday became a thing for me and my siblings. I remember hating being forced to go at times. Other times I wouldn’t take it seriously, it was just something I was being forced to do.
Soon, those negative thoughts toward church and everything about God began to change. I wish I could remember exact dates, but all I know is that in the latter months of 2015, God really began to move within me. One Sunday morning, my grandfather on my stepmother’s side was preaching, and the last part of a sermon where the piano is played and anyone wishing to come to the altar to pray was welcomed. That part lasted longer than he normally allowed because he said he could feel that God needed him to.
I was standing with my family amongst the pews, hands gripping the back of the one in front of me, head down as tears that I couldn’t explain fell from my eyes. My stepmother noticed and asked if I wanted to go to the stairs with her. I nodded and knelt down with her, before God. After a long conversation, I had accepted the Lord Jesus as my savior. It was then that I knew that the views on my uncle and his family, and the reluctance of going to church was just the voice of the enemy. On Sunday morning, November 1, 2015, I went out into the cold creek water that ran behind the church with my grandfather and the pastor of the church, and was baptized in Jesus’ name. I was 17 years old at the time and had been born again, my heart renewed.
Later on in life, my Dad and stepmother divorced and we moved away. Going to church eventually stopped, it wasn’t a priority. I graduated high school, got a job and God was on the back burner of my life. A couple years later, I turned 21 and got the job I’m currently in and worked Sundays. That was the main reason I never thought about church or anything related. I’m sure Satan was really happy with me during these days. I became a friend of the world. Any problems I had, something the world provided was what I turned to.
Life continued on and I was promoted into a higher position in my job. With that, my schedule changed. I had Sundays off again, but God wasn’t in my immediate thoughts. In August 2023, I moved from my father’s place into one of my own. I had hoped and believed that doing so would solve all my problems, but that was not the case. With the new level of adulting I was faced with came new hardships on top of the ones I was already dealing with such as my declining mental health. I continued turning to the world through escapism, speaking to my mother, sister, or the coworkers I was close with, burying my troubles and eventually therapy.
In the past few months of 2024, I began having this desire to return to church again. The more I ignored it, the stronger it got. I didn’t work on Sundays anymore, so there was no excuse. In fact, most of my Sundays were reserved for staying in bed all day, catching up on sleep and watching whatever I felt like on television or doom scrolling on TikTok because of my depression. In late July, I decided that I can’t ignore this feeling anymore. While therapy has helped some over the time I’ve been going, there are days where I feel like nothing has changed. Sometimes I felt things were only worse. It was God’s presence that helped me realize that going to the world to fix my problems isn’t the way, my way isn’t the way. I’ve decided that it is time that I start living for the one I love. It’s time I start living for the one who, despite my unworthiness, died for me and paid for all my sins on the cross. I should’ve started this new life the day I was blessed by His saving grace, but as the saying goes, better late than never.
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✝️ 『 Testimony - Jesus saved me 』 ✝️
Hello everyone!
I'm called to share my testimony here by the Lord. Thank you firstly for reading it, God bless you!
So, in 2023, I was saved by Jesus when I was a devoted new age believer without even knowing it. The new age preachers spoke well-packaged brainwash to me daily, and I was naive enough to succumb to their philosophies. I prayed to many gods and deities, channeled "fallen angels", played black magic and witch crafts with the thought of trying to help people like myself.
A little story about myself, I grew up in a neglecful and emotionally abusive family. My dad would use fear to threaten me daily while belittling anything I ever did, there was no love but controlling behaviors from him. It was awful. My mom was ignorant to it too, my sisters all thought it was "normal" so to speak, so I was always gaslighted into thinking it was normal. As an only son, there was a lot of pressure on me due to Chinese tradition, my life since young was full of degradations packaged in the name of "lessons" and "upbringing". There was no little rest for me daily, but work and learning, all in order to satisfy my dad's narcissistic, egotistic, abusive and self-exalting mindset. He saw himself as a god, always saying how he was born to make me right. Basically, he has god complex.
