#The 100 6x12
laufire · 2 months
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STACKED100 | july 30th | “adjustment protocol” (I) Echo and Clarke’s reunion.
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chaosandwolves · 2 years
Can we please talk about this?
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Look at that small grimace he makes after he's said "You died, Buck."
Like he says it seemingly so nonchalantly but there is this tiny moment where all the emotions he has about that hit him.
But then he reigns himself in again cause Buck needs him right now. And it's not the time nor the place to talk about what Eddie is actually feeling.
This is about Buck and supporting him.
At the same time he's not sugar-coating anything cause this is Eddie Diaz. He needs clear communication and also knows exactly what Buck needs to hear, that Buck needs him to be honest about this.
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okmcintyre · 2 years
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Worried!Bellamy + hates not being there to help when his loved ones are in harm's way
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extasiswings · 1 year
it’s wildly apparent to me that they fully pivoted and went in a whole new direction from what they originally planned for a slower, more drawn out 6B and I’m not mad about it but I do think it’s hilarious. <- how so? I'm curious about the direction change and from what to what? 🤔
Sure! So, we all complained about the pacing of 6A, right? And how weird it felt to have such strong Vibes right out the gate in the premiere setting forth the couch metaphor and the theme of "missing what is right in front of you" only to then shift away from that completely to the sperm donor arc, which itself felt oddly paced? By the end of 6A, I was still fully on the train of "S6 is the season of some sort of Buddie canon, I'm just not 100% sure what that looks like," but couldn't tell if the pacing issues were a matter of working out the kinks with a new showrunner, or if there was something more at play behind the scenes that was leading to creative tension (and to be clear when I say that I mean something above Kristen's level because the haters don't give her enough credit for everything she's done for the development of this ship).
But regardless! We got 6A, it was what it was, including Tomorrow which was not only a gorgeous love story for Henren but was loud as HELL with Buddie parallels, and then what we saw on our screens with the sperm donor arc was that Buck 100% had not thought through the "donor-not-dad" situation, he literally announced he was going to be a father, we got to see Eddie react but not really respond at all...and after all that when they started teasing 6B is was all about how Eddie was suddenly going to start thinking about dating again (which was framed as much more thoughtful and a major 6B arc), and how Buck was going to be "struggling with boundaries" over the sperm donor situation right off the bat because he hadn't thought things through, etc etc (which FULLY tracked what we saw with the onesie etc at the end of 6x09). So I started thinking, okay, if that's the game, it seems like despite the heavy-handedness in the beginning, they're taking a much slower path to Buddie canon where the season ends with Buck using the sperm donor arc to accept what he is to Christopher/what he already has there but leaving the question of his love life couch unresolved, and if Eddie is dating then it's probably at least partly a reaction to the sperm donor situation and feeling like that flicker of hope about how maybe some of the things you think are only "fantasies" can actually come true was dashed.
Except...then 6x10 happened. And suddenly Buck had done a complete 180 and was totally fine with the fact that he was only a donor. There was no struggling with boundaries, there was no scene with Bobby unpacking that struggle (which iirc Oliver had specifically teased), and suddenly both Oliver and Kristen in interviews were basically like "if you ever heard us say Buck was going to have an issue with this or saw anything in canon to suggest that, no you didn't actually" which...okay? And Eddie fully lost it over Buck getting struck by lightning? And was then framed as a grieving spouse all through 6x11? And then 6x12 came out of nowhere with Buck on Eddie's damn COUCH (after Oliver confirmed that the couch metaphor is real and Buck absolutely equates couches with romantic relationships etc etc) and another kitchen scene + shooting conversation that I'm still in shock over? And then there were other, little things that I probably wouldn't have thought anything of under normal circumstances, but that felt relevant once 6B actually hit and everything seemed so different.
Like how they seemed to have done pretty extensive reshoots for 6x10. Like how the first mention we had that the Buckleys were coming back was in reference to 6x11 (which itself seemed to me at least to be framed as sort of comic?), but oh hey, actually they're in 6x10, sike. Like how it took ages to get episode titles and other 6B info (writers, etc). Like how 6x12 feels like it could have easily just been exclusively a Bobby episode (and frankly with the way they talked about it, I expected more flashbacks with Wendell and Bobby) and while the Buck (and Buddie) subplot works, it also feels like almost a totally separate episode. Like how Ryan is apparently in every episode of 6B despite traditionally being gone for two episodes per season. Like how there has been zero mention of Eddie's love life in canon yet despite the fact that Eddie dating was originally framed as if it was supposed to be a major part of 6B. Like how Marisol's actress posted about not knowing if whatever she filmed (I'm assuming related to Eddie) had aired yet despite the fact that this is a major network tv show (which at least to me reads as if things were moved around). Like how Eddie dating no longer appears to be the deep, thoughtful, potentially angsty arc about him choosing to explore himself that it was originally framed as, but looks like instead it's mostly comic and the result of his aunt?
