#Thank you for the ask <333
rrat-king · 5 months
rotating southern jawbone in my brain and i would love to hear any of your headcanons about him if you're willing to share 👀
oh i am so, so very willing i love him so so much.
ok so like you said i strongly hc him as southern (this... could be cannon but brennans voice fluctuates enough for him enough that it could go either way) and by my map of accents that makes him from good 'ol highcourt originally
he was raised religious! his family heavily followed sol and so he skipped town pretty much as soon as he figured out who he was, which was queerer than the day is long (he's also trans. which way? every way. there is no wrong answer)
how he got turned is a great mystery. not because he won't say, but because he has told a million different stories and they all contradict each other. only thing that they all have in common is he got bit in the face, per his name: jawbone
he prides himself in having lived in quite literally every place in spyre. he knows someone from everywhere. he knows a few words of most languages and a million different dialects like if you tell him you're from some bumfuck town in the baronies he'll tell you he's been there and he knows ur granma, too
worked at the black pit mostly cuz it was the only place that would hire him as a werewolf who didn't hide who he was (i don't know if this is confirmed cannon but the black pit is a 'monster bar' in my interpretation of it)
working at the pit is actually how he wound up with tracker. it started as a game of her managing to sneak in every so often, always finding new ways to get past him, until he realizes just how young she really is and that the reason she is there every night is cuz she got kicked out. he offers her his spare bedroom and they've been family ever since.
i have. more. but this already quite a bit so. will probably make a part two focused more on his life post meeting the bad kids but :))) i love that funky werewolf
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goldyluna · 23 days
Alice Yabusame for the ask game please :3
First impression: He was a little annoying for me at the beginning. The thing with me is, with eccentric and noisy characters, I need a little more time to... Get used to. But at the same time, even if he made me roll my eyes sometimes, it was more in a fond way. He was funny with his weird way of talking and exaggerating and instantly you just knew he was lying. He just couldn't pick more unbelievable name for himself frfr (and being honest, I didn't expect his name to be Alice and not even because it is known more as a girls name. I read a lot of media with Alice in Wonderland where boys also were named as Alice so it isn't weird for me. But I was like "yay, another character with my name", it gave him 10+ aura points)
Impression now: What a silly guy, I love him. He isn't my favourite, I connected more with Reko from Yabusame siblings. But he is such a caring brother and person in general. There is so much more to his character, I really need to explore more of his story
Favorite moment: I really love the art with young him and Reko playing on a keyboard. Really cute, really wholesome (really demure)
Idea for a story: damn, I could write my idea with Purgatory Trials of that one with Alice in Wonderland, but I fell like that one is kinda cheating lol. So the story I would do with Alice is either him giving bongos to the real Reko as I NEED wholesome moment beetween them during the game; him struggling in jail, thinking about Reko, worring what is she doing when he isn't there for her; or happy Everyone Lives Au where everyone is happy and alive and happy. Yes.
Unpopular opinion: idk if unpopular (probably not, I am really ignorant of those things) but I need to say this... He was so stupid for catching Reko's head, but I know he was distressed and didn't think clearly, but it still made me so mad. His death was unnecessary for me and only happened because it could, so we would cry at tbe tragedy, because our Yabusame siblings were be close again just before death. And for Reko development. It just frustrates me as he could live but noooo
Favorite relationship: I really like his relationship with Reko. I know it wasn't exactly good for a very good portion of the game as there was a lot of things they should talk about but they don't. I just really love how he stays a big brother through all of that, he wants to respect her boundaries, he defends her, goes all this way to get her bongos, dies for her
Favorite headcanon: that he is trans. Tbh, that's the only headcanon of him I can remember right now, but I like it all the same nonetheless
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tragedy-machine · 29 days
If you get this, answer w/ three random facts about yourself and send it to the last seven blogs in your notifs. anon or not, doesn’t matter, let’s get to know the person behind the blog! :}
Hello! <3
Random facts let's go:
I have 8 tattoos, all on the arms
Because I read so much fiction in the form of fanfics, my books of choice have all been from the non-fiction genre for the past however many months
When I was a child, a monkey stole a banana straight out of my hand and scared tf out of me so since that day I've stopped trusting them and am not a fan of monkeys in general lmao
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you-know-i-get-itt · 30 days
For WIPS can I hear about the time loop one please?<333
continuing from this one
“Hm.” Andrew paused, considering. “All the same things happen each time?”
