#Thank you so much bestiee !!
pinkanonhopes · 2 years
leo!!! you changed ur url!!! im not sure when so i might be late akdjsjsh but it’s so cute i adore it!!!!
hi syd!!!! yeahh i did!! chenged it only a couple days ago so you're not late and thank youuuuu <3333
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talaok · 7 months
I love your writing bestiee ok so you're dating Pedro, but you're not famous, there's an age gap between you, many people support you and think you're super cute, others make mean and nasty comments, one night you get insomnia (Pedro is sleeping) and decides to look at social media, and some disgusting comments about you and Pedro appear, you start to cry because you don't believe it and don't accept people talking about him in such a nasty way, but while you try to make as little noise as possible while you're crying, it's inevitable, Pedro wakes up and comes to you....
Pairing: Pedro pascal x reader
a/n: thank you bestie💖
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One of the few times he was able to sleep, it was you who couldn't.
The curtains filtred the shallow lights of the streetlamps and cars from outside, but a flash of them still penetrated the room every few moments, each time distancing you from sleep an inch further, until inevitably, you were wide awake at three in the morning.
Pedro's left arm was wrapped around you, holding you close even in his sleep, his breath was fanning over your neck as his face hid in the crook of it. Your bodies had melted into one, holding onto each other even when not conscious, because that's how you liked it, because that's how much you loved each other.
And you did, god if you did, no matter what people said, thought, or wrote all over the internet, that's all that counted, the love 
as Pedro always put it: "As long as I'm with you, nothing else matters"
But today, today as you made the grave mistake of picking up your phone, of unplugging it from the outlet, of opening Instagram... today, in the cold of the night, out of reach from Pedro's sweet words, from his warm embrace... today what people said was hitting harder than usual.
You had slipped out of your boyfriend's grasp to walk to the living room, and god did you regret it as you now sat on the couch, tears streaking down your cheeks, while you tried muffling your own sobs with the palm of your hand.
you tried recalling what Pedro usually said, you tried mustering even a glimpse of the optimism, the tranquility that defined him, that made every negative comment about him, or you, not bother him in the slightest, but all your brain was able to do was re-read all those awful, awful comments out loud without giving you a chance to stop it, making it all worse... so much worse.
Because they weren't only insulting, it wasn't the usual "slut" or "whore" or "gold digger", no, no there were also comments that made fun of him, that called you both "pathetic" or even "disgusting"
What's disgusting about loving someone? In wanting to spend the rest of your life with them?
Why, just because of a few years of difference, did people feel the need to go and make assumptions, why's that?
And as the tears multiplied, as the sobs climbed faster up your throat, you didn't notice the steps coming from the bedroom until-
"Sweetheart?", a voice startled you from behind, freezing you in your spot, as Pedro inevitably rounded the couch to take a better look at you.
The moment your eyes met, the moment he saw the frown on your forehead, the glimmer in your red eyes, your wet cheeks, he was next to you, holding your hand, holding you in any way he could.
"what happened?"
And when you didn't answer, when you could only sniffle as you hid your face in his chest, sobbing and drenching his shirt, only then, did he see your phone, the app it was opened onto... all the dirty words staining your screen.
"baby" he cooed, petting your hair, begging you to look up at him "you can't let them get to you" he murmured "Who cares what they think, we know the truth, that's all that matters"
"I-I know-" your trembling voice made its way to him as you slowly raised your head "I just- it's just-"
that's all you could stutter before you were bawling again, holding onto him for dear life as he stroked your back and gently kissed the crown of your head.
"oh sugar" he cooed, "It's all alright, everything is fine" he whispered "'m here, I'm not going anywhere"
It took a long time for your breathing to even enough for you to find his eyes again.
"sweetheart you're the most amazing woman to ever exist, whatever it is they said, I promise you, they're just jealous"
"n-no it's not what they said about me" you shook your head, wiping away a leftover tear "It's what they said about us"
His eyes closed for a moment as he sighed 
"let them say what they want baby, who cares?" he forced a smile to try and cheer you up "Sweetheart, I'm the happiest I've ever been in my entire life" he promised "I love you more than anything on this earth"
"me too" you were quick to reply
"yeah, see? then let them say whatever they want sweetheart, because what matters is that I have you." he murmured "that I'm lucky enough to be with you. and it doesn't matter what they say, because as long as I have you, nothing else matters, the world could collapse and you, baby, would still be the only thing on my mind"
"Pedro..." your lips trembled as your eyes wet again, for a whole different reason this time
"I'm serious" he promised, taking your hands in his "I love you, sweetheart, and as long as I'm with you, nothing else matters"
And as always, he had made it all better
"you're right"
"I know I am" he smiled, stroking your cheek "Now c'mere, let's get back to bed"
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girlboypersonthingy · 3 months
OMG BESTIEE can I pleaseee request Angel Dust x gn! reader headcanons about how they’re getting to know each other/open up? Like at first Angel was kind of indifferent to reader, didn’t really think much of them, but they ended up bonding and connecting really well and Angel just can’t stop looking at them like this 😍 and can’t help but be soft and sweet with them pretty much all the time. Mans is also so tempted to kiss them, often staring at their lips, but he wants to respect their boundaries too so he just tries to focus on being around them 24/7. THANKS SO MUCH BESTIEE I LOVE YOUR WORK🫶🏼🫶🏼🫶🏼
YAASSS BESTIE I LOVE ME SOME SPIDER TWINK 🩷🩷🩷 I love the idea of Angel being so horny and flirty and raunchy all the time but being softened and wooed by someone so much more innocent and romantic than him. Cuuttteeeee 🥹 enjoy, nonnie~
TW: Angel being a p*rn star, suggestive jokes, lots of swearing
Bonding with Angel Dust Headcanons 💖🕸️
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Boy meets so many new people every day, he probably doesn’t even remember your name after you two meet. Like…he fucks guys and doesn’t even know their name first. He’s totally gonna forget your name for a while after you join him at the hotel.
“Good morning, Angel.” You mutter softly as you pass him in the hall one morning, your eye bags particularly prominent today.
“Heya! Good morning….uh toots!” Hes a bit taken aback, having not seen you until you spoke up. And he scrambled to find a simple pet name to call you bc he can’t for the life of him remember your name!
And this becomes a morning routine for you considering you lived in the same block of rooms as him and you pass each other around the same time every single day.
“Good morning, Angie.” You yawn as you pass him yet again.
“Morning, hun.” He forces a small, sleepy smile at you as he passes by, continuing his walk to the front of the hotel.
Angel comes to expect to see you every morning now, lowkey falling in love with your groggy, raspy morning voice and your bed head and your glossy, squinted eyes.
Slowly, Angel starts to become more friendly towards you, finally remembering and using your name to greet you.
He’ll totally start teasing you about your bed head and laugh when you try to smooth your hair out frantically.
There’s one morning when Angel walks into the hall and looks down both ways, confused as to why he didn’t see you yet.
Boy, does he flip his lid when he realizes he’s been standing in front of his door waiting for you to meet him in the hall for like 20 minutes.
It catches him off guard that…maybe he really likes you. Maybe he’s even…caught feelings?
Angel would probably panic a bit bc feelings? No, he’s used to one night stands and fucking for cash. Hes a party animal, a porn demon for fucks sake! How could he have feelings for you?
But nonetheless, Angel decides to go knock on your door. Maybe you just slept in today…?