My school life wasn't any better either. At age 4, I had to kneel in front of a stool to erase my homework while being belittled in front of other students for finishing more pages in my homework than assigned. No friends, outcasted and bullied in middle school and romantically betrayed in high school. The teachers used me to vent their anger and I was always looked down upon and my efforts disregarded. College life was hit by the pandemic, lost my relationship to distance and accumulated brokenness. It was one thing after another, I was pushed to my limits.
Anyways, the new age practices taught me how tarot cards were "good" and it can assist people in need, it was bad. Then, one day I channeled and prayed to some evil deities without knowing, which is basically all demons (fallen angels are demons), again without knowing it. Jesus came to my rescue when I didn't even knew Him. He asked me, "Do you want to be saved?" And I said "Yes Lord, please save me!" And thus I was saved. Jesus Christ saved me from all the abusive, dark, evil demons. Never in my life had I thought about demons being real but it's really real, the fallen angels were real and evil. Absolute evil.
Nowadays, Jesus saved me from being haunted and rid me of the new age practices. I no longer am a victim of their lies.
I'm still a sinner, a work in progress, but by grace and mercy God, without me even knowing Him, saved me. He loved us before we love Him, thank you Heavenly Father for coming to meet me where I am at, I'm thankful. That's why I'm still alive today, to praise and serve the Lord, He blessed me immensely, I'm nothing but thankful, a faithful follower and a child of God.
For anyone reading, God loves you too and is using my testimony to reach out to you. Seek Him today, let God love you, help you, and change you. Jesus is the king of kings and lord of lords, trust Him. God bless you, may we meet someday, as fellow brothers and sisters destined for Heaven.
Thank you! ✝️
In Jesus' name, Amen!
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peeks out cause it's safe now you guys were really weird about Depp v Heard
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findoesstuf · 4 months
Jesus Loves You
Man, sometimes I forget that this is a blog and not just an art site lol. Also I may lose some followers, or maybe get some hate, but that's really not important to me. Anyways, it's late for me, but I decided to do some Bible studies, and I was reading Romans 10:14-15. It states:
"14 How, then, can they call on the one they have not believed in? And how can they believe in the one of whom they have not heard? And how can they hear without someone preaching to them? 15 And how can anyone preach unless they are sent? As it is written: “How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news!”"
You may already know this, but my personal belief is that Jesus did exist and died on the cross for us to forgive our sins. So that anyone who believes in and accepts Him as your savior has eternal life. This may not be your personal belief, which I respect, but this is mine. Now, relating to the verse, it says that you can't call upon anything that you don't believe in. This is important to an experience I had one night, and it's still important to me to this day. If you are interested, read below the cut, but if you'd like to scroll, feel free to. I've said the important things to know.
If you've stayed, here we go. I had a rough day that day, and was overthinking, a mess, and was not doing too good. I sobbed in my bed, in my lonely room. Now that I think about it, I believe a demon was over me, gripping me in my misery. Suddenly, I called out God's name, and it simply vanished. I felt a warmth, my crying ceased, and it felt as if a blanket of peace had been placed over me. I had called upon the one I believed in, and He answered.
Believe my story or not, I experienced it that night, and I learned a valuable lesson that day. Now why should I share this with you? Well, as the verse states, "And how can they believe in the one of whom they have not heard? And how can they hear without someone preaching to them?" So how can you know about Jesus without hearing about Him? I'm here to tell you about how good He is, and how much He cares about you.
Jesus isn't seated upon His throne, He isn't far away. He's right here. Next to you. Waiting for you to accept Him into your life. Will you?
Thank you for your time! I hope this message reached you in a thoughtful way, and not too shovey or anything like that. If you have any questions, please reach out to me! I'm happy to help! My askbox and DM's are always open. God bless you all!
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aniah-who · 1 year
Droughts are just opportunities for God to do miraculous things in our lives. Let it be a friendly reminder to self that He is the God who makes rivers in the dessert— the same God who brings in the abundance of rain.
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soath · 7 months
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Thinking again about the actual description of Trent’s fate, specifically the “no word publicly”. It suggests that instead of the out-in-the-open sensationalized courtroom trial we’ve built up, Trent might have just gotten disappeared. A meeting with the king, a short and sharp internal affairs investigation, no release of information to citizens, simply a new archmage one day and everyone knew better than to ask what happened to the old one. It’s definitely A Timeline for Astrid and Caleb, and a much different relationship for them with the rest of the Assembly.