“More or less, yes. They all follow same basic framework, but with minor differences.”
“Such as?” Andrew asked
She marked off her fingers. “Means of death. Time of death. Place of death. Type of—“
“Anything unrelated to his death?”
No. The only thing that matters is keeping him alive, so the only thing that bears mentioning is the fact that I cannot. “I… suppose so.”
“Have you told me about this before?”
She shook her head. 
He turned fully to face her this time, eyes narrowed. 
For a moment, they sat in silence, the conversation a living thing in the air between them. 
Finally, Andrew spoke, his voice careful. “Maybe the loop will break if you stop trying.”
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spaceratprodigy · 4 months
7, 21, and 30 for faith and max 💕🚀
@freesidexjunkie — [ OTP Prompts ]
always always alwayssssss down to gush about my favorite goofballs 💖💕
7. Who's clumsier?
That's such a good question to think about because I see them both being quite the opposite in most cases! Both have a tendency to be rather clever and calculated in what they do and how they do it. I can go into how they both are a bit hot-headed at times and struggle with their own separate violent pasts, but that's staying too far from the path methinks.
As much as he wouldn't want to admit it, I'm gonna say it's probably Max. Moreso when they're traveling, he has plenty of little banter that has to do with him tripping over things and what not.
The sloppiest Faith gets is when her Death Wish Arc is playing out. She's not in a great headspace either when Fallbrook Arc goes down, but her own behavior is different there, she isn't itching for someone to put her down anymore. Otherwise, her making questionable decisions and facing the consequences of them are too intentional for me to consider her clumsy, can't deny how much that woman has a head on her shoulders. She's a dork ass mf, let's be honest.
21. Any routines one has that the other had to get used to (ex. morning, nighttime, sleeping habits)?
I won't go too in detail over all the Insomnia Nights thoughts rn because this post will get insufferably long if I do. But before they're even Together™️ Max is very aware of Faith's sleep issues (and vice versa in my own headcanons). Her insomnia gets worse while being in Halcyon and when she can't sleep she'll start wandering the ship, Max eventually staying up with her on these nights.
After they do start sharing a bed Post-Scylla I'm sure he had to get used to how restless she is, even if things do improve once they're together. She'll toss and turn a lot from pain, discomfort, in general struggling to get her brain to work with her. And it doesn't matter how much or little sleep she gets, she's awake early at the same time every single day, her internal clock cannot be fought. She can be Very Weird about being touched, but once they're close he's gonna learn how much she enjoys holding and being held in her sleep.
I feel like as much time as they've spent together on the ship, they're pretty aware as it is of each other's routines and lil quirks, the only difference being they might start intertwining instead of taking turns. There are already so many little intimate things I imagine they start doing together or for each other. They were living together on the ship for law knows how long, and they were already quite close, I don't doubt they're able to find a rhythm that works.
30. Pet names? Yes or no?
They don't really have pet names for each other. For them, it's more intimate to say first names.
When meeting Max, he says something along the lines of "I'm Maximillian DeSoto, or Vicar Max if you prefer brevity." And so much of their early time together, Faith refers to him mostly as Max or Vicar. But as they get closer, she starts calling him Maximillian more and more frequently. Wanting his name to linger on her lips for as long as possible, whether she realizes it or not, she certainly isn't ready to acknowledge that train of thought.
I can't stress enough, that Max is the only person on the crew to ever refer to Faith by her name. Everyone else calls her Cap, Captain, or Boss. Most likely, it didn't happen until Death Wish Arc was wrapping up and it comes out in the heat of the moment, and Faith realizes just how serious the ordeal has been on him. Afterwards, he doesn't stop calling her Faith. And she doesn't want him to stop saying her name, she likes the way it sounds when he says it. This begins the start of when the lines are gonna start blurring over whether he's worshipping his faith or his Faith.