Anyway, to me at least all of that is super sus and feels like whatever issue there was behind the scenes was resolved somewhere around the time of the midseason finale, they totally flipped directions on whatever slow, drawn out plan they had, and now they've slammed on the gas and are hightailing it towards full out Buddie canon in the finale. Idk if it's because they're worried about renewal or if they just don't want to fuck around anymore, but whatever the case, I am extremely curious about the next six episodes (and really really really want to know if I'm right about Buddie trapped dads in the finale).
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kieran-hayward-art · 11 days
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Since I've recently found myself with more free time on my hands, I am opening up art commissions. Details below!
[All Prices in $CAD]
Sketch Page of 3-5 drawings on 6x12" acid-free paper, rendered in India Ink ($45) or gouache paint ($80)
Character Portraits, rendered in India Ink (no BG, $25), or gouache (no BG = $45/simple BG = $50) on acid-free paper. Page size can either be small (5.25x8.5") or large (6x12" = $5 extra)
Full Painting with detailed BG, rendered in gouache on 6x12" acid-free paper. Prices depend on the number of characters in the painting. One character = $100, two or three characters = $150, four or more characters = $200.
I am willing to draw NSFT, gore, and animals, but not furry characters or mechs. I ultimately reserve the right to decide whether or not I am willing to draw certain requests.
If you want to commission an artwork from me, please contact me through my DMs and describe the type of work you want (as listed above) and what you had in mind for the subject matter. While not strictly necessary, if you have a specific scene or image in mind it would be helpful for you to provide me with any reference images showing the type of composition, art style, setting, or characters you want me to draw. Depending on the request I may ask you more questions about what you're looking for.
Payment must be made up front, after which I will start working on the piece. For detailed artworks, I will send you any preliminary thumbnails and pencil sketches I make so you can confirm whether the composition is what you want. When the work is complete, I will upload a scanned or photographed copy of the image and can also mail you the original artwork. I can ship anywhere in Canada for free, and can ship to the USA for an additional $15 CAD.
If you have any other questions about the process you can send me an ask or DM!
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gift-to-literature · 1 year
1. Pilot : 1x1
2. Wendigo : 1x2
3. Dead in the Water : 1x3
4. Phantom Traveler : 1x4
5. Bloody Mary : 1x5
6. Skin : 1x6
7. Hook Man : 1x7
8. Bugs : 1x8
9. Home : 1x9
10. Asylum : 1x10
11. Scarecrow : 1x11
12. Faith : 1x12
13. Route 666 : 1x13
14. Nightmare : 1x14
15. The Benders : 1x15
16. Shadow : 1x16
17. Hell House : 1x17
18. Something Wicked : 1x18
19. Provenance : 1x19
20. Dead Man's Blood : 1x20
21. Salvation : 1x21
22. Devil's Trap : 1x22
23. In My Time of Dying : 2x1
24. Everybody Loves a Clown : 2x2
25. Bloodlust : 2x3
26. Children Shouldn't Play with Dead Things : 2x4
27. Simon Said : 2x5
28. No Exit : 2x6
29. The Usual Suspects : 2x7
30. Crossroad Blues : 2x8
31. Croatoan : 2x9
32. Hunted : 2x10
33. Playthings : 2x11
34. Nightshifter : 2x12
35. Houses of the Holy : 2x13
36. Born Under a Bad Sign : 2x14
37. Tall Tales : 2x15
38. Roadkill : 2x16
39. Heart : 2x17
40. Hollywood Babylon : 2x18
41. Folsom Prison Blues : 2x19
42. What Is and What Should Never Be : 2x20
43. All Hell Breaks Loose: Part 1 : 2x21
44. All Hell Breaks Loose: Part 2 : 2x22
45. The Magnificent Seven : 3x1
46. The Kids Are Alright : 3x2
47. Bad Day at Black Rock : 3x3
48. Sin City : 3x4
49. Bedtime Stories : 3x5
50. Red Sky at Morning : 3x6
51. Fresh Blood : 3x7
52. A Very Supernatural Christmas : 3x8
53. Malleus Maleficarum : 3x9
54. Dream a Little Dream of Me : 3x10
55. Mystery Spot : 3x11
56. Jus in Bello : 3x12
57. Ghostfacers! : 3x13
58. Long Distance Call : 3x14
59. Time Is on My Side : 3x15
60. No Rest for the Wicked : 3x16
61. Lazarus Rising : 4x1
62. Are You There, God? It's Me Dean Winchester : 4x2
63. In the Beginning : 4x3
