#That on top of having to pay for the new dishwasher and to fix my fireplace etc etc
rahabs · 1 month
I have given up entirely on my birthday this year after today.
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butchmiles · 8 months
Sorry for the early morning rant but ugh we had a rough night last night. Our dishwasher has been broken for quite some time with no communication from the property on when it’ll be fixed or replaced. We’ve had to make time to hand wash dishes on top of us both working 9 hour shifts everyday and our usual daily chores of (vacuuming, taking out the trash, wiping down surfaces with bleach, steam mopping the floors, and up until last night doing laundry). Last night our laundry washer not only crapped out and stopped going through it’s cleaning cycles it also backed up with what looks and smells like sewage water. The smell is so strong it’s making Dean’s existing nasal infection (brought on by the unaddressed mold and ventilation issues in the apartment) even worse. They’re so hoarse they can barely be heard after being up all night coughing. We are at our wits end right now.
We went through the application process for a new apartment that lasted for about 3 months of back and forth. We managed to raise enough money to pay the insane fees to apply to the apartment which were $300 for the applications, administrative fee, and holding fee and and the $1,810 deposit for the guarantor company we had to apply with because we couldn’t raise enough to pay down our credit debt accounts in time. The apartment approved us based on the proof of income given and then radio silence until we happened to check the apartments website and notice the apartment we had paid to apply to and reserve was back on the market. We called them to get an explanation since nothing was communicated to us after the approval. After basically dragging it out of them over the course of another week of back and forth the property manager explained that corporate decided to revoke our approval because Dean works through a staffing agency so they couldn’t take Deans income as valid. An insane concept all things considered. Money is money.
So there we were fully packed and no longer with anywhere to go.
Our lease end was fast approaching and we had no other option but to extend the lease here from the end date of November 2023 to the end date of February 2024 and try to pay off the $11,210 in collections that was dragging our scores down to the point that no apartment would approve our application despite a near perfect rental history (no evictions, lease violations, or even complaints) and at the times of applying perfectly qualifiable and verifiable income based on the 3X rent rule.
Our plan is to try to pay $1,868/month towards this total of debt collections in order to have them cleared and letters of payment available to apply for an apartment that checks every single box we were looking for in a new place. The minimum score requirement for this apartment is 599. We are both about 50 points from that as of today.
Currently our non negotiable expenses per month are as listed
Rent $1,680 (this will increase to $3,025.99 starting November 18th)
Renters insurance $30.50 (required according to the lease. A lapse in coverage results in fees charged by property)
Phone bill $350 (mine, Dean’s work and personal, and my disabled MIL lines)
Light bill $110 (this is with budget billing in place)
Pet insurance $40 (we have a cat for our anxiety)
Food shopping $400 (this includes both human and cat food as well as travel expenses to get to and from an affordable grocery store to do the big shop once a month because we do not have a car or if that option is not feasible then to pay for grocery delivery through Shipt)
Medical expenses $600 (at minimum, sometimes more) (Sertraline x2, Ritalin, Quetiapine, Duloxetine, Labs and blood work, Testosterone, and immunotherapy.)
Toiletries $75 ish (pads, tissue, soap, toothpaste, laundry detergent, dish soap/pods, cleaning suppplies)
Totaling $3,285.50/month (until November when this will increase to $4,631.49)
Currently we are both working full time jobs, no health insurance, no car, no savings.
After taxes we bring in a combined income of $5,050/month and as shown above $3,285 of that is unavoidably spoken for until November to February when $4,631.49 of that will be spoken for.
All this to say that we do not have room to pay off the necessary debt that would allow us to apply to, get approved for, and move into a new apartment within our budget and needs. We would really appreciate any kind of help that could be given. We just really want to be in a place that doesn’t make our already pretty bad health issues even worse. In addition, we want to be able to know that what we are bringing in will be enough to support ourselves without the overwhelming worry of “will we need to crowdfund and borrow this month?” and “will it be enough?”
If you’ve read this far thank you so much and please consider reblogging and sharing this and/or donating!
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audiovisualrecall · 11 months
A list of things I want or need to do.....
Schedule driving lessons
Work on unicorn painting
Work on illustrations for steph book
Work on 'cinderell' comic rewrite/update
Laundry today
Dishes+ run dishwasher today
Schedule dentist appt
Schedule vet visit for Edison- he has a cold or allergies or something, also a growth on one of his toes??, and I want to really in-depth discuss a plan for his weight bc ive had no success. Also he's due for annual vaccinations presumably, so. (Wish blue pearl was not so expensive bc they now have Fear Free vet visits and the difference in his behavior when we went there last time compared to other vets weve gone to was just amazing. He was able to wander around the room and it didn't feel like a typical exam room for pets so he wasn't scared and hiding, he allowed the vet and assistant to poke and prod him and manhandled him even if he wasn't thrilled, he didn't cry or hiss or scratch anyone! But for regular vet visits they're really pricey :/)
Work on Eitan and Zahav story/comic
Work on iron man/dragonriders of pern au story
Buy parts for pvc watering system for garden (need to go with dad) and set up
Work on bookcase (with dad)
Window-shop/buy stuff for steph bridal shower (with ma or on my own, but the best store to go to is far enough I'd rather go by car, and it's more fun to go with someone else and discuss ideas and also less likely to impulse buy everything?)
Go to DSW to get new sneakers (with ma, access by car travel only and easier to have a second opinion on shoes. My current pair I have a hole in the top by my big toe...oops)
Work on website: photograph artwork professionally, edit photos, design website layout and complete that. Add artwork to portfolio gallery on the site, add my photo and about me info. Request refund for the dumb add-on I didn't realize was useless. Make the website what I want it to be. May need to learn coding. Need to slim down choices for artwork to include to only the best stuff it makes sense to include, not just things I like.
Design pride plants stickers/pins
Plan for rainbow enamel or just hard enamel autisticat pins. Also, keychains?
Rework/update etsy listings/items available...
Come up with additional ideas for products. Stickers/prints/pins...keychains?
Fulfil current etsy order - soon
Organize my room - try on clothing, go thru piles of stuff, figure out what to do with certain things and if the new bin will help what to put in it, decide what to put back into drawers and which ones for what items, go thru some other stuff like bank statements, organize receipts, etc
Put shelf above window above curtain rod for displaying some stuffed toys (need dad's help)
Hang up new Queer pride flag (need help, also it's way bigger than I expected so may need to fold some of it behind and stitch it to itself to fit on the wall, need help to pin it up on the wall and probably a second step stool at least)
Look for vases for bridal shower for flowers (with ma or solo)
Go thru and organize stuff on breakfast bar
Plan out a budget - figure out how much I tend to spend on different categories of stuff per week or every 2 weeks or monthly, figure out how much I earn in that time period (if it's weekly it's half of my pay bc I'm paid every other, if it's monthly gotta double that amt, also gotta average it out/pick a general usual amount since depending on how much OT I do my pay is more or less lol). Consolidate that info together to decide on a basic budget for each category/ overall spending for the time period.
make list of things I need/want to buy or tend to buy, marked with priority or how often for repeat purchases, compare with budget for what impulse items/wants I can acquire in a given time frame and which to save for the next etc
Get a new bike or get mine fixed...
Spend time outside/go on walk
Water plants
Draw for fun. Draw tony or stevetony or dragons or cats
Get ice cream at some pt like tomorrow night if I'm off Thursday or on Thursday if I'm off Friday 🥺🥺🥺
Plan days to do activities! Kayaking/beach/farmers market/street fair/museum. With steph?
Plan to do something fun w work friends outside of work
Pride fest: who is going with me?
Renfair when it's time???
Pay for tallis!!! Today preferably! Write check and take it over to shul?? (Or give to ma to take to services this evening or go with her?)
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spookclimber · 1 year
okay rant/mini(large words of) mental breakdown below
i walked to my car for a lunch break i didn’t want to take and discovered i have a parking citation, because my plates are expired, which i fucking forgot to do a few months ago because my life was falling apart and now it lowkey feels the same. i have rent, other monthly bills and now this that i have to fucjing deal with and also not park anywhere that could be bad until i get my plates renewed, which idk how long that’ll be.
on top of that my new job that i was fairly excited for is fine, i guess, but it’s it and pays not nearly what my college degree says i’m worth. i cannot handle sitting at a desk doing actually nothing until someone asks a question like this one i saw today, “should i click this ‘you have 3 new viruses’ popup.”
i feel like i used to be able to do things, and now i’m always exhausted and this stress is piling up again cause i need to do things and i CANT and i need to buy i really can’t which makes me feel like shit and worse and it’s a circular system.
especially when i haven’t been able to fall asleep normally until it’s past 2 am or something at the earliest, which just leaves me even more tired. on friday i was sick for my second day at the job and once i called it in i proceeded to then sleep, after my night sleepof like 12-7:30 am, from 9am to 11 fucking 30 pm, then was up for a couple hours before sleeping until 5 pm on saturday. this isn’t sustainable and it’s terrible and because of that i struggle even more when i need to try to work towards the financial issues but I CANT and i’m almost crying at work right now ranting this out because i have to get some words out and try to articulate what i feel.
the. another smaller thing but it still weighs on me is i’m like the only person wearing a mask at my work and yeah it’s it and cubicles and shit but covid still is going strong and people don’t seem to give a damn
i used to be able to do things i applied for and worked in two great internships in college why now am i having a meltdown over an objectively easier job that pays less well maybe that’s a part of it but god fucking dammit am i so stressed and, i don’t know, fucking out of it all the time in ways that don’t help me fix the problem at all.
oh another thing that isn’t fun is i was enjoying being nonbinary with my friends and all but i’m terrified to idk be that publiclally so once more i’m cosplaying my worksona except i flinch every time i see my dead name all around me and people call me by it so like why do i do this for a job that will barely make me rent and will bore me out of my mind? oh wait it’s cause i literally was unable to get any other position and i even almost got scammed in this process by someone who posed as a hr hiring person and put me through a written interview and all that jazz and got me hyped up before eventually i concluded with help it was a scam. applying for jobs fucking sucks but i guess i need to do it again between trying to make money outside of work and also at work which i’m not sure i’ll be able to juggle everything in addition to trying to get enough sleep and at least some time for me to decompress (but i’ve been needing more and more of that recently to work out and it’s related to previously stated issues) so i’m just losing it.
ido honestly believe i’ve been making strides in regards to my mental health and identity but es problema es capital as they say but i’m having such issues of motivation and getting things done that it’s a huge problem and my apartment is too much rent because i couldn’t move out when i lost my roommate because i definitely wasn’t capable of it and that roommate taught me i will literally die if i live with basically anyone that isn’t a very small specific group but because of that i’m stuck with an apartment with no food, a broken dishwasher that i’m too scared to call the landlord to fix, double rent and such.
like i knew i had some issues but my cascade of emotions once i saw the ticket on my break that id been forced to take i guess shows me that i’m really not doing well with the massive stress just hanging over my head
well i guess that’s all the words i have now. if you read all that i’m impressed and sorry i guess, but maybe i’ll find a way to dig myself out of this hole. maybe
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homeandliving09 · 1 year
Dish Washers: Time to Buy or Time to Buy New?
If you want to replace your current dishwasher, this is the perfect opportunity to get one at a great price. Unfortunately, dishwashers can be expensive, and if you aren't careful, they can break down fast. The good news is that plenty of new models on the market offer great features but still come in under budget. In this article, we will discuss whether it's time to buy or buy new, how much money you should spend on a new machine and why buying a used one might be more economical than buying a new one!
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Do You Have a Broken Dishwasher That Needs to Be Fixed?
If you have a broken dishwasher and it's not working properly, it's time to replace it. However, dishwashers can be expensive to fix, so if you're going to invest in a new one, wait to get one that works right now. As long as the dishwasher has been broken for less than 60 days and is under warranty, there are no charges or fees associated with repairing or replacing your machine.
Is It Time to Buy a New Dishwasher?
If you have a dishwasher over ten years old, it is time to buy a new one. But if your dishwasher is not working properly and taking too long to wash the dishes, then it's probably time to replace it. Also, if you have a lot of dishes and glasses with patterns on them that are difficult for your old machine (or any other machine) to remove cleanly, this may indicate that more than ten years have gone by since your last upgrade.
Are You Looking for a New Dishwasher but Need Help Deciding What to Buy?
If you're looking for a new dishwasher in a dishwasher sale and need help deciding what to buy, here are some tips on narrowing down your options and finding the best deal.
How do I know what I'm looking for?
How can I find the right model?
What are my options: high-end stainless steel or lower-end plastic?
Are You Willing to Pay More for a Better Machine That Will Last Longer and Look Great in Your Kitchen?
If you're looking to buy a new dishwasher, there are several things to consider. First, are you willing to pay more for a better machine that will last longer and look great in your kitchen?
How much should it cost? If you want top-of-the-line features and appliances, expect to spend at least $500 on an appliance alone (this includes installation). For example, if I were buying this type of appliance today and wanted something similar to what I had before--a Bosch TBS965UC Professional Series premium stainless steel electric built-in dishwasher with six place settings--I'd have no problem spending $1,000 plus tax on it!
Are there any used options available? Used models are often much less expensive than brand-new ones; however, they may require work before they work properly again. However, if this interests you, then go ahead! You can find lots of great deals, but make sure everything works first before taking ownership over one yourself."
If You Are Interested in Buying a New Dishwasher, This Is the Perfect Opportunity to Get One at a Great Price
If you are interested in buying a new dishwasher, this is the perfect opportunity to get one at a great price. The best time to buy a new dishwasher is when you need one. If your current dishwasher has been collecting dust or needs some repairs, it's time to replace it with something more efficient and reliable. This may also be an opportune moment for those who want a bigger model because many models are on sale now due to their popularity among buyers who want more space for their dishes. If you are ready to buy but don't know which type of machine will fit your needs best, look no further than our list below:
Dishwashers are an essential part of any kitchen. They help you clean and tidy your dishes, which is why they must work properly. If your dishwasher isn't working as well as it used to, or if it's broken altogether, then now might be the time to buy a new one! But if you want to upgrade from an old model to something newer and better looking, there are plenty of other options for buying new appliances without breaking the bank.
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banerpunep · 2 years
How To Modernize Your Rental Property Management?
Renting is increasing for various reasons, including the rising expense of home ownership and the desire of younger generations for greater housing flexibility. lets discuses rental property management system.
You could treble your rental income with just a few minor adjustments in the correct markets and with the appropriate modifications.
According to the facts mentioned below, updating your rental property is one of the simplest methods to raise the rent you may charge.
Why Do I Need to Upgrade My Rental Property?
You might be debating if remodeling your rental is truly worthwhile.
Your rental income can be increased by updating the furniture, installing new flooring, or even doing something as basic as painting the walls.
Here are some reasons why renovating your rental property could help you attract more renters and, consequently, make more money.
Make your rental property stand out from the competition
Make improvements to your property to increase its appeal to potential tenants.
If your budget allows it, spending a little more for a finished appearance will allow you to increase the monthly rental fee.
Increase in energy efficiency
Future tenants can save money on utilities by adding amenities like energy-efficient windows and a programmable thermostat, which is a well-liked selling point.
Increase property value
The rental property’s resale value will rise as you enhance its existing characteristics.
Boost tenant satisfaction
Upgrading the worktops, installing newer, higher-quality appliances, or making any other improvements will probably result in less upkeep being necessary for addition to giving future tenants a terrific experience.
Less people will call you to come to fix a leaky, broken dishwasher as a result. Renters are more satisfied as a result, and they are also more inclined to renew their leases.
Subtract remodeling expenses from your taxes.
Any expenses you incur for the repairs, if you’re merely maintaining your rental property, can probably be subtracted from the property’s taxable revenue.
Any work that goes beyond a straightforward repair, however, may be considered an improvement and is not deductible.
Let’s discuss the way to modernize the rental property
Never heard of “the Internet of Things” before? Google it first before doing anything else! IoT, in a nutshell, is the digitization of common household items like lamps, doorbells, and refrigerators. Why is this important to landlords, you ask?
Consider that the clear majority of millennials said they would pay up to a fifth more in rent for a “smart” apartment.
Or one furnished with amenities like keyless access and smart locks.
Consider replacing your standard lock with a Bluetooth lock, and don’t forget to install the security doorbell with a camera.
Even though the functionality of a plain white refrigerator and a flashy stainless-steel refrigerator may be identical, the stainless-steel refrigerator may command a higher monthly rent.
Installing new appliances can raise your property’s resale value and increase its appeal to tenants.
Stainless steel appliances give the appearance of a more modern, upgraded kitchen, which is one of the areas that tenants value the most.
Start with updating the hardware on your kitchen cabinets, bathroom vanities, and other furniture if budget and simplicity are your top priorities.
Similar to stainless steel, posh new hardware can give the impression of being brand-new and opulent even when no significant upgrades have been made.
Consider what’s fashionable and choose cabinet hardware that is clearly contemporary rather than classic or timeless.
Do you want to remodel? Focus on opening up the area if you want to make the most of your rental property at any cost.
A modern open floor plan is preferred by those looking for all living arrangements, including renting, purchasing, and new construction.
Consumers are particularly concerned with open-concept kitchen, dining, and living spaces.
