#Thanks anon! And sorry for a lengthy reply
traumxrei-archive · 2 years
1) YEAAAAAHHHHHH LEONA WOOOOOO Love all of your leona fics, they are so, so good!!! Silly lion man, love him. you write him super well too!!!!! (also tumblr how dare you not give me a notif. /lh) Honestly your leona fics are what got me to actually like his character in the first place- i mean i liked him in book 2 (just not as much as i do now-) but idk they way some of the fandom portrays him- y e a h. Love him lots now so thank you for that! /srs
2) Enstars. ive had “come on baby america” stuck im my head for around 5 days now (thanks to my friends on discord- thanks a lot roblox hq.) To be completely honest ive never really been a big fan of rhythm games- at least before twst (i know it’s technically not a rhythm game but like. come on. its 1/3 rhythm game) But i’ve gotten slightly better at rhythm like things thanks to twst so looking forward to enstars!!! also cant wait to get attached to the characters, i know like literally nothing about them-
3) Yes okay thanks for pointing out the crossed out demon on Yu’s intro sheet!! Both of his parents are demons, (mother((Emiriko)) is a water demon, basically demons specifically adapted to living both on water and on land. father((Luka)) is a fire demon, adapted to living in lava and extremely hot places.) so it doesn’t really make sense for him not to be one. Instead, he uses potions (specifically made to not leave a magic scent/residue on the user) To hide his demon appearance, mainly his horns and tail, since its harder to hide those, however said potions do hide the rest of his demon features really well! (fangs, ears((which are normally like small elf ears and tipped in dark gray and black.)), etc.) i could talk all day about my boy, but for now im just gonna leave you with this.
Have a great day!!
(leona fic goes brr)
1 - I'M GLAD YOU ENJOYED THE LEONA FIC !! it was also such a blast for me to write >:DD and that's...that's actually really touching :')) i'm kinda surprised that you fell for leona because of my fics and ahh saying that makes it sound unreal again-
but i can understand why some ppl choose to portray leona as someone who's just plain mean and lazy. bc that's exactly how he comes off. even after his overblot, he doesn't quite get the same wake up call that the others got. he didn't get the scolding like riddle, he didn't get the fact that his friends would always be there like azul did, and he most certainly didn't get the same emotional release that jamil. chapter 2's writing isn't the best twst writing out there, so it's easy to dismiss his character as just what he appears as. his flashback does give us some background on why he puts up such a mean and lazy front despite having potential, but well...some creators might prefer for him just to be that. i'm not here to critique them on how they portray him but it does make me kinda :') when i see that ppl don't like leona as much bc of stuff they've read around the fandom or bc they judge him too quick. n e ways enough abt leona we alr know how whipped i am for him-
2 - I'M SO SORRY FOR YOU BUT ME TOO- c'mon baby america syndrome is real everyone !! stay safe and don't watch cover song 1 crazy:b x undead usa which you can find at this link no matter what !!! /j it made me cringe so hard i had to take a break from watching it but it's so damn catchy TT^TT also you knowing literally nothing abt them was me 40-ish days ago. don't you worry !! you'll get to know them slowly hehe and if you wanna get to know them quickly you could read previous stories or their wiki pages ofc (you could dm me for resources if you'd like :D)
3 - and ooh !! yu lore drop !! how was he able to keep this all a secret from the rest of the ppl at nrc btw ? or does crowley + the staff know, but they keep it a secret from the rest of the student body ? and idk if this is a weird question to ask but did he have any problems like...making the potions ? since he's in twisted wonderland now and not his original homeworld, did the ingredients differ or was it mostly the same ? idk if that makes sense, anyway, i just like asking abt ppl's characters bc it's so interesting to see how many details you have abt him <333
hope that you're having a good day / night wherever you are, strawberry anon !!
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ryuichirou · 6 months
Since you have some headcanons on fem Floyd/Riddle, do you have any other genderswap ship headcanons for say Rook/Vil, Ace/Deuce and Idia/Azul? Sorry if that’s a bit too much
Anon, thank you for this ask! I’m always happy for the opportunity to talk about them, so I was actually excited to write this reply lol Since there are three ships there, it ended up being a bit lengthy, but I hope you enjoy the headcanons.
Just like in the FloRid post, the majority of the headcanons are more or less sexual, because the general dynamic between the characters wouldn’t change much.
They are pretty much “these two girls who always mess around with each other and it’s obvious that there is some sexual tension between them but they can’t acknowledge it”… yeah, just like the regular Ace and Deuce lol But with more boob grabbing… Well, usually from Ace’s side. Deuce also grabbed Ace’s boob one or two times but only as a revenge, and felt super weird about it. In general, sometimes it feels like they just try to come up with excuses to touch each other.
Which means they are also “these two girls who secretly kiss each other and say it’s some kind of practice”. This was also Ace’s initiative: Deuce only agreed because she didn’t want Ace to think that she chickened out. Or maybe there were other reasons hmmm? But yeah, they “practice” kissing every night, sometimes with Ace telling Deuce to imagine that she’s kissing her future husband or something, but it kind of makes Deuce’s kisses more stiff and awkward, which Ace finds hilarious.
Their kissing sessions would definitely lead to them touching themselves under the same blanket first, and then to them just touching each other. And they’re really a bit dumb and honestly think that their roommates don’t know what they do… but in all fairness, they really try to be secretive about it. Sometimes they even bite each other not to make any sounds.
One night they had a whole room to themselves, and got so excited that wanted to try something other than touching each other sneakily under the blankets. In short, they tried to do the scissoring thing… and didn’t really do it right, couldn’t find the balance, long story short they ended up falling off the bed.
Like I mentioned in another post, both of them wear sports bras, but own other sets too. And there’s been a couple of times when Deuce had to wear a regular bra, and just couldn’t make the little hook thingy in the back work. So yeah Ace helps her to put it on sometimes.
Like I already said in another post, Vil (just like the regular Vil) wears whatever she wants, and Rook prefers something functional (albeit stylish), so it’s not unusual to see Vil in a beautiful dress accompanied by Rook in a pantsuit. But if they were to get married, both of them would probably wear suits.
Not necessarily a headcanon, but a thought: with these two being girlies, Vil forcing Rook to take care of her hands and fingernails makes even more sense lol The first time was kind of rough for them. It wasn’t bad at all, but Rook was never allowed to touch Vil with her hands unkempt anymore.
Rook is skilled enough and knows Vil’s body well enough to make her orgasm in less than a minute, but she also likes to take her time and torment Vil a little bit. She likes it when Vil is having a hard time keeping it together and is getting impatient. Vil, however, sometimes just needs Rook to grab her, make her cum and then be free to do whatever she was doing before that. So whenever they sneak out, and instead of hitting all the right buttons at once Rook starts to tease her through her underwear, Vil gives her this very angry yet aroused look that Rook adores.
They are one of the couples who know everything about their own preferences, but also experiment from time to time. The catalogue of positions they like is quite vast, mostly due to both of them being flexible + Rook being very inventive. These are also the reasons why these two have absolutely mastered the art of scissoring lol
Rook is also very skilled with her tongue, because Vil is kiiind of hard to please, so one has to learn and improve to be able to satisfy her. One of Rook’s most absolute favourite indicators that she’s doing a good job is the fact that she can feel her head and neck being squeezed by Vil’s merciless thighs.
Azul is a bit of a touch-me-not: she likes being complimented on her looks, but is very uncomfortable with people touching her. Which is why Idia is a perfect partner for her: Idia is a bit intimidated by Azul’s natural sex appeal, so she never touches her and just lies on her back and accepts her fate.
That being said, sometimes Idia is allowed to rest her head on Azul’s lap. “No no, I’m good” Idia says at first, because this position is way too romantic and awkward, but then Azul forces her down and Idia just drowns in just how comfy Azul’s thighs are and how sweetly her perfume smells… if only Azul stopped squeezing her shoulder so hard to keep her down…
Sometimes they have sex a couple of times per day, sometimes they don’t have sex for a long period of time, and it’s because of Azul. She is a mermaid and doesn’t get human periods, but she must have some sort of cycle going on, because in general it’s like she doesn’t think about sex at all. Sometimes Idia looks at her and thinks “I wonder if Azul-shi knows how sexual this pose/gesture is”, and chances are, she doesn’t, because she’s too busy thinking about the lounge. But the next day Azul suddenly gets into the mood, tosses Idia, mounts her, kisses her, almost purring like a cat.
Azul (wo)manhandles Idia a lot in general. She tosses her, moves her around, throws Idia’s legs on her shoulders and stuff. Idia finds it both way too intense (not a bad thing lol) and a bit funny, because Azul tries so hard to look like a lady, but her actions are almost like of a hentai manga mob. Azul doesn’t fully understand what Idia means, but slaps her butt for that. It sounds offensive.