64. Metamorphosis : 4x4
65. Monster Movie : 4x5
66. Yellow Fever : 4x6
67. It's the Great Pumpkin, Sam Winchester : 4x7
68. Whisful Thinking : 4x8
69. I Know What You Did Last Summer : 4x9
70. Heaven and Hell : 4x10
71. Family Remains : 4x11
72. Criss Angel Is a Douch Bag : 4x12
73. After School Special : 4x13
74. Sex and Violence : 4x14
75. Death Takes a Holiday : 4x15
76. On the Head of a Pin : 4x16
77. It's a Terrible Life : 4x17
78. The Monster at the End of This Book : 4x18
79. Jump the Shark : 4x19
80. The Rapture : 4x20
81. When the Levee Breaks : 4x21
82. Lucifer Rising : 4x22
83. Sympathy for the Devil : 5x1
84. Good God, Y'All : 5x2
85. Free to Be You and Me : 5x3
86. The End : 5x4
87. Fallen Idols : 5x5
88. I Believe the Children Are Our Future : 5x6
89. The Curious Case of Dean Winchester : 5x7
90. Changing Channels : 5x8
91. The Real Ghostbusters : 5x9
92. Abandon All Hope : 5x10
93. Sam, Interrupted : 5x11
94. Swap Meat : 5x12
95. The Song Remains the Same : 5x13
96. My Bloody Valentine : 5x14
97. Dead Men Don't Wear Plaid : 5x15
98. Dark Side of the Moon : 5x16
99. 99 Problems : 5x17
100. Point of No Return : 5x18
101. Hammer of the Gods : 5x19
102. The Devil You Know : 5x20
103. Two Minutes to Midnight : 5x21
104. Swan Song : 5x22
105. Exile on Main St. : 6x1
106. Two and a Half Man : 6x2
107. The Third Man : 6x3
108. Weekend at Bobby's : 6x4
109. Live Free or Twi-hard : 6x5
110. You Can't Handle the Truth : 6x6
111. Family Matters : 6x7
112. All Dogs Go to Heaven : 6x8
113. Clap Your Hands If You Believe : 6x9
114. Caged Heat : 6x10
115. Appointment in Samarra : 6x11
116. Like a Virgin : 6x12
117. Unforgiven : 6x13
118. Mannequin 3: The Reckoning : 6x14
119. The French Mistake : 6x15
120. ... And Then There Were None : 6x16
121. My Heart Will Go On : 6x17
122. Frontierland : 6x18
123. Mommy Dearest : 6x19
124. The Man Who Whould Be King : 6x20
125. Let It Bleed : 6x21
126. The Man Who Knew Too Much : 6x22
127. Meet the New Boss : 6x23
128. Hello, Cruel World : 7x1
129. The Girl Next Door : 7x2
130. Defending Your Life : 7x3
131. Shut Up, Dr. Phil : 7x4
132. Slash Fiction : 7x5
133. The Mentalists : 7x6
134. Season Seven, Time for a Wedding! : 7x7
135. Heaven Must Be Missing An Angel : 7x8
136. How to Win Friends and Influence Monsters : 7x9
137. Death's Door : 7x10
138. Adventures in Babysitting : 7x11
139. Time After Time : 7x12
140. The Slice Girls : 7x13
141. Plucky Pennywhistle's Magical Menagerie : 7x14
142. Repo Man : 7x15
143. Out with the Old : 7x16
144. The Born-Again Identity : 7x17
145. Party On, Garth : 7x18
146. Of Grave Importance : 7x19
147. The Girl with the Dungeons and Dragons Tattoo : 7x20
148. Reading Is Fundamental : 7x21
149. There Will Be Blood : 7x22
150. Survival of the Fittest : 7x23
151. We Need to Talk About Kevin : 8x1
152. What's Up, Tiger Mommy? : 8x2
153. Heartache : 8x3
154. Bitten : 8x4
155. Blood Brother : 8x5
156. Southern Comfort : 8x6
157. A Little Slice of Kevin : 8x7
158. Hunteri Heroici : 8x8
159. Citizen Fang : 8x9
160. Torn and Frayed : 8x10
161. LARP and the Real Girl : 8x11
162. As Time Goes By : 8x12
163. Everybody Hates Hitler : 8x13
164. Trial and Error : 8x14
165. Man's Best Friend with Benefits : 8x15
166. Remember the Titans : 8x16
167. Goodbye Stranger : 8x17
168. Freaks and Geeks : 8x18
169. Taxi Driver : 8x19
170. Pac-Man Fever : 8x20
171. The Great Escapist : 8x21
172. Clip Show : 8x22
173. Sacrifice : 8x23
174. I Think I'm Gonna Like It Here : 9x1
175. Devil May Care : 9x2
176. I'm No Angel : 9x3
177. Slumber Party : 9x4
178. Dog Dean Afternoon : 9x5
179. Heaven Can't Wait : 9x6
180. Bad Boys : 9x7
181. Rock and a Hard Place : 9x8
182. Holy Terror : 9x9
183. Road Trip : 9x10
184. First Born : 9x11
185. Sharp Teeth : 9x12
186. The Purge : 9x13
187. Captives : 9x14
188. #thinman : 9x15
189. Blade Runners : 9x16
190. Mother's Little Helper : 9x17
191. Meta Fiction : 9x18
192. Alex Annie Alexis Ann : 9x19
193. Bloodlines : 9x20
194. King of the Damned : 9x21
195. Stairway to Heaven : 9x22
196. Do You Believe in Miracles : 9x23
197. Black : 10x1
198. Reichenbach : 10x2
199. Soul Survivor : 10x3
200. Fan Fiction : 10x4
201. Paper Moon : 10x5
202. Ask Jeeves : 10x6
203. Girls, Girls, Girls : 10x7
204. Hibbing 911 : 10x8
205. The Things We Left Behind : 10x9
206. The Hunter Games : 10x10