Thus remodeling for an open floor plan is a necessity if you want to reach top-tier luxury (and top pricing).
About half of renters own pets, according to statistics from the American Veterinary Association.
Going pet-friendly is the way to go if you want to appeal to millennials and modernize your listing.
In order to appeal to millennials, who currently account for the largest share of the American rental market, you must simply permit dogs.
They outnumber previous generations in terms of pet ownership.
Charging a sizeable pet deposit is entirely fine and will only draw the most responsible pet owners, which is obviously desirable.
Make sure your property management software supports online rent payments for your tenants. They pay all their other bills online, so why not modernize their rent?
Theoretically, automating your payment procedure will make things simpler for you and your tenants.
Requiring fewer trips to the bank and eliminating the possibility of failed checks.
Additionally, it may automatically calculate late fees and apply them in order to prevent late payments.
According to the survey, replacing worn-out floors with hardwood was by far the most preferred option. Because it is simple to clean and has a contemporary appearance, hardwood is a popular material.
On the other hand, carpet is not frequently preferred in rental properties.
Since it can trap odors and needs more upkeep.
Replace the floors last as you complete the improvements on your rental home.
Installing floors at the conclusion will preserve them at their best.
Because other projects can generate a lot of dirt and dust.
However, install the new floors soon before the appliance installation in the kitchen.
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Dish Washer Repair and Appliance Services in Issaquah WA
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A broken dishwasher can make your life difficult, but it’s not the end of the world! We can repair your appliance in Issaquah WA, so you can get back to living as normal as possible with as little fuss as possible. At Appliance Repair Issaquah WA, we’re available 24/7 to repair your dishwasher and other appliances on short notice or at whatever time suits you best, so there’s no need to wait around until the weekend or when it’s convenient – we come when you need us!
What to Know Before Hiring a Company
The appliance repair industry is full of so-called experts—it’s hard to know who you can trust. To ensure that you hire a reputable company, ask them for recommendations from other clients and look them up online. If they do not have reviews, it may be a sign that there are problems with their business practices. Before you sign any contract or pay a dime, make sure you’re happy with their customer service approach.
What should I expect when having my unit serviced?
For starters, you should know that our technicians are all factory-trained. In addition to providing services for brand names like Maytag, Whirlpool, Kitchen Aid, Amana, and Frigidaire, we’re also proud to provide outstanding service for American Standard products. As part of our commitment to your satisfaction, we’ll always be honest with you about what repairs are necessary and why. We also won’t charge you extra for things like carrying tools from job site to job site or cleaning your water lines; those things are included in every service call. Feel free to ask as many questions as you like during a visit so that you know exactly what’s going on with your appliance at all times.
What are some common issues with dishwashers?
Dishwashers are an integral part of your kitchen, so it’s important to keep them running smoothly. Dishwasher repair can happen for a variety of reasons. Leaking is common with dishwashers, but it doesn’t mean you have to replace your appliance immediately. For instance, you might have overfilled a cup or left something on top of your machine during a cycle. Other times, leaking could be caused by a faulty door seal. If you notice water pooling under your dishwasher when it’s not running, check to see if there is debris clogging up one of its hoses or if one of its rubber feet has come loose. If these simple fixes don’t work, call in a professional for help.
Why Should You Choose Us?
When you need appliance repairs in Issaquah WA, you want to choose a company that’s as committed to customer service as they are to tackling tough tasks. Here at Bill's Appliance Service, we have been offering appliance repair Issaquah WA services for years. We understand your concerns and questions when it comes to getting your home appliances repaired by local professionals who care about your time, budget, safety, and satisfaction. This is why we always make sure we’re upfront with our customers about what their appliance repairs will cost them.
Common Questions about Appliance Installation
If you’re not 100% certain about how to install your new appliance, you have a few options. If you’re not keen on learning how to do it yourself, consider hiring a technician or even scheduling an appointment with a repairman at your local hardware store. Here are some of the most common questions people ask when they hire a professional appliance repair in Issaquah WA.
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rodeoxqueen · 3 years
“In quarantine, Nero and Kyrie spend time together.” 
Rodeo’s Two Pieces: 
First time writing for Nero/Kyrie. Tread lightly with my take of their dynamic. 
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(I)- Dalgona Coffee and Cookies. 
Despite how everything was shut down and the grocery was found vacant of basic necessities, Nero was grateful to at least be with someone he loved the most. 
“Look, we probably need some time off from kickin’ demon ass anyways,” Nico explained, smoking a cigarette during the video chat. 
“Yeah, not like demons care about being six feet away. People don’t even do that.” Nero looked at himself in the little square in the corner of his phone. Clad in a grey hoodie, he hadn’t even bothered putting on anything over his boxers. No one had come to visit since the mandate to stay inside, what was the point? 
Nico was in her garage again, from what he could see in the camera view. Cigarettes and old cups of coffee littered her desk, warbled country music playing off-view. 
“Who knows, maybe I’ll make something to fix that. I was thinking a mask-gun, rapid-fire reloading.” 
“Artisan of Arms, huh?” Nero laughed, getting up from his bed. 
“You fuckin’ bet. Now I gotta go. Got some things to weld.” 
“See ya, Nico. Stay safe, alright?” 
“Yeah, yeah.” He gave a peace sign before pressing “end video call.” 
The video chat ended and Nero tucked his phone into his pocket. Even banter just wasn’t the same virtually. 
“Who was that? Nico?” Nero made it down the hallway to see Kyrie, bustling about getting things from the cupboards. 
“Yeah, still building stuff as usual.” 
Kyrie had been in their apartment’s kitchen, deciding to try her hand at some recipes she saw online. A bag of flour, too many bowls, and more chocolate than Nero remembered buying, all laid out on the table. 
Just when he wanted something to eat, he’d have to wait or his girlfriend would practically make enough to feed an army and be surprised when he didn’t want anymore. 
He opted for a cup of water instead. 
Nero admired her hair, how it looked when it wasn’t in a ponytail, how it sat perfectly on her shoulders. Seeing how she started to measure some ingredients, he took the hair tie on his wrist, careful fingers bringing it into a low ponytail. 
“Oh, thank you.” She commented, opening her booklet of recipes she had handwritten. Neat, slanted cursive in a smattering of blue, red, and black read out recipes for cookies, cakes, and bread. 
“You look busy, planning to make all of those?” Nero rested his chin on her shoulder, shrouding her with warmth. 
“Well, I don’t know how long we’re going to be stuck at home, might as well try some recipes out. Maybe we can deliver some to the orphanage.” 
“That is if I don’t eat all your prototypes first.” She laughed, birdsong to Nero’s ears. 
“As long as you help me I don’t mind if you do.” Kyrie handed him a measuring cup. Nero sighed, taking it. He always lost count of how many cups of flour he was supposed to put in the bowl. 
A jar of porous dough caught his eye as he sifted some baking soda in his white mixture. He took it from Kyrie’s side of the island. 
“Whoa, what is this? A science experiment?” Kyrie chuckled, watching Nero scrutinize the date on the white tape to the top of the mason jar. 
“No, it’s a sourdough starter! It’s basically wild yeast. We can make bread with it since people bought out all the dry yeast in the grocery store.” 
Nero shook it with curiosity and then opened the silver lid, making an “eh” face at the smell. 
“It’s yeast alright.” 
Kyrie continued whipping up the sugar and butter mixture, Nero helping himself to a handful of chocolate chips. 
“Have you talked to your uncle and father? They must be staying at the shop in Redgrave.” 
Nero shrugged. 
“Most likely, I haven’t talked to them yet. Dante probably didn’t pay the phone bill and Vergil doesn’t know how to use the phone anyways.” 
“Let’s just hope they’re getting along during this time.” 
Nero thought back to all the “family outings” he had since his uncle and father returned from hell, mostly just jobs becoming contests of strength that turned to friendly family fights. Endless banter and elbowing. 
Honestly, compared to that, standing next to his girlfriend while they shaped cookies for the oven was heaven. 
Once the chocolate chip cookie dough was done baking, Kyrie insisted they make some whipped coffee while they cooled.  
“I thought you didn’t like coffee, Kyrie.” She stooped down to find something in the lower cabinets. A robotic hand that was colored dark blue and black, his old Devil Bringer, appeared with a tiny whisk duct-taped to it. 
“Yeah, but that TikTok made it look so good.” Nero handed her the glass container of instant coffee. 
Turning on the Devil Bringer, the tiny whisk spun to life, rapidly mixing sugar, coffee, and water together. With her back turned, Nero popped a thing of cookie dough in his mouth. 
“Honestly, Nico should have patented these Devil Bringers, make a bunch of money, and maybe she’d stop trying to rip me off all those times.” 
“Support local businesses, Nero.” 
He looked over her shoulder, surprised at how an abysmal brown mixture had become fluffy and thrice its previous volume. 
Two cups of milk poured, the practically instantly whipped coffee laid on top like a decadent Mount Everest next to a still-warm plate of cookies. 
“Cheers!” Kyrie clinked glasses with him, stirring her mug vigorously with a spoon. He copied her, taking a sip of surprisingly light and sweet coffee. 
When he lowered his cup, Nero both revealed to the world a mustache of whipped coffee. 
Kyrie snorted into her cup, covering her mouth as she bit back a laugh. Embarrassed, Nero went to wipe it off when Kyrie pecked him on the lips. She drew back to reveal an imprint of the ‘stache on her own upper lip. 
“We match now.” Kyrie giggled, helping herself to another gooey cookie. 
Half a plate of cookies and two mugs properly drained of its contents, Kyrie and Nero loaded up the dishwasher to do the work. 
“This is coffee, why am I tired?” Kyrie yawned. 
The couch was this god-awful IKEA purchase that took hours for Nero to just figure out what the instructions meant. But right now, it perfectly supported both of them while they slept away their food coma. 
(II)- Curl Up And Dye. 
After the second time the mandate got lengthened, Nero could sense that Kyrie was starting to wane in her ever-positive attitude. The news had nothing good to say, and the number of shows they had binged left them indifferent to watching anything more. 
They did a lot of singing during quarantine, Kyrie always being the musical one. Evanescence was one of their favorites to sing together, Nero’s guitar skills and Kyrie’s ability to hit those high notes left many memorable nights of laughter. 
After a while, Kyrie began to just sit on the couch a lot and have Nero pay her company. 
“What’s wrong?” Kyrie sighed heavily, curling into Nero’s hoodie as he opted to stay shirtless. 
“I don’t know Nero, it just feels like everything is the same. We go through the same things every day and I just feel...trapped.” 
Nero kissed the nape of her neck, humming in agreement. 
“Look, I’m usually the one going to you for stuff like this but...it will get better. It’s been a really hard time for all of us, and we’re just watching everything go downhill. It’s not a good situation but, you got me. Always. And there’s still a lot of things we can change up if that helps.” He stroked her hair and rubbed her back, feeling her take a deep breath. 
“You’re right Nero. That really did help. Thank you for listening.” 
“Of course.” 
While he scrolled on his own phone, he didn’t heed all the things Kyrie was watching. She touched her own long hair, seeing the way other people recorded their own home-salon trims. 
“Things to change, huh?” She mumbled. 
So here they were now. 
“It looks so bad!” Kyrie exclaimed, her face in her hands, hair on the bathroom sink. Nero shook his head. 
“No it’s not, Kyrie! You look fine, just let me fix it!” In the mirror, Nero cringed at the way her hair was ridiculously over-layered. 
“Um, what did you try to do-” 
“Curtain bangs! Oh Nero, I shouldn’t have tried to change up my hair!” Kyrie was thoroughly upset, seeing how her bout of bravery lead to her bangs being mauled by her own hands. 
Nero hugged her, noting that she had been wearing his shirt while she trimmed her hair. 
Okay that shirt’s gonna itch for a while until all the hair comes out. 
“It’s okay, let me see if I can fix it.” Kyrie blushed in the mirror, groaning at how bad her hair was cut. 
“There’s no way you could make it worse than what I did.” 
Nero gingerly took the scissors Kyrie put in the sink, a little bit too small for his hands but good enough. Although he was no stylist, he could tell where Kyrie had either cut too much off or unevenly. 
Eventually, they did manage to cut it in a way that hid the previous mistakes. Kyrie took another deep breath. 
“I shouldn’t have been so impulsive.” She murmured, arms crossed. 
Nero chuckled at her rare emotional outburst. He was glad to have been able to be there for her. She always hid how she felt, helping others her way of expressing herself. Now with no one around but him, he totally understood that she felt helpless. 
No one liked being helpless. 
He kissed her cheek and a lightbulb went off in his head. 
“You wanna dye my hair?” Kyrie turned around in surprise. 
“I mean, who knows how long this shutdown is gonna be, it’ll be fun,” Kyrie noted how Nero had forgone shaving, his peach fuzz becoming something more. 
Honest blue eyes peered at her, wondering what she would think. Her surprise softened to a sort of relief in their solidarity. 
“What color, Nero?” 
“Neon green-” 
“Nico’s going to make fun of you.” Kyrie giggled. Nero shrugged nonchalantly. 
“I don’t mind it.” 
(III)- Can’t Get Out Of It, Get Into It. 
“Nero, you look so fucking ridiculous.” 
“Shut up, Dante.” 
His uncle finally managed to figure out how to work the virtual chat on his fossil of a computer, and Nero was already prepared to end the call. 
His father sat slightly off-camera, not in the mood to entertain Dante’s antics to ridicule his son. Although, he did look oddly radioactive with his washed-out green hair and strong quarter-past five o’clock shadow.  
“Quarantine did not do you a favor, good lord,” Dante commented, kicking his feet up on his desk. Nero flipped him off. 
“Good to know you’re still living in shambles, not surprised neither of you cleaned up after yourselves.” The number of bottles on the floor was a travesty and the couch littered with poetry books Vergil had slowly begun to hoard. 
Nico entered the zoom call, smoking another cigarette Nero was lucky to not have to smell. 
“Nice broccoli head.” 
Nero flipped her off as well. Kyrie came into view, smiling at her boyfriend’s family and their shared friends. Nero decided to get a drink, clicking a few buttons before letting Kyrie have the seat. 
As they discussed how the business would continue with Devil May Cry, Kyrie sat next to Nero. 
It was mainly business, until it got to a certain line that Dante said. 
“I don’t know, it just feels like things are just going to keep staying like this. Hate to break it to you Nero, but it’s going to be tough for a while.” 
Kyrie finally heard enough, scooching Nero aside so she could talk. 
“Kyrie, wait-” 
“We’re going to get past this. As long as humanity still keeps coming together for the sake of benefiting each other, and we keep working to make sure to keep safe, we will get past this. We just have to keep hoping, and sure, hoping isn’t always going to make you feel better. I would know. But in a time where we do feel helpless, we should connect with other people in a different way. That’s why we succeed, we keep moving, we keep adapting! And hope, hope keeps that going.” 
Kyrie took a long breath. Looking at the dumbfounded group, she waited for a response. 
“Um, Kyrie. You were muted.” Nero finally said. Kyrie realized her blunder and how Nero’s hand was attempting to unmute them. 
“Oh.” Kyrie flushed, looking embarrassed. 
“I have no idea what you just said, but that’s okay.” 
“I’m sorry, that was so awkward.” 
“Don’t worry yourself, Kyrie. I bet it was real sweet whatever you had to say,” Nico assured. 
The zoom call was full of laughter since, a business call turned to a time to discuss how each person was doing. 
Dante and Vergil had spent days and nights sparring, Vergil learning more about humanity from Dante, and “making their own pizzas.” 
Nico had continued welding and making weapons for her own curiosity rather than based off of commission-based instructions. The van finally had the vinyl player fixed and she apparently gave herself a stick-and-poke. 
“So what did you two love birds do?” Nico asked, lighting another cancer stick. 
Nero and Kyrie looked at each other, smiling at their shared memories of this strange period in human history. 
“Where do we even start?”  Kyrie said, thinking of all the days and nights that seemed to breeze by and also slowly progress. 
Nero ruffled his longer messy green hair, Kyrie tucking her curtain bangs behind her ear. As they were two peas in the pod, Nero had decided to get another set of gray sweats for Kyrie, matching finally. 
Kyrie bit into a cookie, offering Nero some. 
“Smells like quarantine spirit, huh?” Dante finger-gunned.
Nero chuckled. 
“Hell yeah.” 
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jobrookekarev · 3 years
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The Best Thing That’s Ever Been Mine
T.S. x Jolex Week 2021 hosted by @thejolexgroupchat
Chapter One of One
Words: 4285
Summary: Jo was an intern at the hospital, having just gotten out of a bad relationship. Alex was the man whore set in his ways, but they ended up falling in love, And Alex is the best thing that’s ever been hers.
Fandom: Grey’s Anatomy.
Relationship: Alex Karev/Jo Wilson. 
Characters: Alex Karev, Jo Wilson, Eli Stevens, and Alexis Stevens.
Rating: General Audiences, 
Additional Tags: Taylor Swift, Mine, Fluff, Domestic Fluff, Fix-It, Cute Kids, Children, Pregnancy, Ferry boats, Beaches, Ocean.
Read at AO3
Read at FFN
AN: Fun fact the top photo in the poster is my photo from when I was at Ocean Shores last month! I do not own any of Taylor Swift's music or the lyrics to Mine.