Azul is scarily good at cunnilingus for someone who doesn’t have much experience with sex. Or maybe it’s only good for Idia because she likes it when it’s strong and intense?? In any way, it doesn’t happen too often, but when it does, Idia isn’t sure if she is going to die faster because she’s overwhelmed or because she’s embarrassed.
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dammons-forgefire · 6 months
A general question how do they look naked? (No sexual purpose I’m just curious about what’s the difference between us and them) are they half devil??
Hello anon, thanks for your question! :)
The reply has gotten a little more lengthy, sorry for that. I hope it answers all your questions.
First of all, I do believe that thanks to the "Blood of Asmodeus" curse, tieflings are to some degree blood-related to devils, though they are not half-devils. That blood, however, does affect their looks.
I will definitely be talking more about tiefling skin in general in the future, from the nice ridges on their tails to the skin around their horns, and the bumps along their chests and backs, but those are already visible in the game. Have a quick look for example at the back of Poem, my tiefling character:
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The way those ridges work I believe, is to provide additional protection, almost like a layer of body armor created by a tiefling's own body, shielding more vulnerable places like the spine, but they also exist on areas of skin like the elbow and knee that are already thicker in humans, as the skin there has to withstand mechanical stretching from those joints having quite a bit of mobility and being used all the time.
Due to fewer oil glands in this area, the skin there gets drier and flakier, and retains less water. I believe the thicker skin there also serves protective purposes, but not exactly the same way as the ridges on the spine and ribs. They are probably mostly there to ease friction, but also protect the sensitive nerves there. (Yes, the funny bone is actually a nerve called the Ulnar nerve, and tieflings probably have no issues hitting it, because it is much better protected.)
Then, of course, there are genitals, which were kept fairly standard for tieflings in BG3.
As much as I personally like to imagine their genitals to be ribbed or nubby, I don't think it would make much sense. The bumps and ridges on their skin are for protection, and while genitals are definitely a sensitive area, they should probably not have this particular type of protection.
My reasoning here would be how these ridges work vs. what you would typically want.
I've quickly doodled something to explain this a little better, please excuse the quality here and my terrible handwriting haha
Please note that I drew up this little diagram as a more general sort of overview and the yellow subcutaneous tissue has its color from the fat that is typically part of this layer, but is missing in clitoris, penis, eyelids, and other similar areas of skin. That's why these areas of skin feel different, by the way!
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Epidermis (Outermost layer of skin)
Dermis (Middle layer of skin containing connective tissue, the superficial arteriovenous plexus [a] with all those fine little blood vessels, and also the deep arteriovenous plexus [b], so the thicker blood vessels, but also the dermal nerve fibres that I marked in pink here.)
Hypodermis/Subcutaneous tissue (Layer right below the skin, anchoring the skin to the connective tissue of the body)
As you can see, the nerve does not reach all the way into the epidermis (which is good, you absolutely would not want that). But that also means adding a protective layer to it, as I have done in tiefling-red on the right, you create an even thicker barrier before reaching the nerve, making the skin a lot less sensitive.
Obviously, you do not want a tiefling's genitals to be insensitive like this. You want them to enjoy having sex after all.
Additionally, according to this article, as well as the player handbook, the Asmodeus curse has made tiefling genetics very dominant, meaning that tieflings will always produce tiefling offspring, serving "a purpose for the Hells in that it strengthens their presence in the mortal realms".
This leads me to speculate whether tieflings might have higher libido than humans and if, perhaps, they are more potent.
Additionally, due to the way their pelvis is shaped thanks to their tails (I will get more into this in the tail essay), there is a chance that - compared to humans - giving birth is slightly less painful for them. While probably far from an enjoyable process, they could potentially see some benefits from their sacrum being turned outward.
As far as shapes and sizes go, it seems logical for them to be at least compatible with other humanoids to ensure that they can produce offspring with one another. Tiefling vaginas would probably be similar to those of humans, not much deeper or wider, since too many differences would make impregnation harder for any non-tieflings.
Tiefling penises probably also wouldn't be much longer or thicker or strangely shaped, as that could do significant damage to a human or elven body, which would once again not lead to creating more tiefling offspring for Asmodeus to extend his reign.
But it is possible for them to have differences! I think that's mostly where people's headcanons can come in. Anything that doesn't make it biologically more difficult to conceive a child is fair game!
Penises with more tapered tips? Possible.
Larger or more sensitive clitoral glans? Hell yeah!
Want your tiefling to have an additional g-spot that Asmodeus put in there to be cheeky? Go for it!
I hope that did answer your question well enough, but please feel free to follow up if there is anything else you would like to know.
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onelocket · 1 year
i love your account so much and i’d like to know if you take requests? if you do can you please do headcanons or a scenario where fyodor’s gf is a waitress? fem reader or gn reader is ok, i just want that giddy romantic stuff in an aesthetic place like cafes 😭
hello anon! yes i do take requests. i’m just not talkative about it - not that i don’t want requests obviously, but since my fyodor is very soft i don’t expect any. but you’ve contradicted, i’m also taking a guess you’d want reader being a barista; since you did mention a place fyodor has been to: cafes. so thank you for your words and for requesting ♡
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Fyodor with a ‘Personal’ Barista
involves -- gn reader but with feminine terms
theme -- anon wants romance so no dark topics :)
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Did you intend for this, or not?
It been quite recent actually. …Your work at a specific cafe, that is. When you first dated Dostoevsky, you’d take note of how he sporadically hangs out at this one cafe, which got you hooked to the thought of what could possibly be so different with this place to keep a guy like him staying. You wanted to know what kind of food and drinks your boyfriend liked so you could get to know him better. But when you one day stepped onto the cafe, you were greeted by a barista with a hopeful smile on their face after a while of realizing their stares on you. Yet as you were stunned, your hands helplessly accept what they had given.
"Hello. I’m sorry if this seems like a rather… surprising situation, but you’re rather attractive. You’d catch many attention within moments! So I was thinking…"
"…I-Isn’t this the pamphlet for hiring people?"
They had a lengthy effort of explaining how you’d be good for this job, but also puts in the words ‘it’s okay if you don’t want to’ just for the affect of looking respectable. But as you pondered longer, your head clicked to Fyodor - making you realize… maybe this could come of use to you. I-In many ways, of course, right?
You accept it, excited to surprise him.
Besides, who could ever except their lover to be suddenly working at their favorite cafe? Most would be touched and perhaps even melt at the gesture, and it’s exiting to think what a gentleman like Dostoevsky will reply with, right? You couldn’t wait to see any form of pink on his cheeks. Sure, he was a lot more calculated and calm than most guys - but one who loves is still able to blush somehow, right? Yet when you got home and show him the familiar cafe uniform, he surprises you back with a… smirk.
"Is my little mouse too cooped up in our home to the point they’ll take work? My, I wonder when you found out about such cafe."
You tried to play dopey, "I think it’s quite fun. I’ve only heard about this cafe by a pamphlet I saw whilst shopping." even if you knew your words are too weak to lie through Fyodor’s ears.
Fyodor doesn’t comment on it, however, only standing up from his seat to lean forward. Your eyes blink in confusion towards his moment till his thumb lifts your chin up, his index pressed on your skin. It’s not plastered, but you saw a faint smile replace his smirk.
"That’s my good independent sweetheart."
Working there was… interesting.
For a guy who looks and acts opposite, Fyodor was such… was difficult the right word? You don’t really know, you just felt like your whole mind was going to explode then on.
"Mind be a dearie and actually know what I prefer, hm?"
"Even that barista over there can properly listen better than you, little mouse. Snap out of it, my beautiful dear. You’re working, act like it."
You knew he was just teasing you and poking fun, but you can’t help it - it was honestly a bit irritating. If he wasn’t your boyfriend then it’d be sure to result out in an argument. Because how dare he? But because you love him enough, you just let his taunt. Unfortunately for you though, a lot of his acts do make your thoughts itch, making you appear just the slightest bit more short tempered to him, to other customers, and co-workers.
"They can be so easy sometimes.."
Fyodor would just whisper to himself as he watches you, only but a scratch away from being a stomping barista in such a peaceful cafe, a red heat in your cheeks not that visible to others; but a hue so cute in Fyodors eyes. Of course, his provoking wasn’t present everyday, just in days he felt like seeing you all pouty because of him.
Like your own cctv..
He frequently had his eye on you whilst visiting the cafe. Not only to take in your beauty, but to also see how you were doing. He doesn’t stare every single second - since he came here for tea too, but still a lot of glances come from him while you work. Besides, even if you can be.. a bit timid, you still knew your way without his supervision, so he wasn’t that cautious. But sometimes, Fyodor just can’t let some creeps snake in and try to seduce you, glaring at the sight even if it was tables away. If it gotten too far, the next thing you’ll see is a walking Fyodor with a polite smile that you just knew reeked dislike.