There are very few exceptions to those who call Faith by her name. The first being Phineas. But to be fair, he knew her as just Faith before shit hit the fan and she became Captain Faith Hawthorne. The second is Hiram. That situation is much more vulnerable and intimate. The third I would consider to be Spencer, but that's too much to get into right now and deviates way too far from the original question.
(This is not including friend AUs! Jasper, Rhea, Will, Fox, Landon, Toby.. y'all get free passes to call her by her name lmao).
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daboyau · 2 months
4.) When did you become a fan of TMNT?
18.) Who is your favorite villain?
19.) Who is your favorite ally?
27.) What is something you love to see in TMNT art/fics?
28.) What is one thing you would like to see explored more in TMNT art/fics?
33.) What is your favorite thing you've made for TMNT?
Sorry there's a lot 😅 You don't have to answer all of them if you don't want to.
I hope you have a great rest of your day/night :]
I once more take forever to answer asks. Thank you for your patience. O7
i do genuinely love answering these, so no apologies for asking a lot allowed! (I am gently whapping you with a rolled up newspaper)
4. I’ve been a fan for as long as I can remember! I’ve been watching them for my entire life, and my mom likes to tease me about the fact that if I ever disappeared when I was a toddler she’d inevitably find me planted in front of the tv, watching reruns of the 80’s series.
18. So I love Baron Draxum, but he becomes less of a villain later, so I’m going to say…2012 Baxter Stockman. I think he’s so silly but also he can be genuinely menacing at times, because he genuinely wants to hurt the turtle boys so it is a really interesting and unsettling contrast/dynamic. He’s actively plotting the murder of foes and allies alike, yet nobody can ever get his name right. I love it.
19. APRIL O’NEIL!!!! Every version of her. I love them all. April is universally the first human to throw herself wholeheartedly into their lives, no matter if she plays the role of sister figure, best friend, love interest, etc. It’s fun and sweet and I am a SUCKER for found family.
27. I love everything all the time. Next question. Serious answer though, I think a trope I really enjoy in fic/art/etc is when the boys get to go a little bit feral. Every iteration is so sweet and goofy no matter how serious their series gets, so when that gets turned on its head and the characters get to go buckwild it is soooo cool. ESPECIALLY when they still get to keep their silly traits threaded through the story. Another thing I adore is when they bicker like actual siblings.
28. Splinter gave four siblings who are close in age literal weapons. No way they never had murder games and knife chases when someone got too mouthy. Ngl I think it would be fun to see something about that. On a more general note, I want to see more about April and her thoughts on her place in the world.
33. Oh…. This is hard…. My kneejerk answer was Eat the Dark, because it’s the first fic I ever wrote for Rise and people were so nice when leaving comments on it that it made me want to post more of the things I wrote. But… i think I’m going to go with the Rise Hunger Games au, because that’s the thing that connected me with so many new friends. 💚💚💚
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ninyard · 3 months
For the fandom asks: 17 or 23 🌟
17. the thing in canon that everyone loves and that you also love
Alex, Stefan, Chris? Will always be one of the parts in aftg that gets my heart rate up every. single. time. I get goosebumps. I do be kicking my feet and giggling any time I’m doing a reread and I get up to that part.
23. the fandom you're curious about because of a mutual
I started watching interview with the vampire bc of someone on here bc I’m very easily persuaded by gifsets
I’ve only watched one ep so far but it’s insane and I’m into it
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sugar-grigri · 11 months
with you mentioning you might've changed your mind more to a hypothethicsl scenario of nayuta can become another makima/the boundary between the two isn't as strong, do you mean that in her narrative function or in the essence of what the control devil is and her goals? Or is it more on the lines of how the control devil adapts as it grows up as it was mentioned here before? I hope it makes sense, this being a part of csm I find fascinating and would love to see more of your thought abt it
Transgressing your nature
I started to change my stance on Nayuta as part 2 progressed and I saw the various fan positions on her. In fact, the more I thought about Fujimoto's writing, the more I thought that saying Nayuta ≠ Makima was what you wanted as a reader but not really what the author wrote
The clues I found to this were simply the fact that Fujimoto stubbornly refused to give us what we wanted (notably through the fact that Denji doesn't evolve as quickly as we'd like), the fact that he has no trouble killing off characters we'd be extremely attached to in a very traumatic way but also in the fact that Fujimoto can also write unexpected outcomes to problems: the loving response Denji offered Makima
I don't think Part 2 is really a narrative break with Part 1; whereas I used to think it was two works in one, more and more I get the impression that Fujimoto intends to flesh out characters who don't appear in the same form as in Part 1.