The intern and fellow, although technically Jo was a 2nd year resident and Alex was an attending now. They both left their past and never looked back. After running away from her marriage with Paul and after everything with Jason, Jo was hesitant to get into a new relationship. Alex had his own fears, he had been married once, and Izzie left him, but he knew that Jo was special, and he was willing to risk it all for her. 
Intern Jo knew that Alex wasn't like all the other guys she was with before, he got her like no one else did, and she knew he would never hurt her. After everything they've been through together, she could hardly believe that they'd found something so good together. Falling in love with him was as easy as the crooked smile gave her every day. She had seen that look of love before on the faces of other men, but Alex was different. Alex was stupidly, affectionately, head over heels in love with her, and she couldn't help but love him the same. 
“Can you believe it?” Jo said as she smiled up at him from where her head was on his chest as they laid on the couch together. 
“Believe what?” Alex asked, his hands stopping from where he was playing with her hair.
“Just this,” Jo said as she gestured around the room before looking up at him.
The pizza and beer were left out on the coffee table, a movie is playing on the TV that neither of them were paying attention to. It was a typical night at their house together, but Jo couldn't help but think about how much she loved this and how much she loved him. She didn't have to explain herself to Alex. He just looked down at her with that crooked smile. He was just as much in awe of the life they created together, the home they had, and the love they have for each other as she was.
“Do you remember the date we had on the beach a while ago, when we were first dating?” Jo said, looking at him again as his fingers began to braid her hair. 
“Yes,” Alex said, smiling at her as he tilted his head. 
“That was the first time you put your arm around me,” Jo said as she smiled at him, remembering it all.
They had made plans for a beach day, but it was too overcast and cloudy to lay in the sun, so they just ended up walking along the shore. She remembered how his jeans were rolled up into cuffs with his white t-shirt and the flowered yellow sundress she wore that flowed in the breeze. The water was cold as it came up over their ankles, but they kept walking and talked about anything and everything. Jo remembered the way he laughed and threw his arm around her shoulders as he pulled her in, and she remembered the way she laid her head on his shoulder. Everything seemed so perfect at that moment.
Things were so good now too. She looked up at Alex again, and she couldn’t help but be filled with love for him. He was so good to her, and she was so happy with him.
“Alex Karev, you are the best thing that's ever been mine,” Jo said as she leaned up and wrapped her arm around his neck as she pulled him into a kiss. 
His lips smiled against hers, and he wrapped his arms around her waist, pulling her closer as her fingers tangled in his hair. The movie and the beer were forgotten about after that in favor of lips against skin as she pulled off their clothing and made him her own. 
I say, "Can you believe it?" As we're lyin' on the couch, The moment, I can see it, yes, yes, I can see it now, Do you remember, we were sittin', there by the water? You put your arm around me for the first time. You made a rebel of a careless man's careful daughter. You are the best thing, that's ever been mine.
It was a typical Saturday in the Loft and they both had the day off. They spent the morning being as lazy as possible, barely even getting out of bed other than to grab coffee and breakfast before they were both getting tangled up in the sheets again. When they finally got up, Jo smiled at the way he automatically tossed her his old t-shirt and he slipped it on before they both got out of bed. She gets out of bed and goes over to collect their mail as Alex collected the numerous dishes that were scattered around while she sorted the mail into piles of bills. 
Alex groaned as he started the water in the sink. “We should have sprung for a dishwasher when we had the chance.”
“We barely had room for the stove and the fridge,” Jo said as she kept sorting.
“Well, maybe it's time to start looking at other places. I mean, you want to apply to a fellowship in Boston, and even if we do stick around here, it'll be hard to make space for a baby. Besides, kids should have a yard and a play center, just space for them to run around, you know,” Alex said with a shrug and he turned off the water and started scrubbing as Jo paused from where she was sorting the mail. 
Sure they had talked about kids. They had even talked about maybe trying for a baby after the wedding. All things considered, they were in a good place. Alex would follow her wherever and let her take on the workload with her fellowship. He even joked about taking the year off to be a stay-at-home Dad. Having a baby now would be a good thing, and they were ready, but just the thought of getting pregnant, having an actual baby, and moving into a house with a yard, it just all seems too real. It wasn't just an idea that they kept talking about and Jo wasn't sure how she felt about it yet. 
“Well, let's pay the bills before we start adding other expenses to our finances,” Jo said, trying to brush it off as she looked around and gestured to the pile of bills in front of her. “Besides, I don't think we should sell the Loft, we should keep it and maybe we could rent it out.”
“I thought you said you didn't get attached to places?” Alex asked, looking over at her with raised eyebrows.
“This place is different,” Jo said, looking around and the brick walls that had seen so much of their relationship. “It's home.”
“Yeah, it's home,” Alex agreed as he caught her eye and gave her a soft smile.
“Do you remember the ferry ride back to Bainbridge Island and the Dreamhouse after I showed you this place? You pulled me out onto the observation deck and we watched the city lights get further away,” Jo said as she let the memories take her back. 
She remembered the cold ocean breeze of the night as they stood together on the deck pressed against the railing. The sound of the ocean waves and the ferry filled their ears, but she remembered the way Alex looked at her when she told him she loved him and the way his lips felt against her. That night they agreed to make this place their home.
“It was such a beautiful night,” Alex said as he remembered, he looked at her, but his eyes glazed over as he remembered too. “The city lights sparkled on the water and everything was so peaceful. I know we had been fighting for weeks and we hadn't had a quiet moment together and I just wanted to spend some time with you, alone. I was so in love with you that night. I’m still am so in love with you and it makes me happy to know that you’re marrying me soon.” 
Jo looked down at the way that the diamond sparkled on her hand, just like the light sparkled on the water that night. She loved her ring from the moment she saw it. It was a princess cut, a nod to the annoying nickname he first gave her, but it was what she had always wanted. She had told Alex in passing before they even started dating that she wanted just a simple diamond. She wanted it to be large enough, so it was a little flashy, but small enough not to get caught on things. 
The ring Paul gave her had been large with several diamonds. It was so big and fancy, but she was constantly getting it caught on things. She even lost one of the diamonds in the band, and she tried not to remember what happened because of that. She never thought she'd get engaged again, but here she was, wearing the ring of a man who loved her, and Alex’s ring was nothing but perfect. 
She wondered if that night on the ferry with the night that he decided to propose to her, he always said that he knew he wanted to marry her from the beginning. He told her about the night that she was walking around naked and got caught when Meredith came over. He didn't know it at the time, but as she went to go back upstairs, the house was quiet enough that she heard the words he said to Meredith. That he was going to marry her, and her heart still fluttered at the memory. 
The night on the ferry was a different night of proposals, of house and home proposals. It was the night that Jo went all in with him. The night that she wanted him to be hers, and she made it happen. He accepted and they built a life together. Their life together started that night on the ferry. 
“We leaned against the cold green railing and you wrapped your arms around me as we watched the city,” Jo said, coming up behind him and wrapping her arms around his waist the same way he did with her that night. “I was so in love with you in that moment, and I still am, because you, Alex Karev, you are the best thing that's ever been mine.”
Alex just smiled his crooked happy smile at her and turned his head back to kiss her. She loved that he was hers.
Do you remember all the city lights on the water? You saw me start to believe, for the first time. You made a rebel of a careless man's careful daughter. You are the best thing, that's ever been mine.
Jo had just gotten home from work after a long day of surgeries. It was 2:30 a.m. and all she wanted to do was crawl in bed when she got home. She could feel the tension in the Loft the moment she walked in and when Alex looked at her, she just knew. He had his suitcase half packed sitting on the bed, toiletries, and socks, and shirts were scattered around him. All of his favorite things were tucked away in his suitcase. Then he sighed looking down at the floor before he looked up with her. She knew then that he was leaving. 
She could see the weight of the world on his shoulders in the way he looked at her as he grabbed her hands and led her over to the bed. He gently had her sit down so he could explain it all. Jo sat there in shock as she took in his words. He had kids, twins with Izzie. Not just one child, but two, two five-year-old children that he had with Izzie. She could barely wrap her head around it. She just replayed his words in her mind. Two kids, Alexis and Eli, that Alex had with Izzie. 
He had a family, a wife, despite the ex part, and two children. It was all he ever wanted. A wife and two kids, that's what he always talked about. She thought that he would have that with her. She was ready, they had even started trying for kids, but now he had all of that without her. Her whole life just turned upside down and she thought she was going to be sick. 
“Jo, just take a deep breath,” Alex said as she could feel his hands on her knees and saw him kneel in front of her. “Do I need to get the puke bowl?”
Jo moved her hand from where she had pressed it against her mouth and shook her head before she looked at him. “You're leaving to go be with your kids, aren't you?” 
She could tell his answer by the way he just looked down and let out a sigh. He looked at his hands, looking down at his wedding ring for a second before he twisted it around his finger. Alex never played with his wedding ring. That was her nervous habit. He never played with it unless he was taking it off for surgery. He put his fingers on it, and she knew he would take it off. Jo couldn't sit there and watch him give her his ring. She couldn't sit there and watch him leave her.
Her entire life, her first instinct when things got bad was to run. She always ran and this time, she didn't even have to think about it. She just ran. She ran past him and out of the Loft. She ran out of the apartment building and out into the parking lot. She didn't know where she was going, but the cold night air felt good in her lungs. She ran past their cars when she realized she didn't have her keys or anything else and took in a deep breath of cold air, pausing just for a moment.
“Jo,” Alex called out to her as she looked around. He caught her wrist and pulled her back to look at him.
“You're leaving me,” Jo said, her voice breaking with her words, and she didn't realize that she was sobbing until she spoke.
“No, no, Jo. I’m not leaving you. No, I'll never leave you,” Alex said, as he reached out to cup her cheek, brushing away the tears with his thumb. 
Jo paused, taking in his words as she wiped her cheeks and her snotty nose with her sleeve. “You're not leaving me?”
“No, Jo, I want you to come with me!” Alex stressed, something about the cold night air made his words ring clear in her ears. “You and me, we're a family. I don't want to be a Dad without you, and you could be such a good step-mom to them. I want you to meet them too. It was always supposed to be me and you, us as a family. Alexis and Eli are mine, and we're married, so what's mine is yours. If you're okay with that, the twins could be ours.”
“What about Izzie?” Jo asked, biting her lip. “Is she okay with me meeting them?”
“Yes, I explained to her that we’re a package deal, and she's agreed to let both of us meet the kids,” Alex said with a nod, although he still looked worried for her. “We haven't worked out all the details yet, but she's agreed to let us both be a part of their lives. If you want to, if you want that.”
“But you want me to come with you? You want me to meet the twins?” Jo asked, finally understanding.
“Yes, please,” Alex asked, his plea prompted her to look at him for the first time since he sat her down in the Loft. His worried expression surprised her as she took in his furrowed brow and the worry lines in his eyes. Finally, she realized that as much as she was worried he would leave her, he was worried that she would leave him too. 
“Okay,” Jo said, she was still so unsure about everything, but she could do this. She could go with him and meet the kids.
Alex let out a breath of relief before he pulled her forward to wrap his arms around her waist. He gave her a small smile as he just stared into her eyes. “I remember putting my arm around you for the first time at the beach and I thought to myself. I can never let this girl go. And every time I look at you, I remember the first day I met you. You're still so beautiful, and I'm still head over heels in love with you, Jo. You are the best thing that's ever been mine.”
Jo could only nod as she wrapped her arms around his neck, pulling him close, and holding his body against hers. She breathed in the scent of him and tangled her fingers in his hair. Alex was hers and she would never let him go. 
“You are the best thing that's ever been mine, too and I’m not going anywhere.” 
And I remember that fight, two-thirty am, 'cause everything was slipping right out of our hands. I ran out, crying, and you followed me out into the street. Braced myself for the goodbye, 'cause that's all I've ever known. Then, you took me by surprise. You said, "I'll never leave you alone." You said, "I remember how we felt, sitting by the water, And every time I look at you, it's like the first time, I fell in love with a careless man's careful daughter, she is the best thing that's ever been mine."
Jo and Alex both walked across the grass to the beach with both of the twins between them. As soon as they could hear the water, Alexis and Eli jumped up and down for joy, pointing and shouting. Their childish excitement was so infectious and exciting. They had never seen the open ocean before, so Jo and Alex had planned a family trip to Ocean Shores for the weekend. It was the twin’s first trip to the beach and their first trip to Seattle, whereas previously, Jo and Alex had gone to Kansas twice a month. 
The open ocean stretched out endlessly in front of them, the large sandy beach stretched out in either direction, and the sun was warm and hot on their backs. Jo was glad they brought the extra big umbrella as she adjusted the sun hat on Alexis' head lest she get burned with her fair hair.
The past few months since she and Alex had met the twins had been a whirlwind. When they met the twins, Jo instantly fell in love with them. How could she not? They were both a part of Alex, the man she loved. Eli was the spitting image of his father, and he warmed up to Jo in an instant, faster than he did to his father. He was so free with his affections for her in a childish manner. He just snuggled up to her on the couch and grabbed her hand, and pulled her to play with him. 
Alexis was one hundred percent daddy's little girl. Even now, as she commanded Alex to drop everything and pulled him towards the waves that crashed the beach. Alexis looked so much like Izzie, but she had that Karev smile and Alex's charm, and soon she had both Alex and Jo wrapped around her little finger.
Alex chased the twins around the beach and Jo joined them in the water as the waves came up to meet her toes. Eli pulled her over to create a sandcastle, and Alex and Alexis soon joined in as well, going out in hunt of leaves and rocks to decorate it. While Alex created a moat around it because every castle should have a moat.
It was the perfect day with the twins and the perfect day in general. Jo wrapped her arms around Eli's shoulders and placed a kiss on his brown curls as he placed the final leave on top, declaring at the flag. Alexis jumped around her, and Jo captured her wrist and spun her around as they danced together. Alexis grabbed onto Jo's leg and gave her a quick hug before she was gone in a flash, back into the sand to grab more rocks and hunt for more sand dollars.
They had barely been there an hour, but Jo could already feel the heat of the sun drain her. She retreated to the cool shade of the umbrella and curled up on the warm and fluffy beach towel. She watched her husband and their kids played together before she closed her eyes under her sunglasses.
“Hey you,” Alex said, as he leaned down to kiss her lips and laid down next to her on the beach towel. “Stealing a nap in the shade?”
“I think I earned it after taking care of three kids this week,” Jo said with a smirk as she opened her eyes and watched his face.
“Three?” Alex asked, scrunching up his eyebrows as he looked down at her, not fully understanding her words. “I think you miscounted.”
“Did I?” Jo asked, raising her eyebrow and placing a hand on her belly. She watched him process it for a second. His eyes fell down to her hand before they grew as wide as dinner plates, and he sat up in front of her.
“Are you, are you pregnant?” Alex finally managed to ask.
Jo could only laugh as her nose crinkled up and she just smiled because he was so flustered. “Yes, it's been so obvious. I thought you would have caught on by now. I’ve been sick every day, and I even left my prenatal vitamins on the shelf in the bathroom.”
“I'm sorry,” Alex said, looking down and putting his hand over hers on her belly. “I've been so distracted with the twins. I haven't even noticed.”
They had settled into their first week with Alexis and Eli in Seattle. The transition was rough at first, and Jo and Alex had been running around trying to manage two slightly overwhelmed five-year-olds. Alex barely noticed when she threw up or took a nap with the kids in the afternoon, although she hid her symptoms well. 
“It's okay,” Jo said, reaching out and putting her hand on his cheek as he looked up at her. “I've been distracted with everything too. I didn't even notice when I missed my period or when my body started to change until Carina pointed it out to me.”
“Yeah, that I did notice,” Alex said, his eyes glancing to her chest as she rolled her eyes.
“Well, I guess I can wear my hat, now,” Jo said, as she pulled out her beach hat, like the bride hat she had worn on their honeymoon, except this one had the words 'baby on board' stitched around it. He just shook his head as he held the hat. 
“Daddy, Mommy Jo, come play with us!” Alexis shouted at them as she waved her arm to catch their attention.
“Yeah, come back our castle isn’t finished yet, we need another tower!” Eli called to them from where he sat in the sand.
“We’ll be there in a minute,” Jo said as they got up from the beach towel. Alex wrapped one arm around her waist and pulled her up against him as they watched the twins play. 
“A baby,” Alex said, looking down at his hand on her belly, and although they could neither see nor feel their child, they knew they were there. It was magical and wonderful and they were a little in awe.
“Yes,” Jo said with a smile, getting caught up in the way that he looked at her. “Do you think we could handle one more?”
“I think that we could and that we're going to be amazing, Jo. You're going to be an amazing mom. You’re already an amazing step-mom to the twins. I know this wasn't the family we envisioned, but I love the twins and this baby is what I've wanted with you since the moment I fell in love with you. You and me being family, with our baby and the twins, this is what I want more than anything.”
“I want you and this baby and our twins. Your right, they are ours, Alex this family is ours,” Jo said, reaching out to hold his face as he just looked at her and his eyes sparkled with happiness.
“I love you,” Alex whispered, leaning in for a gentle kiss.
“I love you too,” Jo whispered against his lips. 
