#That combined with their lack of actual physical skill
sad-endings-suck · 8 months
blue eye samurai popped off so hard in every department, but this post specifically is a shoutout to the character designers who manage to put so much personality, life, and uniqueness into each and every character to create a signature art style, while still maintaining realistic-like proportions and features that are more reminiscent of live action than animation.
not a single character with speaking lines or more than 3 secs of screen-time looks anything like any other character unless it’s intentional (i.e. resemblance between family members). not only are there so many different body types, but no one’s body is ridiculously proportioned. some characters are very thin (heiji), others are very large (shogun’s emissary), some are quite powerfully built (chiaki)… but then there’s everything else in between!! mizu is very lean and androgynous, and she definitely has muscles, but she’s not ridiculously skinny, nor does she greatly lack softness in her torso, hips, and chest. mizu very much has a woman’s body, her proportions are just not exaggerated to make her look overtly masculine or overtly feminine. unlike some other animes that would absolutely give mizu ridiculously defined muscle mass and 8-pack abs, or maybe a 10 inch waist and huge boobs (that she magically hid completely with some diy fabric bindings and a dream) and then credit those choices to “art style”.
ringo is on the bigger softer side physique-wise, and his body is a perfectly normal human body that any normal person may potentially have! akemi and taigen are both conventionally attractive within the story, but even still, neither is the perfect personification of masculine or feminine “beauty”. yes akemi is very petite and slim, with a more hourglass shape, but she still very much has a body type that some real people naturally have. she has a stomach! and i don’t mean that she has a protruding stomach, i just mean her stomach actually exists. so does mizu’s, even if they both have small flat stomachs, they still very much don’t have itty bitty anime waists. though they are both slender women, they have actual room for organs and ribs in their torsos!! or on the other end of things, there’s taigen, who may be very athletically built, but again, it’s not to an impossible degree or standard. he still very much has the build of a real human person, not a comic book hero with a 12-pack. even fowler, who is on the heavier-set side (presumably from his lifestyle, surviving famine, etc) also has strength to his build that many other characters do not, indicating he does keep up with his training and is very much physically dangerous.
and that’s just the body diversity! we are shown characters and character models of young adults, mature adults, babies, seniors, young children, older children, teens, etc. women in their 40s/50s/60s (madame kaji, lady itoh, “mama”).
hell, the fact that the art style can be so consistent throughout, and yet akemi looks like she’s been rendered in watercolours, whereas taigen appears as if he’s been painted with acrylic is crazy!! or how well the show is able to convey that mizu very much looks like a woman, yet it also convincingly shows us how she’s able to pass as a man through a slew of details is amazing. such as her more androgynous features, her height, a scarf to hide her lack of adam’s apple, hat to conceal her features, orange tinted glasses the cancel out the blue of her eyes, baggy pants and boxy top to hide her silhouette, poncho and sword positioned to give the illusion she takes up more space in the world LIKE A MAN WOULD and so much more.
It’s just so beautiful to see, not only because it speaks to the skill of the creatives and the level of care and attention to detail with which this story was clearly made, but also because it proves you don’t have to “choose” between a distinct art/animation style and diversity. by combining animation and live action, and using the best aspects of both, blue eye samurai has managed to capture something that no other animated production I’ve seen, has (no, not even arcane). and that is allowing the personhood and character of a live action actor/model to come through in the character they are portraying. no matter how much beautiful animation i watch, there is almost always some level of “default” face, body type, height, or facial features that are consistent across every character, and blue eye samurai proves that this is not just due to “art style”. it’s a limitation of the medium of animation (to an extent), or at least, it was.
we live in an era where plastic surgery, photo/video retouching, workout supplements, trendy scheme diets, beauty consumerism, etc, are at an all time high. so it’s such a relief to see an animated project of all things choose to reflect real human appearances in its work, and not only that, but do so without ever commenting on it. as an animated project, it could “beautify” its characters as much as it likes to make them all same-face/same-body conventionally attractive, and excuse it as their “art style”. but blue eye samurai does not do that. they said “no, we can do better. we can do way better” and they did. the way bes is shot leaves no room for women (or anyone) to be sexualized or objectified, regardless of how much nudity and sex there is in the show. it demonstrates that sexuality and sexualisation are in no way inherently synonymous. there are no unnecessary comments about a character’s body that feel off or not in tune with the social perceptions of the time period in which the story is set. it’s just amazing to see.
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basuralindo · 9 months
I really can't say enough how much I appreciate twst revealing Idia's chronically online behavior to actually be the result of Serious Trauma as well as a very real significant obstacle holding him back from just going out into the world and socializing.
Like, yeah, he could technically try harder, and with a combination of enough support patience and brute force (it's nrc after all) he does manage to do more and benefits from it, but it still shows without saying that trauma is genuinely disabling in so many ways, as well as representing how any other disability, physical or mental, which makes going out or interacting with other people in person difficult will leave people dependent on whatever alternatives are available, which is usually internet and fiction.
And yeah, his bullshit can be toxic, but mostly it's just irritating to people who have already stigmatized all of his attempts at experiencing and engaging with the world, which leads to him growing more isolated and unsociable as he's probably spent years in a spiral of shrinking social circles even online. And he's actually shown to be more empathetic and even emotionally intelligent than most of his peers, but actually expressing it appropriately is a challenge that he usually fails, due to lack of social skills, because he's never given the chance to form them.
idk where exactly I'm going with this now. It's just, twst's whole thing is not fixing issues, it's showing that they exist, and people live with them, and it's caused by damage outside of their control, and it's compounded and perpetuated by social stigmas and lack of empathy. And I think Idia's whole storyline is an excellent showcase of the difference between incel culture and people who have just been ousted from society by life circumstances.
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cruyuu · 2 months
Hey have you ever notices how sukuna has a lower emotional maturity than yuuji does?
Like one of the things ive noticed is that Yuuji has weaknesses and uolifts them, while sukuna eliminates them.
Hey Sukuna, why aren't you strong enough to protect your weaknesses? Why do you have to eliminate them? Or are you not strong enough to do so?
Man, sukuna physically is strong and poweeful (moreso than yuuji), but emotionally and mentally he's weaker than Yuuji, and that's becoming his downfall. (Along with underestimating Yuuji ofc haha!)
I forgot to add that Yuuji will probably be able to find a solution for his weaknesses rather than just eliminating them Sukuna can't, and that can be seen on how quick he is to cull things down with violence too! Fascinating how Yuuji is better at problem solving than Sukuna for long term solutions rather than Short term solutions like eliminating problems (which never truly solves them)
Hi anon!
This got a bit lengthy so more after the cut.
Well, there's something about him acting so unlike himself whenever Yuuji shows up and yet being this force to be reckoned with and spilling wisdom while fighting others. I wouldn't say he lacks emotional intelligence, it's just that he's too full of himself to reflect on things. If he dwelled on Yuuji more, took his time to understand who he is, he'd actually see through everything Yuuji is doing right now and would prepare for it accordingly. The same way he prepared for Gojo by taking Megumi to perfectly counter Infinity with Mahoraga (and can I add that his fight against Mahoraga cemented him as someone who's pretty experienced as a sorcerer?? Like sheesh).