"I see you’re having a rather friendly conversation with a customer, my muse?"
You cover half of your face with a tray you were holding, "…They were just asking something." speaking quietly in reply.
"Really? I see. After your done with your shift, come to my table and share a treat with me."
And that was.. uncharacteristic of him, but enough to lower the credence of your ‘friendly customer’ to make them excuse themselves after one last word or two at you. But who were you to ask and complain the act of your lover? Fyodor knows you love him with each beat your heart produced, but while it’s also better to be safer - he secretly likes the way you get all shy when he puts a possessive abrupt.
He praises you quite a bit,
For as said, Fyodor’s taunt isn’t an everyday occurrence. Seeing you was already satisfying his want to be entertained, especially when you’re all so cute in that simple barista uniform. You were so beautiful in it, and to think such eyeful was blending in amongst a cafe quite popular, it makes him smile knowing your love is taken by his. So sometimes, he also gives your some light praises when you finally get his preferences right, or maybe give him an indulgent little treat you pay for him. Or whenever you just walked by, really.
"Mhm.. that’s right. Good, you’re getting the hang of it."
"You make it quite difficult to leave this cafe seeing you all pretty and working so well, dear."
You had to whisper out your ‘thank yous’, knowing your voice would turn high-pitched if you dare to speak up loud. It was so… hard to get rid of such a harsh red on your cheeks, but whenever you manage to, you give a sharp inhale, using those words to keep you going instead of melting right at the spot. You’d hate to give Fyodor his initial result with his words. And Fyodor knows that you resist the result, but that doesn’t make him see you any less cuter. If anything, he could smirk at how you were turning it into a mental challenge for yourself. But he’s glad he can help you, even in a way not planned out for.
bonus scenario
As you take a ten minute break after a fleeting urge wins you, a squeaky whine comes out your lips before you sink your head on your arms, tired. You haven’t been in many shifts today, but something about today was off. Like something needed to be said.
Yet as if the world follows your thought, the same co-worker who suggested you to work here a couple weeks ago lightly nudges your shoulder, making you look up. "…Oh, yes?" You ask, blinking a few times.
"Tired already?" They ask, a mocking, yet sweet enough of a smile erupting from their lips. "Today hasn’t even properly started yet."
"I can’t deny fatigue," You chuckle out, lifting your head up. "But it’s not like I’m planning to do lesser shifts today."
"…Yeah." The co-worker trailed out, your eyes deciding to follow where their eyes lingered - and that was on your lover himself, Dostoevsky.
You don’t let your jealousy start, knowing Fyodor wasn’t easy to lure over if they ever tried to steal him. But you do ask, "Something wrong?" curious.
"…Say, did you never find my sudden approach to you weird?" They ask after a second or two, turning their head to face you. They’re right… you kind of just took the offer up like it was nothing but a request. While you do get a lot of money, and a very frequent favorite customer, their question did make you think properly.
"…No? Well, now I’m hooked. Why did you ask?" You bring up, slightly scooting your chair closer to them. "I take it that my ‘attractiveness’ isn’t the only reason?" You add, a soft smile implying your joke.
They laughed quietly, placing their elbows on the table. "Don’t discard your charm like that. Though.. if you really want to know why I suddenly asked you a few weeks ago, you might want to ask that to Mr. Fyodor himself."
Mr. Fyodor?
Why were they suddenly referring to Fyodor formally? As if they were a member of Fyodor’s—
"…Oh.." Your voice only rang out, cheeks almost able to flash red in an instant of your realization. Did he plan this all along..?
"..Pft, he’s right." Your co-worker smiled, resting their cheek on their palm. "Your reaction would be funny to see."
"Oh— be quiet." You sighed out, rolling your eyes but in a way playful as they ‘accidentally’ dart to Fyodor himself. He didn’t seem to notice the chat, eyes focused on the cup of tea you prepared for him. But.. you just knew.
With that smile that was on his face, you knew.
"I know it was you who planned it all, Fyodor." You frowned after taking a rather sloppy seat on your couch, eyes following him as he sits down on it gracefully - very contrasting from yours. You hear his chuckle, "They told you, am I right?" referring to the barista earlier.
"They did, after weeks of you two keeping it a secret." You huffed out, crossing your arms a bit while you sit up properly. "But knowing you, maybe half of my co-workers knew too just so they can share you what kind of things I’ve been doing."
"My, little mouse. Don’t mistaken me for some creep.." Fyodor said with a voice that you could mistake as if he was genuinely hurt, but only a soft laugh escapes you at his tone.
You see his body move closer to you, his hand gently taking one of yours as he slides his fingers to your wrist, forming your hand into a lazy fist as he leaned in to press a set of soft kisses on your knuckles. The gesture makes your cheeks pink up.
"Is it bad to want an update from my sweetheart, when they’re so eager and excited to work at a cafe I’ve taken interest to?" Fyodor whispers, his breath tickling your hands that makes you escape little giggles underneath that blinking and flushed look. "I knew your initial plan, and I didn’t see any harm in making it happen. In fact, perhaps more good than bad come out of this, wouldn’t you think, my dear?"
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quite the long post ^^) so sorry for my inactivity again, our classes had to change into online modality and it’s really hard. thank you for taking the time.
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ebi-noodle-doodles · 5 months
I think that last anon was incredibly rude and very, very suspicious. I'm also a fat person, and I think your art is just fine the way it is.
This anon accuses you of having a fat fetish for using peach to shade, doesn't give you the name of the artist they think you're emulating, and then tell you (not asking politely, on your own blog where they are a guest, TELL) you to put body hair on Miku.
Not to mention, why are they recognizing a style from a fat fetish artist if they aren't on the fat fetish side of twitter themselves, enough to have picked up on this supposed artist's style, down to the shading?
Sure, Twitter is wild, you'll see plenty of things you aren't necessarily looking for, but this reads as someone who is trying very hard not to let you see them sweating. What are they doing at the devil's sacrament, pointing out all of the sinners there, tactfully not pointing at themselves as one of the people included amongst the crowd.
If they didn't say "teehee I'm a fat girl btw <33 nasty nasty fetishists <33" at the end, wouldn't you think this message is situationally inappropriate? This is the internet, this person is anonymous, and that means they can lie if they feel like it.
You shouldn't even believe me or care when I say I'm fat, because I too am anonymous, and you simply can't fact check me. Even off anon, I don't share pictures of myself online, because I know better than to trust the internet at large.
If they are not outright malicious
(people will do this when they themselves fetishize fat women for the sake of getting art they think is hot; kind of like people saying "fat women can't be sexy" so fat women will post suggestive pictures of themselves to prove the statement incorrect, especially so they can pick and choose through which images they like. This is Creep Behavior, to use negging to manipulate people into sharing racey pictures)
then they are outright very, very rude, despite their friendly tone. This is YOUR blog, your art is fantastic, and nobody should be coming into your house, telling you how to run things.
Personally, I think the shapes and textures you draw are aesthetically pleasing, and your color choices always go together very nicely, especially when pink and green can clash really bad if you're not careful. Please don't let some misguided person (or worse, a creep) tell you what to do. You've gotten as far as you have on your own just fine, because you're doing your own thing.
In your response to anon, you said
"I find it weird that when a “normal” character is posed something suggestive its just a drawing but when added a bit weight it becomes a “fetish” ????"
and I could not agree with you more.
Why is it a fetish that Miku is fat? I look an awful lot like her, and it's nice to be represented in art, suggestive or otherwise. Why is this person coming at you like you're a freak pervert that needs to be corrected, when you're just drawing a character?
Why is fat considered inherently unattractive, the only people allowed to enjoy it being (implied) nasty, disgusting, morally deficit fetishists, when "normal" or "skinny" body types are left alone? Why are we treating body fat as morally reprehensible, and not just a thing people sometimes have?
If this person really is fat, they have a lot of internalized fatphobia to let go of, and if they're a fetishist they need to learn better manners.
And thank you, for being generous enough to share your art with the world. Sorry for the lengthy message as well. Your Miku is very cute, and I look forwards to seeing more of your art in the future :]
- 🐺🕷️ (Wolf Spider Anon)
Ive been self debating and doubting if what I’m doing is bad or that Ive done something wrong especially on illustrating her in a suggestive manner
Thank you for understanding my view. The reply timing is off as I’m still trying to understand myself if my coloring it self was wrong… are my poses off? Is it rude to draw her like this? I didnt take the anon’s comment as rude but i did feel some guilt that i feel i shouldnt have? Man i dont understand I’m dumb when it comes to these sort of stuff. I just answered truthfully on thoughts about that. All I know is I enjoy painting her, suggestively, happy, innocently or cute! I just like drawing her. Youll see more of her in blog hopefully :D
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Hi, genuine questions here but who are the new mods + will there be a new pinned post with rules for submissions? Maybe a new letterboxd list with all the films that have been posted/in the queue like before? I kind of missed the switchover when it happened so I’m a bit confused about who’s running things and if there’s a new system or not 😅
Also wondering if there’s a reason for anon asks being turned off, but that’s not really a big deal lol
Sorry for the lengthy ask, hope y’all have fun with the blog ☺️
We're working on a new pinned post, we just figured to get some polls rolling first so there wouldn't be too much of waiting for them before the introduction post comes out. The mods have also only recently gotten the communication between each other working, on top of irl distractions, so we're still getting things a bit in order in the background!