207. There's No Place Like Home : 10x11
208. About a Boy : 10x12
209. Halt & Catch Fire : 10x13
210. The Executioner's Song : 10x14
211. The Thing They Carried : 10x15
212. Paint It Black : 10x16
213. Inside Man : 10x17
214. Book of the Damned : 10x18
215. The Werther Project : 10x19
216. Angel Heart : 10x20
217. Dark Dynasty : 10x21
218. The Prisoner : 10x22
219. Brother's Keeper : 10x23
220. Out of the Darkness, Into the Fire : 11x1
221. Form and Void : 11x2
222. The Bad Seed : 11x3
223. Baby : 11x4
224. Thin Lizzie : 11x5
225. Our Little World : 11x6
226. Plush : 11x7
227. Just My Imagination : 11x8
228. O Brother, Where Art Thou? : 11x9
229. The Devil in the Details : 11x10
230. Into the Mystic : 11x11
231. Don't You Forget About Me : 11x12
232. Love Hurts : 11x13
233. The Vessel : 11x14
234. Beyond the Mat : 11x15
235. Safe House : 11x16
236. Red Meat : 11x17
237. Hell's Angel : 11x18
238. The Chitters : 11x19
239. Don't Call Me Shurley : 11x20
240. All in the Family : 11x21
241. We Happy Few : 11x22
242. Alpha and Omega : 11x23
243. Keep Calm and Carry On : 12x1
244. Mamma Mia : 12x2
245. The Foundry : 12x3
246. American Nightmare : 12x4
247. The One You've Been Waiting For : 12x5
248. Celebrating the Life of Asa Fox : 12x6
249. Rock Never Dies : 12x7
250. LOTUS : 12x8
251. First Blood : 12x9
252. Lily Sunder Has Some Regrets : 12x10
253. Regarding Dean : 12x11
254. Stuck in the Middle (With You) : 12x12
255. Family Feud : 12x13
256. The Raid : 12x14
257. Somewhere Between Heaven and Hell : 12x15
258. Ladies Drink Free : 12x16
259. The British Invasion : 12x17
260. The Memory Remains : 12x18
261. The Future : 12x19
262. Twigs & Twine & Tasha Banes : 12x20
263. There's Something About Mary : 12x21
264. Who We Are : 12x22
265. All Along the Watchtower : 12x23
266. Lost and Found : 13x1
267. The Rising Son : 13x2
268. Patience : 13x3
269. The Big Empty : 13x4
270. Advanced Thanatology : 13x5
271. Tombstone : 13x6
272. War of the Worlds : 13x7
273. The Scorpion and the Frog : 13x8
274. The Bad Place : 13x9
275. Wayward Sisters : 13x10
276. Breakdown : 13x11
277. Various & Sundry Villains : 13x12
278. Devil's Bargain : 13x13
279. Good Intentions : 13x14
280. A Most Holy Man : 13x15
281. ScoobyNatural : 13x16
282. The Thing : 13x17
283. Bring 'em Back Alive : 13x18
284. Funeralia : 13x19
285. Unfinished Business : 13x20
286. Beat the Devil : 13x21
287. Exodus : 13x22
288. Let the Good Times Roll : 13x23
289. Stranger in a Strange Land : 14x1
290. Gods and Monsters : 14x2
291. The Scar : 14x3
292. Nightmare Logic : 14x4
293. Optimism : 14x5
294. Unhuman Nature : 14x6
295. Byzantium : 14x7
296. The Spear : 14x8
297. Nihilism : 14x9
298. Damaged Goods : 14x10
299. Prophet and Loss : 14x11
300. Lebanon : 14x12
301. Mint Condition : 14x13
302. Ouroboros : 14x14
303. Peace of Mind : 14x15
304. Don't Go in the Woods : 14x16
305. Game Night : 14x17
306. Absence : 14x18
307. Jack in the Box : 14x19
308. Moriah : 14x20
309. Back and to the Future : 15x1
310. Raising Hell : 15x2
311. The Rupture : 15x3
312. Atomic Monsters : 15x4
313. Proverbs 17:3 : 15x5
314. Golden Time : 15x6
315. Last Call : 15x7
316. Our Father, Who Aren't in Heaven : 15x8
317. The Trap : 15x9
318. The Heroes' Journey : 15x10
319. The Gamblers : 15x11
320. Galaxy Brain : 15x12
321. Destiny's Child : 15x13
322. Last Holiday : 15x14
323. Gimme Shelter : 15x15
324. Drag Me Away (From You) : 15x16
325. Unity : 15x17
326. Despair : 15x18
327. Inherit the Earth : 15x19
328. Carry On : 15x20
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littlerosetrove · 1 year
Bucks Death & Resurrection - Impactful or Nah?
I have a couple things I want to point out here, but the overall theme of my thoughts are that the writing for season 6 was overall unfulfilling and unsatisfying.
I chose this example, the arc of Buck's death, to help highlight how, not just for Buck, but for all of the characters, the writing fell short in allowing the audience to even understand what the characters were thinking and feeling way too often. I’ve mentioned before that “telling and not showing” was especially prevalent in season 6, but nothing new (I’d argue it’s been getting worse since season 4). As well, this big and important arc is a great example to show why the writing in season 6 felt spotty and unfulfilling.