Sukuna took being in Yuuji's body for granted, considering he acts surprised once he's in Megumi's body and is shocked at his strength, once he's able to really see him. If he just wanted to pay attention, he would've realized that Yuuji is a bigger threat to him than all others combined, considering he's capable of using Sukuna's own techniques, capable of strategizing and isn't just a regular human, but his vessel. Obviously, he's going to be strong. Obviously, if he could suppress him, he's not to be taken lightly at all but should be his top 1 priority.
Sukuna takes on the role of a mentor to others (specifically, to those he deems strong) but when confronted with Yuuji, that part of him just... disappears lol. He's a strategist, terribly skilled, but whenever Yuuji shows up all of that is... nowhere to be seen. He starts teasing him, mocks his strength, and doesn't even want to treat him like an actual opponent, an actual threat. This is all because he believes Yuuji to be insignificant but then that insignificance has a funny way of showing itself as everything but the said word.
His viewpoint (only the strong ones yada yada) is to blame. It's clouding his judgement and it speaks of stubbornness and narrow-mindedness which will be his doom.
Like one of the things ive noticed is that Yuuji has weaknesses and uplifts them, while sukuna eliminates them.
It's because they are different. Both are born into different eras and their outlook on life differs heavily. Sukuna didn't subject himself to change precisely because he had persisted for a long time and remained undefeated and hence didn't need to change his viewpoint while Yuuji slipped into cog mentality after his fight with Mahito and adapted mostly because he had to, if he planned to keep on trying to fulfill his goal. For Yuuji, his life matters little when it comes to others considering he blames himself for swallowing that finger and reincarnating Sukuna and hence he survives for others, not for himself, and meanwhile Sukuna had been surviving for himself all these years.
The thing is that Sukuna never needed to change (after all, he IS the strongest for a reason) because he never found an opponent worthy enough or capable of matching his rhythm and posing a threat to his very existence.
Yuuji doesn't seem to value strength nor does he fight to show off, while Sukuna values strength and loves showing off, nothing else. Yuuji cares for other people, and Sukuna just cares for himself so, of course, he wouldn't understand why someone would utilize their strength to save others instead of merely to fight. If he truly knew Yuuji to be selfless, and that he's inheriting his techniques, he would've realized that Yuuji might use them accordingly against him.
Again we go back to the fact that he continually kept turning a blind eye to him and then acted annoyed when Yuuji kept Black Flash-ing him. He acts like he's never even been in his body and like Yuuji truly is just your uninteresting human (and an idiot 😭) and not someone capable of change and great things.
Tbh, I'm kinda surprised he's still in denial about Yuuji's development, especially even after Uraume warned him about Yuuji, but everyone has a weakness and Sukuna's is definitely thinking that somebody who was made with the intention to house him won't have the capabilities necessary to grow in power. Like Yuuji survived a couple of fatal blows by Sukuna already and even that didn't phrase him (but what did was the fact that he learns! and improves! and uses his techniques! like ??? 😭)
But yeah, Sukuna does completely eliminate this nerdy side of him and doesn't try and dwell on things even if he definitely should. He stops to think and strategize against others but cannot when it comes to Yuuji. For one, he should've definitely stopped seeing Yuuji as an idiot who can't put two and two together considering Yuuji proved himself smart enough to utilize a Binding Vow to upscale the damage of his weak Dismantle (or Shrine), basically the way Sukuna, himself, had done in a fight against Gojo.
Maybe this is all just because he's too hung up on believing that he cannot have an equal? After all, he rejected to be born a twin by eating his brother and now believes himself to be untouchable. The fact that he survived certain death while just being a fetus is just adding to that arrogance.
Man, sukuna physically is strong and poweeful (moreso than yuuji), but emotionally and mentally he's weaker than Yuuji, and that's becoming his downfall. (Along with underestimating Yuuji ofc haha!)
Acting self-absorbed against Yuuji was his biggest mistake. Yuuji goes against his ideology 'only the strong ones survive' but if he was more open-minded, he would've kept an eye on him just in case and could've taken care of him.
That, however, places him as a total opposite to Yuuji and makes Yuuji his worthy opponent tho so I can't complain much about it. Sukuna's weakness is to be found in Yuuji (and vice versa) because, despite Yuuji wearing his face, he's still somebody who values others more so than himself. Fittingly, it is why he uses Sukuna's techniques in that way. Not to kill but to save.
Like these two represent two ways of looking at life- either through selfishness or through selflessness. One continually prioritizes himself while the other continually prioritizes everyone else but himself and both persist. That's why they're twins who (abnormally) continually refuse to acknowledge each other while acknowledging everyone else.
Fascinating how Yuuji is better at problem solving than Sukuna for long term solutions rather than Short term solutions like eliminating problems (which never truly solves them)
It all comes down to their differences, anon. Both of them are presented as just this one thing but are so much more, except they're refusing to acknowledge it. Yuuji's refusing to acknowledge that his life matters (which is shown through Sukuna- just how important it is to value your own life) and meanwhile Sukuna's refusing to acknowledge that others do matter (which is shown through Yuuji- just how much others are important for you).
Yuuji thinks of others, Sukuna doesn't. Sukuna's too used to violence, Yuuji isn't. At this rate, it's possible Sukuna won't even have the time to acknowledge everything about Yuuji before he dies but that is to be expected. After all, there's a trend that all jujutsu sorcerers die with regrets so Sukuna can join all others in the afterlife and mull for eternity about Yuuji (that's an interesting thought lol).
I don't necessarily agree that Yuuji is better at eliminating problems (or for that matter, that Sukuna might be better). Both of them are too much of a single thing, refusing to acknowledge other aspects of themselves. Yuuji doesn't want to be selfish, Sukuna doesn't want to be selfless and that's pretty unhealthy.
Imo, they have to acknowledge that and strike a balance to be just that. After all, that's what it means to be human! We're pretty complex and cannot be described as just one thing and nothing else and these two do a damn good job at showcasing that.
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raviollies · 10 months
Got reminded that I never really revealed too much about the nature of Raha and Blythe's relationship on here so here is some insight!
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Raha and Blythe met entirely by accident, in fact they weren't even the ones to get along at the start. It was Lorelai that Blythe instantly formed a connection with, and they became fast friends, as Raha, who is very reserved and quiet (as well as very socially anxious) had stayed to the side. Due to their chemistry, Lorelai invited Blythe to join them on their travels since Blythe was traveling destination-less, simply gathering information from wherever the wind takes her.
Raha and Blythe could not be more different. Raha is withdrawn, preferring not to speak or interact with strangers if does not have to, leading to camping in the woods in lieu of buying a room. Years of rejection by both his Elves and Humans has led him to a very solitary existence, withdrawn even around Lorelai albeit to a much lesser extent. He finds comfort in animals mostly, and does not judge monsters for their nature. He has no qualms with being a hunter, as he sees it as simply part of nature for prey to attempt to thwart a predator.
