#That's the most logical explanation
Since people who hate JGY love thinking about all the things he could have done, why do they always ignore the fact that he didn't actually do them and the implications of that? Yes, he could have killed JL but he let him live for 15 years (and would likely continue that way if he hadn't died). Think of all the opportunities he had for it that he didn't take. If he wanted his son to be his heir so much that he tried killing his nephew (but he accidentally killed his son. BTW that kidnappers must have been very stupid) why didn't he have another child (even by remarrying if you keep enough of his canon personality for him to be disgusted by being in an incestuous relationship) and kill JL later? He had plenty of time to wait and all the different ways to kill him so it wouldn't be suspicious, people would just pity him for losing both his son and his nephew. I'm sure if people tried to look at his actions as they were and not the worst possible version of what could have been (and going yeah, he did that), they wouldn't hate him so much.
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lover-of-mine · 8 months
No, but this is definitely my most controversial opinion, but the whole thing with Buck and Eddie being the same age comes back to the fact that they are mirrors of each other. Down to the tattoos with mirrored placement, yes, but like, narratively speaking too. They've been running parallel to each other their whole lives and them being the same age makes that even more intense. Eddie had to grow up too fast and Buck didn't have to grow up at all. Eddie was forced to take care of more than he could and Buck was never allowed to care as much as he wanted. Both of them ran because their lives were overwhelming. Buck gives Eddie the tools to slow down for the first time in years while Eddie gives Buck something he's allowed to care about. They're two sides of the same coin. They complement each other. They're each other's missing piece. And that's so much better when they're the same age.
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penofwildfire · 1 month
Cliff Gordon is so blatantly meant to parallel Nadakhan and it's kind of embarrassing how few people actually seemed to pick up on it. Like you're telling me they revealed that Jay had a birth father who was a misogynistic manipulative dickhead in the same season where he gets kidnapped by a misogynistic manipulative dickhead???? And then the point of Jay's arc was about him learning NOT to be a dickhead?????? Hello????????
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nintendont2502 · 1 month
btw i will forever recommend just. refusing to engage in discourse. its free its easy and you literally arent missing anything LMAO - 99% of discourse on here is just on the most pointless petty shit that literally doesnt mean a single thing to anyone in real life (i am looking directly at you "pRo/AnTi" shippers), and the other 1% is genuinely important shit... that isnt going to be solved in any productive way by insulting '''the other side''' online. arguing with strangers online never changes anyones mind all youre doing is making yourself *and* your cause look annoying as hell :thumbsup: maybe chill out. find a hobby.
#dont even get me started on how apparently this entire fucking site has never heard of nuance in its life#im ngl dude i think if youre boiling down a complicated topic to 'well this is the good side (my side) and then the BAD EVIL SIDE'#and putting anyone who even slightly falls out of line with your beliefs on the evil side#like. thats not gonna be productive in the slightest right. you understand that right#if you wanna have meaningful nuanced discussions with people you actually know about serious topics then go for it!#just dont drag random strangers into it#if i have to see one more post with dumb bullshit acronyms that everyones expected to know that insults anyone who doesnt blindly agree wit#them i stg#'if you dont agree with this then clearly youre a [evil side] who hates [group] and does [bad thing]. theres no other logical explanation#for you possibly not agreeing with me'#and theyre talking about the most obscure insane discourse youve literally never heard of before thatll be flooding your dash for the next#month#had to unfollow a really good artist because they just kep reblogging the most aggressive 'every [evil side] sucks and hates [good side] an#doesnt care about them and wants to oppress them'#(said '[evil side]' wasnt even a moral stance it was literally just something you were born as. like. you get how thats fucked up right)#which uh. sucked! especially since i was part of that [evil side]#anyway midnight rant over tldr uhhh discourse stupid go get hobbies#and if i ever mention what discourse topic inspired this post ill probably get torn apart LMAOO#(hint: its one of the stupid pointless ones)#me.txt
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epickiya722 · 2 months
I said it here and I'm still going to say this for MHA's ending...
Things with be slow, but slowly getting better. The ending will lean more into being open for the audience to imagine what will happen.
I'm telling you, we're going to get Izuku smiling again. Going to get some things left for the audience to imagine what could happen after because Horikoshi may feel a tad bit of confidence that the readers can come imagine it so. I just feel like the ending will be more open.
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episims · 7 months
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Another one I had happily forgotten about! Quite literally because this, uh......
This was the inventory I found Tristan with.
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The truth isn’t that Gabriel hates Marinette, it’s actually that he’s a Marichat stan and thinks that Adrinette is getting in the way of his ship
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I mean can you see the excitement on this guy?!?!