Would totally find himself nervous asf bc 1) he just started to ponder the idea of having a little crush on you and 2) he’s never been in your room or even seen inside before.
Comes to find you’re sick that day! And gets sad bc he can’t start his day without his daily dose of you~
He would also totally not tend to you while you’re sick bc boy is scared you’ll see his true feelings for you. He wants to keep that under wraps for now. So he’d tell Charlie and Vaggie bc he wants someone to care for you still and obvi Charlie puts everything on hold to baby you and nurse you back to health. She’s too sweet, my teeth hurt.
Gradually, you two find yourselves together more often than not.
Sitting next to each other at the bar or during one of Charlie’s circle time, team building exercise things.
Finding each other in your rooms just to say hi and check in with each other and maybe even hang out
Angel isn’t shy about his line of work, as we all know. So you’re very much aware he’s a porn star. Hell! He’s even shown you one of his pornos before, bragging and gloating as you watch awkwardly, face tomato red bc fuck he’s so hot and now that you’ve actually seen him naked, you can not stop thinking about what his soft silky body would feel like against your own skin
He loves that you’re accepting of him tho, that you never judge him or give him any looks of disgust or contempt.
It might embarrass you to see him so…vulnerable but you’d never look at him in a negative light. You’ve just never watched a porno while sitting next to the porn star themselves.
Angel eventually gets comfy enough to start invading your privacy just a bit, asking you about your sex life, any relationships you’re in, what your life before was like, how you died and why you ended up here bc he thinks you’re too sweet and pure to be here
If you’re one to immediately open up, he listens but will accidentally interrupt you from time to time to tell you about his own life and try to relate to you.
If you’re not ready or willing to open up to him just yet, that’s cool! He’s gonna spill his guts to you anyways…and he hopes that him opening up to you first will make you want to do the same to him.
He tells you all about his past life, how he died, his regrets, the people he misses most, his shitty situationship with Valentino, about his bestie Cherri Bomb.
Once Angel realizes you’re trustworthy and a great listener, he comes to you often when he’s upset, in need of advice or just looking for a shoulder to cry on.
He doesn’t open up to others too often and will strongly uphold his cocky demeanor and his flamboyant attitude around the rest of the group at the hotel.
But you’re different…you always seem to find each other on your best and worst days to share your emotions with the other.
When Angel has had a particularly rough night on set, his body sore and his mind foggy and exhausted, he’ll barge in your room without knocking, flop down on your bed and shove his face in your pillows. He’ll probably shed a few tears into the fabric on your bed, silently and without letting his body shake. He doesn’t want you to know he’s crying, but you can tell. When he’s abnormally quiet like this, he’s usually crying and holding his breath as to not let any sobs sound from his mouth.
He’d inhale deeply, trying to calm himself by manually breathing but it’s not the air that soothes him, it’s the scent of you on the pillow case that fills his nose and puts him at ease.
He’d then pour his heart out to you, truly appreciating the fact that you’re such a good listener and you look at him with such soft expressions of empathy.
Angel is always willing to switch and be your shoulder to cry on if needed, but really loves when you have some good news or something interesting to tell him bc he loves when you burst through his door with a giant, dorky grin, yelling “BITCH GUESS WHAT?! I HAVE SOME PIPING HOT TEA FOR YA!” Before gossiping to him between laughs and dramatic faces.
I think once he’s come to terms with his romantic feelings for you, he’d start to get a bit more touchy. But not sexual touches…he actually really really enjoys touching when it’s parts of him that aren’t normally touched by others. Does that make sense?
He gets manhandled, fucked, roughed up and pushed around nearly every day so he’s used to being touched on his hips and torso, he’s become accustomed to hands firmly gripping his ass and his throat, he’s used to bitting and being bruised by the end of the day.
So when you gently caress his cheek or run a hand through his white, bouncy hair or link your pinky with one of his or gently rub his back as you pass by him, he nearly loses all composure.
You treat him so well, he’s really starting to fall in love with you and the innocent way you show your affection for him.
You can’t help but notice how his gaze has changed recently, how his face contorts completely when you’re around. Instead of his usual 😎😏💋 attitude it’s more like 😳☺️❤️‍🔥
What used to be cheerful smiles and playful nudges has turned to shy giggles and playing with each other’s fingers mindlessly as you sit together, not at all focused on the task at hand.
On several occasions, you’ve caught him staring at your lips as you talk to him. While it made you a bit self conscious at first, you slowly start to catch his hints.
Him staring at your lips, his smile becoming soft and sappy when you hold his hand for even just a second, the way he perks up and watches as you enter a room, the way he always wants to pair up with you or sit beside you during group time but closer than normal, the way you noticed a few clothing items of your were missing and one day you noticed one of your shirts sloppily tucked under his pillows.
He totally had a crush on you…and you did not plan on letting this go.
You confront him about the shirt hidden in his pillows as soon as you see it and his response is surprising. You’ve never seen this side of Angel Dust.
He’s bright red from his neck all the way to his ears, he can’t seem to focus his eyes on you, all his hands are frantically trying to find something to fiddle with on his clothing, he’s a stuttering mess, unable to form any full sentences.
He’s not used to all this sappy shit. But he’s loving it. Plz don’t stop.
Now’s your chance to tease him back, just like he always does to you. Go ahead, flirt with him, tease him about using your shirt as a pillow case, tell him your feelings too, that’ll help calm him a bit, to know that you like him back.
“Wow, who would’ve thought? Famous little sex demon Angel Dust has a crush on lil ol’ me? Aww, am I making you soft, babe?” You tease, watching him malfunction bc he’s never been flirted with so innocently. Like you’re not telling him in excruciating detail all the dirty, naughty things you want to do to him. Instead, you’re calling him sweet names and confessing your feelings as well and even poking fun at how cute he looks all flustered.
“Q-quite the opposite, actually.” He replied jokingly, still not letting his eyes meet your gaze.
You can’t help but laugh at his dirty response. Of course he would…💖
After some talking, maybe some boundary setting and talk of expectations in a relationship together, Angel might consider having a steady relationship with you.
He would love nothing more than a kind, caring, stable partner to come home to every night. Will you…plz be that for him? Baby boy needs cuddles and words of affirmation every day okay? Take care of him~
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the-s1lly-corner · 1 month
Heyo! I saw your requests were open and was wondering if I could add one to your list😁 I would love to see Angel Dust x gn! reader headcanons (or an imagine, whichever best fits lol) where reader volunteers to watch Fat Nuggets for Angel in an effort to impress him? This is before they’re dating and reader is kinda a dork and has a huge thing for Angel😂💕 but feels like Angel never really notices them in that way, so in order to change that, they want to show how much they care about him as well as value how important Nuggs is too. The ending can be really cute and fluffy with Angel giving them a sweet little surprise😘❤️
I hope this isn’t too too specific and please no rush at all! I know you must have as many other requests to get to as well, so take all the time you need and make sure to rest and stay hydrated!😊 THANKS BESTIEE🫶🏼🫶🏼🫶🏼
Reader taking care of fat nuggets for angel
Short post for this one
Notes: reader is masc, reader is crushing on angel, no established romantic relationship
CWs: none
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you had offered to take care of fat nuggets on a night angel was out for an extended period- in fact you were a little too eager to volunteer yourself... not that the spider was complaining, though
taking care of the pig was easy enough, angel had left you some instructions of when to feed him and how much- as well as his favorite toys and games. with a final goodbye, angel departed
you get to play with a piglet, hooray! fat nuggets seems like the type of pet to curl up in your lap while you sit and work/watch something
angel returns roughly at the estimated time he said he would return
checks in on fat nuggets before turning his attention to you
if you took extra good care of nuggets and left him in a good mood, angel is quick to notice
he thanks you, and gives you a quick peck on the cheek- though whether it was by habit or to work with his façade or if it was genuine was a little hard to tell- but the smile on his face seemed real enough
side note angel dust would be the type to tease you for having a crush, but only a little... inside theres some turmoil but thats another post!