Blythe on the other hand, is a social butterfly. She is charismatic, and is able to charm with ease, she enjoys talking her way into or out of anything, leading her to be the face of their entourage. Raha couldn't help but be...impressed and mesmerized by all the things she could do that he couldn't. To him she was almost a bird soaring high, while he was confined to the earth. Combined with her attractiveness, well - it isn't hard to see how those feelings of admiration slowly edged into something more.
He confessed in an extremely Raha fashion - not quite saying it out loud, and simply saying that he hopes she will remain at their side even when they break the pact...and that he enjoys her company. Considering the weight of those words coming from his mouth, Blythe could piece together that he spoke much more than simple friendship. She asked if he wished to be in a relationship with her to which he, albeit very shyly, admitted to be true.
Thing is...Blythe actually did not hold romantic feelings for him at this time. She was for the lack of a better word - bored. She is someone that has never experienced love, and saw relationships as entertainment, something to keep you busy and a source of validation and attention.
That being said...when she did experience the way Raha treated her, the contrast between a man that is such a skilled warrior but the softness and gentleness that he hides within his aloof demeanor, the intelligence in his insights when he feels comfortable enough to speak, the handsomeness of his smile - she fell. The feelings that weren't there did bloom, and rather strongly ; the comfort no longer simply from the warmth of a body but the way it made her feel loved.
Their love language is similar but they express it differently. They both show their affection in acts of service, though Blythe leans much more towards the physical side and Raha towards the act side. He loves cooking for her, helping her with physical tasks she struggles with (even if it's difficult for him as well), collecting herbs and flowers for her alchemy, but most importantly - he pours a great deal of money into research into breaking pacts and fae.
Blythe on the other hand, tends to perform more physical acts of affection - offering to wash and oil his hair, kneading strained muscles, or make him tea or lotions using her alchemy and magic.
Their relationship is quite lowkey in public - but there is clear affection in how they behave. Due to Raha's social anxiety and desire to attract as little attention as possible, they typically don't engage in PDA, as much as Blythe would want to - but they know each other expertly (as does Lorelai, to be quite honest) as they can engage in their daily routines with no friction, and know each other needs without words.
TLDR: they have a very neutral start but are not married.
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bunnwich · 4 months
hi sorry to bother you. i have not actually been in the fandom for very long so i don’t really understand what “and I thought of how the fandom used to treat Leona” means. i also don’t quite get what you meant by making the cliche not icky. i can’t tell if it’s my lack of comprehension skills or i’m actually just missing context lmao. hope this isn’t annoying to ask 😭😭
Hello! No worries GFHJKL. Welcome to the fandom! I started my twst blog when EN started and at the time there were quite a few fandom ...takes that Leona didn't shower or take care of himself as part of his "laziness." And that combined with the common headcanon that he suffers from depression. The implication of the "he stinks" HC alone or combined with the other just didn't sit right with me?
As we know, mental health issues can contribute to why one may be more lax with hygiene. But, I wouldn't usually see it written that way. I saw it written more as "Oh, he's just stinky and gross" as opposed to "he just doesn't have the motivation to take care of himself." HOWEVER, I WILL SAY I don't see this HC much anymore so (maybe in part to me and other ppl's propaganda?? WISHFUL THINKING.) The other part about the "him using you as a pillow" cliche. It's just more of a taste of mine DFGHJ. Most of the time it's a harmless thing I see in fics, but IMO it's just so cliche at this point. But I will say, sometimes it is written in a way that gives me the ick, as if Leona is doing this in a physically aggressive way to the "reader" and literally holding them down against their will or using them as an object. I just am not a fan of this? IMAGINE A STRANGE MAN LAYING ON YOU??? HUH?? DFGHJKL There has to be context for me not to feel weird about him doing this I think? As usual, these are just my perspectives so take them with a grain of salt. :3 I was just babbling about my thoughts behind my fic. Don't mind me, DFGHJK. Fic for reference: X
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Language and the Mind on Deva Loka
So we've reached the 5th Doctor in our watchthrough, and yesterday we finished Kinda. Lots of good stuff in this episode, but I was particularly interested in the Kinda's relationship to language. We first learn about the Kinda through the eyes of human colonists, who see them as "primitives" lacking a culture and incapable of communication (because of course they do). However, we soon find that they are an advanced culture of sapient beings, and that this went unnoticed by the humans because the Kinda communicate telepathically.
So far, pretty standard sci-fi material. It's the next thing we learn that piqued my interest: the Kinda are physically capable of speech, although only certain wise woman use it. We meet two, the Wise Woman Panna and her young apprentice Karuna. The obvious question - if the Kinda have language, why do most of them not use it? (it's said that men are mentally incapable of it, but that still leaves half the population who could be speaking but aren't.) The obvious answer is that they don't need to - they're telepathic, so language as a tool of communication has no use to them. But that opens up a second question - why do any of them use language? And why are those people given such high status?
On several occasions, Karuna telepathically "reads" other Kinda and reports the results to Panna. These communications take the form of emotions, basic concepts, and some simple sentences:
Fear. And hurting. And confusion. Where is my brother?
Darkness. Understanding nothing. Hurt. Heal me.
It's not just that most Kinda don't physically speak with the mouth - their mental communications are structured differently to Panna and Karuna's verbal communications. It's not "thought-speak", it's more impressionistic. It looks to me like the wise women's minds actually work differently to their fellows. I think this is the purpose of language in Kinda culture - not a tool for communication, but a tool for complex conceptualization.
Language serves this function on Earth too, of course. The psychologist Lev Vygotsky analyzed children's language acquisition in terms of tool use. Infants are born into a world full of tools they don't know how to use - physical tools like spoons, shoelaces, bicycles; and cultural tools like timekeeping, table manners, and language. Children learn to use these tools because their interactions with other people are mediated by them. In Vygotsky's view, children often narrate their actions out loud because they are practicing the skill of thought, and haven't mastered the tool of language well enough to use it internally yet.
For another, more sci-fi approach, consider the view of language as a memetic organism that engages in symbiosis with humans - we give it a place to live and a way to reproduce, and it gives us a new way of interacting with the world. (We could combine the two ideas to describe language as a parasitic tool - now that's pretty sci-fi.)
For humans, this process goes mostly unnoticed. By definition, it occurs before we're fully conscious. The conceptual world of language is just the water we swim in. For the Kinda, it would be strange and unusual! Their conceptual world would be alien to us, and the wise women's conceptual world is at least partly alien to them.
Back up for a second. We know that only a few Kinda use language. In humans, language is learned by immersion from birth. Young Kinda are born into a community with language users, and yet they don't learn to use it themselves. That's not something that happens with us! What's different for them? Maybe it's paucity of input - if there are only two language users, the baby won't interact with them enough. Maybe it's simply that telepathy is so useful, there's no pressure to use neurological resources on learning language. Or maybe - if you'll permit me to speculate wildly - a telepathic species would never evolve the capacity to learn by immersion. They lack the language instinct. Such a species would still be able to invent language, just like they can invent anything else, but they might require more intensive, formal instruction to learn it - more comparable to human mathematics or engineering than human language.