I may not be 100% accurate about which episodes certain things took place, but you’ll get the idea. So, to break down Bucks arc of dealing with dying but surviving it went something like this:
6x11 or 6x12 (I think it was 12) → Dr. Salazar, while clearing Buck for firefighting duty physically, lets him know that his death may affect him mentally and emotionally in ways he may not expect. So be thoughtful and mindful of this, Mr. Buckley. Buck looks contemplative. 6x12 → Buck both tries to not process his death, and makes light of it, despite his 118 family (hell even Connor) asking how he is. → At the end of the episode we get our first concrete understanding of how Buck is feeling when he admits to Eddie that he’s unsure how to feel. 6x13 → We see hints of Buck looking unsure, a bit uneasy, but nothing more. Buddie fans at least assume that a big reason Eddie took Buck to play poker was to make Buck feel better. 6x14 → Buck again tries to make light of his death, coming across as just wanting move on from it already, when Bobby brings it up in one scene. 6x15 → Nothing here beyond Buck being intrigued by the death doula, Natalia, at the end of the episode. Again he kinda makes light of his death. I believe he referred to death as “an old friend” or something similar. (which… something something about Evan “passively suicidal since season one” Buckley never getting to properly confront and heal from this trauma/aspect. this death arc doesn’t acknowledge it, despite being a perfect opportunity, but anyway.) 6x16 → Buck admits to Eddie, near the end of the episode (??), that he feels like he has to act like “the same old Buck” (which we were shown little to no evidence of. if there was evidence it was, i think, too subtle for most people to catch, even me.) And in that same conversation - after apparently having a revelation in talking to Natalia (predominantly offscreen) once - says “every day is a gift.” And thus concludes Buck’s death and resurrection arc.
Not very satisfying is it?
We mostly got a small handful of quick moments of Buck just trying to brush past his death, only two brief moments of Buck actually being honest with Eddie specifically, in how he feels, but in that second conversation with Eddie, I had to make a guess that Buck’s comment on “every day is a gift” as Buck telling Eddie and us the audience that he’s good now. Thus this momentous event was, apparently, concluded in 4-5 episodes in a very scattershot way. And maybe it’s because my brain is low-key just trying to forget most of season 6, but I don’t remember Buck or anyone else talking about him dying and then living past episode 6x16.
In 4-5 episodes we only had Buck, twice, actually saying out loud how he felt, but even then it was to essentially say that he felt unsure how to even feel or act. We didn’t get to hear at all from Buck how he went from feeling lost to - off screen with a character we all just met - providing Buck with the key piece of information in understanding that “he’s good now actually.” For 4-5 episodes we were only shown Buck struggling with his death, to boom. Being told, poorly, that an offscreen conversation with Natalia is what made Buck feel settled with everything. I guess. 🙃
(side-ish note, but another way the writing, i’d say, failed even Natalia is that we were only ever shown that she’s almost weirdly fascinated by death. to me and i know others, she gave the vibe of her wanting to experience near death, just to see what it’s like. i’ll never forget her calling Buck’s death “so cool” when in contrast we had the 118 being devastated by Buck’s death. being worried about Buck post resurrection. so it made me question, “this is the person that’s going to help Buck process his death???”)
And I must emphasize, I don’t even know how many people even realize that the conversation Buck and Eddie had in the graveyard was the apparent conclusion to Buck's dying and resurrection arc. It took me something like 3-4 days post the finale to have a “wait a moment” epiphany.
So… So did Buck’s death and resurrection change Buck in any way? Not really. Did he learn and grow from it? Um, not that I can tell. Buck may have said “every day is a gift” but after that scene, idk, Buck was still Buck.
In case people bring this up: → Yes, Buck was able to keep cool during the finale rescue, but I don’t see how his experience with death is connected to this. His leadership arc went from A to Z with basically nothing in between to connect it. Plus we only ever got Bobby, once or twice, not having Buck do a harness rescue once he was back at work. To those paying attention, I think we can correctly interpret this as Bobby being extra careful with Buck. I think there was one or two rescues, again to those paying close attention, could tell that Buck did seem to be a little more careful than he may have been before he died. Both subtle things that not everyone may even notice. (although I don’t recall Buck being in any way reckless even in 6A at work, so.......) → Buck going through the 5 stages of grief in 3 seconds before handing over the baby to Kameron. It has been told and shown to us through all of 6B that Buck’s “totally fine, he never had an issue with donating. Idk what you guys are talking about.” Buck’s death was something separate from that storyline, and in any case neither one affected the other.
In conclusion? The writing for this arc was so scattered, mishandled, and unclear. The same can absolutely be applied to the entire season. But yeah, as for Buck’s death arc, considering how they handled it, I - really can’t say that it felt all that impactful, definitely not in the long run. 
@lovecolibri​ stated in tags on a post of mine that honestly summed up a big flaw in the writing of season 6: #and because the firefam are never talking to each other about things or feelings most of the time #i not only don't feel the found family aspect as much but also don't feel like i understand what anyone is thinking or feeling #which disconnects the audience from the emotional beats the show is trying to hit
^^ This issue was present even in season 5, but I think has gotten worse in season 6.
me any time I think about season 6:
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goodplan-ipromise · 1 year
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🌸Hey I'm in the US for a while!