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prisonpodcast · 4 months
I think the reason why a lot of non-fans of Dream think his face reveal is the main reason for his decline in viewership despite that being a completely ridiculous explanation for it is because the face reveal is the only thing about him that they personally care about. They don’t understand that the people who actually watch him were always here for his Minecraft videos / him as a person and his face reveal was never the main focus for us like actual fans of his videos were never going to stop watching just because we know what he looks like now please be serious 😭
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johnsilvers · 2 years
okay but this is so funny to me. in 4x05 when flint is in that cell in the fort he's reading a book. how did he get it? was it just lying around in the cell and he picked it up? did he request it? does he always have a book on him wherever he goes? is captain james 'he likes his books' flint so notorious that everyone knows he needs his daily intake of literature or else he spontaneously combusts? lmfao
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screamingcrows · 8 days
Celeste's character stories:
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Character Details
Someone who lives to fit in will eventually have broken off too many pieces to recognise themselves. But what then is the better option; to make yourself loved where you are or trust fate to lead you where you belong? Broken down and with vengeance burning, Celeste decided that neither would be her answer, throwing away her life in Fontaine in favour of forging another path.
Playfully referred to as 'The Doctor's shadow', she now roams the halls of Zapolyarny Palace with assured steps. Outside of the laboratories, little is known about the details of her work except guards noting that the lower levels are busier now than ever.
Although it took a while to acclimate to Snezhnaya, Celeste herself seems quite satisfied with the current state of things, spending her days rotating between the labs, the Second's library, and her quarters. She now pursues results with ferocity and a dwindling concern for the means matching her superior's.
Only a fool would squander the opportunities she seized with the position.
Character Story 1
While Celeste holds no military rank within the Fatui, officially noted down as nothing more than an 'assistant', there are few who would refuse her requests, for she cannot give orders, and even fewer who would attempt to push her around.
A simple formality, the title does a poor job at describing her daily endeavours and would, in an academic setting, be more akin to Fontaine's 'Senior Researcher'. A rank she never had any hope of achieving.
While her work does indeed further The Second's own goals, it is often somewhat removed from his primary interests. An agreement was struck within the first week; she would be free to pursue her own goals so long as they did not hinder his ambitions and she could still fulfill the tasks he gave. She would be a researcher in all but name.
Celeste's main tasks are recorded as testing and monitoring biological changes following usage of delusions, abyssal energies, and the integration of alchemical and technical components into a living organism.
She will often lament that if these were her only tasks, there would be much more time for her own research. While the laboratory is always running, it rarely does so smoothly, and thus the position of assistant will also encompass breaking off fights instigated by volatile segments, completing maintenance on machinery, restocking supplies, and coordinating production of various weapons.
But should he ever attempt to make her fill out his monthly expense reports to the Regrator or fetch refreshments, depending on his tone, it isn't unlikely the papers would be torn to shreds or the coffee spiked. Without doubt, her most gruelling task is occasionally participating in meetings with other Harbingers as The Doctor's proxy.
Character Story 2
Though it was a modest upbringing, Celeste was never lacking in support from home. Two loving parents spent what time they had available with her, often bringing her to work when she needed a break from school.
It was easier to go with her mother, a singer, and sit through her rehearsals while drawing, reading, or exploring the endless rooms filled with costumes. But it was at Fontaine's Research Institute with her father that she felt truly entertained.
Rows of books lined his office and robotic components were scattered all along the ground, most discarded as faulty prototypes. While their functions were beyond her understanding, the principles behind how they moved and interacted had the child gleefully trying to imitate her father's designs.
Of course, a room filled with machinery was no suitable place to leave a child unattended, and so she was passed around between researchers whenever her father had meetings or was otherwise occupied. Quickly, Celeste found the wonders of robotics outcompeted by nature, glueing herself to the side of a visiting researcher from Sumeru's Amurta darshan.
A place in Sumeru's Akademiya was secured by the young teen, passing the entrance exams after months of intense preparation. On the day of her departure, she refused to step onto the boat that would take her to the rainforest. After hours of crying and pleading, her father picked her up with all the grace of an aging man and carried her home, making her favourite treat while her mother informed the Akademiya of the delay.
The day of her departure never came as Celeste found her cowardice punished when her mother passed from an infectious disease shortly after.
Years went by in a haze, gripped by paranoia that her actions would once more lead to harm she'd yet to consider. Eventually, her father convinced the young woman to enroll for further education in Fontaine.
