#Thanks for the ask love!
gemgirl28 · 8 months
Hi @gemgirl28! From the writing prompt list you posted earlier, may I please request:
32. “I think I’m in love with you, and I’m terrified,” for Zutara!
Thank you, and I hope you’re having a good day!
Hello dear! Thank you! It was a nice (mostly) lazy Sunday 💜 I hope you have a great day as well!
OOOOOO I SEE YOU HERE YES. YES VERY MUCH. Watch this get out of hand SO fast.
32. “I think I’m in love with you and I’m terrified.”
Katara hastily stuffed her papers in her bag, heart racing, hands shaking. The council room, always so hot and stuffy, felt impossibly small in the wake of Minister Yun's proposal.
Katara had to get out, had to find some fresh air, had to breathe.
She raced through the twisting hallways of the Fire Nation Palace, barely sidestepping servants in her haste to drop her bag in her office. Once deposited, she stood for just a moment, debating the risk of hurting herself is she jumped from her tiny office window and caught herself with the pond water, or if it was worth it.
Minister Yun's dry voice echoed in her ears, and her mind was made up.
The window it was.
She wrenched it open and jumped onto the edge. Just as she was swinging her feet over, one arm already searching for the cool water, someone cleared their throat.
"I know the meetings are bad, but I didn't think we'd quite reached 'jump from a second story window' bad."
Katara froze, holding her breath, as if that would make him go away. How could she be so stupid as to leave her door open?
"Katara? Are you okay?" Zuko asked, fully coming into her office and closing the damned door behind him. He stopped just on the other side of her desk, hands raised as if to reach for her.
She closed her eyes, counted ten slow, steady breaths, and decided she could fake it for just a few more minutes. Just enough to get him out of her office so she could make her escape.
"I'm fine, just wanted some fresh air." Not a lie. "The meetings are... fine." A lie. "I just... needed some air," she repeated, nearly wincing.
"Katara- is this about-"
"Did you need something Zuko?" She interrupted. No one else on his council would dare interrupt the Fire Lord. Then again, no one else on his council could be considered a close, personal friend.
Just a friend. Just- friends.
Still, his brow furrowed at the interruption. He took a cautious step closer, and then another.
"Yes. You- you rushed out of the meeting so quickly, I wanted to check on you."
"I needed some air."
"You said that."
She shrugged, not able to find any other words for the clawing sensation inside her chest. The office was starting to shrink, too, the way the council room had.
"Katara- I'm not going to marry Minister Yun's daughter."
He said it softly, but the force of it still sucked all the air out of the room.
"Why- why not? It would be advantageous, would it not?" She hated the way her voice shook.
Zuko sighed, and took another step closer. "I don't love her. It's important that you know that." Another step. "And after a hundred years of war- after everything the Fire Nation has been through- well, I think I could do worse things than marrying for love." Another step, nearly to her. "You must know that."
"Why does it matter if I know?" She asked on a breath. They both swallowed.
"Because- I think I'm in love with you, and I'm terrified."
"Zuko-" She couldn't find her voice before he kept talking, and she wondered if she'd even said his name at all.
"I do- I do love you. I am terrified, because you mean so very much to me." He took a deep breath. "But I think- if maybe, you thought someday you could feel the same- well, I definitely shouldn't marry Minister Yun's daughter."
"I do."
Zuko froze in place from where he'd nearly reached her, still perched on the edge of the window. "You do-"
"Love you. Already. I love you." Spirits, what a relief it was to say it after all these years. Katara grinned. "And it is terrifying. But- but Zuko, I love you."
"Why haven't you- you never- Katara-" he started, stopping when she laughed.
"Come here and help me down so I can kiss you."
She'd never seen him move so quickly before.
And the next day, when Zuko formally turned down any and all future marriage proposals in favor of marrying for love, Katara thought it still sounded terrifying, but also like she could breathe just a little easier. Especially when Zuko smiled at her.
Send me a prompt and a pairing!