🌱Dm me if you'd like to order an oil painting while I'm here. 15$ shipping anywhere in the US
🌱Wood- $120 6x12
🌱Stretched Canvas- $100 8x10
🌱Flat Canvas board - $125 8.5x12
🌸Paypal, Venmo, Cash app accepted. Send any picture you want painted
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captain-hen · 1 year
re your last post: yeah, 100%!! it was certainly an interesting choice, given that such important realisations happened for him that episode. and it's even more pointed for a character like buck, whose personal arc has been always subtly or overtly been affected by romance, it was pretty much the stepping stone for his character development in earlier seasons. maybe it's that, as much as he's matured with regards to romance, there's still more development left to occur? (the fact that we got no eddie in the coma is still making me👀 like so the episode was more focused on parent/son + sibling relationships and there was no eddie? mmmm)
honestly, when we heard that megan west had been spotted on the FOX lot, one of my theories was that they called her back to film scenes of taylor in buck's coma dream and cement in the fact that it was truly a nightmare. obviously i was wrong, but i was pretty surprised that there was zero mention of her, or even abby; nor was there some unnamed, faceless romantic partner for buck in this dream. it just felt so odd. and yeah, eddie not being in the dream was certainly a Choice™ especially given that 6x12 told us that buck was having trouble differing between what was real or not, and he clearly didn't have that problem when he was with eddie. and 6x11 focusing on familial/platonic relationships and eddie just not being there for any of it despite the fact that he and buck and best friends—and despite the fact that eddie ended up being the person buck spoke to most honestly about his trauma afterwards—it's all very sus.
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kiinghanalister · 1 year
they 100% were getting prepared for a buck breakdown arc when they wrote 6x12 I refused to believe otherwise
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laufire · 2 months
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STACKED100 | july 30th | “adjustment protocol” (II) Primes!Memori and Murphy’s complementary makeup to Emori’s tattoo.
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outrunningthedark · 1 year
I remember Tim said on interview that he wanted to have a scene with Buck and Christopher, but aside from explaining his train of thought about the will scene at Max's interview for observer.com as if he was the one writing it himself, did we have a concrete evidence of Tim saying "yes, I wrote the will scene" that we know of?
No, because nobody (as far as I know) has claimed he wrote it. We know Kristen wrote it. The point is that Tim wanted that scene in the script and had a vision for how things would unfold + his own reasoning: "As we were working on the scene, I just thought, well, I think Eddie has already done this. Like, I think instead of him just saying, ‘Let’s go to my attorney’ or something, I thought the more interesting way to do it would be if Eddie had done it after his misadventure in that mineshaft last year" "He’s telling Buck now because Buck needs to hear it. Buck needs to know that he is essential and not expendable, which is how he’s been acting the whole episode.” (via TheWrap) Can it be read as romantic? 100%. (I've never pretended not to see it that way for a long time.) But given how s5 never addressed it - even with "the female Buck" joining the crew - and there *was* a CLEAR opportunity to bring it up again during 6x11 or 6x12 and they punted the ball away...the will, through season six, through a possible series ending episode, was for Buck (in a season where he learned about "defective parts" and a dead sibling!) to be reminded of how much his existence mattered, to tap into the inner child that always felt like he wasn't good enough for other people's love.
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okmcintyre · 2 years
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#TheBestofThe100: Snapshot Moments - 'Murphy defends Abby & learns Clarke is alive'
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supernovagifs · 1 month
Pretty Little Liars Masterlist
Below are/will be episodes of
Season 1
1x1 - Pilot
1x2 - The Jenna Thing
1x3 - To Kill a Mocking Girl
1x4 - Can You Hear Me Now?
1x5 - Reality Bite Me
1x6 - There's No Place Like Homecoming
1x7 - The Homecoming Hangover
1x8 - Please, Do Talk About Me When I'm Gone
1x9 - The Perfect Storm
1x10 - Keep Your Friends Close
1x11 - Moments Later
1x12 - Salt Meets Wound
1x13 - Know Your Frenemies
1x14 - Careful What U Wish 4
1x15 - If at First You Don't Succeed, Lie, Lie Again
1x16 - Je Suis Une Amie
1x17 - The New Normal
1x18 - The Badass Seed
1x19 - A Person of Interest
1x20 - Someone to Watch Over Me
1x21 - Monsters in the End
1x22 - For Whom the Bell Tolls
Season 2
2x1 - It's Alive
2x2 - The Goodbye Look
2x3 - My Name Is Trouble
2x4 - Blind Dates
2x5 - The Devil You Know
2x6 - Never Letting Go
2x7 - Surface Tension
2x8 - Save the Date
2x9 - Picture This
2x10 - Touched by an A-ngel
2x11 - I Must Confess
2x12 - Over My Dead Body
2x13 - The First Secret
2x14 - Through Many Dangers, Toils and Snares
2x15 - A Hot Piece of 'A'
2x16 - Let the Water Hold Me Down
2x17 - The Blond Leading the Blind
2x18 - A Kiss Before Lying
2x19 - The Naked Truth
2x20 - CTRL:A
2x21 - Breaking the Code
2x22 - Father Knows Best
2x23 - Eye of the Beholder
2x34 - If These Dolls Could Talk
2x25 - UnmAsked
Season 3
3x1 - It Happened 'That Night
3x2 - Blood is the New Black
3x3 - Kingdom of the Blind
3x4 - Birds of a Feather
3x5 - That Girl Is Poison
3x6 - The Remains of the 'A'
3x7 - Crazy
3x8 - Stolen Kisses
3x9 - The Kahn Game
3x10 - What Lies Beneath
3x11 - Single Fright Female
3x12 - The Lady Killer
3x13 - This is a Dark Ride
3x14 - She's Better Now
3x15 - Mona-Mania
3x16 - Misery Loves Company
3x17 - Out of the Frying Pan, Into the Inferno
3x18 - Dead to Me
3x19 - What Becomes of the Broken-Hearted
3x20 - Hot Water
3x21 - Out of Sight, Out of Mind
3x22 - Will the Circle Be Unbroken?