Whether it's by shaping the story of the weapons more precisely, referring to characters who haven't yet appeared like Reze, or by developing Nayuta
Makima is one of the cornerstones of Chainsaw Man, and on top of that, the Knights of the Apocalypse have to be enigmatic.
Placing the former antagonist in the position of the hero's little sister is a Trojan horse, a way of making us believe that we now know the control demon, that we've seen most of its facets and that she's an undeniable ally.
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But above all, no longer a threat
The story insists on this with the moments of pure brotherly love set up by Denji and Nayuta who protect each other, but the story also insists that the control demon is an entity to be protected when the little sister becomes the object of a dilemma, or rather blackmail by the public hunters.
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This is where I started to have doubts, at what point did the control demon go from persecutor to something so vulnerable?
What Fujimoto does is deconstruct our foundations: CSM's identity, the most solid foundation of the whole manga, is questioned, Denji is no longer the only protagonist, his normal life isn't what he's been dreaming of, but above all Part 2 deconstructs itself
Barem seems to be one of the antagonists when I think he's the one who seems to have the clearest view of what's going on, I repeat he's naturally pierced Denji several times in the last few chapters and I think saying that Nayuta is a witch is no exception
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I think that the control demon is taking advantage of the fact that she's a little girl to control her too, and that the level of danger between Makima and Nayuta is the same because they're the same entity, she's no longer instrumentalised and doesn't have universal objectives like Makima did with her desire to eradicate humanity's fears but personal objectives as a little girl.
I'm not saying that Nayuta is an antagonist or that she's dangerous for Denji, but she should be read like the rest of the characters in part 2, i.e. as a complex character.
Fujimoto continues to question his own antagonist: is it enough for the control demon to be immersed in a healthy environment for it not to be a threat?
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It's a reflection that extends beyond the character of Nayuta, as it leads to questions about Yoru, the war demon who shares his brain with a teenager paralysed by grief and his relationship with others.
It also raises questions about Fami, whose goal of saving humanity is not one of empathy or affection, but of something primal: simply eating what she likes.
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Are demons trapped in their functions? Or are they endowed with humanity? Can the knights of the apocalypse fight against their own nature, which is to set it in motion?
Is it not by falsely wanting to protect humanity that the demon of death is acting, as a reminder of their true mission as big sisters?
Is humanity a healthy environment for demons?
Or at least a logical environment for them? Demons are meant to sow fear, not fight humanity's fears.
Death, the most primal fear of all, is there to remind them of their essence.
The demon of death creates the feeling of fear in its own sisters, because it is thanks to this emotion that they find their origin.
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By marking a continuity between Makima and Nayuta, this forces us to question the nature of the Knights of the Apocalypse, as well as the demons? Can they fight against their very reason for existing? It forces these same demons to question themselves. By fighting to wipe out humanity, aren't the three sisters setting the apocalypse in motion?
The first to symbolise this crossing of limits by eliminating their fears and loving a human is none other than Pochita.
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Love is an anomaly for demons, just as it is an act of rebellion. Death, by depriving us of our flesh and blood and by being the most primal and universal fear, is opposed to this transgression of nature.
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cannibalcleaver · 1 year
What's your favorite entry or episode from marble hornets and everymanhybrid?
GOD I'm about to be soooooooo annoying.
Ok, so my favorite marble hornets entry is definitely either entry #65 or entry #59. #65 because of the pure, raw emotions in it. That shit was fucking like.. haunting the first time I watched it. Entry #59 because I MISS WHEN THEY WERE HAPPY 💔💔💔!!!!!! Entry #65 will always get to me though. Seeing Tim scream at nothing in the abandoned hospital just eats at me GOD.