The update of the movies already posted and the statistics will come soon but is indeterminate yet.
The anon asks being turned off was originally like that left by the original mod, and mod Sus thinks it's good to keep turned off. It disencourages and reduces the hate messages, which we have gotten even during this time new mods have been in.
Thanks for the ask though!
Edit: That being said, don't be meanies in the ask box or replies, or mod Sus uses their mod powers for evil.
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justasecretwriter · 2 years
H-Hi could you possibly do a Loki x reader where the reader is kind of being demanding of Loki’s attention while he is trying to work and snaps at her a little. Not where her feelings are hurt but she pouts then storms out. A few days go by and Loki finally finishes up his work when he realizes she has been avoiding him. He sees her hanging out with Bucky and completely ignoring him, he gets jealous obviously. So he decides to teach her a lesson and throws her over his shoulder and heads to their room where he ties her up and is very dominant and vocal about teaching her her lesson and then some sweet after care and he apologizes for leaving her touch starved for so long and for getting jealous. She giggles and confesses that she was trying to make him jealous and that Bucky has been dating Steve for a while now? Sorry for the lengthy request
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Title | Fuck Loki
Summary | Loki is ignoring Y/N, so she goes out drinking and starts a fuck Loki slander before purposely making him jealous. Nothing can go wrong with that, can it?
Pairings | Loki Laufeyson x Female Reader, Steve Rogers x Bucky Barnes (mentioned)
Genre | Smut, Fluff, Comedy (it's honestly mostly funny)
Story Warnings | Cursing, Drinking, Mention of Injury, Credit Card Fraud (we do be stealing Mr. Stark's stuff), Jealousy, Sex, Angry Sex, Use of the Word Slut, Magic Use
Translations | None.
Author's Note | Dear Anon, you are adorable and I love your request and feel free to send so much more because this brought me out of such a writing slump, you have no idea.
Words | 1,940
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"Loki!" She whined. She had been practically begging him to at least look at her for the last hour and a half.
"Loki, just take a break!"
"Damnit Y/N, I have to finish this!" He growled, slamming his fist on the table.
She huffed, knowing he wasn't actually angry, or at least not at her. He was frustrated and had so much paperwork to do for his last mission fuck up where he'd accidentally gotten Rogers hurt. Tony was punishing him by putting him on filing duty.
Y/N spun on her heels, stomping out of the study and to their shared bedroom in the tower so she could pout properly. She knew that being an Avenger was hard, hell, she was one herself, but it didn't mean he got to ignore her after being gone on a week-long mission.
She knew there was only one way to make him take a break when he got that way, so she went about setting up a plan.
She texted Bucky but he was busy for a few days, so she settled on planning their poker game for Saturday. She could wait two days after all.
It was late so she went ahead and got a shower, braided her hair and lathered in lotion before tucking herself into bed. Sure that Loki wouldn't join her in bed for hours, and sure that even when he did he would do nothing but sleep, she allowed herself to steal the entire blanket and cocoon herself thoroughly.
When she woke the next morning, having slept past her alarm and a few texts from Natasha and Wanda, she found that it was sunny outside. A smile spread across her face since it had been so rainy yesterday and she hated that; the rain always made her lazy.
The girls were inviting her to go shopping with them that afternoon thanks to Tony Stark's credit card, and she accepted before doing her hair and makeup.
Putting on her favorite white sundress, she passed the study first and popped her head in. Loki was still bent over the desk, working like a machine and running only on the coffee next to him.
"I'm going out with the girls." Y/N called, but she got no reply and sighed, heading towards the elevator.
She met with Wanda downstairs and they waited for Natasha to come down. As always, Natasha out dressed the both of them, and they rolled their eyes at her efforts.
"You know everyone here is already in love with you," Wanda claimed. "You can stop trying not."
They laughed as they went outside and got inside Natasha's favorite black Corvette. Wanda hated the car and started to complain immediately.
"This thing has 460 horsepower and goes from zero to sixty in three point eight seconds, no we cannot switch cars." Natasha made the same argument everytime in defense of her baby.
They went to a few boutiques in the city before hitting the mall. A few thousand dollars later, they had lunch where Y/N checked her phone.
No messages from Loki.
She sighed and Wanda noticed immediately. "What's wrong?"
"Loki won't pay attention to me. Tony has him on paperwork and he's so busy, I know that, but I miss him and it feels like he's ignoring me."
She felt herself pouting but had to vent to someone.
"Girl, fuck him." Natasha chimed in. "We are out here, living our best lives, spending Tony Stark's money and looking hot while doing it. You know what, I saw we go get drinks. We earned it."
Natasha held up her coffee, making Y/N smile widely.
"Fuck Loki."
She raised her cup as well. "Fuck Loki."
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When she stumbled into her room, the clock on the wall said 2:37 AM, but she didn't really care. Throwing her shoes into the corner and climbing out of her dress and into bed, she groaned.
There was a hard, moving lump in the bed that blocked her and turned the lamp on, making her groan again.
"Y/N, what the hell?" Loki said. "Where have you been?"
"Drinking," She grumbled, her face pressed into his stomach as she laid atop him.
"I thought you were going shopping."
"We did go shopping but then we were all fuck Loki and got drinks."
"Fuck Loki?" He repeated, raising his eyebrow, though she couldn't see since she was already half asleep pressed into him.
"Yeah, you're an asshole."
He chuckled softly, playing with her hair.
"Sleep it off darling."
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She awoke by herself again, hungover and throwing her guts up. Once it finally calmed down, she went downstairs where Steve made her scrambled eggs and gave her some Tylenol laughing when she told him the fuck Loki story.
She didn't even mind checking on Loki. She was thoroughly pissed at this point. He hadn't been there when she left and he didn't even call when she didn't come home and he didn't comfort her when she woke up sick. He was in deep shit.
When Bucky showed up for his promised poker game, he laughed at her state.
"You are in no state for card games." He announced, watching her sit on the couch and groan.
"No, not really. I'm sorry, I was stupid."
"Oh no, I heard." He laughed. "Fuck Loki?"
She groaned again, knowing those words as the trigger for more drinks, and immediately a wave of nausea hit her that she fought off with a lot of moaning.
He sat on the couch with her, wrapping a blanket around the both of them. "How about a movie instead then? There's the new Texas Chainsaw on Netflix."
She nodded with a grumble and pushed into his side, snuggling as he got the remote and turned it on.
The blood and guts never messed with her like other people. Maybe she was just desinitized or something, but she was never squeamish, so she watched the movie with ease.
Halfway through, when someone made a joke about being gay, she laughed and realized she was finally starting to feel a little better. The hangover was finally wearing off.
"Y/N?" She heard suddenly, calling from down the hall. She shrank into the couch, hoping if the raven haired god didn't see her, he'd simply give up.
"Y/N, what are you doing?" He came around the couch and when he saw her snuggled up with Bucky, his eyes blazed black and his jaw tightened.
"Watching a movie," She squeaked.
"Come with me." He said, holding out his hand.
She smacked it away without thinking. "No, I'm mad at you."
He arched a brow, but she stood her ground. "No? That simply doesn't work. Come here." He growled, and yanked her up, throwing her over her shoulder despite the fit she went into.
No one tried to stop him, they were used to his reactions when she rebelled against him like this.
This was any other Saturday for the team.
Once he got to their bedroom, he threw her onto the bed and with a snap of his fingers, he had her just how he liked it.
She gasped, looking around. They were both naked and her hands were tied above her head.
"I'm going to teach you a lesson." He growled. "A very simple one. You're mine. Do you understand that? You are mine."
She shrank back, whimpering and feeling her core immediately flood with juices at the sound of his voice.
"And until you learn this lesson, I am going to fuck you until I've had my fill. No more drinks, no more fuck Loki's, and no more Barnes." The jealousy dripped in his voice as he crawled over her and grabbed her throat.
"And to think, I had just finished my work and had a whole evening planned to reward you for your patience. And then," his voice raised. "I find you snuggled with a super soldier!"
"I'm sorry!" She started immediately but he squeezed her throat until she couldn't talk anymore.
"I'll make you sorry." He spits, rubbing his cock and spreading her legs. "When I fill you up and don't let you cum over and over and over again. Let's see how much you say fuck Loki after that, hmm?"