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Isaiah 43: 10-12
You are my witnesses,” declares Jehovah, “Yes, my servant whom I have chosen, So that you may know and have faith in me And understand that I am the same One. Before me no God was formed, And after me there has been none. I—I am Jehovah, and besides me there is no savior.” “I am the One who declared and saved and made known When there was no foreign god among you. So you are my witnesses,” declares Jehovah, “and I am God
Revelation 11:3
I will cause my two witnesses to prophesy for 1,260 days dressed in sackcloth.”
Revelation 12:6
And the woman fled into the wilderness, where she has a place prepared by God and where they would feed her for 1,260 days
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ymoon01 · 2 months
Nothing hurts me more than someone thinking or assuming that i was an atheist 😭
Proves to me that i was really a lukewarm back then and I didn't even know. I asked for forgiveness to my father Jehová, and Jesus Christ too because I didn't even called him once. I was really lost and confused.
I'm pleased to be back to his home stronger than ever. Now, i know better.
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conanstars · 29 days
Hello people. I'm straying a little from my content to convey an important message to you. I know that many will not care and will skip this message, but I ask that you at least take it seriously. I was never a religious person, I grew up committing many sins and without having a good relationship with Jesus. When I grew up, I realized the importance of accepting Jesus in my life. Jesus forgave all my sins, even the dirtiest and most seemingly unforgivable. I still haven't managed to get out of sin 100%, it's been difficult for me, but there's no way I'm going to give up. I have felt the importance of God and prayed every night, reading a little of the Bible every day and telling my "testimony". After I read the Bible, I had another thought about Jesus and my point of view changed completely. I realized the size of the love he has for us, sinners, who do not deserve the love of Christ. If you were looking for a sign or simply found this post, say a prayer. We are close to the return of Jesus, we have little time until he returns. repent of your sins, you have no idea of the love that Christ has for me, for you and for us! Live in God's ways and change. Thank you if you read this far, I didn't post this for nothing.
portuguese version:
Olá pessoal. Estou me desviando um pouco do meu conteúdo para transmitir uma mensagem importante para vocês. Sei que muitos não vão se importar e vão pular essa mensagem, mas peço que pelo menos levem isso a sério. Nunca fui uma pessoa religiosa, cresci cometendo muitos pecados e sem ter um bom relacionamento com Jesus. Quando cresci, percebi a importância de aceitar Jesus em minha vida. Jesus perdoou todos os meus pecados, mesmo os mais sujos e aparentemente imperdoáveis. Ainda não consegui sair 100% do pecado, tem sido difícil para mim, mas não vou desistir de jeito nenhum. Tenho sentido a importância de Deus e orado todas as noites, lendo um pouco da Bíblia todos os dias e contando meu “testemunho”. Depois de ler a Bíblia, pensei novamente sobre Jesus e meu ponto de vista mudou completamente. Percebi o tamanho do amor que ele tem por nós, pecadores, que não merecemos o amor de Cristo. Se você estava procurando uma placa ou simplesmente encontrou este post, faça uma oração. Estamos próximos da volta de Jesus, temos pouco tempo até que ele volte. arrependa-se dos seus pecados, você não tem ideia do amor que Cristo tem por mim, por você e por nós! Viva nos caminhos de Deus e mude. Obrigado se você leu até aqui, não postei isso à toa.
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theinwardlight · 19 days
Early Friends described themselves as persons who had undergone a radical transformation [...] They were changed people inwardly, and their outward lives changed as a result. These outward changes were called the testimonies of their lives, which were now seen as witnesses to Truth. As a witness in the courtroom testifies to the truth he has personally seen and heard in order to convince a jury of peers of the truth, these new Friends witnessed with their lives, giving testimony about the Truth that had changed them.
Lloyd Lee Wilson, 1993
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heylookitskaylee · 2 months
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It's all just too much. It's all just too much. It's too much. It's just too much. It's so damn much. It's too much. Way too much. So much. It's just too much. Why is it just so much?
3.24.23 // Pastel and Sharpie on a Printed Image
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