“Can you believe it?” Alex said as they watched the twins play.
“No, if you told me three years ago that this was gonna be our life, our family, I wouldn't have never believed you, but we made it, and our marriage is stronger than ever.”
“I can see it. I can see it all unfold, the future, the five of us, you, me, this baby, and the twins, I can see it now.”
“It's going to be amazing,” Jo said as she looked over at him, he caught her eye and smiled at her. He was so in love with her and she was just as in love with him. “I can see it too.”
Do you believe it? We're gonna make it now, and I can see it. Yeah, yeah I can see it now.
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hopeshoodie · 3 years
Part 7 of my Pros and Cons of dating the different islanders (yes I’m finally coming back to this :P) 
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He doesn’t have a whole lot of thoughts about things that he’s not actively excited or annoyed by, and he doesn’t really feign interest. If MC buys a new top, or is invested in a new show, or anything that Gary doesn’t really care about, he’ll really disinterestedly say “that’s cool babe,” and make her feel like it’s unimportant. He’s not patronizing/embarrassing her on purpose, he just doesn��t have a lot of tact. You would have to really talk to him and work with him to get him out of this habit, because he doesn’t see how it’s hurtful or care that much to change.
He gets really defensive. If you call him out on his behavior or point out how he’s really stubborn, he’ll argue with you without really considering if his behavior is bad. Arguments with Gary suck because it gets to a point where he’s not hearing you and will just say “whatever” and refuse to engage. The best way to change Gary’s behavior is some pavlovian shit- you need to offer positive reinforcement without him really noticing. When he communicates really well, shower him with affection. When he picks up after himself, tell him how much you appreciate it. 
He’s very willing to walk away from things that challenge him instead of trying to grow as a person. We saw that with him and Lottie- whenever she or MC offered valid criticism of his behavior he would just walk away. That applies to most areas of his life- if he tries a new hobby and isn’t good at it immediately he’ll drop it. He doesn’t really like trying new things or going to new places, and if something challenges his worldview he’s more likely to ignore it than engage.
I’ve said this already but he buys MC heart shaped jewelry and pandora charm bracelets...
Gary’s a lad. While he doesn’t intend to hurt anyone’s feelings, he never really engaged with social justice issues and he hasn’t done the work needed to be anti-racist. He’ll laugh along to sexist, racist, homophobic, and ableist jokes without really thinking about the implication. He’s loath to call anyone out. If MC points out ‘hey that thing you/your friend said is hurtful,” he’ll get defensive and say “why are you ruining a good time? It was just a joke” If MC sits down and explains to him how the things he says are actively hurting her, he’ll internalize that and not do it. But he’s really hesitant to say the same to other people- he doesn’t want to ‘ruin the mood’ and get made fun of for being ‘PC’. 
Gary’s super dense. He doesn’t really pick up hints very well, so MC needs to explicitly tell him “I need you to compliment this dress” or “we haven’t gone on a proper date in awhile and I’m feeling undesired, can we go out for dinner tomorrow?” I firmly believe that the reason Gary tolerated all of Lottie’s passive aggressiveness was because he didn’t pick up on it, so MC needs to be direct. 
He doesn’t appreciate all the effort it takes to get all dolled up, even though he loves it when MC goes all out. I know he SAYS he doesn’t like high maintenance women, but in canon when given the choice between Hannah (seemingly low maintenance) and Marisol (very outgoing and done up), he chooses the higher-maintenance option. Every woman he dated on the show was a glam kind of girl- MC, Lottie, Marisol. So while he loves when MC has a full face and outfit done, he complains about how long it takes her and how she always sneaks away for touch ups during the night. He’s one of those dudes who is like “wow you’re so pretty without makeup” but you’re literally wearing foundation, contour, eyeshadow, eyeliner, mascara, blush- he thinks the difference between makeup and not wearing any makeup is red lipstick. This is super annoying because MC puts a lot of effort into her look only for him to downplay that effort but still enjoy the results. 
Building off of the above, Gary severely underestimates how much effort it takes to do “domestic work” like cooking, cleaning, and administrating for the household (I imagine pre-MC he forgets to do the basics like renew licenses, register to vote, schedule appointments, etc). So if MC points out how she spent the whole day cleaning, he’ll be like “that seems a bit much? You just cleaned the kitchen?” and doesn’t really get it until MC breaks down “I swept and washed the floor, I disinfected the dishwasher, I ran cleaners through the sink link, I cleaned out and organized the fridge, I dusted and sanitized the chandelier, I organized the spice drawer,  I wiped out the cabinets…” He’s not really motivated to learn how to clean or do laundry or cook.
He doesn’t communicate. This is canon- he doesn’t tell Lottie where his head is at in the game, he strings Lottie and Hannah along, and he doesn’t reassure MC when other girls are clearly cracking on with him. So most of the problems in a relationship with Gary come from MC not knowing what he wants and him never initiating emotionally vulnerable conversations. 
He’s not going to do well if MC needs to travel a lot for work, and he’s not going to move to live with her. Even after his nan dies, I don’t see him leaving Chatham. So if moving to a new place is important to you, this is a dealbreaker.
If something goes really wrong, he’ll never do the same thing twice. This applies to physical mistakes as well as emotional- if he forgets to wear eye protection and gets sawdust in his eyes, he’ll be religious about wearing glasses from them on. If he forgets a birthday or anniversary and makes MC cry, he will be SO diligent from then on about remembering dates. On that thought, he HATES seeing MC cry. He will move heavens and earth to stop whatever’s upsetting her or fix it. 
Hugs and cuddling from Gary? So comforting. He just has that vibe, like he’s a really good cuddler. Not to mention that he’s really good at the nasty in canon, so it would stand to reason………
All of that internalized masculinity has an upside- he wants to take care of his family. He’s on top of all the ‘masculine’ caretaking stuff like buying a home, maintaining the landscaping, fixing the tires on the vehicles, shoveling, fixing stuff up around the house, managing the cable/internet/tech. Which is nice because I hate doing those things, but also I’m absolutely teaching him how to do laundry and pick up after himself. 
Gary is SO calm in emergency situations. I have this headcanon for Rahim too, but the more panicked those around them get, the calmer they are. Especially in situations where they’ve prepared/considered before like tornadoes or floods. They’re not the kind of guys who take the lead normally, but in these super dire situations they find it in them to take over and calm everyone else down. I can see him having a lowkey stockpile of food, an emergency first aid kit, and a go-bag. 
I know people don’t like this headcanon, but too bad. Gary is catholic. That’s the law. Sorry I don’t make the rules. That’s not so much of a pro for me, an atheist nihilist lesbian, but I can recognize a religious man has a certain amount of charm. He has a close knit community, is super consistent about attending services, and has a certain level of taking morals really seriously. He definitely donates a fair bit to charity and is always the one saying “love thy neighbor” when people are being shitty. 
Gary’s spontaneous, but in a controlled way. He very much likes his routine and respects MC’s need for consistency. But periodically he’ll just be like “we have nothing planned for today- want to go rent a paddleboat?” or he’ll pick up flowers “just because”. If MC and he are going on a vacation, he much prefers to only plan 1 or 2 things to do a day and then once they’re in the place see interesting things and suggest ‘let’s do that’. He’ll do really thoughtful stuff like text MC if she has anything planned for dinner then randomly bring her favorite restaurant food home. Thursday nights are date nights!! Doing formal ‘dress up nice and go to a proper dinner date without the kids and movie’ is really important to him.
Gary’s a really good dad. Like yeah he has a lot to learn about not telling his son to ‘stop crying’ and not telling his daughter ‘no boys until you’re married’, but he genuinely wants the best for them. He’s really supportive of their hobbies/sports/interests, and will happily pay for summer camp/field trips/conventions. He might not ‘get it’ all the time, but he’ll smile and nod. 
He gets a lot of delight out of really little things. If his kid draws something for him, he’ll pin it to the fridge and smile at it every time he sees it without fail. If MC says she likes a certain shirt on him, he’ll triple the amount of times he wears it. He keeps the bird feeders outside their dining room window full, because he can happily sit with a cup of coffee and watch the birds for hours. It truly is the little things.
He’s really good at remembering MC’s favorite things, or even things she mentioned liking once. This is to the point where it’s a bit confusing. MC will compliment Gary’s nan on her christmas poinsettias one year, then two years later Gary buys a ton of poinsettias and is like “I thought you loved poinsettias” and not be able to remember why he thought that. So MC has to be careful with fake compliments, because Gary cannot tell the difference. But that’s still, like, super endearing and nice of him. 
There’s a few LIs that I feel like could get bored in a long-term relationship. I can see Lucas, Felix, and Rahim feeling like they’re ‘falling out of love’ when the intensity of a new relationship fades and they struggle to settle into domesticity. Gary is NOT one of them. He’s one of those “I fall in love with you more every single day” kind of guys. As MC gains weight/ages, he’ll insist “you age like a fine wine” and “I like you more with meat on your bones”. He’ll insist to their kids that “your mom is the most beautiful woman on earth”. Gary was built for long-term relationships.
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lovelyirony · 4 years
new girl au!! not sure how faithful i’ll be to the plot, but we’ll give it our best! 
Tony sighed as he got home. Another long day working, although it was worth it when Ned had finally remembered how the planets song went. Besides, he had worn his moon socks! It’d been awesome! 
And then he comes back and sees another girl in his house. 
He drops his planet model. Pluto goes flying. (Yes, Pluto is a planet.) 
“Babe, it’s definitely not what you think,” Tiberius says. 
“Um, yes it is?” Tony answers, eyes wide. “I can’t believe you!” 
“You’re just gone all the time, and--” 
“Yeah, because I’m the only one who has a job, Ty!” Tony yells. “And I got it so I could pay for your stupidly bad snack foods and bills! Not so you could sleep with another person!” 
He takes his wardrobe, loads it into his car, and drives. He doesn’t even know where he’s going now. Probably a coffee shop. 
Now that he’s calmed down more, Tony has no idea what he’s going to do. He can’t go back to the house, and he really doesn’t want to sleep in the car. 
It’s then that he’s scrolling through a housing website when he sees it. 
“New roommate needed. Contact at this number. Must be chill.” 
The rent’s reasonable. It’s close to his school. 
Tony calls. 
“Hello?” A gruff voice answers. “This is Bucky. If you’re looking for Sam he definitely isn’t here and will not answer.” 
“I’m, um, calling about the roommate ad?” Tony asks. “I was hoping to meet up and see the place?” 
“Oh, yeah, of course. What time you wanna come?” 
“As soon as possible,” Tony says. “I’m Tony. See you in thirty?” 
Bucky turns to Sam and Clint, who are looking at him. 
“Please tell me we’re not meeting another roommate, wasn’t that Reed dude bad enough?” Sam begs. 
“One last one for the day,” Bucky says. “I’m not gonna try and make extra cash in a week, and neither are you.” 
Tony has red-framed glasses. And moon socks. 
“I’m a schoolteacher,” he says firmly. “And I just got broken up with, so--” 
He starts tearing up. 
“Whoa, no crying, no crying!” Bucky says, panicked. “Uh-uh, we’re not doing that here.” 
“Can you pay rent?” Clint asks from the kitchen. “And more importantly, can you cook? And I mean actually cook, not microwave meals.” 
Bucky shoots him a glare. 
“It’s a valid question!” Sam asks. 
“How much do you like spaghetti and meatballs?” Tony asks, voice small. “And I can pay rent.” 
After much deliberation (two minutes), Tony is welcomed into the apartment. 
They learn that his ex-boyfriend is super-shitty, they steal the TV back, and learn that Tony has a questionable fashion sense and a very, very cute friend. 
Clint and Sam are kind of in love. Clint more than Sam. 
“Natasha, would you please have my kids?” he asks. 
“I’m going to shove a spatula up your ass,” Natasha says blandly. “Tony come on, one night out with me and the girls.” 
“Sharon’s gonna make me do shots,” Tony says with a frown. “And I wanna finish my sunflower crochet blanket! I have seven more petals to do!” 
“Your stupid sunflower blanket can wait,” Natasha says, dragging him to his closet. “I know I left a cute top for you somewhere...” 
There are a lot of weird situations. Their repair guy wants a threesome. Clint is somehow a good businessman. Tony ropes Bucky into helping him a lot. 
And somewhere along the way, Bucky kind of falls for Tony. 
He’s not sure why. He’s not really the kind of person to fall for someone, just ask his whole family. He was the one who kept track of the kids, called his Ma, and fixed the dishwasher. 
Tony’s not even his type, not really. He’s loud and expressive and cries when he sees a kitten. 
He cooks and does funny voices when Bucky is sad and looks nice next to the fairy lights. 
And then they kiss. 
Bucky didn’t want it to happen the way it did, but it did. 
“Oh god,” he groans as Tony goes back into his room. “I’m so stupid. So, so stupid.” 
As it turns out, Bucky still is incredibly stupid, but not as stupid as he thought he was. Tony shyly admits that he “like likes” Bucky back. 
“Please tell me you did not pick that up from your third graders,” Bucky groans. 
“I can’t help it! Riri is in a crisis right now!” Tony states theatrically. “Now come here, you big lug. Kiss me.” 
“You’re so cheesy,” Bucky says with a laugh, leaning over anyway. 
Some people become best friends with their roommates. Some people hate their roommates and have the craziest stories. 
But not many fall in love and stay in love. 
At least, that’s what Sam puts in his wedding toast. 
Bucky finds the whole thing sappy and ridiculous. But Tony smiles at it, so that’s really all that matters. 
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wonkasmissstarshine · 4 years
The Chocolatier’s Rose {Willy Wonka x OC} Ch.14
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GIFs not mine. Credit go to owners.
Summary: Things are turning out better for the Bucket family, but Rose is still heartbroken. So, she makes a decision.
Tagging: @holdmeicant​ @willymywonkers​ @sleepiesapphicxoxo​
Within the week, life had improved greatly for the Buckets. They had fixed the hole in the roof. Grandpa Joe was up and about, helping with chores. Mr Bucket had also started his new job at toothpaste factory, fixing the machine that replaced him. The pay was a lot better, and now the Buckets could afford more food, other than cabbage soup.
Rose had also gone back to work at Mrs Mason's Magical Pies. She worked alongside the older woman, baking pies in the kitchen. Rose had also made other friends with the newly hired employees. There was Priscilla and Eleanor, the two new waitresses, Danny who worked the front counter, and Felix who was the new dishwasher.
Mrs Mason's shop has been much busier, meaning she was making more money, which meant Rose was getting a better pay check.
However, not everything in Rose's life was positive. She was supposed to get married the day after the visit to the chocolate factory, but she had feigned sickness in hopes of avoiding the wedding. She was pretending that she had a flu, that way the wedding would be delayed for a week or two. At least she worked in the kitchen full time now, that way Harry couldn't see her if he came snooping around.
"My dear, that boy is eventually going to find out that you're not really sick" Mrs Mason told Rose. Rose was rolling out dough with a rolling pin, while Mrs Mason moulded the dough and put in the fillings. "Just tell him you don't need to marry him anymore"
"I... I think..." Rose hesitated to answer Mrs Mason. She knew that the older woman wasn't going to like the answer that was going to come out of her mouth. "Maybe I would be better off marrying Harry"
Mrs Mason sighed, putting her hand on her hip and leaning against the counter. "Why on Earth would you think that?"
"Because, I'm never going to love anyone the way that I loved..." Rose paused, not wanting to say his name. It broke her heart to even think of Willy Wonka. Rose swallowed a lump in her throat as she continued. "The way that I loved him ever again. I might as well save myself a life of loneliness and marry that monster"
"But that's no excuse to marry someone you don't love. Hell, I don't even think that boy really loves you. He just wants power over you, dear. And if you marry Harry, you're giving that to him" Mrs Mason's tone was harsh, but it needed to be if she wanted to get through to Rose. "At least with Mr Wonka, from everything you told me about him, he seemed to truly care for you. Even if you two did only know each other for a day"
"If he really did love me, then he would have let us all move into the factory" Rose spat out, aggressively rolling the dough for the pie crust. "He would have let Charlie bring us with him"
"Dear, I know you're angry but don't take it out on the dough" Mrs Mason said. Rose suddenly stopped rolling the dough. A tear then slipped from her eye and it splattered on the flattened dough. "Why don't you take a couple days off? Clear your head?"
"Mrs Mason, you don't need to—"
"Yes, I do my dear" Mrs Mason said. She took the rolling pin from Rose. "Take the time you need to clear your head. I'll still pay you for your scheduled days"
Rose sighed and nodded. "Thank you, Mrs Mason" She hugged the woman.
"Please, take care of yourself. And when you come back, and I find a ring on your finger, I'm going to be very disappointed, do you understand?"
Rose hesitated. "Yes" And with that, she left the shop, saying her goodbye to her friends as she walked past them. Priscilla came into the kitchen, with a newspaper in hand.
"Is everything alright with Ro?" Priscilla asked.
Mrs Mason sighed and continued on with making a coconut cream pie. "The poor girl is suffering terribly from a broken heart"
Priscilla frowned, feeling very worried for her friend. "She's not going to marry that ghastly Harry boy, is she?"