He leaned in close, biting and licking at her ear. "Because let's be honest love, he could never fuck you like I can."
With that, he plunged inside her, deeply and quickly, making her scream and pull at the restraints.
"Please Loki, I'm sorry!"
He took hold of her hips, moaning and bellowing her name as he fucked her like an animal. She threw her head to the side and bit the pillow as he hit her sweet spot over and over again.
"God's love, you are so good!" He moaned.
"Harder Loki!" She whined, pushing her hips up to meet his thrusts. He obeyed her command and she shouted his name, unsure how much more she could take.
"Who's your god?" He asked, panting.
"You are!"
"And who fucks you good? Who only fucks you this good?"
"You!" She whined, tears slipping down her face as she tried to hold back her orgasm.
"You want to cum?" He guessed. "Does my little slut want to cum?"
"Yes Loki! Please my prince let me cum!"
His hips moved sloppier, faster and harder as he let out a whine. "Cum with me, love!" He grunted.
Her legs started tensing and shaking immediately as they wrapped around him to keep him close, her core bursting with pleasure as she screamed his name again.
For a minute, they could only hear their heartbeats and panting as he collapsed on top of her, holding her close and releasing her wrist with magic.
She hugged him at once and kissed along his neck and shoulder.
"I'm sorry I ignored you." He whispered, nuzzling her neck. "And that I got jealous over Barnes."
She giggled suddenly. "You know he's dating Steve, right?"
"What?" Loki sat up immediately and Y/N got on her elbows, laughing.
"Yeah. Bucky is gay, always has been."
"Well how was I to know?"
She laughed again, reaching up to play with his beautiful raven hair. "I'm sorry too."
"Whatever for?"
"I made you jealous on purpose and I was pouting and the whole fuck Loki thing."
He smiled. "Well, you did fuck Loki."
She shoved him back, giggling. "Shut up,"
She snuggled into his chest and he magiced a glass of water for her. It was routine after everytime they had sex that he made her drink a glass of water while he magiced away the mess of their cum.
She rubbed her thighs together, feeling the soft dry skin instead of the sticky mess before she handed the empty glass back to him.
"I love you, darling." He murmured, wrapping his arms around her.
"I love you too, Loki."
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@lulubelle814 @vbecker10
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guobasbutt-blog · 2 years
Hello! Can i request some Izumi Sena and Leo Tsukinaga with a s/o who is a airhead in disguise but a badass in secret? Thank you!
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Izumi + Leo (separate) with an s/o who's an airhead in disguise but secretly a badass
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🍂Sena Izumi
Poor Izumi. He already has a tight schedule, and now he has to take care of his s/o 24/7?! Welp. Sign him up, since his s/o can't take care of themselves, he might as well bring them with him overseas. LOL.
Since his s/o is an airhead, they absolutely do not mind Izumi dragging them to different places for work. They would just go with the flow called Sena Izumi.
The s/o also thinks that Izumi's nagging (mom-like) behavior is how he shows his affection. Thus, they would crave Izumi's attention like a child.
To add more, if the s/o is up to some mischief, they would call Izumi their mom or say: "Thanks mom, you know that I can't live without you."
They are really thankful for Izumi being attentive to their needs; that's why whenever someone or some group of people would threaten Izumi's career, they would face them head-on. If it gets physical, Izumi would be startled as they avoid the enemies' attacks and bring them to their knees.
Izumi would then be left tongue-tied. Questioning himself: who is the real knight between the two of you?
In reply, his s/o would assure him that their family forced them to learn martial arts since they're an airhead. But they specifically didn't tell Izumi that they had a black belt.
"Your hair's all messed up. I'll fix it for you so stay still."
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🍂Tsukinaga Leo
Airhead x airhead. Your relationship would be a blessing to Leo because who wouldn't want an s/o who's like him?
If by chance his s/o becomes lost and Leo's also nowhere to be found, rip, you would be the first one to find him. Leo would then ask how, and you would tell him that you just somehow found him while you were lost. He would then hum shortly, "Hmmm. So how about you stay here with me?"
Trust me, unlike Izumi, Leo knows your secret. But he will brush it off as being the airhead he is. This is because he finds your act cute and claims that you are his airhead.
As a knight, like Izumi, he also drags you to places where he will go. This means that if Leo is nowhere to be found, they will assume that you're together or vice-versa.
If by chance, the two of you witness the weak being bullied, Leo would tell you to stay back and do the dirty work. But you would be true to yourself and fight alongside him. Plus, you are very confident in your skills.
Leo would then be astonished at your skills and would not mind you being a badass since you are his s/o. However, he would still tell you that fighting is dangerous and that you can only fight when he's with you.
"It's already that late?! Why didn't you tell me??? Oh, you also forgot. Then, come sit beside me. There's something I want you to hear."
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maow's notes: Thanks anon for the request. I'm sorry it took a while, + it's also lengthy. Hope you like it
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misc-obeyme · 3 months
🪿anon here Hey hello! I thought I put in another ask before the one you replied to, but I think tumblr ate it somewhere between you and me. So sorry about the confusion, you didn't miss me at all. Your reply was lovely and I loved reading about your headcanons, especially how Mammon would totally biff people with his wings. Ask game time tho! 🦈 What is the character you have the hardest time writing? And as a bonus, if you're up for it: 💛 What's an impactful lesson you've learned about writing? I'm a fellow (and often struggling) writer and I love hearing what other people have to share, especially in the fandom space. Honks and hisses! 🪿
Ahhh okay, that explains it! Tumblr has been known to eat asks on occasion! Phew, I'm glad I didn't miss you! I'll go ahead and add your emoji to the list now!! Ah, I'm glad you liked my reply too I felt bad that it was so lengthy lol.
🦈 What is the character you have the hardest time writing?
Siiiiigh it's Levi. I'm much better with him now than I used to be, but I really struggled with him for a long time. His anxiety really reminded me of myself irl, so I had a hard time separating the anxiety of his character from my own. And this was an issue for me because it messed with my characterization of him.
I also struggle with Mammon sometimes. This is because I think the fandom's version of him and the canon version of him are different. So my brain is always flip flopping between them when doing his characterization. And I was so worried about writing him OOC that I would just kinda... not write for him much at all? But then I kinda reconciled it by deciding I was going to write my version of him and just own it! LOL.
💛 What's an impactful lesson you've learned about writing?
Ohh an interesting question! I would say the understanding that there is no "right" way to write a story. You get to decide what works for you. Even if a lot of other writers swear by doing this one thing, you only need to do it if it actually helps you. Otherwise, chuck it!
Specifically to fandom things, though, I would also add that having fun is the most important thing. How other people react to your writing is not an indication of how good it is. Things like how active a fandom is, how popular a ship is (if you're writing a ship), how many people are looking for this specific genre (e.g. fluff, angst, etc), all of that is going to impact how people react to what you wrote. You might have written the most exquisite novel length fic ever, but if it's about something not a lot of people are interested in, you might get only a handful of comments/reblogs/likes etc.
So the important thing to focus on for fanfic is how you feel about writing it. Write things you enjoy, write for yourself. You're spending a lot of time and effort and energy on that story. Make sure it's one that you're proud of, no matter how people respond to it.
I'm writing Arsenios's story and it's been such an amazing experience. I absolutely love it and I'm throwing my whole heart & soul into it. But OC stuff rarely has the same engagement as canon. So when I finally start posting it, I won't be surprised if it doesn't do very well, especially compared to some of my other stuff.
But the thing is, it won't matter. I'm writing that story because I love it, because it's fun, because it makes me happy. So how well it does or doesn't do won't impact the experience I got out of writing it.
OOF sorry to ramble so much, but I hope that makes some sense! I just think people get too hung up on numbers and things (myself included lol) when really that's not the thing that matters most!
Ahaha but I could write about writing all day... I guess it's my special interest. :)
Anyway, thank you for asking!
Fanfic Writer Ask Game
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robo-cryptid · 1 year
I wasn’t expecting such a lengthy answer, but thank you for taking the time to reply at all (although I have the feeling this was a bit cathartic for you, so I don’t feel too bad about making you answer that).
I’m glad you still love them, and that you still make content for them. The friend who sent me your fics has said wonderful things about you, and she respects you for your ability to enjoy fandom spaces while also being critical of them.
On the other hand, what you said about what the fandom did to you scared me a little, ngl. The way you described it sounds… awful. And I’m sorry you and your friends had to go through that. I kind of feel bad that you wrote such an lengthy explanation just for me, and I was still left a bit confused about why exactly you’re still here, but perhaps what Yeehan means to you is far more important and has more weight than whatever pain they caused you.
I really hope you can keep enjoying the ship in the future. I really like their dynamic and their potential so I will keep enjoying these two as much as I can as well. Have a good night/day!