So how does your average Kinda think about language, then? It's a skill of wise women, much too complicated for a layman to understand. Sometimes a wise woman will select a young child as an apprentice and take her away for training. Nobody sees the child for a long time, maybe years, and when she reappears she's... different. When you reach out to her telepathically, her mind doesn't feel like your friends and neighbors. Still recognizably Kinda, but strange, full of concepts you don't understand and going in directions you can't follow. The skill/tool/memetic parasite has moved into her head and given her wisdom, and now she is a new kind of thing. A wise woman.
So at this point, I'm thinking that this is all a bit Faction Paradox. Memetic entities, conceptual realities, culture and technology are that series' bread and butter. The writers of Kinda may not have been thinking about it in those terms, but a FP reading of the episode would be very easy to do.
And then, in the last part of the episode, something else happens. Panna dies:
DOCTOR: Panna's dead. (Karuna takes Panna's staff.) KARUNA: Idiot. Don't you know anything? Of course I'm not dead. ... TODD: Ridiculous. I mean, if she is Panna, the wise woman, then where is Karuna? Answer me that. KARUNA: Well, Doctor? DOCTOR: Er, well, it's a good scientific question. Where are you? KARUNA: I am her. DOCTOR: Both of you. KARUNA: We are one. DOCTOR: So, when Panna died, her knowledge and experience were passed over to you. TODD: But how? KARUNA: It is our way.
So, did Panna literally transfer her consciousness into Karuna's brain? Maybe. They are psychic. This raises some questions - did Panna have two consciousnesses as well? Did her mentor's mind make the trip to Karuna's head, or did it die in Panna's? Is this a Bene Gesserit thing where Karuna has generations of wise women's consciousness now?
Or maybe it's not as literal as that. To me, "it is our way" sounds like it's describing a cultural practice. Put yourself in Karuna's shoes. You were raised by this woman for as long as you can remember. She taught you all her knowledge of history, medicine, etc., and more than that, she taught you her arcane methods of thinking about that knowledge. She is the only person you know whose mind works like yours. And she has always made it clear to you that you are her successor, and when she dies, you will become her. Isn't it possible that when she does die, you just sort of... do? Nothing physically or psionically passed between you, you simply start being her. To humans, identity isn't shareable or transferable - one person cannot be another person. But is that a fact of nature, or is it another cultural construct? Perhaps the Kinda constructed it differently.
And this, too, is Faction Paradox! The Remote in that series reproduce with remembrance tanks, in which a lump of raw biomass is bombarded by the thoughts of the entire society until it becomes a person. Using this method, dead Remote can be resurrected, but the more it happens the more the person will become a reflection of the way people saw the original. Still, there is continuity of a kind. Immortality not through physical, biological technology, but through cultural technology. Conceptual cloning.
I don't really have a conclusion here. Uhh... Kinda is a good episode, and social technologies are pretty cool. Thanksforreadingbyeee!
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lunarheiress · 5 months
I have a lot of thoughts about dungeon Meshi since I finally got around to watching the new episodes that came out and put a lot of the discussion into a new perspective. (Also full disclosure I have not read the books though I wish to acquire them for that purpose at some point.)(also also I have to work so I’ll probably break this up into a few posts because time is short atm)
So, the recent fight between Toshiro and Laios. It’s got a lot going on, and people seem to really be trying to assign blame when both of them are at fault (one a bit more than the other in my opinion but I’ll get to that):
1. First of all, there’s the clash of culture a lot of people have been discussing where more open communication style is not mixing well with a subtler communication style. This can’t be ignored, as these modes form the basis of (or at least highly influence) how they learned to communicate in the first place.
2. Second, there’s the inherent character lack of communication skill. Laios obviously is and benefits from being direct, and struggles otherwise. Also i can’t quite remember what part gave me this impression but I felt that Toshiro struggles with expressing his thoughts more than just because of a cultural difference. Perhaps it’s a combination of factors but it really just seems like he’s on the opposite end of the ‘ways to be bad at communication’ spectrum from Laios.
3. Third. The situation they’re in is awful and Toshiro has not eaten or slept in days as Laios accurately points out. Toshiro is also (rightfully) shocked due to the black magic revelation. (Rightfully meaning within the in universe context of the stigma around black/ancient magic) The man has received some of the most frightening/worst case scenario ever imagined news and all while he’s running on whatever’s left after fumes. He’s stressed, unwell, not taking proper care of himself, and completely unable to pull himself together, especially compared to how well Laios comes across (all things considered)!!!
(As a very long side note, I also have some thoughts on the ancient magic. I don’t feel like we as the audience really know enough about ancient magic to pass judgment as harshly as characters in the story. The evil evil bad bad blah blah reputation the magic has might have come from biased sources, or the characters could be completely correct regarding the danger. I will say however, that I think the type of magic Marcille used seems to have nothing to do with Falin transforming into a dragon. The only things she didn’t know was that the dragon ‘soul’/physical body would remain in some way and that the mad mage had dominion over whatever it is that’s remained. This also raises some interesting questions about what the dragon was exactly. They say that only human souls remain tethered, so, is the dragon soul originally human? Did the mad mage create certain monsters and power them with human servants? Did he originally transform a person’s body into the dragon, but couldn’t this time fully because Falin’s bones didn’t belong to the dungeon? Or does the body of the dragon belonging to him give him control over Falin until she consumes enough outside food to replenish herself? So many questions)
4. We as an audience know how hard a time Laios has been having. He’s also been behaving like a lunatic and putting himself at risk in ways that definitely indicate he’s not being completely rational at times. However, Laios also seems (on the surface) incredibly unaffected by what’s going on from an outside point of view. Despite his direct nature Laios is shockingly good at compartmentalizing, as well as refocusing his attention and efforts. This is in no way a bad thing? His ability to remain composed and focused is astounding. The problem is that Laios is likely coming across as cavalier, or at the very least not taking things seriously enough. It’s actually the opposite, he’s taking this situation very seriously, so much at times he’s not being completely rational which can easily come across as carelessness if you don’t know Laios well enough.
So, to sum up this first part? The argument is kind of born from two people who are both uniquely bad at communication in a way that clashes severely. They have also built a relationship they both view very differently. (Some recent decisions on both their parts are not helping either tbh). This argument was going to happen eventually, it just happened to break at the worst time possible, turning what might have just been an uncomfortable conversation into a full blown fist fight. But there’s also so much going on around them and in the fight that I still want to talk about so badly aaaaa part 2 later I guess!
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slurpi13 · 7 months
Chapter 1/4. Overall Explicit Rating.
Truthfully, it ought to be sufficient to sustain Aziraphale for years to come—to know that Crowley dreamed of the two of them together, that he remembered their time in Eden fondly as Aziraphale did, and that he even dared to imagine more—what they could be in another life, in another time, in the safety of a dream.
It should have been enough, and yet Aziraphale couldn’t keep himself away.
An angsty, bittersweet fic about Crowley dreaming of what they could have, and Aziraphale daring to visit.
Thank you to my beta & friend @pixiefairy15. 💖
Excerpt under the cut.
Although no stranger to a frivolous indulgence, Aziraphale could never quite master the ability to sleep.