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in-hav3n · 7 months
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✮ 𝓣𝐡𝐢𝐫𝐝 𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭 - 𝐌𝐞𝐞𝐭 𝐦𝐞 𝐚𝐠𝐚𝐢𝐧
❘❘ age gap
Here we go for the third part ! It's not the most interesting part of the series but it was a necessary chapter for what's coming next. Special thank youu to my bestiee beta reader @liltingoddesss for her precious help! <333 Thank you to all of you for your patience, support, likes and kind words (@aplaceforyourhearttorest and @ihavenolife346 <3)
Enjoy <3
Previous parts
James hands gripped your hips as he carefully pushed his dick out from inside you, in a deep and low groan. He panted heavily as he looked down at your sore pussy, recovering from his own climax. You gasped in a whine when he thrusted out, free now to stretch your thighs as you glance up at him.
The air was absolutely thick and hot in the room and you bet there was some steam on the bay windows. You could smell this mixture of sweat and sex smell hitting your nose but you didn't mind. You crossed your legs and rolled on your side as you locked your gaze on him again, silently admiring the man you had dreamed of. You couldn't realize what just happened...it was like a pleasant dream and you could still feel the effect of your orgasms running through your veins.
You noticed James' pupils were lighter blue again now. His chest was rising slowly with every breath he was taking as he seemed to come back to his senses. You wondered if he enjoyed the sex you just had. Did he like it as much as you did? It was hard to tell...James was silent, and his face wasn't showing any kind of emotions. This started to worried you...
He was so chatty when he flirted with you and when he brought you up into his room. He kept being talkative during sex, praising you with kind and sexy words so why now leaving you like this? Did you do something wrong? Was he like this with every women?
This silence started to hurt and to make you feel uncomfortable. It hurt your confidence most of all. You didn't even ask for a cuddle or something but just a comment about what happened and if it had been enjoyable.
James' coughed and this suddenly brought you back into the hotel room. Your gaze was lost somewhere else and came back on him when he got up from the bed, moving the mattress with all his weight. You hoped for something but instead, he disappeared into the bathroom with no words exchanged. No glance. Nothing.
This made your heart clenched. All the good sensations you may have felt with sex disappeared. You felt so stupid. And you felt even worse a couple minutes later when you heard the water running, indicating he was now showering. It wasn't necessary anymore to think about what you should do cause a rejection would have been more painful than indifference. So it was time to leave.
You rolled on your side, jumping on your feet quickly, in search of your clothes and underwear. In less than two minutes, you were ready to leave, lacing up your Converses in a hurry to not be caught. You chuckled at this thought. Why being nervous to be caught? After all, this is what he wanted right?
You jumped on your feet once again when something stroke your attention. A notepad on the desk. You looked back at the bathroom's door, wondering if you should left a note or something. After all, he had been kind and nice with you until...
You shook your head as you finally decided to leave without a word. James coughed again in the bathroom as you heard the shower being turned off and you took it as a signal to make you leave this room in a hurry...
✦ 𝐀𝐧 𝐇𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐋𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐫 ✮
"Wait, wait girl...hold on. Can you say it again, please?". Your best friend couldn't believe what you just confessed to her.
It was 1am when you rushed to call her. You couldn't sleep. Even if work and sex drained a part of your energy, your mind didn't seem to accept to give you some rest. When you came back into your room, you first spent almost 30 mins in the shower, lost in your thoughts, hoping the hot water running on your skin would make you forgive all your feelings. Once inside the covers however, your mind took control again and prevented you from finding peace.
Luckily, it was late afternoon in California and you knew your best friend was always ready to talk, no matter what time it was.
"(X/Y), please...", you sighed, already embarrassed about what you just confessed to her. Since high school you always shared everything to each other but somehow, for an unknown reason, you couldn't stop having mixed feelings for what you did tonight. "I told you...I was with James Hetfield tonight and we did it together...", you repeated once again, with a low voice, like if you were scared someone would be listening to your conversation behind the door.
"Is he with you now? Why are you whispering?".
"No, he's not. I just left after it was finished. I'm in my room now".
"You left?", she asked, curious. "Why?".
You sighed again, pinching the bridge of your nose. As if it wasn’t hard enough..."It was just...you know...", you searched for the right words, as your fingers played with the edge of the cover in front of your crossed legs.
Why did you leave exactly? That was a good question and you weren't quite sure of the answer.
Deep inside, you knew you'd have loved to stay but the fact he didn't share anything with you, not even a glance or a word, was enough to make you feel sad. You felt ridiculous to have even believed he'd have wanted something more than just sex with you. You felt dumb for even thought that all these kind words and attentions towards you could mean something. Plus it hurts that he doesn't even say a word after sex. He could have lied, you wouldn't have been mad about it and you probably wouldn't even knew it, but at least, you could known if you're a good catch or not...You guess you were facing the truth and that's why you were hurt. With no experience in one-night stands, it was difficult to figure all this out.
"He wanted to fuck, I accept, that's all. What should I have done uh? Stay in the bed and waiting for some cuddles and aftercare. It would have been awkward, we don't know each other...".
"...and what if he wanted that?". You frowned at her question and just pictured the scenario in your mind. But it was absolutely ridiculous and you shook your head at the idea. His attitude would have been different then.
"No way. He's a rockstar, he just wanted to have some fun. We weren't on a date or something", you snapped back, shaking your head as you took a more comfortable position in your bed, laying on your back now.
"Then, if you're so sure about it, why do you call me in the middle of the night to tell me all this? You sound rather worried about it...".
There, she was right. Again. You looked down and sighed, remaining silent. Your best friend heard you sighed of despair and smiled on the other side of the line, she knew you so well.
"Listen sweetheart", she began with a comforting tone, "you don't have to feel guilty or bad for what you've done, okay? He was the one asking for this, you just answered to an ask. You won't be held responsible and you won't lose your job for that. Just enjoy what happened and don't stress yourself too much about it, you promise?".
"I can try...", you replied with a shrug, even though she couldn't see it. "I'm aware of everything you just said and thanks for saying that but...he didn't say anything (X/Y). Nothing. It doesn't help your confidence you know...".
"You mean, he didn't say something like..."Thanks it was awesome" or..?"
"Nothing", you repeated with a sigh, looking at the ceiling.
"Oh...that's rude. But don't worry sweetheart, okay? Maybe it's just his character, maybe he'll tell you something tomorrow? Who knows? Maybe he thought you'd still be there in his room to tell you after showering but you disappeared. Don't freak out. Everything will be alright".
A smile slowly appeared on your lips and you whispered a grateful "thank you" to her. That's why you were always referring to her when you needed help. She always knew the words to say to make you feel better.
"Tell me now...was he a good fucker?", she asked in a giggle and you shushed her immediately.