Hah, you're right. It was indeed cathartic to just let those things out. Besides, I sort of suspected some of the people who've been around a while might like the validation that yeah, all those things happened, and other new people might wonder what in the world made some of us so jaded, lol. So it was a little for me, a little for you, a little for them.
Honestly, as for it scaring you off, I think it's worth remembering this was five years of accumulated nonsense, with a lot of time in between each event for some relative peace, I guess. I'd also say most of those behaviors have Yeehan-specific versions, but you can find them in most internet fandoms, unfortunately. And I can't quantify the people I've met and friends I've made, but I can assure you that while there are definitely some drama-mongers and people with no manners, there are also tons of really nice, talented people around here. So it just depends on what kind of tolerance you have for fan behaviors and how good you are at maintaining your boundaries, lol.
I'm glad you've enjoyed it so far, anon, and I hope the, uh, fan history lesson didn't make you too scared to poke around and see what parts you like. <3
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alohastyles-x · 2 years
Home - e.m.
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Home - e.m. 
 Anon 🎨 Request: So, this is based off a dream I had, please excuse the overall everywhere-ness lolBasically, you are from our universe, with the show and everything, but you are somehow able to freely go to the Stranger Things universe whenever you want. So you went frequently and you were there for every major event that happened in the show, including season 4, only in the ST universe Nancy's plan worked, the gates got closed, and nobody died. You were close to everyone in the group, and had gotten to really know Eddie during everything, developing a major crush, but he was the only one who didn't know you were from another universe. So after the events of everything, during a celebration of just being alive, you decide to tell him all about our universe, the show, the fans, everything so he's in the loop. Only he gets sad because he thinks you're leaving again, but you had decided to stay once and for all once you had met him, because you felt more at home in a different universe with him than you did in ours. I'm sorry if this is confusing, my mind comes up with the strangest stuff 😅 
Warnings: just fluff
Pairing: gn!reader x Eddie Munson 
Word count: 1.9k 
Notes: ooo bestie, this one had my gears turning! I hope you love this! I feel like this could be a whole series so like, pls lemme know if you’d be down for this as a series! I felt bad only making this 1.9k words, but I didn’t want to get too lengthy either! I hope you enjoy! 
Stranger Things Masterlist | Sleepover Masterlist
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The first time you did it, it had been a complete accident. One minute you were walking the halls of your high school, feeling utterly alone, and the next you were in Hawkins High, the high school from your favorite t.v. show. It was as if your subconscious granted a wish you were unaware you made. You stumbled, nearly tripping at the sudden change in universes.
Two hands had reached out to catch you, helping steady you on your feet. You looked up to see a guy about your age with great, voluminous hair.
“Woah, careful there, don’t want to ruin your pretty face,” he chuckled, instantly flirting with you. He was pretty cute, but not your type.
“Thank you,” you replied, offering him a polite smile.
“So, are you new here? I don’t think I’ve seen you around, and I know I’d remember.”
“Something like that,” you offer mysteriously. He laughed, and was about to say something else- probably flirtatious- when suddenly a shriek from the other end of the hall snagged his attention.
“Steve!” It was Dustin, his arms raised in the air.
“What Dustin?” Steve yelled back, his voice cracking slightly, aggravated that the little punk was distracting him from the beautiful person in front of him.
Dustin motioned for him to come down there, so Steve turned to you, apologized saying he’d be back, and jogged off.
You snickered to yourself, still in shock that you just had a conversation with the Steve Harrington. If only your friends back home could see you now.
After that interaction, you had found a way to sneak off into the Stranger Things universe whenever you pleased. You were there for all of the events of the first three seasons that you, in turn, watched in your own world, reminiscing all of the events you had experienced.
It wasn’t until the mall fire that you grew closer to Dustin, helping him and Erica sneak through the vents to find help for Steve and Robin. He had appreciated your help, as the anxiety of keeping Erica alive was almost too much for him to bear- though he’d never admit it.
That’s how you ended up here, during the next school year, sitting next to Dustin and Mike at the Hellfire Club table. Gareth and Jeff had given you confused looks as they sat down. They were just about to ask who you were, when he sat down at the head of the table. He eyed you curiously, before looking to Dustin and Mike for an explanation.
“This is y/n, they’re a friend of ours,” Mike spoke up, nudging you to say something.
“I’m y/n,” you repeated, giving him a small smile.
“Do you play?” He asked, not wanting to accept you just yet.
“Dungeons and Dragons? No…” you said sheepishly. “They haven’t been able to teach me yet.”
“Well, you can sit with us for lunch if you have nowhere else to sit, but you can’t come to our campaigns.” Eddie laid the rules out, which made you feel embarrassed, but you accepted your fate if eating lunch with the Hellfire Club.
Things were going great… until Eddie was deemed a monster by the town, blaming him for the death of Chrissy Cunningham. Eddie went on the run, and you were in charge of bringing him food and water- beer, at Reefer Rick’s house.
As Eddie got used to the idea of you being around, he grew very fond of you. Often, he would ask for you to stay the night with him, so he didn’t have to sleep alone. You agreed, though the two of you did little sleeping. You stayed up, talking about any and everything, attempting to mask the dire situation with mundane small talk. It worked.
“I like you, y/n. You make the world feel… less scary.” He had said, giving you a soft smile. In the soft, white glow of the moonlight, he looked angelic. A beautiful contrast to the dark look he preferred.
“I’m glad I could be of service,” you chuckled, punching open another beer tab.
You had debated telling him about your world, how you had visited and saw the effect he had back home on the lost ones watching. But you held off. Now was probably not the type to sound completely insane to this man.
As the events continued, you joined Eddie and Dustin in distracting the Demobats in the Upside Down.
When they started to pour in through the vents of Eddie’s Trailer, you panicked, sending Dustin back into Hawkins, wanting to keep him safe. Eddie motioned for you to follow Dustin, but a screech in the distance stopped you dead in your tracks.
It wasn’t going to work.
You looked to Eddie, who was thinking the same thing. Quickly, the two of you cut the rope, sending Dustin into a panic. You raced outside, grabbing the bikes and taking off. The demobats followed you, swarming you as you biked to a safe distance from the trailer.
“We’re heroes today, y/n,” Eddie yelled over the screeching of the bats.
“No running away,” you responded, grabbing your weapon and shield off your back. You hopped off the bike, and began furiously fighting the bats off with Eddie. You managed to escape getting bitten, as did Eddie. But there were still so many.
You were getting breathless, the effort of waving the shield and stabbing the bats that came near taking a toll on you. Eddie was growing weary too, his moves getting lazier as he missed a bat coming for his stomach.
Suddenly, out of nowhere, the bats fell in a circle around you and Eddie, just as Dustin had made it around the trailer, screaming for the two of you. You fell to the ground out of pure exhaustion. Eddie rushed to your side, Dustin hobbling as fast as he could in the distance.
“A-are you alright?” Eddie stuttered as he tried catching his breath. You put a thumbs up, before taking a deep breath.
“Yeah, I think so. Are you?”
“Yeah, y/n... I’m alright,” he whispered, kissing the top of your head.
“Holy shit you guys, I can't even begin to tell  you how utterly stupid that was of you two! I’m so disappointed, I just can't believe you would leave me there!” Dustin droned on in the background once he finally made it up to you guys. But regardless of how frustrated he was, he knelt beside you giving you a tight hug. He was so thankful you made it out safely. You were like the sibling he never had.
Later, after you had met up with the other groups to check in, to make sure everyone was okay, you were back in Hawkins with Eddie. He still had to be in hiding, unsure how the people of Hawkins would feel about him still. The two of you had found an abandoned cabin in the woods to hang out in. It was a little dusty, but nothing that couldn’t be cleaned up easily.
Eddie had gone outside to gather wood for a fire, while you were straightening the floor of the living room up, spreading a blanket out for the two of you to sit on.
You knew now was the time to tell Eddie where you were really from. The fans, the show, everything. You had a tough decision to make. Do you go back home, where you’re not appreciated… or do you stay here, with the family you had grown to love and be a part of? Every time you went back home, you felt alone, misunderstood. You always knew you didn’t belong, but everyone told you that was just teen angst.
Now, you didn’t believe that. You didn’t belong because you weren’t meant to be there.   You were meant to be here, in Hawkins, Indiana. You were meant to be here with Eddie. You were sure of it. So, why did it feel so nerve-wracking to tell him?
“Hey,” Eddie pulled you out of your thoughts as he came back in, throwing a pile of wood in front of the fireplace. He began putting piece by piece in, before snagging his lighter out of his pocket.
It took him a couple of tries, but he finally got the fire started. When he settled back onto the blanket next to you, you could feel your nerves heightening again. He noticed the shift in tension, and turned to you.
“Everything okay?”