It was not due to a lack of earnest attempts over the millennia. All the correct rituals the angel read about were performed. There had been the alcoholic nightcap, the warm milk nightcap, as well as an actual nightcap situated atop his blond curls. He still had the latter, shoved in the back of his wardrobe with a matching pair of cornflower blue pajamas he’d had tailored for the occasion. Counting sheep he’d found rather dull–though not dull enough to incite drowsiness–but a good book had the opposite effect. Before he knew it, he would greet the sunrise still bright eyed, snug under the sheets, and lost inside his story.
If Aziraphale attempted with no sheep and no book, determined in his efforts, his mind would wander endlessly while sleep remained elusive. With his thoughts dallying in silliness and straying into forbidden territories, he would quickly remember why idle hands and minds were the playthings of the devil. Only once had the angel managed to drift into a lighter state of awareness, his thoughts becoming disjointed, but, too excited by his progress, he promptly woke himself back up.
The sleep itself wasn’t what Aziraphale truly wished to experience. Rather, he’d been intrigued by the act of dreaming, and though sleep could not find the angel, that wasn’t to say he’d been prevented from experiencing his fair share of dreams. At the request of Heaven, Aziraphale had explored the dreams of countless humans in his time on Earth. Only select angels were so proficient in dream walking. As he was so closely involved in the implementation of mankind from the Beginning, Aziraphale was one of those few skilled in the art.
The soothing of troubled hearts was not typically required as part of the task but was an additional kindness the angel performed nonetheless. Often, he combined voluntary work and his own interests by visiting the dreams of those in need of the comfort of a guardian angel. The angels Aziraphale knew that also possessed the gift were often too cold, too high and mighty in their holiness to see the purpose of soothing a silly, fragile human when not directly instructed by Heaven.
This freelance work was not delivering the Heaven-approved messages fraught with grandeur or breathtaking visions of hope and a promise of Kingdom Come. Instead, it was as Aziraphale did now—in his bookshop physically while his celestial body floated into the dream of a nearby woman, her palpable anguish catching the angel’s attention when he passed her on the street during the previous day.
Her dream was cold and weak, a sheet of ice ready to shatter. Aziraphale placed a gentle hand on her shoulder as she wept, hunched over an empty bassinet. His whispered recitation of “Be not afraid,” was quite unnecessary. The woman didn’t flinch; she didn’t look up at all. Aziraphale sat silently with her, a protective and calming presence while she sobbed quietly until dawn broke. Slowly, he dissipated out of her dream as she began to stir in the waking world.
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cnwolf-brainrot · 6 months
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Took a chill day today and decided to doodle the characters of my second book as the Rise cast because I realized they actually match up pretty well!
Vedo is Raph because he’s the huge intimidating leader that is actually a big softie — he just loves his team and wants to make sure they’re all safe.
Reno is Leo because he’s the member of the team that seems lazy and incompetent on the surface, but is really holding a lot of untapped potential that he just doesn’t particularly care about using.
Opal is Mikey because she’s the heart of the team, always looking out for others, and definitely has a bit of “Dr. Delicate Touch” in her.
Sera is Donnie because she has a physical weakness (that being a lack of bura) that makes her have to use unconventional fighting methods in order to better utilize her skills. She’s also got an abrasive and snippy personality that I think complements our lovely Tello!
Squadron 416 makes me grin and combining them with my TMNT obsession made me so happy <3
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farshootergotme · 18 days
About the whole Ric Grayson idea, combined with the one about writing in a WFA universe...
In a timeline where the Batfam aren't idiots/assholes who think it'd be a great idea to show an amnesic guy footage of his getting shot in the head...
The Family and the various teams are taking it slow, trying to be there for Di- uh, Ric, but he can tell they don't want him.
They want him gone, want this other guy - Dick, Nightwing - back. They try their best not to show it, but Ric still has the Nightwing instincts to pick up on what people are thinking.
In canon timeline, these people are all jerks to Ric, so it is comparatively easy for him not to care about what they think or what happens to them. But when they are genuinely trying to help, genuinely being his family, he actually likes them...
Actually wants to be their brother, son, friend.
But they - though they might try and pretend, or even try and feel, different - will gladly erase him from existence to bring back their 'real' brother.
And he can't really blame them, because he feels so so much lesser than this person he is said to be. He knows it would be better for everyone - maybe even the whole world - if Nightwing comes back. Nightwing is needed.
And no matter how much Ric tries, he can't replicate the experience of almost fifteen years well enough to take his place. It will take too long for him to become Nightwing again, the normal way.
They may tell him he can take the time he needs, but... There is so much going on - so many fights, enemies, planetary crises... There is this psycho Bane hunting them... He sees them coming back hurt, sees them risking their lives, even the little boy who seems much too old for his age.
Unlike in canon, here Ric has reason to care about these people. To want to protect these people. And he can't do that as himself, not well enough, because Nightwing's true power is his connections, charisma, ability to lead and plan and guide - and Ric lacks those.
He may still have the physical training and skills to put on the suit, but that's not enough. He hasn't had fifteen years to get used to this.
He will freeze up or panic, like any normal person would when faced with the horrors Nightwing used to handle with a smile. He freaks out the first time he looks at a crime scene footage.
He knows Nightwing should come back - has to come back, if he wants this weird, messed up bunch of people he has slowly begun to see as family, to survive.
But...he doesn't want to die. He doesn't want to fade out and be replaced.
But if he doesn't, if he doesn't let Nightwing come back, he may - no, will - have to watch these people who he has started to love die...
Well, now I'm sad... Ric Grayson is such a tragic character. He is there to exist temporarily. He's an accident to others rather than a person. And no matter what, what he used to be will always be much greater than whatever he is now, if he's even anything at all.
I don't remember well how Ric gets his memories back nor if Dick still remembers everything that happened to him as Ric when he's back, but there's a lot to explore about his feelings as both Ric and Dick Grayson and how his experience as a different person might affect him as he is.
I don't imagine being someone who people didn't wish existed. Someone easily exchangeable and disposable.
It'd be cool to see how in the WFA universe they would deal with Dick coming back and what it means to Ric and how they felt about him. Though before Dick comes back, I'd wish Ric snapped at them or something, to call them out on their feelings about him and lack of acceptance. Maybe it'd make them reconsider their feelings about this version of their brother/son/friend.
There's just lots of potential there.
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stromuprisahat · 9 months
I think Zoya was a good soldier overall, not quite there as a leader but as a soldier, she was essential enough for Aleksander to want to manipulate her. He doesn't just employe 4-5 the post powerful grishasTM, he has an entire army at his command so him wanting Zoya who is strong physically (power wise) and also is herself good at manipulating people too to be on his side is a smart decision really.
Gods, I really have to disagree with all of this.
She wasn't a good soldier, since that one is expected to obey without questioning. Decision making is their superior's job. Show Zoya disobeyed on the skiff, book Zoya while hunting "her" amplifier. In both cases she was jealous of Alina enough to "magically" attack her at training grounds, although soldier should recognize another's strategic importance. What if she cracked Alina's skull in some unfortunate way? Dead Sun Summoner, and useless amplified Squaller offended that daddy doesn't love her the best.