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rypnami · 15 days
4 (social media) for auri because i want to know how an immortal would manage the internet 😂
aaaa hi beloved! nice to see you here ❤️
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this is actually a fun one to think about with auri. she would 100% be baffled by the concept of the internet and would be the most facebook grandma imaginable. every 5 minutes she’d need help with something.
being the chaos gremlin she is, i think her favourite social media platform (once she got the hang of this whole internet business) would be twitter. auri is the stereotypical most toxic twitter user on the planet- she’d have 500 alt accounts to argue with people, tweet things just because she KNOWS it will make people mad, be petty, etc. her excuse would be ‘i just want to see how humans interact with each other these days!’ but really it’s mostly for her own amusement.
think colin robinson when he learns he can drain people through social media in wwdits 🤭
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cinamun · 2 years
That last post made me happy that Jayce has a solid head on his shoulders regarding what he wants, but it also made me kinda sad bc Mercy said he'd jump at the chance, and he straight up said "Nah." Like she doesn't know him as well as she thought
Oh Nonny! I'm so glad you brought that up! Because.....
He'd jump at the chance if two things WERE NOT true:
His mom being unsafe
His mom selling the wrekka sto
Mercy was right at brunch about her pushing him to college to pay the bills. Jayce says: "My mom really wanted me to go to college". That's because Mercy and Jackson struggled to make ends meet because their sole source of income was playing gigs since Jackson never made it big like he wanted to (he had a couple studio albums tho). So, like any mom, Mercy doesn't want that same struggle for her son.
And let's take it a step further: Remember Jayce's ID? His major is still undeclared:
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And he's now a 2nd year student! What is he gonna do! He's there because his moms wants him there. If Mercy was indifferent, maybe he wouldn't take it seriously.
The wrekka sto is the last thing he really has of his dad (and that red tie). Why would Mercy sell it? Is that something Problematic Boyfriend™ wants? Or, with Jayce off trotting globes, there's no one to run it, hence the reason to sell? Either way, she knows his heart, but her perception of reality is incredibly screwed up right now.
Y'all know how I get about these characters, this did NOT have to be this long lmao but its important, its good context, i'm certainly glad you asked and the dish ran away with the spoon.
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1, 6, 23 & 25? 🫶
1. What song makes you feel better?
"West Coast Love" by the Emotional Oranges
6. Say 3 nice things about yourself (3 physical and 3 non-physical)
oooooh, okay *cracks knuckles*
- beautiful eyes (light blue/gray, roundish almond shape, long eyelashes, eye crinkle when I smile)
- shiny hair (dark blonde with red undertones that makes it a pretty honey color)
- cute lil button nose
- soooo so good at cooking. give me a recipe and I can take on the world
- kind heart. animals love me
- very intuitive, and I can make a lot of people feel at ease
23. Favorite piece of clothing?
AUTUMN ORANGE JACKET! it hits me at the hips, so soft, and it looks really good with my hair color
25. What's the best personal gift someone could give you?
Either a genuine list/essay of what someone loves about me (with nuance. no "she's nice"), OR someone grows a garden in honor of me.
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thenwhatthefukcisthis · 7 months
hmmmmmmmmmmm well… whats ur fave jgl media and why?? and uhhhhmmm what are some moments or scenes u rly like?
it is inception. WHAT ELSE
why? Cause it’s simply so so good! And it has arthur and eames!! And so many possibilities!! And really great fanfiction!! And really great fanart (this justlikethatcommunityepisode acct is really good, as I hear)
And I love all the scenes arthur is in.. the music the visuals the dialogues.. everything!! I really don’t get what people say he’s a dull character like... have you seen the movie??
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heinous-desiree · 1 year
What are Jas and Hunter's hobbies :000?
(Again, welcome back, dear!)
Both Jas and Hunter have a few hobbies.
Jas the Wildcard
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Dancing. Jazz, hip hop, ballet, salsa, femme vogue, etc. She has been fascinated by dance ever since she watched a movie where characters burst out in music and moves. Her actual name is Jasmine (named by the lovely Bailey, she'll never escape comparisons from the Dixney princess), but she started calling herself Jas to sound like jazz. She used her first paychecks to get her into dance classes and can be found humming to herself and moving to imaginary beats while doing mundane tasks.