"Despite everything I told her, I fear she may still be considering going through with it"
"Well, it turns out that Rose isn't the only one suffering from a broken heart" Priscilla dropped the newspaper beside Mrs Mason. The older woman went wide eyed as she read the headline.
Wonka Bars dropping in sales. The once sweet and delicious chocolates, have now turned terribly bitter. Is this the end for the famed chocolatier? What has happened to make his chocolate and candy not so sweet?
"Do you think Rose had anything to do with this?" Priscilla wondered curiously.
"Maybe. I know from experience that a broken heart can affect the things you're most passionate about" Mrs Mason explained. "When my beloved husband died, my pies were absolutely terrible. It took me about a year before my pies were magical again"
Rose had cried all the way home. She was about to make a regretful decision, but she didn't see any other choice. Everything Mrs Mason has told her went right out the window.
Rose had run into Harry on her way home. Harry was angry at her for pretending to have the flu. But when Rose had said that she was ready to marry him, today to be exact, his mood had changed to a pleased one.
They were to be wed in two hours. That's why Rose went home. She needed to pick up the wedding dress.
Mr and Mrs Bucket weren't home when she got there. Rose presumed they were out at the market. Grandpa Joe was outside working in their new garden where they grew a new assortment of fresh vegetables. The other grandparents were fast asleep for theirs naps. And she didn't see Charlie anywhere. He must be out at his new job of shining shoes.
Rose opened a cupboard where the wedding dress was being kept. She grabbed the dress and was about to walk out the door when she heard Charlie's voice.
"Rosie? What are you doing?" He asked. His eyes trailed over to the wedding dress in her arm. "You're getting married today?" Charlie sounded disappointed, but at the same time, he knew that this was her decision and he would support it.
"Yes, Charlie. In two hours to be exact" Rose confessed. "Believe me, I've really thought this through, and as much as I'm going to regret it, this is the best thing I can do right now"
Charlie nodded. "Is there anything that can be done to change your mind?"
"Unless Mr Wonka magically crashes the wedding to apologize, then no" Rose pulled Charlie into a hug and kissed him on the top of his head. "I love you, Charlie. You're the best little brother any girl could ever ask for"
"I love you too, Rosie" Charlie said. "You're an amazing sister"
And with that, Rose was out the door and on her way to the church. Where in a matter of two hours, a surprising twist of fate would be taking place.
Charlie settled himself in front of another client reading the newspaper. Charlie scrubbed the brush in the polish, and then got to work on the client's shoes.
"Pity about that chocolate fellow, Wendell, er, Walter" the client broke the silence. Charlie thought there was something very familiar about the man's voice.
"Willy Wonka" Charlie corrected.
"That's the one. Says here in the paper his new candies aren't selling very well. But I suppose he's just a rotten egg who deserves it"
"Oh, really? You ever met him, the chocolate maker?"
"I did. I thought he was great at first, but then he didn't turn out so nice" Then Charlie added. "He also has a funny haircut"
The man lowered the paper, revealing himself to be Willy Wonka. "I do not!"
"Why are you here?" Charlie asked him.
"I don't feel so hot" Willy explained. "What makes you feel better when you feel terrible?"
Charlie answered. "My family"
"Ew" Willy cringed, leaning back in his chair.
Charlie stood up. "What do you have against my family?"
"It's not just your family. It's the whole idea of..." Willy swallowed down the word 'family' like it was a lump in his throat. He continued. "You know, they're always telling you what to do, what not to do, and it's not conducive to a creative atmosphere"
"Usually they're just trying to protect you because they love you" Charlie explained. Willy made a disgusted face. "If you don't believe me, you should ask"
"Ask who?" Willy scoffed. "My father?" He let out a sarcastic laugh. "No way" Willy took a moment to think the idea over. "At least, not by myself"
"You want me to go with you?" Charlie suggested.
Willy smiled for the first time in two weeks. "Hey, what a good idea! Yeah!" Willy got out of the seat.
Charlie then suddenly remembered his sister. The wedding ceremony would be happening very shortly, and it needed to be stopped before she made the biggest mistake of her life. "But we need to stop somewhere first. We need to get Rose"
Willy's stomach fluttered at the mention of her name. Oh, how he's missed her. He would give anything to see her again and apologize to her. "Where is she?"
"At the church. She's about to get married"
Willy's smile dropped, as did his heart. "She's getting...?" He trailed off, not wanting to say the word. Only because he couldn't think of Rose marrying anyone but him.
"Yes, to a man that she doesn't even love. And I'm scared that if she marries him, he won't ever let us see her again" Charlie's voice shook with fear.
Willy couldn't let that happen. He saw how close Charlie and Rose were. She would be miserable if she was to never see her family again. He can't believe he made that mistake himself.
"Well then, we have no time to lose!" Willy said, walking towards the glass elevator. "And you know what? I've got trans—" Willy yet again walked into the elevator and fell to the ground. He quickly got up and collected himself. "I have to be more careful where I park this thing"
Willy and Charlie went into the elevator. Willy pressed a button and the elevator moved. First stop, the church to save Rose.
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frobster · 4 years
Offer of a Lifetime: Chapter 2
Both chapters now up on ao3!
Peter stayed where he was for a moment, shocked by what had just happened, before his phone buzzed again and brought him back to himself. He looked down at the number of missed messages and quickly read through them, MJ becoming increasingly frantic when Peter didn’t immediately answer.
> Peter: So, James was just in my apartment
> Peter: Also, he told me to call him Bucky
The buzzing started again before Peter could even lock his phone. He ignored it as he went around getting dressed, pulling on underwear and sweatpants before checking again.
> Peter: I’m fine. He left. Gave me a week to think about his offer. Also said he would leave me alone completely if I turned him down
> MJ: And u believed him???????????
> Peter: He didn’t give me a reason not to. There weren't any threats, and he did wait wait a whole day before contacting me
> Ned: Sugar daddy already getting to you smh
> Peter: Come on, you know it would be amazing to have a sugar daddy
> MJ: Ya but this one could put u in a lot of danger
Peter bit his lip as he thought. MJ was right. While it was his dream to be a kept boy and never have to worry about anything, he wasn’t sure if it was worth the dangers associated with Bucky. He would definitely need the whole week to think.
> MJ: We’re gonna talk more tonight. I’ll see u at 7:45
> Peter: Sounds good 
Bucky was at the forefront of Peter’s mind for the rest of the day. He didn’t really have anything to do until the evening, so he lounged around much like the previous day and tried to find more on the internet about Bucky. 
“Where did that name even come from?” Peter muttered to himself as he clicked on yet another tabloid article. The gossip papers had a lot to speculate about him since they loved to lie about crime and drama. He mostly skimmed the articles since they all seemed to be sensationalized and mostly rumors. 
One thing that stood out to Peter was the consistent inclusion of a broad blonde man almost always on Bucky’s right. The few pictures that weren’t blurry or grainy made the man seem relatively attractive, and Peter had to wonder if he was a past fling or just a confidante. Bucky obviously liked men, given his interest in Peter, but that still didn’t confirm anything.
The day oozed by in a cloud of laziness - naps, articles, snacks. Peter didn’t leave the couch except to get a snack or use the bathroom. By the time 6pm rolled around, Peter finally got up to start getting ready. He never took too long, but he didn’t want to rush either. The weather was still decent, so he decided on a pair of shorts that would help show off his legs and a mesh tank top that wouldn’t really cover anything. Beneath the shorts, he had red panties. Even if it led to him getting misgendered more often, the panties did help him get more money out of clients. 
Peter ran his hands through his hair to make it fluffy and messy, swiped some gloss over his lips before tucking the tube into his bag, then looked at his measly pile of shoes. There weren’t many to choose from and most of them were bought purely for style rather than function. He ended up going back to his room to grab a pair of knee-high socks before sliding on a pair of black high-top sneakers. People still liked scene twinks, right? The socks would help keep his legs warm too once the sun went down and the air got cooler.
Picking his outfit didn’t take very long, so Peter was left with almost an hour until he had to leave. Then he remembered that Ned and MJ went grocery shopping for him, so he took a tour of his own kitchen to see what they got for him. Most of it was canned goods so it wouldn’t go to waste if he didn’t eat it quickly, but there were some fresher foods too like prepackaged salads and frozen chicken. 
Settling on the chicken and a salad, Peter hauled out the bag of chicken tenders to check the required oven temperature. He got the oven set and preheating before wandering back to his couch and flopping over the back of it. Upon checking his phone, he finally saw the few messages from Bucky that he missed while showering.
> I’m coming to visit soon. Try to look presentable.
Sent almost as soon as Peter stepped into the shower. He grimaced at the bad timing and scrolled down to read the rest, sent after Bucky had left.
> Obviously you did not see my message beforehand, as I assume a towel around your waist and a bare chest is not what you would typically consider “presentable”.
> You have until next Wednesday to make your decision. If you do not give me an answer before then, I will assume you’re uninterested and leave you alone, like I promised.
Peter sighed and reread the messages a few times. Then he saved Bucky’s contact number before taking another screenshot to send to his friends.
> Peter: See? I told you he would leave me alone if I turned him down
> MJ: I guess he may not be such a terrible person…
> Ned: He literally runs the New York mafia
> MJ: Yeah, but he knows how to treat a boy right
> Peter: I’m feeling heart emojis. Should I change his name in my phone to Daddy?
> Ned: NO!!!!!!!
> MJ: skjghalfaldfk YES
> Ned: Do NOT encourage him!!
Peter laughed to himself and quickly changed Bucky’s contact name to ‘Daddy’ followed by pink and purple heart emojis. Then he took another screenshot of the saved contact and sent it to the chat. 
> MJ: I expect updates every time he texts you. We have to decide if he’s good enough for our baby
> Ned: I will not approve of Peter being the kept boy of the HEAD OF THE NEW YORK MAFIA
> Peter: Aw dad, you’re no fun
> Ned: Don’t make me ground you
> MJ: Not allowed, Peter and I have work tonight
> MJ: Maybe daddy will bring us some coffee
> Peter: Hey! Only I am allowed to call him daddy
> MJ: Aw, possessive already? ;)
> Peter: ...maybe
> Ned: I’m doomed. We’re all doomed
Their casual, friendly conversation continued for a while until Ned had to put his phone away for class. Peter and MJ switched to single texting as they talked about their plans for that night. She had got them a new corner a few blocks away from where Bucky had picked Peter up, but they both knew that Bucky could find them again if he really wanted to. 
The oven soon beeped so Peter got up to put a couple chicken tenders on a pan and into the oven. He set a timer on his phone then looked around his apartment as he tried to figure out what to do to pass the time.
But rather than finding something to do, Peter just realized how shitty his apartment really was. The walls were thin and dirty, there was a crack spiderwebbing up the wall in a corner, the floors were stained and worn out from countless tenants. He sighed and slumped against the kitchen counter, a cheap laminated wood that creaked even under his slight weight. There were multiple different bug problems through the building - cockroaches, ants, spiders, wasps. He had a roach problem in his own apartment, leading to all food in the cabinets needing to be canned so they couldn't chew into it. 
It was exhausting to live in poverty. Peter hated his apartment but it was all he could really afford. The life insurance policy from his aunt was used to pay off his surgery bills and the rest was funneled to any other medical costs that came up, including his hormone prescription. While he did have some money in savings, it would not be enough to allow him to live somewhere better. He was losing money faster than he made it back.
Bucky’s offer was slowly becoming more and more attractive.
When the timer went off on his phone, Peter swiped it away before carefully taking out the tray of chicken. He set it on the stove to let it cool while he took out the prepared salad bag and set to mixing everything together. Then, since he didn’t feel like using multiple dishes, he cut up the chicken on the baking pan and scraped the pieces into the salad bowl.
“Yeah, I can provide for myself,” Peter said to himself before taking a bite. 
The salad was filling and Peter actually felt like he had a decent amount of energy. He took the time to wash all the dishes he used rather than trying to jam them into the dishwasher, brushed his teeth, reapplied his lip gloss, then checked the time. 
MJ had sent a few more messages with details of their shift that night, and Ned announced the end of his class and the offer of searching Bucky more. Peter bit his lip as he considered it. If he was going to really give Bucky’s offer some serious consideration, he felt he needed to know the man better. Or he could just text Bucky.
Before he could chicken out, Peter sent a quick text to Bucky and pocketed his phone so he could finalize his outfit and wait for MJ.
> Peter: If you want me to live with you, I’m gonna need to know more about you.
There wasn’t any reply before MJ arrived. Peter sighed as he looked at his lack of notifications before he tucked his phone away, grabbed his bag, and headed out to meet MJ.
There was some tension in the car as a lackey drove Peter and MJ to their new corner. The random guy was humming along to music on the radio while the other two held hands in the back of the car. He didn’t say anything as he stopped at a new corner and unlocked the door, a clear signal for them to get out.
Peter stepped out with his mini backpack shouldered and fixed his shorts once he was standing. MJ followed him out and fixed her skirt too, her own bag slung across her chest and accenting her cleavage. Another reason why MJ was slightly better off than Peter was her assets. People just tended to want her more often than him. He wasn’t upset about that, he knew his friend was gorgeous and she deserved the attention and money. He just couldn’t help but feel a little jealous of her slightly better financial state.
“Did Bucky say anything else?” MJ asked as the car drove off. 
“Nope. I don’t really know what he would say,” Peter replied, hyper-aware of his phone in his pocket. He couldn’t remember if it had buzzed while they were in the car since his mind was wandering. Already, just one day after meeting the man, Peter couldn’t stop thinking about Bucky.
8pm wasn’t very late, the bars were just starting to fill up. Peter and MJ had time to talk before people would start showing interest in them. The sunset was nice to watch and offered a serene backdrop to the chaos of their lives, purples and reds blending together like the mundane and unusual of the past few days.
“I would think that he would try to sweeten the deal somehow, y’know? You’ve clearly been hesitant about accepting his offer, so wouldn’t he want to tempt you?” MJ looked at her nails and flicked a speck of invisible dust off the shiny finish, then winked at someone who was looking at her as they stepped into the nearby bar.
“I dunno how much sweeter the deal could get. He offered to pay for everything for the rest of my life, or leave me alone without any trouble. It’s a win-win situation.” Even to his own ears, Peter knew it sounded lame. He was so tempted to accept Bucky’s offer, and MJ could clearly hear that in his voice.
“You deserve to know more about him at least. Even Ned had a hard time finding anything on this guy. And now that we know he’s got some dangerous connections, it would be in your best interest to find out everything you can before making a decision, especially since you’re tempted to agree.” Peter MJ would’ve been an excellent counselor. Maybe she still could be. If they ever found themselves in a position to start saving up money, she could put it towards college classes.
“Yeah, I know. I’m just not-” Peter cut off when he felt his phone vibrate against his ass. He reached into his back pocket to pull it out and blinked as he read the message.
> Bucky: We could discuss that over dinner, if you’d like. I know you’re working, but I could talk to your boss and have him pardon you for the night.
Before Peter could reply to the text or finish what he was saying, MJ snatched his phone away to read the message.
“Hey! Give that back!” Peter squawked as he tried to grab his phone back.
But MJ was taller than him even without the heels she was wearing, so she just held the phone up and angled it down so she could read the screen. She laughed aloud when she read the message and finally lowered her hand again so Peter could have his phone back. He huffed as he stuffed it into his pocket again without bothering to answer.
“It’s cute that he’s already offering to cover your shifts for you. Maybe he’ll even give you some cash to make up for missing a whole night,” MJ teased with a grin. Peter felt too flustered to really register that she seemed to be encouraging him to leave with Bucky.
“There is nothing cute about this situation,” Peter huffed, cheeks flushed pink with embarrassment. He wasn’t really sure what he was embarrassed about. Maybe he didn’t realize how tempted he was to accept Bucky’s offer until MJ gave him that little nudge.
“Well, you’re pretty cute. It’s cute how often you blush when we talk about him.” MJ’s tone was more genuine that time, and Peter felt a little surprised.
“Did Ned tell you something else about this guy? Why do you seem so supportive of him now?” There was another buzz in Peter’s pocket but he ignored it, wanting to hear MJ’s answer first.
“You deserve a good life, Peter.” She looked at him, entirely serious, and placed a hand on his shoulder. “You’ve been through so much and you’re only nineteen. I want you to be happy, to have opportunities that we could never find in this line of work.”
Before Peter could say more, his phone started buzzing like he had a call. He sighed and reached into his pocket, making a brief note that it was Bucky calling before he answered.
“You didn’t answer my text, Peter. So I called your boss anyway. I’m coming to pick you up. Would MJ like to join us for dinner?”
Peter just squeaked, his jaw dropped open as he tried to think of what to say. MJ rolled her eyes and snatched the phone away again so she could talk for him.
“Hi, Bucky. Peter would love to go to dinner with you, but he seems to have forgotten how to speak.” She snickered at whatever Bucky said, Peter watching with wide eyes as she spoke with him so casually. “Aw, thank you! I would love to join you for dinner. If you intend to steal my boy away, I have to see if you’re worth his time.”
“MJ!” Peter finally came back to his senses and made a grab for his phone, but she held him back just like before.
“Yeah, that was him. He’s just so excited to see you again. We’ll be waiting for you!” MJ hung up the phone before handing it back to Peter with a grin. “He will be here in about fifteen minutes so zip up your hoodie and try to not look like such a whore.”