I'd also love to see that manipulation. Sure, she "remembers" the Darkling told her the exactly same sentence he told Alina, but to be fair- she's lying about other stuff too, and why would he tell an ordinary, albeit promising, Squaller they're going to change the world?! How many of those did he meet in his long, long life?! Nah, Zoya's re-writing other events (slaughter of "Second Army") we had the chance to witness, of course the man she was looking up to just HAD TO notice her too! The girl has daddy issues so grand her next target is a fucking dragon. And unless LB retcons the hell out of it, Zoya should pay for her lack of growth by her own body and mind.
The Darkling is also described to be constantly on the move, while Zoya was about a year out of school, and stationed at the Fold. Not much contact if you ask me, and even when studying in Little Palace- how likely is it that Aleksander will make more time for Zoya than the fucking Sun Summoner?! He talked to Alina like once a month max., and most of those were a combination of unplanned meeting and him being happy to run away from his nagging mother. I know people like to throw around the word "manipulation", but a good one-on-one manipulation requires time and contact. Especially if you want to be certain of the result.
I also cannot remeber a single example of Zoya being good in it?! She's about as subtle as a rock through a glass window, she can't even fake being interested in negotiations with people she doesn't like! How is she supposed to act sneakily and hide her true intentions in such a delicate matter?!
If you asked me why did the Darkling "favour" her, he saw powerful Grisha with strong need to prove herself, able to gain enough skill to be worth officer training. Time would show her best use in practice, but so far she's too rash for leadership and too careless for closer cooperation. The Fold was a safe option. Her enemy is pretty straightforward- volcra, if anything. I also wouldn't risk her near the front or borders in general, and certainly not anywhere near more "delicate" positions. I certainly wouldn't call her "essential". That was Ivan. Genya even. Likely other characters we've never been introduced, because we've never seen his side and inner workings of an actual Second Army.
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Personally I feel Kristoph just regrets having killed Zak so suddenly on an impulse. Reminder that the locks appeared when asked why he killed Zak specifically. He hated him for turning him down and probably never saw himself capable of murder. Once he killed him he probably felt glad he got revenge and didn't get exposed, but then had that sudden clarity of "oh shit, I actually killed someone", which combined with his paranoia, stressed him out immensely. He tragically traumatized himself.
Zak's murder has always screamed unplanned, desperate "crime of passion" to me, given how dramatically different to the other murder we know Kristoph committed (and set in motion 7 years earlier). Criminology-wise, it's already very unusual for a criminal to change their modus operandi so dramatically without a good reason. And it becomes immediately more striking when we look at the weapons: blunt object in Zak's case vs. poison for the Mishams'.
Poison has long held the stereotype of being a "woman's weapon" rather than a man's. Which yeah, it is a pretty unnecessarily gendered and heteronormative way to look at it. But like what the stereotype is actually saying by this is that poison--regardless of the gender(s) of the person using it--is almost always the method preferred by people who would prefer not to use psychical forms of violence even once they have determined that they "need" to enact violent ends.
These sorts of killers may lack the physical strength or athletic skill to wield a gun/sword/bat/spear,/blunt instrument, they may not be able to summon the adequate aggression to do so, they may want to avoid a bigger "mess" w/ more pieces of evidence, or they may just lack the "sadistic urge" to directly use their hands to enact another's pain. All of the above seem that they could apply to Kristoph given what we know of him.
Even though he has determined that he's going to go through with the murder plot, Kristoph vastly prefers a more detached, less messy, and (in his mind) quicker and less cruel method. Because his heart may not really be in it in the long run. Like do you really think he'd want to get actual blood on his pretty little nails if he didn't have to? He's not killing for the fun of it like some of the other AA killers; he's killing because he's convinced himself he has to.
(Unlike a lot of other fans, I tend to hc that Zak and Drew were actually the *only* deaths that Kristoph was responsible for. Because I maintain that that there was something much more specific and important about the Gramarye case to Kris than simply "wah, I was fired from my first big case and now I'm gonna be petty af about it." No like, this case in particular--besides just "an important case that could make my career"-- was personal to Kris for reasons we may never know).
Even though he knew that this could very well come back to bite him in the derriere, Kristoph was probably secretly relieved that the poison didn't work right away for the Mishams--or that if it had worked, he wouldn't have to find out about it. Out of sight, out of mind and he wouldn't have to face his conscience. And in the worst case scenario, the murder plan was still in place should Kristoph need to enact it later. (Which he did by writing to Drew *during* (and not before) Kristoph's incarceration following Zak's murder.)
So with all that in mind, Kristoph's murder of Zak just seems more and more of a desperate, impulsive act. It's not his style at all, and yet he did it. He saw Zak, realized he was at risk, and panicked.
And yeah, I would imagine that even if we assume he had no regrets/second thoughts about Drew Misham's murder, Zak's murder would psychologically feel really really different to Kris. And I imagine that it could potentially prove even more psychologically damaging to him.
Because braining "Shadi Smith" with a grape juice bottle is an act that is sudden, violent, impulsive and totally out-of-character for Kristoph Gavin--coolest defense in the West ,whose intellect is his weapon of choice and who prefers to keep his pretty nails (if not his soul) clean.
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maliciousalice · 10 months
Hii Do you have a fave Janeway out-of-uniform look?
Ohh this is such a hard choice! There are so many reasons I like her out of uniform-- A lot of the time it's because we get to see who she is behind the veil. That couldn't be more apparent than in Resolutions, she flirts, explores and relaxes while she struggles to maintain her identity. She has like, 5 costume changes in that episode, albeit modest in design, they are quite revealing in a sub-textual way. Funnily enough, I actually would like to catalogue each time she is out of uniform and break down how it relates to the narrative etc. I sometimes ponder about the choices that have been made with hair and costume. We don't actually know much besides a few articles and scattered pieces of media--Most behind the scene information is about set design, which in it's own right is cool, but sometimes feels like it’s highlighted due to the male audience and as a result the other artists aren't valued enough. In theory, I'd like to uplift them because their efforts transform the lack frontal, narrative-body of some characters- we consequently learn things such as the fashion of the era, character’s states of mind, setting, etc, simply through what they are wearing– Do I dislike that? No. Because I understand the format of Star Trek is limited by the nature of being a 24 episode per season show. Sometimes things appear rushed or incomplete but if you look in the right direction, the work that was produced is just as rich as most shows, if not more. For the most part don’t think audiences appreciate the conditions that this show was made under.
The whole show has certainly been more impactful on the cultural zeitgeist than others and I think the reason for that success goes beyond the surface level- It’s not just a simple miracle that it works as well as it does, talented teams of actors, writers and people in costume all combined their skills together to forge it. They did the best they could with what they were given, and I appreciate the costume designers and writers for attempting to provide some semblance of substance in the background. (On another note I wish Paramount had archived their costumes better. Evil that we only get high resolution photography when they're selling them to someone's private collection)
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However, to answer your actual question, my favourite out of uniform stint is when Captain Janeway is modified to look like a Klingon in the Killing Game! The disguise worked so well for me that I didn't recognise her on my first watch through.