Reading. She didn't plan to pick up reading, but between going to the library all the time to keep up her grades, and having Sydney excitedly talk about books then cut herself off cause she doesn't want to spoil anything, Jas started reading books per Sydney's and sometimes Robin's recommendations... She loves it far more than she thought she would. She wants to one day own a bookshelf full of her and Sydney's favorite books, but while in the orphanage, she's too scared someone will steal any book she buys.
Gambling. Specifically for luck based games. This is probably a HORRIBLE hobby to pick up, and she fully blames Wren for this. Ever since Wren invited her to join his blackjack games, she never found anything that gave her as much of a high. The fact she can win and dominate based on Lady Luck, and no one has cheated her in these games yet makes her feel powerful when she wins and still in control of her life when she loses.
Hunter the Allrounder
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Horseback riding. Hunter likes things that are exciting and active. Riding a creature that moves way faster than you and could break your bones is exactly that. If he could get his hands on a motorcycle, he knows he would be just as addicted to the experience. Horseback is special in its own way, though, since he has to gain the horse(centaur)'s respect and be skilled enough to ride something with a mind of its own. He values the bonds he builds with his animals and God, he enjoys riding to town even more when Remy's goons try to harass him on a horse. You gotta get your kicks somehow!
M*sterbating. Ah yes, the activity that helped him turn from fallen angel to demon in the first place. The town is a stressful place, and some him time is great for de-stressing! However, now it has become a bit of a necessity. If he doesn't do a certain amount of sexual acts within a day, the blood in his veins burns hot white, paralyzing him while he's stuck silent screaming on his bed till the pain eases. A quicky is great when he's too busy to meet anyone for a good time. Anything to escape that traumatizing agony.
Dogs. To clarify, he loves almost all activities involving dogs, even the feral ones that are technically wolves. He loves training dogs, walking them, grooming them, and gaining their trust. He loved his job at the pound till the people put him into a muzzle/leash to make him the dog. He tries to go to the forest every once in a while to hunt with his pack, and he loves training the dogs on the farm. He is a dog kind of person in more ways than one.
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Hydrangea and heather!!! Flower ask game!!!
Hydrangea - proudest moment?
Oh, tough one... Most recently it was deciding to make something for Cody Day after talking myself out of it a couple of times! (I thought I'd be too busy with Dreaded Adult Responsibilities that had a deadline around the same time. 🥲) Glad I did!
Heather - what's your favorite musical?
I think I'm gonna go with Newsies for this one! Footloose is also a contender.
Flower ask game
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beyourownanchor6 · 11 months
What font do you write fic in?
calibri (body) i am very basic 💀 asjdjekak
sometimes i’ll do the title in different fonts that match the tone of the fic, just for funsies!
anonymously or not, ask me something you’ve always wondered.
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I've been in the fandom for 14 years💀
ah! you've seen it all then.. we are the same.. though i did take a long break, but i don't think anyone truly "leaves" a fandom completely 😅
i'm a huge geek who plays a lot of video games! Some of my favorite games are alice: madness returns, cry of fear, and dread out.
edit: i have to tack killer7 onto this list as well, it would be a crime not to
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cinamun · 2 years
For Hope and Jayce: #1 & #15
Okay I can do a few more, ya girl is tired!! Pixel babies and adulting got ya girl down for the count! But I love these so let's get into it!
What do they think of each other's family? And how does the family feel?
So Jayce loves the Drakes although he is still pretty intimidated by Darren (as he should be), Indya is like a mom to him and super chill. They don't spend too much time together given all the *gestures vaguely* but he shows up for important moments and he genuinely loves Hope. Indya and Darren can sense its real.
Mercy thinks the world of Hope! She thinks she's gorgeous, thinks they make a cute couple and is really rooting for them. She's always asking about her. As for the Problematic Boyfriend™ Hope doesn't know him, never met him but can't stand him because of what she knows from Jayce. She only met Mercy twice at her high school grad party and prom and they got along good.
15. What habits or characteristics have they picked up from each other?
Jayce says "Deadass" waayyyy more than he used to, Hope listens to Jazz now where she never used to, Jayce is more studious because of Hope and Hope sometimes sighs in nerd.