"Oh c'mon girl, don't tell me he isn't because I wouldn't believe you. How was it? You enjoyed it I hope?". You only giggle at her assumptions and this was enough to make her react more. "Okay don't tell me much. I get it. He's a sex god and he got a real big one".
"You're unbeliveably vulgar my dear".
"Vulgar? Say the girl who just fucked with a rockstar". You both laughed loud and you knew you were feeling better.
After you chatted a little more about the roadie experience and how things were going for her, you decided to hang up the phone around 3am, with a lighter heart now. She was right, tomorrow would be a new day.
✦ 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐍𝐞𝐱𝐭 𝐃𝐚𝐲 ✮
The day went by surprisingly fast and soon the time for the show arrived. From the morning till now, you could avoided meeting the band and it was perfect. Your presence wasn't necessary during their rehearsals and when you were needed around the stage area, they were already back in backstage, relaxing and getting mentally prepared.
You could do your work as usual then, without this constant fear to bump against him. Even if the chat you had with your best friend helped you to see with another point of view last night events, you still didn't want to face James. Luckily you were busy enough to not have the time to think about him either.
The second band who played before Metallica finished their show and the head chef of the staff asked you to do a last check up on every station to see if nothing was missing. You accomplished your task in a hurry, knowing you only had 30 mins to check up everything. 30 mins was pretty fast for such task.
As you ran around the stage, you could felt the energy, the impatience and the thrill coming from all the fans in the stadium and it was absolutely exciting. You smiled at this as you asked James' stations technicians if something was missing and indeed, someone forgot to bring some replacement stuff. In a hurry, you go back in the other way, looking for what you needed.
You knew where those materials where stored and you ran over the area, making a way between all the fans walking around the VIP area and the other staff members getting ready for the show. As soon as your eyes noticed the storage's place, you stopped running to walk the few meters left when you felt someone griping your wrist.
You turned around, thinking it would be a crew member, but when your eyes met those familiar pierces icy blue eyes, your heart skipped a beat and you gasped of surprise.
"Can we talk?", he asked with a neutral tone. You nodded in agreement, not really thinking about the fact this is exactly what you wanted to avoid all day long. But if James Hetfield was asking you something, you had to do it.
You followed him inside his backstage room and noticed he didn't stop holding your hand. Some flashbacks of last night started to play into your mind and you bit your lower lip, trying to stay calm. He closed the door and faced you, now letting go of your hand. He was already wearing his stage outfit and you couldn't stop thinking how gorgeous he was looking in this black vest with bare sleeves. You knew he was shirtless underneath and it was a pure sin for the eyes.
You gulped and looked up at him, wondering what he wanted to talk about. Again, his silence was a torture and you hoped he'd start talking first cause you were completely mute now that you were in front of him.
"Why did you leave last night?". His question surprised you and didn't make any sense. You opened your mouth, ready to say something, but instead you remained quiet, wondering why this worried him.
"I-...", you started, licking your lips as you were searching for the right words. "I thought...this is what you wanted me to do...?", you finally confessed. You crossed your arms over you chest, feeling uncomfortable and dumb again.
How come you could be so ridiculous in front of this man. You turned your gaze on the right side and didn't see James frowned when he heard your answer. He stepped closer and his tobacco/aftershave smelt hit your nose. You blushed more, hoping this would end pretty fast cause you couldn't live this situation anymore. But when his palm connected with your burning cheek, you finally met his glance, with a questioning look.
"Honestly, I thought you'd have stayed with me. I was surprised to see you disappeared like a thief in the night", it was his turn to confess with a smirk.
"I'm sorry", you let out as you felt your heart jumping faster into your ribcage. It was like you were living a dream, you weren't really there with him, right? You couldn't say to him it was rather his fault cause his attitude made you think it was time to leave.
You were searching for a better answer when he said, "Come back to me tonight". The words hit you again and you couldn't believe it.
"What?", you asked out, the words escaping your mouth before you even realized they were out. James chuckled softly and his hand disappeared behind your neck and hair, resting in a comforting place there. You, on the other hand, were blushing more and cursing yourself for acting so stupidly in front of him. But your body was betraying you.
"Meet me tonight. I want to spend some time with you".
"James...I...", you started, unsure. Was it really a good idea?
Suddenly, a strong knock on the door, broke the silence and you jumped off surprise, watching the door. It was a crew member telling James he should be in the stadium entry in 2 mins. Luckily, no one was coming in otherwise you'd have been fired immediately.
"Yeah, I'm coming", he replied louder to the guy before he put his attention back on you. "So...what do you say?".
"James, is it really a good idea? I mean...I don't...", you mumbled as many ideas crossed your mind. You didn't know what to say, you were in absolute hurry now that the show was about to start and you didn't even come back to the station with the material needed and...
"I...I have to go, I'm sorry. I have to bring back some material at your station and...", you declared in a hurry, as an excuse, stepping over the door but James stopped you before you could leave, gripping your wrist again to pull you against him this time.
The next thing you felt was his rough but sweet lips on yours, sharing a shy but deep kiss. You closed your eyes and you felt the same butterflies running through your stomach. Your hands naturally found a place on his cheek as you enjoyed this physical touch you admit you had missed.
When you opened your eyes again, he was looking deep at you and this was enough to make you shiver hard. This guy was like a drug. Dangerous but so delicious...
The knock on the door resounded again and louder this time.
It was time now.
"Meet me tonight sweetheart. Please. I really want to spend time with you", he insisted again, speaking close to your lips and you finally agreed, nodding your head.
"I'll be there", you promised and he leaned to kiss you again, deeper this time before he left in a hurry, leaving you alone in the backstage, with a heart exploding of joy and head full of hopes but uncertainties.
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smicksstuff · 3 months
Could you write more SMAU’s for Marc Guiu and Héctor Fort?
hectorfort! x reader!, marcguiu!xreader!, siblings!xreader!
summary: join elizabeth as she makes her comeback into the football scene. rumours arise about her new bae but are the rumours true ? make shocking discoveries as ellie sets the record straight.
oc: Elizabeth (Ellie) Sainz
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liked by hectorforrt_, marcguiu9, ybsf, pedri, and 157,874 others
elliesainz i’m back babyyyy !!
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pedri looking stunning as ever !! 😍😍😍
elliesainz 🫶🏽
pablogavi mi favourito is back
elliesainz ❤️❤️
hectorforrt_ my partner in crime is back ❤️
elliesainz shits about to go downnnn
pablogavi no no not more pranks
elliesainz 🤨🤫🤐😈
hectorforrt also why does gavi get a pic and not me
elliesainz you refused to take one
pablogavi she just likes me more 🤫
hectorforrt geez the things i do for this girl and this is what i get 🙄
user1 “this girl” bros jealous his friend is getting more attention than him
user7 omg is she the one that people have been spotting with hector ?
marcguiu9 god i missed youu 🥹❤️ (comment deleted)
marcguiu9 besties back 😍
elliesainz never ever leaving again 😙
user1 geeez who is this girl ???
user2 she got all the boys whipped
user3 ngl she’s got me whipped tooo
user4 this is elliesainz she is a local restaurant owner. she has a little cafe bar in Barcelona called Offside. They have one of the best paellas and drinks. she is quite famous in the barca community !
user2 she aint nobody 😳
user6 she is one hot chef
liked by marcguiu9 and 829 others
user6 no way marcguiu9 just liked my comment
user7 bestiee is there smth going on ??
user8 ngl they would make a cute couple
user3 nahhh my bets are still on her and hector, they have known each other since forever.