Interestingly in the brief scene with brainwashed Janeway, we see an acting side of Kate's that is pretty rare. She delivered a unique and entertaining performance. While she has had to get physical on a few occasions as Janeway, and even other roles, she has never had to go full feral mode and I love seeing her in a way that is untethered from all of herself, she yells, bares her teeth, barrels into others, and does somersaults without hesitation. It's delightful choreography, and It immediately makes us question what is going on. Who is this? Can’t possibly be our well-adjusted hero, because whoever this is, is brazenly-fierce and in Klingon attire! But yes we find out it is indeed her, arguably a repressed version of her mind but regardless Janeway is completely transformed both physically and mentally, and that’s shockingly fun. 
Lending to that idea of fun, is the juxtaposingly detailed presentation of the Klingon costume versus the Starfleet uniform. I love the overall shapes, matte qualities contrasting with the metal details, the decorative line-work that leads the eye around, and materials such as swinging chains and fur, that make it look good in motion. From what I’ve seen there is a difference in the female and male armour, with the breast plating and bodice design. The armour’s bulky top half with its shoulder pads deliver a signature look, and it looks great against the simplified bottom. Considering Klingon’s do a lot of close combat, my guess is that it’s design is more about manoeuvrability, and boasting intimidation, rather than heavy defence. Ironically after all that ducking and dodging, ho ho Janeway gets stabbed for leaving her guard down. If I looked, I am sure I could find something to back that up, since Klingons have extremely dedicated lore. 
The makeup on Janeway is really neat too, the orange tones they used on her face make her crystalline eye colour dramatically pop. There is also a delicious parallel to her styling and B'Elanna's mother from Barge of the Dead in the episode that I quietly indulge in BUT I DIGRESS.
Despite the unusual circumstances, I wish we had more photography done of Kate in the unique costumes she wore beyond a few on set pictures, because I want to ogle at a more editorial/detailed press presentation of each one and I believe that everyone should treasure all versions of Janeway.
Blah Blah Blahhhh haha
I feel a little vulnerable spreading my thoughts around but I really appreciate you asking me about them and getting me out of my shell <333.
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fruit-salad-ship · 2 years
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BNHA AU: Pro Heros.
Known as 'Royal Flush' when working as a team, this trio perfectly balance each other out, called into battle when all else fails. They take difficult jobs no one else wants, because they pay better, and prove theyre one of the best teams around.
Kingslayer (Peach) Quirk: Density A notorious ball of rage, her quirk was once thought to be an anti-gravity skill, but the older she got, the more stress and anger crept in, and it became obvious that she actually changes object density, not the way gravity works around it. If calm and collected,and happy, she can float items both living and not, making them less dense than the air around her target. This is great for rescue, stealth to float into guarded areas, and to drop her whole team into a location undetected. Unfortuntly shes prone to anger, bouts of irritability and lethargy, which makes her quirk increase density of things. She has learnt to use it offencivly, fighting the biggest heaviest villains with a solid defence to take the hits making herself slow and thick skinned, and boosting swings with increased weight and heft when in close combat. Her ult is a 15ft radius density field, making anything and anyone within this range so heavy they cannot get off the ground. This does however push her body hard too, and can backfire, leaving her vulnerable to attacks after.
Queen-B (Plum) Quirk: Melodrama She'll say it stands for something else, but her team mates like to reitterate that the 'B' stands for Brat. They arent wrong. Her quirk forces those she touches to experience specific emotions, only one at any given time, and up to five targets. These feelings can be used to subdue and distract foe, or rally her team. This is particulalry useful to politely ask villains to release hostages, making them smitten, calm, suggestive, and they could very well do what she says. Her ability to extract information is top notch, and she's able to keep civilians calm and safe with it, making sure theyre not in a state of panic during emergencies. Her ult is a overdrive, and can only be used on one target at any time, pushing them to fight for her in a blind rage, as if they would lay their life down for the little woman, and can last up to an hour unless she dismisses it. Quite devestating but the cool down is drastic, her quirk becoming all but useless for a short while after. To combat the lack of physical strength, Queen takes a lot of time to practice with rifles, whips, and various other weapons that give her range. She however alwasy has a bat on her person, as a way to protect herself, along with flash grenades, smke bombs and various little items that aid in missions. Shatter Jack (Grey) Quirk: China Bull His left arm is fragile, resembling porcelain, able to touch a target and pass on a brittle property to foes. His right arm is however very robust and strong, with the power of a raging bull packed in. The combination of both makes for devestating offensive power to even the hardest individuals, and most solid defences. The down side is his left arm is also incredibly vulnerable to attack, both a strength and a wekaness, and because of the distributions of skill between them, he is somewhat easy to predict when fighting alone, but has learnt to use misderection in his strategy to counter this somewhat. His disposition makes him calm and level when forming a plan, and so he is the natrual leader of the group, as the other two can get distracted or caught up in competition/rage. He has fair stamina, but no ranged attacks, so he chips bits of his porcelain off and sends it to be made into throwing knives. Because it is made of the same material he is, he can transfer his quirk through it, as far as he can throw. It is however not selective, and if he hits one of his own, they become vulnerable and brittle for a short while. The duration and spread depends on how long he touches someone. If he can keep his hand on a foes body for five straight seconds it can sink through a whole limb. A seconds can brittle a bone, or make skin shatterable. His ult turns a target fully brittle, whole body, but his own durability also drops, making him vulnerable.
In tandem the team is pretty well balanced. Plum can put peach into a full blown rage to increase her damage output, or when the stress is too much and she needs to be fast and evasive, calm her down to make floating things far easier and more effective. Grey shatters but if peach can touch his arm, she can grant him density, making it harder to break during a fight, and if he usues his ult, she can boost his defence to help combat the lack of it he has for a short while. Plum is vulnerable to attack, but she can make her dense enough for bullets to bounce off, or make herself dense and stand in the way of harm and not take nearly as much damage. When grey needs an emotional boost, plums there, the moral the group needs, because lord knows hes exhausted some days.
Grey and Peach went to school together, buddies for a long time, she was a year above him but they alwasy walked home together, and trained when possible, their quirks worked well together and eventually they got signed to the same agency. Peach's PR however was awful, and so they brought in Plum as a ways to wrangle her, and give the company a better image in the publics eye. with them balanced, there have been less issues, though the girls do fight, it never lasts long, and has become more loving over the years.
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I need to do greys one. I will.
Black diamond motif, weakness to long range attacks, brutal.
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ricky-tiki-tah · 4 months
Ego Headcanons: The Septics
Septic House is the home to Seán McLoughlin’s egos, the Septics.
Anti(he/it): agender glitchy boi. After discovering that he can’t actually kill anyone as they’ll just regenerate, he became more of an annoyance. Enjoys scaring the shit out of people(the Septics are fairly immune to the scares though now). It doesn’t have an actual bedroom and ended up living in a computer in Chase’s room instead. Can switch between appearances (green or red), preferring to stay green most of the time. - Power: can teleport through any electronic device(even power cords).