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gemgirl28 · 1 year
Babs my love 💜always asking the tough questions
(I'm assuming the 💖is supposed to be💝? Yes? I'm answering it that way lol)
💝what is a fic that got a different response than you were expecting?
I dunno... I try not to have expectations when posting fics of what people will like/not like? I guess... I wasn't expecting as many people to interact with my very first fic? Like I really expected like, 10 people to read my fics and them kinda fade to the background, but alas, people seem to like them.
🎉how often do you celebrate completing & posting a work? how often do you give yourself the credit/validation that you seek from others when you post? (if you don't, you should!)
Look at you, trying to get me to be kind to myself you tricky bastard lol. No but really, any time I post something I feel a small accomplishment, but the bulk of me celebrating is when I get comments holding my phone in front of my husband's face like "LOOK AT WHAT THIS NICE PERSON SAID ABOUT MY FICCCCC" (he usually reads it and goes "huh. cool" and goes on with his day).
Send me a ((real)) fic writer ask!
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mattmurdocksscars · 2 years
28. hugs or hand-holding?
6. say three nice things about yourself (three physical and three non-physical).
15. for every emoji you get, tag someone and describe them in one word 🐣 🌞 🥰 👾 🌻 🍑
28. Hugs!
6. I'd like to point out that that's technically 6 nice things. Alskdjdjdj Physical: I have pretty eyes, nice hair, and a decent smile. Non-Physical: I'm resilient, I'm kind, and I stick up for others.
15. @mindidjarin - Sweet
@munsonownsmyass - Kind
@kittyofalltrades - Badass
@shakespeareanwannabe - Sweetheart
@itwasthereaminuteago - Nice
@e-dubbc11 - Delightful
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leatafandom · 1 year
list 5 things that make you happy, then put this in the askbox for the last 10 people who reblogged something from you! get to know your mutuals and followers <3
Hello dear nonnie. Alright so I've had a bunch of these so this time... let's do five objects or physical things that make me happy.
1. Books, like physical books I do read a lot digitally but ugh I love reading a book even just holding an old book it is joyous
2. Food, I love tasting new things but also making food that other people enjoy it just makes me very happy or making someone like something for the first time. I am notorious for getting people to enjoy food they hated
3. My bear, I have had bear since I was 2/3 years old and they are one of the few things I still have from my childhood and they always make me happy
4. Hand made gifts from my son, so as a collective item all the little things he's made me over the years make me very happy
5. Ladybugs, I know they aren't objects but! I have a lot of fake ladybugs around my house okay. Like so many. I love every single one of them because they make me happy.
Thank you so much for the ask, I love thinking of all the things that make me happy.
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minutiaewriter · 2 years
🍫👖💌 Please :)
🍫 Cheese or chocolate?
Well I’m lactose intolerant but the plant-based cheese I use is pretty good but…chocolate. Always and forever, chocolate.
👖 Jeans or sweatpants?
Hmm jeans so I at least feel like I’m being productive while I sit around all weekend 😂
💌 Do you talk to yourself?
Out loud? Not particularly.
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Hi Frosty!
Fic writers game! 3 and 18!
Hi boo~! 🩷
# 3: What was your first fandom?
Ummm... I think I can count DC on a technicality because that's what I grew up on as a kid for the most part? Wonder Woman was my favorite character EVER as a little girl. I have a (signed) poster my dad bought from an artist as a convention of Wonder Woman with a lot of kittens framed and hung in my room. I've had it for years.
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As for the first fandom I wrote fanfiction for? I'd have no idea. 😥
# 18: Is there some headcanon you've included in more than one fic?
I think Wrecker would make an excellent cook! Or he'd at least enjoy cooking, regardless of the successful outcome of the dish lol. It's in both "Sorry, Wrong Comms!" and a request I wrote for someone called "Late, Lakeside Picnic" where I decided he makes sandwiches for everyone in the morning before work (sans Tech). The big guy loves his food, so I think he'd enjoy making it to some degree, too! :)
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wnjunhui · 2 years
for spotify wrapped, 2, 23, 45, and 76!
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