No, everything was not okay. What if he wanted to see your world? Could he even do that?
“I don’t know,” you whispered, unsure how to go about this.
He waited patiently, until you gathered the nerve to tell him. His hand was softly tracing the back of your hand.
“I’m not from here,” you blurted out, immediately regretting that.
“Okay? So, where are you from, like Illinois or something?” He asked, chuckling slightly as he didn’t understand why that made you nervous to tell him.
“No… like, I’m kind of from the future? But in another universe too?”
Eddie looked at you like you grew three heads.
You went on to explain that where you’re from, this is a popular television show that had been streaming for years, and one day you had accidentally found a way to astral project into it. Eddie watched you cautiously as you explained, surprisingly keeping his face still as he ran through all the emotions of finding out he was fake… yet real.
“And the fans, Eddie, my god do they love you. You make people feel seen, feel included. You’ve awakened so many people’s inner child for them to heal, you have no idea the effect you have. You’re not Eddie “the freak” Munson to them. You are so much more than that. You are someone's favorite character, favorite story.”
You studied his face as you finished explaining. Now it was your turn to wait patiently while he stomached all of this new information you gave him. A worried look flashed across his face.
“So, does that mean you have to go back?” He asked, his voice laced with desperation and sadness.
“Not unless I want to,” you answered.
“And do you? Want to?”
A beat passed before you finally responded, easing his anxiety.
“No. I think I want to stay here, with you and everyone else. Back home, I just feel like a burden to everyone. Here, I feel wanted, special even.”
“Because you are, and anyone who doesn’t see that is stupid.” Eddie said, cupping your cheeks in his hands. You smiled, as he squished your cheeks.
“Thank you,” you whispered, happy he didn’t have an existential crisis like you thought he would.
“Okay but wait, so I have fans?” He asked, bewildered. Maybe you spoke too soon on the existential crisis….
“Yes, loads of them.”
He thought about this for a second, basking in the idea that he, Eddie “the freak” Munson, was popular in another universe.
Who would have known?
“Alright, my little alien,” he chuckled over his new nickname for you that made you roll your eyes.
“Eddie, I am not an alien,” you giggled, pushing his arm gently.
“I got it- I’m teaching you Dungeons and Dragons and your character will be a pretty alien who comes to entice the men of the realm.”
“Oh my god, Eddie stop!”
But you were laughing, and you were genuinely happy you had met the big dork in front of you.
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Taglist is off, please follow @alohastyles-xlibrary  for fic updates
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pridepoisoned · 1 year
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(ooc. I queued this up a few days ago so I hope this posts properly--but I'm taking a week or so hiatus from Tumblr across all of my blogs! I'm going camping and then flying out to Mexico to see some pals. By the time you see this, I'll--hopefully--be chilling in a much warmer less sleety place, far away from clinic work, touching some much-needed grass...
I also wanted to apologize for suddenly going ghost as of late! I received some pretty heavy IRL news and my workload hasn't exactly been kind to me either, so I'm really sorry for dropping comms with people who I've been plotting/threading with!
To tell the truth, I think this blog in particular is in a weird place. When I came back to write here recently, I received a particularly lengthy anon venting about 'the issues' with my portrayal [along with notifications that just turned out to be porn bot follows lmao.] I never pay anons like that much mind [probably came from the jupiter tag tbh], but this one hit just at the right time and totally took the wind out of my Tumblr sails. I started to worry about my replies/starters [and if they're missing the mark or overwhelming my fantastic writing partners--thanks for giving me a chance!] and the feeling that I can't seem to get much traction/interest with Jup in general, so I'm hoping that this break--and turning anons off for the time being--will help me get my mind right again.
Hopefully people still want to start/continue threads and plotting when I return! I know a week is an eternity in RP time, so I really appreciate everyone who's still in my corner despite the radio silence. As long as one person has interest in this villainous corporate muse repping Galactic and so much more, I'll never delete. I love what I've built here, my threads and my experience in this RPC too much to do that--just need to take care of myself, disconnect for a bit, sort some things out, and I'll see you again soon. Thanks for reading. 😊)
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wri0thesley · 1 year
oh my god I didn't realize I wrote that much on my last ask (thomato fanatic) 😭 I am so sorry if that was a bit lengthy, I didn't realize how much I had typed until I just saw it </3
but yess!! I definitely believe you have reached the hallmark of successful writing! :) I truly do mean it when I say I can never find a work of yours unfulfilling! everything you write, no matter how short or long, has clear thought, effort, and dedication put into it - and it really makes reading it more all the more enjoyable. I love the ideas you and your anons ricochet off one another, and I always think it's amazing how a single idea can stretch so far and become so diverse when given the opportunities. I really adore your writing style and creative ideas!! <3
on a slightly different note, I honestly don't think I've read your other blog's work . . . but I am excited nonetheless for your original concept and character posting!! I'll probably binge some of your work on the other blog and familiarize myself with your ocs while I wait for the migration on this blog! :) I'm glad you're able to expand your writing interests more and have the chance to write new ideas and whatnot! it especially excites me to hear that you might wander into psychological horror territory at some point, as it's one of my personal favorite genres!!
but ahaha. . . I apologize again if my original ask was a little bit long lol, but thank you for taking the time to read and respond to it!
oh no anon, i loved reading it!!! i replied to it on my phone so i couldnt go through every point individually but it was such a deeply DELIGHTFUL message to receive and to know how much of a deep dive you went into and to see all of your reactions!!! <3
the original characters on my other blog are definitely more horror-focused. there's still an element of yandere and obsession and love and - naturally - sex to them all, but . . . you would perhaps not want to be caught alone with them if you could help it! i actually genuinely have a lot of ideas about them but i didn't feel quite comfy putting fic on my mostly art blog, so it will be nice to do it here!
and i hope you all will like them, whether you have seen stuff from them before or not! (that also goes for my concepts and thoughts i have never actually posted publicly! i have been reading and absorbing so so much fantasy and folktale and fairytale type stuff recently especially, so i hope you are all excited to read some horror-fantasy erotica!)
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sonwar · 1 year
hello!! i would like to first preface that i'm a fan of your writing (ao3 user sonwar) from your kpop works (namely the seokhoon (seventeen) titled 'do you know my heart? (i can't be without you)' in 2020. and if i remembered you wrongly, and you have in fact never heard of this fic or the kpop group before please feel free to delete this ask i apologise deeply aaaaa (whoops ahahaaa im sorry if that's the case)
today. as one does, i was thinking of this fic: its definitely one of the bigger fics the seokhoon tag has seen, and also one of those fics which leave a kind of Impact. even as i ponder seokhoon today as a writer myself, i find so many of the symbols and metaphors i use in my writing to have come from that fic. (if you remember) the ideas of jihoon admiring seokmin's singing & calling him the best singer—i took that and i turned it into a kind of how jihoon's music has been made real vs seokmin's which comes more as instinct—and jihoon, who is in awe of this. and of course seokmin thinking about jihoon all the time—that's something that i genuinely hold so close to my heart. it's so sweet and just soooo seokmin. aaaaaa
your writing there has such a tender and sweet quality to it that ive been striving to achieve—emotion comes across in a way that is. muted (i mean this positively). i feel comfortable reading it because it never feels shocking everything just feels so natural. those 33k words are a source of comfort. i love and value growth in characters/the progression of time in fic, and oh man!!!! you really show the emotional growth of seokhoon so incredibly well in that fic. its so good to me. it feels so alive because of the references you made but also because of how you wrote them. to create life!!! it's so incredible because. its all just so rich and perfect and good and i'm so grateful that ive been able to read this and have it affect me on such a level. my comment on that fic does nothing to live up to what i actually thought of it and now even if i cant convey my appreciation on the fic comments itself, i tried to find another way to reach out to you (hence, this lengthy anon ask)
feel free to ignore this/not reply!!! i understand that you've orphaned the seokhoons for a reason but in a way i just really wanted to let you know that your writing has made me feel so much. and for that! i am so grateful!! thank you again and so much for all of it.