As for my fav episode of EMH.. "WAKE UP" or "christmas." "WAKE UP" absolutely tears me to SHREDS every single goddamn time I watch it. I mean, I have a big ass post abt it SOMEWHERE on my blog. But I love evan myers, and evan jennings did an absolutely fantastic job acting in that one (he's an amazing actor none the less but yk). I don't know, just something about evan screaming, and you can see and FEEL how much pain he's in even when the audio is cut just.. god. And "christmas." because of the bit where vinny and evan play video games together breaks my fucking heart :(.
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anaalnathrakhs · 4 months
Yay!! Your doing ship bingo!! Love it when you do asks!! Vinikki, Tommyvince and terrorcest and to spice it up how about a rare pair John corabi and Mick (don't think they have a ship name) :D
yeah don't worry i love subjecting people to my rants. will never stop. thank you for asking you brave soul.
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Reverse-colored evil star, they are the opposite of silly. They're constantly in the divorce proceedings. Every night they divorce and every morning they get back together. They CAN fix each other but CERTAINLY not by kissing. Cmon guys you can be reasonable I believe in you. I'm not as much of a fan as sooooome people in this fandom but I think they have a fascinating dynamic and I love writing their interpreations even though I've rarely written one myself.
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...cannot be encapsulated by this bingo. They're so casual it hurts. So bestie bros it hurts. They'll never divorce because they were never married, but that FWB arrangement includes cuddles and will last until the end of times.
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DOUBLE BINGO DING DING DING. They can fix each other, but that doesn't mean better for other people around them. In the same band for over forty years that's more marriage than a lot of people who actually went and tied the knot legally. Perfect dynamic, unhealthy 100% functional and arriving rapidly at your location. The only ship Tommy manages (almost) not to make So Silly :3 because of its radioactive levels of serious doomed love toxicity. His constant no-homo on instagram have moved from silliness to straight up a little sad. I'm obssessed w them.
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I'm not gonna lie I know very little about Corabi as a person. This is just an educated guess based on... not much? A couple photos and some social media posts in the past decade or so. Anyway.
I think Mick would get a kick out of being weird and mysterious towards the new guy for a while to confuse him. So that's a REALLY silly thing to base a relationship upon. But I don't know, I think it could work if it happened, they both seem calm and reasonable enough to make anything work. If anything, the divorce would be amicable. Motley crue is a wonderful dynamic that crushes the chosen four and probably isn't very fun for the others either, so I don't think kissing would fix them in the long run, but I think they could have a nice few years of being a nice calming presence in each other's lives. Secret under wraps of course, but they're much more friendly on the outside due to... not having over a decade of baggage at that point.
I have no idea what I'm saying at this point. Hope this makes a modicum of sense lmao
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sregnarkroywen · 6 months
paddy/henke - overtime
"You're a lifesaver, you know?" Paddy said cheerfully with a mouth full of his favourite chocolate muffins. "I can do another three overtimes if that's what's going to happen during the breaks."
"Don't say that, they might just do it," Hank laughed, "and I only have one thermos of coffee."
"You brought coffee too? Oh my god, I love you so much!" Paddy's smile got even bigger. After commentating for five periods of the playoff game he was understandably tired, but seeing his husband was enough to drastically improve his mood. Getting sweets and a nice, warm beverage from him was certainly a bonus too - he really felt like he could keep going for hours after that.
"I would kiss you right now," Hank replied, "but I think the game is starting and you have muffin crumbles everywhere."
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rrat-king · 4 months
This is more of a "your opinion on a headcanon" type ask but this is the birth order of the Bad Girls to me I don't care about canon
1. Fig. Oldest daughter. Not in a negative way but as the oldest daughter I know she is the oldest daughter. This is by a matter of months to be clear
2. Kristen. Middle child. I know she is the oldest Applebees child but in the Bad Girls she has such middle child vibes it's insane. Like you said there is no world where she isn't an older sibling in some form but Fig's oldest child vibes were too immense
3. Adaine. Youngest child. I'm sorry but it was always gonna be her. There was never a single chance that Adaine "Fabian hit meee 🥺🥺🥺" Abernant O'Shaugnessy was gonna be one of the older kids. The perpetual youngest child and revels in this.