3x23 - I'm Your Puppet
3x24 - A DAngerous GAme
Season 4
4x1 - 'A' is for A-l-i-v-e
4x2 - Turn of the Shoe
4x3 - Cat's Cradle
4x4 - Face Time
4x5 - Gamma Zeta Die!
4x6 - Under the Gun
4x7 - Crash and Burn, Girl!
4x8 - The Guilty Girl's Handbook
4x9 - Into the Deep
4x10 - The Mirror Has Three Faces
4x11 - Bring Down the Hoe
4x12 - Now You See Me, Now You Don't
4x13 - Grave New World
4x14 - Who's in the Box?
4x15 - Love ShAck, Baby
4x16 - Close Encounters
4x17 - Bite Your Tongue
4x18 - Hot for Teacher
4x19 - Shadow Play
4x20 - Free Fall
4x21 - She's Come Undone
4x22 - Cover for Me
4x23 - Unbridled
5x24 - 'A' is for Answers
Season 5
5x1 - EscApe from New York
5x2 - Whirly Girlie
5x3 - Surfing the Aftershocks
5x4 - Thrown from the Ride
5x5 - Miss Me x 100
5x6 - Run, Ali, Run
5x7 - The Silence of E. Lamb
5x8 - Scream for Me
5x9 - March of Crimes
5x10 - A Dark Ali
5x11 - No One Here Can Love or Understand Me
5x12 - Taking This One to the Grave
5x13 - How the 'A' Stole Christmas
5x14 - Through a Glass Darkly
5x15 - Fresh Meat
5x16 - Over a Barrel
5x17 - The Bin of Sin
5x18 - Oh, What Hard Luck Stories They All Hand Me
5x19 - Out, Damned Spot
5x20 - Pretty Isn't the Point
5x21 - Bloody Hell
5x22 - To Plea or Not to Plea
5x23 - The Melody Lingers On
5x24 - I'm a Good Girl, I Am"
5x25 - Welcome to the Dollhouse
Season 6
6x1 - Game On, Charles
6x2 - Songs of Innocence
6x3 - Songs of Experience
6x4 - Don't Look Now
6x5 - She's No Angel
6x6 - No Stone Unturned
6x7 - O Brother, Where Art Thou
6x8 - FrAmed
6x9 - Last Dance
6x10 - Game Over, Charles
6x11 - Of Late I Think of Rosewood
6x12 - Charlotte's Web
6x13 - The Gloves Are On
6x14 - New Guys, New Lies
6x15 - Do Not Disturb
6x16 - Where Somebody Waits for Me
6x17 - We've All Got Baggage
6x18 - Burn This
6x19 - Did You Miss Me?
