#Thank you for the asks btw! :D
hey mask, that’s a nice spleen you got there… can I have it?
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An interesting one, for sure!
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c-hrona · 10 months
hey!! may i suggest number 19 for vashwood for the things you said prompt?
Things you said when we were the happiest we ever were.
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Ask game (request closed u.u)
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latenightsundayblues · 11 months
going FERAL over your scarred stu design it is so ‼️‼️‼️ look at he!!
Scarred Stu 2: Electric Boogaloo
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Billy got a lot more affectionate, and all Stu needed to do was to have a brutal near-death experience
(song completely unrelated to the drawing i just really like it and listened to the whole thing in a loop while i made this lol)
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enden-agolor · 7 months
i love your art!! I'm not a big fan of jesskas but it's nice to see your passion in the ship, it gives me good vibes!! anyway, do you have fanchilds or have you considered them at some point? i like them because i feel like it's seeing a new type of connection between a ship :DD
It’s not exactly a fanchild (I personally don’t care for those) but I do love to imagine that in the far future once Jesse has coped through the loss of Reuben and found comfortable ground and the ability to move on from losing his best friend, then he’s able to open up the idea of adding a new member to fit that role in his life. It takes a long time to get to this point, and I feel like the reason Jesse is so awkward around other animals is because they remind him of Reuben. Eventually though he and Lukas do get a dog. Years prior, he would have been so put off by the idea of having a pet like this, but once the offer is up and he’s mentally ready to handle it, he takes the offer and accepts a new member to the family. He can’t help but hold on to his old ways in the beginning, kind of comparing her to Reuben but he very quickly stops that when he realizes this little puppy is a totally different experience, and very much gets a soft spot for her. Also Lukas loves to see their little family grow…
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theeio · 1 year
i love how you draw wolfwood. he looks so sad and i want to hold him and tell him everything is gonna be ok
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‘everything is going to be okay’ is what meryl tells wolfwood post s1 when she remembers what happened to him
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hotvintagepoll · 6 months
Thank you for all your work. I love the effort and propaganda, and I vote with my whole heart who I would want to sit on my face longest.
FINALLY i find someone doing the voting right
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teshadraws · 5 months
I don’t remember if this question has come up before. Those amazing art pieces you do for each chapter, which one would you say you had the most fun with? Which one are you the happiest with how it came out?
Ooh, good question!!! I don’t really remember which ones I had the most fun with, but these are some of my favorites! 👀
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mitamicah · 5 months
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Re-reading Tolkien books while daydreaming about the SyS turned out to be the perfect recipe to get elf prince Kris Guštin :'D
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good-beansdraws · 1 month
Could I maybe oh-so-sublty suggest bro tank Fuuta?
Cover them up slut 👏🦵
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(Context for this is we were joking about how they can't do much audience pandering with Fuuta -- he doesn't dress up nice, he doesn't wear anything revealing, so the closest we could imagine was Sports Tank Appeal 😂)
Oh, and this was my original sketch :) My silly....
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nana2009 · 9 months
so, you made that art abt yandere Dave (the latest one) what’s the backstory behind it???
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you sea, sweetie, when daddy loves mommy very much but they arent together, drastic measurements have to be taken......fortunately, dave has been trained his whole life, and knos exactly what to do! :D
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tianhai03 · 1 year
Hey, this is my first time colouring someone else’s work. I really like your art, you’re one of my fave dmc artists. So I wanted to colour one of your drawings. Feel free to post this with or without credit, I don’t mind either. I hope you like it, I had a lot of fun colouring this ✨💜🫶🫶
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koinotame · 7 months
— ooh for your event, can i send a box of homemade chocolate and a dagger for The Servant? and also pls tell him to take care of himself.
Have a great day <33
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he’s never going to use this, he thinks.
the dagger you’ve given him is intricately crafted, small regal-looking designs carved into the metal. it’s one he’d picked out together with you a couple weeks ago. you’d been browsing through a local seasonal market with him when a particularly decorative weapon stall had caught your attention. you’d asked which pattern he preferred and he’d felt proud you were considering his opinion. he didn’t realise you were asking because you were getting it for him.
in the end, he’s glad he picked the pattern he thought you’d like most. if it’s a gift from you, then it’s only fitting that you decorate him and everything he owns to your tastes.
no, he could never actually use this and stain it.
he’ll frame it on his bedside table, that way he can always be reminded of you and your care for him. perhaps he could sleep with it, even… (sheathed, of course—he would take any injury you wish to bestow upon him, especially with something you’ve taken such care to give to him, but that should be by your hand, not his own.) or—
"so," you draw out, shaking him out of his thoughts, "do you like it?"
from the way you’re grinning at him, self assured and beautiful and pleased, he thinks you know the answer.
but you’ve asked him a question, and it’s his duty to answer. "I will treasure this forever. thank you, master."
you laugh. his cheeks feel warm.
"I’m glad! I also made you some chocolate." you remove your hands from your back and hand him a small, handwrapped package. the ribbon holding it closed is messily tied and the fabric is crumbled. out of the corner of his eyes, he can see you avert yours. "that one, uh, didn’t come out so well though."
"I would love anything you were to give me." and he means it. even trash would be something worth delighting in if it comes from you.
you smile at him again and he thinks he could keep up the hard work for another week without rest.
he’s about to open his mouth to ask when you beat him to it. the thought of you just knowing him that well fills his chest with butterflies. "it’s not celebrated here I think, but where I’m from today’s a holiday… it’s kind of tradition to confess your feelings with chocolate today. though more recently it’s also shifting into giving your loved ones chocolate in general."
his mind completely skips over how you’d never told him this in the past.
are you… are you confessing to him? is he dreaming?