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liked by elliesainz, marcguiu9, user7 and 902,262 others
hectorforrt_ we are getting the gang back together
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elliesainz i love you guysss 🥹🩷
marcguiu9 what will i do without you guys
hectorforrt_ absolutely nothing
elliegonzales i second that ✊🏽
marcguiu9 geez thanks guys 😑
user3 shipping hector and ellie so bad now
user7 same bestie, samee
elliesainz posted on her story
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hector and chef - trending on X
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text messages between hector and ellie
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elliesainz & hectorforrt_
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liked by hectorforrt_, pedri, marcguiu9 and 1,039,728 others
elliesainz thank you papa for my big brother who plays professional football. hectorforrt_ i love you but i love your friends a little more 😗❤️
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hectorforrt_ can’t believe im being used for my friends
elliesainz but i said i love you 🥹
hectorforrt_ 🙄
elliegonzales 😞
user3 BROTHER ???? HERMANO ???
user3 hold UPP !! OMG ive been shipping them together for so long
user1 i need 1-3 years to get over this 🤡
user2 ngl i see the resemblance now
emilygonzales I CALLED THIS ON X
pablogavi FINALLY one less secret to keep
elliesainz i had to save you
marcguiu9 i love my sibling besties 🩷
hectorforrt_ yeah but you love me more
marcguiu9 depends
hectorforrt_ on what ?
marcguiu9 well she can cook. you cant do it to save your life
elliesainz awww you love me moree ✊🏼🩷
marcguiu9 🤐🤐🤐
user7 wait how are they related ??
user4 if im not wrong her dad remarried after her mom passed on.
user7 oh, im so sorry for her.
user4 i think its been a secret because her dad didnt want her to be in the media too much. he didn’t want her to be picked on given her past.
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pablitogavii · 1 year
could you write something about if the reader was taking a bath and gavi wants to join so he walks in and he just dangles his arm in asking how she is and then he gets in and they have some ✨fun times✨ THANKS BESTIEE ❤️
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"Amor!" Pablo yelled from the hallway not seeing you in the living room but knowing it was too late for you to be at school.
"Amorcito? Donde estas?" he said looking through each room until finally entering your shared bathroom finding you in the bath with a book in your hand surrounded by bubbles and his heart skipped a beat.
"Did you hear me call you?" he said squatting down and you smiled nodding your head saying you wanted to see how long it took him to find you.
"So bratty tonight amorcito..." Pablo smirked leaning in and kissing your lips but not a failing to steal a glance at part of your boobs that was visible.
"My eyes are here campeon.." you teased raising his chin up and when his chocolate brown orbs met your his smirk grew as his shorts became too tight. He loved when you called him campeon...fuck!
"It's hard not to look at you amor..how was your day?" he said trying to calm down his male urges and check in with you like always and you smiled appreciating it.
"It was long so I decided to take a bath to relax before bed.." you said and Pablo nodded slowly dangling his arm into the hot water making your thighs rub together wondering what he will do next. The whole thing excited you...
"Mm sounds relaxing..may I join you? It's been an intense training" Pablo said playing with the bubbles and you both knew him wanting to join had nothing to do with his training.
"Mhmm.." you said and he quickly looked into your face to make sure that was really what you said but when he saw your blushed cheeks, he quickly got to his feet taking off his clothes hastily making you giggle.
"Slow down campeon, I'm not going anywhere.." you teased and he smirked getting in behind you and pulling you close so your back was glued to his strong chest while his hands massaged your shoulders soothingly. Now you were really relaxed..
Your eyes were closed until his lips met with your your shoulder moving to your neck slowly making you both very much excited as smiles were plastered on your faces in anticipation.
His hands slowly moved as he cupped your boobs circling your nipples and making you take it a deep breath while throwing your head back against his shoulder.
"They are so perfect..and round..and my favorite thing to suck" he said and you blushed knowing just how much your boy loves to entertain himself with your boobs whenever you would let him.
"Amor?" he whispered and you opened your eyes turning slightly to look at him waiting for the question.
"What's your favorite thing to suck?" he said with a smirk on his face and you blushed giggling a little since you both knew the answer to that..and how shy you get about it.
"I thought you were tired form an intense training?" you smirked knowing that was just an excuse to let him join you and he chuckled shaking his head while his hand traveled lower making goosebumps appear on your skin.
"Was I ever too tired for you princesa??" he asked and it was true, even during a long game, he would come back and pleasure you for hours before you both fell asleep from exhaustion..when it came to his girl, Pablo was never too tired.
"I asked you a question, amor..?" he smirked while touching your folds knowing that you were unable to speak from how good it felt but loved to force you to mumble an answer nevertheless.
"N..no Pa..ablo" you menage somehow to answer and he pulled his hand back making you whine but only until he spoke again words you desperately craved to hear.
"You should let me help you relax before bed amor.." Pablo said after a few minuted of kissing your skin and enjoying your boobs.
"Should I?" you ask teasingly and he mumbled into your neck while sucking hickeys onto it..something he absolutely loved to do.
"Mhmm" he moaned into your skin and you smiled nodding your head slowly which was enough for him to help you out of the bath, dry you with a towel and carry you bridal style to your shared bedroom..;)
"Have I told you how perfect I think you are?" he said while getting comfortable between your thighs taking his time to look at every inch of your skin which made you blush but enjoy it very much so.
"Mhm" you nod and he smiled kissing your lips then moving down your neck to your boobs sucking on them and satisfying his craving finally.
"Good..because you are tan perfecta amor..every single part of you" he said continuing to leave kisses down your flat stomach to your inner thighs teasing you a little before giving you exactly what you needed to properly relax.
"P..Pablo.." you moaned trying to raise your hips but he pinned them down reminding you not to be grabby but to lay back and take what he gives you.
"I promise to treat you tonight princesa..but you have to be good like always" he said and you nodded knowing there is no breaking the rules when it comes to getting what you wanted with Pablo..he doesn't reward brats.
"Words, mi amor!" he said looking up into your eyes with his bushy eyebrows raised in anticipation to hear what he was waiting for.
"Yes, papi!" you said and he smirked nodding his head whispering 'good girl' before feasting on you like a starved beast on his prey sending you mind and body into a sweet pleasurable trance you never wanted to end.
For hours, you were Pablo's whole words and he gave you all he had to give making your whole body ache in the most perfect way. You were cuddled up besides each other completely exhausted but never happier.
"I'm going to only have baths with you from now on.." you smile and he chuckled nodding his head and kissing the top of your head while pulling you even closer if it was even possible. You nuzzled you face into his neck and you both fell asleep peacefully in each other's arms.
Here's another one! Hope you enjoy it! <3
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CONGRATULATIONS ON 100 FOLLOWERS STAR!!! I’m immensely proud of your milestone <333.
This is a request for the celebration. angst prompt; “Us? There was never an ‘us’.”
With bestfriend!Bradley. Maybe he’s been flirty with the reader since they were kids but now they’ve had enough..? But you don’t have to take it that way.
Pav! Thanks so much for this request! I had a ball writing it and I love the additional context! I hope this hit everything about bestfriend!Bradley you were searching for! Love you! 💕💕💕💕💕💕
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Heartbreak in the Making
You're not a Navy brat, though you're sure that anyone who's ever met your best friend would assume otherwise. You'd met Bradley Bradshaw when you were both five years old. He and his mom had moved into the house next door in your small suburban Virginia neighborhood. He'd been the odd kid out, the one kids weren't sure how to include. He was quiet and always played with airplane figurines in the corner of the sandbox. 