Peter swatted at MJ’s arm, making her cackle loudly as she pulled a balled-up shawl out of her bag to wrap around her shoulders and cover up her chest. She tended to wear shirts that showed off her cleavage but now that she wasn’t actively trying to attract customers, she wanted to look more modest. Peter had a sleeveless hoodie that he zipped over his mesh tank top, though he started to feel overheated after just a few minutes.
The hoodie got unzipped again as Peter rocked restlessly in place, anxious and eager to see Bucky again. MJ was updating Ned since Peter was too scared to look at his phone, snickering to herself every now and then.
Soon enough, a sleek black car pulled up. The windows were so heavily tinted that they looked black, but neither of them had to guess at who was inside. MJ tucked her phone away and Peter stepped closer to her, seeking out her familiar comfort as his nerves spiked.
The back window rolled down and a familiar face was revealed. Bucky looked at them both before nodding and pushing the door open.
“Come on, we got reservations in twenty minutes,” he said as he shifted to a seat on the other side of the car.
MJ stepped in first then tugged Peter in with her. She sat across from Bucky and not-so-subtly nudged Peter over to sit next to him. The seats were smooth and cool, and Peter was thankful for the air conditioning that let him zip up his hoodie again to hide his chest. Bucky had already seen him shirtless, but he felt awkward about it now.
The car pulled away from the curb as soon as the door was closed. Peter didn’t have a chance to buckle in so he swayed and ended up leaning into Bucky for a moment. He blushed and scooted away so he could clip his seat belt, then sat quietly and picked at the hem of his socks. 
“So,” MJ started casually. “You’re who Peter has a crush on.”
“I do not!” Peter insisted, head snapping up so he could glare at MJ. She just grinned at him as Bucky made an amused sound.
“A crush, huh? That’s cute.” Bucky tucked his phone away and looked over to Peter with a smirk. “Have you given my offer any more thought?”
“It’s been like, six hours,” Peter pointed out, feeling a little more confident with MJ there to back him up.
“Plenty of time to think.” Bucky was watching Peter, eyes glued to him as he waited for a proper answer.
“I mean…” Peter sighed and slumped back against his seat. He did want to say yes, to agree and let Bucky carry him off into the sunset like some perfect romantic dream. It just didn’t feel real.
“We need some proof that you’re the real deal,” MJ finally said.
Bucky’s gaze flicked over to her as he raised an eyebrow. He clearly wasn’t someone who was used to being challenged like that, and for a moment, Peter feared for MJ. But then Bucky laughed and Peter’s heart skipped a beat at the sound. 
“Conveniently enough, that is why I invited you along tonight. It’s good to know Peter has a friend looking out for him.”
“Two friends,” MJ corrected. “Ned has been diligently mining through the internet for information about you. He is the only reason why I agreed to dinner.”
Peter huffed as a faint blush dusted his cheeks. MJ was acting like her and Ned were his parents, and he was feeling a little embarrassed about that. Sure, he was the youngest out of the three of them, but that didn’t mean he couldn’t handle himself. 
“Two friends,” Bucky amended. Then his gaze turned back to Peter and he reached over to gently rub the boy’s back. “You can relax, Peter. I promise my intentions with you are honorable.”
“And what exactly are your intentions?” Peter looked up again, finally meeting Bucky’s eyes.
There was a moment of hesitation and even MJ could feel the electricity hanging between Bucky and Peter.
“I want to take care of you the way you deserve. To spoil you, pamper you, give you anything you could ever want or need.” Bucky sounded honest and there was no nervous tic that would clue Peter in to a lie. But he still couldn’t believe it. 
Another pause. Bucky looked torn between brushing it off and turning to a new subject, coming up with some flowery words that didn’t really answer the question, or actually telling the truth. He took a deep breath to steel his nerves, and decided on the last.
“You are beautiful. Handsome, gorgeous. Whatever term you’re most comfortable with. You are like a work of art, and I don’t want to see you waste away in the streets. You deserve so much more and what am I gonna do with all this money anyway? Hell, you could turn me down here and now and I would still send you money every week. I just want you to be happy.”
Peter blinked. He hadn’t expected such an emotional answer, but he felt touched by it. A quick glance over to MJ showed that she felt affected by it too, her eyes wide in surprise. For all the research the three of them had done, they never would’ve thought Bucky was the sentimental sort of guy.
“Oh.” Peter’s voice was faint as he tried to process all that Bucky said.
Bucky swore under his breath and leaned back in his seat. He had moved closer to Peter as he spoke, but now he felt he should give the younger man some space. But to everyone’s surprise, Peter reached out and set a hand on Bucky’s knee before managing a smile.
“I appreciate that, Bucky. I really do. Thank you.”
There was a beat of silence before Bucky cleared his throat and nodded. He gave Peter a tight smile, seeming a little less confident than when they first got in the car. Then the car stopped before anyone could say anything else and Bucky looked away to the window beside him.
“Ah, looks like we’re here. Don’t worry, it isn’t anywhere too fancy. I figured you two wouldn’t really be dressed for that.”
Bucky’s confidence seemed to slowly come back as he smirked and got out of the car. Then he held out a hand for MJ, and reached out again for Peter once she was standing. But unlike with MJ, Bucky didn’t let go of Peter’s hand. And Peter didn’t really mind. 
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spideywars · 4 years
tell me the world’s alright
chapter one; new shapes 
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pairing: peter parker x stark!reader 
a/n: I’m so excited to share this!! More chapters to come :)
words: 5.8k 
warnings: swearing 
After the blip and when everyone including you disappeared, you realized that things weren’t really as safe as you thought. Even under your father’s iron wing, you knew the world was going to be a very dangerous place.
The web fluid bubbled from the heat as you squinted down at the suit in front of you. The wires were so small and delicate you had to have stupid magnifying eye-glasses on that were heavy along the bridge of your nose. It caused your gloved finger to flick at the frame to push it back up because of how much it slid down.
“Come on,” you mumbled. Your lip was raw from biting it so much, your muscles were sore, but you were so close you could see the finish line. This was something that not even your father was able to do, with constant trial-runs and annoying training sessions that end in failures. But the answer hits you at the strangest times.
In particular, this time it was when you were eating dinner. Pepper and Tony were sat between you arguing as you sat at the end of the unnecessarily large dining room table. You picked at the last of your roasted red peppers, and just one flick of your wrist and a glance down at one pepper slipping off the plate and landing on the table, it came to you.
So now you’re here, and you won’t let either of your parents into the room. Pepper is more worried, her knocking becoming so frantic you had to yell at her to back off. You’re in a zone, another world where finally, finally you can get Peter the suit that he needs to survive anything that comes his way.
It’s one spark from the wire as you connect it to your new design when the suit came to life in color. It illuminated the room, his spider symbol in the middle shining onto the ceiling. It was brighter, everything was, something that reminded you of Black Panther’s suit, but minus the vibranium.
“Oh my god.” You had to chuckle at yourself, hands throwing the magnifying glasses onto the lab table and pushing your stool away so you could stand back and stare at your invention.
Peter can now heal ten times faster, you’ve managed to mix his DNA in with the suit to cause triple the amount of cell healing. A bullet is just a scratch, a machine gun is a bruise. Everything that can kill a human being in one go will be nothing to him.
“Y/N” It’s Tony this time, probably being forced by your mother to do the parenting now. But you’re smiling ear to ear, eyes watering with joy as you witness the thing you’ve been struggling with for months since the blip.
“Listen kid your mom is raging at me right now cause of you and I’d appreciate if you’d come out and give her some reassurance you’re all good.” You blink slowly out of your daze, now moving towards the suit again to power it off and place it on the charger.
“And uhm, if you don’t come out soon I’m blasting my way in and I’m taking the damage costs out of your bank account.”
You giggle at that, quickly fixing up the suit and cleaning up the area before rushing towards the laboratory door and unlocking it. You open it to see Tony leaning against the door frame, one of his brows immediately raising at your lab coat and gloves.
“What’s up, Einstein?” His question makes you roll your eyes, and you don’t say a word to him as you maneuver around his body to get upstairs. He’s hot on your heals though. You can just feel the irritation radiating off him.
“I don’t really appreciate the silence after you’ve just come out of my laboratory looking like you’ve just cured cancer. Mind sharing with the man paying for your equipment?” He’s on thin ice, and Tony knows how to pick and prod at your emotions until you spill the beans. But you feel like you’re floating on a cloud right now. You don’t really know what to say, who to tell.
Well, you know exactly who you’re going to tell. But that person isn’t present at the moment. He’s probably studying for a biology quiz or swinging across the city.
“I-I just need time to think.” You say without faltering your steps up the stairs and towards the kitchen where you see your mother gathering dishes and placing them in the dishwasher.
“That’s great, wonderful.” The sarcasm is dripping from your father’s mouth, but that’s the usual. You ignore it easily, moving towards the trash can near the dishwasher to throw your gloves inside just so Pepper can see you have finally exited your little cave.
“Jesus, finally.” Pepper breaths out as she drops one of the plates a little too roughly into the wrack before maneuvering around it to give you a hug. It’s a short pulse before she’s putting you at arm’s length to give you that disturbing stare where she looks inside you and at your soul. It makes you shiver, and you prepare for what’s bound to happen next.
“You scared me by just getting up and leaving like that. Especially going downstairs to lock yourself in that lab.” She shakes you a bit, and you place your hands onto her own that are squeezing at your shoulders.
“I’m sorry, it’s just-”
“It better not be anything to do with Parker and that damn suit. I told you I would handle that.” Tony cuts you off, and that throws you off completely. Well, not completely. You know your father doesn’t like you involved with his…other work. But Peter was your best friend and someone that you couldn’t risk losing.
After the blip and when everyone including you disappeared, you realized that things weren’t really as safe as you thought. Even under your father’s iron wing, you knew the world was going to be a very dangerous place.
You needed to step in.
“Dad, you know I can’t just back off from this…” You glare at him over Pepper’s shoulder. He glared back with just as much force.
“It’s easy, especially when you have school and work and friends to hang out with. You have something called a life and this,” he motions with his hands towards you and your lab coat, “is not your life.”
That makes your jaw clench. He doesn’t really have the right to own your life. But apparently, since he owns basically everything in the world, he’s entitled to own you too.
“God, I’m not one of your toys. You can’t just program me to do what you want, not this time.” You throw your hands in the air and shift out of your mother’s hold. Pepper looks upset, torn between the fight with her brows furrowed and lips tight.
“Oh don’t bring out the ownership card again Y/N Stark. You know the only reason I’m doing this is to-”
“Protect me!” You yell, stopping your stomp out of the kitchen to twirl around and point an accusing finger right at your father’s reactor. He blinks at you, surprised but still showing the sparks of anger flowing through him.
You don’t allow him to speak again. You’re grabbing your coat and shuffling on your shoes before he can even blurt out another snarky remark.
“Y/N,” it’s Pepper this time, eyes wide and concerned as she rushes into the front hallway where you stood with the front door slightly ajar. You halt in the middle of your exit to stare back at her, listening.
“If you’re going to him, please, just be careful. Call me.”
That’s enough to make you nod with the smallest smile before you slip out and slam the door behind you.
You could’ve taken the car to Peter’s house. But grabbing the keys would’ve started another argument on top of the one you and your father were already having, so you settled for the bus pass you had still stuffed in the pocket of your coat.
It was nice for a change too, to see the world around you without focusing on the road and bad drivers. Everything kind of passed by you in a blur, and now you can sit with your forehead smooshed against the glass of the bus as you travel to the apartment you know all too well.
The next stop echoes throughout the speakers in the almost empty bus. You gather yourself up to walk towards the door. The driver waves his hand as a goodbye before you step off into the night once again, but this time in front of your best friend’s apartment.
It’s dark and gloomy with the constant police sirens blaring in the distance. You always blink up at the night sky, just to see if you could catch the blur of a red and blue suit or the remnants of webs along the building walls. Nothing tonight, maybe he was too caught up on homework.
It’s only five long strides before you’re inside the building. You hated the look of it every time, but it was almost soothing. A home away from home. It was a breath of fresh air from the million-dollar technology and new-world atmosphere that you were surrounded by because of your father. This reminded you of reality, a normal person’s life.
Maybe May would be home, she should be with how late it is. But she works late a lot and sometimes spends…quality time with Happy at his house.
You don’t judge, Happy deserves a beautiful and kind person like her.
The elevator dings as it opens and you make your way inside, the world being pressed on fast forward as you zone out. When you have to lift your hand to knock on the door you feel yourself coming back down to Earth.
You hear footsteps, and now May is opening the door in Spider-Man pj’s. Of course.
She looked annoyed, but it quickly turned into the softest smile as she looked you in the eyes. It’s not rare for you to come at this time of night, and all she does is nod her head into the direction of the man you’re looking for.
“Guess you can’t climb up the side of the building and into Peter’s room, can you?” She makes that joke almost every time, and, of course, you laugh at it no matter how many times you hear it. Your giggles make her smile grow a little wider, and the two wrinkles at the sides of her eyes turn to four with happiness.
“Peter wouldn’t mind me as his sidekick.” You joke, waiting for her to open the door wider and do her little nod. She does it almost on queue, and you smile before giving her a side-hug and a wet smooch on the cheek.
As you make your way towards the bedroom door with a chemistry poster taped onto the front of it, you can see the glooming light of his iron spider suit charging on its dock. You remembered watching your father make that, having a laugh when it malfunctioned and made the little arms come retracting out from the back of it to strike the tables, denting them and making Pepper severely annoyed.
It was such good times, such good inventions. But those were all the memories made by Tony. Why couldn’t you be the next Tony Stark?
“Peter?” You knock lightly, grabbing at the knob and pushing it slightly until you were looking into your friend’s room. It was clean, usually that way because of how much of a nerd Peter was about cleanliness, but you could still see the walls covered in trails of newspapers and red strings, photographs of missing people and all-too-familiar evil faces. It was a neat mess, and that’s the best way you could describe it.
Peter was sat at his desk, and he whipped around in the office chair. He smiled, that same soft smile May gave you, always welcoming. There is pen and highlighter ink all over his wrists and hands, and you sneak a look to see that you were very correct. Biology quiz and he’s apparently on question ten.
“Seem’s like you’ve been busy. Set the suit aside for the night?” Peter chuckled at your observation, his eyes flickering to his closet where his other suit was hung neatly on its own special hanger. Curtesy of May.
“May saw my marks last term, she would kill me if I didn’t pass this year. I don’t need to be pushed back another year, the blip already did that for me.” He scratched at his head, which he always did when he was nervous. He never fails to do it around you, you’ve noticed.
“You seem to forget you’re not the only hero in the world, I’m sure Queen’s can handle a night without The Spider crawling around.” He rolls his eyes at the nickname, moving to return to his work that you know he won’t do while you’re around. He just taps the end of his pen on his notebook, chewing on his lip and staring up at his collection of newspapers.
But he seems to freeze, the pen being settled down onto his desk as he slowly turns himself back around. This time he’s in hero mode, you can tell by the glisten in his eyes, the purse of his lips and the shadow that seems to cast across his face.
God, you pay way too much attention to this boy.
“What’s wrong?” He raises a brow, brown eyes scanning the lab coat you know he notices.
You laugh almost too loudly at his concerns. How could you have thought the best way to run from your problems was to run right into a man with a spidey sense?
Your eyes meet the ceiling, trying to think of what to say. No lies will work, and beating around the bush won’t work either. You are trapped in the webs of Spider-Man once again, and all you can do is stare right back into his eyes and tell him the truth.
“I did it.” You say bluntly, shoulders dropping as if you released ten pounds off your shoulders. He looks just as more confused, now leaning his elbows onto his knees to stare into your eyes, even deeper than before. It sends shivers down your spine, but you continue.
“You know how we wanted to figure out how to heal you faster? Like you had bulletproof skin? Well, I figured out how to connect your DNA cells with the suit…they are completely compatible and I scanned everything, checked my blueprints, did tests on the suit and…Pete, I think I did it.”
Your smile is wide, hands high in the air and body feeling like it’s on cloud nine. But your mood drops drastically, just like at your house, when you see Peter’s face fall and eyes sadden.
“What?” Your tone is snippy, but you’re tired. You thought out of everyone, Peter would be by your side in this. That’s why you came here in the first place, to feel like you actually succeeded.
But Tony has a tight grip on Spider-Man and has been warning Peter about your plans. That can be the only explanation with your friend’s reaction.
Your blood boils.
“Y/N this is dangerous stuff you’re getting yourself into…” before Peter even finished his sentence you were standing up and shaking your head, a loud and frustrated huff passing your lips.
“You seem to forget my own father is Tony Stark aka Iron Man, one of the leaders of The Avengers who has created the most dangerous and successful high-tech weaponry for the United States.” You turn sharply on your heals to glare at your friend, but Peter doesn’t look fazed at all.
But he also isn’t looking at you, his eyes staring down at the ground so deeply it’s almost like he could break the floorboards with the gaze alone.
“Which means he has his enemies. Probably more than any of The Avengers combined.” Peter stands up, and he’s towering over you, finally meeting your eyes. They aren’t angry, but more sympathetic.
But the last thing you need is sympathy right now.