hi anon! you have me right, i am responsible for do you know my heart (as well as "when i'm with you i bloom" and "i'm dying to be taken apart" in case you were looking for me...) i had sort of decided i was going to keep my kpop fandom side off tumblr, since i have found it to be sort of unwelcoming towards kpop, for whatever reason? but your message was so touching i'm throwing that out the window and doing whatever i want anyway! (more under the cut <3)
Letting you know off the bat that your message made me! incredibly emotional and teary eyed! Thank you very much for your kind words, you really can't know how much it means to me, and I'm so glad you reached out to me this way as well! I genuinely got so excited when I read your ask, I'm always happy to talk fics and even more happy to talk seokhoon, as I don't have many people to discuss them with! So thank you! The reason why I orphaned my old fics is...probably a lot more simple than what you might be thinking? The truth is, after posting those three seokhoon fics (which I wrote in pretty quick succession to each other), I went about two years without writing anything at all because I didn't have the bandwidth for it, and then I wrote The Mystery of The Pears in some kind of fugue state over the course of a couple months, and when I read that back to myself I felt that my writing had grown so much, I didn't really want that writing to be associated with my writing of a few years ago. But, to be honest, I re-read my Seokhoon fics again a few weeks ago and found that I enjoyed them much more than I thought I would, and much more than I did when I first wrote them, so I wonder if it's less that my writing has grown and maybe more that I've learned to be kinder towards myself...that'll teach me to orphan fics without completely thinking it through first, I guess. (that being said! i'd like you to know i am still planning on writing more seokhoon! seventeen is very near and dear to my heart, like. i really can't put into words the love i have for those boys, which is to say that i'll probably be a carat for as long as they're seventeen, and maybe even a little longer than that. plus, i feel personally tasked with bringing more seokhoon into the world, so, you know. currently, i'm really trying to finish a seokhoon fic i promised a friend MONTHS ago, even before tmotp was finished, and then i have about...3? seokhoon wips i've started and would like to finish? whether they all get done is to be seen, but hopefully!) Anyway...I have to say, I really love the way you took my little headcanon about Jihoon admiring Seokmin's singing and devolped it further! It's something I think a lot about, too, I think it's so interesting that, objectively, Seokmin has a much wider range and capacity as a singer, but that ever since Jihoon was a trainee he's been told he "already knows how to sing" and "doesn't need singing lessons." It makes me wonder how Jihoon approaches singing, if it's something that he considers more physical, like a muscle that he can control, rather than something emotional, which I think might be closer to how Seokmin approaches singing. I mention this because, considering that Jihoon is also the one making guides for the others to follow and the one directing them in the recording booth, I'm a litte curious about how those different approaches meet together in a more practical way, if that makes sense. I do still think it's something Jihoon would admire and think about a lot if only because it would be so different from his own approach. I also have some theories about certain songs in their discography being written specifically for Seokmin's voice (Same Dream Same Mind Same Night immediately comes to mind, I really think out of all their songs, that's the one that showcases the style Seokmin's voice is suited to the most and he really shines on that song...)
I am of the belief that Seokmin would have been watching Jihoon a lot longer than Jihoon would have been watching him...something about admiration that shifts and changes the closer you get to it...And I don't think Seokmin knows how to not take care of people, it's just who he is, but I also think that feeling is heightened a little bit with Jihoon specifically, who takes on a lot of responsibility without ever complaining about it, and who describes himself as someone who deals with things on his own. I think (and I've seen him) he would try to find ways to make things easier for Jihoon without him having to ask for it first, so that's where that comes from. I think muted is one of the sweetest ways anyone has described the way I write emotions. I like the idea of emotions that come easily and gradually, like. Slow drip love rather than sudden and all-consuming (and, that way, when trying to convey something that is bigger and overwhelming, it's easier to contrast those two emotions against each other), so thank you very much for that. I also think it's very funny you mention the way I wrote the progression of Seokhoon in that fic because, while I find your words incredibly kind and I'm so happy to hear you enjoyed it, and I can still sort of see why I wrote that fic the way I did, I do sometimes consider sort of re-writing a different version of that fic because I'm so sure I could do it better now...nowadays, I think the timeline would be a little different? Idk. Something for future me to consider... Anyway! Thank you, again, for such a lovely ask, I really am so very thankful, and I'm so glad you enjoyed my Seokhoon. Please feel free to message me whenever you'd like! (I'm also on twt! I only use tumblr on browser so I only log on when I'm using my laptop, but I'm a lot more active on twt.) Also, if you ever post your fics or already have, please let me know! I'd love to read them, and I'm always looking for more Seokhoon fics, since there's so very little of them to go around, as I'm sure you know...
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witchcraftingboop · 1 year
'Ello, 'tis I! The anon with some imposter syndrome and some non stop questioning!
I just really wanna thank you for answering my questions and giving me some advice. I read that and made some peace with myself, knowing it is normal to question things about my path/beliefs.
Luckily I was born in a pretty acccepting family (my aunt used to read the tarot and was eerily good at it (to the point of all her readings actually come true... many people looked for her to do readings)) and when my older brother (who is THE reference point in my family, like... he's the unofficial official favorite child (and we cant be mad bout it, he deserves the title lolol)) got his tarot deck and started to study astrology and such, my mom really couldn't like... do anything when I started lol
Anyways, sorry, got side tracked. What I wanted to say really was that, after reading your reply, I decided to make a side blog to use as a digital book of shadows (for now). I got the confidence to start it and will most like just use to ramble about my thoughts on stuff, the tarot spreads I'll do and some books I might read and what else i see fit...
So thank you for giving me the confidence i needed and so so sorry for another lenghty ask orz
P.S: Do you have any opinions on Oberon Zell-Ravenheart book/as a person? Got his book by impulse but i really didnt do anymore digging than the surface level. Also, I also have Agrippa's book, i just really need to start reading it, but life keeps happening lol
Once again, so sorry for sending you a book and not an ask orz
Have a great day/evening/night!
Hey, anon! I hope you're doing well. I keep only remembering this ask when I'm at work so it's been sitting in my inbox for a hot minute now.
Firstly, congrats on starting a blog! Those are always fun
Also, it's nice that your family's openly practicing divination! And I don't mind lengthy asks at all, it's just sometimes they take me a while to get around to answering them.
P.S. I have no idea who that is, but I typically steer clear of anybody with an animal, plant, planetary anything in their name - ex: Ravenwhatsherface. I do hope you get around to going through Agrippa though! It's a fabulous resource
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chaotictarlos · 1 year
Hi I'm the Love-interest anon. First off, I'm really sorry, I realise based on your response that my phrasing of that ask meant things to you that I totally did not mean. I knew even then that you've never interpreted Carlos as just a Love Interest. And I absolutely was not meaning to call you out or criticise you or anything, though I can see now why my words would have sounded that way to you.
I want to clarify that I wasn't using the term 'love interest' as just someone who the main character sleeps with. I meant it more like, a proper fully loving partner but someone whom we as the audience know much less about, compared to TK. Not the quality of info, but the quantity. Which just unconsciously made ME treat TK as the Main Character.
When I had these thoughts a few days back about my whole love-interest-perception thing, the realisation itself made me uncomfortable because I wasn't aware I'd been thinking about these characters this way. I genuinely thought that I loved and valued both characters equally and could not figure out in the beginning why I was so uncomfortable with S4. And it wasn't a nice feeling realising that I'd had this weird unconscious bias. My knee-jerk reaction to discomfort, much like Carlos, is usually to just avoid it. And I didn't want to lose 911LS, so the way I've tried to rationalise it in my head is - I wasn't completely in the wrong or narrow-minded when I watched the show. I just fell into some of the traps that this type of storytelling can lead to, taking everything shown just as is rather than analysing the characters in equal ways. Like, in my head, screentime translated to how much I thought about the characters basically, so they all fell into typical tropes and boxes. And now I know I need to change some of those notions if I still want to enjoy the show, and step 1 is to actively look at Carlos as beyond just being a love interest.
I saw you mention Carlos-being-treated-as-a-Love-Interest and my thought process in sending in that ask to you was literally just "hey I did that too, but I'm trying to move away from it, let me tell this person why I did and how I realised since they're talking about this". So when I used terms like "this is valid" and "that's false" it was to describe my internal dialogue, and absolutely not to call you out at all.
Anyways, I realise I'm rambling again in this ask too, and since that hasn't gone well already once, I'll stop. I'm just really sorry that I made you feel overwhelmed, and maybe attacked in a way? I didn't mean to. I should have reread the word-vomit once to see how it would sound to you before I hit send.
Hey! Thank you for the clarification! I think, based on this, that we had miscommunication based on terms and our understanding of things. The way I've always viewed "love interest" is someone who is literally just there to be arm candy, etc. That's how I've seen it used in the past in fandoms and by people. Thank you for clarifying what your definition was! That puts things in a different look now!
It can be very hard at times to get what we mean across in a text format.
I think it's good to be made uncomfortable by shows that we adore. Sometimes we hold biases that we don't even know that we hold until we're made to look at them and face them.
I was overwhelmed by just the amount of information in the ask, I try to be transparent in things like that. In no means, do I not want you to send lengthy asks - I do enjoy them and responding to them! It was my way of saying why it took me awhile to reply to it.
I truly do appreciate you clarifying things! I tried hard to not come across as attacking you, and had friends read it over to see if it gave off those vibes - I hope it didn't. Feel free to ramble in my inbox or DMs at anytime!
Discussion is good! And, in my case, helps me to analyze a show and characters that I love dearly.
I hold no negative thoughts towards you and appreciate the opportunity to delve deeper. 💙
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