Jackieboyman-Jackie(he/him): trans bi hero boy. Surprisingly the closest friend to Anti, treating it like an irritable cat. Goes on patrols nearly every night. Ends up visiting Henrik’s clinic a lot. Appears to be 19-20. - Powers: durable to the point he thinks he’s invincible(Henrik is very annoyed by this), just above average physical abilities.
Henrik von Schneeplestein(he/him): ally and designated dad/head of Septic House. Works at the local clinic. Can and will ground the other Septics. While close to all of his family, he treats Jackie like his son. Is physically the oldest of the bunch. - Powers: can speed up the recovery time of someone who is fatally wounded to keep them alive.
Chase Brody(he/him): ally. Depressed, loyal puppy dog of a man. Often acts as Jackie’s ‘man in the chair’. Sibling type rivalry with Anti in that he actively downloads virus’s on the glitch’s computer to fuck with him. Often pranks the others (ie. Switching up the spoons and forks, putting all the mugs on the lawn, ect.) - Powers: can manipulate the odds of something happening.
Jameson Jackson-JJ(he/him): cis aroace and selectively mute. Uses BSL but also has a small chalkboard to communicate with others. When he does speak it’s usually just to Robbie. Very good at arts and crafts. Is usually the one to make meals because he enjoys the methodical nature of preparing food. Is not greyscale, but appears to be on any type of recording/photo. - Powers: has marionette strings which he uses as a type of telekinesis.
Marvin(he/they): gay ace demiboy who can turn into a cat. Has actual magic and often uses it to help Chase with the larger pranks. Older brother type. Fairly responsible and usually in charge when Henrik is at work. Tends to turn into a cat when tired. He has a cat tree in his room. Loves chasing after laser lights to entertain Robbie. Will sometimes go on patrol with Jackie. Probably a criminal but they’re not telling anyone where the valuable crystals came from. - Powers: actual magic (akin to Merlin)
Robbie(he/him): zombie boy and designated youngest brother. Mostly hangs around JJ. He communicates almost solely through BSL. Is literally just a reanimated corpse and has no desire to eat brains. He does really like spaghetti though. Has many bandages due to his extremely slow healing combined with his lack of fine motor skills. -Powers: uncertain(Marvin suspects he’s a low level empath).
All the septics know BSL.
The Septic House is always happy to answer questions ;)
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nothums-from-tj · 9 months
Good morning I’m getting back into PPG lately and I can not BELIEVE the lack of Boomercup content. As I’ve said before: if you want content you gotta make it yourself
I present to you headcanons that only this micro fandom will enjoy if anyone’s left/active still at all bc it is. So dead. Dead enough that I’m revealing myself for a ship my followers don’t even care about again. Combining some 2016 canon with the OG bc there are some gems, like Butters being a math genius and how her insecurities were subtly explored more
I’m also considering them like 16 or so here for sake of high school concepts
- they get closer in high school when Boomer’s had enough with being an edgelord and being associated to Him and Mojo so he goes to Butters first since it’s easier to be in the lighter grey area of morality than to try to jump from one extreme to the next (currently have a WIP going on this concept!! “tbmg” tag on my blog or chapter 1)
- he learns a bit of her past with Ace and he’s downright nauseous over what he did to her (“It was years ago. It’s not important now.” “You were five. It doesn’t matter with the whole hero and villain thing—manipulating a child like that is gross. He’s gotta be, what?—10 years older than us?” “Minimum. It’s not like he actually liked me—he just toyed with me.” “That doesn’t make it any better.”)
- Boomer does all the cheesy pet names when they start dating especially bc he knows it bothers her (she likes it a little, not that she’ll ever tell him that)
- Boomer also once started picking up chess or checkers after having enough of his brothers picking on him so he started learning something to be “smart” so he challenged Buttercup to a match assuming she’d be at or around his skill level
- that said, in actuality she started picking it up years ago out of sheer competitiveness with her kind-of-constant sibling feud with Blossom, eventually coming close enough to stump her for a moment or two more often than not just not quite enough to beat her; he learned this the hard way when she beat him so hard at it he sat in stunned silence for 10 minutes trying to figure out what hit him, then demanded to see a match between her and Blossom
- he thinks it’s kind of really funny how much of a sore loser she is and how differently she behaves from when they were kids, so like instead of screaming and yelling and demanding a rematch like when they were young she’d simply flip the table over or chuck the console remote or whatever at the wall and walk away wordlessly to chill out and the suddenness usually makes him laugh really hard once the initial shock wears off
- Butters’ love language is quality time and physical touch, which it takes a few months or so for Boomer to learn when she starts hanging out with him like all the time and play fights him (light punches, kicks his ankle when they’re sitting next to each other, a soft kick to his shin when she scolds him for something, will sneak up behind him to jump on his back just to startle him, etc) and as they become like inseparable the insults are always paired with smirks and shining eyes and so many more excuses for touching and play fighting
- Boomer’s love language is words of affirmation and acts of service which drives Buttercup insane bc she doesn’t know how to handle either of them, words of affirmation are always combated with insults and she’ll dodge them when and where possible bc “how dare he accidentally pick an insecurity of mine to comment on and make me feel like I don’t deserve to downgrade myself like that” so she’ll look away and shoot the insult to not be vulnerable Or something that she does feel good about and be like “duh?????? I know that already” then neither really know what to do from there; acts of service Buttercup will turn into a competition or see as an insult at first as if she can’t do it herself so when they start dating her sisters have to hold her back sometimes to let her bf do something nice for her and she started understanding by then
- Buttercup is the definition of no rizz and it’s so painfully funny for everyone around her
- “Okay, Boomer.” “I hate you.” “No you don’t.” “Yes I do.” “Prove it.” “Are you asking me to fight you?” “Maybe.” = Buttercup, flirting
- as cliché as it is for these two, she does call him Pretty Boy—originally trying to insult him which he never took it as such anyway, then as a nickname/pet name
- Buttercup is very much a morning cuddler and Boomer never wants to let her go when they wake up together
- after 3 months into just their friendship alone there is no longer such a thing as Buttercup’s hoodies and Boomer’s hoodies, it becomes one collection to the point that later on when dating they’d get each other matching hoodies and both would still end up at one place after losing track of who has what
- Brick and Buttercup have the same advanced/honors math class and it drives Blossom insane that her sister and her counterpart are the math geniuses and she’s not; Brick also tries to play wingman for Boomer and Butters after partnering up with her for some project in said math class
- when the other brothers find out Boomer’s trying to change sides and it means having less interaction/association to their dads they also ask Buttercup to “tutor” them and it makes Boomer jealous to no end (she only has eyes for him though)
- he’s always the first person she contacts after a fight with either Butch or Blossom so she can rant and blow up and then, after arguing with Blossom particularly, he’s always the shoulder she cries on and the first hug she looks for
- both have to learn how to communicate openly and set firm boundaries so they both have to ask the other Puffs to help them with it to prevent arguing and Boomer is so much better at it than Buttercup, who will more often than not still get defensive and Boomer has to set that they need to walk away from the situation so they can chill and then talk and she’s always super pouty abt it but still follows through bc she hates fighting with him
I’ll likely add more later Or if anyone else has any to add on please do <3
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