Bonus: If Bucky moved to the Manor he would technically be the youngest child by nature of being at least two years younger than everyone else but Adaine is unwilling to give up her title and he is too scared to ask her to. In my mind they err towards it being "Adaine- The Youngest" and "Bucky- Also the Youngest" or if you're Kristen; "Adaine- The Youngest" and "Bucky- The Baby"
oh fully accepted absolutely. kristen has insane older sister energy (in the flavor of spencer from icarly) but it is fully surpassed by the fact that fig has insane oldest daughter lore aka mommy issues.
this also goes for the same order i see them in age wise to fit into the summer zodiac's i have assigned them with aka fig as gemini, kristen as cancer, and adaine as a leo.
i love baby bucky so much cuz adaine is so unwilling to not be the youngest she knows her role in that will not be usurped by the fact that they keep collecting kids.
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goldyluna · 2 months
Shin Tsukimi for character opinion bingo?
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So, Shin is one of my favs from the game (I am totally normal about him). The logic route (with reko) is my fav because it was my first route. And in general I just think he is a great character, that makes you think and makes you have mixed feelings. I didn't like him at first. Or more like, he annoyed me soooo much. He makes some questionable decisions, but that makes him so good.
I could also give him the "fans did him dirty" one too, as there are some people misunderstanding his character so much, but I decided against it. I don't see a lot of it, but maybe it's because I am not looking for it and I only live in a bubble of my own imagination lol
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tadpole-apocalypse · 7 months
5, 12, 19, and 20 for morgan? :3c
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5. what does their tent area look like? where do they prefer to pitch their tent (next to water, covered on three sides, etc)?
Morgan’s tent is usually as far from the others as it could be, for a few reasons. First, it just makes practical sense from a wild magic standpoint. The closer you are to her, the higher the possibility of a random polymorph. Or fireball to the face. Secondly…well actually it doesn’t help with the sex sounds at all. 🤭
Inside is a mess. She organizes all the camp supplies so there’s always a pile of backpacks and chests full of random crap she wants to get a few gold pieces for.
12. their companions are gossiping about them behind their back! who is it and what are they saying?
Lae’zel and Karlach are gossiping about the aforementioned sex sounds. Lae’zel is annoyed and slightly jealous, and Karlach just thinks it’s hot.
Gale is complaining to anyone that will listen about Morgan’s disregard to any sensibilities towards privacy in their own brains. He doesn’t like her mind reading and starts doing psychic exercises via the tadpole to build up his mental defenses.
19. do you have a playlist for your tav? if so, what’s the title + description?
Ummm I’m not actually a huge music person! I mostly only listen to video game background music and citypop these days. 😔
But if there was a song for her it would be Lady Gaga’s “Teeth.”
(Also I maintain that the best Astarion playlist imo is just The Fame Monster album. Bad Romance? Alejandro? Dance in the Dark? MONSTER? Pure Astarion. 💅🏻)
20. if you were to try pickpocketing them, what would they be carrying?
Her pockets are always a surprise, usually not pleasant ones. But she usually has on her person at all times: a coin purse, some basic components for spells, a few scrolls of misty step and a small blade.
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blood-mocha-latte · 3 months
Violence! 15,16,25
choose violence ask game
15 - that one thing you see in fanart all the time
this isn't a 'choose violence' thing but i find it kind of funny that the majority of speirs fanart seems to be of his profile. which is real based and slayed but also rather hilarious
16 - you can't understand why so many people like this thing (characterization, trope, headcanon, etc)
most often seen with webster/luz/babe which is like. they're not dumb. they're not himbos or overall almost infantilized characters i don't really get that
25 - common fandom complaint that you're sick of hearing
mostly i see people complain about self inserts and while i don't like them either it's sort of like. Okay, Move On. i see what you're saying but fandom is about expression and if someone likes to write/do/talk about something you don't, just move on it's not hurting anyone
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spaceratprodigy · 4 months
D, F and H for fairh and max hehe <3
@hibernationsuit — [ The Fluff Alphabet ]
More Faith and Max content? Don't mind if I do <3
D. Domestic (do they want to settle down? how are they with cooking and cleaning?)
I mean, realistically yes. Considering how their lives have been since meeting and even before that, they've been through a fucking lot. They want some rest, they want a peaceful life for themselves to be possible, but there's so much work ahead of them before that can ever be done. But the moment they can have it they are relishing in every moment together that they can, finally being able to breathe and relax their shoulders for the first time in their entire lives.