"so!" you clap your hands and clear your throat before he can say anything. "I feel like you’ve been overworking yourself a lot lately. take care of yourself, okay? I care about you a lot."
something in his heart twinges.
instead, he smiles pleasantly.
"your gift is all the motivation I would ever need." you don’t look convinced, but he continues before you can insist. "are you handing out chocolate to anyone else?"
you nod, seemingly distracted. "yep, you’re the last one."
of course.
his smile stays the same, his eyes crinkling in a way that he hopes is convincing. "thank you, master. I’m honoured you would think of me amongst those you care about."
you’re halfway through your own grin before you seem to remember something and frown again, trying to look stern. "don’t switch the topic like that." you jab an accusatory finger in his chest. his chest flutters at the contact. "you’re going to take care of yourself even if it means I have to drag you to bed by your hair, you hear me?"
his heart throbs again.
if it means keeping your attention on him, perhaps you pulling him by his hair through the halls wouldn’t be so bad, even if hurts, even if it should be him taking care of you.
but the smile that pulls at his cheeks is a bit more soft, a bit more genuine this time. "of course, master. I’m yours to do with as you please."
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ask--invaderzim · 7 months
Howdy Dibbb!! Just wanted to say that I believe in u!! >:333
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enden-agolor · 6 days
how long did it took you to make the comic??
(P.s. I love your comic so much)
Uhh geez I don't know.. I started and finished the line art Monday night, then colored it on and off throughout my days off over Tuesday/Wednesday and finished Wednesday night. Definitely quite a few hours. I'm not really used to doing full color pieces, but I'm trying to push myself out of my comfort zone for the sake of idk. Getting better. Took a while to decide if I wanted to make it really colorful and vibrant, but ultimately I decided to make it dark and kinda smudgy, portraying Jesse's own perception of the forest. How he lacks the ability to see the colors in it the way Lukas does, considering he views it as a prison while Lukas views it as a sanctuary. I'll try to do a process video next time I make a comic. Maybe with Lukas pov? Who knows
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beanghostprincess · 9 months
You know, One Piece is all fun and happyness untill you learn that the world and themes are actually some of the darkest and most depressing things that were ever put on paper. The biggest potrayal of this tho is the fact that many characters have different running gags and quirks that are actually products of their horrible past trauma and messed up life.
Luffy- Wants to befriends literally everybody because of his fear of being alone and picks fights with all the people he doesn't like because he wants to protect his friends.
Nami- Her greed and kleptomania were developed because her mom literally died because sge was poor and was never able to give her and Nojiko all they wanted/needed.
Usopp- Makes absurd lies about everything because as a kid he had to keep lying to keep his mother happy and when she died he kept on doing so to keep himself safe.
Sanji- Puts all women on a super high pedestal because growing up women like his mom and sister wrre the only good people in his life and men like his Judge and his brothers were fucking awful.
Brook and Robin- Super S tier dark humor to cope with S tier dark trauma.
In other words, One Piece is just a comedy passing drmatic anime, but I think we all already knew that.
Ah, yes, I love this topic so much.
But I wouldn't say One Piece is a "comedy passing dramatic anime". One Piece is both comedy and drama. The drama doesn't hide behind comedy at any moment. You don't have to actively look for it or read between the lines to understand the characters. I think Oda is an amazing writer because he manages to just tell us/show us about his characters in the clearest and most obvious of ways. He throws hints at us over the episodes to then explaining it to us very carefully how his characters are built. This is why I find so difficult to understand why people (mainly from the general audience or, y'know, dudebros) don't get the characters in the first watch/read. An example of a comedy passing dramatic show would probably be just any sort of satiric comedic show in which they don't actually address the drama but instead make jokes about it. Like It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia (God I love that sitcom).
I know what you mean, though. You're talking about the whole "making jokes/running gags about something when the reason behind them is actually way deeper". And I agree wholeheartedly.
Luffy has abandonment issues and that's why he keeps wanting to protect his friends and hates being alone, Nami sees money as safety and comfort because her mom died because they lacked money, Usopp's lies come from trying to make her mom happy because his dad left them, Sanji has an obsession with women because they're the only ones who never hurt him, Brook and Robin have no filter when it comes to dark humor because they've been alone for so long that the only way they have to cope is jokes and nobody gets them except them... And also:
We treat Zoro's relationship with Tashigi as comedic at some points but he has so much trauma regarding his best friend dying that he can't be close to someone who looks like her.
We make fun of and exaggerate Sabo's love for Luffy to the point of brocon/possessiveness because he literally spent most of his life having forgotten him and when he remembers his brothers, one of them dies, so of course he wants to look after the little one.
Boa's love for Luffy exists exclusively because she feels safe around him and it's the first man who has never seen her as a sexual object.
And a lot more of these but, basically, Oda is great at character building and writing because these are not things that you have to read between the lines. These are not exaggerations for the reader to understand what's going on with the characters. These are just trauma responses that constantly happen in real life. It's just a well-written story with awesome, realistic characters, and I absolutely love it.
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hotvintagepoll · 9 months
That Robert Redford vs. Sidney Poitier poll is UNFAIR. They are BOTH my top vintage hot men dammit--
(having too much fun with your polls over here!)
💕💕I know💕💕 that poll was made to torment me specifically 💕💕
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