6x20 - Hush Hush Sweet Liars
Season 7
7x1 - Tick-Tock Bitches
7x2 - Bedlam
7x3 - The Talented Mr Rollins
7x4 - Hit and Run Run Run
7x5 - Along Comes Mary
7x6 - Wanted Dead or Alive
7x7 - Original G'A'ngters
7x8 - Exes and OMGs
7x9 - The Wrath of Kahn
7x10 - The DArkest
7x11 - Playtime
7x12 - These Boots Were Made for Stalking
7x13 - Hold Your Piece
7x14 - Power Play
7x15 - In the Eye Abides the Heart
7x16 - The Glove That Rocks the Cradle
7x17 - Driving Miss Crazy
7x18 - Choose or Lose
7x19 - Farewell My Lovely
7x20 - Till Death Do Us Part
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psych episode masterpost (18 july)
season one
🍍 pilot 1x01
🍍 spellingg bee 1x02
🍍 speak now or forever hold your piece 1x03
🍍 woman seeking dead husband: smokers okay no pets 1x04
🍍 9 lives 1x05
🍍 weekend warriors 1x06
🍍 who ya gonna call? 1x07
🍍 shawn vs. the red phantom 1x08
🍍 forget me not 1x09
🍍 from the earth to the starbucks 1x10
🍍 he loves me he loves me not he loves me oops he's dead 1x11
🍍 cloudy with a chance of murder 1x12
🍍 game set ... muuurder? 1x13
🍍 poker? i barely know her 1x14
🍍 scary sherry: bianca's toast 1x15
season two
🎤 american duos 2x01
🦖 sixty-five million years off 2x02
🍍 psy vs. psy 2x03
🍍 zero to murder in 60 seconds 2x04
🐎 and down the stretch comes murder 2x05
📰 meat is murder but also murder is murder 2x06
📚 if you're so smart then why are you dead? 2x07
🍼 rob-a-bye baby 2x08
🚤 bounty hunters! 2x09
🎄 gus' dad may have killed an old guy 2x10
🍷 there's something about mira 2x11
💊 the old and the restless 2x12
🎬 lights camera ... homicido 2x13
🍍 dis-lodged 2x14
🍍black and tan: a crime of fashion 2x15
🍍 shawn (and gus) of the dead 2x16
season 3
🚙 ghosts 3x01
🏫 murder? anyone? anyone? bueller? 3x02
🏍️ daredevils! 3x04
🍍 the greatest adventure in the history of basic cable 3x04
🍍 disco didn't die it was murdered! 3x05
🛢️ there might be blood 3x06
🛼 talk derby to me 3x07
🏦 gus walks into a bank 3x08
🎅🏻christmas joy 3x09
🐬 six feet under the sea 3x10
🍍 lassie did a bad bad thing 3x11
🧯 earth wind and ... wait for it 3x12
🏈 any given friday night at 10PM 3x13
🍍 truer lies 3x14
🏕️ tuesday the 17th 3x15
🍿an evening with mr. yang 3x16
season four
👑 extradition: british columbia 4x01
✈️ he dead 4x02
🤠 high noon-ish 4x03
⛪️ the devil's in the details ... and the upstairs bedroom 4x04
🥎 shawn gets the yips 4x05
🥻 bollywood homicide 4x06
💻 high top fade out 4x07
🐺 let's get hairy 4x08
🍍 shawn takes a shot in the dark 4x09
🪖 you can't handle this episode 4x10
🍍 thrill seekers and hell raisers 4x11
❤️ a very juliet episode 4x12
🦠 death is in the air 4x13
🍍 think tank 4x14
🦈 the head the tail the whole damn episode 4x15
🎞️ mr. yin presents 4x16
season five
🥋 romeo and juliet and juliet 5x01
💉 feet don't fail me now 5x02
👽 not even close ... encounters 5x03
🍷 chivalry is not dead ... but someone is 5x04
🏎️ shawn & gus in drag (racing) 5x05
🍍 viagra falls 5x06
⛓️‍💥 ferry tale 5x07
🍍 shawn 2.0 5x08
🚁 one maybe two ways out 5x09
🍍 extradition ii: the actual extradition part 5x10
👻 in plain fright 5x11
📧 dual spires 5x12
🚓 we'd like to thank the academy 5x13
🍍 the polarizing express 5x14
🍍dead bear walking 5x15
💉yang 3 in 2d 5x16
season six
🇬🇧 shawn rescues darth vader 6x01
🍍 last night gus 6x02
🩸 this episode sucks 6x03
📰 the amazing psych-man & tap man issue 2 6x04
⚾️ dead man's curveball 6x05
🍍 shawn interupted 6x06
🍍 in for a penny 6x07
🧘 the tao of gus 6x08
💍 neil simon's lover's retreat 6x09
🖼️ indiana shawn and the temple of the kinda crappy rusty old dagger 6x10
🗡️ heeeeere's lassie 6x11
🍍 shawn and the real girl 6x12
🍍 let's doo-wop it again 6x13
📚 autopsy turvy 6x14
🍍 true grit 6x15
🍍 santabarbaratown 6x16
season seven
🍍 santabarbaratown 2 7x01
🏠 juliet takes a luvvah 7x02
📹 lassie jerky 7x03
🇲🇽 no country for two old men 7x04
🎸 100 clues 7x05
🎪 cirque de soul 7x06
💍 deez nups 7x07
🦋 turn right or left for dead 7x08
🪟 juliet wears the pantsuit 7x09
💛 santa barbarian candidate 7x10
🗑️ office space 7x11
🎙️ dead air 7x12
💉 nip and suck it 7x13
🍍 no trout about it 7x14
🎵 psych: the musical 7x15
season 8
🪄 lock stock some smoking barrels and burton guster's goblet of fire 8x01
s.i.e.z.e. the day 8x02
0 notes
chicagofires · 3 months
Yea I noticed that & the hug they had at the incident in 6x12 she looked like she rather be hugging Severide 😂😅. Also correct me if I'm wrong but one thing I noticed is in s7 when they broke up Kelly didn't date anyone, did he? Stella went out with that one guy but I don't recall Sev hooking up or even looking at another woman other than Stella. I knew then he was down bad for our girl.
oh she would’ve 100% rather been hugging kelly. and kelly hooks up with one person in 7x13 but he was clearly just attemping to move on from stella, especially since she was starting to “move on” too, so i really don’t count it😭he was still hopelessly in love with his girl
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