Two gruelling years were spent studying law before dropping out. She found herself punished again when the Research Institute was blown to pieces, taking several researchers with it.
Character Story 3
A name is more than just a companion through life, something bestowed by parents before they could possibly know if their intentions would match the child. A name can be a hope for the future, a blessing, or a wish for what life should hold.
So relieved to finally have a child to call their own, Celeste's parents looked to the island floating in the sky and decided to tether their little girl to it.
If names brought a role, then isn't it natural to suppose someone named after where the divine resides would be destined for greatness?
The little girl did all she could to live up to those expectations, held by no one but herself. A hero was kind, loved by all, courageous, strong, and would never remain idle in the face of danger.
Always trying to befriend everyone, no matter what it took, she was easily goaded into just about anything. Forgiveness came easy with her teary eyes, always favoured by the adults for how much she cared for everyone.
It was exhausting. Worse still with no real friends to show for all her efforts, changing to fit the situation at every turn left her watered down and uninteresting unless in the middle of some stupid dare.
During sunny days, the children would often play by Fontaine's great 'sea'. All of them knew better than to brave the waters alone. Until someone suggested Celeste dive in from a stone to prove her courage.
It'd be fine. They could all swim right? Just dive and swim back to shore.
She went headfirst down onto a rock. Another little girl hurried and ran into the water upon seeing faint traces of red. Betrayed by the still surface, she was pulled out by a current and began to thrash around.
Panicked screaming erupted, children running to get an adult. Celeste had easily made it back, clutching her bleeding nose and blissfully unaware of the chaos for just a moment.
She froze. This was her fault. She should swim out and help, right? This was her responsibility. She should be able to do it. Her destiny was greatness, after all.
It was too late when adults arrived, Celeste's feet still firmly planted on the shore as she watched on in horror.
Character Story 4
It is all too easy to close your eyes and stumble blindly through the trenches of life, easier still to sit back and let it all unfold as a marionette on strings.
How many days had passed without feeling the fresh breeze against her skin was uncertain, every clock in the small apartment had been turned to face the wall, refusing to acknowledge the significance of their movement as she mourned for the third time.
The Institute was gone and there was no one to pick up the scraps of her left behind this time, and so they were allowed to fester and rot as she shattered every piece of delicate porcelain inherited years prior. The boxes filled with wires and plating still sat untouched, and the room closed off.
When there was nothing left to break, she turned instead to herself. What is left to do when fate itself has made you an enemy? As blood poured from her wounds, so too did the memories of a happy childhood, and she howled with pain as they too turned to pus.
Every instance of kindness became tainted. If only she'd followed through last time misfortune struck, she would've been spared this.
Dissatisfaction led not to change but acceptance instead. Acceptance that the strings that tied her to the world were more than a mortal could ever hope to challenge. Acceptance led to willful complacency, waiting for a prophesy that even without any remaining ties to Fontaine, she wouldn't bother to flee.
The sinners would be put to justice, such was the law, and by the carnage Celeste now saw everywhere around her, what else was there to do than wait for rightful punishment?
Character Story 5
Salvation arrived in the form of a kind smile and loving eyes, hands that grasped her shoulders and pulled until her body fell into his embrace.
Jules was everything she coveted; warm, adored, and effortlessly successful in all he attempted. For him, Celeste was dragged out of misery, the Institute honouring her father's memory and taking pity, offering her a position as assistant. That Jules happened to be in need of such only made it all the sweeter.
For a year, life consisted of work, candlelit dinners, operas, and confessions of undying love.
It was the perfect picture of young love, of salvation, happy in the way every happy home is. They did everything together, and gradually, Celeste found herself once more become involved with research, but no longer on the sidelines or hidden away by her father, shielded the consequences of messing with things she had no clearance for.
Jules valued the input and sharp mind that had begun to reawaken now that challenges were presented.
Keeping busy removes the opportunity to sit down and properly think, to examine the larger picture. While Celeste tinkered with prototypes of tiny mechanical beetles for surveillance, so happy with the present that the past was easily ignored and the future forgotten.
But what is an assistant if not a tool? And anything produced by a tool must belong to the wielder. A debt of gratitude can be repaid in a multitude of ways, and perhaps they should never be attempted paid at all.
Upon finding no hint of acknowledgement of her efforts, Celeste confronted her gentle lover with uncharacteristically brazen fury. It made it easy to brush her off as not only unreasonable but hysterical as well.
With anger and hatred weighing upon her heart, Celeste made the decision to never let herself be used so carelessly. No longer would she mindlessly go along with the wishes of others and the people who had exploited that weakness should be burned away.