“I did this for you.” You growl out, pointing your finger into his chest, rough enough to push him back the slightest bit. It’s funny because you knew that would’ve done nothing to him, but Peter Parker has his guard down completely with you.
He’s not looking at you again and it looks like he is fighting something. A battle is going down in his mind, and you can only imagine what Tony said to him to make him feel like this.
And you didn’t think you could get any angrier at your father.
“What did he say to you?” Your voice is wobbly now. You can feel the tough-girl shield you had surrounded yourself in flicker away and weaken. You’ve been able to hold it all in for a year now, but your weakness is standing right in front of you.
“What did he say to you, Pete?” You cut him off, voice growing louder. You know May is bound to hear you both soon and that’s going to be another mess in itself. She’ll probably sit you both down on the sofa to ‘talk it out.’ Oh god, she may even call Happy.
“He said enough to make me worried about your safety, Y/N. If you dive too deep into my life you’re gonna get hurt and everything is still on high alert after Thanos.”
“Which is a perfectly good reason to have this suit!” You retaliate. You try to keep your voice quiet, keeping an eye on the bottom of the door to watch for the shadow of May’s footsteps.
“They’re gonna find out how much you’re doing for weaponry, what you’re inventing for Tony and being in his place.” You roll your eyes and turn away from him to stare out his bedroom window, glaring down at the city below. He keeps talking.
“They know he’s your weakness, they know you’re my friend. God, you’re lucky people haven’t kidnapped you simply because you’re Tony Stark’s daughter. But now you’re not only that but an inventor of something that could heal people?”
You feel his presence grow closer behind you, and now his face is in the reflection of the window, still sympathetic.
“It can’t heal everyone, I haven’t gotten that far yet.” You mumble under your breath, meeting his eyes through the glass.
“And you won’t.” He replies, and that’s where the conversation ends for you. Peter has picked his side, and that’s all the information you need.
He won’t just let you leave though, and you know this as you take your first step towards his bedroom door. His body steps in front of you, hands coming out to lightly touch your upper arms. You shake him off, shoving past him and stomping your way to the door.
“Y/N.” He huffs out, and you flinch when a web shoots out and sticks to the doorknob before you can grab at it. The door won’t budge, you know how strong that web formula is.
“Don’t leave like this.” You’ve never heard Peter’s voice sound so small before, like a kicked puppy that’s whimpering behind you. You refuse to turn around though, knowing how easily you will cave in if you look into his eyes. You’re a stubborn girl. Pepper said its genetics that made you this solid with your decisions.
“I just want support. You’ve always been on my side through everything.” Your bottom lip wobbles, threatening your walls to break. You start to scan your surroundings, there has to be something in here that can unstick his webs.
“I know you don’t see it, but this is still me being on your side.” He sighs loudly, and you can just tell he’s scratching at his head again. “I just want you alive. You know how close of a call it was with your dad…how much it crushed us all while he was recovering. We can’t go through this again.”
You close your eyes tightly, flashbacks rotating rapidly throughout your mind. So fast as if the damns broke. There are memories of Tony laid out on the special hospital bed in the room made into your house. Half his body being nothing but burns and dead muscle. The way he looked into your eyes and told you this may be it, that you need to take care of Peter and Pepper. The way you sobbed, how hard you cried into Peter’s arms. The way you came back to a ruined world, five years went by and no memory of it.
“You won’t.” That’s all you could say, and you knew if you said anything more you would crumble. You promised yourself you wouldn’t let Peter see you like that again, so vulnerable.
“… at least let me swing you home.” Peter was now beside you, forcing you to look at him. You just knew he could feel your pain, no matter how many concrete walls you built around yourself. You liked to think you were invincible at least.
“I need time to-”
“Y/N.” He interrupts, and you could feel your last shield throwing itself down. Nothing was left between him and your heart.
You nodded silently, allowing him to shuffle on his suit and hoist you up onto his back. You had to admit, you really did like when he took you on swings around the city. Of course, you weren’t scared of heights, you kind of weren’t allowed to since your father went on so many private planes and took you and Pepper on so many vacations. This was just another exhilarating adventure high in the sky, but with just a little more of a breeze on your cheeks.
He lands on your balcony perfectly, having done it many times before. You can tell your cheeks are red from the cold, and they feel numb as you climb off Peter’s spandex-covered back. You don’t say anything, awkwardly opening your room and clicking on the lights.
He’s still there, mask still on as he stands on the balcony right outside your doors as if he wasn’t allowed in. It almost made you laugh, but you remind yourself you’re mad at him.
You can’t help but give him the smallest smile, gesturing to let him know that he’s allowed to come inside. You can’t help but want to challenge yourself, maybe you could get him to rethink his place in all this, maybe even get him to try on the suit and do a test.
He steps in and waits for you to turn on the darkened setting on the windows from your tablet. He takes off his mask with a huff, hair tangled as usual but easily fixed with a soft swipe of his hand through it.
There’s an awkward silence filled with tension, and you hate it more than anything.
“You know, the suit feels less suffocating now that I’ve gathered lighter materials and technology to fit into it.” You throw him a bone, giving him a sly smile from where you’re hiding behind your tablet as you pretend to search for something.
He just blinks at you, not impressed.
Strike one, but you keep trying.
“It’s got about a hundred new web-shooters compared to the last one.” You set the tablet down, staring at him with wide eyes as if they would hypnotize him and change his mind.
His eyes widen about, but he shakes his head with a huff.
“On top of the already 500 web-shooters stored in there? My head is gonna explode.” That makes you laugh, your body rocking over until you’re kneeling on top of your bed. You crawl towards him and swipe the mask from his hands, running your fingers across the stretchy material and bumps from the web-like stitches.
“You’ve got way better senses than any average human, you can handle a thousand and probably more, but I can’t make up that much different designs yet.” You thumb at the eyes, staring into the plastic eyes.
“I should probably get going, Y/N. Cause, you know, the biology quiz.” He points a thumb behind him towards the balcony, and that’s strike two.
You don’t have much time left, and all you can do now is hold as tightly onto his mask as possible and bolt up from your bed.
“What-what are you doing?” He snorts out a loud laugh when you dangle the mask in front of you from the other side of the room. It is funny to him to see an intelligent being like you thinking they can beat a superhero like him.
“Come on, I need to go. It’s on you if I fail.” He walks forward, one hand coming up to whip out and grab his mask. But he’s not trying, and you easily slip past him and run towards your balcony. You close the doors in front of you, now standing outside and allowing the breeze to coldly cover your body.
You can hear Peter jog over and see his gloved hands touch the glass. The windows are still darkened from the setting you put it on, and all you make out is his silhouette.
“Try the suit on.” You say, loud enough for him to hear from the crack in between the doors. You hold the mask tighter, arms wrapping around it and hugging it into your chest. This is strike three, and you just want him to move past those Tony Stark obstacles in his mind and realize everything is going to be okay.
The doorknob wiggles, then slowly opened until you’re face to face with him. Peter’s eyes soft-always soft-as he looks into your eyes.
“Okay.” He says, and he looks caved-in with weakness. All the energy is taken out of him, surrendering the battle inside his brain. He knows nothing is going to hurt him, that you’re here to help him navigate through this world full of loss.
That makes you smile, your arms coming out to pull Peter in for a quick and tight hug before you grab his hand and rush towards your bedroom door. He shoots a web out to your balcony doors, closing them shut behind you both so unwanted visitors don’t come in. You thank him in your head since there was no time to waste.
Tony and Pepper were still home, but lights were dim and the house was silent. They were either in bed, the living room, or garage. For Tony, the garage sounded more like him. Which made things slightly easier and less worrying if you made some noise.
But now it was the task of getting through Tony’s security and the many cameras and scanners he had littered around your house. The man was paranoid and had every right to be.
Luckily, you were Tony Stark’s daughter, and just as smart and ready for a challenge as him. Plus, if you knew how to make a super healing suit, you definitely knew how to disable a silly little security system.
“You know stealth mode, use it.” You whisper behind him, and Peter rolls his eyes, reluctantly following behind you. He’s like a feather, and it’s really only yourself that you hear with your shoes still on your feet, trying to avoid every loose floorboard and squeak of the bottom of your shoes.
You both make it down the stairs and snake your way through the hallways. You can hear the tv faintly from the living room, some cooking show being played. Pepper, of course.
The basement door is in view, and you take a long stride to the door, hand slowly moving to type in the disabled code to the basement before you rush inside, keeping the door open to let Peter in before you close it behind you both.
You use the second security system inside to lock it behind you, and now you can breathe.
Peter only laughs, but its a nervous one as he descends the stairs in pitch darkness. You don’t worry too much, you know he can see way better than you can.
One last double check is made on the security system before you turn on the lights, allowing the laboratory to be illuminated. You have to squint your eyes at first, adjusting to the light before they land on Peter who is now standing in front of your invention and his newest suit.
He looks in shock, and you quickly rush down the stairs in excitement.
“Thoughts?” You gush out as you gather things for the test, grabbing at a remote and letting glass separating another room from you both open up.
You don’t receive an answer, but you instead sneer at Peter’s wide eyes and open mouth, a hand slowly moving towards the suit as if it was going to come out and bite him. When he did make contact with it, his fingers caressed the material, smoothing down the slight wrinkles in the fabric as he ran them down the chest and arms.
“Try it on.” You say, not caring that your friend was speechless. It was more a compliment towards you and your hard work. You basked in the pride that bulbed up in your body. You needed this.
“I-” He cut himself off, stepping back from the suit and finally meeting your eyes. That battle wasn’t totally over like you thought, and Peter’s eyes flickered nervously around the room.
“Please.” You don’t let him think, quickly grabbing the suit off the charger to throw into his arms. He seemed surprised by the lightness of it and gave it one last look, hesitating, but he was already walking towards the corner of the room.
You knew the drill, so you turned around to give him a small bit of privacy. You needed to set up some sensors and other equipment anyways.
There weren’t any doubts in your mind that this test-run wouldn’t work, from the way everything was compatible and successful with the data you collected and the tech tests you did on your own, you felt confident that this was going to be a breakthrough in your life, and obviously Peter’s.
“Where do you want me?” Peter asked, moving towards the room that was now accessible.
You couldn’t help but stare, almost tearing up with how good the suit looked. It wasn’t too different. It had the same fitted frame, red and blue and the smallest bit of blue embedded into the web design. His eyes were mechanical and had motion sensors just like the one he has now. So very similar, but so very different and the bad guys won’t even see it coming.
“Just over there. There should be an ‘X’ on the floor that I’ve taped down.” You point to where you need him, and he quickly steps towards it and stands where you asked. He’s fidgeting and not able to stay still, his knees bopping around and feet shifting. Still so on-edge.
You feel bad, and it doesn’t really calm him down when you start hooking him up to machines and typing away on computers nearby. His spider eyes never leave your form, always observing as you do your finishing touches. You need to move faster than you would like to, but this doesn’t have to be the last test-run.
“Alright, this is just going to be quick, something small that doesn’t freak you out too much.” You move back to the other room, grabbing at a knife from one of the drawers in the lab tables. Peter stiffens, and you can’t help but snort.
“Woah there,” Peter takes the smallest step back, making some of the sensors get caught off guard by his sudden movements. You don’t worry too much about that, they’ll regenerate themselves.
“I’m not gonna stab your heart out, Parker, just give me your hand.” You’re stood in front of him, making sure he is back on top of the 'X’ on the floor before you take his hand in yours. The fabric of the suit is cool to the touch, and his hands twitch in your palm, awaiting whatever comes next.
It’s funny, this boy has had bombs thrown at him, machine guns attempt to shred him apart, and too many close calls with alien devices no one can even identify…but he is still scared of his best friend holding a knife in front of him.
Your hand tightens around the handle, and quickly, before there is too much thinking again, your hand swipe’s down, cutting a thick stripe down his palm.
You both would’ve missed it if you were looking away for just a couple of seconds. Because before you even took the blade off Peter’s skin, it was healing, and by the time you had your hand to the floor, nothing was there. The suit wasn’t even ripped, the cells inside it multiplying and reconstructing themselves until nothing was ever done in the first place.
“Holy shit,” Peter speaks. His voice is wobbly, spider eyes shrinking and widening rapidly as he examines his hand. He balls it up into a fist, shakes it out, and you can tell he doesn’t feel any pain.
“What did it feel like?” You ask anyways, spinning on your heals and rushing towards the equipment to save the data for later. You take a quick glance at each one, and smile at the green word spelling 'success’ displayed on each one.
“It felt like…nothing…maybe a pinch?” Peter takes off the mask, still glaring at his hand in shock.
“That’s good. That’s really good.” You’re smiling from ear to ear, now standing in front of him again. It’s strange how fast the awkwardness clouds over the atmosphere again. You both know the unsolved problem still hanging in the air.
“You really did it, Y/N.” Peter mumbles, but it doesn’t sound happy. God, it sounds almost mournful. It sends your emotions plummeting again.
“I did, and you can use this to stay alive and healthy now. To fight crimes of all kinds.” You say, trying to hold back the frustrated tears building up in your eyes. You just want to scream. You really thought this would win him over.
Peter just shakes his head, not meeting your eyes as he starts to undress the suit.
You don’t watch him as he maneuvers behind you back to the other side of the room. You just blink at the walls, bottom lip wobbling, hands tightening to fists at your sides.
“I really need to get-”
“Just go, Peter.” Your voice is hard, no emotion in your tone. You don’t look at him as you rush up the stairs and turn on all the security but the back door, still in the right mind to let him sneak out.
You can hear him calling your name, but there’s not much he can do when you open the basement door, rushing out and back up the stairs to your own room. He knows the way out, and who knows, maybe he will say hi to your father on the way out since they’re apparently way better friends.
next chapter  
I hope everyone loved this! Chapter two is going to be even longer.
@fckingchile @the-crazy-fanfictionist @littlemissporter @werecoyote-diaries @eridanuswave
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Luba x Reader Headcanons (SFW and NSFW)
A/N: I’m a simp for Luba in the best and worst ways possible. Like, they really could’ve been talking and smoking the whole movie and I would pay money to watch it. This is how I find my peace. Enjoy.
Warnings: smut, angst, spoilers to Mute, food mention
Luba is one of the most sarcastic people out there. They doesn’t give a shit who hears what they have to say.
That’s exactly why when you ran into them at the clerb, you were blushing furiously at his words.
“Honey, what are you doing in a place like this when you could simply be eating my ass? Or sucking my dick. Letting me eat your pussy. Or just fucking you raw.” they asked, leaning against your booth.
Yeah, um, you were hooked from the start to say the least.
Luba isn’t lazy per se, but don’t let this fucker in your kitchen, alright.
“Honey, I smell something burning, LUBA WHAT IS THAT?”
“Dinner, but the pasta isn’t cooking too well, maybe I should’ve added water.”
Yeah, you’ve had to throw out quite a few pots and pans (hehe) due to their lack of cooking skills.
Luba’s very sensitive, even though they seem to tough on the outside.
When they found out Naadirah died, you found them on the ground, sobbing, just in shambles.
Even though they split on a pretty rocky start, they blame themselves for her death, and every year as the anniversary passes, they take the day off to cry on the couch for the most part.
Luba sleeps starkers and there’s nothing you can do to change it.
The first time you slept over at their place, of course he put on boxers barely covering anything, but that’s not the point. You showed up at night once and they were wiping their eyes, and you had to keep your eyes from drifting down.
“Wait, you sleep naked, Lubie?” you ask, coming into their house, staring at your feet.
“Of fucking course, it’s a habit. Come on in, I’ll try not to let any of my pubes get on your robe.
Luba has to work late most nights due to the parlor, and the club. They come home close to 12 most times, worse days are 2 in the morning. You wake up every now and then to them starting a shower, clothes shed in the corner, gone straight into the wash.
They cuddle up to you, hips pressed against yours, hair washed out, blonde curls brushing against your shoulders.
Now, Luba’s a very expressive character, especially when it comes to sex. Whenever they have a new idea, or are horny, they’ll let you know, and it’s not subtle.
You were once sitting on the couch when he stormed through the door and made a simple, but lustful request.
“I need you to get the strap-on and fuck me until I can’t fucking walk, you know the drill.” they purred, stripping their pants off, feet pattering to your bedroom.
Luba’s also quite loud, no matter how much they try. You once had them right under you, purely squirming from your touch. Their dick fell from your mouth, and right as you gargled him, a shot of cum fell across your eyes, their feet crossed behind your back.
Screams echoed across the apartment when you bit their thigh, as the one rule for the night was to keep it in. No matter what. Not even the ball gag, harness, or wrist restraints could keep them quiet. But no matter, more fun for you. You kissed up their thigh, each rewarded by a beautiful whimper, their legs brushing up your shoulders. You hopped on top ( I wanna ride-) and with spit as lubrication, quite unsafe, you slid down, ass brushing right against their knees.
Their eyes rolled back, and as you went back up, leaning over to kiss their chest, their balls clenched again, and the next thing you knew, your pussy was dripping above their face, waiting for the cum to be eaten out of it.
If Luba gets horny enough, they’ll sit right in front of you, no matter where you are, and sit on your lap, grinding against your pussy. You grabbed their chest, fake as it may be, and you kissed their neck, sliding the red dress straps over their strong shoulders.