And then one day, one of the other boys, a bully named Billy, had tried to snatch a plane out of his hand. You'd seen red, marched right up to Billy, and told him off, pushing him over into the sand and rescuing the plane. When you'd turned back to Bradley, he'd been looking at you in awe. You'd cleaned your hand on your overalls and introduced yourself before helping him up and running towards your mama with his hand held tight in yours. The two of you had gotten ice cream together with your mamas, and the rest, as they say, was history.
So, Bradley Bradshaw is your best friend. And that hasn't changed, at least for you. The truth is, you've both changed from the knobby kneed kids you were when you were younger. Time and a potent mixture of growth spurts, braces, and puberty will do that, you guess. But it was the behavioral change that confused you the most. It was inevitable. When puberty hits, some boys become attracted to girls and vice versa. So you expected the phone calls a few minutes before he was supposed to pick you up when he’d say, “Sorry, Sparrow! Marissa asked me out on a date! And I’d be stupid to say no to her, y’know? Love ya. We’ll make up for this and have movie night tomorrow instead, okay?”
What you hadn’t been expecting was the way he pulled you into his side at school. Or the way he insisted on carrying your books and walking you to and from your classes. The mixed messages were going to drive you crazy. And the worst part was that Bradley didn’t seem to realize what he was doing to you at all. The tangled snarl of your emotions is just getting tighter and tighter the more it happens. The root of the matter is that you’re in love with Bradley Bradshaw. You have been for years and each thoughtless touch and hug and kiss on the cheek? It’s like a nail in a coffin you’ve been building around yourself since the day you met him.
That brings you to now. It’s two months before your high school graduation. Bradley finally received his letter from the US Naval Academy.  You were sitting at the tiny kitchen table in the Bradshaw house, and Carole had her hands on his shoulders while you kneaded your hands together frantically as you sat across from him at the table. You can smell the scent of the lemon cleaning products Carole has been using since you were kids and feel the imperceptible shudder of the table as Bradley’s knee jolts in time with the frantic thudding of your heart. It’s silent as he rips the envelope open, and he spreads it out to read the Navy’s response. The paper is thick and heavy, each sheet embossed with the Navy logo.
From your vantage point at the table, all you can chronicle are the expressions floating across his face as he reads. At first, you can see excitement and hope. But then, with every word he reads, you can see his fingers clench around the paper, crumpling it. He tosses the letter on the table and stalks outside, the echoing crash of the back door echoing through the house.
"Can I?" Your voice is hesitant as you reach for the letter. 
"Yeah, honey. It's not good news, I'm afraid." Carole had sounded sad and a little happy at the same time. "It's going to take him a bit to adjust. Why don't you go join him?"
It's a rejection notice from the Naval Academy. You lay the letter back down and head out to find him. Like always, when he's mad, he's retreated to the shadow of the Dogwood tree in his backyard. When the two of you were younger, there had been a treehouse in it built by his Uncle Mav.
"Hey, B." You sit next to him in the grass. He's got his head in his hands and an abject look of despair on his face.
"I'm sorry." Your voice is gentle as you take in his face.
"I don't understand it. I worked so hard. And I still wasn't good enough to get in!" You can feel the exasperation in his voice as he speaks. "I did everything! And I'm a legacy. I've worked ridiculously hard! And they sent me back a letter saying that I'm not good enough to join the academy?!"
"Bradley, you can always try applying for the Navy again in a year, right?" You don't know who you're trying to convince more, him or you. "And, you know we can both go to UVA together in the meanwhile?"
"Sparrow, why would I go to UVA?" You don't know why he sounds so surprised.
"We've planned on doing that for years!" You're sure your voice and face are both exhibiting the same emotions.
"No, we haven't, Sparrow. You planned it." There's a cruel turn to his voice as he looks at you. "I never wanted to go to college with you. You're always around, and I know it's because Mom thinks you're good for me or whatever. I mean, come on. I can't always be expected to drop everything for you." Each cruel world has your heart shattering into even tinier pieces. "I'm going to San Diego. I'll stay with Uncle Mav and go to school there. I'll be closer to people in the Navy there, anyhow."
"B-but, what about us? What about our friendship?" You can't hide the quiver from your voice as you speak.
"Us? There was never an Us. You and I, we're childhood friends. Nothing more. And frankly, I think I've outgrown you." He’s looking down at you with all of the rage reflected in his eyes glaring at you.
"But, what happened? Did I do something wrong?" You're desperately reaching for anything and everything to try to understand him. "Just tell me. We've been friends for years. I'm sure I can fix whatever happened."
Bradley's voice is a cruel sneer as he looks at you. "Fix it? Fix what? I'll admit you were a good friend when we were in elementary school. But while I grew up, it didn't seem like you ever did. You're such a nerd, hiding out in the library over lunch and barely making friends. Do you even have any other friends? I mean, other than me?"
"And what about boys? There has to be somebody you like. Somebody you wanted to date. Come on. You can tell me. Or do I get to tell Marissa she was right and the pathetic little bird was in love with her best friend when he was so out of her league?"
A single tear tracks down your cheek at his words.
“Where do we go from here, then?” You’re looking into his eyes, trying and failing to corral the shattered pieces of your heart.
He tips your chin upwards, leaning into your face until you can feel the puffs of his breath on your face with a pincer grip on your chin.
“We, don’t go anywhere, little bird. You do whatever the hell it is you want to do in Virginia. I’m going to live my life without you. I wish I could say it’s nice knowing you, but frankly you’re the most annoying person I’ve ever met.” He pushes you away before stalking back into the house.
Your heart is shattered. It doesn't help either that the next two months of school are filled with giggles and rumors floating around behind your back all courtesy of one Bradley Bradshaw.
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Want to request something for my 100 Follower Celebration? The guidelines are here! Please leave me a request in my inbox with your ask!
- XOXO Star
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gurugirl · 2 months
Hiii bestiee!!!! How was was your day??
I'm obsessed by the way you have written sex tutor H!!! It was so perfect like Ahhh can't wait for part 2!!!
No pressure tho but was just wondering how is Mean king harry is!! Earlier you have posted a lil sneaky that was so perfect so is there any chance that you could give a lil sneaky of it!! Nd if not then it's okay too!!:)
Ahhh thank you! I'm just so happy y'all seemed to love sex tutor so much! Part 2 is in the works!
Mean King is slowly coming alive. It's a lot of work, though. Period pieces take a bit more research and while I'm sure I'm not going to get everything 100% right, I want to do the story justice. I can't say when it'll be ready quite yet.
BUT! Here's another sneaky for you since you asked so nicely :)
First sneak peek to mean king!harry here.
But there was also the concern of the King’s marital status.
“You’ll need a Queen. Someone to continue the Styles’ lineage for Thornekeep. The people will want to know they are under the rule of a stable Sovereign.”
“What does it matter how the people feel? I can rule without a Queen. I’d rather not be hindered,” Harry waved a hand as he spoke unconcerned.
“Your Majesty, with all due respect, how do you expect to have a child out of wedlock?”
The cheeky grin that pulled up on Harry’s face had his advisor suddenly standing to stop the King from answering that question but Harry only laughed and looked at the man, “Sit. Do not interrupt me again. I think Our Lord Mayer would like a lesson in biology and I’m not one to turn down a teaching moment.”