So, my own personal standing is that canon Faith and Max don't have children. It's not something they want, it's not something that happens for them, and they are more than happy about it, because being together is what's most important. However, I will humor the thought because y'all already know in several AUs they do have a daughter together :]
Faith is quite good at cooking! It's a bit rough for her having to acclimate to exclusively Halcyon food, and often needs Parvati and Max to remind/encourage her to eat, but she enjoys cooking for sure. She does have a preference for baking, having quite the sweet tooth, herself. Max is not that into sweets, but he will try anything she makes. It's fine, it tastes better when it's off her lips anyway. Max I think is fine at cooking, not bad but not the greatest either. He cooks just enough that is satisfactory for his own needs. But if he's cooking for Faith, he puts a noticeable amount of more effort into it.
I think they're both pretty good at keeping clean generally. Too much clutter and lack of organization would bother Faith and she would end up tidying up anyway, but their space is most definitely lived in. They have their own things here and there, their own projects left out for when they return to them in a bit, some books and schematics sitting around, things like that, but not anything that's unbearably messy.
F. Fiancé (how do they feel about commitment? how fast do they want to get married?)
Their story is genuinely a slow burn despite me always getting right to the good stuff. By the time they do realize what's going on between them and how very real their feelings for each other are, it is suffocating for them. They are terrified. This is such a new experience for both of them and they don't really know how to handle it, and then Fallbrook Arc happens and it makes everything even more complicated. Because now they're faced with the thing they were trying to avoid acknowledging blowing up in their faces and how they now might lose the best thing that's ever happened to them if they don't wise up and get it together.
But once reciprocation and reconciliation on Scylla happens, they cannot be pried apart ever again after that. Marriage isn't exactly a thing that's on their mind for a long while afterwards, they're just so blissed out of their minds having each other and being together that that's all that matters.
What does spark marriage talk, however, is Gorgon. Let's just kinda skip to the end of these thoughts. Nobody walked away from Gorgon feeling okay. The entire crew was miserable, depressed, hollow, they stayed huddled in the kitchen for days together, no one wanting to be alone after that mission, after everything. Faith and Max were holding each other tighter at night after that.
One day, they need to talk about it. Not really any specific conversation in mind, just needing to get anything off their chests about that place and everything they saw, everything they discovered, what it did to so many people and how it continues to haunt Halcyon. Something leads to another, Max brings up how Faith would feel about making their companionship a little more permanent. How after everything, everything they've been through, and whatever more is to come, if some fate is to befall them, they die with no one to doubt how deeply their love ran for each other, they die not ever being alone, they die knowing they were each other's.
Without a word to anyone but themselves, they start wearing matching rings.
H. Hugs (do they like hugs? how often do they do it, and what are they like?)
Faith is Very Weird about being touched in most cases. She likes physical intimacy, but she isn't exactly a people person and it's very hard for her to find that kind of comfort within someone. She doesn't trust or feel safe around most others to put their hands on her in any way. There are few exceptions as her story progresses, but the safe bet is to let her initiate any kind of physical contact.
I think Max is in a similar boat of physical touch not exactly being his strongest love language. So even tho I don't think either of them are super mushy gushy, I do think every touch between them is so charged and intoxicating. They are definitely more private about it.
As for the hugging, I can see it being a very deep experience whenever they do. This long desperate need they didn't realize they craved for so long, the starved feeling that comes with it as they hold on, melting into each other and not wanting to let go, not wanting to lose that comfort. When was the last time they felt something like this? It is a huge sign of love between them to do this.
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