On more than one occasion, Luba’ll wake up and just eat you out, simply because they want to, not even a thought before that. If they want pussy, they’ll get it. However, unfortunately, they’ve found blood in their wake, having to wake several more days before they get their fix. You just stare at them, giggling at their disappointed expression. He lets you make it up though, as he was fixing you tea, and you snuck up behind him, grinding against their ass, almost spilling both the chamomile and their seed in the process.
As well as that, way more than one time, you’ve found Luba masturbating on your side of the bed, a pair of your panties stuffed in their mouth, moans slipping, even through the fabric.
“God, you’re so wet for me.” Luba said, fingers sliding between your folds.
“Lube, that’s not arousal, that’s discharge, learn the difference before you’re eating clam chowder.” you said, giggling at their confused expression, but gasping as their mouth met your clitoris, licking above the source of your wetness.
Oh, Luba gives fucking amazing head. If it’s not their fingers in your pussy, their head is resting on it, nose swiping back and forth, trying to get you aroused for him.
Luba’s a massive switch, it’s not even funny sometimes, they can be grinding against you in the parlor, hidden from everyone, but as soon as your hand caresses their ass, it’s a wrap. They’ll wiggle against your touch, hitching your leg on their thigh, letting you get off on them.
When you wake up in the morning, and not to Luba’s private kisses or cuddles, you head to the kitchen, and throw together breakfast. It’s something you can do for the both of you, the simple things. He sneaks from behind you, wearing one of your skirts, arms wrapping around your waist, head tucking into your neck, nose cold against your skin. you giggle, and eventually finish the meal, and Luba was being extra clingy, as per usual when they had a rough night.
After you two ate, and you placed the dishes in the dishwasher, now working, it hadn’t been since The Incident (tm). You threw a bath together for them, and let them soak in it. You washed their hair, making sure to get the rest of the hairspray and gel out. You scratched against their scalp, and they moaned out a quiet one, and you smiled at their reaction. They slumped against the tub, and you had to keep them from falling back asleep.
You finished, and had to practically carry them to bed, and they began snoring almost immediately, but made grabby hands as you left. You smiled once again, and slid under the covers with them, sleeping the day away, nowhere better to be.
They’re a very loving partner, and are always there for you, as you for them
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myhockeyworld87 · 5 years
Baby Blunder - Tyler Seguin
Requested: Yes
Word Count: 3099
Warnings: None
POV: Both, starts of Reader, then switches to Tyler
Notes: This was really a cute request I had fun writing. Hope you all enjoy it! Peace, Love and Hugs all!
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Seeing that little plus sign pop up, only confirmed what you’d suspected the last couple days. You’d been feeling the exact same way you had when you were pregnant the first time; only then, you had no idea why you were nauseous most of the morning. It had taken ten weeks before you discovered you were carrying Tyler’s baby then; now you couldn’t be more than five weeks along by your calculations. “You’re going to be a big brother, Liam.” You bent down to pick up your two-year-old, swinging him in your arms.
 “Yay!” Little Liam, cheered, more from the swinging around than being a big brother. He probably had no idea what that meant. “More Mommy more.” He cheered, as you twirled him around one last time before setting him back on the ground.
“Now, we can’t tell Daddy; we have to make it special. Okay?” Liam shook his head yes. “Hmmm, how should we tell him?” With Liam, it was easy, you’d gone the typical route and got a baby size Seguin jersey with Daddy written on the back. Tyler had been ecstatic; even though you’d only been married for a short six months. This time you wanted to do something a little different; so you were wracking your brain trying to come up with a clever idea. Finally, you decided you’d make a special meal, baby back ribs, baby potatoes, baby carrots and baby peas; with baby bananas foster for dessert.
 You and Liam, headed to the store to get all the ingredients for your baby themed dinner. On the way you passed a custom-made T-shirt shop; on a whim you stopped in and had them make a cute little shirt for Liam that said, I’m so cute, Mom and Dad decided to do it again. Big Brother coming May 2020. It would make for a great picture to send both of your families.
 Tyler was away on the Stars first road trip of the season and wouldn’t be home until tomorrow; so you had time to implement your plan. That night you and Liam watched the Stars play in Detroit. You thought for sure they were going to come away with a win. Tyler scored his first goal of the season; you and Liam cheering him on from the living room of your home. However, the third period saw them fall to Detroit; it was a disappointing loss, and you could see it had taken a toll on Tyler as he walked down the ramp to the locker room. Liam had fallen asleep on the couch, so you carried him into bed. The phone rang, Tyler on the other end. “Hey babe, that was a tough loss tonight. Wish we could’ve been there in person for your first goal.”
 “We played like shit tonight. I’m glad you and Liam weren’t there to see us. It’s like we can’t gel as a team or something.” You could hear the frustration in his voice.
 “Ty, it’s only the third game of the season; you guys will find a rhythm soon enough.”
 “Yeah, well if it doesn’t happen soon; it’s going to knock us out of everything.”
 “Babe, you’re over-reacting; there are eighty-two games and you’ve only played three. Give it time.”
 He blew out a breath, annoyed at both the team and your optimism. “You just don’t get it (Y/N). I’m out there skating my ass off, calling for the puck; the passes are off and I’m crashing the net, but no one on my line is there backing me up. Jamie’s playing on a different line, things are just off.”
 He continued on like that for the next several minutes; and you let him. He just needed to blow off some steam; by tomorrow he would realize it was only the start of the season, and that things would come around. Eventually he asked about Liam and what new things he’d learnt today. You told him how he’d finally got the L, M, N, O, P down on his alphabet; but omitted the part where Liam found out he was going to be a big brother. Finally, he told you he loved you and that he’d see you tomorrow afternoon.
 In the morning, you prepped all the food for your big dinner, Liam playing with the dogs in the background. Around two in the afternoon, Tyler strode through the door. “Hey hun,” his voice sounded dejected.
 “Hey Ty, how was the flight?” You asked walking over to your husband and greeted him with a kiss; hoping to improve his mood.
 “It was fine.” Gerry and Marshall had wandered over; Tyler aimlessly petting them. “Where’s my little guy?”
“He’s napping, with Cash.”
 “I think I’ll join him. I couldn’t sleep on the flight; Jamie and I were trying to come up with ways to get things back on track. What’s for dinner?”
 Not wanting to give much away, you answered simply; “Baby back ribs.”
 “Sounds great babe. I’m gonna check on Liam and then grab a nap myself, maybe I’ll dream of how we can win this next game.”
 “That’s fine. I’ll wake you up for dinner, if Liam doesn’t.” Hopefully he’d be in a better mood once he woke up. You cleaned up the toys and finished up dessert, until Liam got up, full of energy. Keeping him quiet was a chore, but the two of you played with his trains, then turned on the cartoon version of the Lion King. Around five you sent him in to wake up his dad.
 Liam ran into the bedroom and jumped on the bed. “Daddy!” The toddler climbed all over Tyler, practically smothering him in the process. “Miss you.”
 “I missed you too, bud.” Tyler said groggily, as he rubbed the curls atop Liam’s head. Liam was the spitting image of his father, messy curls with dark chocolate brown eyes and a smile that could melt your heart; vaguely you wondered if the new baby would have the same traits. Tyler lifted, Liam up in the air, and giggles filled the room.
 “Again, daddy again.” Liam was definitely putting his father in a better mood.
 “Ok you two, I’m going to finish dinner. It will be ready in about ten minutes; make sure you wash up before.”
 “Yes, mommy.” Both Tyler and Liam responding before more laughter erupted.
 As you entered the kitchen a bout of nerves hit you; it wasn’t that you were worried about Tyler’s reaction, for the two of you had talked about having more children. It was just that you wanted everything to be perfect. Everything was laid out on the table, as the two peas in a pod came strolling into the kitchen.
 “Peas?” Tyler questioned. “You know I’m not fond of those.” He was helping Liam in his booster seat; as he turned up his nose to the vegetables.
 “I no like peas either.” Liam chimed in, wanting to be just like his daddy.
 “Well they’re good for you, so you’re both going to eat them.” Tyler exchanged a conspiratorial glance with his son; then pointed to the dogs. “Don’t even think about it you two.”
 “Mommy’s no fun.” You rolled your eyes at your husband, as you continued to make a plate for your son. Keeping an eye on Tyler, you watched for his reaction as he scooped some baby red potatoes onto his plate, then piled on some baby back ribs; never noticing the carefully laid out theme you had going on.
 “Would you like some BABY carrots.” Emphasizing the word baby, so he would take notice.
 “Sure hun.” Handing the small plate over to Liam, you watched as he ate enthusiastically; then made yourself a plate. Tyler’s phone beeped and he glanced down at the message that came through. “Son of a ...”
 “Language.” You warned him.
 “Sorry, it’s just we can’t seem to catch a break. Jamie just text and said Dickinson is out for at least four weeks. How are we supposed to win a game, when we’re losing players left and right? I’m telling you something’s gotta change.” He was shoveling food in, not even paying attention as he spooned the dreaded baby peas in his mouth. “We need to make some line changes; and it wouldn’t hurt to practice a bit more.”
 “Well I’m sure Monty’s on top of things; that is what they pay him for.”
 “Yeah well, sometimes I don’t agree with some of his calls. Like last night, he changed the lines midstream and then the new guys didn’t realize it and we got caught with a stupid too many men on the ice penalty. There’s no excuse for that.”
 He was so engrossed with dissecting the game that he wasn’t paying one bit to the dinner in front of him. Part of you wondered if you should just come out and tell him the news, instead you tried a different tactic. “How’s your dinner? Did you want more baby back ribs?”
 “What? Oh no, I’m good. Dinner’s great hun.” He continued to eat the meal, which effectively went over his head. “But seriously babe, that penalty should’ve never happened.” He went on about the game during the duration of the meal. Finally, you brought out dessert, after you cleaned up Liam. “What’s this babe?”
 “Bananas foster.���
 “Why are the bananas so small?” Your spirits picked up as he examined the dish.
 “I used baby ones.”
 “Oh cool, that was smart thinking; much easier for Liam to eat the little ones. He never finishes a whole one.” Frustration started to set in, and you could feel yourself getting irritated. The three of you finished dessert; where you tried at least three times to tell Tyler you were pregnant. However, he kept interrupting you with different comments about the poor play of the Stars. Finally, you went and cleaned up the dishes; as Ty played with Liam in the living room
 The phone beeped again, Tyler checking the screen. “Hey babe, you don’t care if I go over to Jamie’s and watch film. We really need to go over it again and see what we can fix.”
 The dish in your hand fell back into the sink; as anger bubbled up inside you. “Yes, Tyler I do care. You’ve been gone for three days, and I don’t think it’s too much to ask for you to spend a few hours with your family.” You slammed the last of the dishes into the dishwasher. “But if the team is more important than us; then by all means go. I’m going to go run a bath for our child. If you can wait five minutes, while I do that; that would be helpful.”
 “Geez, mommy is in a bad mood.” You heard him say as you walked back the hall, into Liam’s bathroom, where you began to cry. This part of pregnancy you remembered well; your hormones had been off the charts the last time, apparently this time was no different.
 You didn’t know what had set (Y/N) off; things seemed fine at dinner. You’d seen her get a little on edge when you’d been gone on a long road trip; Liam could be a handful from time to time. “Were you good for mommy today, buddy?” Your little man nodding his head enthusiastically. “Hmmm, then she must be mad at daddy.” Quickly you text Jamie back, letting him know you weren’t going to be able to make it over. Scooping Liam up you headed into his room. “Alright, lil dude, let’s grab some pajamas and daddy will give you a bath tonight, while mommy rests.” The two of you made your way into Liam’s closet; where you proceeded to look for his pjs.
 Squirming in your arms, you set your child down. “New ones;” he said wandering over to a bag that was off to the side.
 “Okay bud, let’s wear the new ones. Mommy must have been shopping, so I don’t why she’s in a bad mood.” Taking the bag from your son, you opened it to find a shirt inside. “I don’t think these are pjs buddy, there aren’t any bottoms in here.” You took another look into the bag making sure you didn’t miss them.
 You were about to put the shirt back in the bag, when Liam said; “new shirt daddy.” That’s when you pulled the shirt out and really looked at it.
 Slowly you let the words sink in as you read the writing. “What’s this? You’re going to be a big brother.” Liam’s little face lit up, as if he understood. Suddenly everything dawned on you; (Y/N) was pregnant. The baby carrots and ribs all made sense; she’d been trying to tell you, and all you did was complain about how poorly the team had performed over the last several games. “Oh shit. Your dad is really dumb you know that.”
 “Shit.” The two-year-old repeated, then giggled.
 “Oh no, don’t say that or daddy will be in more trouble.” And you were in enough as it was. “Come on bud, let’s go find mommy and see if we can make it up to her.” Grabbing Liam’s hand, you headed into the adjoining bathroom, where your wife sat on the edge of the tub, wiping away tears. “Hey baby, I think we need to talk.” Liam scooted over to his mom, wanting to comfort her, as she placed him on her lap. She quickly turned off the water, ignoring you in the process; rightfully so. You’d been an ass, not even asking her how her day was or if anything was new. “So, I a... found this in Liam’s closet.” You held out the little t-shirt; and a fresh set of tears erupted. Swiftly you sat down beside your wife and child. “I’m so stupid, (Y/N) I should’ve noticed how much effort you put into dinner. Ugh, and that little bananas comment; I mean of course you were trying to tell me something, not just making smaller food for Liam. I was just too wrapped up in the team’s problems to pay any attention.” She still wasn’t looking at you. “Baby, I’m so sorry.” Reaching over you rubbed her arm, where she held your first born. “I’m really excited about baby number two.”
 Finally, she looked over at you, a small smile faint across her lips. “Me too.” A wide grin spread over your face, and hers grew bigger.
 “How about you buddy, are you excited to be a big brother?” You tickled Liam’s belly, eliciting a laugh from him; as he nodded his head. “And do you want a brother or a sister?”
 “Both!” He exclaimed cheerfully.
 “Woah, easy bud, how about one or the other.” You wiped the tears off (Y/N)’s face. “I love you sweetheart. Thank you for making me a dad again.” Cupping her chin, you brought her lips to yours, pouring all your love into a devastatingly sweet kiss; that didn’t last long enough for your liking. “Why don’t you let me bath Liam, while you go relax on the couch; then we can all cuddle. How’s that sound?”
 “It sounds perfect.” She handed Liam off to you, and headed out to get comfy.
 Setting the little boy in the tub, you watched as he splashed around with his toys; before you washed all the grim little boys get into off of him. “Out daddy.”
 “Ok bud, let’s get you dried off and we can go out and snuggle mommy. She’ll like that.” Once Liam was all dry, you lathered on the pink baby lotion your wife loved, giving him that clean baby smell; then placed his big brother t-shirt on him. Combing his little curls back, you had to admit he was a miniature you. “There ya go lil man, all clean for mommy.” You cleaned up the bathroom, before the two of you headed out to (Y/N).
 Liam took off, the minute he saw his mom. “Mmmm, you smell so good peanut.” (Y/N) gathered the tiny tot into her arms, nuzzling the crook of his neck; causing him to laugh. She looked happier now.
 “Babe do you want anything before I sit down?” You’d bring her the world if you could, that’s how much you loved this woman.
 “Juice,” Liam shouted out.
 “No, I’m good.” You grabbed a sippy cup and filled it with apple juice, then headed over to the couch. “What do you say to daddy?”
 “Thank you.”
 “Your welcome lil man.” Plopping down, you scooted your wife over so you could wrap your arms around her and caress her belly. As she leaned against you, you whispered in her ear. “I hope this one’s a little girl.”
 She turned her face up towards you. “Really? You don’t want another boy?”
 “Don’t get me wrong, I want a whole hockey team of little guys; but I need a little girl, exactly like her mommy.” She smiled widely at you. “She’ll have your beautiful smile, your charming personality and most of all your loving heart.” You kissed (Y/N) quick on the lips, then groaned. “Ugh,” she looked at you questioningly. “I just realized, if she’s just like you, I’m going to have to lock her in her room until she’s forty.” (Y/N) laughed and Liam joined in; not knowing what the two of you found so funny.
 “Still want a girl?”
 “Oh absolutely. Even if it means I have to be that dad that glares at every boy that looks in her direction. I want a little girl just like you to spoil rotten. She’ll be perfect, just like her mom.” She leaned up and kissed you passionately.
 “My mommy.” Liam interjected, squirming between you two.
 “She’s not just your mommy anymore bud.” You countered, placing a kiss on his little forehead.
 “No, my mommy.” He said wrapping his little arms around (Y/N)’s neck.
 “Looks like someone is a little bit jealous.” Your beautiful wife squeaked out, as Liam kissed her cheeks. “At least he’s got a few months to adjust, before he has to share completely.”
 “Oh, he has to share you now,” you exclaimed, as you smothered both your wife and son with kisses; all three of you laughing. When the giggles finally calmed down, you looked at (Y/N). “I love you.”
 “I love you too.” She breathed.
 “I love too.” Liam joined in.
 Stroking (Y/N)’s belly, you said; “I can’t wait to tell you I love you too little one.” Suddenly nothing else in the world mattered but the three lives you held in your arms.
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