The advisor relented with a sigh, sitting down (what was he to do? tell the King not to speak?), and Harry began, “One does not need the burden of wedlock to create offspring. It’s quite simple you see…” all the men knew where this was going as Harry continued, “All I need to do is stick my fiddle within the sweet quim whiskers of a beautiful woman and keep it in until I’ve done my duty. Could take a few rounds to set but I imagine soon enough the woman receiving my bounty will be heavy with child and upon the moment of birth will provide me an heir. No need for a marital contract of any sort.”
The men of the council looked around at one another in near shock at Harry’s dismissal of tradition as the Lord Mayor spoke, “That will not do. It is imperative you find a Queen, my King. You need a woman that will raise said heir in the castle with you, bring them up properly, and teach them our ways. This will be your legacy. You must see that.”
Harry knew of course that his words would fall on deaf ears. He knew he’d have to marry and make a show of it. But he did enjoy seeing the looks on the faces of the fancy and feathered men, all tensed with their sleek coverings of velvet and wool and white tights tucked into silk and leather shoes with shiny silver buckles and heels that made them appear taller than they were.
“Fine. I’ll have my selection in a fortnight.”
His selection. As if he were choosing a dish to be served for dinner. But that is how Harry saw it after all. He would have his choice of dishes just as he would have his choice of women. It would be the roasted venison with piping hot potatoes, smothered in butter, and artichokes for his dinner, and for his wife, he’d take the pretty redhead with the plump bottom and big bosom lying in his bed. She had the kind of tummy that would take a child well he figured.
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swiftsdelucaa · 1 year
HEYYY i haven’t been here in ages!! but i’m back here at 1 am with headcanon requests and i cannot wait for them to be done (no pressure, ofc)!
how about fem!reader dating/being married to callie torres or jackson avery while also being a surgeon?
i think that would be great especially as you’ve already done two of my requests and they were amazing… i’m just addicted to your blog HAHA
have a great day <3
i’m also season 7 now and i remember when i was at the end of season 1/beginning of season 2 and first seeing your blog; time fliesss
❛ 𝑩𝒆𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒎𝒂𝒓𝒓𝒊𝒆𝒅 𝒕𝒐 𝑪𝒂𝒍𝒍𝒊𝒆 𝑻𝒐𝒓𝒓𝒆𝒔 𝒉𝒆𝒂𝒅𝒄𝒂𝒏𝒐𝒏 ❜
𝙋𝙖𝙧𝙞𝙣𝙜: Callie Torres x f!reader ♡
𝘼/𝙣: Hi! I'm happy you're back ahah, yes time flies :) omg I'm glad to knowing that someone apprecciates me and my blog 😂💕😭 Sorry if it took a little long, I'm just busy with school and other things, but soon I'll post this one for Jackson too! Have a good time bestiee <333
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Your wedding will never be forgotten by anyone. It was an awesome ceremony, all the people you cared about the most were present and made that day even more special than it already was.
You loved Callie so much, you still didn't believe you were married to her, and she made you feel the same way. There have been ups and downs in your relationship, but what you felt for each other was so strong that you had gotten you all this far together, and would have you bonded for a long time to come.
Due to different specialties, you didn't see each other often at work, and waiting for the evening to come home was so frustrating every day! So you often took advantage of it during the breaks, even if you almost always didn't notice how much time was passing and ended up being late, consequently you missed some surgeries...
When you came back later she liked to surprise you in any possible way. She always managed to impress you, making you think every time "Wow, I can't believe this woman it's my wife", and they always ended the same way, with long nights of fun.
Not being great cooks, often when you can, you order take-away food, sit on the sofa and watch films and TV series, which you usually choose by making one evening each. But since you are exhausted after long shifts, you end up falling asleep in an embrace, feeling each other's presence and making you feel safe.
When one of you was sad or angry, you did everything to improve the other's mood. If one of you didn't feel well, it was even able to make the other feels almost broken, because happiness was one of those things you cared about the most, and that has always accompanied your relationship. In short, in times of need you were always available.
Kids? It's something you've talked about often. Becoming a mom was one of your greatest wishes, you even planned to get pregnant at the same moment!
One thing you didn't agree on was the type of vacation to plan. You were the type of beach and sea, you would have loved to spend time in places like Spain or Italy. While Callie was more of a tourist type who liked to visit new and interesting places, surely caused by her great curiosity. Yes, you had completely different ideas about this, but you promised to do both someday. It would have been an interesting experience, also a great way to understand each other's tastes.
"I love you" you repeat it to her often. You're sure she knows it, but you also know that she just need to hear it over and over again, and you always like to repeat it.
Of course, always reserving special moments for your anniversaries. Well, in addition to good sex that gets better on that day, you fill yourself with gifts, go out, have fun, even if the presence of the other is enough for you, and that's why you continue to remember that day with joy, that's all you do than to be thankful for what you have.
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mountinez · 1 year
I saw this and I thought you'd want to see it too
i need to go buy you some flowers and the kind of chocolate you like because how else could i thank you for bringing these gems to me?
look, i'm going to be brutally honest. i never saw leo this happy with any . one. i'm sorry, idk if it's because he achieved everything with the nt with rodri by his side, that he may see him as a lucky charm. leo is always so focused and serious but when he is with rodri he laughs his ass off 😭 he does stupid little things that he doesn't do with others. and lately he is so touchy touchy towards rodri that i'm... STAWP!
seriously, there is this beauty in their relationship that rodri had to fight to be by his side. i mean, leo probably didn't give a damn about him at first but rodri paved his way to be by his side and i have no choice, i have to ship, i have to trust. they are everything and the best thing, leo is happy with rodri. leo trusts him so much. this is all that matters to me.
thank you for feeding my rodressi brainrot bestiee! you are the best!
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themintsimmer · 1 month
Hey bestiee!! I LOVE your content and I feel so inspired by you (PLEASE when I say it's an HONOR to be followed by you... UGHQHWKH😭😭💗💗🌷)
I got a question though!!!
- What or Who inspired you, to be a content creator or even start a youtube channel about the sims 4?
Keep up the work girl you are amazinggg!⭐️🌷
hi pookie!!!! first thing THANK YOU SO MUCH! 💗
in terms of content creation, i've been online making digital art / 3d art / visuals for a long time! being a full time artist, sims was always something i just would do in my spare time, been playing since sims 2 lol
early last year i was met with some circumstances that completely stripped my urge to create anything and unfortunately put me into a depression.
one of the things i found myself doing to cope was playing my game more, and watching others play their games on youtube! (lolkhalia, ashley plays, xureila, largetaytertots are like crack to me!!!!)
the feeling that i personally got from watching let's plays is something that inspired me and gave me my spark back to start creating again.
i know how much watching them helped me during that hard time i was in, and i felt inspired to maybe be that for someone...now we're here!