Her hands shook as she packed a single bag, too blinded to stop and think and unwilling to glance back as she left her home behind. Careless plans of revenge were already forming in the fires of heartbreak, but there was only one way to secure the necessary resources for such ideas.
"You've said yourself that I need to be able to defend myself. This is the logical next step, a simple weapon will only do so much when-"
"You are going to ruin your body."
"Do you have so little faith in my results?"
A deadly silence followed her question. Myriads of unspoken words hanging in the air around them both. The Doctor huffed before snatching up the glass orb and turning to leave without a glance at his frustrated assistant.
Two weeks later, Celeste entered her quarters late at night, having worked far longer than planned, annoyed with how absent her superior had been lately.
Upon her nightstand was an unfamiliar object, an intricately carved metal casing that held a crimson stone, embers of energy swirling within it. Beside it lay a hastily scribbled note, writing near illegible to the untrained eye; 'Do not make me regret this'
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yaeggravate · 2 months
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milaisreading · 7 months
Me, has a hiccup*
My Eastern European mom: Looks like smn is thinking about you.
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catcas22 · 2 years
Environmental Storytelling
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-- Marais Executioner's Sword description
Imagine you're a Cleanrot Knight stationed at the Shaded Castle. You've been stationed here for a very long time. Lady Malenia has yet to return from her campaign in Caelid. New orders from the Haligtree ceased long ago. The few travelers who dare approach the castle bring rumors of a disastrous defeat in Caelid. So you hold to the last order you were given. You and your small band of comrades stand guard over the Shaded Castle, keeping the way open for a retreat by sea.
If Malenia is even still alive to require such a retreat. It has been a very long time.
Maleigh Marais is an odd man. He insists on keeping a menagerie of undead in various stages of horror around the castle. He has at least one king revenant amongst them. And he spends far too much time brooding over the spare prosthetics Lady Malenia left behind. But he is, ostensibly, an ally of the Haligtree, and you have been ordered to guard his castle.
Specifically, you have been asked to guard one of said spare prosthetics. You're not sure why. Lady Malenia would have outgrown this one long ago, and there are a dozen more like it upstairs. Still, you do your duty diligently. It fills the time. It even makes you feel a bit better about things, having something to do.
This morning, Marais left on a rare expedition beyond the walls of the castle. He took the king revenant with him. Apparently there's been a bell-bearing poacher skulking about on his land. This will not stand.
He returns near sundown. Somehow he managed to catch the poacher. Even more shocking, he managed to take him alive. The absolutely massive man is chained up and slung across the back of the king revenant.
Marais is in a rare good mood. The last you see of him, he's heading for the courtyard, captured poacher in tow, and yelling for one of the undead bellhops to bring his sword -- no, not the rapier, the BIG one. It's been ages since he executed someone, and he wants to do this properly.
Not fifteen minutes later, you hear a blast of arcane magic and a piercing scream.
Marais comes tearing up the walkway. Without so much as a word to you, he jumps the battlements and takes off through the poisoned swamp, running as if Maliketh himself were nipping at his heels. A moment later the poacher emerges over the ladder, the ancestral executioner's sword of House Marais propped on his shoulder.
He's an absolute monstrosity of a man, easily seven feet tall, armored head to foot and wearing a crooked war mask held in place with altogether too much barbed wire.
Then again, you're nearly as tall, and even now the red and gold of the Cleanrot Knights is recognized and feared.
He looks at you. You look at him.
You decide this is above your paygrade. You clear your throat and gesture to the chest behind you.
"I'm just guarding this arm."
He nods, a moment of awkward silence lingering. He points back at the castle.
"I'm taking the great hall."
He turns and lumbers away. You remain at your post.
The sounds of metallic clattering and someone cursing a blue streak drifts in on the wind. You dare to peer over the battlements. Out in the garbage heap behind the castle, you can just barely make out Marais attempting to jumpstart a long-defunct golem. You shake your head at the futility of the endeavor just as the golem groans to life and Marais begins laughing maniacally.
You decide that this is also above your paygrade. You have an arm to guard.
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occasionaltouhou · 1 year
i gotta be honest the idea of matara okina's white minecraft youtuber discourse scheme compelled me through a good hour or so at work. from now on i'm going to believe that this is really happening in real life
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dawn-sunlight · 3 months
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Pride Month art from 2023
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Second version because one of my headcanons changed. I changed the flag on Oscar's front right leg from demiboy to genderfluid because I didn't like the art being inaccurate when I have the ability to quickly go in and edit it to be more accurate.
(Read the tags if you want explanations for my headcanons)
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