i truly thank the sims community for being so welcoming and supportive, it's brought me into the most creative space i've ever been in 🥹
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xxk3vonicaxx · 10 months
... Here we go againn
So Blurry made a doc about me and posted it through a friend of his aandd... Oh boy is it somethingg, it's basically full of already resolved issues (only showing what I did to him and not what he did to mee), out of context screenshotss (as usuall), aand just blatant liess. He tried to claim I was his "abuser" as well 'cause I had held him accountable for his behaviorr (Whichh... Is absolutely crazyy, buut okk)
The only good thing about this was that Blurry referenced my special interest in the titlee, like yess, thank youu✨
Anywayy, onto discussing the docc:
First of alll, I never drew the art to "get back at him" or whateverr, like he so claimss, those aren't my words like he's claiming they aree, I never said I wanted to get back at himm, that's not what it waas:
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It was for two reasonss, though the main one is the firstt:
It was meant as a warning for Blurry to try and stop stealing designs from my bestiee
Also I thought it would be a funny warningg (a jokee)
I've literally stated this several timess, how hard is it for someone to understandd? Not to mention I apologized for itt
Just 'cause something is a warning doesn't make it be out of revengee, Doing something as an act to warn someone not to do what they're doing isn't revengefull, don't know why he keeps trying to think it's out of revenge when it's nott
Likee, it's literally stated heree, by my bestiee, that it's a warningg. Neither of us would do this kind of thing to anyone elsee (unless you steal our designss/pass them off as your ownn, this is also a warning for those kind of peoplee), this was solely directed at Blurryy:
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Alsoo, why are you calling nudity pornn? You show the dakimakura my bestie drew as one of your exampless, buut that's... Not pornn?
It's literally nudityy, why are you calling it porn when it's nott? What is your logicc?
Anywayy, continuing onn:
The "several userss" Blurry mentioned is his friend Cultc0ree (who has stolen 5 of my OCs aand has tried to slander my name beforee), aand his fans that contacted mee, who were either proshipperss, nsfw accounts that posted clopping (MLP Nsfww)/irl nsfww/yiff (furry nsfww), or bothh. One of which had reposted/supported bad dragonn, a zoophilic companyy... That kind of stuff makes me uncomfyy, of course I'd block those kind of people who post that stufff:
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Due to the bad experiences I had with his fanss, I'm not in the furry fandom anymoree. I don't like drawing furries much unless it's my comfort characterr (more on that laterr). I still draw furries/anthro from time to timee, just not as much as I used tooo
Alsoo, Blurry fails to mention what happened after the callout post was madee, that being his father had threatened to dox me and a minor just 'cause I called him outt (shown heree and heree), aand he did nothing about itt, nor does he ever mention his own behavior towards mee
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It's also ironic that Blurry says I stalk himm, when he's stalked both me and Mobcrit beforee. Blurry wouldn't know about this blog if he hadn't stalked my following on my alt accountt (which was privatee, my followingg, not my altt), as the blog isn't searchablee:
This is a blog made by the two authors of the Blurry docc, the blog isn't complete yett (as you can seee), buut it's a critique blog for Blurry's loree, like Mobcrit iss
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Basicallyy, tumblr had a glitch that had marked your followers private for you in your settingss, buut had made them public on your profilee, aand that's how Blurry had found itt. It's not searchablee, he wouldn't have found it any other wayy
Anywayy, Blurry claims that me holding him accountable for his behavior (referring to my response post from the Blurry docc) is gaslighting according to himm, whichh... Holding someone accountable for their behavior isn't gaslightingg? Huhh??:
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As welll, recentlyy, after Cags on Mobcrit posted an ask with someone saying people should rewrite Mob's FON loree, Blurry came into my DMs threatening su*cide and saying Cagney was attacking him 'cause the people on Mobcrit don't like his workk (He thinks I run Mobcrit when I'm just their archivistt, this has been stated multiple times on the blog itselff) ... He conveniently left this out of his docc:
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What prompted that convoo, was that Blurry got mad that Cagney on Mobcrit proposed an idea to rewrite Mob's FON loree... Notice how I said MOB'S and not Blurry'ss, completely missing the meaning of the postt:
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Cagney's talking about Mob's lore heree, not Blurry'ss. Blurry just can't understand that some people don't like his workk. You have to expect that kind of thing when you post your work so that people can see itt (Oh yeahh, he also calls that "bullyingg" sooo-)
Blurry had also accused me of gaslighting 'cause I had responded to a joke Cagney made (that Blurry gets no maidenss) by joking about it furtherr, whichh... The fact that you're getting upset over a stupid meme kind of confirms that at this pointt-
Anywayy, here was the response to the joke Cags made in questionn:
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Aaand here was Blurry calling it gaslightingg:
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Alsoo, he had lied to me about him not following NSFW accountss, aand I had called him out on it in that same convoo, as he was following Mob's NSFW account on twitter with his rebranded accountt, which he conveniently left out of his docc. He tried to lie and say that he had followed aand unfollowedd, buut that's a total liee, 'cause the screenshot shown was taken just before Mob deleted the account due to minors following itt:
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Heree, he was acting like he was the main victimm, which he also left out of his docc:
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Throughout this conversation there were multiple times in which Blurry was saying I was gaslighting himm... When I was holding him accountable for his behaviorr (aand noo, he hadn't apologized for making fun of my typing quirkk, he had lied in his "apologyy", as you guys already knoww:
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Another thing to add onn, Blurry claimed I had "stolen an OC", when I actually hadn'tt:
(Notee, I was mad that Mob sold the original Deramu and other Sassy's Palace characters behind people's backss, lying to me that she said she wouldn't sell them at the timee. The new owner is a supporter/friend of Mob's and compared Mobcrit's critiques to school shooterss. This is also literally public infoo)
Also nooo, I never talked to him about this characterr, don't know where he got that fromm:
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Mob had actually given me the OC during the recent chat she had with me when I got the rights to use the plants for Plantae backk (this is also public infoo, it's literally in the Mobcrit archivee), aand Mob had approved of the changes I had made to him after she gave him to mee:
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Original design on the leftt, my redesign on the rightt, I liked it 'cause I thought it looked like my comfort characterr, hence the namee:
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Anywayy, yeahh, that's not theftt, I literally got this OC for free along with my rights for the plantss. This is literally public infoo, I don't know why it was even mentioned in the doc in the first place since it has nothing to do with Blurry at alll
Mobcrit's probably gonna reblog this anywayy, buut there was some blatant lies that Blurry had said about them that just aren't truee (claiming the admins of Mobcrit were transphobic when in reality they were calling out people for their transphobia/using xenogenderss), also Blurry defends Mob in this specific part of the document as welll, mmm
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freedomfireflies · 1 month
Crime and Punishment was just toooo prefect bestiee!! Like it's a crime to write so beautifully that I can't stop reading!! This is one of my fav thing you have everrrr written!!
Nd hell yess want another part or anything of them cause it has became my fav couple!! Pleaseeee I beg you to write more of them!! Thank you for writing this loviee!!🤭💖
AAAAAA THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR READING IT!!!! I appreciate you endlessly! I would love to do a part 2 honestly and @harrysonlylover had the most amazing idea 👀 so hehe I'm excited!!!
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evansbby · 18 days
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Awww thank you so much! My birthday was yesterday June 5th but you must be in a different time zone! It’s crazy how you remembered hahaha HAPPY BIRTHDAY BESTIEE 🩷🩷🫶🏼🫶🏼
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jarofstyles · 30 days
Ahhhhh no words bestiee!! Favor part 7 was perfect like just too goodd!! Nd H being cheekyy nd possessive!! Thank you for writing thiss!!🤭
Really can't wait for part 8 nd please I want stupid Danny nd her to get a breakup so that she can be with H please!!
Thank YOU for reading!!! I’m having so much fun with them. Also me too I want Danny outta here. But we must suffer him a bit longer 😔
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